Mia and Me: The Hero of Centopia (2022) Movie Script

Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Hey, guys.
I've got a special delivery!
Want to race to the cave?
I'm guessing that's a no.
What is it?
Is it a plant?
I don't know.
It's not like any
plant I've ever seen.
And these formations just
appeared overnight, Nino?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Glitch here noticed them with
the changing of the guards
this morning.
And the shield still holds?
Yes, Empress.
Where is everyone?
What are you doing here?
I've got the Empress's lunch.
Get back.
It's not safe.
Don't worry.
I'll look after lunch.
That doesn't sound good.
The ruby.
Toxor's going for
the ruby gemstone.
The shield is down!
He's coming.
You're all mine now.
Are you all right?
Toxor's dark magic.
Don't breathe in the smoke!
Guards, protect the Empress.
Surrender, elves.
I order you to stop.
What's he doing to the guards?
They're turning
into groundlings.
Dad, what's happening?
Toxor, he's trying to escape.
You must get the ruby, Nino.
Get the empress out of here.
Yes, Dad.
Get the empress, fool.
Get her.
Free at last.
Come to me, groundlings.
The elves of Centopia will
pay for my imprisonment.
And welcome
back, folks, to BDXFM.
It's a beautiful 26 degrees.
The sun is shining.
And if you're lucky
enough to be out there.
Don't want to
spend my whole life just
waiting for you.
Now I don't want
you back for the weekend
or back for one day.
I said, baby, I just want you
back and I want you to stay.
I'm walking
on sunshine, oh yeah.
I'm walking on sunshine, whoa.
I'm walking on
sunshine, whoa-oh-oh.
And don't it feels good.
All right now.
And don't it feel good.
You rock, Grandpa.
Oh yeah.
I remember your dad loved this
song when he was your age.
I miss summers by the
water with Mom and Dad.
I miss them too, Mia.
Whoa, the turn-off!
You OK?
Yeah, sure?
Oh, sorry, Mimi.
Are you OK?
I... I thought maybe
you might have left that book
behind this time, hmm?
You know it's really
important to me.
Yeah, I know.
But wouldn't your
parents want you
to start making some
stories of your own?
These are my stories.
Home at last, Mia.
Three years and it looks
pretty good, right?
I don't know.
Feels different to me.
Beautiful, huh?
Yeah, I guess so.
Come on, let's go
check out the house.
I think you
underestimated this, Grandpa.
It just needs a little
bit of love, that's all.
I'll get the stuff from the car.
Or we you just go
back to the farm!
But I don't want to go to bed.
I want to go swimming.
Mia, we've been
swimming all day.
Now it's time for bed.
How about a story?
A story about a
magical white unicorn.
Are you ready?
Once upon a time, there
was a magical white unicorn
and she was walking
through the woods
and she met a little girl.
She says hello, little girl.
Will you be my friend?
I miss you guys.
I got sunshine in
heart even on rainy days.
Even on rainy days.
You're like a sparkling
star in the sky
and you light up the way.
And you light up the way.
I've got sunshine on my
heart, a smile on my face.
A smile on my face.
Because when you're with me I
feel you are my favorite place.
My favorite place.
Are you OK?
I never felt so good.
I think it's time for
a swim, don't you?
Well, there's still a lot to do.
I'll stay here, but you go.
Oh, come on.
We deserve a break.
And it'll be fun.
No, I really think
I'll stay here.
You know, I...
I remember a time
when you enjoyed
things other than that book.
I'll go put it in my room.
Now that's a good idea.
Hey, how about an early lunch?
I'll get the food from the car.
All right.
An oracle.
Oh Mimi, this can't be good.
A monstrous evil will
forever ravage all the lands
lest the faraway
child and a new friend
gather the precious
three in hand.
I don't even have a picnic...
Don't worry.
I'll be right back, I promise.
What are you doing?
It's good to be back.
Where did you come from?
Where did you come from?
I asked you.
I asked you.
You first.
You first.
I'm on a quest to save Centopia.
I'm on a quest to save Centopia.
Stay back, you sky pirate.
I'm Mia.
I'm here to help.
Do not touch anything.
But... oops.
My flighty balls.
Out of the way, ship-wrecker.
I'm sorry.
Just let me help you.
I've got this.
I don't...
Are you sure?
I'm sure.
I got this.
No more helping, ship-wrecker.
Welcome to the final of the
summer solstice dance off.
Hit it, Chico.
Go, Chico.
Go, Chico.
Love that monkey.
Yes, party creatures, we're down
to the last three contestants,
and the first is Prince Mo.
Woo-hoo, yeah!
Go Mo.
Go, go.
Go Mo.
He's going toe to toe against
the elf with the lightest
feed, Yuko.
Go, Yuko.
Oh yeah.
And to prove that four
feet is better two,
it's our favorite
unicorn Onchao.
Yeah Onchao.
Yeah Onchao.
Woo, yeah!
More flowers, Phuddle.
Coming right up, Your Majesty.
Any second now.
Everything OK with
your invention, Phuddle?
My part-time petal
pincher is 100% reliable.
Oh, ow.
Oh, most of the time.
Well, that's not right.
All hands on deck!
Little help, please.
Oh dear.
And batten your hatches.
We're in for a bumpy ride!
May I present my newest
invention, the Phuddlen, yeah.
Centopia's first flying DJ deck.
That's right, folks.
It's all just part of the show.
Oh look, more
guests arriving, dear.
They're not guests.
They're party crashers.
Everybody, run!
They're OK?
Hey, welcome.
Welcome back!
Hey, there.
Oh, let me do the talking.
Are you sure?
Elves of main island, I am Iko.
Are you OK, Iko?
Who said that?
Where am I?
Hey, Mo!
Hey, Mia.
Who's your friend?
Is he from your world?
Pretty boy.
No, I... I just bumped into him.
You call that a bump, Mia?
Are you OK, friend?
Are you my mommy?
Mo, we need to
talk to your parents.
Centopia's in trouble.
I need to speak to
the king and queen.
Most parents are
the king and queen.
At your service.
Welcome, party crashers.
Oh, Mia.
Good to have you back.
Thank you.
Now, I recognize that uniform.
You're from Lotus Island!
Welcome to the party.
You're going to take that with
you when you leave, aren't you?
Yes, Your Majesty.
But I bring grave news.
Toxor has escaped.
Who's Toxor?
To the palace.
We have much to discuss.
Carry on with the
party, everyone.
We'll be right back.
He he.
No more flying for
you, I'm afraid.
Master Toxor, we've
caught a unicorn.
Very pretty.
I'll give you pretty.
I shall call you Hook Face.
You, big fella, mount me.
Yes, master.
Back to my lair, Hook Face.
Ride like the wind.
That's Toxor?
I know, so gross.
And stronger than ever.
He used his dark magic
to change my dad's guards
into mindless slaves.
Oh my.
My dad died trying to stop him.
I'm sorry.
Empress Shuba sent me
here to gather an army.
If we don't stop Toxor
on Lotus island...
Then all of the
islands will fall.
Who's that kicking Toxor's butt?
The hero of Centopia.
Maybe she can help us?
She left this world long ago.
But you coming here, Mia, at
the same time that Toxor has
escaped cannot be a coincidence.
Tell us the oracle, Mia.
The oracle?
A monstrous evil will
forever ravage all the lands
lest the faraway
child and a new friend
gather the precious
three in hand.
Whoa, my orders were
to gather an army,
not gather precious
things and hold hands.
What's this oracle anyway?
An oracle is what brings
me from my world to Centopia.
Your world?
What island is that?
It's not an island.
It's a land far far...
Yes, I'm the faraway child.
I'm the one who can stop Toxor.
Ah, who needs
wings to fly around
like some sort of annoying
insect when I've got you,
Hook Face.
My valiant trusted steed.
Now, why don't you go and eat
some mushrooms or something?
What are you numbskulls doing?
You're supposed to be
looking for my red stone.
Have you found it?
Here, master.
You're lucky I don't throw
you all into the pool of fear.
That's madness.
No please.
Very bad place.
Get out of my sight
before I change my mind.
Never again.
Master, master.
I've come to report we have
converted more elvish villages.
Your army grows.
Yes, yes.
Well done.
Glitch, isn't it?
Yes, master.
Hmm, I need you to help me.
Anything, master.
I need you to attack me.
Uh, why?
Because I'm going to use
this red stone as a shield
to defeat you just like
the hero of Centopia
defeated me all those years ago.
Now, how did she do it?
She held it out like this.
No, no.
Like this.
And... all right, hit me, Glitch.
You call that an attack?
Put your back into it.
Are you OK, master?
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Stupid stone.
Why does it not obey me?
I don't know, master.
Ooh, maybe you use
your dark magic on it?
Mm, I think I'll use my
dark magic on it, Glitch.
Oh yes.
Oh yes.
Glitch, look!
It glows!
It glows.
What is this?
Sire, we need your army now.
Iko, we can't do anything
until we figure out
the rest of the oracle.
This was made on Lotus Island.
No, my parents gave it to me.
Why is it glowing?
It's too early to go back.
I just got here.
Oh look, there's a
frog in the window.
It's Toxor!
What are you up
to you pesky elves?
What is this sorcery you weave?
Can I see?
Hi, elves.
How did you get...
Get out of the way, you idiot.
You have a stone too.
He's got the ruby shield!
We're coming for you, Toxor.
Come and get it,
you winged worms.
If that's Toxor,
then who is that?
It's another gemstone.
Three gemstones?
Three precious things.
We need them to defeat Toxor.
Three gemstones to defeat me?
No, they're mine.
I breathed in burnt toad.
Where did that
lightning come from?
Onchao thinks it may have
been the storm unicorn.
Wait, you can
understand unicorns?
He says that the storm unicorn
loves to collect shiny things.
It's got to be him.
We have to find him.
But my mission.
Our mission is to
save Centopia together.
If Mia is the faraway
child, then you, Lotus boy,
must be the new friend.
Ugh, friend?
But I really need to...
Trust the oracle, Iko.
That's right.
Mo and Yuko shall lead
our forces to Lotus Island
and keep Toxor at
bay until you return.
Mia's quest sounds way more fun.
Shucks, guess it's
just and me, Mo.
That's the spirit.
Where do we find
this storm unicorn?
He lives alone on an island that
floats above an endless ocean.
So how do we get there?
My ship was destroyed.
I got it, I got it, I got it.
I think I have an idea.
Don't go anywhere
just yet, folks.
We're about to start
the ponycorn race.
Are we going for
another lap, Phuddle?
No, no.
Everything is 100%
under control!
OK, if I can get all
the ponycorns to line up
by the rainbow tent, folks.
The king and queen will be here
shortly, so let's get ready.
And remember, you've got
to be under three feet
to compete in this race.
You just need to switch
this little guy off here and...
Hi, Phuddle.
Mia, you're back!
It's good to see you too.
My friends Iko and I need to
borrow your flying machine.
Flying machine?
Oh, the Phuddlen.
Sure, Mia.
Oh, are we going
to another party?
We thank you, Phuddle.
It takes a brave
man to volunteer
for a mission this dangerous.
Oh, you're welcome,
your majesty.
I just... what?
Did I miss something?
Thank you.
Sorry, time to pack up.
Party's over, everyone.
We're off to save Centopia!
Long live Centopia!
Yay, Centopia!
Seriously, what is going on?
Oh god, get off me.
My head hurts.
That wretched storm unicorn.
This gemstone is powerful.
But no one can use
it against me now.
Destiny calls, Glitch.
Bring me the two remaining gems.
Uh, where do I
start looking, master?
You go to Stormy's
island because that's
where the she-elf is going.
You get both the
stones, you see?
And don't fail me!
Yes, master.
I mean, no, master.
Can I take Hook Face, master?
Yes, and take two other
groundlings as well.
I said two.
Oh, don't look so miserable.
I'll let you rub my feet.
Make sure those ropes
are tight, Zolanda.
On it.
Gubu, we're going to need
more bananas than that if we
want to get to Lotus Island.
Yes, your majesty.
Hey, you need a hand
with that anchor, Shiva?
We can always go
with them, my dear?
We're needed here, Raynor.
We have to look after the
creatures of Main Island that
can't defend themselves.
Oh, we wanted to go on a boat.
Phuddle, what
are you doing here?
I thought you were getting
the Phuddlen ready?
Yes, your majesty.
Just had to grab
some vital supplies.
Got to go.
Very important parent
coming through.
I don't know what you're
saying, but good luck!
Coming right up, Mia.
At last.
Here we go, Mia.
I just have to
install this final...
Whatever this is.
Will it make it go faster?
No, but it will make us go.
Yes, yes.
Any second now.
That's it.
We're good to go.
You rock, Phuddle.
Whoa, someone's
keen to meet Stormy.
Come on, Iko.
Please stow all hooves,
wings, and magical artifacts
for takeoff.
And get ready to be history!
You mean get ready
to make history, right?
Huh, probably.
Bye, Mo.
Bye, Yuko.
See you on Lotus Island!
Bye, Mia.
Good luck!
Looking good.
Doing great.
Just imagine what I could
do with more fingers.
Oh, Mia, can I be next?
Of course you can, Phuddle.
Every captain
needs a shiny coat.
Oh, yay!
Thanks, Mia.
Let's see.
Ahem, who needs blankets when we
have my genuine patented warmy
And one for you, Onchao.
Why do you call
them warmy puppies?
I mean, aren't they great?
I can't move like this.
You sort of can.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Oh my.
How do you take them off?
Take them off?
Onchao, oh dear.
Blankets it is then.
Well, good morning, sleepyhead.
Morning, Phuddle.
Have you been up all night?
This captain never sleeps.
I've never seen a
sunrise in Centopia before.
You can't see
anything in this fog.
Phuddle, do you even
know where we're going?
Of course.
I just close my eyes
and feel the wind.
Be the wind.
Oh, Onchao!
We're doomed.
There's no way we can do this.
Hey, Iko.
Whoa, it's OK.
We'll get there.
Just relax.
How can I?
My home has been conquered
by an ancient evil toad,
and the fate of Centopia is
in the hands of that guy.
He's doing his best.
I know.
It's just, why would
the oracle choose us?
Choose me?
The day Toxor I
escaped I was just
bringing the empress her lunch.
OK, so...
So how can I be
meant to save Centopia?
The oracle is wrong.
The oracle is never wrong.
It is this time.
My dad, he was a real hero.
And now I can't even
ask him what to do.
I just feel so...
I didn't even
get to say goodbye.
I understand.
I lost my parents
three years ago.
They drowned.
Oh, Mia.
I'm really sorry.
After they died they...
They left me this.
But how did your parents get
a bracelet from Lotus Island?
I... I don't know.
They must have wanted me
to come to this world.
So what do we do now?
We save it.
Oh my!
Breeze is picking up.
Looks like we found Stormy.
Captain's log, my
greatest regret
is that I didn't bring any mayo
for my bile turnip sandwiches.
Hear that?
We're not alone.
Ship ahoy!
That looks like a
Lotus Island ship.
Hey, do you need help?
We've got to get out of here.
It's Glitchy!
Phuddle, go!
I can't.
They got it hook,
line, and sinker.
She-Elf, get her.
Iko, look out!
Naughty elf.
Don't breath in the smoke.
It'll turn you into one of them.
Now go.
Get glitch She-Elf.
Get elves!
Get the elf!
Rubbish elves!
Easy there.
It wasn't me.
Come here, you little...
Whoa there.
Easy, girl.
You are a girl, aren't you?
No, don't hurt her!
Give it back.
Naughty elf.
Take that, frog face.
Come on get it.
I can do this.
Go, Mia.
Eat brush, you big boy.
Must have stone!
Must have...
Hey, no.
Give me that.
That's mine.
Bye bye.
See ya.
Glitchy is unstoppable.
No, my sapphire!
All right, Hooky,
ride like the wind.
All hands on deck.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.
Got you, Phuddle.
Captain's log, I wish I
wasn't the captain anymore.
Stormy's Island.
Hold on.
Is everyone OK?
Yeah, I think so.
No, there's one casualty.
Yeah, he took the sapphire.
They got the stone?
And you crashed the ship?
Well, I wasn't the one
throwing lightning bolts.
You were the captain.
You were the pilot.
I didn't see you at the wheel.
Oh, that's not...
Well, your haircut makes
you look like a chicken.
Guys, this isn't helping.
We're supposed to work together.
We are a team.
Ah, well, this team
doesn't have any stones.
We don't have a ship.
We have nothing.
We came for Stormy's stone.
We need to find him.
Yeah, he owes me a new ship!
Wait, where is he?
Yeah, Onchao.
You're right.
Let's fly up there.
We'll get a bird's eye view.
Come on.
Let's go!
Guys, slow down.
I can't fly, remember?
I don't like this.
Who brought the monkey?
Ah, he brought himself, Mo.
He just wants to help.
Well, he can help
over there somewhere.
Gubu, fly up and see
where the city is.
We need to know how
far this jungle goes.
Yes, your majesty.
Gubu, are you OK?
Shh, listen.
What is that?
We have to go help him, Mo.
Gubu, come back.
Give me that.
Everybody split up
into small groups.
Fan out.
Yuko, you stay with me.
No one flies until we find
Gubu and this Lotus city.
Everybody stay within shouting
distance of each other.
What happened here?
Nothing good.
Yep, I've got a bad feeling
about this too, Chico.
One of the groups is in trouble.
More than one group.
This way.
No, this way.
Yuko, wait.
But they need our help.
I can't see them, Yuko.
Where are you?
Someone likes jewelry.
Yeah, me!
Well, he looks nice.
Thunder, how many more
thieves must I smite today?
No, no.
We're not thieves.
Please, don't smite us.
Yes, we hate being...
Wait, you can talk?
You can speak elf?
Of course I can,
you silly thing.
I am the great Storm unicorn.
I can speak many
tongues of Centopia.
I can speak dragon.
Well, actually, crabs
don't really talk.
It's more of an
interpretive little shuffle.
Sort of the.
Hmm, what?
You are thieves!
You're pinching
my precious booty.
It's time to taste the thunder.
Wait, Stormy!
Why should I?
Because Onchao is right.
Centopia is in trouble.
We need your help.
My help?
You're lying again.
No one ever needs my help.
Toxor's back?
So I didn't imagine it.
He was in my drinking bowl.
And the key to defeating
him is in your necklace.
You want the emerald of hope?
No, no, no.
I can't.
Why not?
It's all I have.
You think I don't want to help?
You think I don't
want to go back
to have a life and friends?
I've been banished!
I rained.
I rained on a parade.
It was an accident.
Everything was ruined, and the
other unicorns were so mad.
I ran off before they
could yell at me.
Wait, so you banished you?
Well, I had to.
I couldn't risk the humiliation!
Mia, is he shrinking?
He's crying himself out.
This shiny rock
is all I have now.
That and also
millions of others.
But I'd trade it all for
friends like yours, Mia.
Except the hair.
The hair stays.
Where I come from, unicorns
are rare and precious.
So just let it all out.
Feels good, huh?
It does.
It really does.
I am precious.
Thank you.
No, no.
Don't cry, Stormy.
You'll disappear.
Don't tell me how to feel!
Just go.
I'll be fine.
No, please.
Come with us to Lotus Island.
We need the stone, but
we need you too, Stormy.
Do you need me?
You are the great and
powerful storm unicorn.
You didn't ruin the parade.
You are the parade.
Yes, Centopia needs you.
Centopia needs me.
Then what are we waiting for?
Lotus Island, here we come.
Time to ride the rainbow.
I always wanted to
travel at lightspeed.
Is it just me or does
this rainbow taste like...
Fuzzberries, yes.
It's my own special recipe.
Goes well with chocolate.
Whoa, nice.
Thanks for sticking
with the mission.
Well, it's like you
said, we're a team.
We stick together.
Lotus Island dead ahead.
Well done.
Master ask.
Glitch deliver.
Where's the other one?
That one?
No, the other one.
Not that one?
I asked for two stones.
Where's Stormy's stone?
What about pretty blue stone?
It's so pretty.
Where's the third stone?
Um, don't know exactly.
What kind of useless
hedge goon can't
defeat a couple of elf
kids and a crybaby unicorn?
Unicorn was mean.
And not just any
elf kids, master.
Strong and brave.
And brave enough to
beat the unicorn.
Brave enough to come here.
Oh, of course, silly me.
They'll just defeat
the Storm unicorn,
ride it's magical rainbow
all the way to my door step.
Oh look, the storm unicorn's
magical rainbow and they...
Whoa, what is that?
A goat?
Oh, master was right.
Master is so wise.
Glitch get troops.
Get stone.
Uh, no.
You want something done.
Hurry up, Glitch.
Coming, master.
This can't be right.
I don't recognize anything.
Are we sure we're
in the right place?
My rainbow's never wrong.
Huh, there's Toxor's cave.
Brace for landing!
Here we go!
Phuddle, are you OK?
Oh yeah, I'm fine.
Don't you worry about this, Pan.
So, Lotus Island.
It's nice.
It's no main island, am I right?
The flowers.
The trees.
Toxor's destroyed everything.
Find Yuko and Mo.
No, we're so close.
We can end this now.
We'll sneak in and
steal the stones
back right from under his nose.
Where did that come from?
I wouldn't if I were you.
At this range, they won't miss.
Glitch, get me the last stone.
Yes, master.
Hand it over, little unicorn.
Oh, don't worry, Stormy.
I'll look after it.
It will be joining the
others in the pool of fear
where no creatures dare to go.
Ground them all, Glitch.
And get me that stone.
We're a team.
We stick together.
Get me that stone now, fools!
Give it back.
I need it more.
I'll take that.
Eat lightning!
Stormy, no!
Not my shiny rock!
My stone.
I've got it.
Let's fly.
Oh no.
I'll take that.
Thank you.
Back in your bog,
you rubbish toad.
Yuko, Mo!
Guys, how many times do I
have to tell you I can't fly!
Oh, Onchao.
But Iko's still down there.
We have to go back.
We need Iko.
We can't save
Centopia without him.
We can't.
Toxor's forces are too
strong for a direct attack.
But we can use the Main
Island elves, right, Mo?
Sorry, Mia.
They're gone.
Yeah, we were attacked
as soon as we got here.
Only a few of us
managed to escape.
Oh no.
No, and Toxor's got
all the stones now.
He's going to throw them
into the pool of fear!
Oh boy, is he crying again?
Oh, they're leaving.
Did we win?
Toxor is rallying his forces.
We mustn't give up yet.
Come on.
Well, that's it then.
I'm officially unstoppable.
Honestly though, I thought
this would feel better.
The prisoners
are waiting, master.
I mean, your army.
They're outside.
Oh yes.
You are loyal to me
aren't you, Glitch?
Is there another option?
Oh, no.
Never mind.
Now I just need to
squash that Lotus queen
and those last remaining elves.
Welcome to Lotus City, friends.
I wish it were under
better circumstances.
Oh, it is stunning!
I live in a tree.
Mia, Mo told me of the oracle.
You, faraway child, are our
only chance of true victory.
But it... it can't be.
It must be wrong.
All I've done is fail.
Hey, hey, hey.
Trust in the oracle.
Only you can retrieve
the stones, Mia.
I tried, but it wasn't enough.
I lost the sapphire.
Iko is gone because of me.
Don't cry, Mia.
Mo, Yuko, take everyone
to the palace walls.
You're in charge
of the defenses.
I have something to show you.
Well, right, you, guard, how
many troops remain in the city?
Oh, three lotus squadrons
and a handful of elves
from Main Island.
Don't forget me.
I'm the great storm unicorn.
You're not a ponycorn?
Ah, let me at him!
We need an invention.
Something that's going to
stop Toxor's groundings
in their tracks.
An invention.
Of course.
Excuse me.
I brought pants?
I don't even wear pants!
Oh, think, Phuddle.
All these tools, there has to
be something I can do to help.
What about this?
Oh, that's no good.
Oh, that'll never work.
Oh, this.
Oh, but I need a tack.
Oh boy.
What the... get me out of this.
I'm so sorry.
What is this thing?
I can't move.
Oh, Phuddle, that's brilliant!
Can you make a lot
more of those things?
Well, I'll need a workshop.
Does the empress
have a workshop?
She has a special
machinery room, sir.
Yes, that'll do.
Hammers, sprockets, winches.
Oh my!
And where do you
keep your springy parts?
Smoke them out, my groundlings.
What is this place?
The hall of heroes.
And there is someone in
here you need to see.
Is that Toxor?
Yes, lord of the lilies.
He was wise and kind.
He looks so happy.
What happened to him?
He was consumed by
hatred for all elves
because he could not fly.
And that's the hero of
Centopia stopping Toxor.
Look closely at her, Mia.
What else do you see?
She has a bracelet
just like I do.
It's the same bracelet, Mia.
I made it for her.
But that means the
hero was my mother!
Yes, Mia.
You are the faraway child
come home to save us all.
It's me?
That's my mom and dad.
I see your mother's
courage in you, Mia.
You can do this.
But without Iko
how can I succeed?
Destiny will reveal itself
once you have the stones.
Show no mercy.
Give them all you've got!
Wow, get the baby unicorn.
Who are you calling a baby?
I'm not a baby.
Going to get you!
Oh, big unicorn!
There's too many of them.
Get them!
Mo, come on.
Back to the city.
This passage will
lead you outside.
Pass the groundlings and
fly as fast as you can.
The pool of fear will
play tricks on you,
warping your mind.
Remember your courage, Mia,
and you'll find the stones.
Oh no.
I've got this, Mia.
Thanks, Stormy.
Phuddle, are you finished yet?
Two burp springs.
Four wheel screws.
Nearly, Mo.
One more... Duck.
Oh wow.
The engage on impact now.
Oh, that is 100% Phuddle.
How many do you have?
Get the elves.
Get the elves!
You can't hide!
Surrender, elves.
You have no chance
against my forces.
Try these new weapons made by
Centopia's greatest inventor.
How do they work?
Just throw them!
Nice work, Phuddle.
Phuddle, you're the best!
What is this Phuddle?
Take that, you meanies.
Nice shot!
That's right.
Bounce them back.
Well done, Phuddle.
Hit them with
everything you have!
Use the puffy ones as cover.
Phuddle, I'm out of puppies.
Mo, look out!
No, Yuko!
Fall back.
Fly to the main hall.
We need the high ground.
We're in so much trouble.
It's just a quick swim.
How bad can it be?
Just get in.
Get the stones.
Iko, is that you?
Must stop elf.
Iko, it's me, Mia.
I know you remember me.
Stop, elf.
Wait, we're a team.
You don't have to do this, Iko.
Must stop elf.
We have to join
forces, remember?
You're my friend.
Save Centopia or obey Toxor.
You have to decide for yourself
and choose your own path now.
Mia, go.
What's going on?
Give up, Mia.
It's over.
I have to save Centopia.
Save Centopia?
You're no hero.
I have to try.
They're counting on me.
They don't need you.
They do.
They do.
This task is too hard for you.
You can't save anyone.
You can't even save yourself.
And you couldn't save Iko.
Stop it.
You're just an orphan.
You'll never be enough.
I am!
I am.
You'll fail, and
everyone will forget about you.
No, it's not like that.
No one waits for you.
Wait, Grandpa.
Grandpa is waiting
for me to come home.
No, he's not.
Yuko and Mo.
They haven't forgotten me.
No, you're alone.
If I was alone I'd be scared.
But I'm never alone.
All my friends are
always with me.
I'm not scared.
I'm Mia.
I can do this.
Iko, you came for me.
Thank you.
What now?
Three precious things in hand.
We've nearly done it.
Come on.
No wings.
Smack, smack...
Get elves.
Get the elves.
Stay back.
Oh, I got to work
on those landings.
You got your powers back.
Had a little drink from
the lake on the way over.
Thought you might
need some help.
We got the stones, Stormy.
Iko and I need to get to Toxor.
Well, let's giddy up.
Look at you pathetic
magical flying creatures
and whatever you are.
The pretty prince!
I thank you for all those
elves from Main Island.
I really couldn't have taken
this city without them.
Empress Yuba, guess what?
I won!
Once I've grounded you I think
I'll let you do my laundry.
Yes, yes.
Time to razzle dazzle.
Hold off, Stormy.
Iko and I have got this.
Brave and stupid.
You'll make the perfect
underling shield.
My name is Mia.
My name is Mia.
I don't care.
Well, maybe you should care.
My... my stones!
How did you... wait.
Hey, you, grab those stones now!
You heard him.
No, don't grab them!
Oh, you're going to get it now.
Nothing happened.
Oh no!
But why?
Oh, Mia, I really feel for you.
But the oracle, the...
The new friend.
Once I make you
into a groundling
I'll be the only
friend you ever need.
I'll be your friend.
You're right, Toxor.
You and I need to be friends.
What are you doing?
No, what magic is this?
Friendship is a risk, Toxor.
I know you feel lonely.
Just give friendship a chance.
Stop this magic.
Take my hand.
Be my friend.
Be happy again.
Just don't let go.
I... I feel so...
So good!
What happened?
Thank you.
You did it!
We all did together.
Oh, Iko.
My boy.
You're alive!
Looks like you and
your friends saved us.
It's so good to see you.
I'm so proud of you, Iko.
Mia, young lady,
that was really dangerous.
What happened to the stones?
They're in pieces.
I guess there was no other way.
But how will you get home?
I don't know.
It takes a great warrior to
stand up to a powerful enemy.
But only a true hero could
show her enemy mercy.
Elves of Lotus Island,
friends from far and wide,
I give you the new
hero of Centopia!
We've been running
straight towards a beautiful
find at 10.
I found what I came here for and
I know that we'll meet again.
I know it can hurt sometimes,
and moving on don't make sense.
Because every minute with
you is beyond comparison.
So let's have one more
dance for eternity.
Come in closer.
Put your hands on me.
Butter feet.
I'm leading.
Uh-uh, I'm leading.
Lead on.
You're only a daydream away.
Oh wow.
Let's make
these the good old days.
Great party, old buddy.
Have you come for your revenge?
What gives you that idea?
We're all friends now.
Because every
minute with you, yeah, I never
take them back.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm sorry you can't
get back home, Mia.
But you could always stay
with us on Lotus Island!
Come in closer.
Put your hands on me.
Or you can stay with
us on Main Island.
Or, Mia, you can stay
with me on Stormy Island.
I've got beautiful ocean views.
Stormy, I...
I need something.
Oh, anything,
greatest inventor...
Ow, you just plucked
one of my nostril hairs!
I needed that.
I think I'm going to cry.
Thank you.
One unicorn tear is all
I need to make this work.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, you're the best.
According to my
calculations, there's
enough spark in that
sapphire for one last trip.
You mean I can never
come back to Centopia?
So this is goodbye?
I was just starting to like you.
I'll never forget you either.
Bye, Mia.
Bye, Mia.
You two take care of each other.
I think we can manage that.
Centopia is forever
in your debt, Mia.
Your parents would be proud.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mia.
For everything.
Take care, friend.
No, I'm never letting go.
Oh, Phuddle.
Suck it up, Stormy.
You don't cry.
Bye, Mia.
I love you!
Bye, Mia.
Bye, Mia.
Bye, Mia.
Bye, everyone.
I'll miss you all.
Mia, come back.
Come on.
Come on, give me back
my granddaughter!
It worked!
Grandpa, are you OK?
Am I OK?
Are you OK?
Yes, I'm OK.
What happened?
There was a flash,
and you just vanished.
And I was so worried about you.
I thought I'd lost
you to this darn book.
What is going on?
Uh, well, believe it or
not, it's a long story.
I'll tell you all about it.
But first, how about that swim?
A swim?
Hey, what have you done
with my granddaughter?
Oh, Grandpa.
It's so good to be home.
It sure is.
Oh, what are we waiting for?
Last one is a stinky toad!
Wait for me!
You wait for me!
I won!
Hey, you win, you win.
Come on.
Get in!
I'm gonna get you.
Oh yeah?
By the magic
book I was sent so far.
Now I'm flying to
the sky of Centopia.
Walking step by step
and I don't look back
as I explore this
wonderful place.
Is it just a dream or
some fantasy or maybe
just another kind of reality?
As I stand my ground
when the darkness falls
I feel I've got to
be a hero today.
Come and fly with me.
With Yuko, Mo, and me.
Oh, come and fly with me.
There I'm Mia.
Here I'm me.
By the magic book
I was sent so far.
Now I'm flying to
the sky of Centopia.
Walking step by step
and I don't look back
as I explore this
wonderful place.
Is is just a dream or
some fantasy or maybe just
another kind of reality?
As I stand my ground
when the darkness falls
I feel I've got to
be a hero today.
Come and fly with me.
With Yuko, Mo, and me.
Oh, come and fly with me.
There I'm Mia.
Here I'm me.
Come and fly with me.
With Yuko, Mo, and me.
Come and fly with me.
Come fly with me.
With Yuko, Mo, and me.
Oh, come and fly with me.
There I'm Mia.
Here I'm me.
There I'm Mia.
Here I'm me.