Midnight Son (2011) Movie Script

Deep breath.
I need you
to be honest with me.
You're show signs of cirrhosis. Your
glands are swollen. You're jaundiced.
Your body's telling me you're malnourished
but you say you're eating like a horse.
One of you is lying.
I knew this was a bad idea.
You may be developing some type of anemia.
I won't know until I run some tests.
What are the symptoms of anemia?
Feeling better?
Yes, a little bit.
You just fell right over.
Thanks again for helping me.
How old are you?
They say that human
body stops growing at age 25.
You're in the last stages
of something.
Like a...
turning into a butterfly.
I don't think so.
Want a blowpop?
A blowpop.
It's like a sucker but it's got gum inside.
Oh, yeah, sure.
Cherry, grape, sour apple or watermelon?
- Grape.
- One dollar.
Do you have any...
- Yeah.
- Reds, spirits, slims or malts.
Good choice.
Do you smoke?
And he called me a twant.
Then he wrecked my car and
now the fucker owes me money
and he's trying to say we're square because
I made him sleep on the couch for a week.
- You guys live together?
- Not any more.
I kicked him out after he started
to use my place to sell meth.
- How much does he owe you?
- $400.
Maybe you should just let it go?
You won't have to deal with it any more.
Maybe you're right.
You shouldn't let anyone
talk to you like that.
So what do you do beside
sell candy and cigarettes?
I... I bartend.
Catering, shit like that.
What do you do?
- Security.
- Day shift?
Sounds lonely.
I'm used to it.
You like working nights?
Yeah... yeah.
Sure about that?
I don't really have a choice.
Why not?
I have a skin disorder,
- I can't go in the sun.
- What do you mean?
I burn really easily.
Well, you are on the pasty side.
No, it's not like that.
The sunlight did that to you?
My God!
It's like you're a vampire.
Who is this?
From the other night.
Yeah, sorry, I didn't
recognize the number.
I'm glad you called.
- You are?
- I am.
What are you doing?
Watching a talk show about
a guy with two heads.
It's disgusting.
I can call back.
No... are you kidding?
What are you doing tonight?
naa... nothing.
There's a great band playing at Space Land.
Want to go?
- Yeah. What time?
- They go on at ten.
I'll pick you up.
- Yeah, it sounds great.
- OK.
Where do you live?
43 State Street.
And a half?
Yeah... It's a... It's a...
It's a basement unit.
- Hello?
- Hi, I'm outside.
- You're early.
- I know. I'm sorry.
I can wait if
you're not ready.
Or we could have a
drink before the show.
All I have is whiskey.
Sounds great.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I never have people over, so...
- It's great.
This is you, right?
God, you were so young.
I'll get the drinks.
You paint all these?
You're so talented.
- Yeah right.
- You are.
When I was little someone
told me that sometimes just
before the sun goes down,
it'll turn green...
for just a second.
I looked for it for so many years.
I never saw it.
So stupid.
No, it's real.
Yeah, right.
It is. It's called green flash.
It happens sometimes
right before the last part
of the sun disappears.
Caused by the same refraction effects
that make the red sunset.
Yes, it's rare, but it happens...
You just haven't seen it yet.
You ever see it?
Can I use your bathroom?
- Yes... it's just around the...
- I'll be right back.
Sorry the place is such a mess.
What just happened?
I... got a nose bleed.
No, I mean...
I'm sorry.
I feel weird.
You want me to leave?
I don't know, maybe I should...
Look, it's not like I do it all the time.
- This friend of mine gave it to me...
- I can't do this right now.
Hey, man.
What you looking for?
Hey, wait up, bro, wait up man.
I ain't going to bust you, man.
What you need in there?
Why you go busting that thing, man?
Ain't nothing but diseases and shit, man.
Rotten organs and blood.
Need blood, huh?
- No. - No, no. Hold on a minute.
Hold on, hold on.
I might have something for you, man.
Let's see what Santa's got in his bag.
Ahh... jack pot.
Here, bro.
Take it.
The hospital don't need it, man.
Probably expired or something.
Isn't this illegal?
It's just trash, man.
I can get some more.
It's going to cost you.
Another one of those about $150.
So you don't care?
About what?
What I'm doing to do with it.
Everyone's got their thing, man.
I make a trash run
this time every night.
Who is this?
It's Jacob.
- I'm calling from work.
- Oh.
Are you working tonight?
I watched the sunrise yesterday morning.
Thought of you.
You did?
Listen, the other night
That wasn't me... I...
- Sometimes I get nervous.
- Okay.
I mean it's not okay.
Everyone's got their thing.
What do you mean?
That they don't want other
people to know about.
What's your thing?
My favorite TV show is
America's Funniest Home Videos.
We can't hang out any more.
What's wrong
with your eyes?
Are you all right?
I'm not sure.
What are you drinking?
It's just...
just medicine.
What's wrong with your eyes.
I don't know.
- Take those off.
- No!
Let me see, okay?
You look okay now.
I do?
Has this ever happened before?
You want me to take you to
a doctor, or something?
Maybe you should leave.
It might be contagious.
- Fuck that. Let me take care of you.
- Look. I just wanna be alone right now.
- Wait. Let me walk you.
- I have to ask you something.
Can I have one of your paintings.
You got the money?
Get in.
Can't we just... do it...?
No, I wasn't expecting you tonight, so.
We gonna have to improvise.
Come on, man.
Let me help you.
Hey, that's what I'm talking about.
My little brother, Russell.
Where are we going?
Don't worry.
I'll get what you need.
Wait here.
And don't do anything stupid.
Whose house is this?
Hey what's he doing, man?
What the fuck is going on?
You're sick, man.
You should consider yourself lucky.
Dumb shit. Mother fucker.
Pleasure doing business with you, brother.
We'll see you again.
Real soon.
Woman Found Murdered.
You're early.
- What are you doing?
- Huh?
What are you doing?
That's my job.
You're security, buddy.
Human blood.
Human Whole Blood Products
Download our complete 2007 price list.
Yes, hello, I'd like to order
whole human blood, please.
This is my first time calling.
Ah... it's...
clinical research.
Are you Jacob?
We had a murder nearby,
a couple of nights ago.
You mind if I ask a couple of questions?
- No, come in.
- Thank you.
Talked to your boss, he told me you were
on watch on the night of the murder.
Yeah, I read about that in the newspaper.
Take any breaks, walk around the
grounds, leave the premises for any...
I take my breaks in the kitchen
in the back there.
That's a nice jacket.
I remember when I was at work
you had to wear a uniform.
Jesus, was that thing uncomfortable.
Do you ever take that off
when you're on duty?
No, why do you ask?
following up a lead.
One of our eye witnesses
said they saw a guy...
with a dark coat running around
with some kind of logo on it.
So you're sure there's
nothing you could think of?
No, I wish I could help,
but I didn't see anything.
Listen, if you remember anything...
just give me a call.
Yeah, I will.
- Hello.
- Hi, it's Mary.
I showed your painting to a friend
of mine who owns a gallery.
She said you're really talented.
You're kidding.
No. This is real it's a
great opportunity for us.
Well, she says if your paintings sell, then
I get a finder's fee? Because I found you?
I think you're sitting on a gold mine
here and you don't even know it.
- Oh yeah? How much?
- Thousands...
Per painting.
Don't doubt me, man.
I'll change your life.
She wants to see some of
your best. How about I come over...
tomorrow night and
we pick a few to show her?
This one for sure.
What would you call it?
I don't know this...
This one's really old.
Here... let me see it.
Wait... wait!
- My eyes? Are they?
- They look fine.
They're okay.
You're okay.
I'm sorry.
No, it's fine, it's just...
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
It's alright.
I don't want to hurt you.
I'm fine, I'm fine. Okay?
You don't understand I'm not normal.
- I want to be with you. But I'm afraid...
- That you're going to hurt me?
I understand.
Where's the gallery again?
Santa Monica?
You're going to have to sign in real quick.
What's the problem?
Sorry, everyone's gotta
to sign in after hours.
Give me a break here, okay?
- It's a new fucking day.
- I work the night shift.
- Whatever.
- Sir!
Hey, stop!
I'd like to include all of these in
the showing I have on Saturday.
- Can you believe that?
- No, it's happening so fast.
- She's amazing.
- She is.
I got fired today.
That sucks. Is that what
you wanted to talk about?
No... I...
just want to apologize
for being such an ass hole.
- Hey?
- What?
What was that shit you were
drinking the other night?
You know, you said it was medicine.
What's it for?
You know, maybe we
should just be friends.
You'll get your finder's fee.
So, I'll see you later.
Can anyone hear me?
Can someone open the door, please.
Hi. I'm sorry for making so much
noise out here I just...
- Is Marcus working tonight?
- Let me see if he's here.
Thanks. It's really important.
It's an emergency.
- OK?
- Okay. Let me see if he's here...
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
What the fuck are you doing, huh?
I'm sorry. I need...
Shut the fuck up you piece of
shit. You want to ruin everything?
Meet me at Southward
Avenue in two hours.
Fucking asshole.
And don't come back!
Russell, southside alley.
Yeah, man.
Not the front, the alley.
Yeah, now.
What the fuck, man!
Dude, this built like through
the drive-through? Huh?
So what now?
- Can't do nothing for you 'til next week.
- No.
You got to see yourself, kid.
After that little show
there for nurse Ratshit,...
I've got to be in my best
behaviour for at least a week.
I'll pay double.
Take it. There's got to
be something you can do.
We tried that shit, remember?
You didn't appreciate my creativity.
You know, you are one fucked up
mother fucker, man.
- Yeah, Fuck you!
- What?
What did you say to me, bitch?
Fuck you say?
Call my brother.
I'm sick.
I have some kind of disease.
What is it?
I don't know.
I think it's...
Talk to me.
It's anemia.
That's a... that's a blood thing, right?
Yeah, it's a blood thing.
So that's what the medicine was for?
Is it serious?
Why didn't you want to tell me?
It's just too much.
I'm such a freak.
I'm strong than you think.
Promise me you'll see a doctor, okay?
- Okay.
- I mean it.
I will.
I don't want to go in there.
Fuck it then.
We'll have our own party.
Get up.
Get up!
No, no, you stay. You move.
Where's my brother?
I don't know.
- Did you kill him?
- You know this guy?
Shut up!
- Please let her go.
- Answer my question!
You want to help her, huh?
You start talking.
Just go.
How did...?
Let me get this straight.
This guy shot your girlfriend at
point blank range... but she's okay.
You think you killed his brother,
but don't know where his body is.
The only thing you're absolutely
sure about, is that you killed her.
You're a nice kid.
You got no record...
No bad raps, nothing. It's like...
- It's like you don't even exist.
- I did it.
- What did you do to her?
- You guys have the body, right? - Yeah...
We have the body.
How did you kill her?
Okay, the truth is,
I don't remember exactly.
- So, how do you know you did it?
- I can't explain it, but I know it was me.
- Wait, you're not going to arrest me?
- No. No, I'm not.
But I am going to check
on your girlfriend.
If you want to help her,
you'll arrest me.
There's no evidence and you can't
remember what you did.
Most people who confess
to a crime can't tell the...
cops anything about it
because they didn't do it.
Come back when you
remember what happened.
She was burned?
- Go home.
- After sunrise?
What are you doing?
Promise me you won't leave this room.
You have to stay in here.
I may have infected you.
I don't believe you.
- You have to stay in here!
- Don't yell at me.
- I'm sorry.
- What's wrong with you?
Just promise me you're
going to stay in here.
Where are you going?
Did you kill that kid's brother?
He's dry, man.
I ain't so pretty no more, am I?
I have you to thank for that.
Old fart.
Didn't last very long.
You hungry?
You know, I was really
pissed off at you, man.
There's nothing worse
than waking up in the...
middle of nowhere with
half of your face on fire.
But I got over it.
Once I had my first taste,
I got over it real fast.
Want some?
You got to drop the morals, kid.
You ain't gonna survive with that baggage.
You're already damned anyway.
Pull over, Russell.
Look at them all.
Think they're happy?
Most of them are probably
staring at the tail lights in
front of them wondering
what the hell it's all about.
Why are they even here.
I saw it every day in that hospital.
A part of me wanted to help, but...
nothing did it for me.
Now there is.
It's going to be my fault.
What are you going to do, huh?
You going to stop me?
You know too many of my secrets, boy.
Now, you go and change your tune.
Or we going to have a problem.
Okay, okay.
That's what I'm talking about.
Look, man...
I don't want to fight you.
We all alone in this world.
Me and you.
It's stupid for us to fight.
Look... um...
Why don't you help me might as
well dump this mother fucker.
Maybe we can talk a little bit more
about how we can work together.
What do you say, Jacob.
Okay, boys.
Get to work.
- Marcus, I don't want to do this.
- Shut up, Russell!
Come on, man, it's just
too much. You got to stop.
Come here.
Give me the burner.
Give me the fucking gun!
Don't you fucking move!
What the fuck did I tell you nigger?
Everything's different now.
I ain't never going to stop.
You understand?
Wait there.
Help him!
Come on, man,
we ain't got all night.
- Your brother's crazy.
- Shut up.
This is what you'll be doing
the rest of your life.
Is that what you want?
Take a walk.
What did you say to him?
Fuck it!
Let's go.
Stupid mother fucker.
You leaving me here?
It'll be over soon.
You mother fucker!
Come on. Wake up!
I'm so hungry.
Jesus Christ!
What did you do to her?
Stand up.
Let me see your hands!
I'm arresting you.
That's what you want, isn't it?
Stand up,
you piece of shit!
Tell everyone.
Everybody got their thing, man.