Mike (2022) Movie Script

'Violence against women
is punishable under law'
Thanks to 'His Grace'
'Hello people.'
'You are listening to
Music Monk, 96.5 FM.'
'We were talking about travels.'
'It's all about the journey.'
'Not about the destination.'
'In the course of our travels
we can explore numerous new things.'
'It could be people...places...'
'Sometimes ourselves too.'
Dear sports lovers...
Presenting the final contest of the 5th
All Kerala Tug of War competition...
...organised by Dynamo
Arts and Sports club.
From Kasargode, the land with the fusion of
7 languages including Kairali and Kannada...
to the martial grounds of Ananthapuri
where Anantha Padmanabhan is enshrined...
gripping hard to the rope that's twisted
with lengths of coir forming a golden rope...
charging over the robust opponent,
defeating him to the depths of failure...
and adorning the crown of success. That's
what this zestful battle is all about.
Come on sports lovers, give
them a round of applause.
(Crowd cheering)
At the battlefield of Dynamo
Arts and Sports club...
on one side is Christone,
Rajakkad, Idukki...
and the other side
is Udaya, Pallipadi.
With the onset of the red
hued dusk, the setting sun...
...has turned the western
horizon blood red.
The shrouds of darkness
envelopes this evening.
Come on man, pull!!
Come on pull!
Hey Sara!!
Here Christone Rajakkad, Idukki wins!
After witnessing 24 champion teams battling
here at The Dynamos Arts and Sports Club...
I told you Sara to place someone
with a strong footing at the back...
Don't blame me now.
If you guys in the front had a strong
footing, we wouldn't fall like this...
Enough, there's no
point in arguing. Let's go.
We should have had a dip
in that pond and come back.
For what?
Is it to gather the
townsfolk in this midnight?
Get down fast.
Sarah, stop fooling
around and give me the key.
They must have started partying.
Even if we win or lose,
once you get totally sloshed...
...by the next day morning
everything will be fine.
I should've been born as a boy.
So what? You are already a boy.
This is the only
difference you have...
And you always have
to remind me of that.
- Give me the key.
- Hmm.
- Goodnight!
- Goodnight.
My Jesus...that
devil is staring.
Don't scream. I'm not deaf.
Who do you think you are?
You don't deserve
an answer for that.
Whatever I say, she's
prompt to reply in English.
Mom, she is a spoilt brat.
How will I get her married
to a respectable home?
Don't worry about that.
I think she will find someone
and get married herself.
I should be blamed for this.
I made all the offerings
to have a baby boy.
I am tired of hearing
the remarks of the townsfolk.
You should leave that
child to her ways.
Don't simply torture her.
I told you Sara to place someone
with a strong footing at the back...
I should've been born as a boy.
So what? You are already a boy.
This is the only
difference you have...
"Lass, oh Lass!!"
"You're smarter than
the height of the skies"
"The entire city
is crossing with you"
"Lass, oh Lass!!"
"Your black eyes are shimmering..."
"...shaking those lovely earrings"
"She looks like..."
"...a girl"
"But she desires deep down..."
"...to be considered as a boy"
"If you go..."
"...to befriend her"
"She turns to be your closest
buddy with zeal in her eyes"
"Are you changing
with the tide of time..."
"...and with new
fads, my dear girl?"
"Lass, oh Lass!!"
"You're smarter than
the height of the skies"
"The entire city
is cross with you"
"Lass, oh Lass!!"
"Your black eyes are shimmering..."
"...shaking those lovely earrings"
"Hands full of glass bangles..."
"...Bottles overflowing with froth..."
"...smoke vaping from
the lips of spoilt lads"
"The awakening mornings..."
"...imparting little lunacies"
"Hues of the morning
dawning on the bed"
"Many, on the streets..."
"...when they catch sight of you..."
"...burn like salt rubbed on wounds"
"You're playing tricks,
with outfits not suiting you"
"Lass, oh Lass!!"
"You're smarter than
the height of the skies"
"The entire city
is cross with you"
"Lass, oh Lass!!"
"Your black eyes are shimmering..."
"...shaking those lovely earrings"
- Sara Thomas?
- Yes.
Is this with the
permission of your parents?
What's the matter?
I need to tell you something.
Is this a matter to be
presented within a community?
Dear, how can you
think in this way?
"Yearning to keep her head upright"
Shall I leave if it's done?
"Futile pests coming in your way"
'A small desire to be caressed...'
Death was passed
to us through Eve.
Due to her disobedience, Eve brought
in death for herself and the human race.
Mother Mary brought salvation
and life through her obedience.
"When trapped...at her wit's end..."
"...she'll call you many names"
"In a split second..."
"...'stashes sprout out zestfully"
"She ends up in a fix obscurely"
"She looks like..."
"...a girl"
"But she desires deep down..."
"...to be considered as a boy"
"If you go..."
"...to befriend her"
"She turns to be your closest
buddy with zeal in her eyes"
"Are you changing
with the tide of time..."
"...and with new
fads, my dear girl?"
"Lass, oh Lass!!"
"You're smarter than
the height of the skies"
"The entire city
is cross with you"
"Lass, oh Lass!!"
"Your black eyes are shimmering..."
"...shaking those lovely earrings"
(upbeat rock song)
Hey, ride properly you idiot!
Hey...hey...stop! Stop the bike!
What is your name?
Where is your house?
Look at him.
He looks like a drunkard.
Take his details, charge him a fine and
let him go. Don't take up such headaches.
You won't get your bike. Come tomorrow
morning to the station and take it.
Keep the change.
Thank you Sir.
This is too much.
Drink less.
You are like a brother to me.
He won't listen to me
how much ever I say.
Where's your bike?
My bike is at the police station.
You go with your
brother and get it.
What's the case?
It's a drink and drive case.
Ok, give me one hours time.
- I'll go and get it.
- Hmm.
Don't bring it here.
It's for you.
Are you mad?
Do what I say.
Keep the bike with you.
Ok, come and have your food.
You're eating your food
daily after it has turned cold.
It's become a daily routine.
He can't be reformed.
You clean the room and give the
key to the owner in the morning.
Okay, brother
(Phone chimes)
Your seat has
already been given, Sir.
You didn't pick up the
call when I called you.
What rubbish is this?
There is a seat
behind. Go and sit there.
You go and sit there.
Is it a big issue if
this seat is allotted?
You can go and sit anywhere.
I didn't book the
ticket for that.
Young man...hey young man...
Chetta, don't make it an
issue. I'll sit behind.
Look at him!
He is completely sloshed!
Switch off the lights.
It's none of our business.
Which stuff did you have?
He has glutted on some
substandard stuff and calls it Vodka.
Keep quiet.
Hey, please dear, come!
What's the matter?
You created all the ruckus to
sit on a seat reserved for ladies.
I was expecting some chick here.
Just to simply woo her.
Who is Lakshmi, your girlfriend?
My mother.
I am Mike.
Isn't Mike a boyish name?
Hmm, my real name is Sara.
I went to change it. I'm
on my way back from there.
Is it like publishing
it in the gazette?
It's something like
that...organ reassignment!
Gender reassignment!
The bus will halt
for ten minutes.
Those who wish to have
refreshments can carry on.
Don't be late. Come back fast.
Aren't you eating?
I'm not hungry.
Will you be hungry if you
have a couple of drinks?
Do you have any stuff with you?
I have it in the bag.
I want someone to accompany
me while having food.
At home I will have my
grandma, Roby or someone else.
This is my favourite
brand. It is a local one.
The dew from heaven!
We brewed it ourselves.
Why are you taking it away?
Do you want more?
Not this but the...
I am exactly like a boy.
I have only this
hindrance in my body.
So why not get rid of it?
It's just that simple!
What happened? Have you
never got a kiss from anyone?
- Have you got it?
- Yes.
My first kiss was when
I was 13 years old.
Oh...so you had a
boyfriend at that time too?
Not mine, but my
mom's boyfriend.
I'm sorry.
Let me go and pee.
This is what I feel
jealous of men the most.
You can pour it off
anywhere and at anytime.
Chetta...there are
people to get in.
Shucks with his peeing!!
What a bad time!
Antony John.
This is like inviting
unwanted trouble.
I also saw that they both
were totally sloshed.
If we allow them to travel
in this bus we'll lose our job.
Yes exactly.
- I got stuck there for a while.
- Hmm.
At my place, this is called
dozed off for a while.
Come fast, the bus will go.
- Did the bus leave?
- Hmm...
This is what happens when
you're drunk and out of your senses.
You will miss the
bus, kiss and all.
How will we go now?
Why are you
behaving like a girl?
How do we boys go for
a trip? We'll go like that.
You're dazed because you haven't
eaten anything. Hold this, let's eat something.
- Take your seat Ma'am.
- No issues,bro.
Is she a girl or a boy?
(Playing Tamil movie song on radio)
She's a girl.
I'm a big foodie.
I have to eat till
my stomach is full.
At home there are
tons of complaints.
You'll get fat. If you get fat,
nobody will marry you.
Anyways, who's gonna marry me?
Let's wash our hands and come.
I am not coming.
Where did I keep?
Hey sister...my hand...my hand.
It's been a while since you're upto this
mischief. If you dare touch me again...
...I'll kick your balls off
Let's go.
Meanwhile, a guy tried to touch me.
A single dialogue from my side
frightened him and he put his hands off me.
I think you're a
man of few words.
No, I do speak.
I'm very affable!
I understood that.
I'm meeting someone
like you for the first time.
Me too.
"My heart is brimming..."
"...through you"
Hey...hey buddies...why
don't you join us?
It's my friend's birthday.
Come on.
"Hey...hey my heart!"
"Hey...are you just..."
"...moving away, far away?"
"Hey...hey my heart!"
"Hey...are you just..."
Have one, bro.
"...coming this way?"
"The skies forming a marquee"
"Scintillating stars beside us"
"This night offers a
celebration today...oh my life"
"Hey...hey my heart!"
"Hey...are you just..."
"...moving away, far away?"
"Hey...hey my heart!"
"Hey...are you just..."
"...coming this way?"
You haven't received
any phone call as yet.
Don't you have a phone?
I don't have anyone special
to call or say anything.
You are very lucky.
Isn't your life awesome?
You can live your life to your
will without any restrictions.
Having someone in
your life is always great.
What job do you do?
I am a Collector.
...you were lying.
No problem.
Telling lies doesn't make us crooks.
The desires we have within us
are what we express as lies.
This truck is heading to Kerala.
Or is it only till here?
They didn't halt when
we asked for a lift.
Now they have stopped
in front of us to pee.
That's it.
Chetta, can you give us a lift?
"The encompassing of the moonlight"
"The gradual fall of the cool misty rains"
"You offered me a horizon of dreams"
"The world strides fast without gasping"
"The times we've forgotten to smile"
"Who are you offering
me happy sights?"
"Let's tread new paths"
"Seeking new dreams..."
"It's time to fly high"
"Far...far away"
"High...high...higher away"
(Bus route announcements)
Chetta, is this bus
heading to Kattappana?
(Indistinct chatter)
I will never forget you. After
all we were booze buddies.
What is your plan after
reaching your hometown?
I want to hang myself
to death on this 18th.
Aha...! That's an awesome plan!
I will be late to reach there.
I have certain things to do
after this organ reassignment.
We will meet up
in the other world.
"This heart..."
"...like the moonlit path"
"...in search of a space"
We'll reach soon.
Yes move on...right.
This land got bushy so soon.
It's been a while
since I saw you.
Go on with your work,
Chetta. See you later.
- Hey, did you recognise him?
- Yes,I did.
He is Johnettan's son.
Didn't he go with the cash
from the sale of his land?
I heard he is
drunk all the time.
You continue ploughing.
He is waiting to
blabber something.
I have to do all the job, but
his wages can't be reduced.
My SIM is not working.
That's why I didn't call.
I have a splitting headache.
Let me have a nap.
All these parents calm down
only after we are confined...
...to wedlock and settled with kids.
In that way, you are fortunate.
- I didn't mean like...
- Hey bro...
Hey dimwit, I'm seeing you
after such a long time.
At least give me a hug.
This guy!
- Where is Swathi?
- She hasn't come.
Do you have anyone
else to inform?
No worries bro, because
it's been a long time.
You don't want to see anyone
of us, but it's not the same with us.
Hey... are you aware of something?
His family is seeking
marriage alliances even for him.
Why did you say, 'Even for me'?
I just said it simply.
There are few who were saved marrying
someone else just because you were in love.
Their blessings will
always be with you.
If so, I'll have your
wife's blessings always.
What did you say?
I'll throw sand at you!
He is cracking jokes, huh!
Hey, what about Sanal?
He is still here.
I didn't inform him
that you've come.
Sara, this isn't a trivial matter
for which you are asking me help.
I cannot stand by
you in this matter.
What friend are you then?
Sara, this is not something
childish as you think.
Don't jump into decisions
for such silly thoughts.
Just tell me, if you
can stand by me or not.
Not just me, no
one will stand by you.
Are you coming?
Hey, pass me the oil.
I've no oil or kerosene,
adjust with that beer.
Do some job man...at
least something.
Are you the one
going for a job daily?
Get lost man!
Don't be too proud just
because you've a job, you crap!
It's been a while.
Will that girl continue
living like a boy?
Buzz off, man!
Already her gait and
mannerisms are like that.
Not like you roasting chicken...
Look at the choices of people!
If these women behave like
this, what will we men do?
Not we, only you.
You will be in trouble.
If you open your mouth now, I'll
shove these embers in your mouth.
He is blabbering since long!
Tell him to shut up.
- You keep quiet.
- That's all you need?
- Do you want tapioca?
- No.
Give him some.
Now you do what you want.
- I am leaving.
- Hey where are you going?
Mom is alone at home. I'm going.
Bro, roast the
remaining before leaving.
- Bro, you do it on your own.
- How will I roast it?
- Hey, I'm also coming.
- Yes come.
- I am leaving.
- Hey please don't go.
I have some work to
complete, that's why.
- Tell him some more stories too.
- Goodnight.
Goodnight, sweet dreams.
- You walk ahead, I'll come.
- Hmm.
Mithun must have come.
Go on, go on, all the
children get inside your homes.
Buzz off man.
That was not needed.
Bro, let's sit until sunrise.
By the way...
...that girl's story sounds great...
I liked it.
That's the spirit,
be it a boy or a girl.
We should take
decisions and move ahead.
- Cheers...
- Cheers!
Somebody named Mike
has come to see you.
Let's go.
Look at his sly smile.
You carry on. I need
to go to the town.
- Bye, Mike.
- Hmm.
How did you reach here?
Is it tough for me to find your
house after seeing your license?
What's your plan?
Where is your mom?
She will be somewhere around.
Anyways, you are planning
to die on this 18th.
Do me a small help before that.
You should come
with me for the surgery.
No one I know is
ready to stand by me.
In your case, you aren't
worried about tomorrow.
Hey, it's a harmless service.
Hey, just help me.
- The surgery is at Mysore, right?
- Yes.
You have to be there only
at the time of the surgery.
In between we have
to go there a few times.
Till then where will you stay?
Hey, I don't want a big space.
We boys can share a room.
Your room may be upstairs?
Just come up.
When will this get over?
I will make you free before 18th.
After the surgery
starts you can go.
Later, I'll appoint a
home nurse and adjust.
It's good!
"The Good Death!"
Anyone will feel like
dying after reading this.
Antony John.
Have you been to a college?
'On a four legged cot,
under a three winged fan...'
'...when you strive for a baby having
two legs, please remember me...Swathi.'
Who is this Swathi?
Was there love
between the two of you?
Or was it eternal love?
He wasn't the man
you are seeing now.
It's like we say, that a single moment
is enough to turn our life topsy-turvy.
For better or for worse.
A bit...
There is something. You come.
- Hey...
- Look.
I'll call Antony.
How did you come?
Come mom.
- You go.
- Ok.
- We will be there inside.
- Ok...ok.
What's it man?
"This day, these eyes..."
"...seek for a new era"
"Without seeking for tomorrow..."
"...you own this day today"
"To wander without limits..."
"...no one needs to give consent"
"To continue the journey on this land..."
"...there is no time to spare"
"The skies above...and this world..."
"...sing in unison"
"Move Your Body..."
"Go Let Loose, Dance n Party"
"While we dance..."
"...the world grooves along"
"Move Your Body"
"Let's groove and just go crazy"
"When you be the change..."
"...everything evolves along"
Chetta, one coffee.
Move man!!
What's your problem?
Hey...hey...get away...get away.
Come on, speak up
"Let's pen our own tale..."
"...seek for your own path"
"Lending shoulder to one
another all day and night"
"Let's rise from the fall..."
"...and seek light in the darkness"
"Let's seek into souls with our soul"
"...exchanging everything"
"With all shackles broken apart..."
"...let's protect the
valiance of our dreams"
"When sorrows engulf us..."
"...let's face it with a smile"
"The skies above...and this world..."
"...sing in unison"
"Move Your Body..."
"Go Let Loose, Dance n Party"
"While we dance..."
"...the world grooves along"
"Move Your Body"
"Let's groove and just go crazy"
"When you be the change..."
"...everything evolves along"
"Everybody come on"
"Move Your Body..."
"Go Let Loose, Dance n Party"
"While we dance..."
"...the world grooves along"
"Move Your Body"
"Let's groove and just go crazy"
"When you be the change..."
"...everything evolves along"
(Planting a kiss)
(Indistinct chatter)
(Mocking his mother)
How dare you mock my mother?
Hey hit him!
Hey hit him!
Hey hold him!
Get aside.
Bash him to death!
Move aside.
Come on.
Hey leave him.
Catch him.
Move away.
Hey Umesh come on...Antony!
Leave him...I said leave him!
Move away.
Antony leave him...leave him
What nonsense are you doing?
Move away!
Hey, Sanal!
Hey...get a car...get a car.
(Indistinct chatter)
Sir, take care at that side.
(Indistinct fights)
Hey your mom has come.
She is in the office.
Hey...he is running away.
If your son has some mental
disorder, keep him at home.
You shouldn't send him to a place
where other students are studying.
You are just crying. Don't you
have any opinion to say about him?
He is a good child.
I...have done...!
How can you leave after
smashing your classmate's head?
- You can go after the police comes.
- Yes let the police come.
You can go only
after the police comes.
Get away.
Hey...what is it?
Hey...move...move away.
Hey catch him...hey stop there.
(Indistinct shouts)
Hey block him.
(Indistinct shouts)
(Crowd screaming)
'Don't get doused...'
'...oh my dawn...!'
'Don't go away.'
- Will he be here?
- Here?
- Yes...look there.
- Stop there.
Come bro, let's go home.
Get up...come.
- Hey should I help?
- No need.
Get on to the bike.
- Lift your leg.
- Be careful.
- Did he get on?
- Yes.
Let's go.
Yes...pull over here.
Antony, get down.
We've reached home.
Hey hold him.
Place him a bit further.
Hey, won't you drop me home?
Yes, I will.
I lost my mother
because of my flaws.
To listen to her...
...and to answer her back...
...I was the only one she had.
Anyway, you don't get upset.
I'll go only after
fulfilling your wish.
The first step is counselling.
You can attend it
today itself Sara.
There is a one
week time after that.
That's the time for you
to rethink about this again.
After that we can start the hormonal
injections to cut the menstrual cycles.
Before that you have to undergo some
tests to know how the body reacts to this.
After that we have to reassign
each organ one by one.
If you wish you can continue the
hormone treatments even after the surgery.
Because it's a long process.
But once the surgery starts,
you cannot back off from this Sara.
That means you can't
be a girl like before.
I know, Doctor.
Anyway it's upto you.
I have my reasons.
Sara, can you wait
outside for a minute?
Antony, this is
not a trivial matter.
Once Sara starts changing totally,
we can't predict how she will react.
It can cause some serious health
issues, both mentally and physically.
Why should I?
I haven't even obeyed the priest in
my hometown or my grandmother.
Then how come I'll obey
the doctor from Mysore?
Why are you reassigning this?
Why are you asking me like that?
Within five minutes, those guys
sitting there will start staring at me.
That's because I am a girl.
You are right.
Boys always have the
freedom for everything.
They don't have to
be back home by 6 pm.
They can go anywhere
at any odd time.
Chetta, please.
Thank you.
They don't have to give
dowry to get married.
They don't have to hear the
complaint that how will you get married...
...if you don't know how to cook.
They can have a bath
publicly, however they wish to.
Then there's no issue if you don't have
a bath for a week, just like you.
And do you know, what
is the most exciting thing?
You can sleep with
anyone at anytime.
You don't have to worry about
periods, pregnancies or pain.
Not all men are always
in the mood for intimacy.
You can also do that at anytime.
Shall I ask you something?
Anyway I am going to
go ahead with my surgery.
I want to know how it works.
Bro, I thought it is for you.
I searched a lot bro, a lot.
All of them are straight.
This one is my
friend's friend, Lily.
When I told her the matter
she was also very interested.
We are waiting down.
I'll go and meet the person.
Bro, that's done...ok.
Let's start with some wine.
Are you a bisexual?
I haven't identified yet.
I fell in love with that girl.
She was great!
So then, did you propose her?
I told her, I'll come
back after the surgery.
She said she will wait.
What happened?
There, that was our usual spot.
- It was awesome.
- Oh...!
You brought me here
to see this scoundrel.
Bro, don't go away please.
Leave me.
Bro, we don't want this
issue among us anymore.
We'll solve it.
Hmm...let's solve it.
- Hit me man...hit me!
- Sanal...
Hit me back!
- Qasi,leave him.
- Leave me!
Hey Sanal,wait...
- Let him hit me.
- No, Sanal, don't do it.
Who is he?
He is not the old Antony.
Hey, tragedies aren't
the only experiences.
You will face many
tragedies in life.
Learn to accept them and live.
You are already prepared to
die, then why are you scared?
Hey Anto...come on jump.
Hey come on.
Don't look for him.
He is the only one among us
who can swim back to the bank.
What happened?
Hey Qasib, Swathi
has delivered a baby.
- Swathi has delivered a baby.
- Has your wife delivered a baby?
Hey deaf guy, not my wife.
- Swathi.
- Hmm...
- Huh...?
- Has delivered a baby.
Hey, Swathi has
delivered a baby.
Come up...come.
My hand...
At least hold this cover.
You can hold that.
Hey your thralldom
won't work here.
Isn't it autocracy?
Get your hands off me.
I can't carry this
weight and now he is...
I feel the fruits are less.
So you could have bought
some jackfruits and mangoes too.
That's right, your
head was empty.
It's a hospital. Come
out I'll show you.
What's this, a fruit shop?
You eat it.
Then who else will eat?
- Dear...
- Not now Mom.
Was it a smooth labor, aunty?
Yes, it was a very smooth labor.
(Fondling sounds)
Where is Mithun?
He has gone home
to get some dresses.
Tell him we want a treat.
Yes, you can give us a treat.
- Did the baby have milk?
- Hmm.
- What is the baby's weight?
- About 3 kg.
Oh nice!
- Hey...
- Hmm?
Why are you not saying anything?
How is my baby?
She is beautiful.
The baby looks
exactly like her mother.
Her same eyes and nose.
I felt magical.
Having a baby exactly like us.
This is the last photo my Papa and
Mummy took when they were in Dubai.
After my 12th grade.
After a month, Papa passed away.
Then Mom and me
never stayed there.
So, you have no relatives?
I have many.
But none of them come here.
Both of them had a registered
marriage, opposing their families.
Oh...that was great.
Both of them were
very happy together.
You have no reflex at all.
"This looks like fantasy"
"This looks like fantasy"
"Alien from the heaven"
"Tryin' to drive the demon"
"If you could ever take it forward
you're the peace of demon"
"If it's not happening
I'm not a wanna be"
"It is all fantasy"
'Palamaner stop is about to come
Anybody wants to get down?'
'Come...come faster'
After 2-3 days it will
start reacting in the body.
Don't roam around outside
a lot. You have medicines.
We can start the
surgery after two weeks.
You will have to continue the
hormone treatment even after that.
Let Sara be under
observation for some time.
Ok Sir.
I have some doubts in Sara's case.
Such impulsive decisions
may not be right always.
You still have
the time to rethink.
I think you should talk to her.
She is confused.
Doctor, at the end of
the day it's her choice.
All I can do is stand by it.
Anyway...we'll meet again.
Let's go.
I thought you will come
back now itself as a boy.
I am already like that.
Then why do you want to change?
Come, the pharmacy
is on the other side.
I have to take
medicines for two weeks.
Till then I have been
advised to take rest.
It's just nonsense.
That's meant for girls.
After all, we have masculine bodies...
What are you planning to do?
Don't you need a job?
I worked at few places.
But I can't focus at all.
We'll set it right. Aren't
you here for some time?
Master, shall I try to combat?
Only if you have learnt it.
Or else your soft
spots will be hurt.
I have learnt it. I've
experienced it many times.
- Hey, what have you done?
- What wrong did I do?
Do you want to know
what you've done?
You should combat after knowing
the strength of your opponent.
She said she has learnt it.
Why are you simply blaming me?
Are you finding
it difficult to walk?
Do you want to
go to the hospital?
What was the need for all this?
You could simply sit
quietly somewhere.
Why did you go for
such unwanted things?
Who is that guy?
He played a foul.
Doctor had advised
you to take two weeks of rest.
You buzz off. I am still strong.
Laugh once more.
Did it hurt?
Is it paining now?
Come get up.
"To Her who has eyes
as wide as the blue lotus"
"To Him who has eyes as
wide as a fully opened lotus"
"To Him who is 'His Grace' of the universe"
"To Her who is 'Her Grace' of the mountains"
"To Him who has copper matted
locks like lightning"
"To the farthest distances you go"
"Today I'll come along with you"
"Like an umbrella in the rain"
"Like a shadow in the sunlight"
"I'll come to accompany you"
"Will you come as a
dream in my dreams?"
"Will you be a song
I can sing daily?"
"Will you now?"
"Like an umbrella in the rain"
"Like a shadow in the sunlight"
"I'll come to accompany you"
"Will you come as a
dream in my dreams?"
"Will you be a song
I can sing daily?"
"To Her who has eyes
as wide as the blue lotus"
"To Him who has eyes as
wide as a fully opened lotus"
"To Him who is 'His Grace' of the universe"
"To Her who is 'Her Grace' of the mountains"
"To Him who has copper
matted locks like lightning"
"Far across the sea"
"We are in a hut at the shore"
"As the sweet moments melt away"
"Let's merge into each other"
"Let's visualise our dreams"
"Our hearts are brimming this night"
"With stories we unfold one by one"
"To the long journey you go"
"Today I'll come along with you"
"Like an umbrella in the rain"
"Like a shadow in the sunlight"
"I'll come to accompany you"
"Will you come as a
dream in my dreams?"
"Will you be a song
I can sing daily?"
"Will you now?"
(Mobile chimes)
- Is this Sara Thomas?
- Yes.
This is from Kattappana
Police Station.
How is Sherly related to you?
She is my mother.
A missing complaint
has been registered.
You have to come to this
station as soon as possible.
Shall we take her home, Sir?
Didn't you hear what
your daughter said?
It's not the duty of the
police to hand her over to you.
Especially when Sara
has a clear decision.
Isn't her safety
also important Sir?
Safety is not something you
will get only in your own house.
Not like that.
You may go after giving
a statement to that writer.
What settlement was that, Sir?
You can request your
daughter but can't force her.
- Shall I take a leave?
- Hmm.
Why is the sea
called Mother Sea?
Is the sea a woman?
Why can't we call Father Sea?
I think masculinity
has started affecting.
Papa...can you take me to a ship?
I think you like
the sea a lot dear.
Papa will take you.
Someone has come with
Sebastian to see the shed.
Oh...they have come.
They said they will
be here in the evening.
- Sherly,bring the key with you.
- Hmm.
Who is it, Mom?
Dear, you continue drawing.
This will be enough. If
we could get in and see...
What was it used for before?
It was meant for my
business, so left empty.
My school was in Bangalore.
The place is for him.
- What are you planning to start here?
- Taekwondo.
That's great. My daughter
is very interested in this.
- She can also study.
- Yes, why not.
The place is not too
old. It has a power supply.
- Hello.
- Hmm.
- How is your job going on?
- Going on well.
- Do you have enquiries?
- Yes,I do.
- Oh Abraham...
- Greetings,Chetta.
Can you give the key to
the workers in the morning?
- The work isn't done as yet?
- No, it'll take 2 more days.
- Ok.
- See you.
I have to go the Spices
Board tomorrow early morning.
So you keep the key with yourself.
Don't make them wait.
- Because I liked Taekwondo...
- Two...
- I also joined his classes.
- Three...
Nothing can replace money.
Smart men snatched
all the money from you.
My dear Sherly
all this is usual in business.
Do you know, the deduction for
your loan goes from my salary now.
Couldn't you be born as a boy?
At least we would've had a man at this home.
What's wrong with you, mom?
Come on...
Everything was
fine in the beginning.
Lift both your hands up...
Very good.
Kapil...come on.
Yes...very good.
- Are you done for the day?
- Yes, almost.
- How is the class going on?
- Going good.
Sara is a talented girl.
- I would have come there, Mom.
- No problem.
That is good...that is good.
Keep going.
When I realised that his
intentions were not right...
...I discontinued the
Taekwondo classes.
Good morning master.
Good morning master.
The house ran in accordance
with what Mom felt was right.
When Papa was fed up with the situation
at home, he left home on a Christmas night.
Papa got employed
at his previous estate.
He was very happy there.
He was getting love and concern
there, that he didn't get at home.
I didn't tell anybody
when Papa called.
I realised that he was struggling
hard to overcome solitude.
I was adamant to
go and stay with him.
He was living in a cramped
room with many inmates.
He avoided me saying that it wasn't
suitable to accommodate a girl too.
I was very angry with him
since he left me and went.
Thinking on his side...
...Papa must have
done the right thing.
Papa always said that everyone should
live their life according to their wish.
Hey...get out!
Don't act over smart.
Better stay in your limits.
What the heck is stirring you up?
Hey you!
I left home that day with the gold
Mom reserved for my marriage.
I should have
bashed him up more.
(Door bell rings)
Come...let's go.
Get your hands off me.
Mom, who is this man?
Open the door!
Girls should be brought up
with composure and discipline.
(Phone chimes)
Hello Sir.
This is regarding Miss Sara Thomas's
gender reassignment surgeries.
The first one is
scheduled on this 23rd.
We just want to reconfirm
your appointment.
- Yeah...we'll be there.
- Thank you Sir.
You have a happy news.
It was a call from the hospital.
They asked you to get
ready for the surgery.
"The rhythm of life has broken"
"Like the unmatched
strings of the harp"
"The soul is burning with tears"
"How to wipe off this darkness?"
Which is the surgery tomorrow?
"As the bodies bond..."
"...in unison"
"How will we part ways today?"
Removal of breast.
"Come on speak oh my life"
"...oh my life..."
"Is this a new birth or a death?"
"Flames oh flames!"
"How can I forsake your shadow?"
"The thirst of the burning soul"
"Withstanding it today"
"It isn't the night, nor the day"
Is she still stern
on reassignment?
That's her personal choice.
Let her reassign.
"We are puppets in the
hands of the unknown"
"Wounds deep down"
"Are we parting ways?"
"Come on speak life..."
"...oh my life"
Enough, come let's go.
A bit more time.
"Is this a new
birth or a death?"
You go.
Do what you want.
"Flames oh flames"
"How can I forsake your shadow?"
Sara's medicines.
- Sister, one minute.
- Ok, make it fast.
- So.
- I...
My job is over.
All the best for Mike.
Sara...are you ok?
"Far away to unseen distances..."
"...a piercing pain flew off"
"In the blood streams..."
"has a new pulse taken birth?"
"A new dawn has arisen
in the Earth and skies here..."
"...here, here... this way"
"Skies... the heavenly skies..."
"...pristine forests and valleys..."
"...offer here today..."
"...the first dew drops of life"
"Rhythms and it's beats..."
"...here am I, listening to it intently"
"Brimming in me, is it..."
"euphoria or melancholy?"
"Is it ecstasy, rising
like waves of sea?"
"My greetings to the luminescence..."
"...I can feel it, this magic"
"The skies..."
"...far away at distance"
"There's time..."
"There's love..."
"His Grace..."
"...in you lies happiness and solace..."
"Oh no..."
"Skies... the heavenly skies..."
"...pristine forests and valleys..."
"...offer here today..."
"...the first dew drops of life"
"Hues and fragrances..."
"...here am I , holding them close"
"Brimming in me, is it..."
"...the fire of life or darkness?"
"Is the thirst within,
burning in me like embers?"
"My greetings to the luminescence..."
"A new paradise..."
"like the garden of Eden"
"like the garden of Eden..."
"like the garden of Eden..."
And welcome back.
This is RJ Mike.
And you're listening
to Music Monk, 96.5 FM.
We were talking about travels.
It's all about the journey,
not about the destination.
Only when we are lost in our
travels, do we explore new ways.
So don't be afraid to get lost.
In our life there may have been...
...some unforgettable...
...or some travels that
have created an impact.
...let's hear each other out.
The number to call ...
...is 7-3-5-6-0-4-4-4-8-4.
Share with me your journey.
So let's meet up again
tomorrow morning.
Have your stories ready.
This is RJ Mike, signing off.
This is your own Music Monk.
Hey Anto...
Come on jump.
You are already prepared
to die. Then why this fear?
You don't have reflex at all?
Someone has come to see you.
Who is it?
A person can decide for himself,
what to do with his own body.
See, this is a like
a metamorphosis.
After gender affirmation surgery...
...it is important that you
shouldn't feel incomplete.
After the transition, your
confidence should increase.
I had a great life
only after the surgery.
But in your case, I can't
expect that completion.
If a person's assigned
gender is that of a woman...
...but if his mental
orientation is that of a man...
...then he can undergo
physical transition.
The reasons you are saying
now to transform into a man...
...aren't silly in my opinion.
I can figure out
social reasons in it.
The hierarchy, privileges a
man enjoys in our society...
...can't be enjoyed by you
if you continue as a woman.
That's why you desired
to transform into a man.
You should strive to achieve
them by continuing as a woman.
That should be your motive, Sara.
Don't you think you
should strive to achieve it?
You took away the name I
had reserved for myself.
'There is a cafeteria close by.'
- 'Shall we have a cup of tea?
- Yeah, sure.'
'Where were you all this while?'
- 'Did you visit the weed cafes there?
- I didn't go there.'
'Then why did you pack
your bags for Amsterdam?'
'That's not the only thing there.'
- 'Where were you?
- I was around here.'
'But I never expected you at all.'