Midnight Movie (2008) Movie Script

Mr. Radford, good morning.
Well, I know it isn't Grauman's
Chinese theater, but here we are.
Mr. Radford... this film has been part
of your life for almost 40 years.
It isn't going to be easy to let go of it.
I'm here to help you
every step of the way.
Patrick, start the movie now.
- Right away Dr. Cashin.
- Bill,
I understand you're
allowing Radford to see his film.
Uh, yes I am.
Are you sure that's wise?
His obsessions have only grown
during his confinement here.
Showing the film might just
be the breakthrough he needs.
Crazy bastard.
- Hey, can I have a hand?
- Sure.
Radford's film's like an infection.
It Taints his entire existence...
No offense Dave,
but you're almost as obsessed
with that filmas he is.
Well maybe you could delay
it so I could observe.
Look, he's already in the room.
I'd hate for him to be
transferred back at this point.
It would only rile him up.
Well, I'll get back as soon as I can and
then maybe you'll allow me to
observe your follow up session.
If you think it's absolutely
necessary doctor.
Wayne, your ride is here.
Good luck.
Oh my God!!
Rachael have you seen Kenny?
What's up?
The CO2 line was kinked again.
Ok, thanks but you really need
to get back up there.
It's almost midnight,
you have to be taking the tickets.
Sure, but it's not like there's
going to be a crowd.
Why don't we play something
good sometime?
I bet we could get a lot more
people to come...
if we had something they
actually heard of.
Well I totally agree with you,
but you know how Mr. Lambert is.
Yeah, Cheap.
Don't worry hon, Harley don't bite.
Not often anyway.
Yeah, how about after the movie
I take you on a ride around the block?
That's ok, thank you.
This toothpick give you a hard on?
Testosterone Babe!
It's a natural order of the universe.
Not Bad.
I'll take a large.
Sorry Timmy, I can't let you in.
Why not?
It's theater policy.
No one under 18 allowed without
a parent or guardian after 11pm.
You're not 18!
But I'm in charge.
No, you're not.
Rachel! Can you find Bridget?
Why aren't you at home?
Mrs. Kincade had to leave.
What was I supposed to do?
It's almost midnight.
You should have gone to bed.
I wasn't tired, so I thought I could come
see the movie and go home with you.
No, not this time. You'll get nightmares.
No, I won't.
Don't you remember what happened when
I let you watch Silence of the Lambs?
- I remember.
- Hey, come on.
Maybe next time little buddy.
You still cool?
Sure sis.
Kenny, I'll cover you here,
can you please take him home?
It's only 4 blocks Bridget, plus
what's he gonna do with my bike?
Ok, fine, but you need
to go straight home.
- Yeah...
- And text me as soon as
you get there so I know that you're ok.
Hey, little man.
I'm not little.
C'mon, that's not what I meant.
Okay so it looks like we're going
to need more milk duds.
Hey there.
Hi, what are you doing here?
Well, I figured that if you couldn't
come to me, I'd come to you.
I thought you had plans
with Mario tonight?
Yeah we did but you know
Samantha got off work early so
I convinced them
to come hang out here with us.
With us?
Josh I'm working, I cant sit and
watch a movie with you.
Sure you can.
Shouldn't you be taking tickets?
Let me manage for you tonight.
It'll give me a chance to prove myself.
Uh, I don't know.
You'll still be in the theater
if anything goes wrong.
Exactly. Give the kid a shot.
- I really shouldn't...
- C'mon.
So make sure that nothing...
...goes wrong.
- Yes!
I won't let you down.
So this is going to be great.
So tell me, did you plan this date
night to lessen the blow?
What blow?
I saw the envelope on your desk.
You got in, didn't you?
I don't know.
You don't know?
No I don't. I haven't even opened it yet.
C'mon Josh, you know you got in.
You mean I shouldn't go?
Josh, of course I think you should go.
It's not that, I just don't understand why
you have to go to a college in New York.
No, you could come with?
I can't come with you I have Timmy.
There are schools in New York.
Things just started
to settle down for him,
I can't just shake up his life
like that again.
You know a year ago I would have
jumped at the chance to get out of here.
Look Josh,
I don't want to hold you back.
No, Bridget, that's not,
that's not what I'm trying to say.
I want you in my life.
All right and if that means
staying here then...
...then I'm gonna stay here.
How'd I get so lucky?
I've come to suck your blood.
Late as usual.
Sorry. Sam had to finish sucking
more than my blood.
Know what I mean?
- Hey!
- What?
I heard that!
Jeez come on baby!
You know I'd lick the soles of your shoes.
This place is a dump!
I'm sorry.
It's fine. I don't own the place,
I just work here.
And besides, can you think of a better
place to watch a horror flick?
Yeah, but there's no stadium seating.
And the sound sucks.
All the better for an old movie.
You gotta be kidding me!
Black and white?
How scary can that be?
Detective Barrons.
You're not at your desk.
You're at the theater, aren't you?
- I'm off the clock.
- It's not about the hours.
You got to let it go.
He's still out there chief, I know it.
- I can feel it.
- No, he's not.
He got killed just like the rest of them.
Radford is the key
to what happened there.
Look, there were more than
Yeah well he was the only one
that was marked.
Yeah, I heard that story before.
Do yourself a favor.
Turn around and go home.
Well if it's no fun I imagine we could
figure out something else to do.
Rude! What is with you tonight?
- I was joking!
- Go! Go sit with Josh!
- Baby!
- You know you want to.
Besides you guys will probably talk
the whole time anyways.
- You sure?
- Go!
Hey All.
Hey Sully!
Mind if I sit with you guys?
Yeah, yeah. Go ahead man.
Horror movies just aren't
as much fun by yourself.
Really, they did a study.
You know the concession girl said
this movie's like 40 years old.
Yeah but it's going to be good,
You know I heard they actually killed
people when they made the movie.
Bullshit, that's just some urban myth.
No, it's true. Ted Radford.
The guy that plays the killer...
used to be locked up out at New Haven.
That place has been closed
for like 5 years.
Yeah because there was a massacre.
Some cult broke in and killed
everyone in the place.
See I heard it was a mass escape.
Yeah, well no one really knows
but they never found any bodies.
Ok enough please you're creeping us out.
The really scary thing is that Radford
was watching this very movie
when he was slaughtered.
If that was true I think there'd be
some more people here, don't you?
It's a cult film man.
Cult films don't draw crowds,
that's why they're called cult films.
Here you go.
What? I've got to start the movie.
Sorry, it's eight dollars.
Is your manager around?
I'm in charge. Can I help you?
Have you seen this guy?
Is he wanted or something?
Yeah, something like that.
If you see him, you just let him in,
and then you come get me.
I'll be in the back row.
- It's important.
- Yeah, I got it.
I gotta go.
Okay. Flip on the sound system.
All right. Run the film.
No, It's right by that rainbow.
You're missing it. It's right there.
Woodstock's in New York.
We haven't even left California yet.
Are you sure about that?
Yeah, where are we Bobby?
We were supposed
to hit the interstate by now.
- I know. I think...
- Look, there's a leprechaun.
Stop the van. I want to dance with him.
Give me a break.
You should give her a break Bobby.
That's strong stuff you gave her.
How was I supposed to know
she'd do it all at once?
Well she did and now you got
to deal with it.
You tell him, girl.
How'd that loser get three girls
all to himself?
Only in a movie, man.
Woe, woe, woe... what the hell was that?
Is everyone all right?
- Yeah.
- What d'ya hit?
- Nothing.
- Sure.
Kind of a weak set up.
Here's where the fun starts.
I swear. I didn't hit a thing.
I think it was the front tire.
Oh man, we got no spare.
How do you think
I got the weed for Joel's party.
- You knew I didn't have the money.
- You idiot.
Now what're we gonna do?
We passed a house a little ways back.
Maybe they have a phone we can use.
Well, You best get walking then.
Five bucks says the blond gets naked.
What? It's a horror movie.
Somebody always gets naked.
And then they die.
I say it's the black chick.
With our luck, it's probably
the dog with the glasses.
You didn't mind the trade when
we were baked out of our gourds.
Did ya, Monica?
- What, I can't eat?
- Dude, you're making us all sick.
Oh, man...
Something tells me that you're lost.
I bet you could use something to drink.
Uh... Okay.
I wouldn't go in there if I was him.
What kind of movie would you have then?
I don't see him anymore.
That house must have been pretty far.
Just be glad that he's the one
walkin' then.
Cause it's hot.
Taking that shirt off is one way
to cool down.
Can it college kids.
You're ruining the mood.
Uh... Do you think they'll be long?
Who's that dear?
The garage with the tire.
No, they won't be long.
Your obsession is starting to worry me.
- You're late Dave.
- Sorry.
Well, the least you could have
done was get us some popcorn.
You really think he's gonna show?
This is the first screening of his
movie since he disappeared.
If he's out there, he'll show.
Guys at the station...
all think I'm crazy.
Even the new recruits don't
want to ride with me.
Tell me about it.
If the board knew I was here,
I'd probably be fired.
I'm starting to think that they
might be right.
Yeah except you and I were there Doug.
They weren't.
Are you okay?
Duty calls.
You and I both now that Radford
is the key to everything.
All we have to do
is figure out how he did it.
It's been five years.
I don't... I don't know that we can.
Outside of the supernatural,
nothing makes any sense.
If he doesn't show, we may have
to resign ourselves to the fact that
we'll never know what happened there.
Hey, could I give you
a ride home tonight?
My boyfriend's picking me up.
You could call him and
tell him not to bother.
Yeah, dumb idea.
Syrup's out.
It's not my job to change it,
I'm management now.
I hate it down there.
Could you do it for me? Please...
If you let me take you home.
No. But I will let you see my new tattoo.
Where is it?
Let's just say that I can't show you here.
- What's wrong?
- I wanna leave.
I just want to go.
Just come find me in the office
when it's over.
Come on, it just started to get good.
Hey, hey Bridget.
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
Um... I'm just.
I don't know, I just,
I don't want to watch the rest.
Did you see that lady's arm?
It's just hitting a little close
to home, Ok?
I'm sorry. Come here.
I just don't feel safe in there.
Bridget, your Dad's not here.
Alright? He's only up here.
And you and your brother
are safe now...
'cause I promise
I'm not gonna let anyone...
hurt either of you
ever again. All right?
Jackie, you should get out of the sun.
She's fine.
Was that a car?
Let's hope it was someone
with a new tire.
That tattoo better be damn good.
Here comes another one.
This guys a goner.
Whenever they switch to a POV
like that, they're dead for sure.
- What?
- Who is he?
I don't know.
The guy with the tire, I guess.
You're in trouble now, buddy.
Please, let me go.
He looks familiar.
What other movies has that kid been in?
No! Stop! Please!
This is awesome!
There's not that much blood.
It's only the second kill.
It'll get bloodier.
It always does.
Come on baby, it's not that bad.
Speak for yourself. This is freaky.
You know... They say that scary
movies are anaphrodisiac.
If you get turned on by this,
we're breaking up.
I just don't understand why you
want to watch that kind of thing.
You saw somebody actually doing that.
Exactly! It's not real.
It's just a thrill, you know?
It gets your heart racing.
You face your fears.
Yeah, well, I guess it's just
different for me then.
No, no it's not.
Look, everybody likes to get
scared every once in a while.
Even you.
Think of it as a roller coaster.
Come on, you love those.
- Yeah.
- See see. It's the same thing.
I mean yeah, yeah they're scary but...
they're safe.
Even roller coasters crash sometimes.
All right, all right, you win.
But will you come back inside for me?
You can let go, be scared. It's okay.
Plus, I mean I like it when you're scared.
You uh, you grab on to me.
You make me feel important. Please?
Jesus, was that you?
God that reeks!
Why do you think he was at Newhaven?
By the time we got him,
he had abandoned
his own identity altogether.
He actually thought that
he was the killer from the film.
Do you think what happened was
his way to immortalize his movie?
No. Radford was a man
obsessed with scaring people.
The movie was just a vehicle for him
to act out his own depraved fantasies.
Jeez, I thought that was
supposed to be cathartic.
In Radford's case it only
increased his taste for it.
Damn scrumptious,
chocolate covered raisins.
Damn. Should have gotten the jumbo.
Where is that boy?
Something's wrong.
He's been gone too long.
You got that right.
You stay here with Jackie.
I'm going to figure out what's going on.
Hey, this isn't funny.
Mario, if this is you,
I'm gonna kick your ass!
Come on!
What's going on?
Why does the picture keep doing that?
This film is so old,
they're lucky it's even playing.
Where is this?
I don't know.
What the hell?
That was Sully.
The prank of all pranks.
- That's Sully up there!
- Yeah, yeah, I know.
He just said my name!
This is fantastic!
I didn't know the dork had it in him.
This isn't funny.
It is for us!
How's he doing that?
He was president of the A/ Vclub.
God, he's freaking me out.
Fuckin brilliant!
Hey! Will you guys keep it down.
It's not even the movie,
it's our friend up there.
How the hell did he pull this off?
- Let's go see.
- No, no, no, wait, there's more. Look.
Sully, you're brilliant!
If you guys don't shut up,
I'm gonna kick your ass.
Fuck you!
- I got, I got your back.
- Easy fellas.
Hey, butt out porker.
Worth a night in jail to you?
Sit down and relax.
You guys just keep quiet
and watch the movie.
Kenny, is that you?
Oh my God.
Yes, yes, he's with my son.
Why don't you come in and cool off.
See, he's doing it again.
That's it you little punk.
Josh, no.
- You want some?
- Guys, stop it.
- He's telling the truth. That's the lobby.
- Of this theater!
Hello? Hello?
How's he doing that?
I don't know, let's go see.
Dude, check it out.
Aw, Sully, we know it's you.
Where'd he go?
Oh, shit.
That's it. We're out of here.
It's not real.
No shit.
Where are the cameras?
I'm not gonna look like a fool
on some reality show.
We're getting punked you nitwits!
Fuck you, I didn't sign any release!
Hey, I need everyone out of the theater.
This answer your question?
Oh great, he's in on it too.
This ain't no TV show.
I need you to do what I'm telling you.
Is that a real badge.
Hey, son. You want me to spell it out for you?
That's real blood you're standing in.
Wait a minute...
Are you saying that Sully's really dead?
Look familiar?
How's it feel to be right?
I wish we were wrong.
Where did his body go?
Probably dragged him off
to chop him up or something.
What? It's what you were
thinking anyway, isn't it?
Did you have to say it?
It's not like Sully was a good friend
of mine or anything.
You're unbelievable.
There's someone in there!
I saw him! He was right there!
Come on kid, get up.
What are you doing here?
I can't believe Kenny let you back in.
I got in through your office window.
Come on.
Yep, it's locked.
Yeah, I tried that one too.
Great. So we can't get out.
You got it sister.
Does anyone have
a cell phone that works?
I don't have any bars,
but it worked before.
There are emergency exits.
- Shit.
- Wait, we're trapped in here?
We'll be okay.
We just need to stick together.
A single assailant rarely attacks a group.
So what do we do, just, just sit here.
Everyone back to the lobby.
Move! Come on.
I'm so sorry.
I really thought the lid was on tight.
It's alright.
Again, I'm terribly sorry.
Stay with us.
Detective, how do you know
there's only one killer?
Everyone quick, come here.
Gather round, all right.
There's something I need
to explain to you.
Five years ago,
in a psych ward in Newhaven...
I can't believe you two assholes
came here looking for a killer...
and you didn't arn anybody.
We had no way of knowing
this was going to happen.
Where's my brother?
Freeze Radford!
You move, I will shoot you.
Mr. Radford, it's me.
Everything's going to be okay.
You're going to be fine.
Just do what the officer says.
Let him go, Now!
Put the weapon down. Do it now!
They're gone.
What the hell is going on?
I hit him. I know I hit him.
I definitely hit him.
He must have been wearing
a bulletproof vest. Right?
Yeah, you should have
shot him in the head.
- Hey, I hit him!
- Bullshit!
- Hey, I hit him!
- Where's the body?
Look, it's the killer from the fucking
movie and he's here in this theater.
What we need to do is keep our
god darn heads.
What we need to do is get
the fuck out of here.
You're right. Come on.
I told you, it's the killer
from the movie and
he obviously doesn't want us getting out.
I didn't close the window when I got in.
So it's probably still open.
What window?
The one in the upstairs office?
Let's go for it!
I'm not wandering around this place.
Well we're not safe here.
Well I'm not fumbling around
in the dark.
Well then go sit on your ass
while we get out of here.
Mario, chill, she's scared.
We're all scared.
We'll get out of this.
As long as we don't turn
on each other. Okay?
I'm afraid of heights.
Well are you afraid
of getting stabbed to death?
Cause that's the alternative.
Look, anyone who can't get out
has to hope for the best.
- I'm getting the hell out of here.
- Just wait, wait.
Whatever the killer sees,
that's what's on the screen, right?
- It's his point of view?
- So?
So, can't we use that against him?
That's good. That's a great idea.
I'll stay back and keep a lookout.
If he comes back, I can warn you.
- Why you?
- Because if he attacks again,
- you're going to need his gun.
- Yeah, lot of good that did last time.
- You got something better?
- Josh.
Just go with them.
I don't want you to stay here.
I told you... No one's gonna
hurt you while I'm around.
Fine. Whatever. Stay.
Could the rest of us get
the fuck out of here?
Come on, girl. Let's go join the party.
Jackie, get up.
If you don't get up,
I'm leaving you here.
What is it Har?
If we keep going, we won't hear him.
Look, you guys keep going.
I'm gonna stay here and relay.
What are you doing Babe?
Go with them.
I'm not leaving you.
Babe, I'll be fine.
You know better than to argue with me.
- Get going.
- Yeah!
We're gonna be okay.
Hey, have I ever failed
to get us out of a jam before?
There was Boston.
Boston wasn't a jam,
that was a helluva party.
Babe, we're gonna be okay.
What was that?
Babe, it was nothing. You gotta relax.
I'm trying.
He's in the hallway!
He's coming!
He's coming!
I don't think they can hear me from here.
Oh, shit!
Come on, boy! Bring it!
- Harley, no!
- Come on, man.
What are you waiting for, let's go!
- What the fuck?
- Come on girls, go, go.
It's all right. We're fine. Go on out.
It won't open!
Go, get outta here!
I can't get them out!
You want her, huh?
You gotta go through me first.
Oh... you've brought another
friend home.
Holy shit, I barely got out of there!
You yellow piece of shit.
We saw what you did.
Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing?
This motherfucker left his
girlfriend up there to die.
- So you're just going to kill him?
- Yup.
You saw what he did to her.
Hey. No matter what you do to Mario,
that thing is still gonna come after us.
But we'll all feel better if I put
a knife through this piece of trash.
Nobody deserves that.
You had a hard-ass too, huh.
When our Mom died,
our Dad took it out on us.
Hey look!
What the hell is he waiting for?
Hey dickhead, we're right here.
I cannot believe I'm wanting
to get a cop's attention.
What the hell?
We're right in front of your face!
The killer doesn't want him to see us.
Open the door, come on, open the door.
It's all locked up.
Are you sure this is the place?
Stand by.
That is correct. Avenue Theater.
Well it looks like the party's over.
Barrons ain't here. No one is.
Miserable pig!
My bike is right there,
right fuckin' there!
It might as well be on another planet
for all the good it'll do you.
Look, we can't count on anybody
coming to the rescue.
It's up to us.
We're just going to die like
the others, aren't we?
If we give up, that's exactly
what'll happen.
OK. So what are we gonna do?
We're going to find a way to stop him.
What are we supposed to do to him?
You guys, what we're up against
doesn't make any sense.
It's totally messed up, okay,
you need to start thinking like that.
What would they do in the movie?
Oh, right, that'll work.
That's it! The projector.
We just stop the movie.
Out of the way.
It's locked.
Just like all the other doors.
What about the projection window?
Timmy could fit.
It's too high.
Okay, you guys start pounding this door
and don't stop until I say so, okay?
You know it's not going to open.
- Why are we... -
- Cause she said so!
Shut up, Mario.
You can do this, okay?
I won't know the way.
You're just going to listen for Harley,
he's banging on the door.
Ok? Come on.
- Bridget?
- You're okay, keep going.
Come on Timmy!
Timmy go!
What are you doing? I'm right here!
Come on, come on I'm right here!
Timmy open the door!
We did it! We got the son of a bitch.
Good work, little man.
Gotcha motherfucker.
Go, go, go!
Are you okay?
He don't like small spaces.
Because you're so big?
Cause I can't breathe.
He's gonna hear you.
That ain't helping.
- I swear I heard a scream.
- What are we going to do about it?
It's every man for himself now.
Hey, I'll remember that
when he's coming after you.
Hey, where is everyone?
The POV is gone.
He must be back in the movie.
- Why did I let Timmy go with them?
- Because you'd be dead if you didn't.
I smell fear.
Yes. There's a girl out there.
It's not her.
That's it. That's how he does it.
He feel when we're afraid.
Bridget, can you tell where that is?
Come on!
While he's busy with her,
we can try the window again.
It's not going to open.
Josh, we need to find my brother.
Get out of my way, kid.
Oh please, I don't want to die.
We're going to make it out of here.
- I shouldn't have let him go.
- No... no no no. Bridget,
we're going to find Timmy...
Wait here.
Bring it on you son of a bitch, bring it on!
I got your number pal.
That's right!
I can do this. I can do this.
I can do this.
Oh my God!
Where's Josh?
It's just us now.
Listen to me. Sit down.
You can't be afraid, okay?
That's a weakness.
He can't hurt you if you're not afraid.
You remember the secret place
where Dad could never hurt you?
The 2003 Cubs.
That's where you go.
Okay? So say it with me...
Sammy Sosa...
Sammy Sosa.
Good, go on.
Kerry Wood.
Mark Prior.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Carlos Zambrano.
He maketh me
to lie down in green pastures.
He leadeth me besides the still waters.
Moises Alou.
He restoreth my soul.
Troy O'Leary.
He leadeth me
to the path of righteousness...
Is there anybody out there?
Can somebody please help me?
Help... us...
I can't get in.
Oh my God!
I can't believe you're alive.
Bridget, you gotta... you gotta
get out of here while you still can.
What are you talking about?
You have to-
Bridget, look at yourself.
We're all like this.
We should be dead,
but for some reason none of us are.
I thought you'd never wake up.
I'm going to take my time with you.
Yes... I'd rather you be able to scream.
There's nothing that you can do
to me that hasn't been done already.
What your Daddy did is nothing compared
to what I have in store for you.
You're gonna wish you could die.
As I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil.
Timmy, wake up.
Come on. Wake up!
His story's bullshit and you know it.
Of course it is.
The kid saw something tonight
that has him scared to death,
so sure he makes up
a story to deal with it.
We ran the serial on it. It's his.
Okay. Put out an APB on Barrons.
What do you want me to do with this?
Tag it.
Well, don't worry.
He'll tell us what really happened