Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999) Movie Script

Once a year,
there's a marvellous night,
When enchantment and wonder
spark and take flight.
Each home fills with joy
on this grand holiday,
With hearts growing warm
in a magical way.
The rooms are covered with wreaths.
The mantel has stockings beneath.
Lights twinkle
and bells brightly chime.
The moment's arrived, it's here,
Christmas time.
Three precious gifts
lie under this tree.
What secrets they hold,
Let's look and we'll see.
The first tells a story
for us all to hear
About laughter and family,
and those we hold dear.
We love Christmas so much,
we want it to stay.
But what if we wished
it was here every day?
Anchor's aweigh!
Full steam ahead!
Swab the deck, you...
All aboard! Next stop, Funnyville.
It's here.
- The one
- The only
best day of the year.
It's Christmas!
Oh, boy! Just what we always wanted.
- Hey, look at this.
- Cool!
Merry Christmas, boys.
You know we have to wait
for the family.
Sorry, Uncle Donald.
Ah, it's Christmas,
and I've got a special surprise
for you.
But you didn't even...
...read the... card.
We'll read it later.
- Merry Christmas, everybody.
- Indeed.
Where are my boys and my kisses?
I could just eat you up.
Oh, Donald?
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
Aunt Daisy, catch ya later.
Last one down the hill's
a rotten egg...
Not me!
Boys! Dinner.
The one thing better...
...than presents...
...is Christmas dinner.
Isn't this lovely? All of us gathered
for a wonderful meal.
It's my favourite part of Christmas.
- Turkey!
- Donald, would you like to carve?
Boys! Where are your manners?
- This turkey is so good.
- Your gravy never has lumps.
We love your cooking,
Aunt Daisy.
they're just enjoying my dinner.
Ah, phooey. I don't want any.
Alright, who's for carolling?
We don't wanna sing,
Uncle Scrooge.
We wanna play with our toys.
- Bedtime, boys.
- Not yet.
Christmas can't be over already.
Good night, boys.
What a great day.
We should do it more often.
Yeah. Once a week should be enough.
It'll be another 365 days
until we get more Christmas.
Star light, star bright,
first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
have the wish I wish tonight.
We wish it was Christmas
every day.
All aboard! Next stop, Funnyville.
Boy, those guys
sure like that choo-choo.
They're gonna
play with it again today?
Let's play with our new toys.
They're gone.
Hey, what is this?
Huh? Whoa!
Didn't we open these yesterday?
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
There's only one way to find out.
We're gonna have to open
these presents.
Merry Christmas.
- Uncle Donald, we did it.
- It's Christmas again!
It's Christmas again, Uncle Donald.
Two days in a row.
You boys must have been dreaming.
We almost forgot
about our special surprise.
Where are my kisses?
I could just eat you up.
We should have seen that coming.
Last one down the hill's
a rotten egg.
Boys, dinner.
Isn't this lovely? All of us gathered
for a wonderful meal.
This is my favourite part
of Christmas.
Boys! Where are your manners?
they're just enjoying my dinner.
Good night, boys.
- That was great.
- Double great.
All aboard! Next stop, Funnyville.
Yeah! Alright!
Merry Christmas, boys.
Look out, Uncle Donald.
- Merry Christmas, everybody.
- Merry Christmas, indeed.
Where are my boys and my kisses?
No, you don't.
I think this is my favourite part
of Christmas.
Merry Christmas, boys.
- Merry Christmas.
- I could eat you up...
...my favourite part of Christmas.
We wish you a merry Christmas
All aboard! Next stop, Funnyville.
You can stop Christmas now.
Where are my kisses?
...my favourite part...
Who's for carolling?
Looks like the end of the line.
Until tomorrow,
when it happens all over again.
You're right. Yesterday's today,
and today's tomorrow,
and it's gonna be the same thing
day in and day out...
Get a grip!
I'm sorry, fellas.
That's OK. We know how you feel.
If I see the same toys again,
I'll go out of my mind.
Yeah, and if I eat any more turkey,
I'm gonna need new clothes.
We got to do something
to liven things up.
Green leader to red leader.
Initiate pancake intercept sequence.
Donald, stop playing
with the boys' presents.
Where are my boys and my kisses?
Right here, Aunt Gertie.
Isn't this lovely? All of us gathered
for a wonderful meal.
It's my favourite part of Christmas.
Oh! Turkey!
Not the piano.
Not my beloved carols.
Well, we still have the tree.
Let's run
before Uncle Donald gets mad.
We'll be outside
if you need us.
Donald, are you alright?
"To Huey, Dewey and Louie,
Christmas isn't about candy canes,
holly or lights all aglow,
it's about the hearts that we touch,
and the care that we show."
"Wishing you lots of love,
Donald and Daisy."
Some Christmas
this turned out to be.
Gee, I don't know about you guys,
but I don't ever
wanna do that again.
Me, too.
Me, three.
Tomorrow, let's have
the best Christmas ever.
We're putting
these sleds to good use.
Merry Christmas, fellas.
Look, we made you breakfast.
Isn't that nice?
You've already opened presents.
No way. We've got to
wait for the family to get here.
- Merry Christmas, everybody.
- Indeed.
Don't forget our kisses,
Aunt Gertie.
What are they up to?
You boys are so wonderful.
- That looks heavy.
- Let us help you.
Why, isn't that sweet?
Thank you, boys.
Uncle Donald,
would you like to carve?
Something's up for sure.
Nothing better than gathering...
...for a wonderful meal.
It's our most favourite part.
My feelings exactly.
Carols, Uncle Scrooge?
Why, boys,
it's like you could read my mind.
What's the big idea?
What are you boys up to?
Donald Duck, you're spoiling
a perfect Christmas.
No, Uncle Donald is right.
We are up to something.
Merry Christmas.
See, it's your dream boat!
Thank you, boys.
How beautiful.
Some Christmas this has turned out
to be. I'm just so happy.
Come gimme a push.
It's over!
Christmas is really over.
The day after Christmas.
I understand, boys.
You must want Christmas every day.
Anchor's aweigh!
Full steam ahead.
Man overboard.
So Christmas was meant
to last just one day,
And maybe it's better that way.
/t's a time to be treasured,
it can't always be here,
But the feeling it gives us
can last the whole year.
Now this gift holds a story
both wondrous and rare,
About a father and a son
and the love that they share.
This Christmas they'll learn
before the night's through,
/f we care for each other,
our dreams can come true.
...Oh, hear the angels sing...
Come on, Maxie,
at least hum a few bars.
Dad, hurry up.
Deck the walls
with cows and caulis...
The mailman comes at noon, Dad!
Let's see, now.
- How about an electrical recliner?
- Yeah, Dad, whatever.
Don't want to turn
into a fancy pants.
Yeah, Dad, but Santa won't get
our letter if we don't leave...
Hold on, Dad.
We're taking a short cut.
We ought to slow down
before we break the sound barrier.
- What?!
- We're headed straight for the mall.
Great idea.
- Low bridge.
- Really? Where?
Go ahead and stop the mailman, son.
I'll be right behind ya.
Don't worry, I won't let you down.
Excuse me.
Pardon me, ma'am.
Didn't mean to get fresh.
There's a madman
on the ornament.
Wait! Stop!
You have to mail our letter
to Santa.
Get out of the road, kid.
Do you have anything bigger?
I have an empty space right here.
I'll take it.
My dad'll be here
any minute, honest.
Sorry, kid, gotta go!
Special delivery
for the North Pole.
You really think Santa
will get the letter?
Sure as I stand here.
I gotta get it, I just gotta.
My own one-of-a-kind, carbon fibre,
torque rod, snappy flex,
tip-to-tail, rail-to-rail, wood core,
twin-directional snowboard!
That's a mouthful.
With adjustable
forward and high back
skid plate step-in bindings.
Look at this. All nice and neat
and ready for ol' Santy.
Merry Christmas Eve, Pete.
Why, if it ain't
the goof master himself.
Say, we got us
some more work to do, Max,
or Santy won't find our chimney.
Ain't that quaint? The goof brain
thinks there's a Santy Claus.
There isn't?
Like father, like goof.
Kid's got the goof gene
in his bloodstream.
There is too a Santa!
Now, son, come here.
See, it's an urbane myth,
like that Locked Ness Monstrosity,
and the fella with the sweets
takes cheques.
Well, think of it.
An old guy in a red suit
cruising the entire world
in one night,
using reindeer what fly.
Why, it's impossible.
Look, kid, I've been around, see.
I've been to foreign lands,
like Brooklyn,
and I've never seen,
nor met a soul who's seen,
this Santy Claus fella.
Look, Maxie, I found the front door.
So long, neighbours.
Have a very merry Christmas.
And a happy New Year.
Cows and Cauli...
Hey, how about giving
your old man a hand?
What is it, Maxie?
Why, you look like Santy Claus
put coal in your stocking.
I heard there isn't any Santa Claus.
Who went and told you
a silly thing like that?
Mr Pete.
Well, that figures.
Of course there's a Santy.
Or we'd have out-of-work elves.
You think?
Think? Heck, I'm sure.
Son, have I ever been wrong?
A broken clock is right
two or three times a day,
and this time I'm right.
Believe me, Santa won't let you down.
- You really think he'll come?
- Why, as sure as pigs fly.
Hey, Dad,
what did you ask for from Santa?
You know, just the usual.
What's that?
It's a surprise.
Now, plug her in
and let the joy of Christmas shine.
That'll put
the spirit of Christmas in you.
Course there's a Santa.
Believe me,
Santa won't let you down...
An old guy in a red suit,
cruising the entire world in
one night, using reindeer what fly.
Why, it's impossible,
impossible, impossible...
Hiya, Maxie. Wanna help?
Did you know that there are
two billion children in the world?
No wonder
I keep tripping over roller skates.
That means Santa would have to make
800 visits a second,
not including bathroom breaks.
I guess old Santy's
been at it so long,
he figured out the short cuts.
Looks like it's gonna be
a white Christmas.
Dad, this is serious.
I know, son, but...
Something sure smells mighty tasty.
But how can a reindeer fly?
That's easy,
it's those antlers, they...
You know, with the wind
and all, that creates lift...
Ah ah ah! Hot!
Still, it's a lot of work
for one guy.
That's why we leave him cookies,
for a pick-me-up.
Just doesn't quite make sense, Dad.
Where are we going, Dad?
To share the joy of Christmas
with those less fortunate.
Shouldn't Santa be doing this?
Santy's on a tight schedule
this time of year,
so we're helping him out.
Looks like
I might need one, too.
Wanna play toy carses? All I got's
two, but you can have one.
Santa gave me this one last year.
This year, I hope he's gonna
give me another one.
Kid, I ain't so sure
there is such a thing as...
Christmas Eve dinner is served!
- Mr Goofy, that's incredible.
- Like magic.
Christmas magic.
Thank you so much.
With things being so tight,
without you, we wouldn't have...
Don't mention it.
You'd do the same for me.
But have you ever really,
actually seen Santa?
He's got a big white beard.
But have you ever
actually seen him in person?
- Merry Christmas.
- Santa!
You made it!
Who wants to be the first
to sit on Santy's lap?
Me, me. Over here.
I'm so glad you came.
Wow, I almost
didn't believe any more,
but now...
Everything's OK. So...
I want my own one-of-a-kind,
carbon fibre, torque rod,
snappy flex,
tip-to-tail, rail-to-rail,
twin-directional snowboard.
You tricked me. How could you?
Santy's got a problem with one
of his elves, but he'll be back.
Gosh, Maxie. I'm real sorry.
I was just trying
to make those kids happy.
Remember my tradition of eating one
of Santy's cookies before bedtime?
What's the point?
Remember how we always open
one present on Christmas Eve?
Hiya, Maxie.
Lookee here,
it's your old stuffed bear.
- Remember what you named him?
- Old Stuffed Bear.
- Remember who gave him to ya?
- Yeah. Santa.
But that's when I was little.
No, he's not!
Trust me, Max.
You just gotta believe.
Santy's real.
No, he's not.
- Yes, he is.
- No, he's not!
I promise.
Then prove it.
When Santy shows up,
we'll be here to greet him.
I'll snap a picture of him
so you'll have
photographic evidence.
Yeah. You'll fall off
the roof first.
I won't fall off the roof.
You just watch.
Santy Claus is coming to town!
Told you you'd fall off the roof.
I didn't fall off the roof.
Where's Santy?
I didn't miss him, did I?
Then where is he?
I don't know about you,
but I'm cold and tired,
and Santa Claus is not coming.
Why doesn't he just grow up
and face the facts?
"Don't forget...
Oh, Dad.
Max, wake up. Look, son, look.
It's him, it really is!
Do you see him, Maxie? Do ya?
Yoo-hoo, Santy.
Over here!
- Almost forgot. Smile, Santy.
- Dad, the lens cap.
I'll get it right this time.
Come down with your hands up.
We have you surrounded.
What in the name of Pete is going on,
for Pete's sake?
Maybe he's running a little late.
Are you OK?
You were right about everything.
I even fell off the roof.
Hey, Dad, it's OK.
Santa didn't show. No biggie.
Well, since he's not coming,
at least we can eat
all his cookies.
Not hungry.
Hey, Dad,
here's one from me. Open it.
Maybe later.
Merry Christmas.
Santy, I'm so happy you came.
Gosh! I thought you'd be taller.
And you look trimmer
than your pictures.
Well... you know...
camera adds 50 pounds.
You have to meet Maxie.
Yeah, love to,
but... gotta get going.
Two billion kids, 823 a second.
Very tight schedule.
Wait, Santy,
he's around somewheres.
Wait! Santy.
- Maxie?
- Hi, Dad.
What are you doing
dressed up like Santy Claus?
I just wanted to make you happy,
like you did for our neighbours.
Maxie, I might have let you down,
but you sure didn't let me down.
Could it be? Do you think?
Gosh! It sure looks like...
Santa Claus.
I believe it is.
Wow, my own one-of-a-kind,
carbon fibre, torque rod,
snappy flexed, tip-to-tail,
rail-to-rail, wood core,
twin-directional snowboard.
- Thanks, Santa.
- What's all the commotion?
If it's another robber,
I'm gonna get... him.
Well, hey, Santa,
I believed in ya all along.
For real and for true.
So, where are my presents?
Merry Christmas!
But what about my squirty gun
and my yo-yo?
I know you can hear me.
Santa didn't forget your gift,
did he?
Every year, I ask for the same gift,
and every year I get it.
What's that?
- Your happiness.
- Uh-oh.
What is it, son?
Got you the same thing.
Merry Christmas, Dad.
Merry Christmas, Max.
Where are you going?
To share my present
with little Jimmy next door.
That's my boy.
So, Christmas is found
in the way we live,
Not what we receive,
but what we can give.
Our last present may seem small,
Not fancy, flashy or special at all.
But this gift can be given
by the rich or the poor,
/t's a gift of the heart,
and it means so much more.
Thanks, Joe. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, George.
You working?
Not tonight. It's Christmas Eve.
There it is, Pluto.
The perfect gift
to go with Minnie's watch.
My Minnie.
They close at five.
I'm a little short now,
but you and I are gonna make
lots of tips today.
- Aren't we, fella?
- Yeah.
After work we'll pick it up.
Let's get this tree to Minnie's.
Figaro, there's nothing but bills.
How am I going to afford
to get Mickey a present?
Ah, Mickey,
when you play your harmonica,
my heart sings.
An instrument like that
deserves a special case.
Yeah. Some day.
Come into the kitchen.
Breakfast is almost ready.
I'm not eating you
out of house and home?
Course not, silly. I have plenty.
For me?
Have you got the time, Minnie?
- Let's see, it's...
- Gosh, sure is a beautiful watch.
My one heirloom.
It'd look nice with a gold chain
around your pretty neck.
Oh, Mickey. My goodness,
I've got to go to work.
Madam. Your sleigh awaits.
Oh, how wonderful.
Giddy up, Pluto.
See you tonight.
Fella, we got work to do.
Welcome to Crazy Pete's tree lot.
Hurry, folks, only one more day
till Christmas.
Easy credit. No money down.
This stuff works pretty good.
Merry Christmas.
I'll be merry when
I've sold all those ten-footers.
Why are you standing there with
your face hanging out? Get to work!
OK, fella. You know what to do.
Shake a leg.
Quit slacking.
There's a customer waiting.
Do be careful of the paint.
Yes, ma'am.
Such a nice young man.
Here's a little something for you.
I don't expect anything.
I'm just glad to help.
Oh, boy!
Thank you, ma'am, thank you.
Hot dog! We'll be able
to get Minnie that watch chain.
- We'd like to buy a tree...
- You folks are looking for a tree?
Boy, oh, boy,
is this your lucky day.
This here's what you folks need. Ten
feet of towering Nova Scotia pine.
Wow. It's bigger than our house.
Well, it's a little more
than we need.
Missus, I've got to be honest
with you,
this is all
I've got left on the lot.
The others have been reservated.
You don't want these kids going
without a tree now, do you?
We are gonna get a tree,
aren't we, Daddy?
This is all we have.
Well, that'll be just fine...
for a down payment.
I'll set you up with a nice
instalment plan. Just sign here.
We're gonna get a tree!
We're gonna get a tree.
Foot off the brake,
the kids are waiting.
Hey, how about this tree?
I found it out back.
It hasn't been... reservated.
- Wow!
- It's beautiful.
- Perfect.
- We'll take it.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you again.
Merry Christmas. So long.
I had them on the hook
for a ten-foot tree.
I'm taking what I would have made
from you!
- But I...
- Now, get out of my lot!
Somebody's burning their ham...
More than warm. It's hot!
Not my ten-footers.
Holiday shoppers, don't forget
to bring your purchases
Holiday shoppers, don't forget
to bring your purchases
to our gift-wrapping department.
I've never seen it so busy.
Who made you
Santa's number one helper?
I want to get Mickey
something special.
Without that Christmas bonus,
I'm sunk.
Hello. Okey-dokey. Bye.
Mr Mortimer wants to see you
in his office right away.
My Christmas bonus.
- Ginny.
- That's Minnie.
Right, I've been making a list
and checking it twice,
and I found that you have been
Santa's best little helper
this season.
Your hard work
is about to be rewarded.
Close your eyes
and hold out your hands.
Mr Mortimer,
I can't thank you enough.
Yes, I know. Don't interrupt.
- Penny.
- That's Minnie.
Whatever. On behalf of the store,
it gives me great pleasure
to present you
with your Christmas bonus.
A fruitcake?
No need to thank me. The expression
on your face is thanks enough.
Scoot along to the gift-wrapping
department where you belong.
And, er, Winnie?
Merry Christmas.
Oh, Mickey. How am I ever
gonna get your present now?
There must be a way to get Minnie's
present by five o'clock.
You got any ideas, fella?
Don't worry. We'll come up
with something, we just gotta.
Do you think the band
will ever show up?
I don't know. They're putting out
a fire at Crazy Pete's.
It went up like a Roman candle.
Chief, looks like the toy drive
is a big fat bust.
Listen. That music.
Come on.
Where are we going?
A concert in the park.
Look, Bub, we're desperate.
We need music for the toy drive.
You're our only hope.
I don't have time.
I gotta get a gift for my girl.
Look, pal, don't do it for us,
do it for the kids.
- But I...
- Son, to these kids,
the only difference between
a broken heart and a smile is you.
You're on. Break a leg, pal.
Look, I'm really sorry,
but I can't stay.
I got Christmas shopping to do and...
- The band!
- Must have been hot at Crazy Pete's.
Guess I'll be showing up
at Minnie's empty-handed.
Terrific. Thanks to you,
this was our best toy drive ever.
You and that harmonica
make a great team.
She's worth her weight in gold.
Holy cow! That's it.
We've got two minutes to get
to the shop. Come on, Pluto.
- Thanks, fellas.
- Goodbye.
- Thanks.
- Merry Christmas.
Hey, what's going on?
This is our stop.
Look, there's the shop.
Excuse me, sir. I was just hoping to
trade this for a gift for my girl.
Sorry, that harmonica
isn't worth much.
Well, merry Christmas.
You're worth a lot to me,
old friend.
Say, maybe that harmonica
is worth something after all.
Come on in.
Can't wait to open your present?
I know how you feel.
I love Christmas so much.
Say, Mickey,
why don't you play some music?
Isn't it time
we were opening our presents,
and speaking of time,
what time is it?
Well, I... I think it's time
for you to open your gift.
A case, for my harmonica.
A chain for my... watch.
Mickey, it's beautiful,
but I traded my watch
to get you that case.
I traded my harmonica
to get you a watch chain.
Oh, Mickey,
I can't believe you gave up what
means the most to you, for me.
Minnie, you're all the music
I'll ever need.
- Merry Christmas, Mickey.
- Merry Christmas, Minnie.
Want some fruitcake?
A gift from the heart
is cherished and true.
A present is best
when love's given, too.
So in the end, love is the reason
That Christmas is more
than a gift-giving season.
/t's a time with our loved ones
to show that we care,
When families and neighbours
come together to share.
So, this Christmas season,
let us all do our parts
To keep Christmas spirit
alive in our hearts.