Midnight Special (2016) Movie Script

Good evening. Thanks for tuning
in to your news at 6:00.
A breaking story for
central Texas tonight.
Police issued an amber alert
for an eight-year-old boy.
He was abducted from his home
near Eldorado, Texas, last night.
We don' t have a photo of him
yet, but this is what we do know.
His name is Alton Meyer,
he is eight years old,
white, with blue
eyes and brown hair.
- 4 feet and 8 inches tall...
- Its time.
...and believed this man,
Roy Tomlin, took him.
...he is said to be armed
and extremely dangerous.
If you have any information
please call 911...
Its time. Are you ready?
Better lose the bedsheet.
Attention all units for a
wanted person broadcast.
Be on the lookout for a 1972 Chevrolet
Chevelle, primer gray in color...
...bearing Texas license plate
159AG2 driven by two white males...
- Pop that open.
- ...and is heading on I-30.
Any unit coming into
contact hold and notify.
Hand me those goggles.
Kill the light, Alton.
Again no photos have been provided of
the eight-year-old boy, he is white...
...4 ft 8 inches tall,
weigh roughly 60 pounds...
...with brown hair and blue eyes said
to be traveling with this man...
...Roy Tomlin. Please call
911 with any information.
Stay with us after the break...
Did the ranch put this out?
No. This is something else.
Thank you, Levi.
What you do now...
...will decide our
whole way of life.
You have four days, to
get the boy back here.
He wont give him back easily.
But we must get him back
in time, you understand?
The Lord has...
...placed a heavy burden on you.
- Peace be to you.
- And to you.
Well begin with a reading
from March 17th, 2011.
Gulf Eclipse. And
the numbers came.
35, 47, 97, 52.
Buildings tower.
The light comes.
To know the source of such things
is to know our place in the world.
...are guided by a plan,
unknown to us, but...
Friends. These gentlemen are
from the federal government.
I suggest you listen to
them very carefully.
Please remain calm.
We are agents from the Federal
Bureau of Investigation.
We have a warrant to
search the premises
and detain all members of this ranch.
There are buses...
...waiting outside to transport
you to the campus...
...of Jefferson High
School in San Angelo.
Please exit the building
in an orderly fashion.
You' ll receive further details
when we reach our destination.
Are we good?
It's better to get
across state line.
Weve passed three counties.
Id like to slow down.
Alton, stay down.
Shes hurt real bad!
Shes gonna need an ambulance!
Shes got a bad head wound!
Shoot him!
Get back in the car!
Alton is more important!
Get back in the car!
- Shoot him!
- Ive got this...
Shots fired, officer down.
Send medical 10-18.
Country road 36.
One mile east of marker 87.
Everything is fine. Buckle in.
Its okay. Just
settle down, alright?
You want your comics?
He had on a vest.
You didnt know that.
You did the right thing.
Hes more important.
You didnt just shoot
a state trooper.
We had you under surveillance since
members of your ranch acquired...
...a sizable number of firearms over
the course of the last six months.
Do you have an
explanation for this?
Well, its not illegal to own
weapons in this country yet.
Whats the main
economic function...
...of your ranch?
We [...], cattle, dairy,
but they are not for profit.
We use them ourselves.
Hi. Hello.
Hi, sir. Agent Miller?
Hi. Paul Sevier, NSA. Nice to
finally meet you in person.
As I said, my name
is Paul Sevier.
I work for the NSA in the
field of communications.
Do these mean anything to you?
Ignore the rest of this.
Polo step?
Meridian Alpha?
Red Saber?
The number combination...
...53, 23, 77, 1, 27?
Yes. They are excerpts
from my sermons.
That particular one is from...
...a reading January 18, 2010.
Yes, it is. Did you write this?
What if I told you that words and
numbers contained in your sermons...
...include sensitive
government information...
...that, given the
dates you provide,
were transmitted solely by satellite
through a heavily encrypted format,
the decryption and
dissemination of which,
other than being
scientifically impossible,
would surely carry punishments
of treason that are so severe...
...the government probably
hasnt invented them yet?
They came from the boy.
It' all from the boy.
- Alton Meyer?
- Yes.
Okay. Well...
- We knew that.
- Hes your son?
- Do you know the birth father?
- Yes, I do.
Roy Tomlin.
So can you tell us how an
eight-year-old got this information?
He would have fits.
Can you explain that?
And speak in tongues.
Sometimes other languages,
sometimes unknown languages.
We wrote them down. They
became our scripture.
These are words of the Lord.
Or the Federal Government.
What is the significance
of Friday, March 6th?
We need to know where he is.
You all have no clue of what
youre dealing with, do you?
Ive prepared a room for him.
Alton, its wonderful
to see you again.
Yes, sir.
Are those windows blacked out?
Yes. It's cardboard
behind the drapes.
Well, I'll... Ill let
you all get settled in.
Thank you.
Kick your shoes off.
Get some sleep, Alton.
Night, Lucas.
Try and sleep.
Well have breakfast
when you get up.
Thats National.
- What about the State Trooper?
- Nothing.
I can't believe the
ranch released this.
I dont think they did.
Ill take first watch.
You need to sleep.
- You need anything?
- A drink.
You got it.
Im in this for Alton.
All the way.
Things with that Trooper didnt
need to go down like that.
Dont interfere with me again.
The details of that relationship,
extremely not clear.
I've got something
want you to see.
Has anyone else from the ranch
decoded the coordinates you gave me?
They only have the D.
The place is clear,
but I still dont have an
answer as to why that place.
Have you ever done any studying
on the concept of ley lines?
Well, their validity is arguable,
but I've gotta tell you,
- they never search...
- Elden.
Im tired.
Of course.
Do you miss it?
Living on the ranch.
Very much.
I got you. I got you.
I got you. I got you.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Things are break.
What kinds of things?
light bulbs,
cars are shut down,
that kind of thing.
It just got worse the
older he got so...
...they just started
lettin him sleep...
...in the daytime and
hed be awake at night.
Thats why our services
are all at night now.
And whats your
job on the ranch?
I help look after all of
Brother Calvins children.
Alton its been with
him, over two years now.
And the birth mother?
She abandoned him.
- Yes, Ive done it.
- Communing?
Thats what we call it.
To be clear,
a visible spectrum of
light came from his eyes.
Others have described
seeing things.
Did he show you things
during this process?
Well, what kinds of things?
I wouldnt know where to start.
And Friday, March 6th?
Why is this date important?
Its the day of our judgment.
What makes you say that?
I believe it.
It wasnt images.
Not what I remember.
It was more...
It was like a feeling.
...kind of feeling?
...what do you think will
happen on Friday, March 6th?
If Alton is with us...
...we will be saved.
Barbara Meyer?
Alright, I need
everyone to stand up...
...exit through the
front doors please.
Lucas, can you get
Alton in the van?
Were taking your van.
Please. Dont.
You know where were going.
I had to see again.
You knew better.
We need to stop for gas.
We could use some supplies.
Ill go in.
The less people that
see you the better.
I need to use a pay phone.
Whats Kryptonite?
It's the only thing
that'll kill Superman.
Its made up.
I should never let
you given him those.
Hes never seen a comic
book in his life.
Thats why he needed em.
Readings reading.
He needs to know what's real.
He looks weaker.
He is.
He recovers?
Hes fine.
He speaks Spanish?
Its something he does.
Turn on the radio.
Scroll through the stations.
Well be right back.
Stay in the van.
Yeah, were okay. We should
be there in a couple hours.
Are you okay?
I want to see you.
Well be there soon.
Why are you wearin
those goggles?
Stop! Stop!
Hes with me. Hes my son.
Yeah. Well, you have
to watch your kid.
Yeah. I got it. Thank you.
Everything okay?
You cannot leave the van.
You hear me?
Im sorry.
Its okay. I shouldnt
have left you.
Im sorry.
Lean your head back.
- Is he okay?
- Yeah.
Roy, do we need get
him to a hospital?
No. No. Just keep driving.
Is this something that he does?
It's okay.
It's okay.
Thank you, God.
Thank you.
Let me look at you.
You're so big.
So grown up.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Im Sarah.
How are you?
I missed him.
Come on.
You all must be exhausted.
Let's go inside.
I got a present for you, Alton.
I cant keep my eyes off him.
Get some rest.
He okay?
He doesn't look good.
Hes sick.
Hes getting weaker,
but hell be okay.
Should we do something?
Just stick to the plan and
get him there by Friday.
Do you think thats wise?
Its all we have.
This date and place
is everything.
We take him to a
hospital, its over.
If its between
that or him dying?
It's three days.
Hell make it.
I think hes right.
I dont know.
I dont know if theres a way out of
all this for yall, which is a shame.
Youd make a nice
family otherwise.
Im an electrician.
Certified in two states.
What do I know about
these things?
He wouldnt have asked you
if you couldnt do it.
Sometimes were asked to do
things that are beyond us.
Are you Sarah Tomlins mother?
How could someone cause a
satellite to fall out of orbit?
I don't know. Ask an engineer.
Alton Meyer brought down an Air
Force satellite last night.
- It was tasked with detecting...
- A nuclear explosion.
This is the last image.
Sent to us by the satellite.
We believe that's the boy...
...standing at the center
of that heat bloom.
Its not exactly a heat
bloom, but thats fine.
Whatever it is...
The satellites whole purpose
is detecting a nuclear event.
No radiation.
Could a drone be programmed to search
for that specific heat signature?
We've got a field office in Mobile
we can base your team out of.
What about the interviews?
Youre done with those.
Like it or not,
youre the new resident
expert on Alton Meyer.
Let's go.
Breaking news at this hour.
A weather satellite...
...fell from space and
crushed near a gas station.
This happened overnight
in Northern Louisiana...
...and as we speak a massive
cleanup is underway...
...because the debris field from
the crush is nearly 60 miles wide.
The Canadian company
that owns this satellite...
...says that it suffered
mechanical failure.
Can you tell Lucas to pull
the van around the back?
Roy asked if youd pull the van
around back when youre done?
Youre not...
...from the ranch?
No. No.
Then how you know Roy?
We grew up together.
We were real close
for a long time,
till his parents moved
them out to the ranch.
And then we fell off.
Until three nights ago there was a
knock at my door and there's Roy...
...standing there with Alton.
And says that they're in
trouble and they need help.
And Alton, sat me down.
He took those goggles off...
You know when that
boy does that...
That thing with his eyes...
Thats powerful.
What do you do in San Angelo?
Im a State Trooper.
What happened at
the gas station?
Did you mean to do that?
They were watching me.
Who was watching you, Alton?
The police.
How do you know its the police?
They talk like the
police on your radio.
What do they say?
Theyre looking for me.
Here's a receipt for
her car insurance.
Isuzu Rodeo. 99.
Theres a van in the driveway.
See if its got a
registration in it.
Breathe. Can you breathe?
- Roy?
- Pull over.
- Breathe.
- Pull over!
Breathe! Breathe!
Okay. Okay.
What is it?
- Mom?
- Im okay.
Water. He needs water.
He needs water.
We need to take him
to a hospital.
- No!
- Hes dying!
Hey! Hey!
- Hes sick, right!
- No!
- Hes dying!
- No!
He will not die!
- Hes meant for something else!
- Hes sick and he needs help!
We have to go. Theyre coming.
Whos coming?
You take the car with Lucas.
Dad, we have to go.
That way.
What the... Roy?
- Dad, are you okay?
- Yeah.
I can run.
This way.
How did you know this was here?
I didnt.
Sun will be up in a few hours.
We can wait out the
daylight here.
Im okay.
Im sorry.
I need something.
I need to be awake
during the day.
In the sun.
You cant.
I have to.
It could kill you.
I have to.
Hes not going to Atlanta.
All these places mentioned with
sermons, they dont matter.
They don't?
They just listening to
the government talk.
He's just looking for a
language to describe...
...a location an all he
heard was coordinates.
That's remarkable.
Now, they want to move us
to an office in Atlanta.
Doesnt matter.
- What?
- I know where theyre going.
Old habits die hard.
You still staying up nights?
What happened to
your head, Elden?
Roy will get him here.
If hes not dead.
Im sorry.
Roy wont let that happen.
Yeah, I hope not.
He believes in
something, you don't.
It doesnt matter.
Good people die every day believing.
Roy spent two years watching
another man raise our son.
He did what I couldnt.
Hell do anything
to get him here.
Get some rest.
Nobody is coming
with the sun up.
Its okay.
Its still daylight.
He looks...
He has something to tell you.
You look wonderful.
Its still a daylight.
No goggles.
Lucas. Want to sit down?
I saw the sunrise this morning.
I think I know what I am now.
There is...
There's a world...
...built on top of ours.
People live there.
I think theyre like me.
We saw it.
Theyre like you?
Yes. I think so.
I understand.
I believe you.
- You alright in there?
- Yeah.
I need to talk to you.
Its about tomorrow.
The world you saw.
It didnt last very long.
And then he got better.
What are you asking?
What if Alton doesnt
belong with us?
We need to consider that.
Come tomorrow,
he may be gone.
Im out.
So you've never seen a sunrise.
- No.
- You like it?
What color was it?
You just walked out...
No! No!
No. No. Please.
No! Stop! Stop!
Im sorry, Roy.
I didnt see them coming.
Back in the row, guys.
Hey! Asshole! Back
in the row, now!
Homeland Security. Someone has him.
Someone knows where he is.
The FBI have field offices.
- We start there...
- We wont find him.
Hes gone.
The only thing Ive ever
believed in was Alton.
And I failed.
Hello, Alton, my name
is Sharon Davison.
Im a childhood
development counselor.
I consult with the Federal
Bureau of Investigation,
but I am not in law enforcement.
I need to ask you
some questions, okay?
There was a crash at a gas station
you were at. Do you remember that?
Who is been with you
the last few days?
Have you been with your father?
Im sorry? I didnt hear that.
Who is that?
I want to talk to Paul Sevier.
- My name is...
- Paul Sevier.
Lead Operations Analyst.
They just gave me that title.
Who is this guy?
He's NSA.
The place that you and your
father were trying to get to,
whats the significance
of that location?
Ill only speak with him.
Okay. Everybody out.
Just get the information.
Okay. So where do we start?
Thats impressive.
You know, I have to say, Ive really
been looking forward to meeting you.
I think you're a weapon.
I'm not.
In the ranch thinks
you are their saver.
I'm not any of those things.
I belong in another world.
There are people there.
They watch us.
They've been watching us
for a very long time.
I need to go where I belong.
Where you belong?
- Hello?
- Is this Roy Tomlin?
I have your son.
Yes. Hes fine. Im
bringing him to you.
Do you have something
to write with?
You ready?
29 degrees, 4 minutes,
31 seconds north.
82 degrees.
41 minutes, 48 seconds west. Ill
have him there in two hours. Bye.
What about the
backup generators?
Theyve all failed. Ive
never seen anything like it.
And the exits?
We have three. The gates
to each one were opened.
We cant get them
closed without power.
- Let's move out.
- Alright, men.
You over there. Take that side.
Let's go, move it, move it, move it.
- Hey. Are you okay?
- Yeah.
I decoded the same patterns
you found in the sermons.
They know where youre going.
Everything will be blocked
up for five miles.
You won't get through.
I can help.
Come on.
Can I come with you?
Thank you.
Are those handcuffs?
I mean, obviously
they're handcuffs.
You're Lucas right?
The State Trooper?
Do you mind?
Alright, thank you.
Is it too much to ask you
to punch me in the face?
You know, forget it. Nevermind.
Thank you.
It needs to be tighter.
Get your arms up.
- Hows that feel?
- Good.
- Dad?
- Yeah.
Are you scared?
You dont have to
worry about me.
I like worrying about you.
You dont have to, anymore.
Ill always worry
about you, Alton.
Thats the deal.
Can you get this on?
Youll have to move
fast once we stop.
I understand.
There has to be a better way in.
Theres not.
We can do this alone.
Youve done enough for us.
Are you driving.
This is it.
You sure?
It has the fewest soldiers.
Get down on the floor.
Cover him up.
No room on the shoulder.
Theyve seen you.
Yeah, we know.
Dont shoot! They can
only return fire!
Were okay.
You are alright?
The steerings going.
That tread comes off those
tires itll get a lot harder.
Cant keep this up.
You alive?
Can we go back to Texas now?
You say here that he
got out of the car...
...with the birth
mother, Sarah Adams?
Where is she now?
Your guess is as good as mine.
- You think they just walked away?
- I didnt say that.
Well, then...
...just explain to me how,
with multiple types of
aerial and ground...
surrounding the area,
they could simply walk
away, undetected.
I dont know,
but if he didnt
want you to see him,
you wouldnt see him.
Look, I can tell it to you
as many times as you want.
My storys not changing
because its true.
You know.
You all saw the same shit I saw.
But keep ask me if you want to.
Im done.
Theyve sent in a specialist
to speak with you.
I suggest that you
answer him more fully.
My name is Paul Sevier.