Midnight at the Magnolia (2020) Movie Script

Where's Jack?
He'll be here.
He'll be here.
One, two...
Good morning, Chicagoans,
and thank you
for tuning in
to The Windy City Wake-Up,
Chicago's number-one
morning radio show.
I am the dashing Jack Russo...
...and across from me
is my dazzling
partner in crime, Maggie Quinn.
Did your voice just crack?
What's happening?
Are you finally hitting puberty
live on the air?
Only thirty seconds in
and I'm already getting
the evil eye.
This must be a record.
I don't know if you know this,
Jack, but today
is December 26,
the day after Christmas.
Believe me, my headache and
I are well aware of the date.
Let me guess,
you serenaded your family
until the wee hours of the night
with a private concert?
Listeners, can you believe
he refuses to play for us
live on the air?
You know I have crippling
stage fright, Maggie.
So how was your Christmas?
It was good.
Thank you very much for asking.
I opened presents with my dad,
sister Amanda and her family.
We made an amazing breakfast
and made a snowman outside.
Sounds like
an after-school special.
- I'm jealous.
- And how was yours?
Did your mom like the new
Crockpot I found on sale?
Maggie! My mom's listening,
and she thinks I picked it.
I hate to break it to you, Jack,
but your mom knows
that I've been picking out
your Christmas gifts for you
since we were 15. She even
sends me a thank-you card.
What? Are you serious?
I feel betrayed. Next year
she's getting batteries.
Truth is, I'm more excited
for tonight than
for the actual Christmas Day.
I can already taste your
sister's freshly-baked goods.
As most of our listeners know,
every December 26th,
Jack's family and my family do
our annual post-Christmas dinner
at The Magnolia,
which both of our fathers own.
Yada, yada, yada. The point is,
I am ready to feast.
Are you bringing Serena?
Bring Serena?
I'm not even bringing a salad.
Very nice. What a gentleman.
I've only been dating her
for three months, I don't wanna
scare the poor girl off.
Are you bringing Hunter?
- I don't wanna rush this one.
- See?
- You're just as scared as I am.
- No, Jack, I'm not scared!
I'm just, I'm waiting
for the right time.
You've been dating for, what,
six months?
- When is the right time?
- Listeners out there...
Does anyone have any thoughts
on this?
I would say that the nine-month
mark is a sweet spot.
You're stalling.
Looks like
we have our first caller.
You are live
with Maggie and Jack!
What are you doing?
I slept too late
to pack a lunch.
I know. I covered for you,
What is that?
Look like fruitcake from
last week's Christmas party.
Jack, no!
That's from over a week ago!
Yeah, but it's fruitcake.
Here. I brought some leftovers
from Christmas dinner.
The phones were flashing
brighter than a Christmas tree
this morning.
Who knew that meeting
your partner's family
would spark up
such a heated debate?
And here I thought I was
the only one trying to avoid it.
Besides you, of course.
I am not avoiding anything.
Hunter will meet the whole gang
when the time is right.
He's gonna get eaten alive.
Okay, just because you
don't like him doesn't mean
everyone else
is gonna feel the same way.
I like him. It's just...
He wears a lot of sweater vests.
Sweater vests,
really? That's all you got?
It's unsettling.
I think
he's got a deep dark secret.
You are worse than my dad.
You find a reason
to dislike every guy
that I have
ever introduced you to.
Or they have failed to find
a reason to be liked by me.
Great show today, you guys.
Thanks, Deb. Christmas cookie?
Don't mind if I do.
- Good numbers?
- Great numbers.
People are tweeting like crazy
about their own
meet-the-family stories.
Hashtag Windy City Wake-Up
is trending.
- Right on.
- Gets better.
Judd Crawford
from Satellite Radio
just called.
- Satellite Radio?
- What did they say?
That they're interested
in taking Windy City Wake-Up...
- To a national level!
- Are you kidding me?
Is this a joke, is this like
the time you said Mandy Moore
called the station for a date
with me?
Yeah, that was a good day.
Forget that.
This is amazing news!
You bet it is.
They wanna do a cross-over for
the next five days to see if you
appeal to their audience
before any big moves are made.
For real? This is amazing!
- I think I'm speechless.
- That never happens.
No one has chemistry
like you guys.
It's time for the country
to hear what I've always known.
Windy City Wake-Up
is great radio.
- Simple as that.
- Thanks, Deb.
But no matter what,
you are our producer.
- You gotta come with us.
- No question.
Well, then, we better make
these next five days count.
Good job, you two.
Mags, we're going national!
Our chance
to make a real impact.
This is what
we've always wanted.
Ever since our ridiculous
high school show.
Lunch Wakeup
With Maggie And Jack.
I think this calls for the best
friends forever power shake.
- Oh, no, Jack, no.
- What? It's the shake.
It marks when we officially
became best friends.
You're too good for the shake?
Come on.
- Ooh. Phew.
- Ooh. Phew.
- Focus, passion, personality!
- Focus, passion, personality!
- Jack and Maggie forever. Yes!
- Jack and Maggie forever. Yes!
- Bond.
- Bond.
Hey, am I interrupting anything?
Hunter! You're here early.
- Is that, is that a problem?
- No. Of course not.
I like your sweater.
Where'd you get it?
The mall, yeah, the...
They're on sale
'cause Christmas is over.
We should go.
I'll be back in an hour.
It's never gonna last.
So, anyway, we're gonna start
doing crossover episodes
beginning tomorrow.
That's, that's, that's great.
- What's wrong?
- No, it's, I was...
I was listening to your show
this morning,
and it felt like you and Jack
were making fun of the fact
that Serena and I are
not invited to dinner tonight.
No, no, no. No. We embellish
things for the show.
And trust me, I want you to meet
the whole Russo-Quinn gang,
but in due time.
But I am warning you,
they're nuts!
But why can't I just meet
your father and your sister?
What do the Russos
have to do with us?
Well, you know, our dads
are like a package deal.
We do everything together.
We may not be family by name,
but we are a family.
So if we end up together,
you're telling me that
we will be spending the holidays
with Jack's family every time?
This is about Jack, isn't it?
I mean,
you guys are always texting,
you have
all these inside jokes...
You have a secret handshake.
I mean, it's a bit strange.
Hunter, like I told you,
Jack and I, we've known
each other our entire lives.
If something were to happen,
it would've happened by now.
We're just friends.
I promise you.
You ever,
you ever had feelings for him?
No. Of course not.
Sweater vest's on point today.
You look incredibly charming.
You look like Superman.
I have a thing for him.
You excited to tell everyone
the big news?
Yeah, my dad's
probably gonna be so proud,
he'll break out
the 1967 Chateau Baptiste.
And outshine my 2019 Rose?
He wouldn't dare.
You okay? Something wrong?
I don't know, Hunter and I
had a weird conversation today.
About what?
He was bummed
he wasn't invited tonight.
You, too? Serena was not
impressed with our segment.
She made me promise
to invite her next year.
So we're thinking
long-term. That is a first.
Who knows what the future holds?
And that is why
you're perpetually single.
What? I'm a realist.
Hey, hey.
Hey, my boy.
Dad, I just saw you yesterday.
You look ravishing, as always.
- Maggie!
- Hi, dad.
Thank you.
Interesting show today.
What is this nonsense
about you two being scared
of bringing your partners
to meet us?
Dad, remember when I brought
Bobby Murtho to Thanksgiving?
All that interrogating?
He nearly choked on his turkey.
Probably still needs therapy
after that night.
Now that was
an entertaining Thanksgiving.
Bobby was a bonehead.
For crying out loud,
he was a Red Sox fan!
He was from Boston.
- Hi, mom.
- Hi, honey.
Would you put this on the table?
Is there any potatoes in this,
or is it all just butter?
- Did you ask 'em about the show?
- Oh, come on, mom.
You know you can't take
this stuff personally.
Well, maybe
if you actually did introduce us
to one of your girlfriends,
you would see
that we can behave ourselves.
Speak for yourself, Barb.
- Maggie!
- Hi.
Loved the Crockpot.
You really nailed it this year.
I'm so glad that you liked it.
Betrayal. Okay?
There they are.
Traffic was unbelievable.
How's my favorite guy today?
I'm good, grandpa!
On a scale of one to ten,
how did Santa do this year?
- Eight-and-a-half.
- Good enough.
Better than last year.
Go give your aunt a hug.
- Hi.
- Hi!
So did you hear their radio show
this morning?
No, we missed it. What happened?
- Let me ask you something, Matt.
- Yeah.
What was it like meeting Nancy
and me for the first time?
Don't remind me.
Watching the movie
Meet The Parents
felt like
watching a documentary.
Are you talkin' to me?
Are you talkin' to me?
Okay, listen, everybody.
Maggie and I
have some exciting news.
Let me guess, you've decided
to sell
your baseball card collection
so I can finally clear out
the attic.
Not a chance, mom.
Those cards are an investment.
- Wait and see.
- It's better, okay?
The Windy City
will be airing nationally
on Satellite Radio
starting tomorrow!
Our very own Jackson and
Margaret are gonna be famous!
- You know what this calls for?
- Here it comes.
- A group hug.
- A what?
- Come on. Come on. Come on.
- Group hug!
There. Happy birthday.
- A little gravy?
- Yeah.
Maggie, did you want
some cranberry...
This is delicious!
You guys have outdone
- Hear, hear.
- Well, thank you.
All credit goes
to my lovely wife.
Thank you, darling.
I miss Grandma Nancy's stuffing.
Me, too, buddy.
Her stuffing
was always the best.
She left big shoes to fill,
but her spirit's always with us.
So how are tickets selling
for the annual
New Year's Eve party?
What are those looks for?
Oh, come on, let's not talk
business during dinner, huh?
You serious?
You love talking shop.
It's fine. People are still
in Christmas-mode.
We'll sell more
in the next few days.
- Yeah.
- They used to sell out in a day.
No, unfortunately,
times are changing.
- Well, should we be worried?
- Not at all.
Now, please, let's enjoy this
delicious dinner. Shall we?
Will you pass the potatoes,
please, if there are any left?
Trade you for the turkey? Or you
can pass your plate around.
It's about 40 pounds,
I don't wanna break my back.
Do you mind? Thank you.
- Bye, dad.
- Love you so much.
Well, thank you all so much for
the new material for our show.
And, Amanda, thank you so much
for the desserts.
- They were amazing.
- Thanks, sis.
- Mom's famous recipe.
- I helped.
That must be why it's so good.
- Bye, guys.
- Bye.
- See you later.
- Bye, safe journeys.
Dad, what's going on
with the bar?
Well, what can I say, kid?
Seems like no one comes out
to listen to live jazz anymore.
This place has been
a Chicago staple since the '30s.
Don't people know that?
I mean...
Every famous jazz musician
who ever lived has played here.
I, I know it, son.
But, well, it may just be
the end of an era.
Sam from Cincinnati,
you're on the air.
And what can we help you with
Well, I just met
my girlfriend's parents
over Christmas.
Ever since,
she's been really distant.
I'm worried her parents told her
they think she can do better.
You see, this is what
I've been talking about.
Family interfering
with a perfectly good thing.
How long have you guys
been together?
About three months.
What did I tell ya? Too early.
My advice, Sam, is next time
you see her parents,
ask a lot of questions. People
love talking about themselves.
- Well, I sure do.
- And remember...
To treat their daughter
like the princess she is,
that way,
they know you're a gentleman.
That's not a bad idea.
Look, Sam, meeting the parents
is like beating Bowser's castle
in Super Mario.
Complete that level,
and the rest is smooth sailing.
- Know what I mean?
- Totally. Thanks.
You're welcome, bud. Good luck.
Seriously? That's your advice?
Not everything
has to be complicated.
Okay, time
for a quick commercial break.
Don't blow away out there.
The Windy City Wake-Up
will be right back.
- You're a child.
- What? It's good advice.
Today was great. So many new
callers from all over the place.
I think it was
one of our best shows yet.
Hopefully, Judd Crawford agrees.
Speak of the devil.
Any word from the higher-ups?
Did they like us?
I don't know how
to tell you guys this, but...
Oh, no. They hated us.
No. I'm just being silly.
They loved it!
Not cool, Deb.
In fact, they loved it so much
that they want you two to host
a New Year's Eve segment,
live, on the air,
you'll introduce Serena and
Hunter to both your families.
They want us to introduce
them to our families?
- On the air?
- On New Year's Eve. Yeah.
Isn't that stepping a bit
into their privacy?
I just don't think
Hunter would agree to do it.
Jokes aside, I think
it's a little early for me
to take that step with Serena.
Come on, this is national
exposure we're talking
about here, you could reach
millions of people
if this deal goes through.
Unless you'd rather stay
local forever.
She's right. This could be
our only chance to go big.
Well, where do they
want us to do it?
They're looking for a venue
that isn't
already sold out for New Year's.
Hold on. This is perfect.
How about we do it
at The Magnolia?
- The Magnolia?
- Yes!
It'll help boost sales
for the club.
It would mean
a lot of free advertising.
- It's a win-win.
- So is that a yes?
- Let's do it.
- What she said.
Perfect, get confirmation
from Hunter and Serena
by the end of the day.
This is gonna be
the best New Year's ever!
It's all happening, nothing can
get in the way
of our dreams now!
Okay. Put me down.
- Maggie? Jack?
- What are you two doing here?
We need to ask you something.
- Sure. Anything.
- Within reason.
So, what do you think?
The Magnolia will be broadcast
across the whole country.
What do we think? Come on!
Of course we agree!
This is wonderful!
The whole country?
Our prayers have been answered.
Great! We'll call Deb
and tell her you guys are in.
We gotta take down
these Christmas decorations
and start dolling this place up
for New Year's!
Amen. Let's go find
that New Year's box right now.
This is gonna be
just like the old days!
We should book a headliner.
I love seeing them so excited.
Me, too.
- This is gonna be great.
- Yeah.
Now all we have to do is get
Serena and Hunter to sign on.
We're having dinner at my place
tonight. I'll call you after.
He's pretty good.
My mom loved this song.
I've been trying to call you
all day.
I'm just getting a bit worried.
Anyways, I have exciting news,
so call me back.
Hunter? Where have you been?
Are you okay?
Wait, what?
You're not being serious?
Let's just talk about this.
Hold on.
Someone's at the door.
I know, Hunter,
but let's just talk about this.
We need to...
- Jack, what are you doing here?
- We need to talk.
No, I don't know why he's here.
He just showed up.
you're not being rational.
Let's just talk about this.
So that's it?
You've made up your mind,
just like that?
Are you okay?
I just got dumped.
Well, if that isn't
just the cherry on top.
The cherry on top of what?
Serena just broke up
with me, too.
This is so bad.
- Yeah.
- Oh, Jack.
What kind of person breaks up
with you over the phone?
Everyone knows the two-week
cut-off is for a text break-up
and one month
for a call break-up.
I mean, come on.
Man up, Hunter.
Forget about that,
what are we gonna do
about the New Year's Eve show?
We need a plan.
Is that seriously what
you're thinking about right now?
Yes! This is our big break.
No. You know what?
This is a disaster.
I need to call Deb A-S-A-P.
We can't call Deb!
Well, how are we supposed to do
the meet-the-parents segment
if we have no dates
to introduce them to?
We will hire people, actors,
to pretend to be
Hunter and Serena.
- That's a terrible idea.
- Why?
Hunter's face
is all over my social media.
I can't believe I'm single.
How else can we make
the New Year's Eve segment
a home run?
Are you not even sad
about Serena?
Of course,
but if it wasn't meant to be,
it wasn't meant to be.
You know, for two people
that make a living
giving relationship advice,
we're sure not
very good at relationships.
What could possibly be funny
right now?
A fan just tweeted she thinks
you and I should be together,
and it got, like, 2,000 likes.
Yeah, I know, they've
wanted us to be together
ever since we started.
- That's it.
- What's it?
What if, on New Year's Eve,
you and I surprise the fans
by telling them
that we are together?
What? Jack, no!
Think, think, think about it.
The fans will go wild.
It'd be front-page news.
We'd get crazy ratings
and the execs would see
how many people
care about our show.
- It's a no-brainer.
- This is insane.
You mean genius?
You're actually serious
about this, aren't you?
Satellite Radio, Maggie.
Okay, but what happens
when they find out it's a lie?
They never need to know.
After we go national,
we'll let it slip
that we casually decided
to remain friends.
No, Jack, this is a bad idea.
Maggie, with a national show,
we'd be able to help millions
of people across the country.
Which is what
we've always wanted.
Think of the book deals
we'll get offered.
Okay, now you're getting
ahead of yourself.
And The Magnolia needs it.
There's no getting around that.
I dunno about you,
but I'm not ready to accept
the end of an era.
This is crazy.
Mags, you're my best friend.
I wouldn't wanna do this
with anyone else.
Say yes.
Say yes.
Say yes. Come on.
Say it, Maggie.
Let me hear it. Say it.
- Yes.
- Yes! Yes!
Are you sure she's gonna buy it?
She's known us
a really long time.
I know, I mean, you usually go
for the quirky bookworm
and I usually date...
Sexy and cool?
That's not what I was gonna say.
I can be sexy and cool,
you know?
- You find that funny?
- No.
It's just that I've known you
for so long
that it's hard to see you
that way.
Well, you better start or else
we're never gonna convince her.
Maybe we should be kissing
when she comes in.
Just get caught in the act?
- Like, on the mouth?
- Yes, on the mouth! Look.
We need her to really believe we
are a couple or else she's never
gonna let us go through
with the New Year's Eve party.
Okay, but I need to know
what I'm working with.
Let me smell your breath.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah.
When was the last time
you brushed your teeth?
This morning,
like a regular person.
Just a peck. No theatrics.
Of course, just a peck!
I'm not insane!
Well, this whole thing is
insane, and it's your big idea.
She's coming.
You ready?
Are you sure about this?
Of course not.
Okay, go.
...here. Jack!
- Maggie!
- Mom, dad!
- What are you guys doing here?
- What's going on?
We came to meet Deb
to work out the party details...
Am I losing my marbles
or were you two just...
Wait, yes!
Yes, they were kissing!
What are you talking about?
What about,
what about Serena and Hunter?
It's a long story.
- We broke up with them.
- What?
Can someone please tell me
what's going on?
Well, they're in love!
Always knew this day would come.
Is this true?
We've been denying our feelings
for so long,
we just couldn't
push them away any longer.
- My boy!
- This is amazing!
Incredible! Our listeners
are gonna lose their minds!
No, that's the thing,
we have to keep it a secret
until the New Year's Eve party.
No one else can know!
. Of course.
The fans are in
for a big surprise.
You know, I always thought you
two had a thing for each other.
This is wonderful!
This is absolutely wonderful!
We're gonna have to tell
your dad, Maggie.
No, no, no.
We don't have to tell Steve.
Don't really have to tell him.
We can't keep this from him.
Meet us at The Magnolia after
work so we could be your backup.
And I'll pack
my Taser, you know,
just in case
things get out of hand.
I simply could not be happier!
Boy, you have made our year.
And mine, too!
- Bye now.
- Bye.
Take care.
- Buh-bye.
- Bye.
- So cute. Bye.
- Buh-bye.
Did you see all their faces?
I mean, I've never seen them
so excited.
Wait, wait, wait, what happens
when they find out
that we've been lying to them?
Well, they don't need
to find out.
After New Year's, we reveal
we decided
not to risk our friendship.
I don't know, Jack.
This seems like
a really, really bad idea.
It's fine!
We used to prank our families
all the time.
What's the difference?
Remember that April Fool's Day
when we covered all the bathroom
toilets at The Magnolia
with plastic wrap?
- Your dad turned into the Hulk.
- Exactly.
He's gonna kill me, isn't he?
Dad, are you okay?
Steve, don't be hasty.
It's time to crack open
the 1967 Chateau Baptiste!
Let's celebrate!
It's a Jack sandwich.
Yeah. Okay, dad. Okay, okay.
So you just realized,
at exactly the same time,
you had feelings
for one another?
Yeah. Pretty much.
- It's fate.
- So who made the first move?
- Jack.
- Maggie.
Well, who was it?
- Me.
- Me.
The truth is, it was both of us.
One night we were working late
at the studio
and decided to order a pizza,
and the next thing you know
we are making out
like two ravenous animals.
Okay, relax. They get the point.
Let's get you to pop this.
No, no, no, dad,
don't waste that on us.
- It's not like we got engaged.
- Yeah.
I don't really feel comfortable
opening it.
It's far too expensive.
Well, we, we have all been
waiting many years
for this day.
Unless your intentions
with my daughter aren't pure.
No, no. They are,
they are definitely pure.
- Then pop it open, son!
- Yeah, okay.
- It's open.
- It's open.
My dad had been saving
that wine for five decades!
If he finds out that we wasted
it on a lie, we are both dead.
He can never know.
I'll marry you if I have to.
How romantic.
Did you have any clue
that everyone
wanted us to be together
so badly?
No, none, although I did hear
my mom say something to my dad
back in the day, but...
That was dumb.
What did she say?
Remember when I signed up
for the school talent show
to play that stupid song
I wrote?
But it wasn't stupid.
And remember how even more
stupid, I decided to practice
in front of you all
at The Magnolia?
My dad filmed it.
Yeah, that fact haunts me
to this day.
Anyway, that night
I heard my mom say to my dad
that the way
you were looking at me
was the same way
your mom looked at your dad
when he played back in the day.
Like I said, always trying to
make something out of nothing.
Well, I did always love
hearing you play,
mostly for your off-beat lyrics,
so she was right
about that part.
That was a long time ago.
I really wish
that you'd kept playing, Jack.
No way.
After running off-stage in
the middle of the talent show?
Did you know how embarrassing
that was?
I'll stick to karaoke
with friends.
Well, that's a shame,
because I think
that you were really good.
Well, anyway, I better go.
We have an early morning again.
Goodnight, Jack.
And don't forget,
tickets go on sale today at noon
for our New Year's Eve
meet-the-parents party
at The Magnolia.
Come hang out with Maggie and me
as we introduce our significant
others on-air to our crazy families.
Who knows how it'll go!
Party starts at 8:00
with music, food,
drinks and fun to follow.
Live from Chicago,
The Windy City Wake-Up
With Jack And Maggie
is signing off. So remember.
- Don't blow away out there.
- Don't blow away out there.
Hey, hey, hey.
I've got great news.
Judd Crawford called and invited
you two to a cocktail reception.
- Tomorrow night.
- Wait-wait. We...
We're gonna meet Judd Crawford?
He's a radio icon!
He's happy
with the numbers on his end
and he wants to meet you.
I think
my heart just skipped a beat.
Plus, I told him
your little secret
and he's absolutely thrilled,
You told him? It was supposed
to be a surprise.
Trust me, someone like
Judd Crawford doesn't want
any surprises, he's more
than happy with the news,
and he thinks it's gonna have
everybody buzzing.
The Judd Crawford thinks we're
gonna have everybody buzzing?
This is a really big deal.
Also, take a look at the posters
for the party.
Jeff plastered them
all over the city this morning
and Judd and his team
are pushing it
all across their social media.
Tickets are gonna sell fast.
It says here there's going
to be a live video stream
of the event on their website?
Yes, they decided that they
wanted to hear and see you
all across the country.
Is that a problem?
No, of course not.
- Sounds good. Anything for Judd.
- Exactly.
- That's good. That's good.
- Yeah, it's huge.
I'm still in shock.
Judd Crawford.
What do you think I should wear?
Since when do you care what
someone thinks of your outfit?
Since Judd Crawford
personally invited us
to one of his parties.
I mean, aren't you excited?
He'd be our new boss soon.
Wait, wait, Maggie!
We've only been broken up
for two days
and he's already out
with another woman.
This coffee shop was our spot!
Maybe she's just a friend.
Am I that easily replaced?
No, of course not! Listen to me.
You're one a kind, Quinn.
I gotta go clear my head.
Maggie, wait. Come on.
- Surprise!
- What are you doing here?
We're going to your
favorite spot. Maple Hill.
And I have a thermos full
of hot chocolate in my backpack.
I'm not in the mood.
Too bad, I'm not gonna let you
mope around the rest of the day
just because of lame-o Hunter.
- Get your coat. We goin'.
- Jack.
Come on, this very sled,
if it could talk, would recount
endless tales of us hurling down
the mountain, effortlessly,
except for that one day, after
my admittedly amazing jump,
when I broke my arm and you
pulled me, on this same sled,
two hours to the hospital.
You remember that?
Fine. But no jumps.
I'm a wild man,
and I can't promise anything.
However, I'm freezing,
so let's go.
- No jumps.
- Attagirl. Pick it up!
Wait here.
Thank you for today.
It was really wonderful.
I needed that.
I couldn't let
my best friend wallow.
You know, sometimes I forget
how sweet you can be.
- Bye, Maggie.
- See you tonight.
Oh, and Jack?
Don't blow away out there.
I won't.
Today was so fun.
It felt like we were kids again.
You're really smitten,
aren't you?
I can see it all over your face.
- No, I'm not.
- You're not?
I mean, yeah.
Of course I am.
I just want you to be careful.
I love Jack
just as much as anyone,
but I'm not sure I trust him
with your feelings.
How come?
I'm still not over the fact
that he ditched you last minute
to go to prom with Bianca Bell.
You were devastated he just
tossed you aside. Remember?
Yeah, but that was
a long time ago.
Look, I, I know
you've always loved him.
- Always loved him?
- Come on, Maggie.
Why do you think your other
relationships haven't lasted?
Dad is so excited
for this party.
He's really hoping
a new generation of customers
will revive the bar.
I can't wait to see
the sparkle in his eyes
watching a packed house.
I wish mom could be here for it.
Me, too.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Dad, what has gotten into you?
I just got off the phone
with Deb.
The network booked
The Davin Bros to play here
on New Year's Eve!
It's gonna be spectacular!
- Aren't they expensive?
- It's an investment.
The Magnolia needs an image
upgrade, and what better night
to book a new act
than on New Year's Eve?
Dad, that sounds great,
but I hope
you're keeping an eye
on the budget.
Should I get a new tux?
Dad, are you being serious?
Don't go overboard.
Just be yourself.
Hi, Deb.
Time to celebrate.
Why, what's happening?
The event has officially
sold out in just one hour.
This is gonna be
the party of the century.
Oh, my gosh, that is crazy!
Have fun at Judd's reception,
Maggie. You deserve it.
Thanks, Deb.
The New Year's Eve party
just sold out.
What did I tell ya?
This is gonna be
a fabulous night!
You know what, dad?
Maybe you should get that tux.
That's the spirit!
The Magnolia is back
in business, I can feel it!
Come here.
Oh, dad.
Excuse me. Are you Jack Russo?
- Hi. Yeah. And you are?
- Sebastian Weber.
I'm Judd's personal assistant.
He can't wait to meet you.
- Come this way.
- Hold on.
I'm just waiting for Maggie...
- Maggie Quinn, welcome.
- Thank you.
- Look who showed up before you.
- Well, that's a first.
And I didn't even have to call
to remind you.
All right, all right, we get it,
you're the organized one
and I'm just the pretty face.
Let me introduce you two
to Judd.
Mr. Crawford.
Jack Russo and Maggie Quinn
have arrived.
What a pleasure it is
to finally meet
my two rising stars.
Judd. I mean, Mr. Crawford.
Really great to meet you.
You've been my idol for years.
As a kid, I listened
to your first radio show.
Get me a refill of that,
would you?
- Can I grab you two any?
- Good for now.
So you're ready
for the big night?
It's gearing up to be
a very special show,
especially now with the news
from our two hosts
that there's a romance brewing.
Well, it has been
a long time coming.
You know,
your fans are gonna go crazy
when they see
your big midnight kiss.
- Midnight kiss?
- Yeah. I can picture it now.
The two of you
in a passionate embrace
just as the clock strikes down
into the new year.
I wouldn't be surprised
if it breaks the Internet.
Right, right.
The midnight kiss.
Yes! We love kissing.
Well, I better get over
and mingle
with the folks from 101.6.
Be sure
to get yourselves a drink.
White on ice?
- You know me so well.
- Be right back.
Oh, really?
That's great. Yeah.
- Hey, hey.
- Hey.
Hey, Jack, did you know
that Sebastian
is a singer-songwriter, too?
I was just telling him all about
your old high school band.
Listen, Sebastian,
Judd is looking for you.
- It seemed pretty urgent.
- Really? I just saw him.
Guess you better go find out.
Thank you. Cheers.
Wait. Is this...
The song your dad
used to play for us
before the bar would open.
Remember how we used to dance
to it when we were kids,
acting like we were adults?
Remind me.
- Right here?
- Yeah.
I don't wanna tip people off
to our charade.
Thank you so much
for this evening.
- It was really lovely.
- My pleasure.
A real honor, Mr. Crawford.
- Please, call me Judd.
- Judd.
I predict
a great partnership ahead
if everything goes well
on New Year's Eve.
See you soon.
- See you soon.
- Bye.
You hear that? Judd Crawford
predicts a partnership with us!
Everything feels like
it's finally coming together.
- Doesn't it?
- Yeah, it really does.
I'm hungry. Do you wanna go
to The Magnolia for a snack?
I'll make
home-made Hawaiian pizza.
My favorite.
Request Uber now.
Can you believe New Year's
Eve is the day after tomorrow?
I know.
The place looks so good.
My mom would be
really impressed.
Five years tomorrow, right?
Family dinners
aren't the same without her.
She's the only one who laughed
at my terrible jokes.
She always had a soft spot
for you.
- So your place or mine?
- What?
For your annual in memoriam
tradition to honor your mom.
Definitely mine.
Your place
is terrible for snacks.
True. Okay then.
Seven o'clock, tomorrow night,
your place
for It's A Wonderful Life.
I can't wait.
- Yeah?
- Oh, yeah.
So are you feeling any better
about Hunter?
To be honest, I haven't
really thought about him
since we went sledding.
Mission accomplished!
What about you? Serena?
Nothing ever seems
to bother you. I don't get it.
I knew it wasn't gonna last.
If you're not in love,
it's easy to get over it.
Your heart's not broken.
Have you ever had
your heart broken?
Like, truly broken?
When Bianca Bell broke up with
me that summer before college,
I was pretty devastated.
Remember that?
Yeah. You stayed in bed
for two weeks.
I practically
had to force-feed you.
We've been through a lot
together, haven't we?
Almost everything.
How about you? You ever
had your heart truly broken?
Not Hunter.
Was it Bobby? Bobby?
It doesn't matter.
It's in the past.
Whoever they are, they're
stupid for letting you go.
- To...
- A wonderful life.
A wonderful life it is, indeed.
What are you laughing about?
- Well...
- What? Tell me.
Okay, I've actually
never had a midnight kiss
on New Year's before.
What? Really? Never?
I'm gonna be your first?
- The pressure!
- I know. No kidding.
And in front of so many people?
I'm terrified.
- Well, maybe we should...
- What?
Never mind. It's a dumb idea.
No, say it.
Maybe we should practice
so it doesn't seem forced.
Like I said, it's a dumb idea.
Well, you... I don't know.
We don't want it to look
So sorry. Oh, no.
That was incredibly graceful.
Maybe we should just wait
for New Year's
and let the magic happen.
- Jack, stop.
- I'll walk you home.
This place is gonna
look amazing.
Hey, where's Jack?
It's almost 4:30.
He lives on his own schedule.
He'll be here, he always
shows up when he's needed.
Why do you keep on asking
about Jack?
- I need his help with something.
- Well...
Is there something
I can help you with?
- Hey...
- Speak of the devil!
Jack, Steve needs your help
with something.
- Sure, no problem. With what?
- Follow me.
I need you to get the box
of extra champagne flutes
from my car.
I could have helped him
with that.
Let there be light, he said.
- Well done.
- Thank you.
- This it?
- That's it.
- Okay.
- Hold on.
I need to talk to you
about something.
Look, my dad told me.
I know this New Year's Eve
party needs to be a success
or by this time next year
The Magnolia's gonna be
a new high-rise. But listen,
I'm not gonna let that happen.
No, no, no, no.
Don't, don't worry about that.
What's up?
Is everything all right?
Jack, I know you and Maggie
have only been going steady
for a short while...
but it means a great deal
for the family
to see you two together
after all these years.
Nancy always thought
you two were meant to be.
- She would be so happy.
- Steve, wait.
I think I need to tell you
Hold on.
Just let me get through this.
I know this is premature,
but I want you to know
that when the time comes...
you have my full blessing.
Is this...
It was Nancy's.
She'd want you to have it.
- I can't take this.
- Yes, you can.
What if
we don't end up together?
Come on.
I see the way
you two look at one another.
It's real. You'd both be fools
to ever let that go.
You're a good man, Jack.
There is no one else
I'd rather see my daughter with.
Don't forget that box.
Jack, can you grab that ladder
and help me hang
some of these decorations?
I'm not feeling very well.
I think I'm gonna skip out.
- But you just got here.
- Yeah, yeah, I know.
I think I just need to lie down
a little while.
See you at... 7:00.
I'm so sorry...
- Jack?
- Bianca?
Hey! Hi.
What are you doing here?
I thought you lived
in San Francisco.
No, no, not anymore.
I actually got transferred
this summer.
I listen to your show
all the time.
You're quite
the local celebrity.
What? You listen?
- That's flattering.
- Yeah, you're hilarious.
It kinda reminds me why I had
a crush on you in high school.
So are you really gonna
introduce your girlfriend to
your family live tomorrow night?
Actually, we broke up.
We're gonna surprise the fans
with something else.
You're kidding. Well, in that
case, do you wanna grab a drink?
- Catch up?
- I don't know.
Come on! Our favorite place
is right around the corner.
Okay, sure. Yeah.
- Just for a bit.
- Okay, great. Okay.
- Great.
- Let's go.
Do you remember that time
when you saw...
How could I forget?
Just running through the halls
in my underwear.
And to think that
I asked you to prom after that.
- What were you thinking?
- I wasn't, clearly.
I always felt kinda bad
about that.
- About what?
- Well...
Asking you to prom
even though I knew
you had a pact with Maggie
to go with her.
- I forgot about that.
- Yeah.
I kinda heard her crying
in the girls' washroom
after you asked her
if it was okay
if you went with me instead.
Maggie? She was upset?
Of course she was!
Are you that daft?
- She was in love with you.
- We were just friends.
She said it was totally fine
that I went with you.
You are so naive.
Have you not figured out
why I broke up with you?
It's because I could tell
you loved her, too.
What are you talking about?
Come on, you know that song
you were supposed to play
at the school talent show?
It was about her.
No, it wasn't.
Yes, it was obviously about her.
I found the lyrics on your desk.
How is Maggie, by the way?
I heard that her mom died
a few years ago.
- Oh, no.
- Wait, what's wrong?
- What time is it?
- It's a quarter to eight. Why?
I'm so, so sorry. I have to go.
I completely forgot about
something. I'm such an idiot.
Maggie! Please!
Please! Maggie!
Maggie, I'm so, so sorry.
I wasn't thinking straight today
and I totally lost track
of time.
Jack, it's late. I need
to go to sleep. Just go home.
Please. Maggie!
Maggie, I'm sorry!
I'm so sorry, but I'm ready now.
Let's order food and
watch It's A Wonderful Life.
We have a show to do in the
morning before our big party.
Or did you forget about that
as well?
- How can I make this up to you?
- You should just leave.
Can we talk about this? Please?
What were you doing tonight that
made you forget about our plans?
It's kind of
a funny story, actually.
I ended up bumping into Bianca.
Bianca Bell, from high school?
Yeah, and we grabbed a bite
to catch up and then...
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
What are you talking about?
I think you should go, Jack.
Is this about prom?
Maggie, I didn't know...
I would never do something
like that to you again.
- You just did!
- This is different.
No, Jack, it's not.
Jack, you have been doing this
to me our whole lives.
Putting me second,
taking advantage of the fact
that you know that I will do
anything for you
at the drop of a hat.
That's not true.
You're my best friend.
I would,
I would do anything for you.
Until something
more cool and sexy
comes along?
That's not fair.
Let's just get tomorrow
over with.
I was so dumb to think
that these past few days
meant anything.
They have, Maggie.
They've meant a lot to me.
- But?
- But...
We can't let whatever's
happening between us
jeopardize the show.
That's really the only
thing that you care about.
- It's unbelievable.
- Come on, Maggie.
Be reasonable. I'm not good
at relationships, you know that.
I don't ever wanna risk
losing you.
Sometimes risking everything...
is the only thing worth doing.
Maybe someday, Jack,
you'll realize that.
What are you saying?
Please, Jack, can you just go?
Hi, dad, it's me.
Can you talk?
Dad, the club looks so good.
You've done
such an incredible job.
It was a family affair.
But that's not why you're here.
What's on your mind, kiddo?
How did you know
that mom was the one?
Oh, gosh.
Well, it's hard to say
exactly how I knew, but...
I think it came down to this
one day where I was cleaning
your grandpa's attic,
and your mom didn't wanna go
anywhere near it because she was
so deathly afraid of spiders.
Yeah, I know, she always
screamed when she saw them.
But on this one particular day,
she heard me fall
and break through
the old wooden floor up there,
and she ran faster
than the speed of light
into the attic.
She ran through tons of cobwebs.
They were all in her hair!
She faced her biggest fear
for you.
Something about her doing that
made me realize
how much she loved me.
I really miss her.
I know. Me, too.
She would be so proud
of the woman you have become.
- I don't know about that.
- Are you kidding?
You're so full of integrity
and kindness.
A parent couldn't ask
for anything more.
I think
I gotta tell you somethin'.
- Is it about Jack?
- Yeah.
You really love him, don't you?
Yeah. I think I do.
So, what's the problem?
I just don't think that...
he would run through cobwebs
for me.
Jack has a good heart,
but he's never been very good
with expressing his feelings.
Why do you think he's had
so many short-term girlfriends?
'Cause he's afraid
of getting hurt.
So, wait, I'm just supposed
to wait around
until he decides to grow up
and show his real feelings?
Well, that part is up to you.
But you deserve someone
who will shout from the rooftops
how much they love you.
Thanks, dad.
Don't you settle
for anything less.
I won't.
Where is she?
I can't get ahold of her!
I don't know. She's never late.
I hope she's okay.
- Well, did you do something?
- What? No.
- Why would you say that?
- Because you're you.
- There you are.
- Oh, thank God.
You're on in one minute.
Maggie, you all right?
We're almost on.
Put your headphones on.
Good morning, everyone,
and thank you for tuning in
to The Windy City Wake-Up!
I am Jack Russo.
And I am Maggie Quinn.
Today is a very exciting day
for us.
Our big New Year's Eve bash
is tonight at The Magnolia,
and do we ever have a surprise
for all of you.
The show is sold out, but you
can catch the live stream
on our website, so you don't
have to miss a thing.
How are you feeling
about tonight, Maggie?
I'm nervous, truthfully.
Just want the whole thing
to be over with.
Introducing someone new
to our families is a big deal.
Frankly, I'm terrified.
But it should still be fun.
If you say so.
Right. I think we should get
to our first caller.
Sounds great.
You are live
with Jack and Maggie.
What can we help you with today?
I have to say,
I don't know what you guys
are so afraid of.
The moment I met my wife,
I introduced her to my family
within a month.
I couldn't wait
to start my life with her.
Really? So fast?
How did you know
your wife was the one?
The thought
of losing her was way scarier
than committing to her.
What was that about?
You hardly said anything
the entire show.
I'm gonna get a coffee.
Do you want anything?
- So this is how it's gonna be?
- I'll take that as a no.
Please. Can we just talk?
I'll see you tonight...
if you remember to show up.
Thank you so much.
- Mag, Maggie?
- Hunter.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
- And you?
- Good, good.
I've been listening
to your show a lot.
Sounds like you're
gonna be going through
with that
whole meet-the-parents thing
even though
we're not together anymore.
Did you
start seeing someone else?
- I could ask you the same thing.
- What?
Well, I just saw you here
the other day with someone.
She had her hand on yours.
You mean my sister Madison?
- Your sister?
- Yeah.
I mean, you'd know that
if you hadn't been
too scared to meet my family.
I just assumed... Whoops.
So who are you
introducing your family to?
We're actually
surprising our fans
with something different.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, it's kind of crazy.
Actually. Yeah, well...
Would you maybe wanna have
our coffees together?
- Yeah.
- Great.
Backstage tour
of the Goodman Theatre?
Hunter, your students
are gonna love you.
I know, right? That's, yeah...
Anyways, how about yourself?
This event tonight,
it seems like
it's the talk of the town.
Look, Hunter,
I'm really sorry
about everything.
You deserve more, more than
someone trying to push away
their feelings for someone else.
Yeah. You finally admit it, huh?
Yeah, I thought
if I met someone like you,
those feelings
would just go away.
If only life were that easy.
Yeah. Well, cheers to that.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- To friends.
- To friends.
- And coffee.
- Okay.
Hey, dad.
Jack? What are you doing here?
Figured I'd stop by, see
how everything's shaping up.
Shouldn't you two
be getting ready?
We got in a fight.
I think I might lose her.
It's impossible, kid.
- You're everything to her.
- I know.
I've been taking it for granted
this whole time.
Well, then you need to do
to show her
how much she means to you.
Where do I even start?
Look, you know her better
than anyone.
There has to be something.
What would make her happy?
I think I know
what I need to do.
Attaboy, son.
Thanks, dad.
Thank you. Next one, please.
Thank you.
Shouldn't they be
at their own party by now?
Well, they're on their way.
They just want to build up
the anticipation!
- Hi, beautiful.
- Hello, Jack.
- Hey, Jack.
- Hi.
Thank God. There's Jack now.
Hey, Jack.
Looking very dapper tonight.
So you excited
for the big reveal?
I'm a little nervous,
but I think I'm finally ready.
Have you seen Maggie yet?
Not yet, but she'll be here.
In fact, you know, I think I'm
gonna go look for her right now.
So, Jack,
I heard the show today.
Sorry about that one, Judd.
Maggie wasn't really
feeling well.
- I thought you sounded great.
- Really?
In fact, I wanted to discuss
something with you.
I spoke to my executives, we
think you guys are just so great
that you would do just as well
with your own shows.
Does Maggie know about this?
I floated the idea by her
earlier on the phone and
she seemed very interested.
There she is.
- Hi.
- You look ravishing, Maggie.
Thank you.
I am gonna go
get the camera crew
and we're gonna get
this celebration started.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You look really beautiful.
So, listen, Judd was saying
you were interested in his offer
to have your own radio show.
Is that true?
It might be time
we did something apart.
You really feel like that?
First Hunter, now this.
- What?
- I saw you two today.
What does it matter
to you, Jack?
Really? You brought her?
I gave her my extra ticket.
Did you bring her
a corsage, too?
- Maggie.
- Hi.
And it's been so long!
- You look really great.
- Thank you.
I've been doing Pilates.
You should join me sometime.
I will think about that.
Excuse me, I'm gonna go
grab myself a drink.
Don't just stand there.
Go after her.
What if she's better off
without me?
Oh, my God. Who is that cutie
that just walked in?
That's Sebastian.
Go ahead.
- Okay. Babe alert.
- Yeah.
Honey! You look beautiful!
- Like royalty!
- Thanks, dads.
Is that Bianca Bell?
- What is she doing here?
- Great question.
- What's going on?
- Maggie, let's go.
Break a leg.
We are on in ten, okay?
- Bianca and I are just friends.
- We're not actually together.
Jack, you're allowed to do
what you want.
- But...
- Three.
Two, one.
Hello, everyone, and welcome
to our fabulous
New Year's Eve event,
live from the iconic Magnolia
in Chicago!
Thank you all so much
for joining us here at the club,
and for those of you
watching online.
It's gonna be an exciting night
with a very special surprise.
To get the party started,
we want everyone
to pick a dance partner.
That includes
the live-streamers. Yeah.
The fabulous and talented
Davin Bros
will get the party started
and get us moving.
Take it away, boys.
Okay, great. We're gonna let
everybody dance for a bit.
Then we got a few contests
for the fans.
11:45, we're gonna get you both
back on the stage
for the big reveal,
then at midnight
we're gonna have
an earth-shaking kiss.
Sound good?
- Sure. Yeah.
- Yeah. I guess.
What's going on with you guys?
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
Snap out of it.
I need bigger and better energy
from you
if we want this partnership.
I hope you told Bianca
about the big reveal,
otherwise she's gonna be
really confused at midnight.
What? I'm not with her,
she's here to support us.
Man, I, I haven't seen the club
this packed in years!
Yeah. It's quite the turnout.
Yeah. I just was talking
to one of your biggest fans.
And they were going on and on
about how refreshing it is
that you two never hold back
from telling the truth
to your listeners.
I'm just so proud
of the both of you.
- We try our best. Yeah.
- Yeah.
I need to get some air.
Great job, you two!
And just for playing, we have
gift certificates
to The Magnolia!
Give 'em a hand.
Now it's time for the moment
that you have all
been waiting for.
Right. The big surprise.
As you probably picked up
by now,
Hunter and Serena are not
meeting our families tonight.
And the reason
for that is because...
It's because...
What's wrong?
It's because...?
- Jack, I can't do this.
- What are you doing?
- I need to tell the truth.
- Maggie, don't do this.
The truth is...
is Hunter and Serena
are not a part of our show
because they broke up with us.
So Jack and I decided that
to make this night successful,
we would pretend
to be in a relationship.
And I know it would have made
for really great ratings,
which is fantastic, but that's
not the important part.
Along the way
I started to forget
that this was... all just a lie.
And the truth is,
it wasn't a lie to me.
I'm so sorry, everyone.
- Cut to commercial.
- No. No way! This is good drama.
Keep rolling.
Maggie's right.
It was my plan
to trick everybody
and pretend
that we were together.
But my plan completely backfired
because after
a lifelong friendship,
I finally realized that Maggie
has always been the one for me.
She means more to me
than any career move.
In fact,
the legendary Judd Crawford
asked me if I'd like to have
my own radio show.
The answer is no.
I never wanna wake up
without knowing
I get to see my best friend,
the love of my life.
Maggie, I love you.
I'm sorry it took me so long
to finally realize it.
I was afraid.
But you are the smartest,
the coolest
and sexiest woman
I've ever known.
I started writing this
in high school.
Turns out it was meant
for Maggie all along.
I know, it took me long enough.
Well I guess
we all live our lives
With a little something
to hide
Safe inside
with a smile to hide behind
I don't know
what's in store
But no risk no reward
So I'll lay it all
on the line
After all
This time
It was you
It was always you
I was lying to myself
That there was ever
anybody else
That little kid in me
And the man
standing right here
Well we both know
Seems like everybody knows
It was you
It was always you
I was lying to myself
That there was ever
anybody else
There's only ever been you
It was always you
Will you play the part
Of my childhood sweetheart?
I can barely believe
it's true
But I finally know
just what to do
From the bottom of my heart
I'm sure it's you
There's actually something
in my eye. I'm sorry.
So what do you say, Maggie?
Will you be my midnight kiss?
Kiss him!
Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!
Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!
Kiss him! Kiss him!
Kiss him! Kiss him!
Jack, I can't believe
that you sang for me...
in front of all these people.
And turned down a job
with Judd Crawford?
Are you sure?
I've never been so sure
about anything in my life.
Ten, nine, eight...
Seven, six, five, four,
three, two, one!
Happy New Year!
I'm so happy...
Happy New Year, Steve.
He, he ran through cobwebs
for her.
He ran through cobwebs for her!
And I don't wanna do a show
without Jack either.
We're better together.
I think you're right.
Welcome to the team, you two.
So, I know we just got together,
but I was wondering if you'd be
ready to meet my family?
I thought that you'd never ask.
Hey, hey, hey!
Thank you.
For what?
The best year of my life.
Everything feels right,
plus I get to hang out
with my best friend
and my girlfriend every day.
Well, thank you to you, too,
because I felt the exact
same way ever since we met.
Happy anniversary.
What's that?
You are just full of surprises.
Well, I gotta keep you on your
toes to make sure I'm the one
you're kissing
at The Magnolia tonight.
Oh, my gosh!
My mom's ring.
I love you,
Margaret Nancy Quinn,
and there's no one else
I wanna sled with
for the rest of my life.
Will you marry me?
Yes, I will!
Yes, I will.