Metronom (2022) Movie Script

Kick it! Well done!
"But I
with my light, deepen the world's riddles,
and as, with its white rays, the moon
lessens not, but tremblingly
deepens night's mystery,
I, too, amplify the dark horizon
with broad tremors of holy mystery,
and all that's unrevealed
turns ever more unknowable
under my gaze"
How are you?
I'm fine.
Say something!
Is there anything left to be said?
You already knew.
Then go.
Is there anything holding you back?
Wait a sec.
What for?
You already have your things packed.
You looked forward to leaving.
It's not up to me.
-You don't know how to play football!
-And you do?
-We had a few good twists!
-We won!
Can we talk after class?
-I'm going home.
-Then I'll see you at Roxana's.
I won't come.
If you bring that shitty wine again,
you'll drink it alone.
I'll bring some wine.
Will I have to hold your head again?
I'll clean up the mess!
-So, can I count on you?
-Of course you can.
What do we bring?
My mom already prepared everything.
Oh, we need a new rule!
Geo is banned from saying jokes!
-I'll try, but I can't promise!
-Yes, you do.
I really understand you.
You know how I felt
when I broke up with Victor.
In two months, you'll forget about Sorin.
It's not the same thing.
You could've still seen him.
What would you do if you were me?
I don't know
but I wouldn't let myself
get affected by this tonight.
I can't come.
My mom won't let me.
-I'll talk to her.
-No way!
Can't you understand
that I can't stand seeing him?
I can't stand seeing him anymore.
-Ana, come on.
The spectators sense it.
The know that a month ago, Ilie Nastase
-I'm home.
How are you, Ana? How was school?
Like usual.
The spectators sense it.
Nastase, Nastase, Nastase!
Bucharest waits, Bucharest listen,
Bucharest hopes.
Bucharest knows that only Paris
has seen the Davis Cup
It's not Wimbledon,
it's not Forrest Hills,
it's not Roland Garros.
Stan Smith, with his ten rackets,
and his impenetrable smile.
A first sign of concern,
received immediately.
I asked you not to let your slippers
in the middle of the room.
Memories start to hurt.
But Smith regains control.
This is his great weapon.
Stronger than the service
and the volley combined.
Are you leaving?
Yes, I've got a meeting.
Yes. Not everybody
has your teacher schedule.
Some have to work in this family.
I washed the dishes.
Sure. Two plates and one fork.
Thank you so much!
Who would have imagined that Bucharest
-Has the match started yet?
-No, it yesterday's.
Today is the doubles match,
it starts later.
How was school?
It was fine.
I'm going to a meeting. I won't stay long.
I left you the food in the oven.
The spectator sense, without breathing,
the duel.
Look, Dad
some classmates of mine
have a get-together at Roxana's.
We'll listen to music, we'll talk.
Can I go?
We'll be there around three or four,
I'll be home at eight.
Sure, it's fine by me.
But ask your mother as well.
She won't let me go.
Can't you talk to her?
She will.
She won't.
If you tell her the way you told me,
she will let you go.
Pretty please, talk to her.
-Are Roxana's parents there?
No, they are on a business trip.
They'll be back tomorrow.
We won't do anything wrong.
Just a few classmates listening to music.
Maybe we'll also watch the match.
Please. Can I go?
Fine, I'll talk to her.
A generation who thinks and acts
according to an honest impetus,
according to a natural call
to bring about the social, political
and spiritual change,
that are absolutely necessary.
It is the immutable law of evolution.
The law that is beyond
the will of philosophers
and heads of government.
A law that, if fallen under the power
of any political group,
the Earth would lose
one of its most priceless gifts,
the pulsation of life.
And as we're confronting this idea,
of the major role that pop music
started having in the modern world,
mostly thanks to the Beatles,
I remember a prediction
of the English magazine, Melody Maker.
Maybe tomorrow, pop music
will turn out to be a political power.
If the future belongs
irreversibly to today's youth,
whose sensitivity and thinking
find not only a mere echo,
but also an impetus
and a guide in the pop music,
in its turn, this art unfolds
on the spur of the new generation
You won't go anywhere!
they agree upon.
In pop music
-Yes, I will.
-This time you won't.
If you want to meet with Roxana,
you can tell her to come here.
There's no need.
Ana, I'm serious,
you have your graduation exam.
-So what?
-"So what?"
I do study, you know!
Yeah, sure.
Believe what you want.
You're insolent.
You're not going anywhere!
And not another word.
nowadays, the underground genre
has also reached
an advanced stage,
becoming increasingly popular.
We'll always respectfully
come back to those who were
please stay home this time.
-You said you were not coming.
-I changed my mind.
Come in.
I spoke to Tudor.
They'll also come earlier
and bring up some vinyls.
They'll be here any minute now.
What are you doing?
Gonna stay dressed like that?
No, I'll borrow something from you.
What are you gonna wear?
The green pants and a shirt.
What will you lend me?
You like this one? Is it your size?
It's a bit too large.
Let's look in my mom's closet.
-Want some brandy?
Who else is coming?
Except our gang,
Tibi and his new girlfriend,
and Silviu.
Yes. Silviu is coming too.
That's how you're gonna dance with Sorin.
I love you, Ana!
I love you. I can't live without you!
Stop it!
And now, me with Tudor.
And us two?
Look at this one.
It's okay.
This one.
If you don't like this one either,
I'll send you home.
They're all nice.
Or this one that my mom wears at funerals.
And I'll also call a mourner for you.
I'll try on this one.
Want some stockings, too?
-Let me see.
What are you doing? You don't even smoke.
I want to ask you something.
You and Tudor, when you locked
yourself in the room
Have you slept with him?
You found out Sorin is leaving for Germany
and decided you love him.
I loved him before.
If it wasn't leaving,
now you would just stroll holding hands.
That's how I am, the romantic type.
But does it hurt a lot?
Not a lot. Just a bit.
But you'll like it, believe me!
-How are you?
Come in.
When did you have your last period?
I don't remember. Not yet.
He won't marry you
just because you're knocked up.
-Those days are gone.
-Chill, I'm not that naive.
-Those days are gone.
-Come on.
-Come on now!
-I'm coming.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Are you toasting without me?
Come join us!
I've got Led Zeppelin.
And we use this thing?
We'll listen the record later.
-Do we test it?
-You don't get it.
I want to know if he loves me.
I'll set everything up for you.
-Don't worry.
-It's not about that.
If you want to, I'll even guard the door.
I must know if he loves me.
Do you understand?
They are with Ceausescu, right?
Ceausescu goes on disguise
to a postal office
to see how the stamp with him sells.
"It doesn't sell well."
-"It doesn't stick."
Ceausescu spits on the glue,
he puts it on an envelope:
"Why do you say it's not sticking?
It sticks very well!"
"Indeed, but they all spit on the face."
Come in.
Tibi and Maria are here!
-Tell us another joke.
I heard you from outside.
A Romanian who got to the USA
and wanted to settle down there
was unpacking
-We lost the match, right?
-Two to five.
At one point, he takes out
a picture of Ceausescu.
His friend, intrigued, says:
"Why do you carry that with you?"
"Well, when I miss my country,
I take a look at it
and I stop missing it."
Where do you hear them?
Did you drink it all already?
-Do you want a refill?
-I'm fine.
-So, no refill?
Fine, just a little bit.
Thank you.
-Not bad.
-Try the salad.
-Octav, here!
Jimi Hendrix, "Foxy Lady."
Chicago, "Saturday in the Park."
I don't like that one.
For me it's easy.
Blood, Sweat and Tears.
-Which song?
-Any song.
-Then write it down.
-I'm writing down "any song."
I want Jimi Hendrix as well.
Dude, do you know only Jimi Hendrix?
What's your problem?
I'll draw one more heart.
Everyone writes what each wants.
-Who else and what else?
-Me, Jimi Hendrix.
-Very funny.
-Fine, it's settled.
So, recap.
"Dear Cornel,
we're a group of friends,
senior high school classmates.
First, we would like to thank you
for the wonderful radio shows
that you are broadcasting
for the Romanian youth
and that we listen to breathlessly.
We are writing this letter together.
Some of us have already written to you.
But most of the time,
our letters have not reached you.
As you know, life has changed a lot
since you fled Romania.
After a misleading opening to the West,
we got back to the old habits.
Finding books
started to be harder and harder.
Much less music.
The Communist propaganda
has spread its tentacles over our lives.
Even so, we try to hold on,
to heroically make it
in this grey and desolate world.
We like the hippie trend
we found out about thanks to you,
the idea of peace, of love.
Make love, not war."
"Here, unfortunately, it's unheard of.
The Union of Communist Youth meetings
have become springs of propaganda.
At school, we're presented with the danger
that is Radio Free Europe.
This invisible enemy of the people.
We are grateful
for everything you do for us
and for our generation.
So, we use this opportunity to ask you
to play the following musical requests"
-It's good.
-You wrote very well.
Who wins?
Come on!
Metronom '72.
Hosted by Cornel Chiriac.
Dear friends, today I'll bring a tribute
to the memory of Jim Morrison,
the lead singer of the Doors,
who passed away in Paris
because of a heart attack.
Perhaps the most iconic song of the band
is still "Light My Fire,"
their first international success.
The dear departed Jim Morrison
was an icon himself
for the American youth,
for the new generation
Maybe you, my Romanian friends,
are not so aware of him being an icon.
I myself also perceived him
only partially as such
at the Isle of Wight Festival.
Jim Morrison had utterly changed
when I got to see him performing live.
Don't worry, he'll come.
How do you know?
Tudor told me.
-Told you what?
-Sorin will deliver the letter.
You didn't know?
He's going to meet
a foreign reporter at the stadium.
What reporter?
A French one.
He didn't tell me anything.
Some guy, friend of his dad's.
Why does he have to take the letter?
He knows a foreign reporter.
Everything is set.
They meet and that guy takes
the letter out of the country.
So they convened.
Come on!
Don't say a thing, this stays between us.
the Doors, a song that put the band
at that time
How are you? Sorin didn't come?
He will.
Three sets, right?
Yes, 6-2, 6-0, 6-3.
We were deplorable defeated.
The whole nation
will be in mourning tomorrow!
What are you doing?
What are you doing here?
I came.
You said you wouldn't.
Why wouldn't I?
I'll take you home.
No, I want to stay here.
What's with you?
I'm taking you home.
You said you will not come.
What's wrong with you? Please!
We'll talk later.
Why are you acting like this?
If I knew you're coming,
it would have been different.
What's happening to us is not my fault.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
I love you.
Let's go.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
All right.
Sign here
and here.
Thank you.
-Good evening.
-Good evening. Where to?
I'm going to Paraschiv family.
-What's your name?
-Stefan Ana.
I'll come back. Go in, please.
Go in.
Comrade Captain, I found someone else.
-Get over there with the others!
-Get over there!
-Yes, sir.
-Check the other rooms.
Look at this, Ispas!
Led Zeppelin!
Not something you've heard of.
-At your order!
-Take a photograph of this.
At a tea party,
one drinks only tea.
Roxana, tell me what's going on.
-Foreign money?
-Why are they here?
What foreign money? We're intellectuals
We have higher preoccupations!
Who's the host?
The one who just walked in
Do we have any ID?
I'll bring it right away.
Everybody get ready to go quietly.
Come on.
I said get ready to go!
-Can you tell us what we did?
-Just get in there!
Give me the ID.
Miss Hostess, stay with us for a bit.
Come on.
Move it! Faster!
Come on.
Get in. Come on.
Get in!
What are you looking at? Get in.
Get in!
Quiet! Move!
Keep it down, will you?
Hurry up!
Come on, hurry up!
You'll write a little statement.
"I, the undersigned,"
name, surname, date of birth,
parents' name, home address.
Then write an essay, like at school.
Born on
You have arrived at the home
of the said Roxana Paraschiv.
You've gotten together there
with multiple friends, classmates,
in order to listen to the Metronom show,
on Radio Free Europe.
The following have also attended
this clandestine get-together
Here you mention the name and surname
of everyone who was there.
I'm interested in what you have discussed,
the plans you've made,
absolutely everything.
-Excuse me!
Could you call my mother?
She'll be very worried.
She works at Lido,
she's on the night shift.
You want me to call your mom?
He wants to call his mom.
Thank you.
Let's call her!
You wanna call your mom?
-You wanna call your mom?
Come on, up! Up!
You brag about your connections?
-Come on!
-Get the fuck out! Out!
Today's date, October 14th.
What's this?
Go on, keep writing.
Today's date. What's unclear?
Are you mocking us?
Tell me, are you mocking us?
Write or I'll smack the hell out of you!
Take her to the other room.
Those dammed Americans!
The umpires cheated for them.
Right, Ispas? What do you think?
You're right, Comrade Colonel.
We have another patient.
-Go there.
-Take a seat, please.
Colonel Biris Nicolae.
What's this?
I asked you something.
The statement.
Write a statement that details
who are the real offenders,
who wrote the letter,
how you were planning to send it
to Radio Free Europe.
Describe the facts exactly
as they occurred.
I don't want to hurt anyone.
The damage is already done, miss.
I don't understand.
I'm not debating, okay?
Your statement is incomplete.
What did we do so wrong?
Allow me to quote you from law 23/1971.
It's October '72, the law has been
in effect for a year now.
"The Romanians can't have
any ties to foreign radio or TV stations
or foreign press corps,
which, through their actions,
conduct a smear campaign
or one against the interests
of the Romanian state."
Failure to comply with legal provisions
constitutes an unlawful conduct
and is punishable.
Do you understand?
I didn't do any of these.
What are you accusing me of exactly?
Miss Stefan,
please gather your thoughts.
Take a deep breath
and let's focus on the statement.
You don't understand
how things work around here.
We ask the questions.
You just answer.
When I ask "where,"
I want to hear a place.
When I ask "who,"
you tell me a name and so forth.
Come on, please.
You haven't been here before.
First time, right?
We just want to identify the culprits
and go home.
We didn't do anything.
You've held clandestine meetings,
wrote letters,
contacted foreign citizens
to take the letters to Radio Free Europe.
Should I continue?
I didn't do anything.
I thought you were an honest young woman.
"The hostile propaganda campaign
against the socialist order
is punishable with six years of prison
and four years of deprivation
of all rights laid down in Article 64,
points A and B of the Criminal Code."
You understand what you did?
Come on, please.
With name, surname, date of birth
Exactly as my colleagues
have instructed you.
I wrote it all down.
I have nothing else to declare.
Send in the next one.
You gather in apartments, write letters,
and then you come here
and stare at me like some innocent doe.
But guess what?
You're toast, done!
I'll take care of this.
What if I send you downstairs
with a few comrades?
We'll see then what else you have to say.
Now you keep your head down?
You think that you're special,
that you stand out?
Do you want me to deem you
accessory to conspiracy
as moral and material aid? Answer!
We're talking about prison, stupid,
years of hard time incarceration.
You dislike us giving you an education,
free school, on a platter.
You're an adult,
from now on you'll answer for your deeds.
I feel pity for your parents.
You'll kill them, you idiot.
Get over here.
You have five minutes.
Forgive me!
There, there.
Ana, listen, we don't have time.
I managed to convince them
to give you another chance.
But you have to tell the truth.
-I did that.
Hold on, sit here.
Listen to me.
From the statements of the others,
it turns out that you had nothing
to do with the letter.
What do you want to prove?
You're not proving anything.
We're talking about prison, Ana.
Do you understand?
-I know, I've been told.
You have to tell them about the letter
and you have to write down all
the names of the ones who were there.
Ana, you want to destroy us?
Believe me, tomorrow you'll see things
completely different.
It wasn't easy for me to get here.
You have been followed for months now.
You did something stupid.
It's this new law.
They can't wait
to make an example out of you.
Do you understand?
I'm sorry.
I know.
And if it wasn't for Biris,
you'd be in trouble.
So, please, do as I say.
-And send my friends to prison?
-No, Ana.
We'll talk, I'll make some phone calls.
You've made enough calls.
-It's a criminal case.
-So what?
Ana, listen to me, look at me! Look at me!
Everyone wrote the statement. Everyone.
-They are my friends.
-I know they are your friends.
But you don't see
the seriousness of the situation.
You want to destroy your future
for something you didn't do?
Ana, why are you acting like this?
-Why are you taking this out on us?
-I'm not!
Good God!
What have we done
for you to punish us like this?
I have nothing to declare. I don't care.
Ana, what's with you, honey?
I neither asked you to come here,
nor to make calls for me.
Who are you protecting, Ana?
Do you know what your Sorin did?
He invented a story
about foreign reporters
and you believed him.
He gave the letter to them,
that's what he did.
He was ordered.
That's not true.
How do you think they knew
everything you were doing?
-They knew everything.
No, shut up! Don't say that!
They knew about Radio Free Europe
and the letters.
They knew everything.
Do you think they knew it out of the blue?
Don't you understand that they knew
when you met, who you talked to,
where you met.
This boy had a deal with them
so he can go to his father.
It's not true! Liar!
Please, I beg you!
I'm not lying.
I'm not lying, believe me, I'm not!
Ana, there's nothing we can do.
Listen to me, facts are facts.
We can't change anything.
Do you want to be jailed?
To keep you in jail?
To make you an accessory?
It's six years. Is that what you want?
You're just like them!
They've instructed and manipulated you.
The truth hurts, I know.
Let me have a look.
"I, the undersigned Ana Stefan,
residing in Bucharest,
declare the following.
On the evening of October 14th 1972,
I have met at the home
of the Paraschiv family:
Manea Nicoleta, Grigoriu Laura "
Okay, and here you mentioned
everyone present.
"The main purpose of this get-together
was to write a letter
to the Radio Free Europe station,
addressed to Cornel Chiriac,
host of the Metronom show,
broadcasted on the Romanian section
of this radio station.
I admit and regret the deeds,
I believe I have profoundly mistaken.
The fact that I ended up
in front of the State Security organs
has given me a lot to ponder.
I have been made aware of the danger
this radio station represents
and I admit to breaking
the laws of our state
when I proceeded to write the letter.
Even though the content
does not belong to me,
the deed remains,
and in the future,
I must revise my attitude
towards society, school and family,
to redress and focus my working capacity
towards things useful to our society."
Very good.
Now start a new paragraph
"This is my given statement.
I warrant to what I have declared
and I sign."
And you sign down there, to the right.
That's it.
Things parents do for their children.
What college are you thinking of?
I haven't decided yet.
Aren't you gonna follow
in your dad's footsteps?
He's a very good teacher.
My father finished law school.
I don't like it.
Maybe, although you'd have some support.
Your father has tenure, right?
He's still a teacher.
He enjoyed the university
environment, writing, publishing.
Do you want a glass of water, a coffee?
You had a long day.
No, thank you.
Please bring us a glass of water
for Miss Stefan and a coffee for me.
Thank you.
How's the competition in law school?
When my daughter applied,
there were 20 candidates for one position.
But nowadays it's tough everywhere.
But law and medical schools
are the toughest.
Forgive me, please. We're digressing.
Your father is desperate.
He begged me to help you.
And I want to help him.
I promised him
I'd do everything in my power.
Your statement will reflect well
on the file.
I'll add a note here and there
to reinforce the idea
that you didn't partake to the letter,
that you were not aware of the plan,
that you opposed it.
After the dust settles
we'll talk and see how we can help you
so you may have a normal life.
But now,
I'll try helping you not to end up
in the prosecutor's hands.
It was a moment of confusion.
Am I right?
You'll see that the college years
are the most beautiful. You'll see.
You'll make new acquaintances,
new friends.
I'll make sure that you go
to the college of your choice.
You don't want law school, so be it,
there are others.
But every college is tough
or very tough to get into.
You, though, you'll get into
any college you want to.
I give you my word.
It's just that
we need to make sure you're trustworthy,
that you're not bullshitting us.
Set them on the coffee table, please.
Do you need anything else,
Comrade Colonel?
-You don't want coffee, Ana?
-No, thank you.
That would be all, thank you.
Let's go to the coffee table.
Have a seat on the armchair.
Zefir, menthols.
No, thank you.
A formality to make sure
you understood what you need to do.
From now on, you'll be
much more responsible and careful
about what's going on around you.
And we'll make sure
that you'll get into college
and that you'll pass your exams,
for you not to be assigned
to nowheresville
or who knows where. Understand?
A written confirmation
of what we've discussed.
Name, surname, date of birth,
sign on the right and it's done,
you go home.
Your father is waiting for you to go home.
Poor man.
Thank God you've come to your senses.
I'm also a parent.
My daughter is a few years older than you.
Next year, she'll graduate law school.
You've had an amazing chance.
You should be thankful.
Think of your future.
Your father pleaded on his knees.
He begged me not to leave you
to the prosecutors.
He gave his word for you.
He said that you're sorry,
that you'll straighten out,
to give you one more chance.
I took pity seeing him like that.
But if you're playing me
I'll destroy both of you.
If you want to sign, fine.
If you don't, goodbye.
But don't make me waste my time.
I thought you were a smart girl.
Your choice
If you want to destroy your future,
your folks,
do it.
I won't stand in your way.
You think I'm going to beg?
Fuck off, out of my sight!
Send Ispas to me. I'm done here.
Take her next door
and send her father home.
I'm sorry.
You said something and I missed it?
I'm sorry!
I would like to have one more chance.
Here's the deal,
let's not drag this any longer.
You're tired Ana, you had a long day.
I'll give you one more chance.
You don't have to sign anything now.
I'll let you think about it
for a few days.
I'm not forcing you to sign anything.
Don't make this decision under pressure.
If you want to do this together,
I want your full commitment.
I want you to come to me
and convince me
that you deserve this chance.
Not everyone gets this chance.
Do you understand?
Come on
Go home, rest,
and we'll see you in a few days. Okay?
I'm sure you're a smart girl
and you'll make a wise choice.
And don't forget.
What we discussed here
our little secret. Okay?
Go on now
Go home.
We'll contact you, okay?
Come on, go.
Come on, everyone to bed.
The important thing is to pass
the baccalaureate exam
Yes, thank you.
I'd be very much obliged
if you can help us.
Sure. Sure, thank you so much.
Okay, sure, I'll wait.
Yes, I'll wait.
Thank you.
-Can I make a call?
Why not?
Not now.
-Why not?
Why can't I make a call?
We're waiting for a call. Go to your room!
The security council will be
reunited at 19 hours Greenwich,
in an hour and a quarter, respectively,
to examine the request
of Qatar's acceptance
among the UN member countries.
On the Council's table was put the letter
addressed by the spokesperson
of Jordan to the UN
in which it is requested to convening
Good afternoon.
Hello, Ana.
-Sorin is not home.
-When are you leaving?
Come in.
Sorin is about to arrive.
He went to get the train tickets.
If all goes well, we'll leave tomorrow.
It surely will.
You don't need to take off your shoes.
A glass of water or a cup of tea?
No, thank you.
Mom, I'm home.
It took some time, but I did it.
-Did you get the tickets?
When did you get here?
Not too long ago. I was waiting for you.
Come to my room.
I don't want to justify myself
or explain anything.
I know everything.
It's me who gave the letter
to the State Security.
But you knew it would hurt us.
Otherwise they wouldn't have let us go.
But you were not supposed
to be at Roxana's.
It doesn't matter. You betrayed us all.
-Ana, I love you.
-You're lying!
I'm leaving.
I walk you out?
What's this?
I want to send it.
Are you insane?
Is that what's burning you now?
We don't know if we'll take the exam
and you're writing letters?
You think that he stays there,
in Germany,
and listens to Radio Free Europe?
-You're delusional.
-It's not about that.
-Can't you see what I wrote?
Ana, what's wrong with you?
You're writing letters now?
I don't get you.
It's important for me.
That's why you called me here?
Did they tell you
if they'll call you there again?
What should I do there?
Me neither.
But I heard it's not over.
From whom?
What does your dad say?
He doesn't know anything.
-Will they call us again?
-I don't know.
He has no clue either. How would he know?
You definitely know something.
Tell me, will this go on any longer?
-Can I clear the table?
Thank you.
Will they let us take the baccalaureate?
How should I know?
You really don't care.
I do, I care. Of course I care.
I want this as well.
This is all that matters now.
Me, me!
-Here! Geo, here!
-I got it!
-I'm going to get a B.
-Me, a B-plus.
-I'm getting an A.
-I'm between A and B.
-I'll get an A.
-Since when are you an A student?
-A clean A.
-I'm also getting an A.
I've written ten pages
in one and a half hour.
-Did you mention that Ana dies?
-She dies hanged.
And her child dies.
Petrica. From a disease.
-Who was the beautiful one?
One was beautiful and rich.
-Florica was ugly.
-She was beautiful!
One was beautiful and poor,
and the other was ugly and rich.
I got them the other way around.
I wrote that Florica is ugly.
Florica is the beautiful and poor one
One was beautiful and poor,
and the other was ugly and rich.
-Florica is the poor one.
-Ion loves Florica.
-Who is beautiful.
-Beautiful and poor.