Mi ricordo Anna Frank (Memories of Anne Frank) (2009) Movie Script

Sottotitoli a cura di
Hello, Father.
What are you scared of?
Come on.
There are lots of children.
- Hello, what's your name?
- Hanneli Goslar.
- What's your name?
- Anne Frank.
- Today we have Geography.
- Thursday Geography.
- What nation?
- We are going to study Italy.
Could someone be so kind...
..as to give their seats
to two elderly ladies?
Who are the children?
Hans and Christian.
Hurry, gave me the papers.
What are they for?
I am a princess.
- Are you ready?
- Give me crown.
- How many children do you want?
- At least ten.
- You?
- I am going to be a writer.
I am ready.
Well done!
This is our present.
It's what you wanted, isn't it?
Thank you.
You're so pretty.
If my daughter could have celebrated
her 50 years here...
..she would have prepared
a surprise.
Thanks to you we celebrated
her birthday in a nice way.
Thank you.
Mr Frank.
I want to ask you something.
You told Anne's story.
But you haven't told us
why the people were so evil?
- What is your name? - Elisabeth.
- Yes, I haven't explained.
Didn't they know
or were they afraid too?
- No. They knew.
- Then why were they still evil?
I wondered the same things
many years ago.
I've never found an answer.
- What is it? - My diary.
- Can i see it? - No.
It's my business. Sorry, but...
I've started writing.
To do it well
you have to keep it secret.
I promise
I'll be a nurse in Palestine.
-Then I'll be a grandmother and
have grandchildren.-Yes?-I swear.
- Look!
- Yes.
Tickets, please.
I'm going on the white horse.
Jews can no longer come here.
You'll have to wear the yellow star
as from tomorrow. Go away.
- Come, children.
- Go away.
- Come one. - What did we do?
- We're Jewish.
They won't allow us to stay here.
Mr Frank,
can God foresee the future?
I do believe so.
God must see everything.
The past, the present, the future.
Has he seen everything?
- Sure.
- Then God will answer our question.
There's no point knowing everything
if he won't tell us what he knows.
- Father, don't. I'm going to work
in Germany. - No, it's a trap.
-Those who go, never come back.-Are
we going to hide for long?-Who knows.
- Maybe a month. - I'll tell
Hanneli. - No one must know.
- What is that flower for?
- Jews have to wear a yellow star.
As from today we Dutch will wear
a flower of the same colour.
The Germans won't arrest everyone,
they'll stop persecuting you.
They're our friends, I'll open.
- Hurry, come in.
- Hello, Anne.
- Hello, Peter.
- Come with me.
Remove your shoes during the day...
..or the workers will hear you.
Be careful.
Thank you, Miep. You are very brave.
You would have done the same for me,
Mr Frank.
Anne didn't come to school.
Has she gone to Switzerland?
Yes, Mr Frank
has relatives in Switzerland.
Why didn't Anne tell us
she was leaving?
Maybe she didn't know.
Mr Frank must have told her...
..at the last moment to take no
risks. - It's not possible.
- I'll give you their
address so you can write. - No!
- I'll give you their
address so you can write. - No!
Draw the curtains,
they can see you!
Get on the truck, quick!
Get on.
- Hurry.
- There's no time.
Hurry, get on the truck.
Get on!
I'm done.
go and wake up your sister.
- Are there Jews here?
- Are there Jews?
Are there Jews?
- Get on.
- Go!
Let's go.
- Are there Jews here?
- No!
Are there Jews here?
- Are there Jews here?
- Yes.
Don't be afraid.
Hanneli, stay with me.
Go on.
We are Jews who have been allowed
to emigrate to Palestine.
Let us in-
I was vice-minister in Germany.
It says here, look.
- Hurry.
- Come.
Go on.
"After the defeat of Stalingrad
the Germans..."
"..are leaving the Soviet Union."
"Thousands of German soldiers are
prisoners of the Red Army."
"The Allies' Air Force is bombing
the main German cities."
"They've shot down 65 enemy planes."
They've taken the Goslars.
We should have kept them here.
Hanneli is my best friend.
- What will they do to her?
- There was no room for them here.
Her sister is small,
she wouldn't have managed.
It would have been dangerous for
everyone. They'd have discovered us.
I shouldn't have said that.
No, I want to know the truth.
Can you come? Can I talk to you?
Help me,
I have to give her a present.
- She mustn't know.
- Yes.
Wait a little more.
You can open your eyes.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you, Father.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
You've given me all the paper
in Amsterdam!
This is mine.
Thank you.
Well done.
The Allies are less than 200 km
away. They've freed Belgium.
- It's almost over.
- God couldn't allow Germany to win.
- What is it?
- What do you want from us?
- Look.
- Let's go upstairs.
- What is behind the shelf?
- What you see, a wall.
Are you sure?
You're under arrest.
- Do you have money, jewels, gold?
- Hand in everything.
What is in here?
- Whose is this uniform?
- Mine.
- Did you fight for Germany?
- Yes, in World War I.
You should have said.
We have to take you away.
I am giving you 10 minutes to get
ready. We'll wait outside.
Who betrayed us?
- Here?
- Hurry.
-Where are you taking them?- I'm
leaving or I'll have to arrest you.
- I am an Austrian, like you.
- Thank God for that.
- Lower Siebel Bauer.
- Here.
-What are you doing here?-Where are
the people you arrested yesterday?
-We can give no information. -I'd
like to make an offer. -Not here.
- What is it? - The release papers.
- That's impossible.
- I'll bring more money.
- It's late. - Why?
- It's not up to me.
- I'll talk to your superiors.
- You are brave but also foolish.
- Who should I talk to?
Go upstairs to Colonel Saxenland.
It will do no good.
Why are you doing this? You are
Aryan, what do you care about Jews?
I decide according to my conscience.
What about you.
"Radio London.
After the recent attack..."
- Who are you? - I need news about
some of your prisoners.
- The Frank family
was arrested yesterday. - Leave!
you've lost the war. You know that.
It makes no sense to keep deporting
people. I am offering you money.
You'll need it.
- I'll arrest you. - No!
You were listening to Radio London.
Then I'll have to kill you.
I am a citizen of the Reich
and Aryan like you.
If you shoot me,
you'll have to explain why.
If you shoot me,
you'll have to explain why.
- They're American planes.
- They'll destroy the rail tracks.
- Save us.
- You must save us!
We're here.
Bomb the rail tracks.
Help us.
- We're here.
- Bomb the rail tracks.
- No!
- They're leaving. - Come back!
It's absurd.
The bomb Germany instead
of the railroad.
They can't not know
who is in the trains.
- The Allies are not fighting for
the Jews. - They're helping them.
All they want is to exterminate us.
What does God want from us?
- If he exists, why is he allowing
it? - Do you believe in the sun..
..even if it not shining one day?
Do you believe in love,
even if you don't see it?
I believe in God
even when he is hiding.
- I'm scared.
- Give me your hand.
Close your eyes.
Close you eyes.
You're not on this train,
you're in Amsterdam.
You're in the attic where
we could see the sky.
You se the sun shining
through the curtains.
- Can you see it?
- Yes.
Look at them.
They are happy even in here.
It's evening and we are lying
on the grass. It's hot.
We are looking at the clear sky,
lit by the moon.
Look,there are millions of stars.
They are far, but they send us
their light to be seen.
Maybe someone lives there. They're
on the grass looking at the Earth.
Once this is over,
will you marry me?
- Once we are free I want to marry
you. - We are free, Peter.
- Once we are free I want to marry
you. - We are free, Peter.
- The train has stopped.
- Where are we?
Where are we?
We're at Auschwitz.
It's our turn.
- What are you reading?
- I am studying for my exam.
You could have asked
to be sent elsewhere.
- Where does this train come from?
- Holland. - Good.
-If they come from the West, they
have goods in their satchels. -Quick.
It's Strauss. It can be bad
if we are greeted with music.
Get out!
- Quick.
- Out.
- Leave your luggage. Move.
- Get off the train.
- Out.
- Get out.
- Leave your luggage.
- Go on.
- Leave your luggage.
- Hurry!
- Quick. - Leave the luggage
on the ground. - Hurry.
Hurry with the luggage.
- Father, I am scared. - Where are we
going? - I don't know.
- I'm with you.
- Hurry. - Get down.
Hurry! Everyone out!
- Get out!
- Rabbi!
- Move!
- Rabbi.
- Rabbi!
- I'm here. Don't worry.
I'm here.
Let's sing. You begin.
I'm here.
Let's sing. You begin.
- Very good.
- Follow me.
- Come with me.
- Where are you taking them?
- I'm the teacher.
- Stay there!
- Let's go.
- No! Where are you taking them?
- You'll see them again.
- I'm their teacher.
- What do you teach?
- History and Philosophy.
- Stay there!
- They need me.
Me too. You're a teacher?
Go with the men.
Me too. You're a teacher?
Go with the men.
Me too. You're a teacher?
Go with the men.
Men on one side, women on the other.
Women here, men there.
You must go there!
- No! - Go to the other side.
- Don't leave us.
I won't leave you.
- No!
- It's my wife. - Let me go.
Enough! Women must stay here.
Stay here.
I have a wife and 2 children.
Let me stay with them.
- I can give you this. It is gold.
- Where are they?
This is my family.
Your watch is nice.
Don't worry.
- Men on that side. Women...
- No!
- Dad!
- No! - Let me go.
- Dad!
- No! - Let me go.
- No, let me go!
- He is my son.
- Dad.
- Don't leave me!
- How old are you?
- 16. - 16!
You can stay.
Take them away.
- How old are you?
- I... - 16.
Just turned 16.
- Is it true?
- Yes.
- Is it true?
- Yes.
- Dad.
- Anna.
- Dad!
- Anna. Margot!
- Dad.
- Anna.
- Dad.
- Edith! - Dad!
- Dad.
- Edith! - Dad!
Now you must do all I say.
Get undressed.
Hurry and obey.
- Move!
- No. - Get undressed.
Take your clothes off.
Get undressed!
Obey or you'll be in trouble.
Hurry. Take everything off.
Take off your rings and watches too.
Leave everything on the ground.
- Hurry up.
- Mom, hurry. - I can't.
If you hide something, you'll be
punished. Get under the showers.
Go under the showers.
- Hurry! - I won't remain naked.
- Come on, Mom.
- I can't.
- You're still here?
- Get undressed and wash.
- I'll help my mom. - No.
She can get undressed by herself.
Where are you taking us?
To take a shower.
Wait here.
When they've finished you go in.
- Anna.
- Children!
- Why are you there?
- We must wait...
..for the others to finish.
- Where is the rabbi?
- He promised he wouldn't
leave us. - He'll come.
- Come.
- Sing.
- Where is the rabbi?
- Where is he? - Start singing.
Come on. The rabbi would say,
"Form a nice chorus, kids!"
"All together.
One, two, three."
"All together.
One, two, three."
"All together.
One, two, three."
"All together.
One, two, three."
"All together.
One, two, three."
"All together.
One, two, three."
"All together.
One, two, three."
You want to go with them too?
You want to go with them too?
- Coming with us?
- Sing.
- Coming with us?
- Sing.
Take them to the rabbi.
Don't leave them alone.
- What're you doing here?
- Where are they taking them?
- What're you doing here?
- Where are they taking them?
What do you think that smoke is?
Dad, after two years we are free.
I can see Anna again.
- Get in! - Where are they taking
us? - To the Allies.
- Then we'll leave for Palestine.
- What is it?
It is a place where
people like us can live in peace...
..without running away and hiding.
We can do anything. - Stop!
- We will be free.
- There won't be an exchange.
The prisoners must return
to the barracks.
- The exchange with the Americans
was anulled. - Go back. - No.
- Go back right now.
- What is going on?
- We're not going to Palestine.
- We won't be free, huh, Dad?
- Go back.
- Go on!
Get off the truck.
Get off.
Dad, will I see you again?
Hanneli, where are you?
What are you doing?
Don't you know that writing
is forbidden?
Anna, go back inside.
- You're freezing. You'll catch
a fever. - I need to write. - What?
- Mom, please. Help me.
- It's not possible.
Please, Mom.
I need a pencil and paper.
- What's the matter?
- I can give you my bread...
..if you want.
- Anna, I am your mother.
Everyone out for a control!
Get in line in fours
in the middle of the barracks!
I can give you this for
a pencil and a piece of paper.
It's not enough.
I want another 3 rations of bread.
Come out!
I can't live without my family.
- Will I see my children again?
- You!
- We must continue our lessons.
- Move!
Go on!
Go on!
I studied what you told me,
but maybe you deceived me.
- I never deceived anyone.
- Deceiving is in your nature.
The worst plagues
have come from you people.
Witchcraft and usury in the Middle
Ages, atheism, Bolshevism.
- Psychoanalysis, Christianity.
- Are you being funny?
Many say that even humor
was invented by the Jews.
Sit down and ask me questions!
Be severe.
Where are my children?
You want to help me
with the exam or not?
What is God for you?
He who created everything.
Explain the words,
"The starry sky above me..."
"..the moral law inside of me."
It means that God
is away from us in the sky...
..and men are alone.
So each man must decide
for himself.
- Conscience?
- Something you Jews invented.
- What is a law?
- A rule that goes for everyone.
Can you explain why there are
good people and bad people?
- The Germans are good, the Jews
aren't. - I didn't ask who...
..but why.
I answered. The Jews are bad
because they are Jews.
Did you ever meet a bad German?
- That has nothing to do with it.
- Can you explain...
..the meaning of moral law?
What do the words "Love your brother
as yourself" mean?
What does "Do not do unto others..."
"..what you would not want
done to you" mean?
What does it mean?
- Go away!
- I'm sorry to have to tell you.
You are not ready
for your exam yet.
I imagine you are wondering
why I struck you.
Because we both know...
..that I shouldn't have.
You know why?
Inside our soul we all know
what is right...
..and what is wrong.
It's as if we all had
a compass inside.
A secret compass
that indicates the same direction.
That is the moral law
the philosophers talk about.
It is the reason you don't want
to do to others...
..what you would not
be done to you.
We also know, that if you want,
you can kill me.
Many of us do not
follow moral laws...
..such as me, when I hit you.
- Mr. barracks boss.
- Buch!
- Come!
- Yes, sir.
- Thanks, Mom.
- Don't thank me.
Forgive me.
Can you forgive me?
I said horrible things.
Anna, I am your mother
and you are my little girl.
There will be the last selection
today. Himmler's orders.
The Russians are near.
We must destroy the installations...
..and eliminate the evidence.
Buch, are your satisfied
with your assignment?
- Yes, excellency.
- Did you ever waver? - No.
Our human material
is disappointing us.
Even that of the chosen SS corps.
- I will do my duty. - I am pleased.
- Thanks, excellency.
It is difficult to hold back pity.
Reichsfuhrer Himmler said that too.
To kill women and children
in cold blood...
..and remain sane people...
..you need courage,
moral strength and mental lucidity.
We can begin with the procedure.
Today's is the latest.
I won't get past the selection
today. I know.
You must be self confident.
You'll make it, Peter.
- I have a high fever.
- Be quiet.
- I'll end up in the cremating oven.
- Be quiet.
- What do you want? - I want to
submit my case to your attention.
- I'm listening.
- I cannot work any longer.
It's not right that I continue being
a burden to the administration.
Alright. For us,
one piece is like any other.
- Did you think over what I said?
- You deceived me.
You are young and have time
to find your answer.
- Then I'll pass your test. - You
didn't tell me everything. - Sure?
- That's how you'll end up.
- Like my children, I know.
Does your conscience tell you
to do that?
Think about it.
If you want to pass the exam,
this is the most important question.
How many times must I tell you
it is forbidden to write?
- You must leave.
- Where is my mother?
- Go on!
- Where is my mother? - Anna!
- Where is my mother?
- I don't know.
My father and mother are here.
Don't take me away.
Think your father is still alive?
- Can you run?
- Sure.
Come with me.
Anne, look! It's Peter!
Dear God, please save Peter.
Take this to the Commandant, run.
- Anne!
- Mum!
- Margot! Anne!
- Mum!
- Anna! Where are they
taking you? - I don't know.
Special Prisoner's Infirmary
The Lord begins to create
the heavens and he earth.
However our beautiful earth was
deserted, completely empty.
Dark shadows covered
the immense oceans...
..and an impetuous wind
blew everywhere.
- It blew over the earth and
the oceans. - What did he do then?
The Lord fashioned man
from a handful of earth.
Then he blew a breath
of life-giving air over it.
-In this way God gave man the
great gift of life. -That was Adam?
Here's my gift.
This is mine.
If mum were here,
she'd make chocolate cake.
- What's a cake? - A round thing,
sweet and very good.
- What does "sweet" mean?
- It's a taste.
If you could touch it,
it would feel smooth and soft.
- What's chocolate? - Something
good. - Darling, close your eyes.
Here's a surprise.
Like it, darling?
Blow out the candle.
- Thanks dad.
- Best wishes.
Bergen-Belsen Prison Camp
Look, there are no
chimneys in this camp.
I know that here they swap
special Jewish prisoners...
..for German prisoners.
-What are those tents there?
-Many Hungarians and Dutch arrived.
- Dutch?
- Yes.
Is there anyone
from Amsterdam among you?
I'm Hanneli Goslar,
from South Amsterdam.
- What's your name?
- Hanneli Goslar, from Amsterdam.
- Hanneli Goslar?
- Yes.
- Hanneli, is that really you?
- Yes.
- Hanneli! I'm Peter's mum.
I remember,
we met at the Frank's house...
..before Anne left
for Switzerland. - No.
- Anne is here.
- Anne is here?
Yes, I'll go call her.
Anne is here!
Anne is here.
Where are you?
Hanneli, is that really you?
Are you Hanneli Goslar?
Yes, Anne. Why are you here? Did
the Germans invade Switzerland?
No. We hid at dad's company
in Amsterdam.
- Are the others here too?
- Margot is here, she's very ill.
Where are your parents?
- My father is dead. - I want
to come closer, where are you?
- I want to see you, Anne.
- I'm close to the seventh light.
Anne, I must see you!
Anne, what are you doing?
Come back here.
- Hanneli.
- I'm here.
- Careful.
- I want to see her.
- I want to see Hanneli.
- Please, come back here.
Come back here!
- Anne!
- Hanneli, where are you?
They cut my hair off.
They don't give us anything to eat.
I'll never grow up.
We'll grow up together.
As soon as I can,
I'll bring you something to eat.
Soon we'll be at school again and
your hair will have grown back.
Anne, come away!
- I'll come back, I promise.
- I'll wait for you.
Come on. Dad, I spoke to Anne.
Where is he?
Your father is dead,
go back to your huts.
- Quickly!
- Burn those papers!
The Russians are bombing us!
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
- Follow me!
- We've finished. - Quickly!
We're ready, Commandant.
- Do it.
- Blow everything up!
The Germans are leaving!
The Germans are leaving!
Silence! Be silent!
Stop it! Shut up!
Shut up.
- Get rid of all the evidence,
understand? All of it! - Yes sir.
Do you really think
they'd let us go like that?
They destroyed the crematorium
to get rid of the evidence.
- They don't want the Russians to
find it. - What does it matter?
They won't
make the selections any more.
They have other evidence
to get rid of.
Don't you understand?
What evidence?
- What evidence, Otto?
- What evidence?
- Take my shoes.
- What about you? - I'll stay here.
- I've got fever. - If you stay...
- I'd die on the march anyway.
- You can do it, I'll help you.
- Listen.
If Edith, Anne and Margot
are still here, I can't go.
If they take them away, it's best
if you go with them. Be quick.
If you find them before me,
tell Anne I'll keep my promise.
I'll marry her.
Goodbye, father.
Good luck, my son.
All those still here,
come out for roll-call!
Move it!
Quickly, everyone out!
You too.
You know you did something
you shouldn't have.
But you don't want to listen
to your conscience.
You must kill us because we're
the last remaining evidence.
- The Russians are here!
- Retreat!
Evacuate the camp, quickly!
We're Red Army soldiers.
You're free now.
Are there any Jews left in Krakow?
There's not a single Jew
left in Poland.
So we're free to go where?
I don't know, neither
the East or the West wants you.
My family.
Our families want us.
Edith Frank.
Anyone know Edith Frank?
Please, help me.
I'm looking for Edith Frank.
She's a Dutch woman with
two daughters, she's my wife.
- Has anyone seen her?
- Look in the archives.
Anne, where are you?
Anne, where are you?
I'm here, Margot.
I'm dying, aren't I?
Tell me.
We're not here.
Can you see our house, Margot?
We're in the kitchen.
Mum has just done the washing
and the sun is out.
Can you see the sun too?
It's setting.
The beautiful red sun
of Amsterdam is shining.
Look how it's shining on the water.
And between the leaves
on the trees.
- Can you see?
- Yes, I can see.
You're back home.
Mr. Frank!
Have Anne and Margot returned?
Not yet.
Edith will never return.
Nurse, excuse me.
I'm looking for Hanneli Goslar.
- She's over there.
- Thanks.
- Mr. Frank!
- Hanneli!
- Anne was sure you were dead.
- You saw Anne?
At Bergen-Belsen,
but then they evacuated her camp.
- Then Anne is alive.
Was Margot with her? - Yes.
Your father?
Your father?
- I have a message for Mr. Frank.
- Come in.
- Mr. Frank.
- Yes? - I have this for you.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
Anne's diary.
No-one has read it, not even me.
Your daughter is in here.
Anne Frank is here.
You saved her, Miep.
Anne is still alive in here.
Thank you, Miep.
Here she'll always be
my 15-year-old Anne.
- These are your passports.
- Thanks.
In Switzerland you'll find your
uncle, he'll take you to Palestine.
- Will we meet again? - Sure. If
you like, I'll be a father to you.
- Sure.
- This is a gift from Anne.
- Open it on the plane.
- Yes.
Get on board.
Why did Anne die but not me,
Mr. Frank?
Every day I ask myself the same
question. Why Anne and not me?
Why Margot and Edith and not me?
I don't know, but I'll spend all
my life trying to understand.
- Promise?
- Promise.
Thanks, father.
No, thank you.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- What is it? - Chocolate.
- This is the sweet stuff?
- Yes.
- Who's that woman?
- Our mother.
- She's with our father now.
- Can I see?
You kept your promise, Anne.
You became a writer.
Hanneli made her dream come true.
She lives in Israel
and has dozens of grandkids.
If in the years to come
you tell your children...
..and they tell their children
everything that you have heard...
..I'll have kept my promise.
You question to Almighty God
will be answered, Elisabeth.
No-one will again raise their
hand against the next man...
..because it is us
who must respect the law.
This is freedom.
Know what freedom is, Elizabeth?
Going to sleep knowing
you have done no harm to anyone.
Freedom and goodness
are the same thing...
..and it's difficult
to be good every day.
This is the only answer
I can give you.
I'd have liked to have given
the same answer to Anne.
Thank you, Mr. Frank.
Hanneli Goslar lives in Jerusalem
surrounded by grandchildren...
..as she had always wished.
This film is liberally
inspired by her memoirs...
..written in the book "I Remember
Anne Frank" by Alison Leslie Gold.
Some references to persons
and events are purely coincidental.
Fruit of the creative freedom
of the authors inspired by...
..real historical events.