Midaregumo (Scattered Clouds) (1967) Movie Script

Masumi Fujimoto. Masakatsu Kaneko.
Noburo Yamada.
Cinematography: Yuzuru Aisawa.
Art: Akafuru volume.
Sound: Masao Fujiyoshi.
Lighting: Choshiro lshii.
Music: Tohru Takemitsu.
Yuzo Kayama. Yoko Tsukasa.
Mitsuko Mori.
Mie Hama. Mitsuko Kusabue.
Daisuke Kato. Yoshio Tsuchiya.
Yu Fujiki. Tadao Nakamaru.
Director: Mikio Naruse.
What do you think?
I got it.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- When will we leave?
- In three weeks.
So soon? You said
we had a month.
Yes, but things have changed.
How is the baby?
The doctor says everything it's ok,
that we have to stay calm.
Do you know where we will live?
At the beginning in a hotel.
I must replace Mr. Izeki.
Listen, by the way,
how's your English?
Have you improved it?
What do you mean
if I have improved it?
Don't you know that I studied
English in school?
A few days ago you couldn't
make a phrase, you sucked.
Yes, it's truth. Maybe I should
have taken conversation classes.
I told you to study in case
I got the promotion.
I know.
And it will be a problem.
But I didn't think they would
give it to you so soon.
No, eh?
Ok, so when it's going to happen?
The baby thing.
Next year,
at the beginning of January.
Yes? It will be fantastic.
Happy New Year.
No, it's ok.
I don't want more, I will eat now.
- Now? Why?
- Because I must go to Hakone.
But today is Saturday.
Do you work on Saturday?
Or you're going to play some golf?
No, I got work to do.
The director wants me
to help him with some things.
Well, what can you do?
- Will you stay for dinner?
- Yes.
That's it!
your mother must be worried.
It's time for you
to go back home, ok?
- I'll leave now, see you tomorrow.
- OK, bye-hi-hi.
Bye-hi-hi, Keroyon.
What is that of
bye-hi-hi, Keroyon?
Don't you know? It's done
this way: Bye-hi-hi, Keroyon.
It's from a television show.
Really? Bye-hi-hi, Keroyon.
Like this?
Yes, hello?
Hello, dear.
Have you heard?
Yes, Yumiko and Hiroshi
they're going to Washington.
Don't you think is great?
Aunt, what is this book?
What bus do I get?
I help you make the luggage,
if you want.
Thank you very much.
- See you soon.
- Good bye.
Listen, dad
Dad, won't you go away
to America someday?
To America? To do what?
Auntie and uncle
are going very soon.
Your father doesn't like
America, not a bit.
Nor England or France?
That's right, I don't like them either.
Then what do you like?
I only like Japan.
Yes, hello?
Yes, Yumiko is my wife's sister.
Yes, she has just gone home.
Her husband?
Where? In Hakone? Yes.
What happens?
- Is Hiroshi in Hakone?
- Yes.
He got run over by a car.
My God!
His wife is late,
it's almost dawn.
Where is the driver
that ran over him?
At the police station.
We should have prevented him...
from going around,
don't you think?
Yes, I knew he couldnt
hold his liquor.
I will go alone.
You don't have to go.
It would be better
if you don't.
No. I will go.
The company whose driver
ran over him sent it.
Of course,...
they must be very concerned
knowing that the victim was
a Government employee.
You know? The company director
came to see me yesterday.
By the way, it is necessary to cover
Eda's position as soon as possible.
- Have you already chosen somebody?
- No, not yet.
Then do it soon,
we cant waste any more time.
Look, the one that ran over him.
Mrs. Eda...
I am Shiro Mishima,
of Meiji Commercial.
I'm very sorry
about the accident.
Are you the driver?
Are you the one
who killed my son?
What is it that
you want now?
You have killed my son.
So why did you come here?
We'll talk some other time.
We'll compensate you for what happened.
Mrs. Eda, we want to express you...
ours more sincere condolences.
Where are you going?
Let's go.
You shouldn't have come.
Do you want to see the director?
What are you going to do?
The transfer is already issued.
You are suspended temporarily.
What else do you want to know?
I believe the reason is clear.
The Ministry
of Industry and Commerce...
is very important for commercial
companies as ourselves,...
there's no need to say it.
You have killed
one of its civil employees,
although accidentally.
That's very serious.
I ask you to wait...
for the police investigation
to finish.
As you said,
it was an accident.
Do you mean it was not
your responsibility?
No, I feel morally responsible.
That's why I will compensate them.
Do you think you
shouldn't be suspended?
The truth is
they have told me...
that after the temporary suspension
I'll be transfer to Aomori.
Is that true?
Who told you that?
That's what you're
planning to do with me.
Is it true?
I'll be sincere with you.
Who was with you
when you had the accident?
I already know that you
were with Mr. Bennett,...
but there was somebody
else, wasn't it?
Yes, some lady called Harumi.
- Still
- No excuses.
It's not an excuse.
I was ordered to entertain
Mr. Bennett and that's what I did.
In addition,
the manager knew about it.
Some journalists...
have tried to turn this
into a scandal,...
to gain from the situation.
They have blackmailed me.
The police also came. They accuse us
of promoting and exerting prostitution.
I would like to know if you
are responsible for that.
- Sir, the board is waiting.
- I'll be right there.
I am going to go to Aomori.
If that's an order, I don't have
other choice but to obey,...
but I believe you have
other reasons to send me there.
I want to know what are they.
Junko and I have plans
What are you suggesting now?
This is a working place,...
I won't discuss private matters here,
it's not the suitable place.
On the other hand, I've already
told you more than once:...
I don't approve your engagement with
my daughter. I don't approve it at all.
Are we clear?
Good morning.
He's already arrived, he's inside.
Thank you.
- Hello, how are you?
- Fine.
It was a little dirty,
wasn't it?
Yes, as usual.
I've spoken to your father.
Really? And what did he say?
Well, you were right.
He has intention to transfer me.
In addition, I must
stay home
until the trial for
the accident is over.
I'll prepare some tea,
if you want.
You could come
with me to Aomori.
Aomori is not very different
from Tokyo.
You would be fine there.
I cannot go to Aomori.
And my father doesn't have
anything to do with it,...
it is my decision.
I'm sorry, I really am,...
but I cannot go.
I understand.
Don't worry.
I owe you so much
You have come
here to cook...
many times, very often.
You have been everything to me during
these two years, you have been my life.
I'll go get some tea.
the decision of this court
concerning this case,...
after listening to all parts and
examining the evidence,...
is the following:
there's no indication
of any crime,...
neither in the witnesses statements...
nor in the evidence
Therefore, the defendant
is found not guilty.
The defendant's car
had a flat tire,...
which caused an imbalance
in the wheels alignment
This imbalance
made the car...
swerve out of control
towards the victim.
The defendant didn't have time
to control the vehicle,...
The tire deflated quickly.
this court concludes...
that the accident was beyond
the defendant's control.
The defendant is found not guilty
of reckless driving.
He won't have to face
any kind of penalty either,...
nor indemnify
the victim's family,...
since he is declared free of
all legal responsibility.
Mrs. Eda?
This is the resolution
of the case.
If you like, I can explain you the content
briefly, in case you have any doubts.
According with the Public Services
National Law,...
and considering
all circumstances,...
a pension will be granted
to Mr. Eda's widow,...
for life.
You will receive 72,700
yens a year.
This amount is 10%
the deceased's average salary,...
since the time he was employed
was inferior to 10 years.
If Mrs. Eda removed herself
from the family register...
or she married again,...
the payment of the pension
would be automatically terminated.
Do you have any questions?
Yes, we presented
pregnancy certificate...
and you haven't said
anything about
Mrs. Eda is only
three months pregnant.
Therefore, there is
no additional amount for that.
As you can see, the funeral
expenses are included.
The wreath
comes from the Minister.
Now if you could sign
the receipt
Excuse me.
- I think we are late.
- No.
What would you like to drink?
What do you want?
A cold tea?
- Two teas, please.
- Very well.
Which was the verdict?
Not guilty.
Not guilty?
Doesn't you have to pay
for what happened?
No indemnification?
No, legally no.
Then, we cannot
Look, this is my salary.
I do not make much money,
Mrs. Eda,...
but I'll pay
what I can.
Seventeen days ago,...
my husband and I
were seating here.
We were having a toast
to his promotion
We were going to move to
the Washington Embassy...
We were leaving
in four days.
I'll pay what you want,
I'll give you an amount every month.
How much do you want
I don't want your money.
I want my husband back,
that is what I want.
Wait, please.
Yumiko, leave us alone.
I will speak to him. Go home.
for ten years.
It's a rather
hard punishment.
Not so hard, it's not
so much money.
And Yumiko didn't want it,
good luck that I helped her.
If we don't look out for you,
you end up with nothing.
It doesn't matter, I don't want
anything from him.
Come on...
If I think that
from now on,
we must live with this money
I won't accept it.
Come on, money is always money.
- And the contract?
- We will sign it soon.
- That man is very good.
- Why?
He is not guilty.
If I were him,
I wouldn't pay anything.
I would see no reason.
I think...
I will send the money
to Kyoto.
Don't be a fool,...
Are you sending money
to your husband's parents?
I don't understand that you want
to send money to them,...
after what they tried
to do to you.
They don't deserve it,
they wanted you out of the family,...
they wanted to get rid of you
to have Hiroshi's pension.
How much is left?
- 72.700 a year.
- I see.
Then it's 6.000
a month, isn't it?
Stop, please. Don't speak
about money any more.
How much long can you
stay at the residence?
About two months.
We must look for an apartment.
She can stay
and live with us.
There isn't enough
room for we all.
I know it's going
to be hard,...
even more you being pregnant.
Come on!
- Just a little more!
- Yes.
A little more.
Leave it there.
Come on, hurry up.
Ok, let's go!
- I leave it go off, eh?
- Yes.
- Three.
- Three.
- Four.
- Four.
- Five.
- Five.
- Six.
- Six.
- Seven.
- Seven.
So how is the boy?
Happy new year.
Come on in.
Ah, it's you, hello.
I was out shopping
some things.
What do you want?
I brought the contract
for you to review it and sign it.
Ah, very well, thanks,
I will sign.
By the way, I suppose
you received my letter.
I asked you to send me
the money.
She will be moving soon.
- Very well.
- Thanks. Just a second.
Tell him to go away immediately.
And not to come back,
not even come near again.
Good morning, I come from Tokyo.
Mi name is Shiro Mishima.
Ah, Shiro Mishima,...
they said you would arrive today.
Come on in, have a seat.
- I am Kasai, the director.
- Nice to meet you.
- This place isn't comfortable.
- No.
Yuri, is the accommodation ready?
- What do we do now? We leave?
- Yes, let's go.
- Yumiko, we'll go now, ok?
Hello, Yumiko.
Good afternoon.
- Are you pleased with my sister?
- Yes, she is a very hard worker.
- Ok, good bye.
- Good bye.
Good bye.
That man looked like a gangster
or something like that.
He's a client
of the company.
I see.
I would like to have
a house like this one.
What do you came
here for?
The money has arrived
from Mishima, here you are.
Still hard to accept it?
- It comes handy.
- Of course it does.
This will help you cover
the money you send to Kyoto.
When you open the envelope,
is there usually some message?
No, a few words,
nothing in particular.
As long as he sends the money,
he can write what he wants.
Yes, sure. Although I hate
to depend on others.
Have you already thought
about what we talked yesterday?
I don't want to return
to my home town.
Wrap up,
you'll catch a cold.
You have a hard
and exhausting job.
Ah, hello.
I come to bring
the money in person.
Thanks, thank you very much.
- Wait, I will give you a receipt.
- No, it's ok.
How is Mrs. Eda?
She is
not very well.
The company where
she worked closed...
and now she has to find
another job.
I've seen her today.
It's not easy for a woman
to get by all by herself.
And the money
you give her....
is hardly enough
for the expenses of the house.
I beg you that you continue to help her.
You'll do that, right?
Thanks, thank you very much.
I'm almost sure I will be able
to convince the director...
so they send back to Tokyo.
Your case couldn't be called
a labor failure, that's clear.
Time will put
things in their place.
Ok, how are
you doing in Aomori?
It is too sad.
The boss's daughter got
engaged, you knew that?
She got engaged
to a banker's son.
Anyway, don't feel bad.
Time heals all wounds. Drink.
I forgot her
long time ago.
I am glad.
Eh, Yuriko, come over here, come on.
- Am I not interrupting?
- We've finished. Come, sit over here.
Hello. How are you doing?
Thank you very much, Sir.
Thank you very much, Sir.
- Thank you very much, Sir.
- There you have.
I'm very sorry, I can't accept
anything from clients. Good morning.
It is only a letter, read it.
I've already said "no"
the other day.
- Hello, dear.
- Hello.
You forget the change.
What? Not yet?
I appreciate Katsuko's
offer, but
Speaking of Katsuko.
I believe she's
more kind lately.
Above all, ever since
our brother died.
Do you remember when
she wanted to expand?
She even let us know when
she decided to construct the annexe.
I know the Shinoe hotel
is legally hers,...
I don't deny that, but it's also
the place where we were born.
You don't have
to be afraid.
And, in addition,
you will also have work there.
I don't know why,
but I don't like her.
And why is that?
We don't get along.
But you two used
to get along just fine.
Listen, you have told her
to write, haven't you?
No, not at all.
I swear it was Katsuko's idea.
She said: We widows have
to take care of each other".
I'm sorry, no.
I almost forget...
The money.
It arrived yesterday.
It's arriving late lately.
Why don't you want to return
to your home town?
I want to live without being tied
to anything or anybody.
And I don't want that money,
I really mean it.
Dear lady,...
"concerning the register problem...
"which we discuss over
the telephone last week,...
"I ask you to read the family
register copy which I attach,...
to the Eda family.
"As you can see,
your name has been removed...
"from the family register.
"The legal processes
were completed...
"the past March, 21th.
"Therefore, you are
no longer tied...
"to the Eda family
in any way.
"It's our wish
that you can...
have a new happy life
as a married woman. Greetings".
"Therefore, you are
no longer tied...
"to the Eda family
in any way.
"It's our wish
that you can...
have a new happy life
as a married woman..."
Mishima, why don't you
come with me?
Give me a hand,
I speak very little English.
I'm done for today, I am tired.
I'm very sorry.
Mr. Mishima!
You have a visit.
- Who is it?
- I don't know, it's outside.
You were born near
Towada Lake.
Well, I came here
a year ago.
How careless she is!
She's from the countryside,
you can tell.
Let's switch.
So this is your home town.
I won't speak
bad of it.
Here you are,
your money.
- But, why?
- I've already explained it.
I've lost any right
to receive it.
I am no longer a Eda to the law, that's
why it's not right for me to receive it.
This money has nothing
to do with the law.
I know, but
Please, forget what happened.
I will try to forget it as well.
Besides, the money
you give me...
cannot help me go through
the pain in any way.
Nevertheless, I want
to tell you...
I'm most grateful for it.
I understand.
I'm sorry I've been
late sometimes.
Thank you very much, Sir.
You know?
I feel a little sad.
When I saw you...
Well,... I haven't felt
that in a while.
I don't know how
to explain it...
It's like we were
relatives or something
like that.
I have
I must go.
Yes, sure.
Take care.
Take care of yourself.
- Welcome home.
- Hello.
It's been a long time.
-It's a big hotel now.
- Yes.
- Miss Yumiko has arrived.
- Welcome.
- How are you?
- A little busy at this time. How about you?
How are you?
A little thinner, aren't you?
- Hello. It's good to see you!
- Welcome home, Miss Yumiko.
- I am going to live back here.
- I am very glad.
- Gene, show her to her room.
- Yes.
- Thanks, I will be right back.
- No rush.
That one is Yumiko.
- Won't you introduce me to her?
- When she comes down.
Your old room is used
for the clients now.
Don't worry about that,
I have come alone.
- Yumiko
- Yes?
Listen, look,...
I would like to introduce you
to the wood inspectors.
- It's
- It will be only a moment.
- Prepare the bathroom, would you?
- Yes.
Have some more.
You didn't bring us here
for nothing. We know each other.
What things you say!
- This is the new part.
- It's very pretty.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Welcome you all.
Allow me to introduce my sister,
she has just arrived from Tokyo.
- Her name is Yumiko.
- Nice to meet you.
I think she'll be the main
attraction of the Shinoe hotel...
from now on.
Don't you think, gentlemen?
What I think is that she is much more
beautiful than you. I mean it.
You are really bad!
That gentleman is the boss.
And the one seating next to him
is Mr. Inohue.
Mr. Inohue is the assistant director.
Nice to meet you.
Inohue is single, in case you are wondering.
He's looking for a woman.
No, not at all!
He is the owner of
the Yakiyama sawmill.
He helped me a lot
when I built the annexe.
I had very little money...
and nobody to support me.
But he was very kind.
We women are
very weak.
I often think I should
write more often,...
I don't know,
tell them about the hotel,...
but the truth is
I almost don't have any time.
It's ok. I understand...
You have to run the hotel
and that comes first.
It's not easy to run
a business without any help.
You really mean it?
It knew you would understand,
but I was afraid.
His business is not
going well lately,...
and I do what I can
to help him.
But now his wife is spreading
rumors about us.
Then he is married?
Yes, he is. And he has two children.
But, well, someday
things will work out for him...
and then everybody
will realize.
Come on in, come on in.
You can come in now.
Well, if I may...
Of course you may come in.
Here you are.
A little bit?
- I prefer to eat something.
- A tiny drink would do you good.
- Come on.
- All right.
Tomorrow I must
go to town,...
I'll drop by the employment office.
I'm a little short of personnel.
I'm home!
Good night
Oh, drunk again!
Your mother is here,
she arrived a while ago.
My mother?
Mother, what happens?
Why didn't you let me
know you were coming?
Your letter
troubled me greatly.
You seemed very disappointed
and unhappy.
No, no. How is my brother?
Is he doing all right?
Your brother is very well.
- And the others?
- Fine, all of them.
I was talking to
the house-keeper...
She tells me that you
come back late every night.
Drink helps.
What happens?
Are you unhappy with the job?
Your brother is worried
about you,...
he told me to ask you
to come back home.
He wants you to come back...
and help him
run the factory.
I'll start to send you money
again next month.
I can save 15,000 yens
a month.
How is that?
She's come to see me,
she doesn't want the money any more.
I thought that
I thought that she lived in Tokyo.
Not any more.
She has returned home.
Shes at Towada Lake,
in a hotel.
It's very close.
And I don't like it at all.
If she no longer accepts the money,
then, does that mean...
that she finally forgave you?
No, nothing of the sort.
She wants to torture
me even more.
I don't think this can
be solved with money.
I want my husband back.
But of course I will
have to do something,
because if not
The money you give me
cannot help me...
leave the pain behind.
Although I don't know
what else to do.
Please, forget what happened.
I will try to forget it as well.
I suffer too!
Who can forget something like this?
I think I should go
to see her.
I think I should go to see her
and apologize.
No, don't do it.
It wouldn't do any good,
thrust me.
Poor son of mine.
I can't see you like this.
Calm down, it's all ok.
Everything will work out.
I will overcome this.
Mrs. Yumiko,
you have a visit.
- Really? Who is it?
- It's Mr. Mishima's mother.
Mr. Mishima's mother?
- Another drink.
- No, thanks, thank you very much.
- Come on, drink and listen to him.
- All right.
Honestly, I believe this time
you are asking too much from me.
You exaggerate.
Somebody on your position
can help me.
If I own the forest, the business
will work and everybody will win.
Ok, I'll try.
Go call Yumiko,
tell her Mr. Inohue is here.
- No, it's ok. I have to go now.
- Don't leave!
At least give her the present.
I have only come to ask you
to forgive my son.
He came home drunk
last night, like many others.
It's been a while now...
I see him very worried.
He spends the night crying.
If he found out
If he found out
I came to see you,...
I'm sure he would get
really mad at me.
But I can't
I can't see him
suffer like this.
I know words don't
make up for anything, but...
I ask you to forgive him,
Look, everything is
in the past now.
Now if you excuse me
Mr. Inohue is here.
Don't you want to see him?
Come say "hello".
He says he's going to give
you a present.
I don't want presents.
- I cannot accept anything from him.
- Sure you can accept it.
You'd help my man only by entering
to say "hello". Just to salute him, eh?
I won't marry again,
you already know that.
Don't be stupid,
who is talking about marrying?
You come?
You are such a stubborn!
All right, whatever.
- You aren't mad?
- Who is that woman?
I'm sorry.
- Have you already eaten?
- Yes.
Listen, Mishima.
The manager called from Tokyo
this morning and said
that you have requested
the transfer. Is that true?
Yes, Sir.
Excuse me for not having told you.
You have given life
to our office...
and I thank
you for that.
I also understand that
you don't like to live
in a small town like this one.
No. It's not that.
- Are you going out?
- Yes.
See you later.
- Has that lady left?
- Yes.
Ok. Listen, I wanted
to tell you something...
The girls at the club give a party,
would you like to go?
The girls at the club?
All the hotel owners
are members.
We give a party every year
to drown our sorrows.
- I really need to laugh.
- That's what I wanted to hear.
Let's have some fun, eh?
Listen, Mr. Inohue is still here.
Don't you want to see him?
- You are stubborn too!
- You didn't know that?
Clients are going to be here soon.
Receive them, ok?
Wait. Let me serve you,
I know what you drink.
- Your sister told me. Come on.
- Thanks.
She also told me
your husband died in an accident.
- Water, please.
- Yes.
Mrs. Eda.
Are you ok?
I am not Mrs. Eda.
I am Yumiko Shinoe.
Yes, of course.
Be careful.
Leave me.
It would have never imagined
that I would see you here.
I came to bring
some clients.
- They book here often.
- All right.
And I also wanted
to see you.
I, on the contrary,
didn't want to see you.
Your mother came
to see me last week.
She told me a lot about you.
I'm sorry.
It was all her idea.
She explained me some
things about you.
That you have always been
a good guy,...
that you didn't cry at the hospital,
that you are honest
Why do we have to meet?
I try to forget you
and you show up again.
Go away and don't come back.
Go far away...
so I don't have
to see you again.
Get ready, come on.
- Have any clients arrived?
- Mr. Mishima. Do you know him?
Have this, drink.
- And you?
- Thank you very much.
He's from Meiji commercial company,
we have to look after him.
His company receives
many clients,...
we have to make
a good impression.
But tell me the truth,
where do you know him from?
Don't tell me he's
an old love...
A national park is ok,...
but you could have
some geishas.
What do you think?
Am I right?
Seriously, isn't there
any geishas?
Excuse me.
So you knew
Mr. Mishima in Tokyo, eh?
In which part of Tokyo
did you meet?
How intimate
have you been?
- Could you bring more sake?
- Yes.
Don't run away now.
Mr. Mishima,...
could we say she was
just an acquaintance?
- That is right.
- I doubt it very much.
- Just visiting?
- Yes.
See you later.
Excuse me.
- Have this, do you want some?
- No.
I have come to say goodbye.
I've asked them to transfer me,
as you wanted.
I hope you feel better...
now that I won't be here.
Seat down.
what happened to
your husband was an accident.
And I want you to know that
although you don't say anything,...
it will always be a heavy cross
for me. I am the only culprit.
That's right.
After a time, you refused
to accept my money,...
you said that you
no longer wanted it...
because you wanted
to forget the past,...
but that's a lie,
you enjoy torturing me.
That's not true.
I did it to forget.
I wanted to forget everything,
that's why I rejected the money.
Why the cold stare then?
Look, I wish you the best,...
I would do anything
to make you happy.
You want me to go away...
and you see, I go away.
But your stare...
is always torturing me.
Mrs. Shinoe,...
Smile, please.
Take care of my clients.
- A coffee.
- Yes.
You forgot this at the hotel.
I found it.
Well, I thank you very much.
I was drunk the other day.
It did not mean
what I said.
I apologize.
It's ok.
When I got drunk
the other night...
I didn't behave
properly either.
How rude you are!
- Pardon?
- Nothing.
It forgot this is your
home town.
People may seem
a little coarse,...
but they're good
people, I can assure you.
Yes: In fact, it's the same
in my home town.
Mr. Mishima.
- The director is waiting for you.
- Ok, I'll be right there.
Before I leave...
I would like to take a boat
ride on the lake.
Would you like to join me?
of course.
Have they told you
when you'll leave?
Not yet, but I'll know soon.
I am glad
we have been able
to meet like this.
Have you heard
about Nishino?
No, I never hear about
Has anything
happened to him?
They transferred him
to Lahore last year.
The consulate informed that he
disappeared a few weeks ago.
They say he suffered
a nervous breakdown.
And disappeared?
Well, he was completely crazy.
The company wants
to replace to him.
They chose you.
I would prefer to help it.
Will I go to Lahore?
It is a horrible place,
it is in West Pakistan.
A solitary office, and it's where
the cholera come from.
Two thousand people died
in Dacca because of the smallpox.
Since you demanded
the transfer,...
I did the impossible
to make it happen.
You have been a fool.
You already have what you wanted.
The order will arrive
in a few days.
You'll have to hold about
three years in that place.
-The bill.
- Yes.
Yumiko, do me a favor
I already told you,
I won't marry again.
That's not it.
This problem is mine.
Your sister has fought
with my wife again.
It happens often, but
She is too proud.
That's me, there's nothing I can do,
that's what she says.
What do you want me to do?
It's your fault, you are a married man.
Is something wrong?
I come from the meeting with
the union, and I felt despised.
Yes? And why was that?
You should ask
your wife.
She spreads rumors
about me.
She's a bitch, a lizard
and has no shame.
She speaks of me
as if I were a whore.
She's going to find
who I am.
No, don't call her.
Leave me!
- Leave the telephone.
- Leave me!
She is going to find out
who says the truth.
I told you not to call her.
- I must call her.
- Stop!
- You hit me!
- Stop already, please!
You are a revolting pig!
Leave right now!
Of course I'll leave!
Pardon, would you mind
changing seats with me?
- What?
- Would you change seats with me?
Take another one.
She is my wife.
in that case
Thank you very much.
- Have you spent the morning in Aomori?
- Yes.
What a coincidence!
- Would you like some chocolate?
- No.
What about some cookies?
Are you feeling ok?
I have temperature.
Let's go to the shore.
I 'm sure it's nothing.
I'll ask when the bus arrives.
There's still 40 minutes.
Come, let's go.
To that hotel over there, we'll be
fine there. They know me.
Why not?
You have to go home.
We are at the other side of the lake.
How am I going to go without the bus?
It's starting to get cold.
It will get worse here.
Why are they looking at us?
They look at us
as if we were criminals.
I don't know,
we haven't done anything wrong.
Don't pay attention to them.
Come, let's go.
It wouldn't take long before they
started talking trash about you.
That's not a big deal,
don't you think? Come on, let's go.
You are very stubborn.
I was born like this,
what can I do?
That's your bus.
Run and take it. If you miss it,
you'll have to wait for an hour.
Take it, please.
I'm stubborn too.
We better get some
place to shelter,...
but not the hotel;
they know you there.
Do you already know
where they are going to send you?
They said
they will send me
to another country.
But I believe that's very fortunate.
Maybe I can be happy
in another country,...
leaving you unhappy
here in Japan.
There's still 15 minutes left.
The temperature
is raising.
We better go to the hotel.
You have very
high temperature.
Give him ice
to keep him cold.
Give him this
every four hours.
Temperature should begin
to drop soon,...
but it won't disappear until tomorrow.
If something happens, call me.
Thank you very much,
Hello, Yumiko.
What happens?
He's fine.
Ok. don't worry,
but come back early.
Hayashida is here.
Be still!
Hayashida says he's going
to divorce his wife.
But I don't know,
we will see.
You can't trust men.
Stop already!
Don't stay
- You must leave.
- Yes.
You must leave.
- Take it.
- You must leave.
Yes. Take it.
You will feel better.
You must leave.
I'm very sorry.
I am better.
You must leave.
Don't worry about me
and get some rest.
Try to sleep a little.
I feel as I were falling.
Give me your hand,
I'm falling into an abyss.
I'm sorry, I can't
eat anything.
Well, take the medicine.
It's been four hours.
And the bus, what time
does it get here?
In twenty minutes.
- Can you walk?
- Yes.
You haven't slept
all night, have you?
Don't worry.
- I'll sleep when I get home.
- I'm sorry...
I caused you
so much troubles.
I'll be transferred...
to Lahore, you know?
To Lahore?
I won't be able to thank you
for what you've done before I leave.
But, you have already
made up your mind?
I thought they would
send me to Hokkaido...
and finally they
In Lahore there is cholera
and other diseases.
Nobody wants to go there because
they're afraid of getting it.
That is not more
than a legend.
It is a modern city now.
How do you know that?
In Tokyo I used to talk
to some neighbors...
who traveled a lot...
Lahore, Dacca, Laos,...
Saigon, Karachi
They always said you couldn't
go to those places.
Well, that was before,
now things have changed.
I believe this is what I need,...
maybe I will be able
to redeem myself this way.
I don't understand how come Yumiko
has already decided to choose a man.
Inohue will feel
I believe you are
the one disappointed.
Don't be a fool.
- I am here.
- Hello, Yumiko.
Listen, come here.
I didn't tell you everything
when we talk.
What happened exactly?
My friend wasn't feeling ok.
- Your friend? What friend?
- Mr. Mishima.
Mr. Mishima?
Ah, the one from Meiji
commercial company, right?
Then, you two are
No, we are not lovers.
We could never be.
You never know,
don't you think?
I do know, because he took
everything away from me.
- I cannot love him.
- What did he take away from you?
He's the one who killed
my husband.
He was?
Was he the driver who
ran over him?
Do you think I could
love that man?
And now if you excuse
me, I'll go lie down.
Inohue can still
have hope.
- Good morning.
- Ah, good morning.
- What train are you going to take?
- I haven't decided yet.
And what are you
doing after the celebration?
To drink, I suppose.
I'll go out
to see my clients, ok?
Listen, if you don't want to be
alone tonight, I would love to...
Tell Mr. Kawai that I will
leave tomorrow night.
I suppose he'll like
to know in advance.
What you are doing?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I scared you, didn't I?
I'm sorry.
You are a bad boy.
- What were you thinking about?
- Nothing.
I wish you had said
you were thinking about me.
I see you feel ok already.
Yes, I'm ok now.
Thank you very much.
Could you give me some water?
I'm thirsty.
The sky is so blue.
You are really
a bad boy.
There's some of your lipstick
on the glass.
- But I'm not using any lipstick today.
- No? Then
I brought you a present.
- It's from Tokyo.
- Thanks. I needed it.
Let me help you.
This is kogomi, right?
It is Shidoke.
- And this one?
- Kogomi.
Summer is nice.
It's my favorite
- Yes?
- I wish it will never ends.
After summer
comes winter.
Winter is nice too.
You are funny.
The truth is
I like everything:...
winter, summer,
sidoke, kogomi
- Do you already know when you'll leave?
- What?
I leave in a few days.
- What are the herbs for?
- To make preserves.
Now we make preserved fruits
and other things.
We save them
for the winter.
I think we are a little
like badgers.
In autumn snow starts to fall
and it covers everything for 5 months.
Even buses can't go around.
We lived surrounded
by snow...
until spring
melts it.
It is a problem.
No, it's not. Why?
How will I be able to come
with so much snow?
I'm sorry, nobody can come.
Only the mailman gets
here once a week to bring letters.
Once a week?
If he comes once a week,
Ill come twice.
No, three times.
I will come to surprise
you as I did now.
You had a beautiful smile,...
you seemed a little girl.
you are very
sensual too.
Do you want to go?
Could you give me
some tea?
I think you already
You know I love you.
Why do you say that?
- You're going far away from here.
- That's why I say it.
I can only think about you.
I haven't stopped thinking about you...
ever since we were
in that hotel.
We must go.
Yumiko, come to Lahore
with me, please.
Lahore is a horrible place,
nobody wants to go there,...
...but I promise I'll make you happy.
- I'm sorry, go away.
Don't live in the past, you have
to get over it, you have to be happy.
And don't come back.
I have to be in Tokyo the day after
tomorrow, we can't separate like this.
Think it throw.
We can't erase
the past from our minds.
I think you're giving too much
importance to common sense.
- Listen to your feelings.
- I cannot go with you.
How could I go
with you?
If we made such thing,...
we would have to live ashamed
for the rest of our lives.
- Don't you realize?
- No, really.
And I don't understand.
It would be too cruel.
I couldn't bear
that cruelty.
- Yumiko
- You have to leave.
Please, go away.
Good bye.
Good morning.
Is Hayashida there?
I would like to speak with him.
He's not there?
But he said that
He's gone away?
Where? Hello?
Excuse me.
Good morning. Is Hayashida there,
please? It would like to speak with him.
I understand. Thanks.
- What do you think? Do we do it?
- Kill ourselves? No, thanks.
Have they found the bodies?
Good morning.
Is Mr. Mishima, please?
Yes, I understand.
No, don't bother.
Do you know
what time he leaves?
Nine thirty?
Thank you very much.
This is your fault.
- Really? Why?
- You already know why.
No, I don't.
Tell me why it's my fault, come on.
Mr. Mishima,
come down, you have a visit.
Well, what happens?
An accident.
- Welcome.
- Do you have a room?
Yes, come on in, please.
My love! My love!
No, please!
I'm so sorry.
Excuse me.
The bath is ready.
Serve dinner, please.
Yes, Sir. Whatever you say.
I'll be right back.
Forgive me.
I rowed with you
in Towada Lake,...
I collected herbs with you
in the countryside,...
I let you take care of me
when I was ill
I am the one who
should apologize, it's my fault.
Because I loved you.
Let's drink.
Come on, you too.
What do you want to toast to?
Don't be sad.
At heart I am a Barbarian,...
I prefer Lahore
to any European city.
Do you know what
I'm going to do?
I'll sing you a local song,
as a farewell.
They say anyone who
listens to this song...
reach happiness.
I am sure
you will be happy.