Midnite Spares (1983) Movie Script

OK. We're at the barriers.
All's clear.
He's quiet. The starter's got him settled.
Jesus, who farted?
- Not me!
- Wasn't me!
OK. The lights are flashing.
He's getting up.
Stand by. Moving up to the barriers.
He's heading for the shit house.
We're under starter's orders.
So pull your finger out, upstairs.
He's gone.
We're off and running!
Come on. Come on. Let's go. Let's go.
Come on. Back it up. Back it up.
Alright, let's move it, fellas! Move it!
- Quickly! Come on! Come on!
- Come on! Come on!
Oh, shit!
Oi, that's it.
- He's got through! Hit it!
- Stop!
Hit it! Hit it!
Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Hey, there!
Come on! Get a move on.
Please, come back!
Check the Rabbit!
Hey, Rabbit!
Got yourself a new butt crack?
Rabbit, I thought we were going out.
We are out, doll. Hold the chook.
You're a star
You're a star
On your golden guitar...
And I know you'll go far...
You want an egg on this?
You're a star
You're a star...
How'd you go?
Got them.
What did you get?
Volvos? Fantastic.
Yeah, Volvos.
Ruth, your cab's here.
That's great, mate. You take care of it.
It only works if you speak English, pal.
Hang on.
I've only got one pair of hands.
Interested in
a little bit of... overtime?
Oh, give up, Wayne.
Jesus, you're smooth, Wayne.
Give us a kiss, hey?
Leave me alone.
You've got a way with women.
Now, what'll you have, lovey?
Burger with chips or chips with burger?
Aren't you working tonight?
Nuh. Rabbit's taken the night off.
In the truck with Janelle?
No, no, no, no.
He's got a van from work.
And Janelle has a babysitter.
He's got a suit!
Yeah, love you too, Wimpy.
I think That'll be for me.
Hello. Yeah, this is him.
Say, Night-night, Rabbit.
Night-night, Mummy.
'Night, Judy.
'Night, Rabbit. 'Night, Janelle.
The blue Mercedes? JHN 228.
Yeah. No, we'll make sure they steal it.
Yeah. But you won't get behind
with our payments there, will you?
Yeah, fine.
Good one, Wayne!
And no elephant
will want to marry you!
"And to help that
sugar-pink rose color along..."
Oh, Rabbit!
I'm sorry, Jan.
Oh, look!
That's going to have to come off.
Have you got a rag in here?
Your dress is destroyed.
That's going to have to come off too.
We're going to have to...
Come on! Let's do it! Quick!
Let's go back to my place. Mum's out.
What, don't you like my van?
Oh, yeah, It's just like a drive-in.
Lie down.
Hey, don't burn yourself, dummy!
Come on! Let's get out of here!
I love you, Janelle.
No, that's been there for a week, mate.
A banana bender.
You get that back open, boy.
Have you got a license?
Sure. Why?
Because I need it to write you a ticket
for parking on the freeway.
Open the back.
But there's no traffic.
Have you got an old man
who used to drive?
Yeah. Why?
Rego papers.
Over here.
Any drugs in there?
Does he buy or sell them?
Got papers for this thing?
Won't be staying long, will you?
Car like this. Bloke like you.
I'll have you inside two weeks.
What about his ticket?
Stuff his ticket.
We open at nine o'clock.
Doesn't anybody do any work
around here?
We're closed!
I told you bastards. Piss off!
Come on! Open up!
Look, you bastards...
Still a cranky bugger.
It's Steven!
Beat me dead!
Come and have a beer.
How long are you down for?
How's your mother?
How long has it been?
Well, you weren't giving me beers
then? Old Mum, she's OK.
It's good to see you, Steve.
How are you getting on? Where's Dad?
Not bad. Hang on.
Hey, Tomas!
Are you there?
Not today, boys!
Whose is this sprint car out here?
Is Ted back?
Not now, Rabbit. I'm bloody busy!
Where's Dad?
Your dad's not here, son.
Well, when will he be back?
I don't know.
The story around
is that we've gone broke.
And Ted's done a flit -
shot through to Perth.
We were going to team up.
He wouldn't go west, anyway.
- This place looks...
- Shit house.
Was he staying straight?
We're straight. Alright?!
That's our trouble.
We were just getting on top of it
when this insurance bloke
pulled the plug on us.
But he was staying away
from that business.
They put it on us, son.
And your dad... told them to shove it.
Alright! Who are you?!
No! No, no, no, boys. No.
It's alright. It's Ted's son, Steve.
That's Wimpy and Rabbit.
Have you come down to drive
that piece of shit outside, have you?
Yeah. Pick your nose with that?
No, we're brain surgeons.
You busy?
We're crew for your old man too.
When he's around.
- Hey, ugly!
- Where have you been?!
You owe me two bucks!
I pay you to be here at 8:00!
- One for the cheek.
- He's the Rat, Chris.
Are we going racing tonight?
Better get to sleep.
And leave the sprinter here.
I'm OK.
No, you're not.
Beat it.
Goes better on fire, does it?
Only with me in it.
Hey! We're in business.
ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.
It's a beautiful night for racing.
There's a little breeze, but all in all,
a balmy summer's night indeed.
'Race Car World'.
"Speedway Star'. 'Race Car World'."
OK. You blokes want something to eat?
Just watch the fuel gauge, Steve.
Just warm it up.
The track could be very greasy.
Hey. How are you going?
How's business? Got time
to watch the race and everything?
We're short on 'dogs.
Well, sell them chips.
You want something to eat?
Help with that hand, Wimpy.
And there's a special treat tonight -
the Speedway Queen finalists are here
with us to demonstrate their talents...
What do you think you're doing? Why
don't you look where you're walking?
It was bloody you.
Just watch where you're going!
G'day, darling. How are you?
I'm Wayne Grubb.
I'll be introducing you
on the track a little later on.
Look, will you...
Look, that's just perfect.
G'day, Janelle. How are you?
Looking good.
Hey! Wayne.
Come down...
Just leave her alone, mate.
Get off!
Look, Janelle...
Keep that smiling. Keep the smiling.
That's it! That's it! That's it!
Beautiful, mate. Beautiful.
- Pose for me! Pose for me!
- Piss off, will you?
We're trying to do something.
That's it!
Oh, G'day, Wimp.
10 hot dogs -
6 with sauce and 4 with mustard.
Speedway girls.
And here they are.
The finalists for this year's
Miss Speedway Queen.
Come on. Let's hear it for these girls.
They're working their arses off tonight.
First of all, let's meet
last year's winner.
There she is -
the beautiful Janelle Clapton.
Janelle, take a bow.
Hey, Janelle!
Show us your tits!
And she's from Sunshine Heights.
She wishes all the girls
in this year's group every success,
and she wishes they could all win.
That's a lovely thought.
OK, our first finalist is the beautiful
and tantalizing Miss Jacinta Sidebottom.
Take a bow. There she is.
Isn't she beautiful?
What a figure!
Makes your mind boggle, really.
Now, Jacinta's 18
and she's from Canterbury Waters.
She's a doctor's receptionist
and she loves music.
Actually, she plays
a bit of Spanish guitar.
In fact, she plays every Saturday night
at the El Toro Blanco.
She'd go better if she went on eight!
Eight, you reckon, Steve?
Don't you touch it! You'll foul it up!
Listen, why does everybody
talk filth around here, Tomas?
Doesn't anybody eat?!
Bloody cheap!
Oh, Steve.
This is a friend of ours. Ruth Mintos.
I know what it takes
for the drivers, mate.
Turn it off, Steve. Off.
Hey, Janelle! Over here!
See you all later on, OK?
At my place.
Do you know Sophie Mintos?
Yeah. She's my cousin.
Sophie Diaz. She's married now.
Jeez. We were at school together.
You start young down here.
Why are you so slow?
I guess
it's the weather up north.
Mustard or sauce?
Will you hurry
and get me a plug?!
What, are you deaf or something?!
Do you work here?
Raced here before?
No. First time.
OK, fellas.
Tum them loose. Send them out.
Hold this. Don't go away.
Grab it!
Well, there goes his concentration.
Are you working or jerking?!
God, now you've got his hot dog,
he's going to have to get serious.
Shut up.
Get set for top speedway action.
My name is Allan Edworthy,
and of course, as always,
our co-commentator
is Mr Wayne Grubb.
Thanks, Allan. We're all looking forward
to a big night of speedway.
I know I am, Al.
It looks a bit that way,
from all the top contenders lined up,
and we look forward
to a real fast night of racing.
- We certainly do.
- Mate, did you see those bikinis?
We're all set to go now,
looking closely as the cars come out
for heat number one.
OK, getting set to go.
Five laps, the journey.
The opening heat of the sprint cars,
brought to you by Bob Jane.
Looking for a start
this time, as they come off turn four.
Arthur Cowan has the green
at the ready.
OK. We'll try again,
as they run out of turn four.
Up comes the green.
They're racing now!
And Rush, Black law and Tatnall
all drive into turn one.
Steve Hall is there also,
looking for the way through.
Rush still the leader
as they run down the back fence.
Tatnall looking for
the outside run on Black law.
Guess what? Steve Hall's still there.
Go, Steve! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
Hall is there.
Black law. Rush still the leader.
Come on, you rat! Ping them!
With Rush leading.
This boy from Toowoomba
is boxing tonight!
Hall's on the outside now,
while Blacklaw's taken high up,
on the fence,
followed through by Tatnall.
Steve Hall's pushing it hard now...
Rush still the leader!
Hall's going for the big one
on the outside.
There's the black-and-white
at the ready, but Rush will win!
Hall comes in for second.
Hey! We've got a qualifier! Mate!
He can race like a rat.
Go for it, Steve!
Allan, it looks like the newcomer,
the 'Typhoon from Toowoomba' -
that's in Queensland, folks...
Tomas. I've got to go back to work.
I'll see you later.
Got to go back to work.
"Bye, possum."
Good on you, Steve!
You little ripper!
Bloody beaut, mate!
We're going to do it!
Who? Where is she?
She's gone back to work.
Hey, you qualified?
And you came second!
That's pretty good!
Well, how did it go?
Gone, mate.
She's gone?
Done a Cinderella on you, mate?
It's the Catholic in her.
If they're not home by 12:00,
it turns them into pumpkins.
Deaf Czech.
Tucker time!
Don't touch him, Wimp.
He's sleeping in.
Why'd you do that, mate?
We were going to let him sleep in!
Morning, star!
What are you doing?
Who are you looking for?
Haven't you got anything else to do?
You're looking for Ruth.
You won't find her.
You have to find her mother.
There. 'Mintos'. 'Min-tos'.
You're not going to talk to her
dressed like that, are you?
A match. A match.
Have you trod in something?
Hey, Wimpy.
Did you get me that fizzy stuff?
He's ringing Ruth.
Well, he doesn't need you
leering over him, does he?
Here. Out.
Get. Piss off.
- Hello?
- Hello? Ruth?
No, this is her mother. Who are you?
Steve Hall.
What do you want with her?
I wanted to talk to her.
Mum, get off the line.
What do you do?
Mum, it's none of your business.
Hello? Steve?
Yeah, look, I was wondering
if you were working today.
Oh, no. No, it's Sunday.
I'm sorry.
It's not your fault.
I was kind of hoping
you could show me around.
Yeah, OK. Sure.
OK. Well, I'll pick you up
in half an hour, then.
But I'll meet you
around the corner.
OK. Sure.
OK. See you later.
How did you go with Maria?
Ruth's mum. HOW'D you go?
I don't know.
She's a bit hard to make sense of.
What's this?
A little something
to tide yourself over with.
I can't take this.
Don't be stupid.
It's Ted's half for the month.
Don't worry, you'll be earning it.
And what are you doing today?
I thought I might take her around
and see if anyone's seen Dad's car.
Just you be careful
who you are talking with.
Alright. Off the duco. Come on.
Come on.
Who died?
I think I did.
Love is the law
The law is love
Love is the law
The law is love
The law says
The law is love...
Doesn't Tomas know
where your father is?
Tomas reckons he's shot through.
But he wouldn't do that
if he knew I was coming down.
So, where do you think he is?
I really don't know.
If I can find his jeep,
I reckon I can find him.
Sorry this isn't much fun for you.
It's OK.
Look, I'm having a go
at restoring this old jeep.
I was wondering if you had
any parts in lately. It's a '48 Willlys.
What's your game, son?
What do you really want?
I'm not in that funny business,
you know.
I'm looking for Ted Hall.
Have you seen him lately?
No, sorry, matey. Can't help you.
Wished I had.
Well, thanks, anyway.
Pantons would be the first place I'd try.
I've seen you down the track.
You're not bad.
Nearly as good as your old man was.
See you.
See you.
I bet this lot's got something
to do with midnight spares.
What's midnight spares?
They'll pinch your cars, strip them
and sell the parts.
Healthy-looking bunch of boys.
They ought to be.
They're my boss's best customers.
Hello. How are you?
Hello, sweetie.
Who are you with?
Well, my girlfriend.
Yeah? Well, it's trade only here, pal.
Look, mate. You'd be doing me a favour.
I'll pay cash.
Well, alright. What are you after?
Anything you've got for a '48 Willlys jeep.
Well, do you know anyone
who'd have one?
Hang on.
Piss off!
Friendly lot.
Hello. Is Daryl Vincent there?
Hey, Daryl. It's for you.
What do you think, mate?
I'll get you these parts
later in the week. At the right price.
Hello, boss. Alex here.
What's the story?
There's been a kid here
looking for a jeep.
Get your freckle out of your mouth.
Who is he?
Ted Hall's kid.
Ted Hall's kid.
I've also got some guys
out looking for that.
Listen, I've heard
Ted Hall's kid is in town.
Yeah, he is.
He was at the speedway last night.
Was he?
He drove.
Yeah? HOW'D he do?
Pretty good. He's pretty fast.
Well keep an eye on him for me.
Yeah, sure.
Hey, what's a room cost
in the people's palace?
Who lives here?
My Uncle Harry.
My dad used to work for him.
We live across the road.
Why don't you work for him?
'Cause if you're a guy of 17,
he'll give you finance on a panel van.
And if you're a girl of 16,
he starts organising possibles for you.
None of them any good?
- I'd rather have a panel van.
- Ruth!
You can have mine any time.
Call me when you get some curtains.
I love a rainy night
Just a beautiful sight... 7
Hey, any closer,
we would have been married, doll!
Take that, mate. Quick.
Pooh! Pooh, mate!
Get out of the cab!
Out there? It's wet out there!
Well, you fart in the cab,
you should get out in the rain.
It might give you a bit of a wash.
It's unfair, mate. It's not fair.
What's this?
What is it, Wimp?
It's a shit finder!
It's a shit finder.
You should have gone
to university, pal.
Hey? Perhaps an astronaut.
Look at this. Look at this!
There's nowhere to go!
Hey! Bingo!
Move it!
Out of my way, kid!
Are you alright, mate?
I'll be right with you, mate.
Don't go away!
Hey! Hey!
Pennies from heaven
So, when you hear it thunder... &
Are you alright, mate?
They all came at me!
You can't trust anyone these days, chief.
It wasn't my fault! I was surrounded!
They sure did get you.
Now, sign there, mate.
It wasn't my fault.
I believe you. I believe you.
Thousands wouldn't, though.
You big headed,
bloody pedantic prick!
Hey? I'm always bloody helping!
I've done it now!
Alright! I'll pay you back!
Get back in the cab!
Hey, Tomas!
We've got another one for you.
OK, boys!
Hey! Pull your head in!
Will you get down?!
Still talking to yourself, Tom?
Still talking to yourself, Tom?
Well, that way I know
I'll get a straight answer.
You silly bastard.
Still trying to do it tough?
Back to that nonsense, are you?
I love your tie, Vincent. Hate the color.
You can't keep it up yourself, you know.
I'll make you and that kid a good offer.
You're stuffed in this business
without connections.
Grey! That's your color.
One day you'll be on your own, Vincent.
And the dogs will have you.
You don't look too healthy to me either,
you ref fo mongrel!
That bastard knows something.
I'm bloody sure he does.
Don't get angry, Steve.
Get even.
You know what happened to Dad.
No. I think I know.
Knowing's nothing.
Proving - that's something.
Just let them think they're all sweet.
Right. See you later.
Hi, fatso.
Dumb slope!
Bloody dickhead!
Then he gives the camel
the electric blanket. You see?
- So, the camel's got it.
- Now...
Hey, there's King Farouk!
Still looking for his lady friend.
How much did it cost you?
Guess whose Mum's got a Whirlpool!
- Nice?
- Hey!
Keep away from that bloody truck!
Hey! Rat! Piss off!
You're a bloody criminal!
This calls for the stopper, Rabbit.
Jesus, Ruth!
Have you been mucking around
with the color on this thing again?
I didn't touch it.
It's bloody critical!
What's he do?
Not much.
Bonsoir, garcon!
You wait for this, mate.
Could I see the wine list, please?
And is the fish fresh?
- Hey!
- What was that?
What the hell's happening?
Come on.
I'll have...
three hamburgers with everything,
two 15 Inches of Heaven,
three cans of Fanta
and four doughnuts, please.
The usual.
And wouldn't mind a bite of
a Mars Bar if you've got one open, Ruth.
Nice job, this, boys?
Plenty of chrome in there.
Hey! He's stealing my car!
Telephone! Telephone!
Sorry. Out of order, pal.
Out of order.
Those blokes should stick to rickshaws.
You're a prick. You know that, Wayne?
Come on! You long streak of...
You two! Round the back! In the truck!
It was the red Charger, mate!
Sorry, mate.
You're a turkey!
Sorry, chief.
It wasn't meant for you.
Thought he'd lost us. Bastard.
Missed him!
He's stealing my car!
Yeah. He's stealing your car.
That's right.
Next time you see your nice red
Charger, mate, it will be a canoe.
Where's the train?
There's no train!
I've been looking for a van like this.
Stolen. Not this color, though.
Now, your brakelight's out.
You've got to be joking.
Is this really going to help
the poor buggers that lost their cars?
But I reckon you and your mates
could help all your wog friends...
by staying at home.
You're doing a lot of overtime, pig.
Alright! Good one, Rat! Split!
Raw pig!
What did he say?
Sucker, whitey.
Sucker, whitey!
OK, boys,
we've got another new job.
Number four, local car.
Everyone got that? Local job, this one.
Come on! Get into it!
Lo-cal, number four.
Everyone understand me?
Red Charger, local, number four.
All parts. Break down.
Come on! Move it!
Move your little noggy arses!
Come on! There's another one!
Hurry up!
Interstate, right? Bring it in.
This one goes interstate!
I want everything off it!
Now, get it right!
You may talk to Jesus
on his royal telephone
Central's never busy
Always on the line
You can hear from heaven
Almost any time
'Tis a royal service...
Well, don't look at me.
I don't touch the money.
It goes through the books. I've got
an accountant - a tax specialist.
Yeah? Well, 10,000 bucks just doesn't
sprout wings and fly away.
I'll get it.
No, I'll get it.
No, I'll get it, mate.
He's getting it.
Thanks, Howie.
Hey, don't you sometimes get a bit...
worried about all these noggies?
Nah, the dumb ones don't speak English
and the smart ones think
they're working for the CIA.
No, if they get out of line,
it's back on the boat.
Yeah, well,
the problem is with this Tomas bloke.
All we've got to do is get ourselves
another outside paint shop.
Well, sign up some more noggies!
Social workers crawl all over
that bloody ref fo camp. It's too risky.
Risky?! I'm the one
that's running all the risks!
I'm spread too thin, mate! We've got
to get ourselves another paint shop!
We need another outlet!
We've got to convince
that little ref fo bastard.
Or remove him.
Hey, we've put a lot into this.
I'm sure he'll come to the party.
I'm sure you two blokes
can work something out.
Good tucker, hey?
Shit house.
I like it.
That figures.
Hey, watch it, mate.
It's going to be your bedroom soon.
Did you fart?
I'm just a bit crook in the gut,
that's all.
Hey, where's our boy?
He's in love, mate.
Where's that?
He's fixing up some stuff in his caravan.
He'll be in later.
He's going over to meet her mum
and Harry soon.
That'll fix it.
How was it for the car, mate?
I don't know how you two
can eat with the same mouths.
You talk so much crap!
You'd do better for yourselves
if you shut up.
Bloody... uncouth Australians.
Tucker time!
& I was made
for loving you, baby...
You'd better call home, love.
Tucker time!
How's it going?
Up to... up to shit boozer.
Hey, Wimp! Did you know
too much sex makes you deaf?
Hey, Rabbit. Don't get any on you.
You get it? You get it?
Jeez! That's good!
Oh, cheers, love. Great.
Steve, what's a jolly jumbuck?
It's a sheep.
How did he stuff him in his tuckerbag?
There you go, Rabbit.
I tell you, Steve,
it's another language. Fair dinkum.
Looking good.
Hold it, now, Wimpy.
Over, over. Careful!
Steady! Steady!
Careful! Careful!
That's it, boys. Time to knock off.
What time is it?
Hey, Ruth.
Come on. We're late.
Your jacket.
We've got to go.
Oi! Hang on!
Alright! That's unreal.
So, now it's finished!
How do you like that?
Blimey! Team Rat!
Come over here
and have a look at these, Steve.
I like it! I like it!
- Have you got a small men's?
- Nice! Nice!
You're the rodent, you bastard.
I reckon I'll need two of these!
Hey! It fits me!
It really fits me!
Is that mine, is it?
- Right, Victor, take her inside.
- Come on.
Go on. Inside. Frank! No violence.
Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow.
It's OK, Frank.
Listen, go and talk to your mother.
I don't want...
Get inside, you little...!
Alright, fellas. It's alright.
You can go home now. Take it easy.
Get off, buddy!
Hooked up. Let's go.
Take a look.
Let's hit it.
Look, Mum, I love him.
Don't be so stupid.
You've only known him for a week.
Yeah, and I care about him
more than anyone else I've ever met.
You're too young to know.
Men are all shits. He'll use you.
He hasn't and he wouldn't try.
Queer, is he?
Look, he's the nicest thing
that's ever happened to me.
We're going out.
Maybe we'll get married.
I really hope we do.
And I want you to be happy for us.
You've got a terrible temper.
Well, I can't be all bad, then, can I?
Hey. I've sprung you.
Listen, get all those deliveries out
early this morning, alright?
Uncle Harry, can I talk to you?
You quit your job.
- Diaz Garden Artistry.
- Sophie!
Mr Diaz's personal assistant speaking.
Don't you ever sleep?
OK. Come in.
Well, what do you do?
I drive.
So does every mug around here
that works. What else?
I'm going to work Dad's business.
Well, that's a mug's game.
It didn't do your old man any good.
And all you'll be doing
is working for the insurance company,
and that's not working for yourself.
Here, give me a hand with this.
Now, take it easy. Don't break it.
It's the only one that's left.
Hey put them on there.
On there. Put them on there.
Look, I didn't come here
to talk about work.
Well, didn't Ruth's mum tell you?
We want to get married.
Has she met you?
But I just want someone to know
that we're fair dinkum.
Fair dinkum...
How can you be serious?
You're both kids.
We love each other, Uncle Harry.
That's more than a lot of people
start with.
Ruth, first you're asking me,
now you're telling me.
Yeah, we are.
Well, slow down!
Give up the driving for a while
and get something behind yourself.
Why should he?!
When Steve's on the track,
it's the other people that are behind...
Sophie, I asked for black.
Well, I didn't hear you.
Uncle Harry!
I've got nothing more to say.
That went great, didn't it?
That was good, for Harry.
Jesus. I'd hate to upset him.
He'll come round.
It's his new secretary.
He's not getting enough sleep.
Who is?
Well, let's start
the evening with a big bang.
And this wonderful firework display
is brought to you by...
First two heats are on the board.
Newcastle meeting is off tomorrow night.
Here comes the Mafia.
I have to change
these brake pads.
Change your underpants
while you're at it!
G'day. How are you?
How are you?
Listen, it's alright.
I've got your mother here.
She's on the hill.
It's OK. Really. She wants to meet him.
It's alright.
Listen, be patient. Alright?
Yep. For sure.
How are you, Harry?
G'day. How are you?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Sure. Don't get dirty, Harry.
What's the trouble
with you, Harry?
No trouble for me.
So, it's a big night for racing.
Settle back and enjoy
speedway at its best, right here...
The fastest circuit
on the east coast of Australia.
What's the kid like? How is he? Good?
Steve? He would give you
the shirt off your back.
You put this on. You'll get dirty.
- Come over here!
- Alright! Give me a hand.
Do you come to speedway often?
Have you raced here much?
Just once before.
Do you love her?
I don't want to take her away.
You couldn't.
She can't cook.
She'd kill you, the first meal.
See? I told you
it would be alright.
Hadn't you better
be getting back to work?
See you, Soph. 'Bye, Mum.
OK, they're all set
to go, and the line-up looks good.
So, it's over to Allan
for the actual start.
Thanks, Wayne.
They're forming up into rows of two.
We should have the start
next time around.
All eyes on the starter now,
the flag being held aloft.
Let's pick up the lights now
as they get set to charge.
Coming onto the main straightaway -
there's the green!
Racing now,
as they head up into turn one,
and the field is locked in tight!
Up with turns one and two.
Heading down the back section now,
and Rush again taken into the lead.
Now, as they squeeze off
the back section,
coming back onto
the main straightaway,
oh, gee, it's really tight now
with these race cars.
Into the 12-lap turn.
Kevin Worthington dives on the inside.
Also, now, as they run off the back
section, we can see Steve Hall in there.
He's gone! There's a big one!
A big one on turn one!
And there's a pile
of metal and cars everywhere!
All over the circuit now!
And there's the red light!
- I'll get your gear!
- Here! Catch!
Steve! Will he be alright?
The car's badly damaged...
Come on! Off of there!
Well, it looks like time's running out,
folks, especially for car 47.
And this is where
the pit crews demonstrate their skills.
With six laps still to go,
there's no chance for car 84.
But with two minutes to restart,
it's all hands to the pump
for those drivers
still stranded on the track.
What can I do for you?
There's a bit of talent there, Allan.
And it looks like the Typhoon from
Toowoomba has actually blown out.
Get it fixed, OK?!
30 seconds left to go.
Some teams go home early, and that's
the great thing about speedway.
20 seconds left.
No!! It isn't fair!
Just enough time
to get a Grubb's Heavenly Hotdog.
But, Wayne, isn't
the time always right for Grubb's grub?
It certainly is, Allan.
15 Inches of Heaven
that will fill a rumbling tummy.
Brought to you by the girls who care -
Carol and Sue Lee.
Jesus Christ!
I don't know
what's happening out there,
but this race is still alive
until the officials can clear the track
of this unauthorised entry
and the race cars can complete 10 laps.
With 5 laps completed
at the time of the stoppage...
Get your hat on
and get back in the race!
Rush, Black law,
Tatnall and... and, yes, Steve Hall,
whose brilliant crew have
managed to beat the 2-minute limit,
with, I might add, a little help.
And it looks like my co-commentator,
Mr Wayne Grubb,
could be doing a few laps himself
tonight, folks.
There's the all clear, however,
as the cars move away once again
to form up for the recommencement
of racing, into rows of two,
in preparation of greeting the starter
for the remaining laps of this event, now.
Forming up, as we pick them up
down the back section.
Looking for a start,
but the starter says no.
They form up down the back section.
Should get the green this time around.
Onto the main straightaway.
Racing now!
Arthur Cowan throws the green!
Up into turn one, it's wheel to wheel!
Right up high on the banks
and swinging down the back section,
early race leader is Black law,
but Steve Hall's on the move.
Steve Hall coming through
from the back.
Inside he comes now,
heading down the back section.
Getting set to run through
turns three and four.
Moves up to get Worthington
and goes right by Worthington.
On the inside now, and he's after
the early leader, George Tatnall.
Moves up to Tatnall now,
on the inside also, and goes by Tatnall.
And Steve Hall! Look at him go!
Steve Hall, off turn four now,
is slipping away!
Makes the final run
to the black-and-white.
And Steve Hall!
Hall crosses the wire first!
It's back, then, to Tatnall.
Next to cross the wire, Black law.
Further back down the back now,
the remainder of the field
as they cross the wire,
but Steve Hall with a convincing win.
We did it!
We've only qualified for the final!
- They probably know.
- Yeah, I put it back too.
- On you, Rat!
- I'm pushing! Christ!
You're a bloody thoroughbred,
Steve. Bloody terrific!
Garry Rush...
Rob Worthington, and the very
dark horse, the boy from the north,
the Toowoomba Typhoon, Steve Hall.
You're pushing it, Tomas.
You work for us or you don't work.
Not for as long
as my arse points to the ground.
Accidents can happen.
Get out.
If it was for me... But you see,
there's other people involved.
Get out.
And besides, you've got junior
over there to consider...
Just trying to be nice.
Sprint car drivers,
would you recheck the board
for your positions?
- Where's Tomas?
- I don't know.
- Hey. Where's Tomas?
- I don't know, mate.
Sprint car drivers,
the second series of your positions
is on the board.
Don't touch it. You'll fuck it up.
- You right?
- OK! Let's move it out!
Are you happy tonight?
I'd be silly if I wasn't, hey?
I don't know about you sometimes.
Neither do i.
Did you mean what you said?
Of course I did.
Are you alright, then?
I don't want you to take me home. Yet.
I want us to be together.
I love you.
Where are they going to?
I don't know, Wimp. Follow them.
Wimp, pull over here.
That's it. He's over 18.
He can do what he likes, yeah?
Her Mum's not going to like that.
Wimpy, would you just shut up?
Trouble. Trouble.
Christ, that's cold!
They turned the hot water off.
Are you always this warm?
Are you always this cold?
Sorry. Are you alright, mate?
I... just saw the van. I thought
you might have had some trouble.
Do you want some licorice?
A-are you taking Ruth home tonight?
No! No, I'm not!
Sorry, mate.
Where have you been?
Oh, nowhere.
Just stretching my legs.
It's cracked. You'll have to change it.
You'll have to change it!
You'll have to change your underwear.
Change your...!
Change his underwear!
You don't smell like a rose
yourself, Rabbit.
There's no races left in that one.
I just thought we could leave Dad's car
in one piece.
Do you want to race or what?
You won't win any races
sitting in this one.
Mr Tomas Hrvrka?
There's a lady on the phone for you.
Lady on the phone for you, Tomas.
Steve... about last night...
What about it?
What happened?
N-nothing. Doesn't matter.
What do you mean, doesn't matter?
We're with you, you mug.
Oh, both of us.
Oh, piss off.
I don't service people
on Sunday.
- What a nice guy.
- Who told you?
What happened last night, Wimp?
Where are you?
Sure. I'll be there soon.
I have to go!
Will you make sure
that those two get to mass on time?
Are you Mr Hrvrka?
What's the trouble, lady?
I've got something wrong
with the back wheel.
Oh, shit!
It's your lucky day!
We've got a message for you, mate.
Tell him, "Get fucked."
The boss wants an arm.
Don't push it too far or you'll end up
in the same place as your mate.
You killed Ted? You bastards!
- Called your mum?
- Yeah. She wants me home.
She's crazy.
You can come too, if you want.
I reckon between Wimpy and your mum,
we're better off here.
Quick! Get out! Grab the extinguisher!
Quick! Get out!
It's inside still.
Hold on.
Look. Three weeks work.
- Tomas!
- Look what I found.
Oh, God. What's happened?
I reckon we've got
some bastard worried.
Right. Move.
I thought we were going to
stick it up them.
If you're going to get even,
you'd better make sure
you get away with it.
This is nothing. This is just a taste.
Of what?
Steve, they've done Ted.
They've done him.
Listen, isn't it time
we stopped fucking around?
Where do we look?
It's Wayne. He's the spotter.
And he's the messenger boy.
See you later, Ron. Take it easy.
Which one of you bastards
killed my old man? Hey?
I don't know anything
about your old man.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Howard did it!
This is just a job to me!
Take your clothes off, would you, tiger?
What do you mean?
Is he in there?
How do we get in there? Come on!
There's keys!
They're no bloody good!
Where else?
- Come on!
- After the railway...
Come on!
After the railway crossing.
You go down a dead-end street.
You can get in that way.
Go over the sump.
Where's Vincent?
He's... he's at his lodge meeting
at the bloody leagues club!
Shit! Janelle's working there tonight.
Help! H...!
What are we going to do with you,
Kill him!
I've got my van!
Get it over with.
No-one likes a smart-arse, Wayne.
Shit, I didn't mean it, Wimpy.
- Come on! Come on! Come on!
- Hey! Wimp!
You're a star! I think
we should report a beached whale!
It's OK.
Come on, killer!
Where are you?
I'm bloody here!
Alright. What do you want?
Thank Christ you're here.
You can find him.
Find who?
Wayne! I can't find him.
He's disappeared with the paperwork.
Who are you dialing?
The police.
You can't. I've got cars going interstate
with no paperwork.
You'll find him, won't you?
I mean, you'll know where he is.
You're not going
to the lodge party wearing that, are you?
I've got my frock in the car.
His frock in the car. Jesus Christ.
- You're late! Where have you been?
- Where have we been?
They're onto us, mate!
They're onto us!
Why won't he ring, mate?
Where are they?
Where are they?!
Can't hear you.
Where are the rest of them?
Listen, you little ratbag bastard.
You and all your mates are off.
Do you hear that?
Think you're good enough
on your own?
Tomas, he's a copper!
Crawl, you dog! Crawl!
Get inside!
If anything happens
to those kids, I'll kill you!
You're dead!
You're dead, you bastards!
Grouped geographically.
If they're between 15 and 25,
they're like Africa -
half explored and half unexplored.
25 to 35, they're like Asia -
hot, torrid and mysterious.
35 to 45, they're like America -
streamlined, efficient, cooperative.
What's up? It pays for the babysitter.
like Europe - devastated but still good.
Jan... see that bloke?
That's Vincent. You keep him here.
For how long?
Call Tomas when he leaves.
But how?
Give them something special.
Hey? A bit extra.
Put your hands together,
with a big masonic welcome,
for Janelle Clapton!
A clap for Clapton!
I love you. I love you. I love you.
And respect you.
Hey, that was a man.
They'll talk. I want out.
Not if they know what's good for them.
Now, pull yourself together!
We've got a party to organise.
Steve, Pete.
- And Joe.
- A good night for it.
- Up there.
- You can get booked for this.
Shut up, Rabbit.
This is serious.
Why do I have to stay here
and look after the phone? Hey?
- All aboard!
- You right up there?
Tomas has got hands.
One hand, anyway.
Get it off now!
Everyone still on back there?
Go back and shut the gate!
Move those little noggy arses!
It's alright.
It's alright. It's outside.
Get out!
Stay where you are!
It's nothing! It's nothing!
Stop, you bastards!
You little fuckers!
Hey! I've got to know what's going on.
I'll drive. You're drunk.
- Stay and fight, you bastards!
- Jesus Christ!
Oi! There's a ramp
at the other end! They're getting away!
- Steve! Go the other way!
- Block the ramp!
Get him!
They're coming through!
Behind you! Look out!
Trying to be smart?
Watch this.
Rabbit! Back up!
Wait for it!
Hey! Come on!
Here she comes!
Get out! Get out!
Out of the way, Wimpy!
I want this one.
Come on. Get the cars in.
Stop! Hold it!
Pete! Eddie! Over here!
We don't have to go in there.
We don't have to know
anything about it.
Neither does anyone else.
Well, I'm finished with it.
Everyone's going to know.
They'll know at the lodge.
My bloody mother-in-law will know...
Oh, shut up, you weak bastard!
All they know is
they're your best customers!
Well, I'm finished with it!
Listen, you wimp.
We didn't set this up so you could
piss off whenever you liked!
Now, get a hold of yourself.
Holy shit! Is that one of ours?
- Stupid bastards.
- I'm getting out.
Hey, Howard,
I'd better go with Dazza, I think...
Jesus Christ.
Shut up.
How do you roll this? It's a bloody heap!
I think it's time
we cleaned out the can.
Where are you going?
I'm... I'm coming too.
I'll sort out the dough.
What are we hanging around here for?
To tidy up your mess, sweetheart.
Oi! Fuck-knuckle!
Stupid bastards.
Hey! Out there! Hey guys!
Hey, hey, guys. I've got money.
Come here!
I've got money!
I've got money! We can do a deal!
Hey, come on. Come on.
No, don't be stupid, fellas! Hey?
Come on!
Come on!
Just give me a minute!
Bloody stupid bastard.
Oh, shit!
Leave some for the shit to stick.
Boys, we'll be having an all-night party
at the panel shop.
- Steve!
- He's back!
You take my car.
Oh, Steve! Are you OK?
You and Ruth have been
out all night, holding hands.
It's over?
Yeah, it's over.
I love you.
Love is the law
I The law is love
Love is the law...
Are you alright to drive?
Where am I driving to?
You're driving home.
Where's that?
Wherever we're together.
Hey, Rabbit!
One on the target for true love?
Yes, Wimpy.
I tell you the truth
One day you'll wake up
with tears in your eyes
A tooth for a tooth
A tongue for a tongue
And a lie for a lie
Love is the law
The law is love
Love is the law
The law is love
Love is the shock
Of having somebody
Who steals from me
Love is the lock
And you and me, baby,
we've got the key
Love is the law
The law is love
Love is the law
The law is love
The law says
The law is love
Out of my hands
I'd give up my soul
My whole body too
Just understand
I know what I want
I know what to do
Love is the law
The law is love
Love is the law
The law is love
The law says
Love is the
is the price
Love is the price
I'll have to pay for you
Love is divine
Fixing me down
I cannot stray from you
Love is the law
The law is love
Love is the law
The law is love
Love is the law...