Michiel de Ruyter (2015) Movie Script

Where are you going?
I'll be right back.
You shouldn't have brought them.
But dad is out there.
The Battle of Scheveningen, 1653
Dutch-British Trade war.
Take cover. Port, get ready to fire.
Get ready to fire.
Hard to starboard.
Admiral Tromp is trapped.
Square away the yards.
Michiel, this is madness.
Luff up to port.
Luff up to port.
We can't leave Tromp to die.
Chop it.
Chuck that mast overboard. Chop.
Reload the cannon!
We'll push those idiot English
back to their island.
Until death, Admiral.
Go straight.
Mainsail halyard.
To port.
Get ready to tack.
Get ready to fire.
Good work.
The Admiral...
He's calling all captains.
Get a sloop ready.
You want to row there?
You, you and you jump in, come on.
You're just in time.
You'll be all right.
It's nothing.
We'll get you to port.
The wind is blowing the wrong way.
Like politicians, very unpredictable.
Don't talk.
My men need someone like you.
Someone who keeps his course.
You can do it.
Go and help people.
Mother! Are you all right?
This morning you also...
I'm fine.
The new prime minister of
Holland and West Friesland.
The right Honorable Lord Johan de Witt.
Thank you.
As regent of the Prince of Orange...
I think I speak on behalf
of all members...
when I say we're glad with our new
chairman from mighty Holland.
Some would say relieved.
I, for one, will sleep better
now we have a man at the helm...
who'll serve the interests
of all the provinces.
And not just those of
his republican friends.
I presume Lord Kievit can
rise above the parties.
I was thinking of the Prince of Orange.
How can the Prince rise
above the parties...
when he doesn't even reach my belt?
Pick up what you said!
We will hear the Honorable De Witt.
First, I'm very happy that
Lord Kievit is sleeping well.
To answer your question:
I understand your concerns, I do.
There is no one in this country who
understands you more than I do.
My father was imprisoned for
disagreeing with the Orangists.
I found out what it means
to live in a country...
where you cannot say
what you are thinking.
Do you want to live in such a country?
I don't.
I don't think you do, either.
Let me pose you a question.
We're a nation of merchants.
We sail the seas of the
world with 20,000 ships.
In trade, we all work together.
To get better prices
and to help each other.
And what do you think?
Does this work or not?
It does. Some members became so successful
they hardly fit in the benches.
When you do business in
the East or the West...
do you do so as
Orangists or as republicans?
And why are the English trying
to block our shipping routes?
To disrupt trade.
Is that because you're an Orangist or a republican?
No, the English want to wage war
against us, because we're Dutch.
Free Dutchmen.
Large monarchies consider
our small nation too rich.
Too successful and too free.
On top of that, we're a republic.
In which all men are free
to live their own lives.
We decide how we worship God.
No leader is more important
than the country itself.
The English begrudge us our freedom.
Our freedom frightens them.
Because we're prepared
to die for our freedom.
Because we paid for our
freedom with our own blood.
And I'm asking you:
Haven't you all lost a relative
to the Spanish or the English?
And was that republican
blood or Orangist blood?
It was Dutch blood.
It's our blood.
This is our country.
A country we conquered from the water.
A country where we earn
our own happiness.
By working hard in the
villages and cities.
In the ports and on the main land.
Our freedom can only be protected if we are
willing to fight for freedom for others.
That is why the Dutch lion holds
these seven arrows in his claw.
That is what binds us.
Your freedom is my freedom.
I'll defend this freedom
until my last breath.
Hear, hear.
Vlissingen City
Welcome home.
Lord mayor.
Leave it, Neeltje.
I can do it myself.
I said...
Sorry, I look awful.
Why aren't you in bed?
I'm feeling better.
How long will you be staying?
For as long as you like.
I've told them to find someone else.
What about the English?
They don't pay enough.
The English will be
quiet for a while.
I want to get on with our lives.
We can finally extend
the vegetable garden.
Great... As much as you like.
I'm glad I ordered
an extra cask of beer.
All those lost years.
You were on your own
because I was away.
Was it a boy or a girl?
A girl.
I'm staying with you now.
I won't abandon you anymore.
Good morning.
Slow down.
We're awake now.
I couldn't stop them.
You stink.
Yes, of seaweed.
Do I need a bath?
There is a letter for you, daddy.
What kind of letter?
Come with us.
Go ahead.
Hello, son.
There was a messenger.
He had a fat horse.
He came from The Hague.
Open it.
We're not aboard a ship.
Look, it has a little hole.
10 copies from this one.
Mr.De Ruyter?
This way, please.
Mr.De Ruyter, I've heard so
many good things about you.
You're the man to lead our fleet.
You mean with Cornelis Tromp?
No, under me.
And not under Tromp?
No. I want you, only you.
As Admiral?
We need to rebuild and
modernize our fleet.
I haven't served long enough.
You have more experience than any other.
As a sailor.
No one will listen to me.
We'll make them listen.
I'm not of noble birth.
Even better.
Sailors are conservative.
You can't just make anyone
admiral of the fleet.
That's not how it works.
Yes, it does.
It's the 17th century,
anything is possible.
This is ridiculous.
You were raised as an Orangist.
Most men in Zeeland were.
I'm not into politics.
But that is an advantage,
sailors have to trust their Admiral.
De Ruyter, this is in
our nations interest.
I'm not setting sail again.
In the last 15 years,
I've spent six months at home.
You have to find someone else.
Are you serious?
Didn't I make myself clear?
I won't find a better man than you.
Of course you will.
This is the 17th century, anything is possible.
What a strange fellow.
What a strange fellow.
I guess we'll make Sir Obdam Admiral.
Damn it, Admiral,
what must we do?
Battle of Lowestoft,
We've lost 25 ships.
3000 dead and 2000 men taken
prisoner by the English.
Good men, who fought for their country.
Honest men.
Who trusted the prime minister.
Hear, hear.
Who trusted him with their lives.
Do you think this will be the end of it?
Is that honestly what you think?
I'll tell you who is to blame.
That prime minister from Holland.
And his republican friends.
They should send him out to sea.
This isn't your fault.
The Spanish want our trade routes,
the Germans want to control our rivers.
And the French can't wait to occupy
the Southern Netherlands.
What are we going to do?
Just go.
I made you a promise.
There is no use staying home
if there is no home left.
Engel, come on.
We need a strong leader who is
respected by other kingdoms.
What do we do about it?
The Prince of Orange...
is nothing but a brat.
A brat.
Are we sure that the Prince is a real man?
I've been told he prefers ballet
over military strategy.
What effrontery!
This will endanger the republic!
Order, order.
Let's keep it somewhat civilized.
What do you propose, regent Kievit?
I propose we appoint the
Honorable Lord Cornelis Tromp...
son of our greatest naval hero ever,
as our new Admiral.
And opinion of your own,
not the people's choice.
Your own opinion!
Mr.de Witt?
Do we have an appointment?
No, we don't.
I thought I'd speed things up.
Since your father's funeral
I haven't had a chance...
You're looking for someone
to replace my father.
I'm looking into it.
You probably don't realize...
but the fleet will only accept
one man as their new Admiral.
And who is that?
My blood is his blood.
The blood of Bestevaer.
You might not understand.
I understand the Admiral was
a father figure to his men.
But Bestevaer is a title of respect.
You have to earn it,
it's not hereditary.
I'm afraid it is, Mr.de Witt.
Heroes father heroes,
that's how sailors see it.
And that, Mr.de Witt,
will never change.
You're still thinking about De Ruyter?
Why not invite him to dinner?
Johan, he's stubborn.
Invite his wife too, this time.
Mr. and Mrs.De Ruyter, welcome.
Come in.
Was it a long trip, De Ruyter?
From Vlissingen to The Hague.
Of course.
Darling, don't just stand there.
Won't you offer our guests a drink?
You didn't tell me they have a baby.
My wife, Wendela.
What a cutie.
Excuse me.
What for?
She is a cutie.
I'll show you round the house.
Or do sailors only drink beer?
Why don't you show us around?
We need larger ships with more cannons.
Larger ships, fine.
They must be agile and
have a shallow draught.
Merchant ships are of no use to me.
I'll arrange it. What else?
Better pay for the crew.
Higher wages?
If they die, they leave a family behind.
Consider it done.
Doesn't the parliament
have to approve, first?
Leave that to me.
Each winter, the fleet lies at anchor.
It's a waste of time.
I agree.
If I were Admiral, I'd train the crew in winter.
And that costs money, too.
Carry on. What else?
The sea-battles?
In battle now, it's every ship for itself.
It's total chaos.
Organization is key.
You mentioned sign flags in the past.
The English have been
using them for years.
But their system is too limited.
The ladies are chatting.
Mr.prime minister?
Allow me to introduce my brother,
Tell us about the
system we developed.
Our system?
I happen to have it right here.
We disagreed about the colors.
Johan felt we were using too much orange.
A bit too much.
So, what do you say, De Ruyter?
Are you going to do this job?
Or do you have more demands?
I, Michiel Adriaenszoon de Ruyter...
The English have a limited flag system.
We're expanding our flag system
with all these codes.
...swear allegiance to the Republic
of the United Netherlands.
And then change the signal.
Only these 6 bow cannons are a problem.
We tack as fast as
we can and then...
bum bum bum bum!
The seven provinces
We fire everything we have on the
port side on these ships here.
Cool and reload.
Come on. Faster.
We're here.
Do you really think I look all right?
You're the Prince of Orange.
All of the Netherlands loves you.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Inspection fleet on Texel
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah.
Your Highness.
Prime minister.
May I introduce gentlemen De Witt,
Tromp and our new Admiral?
Admiral De Ruyter, our great sea hero.
You can't imagine how
glad I am to meet you.
I want to hear all about your travels
to Africa and your escape from France.
This is my wife, Anna.
Your Highness.
Hooray! Hooray!
I promise to do my utmost
to truly follow...
the instructions and orders...
in regards to my position as Admiral
the Supreme Commander of the Fleet.
You're very brave to be here Your Highness,
surrounded by these republicans.
The English fleet has set sail.
Four squadrons.
They're blocking our merchant ships.
We have to take action
before our goods are lost.
One, two, all together...
One, two, all together...
One, two, all together...
Work those ropes.
Get that wind in the sails.
Render those ropes further.
Come on.
One, two, all together...
The battle of 4 days,
If the wind turns, the rear
squadron sails around them.
So I have to keep an eye on your flags
while I'm surrounded by flying canon balls?
Just give me an extra 150 men.
No, it'll be chaos.
The English have more ships,
bigger guns.
We stick to the plan.
Or do we want another defeat like Lowestoft?
We must make sure we're well-organized.
Good, we'll do it your way.
You stubborn Zeelander.
Are you prepared to die
for the fatherland?
To the fatherland.
God bless you.
Half a turn to port.
Half a turn to port.
What's going on?
Am I in the way?
Not at all.
A perfect target for the English.
The Royal Charles.
Unsinkable, or so they say.
All ships are unsinkable, Jan.
Until they sink.
Places, everyone!
HMS 'Royal Charles'
Places, everyone!
They are again in the minority.
Incredible! These cheese makers
I want to take a thrashing.
Where 'the admiral?
Michiel de Ruyter, sir.
And 'the new flagship.
They called it 'The 7 Provinces.
Signal:In line.
You mean this one, sir?
Put it up.
It's impressive.
You'll see, it'll be every ship for itself.
Sail aligned.
The name of their admiral?
Admiral De Ruyter,
the British are coming.
Yes, sir.
Vanguard closer to the wind.
Vanguard, luff up.
Ready to go about, now.
Pull up the mizzen sail.
Come on, keep pulling those braces.
Bring us into position.
Into position now!
And make sure my tea's
is ready on time.
Bring the cannon to position!
Riflemen on deck.
Places, everyone.
Load starboard.
Load starboard.
Do you want me to call your mother?
Get to work.
Faster, faster.
Hoist the spinnaker.
Prepare to fire.
Mainsail halyard.
Come on, load.
Keep it in the wind.
Hoist the spinnaker!
Get to positions now!
Men, ready to fire?
Hold it!
Brace yourselves.
Everybody wait.
Jibs forward.
Luff up.
Recharge the cannons.
Reload the cannon!
Trim the lines.
Port side, fire!
Let him be.
Get back, keep firing.
Pull up the mizzen sail.
Luff up.
Come on, get going.
Come on.
They need to reload faster.
Come on.
You're too slow.
Why is it taking so long?
Faster, or you're going overboard.
Speed it up.
Come on, boy.
I need to relieve myself.
No relieve!
Reload the cannon.
You can have that later.
Come on. Reload the cannons.
Reload like lightning.
Come on, reload.
Get back to work. Get back to that cannon.
Are you sleeping or what?
Captain, how is the rear?
The English are on lee side.
Middle squadron luff up.
Gijs, middle squadron luff up.
They are signaling a new formation, sir.
Hold the lines.
Get that wind in the sails.
Port side.
Keep going.
What are they doing, sir?
Damn it! They're going to cut us off!
Reload the cannons, starboard, port.
Look, that Englishman is mine.
Two points port.
We need to stay in line.
Two points port.
But the signal from De Ruyter.
All right, come about.
Come about.
Brace the sails.
Load port cannons.
Keep that head in the wind.
De Ruyter's strategy
is not going to work.
And we're the ones under fire.
Load port cannons.
What are you doing?
Get in position.
Load port cannons.
How the hell did they get there?
Grappling hooks.
A portion of rum for the man who puts
the most English to the sword.
Come on!
We have to retreat, sir.
Do I have your permission to retreat?
Come on!
Sir, we must retreat
Retreat, retreat!
Do you want a hug from De Witt?
Helm to starboard side.
Victory is ours.
A cheer for Tromp.
A cheer for Piet's cannons.
A cheer for our captain.
And three cheers for our Admiral.
Can His Highness receive me?
Your Highness, Lord Kievit.
Our fleet has given
the English a beating.
So De Ruyter is as good as they say.
Quite a victory for Johan de Witt.
For the Netherlands.
Of course.
While I stand by doing nothing.
All my relatives and friends
are kings or important people.
Even those Habsburger simpletons,
with their in-bred minds.
Why doesn't anyone take the
Prince of Orange seriously?
You can play a decisive role.
If I may be so bold.
You're the nephew of the English king.
Whitehall Palace, London
Get me my admiral.
You let the Dutch destroy our fleet?
Come, my dear.
Keep the chair warm, there you go.
So, 7200, 8400, 10,800 amounts
to a total of 5.14%.
As I was saying, we can calculate
average life expectancy.
And adapt the price of annuities.
If my calculations are correct...
They are.
Indeed they are.
The 7.14% the State is paying out now,
is far too high.
So, we can save a lot of money.
Money the State can use
to build more ships.
But, must people die earlier
or later to make this work?
Exactly, it's not clear.
It's not clear.
I'll explain one more time
what the percentages mean.
Why wasn't it earlier?
Gentlemen, please excuse us.
Didn't you say you could
explain it to a child?
The English have sailed again, sir.
De Ruyter will have to get ready.
Sounds like a good idea.
That goes in the kitchen and that one.
And that one goes to the study.
Are you sure?
Need a hand?
Aren't you sailing tomorrow?
Yes, with the first tide.
I thought we'd have dinner together.
I have my own room.
You live here too?
We have our own box bed.
Go ahead, I'll be right in.
The Admiralty suggested a larger house,
but this is near the harbor.
As long as you live here.
Dad, are you coming?
Dad, this is our bed.
Look at that.
No boots in bed.
You sound just like your mother.
What are you doing?
VOC? Can I have a look?
Go ahead.
Flooded cellar?
I'll take the supplier off my list.
Don't bother.
You can't do this.
I've supplied the fleet for years.
Why do we get the worst grain?
Or do you supply this
muck to the VOC too?
Is there a problem?
You don't get better grain
for your republican pals.
Who does he think he is?
We'll find someone else.
That was the third one.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because you're busy
saving the country?
Welcome, the esteemed gentlemen
from Netherlands,
and the Prince of Orange,
Willem the 3rd.
Ah! Willem, look at you!
I am impressed.
As are the young ladies of my court.
You can all leave now.
So ...
what would you think if I was to
make you the King of Netherlands?
The King of England does not decide,
who gets to be the King of the Netherlands.
Doesn't he?
Louis, he King of France would like that.
We will throw him a bone.
You know, the south of the Netherlands is
nothing more than a swampy marsh, anyway...
You want me to divide the Netherlands?
Give half of my country
to the Catholics?
What do you care?
We only become Protestants,
because Henry couldn't keep
his prick in the codpiece.
It is not a matter of faith
or color of the flag,
or the puppet in Parliament.
It is about us, Wilhelm.
We are the country.
Our blood flows in its soil and gives life
to every blade of grass that grows.
So what do you say?
Isn't it you've always dreamed of?
You do not want to be king?
A province of England?
Don't spoil it.
I'm only doing this for you, anyway.
My Lord.
Come and join me.
Affairs of state, my little Salsisu.
I'll be with you very soon.
What's the matter?
Don't you like girls?
You have locked us before the French?
No, I wanted to discuss with you first.
You surely don't expect me to
betray my country, do you?
I expect you to do your duty to the family.
Is that the only thing you could think of?
My family?
Don't be insolent!
Our fleet has just blown
your fleet to smithereens.
Oh yes! I've heard about
this extraordinary fleet.
Am I supposed to believe that ...
The Dutch republic is a fact...
learn to live with it.
I think you can go now.
Are you all right?
Leave me, I want to be alone.
The battle of Two days,
Faster, guys.
Come about.
Keep it tight.
What are they doing?
They try to cut us off.
Take the signals to the front now.
Tack over port.
Ready to come about.
Full about now.
Hoist the spinnaker.
Be prepared to change board.
Get to work on the lower decks.
Keep it up...
Follow those two ships there.
We'll break the line, Tromp.
Sod off with your line,
those ships are mine.
Four points to starboard.
Michiel ordered it.
Who is the highest ranking officer?
Come about.
Four points to starboard.
Come about.
Look Admiral!
The Dutch left a hole in the defense.
They have no discipline, do they?
Bring us into position.
All to specter!
Where is Tromp?
He has broken line.
Cannons ready?
Into positions, now!
Damn it.
God damn it.
Michiel, they're surrounding us.
Where is Tromp?
Keep pulling.
I'm sorry, Admiral.
Lie still, don't move.
It doesn't hurt at all.
You're the rock on which I build,
the future awaiting me, my highest good.
Seventeen killed on the gunners' deck.
All of them brought up.
You're the rock on which I build,
the future awaiting me, my highest good.
Hang in there.
I've lost twenty ships.
Who was in command?
I gave you an order.
So court-martial me.
Get back into that longboat.
Don't set foot on my ship or on any
other ship in this fleet, ever again.
You are relieved of your duties
as of now, so piss off.
Leave it to the court-martial.
You disgrace the name of Tromp.
Leave my father out of this.
He'd be ashamed of you.
Michiel, you can't do this.
You want to be dishonorably
discharged as well?
Come on, back to work.
Get down there and pick up those cannons.
Come on!
Cornelis Tromp, avid Orangist, participated
in the attack in De Ruyter in 1669.
The removal of Tromp, albeit just provoked
much trouble for him and De Witt.
According to reliable sources,
the Republic of Netherlands and unstable, sir.
All right, fine.
Master Buat is a loyal rittmeister.
You're executing such a loyal servant?
Who is he serving?
He went to the king of England behind my back.
In the national interest.
Your interest.
I've seen enough.
I shouldn't have lost
my temper with Tromp.
He is the vice-admiral, after all.
He deserved it.
Stay down or I'll put this
you know where.
It's just a cold.
Where is the patient?
De Ruyter?
That's Johan.
Do what you have to do.
We haven't heard anything from the English.
They've run out of money.
So why won't they negotiate peace?
They hope we're afraid of the French.
We can't afford two wars.
The French? Are they a real threat?
No but the Orangists are.
They say I'm too weak
to force a peace treaty.
You must force the
English to their knees.
You have a plan.
It's not without risk.
You know the English
fleet is in Chatham.
With the right wind it's only
a two day sail inland.
You want to sail up the Medway?
Yes. What?
Is it crazy?
Would nobody do it?
Sail through their chains?
You must be desperate.
I know it's a lot to ask for.
Not now, get out of here.
Sorry, dad.
What about those sea
soldiers you're training?
What do you call them?
Is this a good time to test them?
It's a bad time.
Not even men like that
can be asked to...
Forget about it, it's a silly plan.
Really silly.
Which one do you want?
That one?
Thank you.
Hi, darling.
Dad's up.
What are you doing?
Try to understand.
If I don't go...
Where are you going?
Can't you tell me?
That's a first.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face shine
on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord turn his face toward you...
and give you peace.
Thank you, my thoughts are
with Admiral De Ruyter.
Thank you.
For my husband.
I don't know...
You know where they are.
For my husband.
For my son.
Where is Michiel?
These women have no idea
where their husbands are.
Johan must know.
Johan, I'm sorry to disturb you.
Anna is here. Where is the fleet?
Where is Michiel?
I don't know.
I can't reach them.
Tell her that yourself.
Come on in.
They're on the Medway.
Heading for London?
It's time.
Gentlemen, the people
are counting on you.
Over to you.
Men, into the longboats.
Those brothers De Witt.
Watch out.
Move back to 'Royal Charles'!
It's a shame to burn that one.
Members of the State,
I present to you...
the stern carving of the Royal Charles.
You didn't expect that one, eh?
Charles II has accepted our terms.
The peace treaty will be signed in Breda.
Van Ginneken, let me embrace you.
I can not believe it!
They stole my ship!
'Cause it's called 'The 7 Provinces'?
'The 7 Provinces.
I have no idea and do not
I care a damn!
Come on, it sounds something else.
Well ...
I can't do it.
Delicious. It looks fantastic.
I propose a toast.
To peace.
We've already toasted to that.
To us.
That's much better. To us.
Can we go and play now?
Yes, go and play. Quickly now.
Be careful.
Not too fast.
What? Should I have proposed
a toast to the Prince?
This peace won't last.
It's politics. One day at a time.
Michiel is worried about the French.
You mean you are.
So, everything is fine?
The French are building up their troops.
Persistent rumors.
So you want to expand the army?
We should have done that already.
The army is full of Orangists.
How many battalions will you give the Prince?
You're asking for a civil war.
Cornelis means...
I think I know what he means.
Damn it.
Can't we just enjoy ourselves for once?
We're at peace with the English.
The republicans hold a stable majority.
In the meeting hall.
Useless when the French invade.
They never will.
The people are scared.
That's silly of them.
It's all my men talk about, too.
Diplomacy, Michiel, diplomacy is the future of warfare.
The people don't understand diplomacy.
I can't adapt my policy to people
who understand less than we do.
Come on, gentlemen,
we're having a party.
I'm going to dance
with my fantastic wife.
You heard the man,
we're having a party.
Mr.Prime Minister...
they say that Louis is
gathering 100,000 troops.
They say, they say...
Who says so? Who?
Mr.Van Ginneken has it easy with his
district behind the defense lines.
we've been paying huge taxes.
And what are we getting in return?
Give up the south and perhaps
Louis will levy less taxes.
Would you say that to my face?
I certainly would.
I'll repeat it to your face:
Give up the south.
Order, order.
Louis can mass all the troops he wants,
but he can't attack us.
He'll face the Swedes and the English.
We have it in black and white.
What if Charles breaks his word?
We are on good terms with England.
Right Honorable member Kievit...
I hope you're not suffering
from sleepless nights?
I'd sleep better if the Prince were king.
Only then we know for sure
that Charles won't betray us.
You're responsible for the civil war in this country.
You, Mr.De Witt.
Damn you.
My French king, has an army ready for you.
Come on, darling.
Come on.
You wanted to put an end to that Dutch
arrogance once and for all, right?
You don't just want
to destroy his fleet,
you want to crush them.
And Louis can help you.
Just a minute.
See that his Majesty King Louis XVI,
gets that immediately.
Louis the lost?
Louis the XIV.
XIV...XVI...there are so many Louis,
I have lost count!
Are you satisfied?
My king asked me to convey
his eternal gratitude...
That's the least he can do.
Phew! Mon Dieu!
The French are in Maastricht
with 100,000 soldiers.
And Louis XIV is there himself.
Not bad for us.
Not bad for us?
What do you mean?
Do you realize what is about to happen?
Your Highness can save the country.
And become supreme commander.
And king.
Charles has forged a deal with Louis.
Charles has agreed not to interfere.
Don't you get it?
And you don't get it either?
You don't get it either.
Do you think Charles would
give our country to Louis?
The English will invade Holland.
Go on, I'll finish this.
Have you heard the news?
The French are at the border.
The English near the coast.
And that's not all.
The bishops of Cologne and Munster are joining in.
They've divided our country,
everyone gets a piece of the pie.
It's not just about destroying our fleet.
They want to land near The Hague
with a huge number of troops.
You must stop them.
Our land army won't survive it.
You're our only hope, Michiel.
Don't let them turn us into
English and French provinces.
Has it got worse again?
I could do with some fresh air.
It's better you stay with him.
Thank you.
I should never have weakened our army.
If only I had fixed this earlier.
This country has been
blessed to have you.
No one could've predicted this.
To the Admiralty.
Go on.
Long live the prime minister.
What was that?
You did not cheer for our Prince?
Are you on Charles II's pay roll?
Do you work for the English?
I suggest you leave this sailor alone.
We'll be needing him.
Get lost.
Aren't you brave?
You're going back to Vlissingen.
No, I'm staying here.
You're so stubborn.
Look who's talking.
Engel, get inside.
I can do this myself.
I'll take care of him,
you take the girls to Vlissingen.
Who says it's safer there?
They think we're traitors who
work for the republicans.
Eat your vegetables.
I could hardly get through.
Eat up before it gets cold.
There are more and more of them.
Why are those people so angry?
Because they're afraid.
First, they betrayed us...
to the English and now to the French.
And De Ruyter is part of it, too.
If he wanted, he could have chased them off.
I've heard that he's keeping
our ships in the harbor.
And that Louis will make the Admiral,
the Duke of Brabant.
The prime minister has weakened the army...
so De Ruyter has all the power.
Downstairs, now.
Mummy, hurry up.
Come on.
Stay there.
Let's burn his house down.
Go back. Go on.
Just sit there.
Here's a blanket, madam.
Be careful.
Don't you have anything better to do?
Go back to your families.
Your husband betrayed us.
Betrayed you?
So what did my husband do when the
English attacked us at Plymouth?
And Ter Heijde and Bergen and Chatham?
Did he betray you then?
Or did my husband save
you and your families?
I understand that you're afraid.
I'm afraid, too.
So go home and let Michiel
do what he always does.
Risking his life so that all
of you can sleep safely.
He tried to murder the Prince,
together with De Witt.
Don't leave, mommy.
It'll be all right.
I'm afraid.
Long live France.
Disaster year, 1672
You don't have a plan, admit it.
Mr.De Waerd.
Cut it out.
Stop delaying things.
There is no time for political games.
It isn't a political game.
If the Prince gets in charge...
Representative De Waerd has the floor.
The situation is untenable.
The only person who can save us, is the Prince.
The prime minister should hand in his resignation.
They're waiting, Your Highness.
It took them such a long time.
Let them wait.
I say we appoint Tromp as the new Admiral.
Someone we can trust.
Since when can't I trust De Ruyter?
But, Your Highness,
he's friends with De Witt.
Please try to understand, Kievit,
we have to work together.
I want to be the leader
for all Dutchmen.
Your Highness, it's an honor
and pleasure to ask you...
on behalf of the Dutch Republic
to accept the title of king...
like your ancestor, William of Orange, once was.
There is one thing I'm
really concerned about.
Yes, we have received
some very worrying news.
Concerning a secret plot
to assassinate the Prince.
We also know who's behind it.
Come on.
Go on.
I can make this a lot easier for you.
All you have to do, is tell the truth.
You were part of a conspiracy to
assassinate the Prince of Orange.
There are witnesses.
I don't see how you want to deny...
Yes, that's highly unfortunate.
I can't turn this into
more than an exile.
I assume you don't want
to end up here yourself.
I think you should read this.
Cornelis is accused of high treason
for plotting to kill the Prince.
Johan asks me to testify.
Don't be stupid.
You heard me.
The brothers De Witt are lost.
Stay out of it.
What kind of country would that be?
I say whatever I want,
as long as I live.
Back to shore, straight away.
Hoist the sails.
We have to get his brother here as well.
Say that this comes from Cornelis.
I don't know if I...
We're going to be in power soon.
We need to know who is with us
and who is not.
There must be some kind of procedure.
That depends on...
A message for you.
Excuse me.
Something must be done.
Come on.
Stand aside.
Move. Open up.
It's okay.
It's me.
You shouldn't have come.
It's a trap.
Admit it.
You can't do without me.
We have to get out of here.
Can you walk? I've got you.
And you don't know where he went?
No, sir, I don't. Good evening.
I want to have his dick.
Do it.
There is De Ruyter.
He's friends with the De Witts. Get him.
Get him.
The heart of the prime minister.
I thought you were at sea.
Where have you been?
The Hague.
Bring the children to bed.
Come, children.
Daddy's tired. Go on.
What happened?
I was too late. I...
Gentlemen, look.
Cornelis De Witt's penis. Five cents.
Piss off, man.
It had to be done.
They would've tried
to seize power again.
We have to know who we can trust.
We can't allow for Tromp
to serve under De Ruyter.
I want to serve but
not under De Ruyter.
De Ruyter stays.
I've appointed him for life,
and I'm a man of my word.
Make it up with him.
Old Tromp whispered something
to me before he died.
About the way the wind blows and that
an Admiral has to keep his course.
I thought he was talking nonsense,
but now I understand.
Only one thing counts for an Admiral.
I've heard enough.
You're going to do what they ask of you.
Try to understand.
They almost killed us too.
I know.
Promise me one thing. When all of this
is over, we go back to Vlissingen.
You, me, the children.
The army needs reinforcements here.
The cities along the lJssel have
surrendered to the French.
Let's turn the navy into land forces.
Where can we cut the dikes?
Your Highness, do you realize
what the consequences will be?
Are you sure?
Thousands of people live there.
All civilians, Your Highness.
I want the exact locations.
Leave us.
You stay here.
Your Highness.
I congratulate you on your appointment.
I know how you feel, De Ruyter.
Do you?
The French are nearing Amsterdam.
The English will attack,
with the help of the French fleet.
You have to make up with Tromp.
The country needs you. Both of you.
I will follow your orders.
I'm sure you will.
You have my word.
Well clone. Gentlemen, excuse me,
we're going to flood the country.
Huzzah for De Ruyter and Tromp.
Let's not overdo it.
Let's get to work.
Welcome, Admiral.
The English receive help
from the French fleet.
You've already started.
According to the latest updates
they're here and here.
Not only do they want to destroy
our ships but go ashore as well.
The English want an invasion.
That's to our advantage.
They want to reach the coast,
so they'll try to go ashore here or here.
The wind comes from the south and
so we'll do what they expect us to do.
We're going to sail in line here...
and then Tromp is going to leave
a hole here. He's good at that.
You want them to sail through.
The tide could be in our advantage.
It's our only chance.
My head is like an old piss bucket.
Can someone tell me what the plan is?
Girls, you're going with Klaartje.
You can't go to the coast by yourself.
Go on.
Not through the front door.
Through the back.
Hoist the sails.
Pull the ropes.
Keep going.
They're taking the bait.
Come on.
Everyone, get off the ship.
We're going through that hole there.
It's our chance to reach the coast.
Man the guns.
Hurry up, prepare the cannons.
For once I do what you say...Admiral.
The French fleet arrived.
Take the Vooruitgang.
You know the plan.
Aye aye, Admiral.
Boatswains in front of the mast.
Prepare to come about.
Get ready.
De Ruyter is trying to defend the coast.
Let's go.
Damn it.
Abandon ship.
Let us come about then.
Load starboard.
Prepare to come about.
Come about.
Prepare to come about.
Every ship should pull back.
Lift those cannons. Up.
Carpenters, to the front.
Pull back.
Pull back.
To victory.
Huzzah for De Ruyter.
You know what you promised.
Just one more talk and it's over.
People are being arrested everywhere.
Don't say anything foolish to the Prince.
There are some people here
I want to introduce you to.
These gentleman represent
about a quarter of our army.
You want me to join a rebellion?
You can be the symbol of our resistance.
The people look up to you.
And I have the fleet behind me.
You're crazy, man.
Plunge the country into a civil war?
Anything is better
than a dictatorship.
A disgrace.
This is a total disgrace.
Be careful, Michiel.
Trust no one.
Look around you.
That just gives them a
reason to arrest you.
We have to show that we can work together.
We must rebuild this country together.
The republicans are reorganizing.
They want De Ruyter as their leader.
The people love him.
That's the problem, Your Highness.
We have a plan to solve that problem.
The Prince of Orange.
Thank you.
I would like to thank one man...
without whom this glorious victory
would never have occurred.
The great hero from the Battle of Texel:
Cornelis Tromp.
They don't know what they're doing.
Do you have a moment?
I'll be right with you.
Back to Zeeland?
What will the Netherlands do without you?
This country has a great leader.
The country has a great leader.
How can I be a great leader
for all the Dutch...
if they don't all love me?
I'm not like him.
Your Highness is underestimating himself.
Are you serious?
The king can unite the country.
Rise above the parties.
You want me to release the rebels.
A nice gesture.
Have you heard what they say about me?
That's how they thank me,
after everything I did for my people.
Surely you can admit that.
Should I just watch the
republicans ruin our country?
I can't just stand idly by.
Like with Johan and Cornelis de Witt?
Was that massacre also for
the good of the country?
I had nothing...
Nothing to do with that?
We couldn't control the mob.
No one had any idea.
Your people incited the nation
against the De Witts for months.
Pamphlets, agitators, filthy back room politics.
How dare you?
You'll have to live
with your conscience.
How dare you?
Still De Witt's friend, eh?
I'm starting to doubt if you'll
obey me when it's needed.
I have always served my country.
If only the country
was as stable as you.
Your Highness can be assured of my dedication.
But am I?
I hoped this wouldn't be necessary,
but my advisers were right.
I'll accept your retirement
on one condition.
Your Highness?
You carry out one last mission.
You're going to the Mediterranean Sea.
A secret mission against the French.
Why should I?
It's not wise to refuse a direct order
from your Prince.
It's hard to protect
a traitor's family.
De Ruyter.
I might as well have condemned him to
death. That would've been more honest.
Think of it as an act
of a true statesman.
I've decided to form an alliance
with the English throne.
I have to seize this opportunity.
A marriage with Mary Stuart.
Think of it as an act
of a true statesman.
I couldn't sleep either.
Why, Michiel?
Why did you accept that mission?
You have nothing to prove.
They can't force us.
That's not it.
So you want a state funeral?
I don't want to cause a civil war.
And you won't. It's not your fault
those men are in prison.
Someone has to obey the Prince.
The Prince?
He only wants to get rid of you.
They all want to get rid of you.
Your success is too great.
Don't you see what they're doing?
They want you dead,
just like with Johan.
Someone needs to lead by example.
A good example.
Let someone else do it.
They always reconcile.
Too much blood has been spilled.
The country is torn.
I don't care if the country is torn.
I just want us to enjoy
our retirement in peace.
What do you mean?
What did the Prince say?
Did he threaten us?
So he did.
He wasn't even subtle about it.
And you want to risk your life again
for a man like that?
A man who has never cared
about other people...
or what it's like for us
and the children.
I do this for you and the children.
He guarantees your safety
while I'm gone.
And if you survive and come back?
Will it be over then?
Will they leave us alone?
You're not coming back.
You're not leaving me alone,
do you hear me?
You're not leaving me by myself.
Of course, darling.
Of course I'm coming back.
No, no, no, no.
Be a good boy.
Raise up. Smooth.
Daddy loves you very much.
Forgive me, my love.
Come on, let's go home.
I count no more than 12 ships.
Where is the Seven Provinces?
Is that all they have?
What's the honor in that?
Prepare for combat.
Get ready.
Load the cannons.
Reload the cannons.
Hurry up with those cannons.
God damn it.
Faster, faster.
Surgeon to the top deck.
Stay with us.
Slightly more to port.
Michiel de Ruyter is dead.
Load the cannons with blank shells.
Let's honor our enemy.
Get ready to pay tribute.
Look at them.
Orangists and republicans,
side by side for the first time.
I never could have done that.
I've seen enough.
The end of an era.
That is Anna De Ruyter,
let her through.
Give him the most beautiful grave
All right.
William III married Mary Stuart in 1677.
In 1688, William III fell in England.
He became King of England, Ireland and Scotland.
Willhem and Mary never had children.
Bentinck remained at his side until his death.
De Ruyter was shot in the right leg,
which was amputated after an infection.
Death came a week after the battle.
The body came home a year later.
His widow was forbidden to see it...
as it came wrapped from the market in
a basket with inadequate clothing.
As was customary at the time,
for women not to attend funerals.
Of all his foes, only Cornelis Tromp
did not attend his funeral.
A state funeral was bestowed for 4 hours.
The captain of the procession wore
the heavy armor of De Ruyter.
The prolonged effort was fatal.
The ability and courage of De Ruyter
earned him honors from all over Europe.
At the entrance of his tomb the epitaph reads,
'Intaminatis Fulget Honoribus'.
'He excels in honor unblemished',
a quote from Horace's Ode III,2.
On his tomb it reads:
Terror of the oceans.
Michiel de Ruyter is still seen as one of the greatest admirals of all time.
Thanks to his exploits Netherlands remained a sovereign and free country.