Miekkailija (2015) Movie Script

During the Second World War
Estonia was in turns occupied
by Germany and the Soviet Union.
At the end of the war,
the Soviet Union invaded Estonia,
starting an occupation
under the rule of Joseph Stalin.
Estonian men, drafted by the Nazis,
became Enemies of the People,
hunted by Stalin's Secret Police.
Haapsalu, comrades!
We're arriving!
Many young people would do
anything to live in a big city.
Like Leningrad.
- You didn't like it there?
- No, I didn't.
Why is that?
I've... always preferred smaller places.
You should enjoy working here then.
Political Economy...
- You're still training?
- No. Not anymore.
Not really an activity for the
working man, wouldn't you agree?
- Next, please.
- To Leningrad.
- Where?
- Leningrad.
Booth number three.
- How many minutes?
- Three.
- Hello?
- Endel?
- Endel? Is that you?
- Yes.
How've you been?
It's not exactly what we trained for.
They came looking for you again.
- What did you tell them?
- That you're training in Saratov.
Listen. Whatever you do,
don't stick out.
Do everything as you're told.
You hear me?
I hear you.
So how's the job?
School. Kids. What do you think?
You need to focus on something,
- On what? There's nothing here!
- One minute left.
Endel, listen...
Time's up.
I'll call you later.
Take off with both legs.
Like him.
What was that?
You need to jump!
Comrade Nelis!
I have to remind you
of your additional duties.
- You have not started yet?
- I'm sorry, I...
I'd hate to report
that you are coming short.
We don't want that, do we?
I wish you a pleasant weekend,
Comrade Nelis.
Goodbye, teacher!
- Good morning, teacher!
- Hello!
Sports Club.
Skiing on Saturdays
I hope there'll be some snow, too.
Me too.
I just wanted to say that...
I'm really glad you're taking them skiing.
It's a small place,
not that much going on here.
Yeah, of course...
I have to go now.
I'm Kadri, by the way...
- Good morning!
- Morning, teacher!
Excuse me, could you tell...
Good morning, Comrade Nelis.
What can I do for you?
We are missing some equipment.
Our skis. I can't find them.
Oh yes! We share our sports equipment
with the Military Airbase.
Didn't I mention that?
No, you didn't...
Well, I do now.
Was that everything?
- Yes.
- Good!
With all due respect,
how can I run a sports club
without any equipment?
I really don't know.
I couldn't say.
You have the degree from Leningrad,
not me.
What are you doing?
- Practicing.
- What are you practicing?
- Is it difficult?
- Yes, it is quite difficult.
Could you teach me, maybe?
I wanted to go to ballet school,
but we don't have one here.
- What's your name?
- Marta.
- I can't teach you, Marta.
- Why not?
Because there's no point
in fencing alone!
Wait, little girl... Marta?
Come here for a second.
Take it. It's yours.
Thank you, teacher.
All right, let's break it up!
No hanging around in the corridor!
Sports Club.
Fencing on Saturdays
I want you all to come over here.
Form three... four lines.
Make sure you have space around you.
Just form four lines.
One behind the other.
My name is Endel Nelis.
Some of you know me already.
Be quiet when I'm talking.
Hands out of your pockets.
I will try to teach you
how to fence.
People usually think it's all about
thrusting and getting hits.
It's not.
The most important thing in fencing
is a precise sense of distance.
This is a foil.
In the old days it was
a deadly weapon used in duels.
One hit and you were dead.
So unless you want to get killed,
you need to know exactly
where your opponent is.
And you need to move fast.
When I'm talking, you look at me!
I want you to do exactly as I do.
When I move towards you,
you step away.
When I step away,
you move toward me. Understood?
On guard!
Right foot forward, left foot back.
And keep your knees bent.
Like this. As if you were sitting.
Not like this.
And no giggling!
Your right hand in front of you,
your weapon hand.
And your left hand like this.
And not like this.
Don't scratch your ear!
Attention! All your attention is
focused on me.
You're lagging.
You don't need to rattle.
You move easily and quietly.
Quicker! Move it!
Teacher! Will these do?
Can't make them any longer, can we?
- Do you need any help?
- No.
Keep your distance! Shoulders down!
I don't want to hear any noise
when you move. Look.
Like this.
I'm lifting my feet,
but I'm not stamping.
Got it? On guard! Go!
Keep your distance!
And where's your hand?
Easy! There's no hurry!
hoping to hear from you soon.
Come, young man!
Good sour cream! Pickles!
- No, thanks.
- Good sauerkraut! Made it myself!
Try it! It's vitamins.
- And how is it?
- Delicious.
- So, will you take some?
- No, thanks.
- Take some for your girl.
- No need. Thank you.
What do you mean?
Do you come here often?
- Well, it is the way to...
- School. Yes, of course.
Can I buy you a cup of hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate?
Sorry, they didn't have
any hot chocolate.
That's all right. Tea is fine.
- How do you like the school?
- Fine. Just fine.
I don't like it.
Quite frankly, I'm not good with children.
I can't get things explained to them.
You just have to be really patient.
And repeat things over and over again.
They really try, you know.
They're so proud of the fencing.
It's good to have them
focus on something,
keep them occupied.
It takes their mind off things...
If you want to become a fencer...
If you at least want to fence,
you have to try harder.
You have to want it more.
We need to go over
some basics one more time,
because quite a few of you
are not really getting this yet.
This branch is your weapon.
You need to hold it
as if you were holding a real foil.
You take a firm grip.
But don't squeeze.
Your elbow has to be in line
with the tip of your weapon.
- What's your name again?
- Jaan.
Come here, Jaan.
On guard!
Now point at me. I'm here!
Think of your weapon as an extension
of your arm. Turn your elbow in.
Turn your elbow in!
Why aren't you getting it?
Is it really too complicated or what?
Again! On guard!
Bend your knees! More!
Look where your back foot is!
It has to be in line
with your front foot!
Where's your left hand?
You're standing there like a stick!
You'll never learn if you don't
pay attention! On guard!
Back foot
has to be in line with front foot!
What's an extension?
Jaan! Where are you going?
Come back.
- Come on. Let's go back.
- I'm not going!
- It's no use, I'll never learn!
- Calm down. I'll teach you.
How could you! You're no good yourself!
- What?
- You wouldn't be here with us,
if you were any good.
Look at me!
I give you my word I'll make
a fencer out of you.
Comrade Nelis, someone's here to see you!
Are you the school's new sports instructor?
- I am.
- I believe you teach my grandson, Jaan,
fencing. Is that right?
- Yes...
- I might have something for you.
I attended the University
of Leipzig before the First World War.
Received my doctoral degree there.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- And this, Jaan, is for you.
- Thanks.
Put it on.
- Can you breathe?
- Yes, I can.
Marta, come here.
- Who won?
- I did.
Jaan goes to Tiiu,
and Marta will fence Lea.
Be careful with that.
Good boy.
- Marta!
- Wait! Hold your horses!
You remember the parents' meeting
on Friday?
Of course.
You might reconsider the fencing.
Excuse me? - I was hoping to inform
the City Educational Department
that the fencing was temporary
and we're going back
to more traditional sports.
- I see.
- That would be best for everybody.
I gave you my permission, but it was
for a sports club, not for fencing.
I don't think the parents
will approve, either.
But we don't know that
before the meeting, do we?
No, we don't. But then again,
this is not Leningrad.
We're not at some prestigious college.
Things are different here.
You'll see that eventually.
We have one more item to cover.
It has to do with the new
sports club here at our school.
Comrade Nelis. Please.
Thank you.
We started at the end of this winter...
And have been practicing
for some time now.
Would you mind telling us
what you are practicing?
We practice fencing.
I have some two dozen
boys and girls in the club,
not all of them attend regularly,
but considering the short time,
we've made good progress.
So, with your permission,
I'd like to continue teaching them.
- The children...
- Thank you, Comrade Nelis.
Am I the only one who feels that this...
Relic of the feudal times is not
quite suitable for our children?
I agree. The club is not solely for sports.
Everything we teach at our schools
has a political meaning.
The choice of this particular sport
might be misunderstood.
- Our son really likes it...
- That's not the issue here.
I suggest that we let
the sports club continue,
but that in the future Comrade Nelis
will concentrate on sports
that are better suited
for the proletariat.
Since nobody else wishes to comment...
May I...
There's nothing particularly feudal
about fencing.
People have always fenced,
with sticks and spears and swords.
Did you know that...
As a young man, Karl Marx was a fencer?
Thank you for sharing this with us,
but I strongly suspect its authenticity.
If I'm not mistaken,
we have two competing stands.
I suggest we take a vote.
Very well...
I don't have to remind you
that whatever stand we take here today,
our decision will be made known
to the City Educational Department.
I suggest you all consider the
options with care.
So, those in favor of the fencing,
please raise your hands!
Where's your reaction?
You're out of shape.
- Where's this?
- Trudovye Reservy.
- You don't recognise it?
- Oh yeah.
Here. Take it.
What's this?
They need a sparring partner
for somebody,
you wouldn't get to compete.
But maybe later you could...
- Novosibirsk?
- The farther from Leningrad the better.
You'll leave with me tomorrow morning.
As soon as we get to Leningrad,
you'll travel on to Novosibirsk.
I can't. - Someone's been
making inquiries about you.
Who? The Secret Police?
No, it's not them this time.
What is it?
- I've got a favor to ask of you.
- Yeah?
I teach the kids fencing and the
equipment we have is next to nothing.
So I've been thinking...
If we could join the Spartak,
we would get funding...
An all-Soviet sports organization?
They'll want to see documents,
ask questions! Are you crazy?
Your life is at stake and you worry
about kids! - But what should I do?
I just want to live a normal life!
Oh, Endel, you are naive!
Someone's after you,
and you want to live a normal life.
Dear passengers,
we leave in two minutes!
I'm listening.
Goodbye, teacher.
- Goodbye.
- Teacher, someone's asking for you!
- Who?
Some men.
I'm calling from Haapsalu
Secondary School Number Two.
I sent you a letter earlier
asking about one of your athletes...
Yes, very impressive,
we can be proud of him...
- Is that Secondary School No. 2?
- Yes.
You Comrade Nelis?
Endel Nelis?
Go upstairs,
I'll be there in a moment.
There seems to be some confusion,
or maybe I misunderstood something...
Thank you. Goodbye.
What's the matter?
We have a delivery for you.
Watch out!
Thank you.
- What's in them, teacher?
- How would he know?
- Are we gonna open them?
- Of course we are.
Give me a crowbar.
It's heavy.
There are masks here!
Teacher, a letter for you...
"Dear friend, It's all second-hand,
but I thought you wouldn't mind.
I wish you the best of luck!
- What is it?
- Just a letter.
That's correct. Good grip.
Bend your knees.
Margit, would you put the kettle on?
Right now?
We have a guest.
Well, can I get you anything?
Vodka, or Georgian cognac?
No, thank you, I don't drink.
Margit. If you please...
I'd like you to go and see
what you can find out
about Comrade Nelis.
I've written down
a list of places
where he used to live,
before he moved to Leningrad...
- Keller?
- Oh yes.
Comrade Nelis has changed his name.
He was originally Endel Keller.
Your right leg starts moving.
See how I'm doing it. Hand, leg...
One more time.
Lower your shoulder.
Hand up. Very good.
Teacher, guess what Jaan found!
- Well?
- My grandfather did.
- Where is it?
- Where'd you put it, Marta?
I just looked at it,
I gave it back to you.
- You didn't.
- Tiiu's got it.
Tiiu, come on, bring it here!
See! A tournament!
- Where?
- In Leningrad!
Teacher, what's Nelingrad?
It is an all-Soviet tournament.
There are teams from big cities,
Moscow, Leningrad...
They have a lot more people,
facilities, equipment, everything...
They can pick and choose their teams.
And they will choose their best.
We're not going then?
There'll be other competitions.
In a couple of years time,
you'll be much more prepared...
What is it? You forgot something?
- You won't even let us try!
- It's not that simple, Marta.
It is! We wanna go,
but you won't let us!
- Look, Marta...
- You think we're no good?
No, that's not it...
- Why then?
- It's not that you're not good.
You are good.
But it will be tough. We've been
practicing for a very short time.
And you're not quite ready yet for...
As grandpa had heard from his grandpa,
many a king's sons had tried
to get through the slubbery...
- Shrubbery.
of rose.
- Are you Jaan Kask?
- Yes.
Are you part of that fencing club?
Is your grandfather in?
You listening? Is he in or not?
Don't go!
Listen to me. You're a man now.
Support your mother
and don't worry about me.
Become a good fencer,
then everything will be alright.
Got it?
It's me, Endel!
There's a tournament in Leningrad
and I...
Who do you want?
Could I speak to Alexey Petrovich?
He's not in. Who's asking?
Just tell him it's a friend...
- Do you have a message for him?
- No, that's all right.
I don't know...
One moment...
It's long distance from Leningrad
to Comrade Nelis!
- He's not here yet...
- I know!
But someone's gotta take this call!
- He just keeps calling and calling!
- I can't...
One moment! His very
good friend is here now.
Who is this?
What are you doing here?
I talked to your coach...
- Alexey?
- He called from Leningrad.
What did he have to say?
He said that under no circumstances
should you go to Leningrad!
What did he mean by that?
Why can't you go there?
What's there in Leningrad?
It was...
It was during the war.
I'd just turned eighteen.
- I got drafted.
- By the Germans?
We all were.
All my friends and schoolmates.
We were all in the same unit.
Later on, we ran away
and hid in the woods.
In fact, we were lucky...
Well, I was.
At the end of the war,
when the Russians started coming,
I managed to sneak out.
I got to Leningrad and started
using my mother's name...
You can't go there!
It's too dangerous!
I feel as if I've been running
all my life...
And I'm tired of it.
So instead you want
to be sent to Siberia to die?
What should I say to the children?
What should I tell them?
I can't let them down!
- They trust me like a...
- A father?
Yes, like a father.
Do you know how many of them
have fathers?
- Have you asked?
- Yes, I have!
Toomas' father is dead,
and so is Marta's!
She looks after two little ones,
while her mother works two shifts!
Jaan's father is missing and
now they took his grandfather!
I saw their faces when they heard
that their fathers will not come back.
That wasn't even the worst part.
It was the endless, useless waiting!
You can't go!
Maybe that's why I need to go...
Kadri, wait...
What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?
- Practicing.
You shouldn't stay here this late.
Does your mother know where you are?
She's at work.
What do you find the hardest?
What do you have to practice the most?
I think... The circular quarte.
Get your mask.
Go get your mask!
Very good.
I've got something to tell you.
I've chosen the team for the tournament.
But we thought we weren't going.
That's what I thought, too.
But we are. You deserve it.
- So who's going?
- You...
And you too, Jaan.
And Lea.
The team will have three members
and an alternate.
That's what the rules say.
And the alternate...
Is Marta.
I told you! I knew it!
All right, let's get to work,
we've still got lots to do.
Step forward and thrust.
Those by the window will begin.
So, everything ready?
Thank you. Let's go.
Go on in. Jaan, take these.
I'm coming right away.
- The train will leave!
- I'll be right back. Go on in.
I made you sandwiches
for the road.
Thank you.
I'll be back soon.
Endel, come!
I have to go.
Dear passengers,
the train is leaving in two minutes!
I have to go.
- Your school?
- Secondary School No. 2, Haapsalu.
Estonian SSR.
Hold these for a second.
- Do you have electric foils?
- No.
- What should I do? I'm leaving
your team out.
- No, don't!
- I will. Where were you from?
- I'll get the equipment.
- Would you lend us your weapons?
- No, I'm afraid we're up soon.
Excuse me... Would you
lend us your weapons?
- Come on! Quickly!
- Wait up!
- You can take our weapons.
- Excuse me...
Our series is not on until tomorrow.
I happened to overhear your conversation.
- Shirin Petrosyan, Yerevan.
- Endel Nelis, Haapsalu.
Get downstairs and take
the equipment with you!
- All of it?
- Yes! Hurry!
Quickly, put these on!
The Hero City of Leningrad
is represented by
Secondary School No. 148.
Can you manage? I'll help.
From the capital city Moscow
please welcome last year's champion,
Secondary School No 117.
The city of Krasnoyarsk
is represented by...
All good. Go!
The city of Tashkent is represented
by 49th Secondary School.
The city of Minsk is represented
by 82nd Secondary School.
The city of Kiev is represented
by 79th Secondary School.
And the last team is from...
Haapsa... lu...
Secondary School Number Two.
First bout:
Voloshin, Kiev - Kask, Haapsalu.
Don't let anything bother you.
Everything is the same as usual.
That's right.
Behind the starting line.
Do as he does. Salute.
Put your masks on.
- Ready?
- Ready.
Go on, Jaan, go on!
Halt! Attack right, touch left.
Everything's as we have practiced.
1-0 for Voloshin.
Just get started. You're doing good!
That's right, Jaan! Attack!
Very good, Jaan!
Kask wins 5-3.
- Good boy!
- Next up, Boyko - Pihlak.
You, focus!
Distance, Toomas!
Don't let her make you run!
Attack left, touch right.
Pihlak, Haapsalu, wins 5-1.
Very good, Lea! Keep the distance!
He's got a long arm,
don't let him get close.
Good girl!
- Attack right, touch left.
- It's good! Keep calm.
4-2 for Romanov.
Ready? Fence!
Attack left, parry-riposte right,
thrust left.
Romanov wins 5-2.
The results from the preliminary
round will be posted shortly.
We made it!
We got into the next round!
Really? Well done!
I'm really proud of you!
Lea, I'm proud of you, too!
The direct elimination round
will begin shortly.
Would the teams, please,
proceed to their assigned pistes.
Piste number one: Secondary
School No. 52, Tashkent.
Attack left, parry right.
The score is 2-2.
Thrust by the fencer on the right.
I'm just doing what is expected of me.
It's a sound principle
and it has put me where I am in life.
- What about the children?
- You needn't worry about them.
That's why I'm here.
As for you, you can still just walk away.
It's the Soviet Union, a big country.
They might find you,
but then again, they might not.
You're not my problem anymore.
Attack right, parry-riposte left.
Thrust right. 3-3.
Ready? Fence.
Where've you been?
It's the final match!
- We're fencing for gold!
- Jaan just evened out the score!
Don't go away anymore!
We don't want to fence alone.
Halt! Off target!
Kask, put your mask on.
Very good, Jaan!
That's right, tie him down!
Attack - touch - point!
Kask, 4-3!
Doctor, please.
This hurts, too?
Your turn, Marta.
- Why me?
- Cause you're the alternate.
Look what he did to Lea.
I don't stand a chance!
- You'll just have to keep score.
- I can't do it!
It's just 15 seconds.
Just don't let him
control the distance!
Go and fence!
That's what you came here for!
Romanov, Moscow -
Mikk, Haapsalu, Estonia.
15 seconds left. Ready?
Don't fall back too much!
Over the line.
You fell back over the line.
You can't do that anymore.
- Time?
- 4 seconds left.
Four seconds to go.
Attack - touch - point!
- Time?
- 3 seconds.
Three seconds to the end, Marta!
Time's up.
We're drawing priority.
Romanov, Moscow gets priority.
What does it mean?
If you don't score within a minute...
They'll win. Don't worry, everything's alright.
Extra time, one minute.
Your masks.
Don't rush! Defend!
Mind the rear line!
Attack - touch - point!
5-4 for Haapsalu!
Well done!
- Where's Endel?
- He was just here.
Well done!
On March 5th, 1953,
Joseph Stalin died.
Millions of prisoners were
gradually released from labor camps.
Hello, Marta!
Endel Nelis died in 1993,
two years after Estonia's independence
and the fall of the Soviet Union.
The fencing club he started
still exists today.