Mikey (1992) Movie Script

Michael Scott Kelvin,
What are you doing?
What the hell are you
trying to do, kill us?
- Christ!
- Beth and I were just playing, Mom.
Mikey, you promised you
wouldn't do this again.
Beth wanted to see it.
Tell her it was your idea.
You stop trying
to blame your sister
Look at me.
You've ruined everything.
You clean up
this mess, right now!
We'll deal with your punishment
when your father gets home.
Beth, come on.
I hate you!
You don't care about me!
You're not my real mother!
Why didn't you tell her you did it?
Give me back Alice, Mikey.
She never punishes you.
Never, ever!
Give it, Mikey. Give it.
You're my sister.
You should have been on my side!
You're not my real brother!
Mommy! Mikey went outside
without permission.
Mommy! Gimme back!
She's mine.
Make me, Beth.
- Mikey, give me back my doll.
- Forget it!
Gimme back my doll, Mikey.
Come on, baby.
Come and get it.
Give it, Mikey.
I bet you can't get it.
Mikey, give me back my doll.
Come and get it.
I hope your doll likes to swim.
She's drowning, Beth.
Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it!
Mikey! Help me!
Help me!
I shouldn't even be thinking this.
But sometimes I think
adopting him was a mistake.
I mean, I just don't know what-
Jo? Joanna?
These damn things.
Michael, what have I
told you about knocking?
You don't love me anymore.
Of course, I do. Your father
and I love you so very much.
Then why do you
always punish me?
Look, we'll talk about this
when your father gets home.
That just means I'm in trouble.
Mikey, Put that down.
That's not funny.
Daddy's on his way home.
- That's not a toy.
- I know that.
Mikey, no!
It's time for a little hide and seek.
I'm home!
Daddy's home!
What have you been
doing all day?
- Waiting for you.
- Where's your mom?
She's upstairs taking a bath.
Hey, you been playing baseball?
Oh, my God!
- Mi- Mikey.
- See ya, champ.
I can't believe this happened.
This is terrible!
Poor Mikey!
What's this world coming to?
Collins, who's she?
A neighbor.
Is it pretty bad?
Well, let's go.
This way.
It looks like he saw his little girl
in the pool and panicked.
Yeah, but the window didn't
do that to his head.
Something like a two-by-four did.
Grace Kelvin...
age 32.
Been fried.
This is it, Collins?
There's one more.
What's your name, son?
You see, I'm a detective.
It's my job to catch the guy.
That did this to your family.
Detective Reynolds.
Miss Harlig...
always a pleasure.
You must be Mikey; right?
Come here.
Mikey, Mikey.
Did you see anybody you
didn't know hanging around?
Now's not the time
for this, Jake.
Katherine, would you knock it off?
He had bushy hair,
a mustache, and a red jacket.
You did see him, then?
I came home from the park.
He was running out of my house,
and he drove away.
What did the car look like?
It was big and brown.
Is that all?
You've been a big help.
Reynolds, the corner's about done.
They're dusting now.
The they'll seal I off.
There was nothing stolen.
We've got bodies
separated so far apart.
What are you saying?
It's like the victims
knew the killer.
I want to go take a bath.
You watch Beth for me.
Okay, Mommy.
I'm home, everybody!
Daddy! Daddy!
Hey, champ.
What you been up to?
Waiting for you.
Where's your mom?
In the bathtub.
I'm gonna put these here.
Who's that, Mikey?
I don't know. A stranger.
Have you seen him before?
No. Mommy doesn't
know who he is.
I have to go outside.
Why do you
have to go outside?
I'm not supposed
to see what happens.
And what's that?
He's gonna do something
to my family...
kill them.
How do you feel
about that man?
I hate him.
I hate him!
I hate him! I hate him!
I hate him!
I've just had my final session
with Michael Kelvin.
The boy's going through
a great trauma,
and there's still quite
a bit of emotional scarring.
Are you sure?
He's ready to leave?
I believe so.
I'd suggest you get him
placed with adoptive parents
as quickly as you can.
Mikey just needs a good,
stable home.
I'm not a blood relative.
Your his mother's sister!
That kid was adopted.
Are you positive?
Michael hasn't said anything to
any of us about being adopted.
They took him away
from his real parents!
He was abused or something.
Gracie never knew for sure.
Kelsey, I know
that the last few days
have been very difficult for you.
But you're all he has.
You know that your sister
would have wanted you to-
I'm not taking him. Not a chance.
Why not?
Look. You can't make me
that that kid, can you?
No, I can't.
Good. The kiss him
good-bye for me.
God, I hate airports.
I hate coming here.
No matter what time you leave,
you're always late.
Jesus, there's something wrong
with this damn flash!
We're not gonna need
the damn flash if we miss him.
Son of a bitch.
Oh, son of a bitch. There it is!
You're gonna have to start
watching your language.
Yes, mother.
There he is.
Mikey, this is the Trentons.
Are you my
new mommy and daddy?
- Go on.
- Oh, Mikey. Here's a present.
Thanks, Mr. Trenton. It's great!
You don't have to
call me "Mr. Trenton. "
What do you want me
to call me?
- Um...
- You can start with Neil and Rachel.
Okay, Rachel.
There's my stuff.
I was right. He's a ballplayer.
So, do you like to pitch?
Yeah. But I'm a better hitter.
We don't have a pool,
but there is a lake.
Cool. Swimming's one
of my favorite things.
This is it, Mikey. We're home.
It's really neat.
Welcome to your new home, chief.
I think you're gonna be
real happy here.
Here we are.
Mikey, this is Mrs. Owens.
She lives next door.
- Hi.
- Hi.
And this is Ben.
Ben will be in
your class at school.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I just know the two of you
are gonna be best of friends.
Mrs. Owens also has a
daughter named Jessie.
You want to see your room?
- Ben on come, too.
- Okay.
Where's your sister?
She had to go away to school.
Wow, this is neat!
This is Rachel's job.
She creates these
aquariums for people.
She takes care of 'em.
Maybe you can he me, Mikey.
What's that?
That's a mommy fish
and her new babies.
Why are they separated?
Because this kind of
fish eats its babies.
- Really?
- Gross.
Can I take care of the baby fish?
- Hi, Rachel.
- Shawn, thanks.
No problem.
Mikey, I want you to meet
my best friend, Shawn.
Miss Gilder's a teacher.
She teaches fourth grade.
Is she gonna be my teacher?
Yes. But don't expect any favors
because I'm friends with your mom.
I love school.
That's good.
Mikey, you want to see
your room or what?
Well, how are you doing, Mom?
He seems like a good kid.
- You think so?
- Uh-huh.
You know more about kids
than I do, that's for sure.
This has all happened so fast.
I haven't even had times
to childproof the house yet.
You are going to make
a great mother.
A great mother!
Then why am I do nervous?
I think it's kind of
natural; don't you?
You and Neil have wanted
a family for five years.
A baby, yes.
But this child's been
shuffled around so much.
He'll do okay.
Just love him.
- You're right.
- Uh-huh.
He's no different than any other kid.
Did you brush your teeth?
Good. Then it's time
to hit the hay.
Good night, Mikey.
Mom, Dad.
You're welcome.
Lights out, buddy.
Can you believe what
a great kid he is?
I think we really lucked out.
So have you kept up
on all your reading?
What do you think about that
fourth stage of development
in the laughler book?
Rachel, there is no
fourth stage of development
in the laughler book.
I don't need to read any book
to tell me how to be a good mother.
A little help couldn't hurt.
You read too much, Trenton.
Somebody's got to do it.
It's been a long time, Neil.
It'll be better now.
Now we're gonna shoot
some bad guys.
Did you do this with your dad?
We didn't have the indian guides,
but I used to go out
riding with him a lot.
We did a lot of
fun things together,
just like you and I are going to.
But what about the other kid?
What other kid?
The kid you had before me.
Mikey, listen to me.
There was no other kid.
But what about
all the stuff in my room?
We brought all that stuff for you.
Rachel and I have wanted
a child for a very long time.
Why didn't you just have one?
Not everyone can have babies.
We adopted you
because we wanted you.
And we both love you very much.
I love you too.
Dad, look! Radical!
Yeah, radical.
You want to give it a try?
Now, do it.
Whoa! Chief, you're
a natural at this.
Good morning. Happy monday.
- Hi.
- Hi. Hello.
Go. Go.
He'll be fine.
You guys, settle down.
Hi, Mikey.
I'd like you to meet Mikey Trenton.
Mikey just moved here.
But, with our help,
I'm sure he'll have no problem
at all catching up; right?
- Right!
- Right!
Okay. Why don't you
give him a big welcome?
- Hi, Mikey.
- Hi, Mikey.
Go sit down.
All right.
Does anybody have their arts
and crafts project ready yet?
I do.
You do, huh? Let's see it.
This is wonderful.
So what time is it, class?
When we do something special,
Miss Gilder puts marbles in.
When it's full, the door opens
and we all get prize.
You get it, Mikey?
Yes, Miss Gilder.
I wonder what the prize is.
Probably something dumb.
I think she's neat.
That's because she's
a friend of your mom's.
I love my mom.
Hey, I know a shortcut.
Through the cemetery?
Yeah. You scared?
- No.
- You sure?
It must be weird to have
just one parent to love you.
- Both my parents love me.
- My mom loves me.
- So why don't you have a dad?
- He died.
- Did you see him die?
- No. He died in a hospital.
Did you touch him?
No! How'd your parents die?
Why do you think
my parents are dead?
You're adopted,
so I just sort of figured.
They're not.
Mikey, quit it!
Mikey. Mikey, come on.
Mikey, where are you?
Mikey, what do you doing?
Are you okay?
Dead people aren't
the ones to be scared of.
Living people are.
That's very good.
It's self-contained.
I love it.
I read in this book
when a child draws water,
it means he's adventurous
and broad-minded.
Not bad. Maybe we have another
Christopher Columbus
on our hands.
What's a swimming girl mean?
I was just looking that up.
"A person swimming is symbolic
of a desire for freedom,"
"a feeling of being caged. "
It means the parents need
to loosen their grip a bit.
God. Are we being
overbearing already?
Come on, honey.
Don't make fun of it.
- Howdy!
- Hi, Mikey.
I really, really like your drawing.
Can I go ride my bike?
Come home whenever
you want to;
right, Neil?
Sure. Whenever you want.
Hear it? It's talking.
Shut up! It's not funny anymore.
No, Rosie! Butch, come here!
There you go.
This converts electricity
into visible light,
kind of like a light bulb.
The light bulb sends
a current through a wire.
This sends electricity
between two wires.
- It's pretty cool, huh?
Make sure you read
chapter 3 in your biology book.
Don't forget your
movie reports are due friday.
See you bright and early
tomorrow morning.
Can you come here for a minute?
everybody wants to win,
but it really isn't worth it
if you're just gonna cheat.
The best way to
get people to like you
is to just be yourself.
Yes, Miss Gilder.
Yeah? You think you can try that?
I'm not gonna tell
your folks about this; okay?
But you are.
I'm gonna trust you on this.
You can go.
See you tomorrow.
Excuse me, Miss. You left this.
For heaven's sake.
Thank you, young man.
Well, Junior G-man,
I think you've earned
yourself a half dollar.
No, that's okay, sir.
This is quite a little gentleman
you've raised here.
Such an angel.
You know, dear,
he's got your eyes.
Thank you.
We're very proud of him.
You should be. Bye-bye. Thanks.
I'm glad I have your eyes.
You handled that very well, chief.
Let's go see the lakes.
I have no idea there were
so many styles and colors.
Oh, God.
You should see the stuff
that walks into my class.
I bet.
I just want it to be right.
He's real special kid,
and he needs some
special attention.
Well, he seems really
interested in class.
Has he told you
about the marble game?
Marble game? Yeah.
He has?
Yeah. he says that he wants
to do his homework really well
so that everybody gets a prize.
Hey, are you still
thinking about getting a gun?
I can't have this in the house.
Oh, Rachel.
I can't believe you doing this.
You're out of your mind.
Now I'm packing.
Let's go.
I like the purple eyes.
It's a nice touch.
And who's that, Sarah?
That's my mommy
cooking thanksgiving dinner.
- Does she?
- Yeah.
- What's your?
- Stuffing.
What have you got, Mikey?
I bet it's an indian.
The pilgram's bad,
so the turkey's fixing him.
Larry bird takes a pass
at the top of the key,
hands it off to McHale-
No, he keeps it,
and he drives to the basket!
Yeah! The champs!
- Oh, hi.
- I wanted you to see something.
Nice. It's a little weird, but-
Who did it?
- You?
- Mikey Trenton.
So you told us to come to you
with any sign of
a psychological problem.
According to the literature
I've been reading,
Mikey could be suffering
from unattached syndrome.
"Unattached syndrome. "
I never heard of it.
It's psychotic behavior.
I'm sorry. I hope I'm not
being rude, but...
how long have you been a teacher?
Two years.
And you're sure of
what you're saying?
No, I'm not sure.
But I certainly think
it's something to be
wary of; don't you?
So do I. But I don't think you
should be an alarmist about it.
Look, I was a nine-year-old
kid once myself.
I used to do drawings like this,
but I'm not psychotic.
I like monster movies.
I especially like Godzilla,
you know, the one with the
fire coming out of his mouth.
So why encourage us to read this
if you don't take it seriously?
I encourage you to read it, yes.
I don't encourage you to
take every word literally.
So you're not gonna
do anything about this?
I'm not gonna
do anything right now.
I think it's a little premature.
I guess experience know;
huh, champ?
Mikey Trenton gets the sign;
checks the runner, winds up,
throws a fastball.
Kelvin Swings.
Hits the batter on the head.
Kelvin is down.
Blood is everywhere.
The crowd roars. Yeah!
Mikey, come inside and wash up.
Okay, Mom.
- Hi, Eva.
- Hi, Shawn.
I hope you're not
looking for Mr. Jenkins.
I need all the information you
can give me on Mikey Trenton.
Sure. But it won't say much.
We don't have any
of his past records.
What do you mean?
In a closed adoption,
all records are sealed.
There you go.
- Can't we.
- I doubt it.
Besides, we don't even
know where he came from.
Okay, guys. Come on in.
Okay, ready to play?
Okay, let's line up.
Mike, start over there.
Guys, line up from Mike on.
Straight line now; remember?
Come on. Straight line.
S- t-r-a-i-g-h-t line.
Hey, hey. Look.
Pay attention here.
See? Straight line.
That's it. Listen to me.
Here, Steve.
Shirt. Skin. Shirt. Skin.
- Shirt. Skin.
- I'm a shirt.
You're a skin, Trenton.
I want to be a shirt.
I said you're a skin.
I'm not taking off my shirt.
Look, take your shirt off.
Get some fun.
I'm allergic to the sun.
Then you're a shirt.
Now, get outta here.
Skin. Shirt. Skin. What?
- Shirt.
- Skin.
Right! Get outta here!
So tell me something, Mikey.
How do you like your new home?
I like it, thank you.
Good, good. Everything fine
with your new parents?
Uh-huh. They're the best part.
They love me tons.
I bet they do.
You're a wonderful guy.
Oh, I have both of those posters.
Tell me something else, Mikey.
What's your favorite movie?
Freddy Kruger,
"Nightmare On Elm Street. "
Oh, I'll bet. Real scary, huh?
Is that why you don't
like to take your shirt off?
You want to be
like Freddy Krueger?
- Sort of. - Why else don't
you want to take your shirt off?
It has nothing to do
with my new mom and dad.
No, no. Of course not.
real mom and dad...
they were bad.
How were they bad?
Is it real?
Yeah, it's real.
How old was he when he died?
You know, I don't know.
Probably not much older than you.
How did he die?
Jessie, help me! Quick!
My friend. Hurry!
He's not breathing!
This is a joke, right?
"Welcome home, Jessie. "
Is that it?
No joke, Jessie. What do we do?
I bet he has a pulse.
Oh, my God!
Ben, how long has
he been like this?
I don't know! Do something!
Jesus Christ!
Had you fooled, didn't he?
But he didn't have a pulse.
It's a trick I learned on TV.
You take a ball
and put it under your arm.
It feels like you're dead.
Neat, huh?
Kind of. Who are you?
Mikey Trenton.
The Trentons don't have a kid.
- Now they do.
- Mikey's adopted.
Well, you're a good kisser.
Pretty kitty. I've missed you.
I've missed you.
Come on, guys. You can make it.
Why are we doing this?
We should be practicing.
You're crazy. Get in there.
Thanks, guys.
Do you want me to
do anything else for you?
That's okay. You guys go play.
Come on. Come on!
See you soon, Jessie.
Likewise, Mick.
David. How did you get in here?
I have my ways.
So, did you miss me?
Um, a little.
The word is "assassin. "
a- s-s-a-s-s-i-n.
You know what?
That's absolutely correct.
Yeah! I won again,
just like before.
Well, that's great.
Where did you win before?
In Oklahoma.
I won for a whole city.
Well, I'll bet you
didn't have a surprise.
What time is it, class?
Marble Time! Marble Time!
So what do you think, class?
Do you think it's
gonna work this time?
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Oh, yeah!
I wonder
what he's gonna get.
All right!
Hey, pal. See what I won?
I know you don't
know much about time,
But for us it's a big deal.
But you don't have
to worry about time,
'cause no matter what time it is,
I'll be here to feed you.
- Ms. Levin?
- Yes, this is Mrs. Levin.
Hi. I'm Shawn Gilder.
I'm a teacher here in Arizona.
I'm calling to inquire about
a former student of yours.
His name is Mikey Trenton,
and he's in the fourth grade.
Mikey Trenton?
I don't remember a Trenton.
Yeah. He had a
different last name,
but he won the
spelling been last year.
Oh, my God. You must
mean Michael Kelvin.
Why do you say that?
You haven't heard
about the tragedy?
No, I haven't.
Oh, I'm sorry. I don't
know if I should say.
Please tell me.
It was his whole family, and...
What happened to his family?
They were murdered.
We never found out how
because the police are still
looking for the killer, and-
I'm going to the market.
You got any requests?
A six pack?
Just kidding, Mom.
- Good-bye, sweetie.
- 'Bye.
Save you a twinkie.
Ho, ho.
- Hi, Jessie.
- Hey, Mick.
Ben around?
No. He went with Mom
to the store.
Are you bored?
Yeah, I know how it
can suck being the new kid.
You can hang out here with me
for a while if you want.
Are you sure? You don't mind?
Tell you what. I was thinking
about going for a boat ride.
I could use a little muscle.
Sure! I'm real strong.
Only if you promise I'll be safe
out there on the lake with you.
'Cause after all,
you're a pretty good kisser.
Ready? Go! I'll race ya!
Jessie, why do you
have to go away to school?
I'm a woman with a past.
I was a bad girl.
I got kicked out
of my school here.
What did you do?
Kill somebody?
Oh, God! You kids
do watch too many movies.
Come on in!
I don't have my suit on.
So, Mick, do you like
girls better than frogs yet?
I don't like frogs.
Nice evasive move.
- What?
- Nothing!
Mikey, you're staring at me.
No, I'm not.
Hey, it's okay to look.
It may not be polite to stare,
but looking's nothing
be embarrassed at.
Just promise me one thing.
When the girls you look at,
they start to look back,
make sure you're
real nice to them; okay?
If I had a girlfriend,
I'd do anything for her.
I bet you would.
Oh, my God!
What the heck are you watching?
Just a horror film.
Sorry, Buddy.
I don't feel good about you
watching that kind of stuff.
Besides, it's bedtime.
So what kind of fun stuff
did you do today?
- Dad?
- Yeah.
How do you know
you love a girl?
I don't know. You just know.
It makes you feel good all over.
Is it like I feel with you and Mom?
Is there anyone in particular?
Well, if there ever is,
you just let me know.
I'm always here for you.
- Okay, Dad.
- Okay.
- Good night, Mikey.
- Good night, Dad.
- I love you, boy.
- Love you, too.
Tomorrow I'll tell you
a bedtime story.
- Okay.
- All right.
What the hell?
Hey, come out here!
Come on!
David, forget it.
I'm gonna kick some ass!
David, leave Rosie alone!
She scared the hell out of me.
She's just a cat.
David, come inside.
So who's out here? Huh, Jess?
Don't start that again.
You're not gonna answer me?
I don't know!
David, don't
I'm tired. I'd like to go to sleep.
Come on, baby.
David, it's wrong time.
Oh, Ben. Go back to sleep.
What happened?
I don't know.
But you better go back to sleep
before Mom ces home
an catches you up.
This will put you
back in the mood.
No, it won't.
Okay. Come on.
We were doing so good.
Come on.
Sorry. You kind of
killed it for tonight.
Oh, God.
I'm sorry, Jess. It was an accident.
I mean, I didn't see her.
Just leave; okay?
If a man can excavate
earth in 6 hours,
what can one man
excavate in a day?
Planet earth to Mikey.
So what do you get?
That's very good.
We're gonna do silent study now.
Please turn to chapter 3.
And Mikey, could you
come here for a minute?
And bring your book.
Do you want to show me
what's so interesting
in that book of yours?
Come on, Mikey, give.
It can't be that bad.
What have you done?
Based on this, you think
Mikey has an emotional problem?
All we're suggesting
is that maybe Mikey
should see a child psychologist.
Christ! I made a picture
like this when I was kid!
I know. But we feel that Mikey
may be- just may be-
suffering from
an emotional disorder
called unattached syndrome.
It's very common
in adopted children.
Don't you know anything
about his history?
I know Mikey.
If anything, he's
brighter than other kids.
It's not a question of whether
he's bright or not, Rachel.
Most kids don't mutilate
their own arms with thumbtacks.
He did what?
Self-mutilation is an expression
of a child crying out for help.
Wait a minute!
I've read all the books, too.
I haven't seen a child
crying out for help!
This is such crap!
He's a wonderful kid.
He's perfect!
- Too perfect.
- There is no such thing.
There is in children
with psychotic tendencies.
So now we have Ted Bundy, Jr.
Is that it?
Look, Rachel.
I know you're hating this.
I'm hating this.
But your son has a problem.
Why are you doing this, Shawn?
- I'm trying to help.
- You don't want me to be happy.
That's ridiculous!
Stop denying the situation.
Enough. That's all.
Let's go, Rachel.
- Rachel-
- No!
Don't say it.
We have to do something.
They're too close to it.
Did you see any marks on his arm?
No! I can't believe
Shawn is doing this.
She thinks she's doing her job.
I am going to pull him
from her class.
Don't overreact.
The agency said there was
gonna be emotional scarring.
Hey, give it back!
How could you like
to be his parents?
Where are my baby fish?
Mr. Michaelson bought
them for his aquarium.
They were mine!
They were grown up. It was time
for them to have their own home.
You had no right to sell them!
- Mikey, what's wrong with you?
- They were mine!
Calm down. They were only fish.
You don't care about how I feel.
You don't love me. I hate you
Calm down. Stop it. When Daddy
gets home, we'll talk about it.
He's not my real daddy.
You're not my real mother!
I hate you!
I wish I never met you!
Mikey, wait!
I'm sure there's an explanation.
If we could just get him to talk.
I don't know. Maybe they're right.
About what?
Maybe we should take him
to see a shrink.
Look, honey.
If we can just be patient,
I think we can handle this.
We both love Mikey; right?
We're the ones that
are gonna help him out.
I was looking for you.
- What are you doing?
- I have something for you.
Mikey, you have
to learn to knock.
They're for being
such a great mom.
Why don't you take
the flowers downstairs
and put them in some water
while I get out; okay?
Mom, what if I...
I'm getting cold.
If I threw this in the bathtub,
it would work just
like an electric chair.
You're right.
Be a good boy and unplug it.
This is so cool when
they blast their way out.
- How do you know?
- I've seen it three times.
Hi, guys. How many dead?
I know how much
you miss your cat,
so I got you a new one.
Oh, thank you, Mick.
David, I told you
I don't want to see you!
Listen! Just talk to me!
Please? Tell you please talk to me?
Isn't that the guy who killed Rosie?
- Who's the twerp?
- He lives next door.
Please, let me talk
to you for five minutes.
Okay. Let's talk outside.
David, you're kidding;
right? Please.
I really, really miss you.
David, get off your knees.
Please, don't do this to me!
You're pathetic.
Where's your mom?
At a friend's. Why?
Just wondering.
# One of these days #
# I'm gonna do everything I say. #
# One of these days... #
Hey, hey, hey.
I thought we were
gonna give him some space.
He seemed really quiet tonight.
Well, he's probably just tired.
I think we should
try and talk to him.
I think he'll talk when he's ready.
Come on, Mom.
Don't worry.
Come on.
Oh, please! I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Take me back; take me back!
You're going in!
Da-da-da-da, shh, da, shh.
Oh, yeah!
- Did you hear that?
- No.
I think that might be Mom.
I better get it.
No, no, no, no.
I'll be right back.
Hey, bring back some beers.
You're Ben's friend; right?
You shouldn't be out here, kid.
You shouldn't be out here, either.
Yeah? Why not?
Who is that?
Is this a joke?
- You killed Rosie.
- That was an accident; okay?
Life is full of accidents.
What are you talking about?
- The radio. It's not safe.
- Why not?
'Cause you could die.
David, you wouldn't...
David, I am in no mood
for this kind of joke!
David, if you don't
come out right now,
I'm going inside,
and I'm locking all the doors,
and I'm never
speaking to you again!
Look, lady. Officially,
this case is closed.
That's understood.
The circumstantial evidence
points to an inside job.
The aunt's a nut,
but she's clean.
No one else will buy
a nine-year-old doing all this.
Hasn't he ever been
checked out psychologically?
They checked him out
at social services,
but he passes with
a clean bill of health.
Squeaky clean, beyond suspicion.
I need to see those police reports.
All right. You got a fax?
Uh-huh, at the school.
Okay. In the morning.
But before breakfast,
because it sure as hell
ain't rated "G."
Um, I'm- yes, he is.
Could you hold on?
Mr. Jenkins, it's for you.
Let me take it here.
- Good morning, Eva.
- 'Morning.
I'm expecting a fax.
Nothing yet.
Okay, thanks.
Thanks very much
for calling us.
Yeah. Appreciate it.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Mikey Trenton and Ben Owens
won't be in class today.
There was an accident
at Ben's house.
Is Ben all right?
Ben's all right,
- but his sister's boyfriend is dead.
- What happended?
Some bizarre accident.
He was electrocuted
in the jacuzzi.
I've been doing research
into Mikey Trenton's background.
I really need to talk
to you about this.
Yeah, okay.
You go to your class.
I'll meet up with you later.
Eva, I'm gonna come
back after my next class
to check on that fax.
"Electric chair"?
We were so stupid.
Putting the radio
so close to the edge,
that was so stupid.
He was probably just changing
the station or something.
I went in to answer
the goddamned phone.
Do you believe there was
some pervert on the line?
I'm glad you're not dead.
God! I wish I was.
Maybe it wasn't an accident.
Maybe he was being punished.
Punished? For what?
He killed Rosie.
Mikey, that's sick.
I thought you loved her.
I did.
But you can't love an animal
the same way you love a person.
I loved David.
Now he's dead.
I'm not dead.
No, you're not, Mikey.
Now you can love just me.
Mikey, go home.
Go home.
"Now you can love just me. "
- Jessie, hi.
- Rachel.
How are you feeling?
Um, I need to talk to you.
Of course.
Can I get you something.
No. It's about Mikey.
Um, I'm not sure how to, um...
Rachel, I think
that there's something
very wrong with Mikey.
What do you mean?
There's something
very strange about him.
God, I don't know
how to explain it.
At first I thought
it was just a crush.
I think that Mikey's
in love with me.
He's only nine years old.
He's not normal
nine-year-old, Rachel!
Jessie, you're upset.
You've had a huge shock.
Rachel! Would you
listen to me, please?
- Mikey said stuff.
- What stuff?
That David was being
punished for killing Rosie
and that now
I could love only him.
I think that he killed David.
Rachel, listen to me!
Your son is dangerous!
If there's something
wrong with Mikey,
Neil and I will deal with it.
I know we have
to talk with Mikey.
We'll decide what to do then.
I'm sorry, Jessie.
Did you get my fax yet?
Oh, yeah. It's right here.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
Oh, my God!
Miss Gilder.
Miss Gilder,
Where are you going?
Mikey's first mother was
electrocuted. Sounds familiar?
I see what you're getting at.
Rachel doesn't understand
how dangerous he is.
My car's right here.
Mikey, are you all right?
What are you doing?
Watching "Mikey's
Funniest Home Videos. "
Oh, my God, Mikey.
What have you done?
Pretty funny, huh?
You better go to your room.
Mikey, put that down.
It's not a toy.
That's what you.
Mikey, give me the hammer.
- Uhh!
- Ahh!
Now, Shawn, I know
Rachel's a friend of yours,
but please watch what you say.
My God, Mikey. No more!
- Uhh!
- No!
Mikey, it's over!
Mikey, please.
No! No!
Hurry. Just open it!
Oh, no.
Oh, God.
Go on outside.
Go on.
What the hell...
Hey. What are you
doing with that?
Give me that.
You'll shoot yourself.
We could have stopped this.
Maybe you're right.
We should have stopped this.
I owed her.
Hey, hey.
Take it easy, now.
Listen, I got to go in
and call the police.
Will you be all right?
Yeah. Yes.
Come on!
Oh, jesus!
Mr. Jenkins.
Put that down, Mikey.
Put it down.
God help me.
I guess you were
looking for these.
Here you go.
You know, Miss Gilder,
I think your marble game
is like the best.
You know what?
This is my lucky marble.
What do you want, Mikey?
You were the best
teacher I ever had.
I learned a lot.
But would you teach me
one more thing?
- What?
- How to die.
Trenton residence.
Mikey speaking.
Hey, Mikey Trenton.
What's up?
Where are you?
I had a late meeting, but I'm on
my way. Is your Mom there?
Yeah, Mom's here.
Can I speak to her?
She's not feeling very good.
Not feeling "very well. "
Okay. Never mind.
I'll see you in a bit, boy.
I'll be waiting.
Mikey, what do you want?
- Where's Ben?
- He's not home.
- Can I come in?
- No!
Mikey, what the hell
are you doing?
Why don't you like me anymore?
Mikey, I want you to go home.
But I like it here with you.
How did you get in here?
- My Secret way.
- This time you're gonna use the door.
- But-
- Mikey, go home!
I'm gonna get you,
you little shit!
Mikey, no!
Hi, chief.
What have you been up to?
Nothing. Just waiting for you.
Neil! Neil!
- She sure is pretty.
- Sure is, Dad.
So did you have a good day?
Yeah. Got a lot accomplished.
That's great!
I'm real proud of you.
Both of us are.
We're both real happy that
you like it here with us.
Dad, will you always love me?
Always, Mikey.
Thanks, Dad.
Don't need that.
Something for your Mom.
Bills, bills, bills.
Ooh! Look at this!
Can you read that?
"You won. "
Maybe we did.
Come here.
I have a surprise for you.
A surprise?
- Yeah.
- Where?
- Come on.
- Where is it?
- Come on.
- What?
Go. Go, go.
We suspect a gas leak.
We discovered four adult
bodies in the debris.
We assume two
were the residents.
We don't know about
the other two.
Ma'am, do you have any idea
who they might be?
No, I don't.
I see.
What about Mikey?
I saw him go in there.
We did find the skeletal remains
of what appears to be
a 10-year-old child.
Are you sure?
I'm very sorry.
You're sure?
When we found the boy
out on route 240,
he had a bad case of Amnesia;
didn't even remember his name.
When we finally
gave up trying to locate
where he came from
we callled him "Josh. "
Josh. That's a nice name.
Josh doesn't remember
too much about his part,
but our staff psychologist
thinks he's gonna be just fine.
What he needs most
is to feel that he belongs.
We have been praying
for a child for a long time.
You're gonna have to be
very patient with him
in the beginning.
It won't be easy.
God will show us the way.
Well, remember: your love
is the best chance Josh has
for a new and healthy life.
Josh, you can come in now.
Are you gonna be
my new mommy and daddy?