Middle Class Love (2022) Movie Script

- Son
- Yes Dad.
I Studied at Kishanchand College
in my youth...
Yes Dad.
Guddu is already studying there...
Now your turn.
Yes Dad.
Both of you commute
on the same scooter,
- we save money on petrol.
- Yes Dad.
Guddu's text books come to you,
we save money on books.
Yes Dad.
Money saved is money earned.
Behind every successful man
is a woman.
Behind every middleclass man is a son,
perched on the pillion of his scooter,
subjected to a daily tutorial
on penny-pinching.
No wonder middleclass kids
can never be cool.
Like damsels in distress
- Dad's favourite word is
- Get it sonny boy?
- Yes Dad.
- Curb every useless expense.
- Yes Dad.
- Dad, I sure am lucky.
- Why?
'Cause Guddu isn't a girl.
Or you would have draped me
in a frock to come here!
No son, just undies would be more like it.
Go check the admission list.
Dad, will you check please.
I've to take a leak.
Hey listen!... useless twerp!
One sec - is Yudhisthir Sharma
on the list?
Excuse me...
Yes! My son!!
He's got admission!! Gangway please.
Yudhisthir Sharma, you got the admission.
Go check with the office
when the fee has to be paid.
Right o Dad!
Kishanchand. Boring name, crowd likewise.
Tagged as "Downmarket Mules"
loaded with the burden of
expectations of middleclass parents,
inherited a dangerous
disease - Middleclassiosis.
The symptoms are all too familiar.
- I was here first.
- Mummy!
First come first served. Your rule.
I'm late for college.
- Me too.
- Oh come on!
- Mummy...
- Stop whining like a school kid.
Yudi, he's older. Let him go first.
- Mum's verdict.
- But I'm brushing!
- Mum's order.
- So unfair.
First on the potty
just because he is older?
That's just Rs 100. Rs 12 more please.
It adds up to 90. I've still given a 100.
- 10 more ma'am, please.
- I don't have any more.
Final deal. 5 more.
Yudi, pick up the free herbs.
- Stop! Stop! 40... 40...
- What's 40 Dad?
- What's the matter?
- Nothing. 40 is a round figure.
We haven't reached home yet.
- I've cramps in my legs.
- I'll go ahead with the bags.
Get off the auto - Let's walk.
It's good exercise.
Street food for Rs.20
becomes worth Rs.399 in a hotel,
because they give it a fancy name.
To be cool, one needs
to change their surroundings.
You can't be a mule Yudi.
You are a prized Derby horse.
You are an ass. Me, ass's buddy.
FYI asses don't get
into Oakwood.
- We aren't in?
- We are - on the waiting list.
Me 6th, you7th
Drop the "Be cool" dream.
Trot to Kishanchand else
we'll lose that too.
Kishanchand marks "the end" of my dream
to be cool and yours to be a rapper.
We have to change
our surroundings to be cool, man!
Do what's right for you.
I can fix my life anywhere.
You don't get it, Bro.
- G'morning uncle.
- Morning.
Oshir, cover this silly crow's nest during
work hours.
Sorry Dad.
How often has uncle has
told you to hide your puny pony.
It's silly.
Just get a haircut like your Dad's.
- You mind your own business.
- Okay uncle.
And you, serve water on table 5.
Blab about fixing your life when
you can't fix your own hair your way!
You can throw attitude because
you have a backup.
You'll end up fine
as a baker if not a rapper.
It's Dad's shop, not mine.
So he is not going to live forever bro.
Shut up!
Tell me what did Sachin Tendulkar's
Dad do?
- What's the point?
- Point is, No one knows.
Had Sachin done what his
Dad did,
would we get the God of cricket?
Bro, I want to follow
my heart not my dad's business.
Point taken.
My turn.
Sachin earned fame hitting
sixes at Lords.
Had he played in his colony lanes,
he wouldn't be God of cricket.
Oakwood is our Lords.
Follow your heart but
get to the right place first.
But to-date,
Oakwood has had no cancellations.
No worries.
- This year Oakwood will have all three.
- Three?
You, me, and cancellations.
Hi. Mr Panchal? This is about your fee.
Mr Khanna? Shlok Sinha?
The date for the payment
of fee is postponed.
Shaina Nilkon?
Our server was down so there
are no updates on the website.
Poorva Chandi? Please come on Thursday
to pay the fee, not Monday.
All right, I'll see you in Oakwood High.
Maybe not.
Is it so easy to fool people.
Who are we to fool someone, but
instruments in the hand of the One above.
What is the big deal Dad?
I'll tell you what it is.
You keep me waiting at the college
and then His Lordship....
Quiet...shhh... kids are studying.
They will study. You worry about
the studies of your kid.
Adi, are you also getting disturbed?
In our old age,
he will abandon us at a railway station
and that too at 4:00 in the morning.
Who the hell will wake up at 4 am Ma!
Your old man my son! I'll show you how!
And by the way, where did you get
the money for the Awkward form?
Ooh! I bow to thee holy mother!
I make do with fractured
specs to save Rs. 200
and you dole out 2000!
How often should I say don't
spend more than I earn?
Can't you just earn a little more?
Think bigger!
He's right.
I'll buy shoes a size bigger
to slap your face with!
I'll return the money... Promise.
Some cheek! Now he'll give me money?!
I meant I'll return it if you keep
the amount reasonable.
Get out of my way.
So I'm unreasonable?!!
- Good job Sir.
- Thank you! Thank you!
I fear not your big shoes Mr. Sharma
but your small thinking.
Railway station?
Why not Airport?
At least in thoughts!
O Lord, if anyone can deliver me from
this disease it's Yudi Sharma himself.
With your blessings of course...
Dear Ganesha.
So to get the total fruit weight...
Yo Dude!
Focus here if you want
to get in to Kishanchand.
One sec.
Even if you do get in, you'll end up
as a mule - like the rest that we know.
- Turn down the radio volume.
- Oh Ma, do it yourself.
If you get in Oakwood
I'll hire a band to celebrate!
What if I do?
I'll crow like a rooster amidst all here -
Cock a doodle doo.
And you... post my picture
on Pixtagram.
Hey! Yudi's got admission in Oakwood.
# A mule reincarnated as a rooster.
Yudi's got in at Oakwood!
Ooohoo. What happened?
- Someone won a jackpot?
- Yudi's got admission in Oakwood.
Just got a call.
Wow! He is my son after all!
Monday we need to pay
the fee of Rs.1.5 lakhs.
1.5 lakhs?
Not just Mussoorie Dad,
It's the best college in India.
Billionaire's kids study there,
kids like us become achievers.
Let's take a call this evening.
- Dad please!
- Fine.
Sir, I'm all set to post
your new DP on Pixtagram.
Shut Up!
It's beyond our budget. But together
we'll manage. What do you say?
Income from my catering
is lying untouched in the bank.
That will come in handy for his education.
Nature's call Dad. Urgent.
Will be right back to massage your feet.
Hold it if you want to go to Awkward.
- Pushed it back Dad.
- See that!
I mean I'll control it for a while.
Right son.
So what were you saying about Oakwood?
We had to struggle through
a lot for our education.
But it's your right
to dream better, bigger.
Your mum and I will pitch in.
In fact, all of us together
will outshine the billionaires.
By the way it's Oakwood. Not Awkward.
British accent!
Apply your mind and study son.
I promise I will.
Yay... the king of Oakwood!
Oakwood High.
Vibes bro.
Pot dude!
The name, the crowd, the aura...
I'd call it Oakwood Hi Fi.
From bricks to chicks -
COOL written all over - in caps.
Finally, Sachin arrives at Lords.
Why just mind, Dad,
I'll apply my body, mind and soul,
and pass with full marks
in my pet subject.
Sysha Oberoi - the most popular, gorgeous
and stylish girl in Mussorie.
The Brand Ambassador of "cool",
who hypnotizes the minute she steps in.
The one-way-ticket
to the life I want boss.
Hey guys! Good morning.
We're at Fusion Salon today
and we're all getting new hairdos.
Let's take a vote on what shall I do.
- Straight...
- Or curly.
Every time I see you baby
My heart makes me do things crazy
Is it love or madness it's all so fuzzy
All logics set aside,
these three I can't be denied
Music, booze and you by my side
My heart says I love you a ton,
Do you know what you have done
I'm lost, when you so hypnotize
You stole my heart you realize
O honey I love you a ton
I'm lost, when you so hypnotize
At dream's doorstep I've set my eyes
I dream of you alone, do you realize
Around you my future I visualize
Heed my words, you too will fantasize
Every time I see you baby
My heart makes me do things crazy
Is it love or madness It's all so fuzzy
All logics set aside,
these three I can't be denied
Music, booze and you by my side
My heart says I love you a ton,
Don't you know what you have done
Why do you so hypnotize
All your videos go viral,
every story you rule,
DM and tutor me on how to be so cool
Like Mary's lamb I follow you everyday
You too I promise, will follow me someday
Every time I see you baby
My heart makes me do things crazy
Is it love or madness it's just so fuzzy
All logics set aside,
these three I can't be denied
Music, booze and you by my side
My heart says I love you a ton,
Do you know what you have done
Why do you so hypnotize
You stole my heart you realize
O honey I love you a ton
I'm lost, don't hypnotize or stun
- Hey watch it bro.
- Are you fricking blind?
Unfortunately, I am.
Oh my god! I'm sorry.
It's o.k. I am sorry.
You needn't apologise. I should have seen
where I am going.
I'm so used to this.
Every time I introduce myself I say
'Hi I'm sorry. Nice to meet you.'
Wow! You are quite funny pal.
Why, the blind can't be funny?
Uh no no that's not what he meant.
- Ya.
- I'm just kidding!
Oh my god!
Please don't mind.
My sense of humour is a little - dark.
Where's the admin office?
Go straight take a right.
You'll see it over there.
'See" it? Really? How?
Sorry pal. I'm really sorry.
Not again!
- I'm kidding.
- Oh my god!
- What's he up to?
- I see
I don't.
You have a lovely smile.
Hey wait, wait, wait! How do you know.
We're going to be in the same class.
So one gets the vibes.
6th sense.
You Elohssa?
No. I'm Alex.
Oh! Hi! I'm Yudi. And you?
- I'm Sysha.
- Just a second.
Hi Sysha! Wow! That's a strong grip.
And an equally strong body.
- Yudi.
- Yes.
Who is going to take the
keys off from your scooter?
Sixth sense.
Are you fricking kidding me?
I've been saying all along I'm kidding,
I'm kidding...
in fact that's what I say everywhere.
- Hi! I'm kidding.
- Shut Up!
You really thought this
is going to work on Sysha Oberoi!
So cheap n cheesy dude.
Where are you going?
Have you gone nuts?
- Are you blind?
- Why?
- Can't you see that I'm blind, you ass.
- You Ass this hurts.
So that's your plan?
Mingling with Sysha to become cool?
Get this right. The dangerous
disease we are inflicted with...
- Yeah... I know... Middleclassiosis.
- Correct.
She is a portable vaccination for it.
Once I become her boyfriend,
get seen on her Pixtagram
and get into her circle,
I'll be the coolest bloke in Mussoorie.
Life will go from here to... here.
And your 'think big', dreams,
cricket at Lords?
All yours. My sport is different.
It's called finding Syshu,
and boyfriending Syshu...
And bro, I need to go to the loo...
So go.
Is that Ash?
- Yeah.
- Oh shucks!
Just ignore her.
Hey Sysha!
Guys I'll just be back.
Hi! My mom told me to sit on the right,
on the first day of college. Feng-Shui.
- Else I'll fail in the exams.
- So I'd rather fail?
Why would you? I'll learn and teach you.
Hi five! Thanks.
Hey Sy.
Where were you?
Actually mom said to sit to the right
of the professor. Got confused.
- Listen I'm not interested.
- Huh?
I know what you are trying to do.
Behave yourself.
I don't hit on skunks.
I'd rather have poison.
Should I get it for you?
Sure! Two burgers, ketchup
and Pepsi too. Scram!
- Ass.
- Jenny.
Did you just take my picture?
- You creeped into my photo.
- Delete it right now.
I'm no slave for you to order me around.
- How dare you take my pic?
- Like this.
- Gimme!
- You mad? My phone!
Why'd you take my pic?
My phone !!!
Good morning everyone.
I said good morning.
Good morning Ma'am.
I hope you all are having
a really nice day today.
Hello excuse me.
You've busted my phone.
I am politely asking you to pay 500
for the screen guard you cracked.
Your phone itself isn't worth 500.
I am not giving you a penny.
Oh Ms. Attitude!!... Hello!!...
Spitfire I'm talking to you.
Hey vixen... I'd have clobbered you
if you weren't a girl.
Excuse me.
Gimme my money.
Give my money or I'll lodge
a police complaint.
Do you know who my Dad is?
He is a buddy of the Commissioner.
I'll have you jailed. I'm warning you!
Hey listen you ogress.
Stop! I'm talking to you.
Stop pretending you can't hear.
I'll see that you pay me.
It was a new phone.
Where are you looking.
I'm talking to you. Excuse me.
What are you looking at.
I'm talking to you.
Hey ! Phone buster!
- It's you I'm talking to.
- You will pay for this.
Why will I pay for this?
You will pay for this.
Our father,
who art in heaven, hallowed be...
- Do you rap?
- I only slap!
Look bros... what happens to guys
who troll.
- People make memes of them folks.
- Just get lost.
Today isn't your day.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Of the 5 divisions in our college,
Ash had to be in my class.
- Your Sicilian Pizza Ma'am. Gluten free.
- Thank you.
- First photo.
- Hey Yes.
Will you check this out.
What's wrong with this idiot?
The blind guy?
She'll delete your comments bro.
Drop it. She's way out of your league.
My Dad's a Bank manager, yours a baker.
We'll have to be content with Plain Janes.
If we do get one, what follows?
Cheap dates-few movies and then marriage.
One more Yudi will be born.
I got a Plain Jane.
He'll get a Simple Sally.
And there will be an
edition of yet another mule.
I curse my parents, my son will curse me,
his son will curse him and the
suffocating chain will go on and on.
Gosh! This curse must be broken.
True. The middle class struggles
to upgrade from a two wheeler to a car,
then a bigger car.
Do break the chain pal!
But there are no shortcuts to doing that.
Shortcuts are the freeway to your goal.
The view from a skyscraper's
porch is just so exotic!
Bro, that's Sysha's porch.
This very Sysha,
one day will be compelled to invite me
to her porch. Wait and Watch!
What say Mussorie's dapper rapper!
Bitter sugar.
Bitter sugar. Oxy-moron
Two of your favourites in your class.
Ash and that blind boy. Yew!
It's ages since I heard you rap.
C'mon rap away.
No, not now.
Stop being coy or I'll smack you. Hit it!
Here goes.
Wow! Way to go! Oh ho!
Not the world's dictates,
we'll follow the heart
We'll heed the heart's
call and make a fresh start
With my pal as my anchor,
the world we'll outsmart
Not the world's dictates,
we'll follow the heart
Not the world's dictates,
we'll follow the heart
We'll heed heart's
call and make a fresh start
With my pal as my anchor,
the world we'll outsmart
Not the world's dictates,
we'll follow the heart
Biddings of the world you must forget
But search within you your prized tenet
Keep off the beaten path,
it could be a lie
Do your own thing, be cool and fly high
Chase your pet dream,
let courage be your tool,
Breaking the rules is the way to be cool
And cool is the guy
who frames his own rule
Not the world's dictates,
we'll follow the heart
We'll heed heart's call,
and make a fresh start
With my pal as my anchor,
the world we'll outsmart
- Yudi!
- Yes mom?
- It's 2:00 am. Come on in quick
- Yes mom.
Hmmm.... Uploading it on YouTube.
Not yet. This was for us only.
- Do it when it's fine tuned.
- Shut up asshole.
Same excuse every time.
Here's how we'll follow the heart.
Your dream is to rap
on a big-league stage.
Mine, to bring Sysha as my girlfriend
to the same show.
Sure thing!
Uploaded. It's good.
Honestly. 1000 likes for sure.
Good Morning Sysha!
Baba was right.
Yoga's the way to digestion.
You had gluten free pizza yesterday.
I had brown bread.
Listen! I've a fantastic proposal for you.
Try me out as your boyfriend?
Life will be set... and fun.
- We're a perfect fit.
- Really!
You Pizza me brown bread.
You Pasta me Spare Ribs.
- Yew!
- You hot me cool.
We'll be the killer pair of Oakwood.
Earthy guys and classy babes
are always superhit pairs.
Like Ranveer-Deepika... Yuvraj-Hazel...
Yudi - Sysha.
I'm telling you.
A guy like me is hard to find.
I'd do anything for you, Sysha.
Anything !!! Just ask of me.
Mom says I look like film star.
I dance like Michael Jackson.
And singing... I'm Mussorie's
Justin Bieber.
You've seen my sense of humour.
Now note my confidence.
'Be my girlfriend' proposal
after yesterday's flop show.
- Oh shit!.
- Honestly!
To get a boyfriend like me
isn't just difficult, it's impossible.
So how's the offer?
You're gonna pay for this.
How much?
Shoo! Shoo!
Holy shit!
Shoo, shoo!!
I tell you she's deranged.
Totally jealous of expensive stuff.
Busted my phone,
now makes your car a portable potty.
Potty... potty. You know potty.
- So you'd do anything for me?
- Of course!
- Are you sure?
- 100%
- You can't back out.
- Try me.
- Want to be my boyfriend?
- Pardon?
Don't you want to be my boyfriend?
Not don't. Only want.
All right done.
Done it is! I'll update my status.
Patience my friend. To have me
as a girlfriend, date Ash first.
That weirdo? I won't swipe right
if hers was the last profile on Tinder.
Date her.
Make her want you.
Hook up with her.
Then make sure you break her heart.
I want to see her cry.
One minute.
What's this scheme?
No scheme.
Dating Sysha Oberoi is no cake walk.
Mull over it and let me know.
Why so irritated this morning?
Guess who is in my class.
Tell me.
- The person is...
- One sec...
- Yes Dr Desai.
- Aryan!
Aryan where's your blazer?
Aryan finish your food.
No no. Actually my son.
Yes exactly. I'll do that.
- Ash.
- Yes mom.
I have 2 surgeries today
and he has an extra class.
So please manage today. OK?
Yeah it's OK. Bye mom.
- Bye bye dear.
- I'll see you.
- Let's go.
- Who is in your class sis?
No one.
Lock whoever bothers you in the toilet.
Tie your shoelaces, Baboon.
How's it going son?
How is it hanging in college
with the billionaire kids?
Why just the college Dad,
the parking lot too is mind blowing.
Big sports cars lined up
as if in a 5 star parking.
My scooter needs repair.
I'll wait at the college parking
so we can come together
and save half the fare.
Don't Dad!
I'll come to your office and pick you.
- We'll save the full fare.
- Yudi, aren't you running late?
Yes I am.
Here, take these.
- Bye bye bye bye.
- Bye.
Yudi Yudi hang on.
Take the sides.
And don't forget the change.
You forgot Rs. 35/- the last time.
- That was on purpose.
- Why?
To dodge the taxation raid?!
- Huh?
- Your cheek Ma.
Taxation raid on Rs.35?
Bye see you. I'll come to pick you up.
Excuse me. Hello!
My phone was brand new. Please pay up.
Shut up. Beggar.
You called me a beggar!
Whacko give me my 500.
Or I'll smash your phone.
Touch it and I'll smash your face.
- Whacko!
- Right back at you.
Get lost! I'll see you after class. Crank.
Excuse me. Zumba class?
- It's in the south block.
- Thanks. Shit!
And 5 6 7 go.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 again.
1 2 3 4 5 6 energy Ash.
1 2 3 hands up and up let's go.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 change.
1 2 3 and left and right.
Change 1 2 3 move it.
5 6 7 8 and its done guys thank you. Bye.
Bye. Thank you.
How goes it bro?
Give my 500.
- Hi
- Hi!
Have you decided?
About us stupid.
Like me Zumba you Boogie - like fusion.
Did Sysha kiss Yudi?
She totally did!
Let me know.
Well done Yudi boy!
Congrats Yudi.
Well done Yudi.
First flush Yudi. Wow!
Jealous bro!
Is it okay to break Ash's heart
to please Sysha?
If Sysha is willing to be my girlfriend,
doesn't matter whose heart I break.
Right. As if she's just
waiting for you to propose
and walk her down the aisle,
holding your hand!
A normal girl, I could have managed
but how do I impress this shrew?
Ask Siri.
Hey Siri... How to impress a girl.
Hey Siri... How to impress
a very rude girl.
Ashna, hello... just a minute.
I need to talk to you.
Ashna ...wait...
Excuse me I think...
I don't believe this!
How dare you walk into the girl's room?
Just listen to me.
Why am I even surprised!
I know the likes of you very well.
Trying to get up close under
the pretext of getting 500/- back.
It's idiots like you who should
have been slapped into discipline
by parents and taught manners.
Will you listen to me once?
Someone else will.
You'll be bloody sorry for this. Assface!
You have to apologise.
I am sorry Ma'am.
Apologise to him, not to me.
Ma'am just let it be. It is OK.
No. it isn't. It's not acceptable, Ash.
Why were you in the Boy's Room?
And you claim it was the other way.
Also, I believe you've smashed his phone!
Ma'am actually she didn't.
The phone just fell.
Mistakes happen.
Time for my lecture. May I please go?
Thank you.
Listen. I'm extremely sorry.
It's OK.
I shouldn't have judged you.
What's your problem?
You feel I'm hitting on you.
First you bash my phone,
then you want to bash my face.
We're just in the same class! That's it.
You're very rude.
I'm extremely sorry.
Some overacting! You're so cheap.
And cheesy.
Good enough?
Definitely not bad.
- That's my Pizza.
- Quiet.
What are you up to?
Can I have a coke please?
Let me take the plate sir.
No worries. I'll put it away myself.
That's my job.
I don't push my load on others.
But I'm paid to do this job.
Would you let someone else
clear your plate? Chill.
Brother, please put it in the sink.
Brother, I'm not paid for it.
Put it in yourself.
Need help?
No thanks. I'll manage,
Stop being a superwoman!
Take my scooty. I'll take yours
and return it repaired by tomorrow.
No. Thank you.
I know we had a bad start.
You apologized, I accepted.
Water under the bridge.
We'll be spending 3 years
in the same class.
It's OK. Take my scooty.
I'll take yours.
For the broken screen guard.
No need to keep track.
It's OK. Don't bother.
I can't give you my scooty otherwise.
Only because you're insisting.
Thank you.
Your number please. I'll send you the
location for bringing my scooty over.
- Now what's this?
- Your scooter is done.
- How much?
- 600/-
Wo Wo Wo!!! The pipe costs
100/- I slit it. I should know.
The rate is 350/- . Here's 500/- .
Keep the change for repairing the dent.
You could hurt someone
in this betting game. Don't play it.
Once the plane has taken off,
the runway doesn't exist.
So Ash is the runway?
- No! I'm the plane. I want to fly.
- Fly away.
I want to fly above the stratosphere.
Soar high above.
OK fly!
Oh! The chain breaks!
I told you Sysha will invite me
to her porch.
Holy Cow! Yudi.
With the entrance so posh,
how ritzy must the porch be!
- Excuse me. Pub right here?
- Yes sir.
- I'll just keep these here....
- ...Sir not allowed...
- ...for two minutes... I'll be right back
- It's not allowed sir.
Sir please sir...
Wow! This is how a porch should be.
Pump yourselves up and groove along.
Ladies and Gentlemen-I am your DJ.
- Hi Yudi!
- Finally our star has come.
He's here!
- Wooo come, come come sit.
- Come bro, come.
Come. Take a seat. Sit.
Sysha how right you were. He's on time.
- We've all been waiting for you.
- Been quite a while.
By the way, my cousins Rahil, Ria,
my friends Monalika and Chinku.
Alex and Naina you already know them.
And this my friend is THE famous
and most unbelievable Yudi!
You're our star.
I was telling them how you did
the blind man gag just to impress me.
I still don't believe anyone can do it.
See! None of them believe me.
And I was like, I'll call him right away.
See for yourselves.
They said as if he's
at your beck and call!
So I said Yudi will come anytime
and anywhere I call.
And look Yudi, you're here!
- You're lucky Sysha.
- Bro beer.
Where did you find him Sysha!
- Cheers to Yudi.
- Cheers!
C'mon Yudi.
Action replay. Let's have some fun.
- No. no!
- C'mon c'mon Yudi. Tell him.
- Hey please...please
- C'mon. Why not! We both will do it.
We both will do it together guys
for you all.
- C'mon bro Yudi.
- Yudi, let's go.
- Yudi !Yudi! Yudi!
- Watch the fun!
Where are your blindman's glasses?
Ah! Are you fricking blind?
What's wrong what not, I haven't a clue
I feel oh so small whenever around you
I want to make your world mine,
You'll let me in, won't you?
Call out to me but once,
I'll be right there
C'mon guys give it up for him!
Place me in your heart, I promise I'd dare
My world's so dull, your world a rainbow
I told you guys. He's quite a joker.
- Kidding!
- I believe it now Sysha.
Believe me ... right!
- Yes Joe. Thank you.
- No. no.
- No, it's OK. I'll pay. It's on me guys.
- Sysha, we all will chip in.
- Of course. We'll pay too.
- Alright.
Mr. Googly. How far are we
in the six points?
- OK everyone. 1500 per person.
- OK. Yeah. Cool.
5, 10, 15.
- 500 for the tip.
- That's mine.
Thank you guys.
Yudi what taking so long?! Pronto!
Come on.
- Drop it in Yudi.
- So Let's go.
C'mon people let's go.
Yeah it's so good.
- You ok?
- Yeah!
- Are you sure?
- Excuse me... Excuse me sir.
Your tiffins.
Those aren't mine.
You left them here with me.
To collect them on your wayout.
Not mine. Don't you get it!!!
Someone else's probably.
No sir. It's you who kept them here.
Do I look like a delivery boy to you?
Am I a joker doing some act?
I said they're not mine.
Bloody fools.
You deliver the food an hour late.
Then 1500/- bucks
falls out of your pocket.
Dad, I am admitting my mistake.
Let's see this.
Khanna paid 2000/- for the food.
1500/- fell out.
Why not the remaining 500/-?
It was in the other pocket.
I'll return the1500/.
Really? How? Steal it? Mug someone?
Don't chide him so.
The other day, didn't 500/- fall out
from your pocket
when you pulled out the kerchief?
- Mistakes do happen.
- Keep quiet!
Stop taking up for him every time.
He's trying to be smart. Listen son...
Yudi, we work really hard
to earn this money. Understand?
Now go to your room. Go.
Go son.
Have dinner before you sleep.
Lay a 5 course meal for him.
You spent the money, didn't you?
Money is meant to be spent.
Mom slogs the whole month
waking up early to make the food
that brings in the money.
And it's parents who
give kids pocket money.
Yes. According to their status.
Who decides this status? Me?
What's wrong if I too feel like blowing up
money with my friends sometimes?
Don't I too?
In Oakwood 500/- has no value.
In this house, it does.
You think I enjoy giving tuitions?!
You are a saint, brother.
Don't be rude.
Unlike you, I am rude. But that's me.
Go ahead if you want to teach. I don't.
I don't ever want to be like Dad.
And you can never be!
Don't even want to be.
I want a better life, to think big.
Not check the price before
ordering food lifelong... Like Dad!
Now focus on your studies.
You've to ace the exam.
King of Kishanchand.
Sleep before I slap you!
Yudi, take these.
Don't be late to deliver to the Khannas.
Yes Mom.
Hey son!
Could you please get me some tea?
- I've put the kettle on.
- Should be done.
Son, perhaps the money did fall out.
The loss of money, I can bear.
But don't ever...ever lie to me.
It'll really hurt me bad...
I will feel I've failed in raising you.
Yes Dad. May I leave?
Son, perhaps the money did fall out.
The loss of money, I can bear.
But don't ever...ever lie to me.
- Yay yay...life is a party!
- Yeah, life is a party!
It's working fine.
You got the dent fixed too.
- How much do I owe you?
- Nothing.
- Why?
- The mechanic is a friend.
- Please thank him.
- Yeah.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Where are you going?
To give a Hi five to my bro.
As mam, you didn't get annoyed
with me today.
Listen, you don't have to call me mam.
Call me Ash.
Some informal advice then Ash.
Don't ride the scooty
only to get somewhere.
At times, ride it just for the heck of it.
Go see the full moon, sunset,
or feel the raindrops, the gentle breeze.
Meet new folks, visit new places.
Enjoy the ride without worrying
about the destination.
And smile... You're welcome!
Your smile is sucks.
Your entire personality sucks.
Thank you so much.
Really? That doesn't
sound like Ash at all.
- But great progress!
- Thanks!
Now stuck at point 5.
'Do what she likes,
Like what she does'.
The spitfire is not on FB nor Pixtagram.
How does one know what she likes?
Do what she likes?
She goes to meet a friend at night. Alone.
A friend? At night? Alone?
Oh ho ho!
Have you actually fallen for her?
Oh ho ho! Jealous?
Simply dying of jealousy.
Oh don't! what's life without you?
I'll be soooo lonely.
You are crazy.
Is that your ringtone?
A reminder, stupid.
Swanky folks, swanky ideas.
A reminder to pop toffee?
Not toffee. Anxiety pills.
In what universe can
a Sysha Oberoi have anxiety!
Isn't Sysha Oberoi human?
You are THE Sysha Oberoi.
The coolest babe in Musooorie.
Boys yearn to mingle with you.
Who could have ever thought
I'll be chilling out with you?
Guys envy me. Haven't you sensed it?
The rest come here to study, make careers.
But I'm here only for you.
You are really special
and I'm crazy about you.
You'll keep your end of the bargain
of making me your boyfriend, won't you?
Oh my god, Yudi. Are you blushing!
Sysha makes me Shy-sa!
Oh my god.
You're really Mr Cheezy.
Fine. But I made you smile.
Oh, so you are Ash's night ranger
who meets her.
What if I date your women folk?
What do you do on dates?
Give love bites to each other?
Yudi what are you doing here?
Stalking me?
Try a new pick-up line.
This is so passe.
- Flirt with you?
- You bet!
Not so despo.
Take out the food for Charlie
from my bag.
This is my daily beat.
Never seen you here before.
I come here to feed Charlie.
Charlie and I are good friends.
He did say a crazy, rude girl feeds him.
And the food's good so he tolerates her.
Or else...
- Or else?
- I see her smile and be content.
Now who's flirting?
Charlie. Not me, No. He said all of it.
Charlie, you dine with Yudi today.
I have to go. Please feed him and
get the tiffin box to college tomorrow.
- OK.
- OK. Bye.
You stay back with me.
We're set. Here. Eat.
What happened?
Forgot the house keys.
So ring the bell.
Mom's got surgeries lined up
early morning. My bro sleeps like a log.
Even a tornado can't wake my bro.
What's the plan then?
I'll wait on the doorsteps until dawn.
Waiting in my company is a better idea.
And do what?
Amble, stroll, dance and sing.
The rest is fine. But I have
two left feet. Dance?! - I'm bad.
Dance as in have fun.
Good, bad, do your own thing.
Our friendship is indeed unique
Without doubt, I'm sure we'll click
O pretty girl, to melodies we'll swirl
Through the night let's twist and twirl
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
O pretty girl, to melodies we'll swirl
Through the night let's twist and twirl
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
My mood is mad to the marrow
Live, friend like there's no tomorrow
Live it up, live it up,
live it up, live it up
Live it up, live it up,
live it up, live it up
Cool wafts of breeze gently rise
And slumber then deserts the eyes
Young is the air, as the skies above
Drenched and soaked, filled with love
My heart choked with intense emotion
Mind bamboozled by desire n passion
Our friendship is indeed unique
Without doubt, I'm sure we'll click
O pretty girl, to melodies we'll swirl
Through the night let's twist and twirl
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk
Thank you.
- Ok bye bye bye.
- Bye bye.
You said you're bad at dance.
What a lie. You're terrible.
You lied too. Said I'll have a good time.
I had a great time.
Thank you.
You cad! I'd have come earlier.
And done what?
Had mundane meals.
With me, you savored
international fusion - Maddi Masala.
Back home, you would have
inhaled stale CO2 of a girl.
But out here, you got a treat of fresh
oxygen under open skies with Mr. Yudi
who is cute and funny like Bugs Bunny.
You'll sleep less, may be...
get dark circles
but dab as much powder as you
can on a crow, it won't become a dove.
Oh, I'm a crow.
Yeah. But hang out with a dove,
you become a dove.
This crow will always remember this night.
Me too.
Thank you.
Your touch is electrifying.
Buzz off! If I hug you, you'll die.
In that case, I've lived enough! Come.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Thank you, thank you so much guys.
So, I'm looking for a future ex-girlfriend
who will then become best friend.
What about the present?
You guys are such scoundrels!
Yet, thank you.
I'm ready to be your girlfriend.
Ok. Ok. Ok.
- Next is Yudi with some extra cheese.
- My turn.
Looking cute?
Yudi Yudi Yudi.
Don't act pricey. Hurry up.
Yudi Yudi Yudi.
This cap is to shield me -
in case you hurl eggs at me.
Is all the joy I see for my stand-up
comedy or because Alex's act is over?
That is so rude dude.
A guy had a girlfriend named Wriggly.
She'd always remember
to forget her wallet.
On every date she was like 'Alex baby,
I've forgotten my wallet.
Pay the money and I'll be your honey.'
This goes on and on and on until
'Baby" s' wallet gets a lot lighter.
A week later, again it is Baby,
I've forgotten my wallet.
Can you give me 1000/-?
Alex takes his wallet out,
pulls out a note - of 20/-,
gives it to her and says, take this sis.
Take a cab, go home
and bring your wallet.
That seals the fate of their relationship.
My second story is about
my friend Oshir Pannu.
- Ohh Ohh
- Now you are done for, bro.
Oshir fell in love with a girl.
- Okay.
- Her name was Daisy.
For her he was simply crazy.
He finally dared to walk up to her
and said...
Come, Come here.
Daisy I'm totally in love with you.
You're my honey Bunny.
Guess what Daisy said.
Bunny? Like a girl who serves
cocktails at playboy clubs? How dare you!
And after hearing the answer
Oshir Pannu was high.
Here's a confession guys.
I met a girl who has made me believe
in love stories.
Who is she?
Patience guys!
Tell us who she is.
That isn't important-right now.
What's important is
I can do anything for her.
A tattoo as well?
Any tattoo she fancies...
Hail the Lord!
All over my body.
If she accepts me, I'll be funky.
If rejected, I'll be
A junkie.
Right! A junkie!
Name. We want the name.
So, you want to know for which
girl I'd be a junkie? She's right here.
You feel I'm hitting on you.
You smash my phone,
now you want to smash my face.
You are very rude.
Enough suspense, I guess.
I'd like to invite that girl here.
I know we had a bad start.
You apologized, I accepted. It's all Ok.
Water under the bridge.
Get to the cut the Chase.
- This crow will always remember this night.
- Me too.
The girl is... Ashna.
Ashna Tripathi.
I love you Ash!
Yudi-Ashna Yudi-Ashna Yudi-Ashna.
Thank you.
My day begins with you,
with you the dusky evening comes,
each moment I breathe...that's life...
Did she just slap him?
Oh my God! She just slapped him.
- This is not done.
- This is so unexpected.
Something's wrong.
This is not done.
He's so embarrassed.
I am really very sorry, Yudi.
It's okay Sysha.
You had to face public ridicule
because of me.
I should have known. That's her.
She has no respect for anyone.
What ails you two?
Where does such deep seated hatred
stem from?
We were best friends until I met Rahul.
- Yes?
- Wow...
- Excuse me.
- I mean how... I mean who are you?
- Rahul!
- Hi Ash!
- Hi! How are you?
- I'm good. How are you?
Good. Come in.
Hope he wasn't flirting with you.
I'm used to it.
- Bitch!
- Vixen!
Rahul, she's my best friend, Sysha.
Hi best friend Sysha! Nice to meet you.
We'd chill together during the holidays.
It was such fun.
Guys did flirt with me,
but Rahul was different.
Mature, intelligent and funny.
Everything I wanted in a boyfriend.
He made me feel so special.
I was so happy.
I totally fell for him.
I love you Rahuuul!
I was sure we were getting
into a relationship.
You didn't mention leaving today.
It slipped my mind. The flight's at 4.
So when do I see you next?
- I'll call you. Time to leave.
- Rahul, am I missing something?
Uhh...Look Sysha, I am sorry.
Sorry for what?
Nothing serious.
Ash felt you are Sysha Oberoi.
You're out of my league.
That no way you and me...
...but it did happen, right?
This was just a bet.
We laid bets since childhood.
This was not for you.
I had to prove to myself
that no girl is out of my league.
You had fun too, right?
Sysha, stop crying. You'll be fine.
You'll get over it. OK?
I'm leaving. Where are you?
Glued to the phone all day.
Here I am.
- Bye.
- Take care. My regards to uncle and aunt.
- Is that all?
- Yes.
Bye. Sysha, take care of yourself.
- Have a safe flight.
- Yeah.
You've never cried so much on missing me.
I was completely shattered.
Rahul broke my heart. But my best
friend broke my trust by betting on me.
I'm no better, Yudi.
Repeating exactly the same thing with you.
I'm so sorry Yudi.
- I dragged you into this mess.
- No listen Sysha it's okay.
- It's not.
- Honestly, it isn't.
Yudi, let's call this thing off.
Let's call the bet off.
I don't want to do this anymore.
One minute.
No more 'Impress' Ash act?
Yes. Feels good?
Yeah, Yeah. But what about uh us?
We'll obviously remain friends.
- We'll chill. You are a fun guy, Yudi.
- One minute. Confirmed?
Gadzooks! Let's take a friendship selfie.
On your phone.
Correct. On your phone. Mine is kaput.
You're uploading it on your Pixtagram?
To our new friendship.
Oh you're back, son.
You didn't take the tiffin boxes today.
Guddu had to deliver them.
Khanna's have warned of stopping
the order if delivered late one more time.
Why not hire a delivery boy instead?
Yudi, we'll have to pay him.
So you'll use me because I'm free?
Free! Don't all pitch in for the house?
Dad does. Guddu gives tuitions.
Isn't it your home too?
It is, mom. But now I'm at Oakwood.
It's odd to be seen
carting tiffin boxes along.
Why? What's odd about
pitching in for the house?
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Mom, these are tiffin boxes. Not
the World Cup to be hoisted on the head!
I can't stand the cracker crumbs
and oil stains on my books any more.
- Ah, you can't.
- Please understand.
YOU understand. The business will
wind up if you don't.
Let it. It doesn't rake
in millions anyway.
Really? Wind up a 10 year old business?
Wind it up!
Mom, thank you - for putting me
in such a good college.
But in order to do well
I need to focus on my studies.
It never occurred to me that
I've turned my son into a delivery boy.
My mistake.
You... you focus on your studies son.
Wow Yudi. Show me...
Let me take a picture.
- Hey Sysha... I'm paying pal.
- No you're not.
Yeah of course I am paying...one second.
This is your change.
So much for just a couple of hairs?
- It's a streak, sir.
- Oh streak. Correct.
Our summer holidays are always fixed.
The last time we didn't go to U S.
This time, we won't go to China.
What makes you burst into laughter?
Seen Ash?
No. Sit?
I'll be back.
Charlie, here comes your sis to feed you.
I hope my dinner is not a slap.
Hi Charlie!
I'm really sorry. I did over react.
Charlie, tell her I'm sorry too
and its okay.
No it's not okay.
No no. It's really okay. Don't worry.
One sec. what okay?
Know what he said in public view?
I love you. Tell me, do you really?
Uh... I mean...
- See Charlie, No answer.
- One minute.
He doesn't even know
if he loves me or not.
Well. I was trying to impress.
By reading from the internet
Look! My Dad's no Casanova. Charlie.
My bro's no dude. How would I know?
In fact, you were almost impressed...
Just that you saw my phone.
Yudi please get serious in life sometime.
I really thought we were friends.
Next time try honesty.
Here, hold him.
I'm really sorry,
Charlie, honestly I hate dogs. Ugh!
Such an assmole.
I slit your scooty pipe.
Fixed it with the 500/- you gave
and I'm not sorry 'cause
I like to spend time with you
and I missed you.
I missed you too.
What in hell are you up to?
You're now in Sysha's circle.
Why meet Ash?
Why not? The bet's over, not friendship.
She's a good friend-like you are.
We're in the same class.
I'm clear about making
Sysha my girlfriend.
You like Sysha because she temporarily...
transports you away from your reality.
Pannu, I'm no kid. I know what I'm doing.
Sysha told me what happened between them.
But no way is Ash what Sysha says she is.
Once I trace the missing
link in their mutual hostility,
I will sort the issue out
and stop meeting Ash,
Pathological liar!
Speaking of honesty,
tell me what actually happened.
It was my mistake.
I shouldn't have laid that stupid bet.
What bet?
Is she single?
Who said this?
My sis.
- Cheater siblings!
- Yes. Single and waaay out of your league.
Do you even know my league?
I don't.
But I do know my best friend
and her tastes.
You don't fit in.
Are you a sycophant or best friend?
Passed in Maths or flunked?
No way she'll be impressed.
Stay away or you will get depressed.
Fine. Before I leave, we'll see
who is impressed and who gets depressed.
Do you want to bet?
Rahul had come for a month.
The 3 of us would chill together.
When they jelled, Yudi, I actually
forgot all about the bet.
But it bruised Rahul's ego.
I didn't have a clue about
how and when Rahul had won over Sysha.
They jelled in such a short time
and got close.
When I realized Sysha
was really serious about Rahul,
I wanted to stop it.
O.K. That's enough.
I'm so hungry.
You want to eat something?
- No.
- You?
Rahul, she's getting serious. Stop it.
The bet was in fun.
Stop fooling around with her.
I'll go tell her all.
No Ash. Please, please... don't do this.
I'm not fooling.
I know we started the bet in fun.
But now I'm serious.
I like her. In fact, I feel
I'm falling in love with her.
- I hope you aren't lying.
- Of course no. I swear.
If this continues,
we might get into a relationship.
Rahul, Sysha is very dear to me.
She's my best friend.
I don't want her getting hurt.
Say you won't hurt her.
I won't. Trust me sis.
No such thing will ever happen.
- Promise me.
- We both like each other.
I promise no such thing will happen.
You have my word.
Why didn't you tell Sysha?
I didn't want to see her face
after what she did to me.
No such waterworks on missing me.
Miss whom?
The one who pretends
to be my best friend 24/7?
The one who bets on my availability?
How dare you call yourself a friend?
You get me dumped by your fricking cousin!
What! Rahul dumped you?
I can't believe this!
- Let me just call him.
- No no please.
I need no favours.
I don't need you and your bullshit!
Who are you? A Nobody. Just a fricking
parasite who feeds off me.
You have no identity.
Guys befriend you to get my number.
Otherwise you'd be ignored.
Your name is Ashna Tripathi.
But your identity is Sysha's best friend.
Oops! Sorry! WAS.
Wow! All these years of friendship,
this is what you think of me?
- You think I'm feeding off you?
- You are!
You think I'm a parasite?
- Aren't you?
- Really Sysha?
Your fricking face makes me sick.
You disgust me.
If I make you sick,
get the heck out of my house.
I will gladly get the heck
out of this house and your life.
But let's try and see
you get one of your own!
I had no clue that's
what Sysha thought of me.
Left to her, she'd exactly repeat
with me what I did to her by mistake.
She isn't a girl like that.
How do you know?
We're in the same class.
So, one gets the vibes.
I wept for a month.
I decided I would never
make any friends anymore.
So...Who am I then?
You? You're a dove!
Read the comments bro.
Guys are loving my rap star.
You needn't have been so edgy.
Sysha's here.
- Stay put. Don't turn behind.
- Why?
- Ash.
- How far behind?
3 minus 10 secs. 9 8 7.
Sorry pal. Forgive me.
Forgiven. Son of a gun.
How could you do this?
How dare you touch me!
What wrong have I done?
Listen folks. He clicked
a girl's pic in class...on the sly.
What's your prob if I do?
She's my pal. You can't do this to her.
She's my love. I can do anything.
She's my friend.
She's my love.
That's not love. It's called lust.
So sorry.
I'll treat you to ice-cream at night.
I want a double chocolate.
I've come to this college just for her.
You're stalking a girl. You cheap dolt.
- Hey Yudi.
- Alex, go stop him.
Get lost. Beat it. Take this skunk away.
Don't overstep your limits.
Raggedy urchin with putrid breath!
Scoot everybody.
I don't wanna talk to anyone.
I'm seething right now.
Has he lost it?
Beat it
Hormonal imbalance.
But Pannu doesn't look like
a guy whose puberty is delayed.
Delayed puberty is no license
to click pics of chicks on the sly.
Anyway, I'll tell him
I'm not interested, right?
You needn't stop talking to him
just for me.
I've decided I won't talk to him
until he says sorry to you.
I can see you're hurting.
I know the pain of losing a friend.
Ash misses you too.
How do you know?
We're in the same class.
So one gets the vibes.
You don't have to fight
with your best friend for me.
I do.
For you, I can fight with anyone,
anytime... from anywhere in the world.
How sweet!
How you've done it
I can't comprehend
With silence how did you jingles blend?
Of my very being you are now a part
Yes, to you, I've lost my heart
You are my first fragrance,
Magic and memory first
Of showers and desires
For you I thirst
The love is new and the feeling too.
The love is new and the feeling too
I know not whether in
Friendship or in jest
I gave you my heart
At my own behest
Cheers !!
I was unaware that
My heart was always mine
But now I know that
for keeps its thine
What has happened was
always meant to be
The heart had to flutter
don't you see
Yet the mind has this one solace
There's none nicer than you,
on this Earth's face
You are my first desire
my crusade first,
First longing, first blessing
For you I thirst
The love is new
And the feeling too
The love is new
And the feeling too
The love is new
And the feeling too.
Coming...just a moment.
Namaste aunty. Sweets for you.
- For?
- I'll tell you. Yudi at home?
Yes. In his room.
What's with the grizzly bear hug?
Our video has gone viral! It raked
in 8 million views. This is crazy.
I've been invited to perform in the
"Emerging talent of Mussorie" show!
Pannu! Not the world's dictates,
we'll follow the heart,
we'll heed heart's call
and make a fresh start.
Nah buddy!
I can't perform dressed like this.
Don't get psyched, Pannu.
Let bitter sugar come.
Thanks bro. Almost forgot.
Two VIP passes for my show.
8 o'clock on Sunday?
What's the surprise?
Not again.
It wouldn't be a surprise if revealed.
But I need to decide what to wear -
to suit the occasion.
Let's go for a movie.
Movie! Really?! That's the surprise?
It's been a while since
we've gone to the Movies.
Why don't we go clubbing instead?
Like dress-up? Party?
Yeah...as a couple.
Me hot, you cool, me fire, you ice...
killer combo!
Oh shit!
- Shit
- It is a killer combo.
But I forgot I've to take mom
to her brother's place on Sunday.
It's ok. Chill.
But next Sunday we're going out
and no cancelling.
College parties are so clich.
I wouldn't step into one!
Crazy crowd, loud music... no way.
Brawls for free booze at the bar counter
followed by folks being shoved
into the pool.
Girls will be puking in some corner
and their boyfriends will stand near them
holding their hair.
I could stand and hold your hair.
Why? Are you my boyfriend?
I don't see tiffin boxes going out
now a days.
Are all the clients on a diet?
No. They are tired of my cooking.
They order from elsewhere.
Has Yudi been up to some nonsense?
In the last fortnight,
the food has never reached on time.
At times, not at all.
On Monday he had a flat tyre.
And mom had to get an earful.
How does Yudi figure in all this?
Poor boy quietly carries the boxes in his
backpack and delivers where I tell him to.
His books get stained with oil.
He isn't a delivery boy.
How is it his fault if people
don't like the food?
After all, he has college, his studies.
We should understand.
I do. Only too well. Where the hell is he?
Who imagined that the
spitfire could look hot too!
and that an urchin could look cute.
Now you want to go to the club with Yudi.
Aren't your fancies multiplying?
I think he would be a good dancer.
Oh! You like his moves and all.
Are you sure you're not in love?
Love is a very big word.
But I like spending time with him.
Drop the act. I've seen
you looking out for him in class.
From hate, to like, to love.
Clichd love story!
Two shots!
Oh yeah! Let's go!
One more.
Boozard!! Couldn't wait to say cheers.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Hey hey hey hey.
If you miss him so much, ask him over.
He has a family commitment tonight.
But guess who's going
on a date next weekend.
You've done all that you said is clich.
She is not a liar. She's honest.
And she likes clichs.
Yudi. Are you crazy?
It's freezing. You ass!
You idiot.
I'm going to kill you! It's so cold!!
Blab any more, and I'll pee here.
I did it already.
Dirty pig!
Yudi, we've followed all the clichs.
Except one.
Ugh! You are crazy.
You wanna puke? Let's puke together.
I'll hold your hair.
Hooking him was easy, huh?
What are you doing here Sysha?
I'm here to meet my boyfriend, Yudi.
Sysha, we'll talk
about this later, please.
Yudi, are you Sysha's boyfriend?
- Let me explain.
- What is she talking?
I'll tell you.
Remember Rahul?
And the lousy bet you
and Rahul had laid on me?
Shysha, please!
Likewise, I laid a bet with Yudi
to date you,
- dump you and break your heart.
- Shysha, please! Please.
But you can only break a heart
where there is one.
What say, Ash?
Well done! Yudi.
But we don't need to do this any longer.
Just dump her.
And update your status.
You are officially Sysha Oberoi's
boyfriend from today.
And NOW we are even.
Ash, please...
Sysha, we could have talked
about it tomorrow. I'm really sorry.
I didn't even know you.
You chased me.
And convinced me that you loved me,
and you're crazy about me.
Because of your insane love,
I also felt for you.
I fell in love with you Yudi.
I want to be your girlfriend.
Will you be my boyfriend?
Will you...please?
I'm THE Sysha Oberoi.
All crave to be with me,
spend time with me.
You are here with me today,
yet I feel so alone.
- Why? Why?
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Why me?
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Why did you do this to me. Yudi.
What did I ever do to you!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
And next we have upcoming
rock star Bitter Sugar.
Come on Pannu...!
Look where you find yourself today
You stand abandoned by all and sundry
The new world in which you wished to sway
For your hurt and pain has no remedy
Reap what you sow rings for you true
Ponder on how you'll right the wrong
That's what we promised, me and you
That hearts will break,
you knew all along
In pieces of shattered dreams you search
For some tiny branch on which to perch
Get real bro, walk ahead with pride
Face the truth, from yourself don't hide
Don't be bizarre, know who you are
Don't be bizarre, know who you are
Don't be bizarre, know who you are
Don't be bizarre, know who you are
Mr. Sharma, know what time is it?
What's going on in this head of yours?
Do enlighten us!
You don't pick up calls.
Mom cooks for you but
you choose to eat out.
Food has to be thrown out everyday.
You saunter in at 2.00 am.
Is this some guest house?
Sorry Dad.
What do you mean sorry?
Hey, I'm talking to you.
- How dare you come sozzled?
- I'll ensure he understands.
If you could, none of this would happen.
You stay up night after night for him.
We keep agonizing over him.
We ache for someone to care about
what we think.
Who does? His Highness
will come sloshed.
Madam, putting him in Oakwood
was a serious blunder.
He has buried our values.
Look, look at his clothes...
his face...his hair.
I don't recognize you.
You just can't be my son.
Why you, Mr. Sharma...
I can't recognize myself.
Get out. Leave the house right now,
leave this instant.
- Yudi, Yudi...
- What are you doing?
Let him go.
- Let me go. Leave me.
- Come on.
- Leave me.
- Come on.
Dad, please go to bed.
Come. Let's go in.
Students, in this year's Christmas party,
we will raise funds for the "Palak" NGO.
The principal has set a target of 5 lakhs
to be collected by all of you
through a Fundraiser campaign.
The good news is the funds will
be donated to the "Palak" orphanage.
All I can suggest is,
more the number of volunteers,
the better you will perform the task.
Just a moment.
Yudhisthir, you have been called
to the principal's office.
Please leave.
Yes Ma'am. You called for me?
I was just speaking to your father.
He gave you the full amount for the fees
but your account shows
20.000 is still pending.
He did give the money. I blew it off.
Why, may I ask?
To be cool.
Ma'am, actually,
All Oakwood High kids are cool.
And I wasn't.
So I thought being cool is a must.
Or you don't fit in.
I just wanted to... belong.
And in the bargain,
I frittered away the money.
I'm sorry Dad.
I appreciate your honesty.
Mr. Sharma, the balance fees
must be paid in a month.
Or your son's admission
will be cancelled.
I cannot afford to pay again, Madam.
Please do what you need to.
Thank you.
Dad, one minute. Dad, just...
Dad, one minute... please listen...
But don't ever...ever lie to me.
It will hit me hard if you do.
I will feel I've failed in raising you.
Aunty, Ash.
Just one minute Ash. I'm sorry.
- Ash. Just one minute. Please listen to me.
- Don't touch me.
I've wronged you. I'm really sorry.
But listen to me... Just once.
Mom, please ask him to leave.
- Yudi, leave.
- Aunty, just one minute.
- Mom, please ask him to leave.
- Ash, it's not what you think it is.
Please... Leave.
- I said please stay away from her.
- Ash...
Please stay away from her.
Just leave.
The thread
The thread that binds our love
I hope will never snap
The thread that binds our love
I hope will never snap
We share a mysterious bond
This longing should never stop
Should never stop
Should never stop
Should never stop
Should never stop
We share a mysterious bond
This longing should never stop
Should never stop
Only your love can make my heart beat
I need you so to be with me
Without you I cannot survive
I need you friend to heal me
I am your promise, your pledge I am
I belong more to you than to myself
I belong more to you
The thread that binds our love
I hope will never snap
We share a mysterious bond
This longing should never stop
Should never stop
Yudi, what are you doing? Yudi...
I've really messed it up bro.
I feel like I have nobody.
Get up, Yudi.
Do something bro, please.
Yudi, it's you who needs to do something.
So long you've only done what you wanted.
That wasn't right.
I've blundered big time.
Yudi mistakes are called
so because they are unintentional.
You've realized yours.
Now do what you believe should be done
and it will turn out to be
the right thing to do. Know why?
You are no scum. You are my brother.
Drop your twisted tricks
and straighten yourself out
and see the result.
- Yudhishthir Sharma?
- Yes sir.
Is it a bike or a scooter?
Scooty, sir.
Manish, this is to be 1.5 by 1.5
from one side
and 2.5 by 2.5 from the side.
Papers of the vehicle?
Here's the insurance,
license and the photocopy.
Download the delivery App of Speedy.
Pick up your uniform and join from Monday.
OK sir.
You look like the hero types.
Why do you want to work?
To buy a gift for your girlfriend
or to pay for a holiday?
To pay college fees.
A piece of advice.
More the deliveries you make,
more will be the bonus earned.
And you could pay college fees earlier.
All the best.
Bro, delivery boy?
I was naive before
but now I'm sensible.
Your love has changed me.
I regret hurting your emotions.
I'll become yours
by making you mine.
Come and embrace me.
Listen to my plea.
Please overlook
my mistakes.
My mistakes.
The thread that binds our love
I hope will never snap
We share a mysterious bond
This longing should never stop
Should never stop
You've earned a bonus.
Thank you.
What's your opinion Ma'am?
What makes you think
I'll agree to your proposition?
Well Ma'am,
my Mom is the world's best cook.
North Indian, South Indian, Mughlai,
Continental, Chinese. Brilliant in all.
If you let us put up a stall
at the Fundraiser,
I guarantee that it will raise
half the fund expected!
The last 4 days I've been trying out
samples from 4 top caterers.
No wonder I've put on so much weight!
What Ma'am. Minus your glasses,
you can pass off as my classmate.
Flattery is not going to
get you anywhere, Yudi.
I'm sorry. I've just decided,
that this is the best food.
And this pickle,
this just seals the deal.
Yes! Thank you so much!
Why are you thanking me?
I just said I'm sorry!
Because both,
the pickle which has sealed the deal
and the food you so lovingly
ate are my Mom's recipes.
I exchanged the caterer's
tiffin boxes with my Mom's.
I'm sorry Ma'am. I had no option.
Thank you so much. Bye!
Trust me, toss your glasses away
and you can pass off as my classmate.
Thank you, ma'am. Bye.
That rogue created a misunderstanding
between the two friends
and it has to be cleared.
Or the hostility between
the two will continue forever.
Each one is convinced that
the other was wrong.
One will pop anxiety pills and the other
will rap on 'Our father who art in Heaven.'
And why do you think that I'll do it?
Because you're cute.
Quit kidding.
Alex, you were friends
with both Sysha and Ash.
You sure know how much
they miss each other.
But both don't talk to you anymore.
What do you stand to gain?
It's not always about gaining!
Hey! Where are you going?
Whose stuff is this?
Yours of course.
No, it isn't. You have the wrong address.
A-251, Pratap road, Shiv Colony.
That's our address all right.
So are the groceries.
And the bill?
It's paid.
By whom?
16,900/-? Where did this money
come from?
That is my salary for deliveries, Dad.
Wasn't that meant for your college fees?
I'll not be going to Oakwood anymore.
Are you dropping out of college?
No Mom. I'll go to Kishanchand.
When Guddu and I commute together,
we save money on petrol.
He has brought all this stuff for me.
I see. Well done son.
First you steal 20,000/- to become cool.
Then you earn to pay the fees
and then squander it like this.
Fine. Go where ever you want to...
Kishanchand or Oakwood.
Study if you want to.
Don't study if you don't want to.
Please spare us. I can't fathom you.
Leave me.
So you mean to say,
Rahul lied to both of us?
What a crass show!
Shit! Shit!
And I said such awful things to Ash!
Thank you, Alex.
- Who's the cutest?
- Who's the hottest?
- And together we are?
- The bestest.
- Gimme a kiss. Where's Ash?
- Right there.
- Sister.
- Put the food down.
- What are you doing here?
- Come with me.
- Where?
- Sysha. - Quick.
- Where are you taking her?
- I love you Aunty.
What love you! Where are you taking me?
To your room. Where else?
- Sysha, leave my hand.
- Sit down.
Why didn't you tell me
that Rahul lied to you,
when he told you that he loves me?
I really didn't think he's lying.
Had I known, I'd have told you.
But why didn't you,
when you came to know?
I'm a bloody parasite...
I'm feeding off you.
I'm nobody.
Why would you listen to a nobody?
Shut up!
You shut up!
You said such horrible things to me.
Because I was hurt. I felt used...
and cheap and humiliated.
I just wanted you to feel the same.
I did Sysha. I did feel the same.
I did feel everything.
How often I wished that
Rahul and you had never met.
You know what he said to me?
I'm good, but not out of his league.
The worst thing is that my best friend
laid such a bet on me.
Why did you do it Ash?
Listen, I'm very sorry.
It was a stupid joke that went haywire.
Please forgive me.
I'm also very sorry. I shouldn't
have said those awful things to you.
But you know I didn't
mean any of that, right?
I swear I didn't mean any of that.
God! We were both so stupid.
No. I'm not stupid.
You are stupid. I'm smart.
Should I slap you?!
You should. I deserve it.
I missed you so much.
I missed you too.
- Bitch.
- Vixen.
Keep this carefully.
- Mom, this large container
- Keep it here.
Yudi, take this bread...
- Guddu...
- Coming Mom.
Come quickly son.
Put the salad in the container.
- Yeah. I'll do that.
- What's in this one?
- I'm putting the salad in it.
- Pannu, come here please.
I'll do it.
I've put the bread in that one.
Why the pony tail?
You've got one too.
Go take it outside. Quick.
- Where does this go?
- On the table outside.
- Here?
- Yes. There.
Done? Close the container...fast.
Why the goofy grin? Get up. Move!
Please ask Dad to join us.
- No way. Not me.
- Just try talking to him please.
Go and do it yourself.
Are the crackers and pickles packed?
Hurry! Bring it.
Aunty, the aroma from the food is divine!
- It's the aroma of Yudi's hard labour.
- Come on. Let's move.
- Be careful.
- Yeah. That's Ok.
Kids, I hand over the evening to you.
Everyone, enjoy yourselves.
- Oakwood High...
- We touch the sky!
- Oakwood High...
- We touch the sky!
- Oakwood High...
- We touch the sky!
Thank you.
Hey guys!
Welcome to the funky photo booth.
With sassy Sysha...
And assy Ash.
I just praised you, bitch.
I did too, vixen.
Enjoy your meal.
Thank you.
Slightly up. Ready?
Nice, isn't it?
Is my order ready?
Why didn't you wear the costume?
I've failed to convince him.
See how good Pannu looks?
You should have worn it too.
I'm no more an Oakwood student, Mom.
Shall I call Dad up and ask him?
I don't get why Rahul sent you to confess.
Yes! He's your cousin, he hurt me
and sends an apology through him.
Why didn't he come himself?
He said Ash will get stressed if I go and
start rapping Our Father, who art in Heaven
and Sysha will start
popping anxiety pills.
Funny guy.
Who conveyed?
Who conveyed it is immaterial.
What matters is you
two are together again.
I'm glad that the confusion
between you two is cleared.
I, too, was confused.
I felt I loved you,
then I felt I loved you.
But love can't happen when
you lie or break someone's heart.
The premise itself is wrong.
Moral of the story:
Yudi's will come and go,
but best friends stay forever.
Sysha, Ash, I'm really sorry.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Now it's the time to announce
the winner of the best stall.
Today is my last day at Oakwood.
Forgive me if you can.
Last day?
The winner of the best stall...
Are you leaving the college?
The prize goes to Yudhishthir Sharma.
I'll really miss you guys.
Yudhishthir, please come
and collect your trophy.
Come on. Don't be late.
Yudi, Yudi, Yudi, Yudi...go go!
Yudi... Aunty...
Yudi... Aunty...
Aunty, full marks for
the pickles and crackers...
Well deserve!
- Lovely food aunty...
- Amazing...
Say whatever you feel like...go ahead.
Thank you, Principal Madam.
Thank you, Madam.
Congratulations aunty!
What aunty... at home you talk so much!
Please give it up for
the best chef in the world...
Mrs Jaya Sharma.
Aunty come on...
Your cheek please.
How sweet!
- Let's go.
- Hey Yudi,
let's hear something from you today bro.
You can't leave just like that.
Come on! Don't act pricey.
Hey dude, how about a joke?
Not here, bro.
Come on.
- Stop acting pricey. Go ahead.
- Why don't you go?
Come on. Some entertainment.
Here he comes. He has to be cajoled
a couple of times.
The last time I tried to entertain
you creeps, I got a slap.
So don't say 'I love you' this time.
- Ass!
- Or you'll get slapped again.
Actually, I will say I love you.
Without fear. Because this
person's slap is a regular routine.
A tale of violence?
A tale of a family of Superheroes.
One better than the other.
Hero No # 1. Superman.
The middleclass Indian father.
One Superman agonizes
over saving the world.
The other one agonizes over saving money
in every and any which way.
The Superman draped
in a red cape flies high.
The other one says don't fly so high.
Always stay within your means.
That sure does happen.
Hero No # 2. Wonder woman.
Our Moms, folks.
Wonder Woman never feels defeated.
Our moms are no different.
Aunty is the best.
She never loses in a bargain
at any shop in the world.
At the grocer's she manages
to get not just the lowest rate,
but bags some free goodies too.
That is no way easy.
Agree totally bro.
I dare you to try that.
Hero No # 3. Capt. America.
The first son in the house.
First at everything. First in the class.
First not just at eating meals,
but also at disposing digested meals.
He has the first access
from toothpaste to the TV remote.
And I'm like what the F... first!
Neat save!
Nice one.
Shouldn't there be a villain
with all these Superheroes?
So the villain in this tale is
the younger son. Mr. Elohssa.
What a twisted name bro.
As twisted as the guy himself.
He felt he was better than the rest.
He felt cheated at being born
in a down market middle class family.
He felt he deserved to be
born in a family of billionaires.
True, true.
Mr. Elohssa had a singular aim in life.
To be considered cool by everyone.
It mattered not if he had to lie
or to take shortcuts for it.
He just wanted to be cool.
Guess what his super power was?
You tell us. Dude.
Speed running.
He ran far away from everything...
From problems... truth... duties...
himself... and his own folks.
In the bargain,
he left his loved ones behind
and broke hearts of his friends
in his attempt to look cool.
Then, life delivered such a slap that
he fell... into the deepest pit of hell.
Guess who got him out?
Our very own heroes!
It's only when his family helped,
did the fool realize that
with their support a zero
can turn into a hero.
That's so touching!
Little did this idiot know that he would
realize that Capt. America, his elder bro
who was first at everything was also
the first to be chided by parents.
When Mr Elohssa would
still be sleeping like a log,
his brother would wake up early
and be the first in the queue
to pay bills and help with daily chores.
Thumbs up, Guddu.
Wonder woman...to cite my Mom's case,
guess what she did with every penny
she saved at the grocer's?
Got me the scooty...
so that I could commute
to college in comfort
while she endured the jostling
in public transport.
More often than not,
I polished off the free goodies she got.
The Superman in each house,
our Dad who pleads with us
to live within our means,
wraps all our dreams in his red cape, and
gifts them to us, so that we can dream big.
He avoids spending
a paltry sum of 200/- on himself,
but hands out a lakh and a half
in one shot, to send me to Oakwood.
Why? So that I can live my dream.
Our Dads may not fly like the Superman
but they always wish for us
to fly higher than anyone else.
This too happens.
So what did Mr. Elohssa learn?
That the guy who is true
is the guy who is truly cool.
So true.
Yudi... out with whom
you want to say I love you to.
Shit. Just forgot.
OK. So do we all love our parents?
- Yes.
- Correct?
But we never openly express it.
Specially to Dads.
God knows why, but under the garb of
respect we maintain an obvious distance.
So today, let's keep this distance aside
for a while and bridge this gap.
My Dad's right here.
Meet the world's coolest Dad.
Hey Mr. Sharma.
- Way to go uncle.
- MY superman.
Come on!
Mr. Sharma! Don't shy away.
I love you Dad.
This is the best I love you.
Of my one and only Dad I'm awed
Never has he spared the rod
And when his temper hits the skies
Towards my face his footwear flies.
Good one indeed.
Pray, who is this villain Capt. Elohssa?
Heck! Elohssa is me...Elohssa is you...
you are Elohssa and you too!
Elohssa...no Ma'am, not you.
Neither are you, Mom. Nor is Dad.
Didn't I say Elohssa is a bit twisted?
Read it backwards and get enlightened.
- Asshole !!!
- He said you were one !!
Why didn't you don that fancy dress?
It doesn't matter.
It's my last day in this college.
You are not going anywhere.
I've paid the fees at Awkward.
Dad... but...
- It's not Awkward. It's Oakwood.
- And my shoe is raring to get flung.
Sysha, Ash,
I have some bad news for you pals.
I am not leaving Oakwood.
Have you gone crazy?
Now we are in the same class
for two years.
So we need to be friends.
- Friends?
- Friends.
- Friends.
- Friends.
Hey you are mad. Oye!
Look at him. Two girlfriends.
You don't even have one.
Try being a wee bit cool.
Okay. Now you wait and watch.
Hey... one moment.
You are fine as you are, my son.
Look, I have garnered
enough knowledge.
But after going through
my share of ups and downs,
I made it in the end.
And finally, I've become
a really cool guy.
Who knew my heart would sing waka waka
Everything will be chill, shakalaka
Who knew our friendship
would one day bloom
And clear dark clouds
that once did loom
I too was at fault, I honestly admit
That I should have felt some guilt
Maybe I was wrong, maybe
Now there is no stoppin me
Joy would return who would have guessed
With hurdles cleared, I'd feel blessed
Between us there remains no mystery
Is our friendship some story or history