Metro Manila (2013) Movie Script

There is a Filipino saying.
"No matter how long a procession,"
"the church is its destination
all the same."
I prefer what I learned
in the military.
"If you were born to hang yourself,"
"you'll never drown."
Metro Manila
Banaue, Cordillera,
The Philippines
The rice grains aren't good.
- How much?
- Ninety per bundle today.
Last year it was P120, right?
My family might starve
with that.
Shopkeeper: Then go to the fields
to gather more for two days.
I've harvested everything.
That's all there is.
What do you prefer,
money or grains?
Go on,
pay him up.
Come on, beat it.
This isn't enough
to buy seeds...
...for next year.
What are we going to do?
We go to Manila.
I'll could find a job there.
- My tooth hurts.
- Show me.
In Manila there are many dentists.
They can heal that there, okay?
How much longer?
Almost done, boss.
Almost finished.
Metro Manila, NCR,
The Philippines
Thank you.
"Please come in!"
I need three men here!
- Man: Me!
- Man: Work!
Hold it!
I only need three!
- Man: Me, me, me!
- Man: Wait!
I'm just wasting time here.
Almost half here are already filled.
What about you?
Where are you from?
Province of Banaue.
You got accommodation?
I'm looking for such...
But just too costly.
I have a friend.
He have some rooms for rent
for small families.
You might like it.
Reasonable rent.
- All right.
- Come on then. Call them.
"For our Lord Jesus Nazarene"
"For our Beloved Jesus Nazarene"
Your place is high
- Hey!
- Be careful then.
I have company.
- Come.
- Go ahead, enter.
They just arrived.
From the province.
Looking for a place to stay.
Is this okay?
P2,000 per month.
We only have 1,200 pesos.
Let's help him a little.
He's the father after all.
[Baby cries]
- Thanks, buddy.
- Thank you.
- Well, I'm going, all right?
- Couple: Thank you.
Ma, Pa...
May I play outside?
- Okay, but be careful.
- Thank you.
Gonna cry.
Gonna cry again?
Pa? Do we end up there
when we die?
Pa, when you die,
where will you go?
In your heart.
For always?
For always.
For all eternity.
How many do you need today?
So your car's suspension
will not be damaged.
All right.
Can you do heavy lifting?
I am a farmer,
I'm quite strong.
Bring along three more.
Those strong types.
- Wait here, I'll be right back.
- All right.
- Bok, let's go. But I need one more.
- All right. C'mon.
- We'll be back.
- Let's see.
This one.
He'll do.
[Knocking on door]
[Knocking on door]
[Knocking on door]
[Knocking on door]
Move out.
Squatters are prohibited here.
But my husband
has paid the rent.
To whom?
The Government owns...
...this building.
So if you don't want
to go to jail,
pick up all your trash,
your garbage.
Get the hell out of here!
Right now!
Hurry up!
Get a move on!
[Baby crying]
Go ahead, enter.
You're the ones
who have the right here.
Good job, guys!
- Thank you.
- I told you I was strong.
I'm going.
For sure,
you know your way home.
What about our fee?
Better grab your share
before they consume it all.
I thought there's a doctor
to cure my tooth?
Let me see.
Just bear it for a while.
We have faith in God.
- We can't stay here!
- Let's go, c'mon.
You're looking for a place to stay?
Yes, if only...
Right there.
It's vacant.
We have no money.
All people here have no money.
That's why we live here.
Does your tooth still ache?
You have reached ATP.
If you are calling about the
driving position, please press 2.
- Hello?
- I'm calling for the position, please.
Preliminary interviews
are being held today
at Unit 40 Warehouse District,
Quezon City,
Metro Manila.
Thank you very much.
You know, you're pretty.
You should go to Charlie.
He can help you get a job.
He may also have
a room for your children.
Thank you.
Buddy, may I join you?
Go back.
Get in line there.
Men: Yeah, get in line!
Back there.
- It's me, Oscar.
- I don't know you. Fall in line!
- Don't you remember me?
- What's going on here?
Wants to sneak.
But I don't know him.
We're friends,
we have worked together...
Go back to your position.
Seems you got a tattoo.
I'm looking for Charlie.
In the office.
Straight ahead.
Thank you.
- I'm looking for Charlie.
- I'm Charlie.
I've been told to find a job here.
You have a manager?
Show me your boobs.
This is a bar,
not a dairy!
Come back when your tits
have dried.
I beg you.
We have nothing to eat.
You worked before in a bar?
Then listen well,
I don't like repeating myself.
If you're not dancing on stage
you sit in the aquarium
until the customer picks your number
Your job description here,
entertain the customer,
so he orders drinks as many times.
Tell your Mamasan
your order is vodka,
but give you water instead.
Make your customer happy.
Sit on his lap,
kiss him,
you touch his balls.
Just make sure he keeps on ordering
and keeps on coming back.
Because the minimum quota here
is 20 drinks per night.
Hurry up.
This is the dressing room.
You change clothes and
do your makeup here.
Like that, all right?
- How many children you have?
- I have two.
You can leave them here
if you have no nanny.
But I don't like brats,
this is no playground.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Okay.
Let's continue.
All the girls here are clean.
So you'll have
to consult with this doctor.
Go to this man.
Dr. Catacutan.
Show him my signature.
Sooner the better, OK?
After you get the result,
come back to me, I'll give you a costume.
And by the way...
Remember, all of it will be
deducted from your first pay.
Show us your arm.
Ninth Division.
- Of what year?
- 1989.
Were you really at the service,
or just like them,
those idiots getting tattooed,
thinking I wouldn't know.
I spent four years
in the infantry.
And then?
Then I worked
in a clothing factory,
which closed down. So my family
went up to the Banaue province.
You're a farmer?
- Yes, sir.
- (men laugh)
Just like in a comedy, eh?
So what's your name, farmer?
Oscar Ramirez, sir.
You got a license?
Well, what the hell.
You can buy a fake one.
Actually I have no license at all.
I like this guy...
Oca, I like you because
you're not a liar.
Okay, I'll tell you
what your job is.
You'll be driving for the
Manila Armored Courier.
We'll be transporting money
and other valuables.
In armored trucks
with automatic weapons.
For only 500 pesos per day.
Quite small for such a risky job.
Are you still interested?
That's a handsome
amount for my family.
This is just
the preliminary inquiry.
Helps us to discard
suspicious candidates.
Real interview is tomorrow,
at the main office
with our Captain.
How I can trust a former farmer
who only served once.
Why would you commit yourself to one
of the riskiest jobs in Metro Manila?
- Well, my daughter's tooth is aching.
- (men laugh)
Okay, okay...
I like you.
Fill this out,
...come back tomorrow.
- Okay?
- Tomorrow, sir?
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
I got a job where I can earn some.
In a bar.
What sort of bar?
A bar, where the girls dance.
We don't have money.
We have no food.
We have nothing.
I'm sorry, Mai.
It's not your fault.
You know, sometimes...
we need to do desperate things
to survive.
We just need to have faith in God.
And I believe He
will not abandon us.
I know we'll get
out of this situation.
How do I look?
My husband is handsome.
(indistinct dialogue)
You're late.
In this work, do you know what
it means to be on time?
You should arrive 15 minutes early.
I'm sorry, sir.
No need to apologize.
What are you wearing, Oca?
You look like a tramp.
- Maybe it was not a good idea.
- Indeed it is.
Follow me.
Wash your face there.
you give me good vibes.
Don't make me regret it.
What the heck are you doing?
That's a mouthwash!
Here, take this.
Wash it afterwards, and return it to me.
Hold that thought.
After your work,
just buy me a new one instead.
- Okay?
- Thank you, sir.
All right.
Go on and lie down.
Raise your legs.
Spread them a little.
Do you know
you're pregnant?
I'd say about 5 or 6 weeks.
My daughter has a toothache,
Can you take a look?
I'm not a dentist.
There are two types of employees
in this company, Oca.
The inside personnel
and the drivers.
They can not communicate.
Because the drivers are not permitted
inside the Processing Center.
Even if you are hired,
you will not be allowed inside again.
Unless, of course,
you are robbed.
And you're summoned for debriefing.
Eyes straight!
Thank you very much
for this opportunity.
Do your best.
Officer Alvares,
your next.
Fucking ex-cops.
They apply here and think
they're better than us.
I know because I was
a former policeman myself.
Oca, heed my advices.
The name of the big boss is Buddha.
But we call him
the Laughing Buddha.
Because he likes jokes.
Always asking newcomers
for some comedy.
Yes. He wants to know
if you got some personality.
If you are quick-witted.
But, I don't know any jokes.
Don't you know
about the three women
who applied for a job in a bar?
Check this, Oscar...
You're not qualified.
You were just recommended
by Ong.
But according to him...
You're just a farmer.
In Banaue.
You don't even have any
experience as a guard.
Neither as a law enforcer.
None, sir.
Well, you'll do.
After all, you have no idea yet
of their bad ways.
We'll be the ones
teaching it to you.
My way.
Tell me a joke.
A joke, sir?
So I'll be happy.
There were three
women applicants in a bar.
While facing the manager,
he asks:
"If you find yourselves P500
on the floor of the bar..."
"What would you do with them?"
The first woman says:
"Well, I'll pick it up."
"Return it to the cashier."
The second woman says:
"I'll ask if someone
has lost some money."
"And if none,
give it to the cashier."
And the third one...
She says:
"I would step on it."
"If nobody is looking,"
"pocket the money."
So who got hired?
Well, the one with the biggest
(bursts into laughter)
"You're sexy!"
"I used Lesofat!"
- Pa, look!
- Where did you get that?
The doctor gave it.
He cured my tooth and gave me
free lollipops. Here, Pa!
- How did you get an appointment with the doctor?
- The Baranggay Health Center.
You, how was your interview?
Wow, a new polo shirt.
Where did you get it? Nice.
From a friend.
Well, a new friend.
My new boss!
Boss? What do you mean?
You got hired?
Wow, my husband is good!
A pair of boots.
A uniform.
A Kevlar helmet.
Sign here.
How elegant, farmer.
Sir, thank you very much again.
For everything.
If you want to thank me.
Do your job good.
And follow all my commands.
I'll do whatever it takes.
For you, sir.
For one month you'll accompany
me as the driver.
I train everyone.
So start keeping your eyes
and ears open.
Are you ready?
- Yes, sir.
- Let's go.
Let's go!
This is a ceramic vest.
It can block even an M-16.
They won't scare us with toy guns.
It is the real deal!
Come on.
He's the gate guardian.
Every morning he makes sure
the boxes are empty of money.
At sunset he checks them again
after our return.
Do we deliver the boxes?
We deliver it to our clients.
How does the system works?
We never know how much is in there.
Every client have their keys
similar to the banks.
Our company keeps duplicates
of such keys.
Which are kept in the
Processing Center.
If those boxes are missing,
or say, stolen...
All keys are confiscated,
and would only be returned
until the boxes are recovered.
Or when the boxes are destroyed.
We drivers can never hold any key.
You can only enter the
Processing Center...
if Buddha accepts you for a job.
Or if...
You are summoned for a debriefing.
That's what the interview is called,
when you're robbed or stopped by holdup.
In our company,
we have about two such cases.
Then there are not many robberies, eh?
Of course there are many.
There are many, Oca.
Especially during elections.
- Why during the elections?
- (laughter)
No politician could win
without expending.
You can only win
by spending so much money.
Those politicians have no cousins
who can always win the lotto.
You for example.
Do you have any cousin
who already won the lotto?
Do you know anyone who
won the lotto?
You might likely see more aliens
than winning the lottery.
But we never care. Fine.
We just keep on falling in line.
We're betting everyday, every week.
Just betting.
The truth is...
Everyone has a chance to win.
That's right.
All of us have the chance of winning.
Just that.
Just chance.
But actually winning, impossible.
If the box is opened
without the key,
activates a mechanism,
a built-in fail-safe
that destroys the contents.
It blows ink.
Ever been robbed?
My late partner, Biboy...
We had two boxes...
They had tried to open one
without the key.
Then they wanted the key
for the other box.
When one commits injustice
without wearing a mask,
he will stick up to it to the end.
You know what happens...
when an armored car personnel
dies on duty?
The partner will become
the "courier."
That means... have to deliver the news and
take the personal effects to the widow.
For my case with Biboy...
I handed over... a Timex,
and the P15,000 life insurance.
And the truth he would never
see his children grow.
That's why we train.
We do not wear hearing protection
to get used to the noise.
I have not fired since the service.
It's like riding a bike again.
I have not ridden a bike
for so long too.
- So, how does it feel?
- Superb.
This is the only thing standing
between your life and mine.
So I would not become
a courier to your wife.
Come, let's have lunch.
Do not worry, it's just chicken.
You don't like it?
I'll just keep it for later.
Then it won't be as good later.
I'll buy one for you again.
Go on, eat it now.
You know, Oca.
Now that we're partners.
We have each other's backs.
Whatever you need, boss.
Then punch out my card
later at the office.
Well we might end up in trouble.
Should be okay.
No problem with it.
They never check.
I just want to ask you a favor.
Tell me.
You know, Oca.
Besides wifey, I have another chick.
I know, you know,
it's not right, but...
My missis will suspect me
if I come home late, right?
So I need to go to the other one
during my duty.
You understand?
Another order here for Oca!
Oca the farmer!
Are they crybabies?
Might wake up those sleeping.
Apprentices have time cards now?
Ong said to pick you up.
Let's have a drink.
Tuesday night. Boys' night.
I'm out of dough.
It's the bar of my family.
Don't worry.
Get changed.
Let's go together.
Did you fart in my car?
Just what do you have there?
Chicken meal for later.
Well smells like chicken ass.
Here's the new one!
Even brought food?
Lots here. Is that chicken?
Get used to them.
We're all like brothers.
Tonight is boys' night!
Once a week we have this.
Nothing else to do but
be happy, and get satisfied!
Oscar, a farmer!
Get the bottle. Get the bottle.
Drink, drink!
- Drink!
- Drink.
No thanks.
- Bridget!
- Bridget.
Bring a couple of shot glasses
for my friends.
Very well.
Oh you.
Smells like melon.
- Just took a bath, eh?
- Here it comes.
When you're in front of me...
Seems like I can't carry both
my wife and my mistress.
Hear this.
When I get older,
I'll become like Ong!
When I was young,
I'm like JJ!
- Go, go.
- This is for you.
- Come on!
- You can do it. It's for you.
- Tonight you are a drinker.
- All right!
Topers! Let's go, topers!
This is for us!
Oscar, it is for you.
- Do it.
- Shot, shot.
I've became a courier three times.
And Biboy was the most difficult.
May he rest in peace.
- One more!
- One more.
One more!
While it's hot.
Who's gonna pour?
- You do it.
- These guys are veterans.
- Look at Oscar.
- Tastes good, eh?
For our new recruit.
For Oca the farmer!
...for good times and bad times.
We know we're busy.
I still have a lot to tell.
I thank my sponsors,
thank you Petit Monde, Sketchers...
Rub your throat.
You'll feel better afterwards.
You've had enough today.
I'm fine, sir.
All right.
Genuine strength
No, sir.
No need to call me "sir."
Wait! Wait!
Okay, okay, okay.
Go on, go on, go on.
Our truck is wide,
be careful when turning.
That's it.
Well done.
Thank you, sir.
Nothing else to do but go to Manila
and buy your license.
A black Honda is following us.
Go around the whole block, Oca.
They disappeared.
They must've realized
that we have detected them.
We wouldn't be going around in circles
the whole block for no reason, right?
Was that for real?
Or some crazy kids testing us.
My missis at home cooked food
for our friends. But they couldn't go.
Why not come with your wife.
Dine with us.
Missis dislikes the food
getting spoiled.
But my wife has work today.
Then you should come.
She'd be sad if you wouldn't go.
Okay, sir.
Oscar? Sure you don't want to call your wife?
Come on, summon her here.
She's working, honey.
Well at least take some food.
That's very kind, ma'am.
Don't call me ma'am!
Dora. You call me Dora.
- Oscar?
- No, thank you.
Fancy that.
Only soft drinks for Oca.
- Sure.
- Well, leave that here.
Accompany me outside. Let's smoke at the
balcony for Dora hates it inside. (chuckles)
Beautiful, eh?
All Metro Manila.
I go here when I'm pondering.
You have an enviable life.
I have to ask you something...
Where do you live actually?
In Tondo.
If the company finds out,
you're fired.
You work as a service courier
for an armored company.
But you're living in a place...
with people involved in crimes.
Ever thought they might
abduct your family?
Then blackmail you.
Force you to rob the company.
I could be collateral damage
because of you, Oca.
You know?
Ever heard the story
of Alfred Santos?
A good man.
Alfred was good.
He worked at a small company,
owned by his father.
Their business prospered.
Many were envious.
Especially the competing company.
The employees were threatened.
Thus Alfred had
to close the factory.
Everyday, Alfred crossed paths
with his father's killer.
By coercion, the business went down.
It went bankrupt.
What happened to Alfred?
What happens to a desperate man
in a desperate situation?
Surely ends up with
a desperate decision.
That could cost him his life.
For some reason I feel...
I'm also responsible
for Alfred's death.
I worked in that factory.
But I went home in my province.
In Banaue.
Instead of...
...defending his family.
Fear got to me first.
Defend their family?
Then die too like them?
Honey, it's late...
Oscar, for your wife.
Thank you, Dora.
- I'm taking Oscar home.
- Very well. Be careful.
Let's go.
That's my corner...
I have something
to show to you first, Oca.
This is what I have told you.
The place for my other woman.
Look, there's a room here.
A shower over there.
My lover doesn't like motels.
She thinks it makes her cheap.
So I rent this weekly.
If you want it,
you can have it.
- Are you kidding?
- No.
- Really?
- Yes.
- We will live here?
- Yes!
The girls will be like crazy!
- Did you put this?
- Yeah, look at it.
Well, we were here.
We were.
Splendid, eh?
I told you so.
Problem is I can't pay.
Just four days left
until your salary, right?
I have already paid for this week.
As soon as I get paid,
you're the first person I'll look for.
I'll do everything for this.
No problem.
We're partners, Oca.
Partners help each other.
Well, let's get your girls then.
They're still grimed and all.
They should be clean and presentable
when they meet you, right?
I understand.
Well one of these days then.
Okay, let's go!
Mai: What are you
doing here?
I've come to fetch you.
Where are we going?
It's like the Peninsula Hotel!
- We will live here?
- Indeed.
How is this possible?
My partner is kind.
Look here.
We have running water.
Stop that.
Well, Oca the farmer,
how was your sleep?
Thank you very much all over again.
You've already thanked
me a dozen times.
I'll be able to return
the favor, sir.
Sounds good?
This is what enlivens me.
Without such music, I'm like a corpse
inside this coffin-like vehicle.
This music. This...
cleanses the soul
Our next destination
is not a company.
Just a sleazebag.
That pathetic wart
thinks he's an...
American rapper!
What does he do?
The company do not care.
But I do know he's quite a tipper.
Goddammit, you boys
are early this morning.
Good morning, sir.
"Good morning, sir."
It's English.
Good day, sir.
Look at this Mary Poppins.
Oh my God, is that the cops?
Baby, I own the cops.
This is Pino's town.
Yo, hand me that gelt.
Mary, hand me the gelt.
Thinking what I'm thinking?
What do you mean?
Oca, don't give me that
honest employee crap.
Surely you've thought we could
blast those two bodyguards.
And their ambitious boss.
Take their money...
and nobody would care.
I don't want to plunder
other people.
Whatever you say, Oca.
We'll see.
After all I've done for you,
let's just speculate.
You know they have lots of cash
in that house.
Maybe under the floors.
Perhaps dollars there.
Along with drugs or drug money.
What if...?
If I wanted to go back there
and get the money?
Would you accompany me?
So we're the robbers then.
We're not robbers, Oca.
They're the criminals.
They're the reason why there's so many
wrong here in Metro Manila.
We're the good guys.
You, me.
And my ex-partner,
who they killed like a dog.
If we do such a thing,
then we're no better than
those who killed your partner.
- Hey, where are you taking the cat?
- It's a poor kitten.
Hey, that's ours.
What a meddler.
Stay here.
I have to pee.
Come in!
Drop them!
Buddy, who's that?
Who's that?
- Oca!
- Fuck! Drop them! Drop!
- Make him stop!
- Oca!
Oca, calm down. We're okay. There's no
problem. Lower your gun. Lower it!
Who's that, chum?
Who's that?
- I told you to stay in the truck!
- This is not in our plan!
- This is outrageous.
- Lower your weapons...
Lower them!
There's no problem,
he's with me.
Business as usual.
Nothing changes.
Just the same plan we discussed.
What the hell is this, boss?
What's going on?
Who are they?
Oscar, listen to me.
You have to understand
everything I say.
Our future and the future
of our families
depend on what happens
in the coming hours.
When Biboy and I were ambushed
by those motherfuckers,
they almost took
the two money boxes.
I saw my chance,
perhaps the only one I've ever had.
So I reported to the office,
that they got away with one box.
What if your hopes and dreams
are trapped inside that box,
at your very feet, but unable
to open it without the key?
We're going to get the key
and you're helping me.
Don't avert. You have no voice.
Not even the tiniest.
You think I don't know you?
Discerning people is my job.
Do you know you're already on my list?
Even before the interview?
Even before your name was put on top
of the papers, we've already spied on you.
We have ways.
Therefore I know who you are.
I know where you're from.
I know your character, your situation.
And I know your wife.
Fuck, what sort of a man allows
his wife into prostitution?
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Don't fuck with me, Oscar.
If you don't want to go to jail
with your family.
I have done nothing wrong.
You've done nothing evil?
That apartment you're living in.
I paid it for one week.
I rented it while you were punching me
out at the office, so it was clear...
on the record I was working
during that day. But you...
You know I paid for it
for the whole week.
Do you know what name I put?
Fucking Oscar Ramirez.
The money box is inside that house.
Cops will find it there.
They'd think you only joined us
to have access to the key.
That's what they would deduce.
I know how they think.
- For I was a cop!
- Son of a bitch!
You got no other options but to get
the key. You have no way out.
You can only get the key when you
enter the Processing Center.
You can only enter it
during a debriefing.
Debriefing is done
only after a holdup.
Then listen to me.
Today we are
going to get robbed, Oca.
Those three bastards in the alley
will be doing it.
Do you understand?
So calm your mind.
Put everything I said
into your head.
Now go back to the truck.
Are we good?
What you have to do right now
is concentrate,
because this is it.
After the robbery...
we will be allowed inside
the Processing Center.
I will be summoned first
since I am the senior.
I'm guaranteeing you, Oca...
It will take 15 minutes for me
to tell the whole story.
Therefore you have 15 minutes
as well.
Ascend the stairs
in the first floor.
Proceed until the first left door.
It is not locked.
Just in front,
is the case for the keys.
That's the locked one.
There are six screws.
Unscrew them.
Then imprint the key to the mold.
When you're done,
put back the screws properly.
And backtrack.
You should be in front
of Buddha's office...
before I finish my interview.
Let's switch places.
You drive.
We have no money for that.
Pull over, Oca.
Do you really know these hoodlums?
Don't worry.
I just give them the box
and nobody gets hurt.
Okay, you have a great entrance.
I'm a believer. Now take
this case. I don't have all day.
Wait! Wait!
This is not about the box.
Ong was a good man.
as his companion,
you have to be the courier.
Anything more to add here?
According to the insurance,
your salary is suspended.
Until the investigation
is finished.
Well, you can keep working.
It will accumulate as pay
I really don't have any right now.
It's still two days before pay.
Take this for now.
You can pay me after
you receive your wage.
Thank you.
You should change your shirt,
before you go there.
I will not rest until I find out
what really happened.
Thank you, sir.
When did it happen?
This morning.
We had a money box before.
Ong wanted it secured.
Do you know where it is?
You son of a bitch.
What if I expose you
to your company?!
Where's your pay for the rent?
It's too much delayed.
- Where is Ong?
- Ong is gone.
Who are you?
What did you do here?!
- I'll call the police!
- Wait, just take this.
It's everything I have.
Fix everything broken here!
And you better leave on Friday!
Hey, I've been watching you. You're
not reaching quota. What's up?
I'll try harder.
Also your belly is getting bigger.
You're getting fat.
How old is she?
She's pretty.
We have special clients here.
You want to earn extra?
This is how it's gonna be.
If you still want to work here,
she should work too.
How much is there?
It is worthless,
unless you have the key.
Return it.
It is not ours.
What should we say, Mai?
That we recovered this money box
in this apartment?
We can not stay here for long.
We have to leave.
We made a big mistake
coming to Manila.
Now you go with JJ.
Yes, sir.
Punch my card for me?
You learned much from Ong, eh?
Okay, I'll take care of it.
Who's that?
Calling Control.
I need details on Account Box 837.
Oscar: You remember
the story of Alfred Santos?
Alfred was unfortunate.
He was desperate.
...he did have a plan.
He demanded the stewardesses
to collect money from passengers.
In that pillowcase,
In that moment...
was the freedom
Alfred and his family needed.
Can we adopt the kitten?
Yes, but we have to ask
your father first.
Sorry to bother you, sir.
Are you sure
these are my husband's?
He was shot while trying to steal
in the Processing Control.
Good night.
What the fuck is going on?
Pardon me, sir.
We just got information that
your money box was targeted.
Control Base, Control Base,
This is Eagle.
What's up, Eagle?
Positive! The money box
is here. All clear!
- Go back to Control Base.
- Yes, sir.
Sorry, sir.
Oscar: Alfred ordered the pilots
to descend to 2,000 feet,
and depressurize the cabin.
With him on his escape,
was a homemade parachute.
Made with silk
from his father's factory.
But Alfred Santos...
He will never sit on an armchair
as an old man.
Never be able to tell
his grandchildren...
how he jumped out of a plane
with enough money
to save them
from the poor suburb,
away from the people
pulling the strings.
The problem with Alfred's plan,
it was based on his fantasy.
He dreamt of jumping in the air.
He dived.
and of saving his family.
I too have the same dream
of saving my family.
But my plan was never based
on a revery.
It was based on the fact
there is no other way out.
Like Alfred Santos...
Now I know I will not get old
sitting on an armchair.
I will not be able to tell
our grandkids how we left poverty.
You have to tell it to them.
I'll be living in your hearts.
I know I'll be with you wheresoever.
And forevermore.
Base rough English subtitle
by: LukeMassoud
With extensive overhaul
by: Makiwaiba
Digital Cinema Package
Too Martnez