Michael (2023) Movie Script

Which group did this?
Who all were involved in this?
Tell me.
How long were you sketching this plan?
How many people were involved in planning
Tell me.
Tell me.
Otherwise, I'll blow your brains out.
I know that you are aware of it.
I know.
No one knows him better than me.
This story didn't start a few days ago,
it started fifteen years ago
or maybe even earlier than that.
There are two kinds of people in this world.
One who pushes a non-swimmer into a water body and laughs at
and another who jumps right into the sea without
any formal swimming training to swim across the sea.
He is the second type.
He is hunting for someone.
Whoever he is searching for,
it is defintely not a good news for them.
Sir, please help me. My son has a very high fever.
Sir, please give me my salary.
I beg you. I need to get him to the hospital.
There are still 4 more days to your salary date.
-Sir, my son's life is in danger.
Please save my child, sir.
I am asking for my money, sir.
Sir, I couldn't come to work as
I was taking care of him.
Don't you understand? Go, get out.
-Sir! Sir!
-Hey, give me a cup of tea.
Hey do your work
-Bloody rascal, don't you have any mercy on my child?
Bloody scoundrel, I curse you.
You will die a horrible death and rot in hell.
This is my curse, you will surely be ruined!
Who are you? Who are you?
Don't ever beg for something that is rightfully yours.
You must take it.
What is your name, son?
There will come a day when you won't need any introduction
and your name will be known to everyone.
You will rule this land.
At that time, he didn't know what that land was
or what ruling even meant.
Moreover, he was unaware of the fact that
somebody else was already ruling that land.
Guru Nath - the emperor ruling this kingdom!
If you build a temple for all the demonic actions
that took place over the last 20 years,
the idol in that temple will be of Gurunath.
I used to think like you - that one has to be
honest and work hard to prosper in life.
But later I realized that being honest and working hard
a principle invented by rich people to keep
people working under them forever under them.
When real estate prices were at its peaks,
the cost of land was on the rise,
and the cost of human lives was on a downfall.
Nobody knows where Gurunath came from
but everyone knows that the inception
of bar culture in this city was due to him.
To tell more about him, his violence is also artistic;
he believes that the world around him should be under his
The only person who can veto Gurunath's word, is his wife.
Gurunath listens only to Charulatha,
And Charulatha's world revolves around her son,
Not only that, her pride, dignity, honour,
everything is Amarnath.
You tell me that I am misunderstanding
and you take that matter on a light note.
Why don't you trust me, Guru?
Before Gurunath's brother developed
an aspiration for Gurunath's authority,
she made him crave his life and made him leave.
I don't believe that but you should no longer stay with me.
Go to any place you like,
I'll get the arrangements done.
Due to respect for his brother, he left.
Nobody knows about his whereabouts.
Everyone thinks that Charulatha got him killed.
That is a rumour.
Once Gurunath met with a girl who would sing at a bar.
When Charulatha found this out, she burnt her alive.
After a long search, he found what he was looking for.
Where will I find liquor?
-Next to the market.
SirYou must attend on the
next adjourned date as well.
This judge is a little strict.
That is not possible. It must happen as I say.
If anything goes wrong you know very well about me.
Catch him.
Gurunath, I won't spare you.
What are you doing with a knife at this young age?
I want to kill my father.
Is it?
Okay, alright!
Think that I killed him for you.
Where do you want me to drop you off?
There is no particular place.
I can get off wherever you want.
Will you come with me? He will take care of you.
If I come with you, you should take care of me.
Take care of this kid.
-Okay, Guru.
Since then he grew up with me.
I raised a lot of kids but I grew attached
only to this one particular boy.
He wanted to grow closer to Gurunath as well.
A few years later, he got that opportunity.
A big consignment of drugs came from Nigeria.
A lot of people wanted to get that on shore.
But without Gurunath's permission,
nobody dared to receive those drugs.
Dad, there is a consignment stuck at the south port.
RK has a few contacts over there,
we are planning to get them on shore.
I wanted to inform you.
-What is there in the consignment?
300 crores worth of drugs.
If we manage to lay our hands on them,
for the next one whole year
we can supply them in the whole country.
How can we do it without Gurunath's permission?
It will be a great risk to do it without his knowledge.
Dad, if you give your consent,
we can immediately plan to get them.
When I got into this business,
I had at least 15 competitors along with me.
Out of that, 11 of them died
and the remaining are rotting in jail.
Am I right, Saami?
You are right, Guru.
I'm the only one who's been running this race still
and no one has been able to catch up to me yet.
Do you know why?
I'm there too, Guru.
Where are you?
I sit in front of you on the empire that I built
and you stand in front of me with your hands folded.
Do you know why?
Because I'm aware of what I must not do
more than of what I am supposed to do. I know it very well.
Let's get Gurunath killed and get the consignment.
The weapon that you choose
must scare the opponent and not you.
Did you get it?
I get it, dad.
I got this news before you.
I know very well what to do with this.
-Okay, dad.
You were talking about a boy, weren't you?
The boy who saved you at the court. The same boy.
Fetch him.
What happened, brother?
Is this your first time meeting the boss?
In the event of a conflict,
don't you pee yourself in your pants, okay?
What is that thing that kids wear which holds their pee?
It is called diaper, brother.
Yes, a diaper. Did you wear one?
Are you angry?
This isn't a government job
to get a post on recommendations.
I'm taking you along only because Saami asked me to.
Stay in the car, don't exit.
Do you understand?
They got Gurunath, flee. Run everbody.
Get the car. Get the car started.
Get the car. Get the car started.
You, psycho
What happened, Gurunath?
Shall I give my final touch?
Don't shoot him. He must not die an easy death.
Hey, who are you?
Why are you silent? Tell me who are you?
Speak up. Speak up.
We've been torturing him since 2 days
but he hasn't spoken a word, sir.
Speak up. Who are you?
Look at him, he is scared.
Is he the one? Start the car.
Did you save my father?
Here, drink.
It's a gift, dude. Have it.
Drink it. I say, just drink it.
Michael, leave him.
Leave me.
What are you looking at? What is it?
WhaWhat are you looking at?
What is it? What is it?
-Sorry, sir.
Bloody irritating hat to top it off.
Remove that. Bloody driver! -Sorry, sir.
Sorry sir.
Look at the road, bloody.
You saved me a second time.
Tell me what do you want?
Is he educated?
-Just like you, Guru.
Saami, who is taking care of all the North City bars?
RK, Guru.
We were thinking of handing them over to Amarnath.
Are you drunk again?
Get out.
Henceforth you take care of those bars. Be alone.
Henceforth, you work for me and only for me.
Understood? Be careful.
This is the place where you are going to stay from today.
Guru won't do this for anyone
until except he likes that person a lot.
"To capture the burning fort"
"War war war"
"To know who is big who is small"
Guru asked me to give you this car.
North city bars are the most dangerous of all the bars in
the city.
Nobody knows which gang will come there,
and who will kill whom.
The most troublesome gangs out of all the gangs are
the Devaraj gang, the Shetty gang, and the Gundu gang
because the boss of all three gangs is RK.
Six people were involved in that attack, sir.
The details about five of them are in this file.
We are still searching for the sixth one.
"As enemies gets destroyed .
And as you snatch their life"
"You get only a little chance
Just a little, just a little"
"Don't wait for the right time"
"Don't look here and there"
"Once you get them finish them
Finish finish finish them"
That day I was stabbed by 6 knives.
Out of them, the 4 knives were operated
by these hands that lay in front of you.
Yours is the 5th pair.
The lines in these hands led me to all the culprit hands
one after the other except one.
The knife that was stabbed by that
last hand has broken and still resides in my body.
If you tell me about that person,
I'll take away only your hand.
Tell me.
Don't. I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything.
Ratan! Ratan did it.
If a Ram decides to headbutt a mountain
because it is proud of its strong horns,
it is bound to lose its head.
Since the day Michael took control of the bar,
he started to curb the mobocracy without caring about
Sorry, Guru. We couldn't find Ratan's whereabouts yet.
I tried my level best.
Where is his daughter?
Leave us, sir
Leave me, sir.
Leave me, sir.
Blow it on my face.
Michael, the day I come back will be your death day.
Count your days.
Let's see.
Michael, did you beat RK?
Guru wants to meet you. Come fast.
I'll take care of Ratan, dad.
Trust me, dad.
No need. I know very well what should be done
and who should be doing it.
You can go.
Please listen to me once, dad. I'll take care of it. Please!
No. Don't get involved in this.
What? Are you a don?
Don't you have any regards for anyone?
Do you know who RK is?
The one who has been by my
side since I stepped into this business.
You would have done the same thing if you were in my place.
I didn't do anything different.
If I were in your place, I wouldn't have let him go alive.
I would've killed him.
I called you for another important matter.
A knife got broken and got stuck in my body.
I can sense the injury but I don't know
the whereabouts of the person who caused it.
But I know where he will come to - to his daughter.
Tell me what I must do, sir.
She is in Delhi. Follow her.
If you find him, kill him on the spot without missing a
Kill both of them.
Are you looking for what is written in it?
A man who is a master of all art forms
surrendered himself to a woman.
Shall I tell you a classic example, Michael?
Have you heard about the widow spider?
The male and female spider, after they mate with each other,
In a way, women do that in every field.
The only difference is we can't see it.
This is the guy and this is his daughter.
No! Yeah.
-Okay. Bye!
Hey, the French drama will be here next week
Yes, it's gong to be incredible
Hey, what is this? Idiots.
Are you gone mad?
She got scared.
Have you gone mad?
Leave it. Are you okay?
He is really something, dude.
You are great, dude.
What did you say?
-Ma Mom
You should remember her before harassing a girl - Your mom!
You don't have to cry when you are not at fault.
Be careful.
Drop me off on your way back.
What? What are you scared of?
I am not a zombie.
I won't bite you.
Come, let's go.
To be honest, I must hesitate to get into a stranger's car.
But you are not a stranger to me.
Do you know me?
-I know you very well.
I know that you have been following me.
You have been stalking me since
so many days and now you are here too
Where should I drop you off?
What's the hurry?
I am Theera. What's your name?
Tell me.
Hey, look ahead.
Look at the front.
Hey! Where are you looking?
You are looking right at it, man.
Speed breaker.
Oh! Speed breaker?
Okay, leave.
It's not your fault.
All men are the same.
Hey, stop, stop. Ice cream.
Ice cream. I'll get some ice cream.
Two vanilla.
-I don't want.
Both are for me. If you want, order for yourself.
Bro, give me two vanilla ice cream.
How much?
-Twenty rupees.
Thank you.
How can you say no to ice cream?
So strange! I don't get it.
Will I die if I refuse to eat ice cream?
No, I will kill you. For the ice cream.
Laugh, man. It's a joke.
Let's go.
You don't have to look into the mirror anymore,
you can stare straight.
I won't charge you.
But I'm warning you. Don't fall for me,
I'll break your heart.
Oh, there, there, there!
You can drop me off on the left side.
Yeah, right there.
Thank you for dropping me.
And, one more thing.
You looked four times at that place,
but you know, this time it was manly.
So, what are you doing tonight?
Come, join me.
Live the life to the fullest
As you live happily who doesn't want to?
why greed for land and gold?
Just search for joy in everything
You can hide billions
Once greediness leave your life will change
Life is full of dance
Everyone has his own desire
Sing and dance and celebrate
This life now
No laws, no plans
Enjoying this life is the only desire
Live the life to the fullest
As you live happily who doesn't want to?
Desire to touch the moon in the sky
Desire to pinch all the hearts in this earth
Want to conquer all I see
Once seen want to know what's next
Life is a circle, live as you wish
If you see right and wrong then it's a mess
Don't think anything there is no inequality
Just forget your worries and dance that's enough
Live the life to the fullest
As you live happily who doesn't want to?
I like to slap before I kiss.
Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I love you.
And you are not the only person I'm kissing, okay?
No, I was lying.
You wanna sleep with me, no?
But I don't want to.
You are not my type.
But I'm warning you. Don't fall in love with me,
I'll break your heart.
Michael, one help
What happened?
I need to go to a place quite urgently.
Will you come along?
To where?
-Come, I'll explain everything in person.
If you find him, kill him.
Don't think much. Kill both of them.
Where are we heading to?
I'll tell you. Let's get going.
Wait here. I'll be back in 5 minutes. Stay here.
Anything else, madam?
-Nothing for now. I'll order later.
Okay, Madam.
Michael! I'm sorry, I made you wait for a long time.
My friend didn't turn up. Come, let's go.
Take care. Bye.
Michael! Michael!
Who is that?
Michael! Michael!
Michael! Michael, please.
Michael, please stop.
Michael, please. Please, Michael.
He is my dad, Michael.
I'll tell you everything.
Let me explain myself. Please hear me out. Please!
I'll tell you everything.
Please. Please.
He is my dad, Michael.
Please, Michael. Please, don't.
Please, Michael. Please
Many people await Gurunath's death.
But none of them have enough courage
to declare themselves as his enemies in the open.
They wanted to use me and get Gurunath killed.
For that, I got a plan from the dark.
I thought of executing the plan with newbies
so that no one would be suspicious.
But it failed.
Who is responsible for this?
Didn't I tell you that this would be risky?
Don't panic. He didn't find out yet.
Before he finds it out let's fall on his feet and ask
Do you think he will leave us alive?
Michael didn't kill him, boss.
What shall I do now?
Boss? Boss?
I'll take care of it.
-Okay, boss.
Who is this, idiot? Honk at him.
Hey, move side. Move!
Hey, Move aside.
Hey, crackpot! Move aside.
Who is this, idiot? Overtake him. What are you doing?
Move aside or I'm gonna crack your skull.
Wait. I'll go and check.
Who are you? How dare you hit my brother?
Wait here. I'm gonna teach you a lesson.
-Wait here. I'm gonna teach you a lesson.
-Rahul! Rahul!
Hey! Hey!
Rahul! Rahul!
Hey, what are you doing?
Are you crazy?
Hey, come here. Come!
Do you have matches?
Are you gonna burn the car for just honking at you?
Yes, I'll do that.
Honk at me again and I'll burn you along with it.
If someone asks who did it,
-tell them that a Tamil guy came and burnt the car.
-Rahul, where are you?
My car! My car!
What have you done? My Car!
"You're enough for me"
"You're enough for me"
"As long as you live"
"I'll be for you"
Will you come in or not?
"In the depths of my mind
You're showering like a rain"
In my shadowy paths
You're walking with me
"As we go totogether
All the sky is being coloured."
"You are the search that caressed my eyelids
You are the song that stole my music"
"You snatched my loneliness in instalments
You are the heartbeat of my life."
"You're enough for me"
"You're enough for me"
"As long as you live"
"I'll be for you"
"You're enough for me"
"You're enough for me"
"As long as you live"
"I'll be for you"
"Your eyes melt even iron with love"
"Forget even grammatical errors with love"
"Turn even sand to rock with Love"
"Make even the mind lazy with Love"
"Throughout the day"
"I will be waiting"
"For you"
"Like the waves of the sea"
"On a leaf
As a drop of water"
"Let's be together
Like the body and the soul."
"You're enough for me"
"You're enough for me"
"As long as you live"
"I'll be for you"
Come, come! Come!
Michael! Michael!
Michael! Michael! Michael!
-Leave me.
Theera! Theera!
Hey, Michael!
Now, do you know who I am? Did you find out?
The day you picked a fight with me,
instantly I knew that you would be in this state.
But I didn't expect it to happen so soon.
Do you feel sorry for yourself? Do you?
Didn't I warn you that the next time
I'll meet you I'm gonna kill you?
Where is Theera?
Before you see her,
you must meet another important person.
Who is responsible for this?
Gurunath's son, Amarnath.
We paid you because you guaranteed us your father's support.
I know that, okay?
I'll talk to my father. Okay, I'll figure it out.
Trust me. I will sort it out.
Listen, man. Sort it out soon or else repay us.
He refused 300 crores.
Chuck it, I said let me handle it personally.
He is not letting me do that either.
When will I handle my own business?
Until he is alive, he won't let me handle any business
Let's do one thing, let's kill him.
But nobody should find out about my involvement in this.
All the information is in this. Done?
Where is Theera?
What is with him?
Why is he chanting her name continuously?
Where is Theera?
Where is Theera? Where is Theera?
Where is Theera?
Why do you keep asking the same thing, you moron?
Do you love her? Yeah. That's love.
Did you betray us up because of her?
Tell me, did you?
Listen. We sent you to kill someone because he betrayed us.
But by not killing him you betrayed us. Didn't you?
Now, I must kill him.
Do whatever you want
but let Theera go.
Did you do all of this for her?
For her?
But you are a fool, man. A bloody fool.
Don't you trust me? You don't?
Wait, let me have her tell this to you directly.
Hey, drag her here.
Guys, get her.
Look, look Do you see her?
Look, how she's shedding crocodile
tears after betraying you. Look at her!
Do you see it?
Tell him. Come on.
Tell him how you cheated him
by pretending to love him. Tell him.
Come on, tell him.
What's his name?
No, dad. I'll handle everything. No worries.
Are you out of mind? Why did you bring him along?
I called you here alone. What's happening?
Dad, don't worry.
Even if I didn't get him along with me,
he would have followed me anyways.
Now, at least we don't have to face that risk.
He will listen to me. He is waiting outside.
I'm sorry, I made you wait for a long time.
My friend didn't turn up. Come, let's go.
My dad sent you to follow her
and I appointed another person to follow both of you.
How can you expect anything less from me? Stupid fellow.
Let her go.
-Come. Get up.
Come, dear. Come!
My dad controls the whole city with just a glance,
even he couldn't tame him down.
But you managed to tame him
between your legs. Good job!
Let me give you a gift for your true love.
Shoot him! Hold this. Shoot him!
Shoot him! Shoot
Dear? Shoot him. Shoot
If you won't shoot him, I'll make his skull burst open.
Leave my daughter!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
You are responsible for this. Bloody waste!
Hey, shoot him. Shoot!
Shoot him! Shoot!
What was that? You really shot him?
Poor thing.
I must give you a gift for shooting him down.
Hey, get rid of his body.
And get her to a safe place.
I want to taste her too.
There's something special in her.
But I'm warning you.
Don't fall for me,
I'll break your heart.
Don't fall in love with me, I'll break your heart.
Only until we hold the thread of loyalty
and trust can we control the animal tied to it.
Once it is cut loose, no one is capable enough
to face the havoc that is to be caused by that beast.
Michael, we must kill that middle guy.
You carry out the job and I'll get the vehicle.
but he behaves as if he has consumed a full bottle of
Do you know what happened yesterday?
What happened?
He entered his neighbour's house instead of going into his
Is it?
You should have seen his face.
Did you get enough thrashing?
He is not sharing with us but I'm sure
he must have gotten a nice thrashing from them.
Why are you holding your pants while you walk? Is it
slipping off?
Hey, what's your age?
Are you already smoking at this young age?
Hey, kiddo. Do you want to drink?
He is a school-going kid.
Why are you offering him a drink?
Bro, school boys and girls are way matured now.
He is scared, master.
He stopped in his tracks.
He is not afraid. He is hesitating because he is thinking.
Those who speak about ethics and morals are weaklings,
those with brawl behave like hooligans
but one with brains behaves like me.
Gurunath is someone who has both brain and brawn.
It is up to you how you are going to conduct yourself,
He stays away from certain things.
But if you throw stones at him since he is staying away,
he is not going to remain calm.
He is going to charge at you like a tsunami.
Even God cannot stop the calamity that ensues after that.
Michael is that unstoppable tsunami.
Death is going to haunt you even if you touch his shadow
but Amar laid his hands on him.
Who gave the authority to do this?
How many times have I told you to not get
involved in any of my business?
Why do you care so much about him?
He betrayed us and I killed him. I killed him.
Moreover, who is he, dad?
He is just another dog amongst many
other dogs that eat what we feed,
do as we order, and survive because of our name and power.
He is not just another street dog.
You know nothing about him. You piece of shit.
He is a wild beast that hunts in an infinite forest.
On that day, while everyone was running
in a pack holding onto their dear lives,
one person came past that group.
He alone hunted them all and brought me alive.
He didn't survive.
I killed him and buried his dead body too.
Did you really burry him? Are you sure?
The beast has now tasted the blood,
if it has even an ounce of blood remaining in its body,
it will come back to get its prey.
It's not that easy to kill him.
Are you really sure about it?
He is dead. Trust me, dad.
I'm not scared for him.
I'm scared for you.
You can't leave him barely alive,
he must be killed completely.
Okay, dad.
Not you, Amar. Our guys will take care of that.
Okay, sir.
Dad, I'll go along with them.
-No, not you.
Dad, please let me go.
-No, not you.
I started this and I will finish this.
If somebody else tries to interrupt me,
they will be killed as well. Did you get it?
Let's go.
[Tamil Film song]
He is not dead yet.
Where is Theera?
Michael !
Michael !
I'm sorry, Michael.
I'm sorry, Michael.
Please forgive me.
It's all my fault.
-You are not at fault, Tira. It's not your fault.
I cheated you but I had no other option.
Boss came.
I never wanted to kill you, Michael.
Don't cry, Theera.
I was not honest with you, Michael.
Bloody, are you still alive?
My dad was right about you.
Had I been in your place,
I would have done the same thing, Theera.
You are not going to die that easily.
Please go away from here, Michael.
We will do everything possible for our loved ones.
You did this for your father.
Tira, I want to do something for you.
Do you want her even in your death?
Tell me, Theera. What can I do for you?
Tell me, Theera.
I'm going to kill both of you. You, rascal!
Tell me, what do you want, Theera?
Hey! Hey, hey!
Tell me, what do you want, Theera?
Are we staging a Romeo and Juliet play here,
that you guys are lost in your romance?
I sent her dad to kill my dad but he couldn't.
Then I sent you to kill her dad but you couldn't either.
Tell me what you want, Theera.
Now, I have to kill you both. I have to kill you both.
I must have to kill you, bloody.
What do you want, Theera?
Answer him.
Tell me what can I do for you?
Kill this dog. Kill this dog, Michael!
Guys, get him. Kill him.
He must leave this place alive.
Boss, he won't be alive for long.
Boss, come. Come, let's go. Boss!
Boss, come. Come, let's go. Boss!
Come fast, boss. Come fast.
He will come after us. Come fast, boss.
Boss! Boss, don't do that.
Listen to me. Let's get out of here.
Boss! Boss, don't do that.
Listen to me. Let's get out of here.
For the first time,
Gurunath's empire was stained by his own blood.
Give me two minutes, I'll take it out.
The bullet is out. Here!
It's over. Be patient.
It's done, Michael. I've taken the bullet out.
Did he die quailing in pain?
You shouldn't have done this, Michael.
It's time that you repent for saving my life.
I'm going to cut you into pieces
and feed you to the stray dogs, you motherfucker!
What happened?
What happened?
Our son is dead.
Michael, you would realise my pain by
the kind of death I'm going to grant you and her.
He will kill everyone associated with me until he finds me.
You are the only one who's been with me.
Go away into hiding from some days, master.
Don't worry about me. Where will you go?
He He is my only son.
The heir to my kingdom.
He lies here as a dead man.
Whoever gets me his body,
whoever gets me that Michael's body will be my heir.
If anybody comes in his support, kill them too.
Guru, we have searched for him everywhere
and inquired every possible person.
But in vain, he is nowhere to be found.
We are waiting for a signal from you.
Just say yes, and I will get the whole department on the
We shall find him, shoot him down like a dog,
and throw his body away in Bandra bazaar.
What a father goes through when his
grown-up son dies is nothing short of going through hell.
He must face the same agony,
and I should make him experience this hell.
Nobody should get involved in this.
Stop counting the heads that are going to fall in the
upcoming days.
You must not leave at this late hour
Sometimes, due to unfavourable circumstances,
the Lion might get weakened
but it never forgets its hunting instincts.
He will find us. He will not spare us once we are found.
He'll come. He will definitely come.
Let him come, brother.
I'll cause chills in his spine by hacking her into pieces.
No, no, no. He will do anything for her.
If we want to have an upper hand over him,
we must keep her alive.
Don't harm her. Don't do any harm to her.
Didn't you tell me that Gurunath is a big don?
But he isn't able to kill one person.
Brother, we are so many in numbers. We will kill him.
Have you ever seen him?
I have seen him.
Hey, Das. What happened?
Isn't one person enough to kill him?
Okay, leave it. Can't we both kill him?
Numbers don't matter anymore.
I saw a fury in his blood.
I saw him but only once.
They don't know yet that they are tackling a volcano
and it will burn all of them down.
No. Please, don't. Let me go.
Don't kill me. Please, no.
Why, Michael? Why did you come back for me?
You almost faced death because of me.
Despite knowing that I cheated you,
why did you come for me?
Even if you shoot me another 100 times,
I would still come for you, Theera.
Michael, where shall we go?
Michael! Speak up, Michael.
He killed everyone and took the girl away.
How many?
-Killed as well.
I'm not here to listen to the stories
of his bravado.
I want to hear about his death, that's it..
Go and get his dead body to me.
Get losr everyone.
If you can't do it, find me someone who can.
I don't think I can trust any of you with this job.
Or tell me, I will get into the field personally.
We will do it, boss.
We will get him, boss.
I don't want to hear anything from you other than
the news of his death.
The phone is ringing, why don't you receive it?
Nobody is speaking from the other side. They must be
Did you say hello?
-Yes, I did. So what?
Just listening to your simple hi,
people go weak in their knees;
Listening to your seductive hello,
they must have become tongue-tied.
Yes. I am the biggest example of that.
What are you staring at?
Learn from my husband about how to romance a girl.
Who is it?
-What's the matter?
We have a few unexpected guests.
Prepare our special laddoos,
we shall serve them.
He is not going to die so soon.
What's his name?
Feed that girl something.
I have a small job to take care of.
Sobbing like a baby for candy.
Make her stop crying.
I have a few guests coming over,
get me 20 kgs of mutton, 10 kgs of chicken,
and don't forget about the eggs.
-Okay, brother.
Also, fry the eggs.
How long will it take?
-I'll send it in 15 mins, brother.
15 minutes?
Okay. I'm waiting here.
Okay, brother.
Near the Ashok market.
Come fast.
-Okay, brother.
I have packed everything as you ordered, brother.
Thank you, brother.
I'll take your leave, brother.
Hey, what is this? Why is this so heavy?
-Did you prepare sweets for the guests?
This is a savoury item.
"Someone's on the lookout, not far"
"No matter what the odds are"
"No one dare lay a finger, today"
"He's here to guard the whole way"
"Through trouble and through danger, no fear, no worry"
"The coast will always be clear"
"He'll save the day, he will find a way,"
"No matter what they say, the end is good today"
"From the shadows, he will rise an angel, he flies"
"Through the fire blazing power, no one denies"
Don't you see there's an elder one standing here?
Drop it down. Drop it down, I say.
"A saviour with a heart of pure gold, his fight is brave and
"Ain't no one's gonna stop him, right now"
"He'll push the game and show you how"
"Show them what he's made of,
he'll save the day through it all"
"He won't miss a single thing"
"He'll never never let you down"
"Nothing's gonna stop this guardian angel,
he'll rise"
"Knock your troubles all down,
you know, he will, all right."
Hey! Hey! Stay here, we will come back.
I'll be here but where are you going?
Come, my dear bridegrooms,
I'm going to wash my feet with your blood today.
Come without fail. Come back,
I have a special treat for you.
Come, sir.
Come back soon.
Get in.
(Indistinct voices)
(Indistinct voices)
"Someone's on the lookout, not far"
"No matter what the odds are"
"No one dare lay a finger, today"
"He's here to guard the whole way"
"Through trouble and through danger, no fear, no worry"
"The coast will always be clear"
"He'll save the day, he will find a way,"
"No matter what they say, the end is good today"
Guys, you didn't learn the lesson from the last time.
I was just fine, I'm a soft person and a vegetarian too.
But my boss is a terror piece.
Save yourself if you can.
Do you want to witness a small sample?
"From the shadows, he will rise an angel, he flies"
"Through the fire blazing power, no one denies"
Green colour.
-Green colour?
Are you fearing a lady holding a gun? Come, let's go.
Stop there, you scoundrels.
Dear? Do you want a laddoo?
-What is laddoo?
That's a bomb!
"A saviour with a heart of pure gold, his fight is brave and
"Ain't no one's gonna stop him, right now"
"He'll push the game and show you how"
"Show them what he's made of,
he'll save the day through it all"
"He won't miss a single thing"
-It's just laddoo. Tasty laddoo.
"He'll never never let you down"
-Take it. It is very tasty.
Have it and you can meet the Almighty directly.
Do you want it?
-No! No!
Have it!
-No! No!
Run. Run for your lives.
"Nothing's gonna stop this guardian angel, he'll rise"
"Knock your troubles all down, you know, he will, all
"Nothing's gonna stop this guardian angel, he'll rise"
"Knock your troubles all down, you know, he will, all
Can you do me a favour?
Tell me.
I'll leave. You guys please take care of him.
Do you really care about his well-being?
I will tell you something of my experience. Listen to it.
Guarding the prison and being locked up
in the prison are both the same thing.
I don't know whose ill fate
it was that this kid fell into my prison
I held him as a just-born baby.
I thought I'll raise him under my wings.
We believe that...
if we keep something that
we love close to us then it will be safe forever.
But we can't keep fire close to us, can we?
The more we try to douse it, the more it will burn.
The bird that has flown away, might come to
its nest
but it won't come back to its cage.
He thought he didn't have anyone,
He left.
Now, you are here for him. Don't leave him as I left.
Hold him tight. He will stay with you.
Michael is missing.
Give me a matchbox.
(Indistinct voices)
(Indistinct voices)
Come, Michael. Come.
I was expecting you much earlier.
You are very late.
I'm not surprised to find out that all this blood spilling was
due to the laughter of a woman but I'm ashamed though.
Remember one thing, Michael.
No woman can love you or me for any noble reason.
She cares about her life and her father's life.
She took a chance by giggling along with you and it paid
off. If not you,
she would have tried it with someone else, if not him,
she would have tried it with me.
Sir, people like us always try to find our mirror image in
We are suffering from a disease called suspicion.
It's not their fault.
Okay, let's say she cheated me.
But compared to our sins, her betrayal is nothing.
God has destined all men to suffer because
of their decision to trust the delusions of women.
You are stuck in that same delusion, Michael.
That's your problem, Michael.
When you go back from here,
you would have only my blood left in your hands,
None of us betrayed you, sir.
Your own son, your own blood
Your blood doesn't respect you.
You don't trust your blood.
What are you waiting for? Kill him.
Slash his nerves and spill his blood on my feet.
No matter what, he is still my son.
He will be my replica.
I'm his father, do you think I'm unaware of his thoughts and
At the end of the day, this throne belongs to him after me.
How does it matter if he usurps it or I gift it?
Who are you to intervene?
Don't take any action in haste, sir.
There is no new happiness or greater loss
that you can make me experience.
Think about it, Michael.
I sheltered you. I gave you a weapon.
But you stand against me for her.
You want me, right?
Come. Leave her. Let her go.
Shame on you for kneeling before him!
If I don't see him die, I don't care to be alive.
-She is a sin, sir!
A sin that must be washed off with blood.
I'm not here to kill only you, sir.
My primary target was her.
I treated you as if you were my own. You backstabber!
As your son?
Yes, sir. I did all this for a lady.
Why should a man live if not for a woman?
Why should I wait for 20 years and finally today,
come out and stand against you, to kill you?
For a woman, sir.
But not for the woman you think.
The woman who was betrayed by you.
To kill my father
Who is your father? Tell me... Tell me.
Are you Jenifer's son?
Who is that girl?
She is the new singer who joined our bar, sir.
She sings well and plays the violin too.
She is the main reason for the popularity of our bar, sir.
Jenifer became close to Gurunath.
Gurunath hid about his marriage
and started to roam along with her.
You are looking so beautiful.
Jenifer trusted Gurunath.
Jenifer got pregnant because of Gurunath.
Later, Jenifer found out the truth about Gurunath's first marriage
and Charulatha found out about Jenifer's pregnancy.
When Gurunath found this out,
he started ignoring Jenifer
He threatened her to get you aborted.
I can't stay with you.
How many times have I told you to abort it?
You should have thought about that before sleeping with me.
You cheated me and now,
there's no point in behaving as if you are the
You will be dead. Go.
I know that you are with her, Guru.
Come out as soon as possible..
otherwise, you are going to die along with her.
Come out, Guru. I know you very well.
Choose one between her and me,
now. Come out immediately.
Sleep with you whoever you want to,
but your heir should be only one,
the one which I give birth to.
While Jenifer was still in the house,
Charulatha ignited the whole house.
Jenifer somehow managed to escape from there.
She managed to reach her father's friends' house
with all the burnt injuries.
I am Jenifer. I need your help.
Until I give birth to my child,
I need a shelter where I can stay safe.
This was her punishment that
she sentenced herself for trusting Gurunath.
she never thought of escaping from this cage.
She gave birth to her child in that cage.
Do you remember, I told you about a child
that was born in jail and raised in jail?
He is Michael.
He stayed there until he turned 13.
He should have turned into ashes inside his mother's womb.
He not only was born, but he also survived,
and he grew up too with the sole intention of avenging
Listen to me carefully, Michael.
Always remember what your mother said to you, Michael.
Those who are responsible for this, find them,
stand in front of them while out-powering them
and then reveal your identity that you are my son!
That you are Jenifer's son.
Michael's every action was motivated with
an intention of getting close to Gurunath.
That means Gurunath and Charulatha
burned your mother, did they?
He has no other desires other than to avenge
Gurunath's betrayal to his mother.
With you entering his life, for the first time in his life,
he wants to live for himself.
He would have done the same thing even
if you were not part of his life.
The only difference is you have sped up the proceedings.
I feel the pain when you get injured, son.
Why did you do this, Michael?
I'm hurt because of this, mom.
I didn't save you coincidentally, dear.
Forget about me, where will you go?
He brought you to me so that he could save you.
Then why did you save Gurunath?
He must die in my hands, master.
I must destroy all his strength and his army,
and when he is helplessly alone,at that time I would tell
I would tell him who I am.
I must tell him that I am the same Jenifer's son
whom he betrayed and got killed.
Can't you forgive him?
What will you do if you were in my place, master?
I didn't have the answer to his question.
That's why I gave him what he wanted.
He left in search of answers to his mother's tragedy.
He won't come back without answers.
You have to see it from my perspective, Michael.
The truth is very different from what you perceive.
You are anyway going to take my place, aren't you?
Look for yourself.
Once you sit on this,
you lose your moral judgement, Michael.
When somebody like you stands in front of me
and points out my mistake,
that means my time has come.
You're my end, Michael. You are my end.
Didn't I tell you, Michael? That in the end
you'd have only my blood in your hands and nothing else.
It's okay, sir. If your blood washes away all my sin, so be
Didn't you betray Gurunath too?
Compared to the betrayal Gurunath did to Jenifer,
my betrayal stands no ground at all.
Those who forgive are God, Michael.
I don't want to become God, mom.
I just want to be a human.
I am not God. I can't forgive you ever.
Didn't I tell you, Michael? That in the end you'd have
only my blood on your hands and nothing else.
I don't know who you are but remember one thing,
It took 10 years for Michael to touch Gurunath.
Now, it will take you ages to touch even Michael's shadow.
Just because he killed Gurunath does that
make him a big don? Huh? Is he a don?
Swami will inform us about his wherabouts before this
Once we find that let him be any corner of the city,
we shall drag him out and kill him.
We will kill him!
You know me very well.
Inform Michael that soon I'm gonna find him and kill him.
All the scrap in the city has gathered at one place, is it?
I know that you are looking for me...
So, I came to say hello...
I have an open offer for all of you...
Whoever takes this lock from my hand,
gets this city....
Come on!