Midnight Masquerade (2014) Movie Script

(car horns)
(sirens chirping)
(tires screeching)
- Whoa!- (driver): Watch it, buddy!
- Here you go.- Ah! Cavalry.
What is this?
- Coffee?- What's in it?
- Uh--- It isn't stevia.
- No, they were out.
- Rob, if you're gonna dosomething nice, get it right.
- Yes, Captain.- It's "Major" to you.
I've been promoted.- Nice. Very seasonal.
- Now not one person'sput a tip in there all day.
- There you go, Major.
- As you were.- Trick or treat, Sam.
Morning, Enid.- Hi, Mr. Carelli!
- Let me guess, you're latebecause you stopped
to buy Sam coffee again?
You can stop now. I've alreadyawarded you the "nicest guy
in the office" award.- I like him.
- Why?- He's honest.- Oh, my!
- Emmett!- Mm?
- Elyse Samford is coming in
next week to discussa trademark infringementsuit. That's the file.
I want precedents cited,t's crossed, i's dotted.
- Who's Elyse Sanford?
- Samford! With an "m".
The new CEO of Samford Candy!One of our biggest clients.
I don't care if you haveto work on that all weekend.
Put 150% into that.
- Absolutely, Dad. I willdedicate myself entirely to this
all weekend long and cancelall my other plans. You got it!
All over it!
Sanford... Samford.
- Yes!
- Andrew.- Hey.
- Dad wants precedents citedon these by Monday.
Make sure you crossthe i's and dot the t's.- This weekend? No, no, no.
I'm playing golf with--- I don't care if you're golfing
with all four livingex-presidents. Handle this.
(frustrated sigh)
Chin up, Rob.
- So, Rob, how's it going?
- Busy.- Busy, yeah.
- And yet your billable hoursaren't even near the goal we set
at your last year-end review.
- I sort of felt the numberyou set wasn't realistic
given the actual numberof hours in a day.
- Oh, Rob, Rob, Rob...
I see I'm going to have to helpyou succeed despite yourself.
There you go!
- Let me guess.
Covering for Emmett and Andrew?
- Can you get me everythingyou have on Samford Candy?
- You want meto stay late with you?
- No reason for your eveningto be ruined, too.
- Hang in there.Maybe one day
you'll get to livethe dream, too.
You never know.(both laughing)
(phone ringing)
- Ruby!- [Hey, Uncle Rob!]
- Hey, sweetie.- [Ready for some bowling?]
- Well, that's um,kinda the thing...
I can't make it tonight.- [Don't stand me up!]
[You're my only uncle.]- Uh-huh, I realizeI'm your only uncle.
- [I'm not takingno for an answer.]- Okay, okay! I'll come.
You ever think aboutbeing a lawyer yourself
or has hanging around metotally turned you off of it?
- Oh-oh! Ruby Cole in the house!
You owe me pizza!With sausage and mushrooms.
- Girls your agedon't eat mushrooms.- I'm precocious.
- I'm well aware of that.
Just because you got a strikedoesn't mean you'regonna beat me.
- Just 'cause you're a guydoesn't mean you'regonna beat me.
Kelly Kulick--- Won the PBA Tour title
against a manin 2010, I know.
- Your feet gotahead of your swing.
- Really, Dad?
'Cause I think I've beaten youtwo games to one today.
- It's called a head start.(both laughing)
- Excellent bowler!
- You know what? They saythe strength in the wrist
diminishes with age. I thinkI'm gonna get you a wrist guard
for your next birthday.(laughter)
- Highly unlikely, my dear.
Highly unlikely.
- Want me to go talk you upto her? She's with her dad.
- You've got to stop tryingto fix me up. I'm doing fine.
- Ah! La-la-la-la...- You're killing me, dad!
Give me a break!
No, seriously, I need a break.Do you want a snack?
- No, I think I'm justgonna stay here and gloat.
- You haven't had a datesince that lawyer lady
closed the file on you.- I'm good. I've just been busy.
I'll meet someonewhen I meet someone.
- Hey, can I get a candy bar?
- Hi.- Hey. Buying some candy?
- Yep.- Which one are you gonna get?
- My favorites.(chuckles)
- Ruby!
- Just so you know,he's single
and a lawyer. Very successful.- Impressive. You mustbe very proud.
- I am.
- Hey.- Hi!
Nice kid you've got here, Ray.
- She sure is, but that's not--- Got great taste in candy.
- What?- Come on!
You had such an opportunityand you just wasted it!
- Really?
- It's always good to getyou out of the office.
Those two guys at work stillgiving you a hard time?
- Their daddy's the boss.
- I wish I couldcast a spell on them.
- Excellent idea!
- But I mean,you're a cool guy,
so why do they haveto treat you like that?
- When you're the low manon the totem pole,
everyone else gets tostand on top of your head.
- You're too nice.- You can't be too nice.
- Yeah, you can.
(insects chirping)
- Hi!
- Here she is.Safe and sound.
- Can Uncle Robhang out with us, Mom?- Sorry, gotta get back to work.
- You know it's very importantI spend time with appropriatemale role models.
- That's why I justtook you bowling, buddy.
- I'm almost finishedwith your Halloween costume.Do you want to come try it on?
- See you next week, Uncle Rob.- Bye.
- Thank you.- My God, it's just so awesome!
- Stevia.
- Attaboy!Worked all weekend again?
- No.- Really?
What did you do?- For one thing, I went bowling.
- Ah, impetuous youth!
You, sign in.
- Are you kidding me?You see me every day!
- Sign in.
- Do you have any idea whatdealing with you is like?
- Disturbing and frustrating?- Yeah, on a good day.
- Thank you.
- Make sure to have therestrooms cleaned, spotless.
Yes, get to work. Send thoseto the third cubicle.
- What's going on?
- Uh, Samford Candy.
Something about some trademarkinfringement lawsuit.
- Oh, that explainsmy weekend...
or lack thereof.Any inside info?
- Howard Samford is retiringand handing the company over
to his daughter Elyse.She's a Princeton grad.
No dummy, but not a lotof practical experience.
- Merry, you area fount of information.
- Awesome! Good work,people! Nice!
Did you put 150% into that?- Always do.
- Excellent.
Well, this is a major client.You should feel very pleased
that I trust you enoughto allow you to work on this.
- Just spending time with himis privilege enough.
- Carelli!
Look, when Ms. Samford getshere I want you to join us
in the conference room,okay? Just me and the boys
looks a little toonepotistic. You can talk,
just not much.- Yes, sir.
(phone ringingin the background)
- Samford...
Elyse Samford...
- Ms. Samford!- Hey.
- Mr. Samford!- Hi.
- Mr. Higgins is waiting foryou, but can I get you anythingbefore I take you back?
- I'm okay.- Nothing for me, thank you.
- Alright, please have a seat.It will just be a moment.
The Samfords are here. Yes.
- Oh, I'm sorry.I never had to wear heels
when I was working in the field.I'm only good for about an hour.
- Alright.(beeping)
Yes? Alright, thank you.
Alright, we'll be meetingin conference room one,
if you'll follow me.
- Hello, Elyse.Nice to see you!
How are you? Howard,this is a surprise!
- Carter, always.- Please sit down.- Nice to meet you, Ms. Samford.
- You know, youlook familiar.
- Really?- Wait a minute.
It was last week, at theSustainable Harvest conference,
right?- Oh!
Yes, yes, absolutely! Are youinto organic gardening too?
- Yeah, I am up to my elbows.(chuckling)
- Wonderful.- (Rob): Sorry I'm late.
- Oh my gosh, small world! Um...
Ray, right?With the adorable daughter?
- We sort of met already.Rob, not Ray.
- No, but your shirt--- Vintage.
And she's my niece. Not married.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you as well.
- Before we get started, I justwant to take this opportunity
to officiallyintroduce you to Elyse.
She's been working with SamfordCandy since high school,
has her MBA at Princeton.I feel very confident
that she's going to bepicking up where I'm leaving off
and taking the companyto new heights.
It's time for a generationalchange at Samford Candy.Meet the new boss.
- Well, I will be lookingto Higgins and Sons for the same
wise guidance you've givenmy father over the years.
And trust me, I knowthat everybody thinks
that I just got this job becauseI'm the old man's daughter...
Which would be exactly right.
But that's what happens ina family-owned company, right,
"and Sons"?(all laughing)
So I just want to make it clear.I'm a collaborative person
and I look forward to us workingtogether. So let's get started.
- It looks as thoughyou're being greeted
with trial by fire.What we have on the table here
is a trademark infringement
on Samford Candyby the Kraus Candy Company.
- They've changed their nameto Sanford. Emmett?
- Now, by usingthe name Samford,
with an "m" like Uncle Sam,
it has a distinct similarityto Sanford, with an "n".
- The other way around.
- Right, whatever.They're about the same thing.
- Which would be the pointof the suit.
- Yes. By using the name Sanford
and similar packaging,
the consumer is being led tobelieve that they are purchasing
a product made by Samford.Now, on the left,
Samford, as you know.
On the right, Sanford.
- This seems like a potentialprofit opportunity for us.
How much are we looking at?- They don't stand a chance.
- Yeah, we'll needto seek an injunction.
- An injunction, damages,punitive damages,
costs and fees.That could be a lot of money.
- How much are we talking?
- Before we get ahead ofourselves, there is potentially
a much larger problem.Sanford has been cybersquatting.
This needsto be addressed immediately.
- As I pointed out to youbefore the meeting,
thanks for bringing that up.- No one has registered
samfordcandy.com. You shouldjump on that right away.
- Dot everything,sir. I am on it.
- By the way, Emmett,nice piece of work there.
- Our clients deserveour full attention.
if that means me missing out ona weekend or a bunch of sleep,
so be it.
- Andrew will betaking point on this.
- Of course, dad.
- Wonderful. Well, thank you allfor your hard work.
I fell Samfordis well taken care of.
And Rob, good jobjumping on the cybersquatting.
- My pleasure.
- This case is ourtop priority, Ms. Samford.
- That's good tohear. We do have
the annual Halloween Ballcoming up, as you may know.
It would be a shame to havethis hanging over our heads.
- Just leave it with us.
- Terrific. Welldone, as always.
- Nice to see ya, Howard.- Thanks, Carter. Thank you.
- (Howard): Gentlemen.- Pleasure as always, sir.
- She's amazing.
Smart, beautiful, funny.- Rich!
- She sounds perfect. Whenare you asking her out?
- Not sure how ethical thatwould be while representing her.
- I think that only appliesin divorce cases.
(phone ringing)
Who are you texting?
- Boss' son. He's droppingsome work off for me.
- Again?- Yeah.
- Are you... Another round,darling, please.- Coming up.
- Do you want us toverbally lacerate him?
- I would loveyou to. But don't.
- Okay, so whenyou ask her out,
tell her to bring arich friend of hers
so that I can...
Please set me upwith a rich...
- I wouldn't think you have timeto be sitting around here, Rob.
- My plate was totally clearwhen I left the office.
- Look, Rob...
You want to succeedwith our firm?
You gotta come in earlierand stay later thaneverybody else. Alright?
You gotta clean out your plate,and then you take a look aroundand say, "What else can I do?
What can I take offof Andrew's plate? What canI take off of Emmett's plate?"
You don't just wantto be adequate, alright?
You want to beexceptional.
- When do you need this?
- Bright and early.
As a matter of fact, you are notgonna have time to finish this.
See you in the morning.
- Oops!(glass shattering)
- Rob!
- I'm so sorry.- He is so sorry.
- You shut up.- You are mean.
- Can I just ask one question?- Massive student loans,
bad economy,and no one's hiring.
Bye, guys.
- Thanks, Rob.That's too much!
- Morning, Sam.- FYI, your boss is a tool.
- Which one? I have threeand they're all tools.
- Tall. Dark. Skinny.- Emmett. What did he do?
- Asked me to finda new job because thesight of me depresses him.
- He actually said that to you?Sam, I'm really sorry.
- Are you kidding?It made my day!
- Energy drinkin your coffee?
- Attention,everyone! Attention!
Ms. Samford here hasa very exciting announcement
for the office.- Hey, everyone!
As new CEO of Samford Candy,
this year I have decidedto invite the entire firm
to our annualHalloween Ball!
So please come.Wear a costume,
but none of this wearing a suit
and saying you'redressed as a lawyer.
(laughter)I'll see you all at the ball!
(indistinct chatter)
(birds chirping)
Hey, Dad!
- Hi there! Nice to see you.
Crazy day!
- So do you think you can handleslumming it for a while?
- Well, it beats plaster dustand power tools,
banging and crashing.(sighing)
- You're lucky that you have adaughter with a spare bedroom
to help you with yourrenovation habit.
- I sure am!- (laughing): Coffee?
- Crazy not to.
- Do you want to know whoI'm gonna be for Halloween?
- Who?- Kelly Kulick.
- No one's gonnaknow who that is.
- People aren't gonna knowone of the greatest bowlers
of all time?- I'm thinking no.
- Well, I'll knowand it will be cool.
Only trick or treating all nightwith a heavy bowling ball
might be tough.
- You could make one outof Styrofoam and paint it.
- My mom can make me one.What about you?
Are you gonna do that"I'm not wearing a costume
because adultsshould dress like adultson Halloween" thing again?
- Actually, I'm wearinga costume this year.
- Truth?- Yeah.
I'm going to a Halloween ballgiven by Samford Candy
and I hear they havesome pretty amazing things
in their gift bags,some of which
might even go to you.
- You are getting in a costumeand going to a Halloween party?
What the heckhappened to you?
- Man to man?
Man to girl...
- I'll never tell.
Uncle Rob is in love!- That's not what I said!
- He's going to this bigfancy ball she's throwing
and he asked for a costume.
- Don't you know my kid hasthe biggest mouth in town?
- I do not!- Mm-hmm...
- Give me a break!I just told my mom!
- Are you really gonna weara costume? I haven't seen you
get dressed for Halloweensince you were about ten.
- I know. I was a vampire cowboythree years running
before I decidedI hated costumes.
What am I gonna wearand not feel like an idiot?
- I will make something for you.
Let's get you measured.
- I can't believe you!- What?
- Alright...- You don't have to dothis. I can buy something.
- When your sister makescostume suits for a living,
I don't think so. 32.
So... What is going on?
How serious are youwith this girl?
17.- Ruby's a little premature.
I haven't even asked heron a date yet.
- Oh. Well, what do youwant to go as?
Pirate? Gangster?
- How about the princeof the uncles?- (laughing): 40.
I don't know what kindof prince that would be,
but what abouta regular prince?
Rob, stop moving.- Okay.
- I'm speechless!
- Dad, I was thinking...
We should try and move thecompany forward by making it
more environmentally friendly.- I'm listening.
- So if we use plant proteininstead of animal whey protein,
it's better forthe environment
and it makes our candysafe for vegetarians.
- It might raise costs.- But I was thinking,
if we publicize our companyas a family-run company
who cares about the world,who cares about our consumers,
we might be ableto step up profits
and offset those increasedcosts. What do you think?
- I think you're going to bethe most beautiful womanat that ball.
- I mean about my idea.
- The smartest, withthe most beautiful ideas.
- It's not gonna be the sameat the ball without you.
- This ball is goingto be your night.
My being there wouldjust detract from that.
- Okay, let me clean upand then we're going dancing.
- Dancing?
- Because you're going to a ball
and as I recall from your prom,you're a terrible dancer.
- It's Sunday night. Doesn'tshe have school tomorrow?
- It's 7 o'clock. What timedo you think I go to bed?
- Homework?- Let's go.
You need to have some fun.- I went bowling.
I had food that doesn't come ina paper bag. I already had fun.
- You are goingas the last male figurehead
of the Carelli family.You need to represent.

- Is this the waltz?
- Yes. What else could it be?
Alright... Lift your hand.
Like that. Okay?
Let's see what you've got,little bro.
(both laughing)
You are worsethan I remember.
- Can we go now?- If you can walk,
you can dance.The waltz starts
with the box step, okay?You know the box step?
- Uh...
- Okay. Ruby, come and showyour uncle the box step.
I will be you, but better.(chuckling)
Are you ready?- Yeah.
- You never said anythingabout turning.(both laughing)
- Are you gonna leta 12-year-old show you up?
Come on! Come here!
Alright, thanks. Basic...
box step.
- (both): One, two, three...One, two, three...
- Now look up.
And stop moving your lips.- Okay.
You're doing a lot better!You haven't stepped on my feet
in a couple of minutes.(both laughing)
Well, here's the secret.Dance like you're one person.
- Sure, yeah!
One person with three left feet;two of them mine.
I am going to haveblisters on my feet.
- Toughen up, buttercup.
- Do you want some tea?- I gotta get home. It's late.
- Who are you, Cinderella?- Yes, and you're myfairy godmother.
I still have work to do.Can you wave your magicwand and make it disappear?
- Sure thing.(chuckling)
- Practice.
- Ladies.
- A lot.- Yeah.
- Eight o'clock! Oh no!
- Hey, pal!
- Sorry.
- (woman): Taxi!
- No coffee today, sorry.- You look terrible.
They're takingadvantage of you, pal.
You need to startstanding up for yourself.
- What I need isto keep my job.
(video game sounds)
- Andrew! Where's thetrademark infringement filing?
- The...?
- The Samfordtrademark infringement.
- I gave it to Rob.- I assigned it to you.
- I just gave it to him to crossthe t's and dot the i's.
Dad, he doesn't earnhis money around here.
He sits around all daydoing nothing!
Definitely notputting in 150% like I am.
- Carelli!
Carelli?- I think he just stepped out.
- Sir?
- What does yourwatch say, Carelli?
- 10:15.
- 10,000.- I don't understand.
- That's how many attorneys
lost their jobs atmajor firms this year.
Did you know that?- I... I didn't.
- How would you liketo make it 10,001?
- No, sir.- Mr. Carter,
Mr. Carelli is always herebefore everyone else.
I'm sure he had a good reason.- A lot of legal secretariesout of work too.
- She had nothingto do with this.
- My sons can't be expectedto do everything themselves.
Someone has to helpwith the heavy lifting.
- I realize that.- Pattern yourself after them.
- I will. Thanks foryour understanding.
- I think you should stayuntil 10:15 tonight.
Maybe dot some i's,cross some t's.
- Want me to stay with you?- No, I got it.
- Yeah...
I think I'm gonna stay with you.
- Still working?
- I'm just going over thequarterly projections.
What do you think
about if we go into gumor breath mints?
- I think you're in chargeof the company now.
It's your baby.
(small laugh)
- Right.
- Hey, I wouldn't haveput you in charge, CEO,
if I didn't thinkyou could handle it.
You're worried aboutthis trademark business?
- No. No, I knowwe're in the right.
- When was the last timeyou had some fun?
- I have fun.
- It's a very evasive answer.
- Okay, every timewe go bowling, I have fun.
(sighing)(small laugh)
- Beautiful night,isn't it?
- Yeah, I guess so.
- That fall snap is in the air
and the leaves are turning.
Wouldn't you rather be takinga walk with your guy
than sitting here buriedbehind your computer?
- Dad,
you've entrusted mewith a huge responsibility
and I just wantto live up to it.
- You know, when yourmother was alive,
I tried as bestas I could to manage
both the companyand a life with her.
And after she died,
I kind of lost myself
in the work. No fun,no friends...
I never fell in love again.
Now that I'm retired,I intend to change all that.
- Good.
- Lysie,
don't make thesame mistake I did.
When you're old and it's cold,
you're gonna want company.
- Hey, Rob!
Yeah, looks good.
How many billable hourswould you say this represents?
- 25, minimum.
- Wow! That's great!- Thanks.
- Of course, as lead attorney,I'll be billing those.
You really need to get yourclient base broadened, Rob.
This firm needsmore rainmakers!
Maybe work up a businessdevelopment pitch
and I'll takea look at it. Chin up!
(groaning)- What happened? Are you okay?
- I just dropped something.All good.
- Sanford's entire concept
was based on appropriating
the worldwide recognition,good will and success
of Samford Candy, in a...
In a, um...
In an intentional effortto cause confusion
in the general publicbetween Sanford
and Samford candies.
Defendant's actions constitutetrademark infringement
in violation ofLanham Act, 15 U.S.C.,
section 1114.
- Anything else?
- Uh, yes, Your Honor.
We'd like to ask fora temporary injunction
until the time that thismatter is adjudicated.
- So ordered.
Nicely prepared, young man.- Thank you.
- Thank you, Your Honor.
No point in doing somethingunless you're gonna do it right.
- Good morning.
- Boom! Crushed it!
- Yeah, sure did.
- Oh, wait till I tellElyse how I dominated!
- You're meeting with Elyse?
- Yeah. She asked for a fullreport on the court appearance,
so I'm gonna explain to herin detail everything I did.
- That should be interesting.
- Yeah, maybe youshould... You know,
come to the meeting too; justto take notes or whatever.
- What's going on?- I'm meeting withElyse Samford.
- You've got it bad!- That obvious?
- Mm-hmm!
- And then I filed fortrademark infringement
and got a temporaryinjunction to stop Sanford
until the case can be heard.
- What about the domain name?- Uh... Rob,
why don't you readfrom your notes whatI told you about that?
- Um... That is covered
under the AnticybersquattingConsumer Protection Act,
which need to be taken upin Federal Court.
We filed on that as well.- Exactly.
We've got you covered.- Okay, great.
Well, Andrew, thank you.I feel like I'm in great hands.
And thank you, Rob not Ray.- You're good with names.
- I'm sure Ms. Sanfordhas better things
to do with her time than to makechitchat with you, Carelli.
- Samford.- You're good with names, too.
- Uh, let mewalk you to your car.
- Sure.- Bye, Ms. Samford.
- Oh, call me Elyse.
- So what do you drive?I got an M3 convertible.
- Oh, I have a chauffeur.- Fabulous!
- See you tomorrow, Sam.- What's wrong with you?
You look like yourbest friend just died.
Which would be meand I'm still alive and kicking.
- You ever feellike what's the point?
- No. No, I am constantly clear
on the meaningand gift of life, my friend.
I'm what you'd calla committed optimist.
- I guess I'm just tired. Sorry.
- Well, take a load off,then. Come on, sit down.
And quit apologizingall the time.
I'm the guy withthe meaningless job.
Too many hours,not enough overtime.
But if you want to feelsorry for yourself,
go right ahead.
- So what's your dream, Sam?
- What?- What would make you happy?
- Alright, I'll tell you.But if you're only asking me
just to get me toask you, forget it.
(small laugh)- You don't have to ask me.
Do you ever thinkabout a woman?
- No, not since '98.
- What happened in '98?- I became a realist.
- 'Cause there's this woman--- No, no, not listening. No, no.
- She--- I'm not listening.
- Fine.- Man, you give up easily!
No wonder you're striking outin the romance department.
Alright, here. I'llget you started, okay?
She's absolutelybeautiful, right?
- Beautiful, smart.
- And?- Powerful.
She's the CEO of Samford Candy.
- And?- And she seems kind
and sort of vulnerable.
- So what's the problem?
- The problem is thatshe's way above my level.
- So what? You want to beon her level? Grow.
- She's the head of amega corporation, Sam.
I'm a lawyer. It'sa lot of growing.
- Nothing you can't overcome.All you gotta do--
- Carelli! What do youthink you're doing?
- Um...- Young man,you represent this firm.
I don't ever want to see youlounging like this again.
- That's my friendyou're talking to!- I beg your pardon?
Stay out of it.Step it up, Carelli.
- Thanks for trying.- Forget it.
Hey, Rob.
I know these guys are workingyou like a dog around here,
but you gotta make time tointeract with the outside world.
That's where the newclients come from.
And that is what's gonnamake you a rainmaker, my friend.
It will also get theseother clowns off your back.
- So you're a lawyer now?
- Used to be.
You get one question.
- How did you getfrom there to here?
- A woman named Lois.
(clears throat)
The love of my life.
We were partnersat the same firm,
until she "fell out"of love with me
and fell into lovewith the senior partner.
- That's harsh.- Well, let's just call it
a "disincentive"to continue practicing.
It's a nest of vipers.
- Do you ever think--
- No. No.
(indistinct chatter)
- Are you gonna askthe candy lady out?
- Not until I make partner.- Oh, come on!
Then I think you should go
to the speed dating thing.- I'm not doing it!
- You're always complainingabout how you don't have
enough time to date. So thisis perfect. Speed dating...
Get it? For people whodon't have a lot of time.
- Ruby, I've hadplenty of girlfriends.
I honestly don't need your help.- How about online dating?
I think you shouldtake a whack at that.
- Why do I have childrenand security guards
giving me life advice?- 'Cause you need it.
- Gee, thanks. Why do you careso much if I have a girlfriend?
- I'm twelve. How interestingdo you think my life is?
(insects chirping)
- Look.
- Wow!(small laugh)
- I keep telling you:I'm gifted.
- You are going to kill!
- Helen, this is incredible!I don't know how to thank you.
- Oh, come on.Free baby-sitting is plenty.
- He isn't baby-sitting.He enjoys my company.
- Yes.- She's right!
So I'll be over at 6 o'clocktomorrow. Ms. Kulick and I
are gonna go trick or treatingfor a couple of hours
and then I'm off to the ball!
- As you command, my prince.(chuckling)
- Good morning, Sam!
- Happy Halloween, Rob!- Happy Halloween to you!
- I'm thinking ofgoing as a clown.
- You like clowns?- No, I'm terrified of them.
I thought this would becheaper than therapy.
(both laughing)Think this will get me a raise?
- Alright, guysand girls! Attention!
We're letting you all gofifteen minutes early
so you can go and get readyfor the Samford Halloween Ball!
Really? Nothing?
(soft cheering)Hey, yeah!
- How did Sanford get thedomain name samfordcandy.com?
I thought you were on that!
- I was. I did. I registered it,Dad. I swear I did!
- Well, you better get thisstraightened out right away!
I don't care ifit takes all night!
- The ball is tonight!
I delegated this job to Rob.This is not my fault.
- Then get him to do it!Someone's got to handle it!
- Yes, Dad.
- You registeredsanfordcandy.com.
- So?
- So it's Samford,with an "m".
Which means that Sanford, thecompany we're fighting against,
can still buy domain namesSamford Candy needs.
- This is your fault, right.You're gonna fix it.
- Wait, how is this my fault?- I asked you to register it.You must have misspelled it.
- No, that isn't true. You neverasked me to register anything.
- Are you calling me a liar?
- No, you said you'd handle it.
- You have to writea motion to set aside.
It's gonna take all night. Youmight as well forget the party.- Listen, Emmett--
- If I see you atthe ball, you're fired.- You're not serious?
- Try me.
- I'm sorry, Ruby. There's noway I can leave and take youtrick or treating.
- [You're going to the ball--]- I can't go to the ball either.- [What about the costume?]
[It's gorgeous!]- I'm stuck in the office.
Tell your mom I'll wearher costume next year,
if I can.- [It's not gonna be the same]
[without you.]- Have fun.- [Bye.]
(typing on keyboard)
- Sorry, sweetheart. No can do.- Just let me go upfor a minute.
- No trick or treating in thebuilding. There's nobody here.
- What about Rob Carelli?He's my uncle.
- You're Ruby! His Ruby!
Yeah, he talks aboutyou all the time.
Just go on up.
- You don't evenhave a door on your office?
- It's a step up from thecubicle I used to have.
- Dreaming big, uncle Rob?- What are you doing here?
- You gotta goto this ball, man.
- I can't. I haven't evenfinished up Emmett's mess
and if he sees at the ball,I'm fired.
- Has he seen your costume?
Then you're going to the ball!- I really can't, buddy.
- You really can.- I have tons of work
and they lockthe building down at midnight.
- So? No problem. You justgotta be back here by midnight.
- Or what?I turn into a pumpkin?
(animated chatter)
(people laughing)
Merry, it's Rob.
- You're notsupposed to be here.
- I'm well aware of that.I'm just going to avoid
Higgins senior and juniors.- Did you get the motion done?
- Almost. I'm going to go backbefore midnight and finish up.
- Don't forget to crossthose i's and dot those t's.
You go over there!
Look, tonight, you'renot an associate.
You're a prince!Go act like one!
- Good evening, my princess.
- Strange coincidence!
- Maybe it's not a coincidence.Maybe it's synchronicity.
- I'm Elyse Samford.
- Yeah, I know.
- Okay, this is usually
where you tell mewhat your name is.
- Remember that oldboard game, Mystery Date?
Tonight, I'm your mystery date.
- I kinda like that.
Okay, so what do you dowhen you're not princing?
- I can't tell you that either.
- Okay, so whatcan we talk about?
- You, the night...
Bowling.- Bowling?
- It's one possibility.We don't have to.
I know a lot ofpeople find it lame.
- No! I'm a bigKelly Kulick fan.
I mean, you've gotto love a woman who tooka PBA title away from a man.
I have a custom Storm. I havebowled one perfect game
in my life, have a slight righthook, but I'm working on it.
And I love bowling with my dad.
- I'm a bigKelly Kulick fan, too.

May I have this dance, my lady?
- Oh!
I can barely walk in these,
let alone dance.
I haven't waltzed in ages.- Don't worry. I'll lead.

- I never knew that waltzcould be so romantic.
- Me neither. I learned frommy sister and a 12-year-old.
Let's not forget these.
- (Elyse): Beautiful moon.
- Sure is.
Your glass slippers, my lady.
- Actually,they're Lucite.
- Yeah?- Yes.
- Little trick I learned frommy grandfather, the shoemaker.
- Thank you.
This has turned outto be a magical night.
- It has.
- (Carter): May I havea Cuba Libre, please?
- Give me a VRB.(clears throat)
Two to one ratio energy drinkto vodka. Don't mess it up.
- Emmett, I'm gonna need youto go by the office andbring me the Sheehy brief
so I can look at it tonight.- Are you okay?
- But the building willbe closed by the time I getthere. It's almost midnight.
- (Carter): You'd better hurry.- Let me get you a drink.
- Yes.- Okay.
(contented sigh)
- Are you gonna read it here?- I'll read it tonight, at home.
- Your gift bag, sir.
- Ow!
- So you want me to goto the office right now?
- That's exactlywhat I want you to do.
(insects chirping)
- Taxi! Taxi!
- Your gift bag, sir.
- 54, Gaily Avenue. Go, go, go!
- Have you seen a masked prince?
- No, I'm sorry.- No? Okay, thank you.
- Hey, fetch the car.
Come on!
Get this.
(frustrated groan)
(indistinct chatter)
- Sam, Emmett's right behind me!I need you to slow him down.
- My pleasure. Nice suit!
(elevator bell ringing)
Yeah? Help ya?
- Open it up. I need to getin the office. Open the door!
- Oh, right! I didn't recognizeyou in your getup there.
This should do it.
No, no.(small laugh)
Drive you crazy, uh?I'm pretty sure that's it.
Yeah, there you go.
(nervous sigh)
- Come on, get in!
- (Sam): There you go.
They should havea turnstile on that.
You could get a can openerfor that thing!
I will let itslide this time.
- Oh!
You've been busy, Carelli?
You're only missing out on thegreatest party ever. Chin up.
- I had the mostincredible night.
- Tell me about it.
- I met someone.
- Tell me abouthim.- That's the problem.
I can't.- Well, what does he do?
- Don't know.
- What does he look like?- Couldn't tell ya.
- How in the world can you notknow what somebody looks like?
- Oh, he was wearing a mask.- Oh right, yeah.
The costume ball.
But you seem to have felta strong connectionwith this fella.
And you weren't ableto catch his name
or a phone number?- Well, it didn't come up.
He offered to get me a drink,the clock struck twelve,
and then I never saw him again.
- Hey, Uncle Rob.- [Ruby!]- So how was it?
- The ball? Or her?
- You know.- [She's amazing.]- What?
She's amazing. Thank you,Ruby, for making me go.
- No problem.
- I can't imagine what goingfrom being a lawyer to this
is like.- No. You cannot.
- But we're turningthings back around.
I signed you up fora continuing education class.
All you need is 25 hours,unless you've been arrested.
- Great.- You haven't beenarrested, have you?
- No. But who says I wantto be a lawyer again?
- You can say a lot of badthings about being an attorney,
but it's got to beat workingas a security guard fortwelve bucks an hour.
- Debatable.- Look,
here's a list of the classesyou need to go to.
- Not gonna happen.- Sam--
- Thanks for the attempt,all right?
- Sam?- What?
- You can do this.
- Maybe we could get some DNAoff of this crown
and put it in somesort of database.- Ooh, do--
Oh, you're kidding.- A little.
Not that I'm nottaking this seriously.
I am. Very seriously.- Okay, look.
I've crossed off the name of allthe people I know and then allthe people I can eliminate.
Those are the onesthat are left.
- I think most of these peoplework for Carter Higgins.
- Really? Are you sure?
- Seems that way. I thinkwe should call Higgins.
- Okay.
- [Higgins and Sons,good morning.]- Carter Higgins, please.
It's Elyse Samford.
- What did I do?- Did you talk to Elyse Samfordat the Ball?
- No. Why? Did she say I did?
- Does she know what costumeyou were wearing?
- No, nobody does. You saw me.I was totally incognito
so I could spy on the staff.Good idea, huh?
- I'm having a brainstorm.I'm going to need
150% from you on this.- You got it.
- Elyse? Hi,Emmett Higgins here.
I understandyou're looking for me.
A prince costume, yes.
Yep, that was me.
Where did I go?
Well, there wasan emergency
back at the office,my dad needed me.
You know how it is when yourfather needs you, you gotta go.
I've been meaningto call you, I just...
I didn't know if you feltthe same way that I did.
Well, so...
when can we get together?
Excellent.It's a date.
See ya.
- Hey, Dad,
I think I found him.
- See you tomorrow.
- Uh, yeah. See ya.
(soft music)
- So...
we have a lot in common,don't we? We both workfor our fathers...
- It's great being part ofa family-owned business, huh?
- Mm-hmm. It is.Oh man, it really is.
But it must be great beinghanded over the reins.
- It's a mixed blessing. I mean,I would have happily beenwilling to wait
if my father hadn't beenready to retire.
- Our dads were greatin their day, but...
fresh ideas can really infuse abusiness with new life, right?
Survivalof the fittest,
know what I mean?
Would you like to startwith some wine?
- Sure.
- I spent my junioryear in France
studying with one of the topvintners in the world.
I will handle this.
- You seem so differentthan the other night.
- Well, like wine,I improve with time.
We'll have a bottle of theLafite Rothschild 2000.
- Oh no, no, I...
That's over a thousanddollars a bottle!
- I know. And you...
you're worth every penny.
I feel a real...
connection, don't you?
- Did I seem tipsyto you at the Ball?
- No.
- No?
You sure you were wearinga prince's costume?
- 150%.- Okay...
Sorry, I just... hand cramp.
Hey, Dad.
- You're home early.- Yeah,
kind of a letdown, actually.
He wasn't reallywhat I expected.- Expectations, huh?
Is this fellow wortha second chance?
- I don't know.
He was kind of a jerk.
- In that case, you madethe right choice incutting him loose.
Be patient. As they say,if it's meant to be,
I'm sure you twowill connect.
- Night, Dad.
- Had her eating outof the palm of my hand.
- Perfect. Then help me convinceher to sell to Sanford.
- Sanford wantsto take over Samford?
Wait, did I saythat right?
- Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?
- Well, it doesn't soundfantastic for Samford.
- Maybe not, but it doesfor the Higgins. If we cantalk her into this,
well, you know, I'll havepositioned myself
so we can make a fortune.This goes through,
I buy a little island somewhereand you boys take overthe business.
You like that?- Yeah.
- Ah! Elyse, how are you?Nice to see you.- Good to see you.
- Did you get a beverage?Can I get you something?
- Oh no, I'm fine.- Well, have a seat.
- So what's going on?You said it was important.
- Yeah.
An absolutely amazing businessproposal has come in.
- Fantastic. Let's hear it.
- I have to tell you it'sa tremendous piece of news.
Are you ready?- I'm as ready as I'm gonna be.
- We have an offeron the table
to buySamford Candy.
- Sell Samford?I'm not interested
in selling Samford.- Just hear me out.
- It's been in my familyfor generations.
- There are major advantagesto considering this offer.
How much time you'llhave for more travel,
your charitableactivities...
You could remainon the board of Samfordand continue to have a say
in the matters thatare important to you.- What's important to me
is growing my family's business.- Elyse,
don't dismiss thisout of hand.
This is an extremelygenerous offer.
- Really? Who's making it?
- Sanford.
We're talking the kind of moneythat would allow you
to devote the rest of your lifeto making a real difference.
Promise me you'll think aboutit. I'll send you the offer.
Remember, you and Sanfordare the major playersin this industry.
Together,you'll be a behemoth.
- Well,
I will consultwith my father about it.
- Thank you.
As your advisorand friend of the family,
I highly recommendthis deal.
The economy is shaky,the future uncertain.
Samford may never be worththis much money again.
- Thank you.I'll see myself out.
- Have a good day.
Send Andrew in.
- Hey.
- Possible buyout of Samford.
Go through it.- Samford
is incredibly successful. Why inthe world would they wanna sell?
- You're not being paidto ask questions. Justlook it over, okay?
- The question is,
why is Higgins pushing this?Samford gets bought out,
he loses his biggest client.How is that to his advantage?
- Unless he's representingSanford, too.
- He can't be. That's a blatantconflict of interest.
- Too obvious.- Well, the whole thingsounds shady.
- So what are yougoing to do about it?
- I'm going to try to find outwhat's really going on.
- Anything we can do?
- Maybe. Let me get back to you.
Just, uh...
forgot something.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
Gotta find somethingto help Elyse.
Come on, show me something.Samford with an "m".
(vacuuming sound)
Caught you.- I just wanted to seehow much I remembered.
- Come on, Sam, admit it,this is helping you.
It'll be the only good thinghappening in my life.
- Why? What's wrong?- My boss is tryingto talk Elyse Samford
into selling her company and Iknow something dirty's going on.
I thought maybe he had a bigposition in Samford stock
and was going to cash in,but he doesn't.
- Higgins isn't stupid enough tohold a huge position in his ownname, it's too obvious.
Plus he's her counsel; it'sa conflict of interest.- Yeah, I know.
- Unless he's buyingSamford stock
under somebody else's name.
Ever hear of a stealth takeover?
You might wanna checkthe stockholders.
- How--
- Used to specializein mergers and acquisitions.
- Of course. Thanks.
Okay, so we needto identify the names
of the major stockholdersof Samford candy.
- 30% ofSamford stock
is institutionally owned,pension funds, things like that.
It's hard to findindividual names.
I got Joseph Burns,
Alexandra Teller,
Haro Sinanian,
RiGlo Holdings....- Fantastic.
Are there any more dumplings?- Now what do we do?
- Search Higgins with eachof these names.
- That's my girl!
- Nothing. We can'tconnect Higgins
with any ofthe shareholders.
- There's a Glogau.
- What's a Glogau?- Somebody's name.
It's a picture of Higgins'graduating class.
Yep, Rick Glogau.
See, just like the others,his name doesn't show upas a shareholder.
- What's the nameof that company again?- RiGlo Holdings?
- RiGlo Holdings! Rick Glogau!
I found him!
- So maybe Higgins hadhis old college buddy
buy a large position for himand is pushing Elyseinto selling Samford
so the stock goes upand he makes a killing.
- RiGlo Holdings has been buyingSamford stock for the lastcouple of months.
- Great day!- Not again.
- Sam, we found somebody
who's been buying big positionsin Samford stock.
- Can you prove Higginsis behind it?
- You know, you should reallyconsider a law career.
I need to get more information,but there isn't a lot of time.
- Pair of shoes.
- What are you doing?- That's her.- Who?
- The candy lady.
- Thank you so much.- Yeah, she's the lady
we were talking to by the candymachine at Plaza Bowl.
- She's the one from the ball.
- Ohh!- Wait.
Wait!- Hi.
I'm Ruby.- Yeah, I remember you.Hi, "Rob not Ray".
- Hi.- Do you want to bowl with us?- You don't have to.
We don't want to intrude.- That would be great.
I just came here to takemy mind off some things.
- I know what you mean.
- You wantto play for cash?
A little friendly bet?(chuckling)- Don't listen to her.
We usually just play for pizza.- Ooh. Anchovy and pineapple?
- Ew.- I'm just kidding!
Don't choke now.- I'm waaaay beyondreverse psychology.
See?- Ohh!
- Hey, you dropped your wallet!- Ha, ha, ha!
Boom! Did you think I was gonnafall for that tired old line?
Go, Ruby!
- She bowls to the right,she bowls to the left,
watch out now 'causeRuby's the best!
- (both chanting):Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! Ruby!
- Maybe I shouldfind a new sport.- Are you kidding?
You are absolutely the besttwelve-year-old bowler I know!
- Rob is the best uncle
in the world. He spendstons of time with me.
Not many single guysout there like that, right?
- Yeah, you guys are luckyto have each other.
- Yeah, it's great he has me,but what he really needsis a girlfriend.
(chuckling)- Don't mind her,she just thinks
I can't function on my own.- Well, you guys,
I've had a great time, but I amgonna have to hit the road.
- What about the pizza?
- I'm gonna have to takea rain check. Rob,
you know where to find me.- Hey...
Is thata custom Storm?
- Yeah. How did youknow that?
- A friend of mine had one once.
- Yeah, butit's not marked.
- Yeah, well...
Don't wanna keep ya!
- Okay.
See you guys.
- I can't believe you didn'ttell her you were the prince.- Thanks for keeping my secret.
- Why didn't you tell herthat your boss is tryingto cheat her?
- I wanted to.
- Then why didn't you?
- I can't really prove it.
Plus I could tell her andshe could not believe me.
Or I could tell her andstart a huge fire storm
and it could turn out she wasn'tgoing to take the deal, anyway.
And then I'd get firedfor nothing.
- Don't you always tell me to dothe right thing no matter what?
- It isn't that simple.
You ready for pizza?
- Not hungry.- Come on, you're always hungry.- Well, I'm not hungry.
- Come on, Ruby.
Morning.- If you want to know
how the class is going,it's filled with arrogantyoung shysters.
- So you're still going?- For lack of anythingbetter to do.
- By the way, I paid all yourdues, so all you have to do
is finish the classes andyou can practicing law again.
- You're a good guy,you know that?
- Not exactly.
- Rob, I'm telling youyou're a good guy.
Me. Sam. The guywho hates everybody?
Hey, Rob.
- Yeah?- (under his breath): Thanks.
- Did you actuallyjust say "thanks?"
- I may have. No, no, no,I don't do the hug.
Hey, hey! Ah!
Okay, we're good. We're good.
- Thanks. Thank you.
- Did you gothrough the offer?
- Why are we pushing her to sella hugely successful company?
I mean, if they sell,we could lose--
- Did you go through it or not?- I did.
But Elyse Samfordjust took over as CEO.
If they wanted to sell,shouldn't they have done itbefore her father stepped down?
- Tick, tick, tick. That's thesound of you wasting my time.
- I'm just thinking that--- You're not being paidto think.
- I'm not being paidto ask questions, I'm notbeing paid to think.
Then what am I being paid for?
- To cross the t'sand dot the i's.
- Do you even read, or did youthink you'd get a promotion
if it looks like you can?- I passed the bar my first try.
Unlike yourself, who stillhold the state record
for number of times failed.
But I guess when Daddy'sthe boss, it doesn'tmatter, does it?
- The cloud ate my calendar.- I'll take a look at it later.
Do you haveElyse Samford's number?
- If it didn't eatmy contacts, I do.
- [Hello?]- Elyse? It's Rob Carelli.
I've got to come talk to you.- [Okay.]
- Right away.
I struggled over whetherto come to you with this,
but I had to tell youabout my suspicions.
- If you're concernedthere's something going on,I'd like to hear about it.
Have a seat.
- It looks to me like Higginsis buying stock in your company
in someone else's name, bettingon the takeover going through.
- What makes you thinkthat's the case?
- Why else would hebe pushing this?
- Do you have anythingto prove that allegation?
- One of the major stockholdersis an old college friendof Carter's.
He's buying the sharesthrough a holding company.
- Can you prove the connectionto Higgins?- No.
- Carter Higgins has beenSamford's legal counselfor decades.
And I barely know you.
So tell me whyI should believe you.
- No reason in the worldother than the fact thatI have nothing to gain
by coming to you with thisand everything to lose.
But Higgins, if I'm right,stands to make a fortuneif you go through with this.
- But I don't know if you'reright. You don't even know
if you're right.- I know this is a big leap,
but if you could justlook into it further.
- You realize if I confrontCarter about this,
I'm going to haveto cite you as my source.
Otherwise nothing I saywill seem credible.
- I understand that.- You'll probably lose your job.- No probably about it.
- Then why are you doing this?
Why do you care if my familybusiness gets bought out?
- I...
The night of the...
- Yes?
- I just can't stand aroundwatching you get swindled.
- Well, thank youfor coming to me.
I appreciate yourisking your job.
I'm going to haveto think it over.
(whimsical music)
- I'm glad you told herabout the takeover.- Thanks.
- I'm proud of you.Is she going to stop it?
- I don't know. I'm notsure if she believed me.
- Is there anything elseyou can do?
- I'm out of options.My hands are tied.
- What if you told heryou're the prince?
- It's complicated.
Things don't always gothe way we want them to.
Life isn't a fairy tale.
Everyone doesn't alwayslive happily ever after.
- Ruby! Hey, whatare you doing here?
Are you alone?- We need to talk.
- Okay, come on.
- Ms. Samford.- Hey, Peter.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Peter.We won't be long.
- Furthermore,the plaintiff in the case--
What's going on?
- Carelli was absolutelynot at the Ball.
He was here working all night.Emmett saw him.
- My mom made the costumejust for him.
Rob was the prince at the Ball.
Rob is the one who fell in lovewith this lady.- He did?
- He really did.
- Well, that's ridiculous.The kid's obviously lying.
My son Emmett worethat prince's costume.
- You're the one lying.- Let's just get Roband Emmett in here.
- [Emmett? Get Andrewand come into my office.]
- Andrew,Dad's office. Now.
- [Carelli, get into my office.]
- I swear, Dad, I came back fromthe Ball and I saw him here.
You were workingall night, right?- I snuck out
and went to the Ball.When I overheard your fathertelling you to come back here,
I took off andjust beat you back.
- That's impossible! You'll haveto take his word or ours, Elyse.
There's simplyno proof. No proof!
- Little trickmy grandfather taught me.
- Ew.
- Your favorite bowleris Kelly Kulick.
You've bowled one perfect gameand you have the softestlips in the world.
- Hey! You're fired!
- I don't think you'rein the right pay gradeto do that, little brother.
- Dad, fire him!
- You can assume thatif he was lying to you
about who the prince at the Ballwas, then he's also lying
about his involvementin the Sanford buyout.
- That's it! Carelli,get your things!
- Why did I haveto find out from Rob
that Sanford was cybersquattingour domain name?
It seems to me if you werelooking out for my bestinterests,
you would have been awareof that a long time ago.
Unless of course you didn'twant me to know about it
because you knew Sanfordwas planning to try and buy us.
- I'm absolutely appalled atthose accusations, young lady.
- Carter,
I am firing your firmas counsel to Samford Candy Co.
I will have my new lawyer,Mr. Carelli,
send over a termination letterand collect all files today.
- Oh, and Mr. Higgins,you can expect a callfrom the SEC about this.
- Score!- You do not get to talkto my father like that!
You'll be sorry!- Emmett?- Yeah?
- Shut up.- Yes, Dad.
- Hi, Rob.- Hey, Sally.
you are looking good.- Stop.
- How's the new apartment?- It's more like a closetbut I'll do for starters.
- Alright,
"and associates." Ready to go?
- Absolutely.
Shall we?- We shall.
- By the power vested in me,I now pronounce you
husband and wife.You may kiss the bride.
- Ha! We got married.
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