Million Dollar Arm (2014) Movie Script

It's a simple fact
that not everyone is destined
to claim their page in the history books.
But a lot of people
are willing to pay for a piece of it.
Pope, you are about to break
the NFL single-season sack record,
and when you do, you deserve
to cash in, plain and simple.
That's where Seven Figures
Management comes in.
We make sure that when you reach
a career milestone like that,
that you are rewarded
for that achievement,
in short, that you get paid very well.
Now, my question to you, Popo, is...
Will you let me help you do that?
- That was perfect.
- Yeah?
Yes, that was amazing.
He's here, JB.
- What? He's early.
- He's still here.
Okay, time to go. Let's do this.
Knock him dead, partner.
That's where Seven Figures
Management comes in.
We make sure that when you reach
a milestone like that in your career,
that you are rewarded
for that achievement.
So my question to you
is very simple, Popo.
Will you let me help you do that?
Yeah, I will.
Well, that is...
That is good news, Popo.
Why are we wasting time in here?
Let me go get your paperwork started,
and then I'll introduce you
to your new team.
Oh. Just one more thing, JB.
Name it.
I'm gonna need a
million-dollar signing bonus.
- What?
- You know, like, a million in cash.
Up front.
Oh... Okay, Popo...
I can't do that.
I mean, that just doesn't happen.
- I mean, no one can do that.
- Procorp can.
Paul Carter, please.
Paul, hey. JB Bernstein.
I'm great. Thank you.
No, the reason I'm calling is
'cause I wanted to let you know that I
can't get you that check this week.
No. No, no, no.
We still want the office space.
Uh, just a couple more months.
I didn't even know
he was talking to Procorp.
Well, they got to him.
Yeah, you know, what they're
doing is completely unethical, okay?
We've been grooming the guy for six
months. I mean, six months. Come on.
And then, poof, he's gone.
They bought him?
Speak of the devil.
I hate them so much.
We just need another play.
We don't have another play, okay?
They just bought our play.
And we can't compete with them.
They're too big.
You want to go back? Huh?
You wanna work at the Death Star?
No, I don't wanna work at the Death Star.
I hated the Death Star.
I wanna work for us,
I wanna work for you, but, look,
come on, this is not really working.
Yet. It's not working yet.
Come on. May I remind you, please,
that we had some very good clients.
Emmitt Smith,
Barry Sanders, Curtis Martin.
Okay. May I remind you
that they are all retired.
My point is simply that we did it before,
we can do it again.
That's how this works.
We just have to hold it together.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
the Los Angeles Clippers!
I feel sick. Can we go?
How about that
baseball owner you know?
- What was his name?
- William Chang.
Big money guy out of San Francisco
looking for
investment opportunities in Asia.
Except we don't have anything in Asia.
Maybe we should find something.
Think about Yao Ming.
That dude's worth a hundred million
in Chinese endorsements.
We just need to find our Yao.
Okay. When it comes to China,
we are late to the party. China's tapped.
- Fine, Taiwan.
- Tapped.
- South Korea.
- Tapped.
North Korea.
Great. I'll set up a meeting.
All right. Well, then, this.
What if we go young?
- Mmm-hmm.
- Find some kid, develop the talent.
Get in on the ground floor.
Mmm. Hey, the Red Sox
just signed an 8-year-old.
All right.
Maybe we hang out at maternity wards.
Yeah, last time I did that,
I came home with twins.
Right. Bad idea.
Hey, listen, you are gonna love it
when it happens to you.
You just need to jump on in.
Ah, look at that. Cricket.
- Oh, come on.
- Come on. it relaxes me, all right?
I used to watch this with my dad.
It's a great game.
- It's not a great game.
- It is a great game.
It looks like
an insane asylum was opened up
and all the inmates were
allowed to create a sport.
That is just not true.
Okay? A billion people play this game.
I don't care.
It's because anybody can play it.
There's no discernible rules.
You hit the ball anywhere you want
and it's apparently fair.
And then you run back and forth
and tag each other with bats.
This is nonsense.
Toddlers can play this game.
Okay, are you even listening
to yourself right now?
Do you realize
how stupid you sound?
It is a brilliant game.
And I am in trouble.
You're not driving.
Oh, my wife loves it
when I have to take a cab
home 'cause I'm so intoxicated.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Good night, guys.
- Night.
- Who's that?
- What? She's my tenant.
She lives in
the bungalow out back.
Wow. Backyard hottie.
No. She's not my type.
Oh, really?
Why? Because she's not a model?
Yeah, 'cause she's not a model.
What is wrong with you, okay?
She's cute.
Have you seen her?
She's cute. And what does she do?
I don't know.
She's studying to be a doctor.
Oh, she's studying to be a doctor.
Oh, my God. Ew!
Yeah, stay away from that.
Because she's not a model
and she's smart. That's terrible.
- Maana, bro.
- All right. Get home safe.
We're gonna figure this out.
I don't know how much longer
I can do this, JB.
Look, we said we were gonna give
it two years on our own,
and it's been three now
and we still can't seem
to sign a new client.
Yeah, I know. I'm aware of that.
But, look, we just need one big client...
Yeah, that was Popo. Popo was our guy.
I don't want to quit on you. I don't.
I just don't know what else to do.
We're gonna crack this thing, Aash.
All right.
We're gonna crack it, Aash.
I dreamed a dream
in time gone by
When hope was high
and life worth living...
Youse didn't expect that,
did you? Did you? No.
I dreamed that love
would never die... front to have in the back...
...downtown Los Angeles...
...oxygen to every load
to boost your detergent...
a big series for Matt Prior.
Disappointing against
the Indians in the test.
- Seventy runs.
- Chance to make amends today.
One of the things about...
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid...
...of the wicket, a wide half-volley.
- Cook knows it.
- Oh, my.
So different from this hell I'm living...
It's been a successful
performance from Alastair Cook...
Hey. How fast do they pitch in cricket?
Fine, bowl.
How fast do they bowl in cricket?
You know what?
Get me a meeting with Chang this week.
I think I cracked this.
They don't play baseball in India.
That's right. They don't.
They play cricket.
But we think that we can convert
a cricket bowler into a baseball pitcher.
Look, India is the last
great untapped market.
We find new fans there
for American baseball,
the financial opportunities are endless.
Mr. Chang, if we can deliver
to Major League Baseball
its first Indian ballplayer,
that's a billion new fans.
What do a billion new fans need?
A billion hats. A billion T-shirts.
And you wanna set this up
like it's a talent contest?
That will ensure
maximum exposure of talent to press.
See, once we go over there
and find these guys,
we bring them back here,
we train them in LA,
and then we get them signed
with a professional franchise.
- What's your timeline?
- Two years.
Can you do it in one?
Really? A year? Because
I thought we said two.
I had to hook him.
Okay, we can't find
and train two nobodies in a year.
It can't be done.
Well, without this deal, we're done.
So I just saved our business, Aash.
You should be thanking me.
Oh, I would thank you
if the deal wasn't insane.
- Well, apparently Chang didn't think so.
- Chang is rich.
You know what rich people can do?
They can be insane. We can't, okay?
We can't find somebody
who has never picked up a baseball
and teach them how to pitch.
You're right, we can't.
But I know someone who can.
Cross it over.
Bend it deep.
Pre-set your fanny.
Lift and plant hard.
Thank you.
That's our guy. Tom House.
Glove out front.
PhD in psychology-
Thirty years in the big leagues
as a player and a coach.
Don't move your head.
Half of baseball thinks
he's absolutely crazy,
but you can't argue with his results.
Ball on wall. Glove on wall. Knee on wall.
If anybody can do it, he can.
It can't be done.
Cricket and baseball are two
completely different throwing motions.
The biomechanics,
the timing, the sequencing,
it's just not the same at all.
I mean, even if you found me
a couple of kids,
there's no way they'd be ready
for a pro tryout,
not in a year.
So you're saying it's impossible?
I'm not saying it's impossible.
I'm just saying it's...
It's highly improbable.
Why don't you consider it
a highly improbable challenge?
Think about it.
If it doesn't work, who cares?
No harm, no foul.
But if it does work
and you take two kids
from the middle of India
who've never picked up
a baseball in their lives
and turn them into
Major League prospects in one year...
Well, I can't think of a better plug
for your methods than that, can you?
You certainly don't need any
help with your pitching, do you?
I've been through the entire list.
I cannot find a single
Major League scout
that's willing to travel around India
for three months.
I can't be there
without a scout of some kind.
Yeah, no kidding.
I need someone that's gonna be there
in a month for the start of qualifiers.
- I know that.
- Hold on. Hold on.
Hi. Are you leaving?
- Yeah, I have to go.
- Don't go.
I have to. Don't forget about me.
I will not forget about you.
I'll miss you.
Okay. Bring me something.
- I will bring you something.
- You better.
You know, I really wish
I hadn't heard that.
Yeah, well, if you saw her,
you would understand.
- Send me a picture of her?
- No, I'm not sending you...
Are we 14?
I have to call you back.
- Hey.
- Hey.
My washing machine's broken again.
This time I think it's dead.
- Why?
- Yeah, well, it's smoking.
Literally, from the back.
And it's making this really loud noise.
It's similar to ker-chug,
ker-chug, ker-chug.
Okay, okay, Okay-
I'm leaving for India today.
Oh, that's cool.
So I don't really have time
to deal with this.
And I also really don't
have the money right now.
So could you do me a favor
and could you,
while I'm gone, just use mine?
Could you throw in free detergent
and the use of your barbecue?
- Okay, deal.
- All right, deal. Thanks, man.
- You're welcome.
- Gracias.
I think I'm ready.
Oh! Okay. Hi, Theresa.
Vivek never showed up.
Been waiting there for three hours.
I'm in a cab now.
Well, if you hear from him,
have him call me on this mobile.
You have it? Okay.
What is with all the honking?
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Sir. That's the place, sir.
- Here.
- 183?
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Upstairs, upstairs.
All right. All right.
Thank you.
Hi, there. Excuse me. Sorry.
Whoops. Yep, there we go.
That's my fault.
Can you tell me which one 3B is?
Hello. I'm JB Bernstein.
JBB, sir. Hello. I'm Vivek.
Weren't you supposed to pick me up
at the airport today?
Yes, but that is tomorrow.
No, Vivek, today.
That's why I'm standing here.
I was certain that it was tomorrow, JB sir.
I tried calling you all day.
The telephone lines are not up yet
and I've been busy
on my cell phone, you know,
trying to resolve the issue.
But, anyway, you are here now.
We are very excited about
Million Dollar Arm, JBB, sir.
Thank you. And it's just JB.
- Okay.
- One "B."
- JB.
- No "sir."
- So this is our office?
- Yes, JB.
Is there always this much traffic?
There's always traffic in Mumbai, JB.
What's with the honking?
Indians love honking, JB.
I don't know why.
It doesn't help.
Anyway, you settle down,
and then whenever you are ready,
we can have a status report meeting.
Great. I'm ready. Let's do it.
- Right away?
- Yes.
Oh, okay.
First of all, I am happy to inform you
that all our plans
are running smoothly and on time.
Great. Can I see the flyers?
Flyers are not here yet.
They are at the printers.
We are trying to get them.
Okay. How about the T-shirts?
They are at the warehouse.
We are trying to get them, too.
Okay, but the equipment
that we sent over,
the batting cages, balls, bats,
that's all here?
I'm happy to confirm that
they all are here in India.
But you don't have them here?
No. They are at the customs.
I think we should be working on that.
Okay, Vivek, I need things
to run on time and smoothly,
but actually run on time and smoothly,
not Indian on time and smoothly.
You know, here in India, we do things
a little differently than in the US.
Okay, so,
what do we have to do to get our stuff?
Uh, we have to pay money.
Pay money. Like a bribe?
No, no, no. Not a... Not a bribe.
I mean, why use such words?
We call it "bypassing the system."
The systems in India are very slow,
so we bypass them.
- By paying money.
- That's the Indian way.
Indians love honking
and bypassing the system.
Let's do it.
He says come after three weeks.
What do you want? You want more?
How much do you want?
Get lost!
Vivek, explain to me why
we can't bypass that guy.
We can, but not in there, JB.
- All right, well, where?
- Ah. Well, I don't know yet.
You know what, Vivek,
I'm starting to lose patience
with this whole plan of yours.
Don't lose patience, JB.
You are going to need it in India.
Ah, here he is.
He says he'll do it here!
Here? In the middle of the street?
That's where he wants
to bypass the system. Really?
Thank you.
Hey. What's up?
- I found our scout.
- Really? Who?
Ray Poitevint. He's one of the best.
He's retired, but House says
he can be there in two weeks.
- Oh, that's great. Great news.
- You're welcome.
All right, listen, I'll call you tomorrow.
All right, I'll see you later.
- Bye.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Are you JB Bernstein?
- Yes, I am.
Hello, sir. I am Amit Rohan.
I love baseball.
I would like very much to work with you
on The Million Dollar Arm.
Great. Tryouts in Mumbai
are at the end of the month.
Come on by.
Lobby, sir.
JB sir, I don't play baseball.
Look at me. Too small to compete.
But I teach baseball in New Mumbai.
- You do?
- Yes, sir.
At my college I have seven students.
Ask me any question
about the game of baseball,
I will tell you. Ask me.
How many innings
does a starting pitcher
have to pitch to get the win?
Can you ask me a different question?
No. Goodbye.
Sir. Sir, I'll work for free, sir.
Yes, sir. I'll work for free.
- When can you start?
- Now, sir.
Now is good. Let's go.
- Really, sir?
- Yes.
- Come.
- After you, please.
Thank you. Thank you, JB sir. Thank
you for this life-changing opportunity.
Don't sweat it. Vivek, this is Amit.
He's gonna be working with us today.
Hello. Amit.
All right, boys, let's go.
We got a big day.
- We gotta spread the word.
- Don't worry, JB.
Indians are very good
at spreading the word.
An American company
is hoping to find a cricketer
to throw a very fast ball.
The prize is worth one hundred...
...thousand US dollars...
...with the chance to win $1 million.
But do you think in a country like India,
where we're obsessed with cricket,
do you really think American
baseball will catch on?
You're sure we don't need a written
contract for the TV studio?
It won't be necessary, JB.
That just seems crazy
to me, even for here.
The TV studios will be there, trust me.
You see, Vivek, in the US,
we would get lawyers
and write up contracts,
and then everything would run smoothly.
But do lawyers and contracts
make things run smoothly in the US?
No, they generally
just confuse the hell out of everything.
But it might make me feel better.
I understand.
JB sir, the Major League
Baseball scout Mr. Ray has arrived.
He is in the taxi.
I went to the airport
to pick him up. It's really exciting.
Fantastic. Bring him up.
We cannot do this.
Is he breathing?
Yes. Should I take him
to the hospital, sir?
No, no. Hold on a minute.
Am I on fire?
No. Sorry about that.
That better be filtered water.
- Who are you?
- I'm JB Bernstein.
- Oh, the agent.
- Yes, the agent.
- Am I in India?
- Yes, yes, India. India, sir.
- They have hotels in India?
- Yes, they do.
Take me to a hotel
and don't wake me up again
until somebody's throwing
a baseball, you got that?
All right, well,
I just wanna say it's nice to meet you,
and get ready, 'cause we're on the road
first thing in the morning, okay?
I can't wait.
- Just take him to the hotel.
- Okay, sir.
All right, today we're in Nashik.
- Nas-hik.
- Nas-hik.
Tomorrow Jaipur, New Delhi,
up to Chandigarh,
then we are in Lucknow, Kolkata,
Bangalore, Goa, then back
to Mumbai for the final.
- How's that sound, Ray?
- Sounds wonderful.
- Are those places?
- They are indeed.
You like being on the road?
Words cannot express.
- They all here for us?
- Yes, JB.
This is awesome.
Things are running very smoothly, JB.
I guess they are.
- This is great.
- We'll see.
Vivek, we've been here half a
day. No one can throw over 45.
JB sir, another 60 men just signed up.
Ray, how are you gonna
know if anyone can throw
if you keep your eyes shut all day?
- I can hear it.
- Really?
That was about a 43.
In an impressive turnout
in the city of Nashik today,
Hundreds of young
contestants showed up
to try out for the US-based
Million Dollar Arm pitching contest,
which continues to travel across India
in search of a few strong-armed boys.
Today's contestants
showed exceptional enthusiasm
for a sport which they have likely...
Oh, God, what did I eat?
And yet, despite the massive turnout,
it seems to be harder than it looks.
- Hey. Hello?
- Hi, Brenda.
Look, we're skyping. How's India?
It's fine. I'm in the middle
of something. What's up?
I'm sorry. So I don't
mean to be the bearer of bad tidings,
but your washing machine
has broken now, too.
- Seriously?
- I am just gonna pay for it,
- and I'll deduct it out of my rent.
- Fine. Do that.
So how's the contest going?
Are you excited?
I will be if we can
find a kid who can pitch in the 80s.
In... Okay.
Um, how's the food? Is it crazy good?
I should get back to work, Brenda.
Okay. Good luck with the...
- Okay. Bye.
- Bye.
So many people there.
JB sir, he is saying he is young in spirit.
He wants to try.
- Huh?
What is that, son?
Million Dollar Arm.
You don't play cricket.
It's a contest.
One million US dollars.
This is for kids.
You have work to do.
Real work.
Calling all cricket players!
Come and be a contestant in the
"Million Dollar Arm" contest.
What is it, Rinku?
We're all track and field,
not cricket players.
Just because they are calling for cricket
players doesn't mean you can't try out.
I want to sign up, Coach.
So then sign up.
I'm not your secretary, Rinku.
If I won a million dollars,
I bet you would be.
You make a funny joke.
Everyone! 10 laps!
Get up!
Courtesy of Mr. Singh.
This is a total disaster.
Oh, come on, it's not that bad.
Not one of these kids can
throw over 65 miles an hour.
I swear to God, some of 'em
can't even hit the cage.
How's our money holding out?
Well, it's not, but you know what,
don't worry about that. You find our boys
and I will figure out a way
to make the budget work.
What does Ray think?
Well, when he wakes up,
I'll ask him. By the way,
do you think you could
have gotten someone
a little more of this century?
Hey, the price was right, all right?
So stop your complaining.
Where are you?
What city are you in, anyway?
- I'm in Agra.
- Agra? Wait.
That's where the Taj Mahal is, right?
Yeah, no, I'm standing
right in front of it.
- How is it?
- It is white.
Except for the part that's red.
There's a little dog in the foreground.
Come on, man. Seriously,
how is the Taj Mahal?
I've always wanted to see it.
Oh, well, tell you what. Why don't I put
your friend Ray on the phone
and he can give you
his first impressions?
Ray, buddy, how are you?
Hello? Ray?
Sell your friend for cash!
- Hi, Brenda.
- Hey. Hey, JB.
I have some very good news for you.
The repairman came and he fixed
both of our washing machines.
Two for the price of one. Done.
Really? How'd you swing that?
- I slept with him.
- Seriously?
No. But he was
very attractive, I'll give him that.
- How is the contest going?
- Not great.
No one over here can throw a baseball.
Don't worry about it.
You're gonna find your guy,
and then you're gonna
be back here before you know it
regaling a whole new crop of models
to tell your fabulous stories to.
Thanks for the pep talk.
All right, I'm gonna jump in the shower
'cause I got a date tonight.
Really? With who?
- Uh, I'm not gonna tell you.
- Come on.
Fine, the Maytag man. Bye, India.
This place looks like it has potential.
This is Lucknow.
It has a very fine reputation.
Reputation? Good.
Anything related to sports?
Yes, boys from
all over India come here for training.
Well, then there should
be a few qualifiers.
What do you think, Ray? You feeling it?
I'm feeling something.
I think it's the dinner I had last night.
Been there. Brutal.
All right, all right,
we got a couple of contenders here.
One, welsh.
They were all crap.
Thanks, Ray. That's really helpful.
You want me to lie?
I do. I kind of want you
to lie, a little bit.
That sounded good.
Did he just throw 83?
Sure sounded like it.
Let's see if he can do it again.
- Wow!
- Whoa.
Okay. You know what we call that?
- Manslaughter.
- No, we call that juice.
What? You want juice? I'll get it.
No, we just found one kid,
threw four pitches in the mid-80s.
Yeah, he's a little Wild, but I'll take it.
- First time I've seen Ray's smile.
- Bernstein.
- What?
- Check this out.
All right, hold on.
I'll call you back. What?
How long's he been like that?
About a minute.
Is he gonna throw?
I have no idea.
Is that right? 82 with that
motion? Is that even possible?
A lefty with juice.
You don't see that every day.
A lefty with juice is good, sir?
Lefty with juice is great, Amit.
A lefty with juice is money in the bank.
Lucknow was huge for us.
We found four guys there,
and then we got on a roll.
By the time we got to Goa,
we had somehow found 16 more.
I mean, half these kids
never traveled before,
so they were thrilled to come to Mumbai
and train for the finals.
We put them up in a small college
where Amit teaches. Amit hooked it up.
He's been key, 'cause none of these
guys really speak English.
In fact, I asked him to come to the US
and be the translator for the winners.
Ray has graciously offered to stay
and train the boys for the final.
He actually seems to be
enjoying himself.
And Amit has become Ray's protege,
studying all his methods, good and bad.
Hmm. Sounds great.
I don't know if it's great,
but at least it's coming together.
What? JB, you're in Mumbai.
You're doing exactly what
you want. That takes guts.
Personally, I just
can't wait to hear how it all turns out.
That'll cost you a bottle of wine.
- Bottle of Scotch.
- Better.
Deal. So can I see your office?
Well, I'm on the roof now
because the air conditioner is broken.
But here's my view.
- Right?
- That is really cool.
Yeah, you kind of have
to have the smells to get the full effect.
- Does it smell so bad?
- Yeah, sometimes.
And then sometimes it smells amazing.
It's a study in extremes,
just like everything else in this place.
Can I see the Taj Mahal?
It's about 700 miles away.
- Oh, damn.
- Hey, Brenda.
Right now? Is he... All right. There's a...
I have to go.
I have to go to see a patient right now.
- Bye-bye, Brenda.
- Bye-bye, Mumbai.
One, two, three.
You used to go to the academy,
didn't you?
Why did you leave?
My father hurt his back.
I had to help drive his truck.
Do you miss it?
You ask a lot of questions!
I'm trying to practice.
OK, ok. Sorry.
Yeah, I miss it.
Did you play cricket?
I hate cricket.
I played field hockey.
I throw the javelin.
I hate cricket, too.
And I suck at it.
I'm Rinku.
I'm Dinesh.
If you win, what are you
going to do with the money?
I'm gonna buy my father a new truck.
I understand.
You should get him a driver, too.
Maybe I will.
Hello, people!
Let's play Million Dollar Arm!
Okay, please welcome our 20 finalists.
This is exciting!
I can't believe we got this far.
Hey, somebody had to
hold down the fort, all right?
I'm here now though.
Look, at this! This is amazing!
What's this got to do
with throwing a baseball?
It's like some kind of circus.
Let's give them
all a round of applause!
They've all worked
very hard to get here.
All right, the time has now come
to separate the men from the boys.
Before we start the game,
I just want to quickly run
through all the rules.
Each player gets 10 throws.
They will be judged
on speed, with bonus points for strikes.
Both the first
and the second place winners
will travel to the United States.
So let's make a rumble!
Can we get sued for that?
It's entirely possible.
Not bad for the first pitch of the day.
- Seventy-nine!
- Nice.
Eighty-one! Not bad.
That puts Hement Sharma
in second place.
Oh, seventy-five. Not quite fast
enough for a professional pitcher.
Eighty-two! That will take Avinash
Mehta to the number-one position.
The contest is really heating up,
with just two contestants left to go.
Next up, Dinesh Kumar Patel!
Eighty-four! Our fastest pitch of the day.
And a perfect strike,
which gives him bonus points.
He's gonna be good.
Eighty-six! But no strike.
Eighty-seven. Still no strike.
Wow! This kid is throwing hard!
No, he's throwing wild. It could cost him.
Oh, eighty-five!
That just put
Dinesh Kumar Patel in first place
with just one more
contestant and $100,000 on the line!
And finally our last
contestant, Rinku Singh.
- This is the lefty.
- We call him The Flamingo.
Is he gonna throw
the ball or is he gonna stand there?
Eighty-three, and a perfect
strike. That's a strong start.
- Eighty-five! But no strike.
- All right.
A strike, at 82.
Another strike! Eighty-four!
Well, it's gonna be close, but I still have
the spark plug ahead on points.
- Dinesh Patel?
- Yeah.
So, wait, what has
the lefty gotta do to win this thing?
Ninety-six wild,
or a perfect strike over 84.
He's got no shot at 96.
Perfect strike's gonna
be hard under pressure.
A perfect strike!
And the winner,
based on his speed
and accuracy, is Rinku Singh!
He's won $100,000 US,
a trip to America,
and a tryout with a Major
League Baseball team!
And in second place, winning $10,000
and also a chance to train
in the United States of America,
is our wonderful Dinesh Kumar Patel!
Congratulations! Well done!
We did it, partner. We really did it!
We did. Thank you, Ray.
Okay, I'm gonna say my goodbyes
and work my way over to an airplane.
- What, are you leaving?
- Yes.
My job is over
and my Barcalounger calls.
He's a strange man.
Yes, he is.
We're already getting
tons of good press about this.
Even Chang is happy.
These guys really live in the sticks, huh?
You are giving them
a great opportunity, JB.
Well, it's a great
opportunity for all of us, Vivek.
The potential of this thing
is off the chart.
This is the stuff dreams are made of.
Yes, but, JB, these boys
from these villages,
they don't have these dreams.
They don't even leave their villages.
So it's life-changing for them.
And for you, it's a great responsibility.
I wish you well.
Thanks, Vivek.
- I mean, right?
- Yeah, this is intense.
I mean... Oh, look.
A cow is going in the house.
Pretty sure that's a bull
and I'm pretty sure
they go wherever they want. Hi! Whoa!
- No hablo Hindi.
- No hablo?
Dad, do you like it?
Do they know you don't play cricket?
They know.
It doesn't matter, the contest is over.
It's nice...
...but I don't need a new truck.
I have to go to America.
I know you will make me proud.
The mother and uncle.
This is the kitchen
and pantry sort of a thing.
This is his room.
- Hi.
- Hi, everybody.
Thank you. Thank you. Wow.
There it is.
- That's a sharp look.
- What do you think?
Can't be the first time. I got a huge head.
She doesn't seem very happy about this.
No. What's up with that?
She just hit pay dirt.
She wants you to
take good care of him, JB.
She says he hasn't been away
from his village, you know.
She's really worried about him.
Yes, yes, of course, of course.
He's gonna have a great time
in LA. Lots of fun.
Ready, bud? Let's go. All right.
Thanks, everybody.
I'm sorry about this traffic.
There's nothing I could do about that.
This is nothing. We're actually moving.
And there's no honking. No honking.
Hey. I'm gonna have these two
over to the house
to watch some cricket.
It'll be nice to watch it
with somebody who
appreciates it for once.
He wants to watch cricket with you.
Actually, they don't like cricket.
What do you mean
they don't like cricket?
- I mean, they don't like cricket.
- They play cricket.
No. He plays javelin.
He plays field hockey.
- Wait. What?
- Yes.
You didn't know this?
No. I thought they all played cricket.
- "They all played cricket?"
- What, now I'm a racist?
- It sounded a little bit racist.
- It's not racist.
There's 1.8 billion people in this country
and they all love cricket.
Most of them love cricket.
Aash, this was your idea.
Well, it looks like
somebody dropped the ball.
You like cricket, right?
No, I love baseball.
Oh, unbelievable.
- No, believe me.
- Yeah, I believe you.
You're all gonna watch cricket.
- Come on, guys.
- You'll love this place.
No, no, no. This side, this side.
Hold that, please.
- Thanks.
- Sure. Floor?
Okay. All right. Guys, let 'em close.
Okay, so I'll pick you guys up at 8:30
for your first day of practice tomorrow.
If there's any trouble,
Amit's room is right next door.
I'm not sure what that means, but
we're gonna get some sleep,
and then I'll see
you guys in the morning.
- Great.
- All right.
Big TV.
- Let's go! Hey!
- Yes, sir.
Bye. Good night.
All right, Amit, I'm gonna give you this
because I want you
to record their progress.
- For me? Wow!
- Yes, for you to use.
And then you're gonna
give it back to me.
I want you to tape
their workouts, their training,
their daily lives, stuff like that.
I'm gonna use it as a marketing tool.
Got it?
Yes, got it. Record everything.
If there are any problems, you call me.
Yes, yes. I will call you with problem.
So I'll see you tomorrow morning.
Okay. Goodbye, JB sir.
Goodbye, Aash sir.
They're gonna be fine
by themselves, right?
Yeah, course. What do you mean?
I mean, you know,
it's their first time here.
- You saw where they came from.
- They're fine.
Good night.
- Really?
- Oh, boy.
Hey. Welcome home.
Thank you. it is good to be back.
- Yeah.
- I got you something.
- Really?
- Yes. It's...
I brought you the Taj Mahal.
I worked a deal
with the Indian government.
This is amazing. I love it.
I have been needing
a mini Taj for so long.
It's beautiful. Thank you.
So you gotta tell me how it all finished.
Uh... Well, I thought we were gonna do
that over a bottle of Scotch.
You're right.
We did have a deal. We had that deal.
- Hey.
- Oh. Um...
- You must be JB.
- I am. Hi.
JB, Mark. Mark, JB.
Hey, man, great to
meet you. And welcome home.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Careful. You're sweaty.
- Sorry, babe.
I actually spent
three months in an ashram in Goa.
I forgot that you did that. Yeah.
- Is that a mini Taj?
- Yeah, look at that.
Hilarious. Nice.
Yeah. I think it's so pretty.
Well, I gotta
take a shower before my shift.
- I just wanted to say hi.
- Yes, you do.
Cool. Nice to meet you.
- You as well. See you, babe.
- See you.
Love the Taj.
Mark's an intern at the hospital.
That's how we first met, so...
- Seems like a great guy.
- Yeah, he is a good guy.
- Seems very fit.
- Yeah, he's a runner.
Well, I gotta unpack
and plug back in and kind of...
Yeah, but I wanna hear about your
trip, so whenever you have...
- We'll do that.
- Okay, good.
All right. Thank you so much for my...
Hello, old friend.
Apparently, they
pushed the stop button by mistake
and when the elevator got stuck,
they panicked and pushed
the elevator alarm.
- And then the fire alarm.
- Yes. Okay.
We're not going
to press charges, Mr. Bernstein,
providing that you make other
arrangements for these young men.
When would that have to happen?
No filming here.
What are we gonna do?
I told you, they can't stay on their own.
Fine. Then I'm dropping
them off with you.
No. Are you crazy?
Come on, I have kids.
I have no room, all right? You have lots
of room. Please go to sleep.
Yeah, and I also have a very
nice single person's life
that I'm really looking
forward to getting back to.
All right. Well, you know what?
Look on the bright side.
We're out of money,
so you keeping them
will help us keep our doors open.
- Good night.
- No. Don't hang up.
Go to sleep!
All right, let's go.
Don't touch anything.
- Okay, boys, here we are. Come on in.
- Wow.
This is his house?
All right, we're gonna
keep you guys here
until we figure something out.
This is the living room, TV.
This is the TV.
A thousand-something channels.
Maybe there's some Indian ones.
This is where we eat.
Food. Kitchen.
Plenty of stuff in the fridge.
Please help yourself.
Now... Hey, guys-
Oh. Oh.
I just have one rule.
Try to keep everything nice and neat.
Try not to break
anything, okay? Nice and neat.
Great. Good night.
But, JB sir, um...
Where is your family?
- No family, Amit. Just me.
- Huh?
Just me.
Is she his servant?
She must be.
Well, I overslept.
I think I'm still pretty jet-lagged.
Well, call House and tell him we're
running a few minutes late.
Guys, what are you doing?
Why didn't you wake me up?
Good morning, JB sir.
We were waiting for you for breakfast.
Okay. Okay. Uh...
What's with all the candles, by the way?
That's our shrine, JB sir,
so that we can pray.
- Oh, right.
- And where do you pray, JB sir?
I don't pray. I work. And I'm late.
So five minutes. We gotta hustle.
Right, JB sir. Five minutes. Ready.
PowerBar. Big body. Eat, eat, eat.
JB sir, what is the meaning of "hustle"?
It means hurry up, you know, go fast.
Oh, okay, okay.
All right, boys, let's go. Double time.
Here we are. Day one of training at USC.
- Hey, hey. Look at the boys.
- Sorry, sorry.
We're gonna be
a little late, but that's okay.
You guys are gonna
come here from 9:00 to 1:00 every day
and work with Coach House
and the USC team, got it?
JB likes to hustle.
All right. Here we go.
Not bad, huh?
It's absolutely beautiful, JB sir.
Soak it in.
And now let's go. We're late. Let's go!
You must be the boys from India.
Welcome to America.
I'm Tom House. I'll be your coach.
This is my assistant, Doug.
Still working on their English.
Tell them,
I thought today we'd just run a few drills
and have some fun. What do you say?
The boys are gonna
blow you away, Tom, I promise.
What is this?
I think it's used to
keep our bowling hand warm.
Tell the boys the glove
is for catching the ball!
Okay, now,
you're just gonna toss it back and forth.
Just nice and easy. Nice and easy.
- Where have you been?
- Sorry, man.
The twins,
they've been puking all morning.
- How's it going here?
- Uh...
He's asking,
is it necessary to wear the gloves?
That's a first.
All right, tell him
half-speed. We're just warming up.
It's not about
throwing hard, it's about throwing right.
- Oh, oh, oh.
- It's all right. It's all right.
Tell him to relax. Tell him to smile.
- We might have to tweak that a little bit.
- Hmm.
It was like they couldn't
even tie their shoes out there.
Thank God, Chang didn't see that.
All right, okay, look.
What do you think, Tom?
They did everything I asked 'em to do.
They didn't complain. They never quit.
They're good athletes.
And more importantly, their arms work.
Do you think
you can have them ready in six months?
Based on what I just saw,
probably not.
Spencer asked me to move in with him.
No way.
No way, Spencer.
Spencer is a funny name.
Hey, guys.
Are you guys
gonna take these or just stare at me?
Guys, come on. Guys, it's pizza.
All right, come on.
Are you from Mars or what?
That's a pizza. You eat it.
Sorry, brother.
Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you.
I've fallen in love with pizza.
We're screwed.
JB is going to pack our bags
and send us home.
Dinesh, don't worry so.
We can't master it in one day.
Don't you miss home?
I do miss it.
But now we are in America.
We can do anything here.
You can even change your name to...
I don't want to change my name.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Where are you going?
I'm going to the bathroom.
Don't worry, I'm not leaving you.
- JB!
- Oh, crap.
- Okay, boys, knock 'em dead.
- Okay, JB sir.
- Bye, JB sir.
- That's good.
Keep working
on the English. I'll see you later.
He's not staying to watch us today?
I guess not.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- I did. You didn't listen to me.
You were too busy bribing half of India.
- I didn't have a choice.
- Then guess what?
We're out of money, JB.
And not to mention that Chang has
been calling me all morning.
He wants a status update. What am I
supposed to do? Come clean?
No, no. Don't come clean.
- Never come clean.
- Seven Figures Management.
That's probably Chang right now.
Sure, um, hold on just one second.
JB, it's Popo.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
Hey. What's up?
Stay right there. I'm leaving right now.
Okay. Bye.
Pope's not happy with Procorp,
so he wants to talk to me about it.
So I'm gonna go talk to him,
and then I'll call you guys later.
Yes! Yes!
If you can get Popo, we're back!
- Yeah.
- Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!
Ow. Sorry.
Okay, tell me, single to left.
No, no, no, no. English.
Single to left. Come on.
Back third base.
- Back up third base. Good.
- Back up third base.
- I'm hungry.
- JB sir is coming soon.
Let's concentrate on work.
Tell me, single to left.
I'm tired, I'm hungry
and JB is late.
No, no, no, English.
- I'm hungry.
- Hold on. Hold on.
Hey, guys. Come on. Let's go.
I'm sorry I'm late. I had a meeting.
Let's go. Let's go.
So, we'll work with Popo
for couple of months
till he finds out we're the real deal.
And then we get the contract.
Yeah, hold on.
Guys, hustle up! Let's go!
We'll get pizza. Come on.
Let's go.
Pizza again? He's killing me.
I don't care. I like pizza.
Morning, Rinku. Morning, Dinesh.
So today's my day off,
so that means I absolutely
have to clean my house.
Boring. Uh...
So what about you guys?
How's the baseball going?
- Is that music?
- Yeah. This is my iPod.
For when I run.
What kind of music do you guys like?
I... I like...
- Keith... Keith Urban.
- Keith...
- What?
- Keith Urban.
Keith Urban? Wow. I did not
expect you to say that.
I... I like Eminem.
Eminem is good, you know?
Eminem? That's literally
what I'm listening to now. Here.
- I can see?
- Yeah, yeah.
So, come on, how's the baseball
going? it looks awesome.
- It's not good.
- Really?
Baseball is very hard.
JB sir don't like the way we play.
Why do you say that? Why?
He don't... He don't come to watch.
You see,
that's just 'cause he's a busy guy.
I don't think it's 'cause
he doesn't want to.
- Hey guys,
come on, let's go. We're gonna be late.
- Hi, Brenda.
- Hi. Have a good day.
Keith Urban. Hmm.
One of the kids, Manny,
called Rinku a name.
Dinesh didn't like it. So, he shoved
him. And they tussled a bit.
- What did he call him?
- That's not the point.
The point is, these boys aren't
gelling. They're struggling.
And if you were here more,
you'd see that.
Tom, I'd love to be here more.
Work has been crazy.
You know what I do.
Look, a big part of
this training is up here.
These kids, they need to be
in the right head space.
They need to feel supported.
They need to be having fun.
You understand that?
Yes, of course I do, Tom.
Yes, it makes sense. Thank you.
Yes, Rinku, the new phone is working.
Are you listening to Mr. Bernstein?
Yes, JB is a very nice man,
and he is taking good care of us.
Okay, as soon as Rinku gets off the
phone, we're going out.
- We're gonna have some fun.
- Okay, JB sir.
Everyone is thinking of you.
We are all so excited.
I think of you a lot.
I miss you.
I have to go to work.
- Is this a hotel?
- No. This is your future.
And hopefully mine,
if things go well tonight.
Not bad, huh?
- JB! My man.
- There he is.
- How you feeling?
- Good.
Boys, this is Popo Vanuatu,
one of the greatest
linebackers in the NFL.
- What's up, dude?
- Food and drink is that way.
But I'm gonna steal my man
JB here and talk business.
Okay, yeah, cool.
Guys, just hang tight. I'll be right back.
Have fun. Have fun.
Hey, Popo.
What are the Procorp boys doing here?
It's a party, JB.
They came. Don't sweat that.
This is my special place, man.
Only for my nearest and dearest.
I'm honored, bro.
We have practice tomorrow.
Should we leave now?
I think I ate too much.
I told you not to!
You're eating cow, lamb, pig
and who knows what else.
I'm bored.
I eat when I'm bored.
Hello, brother!
This is a crazy party, man!
Let's enjoy it, man!
Let's do some noise! Like this!
And then my grandpapa
would just look at me,
and he had these
crazy bushy eyebrows.
But it was real, you know?
Yeah. Yes, I do.
And then he looked at me and he said,
"Go be, Popo." Just like that.
"Go be."
Wow. That is, that is deep.
I'm so sorry.
I have to take this. It's the boys.
Hey. What's up, Amit?
Why did you drink the punch
if you don't drink alcohol?
I didn't know it was alcohol, JB sir.
I'm... I'm sorry.
JB sir, can you slow it down, please?
- I'm not feeling very good.
- That's too bad.
I was in the middle of
something very important.
And for the record,
I don't care that you drank alcohol.
I just care that you then decided to go
swimming in someones fountain.
- I don't feel too good, JB sir.
- Did you drink, too?
- I ate too much.
- Well, I'm not slowing down.
I've gotta get back to that party.
JB sir,
I think I'm going to...
No, no, don't you dare!
Do not... No!
That's better.
Could we have some water?
Thanks. Sorry.
- There we go. Congrats.
- Thank you.
What's going on here?
This is just business.
Go to bed.
- I am sorry, JB sir.
- What?
- Sorry.
- You're sorry?
You're sorry that
I just lost my biggest client in years
because you guys decided
to wander off and trespass
on someone's
private property, swim in their fountain
and, oh, yeah, oh, yeah,
puke on me, twice!
Shush! You can translate it later.
How about instead of being sorry,
you guys do what you were
brought here to do,
which is learn the game?
Which, according to Mr. House,
you're not even close to doing that.
So go to bed.
And no more TV. Ever.
Are you okay?
Had a bad night.
Yeah, I see that.
Do you want a beer?
I don't know how much
longer I can do this.
I was supposed to run a contest,
not become a primary caregiver.
My house is a mess, the pool is filthy,
my car smells like puke.
I'm late to everything.
I can't even spell sex.
You sound like every one
of my married friends.
But I'm not married.
I don't wanna be married.
All right, Mr. Sensitive.
I think you just
need to accept the fact that
your life's gonna
be different for a couple of months.
And then it's gonna go back
to your old life.
Yeah, but there may not be
an old life to go back to
if this doesn't work out.
That's what you don't understand.
This thing, these kids...
This is my last best shot.
Come on. You got your big house,
your fancy car. You're gonna be fine.
No, I am miles away from fine.
All this stuff is
from my old life, when I made money,
before I stupidly decided
to go out on my own.
I can barely pay my bills.
- Really?
- Really.
Okay, so if they're your last shot,
then don't you think
you should be paying
a little more attention to 'em?
I mean, it's not like
it's easy for these guys, you know.
They're far from home.
They miss their families.
- How do you know all this?
- 'Cause they told me.
You talk to them?
Yeah, I talk to them.
They just need to see that you care.
Yeah, maybe I need to create a...
Create a better environment
for their success.
Something like that, yeah.
You just need to commit
to it and then you'll figure out the rest.
Speaking of committing, how is Mike?
- Mark.
- Mark.
We broke up.
To committing.
To committing.
How we doing?
Amit, Amit, Amit.
Five. All right, and again. Cross it over.
That's a lot.
Today I consider myself
the luckiest man
on the face of the Earth.
This is the saddest
movie I've ever seen.
How are you not crying right now?
I cried the first 35 times I watched it.
Oh, boy, these guys are...
They're wiped. They're done.
They've been working very hard.
- Where's Amit?
- He's compiling his notes.
He wants to coach baseball.
Either that or he's starting
an outsource center.
I can't determine which. There's a lot of
activity happening in that room.
- Stop.
- It's a great idea.
It's the first in-country outsource center.
That is hilarious.
You shh. You shh.
Do you... Do you wanna get a drink?
Come on in.
All right, so this should impress you.
- Wow.
- Yeah. No, I know.
I know. It's a bit messy.
I just have not a lot of time to organize
because I'm either going to the hospital
or I'm coming back
from running or yoga.
Hey, The Taj has
some prime real estate.
Yeah, I love my mini Taj.
Scotch okay?
Who are these fine ladies?
Oh, those are my sisters.
- Yeah, I've got five.
- Five?
- Yeah.
- Wow. I didn't know that.
Well, before India,
we never really talked, you know.
Yeah, why is that?
Well, I don't wanna offend you,
but I just never was really
interested in talking to you.
I am offended.
Don't be.
You're just... You're just
different than you were before.
I don't feel different.
Really? 'Cause your Porsche
looks like a minivan.
Minivans are the new black.
See? It's good. This whole
alternative family thing
looks good on you.
I mean, it's changed you.
How has it changed me?
I don't wanna ruin it.
I'm having too much fun watching.
Come on, tell me.
Tell me how it's changed me.
Well, that was more than just watching.
Yes, it was.
Good morning, Mr. JB sir.
Very good morning, Mr. JB sir.
Leaving in 20 minutes, guys.
All right, go ahead.
Say it.
Sir, we need to know
when you're going to marry Ms. Brenda.
- Yes.
- No, guys.
This is not what you ask in America.
What do you ask?
You would say,
"How far did you get with Ms. Brenda?"
You traveled with her?
No, no, no, it's not a distance.
It's, like,
physically, like, "Did you kiss her?"
- Like...
- Huh?
But that's private, no, sir?
Yes, it is private. Thank you.
I think you should marry Ms. Brenda.
Even I also think.
Yes, sir. You are old.
You should marry her, start family...
Number one, lam not old.
You're a little bit old.
Hey. Number two,
just because I've slept over at her house
doesn't mean I have to marry her.
Did you kiss Ms. Brenda?
- She kissed me.
- Oh!
Oh, JB sir!
Oh, my God!
Yeah, well, enjoy the game, Mike,
and I'll have Aash
follow up with you on that.
You got it, pal. Bye.
JB, it's Chang.
Tell him I'm not here.
He's pushing for a tryout
and we need to stall, stall, stall.
That might be tricky.
Their progress has been...
- Yeah. Yep. Amazing.
By my calendar, we should hold the
tryout in three weeks, right?
Uh, Well,
you know, to be honest,
even given their remarkable progress,
they could probably use
a little more time.
We could all benefit
from more time, Mr. Bernstein,
but it wasn't our agreement, was it?
So are you gonna honor
our agreement or not?
They will be ready in three weeks.
Horse crap! We had a deal.
We were gonna do this right.
We are! This way
we get maximum exposure.
ESPN, Sports Illustrated,
NBC, ABC, they're all gonna be there.
I mean right by Rinku and Dinesh.
They're not ready
for this kind of pressure.
Tom, every scout
in the Major Leagues will be in Tempe
- for the November meetings.
- Well, that's my point.
Taking them to Tempe,
out of their comfort zone?
Putting them in front of a media circus?
They'll be a sideshow.
I appreciate your input, Tom,
but this is business.
I have a deal with my investors
and I have to live up
to that deal. That's what I do.
You understand?
Oh! Can't use ASU's field.
Too many liabilities.
Why are we hearing
about this right now, three days out?
Hey! They told me it would work.
It's fine. We can find another place.
All we need is a mound
and a cage. It's easy.
- Theresa?
- Yeah?
Where are we with the scout RSVPs?
We are up to 24!
There we go.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- It's good.
Twenty-four is good.
Hey. What's up, Brenda?
- Hey.
- Don't keep touching.
- What the hell happened?
- It's not that bad.
Yeah, it's fine. He has two stitches.
He's gonna live. The doctor said...
It's on his pitching hand.
How did this happen?
Oh, um, well, I was just teaching
them how to make Mexican food
and he was slicing a bell
pepper and he slipped and...
- It's fine.
- Okay...
I need to talk to you outside, please.
It's honestly okay.
I need to talk to
you outside for one minute.
- He will be fine.
- Amit, turn the camera off.
- We're in a hospital.
- Sorry.
- Sorry, JB sir.
- No, don't be sorry. We're fine.
Let me just... Hang on.
- Hey. What...
- Hey.
Look, I appreciate
all the stuff you were trying to do.
- But those guys are my investment.
- Okay.
I have a lot riding on their success.
Obviously it was an accident.
I understand that. That accident
might cost me a lot of money.
If he can't pitch in three days.
Okay, okay.
Well, I don't know how it works,
but can't you push the tryout, or...
You want me to push the tryout?
You want me to call ESPN
and Sports Illustrated
and half the world's media and
24-some-odd baseball clubs and go,
"Guys, sorry,
we can't do it in a couple of days,
"we're gonna need
to do it in a couple of weeks,
"'cause one of my kids
wanted to learn how to make fajitas."
Is that what
you want me to do? You're insane!
I don't think I'm being unreasonable.
You're being a little unreasonable.
But you're also being a class-A jerk.
I mean, I understand
they're your investments and everything,
but they're also just a couple of kids.
"Kids" being the operative word.
Well, Sl is thinking of
doing a cover story,
if all goes well.
No, no. No, ESPN still wants
to do a feature
for Outside the Lines.
Yeah, I just talked to the guy today.
Hey. Hey, guys-
All right, I just wanted to
wish you guys all the best.
I know you're gonna get out there and
you're gonna blow them away.
Truly. All right, let's hug it out.
This is what we do. This is how we do it.
- Thank you, Ms. Brenda.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, madam.
Okay, then I wanna
hear all about it when you get back.
Hey! Come on, guys. Let's load it up.
- Bye.
- Good luck.
We gotta go. Hey, hey, hey.
Can I talk to you for a second?
Yeah. What's up?
I just wanted to apologize
for the other day, you know.
I've been under a lot of...
I've been under a lot of
pressure with all this
and I did not need to take it out on you.
Oh, I'm a big girl, JB.
I can handle you getting mad.
I just don't like seeing
that side of you, that's all.
What side is that?
I don't know. The side that puts the deal
before everything else, I guess.
Well, maybe that's just who I am.
Maybe. I hope not.
Safe travels.
Knock 'em dead.
It should be fine.
It shouldn't affect your cutter.
Sir, I don't have a cutter.
Sir, do you think we're ready?
Doesn't matter what I think,
or anyone else.
It only matters what you think.
You understand?
Here you go.
Shouldn't this be ready already?
It's getting there. It's
getting there, okay?
Oh, Chang's here.
Think he's wondering
why we're doing this in a strip mall?
I don't know. I'll tell you what,
do not talk to House about this, okay?
He is not happy.
Well, too bad.
Showtime, buddy.
Let's do this, partner. Boom.
- Are you nervous?
- Uh, no.
Well, you shouldn't be,
because all of India is behind you.
- We will all be watching live.
- All?
Yes, this feed will be seen...
Yes! nearly half a billion people.
And we know you'll
make India so proud.
- Thank you. Good luck.
Okay, thank you, guys,
all for coming out.
Uh, believe it or not, 10 months ago,
these two guys
had never even heard of baseball,
much less picked one up
and tried to throw it.
Uh, so, I'm pretty sure
you're gonna be blown away
by what you see today.
Uh, anyway, without further ado,
please welcome India's finest.
First up, Dinesh Kumar Patel.
- Let's go. Come on, buddy.
- Yeah! Whoo!
- What's wrong?
- Sir, mound no good, sir.
- What do you mean?
- Um... Sir, no rubber, sir.
Don't worry
about that, okay? You got this.
I want you to just relax
and throw your stuff, all right?
Relax and throw your stuff.
Right in there, all right?
They were all over the place, JB.
Yeah, but Pete, you gotta see
the potential here.
Potential? Maybe from
a marketing perspective. Maybe.
But this is Major League Baseball.
This isn't some social experiment.
I'm sorry.
They're not for the Mariners.
- You're gonna regret this, Pete.
- Sorry.
Mr. Bernstein.
Mr. Chang, hey.
Listen, they're a lot better than that.
I don't know what happened out there.
I'm sorry?
You said one year
to a Major League tryout.
- You did it.
- Yeah, but...
Look, I'm satisfied.
I will extend our deal to three years.
With all this attention,
it can only help The Million Dollar Arm
be more visible in the future.
These boys are done,
but there'll be others.
Good day.
Well, you got your deal.
Maybe you can
take the boys out and celebrate.
At least we get to see our families soon,
On the surface, guys,
this sounded like such a promising idea,
and they even showed
some flashes of real brilliance.
But in the end, I gotta
believe, at least right now,
their chances of getting signed
by a Major League club
fall between slim and none.
More on how they
thought they did. Here's Steve Levy.
Rinku, let's start with you. After the
way you pitched today,
do you feel like
it was good enough to get signed?
No, sir.
Dinesh, what about you?
No, sir. We did not pitch good.
Hang in there, fellas.
Better times ahead.
Back to you in the studio.
Look, this is a good idea.
Someone from India is going
to pitch in the big leagues,
but, Schill, not these guys
and certainly not right now.
This felt like
a huge publicity stunt to me.
I mean, these guys are
not ready for a pro tryout.
They're throwing the ball
all over the place.
When you think about it,
who can blame them?
There's scouts,
there's media everywhere...
You were right.
God. I did not...
I did not see you there.
Uh... Um, what was I right about?
I'm a jerk.
I've been one for a while now.
Maybe my whole life.
Um, yeah, I heard about today. I'm sorry.
How did you hear? SportsCenter?
No. Rinku texted me.
- What did he say?
- "We failed."
I feel like I gave them this dream,
and then just took it away from them.
So give it back to them,
you know. Do another tryout.
That's impossible.
The only reason I got this tryout
was because people were curious.
It was a stunt.
Well, then maybe
it is impossible. Maybe you're right,
but, then again, so was going to India
and pulling two kids out of the sticks
and turning them
into baseball players. So, I don't know.
Good night, JB.
Gotta go to bed.
I don't understand.
I need to have another tryout.
- You will, next year.
- No, I need to have another tryout
with Rinku and Dinesh.
I need to give them a real shot.
I cannot allow this.
Your boys failed, yes,
but the contest did not.
If it doesn't work,
it will ruin our relationship
with Major League Baseball
and the scouts.
It will jeopardize
the future of our investment.
I'm sorry.
I have to do this, Mr. Chang.
If you do this,
you do it without my support
and without my future commitment.
I understand.
Good day, gentlemen.
And for the record, Mr. Chang,
my boys didn't fail.
I did.
Now you come clean.
JB Bernstein's office
calling for Mr. Epstein.
I know we already did this one time.
Yeah, we're gonna do it again.
Because they choked, all right?
Yes, hey. How are you?
No, I don't wanna talk about Tempe.
Don't talk to me about Tempe.
Forget about Tempe, all right?
That is not... No, we are
gonna do this again.
You had to see the potential.
Hi. This is Theresa calling
from JB Bernstein's office
for Mr. Rodriguez.
Yep, it's JB Bernstein.
Why are you giving me
hard time? You wanna be there.
How about a billion new fans, with a "B"?
Great. Well, thank you.
Okay. Bye-bye-
Is anyone coming back?
We got one "maybe."
But 15 noes.
And I'm tapped.
I mean, I don't know what else to do, JB.
I do. Come on.
Keep working the phones.
We just need one. The rest'll follow.
- Where are you going?
- Tempe.
Did we get any calls?
No, no, me either.
Striking out left, right and center.
All right, well, let me know
if you hear anything.
Yeah, fine. Bye.
- What the hell?
- That's agent for "hello," isn't it?
Hello, Ray.
What are you doing here?
What am I doing here?
I live here.
Every scout in the country lives here.
Don't you know anything
about baseball?
Apparently I don't.
You know, you should have listened to
House when I told you to.
Now everybody's looking like a moron.
All right, I'm sorry. I messed up, Ray.
You know what?
I don't have time for this.
What are you doing?
- Start the car.
- Why? Where are we going?
Start the car! Head east.
This is the best Chinese chicken salad
in the continental United States.
And the chef isn't even Chinese.
Here. Taste a little bit of that.
- I don't want any.
- Well, you gotta try it.
Ray, come on, I don't want any.
- Just have a taste.
- I don't wanna taste it.
Look how he blends the lime juice
with the toasted sesame oil
and the crunchiness
of the chicken. It's really spectacular.
Ray, look.
I'm running out of time here.
- What are we doing?
- Take it easy for a minute.
- Walter!
- Hey!
- How you doing?
- I'm good, Ray. How are you?
- Don't you eat anywhere else?
- Never. Absolutely not.
- Say hello to Mr. Bernstein.
- Hi.
- How do you do, Mr. Bernstein?
- Nice to meet you.
So how was Puerto Rico?
I was there for three weeks.
I'll tell you about it later.
Yeah, I'd like to hear
about it. Sit down, sit down for a minute.
- Join us for a minute.
- Come on, Ray, I should get going.
Just for a minute. Take it easy. Sit down.
You don't know this guy?
No, I don't know this guy.
- You don't know Walter?
- I don't know Walter.
You don't know Walter Shapiro?
The head scout for the Pirates
who was not here for your exhibition.
Oh, Walter Shapiro.
- Yes!
- Oh, hi.
And now you know him
and he doesn't know you.
What a stroke of luck.
Thanks for lunch.
Thank you, Ray.
Hey! Hello?
What the hell?
- Welcome to India, JB sir.
- What's this?
Please have a seat for your date.
My date?
Ms. Brenda.
That is a very,
very nice look on you, Ms. Brenda.
Why, thank you, Mr. JB sir.
- Please, sir.
- Today we have some delicious
lamb tikka masala,
uh, some vegetable curry, here...
...rice, and some naan and poppadum.
Where did all this come from?
They cooked it.
Hold on a minute,
you guys know how to cook?
Yes, JB sir. Little bit.
Ms. Brenda did all the cutting.
- That's true.
- Good.
I made sure of it.
We are trying to
thank you with this meal.
And we also wanted to say
that we are very, very sorry, sir,
because we are letting
you down at the tryouts.
We can never repay
what you've given us, JB sir.
Repay me? Guys, come on.
What are you talking about?
Okay, we all are here together,
so let's thank God and let's do a prayer.
- Sorry.
- JB.
I have to take this. It's Aash.
- Really? Now?
- I'm sorry.
- Hey.
- JB sir...
Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm in the middle of a
prayer right now.
But, uh, I wanted to let you know
we got the second tryout from MLB.
Yeah, it's gonna be
in two weeks at USC.
So get ready. All right, I'll
call you later and fill you in.
Yeah, bye. Sorry. Where were you?
We were praying?
Are you messing with us, dude?
No, I'm not messing with you.
You got a second tryout.
All right. So start stretching.
Whoo! Whoo!
But this time,
we're gonna do it a little different.
Yes. We're gonna pitch good.
Ideally you will pitch better,
yes, but this time, guys, I...
I just want you to have fun.
- Yes, sir.
- Okay?
Last time we did this,
it was all business and that was my fault.
But baseball shouldn't be
just about business, okay?
You should have fun.
How are you not writing this down?
Oh, yes,
I need to write that. Noted, JB sir.
And listen to me, guys,
no matter what happens,
I want you to know
that you could never, ever
let me down.
Okay? I have never been more proud
of anyone in my entire life.
So I wanna thank you.
I really love you guys.
I'm hungry-
- We should eat.
- We should. Beautiful food.
Ms. Brenda, would you mind if
they joined us on our date?
I wouldn't have it any other way.
- Get some chairs, guys.
- No, no, no...
Amit, Amit, pull up a chair.
Come on, it's fine.
Sir, Indian food...
Indian food is the best food, sir.
- Wait. Wait. Take your plate.
- I'll try everything.
Not as many as last time.
Who cares? There's enough.
Well, this is a little more like it.
- Hello, Ray, Tom.
- JB.
Good job getting this together.
It couldn't have been easy.
It was highly improbable.
But we managed to do it.
I should've listened to you the first time.
Oh, you think?
- Sorry about that.
- Forget it. Live and learn.
- You nervous?
- I can barely breathe.
Well, then it's probably not the best time
to let you know that Chang is here.
- What? Really?
- Yeah. Five o'clock.
I really don't feel good.
Well, you're in luck.
Here comes the doctor.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hi. Wow. You made it.
Of course.
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Are you kidding me? But I'm so nervous
right now, it's hard to breathe.
- Yeah, I know. I have the same...
- Are you feeling that?
I think I really like you, Ms. Brenda.
I really like you, too, Mr. JB sir.
Look, this is all very touching,
but we have to get this show on the road.
JB, you might wanna talk to your boys.
They're looking a little shaky.
No. You know what? I want Amit to do it.
- Me?
- Yeah.
You wanted to be a coach. Go coach.
- Okay.
- No, no, no. Give me that. Give me that.
Give me that.
Go talk to 'em.
Fire 'em up.
Go get 'em.
All my life I wanted
to be a baseball player.
It's a great sport.
But I never dreamed it was possible.
You, Rinku, you, Dinesh,
you are baseball players now.
Real baseball players.
Now small boys in India,
they can dream to become like you.
So, let's go.
Let's go and let's make
JB, Ray, Brenda, Tom,
our families, proud, huh?
Are you with me?
"India" on three.
Hey, brothers,
I'm seeing my dream in both of you.
Your victory, my victory.
Rock it, brother.
Who knew?
What's he doing now?
He's having fun.
- That sounds like...
- Juice!
Yes! Yes!
Yes, yes!
What do you know
about Pittsburgh Pirates? Anything?
Well, they're your new team.
You now have been offered
a contract with the Pittsburgh Pirates.