Military Wives (2019) Movie Script

...element of surprise is
the only tactic Gordon
Brown has left.
We'll be going live to Parliament.
But first, more British troops
are being deployed to Afghanistan
as part of the biggest
joint offensive...
- ...since the 2001 invasion.
The British Army's death toll
has already exceeded
that of Iraq and the Falklands War,
with those wounded
and requiring treatment at home
also rising sharply.
- Fatalities have ris...
SOLDIER: ID, please.
I just popped into town.
Private Shaw.
Can you tell the young private
who I am?
SHAW: Sorry, ma'am.
Increased security
with the deployment tonight.
I'm sure the MOD's very interested
in the Colonel's supper.
SHAW: What are you doing?
Wake up, yeah?
Do you realise who that was?
Just get some wine.
- Hello.
Do we have any olive oil?
Erm... we have oil.
I went all the way into town,
then forgot it.
- Go ahead.
- Thank you, that's very kind.
Erm... All right.
Whole new world for you this time,
Lisa, Sergeant-Major's wife.
- Congratulations on the promotion.
- Thank you very much.
Lots of new responsibilities for you
with the wives.
I'm sure you've got lots of ideas
up your sleeve.
- Oh, yeah.
- Planning is key.
OK, well, thank you for the advice.
Any time.
You not done yet?
Grace came over to say goodbye.
- Oh, right. Where's she going?
- To live with her aunt off base.
And have a life.
There are positives
to being surrounded by people
who are in the same boat as you.
Mum, please don't.
SOLDIER: By the left! Left wheel!
MAN: He's coming
to get him. Rargh!
Come on, Billy, story
time. Come on.
BILLY: Are you going
away tomorrow?
MAN: I am, but only for a little bit,
though, OK?
BILLY: Who's gonna read stories
when you're away?
Oh, God, why are you so clumsy?
Maybe this is God's way of telling
us to put it in a frame.
- No, I like it on the fridge.
- It'd be better protected under glass.
It would be frozen and formal.
I prefer it where it lives,
on the fridge,
in amongst my postcards
and my shopping lists and all my...
my everyday things.
Jamie always hated that photo.
Said it made him look like
an American talk show host.
Well, I like it.
- Fine.
- Fine.
Are you going to be
OK when I'm gone?
I'll be fine. Of course I will.
I mean, it's my fifth
tour. (CHUCKLES)
Yeah, but things are
completely different this time.
Do you know? I think I'm going to
offer my help in supporting the wives.
I don't trust that Lisa,
the new RSM's wife.
She's very cavalier
about the whole thing.
- I'm sure she has a plan.
- Mm.
Not that she won't appreciate
your support as well.
MALC: Look after Mummy.
If she gets upset, give her a hug.
- BOY: I will.
- OK, good boy.
This is gonna keep you safe
while I'm away.
Just like mine'll keep me safe.
Right, kids.
OK, remember what
we do with this?
- Cross it off every day.
- Yeah, until?
- Daddy's home.
- And we are?
- Chuffed.
- Chuffed.
Chuffed, yeah.
Yeah, I know. (LAUGHS)
Check out the blast boxers.
- Not funny, Red.
- What? They're Kevlar.
I'm just protecting the family jewels
for your pleasure.
- Who's she talking to?
- I don't know.
Better not be talking to those lads.
- I was a lad once, remember?
- Yeah, thanks.
That's really helpful.
Is that my razor?
Are you packing my stuff up again
before I've left?
Well, I'm taking this.
- Why? You're not gonna read it.
- I am. It's about leadership.
Fine. Last time you took
War And Peace,
spent your whole time reading Heat
magazine and watching romcoms.
Are you angry?
No, I don't give a
shit what you read.
I'm just getting ready for another
six months as a single mother.
All right?
There, you can
forget about me now.
Just get off.
Get off!
Do you really want me to?
Oh, shit!
- Yes. (LAUGHS)
Listen, I've got to go.
Yeah, OK, I'll speak to you later.
You better write to me.
And I mean proper letters,
not just emails.
(TUTS) Come here.
They've stopped doing
the jumbo crossword in the paper
so I printed it off the net.
No crossword?
I've got to go.
- Hi, Kate.
- Hello, Lisa.
(GRUNTS) I'm late for a meeting
with Crooks.
- Forgot the clocks went forward.
Well, don't worry about it.
The Brigadier's
still in there with him.
Oh, great. Great.
Quite right.
I imagine the spouses
are quite anxious.
We all know what
to expect this time.
- Who's your point person?
- Lisa Lawson is the RSM's wife, sir.
She wasn't too chuffed to get the
job but I think she'll rise to it.
These things don't
happen overnight.
And Kate Barclay will help
with the pastoral care.
- Kate will?
- Yes, sir. She volunteered.
I think after losing Jamie on the last
tour, she's keen to keep occupied.
- Sorry to interrupt.
- Kate.
- Hello, Jeremy.
CROOKS: The Brigadier and I were
discussing the new welfare directives.
Social activities,
getting the women on board.
Top brass telling us what to do.
I think I should leave you to it.
- CROOKS: Oh...
- No, that's all right.
Got it.
Colonel Barclay's wife would like
to take a more active role
in supporting the spouses
during this deployment.
I know it's not customary
for the Colonel's wife
to get her hands dirty...
Yeah, exactly. That's my role.
KATE: No, of course. Of course.
So, erm... what do you have in
store in terms of social activities?
Well, we have our coffee mornings.
Coffee mornings, yeah.
Pot luck parties.
Oh, pot luck party?
That's when everyone brings a dish
and gets drunk.
Of course, we've got
my walk on the moors.
With the greatest respect, Kate,
most women don't have a mess to drink in.
They can't go into
town and get pissed
so they need somewhere
to let off steam.
- KATE: Absolutely.
- Yeah.
Erm... so, anything else?
Why don't we just brainstorm with
the women at the next coffee morning?
Go and have a play, Bills.
You can bring whatever
cakes you want.
I'll just introduce you
to Annie and Helen.
This is Sarah, Private
Wheeler's wife.
- Just marched in yesterday.
- Are you settling in?
Fine, yeah, except everyone
keeps asking me what rank I am.
What the hell is that? They look like
squashed little turds.
I think it's, erm...
Kate's contribution.
- Lisa seems to be running late.
- She's here.
- Hey.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- Would you like to come to the front?
- No, you're grand.
You don't want to kick things off?
Well, it has kicked off.
What do people do
in these coffee mornings?
I think they just... drink coffee.
Sorry, everyone. Hello.
If you'd all like to gather round
and take a seat.
There's no need to be shy.
Front row's nice and empty. (CHUCKLES)
So, some of you don't know me.
I'm Kate Barclay,
Colonel Barclay's wife.
Today we need to come up with
some exciting activities and pursuits
for us to do
while our service people are away.
So, shall we start?
Erm... Lisa? Lisa? Lisa?
Do you think you could write things
on the board for me?
Thank you.
I thought we could have
a formal dinner once a month
to explore all aspects
of global cuisine.
Then perhaps the film night
could become a film season
where we could examine
the body of an auteur
and would provide an educational
aspect to leisure pursuits
in a non-alcoholic environment.
Non-alcoholic environment?
- What's the matter?
- LISA: No, no.
It's just in general,
when we watch films,
you know,
usually we like them to be... fun.
- Perhaps open the ideas to the room?
Well, we did a book
club in Germany.
Book club, great, great. Super.
What about a footie club?
We had a cracking five-a-side
in Aldershot, it was something else.
Football! Yes, why not?
- Start a needlework club.
- KATE: Needlework, right.
Baking or bread-making.
Yeah. Yeah, and then we could
collect alms for the poor
and do a bit of basket weaving.
It's all a bit Little Women, isn't it?
Let's just get the strippers in.
Give the rear party soldiers a case
of beer and have a Mr World contest.
That'd be very entertaining.
But, actually, right now,
we're looking for clubs to join.
What about singing?
My bridesmaids did Angels by
Robbie at my wedding.
It was amazing.
OK, erm... yeah. Super.
A choir. Has anyone had any
experience of running a choir?
Lisa, you're musical, no?
No, my mum used to teach music.
But, I mean,
choir's not really my thing.
Should we have invited Kate?
I bet you she can knit.
You know this is supposed to
take your mind off being upset?
I just... I wanted to make
something nice for Liam.
I love wool, I love sheep.
Any little mistakes
give knitting character.
Let's have a look.
There you go, make a lovely...
(CLEARS THROAT) tea cosy.
- Or toilet roll cover.
- Cos we all need one of those.
I don't know how you lot
can just makes jokes.
I just feel sick all the time.
Every time the phone rings,
every time the doorbell goes.
I feel sick. How do you cope?
Do you not... talk about it?
- Who wants some wine?
- I'd love some wine.
- Lisa, where are your glasses?
- In the dishwasher.
All right, Frankie? Give us a smile!
WOMAN: There you go.
There are some benefits
when they go away.
I grow my pubes.
It's like Sherwood Forest
by the time Matt gets home.
And you don't have to
brush your teeth.
You don't have to pretend
you like Top Gear.
Today we're gonna
be making some tea,
and taking a look at
the Brexar glass kettle.
WOMAN: For today only, if you
purchase the Brexar glass kettle,
you also get this stunning five-piece
knife set and wooden block.
So clever and unique.
It's the Brexar glass kettle.
It takes tea-making
to a whole new level.
- Yeah?
- CROOKS: Hello, Kate.
Comms are down.
No further details at this time.
But they've only just got there.
Sat phone and
internet on lockdown.
I'll let you know when I hear further.
- KATE: Hello.
- Hiya.
- Is your mum in?
- Mum?
So... how was knitting club?
- There isn't a knitting club.
- Yes, I've heard the joke.
First rule of knitting club:
"There is no knitting club."
They disbanded last night
due to impracticalities.
- They can't knit.
- Oh.
Get a move on,
you're gonna be late.
Comms are down.
- What, already?
- They're stuck in Green Zone.
- They've got to tab out.
- Do the women know?
A text message has gone out.
Best thing is to keep busy.
...possible bypass routes.
We see first-hand for ourselves.
While we're filming, a report comes in
of another bombing close to the base.
The Yorks Quick Reaction Force
gets ready to move out.
You all right?
Just been scrambled
because a suicide bomber
- has just detonated his device...
- Thank you.
Gonna look good.
No, I've not been in an accident.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I just thought I'd pop in
and see how you're doing.
Oh, OK. Thank you.
Richard and I were also married
last minute, pre-deployment.
My family all thought I was
pregnant, just being coy.
Oh, are you?
No, Liam just wanted me
to be next of kin.
You know, comms down
doesn't necessarily mean anything.
It's just the men
aren't allowed to talk to us.
The military want to ensure that
no false information gets through.
It's very important to keep busy.
Less time to think about things.
I was actually thinking
of decorating.
It is a bit depressing, isn't it,
the magnolia box?
I was gonna do a, erm...
a signature wall.
And then pick out the purple
in the other walls.
Yeah, hm... it's a bit signature.
It took Richard and I
six coats of paint
to cover up the mess I made
when we first marched out.
Oh, God, sorry, that's Liam.
He always puts our teddies
into different sexual positions,
every time I leave the room.
It's to make me laugh,
he's done it since we were kids.
Not "kids" kids, since we were 15.
Let's get cracking on these boxes,
shall we?
I've got this exercise bike
I need to finish.
- OK, great.
Comms back on is a good thing!
Mm, yeah, I know. Sorry.
Come on.
Don't be silly.
Let's get some music on
and get cracking, eh?
What have we got here?
Probably just start
with the instructions.
- Here you go.
- Let's have a look.
Sprung in completeness
Where His feet...
Just give one of those to everyone.
There should be enough.
What you doing?
Right, has everyone
got a hymn sheet?
- Time to liven up this coffee morning.
- What's happening?
I'm going to give you all a note.
Then I'm going to count to three
and we can start. So...
One, two, three...
Morning has broken
Like the...
Okay, I'll just... Everyone up.
Come on, up your get.
I'll start again.
One, two, three...
Morning has broken
Like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken
Like the first bird
OK, I'll just give you the note again.
One, two, three...
Praise for the singing
Praise for the morning
for the singing...
Fresh from the...
Billy. Sorry.
That's... That's lovely.
That was lovely.
I've got to run to work. Sorry. Sorry.
I was really enjoying that.
- Lisa, wait.
- Why?
That was like the incantations
of a bunch of witches.
- Bit dramatic.
- No, it's an understatement.
That was horrible.
They need something to focus on.
I think Afghan is enough.
No, besides that. They need
something to work on collectively,
a project,
something that brings them together.
Look, if you think singing
Onward, Christian Soldiers
with a pole up your arse
is what the women need,
you're more out of touch
than I thought.
I am simply trying to do my duty
as Colonel's wife...
If you want to do it, just go ahead.
You don't need my permission.
We both know the women
won't join if you don't.
I'm quite aware
of how they feel about me.
Listen, I know you still want
to be part of the gang.
But unfortunately, you have
a leadership role on this tour.
And that means responsibilities.
You may not need the choir, Lisa.
But those women do.
Blackbird has spoken
Can we at least call it
a singing club?
How do people at Flitcroft
get involved?
They just turn up.
No auditions, everyone welcome.
Yeah, so it's like a drop-in.
Yeah, and then you commit.
But only if you really want to.
It's not about experience
or endless practice at home.
KATE: Though it'd be encouraged.
So it's more about enthusiasm?
- LISA: Well...
- KATE: Yes.
I know you're busy
but would you like...
Just two hours, once a week.
Open to all ranks.
Do you watch Songs Of Praise?
You might enjoy that.
We're forming a choir. Would you
like to join? It's on Thursdays.
What kinds of songs will you sing?
LISA: Pop music.
Good old traditional and rousing.
LISA: Rock.
- So it's gonna be like Sister Act?
- Yes.
You know, without the Mafia hitmen.
And the God bit.
All right. I'll have a think.
It's open to all ranks, right?
Oh, yes, this choir is inclusive.
Yeah, this singing club
is gonna be a lot of fun.
And uplifting.
(CHUCKLES) Yeah, and there'll be
a few beers afterwards.
(HIGHER SCALE) La-la-la-la-la
That's lovely, a soprano. Little bit
flat, but we can work on that.
- Who's next?
- I thought we didn't have to audition.
This isn't an audition,
I'm just determining your vocal range.
- Oh?
- No.
Why don't we just start off as a...
like, as a group?
Yeah, OK. Feel free.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right, everyone stand up.
Everyone on your feet.
When you can't sing the note
just sit down.
- It's OK, I'll do it.
Right, OK.
Right, so everyone who's standing,
you're a soprano.
So you just go to your left.
That's your right. My left.
And if you're still sitting down,
you're an alto.
Go to the right.
Ruby, I think
you're more of a minor tone.
She just means your voice
is really powerful.
- Yeah.
- You know...
Imagine you're Luke Skywalker
and you have to learn
to harness The Force.
So where do the minors stand?
- At the back.
- In the front.
Erm... middle?
BOTH: So...
- You go ahead. No, no, go ahead.
- No...
- OK...
- Thanks very much, Lisa. Lovely.
So today's practice is going to focus
on something called count singing.
Don't panic.
It's a very easy exercise
to help us with pitch and rhythm
without having to learn lyrics.
Why don't we just sing a song?
This is just how
I learnt it at school.
One, one, two, one
One, two, three, two, one
One, two, three,
four, three, two, one
See? It's very easy.
All together now.
One, one, two, one
One, two, three,
four, three, two, one
One, two, three, four, five...
No, sorry, there's no five. No five.
We'll start again.
One, one, two, three, two, one
One, two, one
One, two, three,
four, three, two, one
One, one, two, one...
- Bang!
- Oww!
One, two, three, two...
Bum-bum, ba-ba-bum
- Does it not remind you of...
- No.
You were working
as a waitress in a...
Cocktail bar
Does that...
Shall we?
...when I met you
I picked you up, I shook you off
I turned you around
I turned you into someone new
Come on, the chorus.
Don't... Don't...
Don't you want me?
You know I don't believe it
When I hear that you won't see me
Don't you want me?
You know I don't believe it
when I hear that you won't see me
It's much too late to find
That you think
you've changed your mind
You'd better change it back
or we will both be sorry
Don't you want me, baby?
Boom-ba-doop, boo
Don't you want me, oh-oh?
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me, oh-oh?
Don't you want me, baby?
Don't you want me, oh-oh?
I was just thinking
we could have a chat
about how we're
gonna approach this.
I wasn't aware
we were approaching anything.
- I thought you asked for my help.
- To mobilise them.
- I was thinking...
- Look.
The point of choir isn't to facilitate
what the wives can already do.
It's not sober karaoke.
Choir needs to be challenging
so that for one hour,
they're thinking about something
other than their troubles.
We can't just muddle through.
It needs to be organised, something
we both know is not your strongpoint.
Can I have my pocket money?
What? You've had it.
You know, you could do something
to earn a bit of extra money.
I'm not stacking shelves
in the NAAFI again.
No, I mean, like, child-minding
for the singing club.
- You could do that.
- I'm all right.
Where are you going?
I'm about to make dinner.
Nowhere. There is nowhere to go.
- Well, what are you gonna eat?
- I might go to the chippy later.
Oh, the chippy?
Good job you've got
your leathers on.
You know, and your full face.
For the chippy.
- I want change.
- Bye!
(MUTTERS) One, two, three...
Oh, my God.
Hey, Kate, you're a soprano.
Yeah, of course you are.
Why don't you take a seat over
there beside Annie?
We're not singing Yazoo?
And don't get used to these.
I don't want you hiding behind them.
- This is only the soprano part.
- Yeah.
- I divide them up into parts.
- How do we know when to come in?
I taught them.
They listened and they memorised.
Oh. Are you going to play that thing
without any music?
Yeah, I just think reading music
makes things a bit stilted.
Oh, not sure Mozart
would agree with that.
Well, The Beatles didn't read music
and I think they did OK.
Yeah, OK.
So we're gonna do
exactly what we did earlier.
I'm gonna give you
your starting note.
Three, four...
Looking from a window above
It's like a story of love
Can you hear me?
Came back only yesterday
I'm moving further away
Want you near me
LISA: Yeah, OK.
It was really good, so...
May I suggest we just take a little
time just to learn the parts properly
so that when
we add them all together...
Everyone's lost the will to live.
Let's just sing it again.
Just have one go, right?
- OK, fine.
- Let's just go again.
Sorry, but, my right hand
will show the tempo.
One, two, three, four...
And my left hand is going to
tell you when to come in. Like this.
It's like she's guiding
a plane in to land.
- LISA: Finished?
- Yeah.
- And...
- Let's have a...
One, two, three, four...
Looking from a window above
It's like a story of love
Can you hear me?
Came back only yesterday
I'm moving further away
Want you near me
All I needed was the love you gave
All I needed for another day
And all I ever knew
Only you
We can't see you... There he is!
- Can you see me?
- Say, "Hi, Daddy."
- Hey, Billy.
- Hello, Daddy.
- Hey, mate.
- Hello, Daddy.
- How are you?
- Good.
What have you been doing, Billy?
Been a good boy for Mummy?
Daddy misses you and Mummy
a million...
I miss you too. Are you there?
We've lost you.
Hang on, are you there?
LARRY: The Ultimatt Air Bed
has a built-in pump
and it can self-inflate
in just three minutes.
Yeah, it's just so efficient.
This bed can support
up to 200 kilograms.
Suzy, you know
what weighs 200 kilograms?
SUZY: I don't know.
You tell me, Larry.
LARRY: This guy.
(LAUGHS) Oh, my goodness!
Is that a gorilla?
Get in here, fella.
It's not a real gorilla, it's actually
a man in a gorilla suit
and he has a weight
belt underneath.
Quite some weight. OK, go.
Oh, wow!
FRANKIE: I can't...
- Are you all right?
- My stuff's all wet.
I've got you.
Shout, shout, let it all out
Let it all out
Let it all out
These are the things
I can do without
Come on
KATE: Your mum's not answering.
I've left a message,
I'm sure she'll be here in a minute.
I'm not drunk, no. I only had one.
Stop it spinning.
Come on, let's get you on your side.
There's a basin right here, OK?
LISA: Sorry, I didn't see my phone.
Right. (SIGHS)
I mean, we could leave her
and let her sleep it off.
Yeah, maybe.
Are you sure?
I guess they just need to let off
a bit of steam sometimes.
Yeah. Apparently,
if they see their parents drinking,
they're twice as likely
to do it themselves.
I'll let myself out. Thanks.
- Bye.
- Bye.
MAN: (ON RADIO) ...control of
insurgent strongholds in the area.
Is toast all right?
I'm afraid I don't have any exciting
breakfast cereals any more.
I dried your things out.
FRANKIE: Thanks. Did I puke?
KATE: Nope.
Your house is dead tidy.
Ours always looks like a bomb's
gone off when Dad's away.
Then I guess you haven't got
anyone to make it messy, though.
I suppose keeping it tidy
gives me something to do.
So you don't think about him?
They think we don't know
when people die, but we do.
Like, everyone at school
talks about it.
- They talk about Jamie?
- They talked about you more.
Is that Jamie's car outside?
No, it's mine.
KATE: Ah, hi, Frankie.
Right, are we ready to go
into the den and play a game?
Shall we go? OK, right. Take your
book and I'll see you in a minute.
Oi, what are you doing?
You about to take a biscuit?
Go on. Go inside,
we're gonna play a game together.
- You minding kids?
- Do you want to go inside?
I asked her. I hope that's OK.
They are a bit of a distraction.
She's going to do it tomorrow as well
while we go for a hike on the moors.
Is that Kate's punishment
for you getting pissed last night?
We need to talk about that,
by the way.
No, I'm serious. Where were you?
I was just out.
What? You all get
pissed all the time
cos there's nothing to do,
why shouldn't I?
I said no sheet music.
Right, everyone up.
Here's your starting note.
I'm gonna count us in. Three, four...
Shout, shout
Let it all out
These are the things
I can do without
Come on
I'm talking to you, come on
LISA: Come on, let rip!
In violent times
You shouldn't have to sell your soul
That's good.
In black and white
They really, really ought to know
OK, really belt it out this time.
And can we hear the Ts, please?
Enunciate. T-t-t.
You shouldn't have to...
Shout, shout, let it all out
These are the things
I can do without
Come on
KATE: Lisa?
I'm talking to you, come on
Look, I understand
you want them to be passionate
but really,
it just doesn't sound very good.
They're having fun. Better that
than sounding joyless and in tune.
I don't think projection is our issue.
All the top conductors...
This reminds me of
when my parents got divorced.
Have you got first-aid kit, Crooks?
What's the problem?
I'm the designated first-aider.
Honestly, it's fine.
I just need some plasters.
I'll be the judge of that.
There's nothing I didn't see in Iraq.
It's for Dawn's nipples.
She forgot to wear a bra
and they're chafing.
Erm... you'll find
some plasters in there.
Yeah, I'll bring... Yeah.
(ECHOING) Aa-ooh!
Ooh, ooh
Sounds really nice.
That sounds gorgeous!
Keep going, keep going.
Looking from the window above
Like a story of love
- Go on!
- Go on.
Can you hear me?
Came back only yesterday
I'm moving further away
Want you near me
All I needed was the love you gave
All I needed for another day
And all I ever knew
Only you
Ba-da-da, bum-bum
Ba-da-da, bum-bum
Sometimes when I
think of her name
When it's only a game
And I need you
Listen to the words that you say...
- Go on, Jess.
MAN: Bravo!
Fifty quid a ticket, mate.
Where are you going?
Where were you hiding that?
Of course the Welsh girl
can bloody sing.
It's all that yodelling
in the valleys.
Thank you, kind ramblers!
All of the people,
around us they say
I don't know.
Maybe this choir isn't about
singing for ourselves
You know, maybe it's about them
being heard.
Are you suggesting a performance?
Yeah, but, you know, nothing fancy.
Just maybe going to town.
People round here
don't know we exist.
But the Military don't want us
to be tall poppies.
- I don't know what that means.
- It means...
It's about appropriateness.
I'm sure between us we can
figure out something appropriate.
That's amazing.
In the market with
everyone watching?
It ticks a box, apparently.
The new community covenant
to break down barriers
and engage with the locals.
Can we do Lulu?
What about something modern,
like Rihanna?
- Africa by Toto.
- No, we need Holding Out For A Hero.
- That's a classic.
- No, it has to be something serious.
Bonnie Tyler's got
really serious hair.
- Emotional serious.
- Time After Time, Cyndi Lauper.
I don't think I could do a sad song.
Just sing the tune. Don't think about
the meaning of the words.
Can I do a solo?
I promise I won't lose my nerve.
Mm-hm. Erm...
or, we were actually
thinking about...
missus there.
No way.
- LISA: What? Why?
- No, I can't.
- You can.
- You can.
- You can.
KATE: One, two, three, four...
Lying in my bed
I hear the clock tick
And I think of you
Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new
Secrets stolen
From deep inside
The second hand unwinds
(SOPRANO) If you're lost
you can look and you will find me
(ALTO) Time after time
(MEZZO SOPRANO) If you fall
I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time
Sometimes you picture me
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me
I can't hear what you've said
Secrets stolen
From deep inside
The drum beats out of time
If you're lost
you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall
I will catch you, I'll be waiting
I will be waiting
I will be waiting
I will be waiting
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you
I'll be waiting
I will be waiting...
All seems first-rate.
Same time next month, then.
Let me just show you what the women
have been up to since your last visit.
...too far ahead
You're calling to me
I can't hear what you have said
HQ are going to love this. Fits in
perfectly with the new directives.
You should have heard them
on the hike, sir. We were in...
Thank you, Captain.
My car's waiting.
The drum beats out of time
If you're lost
you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you...
I'll be waiting
Time after time
If you're lost
you can look and you will find me
(HIGH-PITCHED) Time after time
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you...
I will be waiting
Time after time
If you're lost,
you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall, I will catch you...
I will be waiting
Time after time
Time after time
I need to speak to you all.
Oh, Jesus. Is it about the blow-up
doll we sent out to Bastion?
She's joking.
Brigadier Groves heard you rehearsing
when he was here a few weeks ago.
He's told the top brass.
And you've been invited to sing
at the Festival of Remembrance.
The Festival of
Remembrance on TV?
- The big one?
- CROOKS: That one.
At the Royal Albert Hall?
I can't wait to tell my mum.
Do you reckon the lads will be able
to see it out in Afghan?
- Hope not.
- You don't need to worry.
We are gonna be match fit
after that market gig.
It's all right for you, Maz.
You haven't got to do a solo.
Just see the market
as a dress rehearsal.
And I'll be by your side.
Like shoulder buddies.
Eh? Come on, cheer up.
You're not helping, Maz.
Is that not helping you?
MAN: Stop the war,
sign the petition.
Stop the war, sign the petition.
Troops out of Afghanistan.
Stop the war, sign the petition.
Stop the bloodshed.
Troops out of Afghanistan.
Can I interest you in a leaflet?
We don't have the privilege of being
against the war. We're married to it.
Stop it.
Good afternoon, everyone.
We are
the Flitcroft Military Wives Choir.
We'd like to sing for you
this afternoon.
- Three, four...
Lying in my bed
I hear the clock tick
And I think of you
CHOIR: Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new
You say, "Go slow"
(SLIGHTLY OFF-KEY) I fall behind
(OFF-TUNE) The second hand...
The second hand unwinds
If you're lost
you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall
I will catch you, I'll be waiting
I will be waiting
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Come on.
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
We'll be laughed out
of the Albert Hall.
I don't want to sing any more.
I'm not a minor, I'm just shit!
Maybe you could silently
mouth the words.
Like Dawn.
Erm... Marilyn?
What does your football coach
say to you after a defeat?
Easy. It's all about control.
A defence-splitting pass,
bring it down,
knock it to the forwards. Boom.
- Look, do you like singing?
- Of course we do.
- Do you like being in the choir?
- Love it.
Think the top brass would've asked
you to sing if you were shit?
No, we just chose the wrong venue.
- Yeah, and that was our fault.
- Exactly.
Do you want to give up because of
that or work harder
so we really kill it
at the Albert Hall?
- Kill it.
- LISA: Which?
- Kill it.
- LISA: Right.
So how shall we do that, Kate?
Er... well, we choose
a small repertoire.
We practise together and at home.
We tweak, we review, tweak, review
until we come together
like a shoal of fish.
The best Military Wives choir
in England.
Well, the only Military Wives choir
in England. (LAUGHS)
MAZ: Come on, girls.
We're singing for England
We're singing in a foreign...
Oi! If I'd done that...
For England
You've got to hold and give
and do it at the right time
You can be slow or fast
but you must get to the line
Behold our choir.
Dignified, noble.
So catch me if you can
cos I'm an England woman
What would your karaoke song be?
Karaoke's my idea of hell.
But if you had to,
if you'd no choice?
KATE: Well,
I did do Tainted Love once.
But then I drank two bottles
of white wine,
smoked a packet of cigarettes
and threw up
in Richard's parents' garden.
Sounds like a good night.
So Tainted Love?
- No!
- I'll do it with you.
Come on. Imagine their little faces.
Why not? No one's going to remember
in the morning. We're doing it.
MC: Kiki and Elton.
Come on, everyone, this is a classic.
That's a lucky escape. Next one.
Don't go breaking my heart
I couldn't if I tried
Well, honey, if I get restless...
You took the weight off of me
Oh, honey, knock...
Knock on my door
Ooh, I gave you my key
Nobody knows it
I wasn't trying to be pushy.
No, no, no.
I just needed some air, that's all.
Yeah, well, Kevin's singing
will do that to you.
Jamie and I sang that song together
at his 18th.
- Oh, fuck.
- Yeah.
He made me. I was mortified.
He, of course,
thought it was hilarious.
But then, he thought
his job on this earth
was to keep people laughing.
Yeah, I remember Red saying that
he had a way of looking at things...
he'd just find the funny
in everything.
Even when he was little.
Whenever Richard went away,
we'd have this big jar of sweets,
and Jamie was allowed one sweet
a day every day of the tour.
And when the jar
was empty, Richard...
Frankie did that.
Counting down the days till the
family was back together again.
Jamie used to say,
"Until we laugh again."
- Mm.
- That's so sweet.
- Yeah.
I don't know how you...
- Oh.
Right, OK.
I'm off.
You don't have to.
I'm not gonna make you sing.
Good night.
Hey, Kate?
The Albert Hall, huh?
Not tall poppies any more,
we're bloody sunflowers.
If you wanna be my lover
Slam, slam, slam, slam!
If you wanna be my lover...
Slam your body down
and wind it all around
Hup, hup, hup, hup!
- Tell me.
- CROOKS: Comms are down.
Richard's been injured
but he's gonna be OK.
He's in Kabul hospital.
RAMC will fly him back later today,
transfer him straight to Flitcroft.
Any fatalities?
You handballed that.
Skills. Go on.
Gotcha. Ready?
Pass me the ball.
Come on, pass me the ball.
Let's go and get a little biccy
or something, eh?
All right?
- Any pink ones?
- Yeah.
- Sarah Cartwright?
Who is her trusted friend?
She didn't name anyone. Said she was
waiting to see who she got close to.
(CLEARS THROAT) Well, Jess is
good at stuff like that. Or Ruby.
She's asked for you, Kate.
Says you've been there yourself.
It's fallen over.
Liam's teddy's fallen over.
That doesn't mean anything.
Of course it does,
because what it means has happened.
Do I have to leave the base now?
No. No, whenever you're ready.
But don't think about that now.
Right, so...
shall we give it a go?
Do you think she's read
Liam's death letter yet?
I don't think I could read Stu's
if it came to it.
I read Malc's...
after the last Afghan tour.
I'd do it again.
It helped me. It said...
all these lovely things about me
that he'd never say to my face.
To be fair, though, he's not gonna
not write that, is he?
I mean, he's not gonna write
a list of things he hates about you.
"Dear Ruby, wish you'd rinse the
bath out after you shave your legs."
"Dear Jess,
"really wish you wouldn't wash up
the cups before I'd finished my tea."
I wish you wouldn't do that,
to be honest. It's so annoying.
I just can't bear
the thought of anyone
coming to give me bad news
and the house being a mess.
MAZ: (SIGHS) I'm not in
the mood for singing today.
KATE: Darling.
This is nothing serious.
- You're lucky.
- I was stupid.
Katy, there's something
I need to tell you.
No, you don't.
- I don't?
- No.
I know you didn't have to go.
You put yourself forward.
You try and file away those feelings
about what happened
on the shelves in your head.
I shouldn't have gone.
Richard, sorry, I've got so many
things to do, I've got to leave.
Call you later.
It's the thing I admire
about you most, the way you cope.
That is a depressing thing to say,
Are you going to put that
on my gravestone?
I meant I understand how you feel.
Oh, you understand?
What do you understand, exactly?
- Enlighten me.
- No, I just...
I'm the one who has
to answer the phone in the night,
who has to worry about
what state you'll come back in,
who has to...
who has to look at you in that bed
and then I have to go out there,
I have to get on with it
and do my duty.
I have responsibilities,
I can't go round with a wet face.
"I'm so sorry, my husband's been blown up.
Would you like a cup of tea?
"I'm so sorry, my husband's
got shrapnel in his head.
"Have some cake."
I've always said you should be paid
for what you do.
Lisa, I can't come to practice now.
I'm at the hospital with Richard.
How is he?
- He's fine.
- OK. Good.
- What's the matter?
- No, I just wanted to, erm...
let you know that you don't need
to worry about the Albert Hall.
The women don't want
to do it any more.
- It's a bit late for that.
- I'm sorry?
It's utterly inappropriate
to pull out now.
Well, they feel it would be utterly
inappropriate for them to sing.
Lisa, if we pull out now,
it will reflect badly on all of us.
(SIGHS) Shit.
There will be a service
at Camp Bastion.
Then Liam's body will be repatriated
on a C-17 aircraft
coming through Wootton Bassett.
After that, you and his parents are
going to have to make some decisions.
Well, he grew up in care.
It's just me and the Army.
And he...
Did he ever express any wishes?
No? OK.
Well, then, we have to decide
what you want,
whether you want a cremation
or a burial...
flowers and a reading...
What did you do?
Oh, erm...
James had a willow coffin.
Are they the ones
where there's no lid
and the bodies are covered
with flowers?
You can do, but Jamie needed a lid.
Liam's gonna need a lid as well,
isn't he?
- Shall I get that?
It's OK.
Oh, come in, come in. Come in.
Sorry, could I...
Could I just play you something
and ask you a question?
So I first met Liam when he
was put next to me in English.
He was dead naughty
and I was always a bit of a swat.
They thought I'd sort him out.
But our teacher took us on a trip
to York Cathedral.
And there was a
choir practising this.
Liam hated classical music.
He preferred grime.
(LAUGHS) But he
did always like this.
This one.
And he sat next to me to listen to it.
And while it was playing,
he touched my hand.
And I remember nothing
about the rest of the concert,
I was too busy thinking
about his hand.
So that is how I'd really like to feel
when I say bye to him.
You know, I want to feel
his hand touching mine.
So I'd really, really love it if...
if you could sing this for me,
well, for him, at his service.
Maiden mild
O, listen to a maiden's prayer
For Thou canst hear amid the wild
'Tis Thou
'Tis Thou canst save amid despair
- SOLDIER: Fire!
- Fire!
- It was a beautiful service.
- Thank you.
It's been far too long.
I'm really looking forward
to the full choir performance
at the Festival of Remembrance.
Yes, but sadly
we're not going to do it.
Yes, the women have decided
that it's just too soon.
You're not doing the Albert Hall?
You sang today and it was beautiful.
But that was just for you today,
it was personal,
not for entertainment.
SARAH: Guys, make
it personal, then.
Please don't pull out.
There are gonna be
so many people in that room...
like me.
And I want to do this for them.
But I can't do that on my own.
- What are we gonna sing?
- Does it have to be classical?
Maybe we should do Angels,
like at Sarah's wedding.
It's not really about us,
though, is it?
We're not gonna find anything
that's about us, though.
Know what song
I've always really liked?
That Dido one where she goes,
"I woke up, my tea's cold,
I've got a hangover
"but you've made everything great."
That classic!
It is a classic, it's really personal.
My tea's gone cold,
I'm wondering why
I got out of bed at all
The morning rain
clouds on my window
And I can't see at all
And then Eminem, don't say it,
starts rapping about a psychotic stalker.
Love that at the Royal Albert Hall.
Maz could do that bit. Bit of rapping.
- I forgot about that bit.
- Maz and a rap.
Let's, er...
Let's just keep thinking, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- Night. Have a good night.
Oh, you have a bluey from Dad.
Do you want to watch a film?
A film.
- Yeah.
- What do you fancy?
I will have a look.
What? Are you serious?
- OK, fine.
- Yes, yes!
MAZ: That's a good idea, Lisa.
But the thing is,
all my letters are about QPR.
- Mine are far too mucky.
We won't put any of the dirty bits in.
We'll just...
you know, find bits
that represent our feelings
and just work it into the song.
Just like that?
I'm not expecting
to win a Brit Award.
But how bad can it be?
- You've not read what I've written.
It's not gonna be all, "I love you
to the moon and back" is it?
I don't want to puke down myself
in the Albert Hall.
You don't want me to make us
look like meek little women
pining for our big brave husbands?
And wives.
What's wrong with saying,
"I love you to the moon and back"?
LISA: There's nothing wrong
with it at all, Jess.
It's just a little bit...
- Sorry.
- ANNIE: Kate?
Lisa's got an idea
for the Albert Hall.
Oh, good.
I was just thinking about
what Sarah was saying...
about making the
song more personal.
We're gonna write our own song.
- Using bits of our letters.
- Yeah.
MAZ: And putting
them to Lisa's tune.
- Play your song for her.
- Go on, play it.
It's not a song yet. It's just...
It's a... You know, it's like a...
It's a tune.
You have to imagine the words bit.
Actually, do you think
we could talk about this later?
Well, why don't we talk about it
now? Everyone's here.
Really, how realistic is this,
given your limitations?
- What?
- You can't read music, can you?
The Festival of Remembrance
is a professional event.
It's not some amateur
school choir performance.
We cannot embarrass ourselves
and we cannot let Flitcroft down.
Do you know what? Forget it.
Let's go back to the song board.
Come on.
I think we should
write our own song.
Lisa, go on.
And even if it's not amazing,
at least it's ours.
MAZ: Exactly.
- Agreed.
- Yeah.
WOMAN: (ON TV) Next up,
we have the innovative LED
colour-changing shower head...
- You coming to bed?
- (TV OFF)
I'll be up in a minute.
- WOMAN: (ON TV) Can you believe that?
- MAN: (ON TV) That's crazy.
And it's only 119.99
plus postage and packaging.
"I swear that...
I keep no secrets from you."
- Embarrassing, that.
Jess, what have you got?
The only bit that could really work
in this song,
is about the moon.
- I love the moon!
- Go on.
But it is actually what Stu writes
to me, so I suppose that's OK.
"At 10 o'clock tonight,
I'll look at the moon.
That's 1:30 for you."
And then we look at it... the same time.
That's lovely.
"10 o'clock."
- Erm...
- Next.
We don't really go
for all that gushy stuff but...
Well, we always
recognise the unsaid.
We don't say what
we're both feeling.
LISA: What goes unsaid.
Frankie, can you just not...
What's the matter with you?
The matter with me is,
I still haven't finished the song yet.
I can't... I've run out of bits
from the women's letters.
- Just make something up.
- I can't make something up.
I'm padding it out enough as it is.
Frankie, wait. Sorry.
Look through these notes,
see if you can find...
I can't. I'm going out and I'm late.
Late for what?
Getting pissed
with rear party soldiers?
I'm actually going out to child-mind
for your choir
so that they can try on outfits
for tomorrow.
So, Tina.
Madonna, Cher.
Where's Dawn? Dawn?
Sorry, Dawn.
LISA: So come here.
There's a line I thought could be
really good for a contralto.
Am I a contralto?
Yes. I think so.
Thank you.
Thank you.
There's been some tweaks
to the lyrics.
Don't panic,
cos we'll rehearse it on the bus.
Whose is that, then,
"Till We Laugh Again"?
Is that the new one?
- Where's that?
- At the bottom. "Till We Laugh Again."
I wanted to clear it with you,
but I just ran out of time.
There was a gap.
I mean, everyone else
has something in but...
I thought it might help you,
you know, sing about him.
I told you that in confidence.
Not so that you could use
my child's words...
to fill a gap in your crass,
sentimental ballad.
Mum, have you seen my bag?
- Just get on the bus, Frankie.
- No, I...
- Just get on the bus!
- KATE: I should have known.
I should have known you would
lose sight of what is important
because you're so obsessed
with your five minutes of fame!
What are you talking about?
While you're swanning around, thinking
you're Paul fucking Mull of Kintyre,
your annihilated daughter is prowling
the streets like a cat on heat.
Before you know it,
she's gonna be handing out BJs
or knocked up by
some spotty squaddie
who doesn't know his arse
from his elbow!
You don't hand out blow-jobs.
You do them with your mouth.
Not that I'd expect you to know that.
You probably tell Richard
"to keep calm and carry on"
when he's shagging you.
I never claimed
to be a good songwriter,
or even a good
mum, but I am trying!
And all you do is
criticise and belittle me.
But maybe I should have known that,
because you are a cold-hearted...
uptight bitch, Kate!
No wonder your husband
volunteered to go back to the war.
Do you know what?
The bloody choir was your idea.
You gave me that bullshit speech
about the women needing it.
That it would bring them together.
Really, you are the one
that needed the choir,
because you needed
something to do.
No, we all need something to do.
No, we don't, Kate,
cos we all still have our kids!
- Guys, Kate's gone.
- What?
- That's it. I don't know any more.
- Where's she gone?
- I don't know.
- Kate's gone?
- Can I borrow your...
- MAN: Yeah, sure.
- Erm...
- Er...
Sorry about the, erm...
Can we drive? Can we go now?
Can I get in?
What happened to the choir?
They've gone.
Lisa used something Jamie said...
in her song, without asking me.
"Until we laugh again."
It's ridiculous. I know
it's just words, it doesn't matter.
It's not ridiculous at all.
Oh, God, I said some awful things.
I behaved so badly.
I've let you down.
We're both guilty of that.
I threw my shoes on the ground
like a two-year-old.
Well, it's no surprise you've come
to hide in Shite Rider, then, is it?
The car wasn't called Shite Rider,
it was Jamie who was Shite Rider.
- The car was called Dave.
- Dave.
- Is it a panic attack?
- This is gonna be a disaster.
- It's not.
- I appreciate your optimism,
- but our last proper performance...
- Our only proper performance...
...was a complete shit storm.
And there wasn't any last-minute
lyric changes.
- Lisa wasn't spinning out.
- And we had Kate.
Let's take him for a spin.
Blow the cobwebs out.
It'll never work.
- Come on, Dave.
- No.
- Try again.
- No. Nothing there.
Nice to get out.
I'm sorry.
I know how I've been acting with
you. I know I've been hard on you.
I made so many mistakes
when I was young, Frankie.
I just don't want the same for you.
I love you.
And when I was looking
through those letters to your dad,
you know, for the song...
they were all about you.
- RICHARD: Take the strain.
- KATE: Yeah.
- OK, push!
- I am.
- Come on, put your back into it.
- I am pushing. Stop complaining.
- I'm injured.
- Stop being such a martyr.
RICHARD: It hurts! Come on, top of
the hill and gravity will do the rest.
That's it.
All right. Go on, then. Jump in.
KATE: I'm getting in.
RICHARD: Right, we can let the hill
do the work now.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
- Come on.
Come on, jibble it.
- Come on, come on! Come on, Dave!
- Whoa-ho!
JESS: Oh, my God.
- How tall is that?
- I'm really nervous now.
-'s like security.
- We're never gonna get in.
Yeah, you're not allowed!
Oh, my God!
Let's just all gather together here.
Flitcroft Choir? You're on stage in
30 for a sound check.
We know where we're going.
Everyone stick together.
CROOKS: Ladies and gentlemen,
the Flitcroft Choir!
ALL: Yeah!
Katy, I need to ask you something.
The airing cupboard
has some new additions.
Well, I needed
something to lean on.
Would you prefer
that I drank or gambled?
No, of course not. Fair enough.
A juicer...
a meat slicer's a bit more tenuous.
But... But...
250 quid on
an inflatable bed for a gorilla?
Well, it's not for a gorilla,
it's just to illustrate
its weight capacity.
Oh, piss off, Richard!
ANNOUNCER: Flitcroft Choir,
please take your positions
on the risers for sound check.
LISA: On the podium thing.
- Just find our spots.
- MAN: Camera three.
- What are you doing?
- Checking my heart rate.
You look like you're
choking yourself.
OK, so we've got three hours.
OK, we've got three...
Where's Jess?
Oh, she's here.
What's the matter with her?
Did she faint?
She's meditating.
She can't lay down properly cos
she's come out in a rash on her arse.
Can you just, like,
get into your groups?
It sounded like you were...
Right, then, ladies.
How are we all...
I'm shitting my pants!
Very good.
Carry on.
There's been a bit of discussion about
that lyric change. We're confused.
We're not doing Kate's lyric.
We're just gonna do a repeat
of the second part of the first verse.
- Erm... so let's...
Let's start by running up some...
Stop talking.
Let's start by running
up some scales.
One, one, two, one...
One, two, three, two, one...
- One, two, three, four...
- ...three, four, five...
Not five!
Start again. Let's just all sing
at the same time, OK?
Do it together. It's fun.
And smiles. Enjoy it.
Maybe you should
go and get some air.
Just take five minutes.
- It'll be fine.
- Yeah.
All right, you...
- Piss off!
Can you zip me up?
ANNOUNCER: Ladies and
gentlemen, take your seats.
Thank you.
...members in the Grand Tier
please use entrances M to S.
Those with tickets to the Second
Tier, please use A to F.
RICHARD: Good luck.
You'll be marvellous!
I am so sorry.
Oh, Jesus. I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm really, really sorry.
- I changed the lyric.
- No.
No, you didn't have to do that.
Lisa, your song is beautiful.
And I will be proud to stand
next to you and sing it.
- Right, are they ready?
- Yeah.
Er... no. No, they didn't want
to go on without you.
It's after what I said to you earlier.
I think they're fucking scared of me.
- You've got one hour.
- You look gorgeous.
Not the boots, but...
I know it's gonna be louder.
- Oh, my God!
- Flipping heck!
- You made it.
That's enough, that's enough.
Quiet everyone, please.
Listen to Lisa, she has
something very important to say.
- What?
- Yeah, come on.
Oh, shit.
Erm... OK.
I dunno. Great music,
it doesn't happen when...
things are perfect.
It happens when you care.
I know you all really care.
Have you seen Rocky?
Well, you know,
did he win his first fight?
He doesn't.
He gets the shit beaten out of him.
In public.
But does he give up
and sit around crying?
He does in Rocky III.
Look, I know it feels a bit much
right now,
going out there and doing that.
But, Jesus.
If we can survive
the last five months...
we can survive five
minutes out there.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Every successful choir...
is just a bad choir
that didn't give up.
- OK, choir.
You've got ten minutes to get ready.
And then we are
gonna run our song.
Right, and then we are gonna run it
and we are gonna run it,
and we are gonna run it
until we all come together.
- Like a shoal of fish.
- Right, exactly.
Like that.
OK, come on, get ready.
Ooh. Ooh, Frankie.
What size feet have you got?
and gentlemen.
Welcome to this year's
Festival of Remembrance
from London's Royal Albert Hall,
where the British Legion
celebrates the courage
of the men and women of the
Armed Forces and their families,
and remembers sacrifices made from
the Somme to Helmand Province.
- Come and see.
- No, thank you.
It's like childbirth.
Best to be completely oblivious
until it's happening.
COMPERE: Now some performers
you won't have heard of.
They're an often-forgotten
but essential part
of the fabric of the Armed Forces
on whom our troops rely.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please put your hands together
for the Flitcroft
Military Wives Choir.
Time drags its feet
Feels like forever
But the longer the wait
The sweeter the kiss
All I really know
Is we're stronger together
If that isn't love
Then I don't know what is
CHOIR: I know you can't say
How you're really feeling
But what goes unsaid
Is what I'm feeling too
So here we are living
Life through a letter
There's nothing I love more
Than home thoughts from abroad
At 10 o'clock tonight
I'll be looking at the moon
That's 1:30 for you
Will you be up then too?
I know that if it's shining on me
then it shines for you
These simple things
Help me get through
I stand in the storm
Just me and my sails
And hope that it blows me
Closer to you
Secrets keep you sick
- Secrets keep you sane
- They stop me from sleeping
I want you to know
I keep no secrets from you
You always knew
How to keep the world laughing
Till we laugh again
These home thoughts from abroad
At 10 o'clock tonight
I'll be looking at the moon
That's 1:30 for you
Will you be up then too?
I know that if it's shining on me
Then it shines for you
These simple things
Help me get through
MAN: Bravo!
My hands are still shaking.
Urh... oh... oh... oh
- Yeah!
- Can we get two bottles of champagne?
I don't remember what I did.
Excuse me.
Do you think I could
get your autograph?
I haven't got an autograph.
Just do a symbol, you know,
like Prince.
Thank you.
Can I get your autograph, please?
Get lost.
I don't need your autograph.
I've got your number.
Are you all right?
Yeah, yeah. I'm not great, obviously.
But, yeah, I'm all right.
I'm just really gonna miss the choir
when I move home.
What do you mean?
Your parents only live three miles
up the road from the base.
Can I stay in the choir?
Oh, I'll have to think about that.
Of course you can stay, silly!
Well done.
- Well done?
- Yeah. That was really good.
Oh, my God!
Hang on, just give me a second.
Something I did was really good?
All right, don't be weird about it.
OK, I won't tell anyone you said it.
Just myself, sometimes.
I think we both deserve this.
To the choir.
To the choir.
Group photo, everyone.
All right, everybody in.
Right, ready?
OK, everyone say, "Cheese!"
- We did it, ladies.
- Yeah!
You should feel very proud.
I'm very proud of you.
- LISA: Hey, Crooks!
- Bye-bye.
How about enhancing
the spousal experience
by riding with Richard
so Kate can come with us?
She's all yours.
She's on the coach
She's on the coach
- Take care of that, Captain.
- Of course, sir.
Welcome to Dave.
Is Sarah here? Did she turn up?
Oh, she's there.
We're gonna do the same places
as at the Albert Hall.
Will you come down? We'll start
with something fun and easy.
Round the back. There we go.
Everyone can see we're together
As we walk on by
And we fly just like birds
of a feather
I won't tell no lie
All of the people
around us, they say
Can they be that close?
Just let me state for the record
We're givin' love in a family dose
We are family
I got all my sisters and me
We are family
Yeah, we are family
Get up, everybody, and sing
Won't you get up and sing?
We are family
We are family
I got all my sisters with me
All my sisters and me
We are family
Yeah, we are family
Get up, everybody, and sing
Get up and sing
We are family
We are family
I got all my sisters with me
All my sisters and me
We are family
Yeah, we are family
Get up, everybody, and sing
Get up and sing
We are family
We are family
I got all my sisters with me
All my sisters and me
We are family
Yeah, we are family
Get up, everybody, and sing
Won't you get up and sing?
We are family