Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (2016) Movie Script

You guys wanna
handle this for me?
On it, boss.
On it.
I just said that.
Why do you even
set this thing, Rafe,
if you're not gonna go to sleep?
Give me the blaster, quick.
Ready. Aim.
Check the barrel.
Ah, that never gets old.
Great. Now I have two headaches.
Let's blast it.
On three. One...
Rise and shine, buddy.
Are you up?
Wake up!
Oh, boy.
Is it morning already?
Please tell me you did not stay
up all night drawing again.
No, of course not.
No, the only reason I would
ever be up all night
is just because I'm so excited
to go to school today.
But I wasn't up all night.
Come here.
Gross. What're you doing?
I'm wiping the excitement
off your face.
It looks a lot like ink.
Mom, where's my breakfast?
It's coming.
Georgia, for the millionth time,
Calvin's not allowed in my room.
For the billionth time,
it's Mr. giggles to you.
And just because you're grumpy
doesn't give you the right to
make the rest of us miserable.
Okay, guys, come on.
Let's go, Calvin.
We don't have to take this.
You know, hon, I have to say,
really impressive updates for
the Vinlothian star cruiser.
I know it's hard, starting
a new school mid-semester,
and I don't wanna
take this away from you,
but you have to promise me
you won't spend every waking,
sleeping moment working on this
when there's a whole
big world out there.
Mom, there's a whole
big world in there, too.
I'm talking about
the real world.
Give it a try, would you?
For me?
On the menu for today,
we have a farro basil salad
with tomato coulis.
You know, Georgia and I
would be completely fine
if you just made us, like,
a bologna sandwich.
I'm a sous-chef,
not a chemical engineer.
Oh, and for dessert,
we have
a deconstructed lime tart.
Why'd you deconstruct it?
I don't know.
I don't wanna do something
the same old, regular way.
Where's the imagination in that?
If you wanna stand out,
you wanna make a difference,
you gotta think outside the box.
Did you order an Uber?
Oh, man!
She's gonna get me arrested.
Better you than me.
Hello! Not getting
any younger here.
Uh, do that again, and you're
not getting any older either.
I was just pulling it around
to save time.
Never again.
You should wanna be early, too,
considering your track record.
I'm sorry.
I can't hear you.
Fine. Shut me out.
But I'm the only one willing to
give you the cold hard facts.
You've been kicked out of
two schools in one year.
Georgia, I'll handle
the lectures.
Go for it.
No, thank you.
I'm tired of that lecture.
See, you're exhausting people.
This is the last school
that'll take you.
And if you mess up here,
you're gonna end up
at a new school
called "prison elementary."
So get your head
out of your Keister.
I'm just trying to help
a brother out, mom.
Look how nice it looks.
It's gonna be a great first day.
I can just feel it.
So just be polite
and don't forget to listen.
I'm sorry, what?
See, this is why kids
shouldn't have Espresso.
No, no, no,
I told you no more coffee.
Snitches get stitches.
Stop. Listen. They have me
working a double again,
so Carl's gonna pick you up.
I know. It's been a tough
year for all of us.
But he's there for me
when I need him.
And lately,
I've really needed him.
So let's all put on our
be-nice-to-Carl faces, okay?
Okay, we'll work on it,
we'll work on it.
Listen, have a great first day.
I love you so much.
Be on your
best behavior. Okay?
Quiet in the hallways,
please. Okay?
I'd like to have a silent
hallway one of these days.
Excuse me, young man.
What is your name?
Rafe Khatchadorian.
What did you just say to me?
It's my last name.
I'm new.
Well, being new
does not entitle you
to swagger in here
with no clothes on.
I'm... I'm wearing clothes.
No, those aren't clothes.
Those are rule violations.
Every single thing you have on flies
in the face of rule number 22.
What's rule number 22?
Are you telling me that you
haven't read our code of conduct?
All right, if I don't tell you,
I won't get in trouble, right?
The code of conduct, young man.
Read it, learn it, live it.
Rule number 22 is,
"always obey the dress code."
That means no printed shirts,
no wild colors.
Look what's happening to
the collar of your shirt here.
Your headphones
are dragging it open.
Nobody needs to see where your
chest hairs are going to be.
Yeah, okay, yeah, got it.
"Got it"?
How about, "got it, sir"?
Rule number one
here at hills village
is to respect your principal.
And since I am the principal,
that means
you need to respect me
by calling me "sir,"
or if you prefer,
"principal Dwight."
Or maybe even
"sir Dwight," if you like.
Good. You have recognized
my keen sense of humor.
Not everybody does.
Good man. Okay, good.
All right. On your way into
school, which is that way.
There he is!
Ah, intense, huh?
Hey, Georgia thought
I was gonna end up in prison,
but I think I'm already here.
Yeah, well, you know,
at least in prison
we can carve, like, shanks out
of toothbrushes, you know.
It's good to see you, Leo. Honestly,
I didn't think you'd be here, too.
This was the last school
in the district
that would take us.
- It's so weird...
- Excuse me.
Is your name David?
Were you carved by Michelangelo?
Stop standing around
like a statue.
You're blocking
the flow of traffic.
Yeah, you heard the warden,
get back to your cell, Rafe.
Hallway etiquette is no
laughing matter, young man.
And rule number 11
clearly states,
"no loitering in the halls."
Okay, sir?
It's vice principal Stricker.
Go, now.
Do you know how to
sync this to your phone?
Um... probably not.
Doesn't your dad work at best buy?
Oh, yeah, he does.
Just in marketing.
So you don't get any free stuff?
I do,
but mostly office supplies.
You got it?
It's just homeroom.
We'll wait.
Okay, let's start class.
Bella? Bella.
Please put your phone away
during class.
You can't rate teachers
on yelp anyway.
I've tried.
So we have a new student today.
I'm assuming you are...
I'm a transfer student, sir.
Oh, you don't have to
call me "sir."
Makes me feel old.
And I already feel old.
I drive a Saturn.
It's just, principal Dwight
told me to call everyone "sir."
It's one of his rules.
Well, I don't see any principal
Dwight in here. Do you?
Seriously, do you? Because
he is a master of disguise.
So we have a new
transfer student today
whose name I'm realizing
I did not ask just now.
What's your name?
Rafe Khatchadorian.
Whoa! It would suck to have to
spell that dumb name.
Well, Rafe, welcome to hell.
Back to the homework
from last night.
You all listened to the Drake
and future mixtape last night.
Because today we will be
talking about fair trade.
Okay. There's a hot track
and it's produced
by future's Hendrix crew.
Drizzy, champagne papi,
is in the studio
with future and he says,
"hey, yo, let me
get on that track."
"Well, I'ma have to
charge you."
And what does Drake say back?
"Charge me?
I thought we were boys."
"We're the best of boys.
"We're gonna make
a mixtape together."
But there's a tax.
Not anymore,
once NATO came along.
Teller, it's NAFTA, not NATO.
Ah? What? Word?
Shon is right, it is NAFTA.
So, now there is no tax.
So champagne papi and young Hendrix
can be on each other's tracks
without having to
charge anybody.
Much the way
that America and Canada
have goods
importing and exporting.
Hey, kick-a-dorkian.
Does anyone have any questions, comments?
It's Miller time.
Stay out of my way,
or I'll wedgie you so bad
you'll be able to taste
your underwear.
Ladies and gentlemen,
let's get ready
for the pain event.
Oh, this one always delivers
a fistful of hollers!
The grip-n-rip!
Holy Yosemite!
Want to lodge a complaint?
It's the beaver-tail!
Irritating, even to
people just watching,
the man-bun!
Over-rated and over-exposed,
the Kardashian!
You get that I can
kick your butt, right?
My bad.
There is an agreement.
Free trade.
For tomorrow, I want everybody
to become familiar with every
single member of the Wu-tang clan.
We're gonna take
a little trip to the Bronx.
So, in conclusion...
I'm not just gonna stand here
and make a bunch of promises.
Just this.
You should vote for me
because my dad is super rich
and my stepmom is really hot.
Oh, ho, ho!
Stormin' Norman, what a speech!
Well done.
Uh, for those of you
who don't know me,
I'm Jeanne Galleta,
President of the av club.
I'm guessing most of you
don't know what that is,
since I'm also the only member.
Gandhi once said,
"we have to be the change
we wish to see."
And the way I see it,
cutting funding for the arts...
Was just dumb.
We have to bring it back,
so we can express ourselves
as human beings
and not just a bunch of robots.
Also, we've gotta do something
about this dress code, okay?
It stifles individuality!
Oh, look at that,
we're out of time.
Sorry, miss Galleta. Gosh.
No, no, no.
Please. No, don't clap.
- No need to be polite.
- Thank you.
Just hold your clapping
till the end.
I think we're probably all
voting for Norman anyway, right?
I've seen his stepmom.
You're not kidding.
All right, folks, you know...
That's not funny.
Why is this wrapped around...
Let's not wrap the microphone
around the stand anymore.
It's annoying.
Folks, in two months,
we will all be competing
for something
of the utmost importance.
Who knows what I'm referring to?
I can't hear you!
Now you're just yelling.
No yelling!
That's right.
In eight short weeks,
we will all be taking
the baseline assessment
of academic readiness!
All right. Hey, you there!
Do you love your parents?
I guess so.
Hear me when I tell you, you don't
love them an eighth as much
as I love this test!
A few years ago,
my wife asked me
to stop paying so much
attention to the b.L.A.A.R.
And pay a little more
attention to her.
Well, she's gone now,
and I have no regrets.
And, folks, if we are going to
maintain our number one standing,
which we most certainly
do wanna do...
This is hilarious!
Oh, my gosh!
Zombie Dwight!
Only the b.L.A.A.R.
And nothing but the b.L.A.A.R.
No, come on, give it...
Hey, what's with
all the kerfuffle out there?
This is legit hilarious.
Hand over the notebook, Deenie,
if you know what's good for you.
Smart move!
This concludes our assembly.
I don't look like that.
I don't look like that at all.
Son, as principal, I think of myself
as the father of this school.
And there's nothing I wouldn't
do to protect a child.
Do you follow me?
Sure. Yeah. You think the
students are your children.
What? No.
The students aren't my children.
The school is my child.
And you attacked my child today.
You punched it in the face.
What kind of a person punches
a child in the face?
That was a very important
assembly, and you ruined it.
I know. I'm sorry.
Honestly, I was just doodling.
Listen, man, I am totally
into creativity.
I really dig it.
I'm a hip cat from way back.
You better believe it.
But it doesn't belong in school.
Art should be
locked up in a museum
where old people can enjoy it
or children on field trips.
We get to go on field trips
to art museums?
God, no. No. That's a
complete waste of time.
We're not doing that.
All right! Rule number 26.
Read it out loud, please.
"Rule 26.
"Any written material deemed
or offensive will be
"confiscated and destroyed"?
And destroyed.
Very good.
You're a good reader.
Gus, bring your bucket in here, please.
The yellow bucket.
This is a bucket full of acid
that will completely
dissolve your notebook.
It's probably not
a great idea to keep
a bucket full of acid
in a middle school,
but if you can think
of a better way
to dissolve notebooks,
I'm all ears.
Why are you still here?
All right!
Goodbye, offensive
and inappropriate material.
Wait, hold on.
Look, please,
I've had that book forever.
And, I mean, I worked so hard
on all those drawings.
Well, maybe if you had
worked that hard
on something worthwhile instead,
like, for instance,
your school work,
we wouldn't be here right now.
Please, you don't understand.
These drawings
mean everything to me.
In that case...
Rules are rules.
You guys are doomed.
This super stinks.
Tech support.
Here we go.
Tech support.
Peace out!
It was an honor serving
with you, sir.
I'm sorry I used your toothbrush
to pick out my nose.
Yeah, me too.
Tech support.
Your new principal sucks!
Don't forget to draw me
on the other side, Rafe!
Hey, man. I don't wanna
talk about it, all right?
Hey, you, uh...
You ever open
that thing I got you?
I'm sorry, I forgot.
No worries, man.
You've been busy. Just...
I just think it might be
a good time, you know?
Might cheer you up.
It's whatever, though.
Doesn't matter.
You want a ride?
You're funny.
No, not with that Dufus.
All right, well,
I'm out of here.
Good luck.
Hop in! You know I can't
come to a complete stop.
Let's go!
Hurry up!
Let's go. Come on.
Bear, why'd you get a stick if
you don't know how to drive it?
It's not a true sports car if
it's an automatic, all right?
Besides, I really like to feel
the road when I'm driving.
Hey, towel, please.
Sorry, I almost got "person"
on your seat.
Hey, "f" your "I,"
these seats are Italian
leather, all right?
I'm trying to keep them nice
for the re-sale.
Bear, you do know you can't
sell a car you don't own.
Don't own yet, my friend.
Don't own yet.
104 more payments,
and this baby is all mine.
Not so close to the car,
fat boy!
Come here, Calvin.
Come here, boy.
You're a good boy.
Don't listen to that mean man.
Come here.
You did that on purpose.
So sue me.
I wish mom knew
what a butt wipe you are.
Butt wipes feel pretty good.
Who doesn't love
a butt wipe, huh?
Everyone loves a butt wipe.
So I guess the joke is on you.
The joke's on you.
Hey. Oh, hey. What's up, man?
Oh, cool. You found it.
Oh, no.
Don't read the card
because then things are gonna
get sappy or whatever,
and I hate that.
So just open the present.
All right.
I figured your other one,
may it rest in peace,
was almost full, so you
probably need another one.
It's awesome, man.
Thank you. But...
I mean, all my best stuff
was in my last sketch book.
Comics, inventions.
Expertly drawn boobs.
Those were realistic.
I think.
I hope.
But the Vinlothians. Like...
You made the star cruiser.
You made their planet.
You even came up
with their battle cry.
What was it?
All right.
And, like, their language.
Their star cruiser night club.
Could you lower your voice,
What for?
I said, "shh."
Okay, you don't want them
to know I'm here.
Yeah. No offense, but mom doesn't
think you're the best influence.
Oh, okay. Well, she's not
wrong about that.
Okay, Rafe.
Back to the book thing.
Are you ready
for the greatest idea
in the history of ideas?
Dwight trashed your book, right?
So, you trash his.
Yeah, I guess
that could be kind of fun.
We'd take the shredder
from the back...
No, no, no.
We don't wanna shred
the rule book.
You wanna shred
the actual rules.
Every stupid rule
in this dumb code of conduct.
Leo, are you kidding me?
And get kicked out of another school?
I would be disowned.
No, you won't.
You wanna know why?
'Cause we're gonna be careful and
nobody's gonna know it's us.
So you're saying
we do it anonymously?
It is up to us to speak
for the voiceless,
to be vigilantes for freedom.
We've got eight weeks before
Dwight tries to measure our worth
on a bunch of bubbles
on a Scantron.
I'm sick of people
trying to suck the fun
out of childhood.
Let's stop the suck!
Let's show them that
we don't give a...
What rhymes with suck?
Nothing good.
Let's stick it to the man.
Hi, mom.
Uh... look at you. You're all
dressed and ready for school.
What's going on?
Uh, I'm just excited
to get to school early.
Yeah. Of course.
There's something
sticking on your shoe.
What is this?
What is this?
No. No.
Oh, wow.
Hey, Gus.
Whoever did this
was committed to their art.
Get to class.
This is not a gallery.
And that's not art.
Move it.
"Rules aren't for everyone."
What did you just say?
"Rules aren't for everyone."
Rule number 11,
"no loitering."
Move it, people.
Hey, Miller!
What are you staring at,
Uh-oh. You know
what that is?
That's the kickter scale,
and it's acting up.
You know, it's still a good day.
Okay, everybody.
Time for our daily dose
of morning propaganda.
Rules, regulations, respect.
Rules. Regulations. Respect.
Principal Dwight?
Principal Dwight?
We're live.
Oh, my god.
Good morning, hills village.
You may have noticed
on your way into school today
that many surfaces were covered
in brightly-colored
pieces of paper.
This was a horrible act
of vandalism.
Rest assured,
I will find the hooligans
who defaced our school
in this manner.
And when I find them,
they'll be sorry
because I will
punish them in ways
that I haven't even
dreamed up yet.
There will be
no further distractions
to our b.L.A.A.R
The microphone
is on the Fritz, sir.
You may wanna wrap it up.
I... Like... My... Big... But...
Do... You... Like...
My... Big... But...
Oh, my god.
Remember what I always say,
do whatever I tell you,
every single time.
I thought that went all right.
I can tell you want my '65
Shelby cobra, but guess what?
It's mine.
I won it.
I won it.
And then you took it.
You won it with my money.
So technically, it's mine.
Plus, I beat you
at speed of light.
Hey, look!
It's a talking bear!
Why do you insist
on calling me that?
You know my name is Carl.
Well, a,
"Carl" rhymes with "snarl,"
which is something bears do.
And, b, you're, like,
abnormally hairy.
Just hurry up, all right?
Game of thrones
starts in 10 minutes.
And if I miss the recap,
I'm totally screwed.
Wait, but we haven't even
had dessert yet.
That's the best part!
You better change your mindset on
this whole dessert thing, all right?
Or you're gonna end up
as fat as your dog.
That's probably
why you're so farty.
Your face is farty.
And Calvin giggles
is just big-boned.
Just chew so we can
get out of here, huh?
Hi, folks, I'm Dana.
I'll be taking over for Sandy.
Her shift just ended.
Would you like me
to bring the check?
I thought you were in a hurry.
A hurry to get you adorable kids
the best dessert Dave and
buster's has to offer, huh?
Got my friend's kids
with me today.
Did you just say
your "friend's kids"?
Tell you what. Just get whatever you
guys want for dessert, all right?
Provided it's not caviar, huh?
I'll go grab the dessert menus.
All right! Dessert. She's
gonna grab the dessert menus.
All right, here's the deal.
I am gonna go take a dump.
Don't screw anything up,
all right?
There we go.
That's the stuff.
Salt and pepper. Nice!
Hey, slow down!
Where you going, huh?
I just wanna get
some honey, honey.
Oh, honey?
I got your honey right here.
All right!
Oh, what the... ow!
Ah! What is that smell?
This gets me so mad!
I have an idea.
Let's pee in his Cologne.
No, we can't do that.
That would be way too much
of an improvement.
Why are there so many jerks
in my life right now?
I don't know.
Whoa! It looks like
we've just received
a generous donation
from one of them.
Is that...
Bear's credit card number.
How nice of bear
to fund phase two
of operation
rules aren't for everyone.
And maybe some new kicks.
Forget drawing.
You may be missing your calling
as an electrical engineer.
Or a bank robber.
Seriously, I think I'm learning
more by breaking the rules
than I ever have by preparing
for some dumb test.
Oh, no! No!
I can't believe people
are actually into our work.
Bro. We're trending, Rafe!
This is the work of the legends.
I wish there was one person
who I could share all this with.
What, like, besides me?
No way! Way too risky, man.
Like, come on!
"Dear diary, I'm a loser."
It's not a...
Later, khatcha-borian.
Dream of Jeanne.
Can I have one?
Oh, yeah. Sure.
Dream of Jeanne.
Hey, you're that guy.
No, I'm not.
The guy who clapped
for my speech?
Oh, yeah! That was me.
I'm Rafe.
Bam. That's one vote.
That was easy.
Can you believe
that something this cool
is actually happening
at our school?
You think the graffiti is,
like, really cool?
Well, not just that. I think the
post-it thing was amazing too.
And Dwight's hair.
I just love that
someone has the guts,
you know, to take on
the establishment.
And I'm not the only one
who thinks so.
Check out how many likes
it got on my Facebook page.
That means that it's actually
spreading to other schools.
Hey, um...
Do you wanna
know a secret? I...
You're anonymous.
I'm really just
digging your boots!
Good job. Good choice.
So what are you doing
after school next Friday?
Do you wanna go on a...
Yeah, a date.
A fundraiser. Totally.
That's what I was thinking.
Yeah, I love funds.
And raising things.
Raising things is fun.
What are we
fund and raising for?
Love them.
Have you seen that
heartbreaking YouTube video
about how the polar bears
are getting stranded
on melting ice floes?
And I'm trying to make
a difference here,
but it's just so crazy
with the studying
for the testing
of the b.L.A.A.R.
And everyone's just so busy.
If I hear one more thing
about the b.L.A.A.R.,
I'm gonna "blaarf"
just, like, everywhere.
Me, too.
So, uh, you're in?
Absolutely. I mean,
I can "bear-ly" wait.
No, that was a dumb joke.
It was "bear-ly" because...
Oh! Okay, yeah.
I see what you did there.
that was kind of funny.
Okay, so yeah.
I'll see you then.
Okay. Bye.
Yeah. Bye.
You almost blew our cover!
I'm sorry.
She was just way cool, dude!
You gotta be careful, okay?
Opening up to people can...
Well, it can get you hurt.
Am I right?
Yes. You don't have to be
such a jerk about it.
I'm sorry. But, hey,
you can always trust me.
One for all and all for one.
We'll just massage this in
and get you back
to your natural color.
Just lean back, relax,
and let me take care
of everything.
Relax? I can't relax.
Have you seen
this website discussion?
It's gone bacterial.
Ugh! Even worse,
ever since those punks
started disrupting everything,
the kids have been slacking off.
This morning I heard laughing.
In the library.
Laughing? What do you mean?
The "out loud" kind?
And you know, the test scores have
really been slipping this past month.
Ever since this rule breaking
got started.
And the b.L.A.A.R.
Is right around the corner.
We can't afford
to have our students
losing their concentration.
Getting the best scores on
the test is all that matters.
Like I always say,
"teach to the test,
not to the kids."
Yeah. Well,
it's a relief to be
around someone who gets it.
You know, I think we need
a larger room for detention.
The library's not good anymore.
Maybe the cafeteria
plus the gymnasium?
gymnasium comes in handy...
Oh, my god!
That could've been me.
All right! Shon
has a homework question
about the food chain.
So why don't we band together
as a class and help him. Shon?
Shon, are you having
a panic attack?
Yes. Yeah? Okay,
so just breathe.
And remember the question
that you asked me earlier.
Probably won't show up
on the b.L.A.A.R.
The b.L.A.A.R does not
dictate everything
that you need to know
from the real world.
Now we're together for
a half hour every morning.
We might as well make it count.
You spend all day drawing.
Why don't you
put that to good use
and come draw us a food chain?
No, I'm good. I mean...
I only work
in pen anyways, so...
No. I've seen your homework.
It's done exclusively
in invisible ink.
Come on.
Draw us the food chain.
Walk us through it.
Okay, well, the sun
shines down onto the grass,
which keeps growing
until a cow
comes along and eats it.
Always grass. Never pizza.
That's the primary consumer.
The cow gets nice and big.
Huh? Hmm...
According to this,
a surprise pizza party
is being held
for me right there!
And then it gets taken
to a slaughterhouse.
Great. Now I gotta
act surprised.
Okay, I'm surprised.
And we use it to make
hamburgers and all that.
One day...
A hungry bully with
a bad haircut comes by.
Eats the hamburgers.
That's the secondary consumer.
But he keeps
eating the hamburgers.
He keeps eating, and eating,
and eating until he gets so fat,
that he just sort of explodes.
Uh... but, that is good
for the maggots.
Just like chicken.
Ooh, try the butt cheek.
No, thank you.
I'm having the Pu Pu platter.
And then, in turn,
enrich the grassy field,
which another cow
comes along and eats.
Ooh, an invitation
to a surprise party?
So, um, yeah. That's, uh...
That's my food chain.
That is...
Very detailed and super awesome.
Thank you.
All right, everybody.
You know what that sound means.
You don't have to go home,
but you can't stay here.
Let's go. Out, out, out.
Hey. Khatcha-drawian.
I'm gonna roundhouse you
in the face.
Do it.
Do what?
Roundhouse him.
Roundhouse him in the face.
'Cause I don't think you can.
I don't think
it's physically possible
to get your leg that high
from where you're standing.
Well... uh...
I know I can't.
If I tried to do it,
my groin would snap like that.
Of course I can.
But I just can't do it now
because, uh...
I forgot to renew
the lethal weapon
registration on my feet.
Yeah, that's a bummer.
I hate it when that happens.
Yeah. So...
Gotta go.
We'll rain check it.
Look, there's no easy way
to break up with someone.
But if you feel that
you weren't into it anymore,
then you did the right thing.
You had to tell her.
You know?
You gotta do you.
That's the most important thing.
I learned that
from my ex-wife.
Hey, uh, Rafe,
that was some drawing
back there.
Thanks. It was nothing.
No, it was very much something.
What's a kid like you doing lumped
in with all these other kids?
It's been a rough
couple of years for me.
I lost my brother.
Oh, man.
I'm sorry. That's terrible.
You guys are making me a
little nervous standing here.
Remember rule number 34.
Don't touch the trophy case?
Very, very good.
See what a favor I did you,
getting rid
of that awful notebook
so you can make more
productive use of your time?
Is there something you'd like
to say to me right now?
You're in trouble. Give
me your hand real quick,
'cause there's something going on here.
What is this? Oh!
Bear is mauling our mother.
We've got to do something.
Hey, mom! Open my present.
Oh, I gotta go.
Let me see that. Okay.
Ooh. Presents.
Let's see.
Oh, it's an apron.
What's this?
"Hello, is it me
you're cooking for?"
- Isn't that funny?
- This is so funny.
Where'd you find that?
Well, I had someone
make it for you.
You did?
You understand that?
Of course, that's why I got it.
Get it?
I get it.
Honey, that's so cute.
I love it.
Took me a bit,
but I got it. I think.
So "looking for"
is "cooking for."
That's awesome.
Hello. I'm James, the manager.
Can we just keep it down, a lot?
This is not Chuck E. Cheese.
Big guy. Shh!
Can I have another root beer?
You've had enough sugar.
He was scary.
Do me a favor though,
guys, seriously.
Don't embarrass me again.
We just have to
talk like this for
the rest of the night, okay?
No problem.
You know, honey,
I love my present.
You always know
how to make me laugh.
Thank you.
This one's my present.
Oh! Homemade.
Rafe, I just...
It's beautiful.
Honey, I love it. You're so talented.
Thank you.
You guys, you're too much.
Love you so much!
Wait. Where am I?
Love you.
Well, hold on a second now.
Wait till you see
what I got for you.
Oh, yeah?
when I think about us,
I think about one word.
Crazy amazing.
More like "crawful."
That must have been expensive.
It was!
Yeah. But guess what?
You're worth it, baby.
Wow. So, what do
you say, my lady?
Will you marry me?
Yes. Yes.
You said yes.
I did.
Yes! Come here.
Yes! Yes!
You know, I was thinking,
since I'm over
at the house so much,
and I'm always helping out
with the kids and everything,
I ought to just move in.
You know?
I mean, I'd save
a ton on mileage.
And tax-wise,
it's a no-brainer.
Well, I mean, if we're gonna
get married, it seems like...
Right. Then it's settled!
Yes! Come here, you!
Oh, sorry.
Sorry about that, Sporto.
Oh, hey, your card
got ruined. Bummer.
I'm moving in!
You're welcome.
What's the matter, sport?
Not hungry?
I'll show you a real breakfast.
This stuff is delicious.
Good talk, buddy.
Your fat dog peed all over
my Joey banks.
I have to admit something.
It wasn't just him.
I did it too.
All right, listen up, twerps.
And listen good.
I'm here to stay.
And that smile
on your mom's face
that you're all so happy to see?
I put that there.
So unless you wanna
be responsible
for her unhappiness,
I suggest
you check your attitude
and your bladder at the door.
Because now, you're guests
in the bear cave.
At least he's embracing
the whole "bear" thing now.
Hey, what do these go with?
They're zebra print.
They go with everything!
We're doomed.
I gotta do something, man.
Well, one jerk at a time, Rafe.
If I've learned anything
from call of duty,
besides how to curse
in 13 languages,
it's that we've got to
complete this operation
before we launch up the new one.
I know. I just wish she could
see what a jerk he is
underneath all that fancy stuff.
Any last words?
I think he says "gurgle."
Hey, after this,
I think we should
tackle rule 86.
Are you kidding? Let's eighty-six
the 86 talk, all right?
The longer you wait,
the scarier it's going to be.
Uh, hand me the eel.
Somebody better
update Wikipedia.
You wanna know why? 'Cause
we're making history, bro.
What the...
Way to go, bro.
Oh, my god.
Who would do this?
Gus, we have a situation
in the lobby!
Bring a net!
Get to class!
The fish, I can understand. But
why did it have to be an eel?
It looks just like the eel
I had when I was a boy.
And that thing shocked me
every time I tried to pet him.
All right!
I gotta go on live.
Right now.
Okay. Um...
Did you fix this thing?
Yes, but... uh...
But what?
That shirt...
I'm just saying,
it might be a problem, sir.
I didn't come here for a
fashion consultation, Galleta.
Just roll tape!
Attention, falcons!
As you know, some punks
have declared war
on your education.
And your education, through me,
is about to start fighting back!
Their punky little pranks
and stunts
have distracted our students,
damaged our reputation
on the world wide web,
endangered our number one status
and traumatized an eel.
And so today, it stops.
If these little vandals
don't like
playing by our old rules,
well, I guess
I'll have to come up
with some new ones.
Here come some new rules!
Rule number 137,
no more going to the bathroom.
The bathrooms
will be locked from now on.
You'll have to hold it
until you get home.
I've never been wild about
people using the bathroom here.
And now, it's over.
Violators will be forced
to stay after school
and clean the toilets.
New rule 138, there will be
no after-school activities.
That bell rings
and you go straight home.
You'll want to anyway,
because you'll have to
go to the bathroom
pretty bad.
I'll also be dissolving
school government.
Something I should've done
a long time ago.
It's been a puppet regime
all this time anyway.
No debate, no speech,
no clubs of any kind.
the audio-visual club.
Oh, sh...
Don't you see, Rafe?
My school, my rules.
Sorry, we're at nerd capacity.
Hey! Occupado.
Well, look at this.
We're one week out
from the test,
and I do not like the scores
on this practice exam.
78% proficient in English
and 76 in math.
These are not winning scores.
I've been growing my
number one bush for a decade.
And I do not intend to trim it.
See, there's the problem
right there.
Rotating. Like a planet.
Remember, there's no...
Oh, Uranus is down. Miller,
stop trying to stab Uranus.
The good kids
are working their tails off,
and these remedials
are fooling around
instead of memorizing
and studying.
I wonder what would happen
if we excluded
Mr. teller's students
from the test.
Look at that. Wow. We jump
right back up to number one.
Too bad we can't stop them
from taking the test.
Oh, yeah.
We could stop them
from taking the test.
Ida, I could kiss you!
Hey, Gus!
Would you fix that farting bell?
I want my ding-dong back!
We are all on thin ice.
Help save the polar bears.
Ms. Galleta.
I thought I was very clear.
All club meetings have been
canceled until further notice.
And that includes this...
What is this?
What club is this?
This isn't just some meeting.
Polar bears' lives
are at stake here.
Oh, please. These bears need to
learn to take care of themselves.
It's not like the ice caps
are going anywhere.
That's exactly what it's like!
Sounds like I need to talk
to your science teacher.
None of that has been proven.
Oh, Rafe, I'm so glad you came.
Of course. I mean,
I wouldn't miss it.
Well, you did miss it.
This meeting is over.
Ms. Galleta is violating
one of my new rules.
You're seriously trying to
put some stupid rule
over the lives
of innocent bear cubs?
My rules aren't stupid.
Your bears are stupid.
Nobody told them to live
on something that melts.
And these animals
are hardly innocent.
Your beloved polar bears
would kill you for a peanut.
Or whatever they eat.
What do polar bears eat?
No way of knowing.
And I am not an unreasonable
man, by the way.
I might have overlooked
one violation,
but two violations
has pushed it too far.
This shirt of yours
goes against the dress code
as stipulated in rule number 22.
So you've got detention.
Two weeks.
Principal Dwight, you can't dictate
what we wear after school.
You're on my campus.
And when you're on my campus,
you're under my rules.
You're very close to violating
rule number one.
Respect your principal.
That's the most important rule.
That's why I made it number one.
Do you want
a detention too, huh?
No, sir.
I've got infinite detentions
to hand out.
You sure you don't want one?
No, sir.
Okay. Well,
watch the attitude.
Because I'd say, the only thing
around here that's on thin ice...
Is you. See?
'Cause you've been
talking about thin ice.
And that's a way of saying
that someone is in trouble.
I don't know
what's going on with Rafe.
He didn't even try
my candied bacon tarts
with goat cheese Ganache.
Ooh! More for me.
You know, I just wish I knew
what was going on
with him lately.
Jules, I say this with love.
Rafe is one
messed up little dude.
No, he's not. No. He's
dealing with a lot of stuff.
Well, who isn't?
I mean, I'm not,
'cause I'm awesome.
But I do think little dudes that
are too attached to their moms...
Please, no. What?
They're more considerate,
and kinder,
and have empathy towards others?
They're soft.
Look, I'm just saying. I think
therapy might be a good idea.
You know, a professional
that he can talk to,
to help him
deal with things better.
Yeah. Maybe.
You really think it could help if
he saw someone on a weekly basis?
Weekly, on a daily basis maybe.
Yeah. No, you know what?
I'll do the research
for you, huh?
That way, you can focus on work.
I'm here for you.
I have to tell you,
it's such a relief
to have someone else
to share all the...
I'm sorry. Game's on.
Oh! Oh.
Yeah. Thanks.
Get back to the game.
Okay. Yeah.
Phone lady,
find military schools
for kids you don't like.
I find
no Applebee's in your area.
That's not what I...
I didn't... hey!
All right, search for ways to get
rid of kids that aren't yours.
Calling mommy.
No. Don't call mommy mobile.
Stop, stop, stop!
Hang up! Hang up!
Hey, mom!
Carl, is that you again? No.
I think we're breaking up.
I'm breaking up.
Gotta go.
It's too easy.
I'm just sick and tired
of all these bullies
thinking they can do
whatever they want.
No risk, no reward.
But we have to fight.
Now that's
a musketeer thing to say.
You ready to witness
my greatest masterpiece?
Hey, Rafe,
are you okay up there?
Because if you fall, I am not
giving you mouth-to-mouth.
Thanks in advance.
All of this for a girl?
Is she really worth it?
for Jeanne Galleta,
I would walk through fire
just to see her smile.
Jeez, Georgia, are you trying
to give me a heart attack?
Where have you been?
It's none of your business.
Now go to bed.
Can't sleep.
Wanna know why?
Because I'm worried about you.
Are you happy? You've turned
me into a grandma.
Georgia, you're gonna need
at least, like, five cats
before you're officially
a grandma.
Rafe, this is serious.
Georgia, don't cry.
Okay? I'm fine.
No, you're not.
You're secretive.
And when you're not sad,
you're angry.
I came in here tonight
to warn you.
I don't know what
you're up to every night,
but it has to stop,
whatever it is.
Because if bear catches you,
he's gonna ship you off to some
military school for bad kids.
Wait, what?
I heard him talking about it
with mom tonight.
He has her believing
you're really messed up.
He's the one that's messed up.
Rafe, listen to me.
He has it out for us.
And I know I talk a big game,
but I can't handle him
all by myself.
Please, Rafe. Promise me.
No more trouble. Please.
I promise.
No more trouble.
Thanks, dork.
Yeah, whatever, loser.
Dude, this next one is gonna
put us over a million hits.
I'm not gonna do it, all right?
I promised Georgia.
But you gotta do it.
The b.L.A.A.R.'S tomorrow.
We can't let up now.
Listen. They fixed the bell.
It's gonna be like none
of this even happened.
Look, Leo, we're just kids.
Okay? Dwight was
always gonna win.
But what happened to
making a difference?
What happened to
not being pushed around,
and fighting for your freedom?
Okay, Dwight, bear, Miller?
They happened.
And I'm not trying
to make a difference.
I'm trying to make it through
middle school.
Well, gang,
this is going to be harder
on you than it is on me.
I'm afraid I have reason
to believe that this classroom
is the epicenter
for the vicious pranks
our school has endured
this semester.
In fact,
this entire class
is under suspicion.
That's a pretty serious
accusation there, Dwight.
Well, it's a pretty
serious offense.
And I have proof.
Come with me.
Spray paint.
Pink hair dye.
Fish food.
Post-it notes.
And balls.
Effective immediately,
all of your students are
suspended for one week!
What? No!
Wait a minute. These kids
maybe troublemakers,
they may not be "a" students,
a lot of them smell weird,
but they are
smart enough to know
you don't leave hard evidence
inside their lockers.
These are hardly the masterminds
of such an extravagant prank.
If anything, I would say,
that this seems like a setup.
Are you insinuating
that this is a setup?
Yeah. That's why I just said
this seems like a setup.
I don't like that.
Because it almost sounds like
you're thinking this is a setup.
I think before we do anything,
like suspend anybody
or anything like that,
we talk to someone
who has some real authority,
like superintendent HWANG.
Oh, I have real authority,
Mr. teller.
I'm the principal
of this school.
Yeah, but someone who has
real power to make decisions.
That's what I have.
Power to make decisions.
Let's talk to the person that,
like, can make something happen.
You know, Mr. teller,
your continued denials
in the face
of this overwhelming evidence
leads me to believe that
you must be involved somehow.
I'm afraid I have no choice
but to fire you.
You have
a thousand other choices.
I guess that's true.
I probably do have a few other
choices, don't I?
Well, the one I'm going with
is "fire you."
All right, everyone, pack up all of
your things while we call your parents.
And, Mr. teller, good luck
finding another job.
Without my recommendation,
I'm afraid.
I'm tired of that guy
busting my balls.
Yes, hello. I was thinking
of having a large
number one
tattooed onto my back.
Is it necessary
to make an appointment?
Oh, okay. Well, what sorts
of openings do you...
Um... I need to
call you back.
Principal Dwight?
What are you still doing here?
I did it.
You did what?
You destroyed my book,
so I wanted to destroy yours.
"Rules aren't for everyone."
R-a-f-e, Rafe. Me.
What? Are you not
making the connection?
Well, I'm pretty sure your name
is spelled with a "Ph." "Phrafe."
Your evidence is fake.
Well, you know, Phrafe,
that evidence, uh,
could be real.
And I've seen the way
those other kids treat you.
We could just make them go away.
All you have to do
is keep your mouth shut.
And you won't have to
be suspended.
Let them take the fall.
This whole thing
will be our little secret.
We have a deal?
You know what?
Do whatever you want to me,
but keep everybody else
out of this.
And give Mr. teller
his job back, or else.
Or else what?
What are you doing?
Hey, hey, hey!
Don't step... whoa! Whoa!
I'm gonna make it rain.
No. Hey, no! No, no, no!
I should have known a remedial
like you would make a dumb choice!
With this little stunt,
you've just violated
rule number 28.
No false fire alarms!
Rafe Katchadorian,
you are officially expelled!
Gus! Please turn off
these sprinklers!
Not joking about my towel now,
are you, sport, huh?
If I was a betting man,
and believe me, I am,
I would've lost money on you.
You hung in there way longer
than I thought you would've.
But, in the end,
you're still the loser
I thought you were.
Will you just listen
to me? Please, mom.
Principal Dwight's
been out to get me
since the first day of school.
Or maybe you decided he was
gonna to give you a hard time
and you were gonna
make it easy for him to do.
That's not what happened, okay?
This principal is evil.
And he suspended the whole class
even after I told him that I'm
the one that bent the rules.
Bent? Rafe, I think you did a
little more than bend the rules.
You're the one that told me
to think outside the box.
But there's
a big difference between
thinking outside the box
and totally demolishing it.
If you were having problems
with the principal,
why didn't you talk to me first?
Because who'd believe
the word of some kid
over the head
of the whole school?
Honey, I would.
I'm your mom.
I could've tried
talking to him at least.
Now it's too late!
This was the last school
that would accept you.
What are we supposed to do now?
Find another school in another
state, in another country?
I'm out of options!
And so, Carl found a school.
It's a boarding school.
With some military aspects.
You're sending me away
to some military school?
Honey, I don't want to.
But it's a place
for kids like you
who have trouble with authority.
I thought I'd take
the day off tomorrow.
Maybe we could
just go take a look.
Oh, honey.
We all miss him.
Mom, you don't have to...
I miss him.
Georgia does.
Nothing's been the same
since the day he got sick.
At times, I didn't know
if I could handle it.
Your dad, well...
He obviously couldn't handle it.
But it's worst for you.
You guys had such a bond.
It was so different.
And special.
And I know sometimes
you pretend
that he's still here.
I know you pretend
that Leo isn't gone.
But he is, honey.
Leo is gone.
I'm sorry.
I love you so much.
I wish you knew how much.
I love you, too.
Hey, bro.
Guess by now I've taken that
Vinlothian space cruiser
to the sky.
And whatever I'm doing now,
it's probably a lot cooler than
what you're doing
stuck in school.
Don't tell anyone,
but I actually
kind of liked
some of my classes.
And since I'm confessing stuff,
I guess it's time to tell you
I've always looked up to you.
You're super talented,
and you can draw
and create anything.
So imagine
something cool for me.
And then live
something cool for you.
Love, your younger brother,
by one year and two months,
You gonna let me in, or what?
Sorry. I wasn't expecting
anyone at the window.
I guess this is kind of weird.
What are you doing here?
Well, you know, I just wanted
to make sure you were okay.
After today.
Yeah, it was, um...
It was a total crapstorm
of a day.
Yeah, I know.
But this was awesome.
I kind of figured
it was you all along.
But then, I confirmed it
when I watched this.
And what is that?
A VHS tape.
It's vintage.
Basically, it's like a box
that's full of an archaic system
of gears, pulleys, and tape
that is then put
in a larger box,
called a VCR,
which then projects the images
onto the television.
Wouldn't an iPhone be easier?
My phone doesn't have enough
memory for this kind of project.
I secretly filmed the school as
a part of a documentary I did
to find the creator
of rules aren't for everyone.
Oh. Um...
Well, you found me, I guess.
But too bad my art didn't
really change anything.
Well, what I've got here
says you're wrong.
You came prepared.
Okay, so I put the camera on top of a
row of lockers to get the best angle.
You ready to witness
my greatest masterpiece?
Leo, for Jeanne Galleta,
I'd walk through fire
just to see her smile.
Who's Leo?
Leo's my, um...
He's my brother.
But he's not just my brother.
He's my best friend.
And he died.
So, sometimes I like to
imagine that he's still here.
Whenever I'm lonely.
It's stupid.
I think
it's the opposite of stupid.
You know, Picasso once said,
"everything you can imagine
is real."
I like that.
Yeah, me too.
Okay. Uh...
Look at this.
Gus, open up those lockers.
I don't like this.
Oh, really?
I wonder how you'll like
unemployment. Open them.
Do it. Spray paint.
This is horrible. Very hard
to get out of the hair.
You have evidence!
Oh, and get this.
Not only does
b.L.A.A.R. Testing
give the school bragging rights,
but it also gives the principal
a significant bonus.
So suspending teller's class
was just about
getting a better score
for the b.L.A.A.R.?
Jeanne, we have to
stop the test tomorrow.
And we're definitely
gonna need some help.
I've got the numbers of a few
kids with no school tomorrow.
You text them, and I'll
set up transportation.
Georgia, wake up.
You feel like a drive?
In the bear trap?
Yes, finally!
But we need a diversion.
I know just the thing.
Georgia, Jeanne.
Jeanne, Georgia.
I like your glasses.
I like your dog.
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
Ready, set, go,
Mr. giggles.
Well, well, well.
If it isn't the great fatsby.
You want some steak there, boy?
Huh? Stay.
Yippee ki-yay!
I thought you said
she could drive!
Oh, I can.
I just thought bear's car
could use a little body work.
All right, guys.
Tonight is the night.
I've given you
all your assignments.
Any questions?
Hey, so all
the rule breaking stuff,
the fish, fart bell, everything.
That was really you?
All right, Katchadorian.
I'm in.
Did you just say my name right?
Hey, Rafe.
Who is that guy?
Oh, crap. It's Gus.
Is it too late to run?
Turns out
we're not the only ones
Dwight has pissed off
one too many times.
Kougeki Kaishi!
Are you speaking words
or did you just have a stroke?
- Wait, what?
- What?
It's a Japanese war cry.
"Begin the attack!"
All right, guys, come on!
Vamonos, muchachos!
Oh, crap.
Rafe, come on!
It might not be that bad!
Babe. What's going on?
He won't come out of his room.
All right. Well, look...
You go do whatever you gotta do,
and I'll take care of this.
Good luck.
All right.
Reveille! Let's go, turd!
Come on, let's go.
Count of three,
or I'm coming in, I swear!
I wanna come in.
It tingles!
Now it burns!
You gotta be kidding me!
What is that made of?
Ah! He's not even in here!
Oh, great.
Now I gotta go out
and look for these little snots?
That's just what I wanna do.
No, no. Come on!
What's wrong?
She's missing.
The baby's gone.
Oh, no. That's what
you're so upset about?
Well, don't worry.
She probably
went to a friend's house.
I'll give Georgia a call.
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
My car!
It's missing! Yes!
Your car?
That's what you're so
worked up about? Yes!
You know what?
I must have been insane
not to see what a self-centered
jerk you really are.
Excuse me, I've got to go
find my kids.
No, no, no!
Oh, my beautiful bush!
What did they do to you?
Oh, no!
No, god, no! Oh!
What are all the desks
doing out here?
I don't know.
What do we do?
Pencils up!
Act like this is
part of the plan.
Never show weakness, Ida.
There's no sabotaging
the b.L.A.A.R.
"True or false...
"22 hills village students...
"Were suspended
in order to rig this test?"
Hey, rule number 13,
"no talking during a test."
What's the problem here?
Well, it's just these
questions are kind of weird.
What do you mean, weird?
These are pretty weird.
Hey. Just by a show of hands,
how many people have a test
that starts with the question,
"true or false,
"principal Dwight
has three nipples"?
Well, that's a lot of you.
Well, it's false.
Put false!
I was born without nipples,
for your information.
And it looks beautiful.
Where are the real tests?
Looking for these?
Principal Dwight is a hypocrite
who likes to make the rules,
but thinks he's too good to
actually follow them himself.
We have proof
that he planted evidence
in his own students' lockers.
I have had
just about enough of you!
No bike riding on campus.
I'm confiscating this.
Get off! Get off of it!
How are you so fast?
Spin class.
Four nights a week.
Sometimes five.
What's that's smell?
Just the same crap Dwight's
been shoveling at us.
Ugh! Gross!
Can't this thing go any faster?
Hey, that's my lunch!
Time to get in the game.
You're gonna need a bigger bike.
Tech support.
Oh, no.
Thought you could
get away from me, huh?
Oh! That's disgusting!
What's going on here?
It's all on this tape, ma'am.
Don't pay any attention to him.
He's a jerk.
Superintendent, Rafe is
a smart and talented kid.
He deserves to be heard.
He's actually not that smart.
He's pretty dumb.
I've seen his records
from his previous schools.
This kid tests like...
What is this obsession
that we have
with testing
and categorizing our kids?
I literally have no idea
what you are talking about.
If we keep cramming standard
tests down our kids' throat,
we're gonna end up with
a bunch of standard children.
I don't know what stinks more,
your attitude or my suit.
And that's really
saying something,
because my suit
is covered in poop.
Nobody cares
what you think anyway.
I do.
She does.
Mr. teller here has logged
a formal complaint
saying you rigged this test
and he's been unlawfully fired.
Now let's see that tape.
Yes, ma'am.
And the rules clearly
state that I have the right
to a full hearing.
Rigging state tests
is a serious offense.
You're done here.
I'll make sure you get
your full hearing, Dwight.
Take this.
In a court of law.
Let's get out of here, Ida.
Thought you'd never ask.
Green this time.
Hey, mom.
I've been looking
all over for you.
What have you been doing?
Come here.
Oh, man.
You little snots are gonna
pay for this!
No, I'll pay. With this.
And keep the change.
I hear pier one's having
a sale on animal prints.
I know you're saying that
just to be hurtful.
But let me tell you something.
I get Google alerts
from pier one,
so I already knew
about the sale.
Joke's on you.
You know, it's just sad.
It's sad that some people, you,
can't handle all this
concentrated awesomeness
Come on, guys, let's go.
I'm Audi 5g.
Dude, I didn't think
you were gonna make it.
Are you kidding?
I couldn't miss the thrilling
conclusion of operation r.A.F.E.
I couldn't leave
without saying goodbye.
Goodbye? Why are you
saying goodbye?
Things are just
starting to get good.
I was just hanging around until
you made some real friends.
Yeah, because of you.
I wish I could take that credit,
but it was all you, Rafe.
I'm gonna miss you.
I know.
You drew me
a Vinlothian space cruiser?
You know what?
I guess that's my ride.
Hey, Rafe,
I've heard you say that before.
What does it mean?
Uh... it means,
"victory is ours."
I don't wanna ruin your sense
of accomplishment,
but you didn't break every rule.
Rule 86.
Way to go, bro.
Hey, come on!