Mid-Love Crisis (2022) Movie Script

The two greatest days
of our lives...
are the day we're born
and the day we discover why.
As a child, birthdays were
my favorite day of the year.
A celebration of all the love
in my life.
A celebration of me,
and of the person I was,
and the person I was becoming.
Birthdays were a reminder
of my "why."
But now birthdays are just
a reminder that...
I'm old!
And in 10 days
I'm gonna be 50...
50. That is a number
that forces you
to reckon with the finality
of life.
Did I tell you I'm already
getting junk mail
for life insurance
and reading glasses?
People have started
calling me ma'am.
I heard a song that I loved
as a teenager
and then I realized it was
background music
for an arthritis commercial.
I'm just losing my mind
over my birthday.
I mean, what...
what is your therapistic
diagnosis here?
You want my raw,
unfiltered opinion?
Okay. Yes, 50 is big.
It's a transition,
a rite of passage,
and it's perfectly normal
for this to trigger
a kind of midlife crisis.
I'm having a midlife crisis?
Sorry, did you not realize this?
How do we fix it?
Fix it?
Well, you don't fix it.
You... you feel it.
I'm gonna give you
the same advice
I give my actual patients.
I tell the kids that when these
big emotions come up, feel them.
It doesn't matter where you are
or what you're doing, just stop.
Put your head in your hands
and feel your feelings.
It kinda sounds like having a
nervous breakdown in public.
I'm... even if it's not,
it's still a little protracted
and hard-won,
and I'm looking for an immediate
Band-Aid type fix.
What have you got
in that category?
What do you think
would fix this?
Day drinking.
Your usual.
Oh, obviously we come here
too often.
Mmm. Cheers to that.
So, is everything set
for Rita's visit?
Mmm... yes.
And she's bringing Emily
which is great.
Then, of course, in classic
Rita style,
she texted me last night
and asked if it was alright
if Emily brought her uncle.
Which, of course,
I want to meet him.
I mean, he's basically been
Emily's father
since her parents passed.
Things must be getting serious.
Oh, they're 23 years old.
How serious could they be?
Remind me how old you were
when you met Marc?
You know, Rita might be trying
to "Parent Trap" you.
No. Really?
She makes some
questionable decisions
but she knows better than
to set me up.
Honey, you are 50 and fabulous.
Is it really so bad
to be set up?
I'm just not dating.
You've been divorced
for two years.
I've been widowed for one
and I'm already on dating apps.
And I am so happy that's working
for you but I just...
I don't want to digitally date.
And besides, even if I met
someone tomorrow
and fell in love,
I would be... 70
before I could trust that
he wasn't gonna leave me.
You really do need a therapist.
Mm. It's so true.
Did you wanna come over tonight?
Rita would love to see you.
Ooh, I can't tonight.
I'm heading into the city.
I promised a visit
with the grand-babies.
Send photos.
Oh, you know I will.
Listen, feel those feelings.
Okay. You got this.
You're amazing.
- Oh...
- Yes, you are.
Or not.
Hi. Uh, it's Mindy Quinn.
I am parked up the street
from the bakery and,
uh, my car's dead.
I was wondering if you could
send someone to jump me.
I mean, someone to jump my car,
of course.
Great. Thank you.
Feel your feelings.
Feel your feelings.
Feel your feelings.
Feel my feelings.
Okay. I feel stressed.
Feel my feelings.
Hey, are you okay?
Uh... I'm fine.
Mortified, but fine.
Well, even though you're
so obviously fine,
do you mind if I join you?
I, uh... I happen
to be an expert
in emotional breakdowns
in public.
I'm not having a breakdown,
I'm... I'm just feeling
my feelings.
I... I was told it's a...
it's a thing to do.
Yeah, I see that. Sorry.
Do you wanna talk about it?
You're a total stranger.
Well, sometimes talking to
a stranger makes it easier.
Well, um, if I was going
to be totally reductive,
I would say that, um, I may be
having a tiny...
little, very manageable,
uh, midlife crisis.
Sammy Berman?
Err... yeah, it's just Sam now,
but wow, that's Mindy Modine.
- Uh, Mindy Quinn now, but yeah.
- Oh.
Mindy Quinn.
Uh... wait, are you just
visiting Deer Lake?
No. I... I live here.
Uh, going on three years.
Yeah, I inherited my parents'
house on Myrtle Drive.
507 Myrtle Drive.
Wow! You remember that?
How is that possible?
Keep the old noggin fit,
you know.
Wow. Uh, so... and what
are you doing?
Are, are you visiting?
Yeah, just for the weekend.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
That's wonderful.
I mean, you'll have fun.
Yeah, it should be a lot of fun.
Yeah, last time I was here
it was with you.
It was, what, like,
32 years ago?
So, you were saying you're,
you're having a midlife crisis?
Oh! No, no, no!
I was joking!
Yeah. Oh, gosh.
I mean, but, um, you know,
if you wanted to, you know,
catch up, have coffee, we could,
we could exchange numbers.
I don't think that's necessary.
Oh, hang on, I gotta take this.
Hey, hey, hi.
Um, yeah, I'm here.
Okay. Yeah, I got it.
Okay. Love you, love you.
Um... do you need
a lift anywhere?
Oh, no.
I mean, err... my car's dead,
but they're coming.
Really? Do you want me
to look at it? I'm...
- No.
- I know my way around vehicles.
The mechanic will be here
any minute,
I don't wanna bother you.
Okay. I hope you feel better.
I'll see you soon.
Oh, I hope not.
Rita? Honey?
Oh gosh.
Mmm! Mom!
- Hi, honey! Oh!
- Hi.
That was supposed to be
for dessert.
Well, I got hungry, I'm sorry.
You're late.
I know.
It was a whole thing.
My car wouldn't start.
I needed a new battery.
And then...
- This was unbelievable.
- Hmm?
I ran into my high school boyfriend.
What? No way.
That is cray-cray.
It was cray-cray.
I mean, it was astonishing.
This guy was really
my first love.
I thought Dad was
your first love.
So, content marketing?
I'm glad you're working.
I can, like, actively feel
your disapproval.
No. No disapproval.
I am happy for you.
No, you're not.
You're just worried
that I'll regret
dropping out of med school.
Nope. Not worried anymore.
Unless you do regret it.
No. We've been through this.
There's no regrets, Mom.
And, um, Emily and her uncle
will be here any minute
and I just... I want us to have
the perfect weekend
because I have some
exciting news.
That's Emily.
- Hey!
- Hi! Hi!
Hi Emily.
Hi! Hi.
I hope the drive wasn't too bad.
It's so good to see you.
Thanks for hosting my uncle.
Oh, sure.
I'm... I'm looking
forward to...
You're Emily's uncle?
That's incredible.
I didn't really realize myself
until I saw you earlier today
but I hope this is okay.
That's why you didn't want
my number.
I thought you were
just rejecting me again.
Mom, wait. What?
So, the year was 1989
and the place was your mom's
homecoming dance.
So, you two went
to high school together?
No, no.
We, we didn't...
I went to a different
high school,
one I actually attended.
Uh, uncle Sam was,
uh, a bit of a rebel.
- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.
So, you fell for the bad boy?
Was he, like, a greaser
who drove a hot rod or...
No, because we didn't go
to school in the '50's.
But way to age us up.
Anyway, my sister,
uh, Emily's mom,
set me up on a blind date
with someone who went
to Mindy's school.
I showed up and I guess
she'd stood me up.
But it turned out to be
very lucky for me
'cause that's how
I met your mom.
She was twirling around
on the dance floor.
So beautiful.
Oh, stop.
Almost as beautiful
as she is right now.
And she had real moves.
Mmm. My mom is
an amazing dancer,
that is, when you can
get her to dance.
What?! You don't dance anymore?
That's... that's a travesty.
The dancing queen.
That's all we ever used to do.
Well, it's almost all we ever
used to do.
Mindy... Mindy used to...
Mindy used to sneak out of
her window at night
and I would pick her up
and we would go out at night
and just cut a rug.
What happened after that?
Uh... who can remember, right?
Anyway, ancient history.
Who wants dessert?
I got pie.
Uh, actually someone
ate all the pie,
almost all the pie.
Thanks for doing that.
Oh, my pleasure.
After all, I'm a guest
here again.
After all these years.
Although the place
looks different.
We renovated it a few, um...
I renovated a few years ago.
The former Mr. Quinn and I.
I mean, he's still Mr. Quinn,
but we're divorced now.
Yeah. You knew that already.
Yeah, we've been, uh...
we were married 23 years,
been divorced two,
almost three now.
If you, uh, don't mind me
asking, what happened?
Oh, uh, Mr. Quinn
woke up one day
and realized he'd be happier
with someone else.
- Sorry.
- Mm.
But enough about
Mr. Quinn.
What about Doctor Quinn,
medicine woman, right?
- No, no.
- What?
Actually, uh... no.
I'm not.
That was your dream
to be a doctor.
That... you were pre-med
when I left.
And I did get into
med school, um...
and I got pregnant
so I didn't finish.
Dr. Quinn is my husband.
Uh, ex-husband, still a doctor.
I ended up teaching high school
science for 20 years.
But I really loved it.
I mean, I love it.
I love watching my kids
get excited about science.
Oh, good.
I was hoping that I'd find
the two of you alone.
I might've not been entirely
honest about why I invited you.
So, I know that we all wanna get
to know each other
and partially that's because
I hope that we'll be
a family soon...
because I'm gonna ask Emily
to marry me.
- What?
- Wow!
What's wrong?
You, you love Emily.
I do. I do love Emily.
Um... and I would love her
to be my daughter-in-law
in the distant future when...
when you both are older.
Rita, can you give me a hand?
I'll be right back.
Agh! Oh, my gosh.
Are you feeling your feelings?
No. No. This is a breakdown.
Full on.
You still take two creams?
Thank you.
You're up early.
Oh... not really.
'Cause that would mean
I would've slept,
which instead I was up
all night,
uh, ruminating on my and Rita's
life choices and consequences
and I thought you and I
should talk and, um...
get on the same page here.
I just wanna discuss
the proposal.
I don't know how well you
know Rita but she's incredible.
She's... oh passionate
and vivacious
and just runs head first
into life.
Sort of... sort of
my secret self.
But she also makes
rash decisions.
Like last year she just suddenly
dropped out of med school.
Yeah. Emily did the same.
She was taking a master's
in writing
and now she's working on
a crisis hotline
hoping to be a therapist.
They're young.
They're still finding themselves.
- That's right.
- Yeah.
And I support that.
Marriage is not a place
to find yourself.
I mean, marriage is
a lifetime commitment.
Or it's supposed to be.
And, I mean, Emily and...
and Rita,
they're so good together
but it's only been a year.
There's no rush.
We can agree on that, right?
We can encourage them
of that, right?
Yeah. I'll think about it.
You really support this?
Yeah. I don't know how
I feel but...
I can't say yes to you
if I don't mean it?
You can't?
Really? I do it all the time.
Wow. It's beautiful.
It's nice to be here.
It hasn't really changed
very much.
I remember, that's the ice cream
store that we used to go to every day.
- Yeah.
- Mindy! Hi.
Hi. Look at you. Oh!
So, this must be Emily.
- It's very nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- And Sammy...
- Hi.
Sammy Berman all grown up
and here in Deer Lake.
Remember the uncle I was
telling you about? Um...
- You're kidding?
- No.
Wow, okay. This is
a lot to unpack.
Great to see you, Nathalie.
You look great.
You too.
Didn't we used to go on double
dates all the time
with what's his name?
Oh yeah, that's a long story.
We are on our way to breakfast.
Why don't you join us?
Yes. Yes, I will, gladly.
Wait. Wait, Mindy.
So, if... if you dated Sam,
so you must've known my mom.
I did. I did meet Jan
a few times.
- She was about 15, 16 then.
- Yeah.
She was so lovely.
I'm really sorry for both
of your loss.
It's a crazy small world,
isn't it?
Thank you.
You know what's actually
- What?
- What is?
It's like, you two having dated.
Like you knowing my mom,
it just... it feels special.
Like fate... kinda.
Well, that's because
we're meant to be, babe.
- I love you.
- I love you.
Anything else?
A slice of red velvet, please.
And a cappuccino
for me, thank you.
You're having cake
for breakfast?
Life's short,
have dessert first.
Oh, life is also long
so make good decisions
to lead to a successful future.
That's no fun.
Also, this red velvet
is the best.
Mom, please tell me you're
getting red velvet cake
for your birthday.
Oh, when's your birthday?
Nine days.
I mean, yeah. I keep the old
noggin fit, remember?
I remember, right?
Thank you.
This isn't just any birthday.
My mom is turning 50.
So we have to start celebrating
your quinquagenarian rager
right now.
Wait... quin what?
Uh, no.
Um, no. No rager.
And no planning because I am
just having a simple gathering
of a few friends over to the
house for lunch in the garden
and nothing birthday related.
She sent the email.
No gifts, no cake.
No cake?
How are we supposed to sing
you happy birthday?
Well, you're not
because it's terrible.
Everybody singing
and staring at you
and you don't know what to do.
Wait, what?
I don't wanna bust you here,
but I remember you being 18
and having three birthday cakes
and about 100 people.
That was then.
I mean, I was young
and carefree and...
I mean, now I'm just... old
and I worry about everything.
Mom, people just
wanna celebrate you.
Come on, it'll be fun.
They wanna celebrate aging
and, and it,
and it's depressing and doesn't
warrant celebration.
And so it's not happening.
End of discussion.
Absolutely not.
Stress vacuuming?
Stress vacuuming?
It's calming!
The louder the vacuum
the greater the escape!
Come here.
So, um, I wanted to talk
to you about the proposal.
I was hoping you'd maybe,
possibly wanna pass
your engagement ring onto me?
Grandma's ring.
Um, don't you think that
would have kinda bad juju
with the divorce and all?
No, not at all.
It's a family heirloom and,
you know,
despite getting divorced,
you and Dad still had a lot of
years of love and...
Your disapproval is palpable.
No. I do not disapprove.
I love Emily.
And I know you love Emily.
I also know that you have
the rest of your life
to compromise.
To take care of someone else
before yourself.
To take care of others and...
and to make big,
irreversible choices.
You think I rush
into everything.
I just know that you're only 23.
So? You were, like, 23
when you met Dad
and you guys got married
straight away.
Well, I don't think that's
the most successful example.
I know you don't feel it
but you are so young.
And I know you think you know
who you are and what you want
but those things
are gonna change.
Listen, I will support you,
whatever you decide to do.
But please, I encourage you
to give this some more thought.
I feel like I'm always
interrupting your meditation.
Interruption is, uh,
an important part of it.
It teaches you to always
be present.
- So...
- That's nice.
Sure is peaceful
out here, isn't it?
Did you ever get
to that ashram in India?
- I did.
- Wow.
I went there for a few years.
And then I hitch-hiked to Nepal
and I climbed the mountains.
Then I came back to the States
and I just worked construction
and volunteered in
meditation studios.
I just kinda floated around
for a while.
Until... until Janet, um...
Yeah. Um... I can't imagine
how hard that was.
Losing your family.
Suddenly becoming a parent. Ugh.
- Yeah, to a beautiful teenager.
- Hm.
- Sometimes complicated.
- Hm.
But, you know, that's...
working construction,
going to the ashram,
all those things are things
that taught me about life.
What did you learn?
Uh... I learned that all people
who wander are not lost.
But some of them are.
And I learned that although life
is beautiful it is impermanent.
So was, um, marriage and
children too permanent for you?
Before Emily, yeah maybe.
So, I mean, maybe you can
understand how it might be
too permanent for Rita
and Emily right now.
Or, yeah, maybe the fact
that life isn't permanent
means you should love
who you love when you can.
Is that why you're out here,
'cause you're trying to convince
me to dissuade Emily and Rita?
No. I just... I...
I wanted to chat.
I... I mean, and yes, I do
wanna tell you that I...
I mean, I did encourage Rita to,
to give it some more thought.
Wait, so you planted seeds
of doubt?
I remember you doing
that with us.
I did not plant seeds
of doubt with them or us.
I told Rita she doesn't have
to rush in.
This is her first love.
So what's so terrible
about spending your life
with your first love?
They're young.
They're too young to know
what they want.
They're too young to know,
or are you too old to remember.
I mean, honestly Mindy,
this has nothing to do
with Rita and Emily.
It has to do with your baggage
from your divorce.
My baggage? Oh right.
Sorry, I overstepped.
I'm sorry. No, no.
This isn't about my baggage. Okay.
Look, I overstepped, I'm sorry.
No, no, no.
No, it's fine. It's fine.
'Cause you know,
I should go to bed.
Because I'm... I'm so old.
No, I didn't say you're so old.
I said you... I said you were
too old.
Oh, you know, that's...
that's not much better.
How dare he, too old.
Because I'm too old.
Because I am too old, aren't I?
No. Honey, you are
just spiraling here.
Mindy sit.
You know, the thing is...
I think Emily and Rita
are great together.
In fact, I actually think Emily
might be Rita's person.
If that concept even exists.
And as a parent
all you ever want is,
for your children
to be happy and loved.
Of course.
So why am I so terrified?
What's your advice?
The same as it was before.
Feel your feelings
before they erupt.
Now I'm just picturing
my head blowing open
like a volcano.
You got anything else?
You are a very good therapist.
Yes, I am.
I'm still not your therapist
so find someone.
Just leave all those juicy
Sam tidbits for me, okay?
There's no Sam tidbits.
Juicy or otherwise.
Just your nine-inch red velvet. Thanks.
I hope you're not ordering
anything for my birthday.
Actually, I'm ordering it
for the proposal.
So, you're doing that, okay.
I'm happy for you.
I'm scared for you too.
Because I just don't want you
making different versions
of my same mistakes.
I don't want you to sideline
yourself for someone else
and then wake up 20 years from
now and not know who you are.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Did you get an inscription
on the cake?
Oh. Hashtag let's hope so.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I was wondering, um, if you
would join me for a picnic.
I don't know if I can carry
all my baggage.
I might be too old.
Well, maturity-wise,
definitely not.
I do know the perfect place
for a picnic.
That's a yes!
Remember this place?
Yeah. Wow.
Wait... did we?
Was it...?
- Oh...
- Wait. Oh yeah, here it is.
We were so young, weren't we?
This is where I got my first
real kiss.
Real kiss?
I mean, first one that
ever mattered.
Don't get all sappy
on me. Come on.
What's for lunch?
Well, in keeping for the
nostalgia theme for the day...
we are having a Mindy Modine special.
Cheese sandwiches
and snack cakes?
Seventeen-year-old Mindy's
favorite. That's...
So, saturated fat is your way
of apologizing?
Somewhat, yeah.
Well, I am sorry that
I made it more intense
when you had your mid...
your "feeling your feelings."
But I'm also interested in,
you know, why it was so intense.
The proposal, I guess, um...
and my birthday.
My job might be in jeopardy.
Um, we're having layoffs
at the school.
I'm sorry to hear that.
And, I guess...
I also just feel... lost.
Like, I'm not a mother
the way I used to be.
I'm not a wife.
I may not be a teacher anymore.
It's just not what
I'd planned for.
It just not the future
that I thought would...
You know, on the best of days
I think about getting older
as like an awakening.
We are awakening to,
uh, the person
that we've always wanted
to become.
Have you awoken to that person?
Well, I'm a month younger
than you so I still have time.
It doesn't... it doesn't have
to happen yet.
Okay. Alright.
How are you so chill?
What is your secret?
I'd say that my secret is...
I don't mind what happens.
I shouldn't.
But I'm going to.
Oh... oh, my God.
That is...
that is just pre-packaged
manna from heaven.
It is just so delicious!
You're as wonderful
as I remember
and also somehow more wonderful.
Anyways, I like my
rocks. That one's my favorite.
Hey. Um, is it okay if I
talk to my mom for a second?
- Oh yeah. Yeah.
- Cool.
What's going on?
Um, well, I was chatting with
Dad about the proposal and...
he just seemed really left out.
So, I was wondering if maybe
he could join.
Of course, honey.
It's whatever you want.
Really? It's fine?
Yeah. If you want him here
then it's fine.
Okay. You're... you're really
sure that's cool?
Cool. Yes, it's cool.
Okay. Cool, I'm gonna
call him now.
What are you doing?
Oh, just a little late night
kitchen drawer reorganizing.
I do it a lot.
With a flashlight?
Uh, I was trying not
to wake anyone.
I guess I woke you?
No, no, no. I just needed
to get some water.
Does this late night drawer
reorganizing have anything
to do with the fact that your
ex-husband is coming tomorrow?
Uh, partially.
And partially his girlfriend, Eileen
whom I'm sure he'll be bringing.
Oh no.
Is she, uh... 30
and teaches Pilates?
Worse. She's my age.
And brilliant, gorgeous, successful.
She actually has a TED Talk and
not one of the annoying ones.
So that's why you're up late
alphabetizing your spices?
Garlic, cinnamon, parsley.
Oh, see?
That's not right.
You know, it's also about
what we were talking about
at the picnic.
I was just lying in bed
wondering who am I?
And what do I want and how did
I become this person?
What person?
Oh, this person.
A person who...
who has a plastic bag
filled with used and washed
plastic bags.
Why do I need a corn kerneler,
a pickle picker, a taco chopper.
An electric wine opener.
No, that one...
that one I need.
But this? Why do I have
an air fryer?
I mean, when did I stop frying
my food in oil?
It is one of life's
greatest pleasures.
It's never too late.
You're right.
It's never too late.
I could make French fries
right now.
Yeah, you could.
Let's do it.
- Oh. Wow.
- Isn't it?
- That is so good. Mmm.
- Mmm.
See? Never too late.
Never too late.
[I music]
Mom, I know you think I'm rash
or rushing into things
or whatever,
but I think you should consider
reframing it.
Finding the positive.
- Okay.
- Mmhmm.
Rita, I'm so glad that you're
rash and rush into things.
No. I mean, I just wish that you
could see how I seize the moment
and how I'm inspired by passion
and how I have faith
that things will work out
so I don't need to worry.
I do see that.
Rita. Nice to see you again.
Oh, hey Andy.
So Mindy, I don't know
if you heard
but Debbie made her decision.
I'm being let go.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay. I expected it.
After all, I was
the newest hire.
Oh still, it's terrible.
How are you doing?
I don't know. It's hard.
We have a new mortgage
and twin babies.
It's really stressful, actually.
You know what? No.
No to what?
No to you losing your job
because I am gonna resign.
- What?
- What?
You can't!
No, I can. I can.
And it's the right thing to do,
for you but...
but also for me.
You're the best.
The kids love you.
They need you.
Oh, they have you.
They'll be fine.
I... I don't have the words.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna go call my wife
right now.
Thank you!
Um... Mom, did you just randomly
quit your job right now?
Are you, like, freaking out?
I think I am, like,
freaking out.
But, you know what?
It feels right.
I've been teaching for 20 years
and it's time for a change.
Hey. Whatcha doing?
Uh, just researching master's
for rooms.
To become a therapist?
I mean, I thought about,
um, going the doctor route,
becoming a psychologist,
but what I really wanna
be doing is therapy
and, um, a two-year Master's
can get me there.
Well, that sounds great.
Yeah. It was actually Rita
who encouraged me.
And I... I wanted to show you. Um...
It was my mom's.
You know, for like...
hopefully someday.
It's beautiful.
Thank you, Mindy.
For what?
Just for making me feel
like family.
Oh, of course, Emily.
Of course.
So, when I got back from India
I bought a camper van.
And I just kinda criss-crossed
the country.
I worked odd jobs, uh,
I went to all the national parks
and hiked them.
Just kinda found myself,
you know?
- Isn't that amazing?
- It is amazing.
We should have adventures
like that.
We could quit our job
and buy a camper van
and go to Burning Man.
Nobody needs to be going
to Burning Man.
Wait, what's wrong
with Burning Man?
Uh... a bunch of unshowered hippies
dehydrating themselves
in the name of art.
Don't get me started.
So Sam, when you were
re-enacting on the road
did you keep in touch
with my mom?
No, he definitely did not.
No, we didn't end
on the best of terms.
Why? What happened?
Well, since you asked,
your uncle dumped me.
I didn't dump you.
What would you call it?
I'd call it...
I couldn't be who you wanted
me to be.
Wait. Dad's here.
Listen, I admire your
adventurous life
but could you just take it
down a notch
'cause Rita is very impressionable.
I mean, Burning Man, really?
But also, and not to dredge up
the past,
but for the sake of
historical accuracy,
you did dump me.
Some would even say it created
a core wound of rejection
that forever shaped my
relationships and sense of self.
Some would say that?
My therapist.
My friend who's a therapist,
same thing.
Mindy, I didn't dump you.
You dumped me.
Okay, that is rewriting history.
No, it's not.
It's really not.
I couldn't be what you
wanted me to be.
You had these big expectations
for your life.
You wanted to be a doctor,
you wanted to marry a doctor.
So, we both knew what was
gonna happen.
I hurt you.
What? No, I'm fine.
I told you my secret.
I don't really mind
what happens.
We should head in.
Sweetie. I missed you.
- Hi.
- It's good to see you.
Hi Mindy.
Uh, oh... flowers.
- Oh, thank you.
- For my ladies.
Thank you.
Carnations, your favorite.
Um... where is Eileen?
Oh... uh, Eileen and I,
we broke up months ago.
I thought you knew that.
- Hi. Uh, Marc.
- Oh, hey.
I'm Sam Berman.
I'm Emily's uncle.
Dad, get this, Mom and Sam
dated in high school.
Wow! How about that?
Yeah, Sam was my first love.
Well Rita, you should tell
your dad about Burning Man.
About who?
Eileen is not here.
They broke up.
And this is the first time
I'm seeing Marc single
since our divorce.
And it's weird.
And Sam's here and that's weird.
And I am navigating two men who
used to be the love of my life.
And now are strangers.
Okay. Well, let's think of them
like strangers.
That means you get to re-meet
them in a different role,
in a different capacity,
on different terms.
I don't know what that means
and/or if I can do it.
Well, how long is Marc staying?
Uh, just through
the proposal tomorrow.
Okay. I think you're gonna
have to rely
on your inner resources for now.
Oh, the house is
already spotless.
No, Mindy...
Oh, god.
I gotta go.
Okay. Good luck.
Stress cleaning?
No. I don't do that anymore.
Actually, I was looking
for a toothbrush for you
because I remembered
that you always forget yours.
- Oh, well... thanks.
- Uh-huh.
By the way, uh,
Rita wants to take everybody
to the lake chalet.
Oktoberfest is on this weekend.
So, uh, you were Mindy's
first love, hey?
Yeah, so she says.
That's nice. And fun.
Although it's strange that
she never mentioned you.
Well, she probably didn't wanna
make you jealous.
Oh, okay.
Uh, you mind?
Thank you.
So, uncle Sam, what do you do?
I work in construction,
build homes, design furniture.
Oh, nice.
You know, I actually just hired
a new construction firm
to add an addition
to my medical practice.
I'm in family medicine.
You wanna go again?
- I think our table's ready.
- Oh.
Sam, you gotta try these
potato pancakes.
Thank you.
Oh no, thank you.
I don't eat fried food.
But I got an air fryer
and wow, you really can't tell
the difference.
So, sweetheart, have you given
any more thought
to returning to medical school?
Oh wow, Dad.
I'm surprised you waited
this long to bring it up.
Well, no, I'm just asking.
You know, I'd really love
to pass the practice onto you.
Yeah. Let's, um... talk about
something else.
So, Mindy, how's school going?
Pretty well.
Actually, this is going to be
my last year teaching.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You quit your job?
But you're so close
to retirement age.
No. Actually, I'm not.
Um, but yes.
I resigned.
So, come the end of this year
I will be fun-employed.
But what are you going to do?
I don't know.
Um, find something new.
I haven't figured it out yet.
But wouldn't it have made sense
to figure that out first?
Who wants more beer?
Excuse me.
- Cheers!
- Yeah!
Um, hi. Uh... excuse me.
Mindy, Mindy.
Are you okay?
Because frankly I'm a little
bit concerned.
What? you quit your job?
Are you having a midlife crisis?
Wow, Marc, yes.
And it is so uncharacteristically
attentive of you
to notice that I am having
a midlife crisis.
Thank you for asking.
Whatever it is, I am worried.
You're fun-employed
and Rita's proposing.
Which reminds me, are you
encouraging this engagement?
I do support it.
How? She is 23 years old.
They are 23 years old!
What do they know
about marriage,
about what a marriage should be?
Nothing, Marc.
They know nothing about
what a marriage should be.
But they know something about
being in love and they know that
love shouldn't be anything and
it can be whatever they make it.
It can be about friendship
or passion or self-growth.
And together they can become
the people they wanna be.
They probably know more
than you or I ever did.
Can I get a beer?!
Thank you.
Pay them.
Give them a nice tip.
Yeah. Uh...
Um, so it's a catastrophe.
So, the weather forecast
for tomorrow calls for rain
and if it rains then the hot air
balloons don't fly
and then that means no picnic
and then no proposal.
- Maybe it's a sign.
- Dad.
Honey, what do
meteorologists know?
They never get
the weather right.
But it's our anniversary.
Uh, the message says that
they'll be open again tomorrow.
Sweetie, there's always
your two-year anniversary.
Or your five year.
Dad, Mom, look.
I am proposing to Emily, okay?
So you just need
to get on board.
What? What did I do?
I just... do something.
Do something.
You are everything I need
In this world
you are everything
I need
You are everything I need
In this world
Dad, thank you so much.
This was a great idea.
See, the weathermen
are never right.
You know, this is bringing back
so many memories
of being fishing with your dad.
You remember?
What, wait. You came
to Deer Lake with Mindy?
Yeah. I spent one glorious
summer here.
We got into some trouble,
didn't we?
As kids do.
We used to go dancing every
night at the saloon on Main.
Well, at least until
my 10:00 PM curfew.
You know that saloon's
still there.
There's still dancing.
- What?
- Mmhmm.
What? We gotta go!
Yeah! Hey, we could all go, right?
Hey Dad, did you also go out
dancing with Mom?
I did indeed.
In fact, when we first
got married,
your mother used to dance
all the time.
I would dance alone
'cause you hate dancing.
Mindy, show us your moves.
Uh, no.
Yeah, come on Mom,
get jiggy with it.
Oh boy, okay.
I called this one
the chips and dip
because I'm getting
chips and dip.
Hey, Mom, can I talk to you
for a second?
Yeah. Yeah.
What's up?
Um, well, I was just thinking
about, you know,
where to do the you-know-what.
Are you gonna do it here?
No, no, no, no.
'Cause I was thinking
we're all already here
and you're throwing
the big birthday rager.
Oh, not throwing.
Not big. Not rager.
It's going to be beautiful
of course,
'cause everything you do is
beautiful and I just, you know-
Rita, just tell me
what you want.
Okay. Well, um, I was thinking
that your party
would be the perfect place
for me to, you know...
So, you want everyone to stay.
Yeah, it's just like
five more days.
Five days with Sam and Emily
and your dad.
Yeah, it's... I mean, it's only
if you're okay with it.
Of course I'm okay with it.
Thank you.
We're gonna throw you
the coolest party.
That's cool.
So cool. Cool.
Super cool.
I'm bringing muffins back...
Those other pastries
don't know how to act.
Take 'em to the fridge.
Oh my!
Okay. So, let me
get this straight.
You are bringing muffins back
to both your ex-husband
and ex-boyfriend
who are staying with you at your
home for the next four days.
Five days, including the party.
Which, yes, is my birthday party
that I didn't wanna have
that my ex-husband
is now attending.
Hmm. You could've said no.
We both know that
is not my forte.
Hey, good morning.
Uh, please.
Oh, I got it. After all,
you are a guest.
So, I heard you were staying
for Mindy's birthday.
Been wracking my mind
for a gift.
- Yeah, me too.
- Yeah.
Fifty is a milestone and
I spent half my life with her
so I want to get her
something special.
But you shouldn't worry
about getting her anything.
After all, you two barely
know each other.
You know what?
You just gave me a great idea
for a gift for her.
- I did?
- Yeah, thank you. Um...
I've got muffins!
Oh, uh, Mom, Dad, after
breakfast can we go into town
to prep for the party?
I told you I didn't wanna
do anything big
and you got a habit of leaving
your stuff all over the house.
I know. But it's your 50th
and it's the backdrop
to the proposal.
Please, Mommy?
Please? Please, please?
Of course.
And I promise I won't
go overboard.
And, um, Sam, can you keep
Emily occupied after breakfast?
Roger that.
Thank you.
What about a chrysanthemum wall
backdrop for the photobooth?
Photobooth? I don't wanna
be photographed.
Rita, you promised that you
weren't gonna go overboard.
Oh, and also, I have some
exciting news.
So, I found a super cool
camper van
and I'm thinking about
trading in my car for it.
Uh, honey, a camper van
is not very practical.
Uh, well it is if you're
living in it.
Like, if Emily and I decide
to do
a big, yearlong,
cross-country trip.
Or, um, go to Burning Man.
Burning Man?
Oh, I thought that
the girls already told...
Yeah, they wanna go
to Burning Man.
Honey, a big,
yearlong cross-country trip,
that sounds like a great plan
for retirement.
But for now you have
a suitable car
that your mother and I bought
you to get you to and from work.
No camper van.
Oh, um, Emily's asking
if I can join her for a hike.
Oh. Well, sure.
Do you wanna take my car?
Just don't trade it in
for a camper van.
Ugh. I can, um, I can call
us a Lyft.
Or we could walk.
Uh... okay.
Oh Mindy, I'm sorry.
It's in the past.
No, no, no, no.
I mean, I'm sorry
about all of it.
Deer Lake. Dancing.
All the ways that
I let you down.
And I'm especially sorry about
how I ended our marriage.
It's true, I was unhappy,
but that wasn't your fault.
Well, you sure made it
feel like it was.
I know, but it wasn't.
Honestly, I think that I was
having a midlife crisis myself.
Woke up one day and all
the good things in my life
just didn't seem
like it was enough.
I wish you could've
told me that.
It wasn't your job
to make me feel less lost.
I don't know, maybe I was
just looking for a change.
Maybe we could've
changed together.
I realize that now.
I know I hurt you and I know
that we're exes
but I wonder if someday
we could be, I don't know,
better exes?
I don't know.
I'll think about it.
Um... I can't say yes
if I don't mean it.
I respect that.
Oh boy. I know what's coming.
Come on.
You know I don't do the bridge.
It's safe.
It's a shortcut.
It saves five minutes.
And I don't mind the long cut.
It gives us more time together.
We always took the long
way around.
I like the bridge.
Okay. I'll see you on
the other side.
- Oh...
- I don't like
Hey Mindy.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Um, hey, are you free tonight?
There's somewhere
I'd like to take you.
Um... yeah.
Sounds great.
See you later.
I can't believe you
brought me dancing!
I can tell when
I look at you
There's no love
that could be more true
The look in your eyes
Yeah, the smile
on your face
No woman alive
could take your place
What are you thinking?
You know, I was thinking about
when we talked about Emily
and Rita the other day.
About impermanence.
About loving who you love
when you can.
The sunrise is next
to the moon...
'Cause, uh, you know...
regretting that would be...
such a mistake.
Don't you think?
It's okay. You don't have
to say anything.
There's something about
the way you are
The way you are
The way you are,
the way you are
The way you are,
the way you are
- Hair color?
- Fred and Ginger.
- They were beautiful.
- You're not even a ginger!
I'm not a ginger, right?
- We have...
- Yes!
What are you guys doing?
Um, nothing.
Just pretty much working on
your surprise.
I hate surprises.
Plus, I said no presents.
Absolutely no presents.
Mindy, can I get you a coffee?
Uh, yes, thank you.
Here you go.
I was up all night thinking
and I wanted to talk to you.
And I know you're thinking,
still thinking
about whether or not
we could be better exes
and I don't wanna push you.
But what if we weren't exes
at all?
Excuse me?
- You okay?
- Mmhmm.
Hey. Uh, Mom, when will you
be ready to go?
Go where?
Uh, to go to our meeting
with the DJ.
The DJ for your party.
You're gonna love him.
He plays all the hits of
the '80's and '90's
like doo-wop and, uh,
barbershop quartet or whatever.
Very funny.
Great. I'll go too.
- What?
- Yeah.
Hey, uh, so Emily and I...
we're gonna take off downtown.
- We'll see ya.
- Okay. Bye!
- See ya.
- Bye. See ya later.
I'll get dressed.
Hurry up.
Oh, so I have some news.
I'm moving forward
on the camper van.
No, no, no, no.
We talked about this.
Why would you do that?
Uh, because Emily and I decided
to have our adventure.
Quitting our jobs,
traveling the country,
visiting national parks,
eating barbecue.
Okay well, you can hike
and eat barbecue
while living at home
and working a job.
This is what we wanna do.
Yeah, but we don't always
get to do what we wanna do.
It's called growing up.
You know, Sam did this
exact thing
and he said it was an amazing
experience in finding himself.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sam said this, did he?
This was Sam's idea.
What, Sam said that, right?
What's Sam's idea?
Who do you think you are?
Telling my daughter
to quit her job?
What? I didn't tell your
daughter to quit her job,
I just encouraged her to be
who she is and learn to live-
Like you did.
So she can end up like you?
A flailing seeker who what,
what, coasts through life?
Marc stop.
No. It's true and you know it.
You ever thought maybe you're
not exactly the right person
to be giving life advice, pal?
Yeah. Yeah, maybe I'm not.
But, uh... at least I know
that about myself.
I was just trying to encourage
your daughter and my niece
to learn who they are
and who they wanna become.
So that they don't wake up
one day and realize,
wow, I have no idea who I am.
Excuse me. I'm gonna...
- Sam. No Sam. Sam, wait.
- No, it's okay.
I'll see you back at the house.
Girls, I'm sorry.
You feeling your feelings?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine,
Mindy. I'm fine.
You know, it stings, right?
But Marc's right.
I mean, look at me.
I shouldn't be giving anybody
life advice.
None of us have it
all figured out.
At least you've had a beautiful,
different life.
Different? Different?
And you're a wonderful man
and an incredible uncle.
If that's true then
why have I spent
so much time in my life
feeling insignificant?
And lost.
Maybe because
you're still grieving.
Or maybe because you are lost.
Because... we're all lost.
You have to remember the stellar
advice that you gave me.
It's never too late to become
the person you wanna be.
And how have you taken
that advice?
Way to deflect.
But, um... I am still
figuring it out.
Um... I always believed
that you're given one chance
and if you don't take it,
that's it.
And maybe...
maybe we are only given one
chance but we can make more.
And I have an idea.
Something that we could do
to feel young again.
Wait. What, are we gonna eat
more snack cakes?
Better or maybe worse.
It's yet to be decided.
Wait, you're going swimming?
Well, actually I was thinking,
you know,
just for nostalgia's sake...
What, you wanna go
skinny dipping?
Okay. Now that I'm actually
getting naked in front of you
in broad daylight and everyone
in that house,
I'm just swimming!
- Oh my God.
- What?
Oh, I just... I just
realized I feel young.
And I don't mean young again,
I mean, young in a way
that I couldn't feel before.
What does it feel like?
Like... possibility.
Let me guess.
You wanna have a deep
and meaningful chat
about the camper van?
Actually no.
I support you.
Really? You don't think
that it's a mistake?
No, no I don't.
And even if it is, fine.
Make mistakes.
Make all the mistakes that
I didn't have the courage to.
Who are you and what
have you done with my mom?
No, really. Why the change
of heart?
I guess that I have been able
to see myself better lately.
And so I can see you better.
And I see how self-assured
you are.
How unafraid, passionate.
How much you know yourself.
But don't think that you and
Emily have it all figured out
because you don't.
But maybe you can figure out
some of it together so...
My ring, grandma's ring.
May it bring you so much love.
Thank you, Mom.
And if I'm any of the things
that you said,
you know it's because of you.
Hey. Oh, I'm sorry.
Am I interrupting?
No, it's fine.
Mindy, I was hoping that you
and I could have a chat.
- Uh...
- I'll go find Emily.
Um, I actually have to,
uh, head into town.
Um, could I meet you at
the bakery at 1:00?
How about the bridge instead?
The bridge it is.
Marc thinks we shouldn't
be exes.
Does that mean he wants
to get back together? I...
What should I do?
No, no Mindy, there's no
"should" here.
The real question is
what do you want to do?
I don't know.
When Marc told me
he wanted a divorce,
I prayed that he would
change his mind.
Take me back so I wouldn't
be alone.
But now, do I really want
that life back?
Am I okay being alone?
'Cause I feel like I'm okay.
But... if I've changed
and Marc's changed,
maybe we could work together.
Maybe I should give Marc
another chance.
'Cause after all,
I mean, we did have a beautiful
life together, didn't we?
And... to have someone again.
Someone who's known me
my entire adult life.
I mean, I'm never gonna find
that swiping right.
Well, you'd have to be on
a dating app to swipe right.
It's true.
And I'm not.
No. No, you're not.
- You gonna cross this time?
- No! No! No! No!
That's not funny!
It's a little funny.
I was going to make a grand
romantic gesture
but now it's not gonna happen.
I just... I wanted a moment.
I wanted a moment alone.
So I could give you
your present.
Wow. Marc...
I thought they were appropriate.
I think maybe you and I
are like a pearl.
We need time and pressure to
find our final perfect form.
But if we stop the process
too early...
we're only sand.
Sorry, if that's cheesy.
You're beautiful.
And you are the best thing
that ever happened to me.
Why? Because of Sam?
I don't know.
Maybe, partially.
I'm just trying to figure out
who I am
and what I want out of life.
I just, I don't...
I just don't know if, if...
if I'm this person anymore.
I mean, maybe I never was.
Thank you.
I want you to have it.
Marc, don't go.
I mean, let's talk it through.
Marc! Ah!
Hey, hey. What happened?
Did something happen with Marc?
Yeah, uh...
He gave me a gift
and then we kissed and...
and it just wasn't anything
but he stormed off
and now he's upset.
Where are you going?
I think it's time for me to go.
I think I've overstayed
my welcome here.
You know, your plan.
I'm not part of it.
What do you think
is going on here?
I don't know.
You tell me, Mindy.
I mean, I thought something
really nice
was happening between us.
But I get it, it's family,
but I'm not gonna be a part of
some weird triangle.
Okay, well that's not happening.
And it's a complicated situation.
Doesn't seem that complicated
to me.
Seems like history
repeating itself.
I am still not good enough
for you.
That's not true.
Listen, I'm good enough
to go dancing with,
I'm good enough to have fun with
but I'm not good enough
to spend a life with.
Okay, that's ridiculous
and if you feel inadequate,
that's coming from you.
It's not coming from me.
You know, you talked about
a core wound of rejection.
Try spending 32 years
of your life
knowing you're not good enough
for the person you love,
or loved.
Whatever, it doesn't matter.
I'm just... I'm sorry.
I got caught up in the whole
fate thing or whatever.
This is how it's supposed to be.
Okay. What happened to the
"I don't mind what happens?"
Because it seems
like you do mind.
So, is this what
you're gonna do?
You're just gonna,
you're just gonna leave?
You're just gonna run,
hide, quit?
You don't know if
you're good enough
and you're too afraid
to find out?
Just... happy birthday, Mindy.
Oh, hey Mom.
I had an exciting idea, about-
You know, what would be
an exciting idea?
Is if I didn't have to pick up
after you all the time.
Oh, okay.
Well, I was thinking I know
that you wanna cater your party
but what about a sushi station?
No. No sushi station.
Okay. What
about fondue?
No fondue.
And, uh, no DJ.
And no photobooth,
whatever the size.
And... and no cross-country
camper van and no barbecue
and no quitting your jobs
and definitely no Burning Man!
And no... no "not exes"
and no second chances!
And most of all, no party!
That's the most important
thing because I am not having
a birthday party because
I'm not having a birthday
and you're not getting engaged!
We were... we were
getting engaged?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm just... I'm sorry.
I'm just... sorry.
There you are.
I'm sorry that my family
is bonkers.
Now you know where I get it.
And I'm sorry if everybody
was right
and I was just rushing
into a proposal.
I don't think you were rushing.
You don't?
Of course not.
'Cause when you know you know.
And you know?
I've always known.
I guess, what I'm trying
to say is...
Rita Quinn, will you marry me?
But only if you'll marry me.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Thanks for meeting me.
- You bet.
I wanted to say that
I was sorry.
Mindy, you were long overdue
for a public outburst.
You have nothing
to apologize for.
No, I do. I do.
All this time...
I let us believe
that you were to blame
for leaving our marriage
because you were not happy.
And the truth is...
I wasn't happy either.
And as heartbreaking of a
decision as our divorce was,
it was the right one.
And I want to be more
than better exes.
I hope we can be friends.
Me too.
And, uh... um...
I know you're gonna find
the right person for these.
And she's gonna love them
and you.
Just the way you deserve.
Thank you.
Oh, Marc.
Move over Joan Crawford,
Mommy Dearest is here
and I brought breakfast.
And I am so sorry that
I ruined your proposal.
And I do still want the two
of you to get engaged.
Hashtag sorry.
Oh! Congratulations! Oh!
Oh, now I have two daughters.
Mom, I am sorry for
bulldozing your birthday party
and also for, like, occasionally
maybe being selfish or whatever.
I'll grow up.
I know. Don't rush it.
But I will cancel your party.
No, actually I wanna have it.
Yeah. I think... I think
we should celebrate.
Yeah, we should.
We should.
And we are having cake
for breakfast.
Because we have a party
to throw.
Serving up apology.
Dig in.
Emily. Emily...
Um... can I get
your uncle's number?
Hello, you've reached Sam.
Leave a message.
Hi Sam, it's Mindy.
I've always believed that the
two greatest days of our lives
are the day that we're born
and the day we discover why.
As a child,
birthdays were always my
favorite day of the year.
A celebration of all the love
in our life,
a celebration of me,
a celebration of the person
I was
and the person I'm becoming.
And birthdays were a reminder
of my why.
Why am I here?
Who am I?
Who can I be?
What is my life for?
And you reminded me of my why.
What I'm trying to say is
I am throwing myself a birthday
party tonight
and I was hoping that
you would come by
and help me celebrate
becoming a quinquagenarian.
Okay. Bye.
My birthday present to you.
Oh! Can you hold this?
It is three sessions with
a therapist who isn't me.
If you think you still need it.
Oh gosh, I still need it.
Thank you.
Oh, can you put those in water?
- I will.
- Okay.
And, and we wanted to give
you your present.
They're plane tickets so you
can visit us in the camper van.
Where we'll be working and...
and studying remotely.
Oh, that's a really good
compromise, girls.
And to be totally honest,
I've always been curious
about Burning Man.
Have you heard from your uncle?
No. Sorry.
That's okay, really.
- Hi.
- Hello. Quite the soiree.
I'm, uh, a little worried
about the weather.
Ladies and gentlemen, I think
it's time for a toast.
Oh, no. No toast.
No toast, okay.
Well, how about a speech?
Do you wanna hear a speech?
- Yes!
- Speech!
Oh, oh, thank you everybody
for um...
being here to help me
celebrate and thank you
to my daughters for forcing me
to celebrate everything.
And for reminding me that
I deserve to be celebrated.
Fifty is... it's a big birthday.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, whoa!
Should we go inside,
wait for the rain to stop?
Let's just party in the rain.
Are we gotta sing
happy birthday?
Happy birthday
to you.
Happy birthday
dear Mindy.
Happy birthday to you.
You came to my party!
What are you doing?
I'm giving you your
birthday gift.
Listen, I got your message
but it was really long
so I didn't really listen
to the whole thing.
I wanna tell you that I do mind.
I've always minded.
And I think I say I don't mind
because I'm afraid.
And so I've lost things
in my life
and I'm not prepared
to lose you.
You're not gonna lose me again,
not ever.
Somehow we found each other
and I am never letting go.
Not at 50, not at 60, not at 70.
Will you promise me
you'll always dance with me?
I promise.
I got you something.
...how good it feels
to be all yours
Catch me I'm falling
deeper, harder...
In love with you
Happy birthday.
Oh, oh, oh, baby
don't every change
I want this for infinity,
I promise I'll always
stay the same
Oh, oh, you baby, yeah