Miel de naranjas (Orange Honey) (2012) Movie Script

In compliance with articles
we argue the following:
One: On the morning of February 28th
pamphlets of a subversive nature
appeared throughout the community
inciting citizens to participate
in a general strike
through work stoppages
and resisting the government.
Actions taken by the forces
of the Civil Guard
have revealed a clandestine
Communist committee
in existence for some time,
Jose Jimenez Castro
as Secretary General,
Manuel Lopez Mallo
as Administrative Secretary
and Luis Ortiz Campos as Secretary
of Agitation and Propaganda.
Two: The authors of the crime
previously described
are the aforementioned defendants.
Three: No extenuating circumstances
exist limiting their liability.
Four: Therefore,
in the name of the Law, we request
the defendants be put to death.
As Chairman of this Tribunal,
I hereby close the proceeding.
The court will now deliberate
and render its sentence.
Court is adjourned.
Good lord what mulerazos.
Now that's bullfighting.
Nobody else can compare.
He was by far
the best bullfighter
That final thrust...
He's so smooth
the animals don't even notice.
They go straight down.
Yeah, with blood gushing everywhere.
Don Eladio, we're talking about
the bullfight in Madrid.
You enjoy watching a bull die?
We should do like the Portuguese.
Let the bull live.
Private, keep playing that piano.
What are you waiting for?
Keep typing-
Yes, sir, your Honor.
What should I write?
That's up to you.
Just keep making noise.
So people outside can't hear us,
- Yes, sir, your Honor.
- Good.
"Under the cited articles
according to Military Law
enacted on the 17th of July, 1945
and authorized
by the Chairman of this Tribunal,
we find the defendants guilty
for the crime of rebellion
and sentence
Jose Jimenez Castro,
Manuel Lopez Mallo
and Luis Ortiz Campos
to be put to death.
Firing squad ready!
At ease!
Nobody enjoys doing this, Enrique.
But we must be strong
or we'll be in deep shit again.
Soccer this Sunday.
I got tickets for the match
in Seville.
Me? I wouldn't be caught dead
in that stadium.
Come on, the tickets
cost me a bundle.
You prefer third division now?
Betis is the best, no matter what
division they play in.
Oh, yeah?
It's your loss, dimwit.
- Damn.
- For your daughter.
You're okay for a Seville fan.
Let's go!
I want to be smart!
Here to see your mother?
How's the courtroom?
How many have they killed
this week?
Leave me alone.
There's nothing I can do.
Your brothers would roll over
in their graves if they saw you.
You'll complain after
that your stomach hurts.
What are you doing?
Don't eat that.
- It's for reading.
- I want to be smart!
Sit down, Augustin.
- I want to be smart!
- Spit it out.
Stop ripping up books.
Want me to get mad?
- Hi, Mom.
- Son...
Any news from the front?
Nothing has changed.
That guy over there says
the war ended yesterday.
What if it's true?
I have oranges for your brothers
and your father.
They love oranges.
Hi, Enrique.
She's in better spirits lately.
Yes, she's more communicative.
Probably the new medication.
It works just as well
but it's less aggressive.
How's the army going?
Well, normal for a place
like this, I guess.
Frasquito's dancing on the roof
again, saying he'll jump.
Enough with the piano already.
I can't take all the music.
Come here.
- Yes, your Honor?
I see you're good at office work
When you've completed
your military service,
I'll put you in a civil courtroom.
Well, sir, my uncle Luis
is saving a job for me
in his office.
So I can work while I begin
my teacher training.
Teacher training?
You want to be a teacher?
- Yes, sir.
- No.
No, son. You'll never prosper
in life that way.
In a courtroom you can be promoted
to an official.
You'd start at 7,000 pesetas.
What can a teacher make?
I hadn't thought about the salary.
What...? Damn it!
You have to think about that,
You'll have a family
of your own soon, I presume.
Your Honor has a visitor.
Hi, Uncle Eladio.
If I'd known you were coming,
I'd have sent a car to the station.
It's not far.
I felt like walking.
- Anyway, are you okay?
- Yes.
- I didn't know you were coming.
- Hi.
This is only the first part
of the surprise.
I'll have someone take
your suitcase home.
- I brought you chamomile.
- Thank you. Always thinking of me.
Here, I'll come with you
and request a car for you.
Come on.
The walls are in bad shape,
but the rest...
We can plaster and whitewash them.
You're too quiet, Enrique.
Do you like it?
Of course I do, it's just...
They're giving it to us,
just like that?
My uncle insisted on being
the godfather.
Once he sets his mind
on something...
Yeah, I'm getting to know him.
I need to run a couple errands.
Remember to shut all the windows
and lock the door.
We will, Juana. Thank you.
It looks too big right now,
but when we have children,
it'll be too small.
Who lived here before?
I have no idea.
My uncle bought it a long time ago.
Who did he buy it from?
Like I said, I don't know.
Probably someone who left
because of the war...
I can't wait to finish
my military service.
You just started.
I'm very grateful to your uncle
for everything he's done,
but sometimes...
When I asked him to find you
something good,
I never thought he'd have you
working for him.
Come here.
Next season I'll request a box
so you and Enrique can take friends.
There's no need, Uncle.
You've done enough for us already.
It's no trouble.
All I have to do is pick up
the phone and call the manager.
You're not going to eat?
Juana left dinner ready.
No. I'm tired.
That's normal.
Even on a comfortable bus,
it's a long trip.
Get some rest, sweetheart.
- See you tomorrow, Uncle.
- Good night.
Of the location where the execution
Ml! take place,
for the purpose... "
Leave us.
Any connection to the rebels
on the mountain?
No indications.
We searched his home
and all we found was this pamphlet.
What's your profession?
I'm a psychiatrist
at Miraflores Hospital.
A psychiatrist?
If anything urgent comes up,
I'm in the officers' club.
Your Honor.
If I may, I'd like to speak to you.
Changed your mind about
becoming a teacher? Good.
No, no.
It's not that.
I'd like to speak to you
about Jose.
The psychiatrist.
What about him?
Well, my mother's been at Miraflores
for five years
and he's always treated her
very well.
I don't mean to distract you,
but I want you to know
he's a good man.
What should we do, give him a medal?
No, your Honor.
You should know by now
that my duty is to judge people
for activities
which breach the law,
not their personal lives.
Of course, your Honor.
But since his crime wasn't violent,
he'll only get prison time, right?
Communism is a cancer
which devours you slowly.
It eats you little by little
without your realizing.
Never forget that.
You could be right.
You might make a better teacher.
She might want me
to knit her something.
Is she coming today?
Yes, she's coming.
Carmen is a treasure, son.
You must take good care of her.
And do nothing foolish.
Look, Mom.
Hi, Maria.
- Enrique!
- Hello, Carmen.
Give me a second.
When is Jose's trial?
I don't know.
You still won't take sides?
I told the judge
Jose's a good person.
Oh, great.
What a huge relief.
They'll probably let him go today.
When you finally open your eyes,
it might be too late.
Wake up, Enrique.
Wake up.
Why the long face?
They arrested Jose.
What? Why?
- Subversive propaganda.
- Is that all?
It's serious.
I know, but it could be worse,
What did my uncle say?
I tried to talk to him,
but he stopped me cold.
if it's only pamphlets,
I'm sure they'll release him soon.
Hey, there.
Okay, you're all set.
You'll be seeing Eustaquia
every day from now on.
You're kidding.
Eustaquia is a goat, Pace.
I bought a goat from a shepherd
named Santiago.
Your daughter will have fresh milk
every day.
He'll meet you tomorrow morning
at the Carambolo.
You two can arrange to meet
after that.
- I can't accept this...
- Hey.
Careful with this Santiago,
he'll water down your milk.
He'd sell his own father
for a nickel.
Well? We should celebrate, right?
Let's go to Juan's.
- I won't forget this.
- Don't mention it.
You're crazy.
- That little girl of yours...
- You're crazy.
- What was the goat's name?
- Eustaquia.
What an ugly name!
Well, that's her name.
Where's the judge?
Yes, Colonel, sir.
The judge is at headquarters, sir.
- Get him right away.
- Yes, sir.
Your Honor, the Colonel is waiting.
Very well.
Go for a walk, get some air.
Yes, sir, your Honor.
Hey, Camacho.
I thought you were back in Madrid.
Cut the crap.
When is the writer's trial
scheduled to start?
What writer?
The shrink at Miraflores.
- Fernandez Moreno?
- That's him.
The socialites
have organized protests.
- I had no idea he was a writer.
- Well, he is.
And a son of a bitch.
Poor people rebelling
makes sense, even.
But this rabble,
with social standing...
If we let all these bastards
do the same,
the country is screwed.
Don't worry, Colonel.
We know what we're doing.
Of course I'm worried.
Of course I'm worried.
Though we can't see it from here,
the world is changing.
We have to keep up with the times.
Franco wants to sign the treaty
with the U..
And the last thing we need is those
damn intellectuals making noise.
Leave it to me.
I'll resolve this issue right away.
I expect no less from you, Eladio.
Put a stop to this immediately.
You have nothing to worry about.
At your service, Colonel.
You're home early.
Have you eaten?
Is something wrong?
Your uncle spoke to a colonel
from Madrid about Jose.
They'll just give him
a longer jail sentence.
I'm afraid it'll be harsher
than that.
Let's not think the worst, Enrique.
Wait and see what happens
at the trial.
On the 15th of last month,
Jose Rodriguez Moreno
distributed clandestine pamphlets
inciting an uprising
against the government.
Upon searching his domicile,
the Civil Guard discovered
he was the author of the pamphlet
and seized the duplicator used
along with several copies
of the clandestine magazine
"Worker's World".
They also found 2,152..
raised illegally and administrated
by the defendant
to support the leftist organization
to which he belongs.
Therefore, in the home of the fan;
we request the defendant
be put to death.
Good one!
Silly Andalusians!
Considering that the crimes
proved, by the prosecution
constitute rebellion,
as defined in paragraph five
of article 286
of Military Lam
we declare
the defendant guilty
of the crime of rebellion
and sentence Jose Rodriguez Moreno
to be put to death.
Firing squad ready!
About face!
Right tum!
Stand at ease!
At ease!
Hi, how are you?
How was your trip?
I'm a coward.
Don't be silly.
You're not a coward.
- And a piece of shit.
- What were you supposed to do?
Trade places with Jose?
I just stood there
and watched him die.
Forget it, Enrique.
Try to live in peace.
In peace?
Where, in a stolen house?
It wasn't stolen, it was abandoned.
- I'd have to be blind to believe...
- That's enough.
That's enough.
Jose's death pains me as well.
Quite a siesta.
You look much better.
Where's Carmen?
She went up the mountain
for a walk.
Take the path to Roya
and turn right after the fountain
Carmen told me she met your mother.
This damn war has destroyed
all our lives.
You came a long way.
- Here, let me.
- No.
I'll carry it.
We could rent a cheap house.
I might find a nice one
at a good price.
It's not that easy, Enrique.
At least let me try.
Why make things harder on ourselves?
So we can be happier.
What do I tell my uncle?
Nothing yet.
We'll think of something
when we find the house.
All right, yes.
Start looking and let me know.
You're so stubborn!
This was my husband.
That's him
in front of the university
the day he got hired.
And this one...
Hard to believe, but that's me.
The good old days.
He didn't like such a small town,
he preferred the city.
Anyway, this is where we ended up.
What he liked most
was going to the cinema.
Then Carmen
must have got that from him.
First, cleanliness.
Then discipline, then religion.
In that order;
cleanliness, discipline, religion.
Who is that man?
The new psychiatrist.
Frasquito, come down from there!
Come down!
Your sister's coming tomorrow.
Want me to tell on you?
Pain in the ass!
What else will it take
to get you to do something?
What do you want me to do,
shoot the judge?
That wouldn't be bad.
It's too late to help Jose,
but there's still plenty
to be done.
If you change your mind,
ask the girl at the box office
when "Our Very Own" is playing.
She'll tell you where to find me.
Frasquito, listen up.
Come down from the roof, damn it!
I'd like to know when
"Our Very Own" is playing.
Evening, gorgeous.
- Meet me later?
- No.
- Tomorrow?
- No.
The day after?
Keep playing with fire
and you'll get burned.
If I get to see you, I don't care.
Let's go.
On the shores of the Nansa River
his Excellency and his companions,
expert fisherman Max Morrel,
Mr. Caroira and his guests,
Generals Munoz Grands, Martin Alonso
and Lieutenant Colonel Peral...
You see the girl in the box office?
I think she's the most beautiful
woman in the whole world.
On a hook or pulley and a club
to finish the job.
After Franco caught the first fish
in the pond,
their lines got caught
at the bottom of the river
and Doctor Gil,
in a display of sportsmanship,
manages to untangle them.
Never speak about anything
without an alibi.
If the police show up, we're talking
about the end of the movie.
Well? Ready to take the leap?
The leap where?
Into the underground.
We need someone
to take Jose's place.
What would I have to do?
For now, help out
with the propaganda.
But if you ever get caught,
memorize my nickname; Nutcase.
That's all you know about me.
Not where I work, where I live,
- Okay?
- Okay,
Your contact's name is Honey.
She'll tell you what to do.
- She's a woman?
- That's right.
This is her address.
Memorize it and bum the paper.
Or eat it, whatever you want.
But never let them catch you
with anything written.
Don't scare me.
You'll get used to it.
Welcome, pal.
Okay, let's see
what we've got here...
"Property seized
belonging to defendant
Carlos Ruiz Mimbrero.
Cash: None.
Jewelry: None.
Livestock: One hen.
Furniture... "
One queen-sized bed...
and six chairs.
"... and three wicker baskets.
A one-story home
on Caldereros Street
number 3 in Aracena. "
All set.
Hi. I was told to ask for Honey.
What do you want?
I'm picking up a suit.
I don't remember measuring you.
No, it's not for me.
A friend sent me.
Come in.
Take off your uniform.
Give me a hand.
This thing weighs a ton.
Take care.
Don't wipe it off yet.
That's Fernando, my only son left.
Where is he?
In the quarries.
He got caught taking refugees
to Tangiers 3 months ago.
Who is your contact?
I'm never seen his face.
I only know his name; Thyme.
This damn Thyme guy again.
Do you all have faggot names?
Where's that water?
Guards, take him away.
Will that be all, sir?
Beat it.
You asked to see me, sir?
- Permission to enter, sir.
- Yes.
- At your service.
- Pace.
I want you to find out
what this kid is doing.
Enrique, every afternoon
He may look harmless,
but... you know what I mean.
My niece.
Is that clear?
Crystal clear.
Leave it to me, sir.
You'll make the brigade
in January.
Yes, sir, Lieutenant Colonel.
How ambitious.
Working overtime?
Jesus Christ.
Who got you into this mess, kid?
They were seized by the court.
All I had to do was take them.
Working on your own,
is that it?
You'd better start talking
before I get nervous
Who gave you the pamphlets?
His name is Nutcase
- but I've never seen his face.
- Nutcase?
Are you making fun of us?
Who gave you the pamphlets?
I only know his name is Nutcase.
Okay, that's enough.
You'll give him a heart attack.
Sorry, kid.
We needed to baptize you.
Car. Let's go!
From now on, you'll call Ramos
You need a nickname too.
How about "Pellet?"
- Like my brother at school.
- That's right.
It'll be easy to remember.
Leopoldo, I forgot to tell you.
They caught one from the mountain.
Did he talk?
No, no.
- He only mentioned Thyme.
- Why didn't you tell me?
He only said Thyme was his contact
and he's never seen his face.
Then they took him away
after beating him.
They'll try to make him talk.
If he does, tell me right away.
It's important.
Who's Thyme?
I don't know him.
But he's very active
in the organization.
You have to forge an indictment
on Saturday. These are the names.
Some of our people
who've been hiding for ages.
I can't, Carmen and I...
Make up an excuse.
Honey's expecting you
Saturday afternoon.
Hey, how do I look?
Okay, all set.
Stay by the vehicle, private.
Vicente, come on.
"My brothers in arms.
My love for you runs deep.
I am and have been your equal
and I am also your greatest enemy.
let me tell you the truth.
You must be proud of your enemy.
Only then will his success
be yours as well. "
"Thus Spoke Zarathustra. "
- "Your greatest enemy. "
- Yes, sir.
Who wrote that?
Damn it, Vicente.
Who cares? What matters is
what it means, damn it.
At your service, Lieutenant Colonel.
The fugitives are ready to testify.
Are you sure?
You've been having trouble
keeping the rabbits in the burrow.
One of them is in the infirmary
Want me to go get him?
Fine, all right.
Private, follow me.
Come on, hurry up.
Sergeant, we need more than ten men
to move this rock.
Okay, everybody stop
what they're doing.
Go on, try by yourself.
By myself?
Not even ten guys can do it.
Let's go.
We weren't trying to escape, sir.
I swear.
We were just a little drunk.
We wanted to spend the afternoon
with our families.
We were going to come back.
Take the prisoners away.
Those damn explosions!
I'm requesting the death penalty
for all three.
Your Honor,
we're running behind
with the canal works.
It's not in our interest
to lose more men.
They can just bring three prisoners
from jail.
Just keep the flock from getting out
and the alcohol from getting in,
The rest is my business.
- All right?
- Yes, sir.
Feel like celebrating?
No, I don't.
Don't be like that.
This was impossible to get.
A couple drinks to clear your head.
You're a pain in the ass,
you know that?
One drink.
Don't look at me like that.
Who did you kill to get this?
Three or four guys.
Has being too pretty
been hard for you?
Has being too nosy
been hard for you?
I'd give anything to see you smile.
I have no reason to.
Life is unbearable without humor.
Take it from me.
Your nickname suits you more
every day, Nutcase.
I have to go.
After all I went through
to get a table...
Wait a little longer.
You can stay if you want.
Leave everything
the way you found it.
- Judge's office.
Hi, Carmen. How are you?
Did you get my message?
Yes, they said you cant come
this weekend
No, I want to look at
some more houses.
You know how busy I am this week.
Sure. Well, I have plenty to do
around here.
I miss you a lot.
Will you come next week?
I'm sorry, Carmen. I have to finish
something very important.
I'll come and see you soon, okay?
Very good, private.
Work comes before devotion.
Shh, stop.
Let's go.
Afternoon, ma'am
- Hello, gentlemen.
- Police. May we come in?
- Of course.
We received a complaint
about strange noises.
Well, sir...
Strange depends on who you ask.
Let's go.
Did you inform the rebels
about the mountain patrols?
Yes, I did.
But that's helping the rebels.
It warns them where not to go.
Okay, I'm listening.
The guys who asked me
weren't guerrillas.
- They were disguised as police.
- If you weren't sure,
- your duty was to report them.
- Sir...
Police or guerrillas come through
almost every week,
almost always disguised
as the other.
We get worked over
no matter what we do.
Okay, take it easy.
How can you prove
you're not helping the rebels?
Because I'm not.
I believe you.
Yes, sir.
Have him wait outside.
Come on, private.
We're going for a ride.
Come on, let's go for a little hike.
We're playing dominoes tonight.
If you're playing at La Ventilla,
count me out.
- Their dominoes aren't marked.
- Sure.
Stop right there.
Shoot him.
- What?
- Shoot him.
Don Eladio's orders.
He's helping the rebels.
- Take it.
- Don't do it.
we haven't got all day.
Damn it...
To be young again...
You'll learn.
So where are we playing then?
After the other day,
I only play with my own set
- Then at your place?
- Sure.
Outside, in my patio.
It's ideal.
Great, but I'm always at your house.
Your wife...
What's she going to say?
I need to take a leak.
Wait here.
Are you crazy?
How could you kill him
in cold blood like that?
He was already dead.
All I did was shorten his agony.
- He was innocent.
- I know, damn it.
But if it's my job to finish
some guy off, I do it. Period.
You should learn to do the same.
- Okay, let's go.
- Ready?
Let's go.
- Ana's not here again?
- You ask every day.
She's not coming back.
I already told you that.
I'm not moving until you tell me
where she is.
Would you shut up already?
Forget her, you got it?
She's not interested in weirdoes
like you. Now beat it.
Goddamn it.
Bilbao, on the 13th anniversary
of the city '5 liberation
by national forces,
remembers June 19th, 1.937,
when the Generalissimo placed his sword
at the feet of the Virgin of Begona.
Hundreds of thousands of people
war? for their reader re speak
and listen to his speech,
in which he said'
"Spain is not divorced from Europe
or from the world
Ills our right to interpret Spain
as we see fit. "
"Democracy, "he affirmed,
"means more to us
than the token hypocrisy
where the individual
surrenders his Mil
to professional politicians.
It's about time we talked about
evacuating people.
The situation on the mountain
is unsustainable. Not just for us.
Many villagers are fleeing,
afraid of retaliation.
- Where is the boat leaving from?
- Cadiz.
We'll know the exact location
at the last minute.
- The meeting point?
- The ruins at Cerro Castle.
We have to tell each group
to meet there.
Kid, you and Honey will forge
port entry and exit permits.
Here, these are real ones.
Take good care of them,
I need them back.
Where do we get the boat?
Leave that to Thyme.
Come on, let's go.
I can't believe it.
What are you doing here?
Are you crazy?
What about you?
We'll talk later.
Get in.
Move it.
Come on, get in.
Push it.
Come on.
Let's go.
Damn, this is heavy.
You're Nutcase, right?
That's right.
You two will steal back
money seized
- to buy the boat.
- What?
It's okay.
Two men coming from Madrid
will do the job.
- You only have to back them up.
- Okay.
There's one more thing.
We have to free Honey's son.
They killed the last guys
who tried to escape.
Fernando is key to this operation.
We have to get him out of there.
Got it?
Fernando knows the strait.
I'll see you out.
BYE. Humphrey Bogart.
You can tell me
how the movie ends later.
You weren't going to tell me?
What's your game?
- What's yours?
- That's different.
I'm new at this.
I'm quitting after this operation.
But you...
You're up to your neck in this.
We were both hiding something.
So we're even.
I couldn't tell you, Enrique.
It would have put you in danger.
And I was afraid
you wouldn't understand.
I still don't get why
you're doing it.
After the war ended
my uncle and some other officers
forced my father
to inform against
half the university.
When my father changed his mind,
it was already too late.
The damage had already been done.
He felt so guilty he hanged himself.
They torment even the dead.
About 50 meters between
the two fences.
What do you see?
Get down, damn it.
Let's go, the visit's over.
Back to the barracks.
Step back.
The visit is over.
Come on, hurry up.
Camera rolling.
Tell us, Mr. Molan.
What is the cause of the delay
in the canal works?
You can speak,
we'll add in the voice-over later.
Well, you see,
as the works progress
we're encountering
more and more clay in the earth
which obliges us to employ
larger slopes and special lining.
- In fact, the aqueducts...
- One moment.
It's stuck.
The reel is jammed
Not again.
These machines are the devil's work.
Open the safe.
I don't remember the combination.
Try again.
Come on.
Don't move.
Come on, let's go.
Dog menstruation, stinks like hell.
Pass me the jacket.
How disgusting!
Tum them on.
- What's up?
- Tum on the lights, damn it.
Who's out there?
Good evening.
- Santiago?
- Yes.
What are you doing out here?
Looking for a goat.
Damn thing disappeared
around here somewhere.
Your wife came for the milk
this morning.
I'll try and give her
a little extra...
Until your daughter's better.
So long.
The milk is really helping her.
Damn it!
Let go, damn it!
Do you want us to give you
a ride somewhere?
I'll kill you for this, you bastard!
Pray he didn't see anything!
Hats on!
Prisoners, dismissed!
Sergeant Ramos, for example.
He's as nasty as your uncle.
They'd both kill their own mothers
without blinking.
- I don't want to be like them.
- Shh, listen.
To finish tonight's program,
we have a request by a listener
In Jerez DE la Frontera,
Dolores Crespo,
who asked for the song
"Alma esclava. "
The boat is in Algeciras.
What's wrong?
I want you to give it all up
and start a new life with me.
Now of all times?
After this operation
Nothing to say?
At least promise me
you'll think about it.
All right.
Okay, I'll think about it.
Over here!
I found something.
We're sweeping the area.
They found his jacket nearby.
The bastard can't be far.
- Any clues or evidence?
- No.
Thank you.
A glass of wine, please.
This bar is for officers only.
I need to talk to the judge.
They said to wait for him here.
Come on, hurry!
- Are you all right?
- It was nothing.
I'm sorry, your Honor.
- Your driving is getting worse.
- I'm sorry, sir. I didn't see you.
- Of course you didn't.
- It was my fault.
Everybody be more careful!
For Christ's sake!
- Sure you're all right?
- I think so.
- Need a ride to the hospital?
- No, I'm fine, thank you.
Let's go!
What's wrong?
What the hell is it now?
Tum around, damn it!
And start the car!
Nice going, kid.
Put me through to Camacho.
Connect me with Madrid,
with Colonel Camacho.
Will that be all, your Honor?
I have some things
I'd like to do at home.
Okay, beat it.
Yes, sir, your Honor.
How are you?
- I'm ready to go anytime.
- We should wait for Thyme.
- How long has she been gone?
- A while.
But getting a tetanus vaccination
isn't easy.
She said not to wait
more than an hour.
Has it been an hour yet?
Let's go.
Thanks a lot, Enrique.
Good luck.
I'll take them and come back.
You won't get rid of me
that easily.
Take him away.
Without hesitating!
Thank you.
Give Daddy a kiss.
Children, go play outside!
You're here already.
Juan Jose and Manuel
aren't here yet.
You look awful.
Is something wrong?
So when you asked me
to help you get in the army,
it was for this?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I think you do.
we have to go.
I'm grateful...
- Don't give me that.
- Listen.
I'm grateful for
what you've done for me.
For my little girl, you know that.
Let's go.
Can I say goodbye to Asun?
Careful what you do,
this could be a bloodbath.
- Already here for the beer?
- No, we have to...
go run an errand.
If Juan Jose and Manuel show up
tell them we're not playing today.
Must be pretty serious
for you to miss dominoes!
- Nothing special.
- Vicente.
Thanks a lot.
Don't make dinner for me.
- I might not be back.
- Okay.
See you later.
Hey, you can't go without a shirt.
I ironed the striped one,
it's hanging in the closet.
You could have thought of them,
couldn't you?
Come on, Pace.
Pace, this isn't easy
for either of us.
But it has to be done.
Put on your shirt
and go out there like a man.
Did you see how healthy
my daughter looks?
That damn shepherd's milk...
Cut the bullshit, damn it.
Let's go.
Please, get up.
What will happen to them?
I'll handle that separately.
Take care of them for me.
What the hell...?
What the hell have you done?
A house with two doors
is hard to defend.
Where is my niece?
I can't wait to tell her
what kind of person you are.
I don't know what you mean.
Is this why you wanted to marry her?
To feel protected?
Well, there you have it, kid.
Lies have very short legs.
- I don't know what you mean.
- Of course you do.
The shepherd saw you.
Ramos and you.
I give you the chance
to clean your family's name
- and this is how you repay me?
- Leave my family alone.
I see you want to follow
in your brothers' footsteps.
My brothers never committed
any crime.
Sure, we should grant them
Like all the other we line up.
Some people just love
filling the world
widows, orphans
and whack-job mothers.
I'll kill you, you bastard!
Where have you been?
I looked everywhere for you.
I bring good news.
Look, Maria.
Your son.
And Carmen.