Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always (2023) Movie Script

[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
[Putties murmuring]
[Robo Rita cackles] Any last words?
It's morphin' time! Triceratops!
[tense music continues]
[Robo Rita]
Putties, grind him into blue dust.
[Billy grunting]
- [Robo Rita grunts]
- [Billy grunts]
[Billy grunting]
[Robo Rita cackles]
[Billy groaning]
[Robo Rita] Why'd you lead me here?
Was your grand plan just to die outside
in the fresh sea breeze?
Oh, you brought friends.
Now it's a reunion.
[Zack] Got your distress call
and zipped here as fast as we could.
- [Billy] Thanks, Zack.
- [Zack] Man, that's Rita Repulsa?
The robot look is not for her.
[Billy] She'll look better on a junk heap.
[Robo Rita] Destroy them all!
["Go Go Power Rangers" playing]
[Trini grunts]
[Trini grunting]
[Kim grunting]
Go, go, Power Rangers
[Zack grunts]
Go, go, Power Rangers
Go, go, Power Rangers
You Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
[music ends]
- [Billy grunts]
- [Robo Rita] Oh! My face!
I was having fun.
But you wanna get serious?
Come on, let's get deadly serious.
[Billy groaning]
[Robo Rita] You know, I loved that face.
Just like I love all the power
in my new robot body.
But I'll gladly give up some
of that energy for a spell that kills.
[Trini yelps]
[Billy] Trini!
[both panting]
[Robo Rita] Goodbye, Trini Kwan.
If anyone needs me, I'll be
in the Dark Dimension planning my revenge.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music ends]
So what are we gonna tell her?
Maybe their mom drowned?
No. No, Minh's too smart for that.
Well, we gotta decide something quick
because school is out.
The others might need help
searching the Dark Dimension.
You can't decide quick on how to tell
someone the worst news of their life.
And we can't lie to her.
It's gotta be the truth.
- Look, Zordon's rules--
- Zack!
Rules can be broken for a good reason.
Look, if Zordon was back like I had hoped,
I'm sure he'd say that Minh needs to know.
It's always just been her and Trini.
She doesn't have anybody else.
Who's gonna take care of her now?
Our team, we've never had to deal with
something like this before.
No, we have to tell her the truth.
- Otherwise, how's she gonna get closure?
- Billy! She's a kid!
She's a kid, Billy. She doesn't need
to know that we're Power Rangers.
She needs to know
that Rita Repulsa killed her mom.
[breathing shakily]
[door closes]
We have to tell her everything.
[light rock music playing]
[Minh grunting]
[grunting continues]
[music ends]
- [footsteps approaching]
- [sighs]
[door opens]
Hey. You all good?
[panting] Sorry, Uncle Zack.
Time flies when I'm getting my sweat on.
[Zack] Okay.
We're meant to leave
for the cemetery in ten minutes.
You should clean up, get ready.
We don't wanna keep the others waiting.
I know.
Hey, you think they've made any headway
finding Robo Rita?
- We can ask 'em when we see them.
- Okay.
Wait. One more thing.
Did you get the flowers?
[gentle piano music playing]
- Thanks. I'll go take a quick shower...
- Yes.
...order you
a "World's Best Guardian" trophy...
- Yes.
- ...then we can leave.
You know, Billy always gives me
a hard time whenever we're late.
Guess you can't use, "But I'm
a busy congressman," as an excuse anymore.
[Zack scoffs]
Sorry to mess you around.
Today's not a day
I've been counting down to, you know?
Can't believe it's been a whole year.
I know. Seems like yesterday.
- [Tommy] Dragonzord!
- [Kim] Pterodactyl!
- [Billy] Triceratops!
- [Jason] Tyrannosaurus!
- Is it me, or did that--?
- Come on.
- [tense music playing]
- [Zack panting]
[Robo Rita]
Before we begin, I just want to say,
unhappy anniversary, Rangers.
- That's Robo Rita, isn't it?
- An ambush.
How predictable of you all
to get together on this special day.
[cackles] And I've been so busy preparing.
I even reforged some of my old minions.
Snizzard and Minotaur.
[Minotaur] Rows and rows of human graves.
This place is beautiful.
Soon, all of Earth will be like this.
Good. We'll start with the Rangers.
[Billy] Not if we end you first.
[Rangers grunting]
I gotta help my team.
But I need you to stay safe, okay?
But she's the one who...
We gotta take her down.
I've been training for--
Hard no. World's Best Guardian says,
"Do not move."
- [rock music playing]
- [Zack grunting]
Zack is back... in black.
- [Minotaur grunts]
- [Billy grunts]
- [Billy] What? No "sorry I'm late"?
- [Minotaur grunts] You'll both be sorry.
None of them even complimented
my fancy new machine.
- [Tommy grunts]
- Snizzard, it's ready.
[Snizzard] Nice moves.
- [Jason groans]
- But mine are better.
[Jason groans]
- [Tommy grunts]
- [Robo Rita cackles]
- What the--?
- Jace!
[Robo Rita]
A wonderful start to my collection.
[Tommy] Time to finish you.
Get her! Get her!
[Robo Rita] You're the one who's finished.
- [Tommy grunts]
- Show him, Snizzard.
- [Tommy grunts]
- [Snizzard] Gotcha!
You think you can do better
against my new powers?
No chance, Pinky.
[Robo Rita]
Like fish in a barrel. Bring them to me.
- [Minotaur] Your friends are finished.
- [Zack] We'll see.
[Robo Rita] It's all coming together.
[machine beeps]
[Zack] Hey, what kinda sick game is this?
[Robo Rita] Oh, it's quite fun.
My machine is draining their energy.
Soon, they'll be lifeless husks.
You can join them.
[Billy and Zack scream]
[Billy groans]
[both groaning]
[both laughing maniacally]
- Zack! Billy!
- [Zack] We can't win here!
[Billy] Power down.
Minh, car, now!
[Minh grunts]
Come on, come on.
You think you can just drive away?
[tires screech]
[Minotaur] End of the line.
- [Snizzard snarls]
- [Minh gasps]
Road's closed. Your move.
- Go!
- [Minh] Go, go, go.
[Minotaur grunts] Huh?
[Robo Rita] Well-played, Cranston.
Fly while you can.
Soon, every Power Ranger
will be where I want them.
Much like your Trini.
[melancholic music playing]
It all happened so fast.
That machine that Robo Rita's building,
what does it do?
Honestly? Something that uses our power
made by Rita Repulsa?
That's a bad mix.
And if we don't put a stop to it,
I... I don't think they're gonna make it.
Then we gotta destroy her.
- Yeah.
This is Ranger business, not "teenage girl
that has homework due" business, okay?
Wh-- She killed Mom.
This is personal.
You know how hard--
- What you don't understand is--
- Let me finish!
If Mom could do it, so can I.
This is her legacy.
I can help.
Minh, I'm really sorry, but you can't.
You're not a Ranger.
Those monsters would overpower you
in a second.
And we can't risk losing you too.
Look, the best thing that you can do
for everyone is to stay out of trouble
and let us sort this out.
Says the guy who caused all this.
We all know that if it wasn't for you,
my mom would still be here.
That stung, huh?
Let's get to Cranston Tech.
It has the scanners we need.
Let's go.
[tense music playing]
Drip by drip,
their delicious Ranger powers ebb away.
Let's see how much I've stolen from them.
[machine beeps]
[machine whirring]
[groans] How disappointing.
This process is too slow.
We need as many Rangers as we can get.
I can round the lambs up for slaughter.
[Minotaur] Not unless we can find them.
If we can get them to morph,
then it'll be my time to shine.
[Robo Rita] Good thing I know
exactly what draws out a Power Ranger.
[Alpha 9] No T-Rex, no Pterodactyl,
no Green Dragon Power.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
We'll have to scan for something else
if we want to find our friends.
Thanks, Alpha 9.
Oh, greetings, Zack.
If the people upstairs only knew
they had the world's smartest robot
right beneath their feet.
Still such a charmer.
It's good to see you again.
Been a while.
I guess life is busy when you're
raising a teenager with attitude.
Oh, Minh definitely has attitude.
Right, Billy?
You all good?
Yeah. It's just,
we haven't been in a mess like this since...
Minh's right.
It really is all my fault
that we lost Trini.
Come on, man.
You were trying to do something good.
And look what happened.
[Alpha 8] Finally, a hit.
Our system is picking up
a powerful presence.
Really? Maybe it's him
or remnants of him from the Z-Wave.
Alpha 8, we've got to converge
the particles and draw them in.
[Alpha 8]
Initializing Z-Wave energy reconstitution.
It's working!
Zordon! Zordon, are you here?
[electricity zapping]
- [explosion rumbles]
- Ah, Billy, I don't think that's Zordon.
[tense music playing]
- [spluttering] Malfunction. Billy.
- Alpha!
[Alpha 8] You have to...
- [Billy] What's happening?
- Get back!
[Billy grunts]
[Alpha 8] No, no, no!
Yes! [laughs]
After all these years, I'm free!
It's time for revenge.
No, it... it can't be.
[Robo Rita] Fact-check, Billy.
You were looking for your precious Zordon,
but when he sacrificed himself
with the Z-Wave,
it wasn't just his particles
that spread across the universe. Get it?
The evil was purged from my being,
and the waves scattered it across space.
Until today,
when you put me back together,
and I found a new body.
Now, Rita Repulsa will reign again.
- [cackles]
- [grunting]
I need backup at the Command Center.
It's Rita.
- I'll try to lure her outside, but hurry!
- [Robo Rita cackles]
Oh, my poor predecessor.
Look, let's focus on the now.
Robo Rita's a force to be reckoned with.
And we gotta make sure
she doesn't hurt anybody else.
[alarm blaring]
[Alpha 9]
My monster scan has found something.
Looks like a live video feed.
It's not Rita. It's Putties.
And it's not just Angel Grove.
It's all over the world!
We knew she would return.
We're prepared for this.
- Alpha 9, it's time.
- Yes, sir.
- [machine whirring]
- Attention all Power Ranger teams.
Bandora Protocol initiated.
Get to your assigned stations now.
If I remember the plan correctly,
visitors in three, two, one.
One minute, I'm helping out
at JJ's junior karate camp,
and the next, I'm sneaking off
to the bathroom to teleport. Seriously?
Bandora Protocol's happening.
Robo Rita's back?
[groans] Come on, guys.
Is this really another training exercise?
Because, hello, I just heated my lunch.
It's not training. Rita is back.
- So Tommy, Jason, Kim are fighting her?
- No.
Unfortunately, they've been captured.
So we need your help.
- [grunting]
- [tense music playing]
"Not a Ranger"? "Not yet," you mean!
You'll pay for what you did, Rita.
[phone beeps]
[music intensifies]
Monsters known as Putty Patrollers
haven't been seen in Angel Grove
for many years, but today, they're back.
Citizens, keep your eyes open
for attackers.
Reports say this is happening
all over the world.
Power Rangers, we need you
today more than ev--
[reporter gasps, screams]
[tense music continues]
[music ends]
It sounds like you barely got away.
And now we have an army of Putties
on our hands. What's next?
It's likely we'll find ourselves
in a Megazord situation soon.
[Alpha 9] Billy and I took months
getting the Sabertooth Tiger Zord working
without a Yellow Ranger.
So Dino Megazord is off the table then
without Jace and Kim?
Not quite.
Alpha and I have been experimenting
with secondary connections of the grid.
[Alpha 9] We made these Proxy Power Coins
as a contingency.
Now all of you can use Dino powers.
Whoa. Zordon was very clear.
Duplicating active powers
is very dangerous.
I don't care how dangerous
too much pink energy is. Once a Ranger...
Always a Ranger.
You can definitely count us in.
All right. First up, there's been
injuries reported already in Angel Grove.
We cannot let the Putties
run rampant any longer.
If that's the case,
it's morphin' time!
[Rangers grunt]
[Alpha 9] I never get tired of that.
Now, go, go, Power Rangers!
[up-tempo music playing]
- [all screaming]
- [woman] Run!
[Rocky] Hey!
You Putties want a fight? You found one.
[Putties murmuring]
All these years,
and they still sound like angry turkeys.
- [Zack laughs]
- [Rocky] Then let's carve 'em up.
[Rangers grunting]
- [alarm blaring]
- [Minotaur grunting]
Finally, my Ranger tracker has got a hit.
So somebody's morphed, have they?
[Robo Rita]
Are we surprised my Putty bait worked?
There's a reason I'm in charge, you fools.
Go to the grid fluctuation coordinates
and get the Rangers.
My masterpiece has a thirst for power,
and those do-gooders will quench it.
[Snizzard] Yes, my queen.
[Rangers grunting]
Wait, didn't we get Red and Pink?
- [Rocky] Different Red.
- [Kat] Different Pink.
[both] Same powers.
[both grunt]
Careful of Snizzard, Rocky.
Don't get grabbed.
- [Kat grunts]
- [Rocky] Noted.
We'll get you out of here, everybody.
Stay calm.
[Rocky groans]
[Kat grunting]
Back off!
Come on. Run.
Everyone, follow me.
This way.
[Snizzard] Well, look what we have here.
Something to sink my fangs into.
Huh? [grunts] That's not good.
Sweet dreams.
[Billy grunts]
- [Rocky grunts]
- [Snizzard snarls]
- [Snizzard groans] Curses.
- [Billy] Nice rotation on that kick.
- You've still got it.
- I never lost it.
- [Zack] Time to move.
- [Kat] The civilians here are safe.
[Billy] On to the next fight.
[Kat] Ha!
- [Snizzard] They slithered away.
- Who cares?
As long as they're morphed,
I can track them.
- Seems they went to the park.
- A nice place to grab a bite.
[Alpha 9] Oh no.
The team's about to find themselves
in a monster sandwich.
This is a worldwide alert
to all Power Rangers.
Minotaur is tracking you.
As long as you're morphed,
he can find you.
You must power down.
Do you hear me?
- Power down, or he'll find you.
- Got it.
Good work, Alpha.
You all heard that, right?
[Kat] Minotaur's tracking us,
which means--
- Yep.
- [Billy] They followed us here.
- Ruin them, Snizzard.
- My pleasure. [cackles]
[Billy] Power down.
- [Minotaur roars]
- [Snizzard snarls]
[Alpha 9] Rangers, look, look.
My new scans picked up activity
in a concentrated spot
on the lunar surface.
Rita's Moon Palace.
If she's making herself at home,
then our friends
and Rita's machine must be there too.
- [machine beeping]
- [Rocky] What's that?
[Alpha 9] It's an incoming call.
We got the Protocol alert.
Our ship is zooming to you
from the Sirius System.
I'm afraid it'll be six hours
before we reach your side of the galaxy.
Then we'll be in teleport range.
Unfortunately, Robo Rita's timing
is the worst.
It always is.
So she got Jason, Kimberly, and Tommy.
It's rough, especially for you, Kat.
I'm not gonna tell JJ
what happened to his father
'cause he'll be home soon.
We're going to get Tommy--
All of them back today.
[Aisha] Right, you've got this.
Oh, and Billy,
that stealth tech you designed for us,
it's a game changer. Thank you.
You're very welcome.
Being invisible has definitely helped
our team's run-ins
with the Troobian Empire.
Safe travels. Okay?
Thanks. And good luck.
So, what now?
Well, there's still Putties in town.
In every town.
We can't morph.
[sighs] People aren't safe.
[people screaming on monitor]
- We gotta do something.
- Look...
Now, we know Rita's on the Moon, right?
So why not let's just go there?
Crash her party.
Snizzard and Minotaur will get in the way.
Unless we can draw them out.
That's a good thought.
I bet you I can develop something
that will keep them away from the Moon
and keep them away from us.
I bet you I can use stealth technology
I developed for Adam and Aisha.
I bet you can too, Billy.
Love that big brain of yours.
They're made of metal, right?
Maybe we can exploit that.
Oh no.
[Billy] Is that... Minh?
[Alpha 9] Ay, ay, ay!
[up-tempo music playing]
[Minh grunting]
[Minh] Get out of here. I've got this.
[woman screaming]
Sorry. Am I interrupting?
You guys are in for a treat.
It's morphin' time!
Sabertooth Tiger!
[music ends]
[Putties murmuring]
[Putties laughing]
[rock music playing]
[Minh grunting]
Whoa. [grunts]
[Minh grunts]
[Minh groans]
[Minh grunts]
[tense music playing]
[Minh grunting]
- [Putties murmuring]
- [Minh panting]
[music intensifies]
- [whistles]
- [music ends]
Messing with this place was a big mistake.
[rock music playing]
[Zack grunts]
Time for Hip Hop Kido.
Are you break-dance fighting?
[Zack grunting]
[Zack grunts]
[rock music ends]
- I wanted to be like Mom.
- You deliberately disobeyed me.
[sighs] Let's go.
[communicator beeps]
You were right. It's just what we need.
The others got back from the youth center.
We'll head over and get set up soon.
[Kat] Okay, great. See ya.
Awesome place.
Who knew Cranston Tech
was hiding all this?
Not the public and not my employees.
This place is secret,
so let's, uh, keep it that way. Okay?
She's gonna need a talk.
Can I help?
Thanks. I got this.
- The plan needs you. It's urgent.
- Agreed.
- All right. We'll be back soon.
- All right.
[Alpha 9] Pleasure to meet you.
- I am--
- [Zack] I'm sorry, Alpha.
- Can we have the room?
- No problem, Zack.
My sensors are detecting a vibe.
Come on.
Give it to me.
If I thought this
was gonna get you in trouble,
I never would have told you the truth.
- But Billy--
- What?
He insisted.
He thought it'd be good for you.
Closure and all that.
But here we are, in a full-on crisis,
and you're trying to play Ranger.
What's wrong with that?
All of you and Mom
did exactly the same thing.
I'm just following her example.
Isn't that a good thing? [scoffs]
[Zack sighs]
What do you think it means to be a Ranger?
Kicking butt? Cute quips? Having fun?
It's hard.
I know.
But someone needs to dole out justice
on the bad guys.
Rita killed Mom.
She needs to go down.
And I'm ready. I'm happy to do it.
Whatever it takes.
So why won't that thing let me morph?
Minh... [sighs]
What you're feeling, what you want,
it's not justice. It's revenge.
When I was your age, my mentor told me
that only monsters seek revenge.
That's what Robo Rita is doing now.
She was defeated by the Rangers.
Now she wants to even the score
and hurt us as much as she can.
That's why she... did what she did to Trini.
A mission of revenge can never end well.
That's not what I want for you.
What about what I want?
Maybe it's not your call.
You wanna be a hero?
It's a selfless path.
It's not always easy. But I do my best.
Setting aside your ambitions
can be a good thing.
Like me, making sure
that you have a good life and a home.
It was worth giving up
your career in Congress... for me?
You are absolutely worth it.
And if you can understand that,
then you can understand
how hard Billy is trying to fix
what he set in motion.
Zordon sacrificed himself for us long ago.
You never met him.
He was our mentor but almost
a father figure.
Billy was trying to bring him back.
He didn't know this would happen.
I... I didn't know that's how he felt.
Just stay here
while we execute our plan. Okay?
And don't worry.
We've saved the world before.
[machine beeping]
Now it'll really pack a punch.
All right, Kat. Lift her up.
[crane whirring]
So, uh, this thing is used
to sort old scrap, huh?
[chuckles] Yeah.
Well, Minotaur and Snizzard
sure fit that definition.
All right, we're set.
Let's bait the trap.
[tense music playing]
It's morphin' time! Triceratops!
- Pterodactyl!
- Tyrannosaurus!
[Billy] All right, we're set.
They could be here any second,
so look sharp.
- [Kat] Hm.
- [Rocky] Always do.
[Robo Rita] Every Ranger we capture
gives us another boost to the finish line.
It's funny. I never believed in
their whole teamwork thing,
but together, they are more.
More power for me, that is.
[alarm blaring]
[Minotaur growls] Another three Rangers
just morphed in Angel Grove.
- [Snizzard] Shall we?
- [Robo Rita] Just go, then.
Oh, higher power levels than I thought.
[Billy] Bingo.
[Minotaur] Surprise, Rangers.
[Billy] Oh, right there is perfect.
- [Minotaur and Snizzard groaning]
- [Rocky laughs]
[Snizzard groans] What is this?
[Kat] Like your hairy friend said,
a surprise.
[Minotaur] Thanks. I hate it.
[Kat] Bye now! Ha!
- [Rocky laughing] Yes, the trap's holding.
- Affirmative.
The powerful electromagnetic field
will prevent them from teleporting away.
Phase one, dusted. Yes!
Good job.
[machine beeping]
Wait. Hold up. You're letting them live?
That doesn't seem right, does it?
What if they get loose?
This is the plan.
Look, all-out destruction
is rarely the most optimal strategy.
Now, where are
those stealth tech projectors?
[Alpha 9] Sorry.
I got lost in the vault again.
These are one use only, so be careful.
Click here, and it projects
a subatomic diffraction field that covers
infrared and ultraviolet light.
- So we'll be invisible.
- Yep.
- Ah, love it.
- Rita will never see phase two coming.
- [laughs]
- Robot's got jokes.
We'll be back soon, and when that happens,
I need you to be here.
Alpha will keep you company.
- [Rocky] Nice.
- [Billy] Let's make it quick.
- Alpha, send us to Rita's lair.
- [Alpha 9] On it.
- [Rocky] Ah, that's my foot!
- [Alpha 9] Oops.
- [Kat] Ow.
- [Alpha 9] Sorry.
I know I have heavy feet.
[machine beeps]
Better get ready for what's coming.
[Snizzard, Minotaur groaning]
Uncle Zack told me
what being a hero means.
[Alpha 9] Guess I'll warm up the volcano.
- Mind if I borrow?
- I don't think that's a good idea.
- Okay. Thanks. Bye.
- But--
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!
[up-tempo music playing]
Maybe too much of a flex.
[folk music playing on radio]
Come on!
Why won't you fly?
[folk music ends]
[man 1] Hey! Hey!
They're after my boyfriend! That way!
- Hero practice won't hurt.
- [man 1] Please!
- [grunts]
- [tense music playing]
[Minh] Woo-hoo!
Where is he?
[man 2 grunts]
Move! Move!
[man 2 grunts]
[man 2 screams]
[Minh groans]
[chuckles] What a mess.
[triumphant music playing]
- [man 1] George!
- Ah!
[George exhales]
[music ends]
[Minotaur grunting] Somebody's lost.
Hey, girlie, did you take a wrong turn?
You don't remember me from the cemetery?
You messed with my people.
And your boss killed my mom.
We work for an intergalactic war criminal.
You'll need to be a lot more specific.
I'm Minh Kwan. And you're about to face
the Sabertooth Tiger!
- [Minotaur and Snizzard laughing]
- Wha--? I'm doing the world a favor.
- Sabertooth Tiger!
- [both laugh]
Now, what do we have here?
Another kid playing the hero.
I tend to make that difficult.
Ask your mom.
If I can't morph, then I'll take you down
the old-fashioned way.
[tense music playing]
- [Robo Rita grunts]
- [Minh grunting]
[Robo Rita]
Praying Mantis style. Just like Trini.
[grunts] Tell me, child.
Does being squashed like a bug
run in the family?
[Minh screams]
[Minh grunts]
[Minh groans]
Playtime's over. [cackles]
[ominous music playing]
- [footsteps approaching]
- [Putties murmuring]
- [Kat grunts]
- [Putties murmuring]
- [Rocky grunts]
- [Zack grunts]
Well, it looks like
we've got Rita's little science project
all to ourselves now.
Perhaps. Our distraction might've worked
for now, but it's not gonna last long.
[Rocky sighs] Oh man.
They got a lot more Rangers
than I expected.
- [machine beeps]
- Snizzard is a piece of work.
Tommy, look at you.
Kat. No.
- Snizzard created these snakes.
- [Kat] What does your scanner say?
My readings show that their energy
is connected to our friends.
If we don't destroy that monster,
we can't move any of them
without causing them harm.
- So back to the junkyard or... ?
- What is that?
Oh no.
That's what she's been up to.
[Rocky] Is that some kind of space barrel?
No, it's, uh... it's a space dumpster.
Rita's creating a time portal.
- That's what she came out of when we--
- Yes, when Zordon recruited us.
So Rita's trying to contact
her younger self.
But why?
- [Robo Rita] Why? So many reasons.
- [Billy, Kat gasp]
- What? Minh! Are you okay?
- [Minh grunting]
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
- Shush. The adults are talking.
Have you figured it out, Billy?
Or has my genius surpassed even you?
Let me guess. A Rita reunion
and then some scheme
to conquer the galaxy?
[Robo Rita] Not bad.
I'll pass through this portal and give
years of knowledge to my younger self,
making us absolutely unstoppable.
We'll kill your do-gooding teenage selves
in their sleep
before Zordon even thinks
to make you Rangers.
You think you can rewrite 30 years
of history with some tin-pot gadget?
Your friends are charging my machine
faster than I could have dreamed,
so I don't need you anymore.
I'll take out Snizzard.
You get the others.
You know, your mom
will be a first for me, Minh.
I've never killed anyone twice before.
Hold that thought.
[tense music playing]
[yells] Yah!
[Minotaur laughs]
[Rocky yells]
- [Rocky grunts]
- [growls]
[Minotaur laughing] Yes.
[Robo Rita] Stop that.
[Billy groaning]
- [grunts]
- [Robo Rita] Oh, Cranston.
What a waste!
Trini died for you.
And now you'll share her fate.
[Minh grunts]
[Robo Rita cackles]
- [Billy] No!
- [Zack] Minh!
[Kat] Minh!
[Robo Rita] Yes, yes.
This brings back memories.
[Zack] Minh?
[somber instrumental music playing]
[Kat] Oh, please, no.
[Robo Rita, mockingly] What a tragedy.
That's what being selfless gets you.
[Zack] Minh, can you hear us?
[triumphant music playing]
[Trini] Hi-ya!
Ya! [grunting]
- [panting] I saw--
- [Kat] Oh, thank goodness.
No way.
What is this?
[Minh breathing heavily]
- You know what this means, right?
- Go on.
You wanna say it?
Are you kidding?
[rock music playing]
It's morphin' time!
Sabertooth Tiger!
[all] Power Rangers!
[Minh] Whoa, it actually worked.
- [Zack] You're a Ranger.
- [Minh] A legit Ranger.
Putties, surround them.
[Putties murmuring]
[Billy] Time for phase three of the plan.
[Kat] Did we plan a phase three?
[Minh] Let me guess.
Phase three is laying the smackdown?
[Rocky] Bring it.
[Minotaur growls]
Maybe watching you die
will cure my headache.
[Rangers grunting]
[Minh] Coming through. [grunting]
Love it.
[Rangers grunting]
[Minh grunting]
[daggers clinking]
[Minh grunting]
[Rocky grunting]
- [Rocky] Kat, you're clear.
- Thanks, Rock.
Uh, uh, uh. Think twice.
You don't want to hurt
your tiny little friends.
[Billy] She's right. To free them,
we have to destroy Snizzard.
Good luck with that. [grunts]
[wand whirring]
[Snizzard groaning]
My queen. I don't understand.
What did I do?
[cackles] Magic wand,
make my monster grow!
[Snizzard groans] Oh!
[all grunting]
- [Robo Rita] Arise, Snizzard!
- [Snizzard laughs maniacally]
[laughs maniacally]
She's distracted.
Let's see them try to-- [grunts, groans]
[Billy] That's enough out of her.
[powers down]
[Zack grunts]
Boss? No!
One problem down.
Can you handle that hairy bot?
- [Zack] Oh, easy.
- [Minotaur growls]
- Anything I can do?
- You're with me. We're going big.
Alpha, we need Dinozord power. Now.
You got it, Billy.
[rock music playing]
Okay. Transmaterializing Zords
to lunar surface in three, two, one.
Hold on, Minh. Time for battle mode.
[rock music continues]
[Minh] Whoa!
So how the heck do you drive this thing?
[Billy] Do what I do.
- You'll find it's second nature.
- [Minh] Okay.
Here he comes.
[Snizzard snarling]
[tense music playing]
[Snizzard snarling]
[grunts, groans]
Now, this is the coolest.
[Billy] All right, you big lizard.
Come catch these hands.
- Direct hit.
- Whoo!
[Billy] Don't let up.
[Snizzard groans]
So you're fighting dirty.
[Kat groans] Come on.
My club!
[Zack grunts]
[Minotaur groans]
[Zack] Rocky, now!
[Rocky grunts]
- Got him.
- [Kat] I'm not gonna lie, Rocky.
That was... pretty hardcore.
[Zack] Well, beef is off the menu.
[Rocky] Billy, how's the reptile?
As cold-blooded as ever.
But we have room for three more in here.
[Rocky] Copy that.
[Snizzard] So it's just me left.
Good, I'll have you all to myself.
[Kat] Oh yeah.
- I have been looking forward to this.
- [Billy] Together.
[ominous music playing]
Shattered circuits
can't keep a bad witch down.
- [tense music playing]
- [Snizzard grunts]
[all grunt, groan]
[Zack straining]
Heads up. He's still coming.
[Snizzard grunts]
Tails. You lose. [chuckles]
They thought they could stop me,
but my masterpiece is fully charged.
Finally, I can rule
with my younger, prettier self.
I can't wait to see me again.
[laughs maniacally]
[grunts] Can we get
this thing on its feet?
Is that what I think it is?
[Rocky] Oh, great, the portal.
We gotta move. [grunts]
[Billy] System's back online.
Just have to-- There.
Up we go.
Mega Power Sword. Now!
Now they will come,
and then she will be free.
My past and my future.
[astronaut 1]
It looks like a giant space dumpster.
[astronaut 2] Let's open her up.
[Robo Rita laughs maniacally] Yes, yes!
[astronauts grunt]
And so it begins.
[Zack] What do you think?
Time to end this?
[Billy] Oh, definitely.
[all] Yeah!
[Snizzard growls]
[Snizzard groans] My circuits, they burn!
Oof! What a way to go.
No, my Snizzard. And my snakes.
But no matter,
the Rita renaissance begins!
Ah! After ten thousand years, I'm free!
[Minh] Sit down. Shut up!
[groans, winces]
Rocky, get the other Rangers. Quick.
[Rocky] Right behind you.
- Take the shot, Kat.
- What?
[Kat] With pleasure. [grunts]
Time to conquer Ea--
I'll kill you all!
Shut her down. Do it, Zack.
This is for Trini.
[Minh] Is that it? Is she gone?
[Billy] Affirmative. It's over.
[Zack] Like I said, Minh,
we always save the world.
[Alpha 9] You missed all the action,
but I'm glad you made it.
All the rescued Rangers
are secure in your spaceship's med bay
and in stable condition.
Well, our course for Aquitar is all set.
The Aquitians will fix them up in no time.
You sure you don't wanna join us, Billy?
You know, uh,
Cestria did say she missed you.
[chuckles] No. But I'll be there soon.
I still have some company matters
that I gotta tie up
before I can get back
to my old adventures.
Look at you.
You've missed the travel, haven't you?
It is nice
to have something new to focus on.
But once the Aquitians get everyone
back to normal size and back in action,
all of this will be over.
Yeah, it's been a wild ride,
but I'm ready to get back to JJ.
Being a parent is almost as challenging
as being a Ranger. [chuckles]
You think that's tough?
I didn't even get lunch.
- Somebody threw out my noodles.
- Sorry, sorry.
Relax. Relax. Don't blow a circuit.
I'm just kidding.
Even though they're small,
we shouldn't keep
our fellow Rangers waiting.
It was great catching up.
I'm glad the Sabertooth Tiger legacy
is in great hands.
It's an honor.
[Alpha 9] Time to fire up the teleporter?
- Yeah.
- [Kat] Sounds good. Let's go, Rocky.
[Alpha 9]
Inputting all of your coordinates now.
Until next time,
may the power protect you all.
[all] And you.
[Billy] So what do you think
of your communicator?
Love the vintage aesthetic.
And if I'm late for class,
teleporting will be clutch.
Uh, only if no one's looking, okay?
- Okay.
- [Billy chuckles]
Look at this place.
I mean, it's as if nothing's changed.
It's just a little bit...
I don't know, smaller, maybe.
Maybe we've grown.
You two want smoothies? I wanna know
if they still have Ernie's recipe.
- [chuckles] Sure.
- Sure. [chuckles]
Can I get you anything while I'm away?
A souvenir from Mirinoi, maybe.
I don't know. [chuckles]
You won't be gone too long, will you?
Mom always said she missed you
when you were in space.
I mean, I'll miss you and...
It's just, before you go,
all that stuff...
Mom's passing.
I said it was your fault,
and that wasn't fair.
You couldn't have known what would happen
to Rita or what would happen to Mom.
You didn't say anything about me
I haven't told myself a million times.
No, but for real.
I should be thanking you.
If you hadn't pushed Zack
to share the truth about Mom...
I don't know
how I would have handled everything.
You're a good kid.
We're all looking out for you.
And I'm really glad
you looked out for me too.
You mean Rita's blast?
I had to.
You're family.
Gotta protect your family.
Family, huh?
Is that why you thought it was okay
to borrow my flying car?
Okay, that was Ranger business.
Ah. [chuckles]
I'm sorry. The Radbug
is proprietary technology.
- You're grounded.
- [chuckles] You think you can ground me?
[chuckles] No, it doesn't work like that.
- You're grounded.
- Look at you two. [laughs]
Oh man.
She's so much like...
Trini would be proud.
You just reminded me.
After Rita blasted me,
I got a weird flash.
These memories.
[Minh] Yeah, from the Morpher.
Of you and Mom being Rangers.
Being heroes.
I mean, it's in optimal condition.
Nothing out of the ordinary,
but who knows?
The morphing grid
is a pathway to infinite possibilities.
Maybe I shouldn't give up on Zordon.
What were the memories like?
It was weird. I--
It was like
I felt how much all of you meant to her.
[Zack] She meant a lot to us too.
She was... a great friend.
The best.
The best.
I wouldn't even be here
if she didn't overcome her fear of heights
and get me out
of a really nasty cliffhanger.
Mom was afraid of heights?
Okay. What else didn't she tell me?
That time Shellshock made her run,
and she couldn't stop.
The weirdo
with the traffic light on his back?
A traffic-light man?
No, it wasn't a man. It was a turtle.
- A turtle?
- [Billy and Zack laugh]
- We have to tell her everything.
- Oh my goodness.
- [Minh laughing]
- [Zack] It was a turtle.
["Down the Road" playing]
Down the road, we never know
What life may have in store
Winds of change
Will rearrange our lives
More than before
But you'll never stand alone
My friend
Memories will never die
In our hearts, they'll always live
And never say goodbye
[song ends]
["Go Go Power Rangers" playing]
Go, go, Power Rangers
Go, go, Power Rangers
Go, go, Power Rangers
You Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
[song ends]
[up-tempo music playing]
[music ends]