Milyang (Secret Sunshine) (2010) Movie Script

I'm not sure where we are.
We passed a sign that
said 'Miryang, 5 km'.
Jeon Do-yeon
Where have I come from?
I'm not really sure.
Song Kang-ho
Song Kang-ho
I wasrt paying that much attention.
Hang on...
We're on...
...Route 20, the road between
Miryang and Chongdo.
Near the junction with Route 58.
Yeah, yeah...
You got it.
The car's emergency light is on,
you can't miss it.
Good luck!
Thank you!
You know where we are?
As fast as you can please, yes.
Come out for some fresh air.
I'm going to drop you!
What's this?
Get up! Get up!
You're all dirty!
Turn around!
This is nice, isn't it?
What is?
The sunshine.
Jun... this is Daddy's hometown.
Remember how he always wanted
to move here?
But Daddy isn't here.
That's right...
But we have each other.
Oh, we're stuck!
It's true,
we're stuck together!
Hey, young man...
What's with your hair?
How old are you?
You having a bad day?
Got any chewing gum?
Chewing gum? Nope.
- First time in Miryang?
- Yes, it is.
No, we're going to live here.
You're moving here?
Jong-chan here, you okay?
I'm on a job.
My client,
she's from Seoul...
She's looking
for a place here.
To live and work...
A kind of piano school.
Come on!
Okay, great!
He sells real estate,
a good friend of mine.
What's Miryang like?
What's it like?
Where to begin?
The local population is falling.
It's fairly right-wing.
We're close to Busan,
the dialect's similar.
We speak fast.
Many people have moved away.
You know what 'Miryang' means?
What it means?
We don't live by the meaning,
but we know what it is
In Chinese, it means...
...'secret sunshine'.
Like it?
Secret sunshine...
Sounds okay...
It's windy today...
Directed by Lee Chang-dong
To your right.
Good morning.
Hi there.
You wear panties under that?
The kind cheerleaders wear?
Just ordinary panties?
Good for hot weather, huh?
Arert they pants?
Girls do wear them these days.
They can't be pants.
You know those cheeleader panties.
The tiny, tight ones.
But she says hers are
ordinary ones.
Can you see?
I'd like a look myself.
If I lean over a bit...
Saw them!
Mrs Lee!
I hope you'll welcome
our new piano school...
Join us for a coffee.
It was just delivered.
Mr Shirs here too.
- Good morning.
- So you're open now?
That was a good deal,
fine location, low rent...
Mr Shin did you proud!
No thanks, we should go.
Young man!
Want some gum?
How do you do?
I hope you'll welcome
our new piano school.
You're from Seoul?
You've heard about me
Not much goes unnoticed
around here.
My husband was born here.
Excuse me...
Whenever I see your shop,
I can't help thinking...
...that business would look up...
...if you redecorated.
This side doesn't get the sun.
And it's all a bit gloomy.
Brighter colors would make the
shop more appealing.
I know, desigrs so important
these days.
So you want me to redecorate?
A new coat of paint would
work wonders.
I'll think about it.
Have a good day's business.
You've had lunch?
Too busy for me,
you sonuvabitch?
Your kid learns piano, no?
You should change teacher.
A friend of mine has opened
a new piano school.
She graduated from music
academy in Seoul.
She's won prizes
in piano competitions.
She's the real deal, if you
get my meaning.
One of a kind in Miryang.
June Piano School!
Great, name... June!
Like the 7th month in English.
You should study!
Your wife?
Don't worry about her.
She always listens to me.
Yes, I'm busy too.
What's that?
An award! Nice, isn't it?
I've never been given one.
You got one...
just say you were.
People here will be impressed,
you'll be turning them away.
No reason to cheat them!
In any case...
What's it to you if I get students?
Don't you have things to do?
Don't worry about me.
Young-mi, you like playing piano?
Isn't your tutor great?
Practice hard.
Then have a good day.
Mr Kim!
I do appreciate your concern.
Don't mention it,
my pleasure.
Just being a Good Samaritan,
that's all.
That's not right, it's Re, Fa...
Don't know, don't know,
don't don't know!
Don't know, don't know,
don't don't know!
I don't know, I don't know.
Gloria, gloria, gloria.
Mouths open, all together.
Like a red rose.
Greet others with a polite wave!
Let us be heard from heaven!
Mouths open wider, please...
And say hello!
Greet others in a loud voice.
Speak loudly and firmly!
- Goodbye.
- Bye, Byung-rok.
- Say hello, Se-min.
- Hello.
Get the door, please.
Piano schools must
do better in Seoul.
I'm not here just to
run a piano school.
I moved here
because I like Miryang.
My husband was born here.
I heard Jun had no father.
But that's too personal...
He was in a road accident.
My husband always said...
...he wanted nothing more
than to move back here.
He said kids should walk
on real earth.
Couldrt agree more!
So I decided to move here.
To fulfil his dream.
I'd like to build a house here...
I'm shopping around.
If you know any good plots of land,
please tell me.
Good plots?
I'll look around.
Wait a moment!
Stay put!
Be polite!
Are you in middle school?
Answer her!
If someone asks, you answer!
Third year.
You have a pretty daughter.
But she can't behave.
Hey, Mrs Lee!
Can you come over
for a minute?
What is it?
It won't take long.
It won't take long.
I have a special gift for you.
What kind of gift?
Mrs Lee from the piano school
is here, dear.
- Welcome.
- Hello.
Well... I...
I heard all about you.
About me?
How you've been hit by tragedy...
Why you've moved to Miryang...
So I'd like...
This is a truly precious gift...
It contains the Word of God.
Read it when you get home.
But I don't believe in
that stuff.
Really? Maybe you believe only
in what you can see?
You doubt what you can't see?
I don't believe everything
I see either!
Mrs Lee, if you look outside... see people and cars.
But there are things
you can't see too!
Oh! Where did Jun go?
Mrs Lee...
When you believe in God... see everything the naked eye
can't see.
I mean...
The world is really
filled with happiness...
With gratitude and
peace of mind.
Before we accept God,
we humans...
...know only half of the world
around us.
Anyway... thanks for the gift.
Yes, for unappy people like yourself,
God's love is crucial.
I'm not unappy, Ma'am,
I'm doing fine.
I have to go,
I can't see my son.
- Do read it.
- Okay.
Jun, where are you?
Are you here?
Jun, where are you?
Jun... where are you?
Jun... where are you?
Jun... where are you?
Where are you going?
Come back!
Award for the Most Outstanding
Performance in Piano...
You got an award, sister?
I used to play pretty well.
I only stopped because
I married so young.
Why did you marry so young?
How's Dad doing?
You know how he is.
You left without a word.
You want to sever all ties?
That's the idea.
So, why are you here?
Is he really snoring?
He's not asleep.
Stop that, Jun!
I told you not to!
Sleep in your bed, it's late.
Say good night to uncle.
Good night, Jun.
He's imitating his dad.
His dad used to snore...
...when he slept.
When he misses his dad...
...he pretends to snore.
You know...
...I miss that sonuvabitch too.
...really don't get you.
Why do you miss him?
And why on earth... you have to live in his
hometown, Miryang?
After all...
...he cheated on you
with another woman.
No, you idiot.
They got it all wrong.
Jurs father...
...only loved the two of us,
Jun and me.
He wasrt like they say.
Do you believe that?
Are you in denial?
Shut up!
Or go back to Seoul.
I hate Seoul.
I like it here.
You know why?
Because no-one knows me.
I can start over here.
The road over there...
It's the Daegu-Busan Highway!
And that's the high-speed train.
Really a great plot of land.
They say electronics industries
will set up here.
The locatiors perfect.
Great access, and
the river's nearby.
A great investment.
Chairman Park owns it?
No, it's public land.
Lee Min-ki!
Ready to invest?
What are you up to?
Shin-ae, come over here...
The nerve!
So it's Shin-ae now, is it?
Yes, Chairman!
I'm at the chicken soup place
near Pyochoong Temple.
I'm with a guest from Seoul,
a young man.
I'd like you to meet him.
Can you come?
He's right here.
And a pianist lady as well.
I'd love to be able... introduce them to you.
Remember that chicken soup place
near Pyochoong Temple?
Yes, okay.
I reallly respect that man.
He's No.1 in Miryang.
He owns good land near the plot
you saw, and he's a great guy!
That's for sure!
He could be a real help to you.
Is he coming?
He said he would,
but I'm not sure.
It's true, he knows people
all over the country.
He's had more official posts
than you could count.
Does all that really matter?
It certainly gets you ahead
in life, can't argue with that.
There's a name
for people like you.
What's that?
A snob!
You know...
...whenever I meet Shin-ae,
I'm pushed into a corner!
It doesn't happen at other times,
I don't know why...
Miryang is a strange place.
Nothing strange about it,
it's like anywhere else.
Thank you for the ride.
You're welcome...
Hope to see you again.
I don't think we'll meet again.
Miryang Staion
Shall I give you a hint?
A hint?
You know...
You're not at all
my sister's type.
Maybe it's helpful to know that.
Say "Ah".
Three... two...
One... a half...
A quarter...
Hey! Jun!
What's wrong with you?
Don't be so difficult!
Stop crying! Look at you...
In a bad mood, Jun?
He seems to be.
He's nervous about
giving his speech.
- Don't worry, he'll do well.
- I'll be there later.
You've curled it too much!
I wanted a chic look!
How should I do mine?
Nicely done out, this place.
With interiors,
you get what you pay for.
How much did it cost?
The word "interiors" makes
me feel ill.
You know the woman who runs
the June Piano School?
The one from Seoul?
She stuck her head in my shop
and told me to redo my interior!
Said I'd go broke if I didn't!
The first time you met?
Yes, the first time!
She looks fine,
but I don't think she's normal.
Something odd about her.
Over here, Madam.
Moving to her late
husband's hometown!
That's odd in itself!
Title: Gratitude to Parents.
No need to say the title!
Thank you, Mother!
To help me grow up, you take
good care of me.
You are so kind to me.
I am truly grateful.
I will always study hard.
And grow up well.
To become an outstanding person
in our country!
This boy...
...speaks loudly and firmly!
Mothers try to boost the
confidence of their kids...
...through Taekwondo lessons
and suchlike.
But nothing beats teaching them
to speak in public.
Yes? Mr Kim?
I'm at a parents' meeting, why?
Chairman? What Chairman?
Ah, the owner of that land?
He wants to meet me?
I'm a bit busy today...
I could maybe spare one hour...
Yes, yes.
Yes, let's do that.
You've found a nice plot of land?
It seems so, and
I have to meet the owner.
If things go well,
I'll close a deal.
You're buying a plot?
Are you a land speculator?
No, it's an investment.
It's better than earning
low interest in the bank.
I should get going.
He might change his mind!
You go ahead.
We're finishing anyway.
Hey, pay your share!
Thanks, no need to see me out.
Something you want to say to me?
Ah, no...
Sorry, I haven't played in ages...
Jong-chan, you're 38 this year?
Actually 39.
I thought you were 38.
Getting kind of old!
I need your help finding my way.
You're amazing!
You love Miryang more than we do,
coming here because... was your husband's hometown.
So she loved him, not Miryang!
Still better than us!
If you need anything...
Who called?
I can't hear you.
I'll be home soon, don't wait up.
What? Who?
Be a man, Jun!
I'll be back soon,
go to sleep!
Alright, it's okay.
I'll be there soon, okay?
See you!
I had fun!
- Thanks for the great time!
- You're welcome.
June Piano, you're tops!
Who is this?
Jun! Are you asleep?
Jun, where are you?
Are you here?
Where are you hiding?
Come out now!
I'll be angry if you...
Hello? Jun?
What are you saying?
But... what can I...
I want to hear Jurs voice.
Please let me hear him!
Nobody's here, I'm alone...
Let me hear his voice!
Please send him back safely...
I'll do anything you say.
What do you want?
The entire account, Ma'am?
Cash or check?
Hello? Yes, I have it...
Where should I go?
No, I didn't tell anyone.
Of course, I know.
Please let me speak to Jun first.
At least let me hear his voice!
What the...?
Come on!
They park along there in droves
every night!
Just to have it off in the car!
The chassis are bouncing
up and down...
You should ram your cab
into them!
Wouldrt I love to do that!
There are dozens of 'em! They bring
girls all the way from Daegu!
Why don't they go to a motel?
Can't compare...
It's not a money thing,
it's the thrill they're after.
Seems like you've been around!
If the cap fits...
Hello? Yes!
I just placed the money there.
No, I came alone.
I didn't tell anyone.
What about my boy?
When will you contact me?
Sorry, that's all I have.
It's the truth!
Buying land?
That was all... lies.
I can't afford to buy land...
It was a lie.
I wanted to look as if I had money.
That's really all I have.
The life insurance money?
I paid off my husband's
business debts, moved here...
...opened the school and
redecorated the place.
I'm really sorry.
Sorry, but please send
my Jun home.
I beg you!
Please send my Jun home.
Anybody hungry? Any orders?
Trying to keep us here longer?
Yeah, they bring in specialists
from big cities...
...for cases like this.
But people will blame us
for it regardless.
Everybody knew...
...she was looking for land!
She told everyone...
...she wanted to invest.
But not many knew she was
about to sign a deal.
So who did know?
You and me...
Chairman Park,
and who else?
Did any of our friends know?
What have we come to?
When did Miryang become like this?
What are you doing here?
Why were you peering inside?
Just looking.
But why?
I was only looking.
I was only looking...
Please let me go.
Miryang Police?
Do you want to come down?
You keep the water at a fixed level?
Yes, we maintain it... the level of those red reeds
We were draining the reservoir... clean the bottom,
when I saw the kid's body.
I called you right away.
How often do you clean it?
Not so often, but...
...heavy rain shifts the sand, so...
Watch your step.
Not many people ever come here.
He's over there...
Will you be alright?
He came to some
of our morning soccer games.
He joined the team?
No way!
Remember? High forehead,
not that young.
He came from Busan.
He had big plans,
handed out business cards...
I never did like him,
the bastard.
Don't you have debts too?
Never earned much,
never owed a penny.
You know me, always cool.
Unmarried at 39?
Call that cool?
That's them!
They're early...
That's him!
Good job!
What are you looking at?
Well, what?
My poor, dear Jun...
I'll never see you grow up...
What can your grandma do,
dear Jun?
What am I supposed to do?
How can the heavens be so cruel?
Why did they take our baby?
Don't you have tears?
You can't shed a single tear?
Don't you have tears?
Let go of me!
You bring death!
First, your husband!
Now it's your child!
But you can't shed
a single tear?
Excuse me,
you're Jurs grandma?
Yes, what is it?
I realise your heart is broken.
I completely understand, but...
Surely you see that the mother is
suffering more than anyone?
Who are you to say?
I'm just...
how to put it...
I've no idea
who you are, but...
...please don't meddle
in our business
I understand, I really do.
What are you trying to do?
Would you like a hot coffee?
Why did I do that?
Why did you do what?
Killing him myself
wouldn't be enough.
But when I saw him
under arrest...
...why did I turn away?
I wanted to tear him in pieces!
Mrs Lee, are you there?
Who is it?
You're eating?
Almost finished.
Where's In-young?
Still in class.
Park Jae-young, you haven't
practiced, have you?
I have.
Tell me the truth.
Did you or didn't you?
I really did.
Then why is it all wrong?
Last chance...
Tell the truth and I'll forgive you,
or I'll call your mother...
I did practice...
You thought I'd go easy today?
Well, you were wrong...
Now play!
My kids are all married except
for one, and he's a problem...
Oh my, look who's here!
I stopped by at
your place yesterday...
I'm not feeling well...
Not surprising,
given your mental state.
What's wrong?
Is it a headache?
Chest pains?
Menstrual cramps.
Mrs Lee...
You know what
remedy you really need?
You're in great
distress right now.
It must be so painful for you.
I sell medicine here...
...but it won't cure
your real pain.
Only God's love can do that.
I'm not pushing you to
join our faith.
But a revival service will be held
at a new church downtown.
A prayer meeting
for the wounded soul.
Just what you need.
Let's say...
Let's say God does exist...
...and His love is great.
God does exist.
And His love is
boundless, limitless.
Then how could
He let Jun die so cruelly?
He was an innocent child...
Mrs Lee...
You must understand...
...that God's will is everywhere,
in everything.
How can I explain this?
God's will is present even in
that beam of sunlight.
Everything happens by God's will.
What do you think is here?
It's just sunlight!
Nothing else, right?
Nothing else.
Stop following me!
I'm going to Town Hall.
Now you know,
so let me be!
You don't have to
go on your own.
Why go through this
when it will break your heart?
It's my duty, I'll do it.
Then let's go together.
Why do you keep bothering me?
- Let's go together.
- Get out! Please!
You're registering a death?
The declarer's name is missing.
What's your name?
Lee Shin-ae.
Lee Shin-ae.
Residency ID number?
Residency ID number?
Are you Lee Shin-ae?
Don't you know your ID number?
Do you have your ID card?
It's alright.
Stop it!
I said it was alright!
Shin-ae, what is it?
Are you ill?
# Thou art the treasure
that I seek
# Thou art my All in All
# I seek Thee as
a precious stone
# At Thy side,
I'm ne'er alone
# Thou art my All in All
# Jesus, Lamb of God!
# Hallowed be Thy name!
# Our Savior's blood brings us...
# ... one step closer to
Thy embrace
# Thy sacrifice brings us...
# ... one step closer to
God's grace
# Our Savior's blood...
# ... brings us...
# ... one step closer to...
# ... Thy embrace
# Our Savior's precious blood...
# ... rejuvenates my soul
# Our Savior's precious blood...
# ... rejuvenates my soul
Lord, who guides our hearts...
Lord, who touches us...
Lord, who rejuvenates us...
We wait for Thy blessing.
Lord, who releases us
from our pain...
...pour Your most precious love...
...into us.
Oh, Lord!
Free our hearts from...
...the binds that tie them.
Oh, Lord!
Please heal...
...the pain in our hearts!
Miss Kim...
Arert you wearing a bra?
Yes, I am.
Of course she is!
Then what are
those bumps there?
They're buttons,
aren't they?
Who'd sew buttons there?
And those stockings?
Buy me a new pair!
Want a new pair
from me, honey?
Isn't that a Bible?
Mind your own business!
I'll be back!
What's bugging him?
I never understood...
...the meaning of "born again"
But now I really do.
When I met Deaconess Kim,
she said...
...there is more in the world
than we can see.
There are also things
we cannot see.
When I heard those words...
...I didn't take them seriously.
But now...
...I know in my heart they're true.
I've been feeling... agonising pressure
on my heart.
Now it has gone!
I have gained peace.
I now truly believe...
...that whatever happens...
...comes to pass by God's will.
Thank you.
Our sister Shin-ae has
found the Lord.
She has accepte
d the Holy Spirit.
How grateful we are
for His grace!
He has given salvation
to a lamb in pain.
How thankful we are!
Our Lord is here!
He is here with us now.
Let us praise the Lord
who saves us and abides with us.
Let's be thankful for His grace.
And sing Hymn 253...
Hymn 253.
Let's clap as we praise the Lord!
# The door to salvation...
# ... is narrow
# The path to life...
# ... is rocky
# So we must cast off...
# ... the filthy burden of our sins
# Shake them from our backs...
# ... and march forward
What kind of parking is this?
Fuckir hell...
This is ridiculous!
Look at this car,
look at the way...
The driver must be a real...
I'd like to see his face.
Is this your car?
You can't just park...
Why are you here?
What about you?
I'm... a parking volunteer
for the church.
You go to church?
I'm trying to be a
good boy now.
See you later.
You owe me a drink!
Mr Kim!
Shin-ae... you're here.
Why are you coming to church?
That's a hard one to answer.
Why come to church?
I want to believe!
Really? No other reason?
You've got me all wrong.
I do have faith in God.
You do?
Can you swear to it?
Can you swear before God?
God is watching us right now.
So, can you swear you have faith?
# Blessed assurance,
Jesus is mine
# Oh, what a foretaste
of glory divine
# Heir of salvation,
purchase of God
# Born of His spirit,
washed in His blood
# This is my story...
# ... this is my song
# Praising my Savior...
# ... all the day long
June Piano,
frankly I don't get it...
You keep saying you're happy,
but what makes you happy?
Well, it's...
...something I just feel.
It's like being in love.
You're happy to know there's
someone always thinking of you.
God loves me and
watches over me.
I feel it every moment,
...and it gives me
so much happiness.
I wish I were in love!
Then come with me!
You can fall in love...
...and your hubby
won't be jealous!
Don't be shy!
Okay, I'll come.
But not right away.
Later, when my in-laws
pass away.
Then I can skip their
sacrificial rites!
That won't do!
That's no reason to go to church!
Come on...
Think ahead a bit!
It's not for my own sake.
For whose, then?
For my kids!
To make their life easier!
Are you serious?
What great kids they'll
turn out to be!
So you go for love...
And you go to skip rites!
# He lived and died to
buy my pardon
# An empty grave is there to
prove my Savior lives
# Because He lives...
# ... I can face tomorrow
# Because He lives...
# ... all fear is gone
# Because I know
He holds the future
# And life is won'th the living
just because He lives
Gotta hand it to you, man...
Going to church for a woman!
Singing outside the station!
So how's it going?
Getting there?
You got it all wrong,
it's not like that.
Oh yeah?
Last Sunday
I climbed Mt Jiri...
I bared my chest...
...and dropped my pants... absorb Qi for you!
And it's all gone to waste!
It wasrt even the first time.
I did it on Mt Naejang...
...and on Mt Halla.
I tanked up on Qi,
all for your sake...
And then I forgot to
pass it on to you!
I've got enough of
my own, asshole!
I'm going up Mt Sorak
next week.
You want some Qi from there?
It'll be too crowded to
collect any!
Reminds me of smoking behind the
bike-sheds... it tastes that good!
Our Father which art in heaven.
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts.
And forgive us our debts.
Hee-jung, don't do that
while I'm driving.
Sit tight, okay?
We're there!
Bye, Ki-beom!
You too, Hee-jung!
Sorry, I'm running late...
You think you're smart?
Well, do you?
Drop your hand!
Answer me!
Don't fuck with me!
I'm very sorry.
What's wrong with you?
Sorry, I just blanked.
You call that driving?
- I'm very soty.
- "Sorry" isn't good enough!
You might have killed someone!
Don't stare at me!
# You were born to be loved
# You feel that life-long love
# The love of Our Lord,
as old as time itself
# Brought to earth
in our company
# Having you here with us...
# ... brings us so much joy
The best-dressed should
present the bouquet.
I felt I should dress up...
It's an honor.
It's lovely.
Thank you all so much...
I forgot it was my birthday.
There's something
I want to tell you.
On the way here,
I made a decision.
I'm going to visit
the prison this weekend.
The prison? Why?
Someone I know is inside.
The man who killed my son.
Why do you want to see him?
To forgive him.
He gave me so much pain...
But God tells us to love and
forgive our enemies.
Mrs Lee, you are astonishing!
You really need to see him to
forgive him?
I do.
I need to go myself... tell him
I've forgiven him.
And to spread God's love.
It's not easy... forgive.
The hardest commandment... observe faithfully... the one to
love thine enemy.
It's been in my mind for
some time, reverend.
Since I allowed God into my life...
...I've been wondering how...
...I could show my gratitude.
Mrs Lee, may God be with you.
Now, let us pray together.
Lord, Our Father,
I thank you.
For being with us...
...and guiding us day by day.
So that we may follow
Thy words.
To repay you for...
...enduring the cross
for our salvation...
...I thank You for giving us the
courage to forgive others.
May Your amazing glory...
...shine with our faith
Guide us... fulfilment
in Thy glory.
We thank you, and pray in
the name of Jesus Christ.
Let us bless each other...
I love and bless you...
Shin-ae, I will pray for you.
Thank you...
Wish me luck.
- Have a safe trip.
- I'll pray for you.
Thank you.
Who's driving you?
Mr Kim said he would.
Well, that's no surprise.
Mrs Lee...
Wish me luck...
Don't worry.
I'll pray for you.
Yes, thank you.
This doesn't feel right.
What doesn't?
Can't you just forgive him?
Going to the prison to
forgive him in person...
It just doesn't seem necessary.
You're not a saint, you know.
So you don't want to
drive us there?
I didn't say that.
I'd love to take you on a drive,
just the two of us...
It won't be just we two.
Mrs Oh and Mrs Park
will come too.
...are you taking us or not?
Let's go! Whatever you say...
Come on, let's go!
How do they bring prisoners
here? By car?
Well, they certainly
don't walk here!
Lee Sun-ha.
Visitors for Jung Sung-hoon.
No. 6153, Row 27, Cell 1.
Kim Jung-mim.
Visitor for Lee Jong-ku
No. 6405, Row 27, Cell 2.
Lee Shin-ae.
Visitor for Park Do-seob...
No. 6012, Row 27, Cell 3.
Please come to the waiting room.
Be strong!
Good luck!
You look better than I expected.
I'm sorry.
No, you should be well.
God gives good health to even
the worst of sinners.
These flowers...
I picked them by the road
on the way here.
It must be hard to see flowers
in this place.
Pretty, aren't they?
These flowers are
also gifts from God.
The reason I've come here... to spread
God's grace and love.
I never knew such things.
I couldn't believe in God.
I couldn't see Him,
so I didn't believe.
...through my Jun...
...I learnt of God's love.
I found peace and a new life.
I'm so thankful...
...and so happy to feel
God's love and grace.
That's why I came.
To spread His love.
Thank you.
I truly thank you.
Hearing from you...
...about Our Lord...
...makes me truly thankful.
I too have gained faith.
Since I came here, I have
accepted God in my heart.
The Lord has reached out
to this sinner.
Is that so?
It's good you have found God.
Yes, I am so grateful.
God reached out to
a sinner like me.
He made me kneel to
repent my sins.
And God has absolved me
of them.
...has forgiven your sins?
Yes, after I repented in tears...
And I have found inner peace.
I pray as soon as I wake.
I am so thankful every day.
My repentance and absolution...
...have brought me peace.
Now I start and
end each day with prayer.
I always pray for you,
Mrs Lee.
I'll pray for
you until I die.
Seeing you here today...
...tells me that God
has heard my prayers.
It went surprisingly well.
When he came in, his face
was radiant.
He looked good...
Too good for a jailbird.
Then he told us he'd
also found God.
After accepting God...
he said he found peace.
Then they both went
on about God.
His face looked so good.
God's will is something else!
You bet it is!
Shin-ae! The car's here!
Shin-ae, come on!
We'll go without you!
What's wrong with her?
Good Lord!
I'm at work.
I told you, at work.
Yes, some nights.
It just happens to
be quiet, okay?
You think garages are
always noisy?
Another nightmare?
Tell me about it.
Give me a break!
Listen, I'm working my socks off,
I don't need this...
Everything's fine.
Everything's fine!
Yes, I've eaten.
You think I'm starving, Ma?
I have to go.
Alright, alright!
Why are you out here?
She wants to be alone.
I said you were coming, but...
Beats me...
things went so well.
When she met the prisoner.
How is she?
She's on a glucose drip.
The doc says she's had
a psychological trauma.
She needs rest for
a couple of days.
It's very hard to live
by God's word.
I will always study hard
and grow up well...
... to become an outstanding person
in our country!
This boy...
... speaks loudly and firmly!
Thank you, Mother!
To help me grow up...
... you take good care of me
You are so kind to me
Everyone's so sombre...
Say something, Shin-ae...
You're making us nervous.
God understands you,
Mrs Lee.
You tried to forgive him... The Lord commands.
But you found it too hard...
...and suffered more.
Times like this are a test
of your faith.
Let us pray for Mrs Lee.
Our prayers will reveal
the answer.
We will hear God's voice.
Now, let us pray.
Thanks be to God.
Loving Father...
One of your innocent lambs...
...tried to follow
Your command... love and forgive her enemy.
But her pain was too great.
Give this poor soul salvation...
...and the faith to
truly forgive.
How can I possibly forgive?
I might want to,
but I can't.
He says God has
already forgiven him.
He has found peace.
Hush, the reverend is praying...
God has forgiven him...
...and so you should too.
If he's been absolved,
how can I forgive him again?
How dare God absolve him...
...before I've forgiven
him myself?
I am in so much pain.
And yet he says he's been...
and has gained peace.
How could God do that to me?
Please leave, all of you.
I have a lot to do.
It's just an earthworm.
An earthworm.
You frightened it!
It won't come back.
Do you need any help?
No, I'm just looking.
You haven't paid.
Open your bag.
Let go!
Show me your bag!
- Let me check it!
- Let go!
She hasn't paid?
What a bummer!
- Do you believe?
- Yes!
How to be a loyal
servant of God.
Repeat after me...
- One!
- One!
- Be frugal!
- Be frugal!
- Two!
- Two!
- Be mutually supportive!
- Be mutually supportive!
- Three!
- Three!
- Be dutiful!
- Be dutiful!
Bearing these three rules
in mind, let us stand.
Let us raise our hands,
call our.
Lord's name and pray.
Loud and clear...
Oh, Lord!
Our Lord, Almighty God!
We are truly grateful to You.
We praise You in all
Your glory!
We humble sinners have been
slaves to our bodily needs.
In lavishing attention...
...on our food and drink...
...we have neglected
life's real meaning.
Honored and blessed Father!
In this Holy gathering, bestow
on your believers...
...the grace of a new life.
Till now, we may have lived...
...only for ourselves.
From now on, let us live a life
beyond this mortal plane.
We have failed to see the wonders
of Your great creation.
Open our eyes to nature's beauties!
Let us praise
You as the sublime Creator!
Give us Your blessing.
We are gathered here today... Your sight, Oh Lord.
Teach us to realize...
...with your Holy blessing... to transform our lives.
You granted us a Holy,
blessed life...
...but we have been blind to
its true meaning!
We see only worldly things!
Oh Lord, hear the prayer
of Your followers.
Insistent, yearning, determined...
Lord, be with us.
Open our hearts... the wonders of creation.
# Lies
# Lies
# Love is a lie
# Smiling is a lie
# They're all lies
As we approach Our Lord...
...we bear within us...
...the sufferings he endured.
Oh, King of Kings...
Help us to achieve our goals!
Lead these humble souls...
...along the path
of righteousness.
In the name of Our Savior Jesus...
What are you saying?
But I don't...
I want to hear Jurs voice.
Please let me hear him!
Yes... Oh, Shin-ae!
It's very late...
What? Who?
It can't be.
How could he call from prison?
Werert you dreaming?
That's not what I meant.
Shin-ae, calm down...
Please calm down...
Shin-ae, I was wrong just now.
I'll check tomorrow.
I'll call Masan Prison...
...and the police.
Yes, I'll let you know.
We could have dinner.
I know a really good place.
And get some fresh air.
Busy, today.
Give me your best, okay?
I need it to be perfect.
Fuck off, you're invading
my kitchen.
What a melodrama, asshole.
I'm a nervous wreck today.
Bear with me.
You don't look the part.
More comedy than melodrama.
That's how it looks.
Your view's too narrow.
It could be comic melodrama!
I'll try.
Throw it out!
Throw it out! Bin it!
Just bin it!
The knife's dull.
Time's dragging...
Should I call her?
Lovely music on her phone.
Classy, isn't it?
Bullshit, she just chose it.
So it's a classy choice!
How would you know?
Get a grip, Kim.
No answer.
How are you, Mrs Lee?
Havert seen you
in church lately.
Your wife's gone to church?
No, she's at the market.
Shopping for tonight's vigil.
I'm glad.
I need your private advice.
It's a bit embarrassing.
There's something wrong
with my body.
As if I have butterflies inside.
Is it indigestion?
No, that's not it.
How can I explain?
You know...
My body's...
This is embarrassing...
Will you take me for a drive?
Oh my!
Let's get out...
It's too stuffy in here.
This is nicer, isn't it?
Come on, quick.
Can you see?
What's wrong?
I don't know why...
It won't...
You can do it!
I don't know why I can't.
Maybe it's stress.
Or because God is watching.
Let's get up, Mrs Lee.
I'm sorry.
What is it, Mrs Lee?
Mrs Lee...
Are you alright?
Kim! What's happening?
Still no word?
When do I get to
show off my cooking?
Am I really such a loser?
Why do you always
say such things?
What big mistake did I make... have the family
look down on me?
Am I really a loser?
Ma, you never consider how
I feel, you know?
It's nice you've remembered
my birthday.
But please consider
my feelings.
Of course I've eaten!
I had spicy squid to celebrate.
And liquor...
With friends.
My friends are here with me!
Okay? I gotta go now, Ma.
Tonight, at Deaconess Kim's place...
...they're holding a vigil for me.
You're still here?
I haven't quite adapted to
prayer vigils yet.
Anyhow, we had a dinner date...
Oh... that's right.
I met someone else.
You wanna do it too?
I just asked... see if you wanted to.
You gaze at me.
That's all you do...
Useless, helpless gazing!
You're always whispering...
But can't say that you love me.
That's all you do
You gaze at me.
That's all you do
You can't make a move...
What the hell?
What's going on?
Please pull yourself together!
Let's go home.
I'll take you.
Shin-ae, I'm sorry...
I was wrong.
Oh, fuck it...
When I was twelve... locked me in
the bathroom for crying.
Always smoking at home...
Always hitting my head
with a spoon.
Why did I want to
go to music school?
You wouldn't let me,
Motherfucker! Horny dog!
I won't lose to you.
My husband usually
leads the prayers.
But he's asked me
to do it tonight.
Maybe he's finally recognized
his wife's talents!
As you must know...
...we're gathered here...
...for sister Lee Shin-ae
She has suffered so much...
Let's pray for her.
May God's love shine down...
...and save sister Shin-ae's
wounded soul.
May she be healed.
Together, as believers...
...let's be thankful and pray.
Lord, I thank you.
Thank you for
gathering us here... worship before you.
Lord, we are here
for a poor soul...
...which is in pain
and distress.
What was that?
A stone!
Please be careful.
Anyone there?
I don't see anyone.
Are you looking?
Do you see?
Help me...
Please help me...
On your right is Youngnam Temple.
One of the prettiest in Korea.
There's another in Jinju.
And a third in...
I forget.
What's Miryang like?
What's it like?
What's so funny?
The day Shin-ae arrived...
...she asked the same thing.
"What's Miryang like?"
Where to begin?
It's like anywhere else.
Same people, same places...
You still go to church?
I started going
because of Shin-ae.
Now it's become a habit.
If I don't go,
I miss it.
If I do go,
I feel kind of peaceful.
You can fill your prescription
at the pharmacy.
It's a perfect fit! Pretty!
I had to guess your size,
so I'm glad it fits.
Feeling good, Shin-ae?
Well dressed and going home!
Give her the flowers!
You got through it.
Oh, how pretty!
Let's get going.
Mr Lee Seong-gu,
stop playing with the lights!
Sorry, sis,
I'll be back in
a few days' time.
Let's have a drink next time.
- What's the delay? Let's go.
- Okay.
Shin-ae, let's have something
nice to eat today.
My treat!
I booked for us.
I'd like to get
my hair done first.
That's no problem...
Do your hair and make-up.
You should look pretty for
your homecoming, right?
Take a seat...
She'd like a hair-do...
How long's the wait?
Would you like a perm?
No, just a cut.
Then there's no need to wait...
This way, please.
I'll take that.
Havert you eaten yet?
You're needed!
She cuts better than me.
Good sense of style.
How short do you want it?
Right length, right look.
You mean, right for you.
Yes! Right look!
This length would look pretty.
How are you?
Where did you
learn to cut hair?
At juvenile reformatory.
Why were you there?
I... got into trouble.
And school?
I just quit.
It wasrt for me.
What's wrong?
What's happened?
Shin-ae! Shin-ae!
What's wrong?
Why did you bring me here?
You wanted a hair-cut.
So I brought you to a salon.
But why this one?
Why on earth this one,
today of all days?
June Piano!
How've you been?
When did you leave hospital?
You've put on weight!
You must have been
well looked after.
Notice any changes?
I followed your advice!
Doesrt it look nice?
Business was slow, so
I brightened the place up.
And sales have improved!
I'm glad.
My treat next time!
Hair problems?
I didn't like the salon... I walked out.
You're crazy! You can't
just walk out like that!
Oh my...
May I hold it up for you?