Mickey Saves Christmas (2022) Movie Script

Hear the sleigh bells jingling
Feel the old familiar tingling
You can sense the hope and happiness
In the air
See the shoppers hustling
While the snowy streets are bustling
'Tis the season to sing,
Ring-ding-a-ding Joy everywhere
Hurry. They're gonna light the tree.
Five, four, three, two, one
Oh, wow.
Every time
I see a Christmas tree
Something lights up inside of me
My heart is filled with electricity
There's reason to cheer
Christmas is nearly here
All right, now.
Who's the next goody-good kid to get
their picture taken with Goofy Claus?
Right this way.
Merry Christmas, Susie.
Tell Goofy Claus
what you want for Christmas.
Susie wants a soccer ball
And Pearl a stroller for her doll
And Elray wants a big blue train
Jinxy skipped his second nap
For the chance to sit on Santa's lap
Aw, what a cutie!
Ooh, oh, oh!
Just one more Christmas light up here
I have to keep my focus clear
I want it to be perfect for my friends
Just a moment, pal.
The display will be so grand
Even better than I planned
Not much time
Till Santa's sleigh will land
- Will land
- Will land
Every time
I see a Christmas tree
Something lights up inside of me
My heart is filled with electricity
- There's reason to cheer
- Getting in gear
- Been waiting all year
- New lights up here
This Christmas is nearly
Finally. All finished.
They're gonna love it.
Just one more very important thing
left to do.
We've gotta go pick up our friends.
And we're late. Follow me.
- What a night.
- And it's just beginning.
Now, we go to Mickey's house.
Oh, driver, do you know the way?
As a matter of fact, I do.
And Pluto.
But we're not going back to my house.
I've got an extra special
Christmas surprise for you all.
- Boy, boy, boy.
- We can't wait to see it.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
We're spending Christmas here,
at this cabin.
- Wow!
- Ooh.
But wait, it gets even better.
Up on the housetop,
Reindeer pause
Goody goodness.
Santa could find us from space.
- Ooh.
- Gawrsh!
- We could even go sledding tomorrow.
- Buttons and bows.
- You did all this for us?
- I sure did.
Goodness, Mickey. You outdid yourself.
- How festive!
- I'll say.
Aw. Can't play fetch right now, Pluto.
There are more decorations to put up.
We'll all spend time together
once things are ready.
Every time
I see a Christmas tree
Something lights up inside of me
My heart is filled with electricity
There's reason to cheer
Christmas is nearly here
There's reason to cheer
Christmas is nearly here
It sure is pretty.
Yep! It sure is pretty.
All right now, is there anything left?
Hey, look. One last decoration.
Pluto, the reindeer.
What do you think, pal?
He looks good enough
to fly Santa's sleigh.
Speaking of Santa,
it's getting late.
So, if we're gonna play fetch,
we better do it now.
Right, Pluto?
Quackers. It is late.
We better get to beddy-bye,
so Santy Claus can come.
I already set out his milk and cookies.
This was for Santa?
Okay, pal.
We only have time for a few throws, okay?
Oh, no! I better fix that light
before Santa arrives.
Pluto, stop!
Ho, ho, ho.
What a beautiful Christmas Eve.
Mickey and his pals are next.
Got their presents right here.
And there's the cabin
Mickey mentioned in his letter.
It'd be pretty hard to miss that.
Down, Dasher. Down.
Whoa, pal. Stop!
Whoa! Whoa!
Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, reindeer!
Oh, no. Santa!
Buttons and bows!
Santy Claus is in trouble!
We've got to help them.
Oh, dear!
Santa. Are you okay?
I'm just fine, Mickey. Thank you.
That could have been a lot worse.
I think it just got worse.
Were those our presents?
No, no, your presents were in the sleigh.
But everything in that bag were toys
for the children of Hot Dog Hills.
Quackers! You mean, Susie's soccer goal?
- And Elray's train?
- And Pearl's doll stroller?
All at the bottom of the lake.
Aw, pal, I know you didn't mean any harm.
I'm in a jingle jam, all right.
My elves have already left
to spend Christmas with their families.
I haven't got any helpers
to get those toys remade in time.
Why, yes you do, Santa. Us.
We've already been elves once tonight.
Mickey. Minnie.
I love to see such Christmas spirit.
That means... I can hardly believe it.
We get to go to
The North Pole!
You can't fly
without your magical harness, Prancer.
Wow. Wow.
Santa, is your sleigh always this heavy?
Hang on, Goofy. I'll come help you push.
- Everyone ready?
- I think so.
Up, Dasher! Up, Dancer!
Oh. My, my, my, my. Sure is cold.
Warm beverage anyone?
It's delicious.
I gotta get me one of these.
Up on the housetop, reindeer pause
Out jumps good old Santa Claus
Down through the chimney
With lots of toys
All for
The little ones' Christmas joys
Ho, ho, ho
Who wouldn't go
Ho, ho, ho
Who would
Who would
Who would
Who would
Who would
Who would
Down through the chimney
With good Saint Nick
Look! The North Pole.
We're here!
- Wow.
- Buttons and bows.
Whoa! Wow! Look at this place.
Hello there, Jingle. Jolly.
Why, hello, everyone.
Hello, Mrs. Claus.
Oh. How nice to have visitors.
Uh, but Santa, home so soon?
Oh. We're only here for a short stop,
We had a little accident at the cabin.
What are you doing up here?
I thought you were in the sleigh, pal.
Oh, jingles.
That means Prancer got left behind.
She's part of our family.
I've got to go back right away.
Oh, dear. Prancer's never been alone
on Christmas Eve.
I should go too and help you find her.
Will you all be okay here?
Don't worry, Santa and Mrs. Claus.
We'll get to work in the workshop,
making those toys
for the kids of Hot Dog Hills.
Thanks, Mickey.
We'll be back in the twinkle of an eye
to deliver those toys.
Up, Dasher. Up, Dancer. Away!
Come on, gang. We don't have much time.
Aw, gee, Pluto. I know you feel bad
about what happened.
I know how you can help.
You watch for Santa to return.
Let us know the minute he's back, okay?
What a
Wondrous place
A truly magical space
Brimming with beauty and grace
I can't believe my eyeballs
Cookies and cake
Oh, boy! They know how to bake.
The clock is ticking
Gotta keep sticking to the plan
Just one more cookie!
A marvelous place
It's a five-star space
So many toys in one case
Well, I know who can wrap them
No time to spare
Oh, hi, there.
So many things to do
Where's the glue?
Tell me who
How should we start?
Well, I think I know how.
We can fix this Christmas
Following Santa's list
It's up to us to make
The children's dreams come true
- Trains!
- Dolls!
Working while the snow falls
It's almost here
We can fix this Christmas as a team
Oh, boy.
Elray's going to love his new train.
- Soccer ball for Susie!
- You bet!
Doll stroller for Pearl.
No time for goofing around!
We can fix this Christmas
Following Santa's list
It's up to us to make
The children's dreams come true
- Cars!
- Goal!
Working by the warm coals
Look what we're doing here!
We can stitch up every seam
We can build up every dream
We can fix this Christmas
As a team
Hot diggity Christmas.
We sure are getting lots of toys made.
But we're not done.
And that clock is telling us
we're getting closer to Christmas.
Keep working, everybody.
Do you see our Prancer anywhere?
No. She's not by the cabin.
She must've wandered into the forest.
Jingle bells. We've got to find her.
Up on the housetop, reindeer pause
Is Santa back, Pluto?
Pluto, stop!
Doodles! Stop that plane.
Uh-oh. We need the remote.
Ribbons and bows!
I got it!
Oh, dear.
Don't worry, everybody. Santa's here.
He'll help us.
Is that him, Pluto?
Um. Pluto,
I think that's just a twinkling star.
Oh, Pluto,
I know you were just trying to help.
Gosh, the kids of Hot Dog Hills
will be waking up soon.
We've gotta get out of this mess,
but we're all tied up
like a Christmas gift.
Well, if anyone knows how to untie a bow
it's me!
I hate to think of our Prancer out there,
all alone.
Especially when she doesn't like the cold.
Oh. Prancer.
It just wouldn't be Christmas without you.
No one to have milk and cookies with me.
I always have to help you
get the cup off your snout
and the crumbs out of your antlers.
And how we loved to listen
to Christmas songs,
especially your favorite
Up on the housetop, reindeer pause
Out jumps good old Santa Claus
Down through the chimney
If I were her, I'd go
for the little ones' Christmas joys
Ho, ho, ho
- Inside the cabin!
- Inside the cabin!
Doctor's bag for Bitsy. Check.
A race car for Bunny. Check.
New doll for Cleo. Check.
Mama? Gawrsh.
And a teddy bear for Clifford. Check.
Say, that's the last toy on the list,
- Hooray!
- Yes!
- We did it!
- Hot diggity!
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.
Doodles! It's Christmas morning.
We must get these toys delivered!
Santa's gotta be back by now.
Let's get everything outside. Hurry.
Oh, dear. Santa's still not here.
Well, uh, if Santa can't get to us,
then we have to find a way
to deliver these presents ourselves
and before the kids of Hot Dog Hills
wake up.
What is it, Jingle and Jolly?
What do you know?
Santa's got an old junker.
Santa's old sleigh?
Maybe we can fix it up,
and Jingle and Jolly can fly it.
I think this just might work.
Come on, Pluto. Sit here with me.
Okay, gang.
Let's head for Hot Dog Hills.
Up, Jingle. Up, Jolly.
Rats. The sleigh's too heavy for 'em.
Oh, poor dear Pluto.
He must feel so terrible
about the accident at the cabin.
Pluto, you shouldn't feel bad.
All you wanted was
for us to play fetch together.
You kept trying,
and I kept saying, "Not now."
Didn't I, pal?
I was so busy rushing around
trying to put up lights and decorations
that I pushed aside my best friend.
If I had just stopped
and played with you then,
maybe all those toys
for the kids of Hot Dog Hills
wouldn't be at the bottom of the lake.
And you wouldn't feel so sad right now.
I'm sorry, Pluto.
Oh, Mickey, you were just trying
to show us how much you care.
I think sometimes we all get too busy
at Christmas time.
Yeah, and we forget that
spending time together
is what makes Christmas
so merry and bright.
No matter how many lights or decorations.
You betcha!
You're right, everybody.
It's not about the number of lights
and decorations.
Christmas is special
because of those we spend it with.
And I wanna spend my Christmas with
all of you delivering these toys.
But we're still stuck here.
If only we had another reindeer.
Yeah. A strong one.
Your reindeer antlers.
You wanna help pull the sleigh, Pluto?
Great idea!
Let's get you a
All right, Pluto!
Up, Jingle. Up, Jolly.
Up, Pluto.
Hot diggity! You're doing it, boy.
reindeer pause
Out jumps the good old
There you are.
Prancer, we were so worried.
Now, now. You know I would never
leave you on purpose.
It was a terrible mistake, and I am sorry.
My team's not complete without you.
Nor is our family.
I missed you so much.
chimney with good Saint
Saint Nick
And if I'm not mistaken,
you missed me a little too.
Ho, ho, ho!
What's that stirring?
Why, it's a mouse!
Ho, ho, ho, ho.
Go, Mickey!
I knew we could count on them.
See, our sleigh is filled with
Christmas gifts for everyone
All wrapped up in bows and ribbons
- Colored red and gold
- And gold!
And since we've been North Pole-d
Joy will unfold
Our reindeer race the sun
To reach the highest
You've got it, pal!
This sleigh is gonna break!
So let's hold each other tight
When we're together on this night
What a sight
The light
The magic all around us shining bright
And now our hearts are glowing
Knowing sparks are flowing
From the feeling
Of friendship and family
'Cause you light up Christmas for me
Ho, ho, ho, ho. Thank you, one and all.
- And merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
- Hot dog!
- Ooh, wow!
Let's go inside and open presents.
Yes, please.
I'll be in soon.
Pluto and I have a little
unfinished business to take care of.
Right, boy?
Don't worry, Pluto.
I made ya a little something special
at the workshop.
Fetch, Pluto!
Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas. And to all, a good night.
The light
The magic we created shining bright
And now our hearts are glowing
Knowing sparks are flowing
From the feeling of friendship
And family
The best gift is our friends
And family
'Cause you light up Christmas for me