Mighty Oak (2020) Movie Script

You give to me
You're gonna find out...
Excuse me.
[ALEX] Gina, hurry up. He won't come out.
Vaughn! Show time! Now!
- Aw. More prima donna crap?
- Again? Really?
You know Vaughn. When the mood strikes,
he has to write. No matter the timing.
You know, it's funny. You tolerate this
because he's your brother.
But if it was me, you wouldn't tolerate
any of that shit.
Aw. Someone sounds like
a jealous boyfriend.
No, jealous ex-boyfriend.
You know, I tolerate it
because Vaughn is the star.
- [CROWD] We want Vaughn!
- Vaughn's the star?
- [CROWD] We want Vaughn!
- Do we all think that Vaughn is the star?
Is that... is that a thing?
- Listen, mate, can you hear that?
- [CROWD] We want Vaughn!
Okay, fine. Vaughn's the star. Whatever.
Alex, Darby, I need you guys
on stage right now. Please.
Right. Okay. I will do a solo.
- And you are nothing without me.
- That's not true.
Guys, please, please, please, please.
I'm gonna have a heart attack. Hey, Alex.
- Where's the stage?
- Alex, this way, this way, go.
[DARBY] I'm nothing without ya?
You don't even know where the stage is.
How long you gonna give him?
Gina, come on. Come in, sis.
- I will kill you.
- Come on. Indulge me for a second.
Pedro, I'm gonna need
just a second from you okay?
Yep, uh...
- Brilliant.
- Now? Can't this wait?
Sometimes I feel strange and weird
Out of the jungle she appeared
And then I looked into her eyes
And I found peace and harmony
Heard a voice that was telling me
Running around, run now
I'm all about you now
- Oh. Autograph?
- Yeah.
It's called, "Chasing."
It's about how you took care of us.
Took care of me. All of our lives.
I love it. The band's gonna love it, too.
We have to record it.
I'll book some studio time this week.
- Not now. It'll be ready when it's ready.
As your sister, I appreciate your process,
but as your manager,
I cannot let you wait too long.
Now please, just get out there
before I start sobbing.
Ladies and gentlemen, Army of Love.
- Screwed up from the things I did
- Whoo!
The past will always haunt me
To the ones I meet
I learned so many things like love
Does you wrong
People acting up
Oh, people mess you up
I hope you're tough enough to take it
- [WOMAN] Oh, yeah.
[PEDRO] That actually sounds pretty good.
[PEDRO] Yeah.
Oh, yeah.
And then if that's the chorus,
- that's so good.
- Really?
That pre has got to really
just lay into it right there.
What was that one song
that you were singing
the other night? What was it like, uh,
- was it like "Chasing"?
- Yeah.
How does it go?
'Cause Gina was diggin' it.
[EXHALES] You know what, listen.
We'll see how it turns out.
I think it's all about timing
anyways, right?
Always, always keeping things, man.
- Around...
Not necessarily,
that's as loud as it goes,
but eight megabytes.
That is impressive, right?
You know, soon, these things
are gonna do everything but talk.
[EXHALES] Soon, these things
are gonna kill what's left
of the music business.
You make me smile like the sun
Fall outta bed
- Oh, yes!
- Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold...
- [GINA] Hey, guys.
- [ALEX] What's up, girl?
- [DARBY] Gina!
Hey, look what the puppy dragged in.
- [ALEX] Larry, you're so cute!
- Jean jacket and Larry.
- Come here, buddy.
- No, Larry.
- No growl.
- [DARBY] Scary.
- Even Larry prefers him.
- Don't get all jealous again.
He growls at everybody
except for Vaughn and me.
Aren't puppies supposed to be sweet?
- Maybe your dog's broken?
- Are you done?
- You guys, thanks for meeting me today.
- [DARBY] Oh. It must be important.
- You calling a meeting on a Sunday.
- Darby, babe, it's Tuesday.
- Yeah, it is. Yeah, clever.
- Yeah.
All right, well, I have an announcement.
- So...
- [DWAYNE] About what? [LAUGHS]
You turned down another one
of Pedro's marriage proposals?
[CHUCKLES] Hey, I'm not in the band,
I get to be honest. And...
I don't know why I let you degenerates
use my place like a dorm.
Because you're an overgrown groupie
with a great rehearsal space
and free Wi-Fi.
Yeah, true that. Well,
I interrupted y'all's meeting.
- Let me get you a drink.
- Wait, wait. No, no.
Sit down. I have an announcement.
- Okay.
- What's the announcement, sis?
All right, as all of you know,
Arcade Fire is doing three shows
at The Bowl starting on Friday.
You all know this
because every single one of you
ass-bags has badgered me for comp tickets.
- You got the tickets. I know it!
- No, Darby. I'm so sorry.
I'm not a miracle worker,
but, we are going to the concert
because we are the opening act
for all three L.A. shows.
- [VAUGHN] What? Yes!
- Oh, my God.
- [PEDRO] Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
- My sis take care of us or what?
- [PEDRO] We did it.
This is crazy.
Oh, my God. Now, Gina, I wanna marry you.
- Where's my ring?
- Right. Yeah, get in line.
[DARBY] Hollywood bloody Bowl, baby! Whoo!
[ALEX] Yeah!
[GINA] "Army of Love brought
their SoCal surfer vibes
to a sold-out crowd, Saturday night
at San Diego's Belly Up."
"The intimate show from the local
singer-songwriters mix..."
- Is anybody listening to me?
- I was. I was totally listening.
I was too. They mention my solos?
- [GINA] Nobody's paying attention.
He is completely out.
So, when we were little,
no matter what crappy home
we got stuck in,
I always put him to bed
like this, tucked him in.
You're the best sister
that he could have ever asked for.
But that is some weird shit right there.
You're jealous I don't tuck you in.
[SOBS] Vaughn?
Vaughn? [SOBS]
Oh, my God, Vaughn!
- Please wake up, please. [SOBS]
No! [SOBS]
Boom boom ka, buba de ka
Boom boom ka, buba de ka
Boom boom ka, buba de ka
Rosaleem of the damascene
Yes, she had eyes like the moon
Would have been on the silver screen
But for the missile monsoon
She went woo, woo, woo
Woo, ooh, ooh, ooh
Indigo go up to heaven today
Woo, woo, woo, woo, ooh, ooh, ooh
With bombs going boom ba-boom-boom
- She say I want to know when I...
- Back and get drunk with my friends
- I want to know when I can go
- Back and be young again
Oh, crap.
Almond and peach trees in bloom
- You're snoring.
All right, buddy,
you think it's time to get up?
- Hi.
- Oatmeal is runny,
- just the way you like it.
- Thanks so much, honey bear.
Come here.
How are you?
- I'm pretty good.
- You're writing a lot of songs?
- I actually wrote a song yesterday.
- You did? [CHUCKLES]
What's it about?
- It's about it not being easy growing up.
- It's kinda hard sometimes.
Being a kid could be kinda sucky.
[SIGHS] Coffee's done already. Come here.
- I need a big hug.
[EXHALES] I love you so much.
Wish you didn't have to go
to school all the time.
- It's a law.
- It's a law, yeah. That's right.
The government will arrest us
if I don't go to school.
I'm gonna cut your hair.
- No, I cut it last year.
- Just a little bit.
- Fine.
- I love you.
Love you.
- Morning.
- What's that?
Well, it ain't a tennis racket, genius.
Come on down. I'll show you.
Holy shit. [CHUCKLES]
Look this isn't a gift, okay?
My dad's had this
ever since I can remember.
He doesn't even play.
He can't even air guitar.
But I asked him
if we could loan it to you.
- A good guitar is expensive...
...and we know your family is,
you know, broke ass.
This is way too nice.
- I really get to keep this?
- For now.
Besides, you have to upgrade
from that crappy plastic guitar
you probably got at...
Target when you were, like, five.
- It was at Big Lots when I was seven.
- Come on, I gotta go get my lunch.
- [GRUNTS] Okay, this thing is heavy, man.
- [CHUCKLES] I know. Right over here.
- Hey, Dad.
- Good morning, Em.
- How's it hangin', Oak?
- Morning, Mr. Biggs.
Thanks for the guitar.
This thing is amazing!
[DWAYNE] You're welcome, son.
And call me D.B. Everybody calls me D.B.
- Okay, Mr. Biggs.
- [DWAYNE LAUGHS] Come here.
- Love you.
- [EMMA] Love you.
- D.B.
- Yeah.
Who... who was that?
A new tenant upstairs.
His mom's a little out there, but
- Emma's helping him navigate school.
- So, you just gave him Vaughn's guitar?
Technically I'm just loaning it.
And the kid can play.
And you know better than anyone,
you use it or you lose it.
- Figured he could use it.
- Could've given it to me.
But no, you give to some kid
you don't even know. All right.
Hey, Gina. Uh...
It's been a long time. [CHUCKLES]
Uh, I just...
I just saw Vaughn's old guitar,
and it just hit me like a wave.
Your smile is so beguiling
Your eyes are mesmerizing
Your touch is nothing short of magic
- All right. Make a bet.
- Your moves them make me...
Boom, boom.
Make my heart skip and flutter
- And house blast.
- All right, winning. [LAUGHS]
Hey, can you give me a second?
- [TRAVIS] Seamus McNamara.
- Here's a note from your mom.
- [SEAMUS] Here.
- [TRAVIS] Gabrielle Rainer.
- [TRAVIS] Daphne Reeves.
- [DAPHNE] Here.
[TRAVIS] Oak Scoggins?
Oak Scoggins?
Oh. Here, sorry.
[MOUTHS] Loser.
[MR. TRAVIS] You still need to be
with your mom for her parent conference.
There's little more to parenting
than writing notes for truancy.
Okay, Mr. Travis.
[RANDALL] You go jog.
- [WES] No, you go jog.
- [RANDALL] Yeah.
Hey, hey, dude. Hang on...
- Let's get him.
- Yeah, yeah. [SNIGGERS]
- Check it out.
- Go long.
- [WES] Nailed it. [LAUGHS]
Come and get it.
- Give it back.
[OAK] Come on. Wes.
Don't be a jerk.
- [WES] Yeah. Yeah.
- [OAK] Come on.
[WES] Nice one. [CHUCKLES]
- Is this a monkey or your mom?
- It's a red butt monkey.
What are you gonna do about
that monkey butt?
Gonna tell your drug-addict mom?
Everybody knows your mom's a drug addict.
My dad saw her at 7/11
buying all that stuff that makes you shit.
He says drug addicts have to take
that stuff 'cause they can't shit.
- You sad? Why don't you cry then?
- Hey! Get away from him right now!
- Or what?
- You lose a fight to a girl.
I would totally win.
Win or lose, you're not gonna look
too good on everyone's Instagram, huh?
I thought so.
Give him the journal.
Here, Oak.
- Thanks, Randall.
- [EMMA] Don't thank this cheesedick.
[WES] Hey.
Yeah, you better walk away.
- [EMMA] Quiet.
- Punk.
- I can take care of myself, you know.
- Yeah, no.
Yeah. By the way,
Mr. Travis totally believed it.
- You're so good at my mom's handwriting.
- Your forged signature really sells it.
There was a house in New Orleans
They called the Rising Sun
- Switch it up.
- Mother was a tailor
- Stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop.
- Is it that bad?
I mean it... it wasn't your best.
[SIGHS] Am I ever gonna make it, Pedro?
You know what, with your white face
and middling talent...
you should be just fine.
- Right on.
- Yup.
- Tell you what, why don't you just
take the rest of the day off?
Same time tomorrow?
- Yeah.
- All right.
- Hey, Pedro.
- Hey, what's up, girl?
I hear your, uh, friend's got
some, uh, sick skills.
- Sure does.
- I'm not that good.
- I need to get better.
- Well, you wanna get better?
Pedro's one of the best teachers ever.
He was a hired gun for that old punk band
- not that long ago, right?
- Yes. Green Day.
Whoa, those guys can still really rock it.
So, why aren't you successful, man?
I... I mean...
No, you know, that's not what...
Let's... let's just pretend
you said none of that.
- Yeah.
- [EMMA] Hmm.
I can't afford lessons.
I'm self-taught. YouTube, mostly.
Interesting. And yet Emma gives you
Vaughn's old guitar.
- Yeah.
- [PEDRO] Why don't we go inside?
You show me
a little something on the stage
and I'll give you a few free lessons.
That sounds good.
Any requests?
Surprise us.
How old are you, little man?
- Ten.
- Holy shit!
I mean, wow, I shouldn't be cussing.
- I'm sorry.
- That's okay.
- I say shit sometimes.
- Me, too. I say shit.
No, no, no. You talk shit. Big difference.
So, you givin' him lessons, or what?
Hell, yes, I am.
Kid, show me what else you got.
- One chance is all I need
- [DEALER] And all bets are in.
- Here we go, betting 3,000.
- For romance to succeed
No time to wait or hesitate
- Let's take a chance on love...
- Twenty-one. House wins.
[DARBY] Three grand. Ooh. That's a lot.
She lost it all.
Those are some big shoes to fill, kid.
Army of Love was the best.
Army of Love?
You've never heard of AOL?
[CHUCKLES] Are you kidding?
I mean, we used to rule this town.
All right, hold on. I'll show you.
I got something for ya.
Right here. Check this out.
Tonight is gonna be the night
That it all plays out
- This is incredible.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
There are a dozen more videos on YouTube
if you wanna check 'em out.
Is that you?
Damn right.
Were there bugs
in your pants or something?
Great. Two kids that talk shit.
Give me the phone.
[GINA] Hey stranger!
Are you kidding me? Gina...
- [LAUGHS] I can't... I can't...
- Hold on, hold on. Give me, give me...
No, no. Just give me a second. Hold on.
Going for a run, be right back.
- Jean Jacket! Oh!
- Oh, man, I haven't been called that
- in forever. [CHUCKLES]
- Come here. Aw!
- Hi. Oh, man.
- I see Larry hasn't changed.
- No, no, no. He likes you. I... I promise.
- That has never been true.
- Oh, damn. You aged well.
Hey, you, too. You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
- And the blue hair, it's...
- it's hot.
- All right. Okay. Don't be weird. Jeez.
Hey, so, um,
what's up with Vaughn's guitar?
- Can I see it?
- I... I don't have it.
No, D.B. gave it...
Sorry, he loaned it so some kid.
What kid? Whoa, whoa, whoa, what kid?
Because he... he... he can't do that.
It's not his guitar to just give.
- Yeah, but nobody was using it.
- Well, I need it.
Why do you need it?
- You okay?
- I'm fine. It's just...
God, how could you let D.B. do that?
Just give away Vaughn's guitar to some kid
he doesn't even know?
Look, if you want it back that badly,
he's gonna be at the shop tomorrow.
You should come by
and pick it up yourself.
Fine, I will. You know what?
I will take candy from a baby.
I can certainly take a guitar from a kid.
Same Jean Jacket.
You awake?
- Hush little baby don't say a word
- Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird don't sing
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring is brass
- Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke
- Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that bill...
- Hey.
- Check this out.
Hit me.
Awesome. You're learning
Army of Love songs.
Em, what do you think?
That guitar is lovin' you.
Only I could try
Kiss me kiss me, love
Tell me I am yours
Kiss me, kiss me like...
I'm gonna be
And I know
You're gonna be
Wake up don't you see yourself?
Wake up you're not like anyone else
And my heart beats for something, baby
Gina? You okay?
- Who is that boy?
- I gave him Vaughn's old guitar.
Look, I'm so sorry.
I should've been more sensitive.
- Who is he?
- He's just a tenant.
Gina, you okay?
I'm okay.
Look, we can get the kid another guitar.
It's no big deal.
I'm Gina.
- Oak.
- Oak? Like a tree?
Like, a...
mighty oak?
I guess so, yeah.
It's nice to meet you, Oak.
You know anything about the man
who owned that Taylor?
Vaughn Jackson.
Lead singer of Army of Love.
You're his sister, right?
Vaughn and I, we met Pedro in school,
and we formed Army
when we were just, uh,
few years older than you.
- What were we, 13?
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah, 13.
Uh. So, Oak here spent the whole night
memorizing every single one of our tracks.
My favorite songs
are "Bad," "Blue Silver,"
- and "Perfect".
- Vaughn wrote all those.
[PEDRO] Yeah, and you love
"Runaway" and "Tokyo," right?
Yeah, I just think Vaughn's stuff
is a little tighter, though, you know?
All right. Okay.
Yeah. You are just like him.
Yeah, you are just...
Uh. You're very talented.
That him?
You really do remind me of him. A lot.
But, I'm better looking than that, right?
Come on. Let's go practice some more.
- What do you say we do "Tokyo"?
- No. I'm good.
- Okay. Well, you pick. Let's go.
Okay. Uh...
"Blue Silver".
Do you believe in reincarnation?
All my brother and I did was play baseball
with my father growing up.
Two weeks into my senior year, he died.
It was the year we competed
at the State Championships.
The day before the big game,
this fat, corgi-mutt,
he comes wandering into our backyard.
- Now, we bring the dog in, feed him.
The next morning,
this jolly, beer-scented dog
comes to the game...
and watched the whole thing.
Sat above the dugout, next to my mom.
Now, logically,
I know that it's impossible
that this fat corgi
is the reincarnation of my dad.
- anything's possible.
- You know why I wanted that guitar so bad?
It's worth about three grand.
Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Come work for me.
I can't pay a lot but...
it'll be enough
to keep you out of trouble.
I love you, D.B. Thank you. Okay.
And you're gonna be okay
working with Pedro?
- Why wouldn't I be?
- Don't bullshit me!
There is nothing there anymore.
I mean, besides, Pedro wanted kids.
I'm sure he got a little left
in the tank for you.
No, I have a kid. His name is Larry
and his shits are the size of Coke cans.
Don't look back it won't do any good
But don't look ahead
You'll just be misunderstood
Everything you need
Could be right in front of you
It doesn't take much
To see what is true
They say we're gonna die
If we go on like this
Who do you believe?
Every story's got a twist
Take a look around
And tell me what you see
People in the world
Just trying to be free
- Hey, buddy. Hey.
- For life, love and laughter
- Hi. Come on, baby.
- And everything in between
- Come on, come on.
- Of what happens after
I'm looking for life, looking for love
Looking for laughter
[GINA] Come on, Larry.
Okay, stay, stay, stay. Stay.
- Hey, morning, you!
- Morning.
So, uh, wait a minute, D.B. hired you,
but did he hire Larry, too?
Well, he eats my sofa
if I'm gone for longer than two hours,
so, we're kind of a package deal.
- You won't even know he's here.
Hey, no.
Great. [SIGHS]
How long is your shift?
Here all day.
Are you gonna show me the ropes?
What's up with you?
- Nothing. What...
- Uh-huh.
- Something's different. What's going on?
- Why would anything be up?
Ah, come on.
I know you so well. Talk to me.
Oh, that's debatable. Come on.
[DARBY] Yeah, yeah, yeah,
but listen to this. The flow.
The infectious drum beat.
Now that'll get your juices flowin', eh?
Army of Love.
Now, look.
I know you came in here
looking for Stones,
but let's be honest, love,
Stones, I mean, look.
Look... look, it's for your mum, honestly.
Army of Love. Now that is
for the sexy people like us.
Now, this one, look,
our first album, self-titled.
Second one, Suburban, pretty good.
This third one, well, this one...
this one when he got all weird,
but I like the songs...
Oh. She's... she's gone.
- All right. Well...
"Army of Love meeting at Lestat's."
"Band back together!"
Piss it.
[GIRL] So, you serve avocado, right?
And you serve toast, right?
So, then you do serve avocado toast.
Tell your manager to make that happen.
Can you handle that, Alex?
I am the manager...
and I'm sorry,
we don't have avocado toast.
- [GIRL] This is my nightmare.
Are you even listening to me?
Do you see this faint image
right here of President Jackson?
Even on old bills, it's actually visible
from both sides too...
Now what do a couple
of degenerates have to do
to get a drink around here, eh?
- Come here.
- [GINA] Oh, my God.
- Pedro.
- [GINA] All right. Thank you. You.
How you fools doing, huh?
- Still foolish, mate. Good to see you.
- It... it really is.
Oh, wait, uh, are you guys here
'cause you need jobs, too?
[ALEX] No. We're here because Gina
told us that she might have a way
of reuniting the band.
- [CHUCKLES] Did she?
- She did. And she will.
Okay. Well, uh, Gina and I need to just
take a moment real quick. So...
- We do?
- We do.
What the hell are you thinking?
You're just mad
you didn't think of it first.
No. No, I'm mad
because you're giving them false hope.
- There's no reunion.
- Mom and Dad are already fighting.
Have a little imagination.
I can't believe you don't see it.
Tell me, what kind of marketing stunt
- are you trying to pull?
- It's not a marketing stunt.
You know what, just shut up,
get out there, and play.
Where did Gina dig this guy up from, huh?
She find him in a tribute band
or something?
- We have a tribute band?
- Well, if we don't, we should.
He's definitely not from a tribute band.
Well, at least, please tell me
he's different from Vaughn.
- Otherwise we'll seem pathetic.
- Hey, you guys. All right.
Are you guys ready
to meet your new front man?
Let's meet the bastard
crazy enough to join this crew.
[SIGHS] Come on, sweetie.
Oh, my God, it's Army of Love!
Um. Please tell me this is
a Make-A-Wish Foundation thing.
Does it look like
a Make-A-Wish Foundation thing?
I don't know what
a Make-A-Wish Foundation thing looks like,
- but this better be it!
- Guys, this isn't a joke, okay?
- Listen to him play.
- Gina, I know you're a little crazy,
but I didn't think
you were Kanye West crazy.
Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's just relax.
All right?
This is just supposed to be fun.
We have the youngest
Army of Love fan right here.
- So, let's all be cordial.
- [WHISPERS] He's a dwarf.
- Yeah.
- [DARBY] Really?
It's gonna be just like practice,
except you're gonna have
the entire Army of Love
backing you up. Can you handle that?
I know every Army of Love song.
Hell, I don't even know all of 'em.
All right, little man.
What's your favorite song?
"Blue Silver," I guess.
- "Blue Silver" it is. Go get it.
- [DARBY] "Blue Silver," yes.
- [ALEX] "Blue Silver," okay.
- Yeah.
[OAK] Is this my cord?
Yeah. Right there.
- Cool.
- That's you.
You good?
One. One, two, three, four!
Hey, come here. It's okay.
Let's try it again.
Screwed up from the things I did
The past will always haunt me
Through the ones I did
I learned so many things
Like love does you wrong
So I just move on
You were pretty good out there, man.
I told you he didn't suck!
You know, it felt like magic or something.
I don't know.
I'm gonna write a song about it later.
You write, too? This kid,
of course, he writes. [CHUCKLES]
So, where are you from, mate?
I was born in L.A., but my mom says
I'm a child of Ocean Beach.
- Vaughn used to say something like that.
So, how long have you been
an Army of Love fan?
I listened to "Blue Silver"
for the first time on Tuesday night.
- I thought you said you listen
to us all the time.
- All the time since Tuesday.
- Okay.
Oh, my God, you guys,
- that was incredible.
Don't get your feelings hurt, kid.
The dog hates everyone.
Aw, he's so cute.
- Well, he hates you.
- Animals like me.
Emma says
it's 'cause I don't shower much.
- You've got to be kidding me.
So, when are we doing this again?
- This is a one-time done deal.
- [ALEX] Oh. Come on.
- Oh. Well, think again.
- Yeah, Pedro. Think again, mate.
I wanna do an Army of Love concert
at the Belly Up next month.
- Yes.
- [OAK] Wait, wait, wait, the Belly Up?
That's where, like, legit bands play.
Well, we are legit.
And now you're one of us.
If we are doing this,
I'm gonna have to upgrade my kit.
Slow it down, guys.
Come on, this kid's great
for his age, I get it.
And next to Darby,
this dinosaur over here,
- it's just gonna be weird. We can't...
- Yeah.
Come on, you have to admit,
we killed that shit.
[GIGGLES] Alex said "shit."
All right, all right, look,
we practice for a few weeks, all right?
We... we do a small show here first,
get some PR. Come on, it's golden.
- That means you're our new manager?
- I'm in!
- Hmm.
- Well, I mean...
got a lot on, so,
I'll probably fit you in the schedule.
You know, my job really sucks
and I really wanna play.
- I can't. Nope.
- Oh. Come on, come on.
- Look, tell me...
- [PEDRO] Nope.
...that this kid wouldn't love
to be a front man, huh?
All right, he... he doesn't have
to be a 100 percent ready,
but you will be the leader.
Okay? You'd be taking on
all the guitar licks
that he can't handle yet,
or vocals, and lead guitar.
I'd be like a co-lead?
We can't do this without you.
You are the most important member
of this band
and you're the only one
who could get him ready in time.
He's gonna say yes.
- I'm not saying yes.
- He's totally saying yes.
- No.
- It's the face of a yes man.
- [GINA] Come on, say yes.
- No. I'm...
[DARBY] Come on, mate.
Now, do you know what this thing is?
- Okay. Um, I've seen them before.
- It's a metronome. All right?
It's gonna be your... your best friend,
and your worst enemy.
- Okay.
- So we're gonna take it very slow,
keep a really slow beat,
but you're gonna learn every lick
from every Army of Love song ever.
But at half speed.
It's gonna be annoying but I promise
it'll make you a better guitar player.
- Now, put your guitar away.
- Wait.
How am I supposed to learn
how to play guitar without a guitar?
Uh, uh, uh, uh.
No questions, okay? Do you trust me?
- Not really.
- Let's just focus. Put it away.
[OAK] Okay.
Most guitar players out there,
they're lazy, they're selfish.
They don't wanna put in the work.
All they wanna do is look cool
and get laid.
What's getting laid?
Let's just pretend
I never said that, okay?
- Okay.
- All right. Moving on.
She was born, they let her go
Said they couldn't raise her alone
When she goes out you couldn't tell
When she comes home it all comes out
And she wouldn't ask for help
When she needs it
And she needs someone to love
Everyone wants to be...
- [GINA] So, progress is good, yeah?
- I mean he's getting better.
It's just we're not gonna be ready.
Well, I've already started
the hype machine, so we have to be.
God, this is our path.
I see it so clearly.
Girl, have you lost your meds?
I was... I was just joking.
I didn't know that you were on...
Are you... are you taking medication?
Taken them all at one point or another.
Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft,
- Prozac, I'm through them all now.
- You, uh...
...you talk to your therapist about that?
- Therapist? [LAUGHS]
- Well, I don't know.
I haven't had health insurance
in, like, two years.
- [LAUGHS] Okay.
- Anyway, what can we do
to get more ready?
Well, we need more practice for sure.
It's just every time
we start practicing with Oak
and his mom calls,
he needs to be home ASAP.
- So...
- Okay. Well, we can fix that.
Hey, I am...
I really am seeing things
more clearly now.
Much more clearly.
Mm. Ooh, oh. [CHUCKLES]
That's not a good sign.
What? What's not a good sign?
Yeah, you always go for the wounded bird
type of girls. Let's see, daddy issues,
eating disorders, cosplayers.
I remember them all.
I mean, hell,
I was an addict when we dated.
No, you were addicted
to obsessing over your brother.
I'm sorry I said that.
You know, I know that's how you see it,
but I was Vaughn's only family and...
But we're all family.
We all hurt.
Still hurt.
I'm still in love with you.
I miss you. Hmm.
- I miss kissing you.
- Okay. Slow down, slow down.
You're so cheesy.
Look, why don't we just focus
on getting Oak ready
and then we'll see about kissing?
- You didn't say no.
- [GINA] Are you coming?
Yeah. [LAUGHS]
[VALERIE] I know. I have heard
all about you people
and your Enemy of Love.
- Army of Love, Mom. I keep telling you.
- You know what I meant. Come here, baby.
I just want you around here more.
I don't want you hanging out with a bunch
of druggie musicians all the time.
- Oh.
I... I can assure you
none of the band members
- are... are "druggies."
- Yeah. No. Gambling,
- light alcoholism at best.
- [PEDRO] Mm-hmm.
Oak's father was an alcoholic.
That's how I got my scar.
I'm sorry.
That and I'm... I'm sorry for Gina.
- She's really bad at telling jokes.
- Yeah.
- I'm not good at jokes. [CHUCKLES]
How much more time
would Oak have to be away?
Well, um, he'll usually be done
right around dinner time.
Or we could feed him.
- [PEDRO] Yeah.
- We could totally feed him. It's...
Excuse me? Are you saying that I can't?
No. No, that's not what I said.
- I just... I...
- No. Do not belittle me
in front of my son. I served
on the U.S.S. Carl Vinson.
Just because I am in between jobs,
does not mean that you are better
- than me, lady.
- [PEDRO] Hey, hey, hey.
That's not what she's saying.
Oak has a gift.
Yeah, yeah. Something
that you people wanna exploit.
I'm sorry, these people need to leave.
They need to go.
- Mom, stop it.
- You know what? I...
We are not trying
to take him from you, okay?
We just need a little bit more
of his time, that's all.
Mom, I really want to.
- I really want to, please.
- Hey, Oak.
- Oak, is this... is this your notebook?
- Yeah. I write my songs.
So you drew this? You drew this monkey?
- Yeah, I have a lot of those things.
- Can you show me?
- Oak has a shot at being great.
- [GINA] This is your journal?
- Okay? Maybe better than Vaughn...
- [OAK] Yeah.
...and definitely better than me.
- [OAK] Mm-hmm.
- He just needs some guidance.
- Okay?
- [GINA] I like that.
- [OAK] Thanks.
- [GINA] This one, too.
It's like a panda. You drew that?
Yeah, I don't know why I always draw that.
- [OAK] Right here?
- [GINA] Yeah. This, too?
[OAK] Yeah.
You really miss him, don't you?
Every day.
How much are you guys gonna pay him?
Well, if this works, then I want Oak
to get his fair share.
I don't know what that means, so...
- Mom, they already gave me...
...a 3,000-dollar guitar and free lessons.
Sweetie, and that was really nice of them,
but they need to pay you real money.
Whatever Pedro makes,
that's what Oak makes.
We're not really making
any money right now, so it...
When you do.
You have yourself a deal, Gina Jackson.
Great. Same contract
as a ten-year-old kid.
- Oak.
- [OAK] Hey, Emma.
[EMMA] Whoo!
Whoo! Yeah!
[EMMA] Um, I haven't seen you lately.
[OAK] I've been practicing nonstop.
Gina says I've got that star thing
that Vaughn had.
You know that Gina lady
used to have problems.
[EMMA] My dad said after her brother died,
she went crazy.
[OAK] What happened?
[EMMA] Had to go to a mental institution
and everything.
[OAK] Why?
- [EMMA] Just sad, I guess.
Is the color of my soul
Did you go
Knowing love would take its toll?
And I wish I didn't miss you
We were purple beautiful
And now I'm shades of blue
Don't forget I did you wrong
Don't forget
I wrote this song about you
Don't forget the endless nights
Arguments and stupid fights
About truth
Oh, Taylor.
- Jean Jacket.
- One and only.
- You're dead to me.
- What? But I'm alive again.
- What's it been, like, seven years?
- Ten, almost exactly ten.
Last time I saw you, we were drinking
50 Cent margaritas in TJ.
- Oh, man. Those nights never ended well.
- Speak for yourself.
That's where I learned
my best drunken Spanish.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
So, what do I owe this honor?
- [SIGHS] Well...
- Hey, Army of Love tonight.
Next big thing,
you're gonna wanna be there.
Hey, what's up, ladies?
Army of Love, tonight.
I'll see... Okay.
All right. That's all right.
Free show tonight, Army of Love.
Mom. Mom.
Honey, what are you doing here?
I thought you were at rehearsal?
I can't find my guitar anywhere.
Have you seen it?
No. Um.
No, have you checked your school?
Maybe you left it at school.
The show is tonight. What am I gonna do?
Well, I...
I think that you are gonna find it
before the show,
and... and everything is gonna be fine.
Your show is gonna be...
Oh, my bus is coming. I...
You will find your guitar.
You're gonna have it for tonight, okay?
I just have this feeling.
I'll be there tonight, I promise.
[OAK] It's at eight o'clock.
You're coming, right?
I would never miss your show.
I'm gonna be there.
- But I have to go. I love you, okay?
Bye, baby.
Love you, Mom.
[GRUNTS] Here you go.
Jean Jacket okayed this?
Not yet, why?
I mean it's a little Pedro-centric, no?
- Hey, showtime. You guys ready?
- [DARBY] Jean!
You seem rather chipper this morning.
Well, that's 'cause I've got
something super cool
to show you guys. Come check this out.
What you got?
Are you guys ready
to have your minds blown?
All right. So this, this is Vaughn's
old music journal.
[ALEX] He doodled more than he wrote.
Yeah. Well, check this out.
I don't get it.
This is not Vaughn's doodle.
This is Oak's.
And he's got plenty more just like this,
and they're just like Vaughn's, look.
- Here, you see?
- [ALEX] Okay. It's similar, I guess.
I knew it.
I knew it the moment that I saw him.
I didn't wanna say anything
until I had proof.
- And now there's proof.
- Proof of what?
That Oak is the reincarnation of Vaughn.
- You're messing with us, right?
- She's dead serious, I'm afraid.
You guys, it's obvious.
I mean, he plays like Vaughn.
He talks like Vaughn.
He's absorbed Army's music
like it was already
inhabiting his soul. I mean...
What about Larry, right?
Larry hates everyone but not Oak.
Come on, he scooters, he surfs.
- And now this.
- Every kid in San Diego
- scooters and surfs.
- I mean, throw a frisbee down
- on Newport and you will hit one.
- Yeah, this is a sketch of Chim-Chim
from Speed Racer.
Vaughn loved that stupid show.
All right. But how would
a ten-year-old know that show?
'Cause YouTube? [CHUCKLES] I don't know.
I don't care how he got this image
in his head,
it's just a picture.
It's not proof of anything.
I mean, he does have Vaughn's talent.
But reincarnation, I mean, that...
It's a bit out there, innit?
Over half the world
believes in reincarnation,
- including D.B. Tell them.
- [DWAYNE] No, don't...
No, don't put this on me. Look, I told you
a personal story about my father.
You took it the wrong way.
God, you guys won't even acknowledge this?
Hey, look, the first time you saw Oak,
he was playing Vaughn's old Taylor,
singing his song.
- I'm sure that must've been traumatic.
- No.
Oak is the reincarnation of Vaughn,
and this is our fate.
Damn it, Gina. You know what?
I knew something was wrong
when you started getting all manic.
- Oh, "manic"?
- Come here.
- Are you taking any pills?
- No. And screw you for asking me.
Is this why you have us practice
until our fingers bleed,
for your sad delusions?
You know, I've been losing shifts
for this.
I'm losing money.
You still remember
what a coincidence is, right?
Yeah, I do. Like the coincidence that D.B.
gave away Vaughn's guitar?
His 3,000-dollar guitar in the exact day
that I needed 3,000 dollars?
Oh, like, the coincidence
that both Oak and Vaughn
point with their devil horns?
I mean, come on.
Or like the coincidence
of when you're vacationing in Jamaica,
and you make out with the most
gorgeous bird in the entire resort,
only to find out
that she's your second cousin.
- All right. Enough.
- Shut up.
- All right, you guys.
- I think I can speak
for all of us when I say
that we are worried
about your state of mind.
- Thank you for that.
- [PEDRO] And, how about Oak?
You ever thought about what this
might actually do to him?
Are you kidding me?
That's all I think about.
You saw what a disaster
his mom is. He needs me.
- He needs us.
- [OAK] What about me?
Oak, mate. Um...
What's wrong?
I can't find my guitar.
I looked everywhere.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, it's okay.
- I'll help you find it, okay?
- Okay.
[GINA] Come on.
If that kid really is Vaughn,
looks like he gonna get in the way
of y'all's relationship all over again.
- Mm-hmm.
- Shut up.
[OAK] It was right there, I know it was.
It's okay. And you looked all around?
- [OAK] Yeah.
- [GINA] Okay.
Hey, Oak? Is this your father?
He died before I was born.
I know that's hard.
Vaughn and I lost both of our parents
when we were really young.
And then after that, it was
foster family after foster family.
I remember our worst foster father.
Whenever Vaughn would sing
or play his drum kit,
he'd always say in this smoky cigar voice,
you know, "Little kids
are meant to be seen, not heard."
He was awful.
We ran away after two months.
But you got to meet your real dad. I mean,
before you got the awful dads.
I never got to meet mine.
- It's not here. I told you.
- Okay. Hey.
I will find you another guitar
for tonight, okay?
And then after, I'll help you
track down the Taylor.
It's what managers do.
- Kinda like a mom, huh?
- Yeah. A lot like a mom.
You think I'm Vaughn.
That's what you were talking about
with the band.
If it turns out...
I'm just Oak...
- can I still be in the band?
Are you kidding me? Hey.
Look, no matter what, you were meant
to be a part of this family.
I promise.
But, you got anything else
to wear for the stage tonight?
I got some clean gym shorts,
and a dope yellow turtleneck.
[CHUCKLES] Oh, "a dope yellow turtleneck."
- You wanna see it?
- This mom is gonna take you shopping.
Remove the hat, please?
Oh, yes.
What was the purpose of your trip?
Um, lunch. I was visiting a friend.
You buy anything while you were in Mexico?
Can I ask to see your purse, please?
Uh. Yeah.
What's this?
- [OAK] These are kind of expensive.
- [GINA] Oh, don't worry about that.
I bet you have a birthday coming up,
am I right?
- In, like, four months.
- Oh.
You thought I have the same birthday
as Vaughn?
No. Actually, I thought maybe
your birth happened
around the same time he passed.
- Can I have the clothes anyway?
- Of course, you can, silly.
Let's check these out.
Let's see what we got. Oh.
- Hendrix.
- You know who Jimi Hendrix is?
He was left-handed, self-taught,
and died too young.
[CHUCKLES] Yeah, that's good.
Oh, okay. You're gonna...
you're gonna try it on right now?
Too big?
It's perfect.
Hello, San Diego,
my name is Sheila Sundgard,
and it's an honor to be a part
of this local music.
We got a great line-up tonight.
This next song is "Spoke Too Loud."
- You spoke to loud
Cool to talk
But I like to shout and yell
Where is she?
Pedro, chill. She'll make it.
- [DARBY] Relax, man.
- Hey, you guys. You ready?
He liked it.
- [ALEX CHUCKLES] What's up, buddy?
- Are you drunk?
- Of course, I am, Oak.
- Darb?
- Just a little bit.
- So many people are here to see you.
- I will kill you.
- I've had, like, four.
- [ALEX] Go check it out.
- I'm here, aren't I?
- [ALEX] Yes.
Make your move
Honey, prove you'll be mine
I know what you're thinking.
This ain't gonna be the same
without Vaughn Jackson.
But they got a killer replacement.
And I'm kind of an unofficial member
of the band,
you know, the surrogate father,
more like a manager, really. [LAUGHS]
- I'll shut up and pour you that beer.
All right, you guys. Hey, let's huddle up.
Yeah. [GRUNTS]
All right, I know that this has been
a strange journey for us,
but let's embrace the crazy,
honor the rebirth of Army of Love,
and have a great damn show.
-[TRISTAN] Amen.
- Dude, what are you doing here?
[LAUGHS] Good show, guys.
Have a good show. Woo! Let's go. Yeah.
- Okay. All right. AOL...
- ...come on in, guys.
- All right. One, two, three.
All right.
We got any Army of Love fans
in the house?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna bring them up soon,
but, uh, just for now,
can you do something for me?
I just want you guys
to close your eyes for a second.
It's been a while, so I want you
to imagine that Vaughn Jackson
is here singing to you guys.
Now, I want you to transform
him in your mind.
What if Vaughn had a son?
Um. Just spiritually. A spiritual son.
What would the next generation
of Vaughn look like?
Because that's who we've got here tonight.
So, give it up for Army of Love
and the Mighty Oak Scoggins.
- Yeah! Army of Love! [CHEERS]
[DWAYNE] That's my band.
Let's go, Oak.
Army of Love.
Hey, Pedro, have you seen my mom?
Let's go.
One, two, three, four!
Standing up I am tired of the way
That things have been
And I'm scared to face the strange
Freaking out on the perfect people
That will never change
And I wait for that day
Don't you ever change
You're perfect
I would stay with you
Till the world ends
Don't you ever change
You're perfect I cannot explain...
Better call someone.
It's a long time before you get
another chance to use the phone.
There's no one I could call.
Tonight is gonna be the time...
- Where did you find this kid?
- I didn't. He found me.
But you know
It all will go away
[CHANTS] Oak, Oak, Oak, Oak!
- Thank you, guys, we're Army of Love.
- Are they great or what?
- It's Mighty Oak!
- That was so good. I'm proud of you.
Can I get your autograph, little man?
Hey, hey, you did great.
- Ladies and gentlemen...
- Yeah.
...Army of Love is officially back!
- Yeah!
- [DARBY] Let's go. Let's go.
- [ALEX] Yeah, guys.
Hey. Hey, you were so good.
- Thanks.
- Why are you so sad?
She never came.
I know, sweetie. I get it.
But I have it on video.
And I'll upload it for you
so you can show her tonight, okay?
And there's somebody
that I want you to meet.
Oak, I want you to meet someone.
This is Taylor Lazlo.
She's the music critic
for the San Diego Reader.
- Hi. I'm Oak.
- Really nice to meet you, too.
Really impressive.
Gina was not overselling.
- You are a monster talent.
- Thanks.
I see you met Oak. I've been training him.
aren't you looking fine as hell?
Thanks. You, too. Uh, no.
No, that's... that's not what I meant.
Not... not... not "you, too." I...
I see you're still thirsty for Gina?
No, no, no, no. I'm not really thirsty
for anybody at the moment. I'm just...
Sure you're not.
Looks like you found a talent
to hook up your wagon.
Still busting my balls
after all these years.
Yes. I will show you ball-busting,
you brown sugar piece of candy.
Listen here...
- All right. All right. Okay. Okay.
- There's the Mighty Oak. Congratulations.
- Hey!
- Got any shots?
- Espresso.
- Let's party!
- Oh my... Okay.
- Oh.
Thanks for driving.
The last thing I need is a DUI.
Yeah. No worries.
You have to admit, that was a great show.
Yeah. I mean, the audience loved it.
when we get back to my place,
you wanna come inside?
I shouldn't.
Baby, baby, let's get together
- Honey, honey, me and you
Wait, wait. No, no, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
[GINA] No.
- I can't. I can't. I can't.
- Yes, you can.
- I know. But it's so complicated.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- Hey, something just doesn't feel right.
- Why?
Make a little love get down tonight
We had a great show.
[CHUCKLES] And I know that we're riding
on the high of that right now. I...
Truth is, I don't know what I want.
More to the point,
I... I... I don't know what you're doing.
I just... [EXHALES]
Does it make any sense to you?
I rest my case.
- I'm leaving.
Goodnight, Larry. Goodnight, Gina.
Strange and weird
- Pedro?
- [PEDRO] I'm back here.
Pedro, our video already has 20,000 views.
- Pedro?
Yeah, the room's...
almost exactly the way it was
when he left us.
Except the books, of course.
I just like to read them in here, it's...
You know, I'm still figuring it out,
I'm just piecing it together.
I thought that you've finally
accepted his death,
but I guess... guess I was wrong,
'cause it's all just happening again.
- No, it's different this time.
- [PEDRO] It's different?
Just like the time that you, uh,
claimed that you saw Vaughn's ghost.
Remember that?
Let me tell you something,
I'm not doing this again.
Oh, let me guess,
it's different like that one time
I had to call a 5150 hold on you, right?
'Cause you were thinking
that you were gonna join Vaughn in heaven.
I was depressed then, okay?
I'm not anymore.
All of this, this.
So, what? So, some kid
just comes into our life
and he... he really is the reincarnation
of my best friend?
- How convenient for us!
- [GINA] Larry!
You're being such a jerk. You know what?
What if we were all meant to be together?
You, me, Vaughn, the band,
just in a different way
and a different time?
I mean, can you at least
be open to that? Is that so crazy?
I love you.
I really do, but I'm not gonna be
part of some delusion.
So, if you want this to work, me and you,
it's gotta be different this time.
None of this stuff.
You'll see.
The universe will send you a sign,
something undeniable.
Hey, 25,000 views already!
And it's only been a day.
You're going viral.
Are you okay?
All of these books say the same thing.
That groups of souls travel through
different lifetimes together.
And in one lifetime they could be mother
and son, and then teacher and student,
and then neighbor and best friend.
Do you see?
Hey, D.B.
[DWAYNE] Gina, Pedro, we don't know
what we're walking into.
Valerie's been through
some really hard shit.
Let's just play it cool.
Yeah, we got it. We'll be cool. Gina?
So, what do you think
she tried to smuggle?
Fentanyl, oxy, I don't know.
[VALERIE] No, no.
- [GINA] There she is.
- Here we go.
- No. No. No, what is she doing here?
- It's all right.
We just came to help.
Your son was amazing last night,
by the way.
Packed house, too, I'm so sorry
- you missed it.
- Packed house?
- How much did he make?
- Excuse me?
- Did you pay him anything? How much?
- You stole Oak's guitar, didn't you?
To buy drugs or whatever it is
that got you arrested.
You have no idea
what you're talking about,
- so you need to back off, lady.
- Yeah? Really?
All he wanted was to see you there.
That's all he wanted,
and you couldn't even do that.
- Chill, chill.
- He deserves better than you!
I'm not gonna chill! Look at me.
Just because life sucks does not mean
that Vaughn has to suffer.
Oak. I meant Oak.
Yeah, Gina, you just made it weird again.
I'm really, really sorry.
That is never gonna happen again, okay?
Do you wanna see it?
[VALERIE] I can watch it?
- Thank you.
- Do you want me to pull it up?
Yeah. Heck, yeah, I wanna watch it.
- There.
[OAK] One, two, three four...
- Can you put that on the table?
- Yeah.
- Okay. Here, this is the start.
- Thank you.
And I'm scared to face the strange
Come here.
Freaking out
On the perfect people
That will never change
And I wait for that day
You are such a little rock star.
I just want to play, you know.
My own music, with my own band,
kids my age.
You will. [CHUCKLES]
The kids at school
are gonna be so jealous.
Kids at school barely know I exist.
I love you.
Okay, and the final thing,
boys and girls, a bit of a surprise,
turns out we have our very own
rock star right in our midst
here at Ocean Beach Elementary School.
Gonna come out here
and play some songs for you.
He's a little shy, a little anxious,
but I know we're gonna give him
a ton of encouragement.
Ocean Beach Elementary,
please welcome your very own
Mighty Oak Scoggins!
[OAK] Thanks.
Hi, everybody. I wrote this song,
because a lot of people
don't know who I am...
including me.
What about me?
I wanna be myself
But I don't know what to be
What about me?
I wanna see the world
But I don't know what to see
What about me?
"'So, not since Brian Johnson
replaced Bon Scott in AC/DC
has there been a more obvious
reincarnation of a band leader.'
says Army of Love manager,
Gina Jackson." "Band leader," really?
Get over it. Come on.
[SIGHS] "But, while Johnson
only reincarnated the voice
he so perfectly emulated,
Jackson insists that Army of Love's
new front man,
ten-year-old, Oak Scoggins
really is the reincarnation
of the late Vaughn Jackson
who died tragically
in a car accident a decade ago."
- Come on, keep reading.
- No. I don't think I want to.
All right. Well, Taylor loved the show,
and the video is already
at 40,000 views, last I checked.
I mean, it's working.
It's called marketing.
No. You see?
This is what I'm talking about.
You're trying to force it.
It has nothing to do with marketing
- and has everything to do with Oak.
- All right. You know what?
Don't let me convince you,
just let fate do that.
You guys, this video
is not really going viral.
Is it, Gina? She bought what,
50,000 views for 25 bucks,
- was that it?
- How did you know that?
Well, you know, Vaughn's, uh, shrine
wasn't the only thing
that I was checking out
Sunday morning.
Yeah, you know,
you should probably password-protect
your Mac if you insist on lying to us.
Honey, you shouldn't be
lying to us, we are your family.
Hey, lie to boys.
That's what they're there for.
- Wait.
So, we're not really going viral?
Okay. So, I messed
with the numbers a little bit,
- big deal, it's working.
- Oh, enough! Okay?
You lied about the video views,
you were wrong about Oak's birthday,
and now you're berating his mother around
like she's some crazy maniac?
- You know what?
- You're the one who's crazy.
Is she coming back?
'Cause her shift starts in,
- like, five minutes.
- Jeez.
I'm gonna need another one of these.
And, oh, come on you know what's up
'Cause it ain't easy growing up
And I say put your hands up
Put your hands up
Put your hands, put your hands up, yeah
I've never seen anything like that before.
Even Mr. Travis was rocking out.
- He asked for my autograph.
- I hope you charged him money for that.
See you later? Maybe at Sunset Surf.
- Totally.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Where I begin
I'm broken down, I'm beaten down
I'm so confused and broken-hearted
- It's not like you...
- Mom?
Maybe I've been dizzy
By how beautiful you are
But tell me
It's just on the outside
So pretty on the outside
Here we are again
In a crowded room, familiar faces
- Me and you, my heart has risen
Gina, this is Frank and Priscilla,
- Oak's grandparents.
- Hello.
They just got in from Minnesota.
- I'm... I'm so sorry for your loss.
- It's awfully nice to meet you.
And thank you so much
for what you have done for Oak.
Oh, and that Pedro fellow,
he's just as sweet as he can be.
It's amazing what the power of love
and music can do.
Oak is a very special young man.
Is he here yet?
Yes. He's in the viewing room.
He wanted to spend a little time
alone with his mom.
Of course.
It's okay, Mom.
I bet you're going to be
a princess in your next life.
[FRANK] Valerie wasn't really equipped
to take care of Oak.
[PRISCILLA] She never went to church,
she never listened to us.
[FRANK] She straightened out
a little bit after the navy,
I mean, she was a good woman.
Well, even so, after her illness,
she wasn't capable
of taking care of herself.
She had lupus.
Yeah. She didn't want anyone to know,
especially Oak.
Yeah, her trouble started
right after the accident.
Broke her back when she was only
five months pregnant with Oak.
- It was all Randal's fault.
- Randal?
- Oak's father.
- Yeah, a total degenerate.
Stinking drunk on the night
of the car accident,
wound up driving the wrong way
on the freeway...
and the good thing
is that Randal died that night.
- Good riddance!
- Oh, Frank.
I don't care.
Was it... was it January 18th,
the accident?
Oh, it was in January,
but, it could've been the 18th.
Where was the accident?
- Long Beach, somewhere.
- No, no, it was in Los Angeles.
What does it matter?
It's all in the past now.
- It was her.
Sorry I'm late.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Say something
I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something
I'm giving up on you
And I
Am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I
Will stumble and fall
Hi. Here to help.
Perfect. Oak's fort still needs packing.
- Ah, Frank, Priscilla,
can I talk to you guys a minute?
- Sure.
- Sure. Sure.
I don't know what you've decided.
Oak loves it here.
You know, he has friends, he has a life.
I would be honored
to take Oak on as his guardian.
And it wouldn't just be me.
You know, they say it takes an army,
and between myself, the band, Pedro, D.B.,
an army is what we can offer.
An Army of Love,
so to speak. Right, D.B.?
I think this environment
- might not be the best...
- Look, it's just best
if Oak comes to Minnesota.
We are his real family.
I see.
I feel like his family, too.
Oh, honey,
I know you love him. I can tell.
He's going to be just fine.
[GINA] I'm gonna help him with his fort.
- Oh. Well, we'll give you some time alone.
- Sure.
We'll go do Valerie's bedroom.
[GINA] Okay.
Can I join you?
They said I have to go with them.
I said I wanted you to stay here.
- I said that I'd be your guardian.
- And?
Try hard enough, I guess.
Oak, your grandparents,
they just want you with them.
Nobody asked me what I wanted.
- And you just wanted me to be Vaughn.
- Some decisions don't belong to us, okay?
- I'm an adult. I'm still learning that.
- You said we were family.
That you'd always take care of me.
I don't even know my grandparents! [SOBS]
Why do they get to decide?
You didn't even find my guitar
like you promised.
- You're a liar!
- Everything all right in here?
- I don't wanna go!
- [FRANK] Come on, Oak!
Kids are meant to be seen, not heard.
Now, calm down, son.
Look, Gina.
We're staying down the street
at the Hotel Lafayette...
until our flight leaves tomorrow.
So, if... if... if you wanna come by
for one last goodbye...
we leave at noon.
- No. He's leaving with them tomorrow.
- I'm so sorry, Jean Jacket.
I was just starting to like
that little bastard.
No, it's okay.
It's okay. I need to let him go.
Set him free, you know, it's what's best.
I'm proud of you.
By the way...
the drunk driver that killed Vaughn...
that was Oak's father.
Valerie was in the car, too,
four months pregnant with Oak.
[ALEX] For real?
[DARBY] Now, that is freaky.
Run, run, run
- D.B.?
- Run, run, run
- Hey, have you seen Gina?
- You just missed her.
She borrowed 3,000 bucks
then left in a hurry.
Wait, and gave her the money?
Are you crazy?
- Do you know what she's gonna do with it?
- I do.
Do you?
She's at the pawnshop on Newport.
I should've stopped
When I had the chance
Now I'm in a no man's land
- I never, never...
- [PEDRO] Gina. Gina.
- What?
- When D.B. told me he gave you 3k,
I thought... I thought for sure
I'd find you at the casino.
- But, I'm so glad I was wrong.
- Saw you called about a 100 times.
- I still don't believe, but...
- Can we do this later?
Run, run, run, I'm finally losing it
Run, run, run, say goodbye to this
It doesn't look like your friends
are gonna make it, Oak.
We have to leave in a few.
I ain't coming back
Hi. Gina Jackson, we spoke on the phone.
Do you still have it?
Oak. The world's biggest mall
is in Minnesota.
There's even a rollercoaster inside.
Isn't that exciting?
[FRANK] Come on, son.
If your friends
really wanted to say goodbye,
they would've been here by now.
I never, never, never wanna believe it
I never, never, never...
They'll call when we get you back home.
I am home.
- What's that?
- Run, run, run...
Run, run, run, say goodbye to this
- Run, run, run, I ain't coming back
Wait. It's Jean Jacket.
- [GINA] Ah.
- [OAK] Mm!
I'm so glad I caught you.
- I knew you'd come.
- Of course.
- [PEDRO] Larry.
- [OAK] What's up, Larry?
- Come on. Give me some love.
Boom. Boom. Love, homie.
Come on, boom, boom, boom.
Hey, Oak. We've got something for you.
Stay right there.
She, uh... she tracked it down for you.
I keep my promises.
- Thanks.
Hey, this guitar belongs to you, bud.
I am so happy that you all had a chance
to say goodbye.
No, we wouldn't miss saying goodbye
to this little rock star.
I actually have something for you, too.
- Can you hold him?
- Oh. Yeah, yeah.
Before I forget...
So... [SIGHS] since your best friends
can't go with you,
we decided why not send you
with your worst enemy?
- Thanks.
You're welcome.
- Hey, come back soon, okay?
- Okay.
Come here.
I don't wanna say goodbye to you.
Just know that I love you.
And I'm always here for you, okay?
I love you, too.
And if anyone ever
tries to silence your voice,
you call me, okay?
And I'm sorry
if I failed you again. I just...
You're okay.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Come here.
Guess it wasn't meant to be after all.
Yeah, I guess not.
I still don't believe.
But I'm sorry.
You will.
But you're right about one thing.
I... I had to let him go.
Gina, how many views
did you buy for our video?
Uh, 50,000. Enough to get noticed. Why?
It's 700,000 now.
Oh. That's why Chris at the Belly Up
was blowing up my phone.
Seven hundred thousand?
Are you sure you can't get Oak back?
Just throwing this out there,
but I could be the new lead singer.
- What are you even doing here today, man?
- I just really wanna be in the band.
Just... That's okay. Just think about it.
- Bye, Tristan.
- Bye.
Definitely won't think about that.
Do you realize that by the time
Oak graduates high school,
you're gonna be nearly 90?
Well, you won't exactly be
a spring chicken.
Oak, honey. Coffee is for adults.
I'll get you some milk.
I only came here because of your organic
nitro cold brew and the fact
that you still don't serve avocado toast
is beyond.
How about
some organic sauted ass-paragus?
I've traded so many souls
For just one kiss
No woman alone could grant my wish
I can't believe what I just saw
A woman in steel
She beats on the shield and I wonder
Can this really be
The battle drums cry right in my ears
She swings with the sword
And she has no fear
I admire your courage, I do
But a heart cannot run
Through these valleys untrue
And I wonder
Can this really be...
[MAN 1 OVER TV] Yeah, poor guy.
- Lucky for us, he talked when he did.
- [MAN 2 OVER TV] I'll say so.
Well, he's made a lot of mistakes.
I think he paid for it, like everyone...
What's in the box?
I guess Mr. Biggs found
some of Mom's stuff in a closet.
- Huh?
- I thought you should have it.
What is it?
Not bad, huh, Larry?
So, we got a letter from our daughter.
And apparently, it was her dying wish
that Oak be with where his family is.
Can I still be in the band?
So that's it. What do you think?
It's amazing.
Your mom would be so proud.
- Have you played it for the band, yet?
- Maybe when it's ready.
I think it's ready.
- [GINA] Excuse me. Excuse me.
Hey, have you guys seen Oak?
- Almost done writing.
- [GINA] Oak! Show time! Now!
We have a sold-out crowd waiting on you.
Okay, I'm ready.
He's definitely ready.
All right. Come on. Rascal.
Yeah. [LAUGHS]
Two months ago...
my mom passed away.
She wasn't perfect, but I loved her.
This song came to me in a dream.
I think it's supposed to be for her.
Sometimes I feel strange and weird
Out of the jungle she appeared
And then I looked into her eyes
- And I found peace and harmony
- And I found peace and harmony
- And then I walked down to the street
Where I found a home
And they said you can stay here
I heard a voice that was telling me
To come inside
And all these things
Are chasing after me
And now I think that I might drown
Here I stand, I feel grand
I wave my flag now
Run in and run out I'm all about you
I'm all about you
Been around for a 100 years
And I've seen a 1,000 tears
And I can walk on water and ice
And sometimes I wish you were mine
And all these things
Are chasing after me
And now I think that I might drown
Here I stand, I feel grand
I wave my flag now
Run in and run out I'm all about you
I'm all about you
When I went down to Mermaid Street
Where everything was blue
I saw a girl with purple hair
And she said
Are you having a bad day, too?
Well, I said, no, the day is bright
There is no night
And everything's behind me
Well, I said, no, there is no fear
There is nothing here
That could ever harm me
And she said it ain't easy growing up
It ain't easy growing up
No, come on you know what's up
'Cause it ain't easy growing up
And I said put your hands up
Put your hands up
Put your hands
Put your hands up, yeah!
And I said put your hands up
Put your hands up
Put your hands
Put your hands up, yeah!
Standing up I am tired of the way
That things have been
And I'm scared to face the strange
Freaking out on the perfect people
That will never change
And I'll wait for that day
Don't you ever change you're perfect
I would stay with you
Till the world ends
Don't you ever change you're perfect
I cannot explain
Don't you ever change you're perfect
I cannot explain
Think about all the things
That I have done throughout my life
And I'm happy now
I was scared of the things
That people thought about me
But I'm happy now