Mexican Connection (2023) Movie Script

(moody instrumental music)
- Hey Vinny, where the hell is
I mean, nobody picked me up.
I just got out.
Forget about it!
Are you still over there in my
In St. Augustine, Florida.
Well, I want you out,
and I hope you don't
fucking destroy the place.
Whoever this idiot is, Nick,
that was supposed to get me,
you tell that motherfucker
I wanna see him someday.
Forget about it.
I'll walk to Amarillo
and I'll get a fucking bus
all the way to Jacksonville.
(moody electronica music)
- Thanks, babe.
Keep the change.
- Always, Baka.
- Every time.
- Hey, how you doing?
- Hey.
- How much?
- 5.60.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
(doorbell chiming)
- How you doing?
(woman sighing)
- I talked to the police today.
I hope you are not here
to bring more trouble
to my business, are you?
- Hey, 20 years, I can't get
Come here.
Look, I know you have my life.
What, you can't gimme a hug?
What the, I mean,
you gimme not much of a choice
if you're gonna do that, you
What are you doing?
I can't say hello to you?
(doorbell chiming)
Back in New York, you'll
be calling me every day.
I mean, you gimme no choice.
- Give me the fucking money!
(men grunting)
(punch smacking)
(man grunting)
- What the hell's wrong with
The fuck are you doing?
Trying to rob the place?
You crazy kid!
What are you robbing for?
What do you need money for?
- I need the money for drugs.
I need medicine for my mom.
I need the money.
- [Tony] Your mom?
I don't believe you.
- For drugs, for my mother.
She needs medicine.
- What is this?
- [Robber] It's her
- Prescription.
You were gonna be a nurse.
What is this?
- It's for a woman,
a very, very sick woman.
- Get up!
You wanna go to jail?
You wanna know what prison's
It's hell, kid!
Every day you die in there!
You wanna go in there?
They'd take you out in one day.
Take this and go get
your mother's medicine,
and don't come within
a mile of this place.
I'll blow your fucking kneecaps
Get outta here!
Stupid, fucking kid.
Isn't time to lock up?
It's late.
(woman sighing)
- Sit down.
- You're crazy.
I thought this was only
like this in New York.
- Why are you here?
What you want from me?
Why are you here?
Why are you back?
You wanted to start
another new family again?
Anthony, have you looked
in the mirror lately?
You are an old man.
You shouldn't,
you wanted to have a family.
I bet you don't know the whole,
guess what happened to Sophia,
do you?
- I know she's dead.
- When you owed the Italian
crime family
and you couldn't pay
back the debt you owed
because you were where you were,
the small masters made it
impossible for you to pay back.
I guess it's because the feud
in between your groups.
They wanted to hit you really
Back in New York,
she tried everything
to get you out of that.
She stayed completely loyal to
They didn't know she was
they just decided to kill her
anyway with the pregnancy.
I'm not telling you that to
bring you back bad memories.
I just, I don't want you to die
in cold blood like Sophie
and your unborn baby.
I couldn't get over that
for a very long time.
I really love you, man.
I just don't want you
to do anything stupid.
- But I gotta tell you what
happened for real in New York.
When the Don died,
after he took out Sophie,
I had him die like the
animal he is on the street.
And then his young wife, Gloria,
she became LaDonna.
She's the most evil bitch you
ever met.
She's not human.
The things she does,
I won't even repeat,
but I'm not here for revenge.
If they don't with fuck with me.
But if they come near you or me,
I'll kill 'em all.
- I don't wanna see you again.
I don't want you to come here
I want you to stay away.
You understand?
I care about you,
so here,
here's a key to my apartment.
I'm gonna be leaving for
a vacation for two months,
just in case you need to hide.
It's not because I give a shit,
but I give a shit.
Now get the hell outta here.
- Thanks, Kitty.
(doorbell chiming)
(moody electronica music
- What the hell happened here?
Are you kidding me?
Won't be needing this in
Look at this place!
Vito, never, ever again
do you come here again.
What the hell?
Stay in Brooklyn, you idiot.
(moody instrumental music)
(somber piano music)
I love you, Sophie.
I do.
I love you.
- Hey, where the hell is
Giuseppe, I'm not here to suck a
I'm here to make some money.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
What are you laughing at?
What you got for me?
I didn't ask you for cash.
I don't give a shit about that.
I want what's in the little box.
You see what's here in this
little box?
It worth more than all
you goombas put together.
Now you listen to me.
I wanna hit on Tony.
You think 'cause I'm a broad
you don't have to respect me?
You motherfuckers,
if my husband was still alive,
you'd all be dead.
Now you listen to me.
You take that reward from 25 to
I want Anthony D'Angelo dead.
I don't want him to know
this hit came from my family,
you bunch of mooks.
I want him dead.
I don't care if you've got hire
a jig or a fucking Russian,
get a wussie or a fucking
Mick to shoot him.
I don't care.
Get a fucking leprechaun if you
have to.
Hey Sal, put this in the safe.
Now get the fuck outta here.
- Boss, I got the perfect jig.
I'll call 'em right now.
- I need some pussy after
those fucking mooks.
(woman sighing)
(horse hooves clomping)
- You know,
you used to love taking
this carriage ride, honey.
Used to love coming by the old
Used to love it here, honey.
Used to love coming by the
library and the castle.
What the?
Who the hell are you?
(man laughing)
Hey, this guy's going to
knock you off this ride.
You're gonna be in jail
unless let you get off right
What do you want?
- I know you.
- I'll call the cops.
- No, it's okay, sir.
Don't worry about it, sir.
It's just a bum.
I got it handled.
I promise.
It's okay.
(man chuckling)
- What do you think,
I'm some gangster?
Ghetto fool?
- You want a cigarette?
- [Ocho] Not me.
- I'll give you a whole box.
What do you want?
- You're a master planner
and the best thief
someone like me could only pray
to meet.
Me and you go back further then
you could possibly imagine.
Remember back,
a child and his mother
crossing the Mexican border,
starving and hungry,
and you gave that boy a job as a
- Ocho?
- [Ocho] The one and only!
- We were like this.
What happened to you?
You's just a skinny kid.
Look at you.
(man laughing)
You grew up.
- [Ocho] That's right.
Ocho rose,
and now I run shit.
(man laughing)
- Well, that's all good.
You want a hundred bucks?
All right, I'll give it to you.
I gotta go, all right?
- I have the means for
your financial good.
You should get an Oscar for
that job you did in Spain.
You robbed that town blind.
- I don't know what you're
talking about.
- Please come out.
I know he's still in there.
- Get your fucking hand off me.
- Yes, yes, yes!
You still have it!
You still have it.
- How does this happen
to me?
How does this happen?
- Look,
don't worry.
If I was gonna shoot you,
I would've already had.
Call me.
You need me.
(man laughing)
(man sighing)
- Sophie,
why don't you help me?
All these nuts around me.
(horse hooves clomping)
(moody electronica music)
(knocking at door)
Go away.
Who is it?
Get lost!
(man grunting)
Knocking like a nut.
Who is it?
What do you want?
I have no disrespect, ma'am,
but I'm not a Jehovah's witness.
I'm a Catholic, all right?
- My name's Angela.
Call me Angie.
I'm here, your housekeeper.
- Housekeeper?
I didn't order no housekeeper.
- Are you gonna invite me in,
or are we gonna spend here
all day here in this space?
- I didn't order nobody.
Are you a cop?
Oh, Vito!
That's it.
Vito called you, right?
Vito called you.
(man chuckling)
He should.
How much is your rate?
What's your rate?
- I can't believe a human being
actually lives in this place.
(woman speaking Spanish)
You look familiar.
Are you a killer?
Are you a bad guy?
- You know, you're
making fun of an Italian
in his own home,
and that's not very smart.
And what is this, a mic?
What are you, a cop?
You gonna arrest me?
No, you can't,
'cause I just got out.
You got nothing on me.
- I didn't ask you about your
But since we're doing that,
I used to be a doctor.
I came from Mexico.
My brother brought me here.
I am a woman with class.
Why am I even doing this with
Do I have the job, yes or no?
I don't have all day.
- Oh with that attitude,
I'm gonna give you a job?
What are you?
(man speaking Italian)
What's going on with you?
What are you, nuts?
- I keep things professional
with my clients,
and clearly you need
someone to take care of you
and this place.
- Who contacted you?
- In time you will know.
I can start work tomorrow.
- No, not tomorrow.
I got business tomorrow.
I'll see you on Monday if you're
(upbeat big band music)
- Hey, Nico.
Julia, look at this guy.
Look at this guy!
(man chuckling)
- Good to see you, Uncle Tony.
- Good to see you too.
- Hi, Uncle Tony!
- Hey, there she is!
Good to see you.
Look at that face.
I seen pictures.
You sent all those pictures.
Angela, how you doing?
- Hello, Uncle Tony.
- Hi.
Good to see you.
What's your dad doing?
- He's, uh.
- He's on the phone.
Business, right?
- It's so great to see you.
We've seen you all in the
You're a legend!
You are famous!
I've seen you all over
the newspapers for years.
We haven't been to Long
Island in such a long time.
- You're in Puerto Rico now,
- Yeah.
- Living like kings
over there.
(man chuckling)
- I miss it,
but you should come down visit
especially 'cause you just got
out of the slammer and all.
- Oh, Tina. [speaking Italian]
Come, come.
- Hey, Francesca.
- Tony, it's so great to see
- Hey, you looking lovely as
- Thank you.
- Nico Jr, you hit the grand
slam out of the park, huh?
- Thank you, Uncle Tony.
I saw your newspaper
clipping in Long Island.
I thought you were the
best thief out there, man.
- Yeah, okay.
- Hey, hey.
Okay, I'll call you back.
(man speaking Italian)
Won't you sit down?
Let's have a bottle.
A bottle,
a glass of wine.
- Kids, you know,
- They're grown.
Look at 'em grown up.
- How you doing?
- Let me take them to the walk.
Come on, kids.
- All right, honey.
- See ya, kids.
- Thank you.
- I'll go.
- I'm just gonna talk to my
brother for about 20 minutes.
I'll see you later.
I'll see you later.
- Tony, always.
- What are you doing?
What are you doing here in
- Hey, the kids, must be nice.
Yeah, I wish I would've
seen them all those years.
They look great.
I'm proud of you.
Nothing like Uncle
Augustino's, but it'll do.
- Uncle Augustino's wine was
This tends to cost a little bit
(man chuckling)
Now tell me,
honestly, what the hell are
you doing here in Florida?
- You know, I think you
know what I'm doing here.
- Are you here to see LaDonna?
You still have this fucking
that you've been carrying
inside of you like a poison
to avenge Sophie?
Is that why you're here in
Let me tell you something,
if you come up against
her, you're gonna lose.
You're just like pop.
You're always out for revenge.
You have no fear.
And I don't want to bury another
one of my family members.
You could go anywhere you want.
California, Chicago,
Vegas even.
Everything's wide open.
But if you come up against
with all the manpower that she's
built in the last 20 years,
that's why I'm here, brother.
I'm here to save you from
I made a promise to pop to look
after you.
On his deathbed I swore to him
that I would protect you, and
guide you,
and look after you.
Come work with me.
Come to Puerto Rico.
You could be my partner.
You could start a new family,
meet a new woman,
have some kids of your own.
- Nico, I'm not leaving St.
until I get justice for Sophie.
You got that?
(man speaking Italian)
(man speaking Italian)
- I know you're not afraid of
you thick headed, son of a
Just like pop.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Don't walk away that way.
It's been a long time since I've
seen you.
You just have a death wish,
don't you?
- Okay, you take care of your
You take care of your family.
You take care of me.
I love you, kid.
- You are my family, you
stubborn son of a bitch!
(door slamming)
(man sighing)
- Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Don't think I won't shoot.
What's your name?
Who are you?
- It's me, Angie.
You saw my brother.
I resumed today
because you didn't call
me to resume last week.
I tried to get a hold of you,
but you weren't anywhere around.
The screen door was open.
You told me to come.
Did you forget?
- The screen door was open?
(man speaking Italian)
Sit down.
The hell's wrong with you?
Can't believe I left the screen
door open.
I'm losing my mind with all this
Can't believe this.
You know, you could have been
- I know who you are.
The legendary thief of the
I know you're not a killer,
but you can if the need arises.
My brother and I met
after your first meeting.
He's not my favorite
person, I must confess.
We met and I needed to pick
something from a friend.
He accompanied me there.
I saw some files in his hand.
I went through the details and
I saw who you actually are.
You need me.
(man chuckling)
He brought me to your apartment
to become a cleaner for you.
I am very resourceful, trust.
- Maybe I'll trust you, but you
know what?
I didn't know you guys
were related at all.
This better not be a set up.
- What?
- Yeah, what?
All right, it's time I
met your brother again.
It's time he became my friend.
I need friends right now.
- I can make that happen
without any delay.
He's with a client at the moment
Once I'm done with the
cleaning of the whole place?
- All right, you did a good job.
How long you lived here?
- Six years tomorrow.
But it's late
and it's a long way home.
- Well maybe, you know,
since we gotta do this
business with your brother
and all that,
maybe you stay here?
I mean, it's up to you.
- Hmm, I can do that.
Is it okay if I stay in the
guest room?
(man chuckling)
- There's no guest room,
but you can stay in my bedroom
right behind the French doors
and I'll sleep on the couch, all
- Can I trust?
- Yeah, you want me to trust
You gotta trust me.
It's a two-way street, all
- Maybe you can teach me to be
a very smart and creative thief
like you?
(man chuckling)
I mean,
I bet it'll be so much fun.
- You know, you remind
me so much of Sophia.
She was a lot like you,
funny like that.
Except she had a thick Mexican
How come you don't have one?
- My brother and I spend most of
our time
growing with the Americans
that came to the country.
I can hardly remember ever
spending time with kids like us.
I spent time with the American
and I loved medicine since then.
I've always imagined that
I'll probably go on an
trip with a man I love.
- Sounds beautiful.
- I wish to run away again
from the drug cartel
my brother works with.
- Yeah, well, it's kind of
how he meets me on a
horse and you're here now.
- I really want a different
(mellow piano music)
- Very beautiful.
I'm a mess right now.
I, uh..
20 years inside there
does something to you,
believe me.
I, um..
a part of me died when Sophia
I'm sorry.
(woman speaking Spanish)
Sophia taught me a few words
(man speaking Spanish)
but I, I'm Italian.
I don't speak Spanish, sorry.
- I mean, all black?
Why not add some color?
- When Sophia died
I promised myself I would
wear black every day
until I learned how to live
- We've all have something we've
but we lose to gain something
We have to keep living.
You can call it a gutsy
I call it whatever it feels in
my heart.
It's never too late to open your
- Get outta here, kid.
I'm too old for you.
Good night.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- You know, you really are a
nice person.
- Not all the time.
- Good night.
(dramatic instrumental music
- Lights out.
(upbeat jazz music)
Hey, Jimmy!
- [Jimmy] Hey.
- Yeah.
Gimme two grand on the
Tigers, plus two points.
- [Jimmy] What you talking
The spread ain't that.
- What the hell you talking
- [Jimmy] It's only one.
- What do you mean, one point?
In the papers it's plus two.
What the hell you,
get the fuck outta here.
- [Jimmy] Spread New York's one
- No, I'm not doing it
unless you gimme two points.
Forget about it.
- [Jimmy] All right, all right,
all right.
You got two.
- All right.
That's more like it.
All right.
I got some guests coming in.
Talk to you later.
Hey, there they are.
(man speaking Italian)
Look at that.
Ocho, how you doing?
Look at this.
Coming to my house like old
Hey Angie, you wouldn't believe
When he was a kid,
your brother, when he was young,
he used to come by my place
in New York, him and his mom.
God bless your mother's soul.
I used to leave a $5 bill
underneath this pillow, right?
And he knew I knew
that he knew that I knew he
was taking it every time.
(man laughing)
I don't forget things like that.
That little five you
slipped out every time.
- You know,
I brought you a gift
because I know how you
Guineas love your garlic.
(men laughing)
You bathe in that shit, huh?
- [Tony] Hey, what is this,
from Naples or what?
- No.
- The half a dollar store
from down the street?
(men laughing)
Thank you very much.
Now you,
you have to have some of my
Uncle Augustino Iadellie's
red, basement wine.
- The basement, huh?
- Yeah, we also make sausage.
Gets you high, buddy.
- Shit.
Not bad.
- Now look, let me ask you a
Did you set me and Angie up?
I'm just being frank.
Just tell me the truth,
and you know, I love her, so
it's okay.
I don't care.
- Actually,
kind of wondering why,
why the fuck she's here.
I'm surprised at that.
- I'm not.
- Hey, look.
It's all okay, all right?
- You wanna be in men's
You know the drill.
- Well, look, I mean it's okay.
Put them on.
You know why?
Because it protects you.
You don't know anything,
you can't say anything.
Nobody could ask you.
Hey, look, when I was young,
you know, my pops wouldn't
even let a woman in a room
when we were talking business.
So it's just, it's normal.
It's natural.
I love you.
(man speaking Spanish)
- He does it every time he
talks about cartel business.
I'm used to it anyways.
- First of all,
did I come for a grand
What are you gonna ask next?
What color my jonnies are?
(man chuckling)
What is this?
Did you bring me here to
interrogate me?
What you wanna know?
My sign?
I'm a Libra.
(man laughing)
- I want this to work out,
but I gotta know what
the you're talking about.
Number one, I got a problem
with LaDonna over there.
You know, LaDonna from New York.
The girl's an asshole already.
She's getting worse the older
she gets.
And now she's down in St.
I'm gonna have to look
for a job as a gardener
with you pretty soon
if I don't get something going
you know what I mean?
(man chuckling)
- You're afraid
of LaDonna?
- I ain't afraid of nobody.
I'm too stupid to be afraid of
(man laughing)
- There he is.
There he is.
I knew you were in there.
(man laughing)
That's why I followed you.
That's why I came.
That's why I came.
I got a sweet deal for us.
- All right, look,
let's get off the bullshit.
Just jump to the gig, will you?
- We're talking about diamonds.
Pretty, little diamonds.
Not that crypto shit.
That stuff you can't see.
Old school, baby.
Old school.
You ready for this?
'Cause I'm talking 400,000.
How would you wops say it?
I am your Mexican connection.
(man laughing)
- You woke me up.
All that's good, you know,
and I think LaDonna,
she's got connection in South
with blue-white diamonds,
the most expensive diamonds in
the world.
But that woman is a snake.
Are you sure about the intel?
(man speaking Spanish)
- Oh, I could smell that money
I know you wops love your money,
just like us Mexicans.
Oh, we loves putitas,
pinatas, and mama's cooking.
(man laughing)
- Yeah, but you know, Ocho,
you know, I'm very proud of you,
you know?
You become a big landscaper and
all that,
but this is like a real high end
You know what I mean?
And this ain't no fucking liquor
you know what I mean?
- You don't have that drive
Maybe you're just too old.
Maybe the younger lion, it's
It's time for him to strike.
People fear me all over the
All over the world.
- Ocho,
fear doesn't give us any money,
any money.
(man laughing)
- You're right.
You're right, you got a point.
- You know what?
I say,
we drink and celebrate to
the fact that I accept.
(man laughing)
- Uh!
- Hey, just one thing.
I want you to know that I
promise you
that I will not exploit
your youth and inexperience.
(man laughing)
(glasses clinking)
(vacuum running)
(woman singing)
(man singing)
- What?
You never seen a man
in boxer shorts before?
(man signing)
- Who do you think you are?
I've been trying to get
things done, like always,
and you have been acting cold to
(woman sighing)
I've been simply falling for you
and you've been acting like a
Why don't you just grow up?
You've been walking around
that house in boxers
with a bowl of cereal.
(woman speaking Spanish)
- Hey, I'll eat cereal in
my house any time I want.
I'll wear boxers.
You don't need to tell me what
to do.
The hell's wrong with you?
(woman groaning)
(moody instrumental music)
- Dear me,
he definitely needs to clean up.
Yankee drinks coffee.
Let's see some tea around here
Earl gray, man.
(men grunting)
- I'm gonna dislocate
your fucking shoulder.
Who the fuck are you?
Are you ready?
- Ah!
Please refrain from breaking my
- Fuck you.
It's already dislocated.
Who are you?
- My name is Lawrence Windsor.
I do apologize, but Ocho sent
- Ocho sent you to my house?
I never told him to send you to
my house.
- Yeah, but I'm actually part
your team.
- Get up.
I coulda shot you, you stupid
- I know.
Excuse me a moment.
(man grunting)
(shoulder cracking)
- Well, I know how to dislocate
but I don't know that trick.
How'd you put it back?
Where'd you learn that from?
- I was a doctor for 20 years
in the Special Air Service.
So I know how to do
things with one's anatomy.
- All right, what's the plan?
What's next?
- Well, I was told to
bring you to the location.
So, do you mind if we go now?
- This should be it. There he
- Speak of devil.
- Gentlemen,
apologies for my tardiness.
Please be upstanding.
In fact, may I introduce
you to the one, the only,
Mr. Anthony Angelo.
- D'Angelo.
This place safe?
- Of course it's safe.
Would I bring you to a place
where the cops would get you?
Come on, man.
It's his place.
It's good.
- Lock it up.
Pull the divider in front of the
Nobody can see in.
Pull it the way across,
all the way across.
- So what's you think?
- Hold on.
- Of our little rag tag,
motley crew of criminals, huh?
Let me introduce you first.
You met Ace,
master in weapons.
Killing comes nothing to him.
- Hey Ace,
you know the Feds, they got
these big elephant ears.
They're gonna hear
everything we say in here.
You know what I mean?
- No worries.
(man chuckling)
- Muscle.
Must I say more?
And the secret weapon,
the best part of the crew,
is the secret weapon:
the kid.
- What, we babysitting minors
- Minor?
This kid has an IQ of 160.
He's smarter than all of us
To him, we're mindless apes.
A bunch of gorillas.
This guy can crack any virus,
security system,
anything you put in front of
And this salty, ugly South
this guy right here can crack
any safe.
(men chuckling)
I know you used to be
the best 20 years ago,
but everything's digital now.
This guy, right?
- Hey, what's wrong with him?
Why is his hand shaking?
The guy's hand shaking.
- Yeah, he needs his meds.
Where is it?
Give it.
- The fuck is going on?
- [Thug] He's having an event.
- Take your damn pills.
- The fuck is wrong with this
He's fucking shaking.
- It's probably an
epileptic fit, you know?
- Epileptic?
- Yeah, he has epilepsy.
He's a little schizophrenic,
but trust me,
this guy right here.
- The fuck?
- He's crazy like a fox.
Trust me, okay?
All right.
Snap out of it.
What the hell's wrong with you?
- Aren't you the motherfucker
that got his wife killed by the
- Ah.
- Fuck!
- Dude, dude.
Money, money.
Sit the fuck down right now.
- What the bleeding hell
is wrong with you, Yankees?
I mean the job hasn't even
commenced yet
and you are at each other's
I mean, it's all gone to pot,
hasn't it?
To think Ocho,
I gave up the Swedish job for
- Shut the fuck up.
- No,
why don't you shut the fuck up?
- For once,
for once I agree with the Brit.
We all need to shut the fuck up.
- Hey look,
what's the plan?
- Don't worry about it.
I got it all handled.
- This guy looks like a milk
(man chuckling)
- I know, I know what you up to,
I know what you up to.
- Kid,
- I'm in the middle of a match.
- Let me tell you something.
I want the whole layout.
LaDonna's house,
the hotel,
and the place we're hitting it,
and I want it today.
You got it?
(kid scoffing)
- I just did that
two days ago.
That was fucking easy.
(man laughing)
- What'd I tell you
about this kid, huh?
- Hey look, I just want
to get this job done.
We're not going in to do
anything but take one item.
A two carat, blue-white.
No gold, no silver.
You see the a hundred
dollars bills stacked up,
you leave them alone.
They're all traceable.
This fucking bitch is smart.
You got it?
You just take the blue-white.
That's it.
- Is it cut or is it uncut?
- It's beautifully cut.
Now, that's what we're looking
I need you to help me find out
how many security he's got.
We're not gonna kill anybody.
- What?
- What we're gonna do is
you're gonna get some of those
Just regular darts.
We're gonna tranquilizer hers,
And we hit 'em with that.
I know it sounds bad to you
but I'm not going to jail for
I just got out.
No killing.
We're there for the heist.
The job's over,
the worst case scenario,
we get hit for a little bit of
You get what I'm saying?
All right.
I know you can take it like
anybody here.
All right?
But if you listen to me,
I'll fill all your bank accounts
All of 'em.
You fuck with me, I'll kill you.
- That guy's nuts!
- Look, LaDonna killed his
wife and his unborn child.
He's the man for the job.
He's a genius.
A bloody genius.
- [Thug] Yeah, he not working
with him.
(upbeat electronica music)
[inaudible sound from the phone]
Move my body
- So I'm curious, Ocho,
I mean, are you considering
having children in your future?
Because the state of this car,
it's not really appropriate
for the job, is it?
- You chose the car.
- No, no, no, no.
I didn't.
- I chose it, okay?
I chose it for a reason.
You're gonna do a job.
You're not gonna go
around trying to show off
so the Feds can see you,
everybody else, the cops,
what is wrong with you?
- I'm just hoping people don't
see me.
(man chuckling)
- Well, I have to say,
I mean, compared to your
I mean, let's face it,
I mean, we left you in 1776.
That's what?
300 years.
Whereas our current queen
has been on the throne for 70
Just shows you that we
have style, and elegance,
and poise,
and what do you Americans have?
- How old's your queen?
- Oh, she's 95 now.
Shall I turn left here?
- So she's basically the crypt
She should be dead.
- Well, I mean, you know, I,
she, you know what?
I'm absolutely flabbergasted
that you would say
something like that here.
- Hey, look.
- [Ocho] Look on the road!
- Hey look,
we gotta go to work, all right?
I'm done with this bullshit, all
Now look, just go, just go.
- You know, I mean, we are
supposed to be working together,
and why say something?
- [Ocho] She's an old bat!
Who gives a fuck?
- Excuse me, better than Joe
Biden, yes?
Now he's what?
- Can we go to work?
You guys talk too much.
- Talk too much?
You put me in the front with
(man chuckling)
(upbeat electronica music
- Is this the exact, exact one?
- It's very similar.
It's a replica.
- What do you mean
it's similar?
- It's a replica.
- What do you mean,
a replica?
It's the same one.
It's not case hardened, the
one we're getting, right?
- [Safe Cracker] No, not case
- [Tony] You're a hundred
- [Safe Cracker] A hundred
- Why am I not involved in this?
You know, after working with
the Duchess of Marlborough
on that job in, oh 2016,
and I just can't understand
why I'm not being involved.
I mean, that is just elementary.
- [Tony] Gas.
- Check.
- Stethoscope.
- Check.
- Drill.
- Check.
- Goggles.
- Check.
- I know what it is.
It's because I'm a Brit.
- [Tony] What the fuck are you
whimpering about over there?
Can't you see we're working?
- [Brit] I know that.
- Crowbar.
- Crowbar?
This is 2022.
This savagery's gotta stop.
This primitive kind of thinking,
for heaven's sake.
- I don't have time for this.
- Were you born in a jungle?
Are you living in a tree?
- [Brit] I'm used to, you
know, a Rolls-Royce Phantom.
- What the hell are you talking
- The digital age.
- What?
- As I said to you, I
wanted a Lamborghini Diablo,
a Ferrari Testarossa.
Even the Porsche 9-11 Turbo
does naught to 164.2 seconds.
What do you give me?
That funny wagon, clubbed out
It was absolutely disgraceful!
- Brit!
I told you we can't have
any bling when we do a job.
(man speaking Italian)
- And what does that mean?
- This guy talks too much!
Will you just shut the fuck up?
- That's right.
Plug your cake hole.
- Oh, please.
(sirens wailing)
I'm a Yankee doodle dandy.
A Yankee doodle day!
A Yankee doodle dandy!
A Yankee doodle day.
There's an incoming!
On the right!
Watch out!
Watch out!
I'm a Yankee doodle dandy!
(moody instrumental music)
- So what's LaDonna want
us to do about this wop?
- I don't know, but you
should keep it cool, man.
You know Ladonna's wop too.
You shouldn't be talking
like that around there.
(upbeat hip hop music)
There he goes right there.
(horn honking)
- What the hell?
- [Man On Phone] They don't know
but I know you.
Let's just say I'm a friend.
Those two on the right,
they want you back.
Elevate elevate
They hate when you elevate
Elevate elevate
They hate when you elevate
- Follow him until he
come back to his car.
(upbeat hip hop music continues)
I work too hard for it
I don't need a replacement
It's my vocation
Now I got rollies on a
Hope on the jet
Take a vacation
Live in the moment
We's trapped in the basement
Now the hard work is
off taking me places
While it don't matter
We trapped in The Matrix
- I don't see him anywhere, man.
- LaDonna, we lost him.
- [LaDonna] He's stupid, so I'll
find him.
- Come on, let's go.
Get in.
(upbeat hip hop music continues)
(car starting)
I had to renovate
- Stupid fucks.
I had to go delegate
I feel like I'm floating
I'm off in the moment
That's where I could levitate

They'd never believe
that I would really fly
I had to go demonstrate
I had to set em straight
The hate when you elevate
Elevate elevate
The hate when you elevate
Elevate elevate
The hate when you elevate
- Where's your stupid wop
Driving around in a Cadillac
listening to Frank Sinatra
while you're fixing to get
- We're supposed to make it
But tell us where your wop
boyfriend is,
and we'll let you keep your head
(woman speaking Spanish)
- She said she'd spit on our
Fuck this bitch.
Let's kill her.
(gun firing)
(men grunting)
- [Tony] Get the gun!
Shoot him!
- I don't know how to shoot.
(woman speaking Spanish)
- Just shoot him!
- I don't know how to shoot!
- Shoot the son of a bitch!
- I don't know how to shoot!
I don't know how to shoot!
- Pull the fucking trigger!
(gun firing)
Come here
Gimme the gun.
(woman whimpering)
It's ok. It's ok you are doing
Look at you, you are not even
- What are you wearing?
- Don't worry.
I'll explain later.
Don't worry about it.
It's gonna be all right.
We'll go stay at a friend's, all
Get your bag.
I gotta a bag and clean this up.
Come on.
Go, go, go.
(upbeat hip hop music continues)
- Well, it's small.
It's nice.
Lock the door, please.
- It's a woman's place.
I can smell the perfume.
- It's a friend.
- Hmm.
- Hey, you sleeping?
Angie, you asleep?
(man sighing)
(mellow piano music)
You know Angie, sometimes people
tell me,
"Hey Tony, you're a good man."
I don't believe 'em.
You want to know why?
'Cause every time
someone gets close to me,
they get hurt or in trouble.
It's like what happened to you
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Sophie's told me.
She said,
"Tony, you better find
somebody who loves you,"
right before she died.
You better find someone who
loves you.
I never thought I would my whole
Angie, baby.
I got enemies all around me.
Angie, you know your brother?
I don't think he's what you
think he is.
I can't put my finger on it,
but there's something with that
But I'm not gonna allow
anything to hurt you.
Never again.
(mellow piano music continues)
- I can't believe I
just made love to Elvis.
(couple laughing)
- I would've thought you
like Frank Sinatra better.
(woman giggling)
Hey, come here, kid.
How come today you risked your
How come you did that?
Risking your life and not
- I knew that if I talked
you'd probably be dead.
And somehow I knew you'd
walk through that door.
- You have more faith than I do.
Would you do it again?
- As long as my heartbeats.
Hey, Tony?
- Yes?
- I gotta tell you something.
- Not now, let's just rest up.
We talk seriously.
- I have to tell you something.
- Just do it later, baby.
I'm so tired.
It's all good.
I got you.
I got you.
- Okay.
- I got you.
(upbeat jazz piano music)
(knocking at door)
- Food Dash, tacos.
- I think the boys ordered
(punchers thudding)
- Muscle, get your fucking ass
up here.
(dart whirring)
(body thudding)
- It's clear.
- Ocho,
where'd the kids say the safe
- It's right in front of you.
The honey pot's right there.
(man laughing)
Let's get it, boys.
- Bingo!
- Didn't I tell you, brother?
Didn't I tell you?
- Fire!
- Come on, come on.
We don't have time.
Come on, come on!
(blow torch whirring)
- Action!
- For five more K I could
have got that lock safe open.
- Incidentally,
how I wonder are we were
able to track them on camera?
- I changed the camera a week
The security system sucks.
- Man of my experience
and superior intellect
in a car with a 20 year
old playing on a computer.
- I did a background check
on you three days ago.
I hacked into the MI6 records.
The only bond you've got is a
bail bond.
- What's taking so long?
(blow torch whirring)
- Open it!
Open it, open it, open it!
Keep it going.
Keep it going.
- Don't make it too hot.
Don't heat it up too much.
Don't heat it up too much!
- [Ocho] Come on, come on!
- Don't make it too hard.
Gotta be careful.
- [Ocho] Get it work!
- Don't do too much.
'Til the color changes.
(blow torch whirring)
- Drill!
- Be careful, be careful.
Oh my god.
(drill grinding)
- It's fucking case hardened!
It's case hardened!
- Let me try this.
- It's case hardened!
You gave me the intel!
It's case hardened!
Give me the stethoscope.
- Trying to drop the tumblers.
- You fucking kidding me?
(man panting)
Oh, man!
Come on, come on!
- Okay, quiet.
Tell me when to drop.
Tell me to drop.
- The heck,
you think I came in
with the last rank drop?
I know what the fuck to do!
- Hey, listen.
In my attention, man,
we respected people who
are in the business, okay?
- I need a code.
I need a code!
- I got the code.
- Give me the code!
He's got the code!
- Give me your phone!
Give me your fucking phone!
- You gotta give him five more
- Five more grand?
- Give it to him!
- Give it to him, man.
- I changed the digital locks.
- Give him the code!
- I'm coming, I'm coming!
- Four sevens.
- Okay.
(safe beeping)
(upbeat electronica continues)
- I told you, man.
You gave it too much heat.
- I didn't burn anything up!
That was perfect heat!
Give me the crowbar!
The kid was right.
I heard it drop.
The lock dropped.
I just need to pry it open.
The code was right.
Give me the crowbar!
- All right, man!
What do you wanna do, this
- Get off!
The crowbar!
(men yelling)
- You're barbaric!
I can open it with my mind!
- Get off!
Get your fucking hands off!
(men grunting)
- Ah, shit!
You stupid, old man!
- My god!
- Fucking crazy bastard!
- Wait, wait.
- Shit!
- I can do it.
I can do it with my mind!
- Move your fucking hand!
- [Safe Cracker] Now wait a
I can get it.
- [Ocho] Get it, get it!
- Open, open, open!
Open it!
(alarm wailing)
Turn it off!
Turn it off old man!
(alarm beeping)
- Show me, show me, show me.
Oh Yea
- Authenticate.
- Let's see.
Shit, let me look.
Here it goes.
- All right.
Is it real?
- This ain't no jalapeno pepper.
- [Ocho] Shut the fuck up.
- Is it real?
- Hold on, let me look.
Oh man, yeah.
- Is it real?
- It's a blue-white.
- Yeah!
We're fucking rich.
- Looks like a blue-white.
- [Ocho] Serious?
- Blue-white, baby!
(man laughing)
- Yes, yes, yes!
We're rich!
- Give it to me.
- [Ocho] Move it, move it!
Give it to him.
(man groaning)
- Get his medicine, man!
- Did one job!
- The fuck is wrong with you?
- [Ocho] Fuck!
- Give his fucking pills
to him!
- [Ocho] Shit!
- Pills!
(man wailing)
Hold his tongue!
Hold his tongue out!
- What?
- Pull his tongue out!
(man wailing)
He fucking bit me!
Calm down.
Calm down, it's okay.
Calm down.
Calm down.
(man wailing)
Calm down, calm down, calm down!
Calm down!
(hands smacking)
He's good.
- Can I keep it?
(moody instrumental music)
- Quiet.
Don't wake up the damn roosters.
Hey, what are you doing?
I told you not to fucking take
the cash!
What is wrong with you?
They'll trace us.
- Mario, go wait by the car.
- Should I go this way,
or that way?
- Get the fuck out of here.
This guy's fucking crazy.
- All right, put your
fucking hands up, man.
- You wanna put that gun down
unless you want do 300 years.
- What are you talking about?
- Shooting a government
- You're a cop?
- Actually, old man,
maybe your eyes are getting bad.
You know the difference
between CIA agent and a cop?
Give me that gun.
- What about the tattoos?
- The CIA has the best makeup
Actually, I think it kind
of suits me, doesn't it?
(man laughing)
Where's the diamond?
- I swallowed it.
I felt the setup,
but I didn't know you were cops!
- You fucking swallowed it?
You fucking swallowed it?
- Get the fuck inside, man.
- But now you're gonna go to a
where you're gonna extract that
your damn self.
Better have it by the morning.
- Well, hello, Mr. D'Angelo.
Have a seat.
I trust you slept well?
I trust even more,
more importantly,
I trust you extracted the
- Yeah, I shit the diamond.
He's got it in the plastic bag.
- Very good.
Well, let's cut to the chase.
You are a great safecracker.
We could use someone like
you here in the agency.
- You already did use me.
Where's the big mouth Brit and
the kid?
- The Brit and the kid have
been reassigned already
up north,
but that's no concern of yours.
The main thing,
the reason why we brought you
is right here in this folder.
Everything you need to know.
As a matter of fact,
we have a common enemy,
a common threat,
She's not a small
potatoes criminal anymore.
She's risen to be
someone of great concern.
She now does dealings with both
the Chinese and the Russians
selling important intel
that could topple the whole east
and cause danger to the great
United States of America.
We need to take her out.
- Angie, huh?
- Officer Sanchez.
Nice to meet you, Mr. D'Angelo.
- I can't shoot.
What an actress.
- First thing that is taught to
when coming aboard the agency
is how to be a good actor.
And Ms. Sanchez, you
served your country well.
- Yeah, you took one for
the team, didn't you?
You're a team player.
- Wait, Jimmy.
It's okay.
Mr. D'Angelo has been in
a lot of stress lately.
A lot of stuff has happened
within the last 24 hours.
- Let's get this straight.
I spent 20 years in jail.
I get out.
You guys set me up for a
You use your agents and
that whack job over there,
and then you arrest me.
What the hell's this about?
- If he insults me one more
I'll punch his little teeth in.
- Officer Stern, that's
not the way we operate.
We need to treat this individual
under the rights under section
- You know about the
Russians of the Chinese.
She's been smuggling kids,
giving intel,
gaining intel,
then selling it back to them.
LaDonna is slated to meet
with a high powered official
in China.
She was gonna use that little
diamond as a bargaining chip
to gain their trust.
- What about the darts?
They're waking up by now.
They'll tell her I was there.
I did everything.
- Those guards that you
thought were knocked out.
They're dead.
We have a guy on the inside.
One of her guards, right?
There will be a gun.
Right side,
third seat from LaDonna.
We're here to make,
what would you gangsters call
An offer you can't.
- Fuck you very much.
No, thank you.
- Fuck you very much.
Well, it's very humid here in
Wouldn't you say so, Officer
Really hot and humid.
I would say it's probably the
worst place
to have to serve 30 years.
(moody instrumental music
- Yeah?
Of course I'm here.
What the fuck you think?
What time you getting here?
Hurry the hell up.
- You guys need me,
gimme a call.
- Is he clean?
(hands patting)
- He's clean.
- Sit down.
- LaDonna.
Ah, taste the wine.
Uncle Augustino Iadellie's eh?
I needed that.
- Tony,
as kids, you always had a way
of talking your way out of
I remember when my husband had
of the lower east side,
you got in trouble with the cops
and talked your way out of it.
Everyone admired your silky
- Salut.
- All right, Tony,
you know I'm not here to suck
any dick.
Let's get down to the skinny of
(man chuckling)
(woman speaking Italian)
Listen here, Tony.
I knew your father and
I knew your brother.
What happened to Sophie
was just fucking business.
Nothing personal.
My husband was taken down
like a pig in Times Square,
but that's the past.
Tony, Tony.
I got big since you got in.
I got bigger than the Don ever
dreamed of.
I got ambassadors eating
out of this pussy.
Worldwide shit, Tony.
Tony, I got the world by a
(woman speaking Italian)
All these dirty, old men,
all they need is a third world
and some panties.
Got 'em bouncing like puppets.
And you know we got all
those old men on video
with all those young bitches.
Tony, that's billions, not
We could rule the world.
Come with me, forget the past.
You're gonna be family.
I'll pay you like never before.
No more hate.
No more games.
Just counting money.
- LaDonna,
I don't know,
fellows, I don't know how she's
done this.
I mean, you know she's always
been smarter than the Don,
I mean Mac, you know what I'm
Hey, I knew your father, by the
He was a Wesite, right?
Yeah, he used to work for my
A good man.
Rest his soul.
- Tony, my safe was robbed last
Couple of my boys got it.
Tony, was it you?
Give me one good reason
I should believe this sit
down isn't just bullshit.
Michael will kill you
right here right now,
and you know it.
You've got one minute to
convince me, motherfucker.
- LaDonna,
what happened last night,
I didn't cause it.
I hired outside guys.
They lied to me.
They said the darts are
They lied and they killed them.
It was not me.
The only thing I was doing there
is trying to get this diamond
so I could give it back to
you to show you respect,
to show your peace offering.
That's all I was doing.
I just wanted to give you
this as a peace offering.
- You slick son of a bitch.
You got my diamond
and gave it back to pay your
I knew it was you, Tony.
- So you took out my cousin?
- What the fuck are you talking
The fucking guy raped your
You were gonna fucking kill him
Stop the bullshit!
The chinks are gonna
give me the White House.
You know, the chinks own the
White House.
- LaDonna, you know I've been
I've been in hell for 20 years.
And what I learned inside there
was that things,
they stopped making sense.
You understand what I'm saying?
And I knew when I was in there,
I realized that when Sophie
part of me died,
and I knew when the Don
died part of you died.
Am I right?
Now look what happened.
We both lost,
but now we have a chance,
and there's only one thing we
can do.
'Cause you see we're either
gonna die in the street
like pigs,
or we're gonna make a
lot of money together.
Like billions, like you said.
You know, you're like me,
you don't give up,
and I don't give up.
So we have to make a choice.
I mean, we're the same animal.
You know what I mean?
I mean, you're an animal,
- Stop.
Anthony's actually making sense
right now.
Go on.
- You're one of the smartest
people I know, all right?
You didn't come back to New York
'till you was 20 years old,
but they knew you was the brains
that was gonna operate this
when I was on the inside, like I
you know, things stopped making
I knew that we only had one
and that choice is to choose
We have to survive.
I wanna live like you do.
I wanna live like a king,
and I know you wanna live like a
So we unite,
we stop this war.
We come together.
We make a lot of money.
We survive.
- Sounds good, Tony.
It all sounds good.
I'll forget the Don.
You forget Sophia.
- No!
- No?
What do you mean, "No?"
- What I was trying to say to
was on the inside I learned
that things stopped making
For example, you know these
young girls
that you exposed to these old
you made a lot of money, right?
And you made yourself very
powerful, did you not?
I, LaDonna,
I just lied to you.
(guns firing)
(man speaking Italian)
- She's dead.
- Give me a gun!
- She's dead.
- Give me a gun!
This is for Sophie and the young
(gun firing)
(man speaking Italian)
- She's dead, Tony.
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
(moody electronica music)
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body back and forth
Move my body
Back and forth
Back and forth
Back and forth
Back and forth
Back and forth
Back and forth
Back and forth
Back and forth
(upbeat electronica music)