Mimic 3: Sentinel (2003) Movie Script

Marvin, you gotta come|see this shit.
- Did you get my pictures?|- Yeah. But you gotta come outside.
Me and Des found something.
- What is it?|- You'll see.
Well, Mom's home.|She won't want me to leave.
We can sneak past.
"Citizen's Arrest" is on.|You gotta.
What is it you want me to see?
I think we found a dead body.
Going out, mom.|Back in a few.
Stay close.
Oh, shit,|it's too dark to see now,
but the body's down there.
I don't see anything.
It's at the bottom.
- You high, Rosy?|- No.
It's been, like, two hours.
Do you think it's real?
When did you guys find it?
Find what?
The body in the sewer.
I don't know.|We were pretty messed up.
Get doubles of these.
I want to send one to the cops.
Christ, if I'd known you|were gonna get worked up,
I wouldn't have shown you.
Did you finish|my biology homework?
Look underneath.
What do you see?
He's new.
The dark guy|with the trash bags?
He moved in last week|above Birdman.
What are you looking at now?
Ma Bell.
Still yammering|at the grandkids?
Looks it.
Did I tell you|I met your veiled lady?
What's her name?
Carmen.|She's a dentist's assistant.
Is she nice?
Is she nice? Sure.
Maybe I'll bring her around|sometime. You might like her.
You might even...|I don't know, not die a virgin.
Unless you're allergic|to that, too. - Shut up.
Well, don't be|so hypersensitive.
That gets funnier each night.
Oh, my God.
World's Number-One Dad|just lost his shit.
And look.
I found that downstairs.
Is that Number-One Son?
Yeah, and...
And I took this two days ago.
You see the shadow?|It moved.
Oh, my God.|That shadow moved?
Well, call the National Guard.
Call the Space Marines.|Call the cops.
They love this great|fake-detective routine.
You're scaring yourself|because you're bored.
I'm only looking.
That picture is so blurry,|it could be Bigfoot.
Hey, Rose.
Hey, Des.
Check this out.
You got any matches?
What's up?
If you can stand to be away from|the window long enough to eat.
Hi, Ma.
Oh, God.
What the neighbors must think.
Hey, why do you|leave the lights on?
So they can see you?
Hey, Ma...
I seen Rosy with this guy,|and...
and I think|he's a drug dealer.
Rosy's a big girl.
Yeah, but don't you think lately|she's been acting kinda off?
You didn't like the lunch|I made you.
I took the pills.
You can't live on pills alone.
Oh, baby.|You're so fragile.
You can't afford to skip a meal.
Yeah, I wasn't hungry.
I don't want to be made|to worry about you like this.
Well, I been thinking again|about finding my own place.
You know that's not possible.
Dr. Carson seems to think|it's a good idea.
He sees you once a month.|He doesn't know how you are.
I'm 24 years old, Ma.
I'll take care of things.
Will you finish|your dinner tonight?
I can't stay here forever.
I love you.
Carmen,|this is my brother.
Marvin obviously knows|who you are.
Oh, my God.|You weren't kidding.
It's kinda pervy.
You got a good eye.
I got good subjects.
What he's got is a compulsion.
How long|have you been doing this?
Yeah, since he got sick.
I was one of the last kids|to get Stricklers'.
You were one of those|roach kids?
Well, I prefer "Bubble Boy".
Right on.
What were they called?
- Judas Breed.|- Right.
You ever see any of them?
No, it didn't work like that.
Sure he did.|All the time.
Shut up, Rosy.
He was on the phone to|the CDC like every week.
He thought he was Smokey|the Bear of giant roaches.
I was 8 years old.
Yeah, try 16.
His therapist said he felt bad
'cause they created the Judas|for kids like him.
Kill the roaches|that are making them sick.
You didn't tell me|I was on here!
Did you want them back?
I mean, do you want them?
No. I mean, why would I want|pictures of myself?
Can I have this one, though?
Yeah, sure.
- May I look?|- Yeah, just a sec.
What do you see?
Des is dealing Ma Bell dope.
What's a "Des"?
Desmond, her boyfriend.
He's not my boyfriend.
You okay?
And Ma Bell.
She's always talking to her|grandkids, so we call her that.
- Mrs. Leibowitz?|- You know her?
I hear her at night.|She's a phone-sex operator.
Are you okay?
You smoke.
It's an allergy thing.
I put it out|before I came inside.
He's hypersensitive.
Well, should I go?|I mean, I'm sorry, you know?
- Sorry. It's...|- I'm sorry.
- I didn't think.|- It's all right.
Yeah, take it easy.
I think she likes you.
Ma Bell's running from something.
No kidding.
Garbageman's down there.
Can you get me more film?
I'm busy.
Holy shit!
He's hurt.
I think there's blood.
Where is he?
- Where?|- He's right there.
Jesus, what happened?
I don't know.
Well, what did you see?
We have to call the cops.
Detective Dumars.
Well, thanks for coming.
No problem.
Do I know you?
Do you want to come in?
What seems to be the problem?
Well... my kids think|they saw something.
- Somebody was hurt.|- Killed.
My son is a Stricklers'|disease survivor.
He's environmentally|hypersensitive.
Must be very hard|on you.
Yeah, it happened over there,|near the entrance of the alley.
His name's Desmond.
He was covered in blood,|and then he disappeared.
He was hurt?
Was... anybody else around?
He saw the Garbageman.
I think I did.
Okay.|Okay, I bite.
Who's the Garbageman?
You took these pictures?
- It's his hobby.|- Yeah.
I'm not sure it's strictly legal.
He's harmless.
This guy was at the scene|when... what's his name?
- Desmond.|- When Desmond disappeared?
Yeah, and there was blood.
The rain washed it away.
Get any pictures of that?
No, I was out of film.
Yeah, well...
Gee, I wonder what Desmond|does for a living.
- Fuck.|- Rosy!
Well, I...
might as well go have a chat|with the Garbageman.
I don't see him.
The guy's harmless.
Well, who is he?
He didn't see anything happen.
- Did you get his name?|- Never mind his name.
What about the garbage bags?|Why does he only come out at night?
Maybe he collects food|for the shelters.
What do you mean, maybe?|Did you even talk to him?
Oh, I brought two glasses.
No, my shift|ends in 20 minutes.
Is there a Mr. Montrose I should|be getting a statement from?
- Yeah.|- No.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
What about Desmond?
Your friend, right?
Listen, I don't know|what to do, considering.
Considering what?
Marvin's past.
That's where we first met.|The precinct.
I took your statement the last|time Marvin witnessed a crime.
Oh, right.|I'm surprised you remembered.
That must be three years ago.
You didn't even talk...
Easy, Marvin.
Maybe you need to spend a little|less time peeping in on the neighbours.
Okay, look, we both saw|Desmond get killed.
Rosy! Please.
No, no, no.|She seems certain.
Are you?
And what about you?|What did you see?
It looked like|something happened.
It looked like|something happened?
Are you 100% sure, Marvin?
You saw a murder?
I don't know.
It doesn't sound like|trouble to me, but...
I can check in on you|from time to time.
Could you do that...
Yeah. Sure.
I can put some of my guys|on patrol.
Keep an eye on the 'hood.
call me Gary.
No, no, no,|it's not a problem.
No, are you kidding?
Oh, stop.
- Rosy, hey.|- Hey, fink.
- Hey, Carmen.|- Hi.
You okay?|I saw you outside.
I'm fine.
Is this the thing|about Rosy's dealer?
He's not my dealer.
Rosy was telling me|about this garbage guy.
I've seen him around.
What's he look like?|His face?
I don't know.|It's a face.
I never really noticed.
Are those the cops|Dumars put downstairs?
Yeah. Is he still on the|couch with mom? - Yep.
Are you okay?
You know,|I haven't smoked in two days.
You're a good influence on me.
What the hell is he doing?
There's something glowing|in his apartment.
Can I see?
You're wearing perfume.
Oh, God!|I didn't even think!
- It's okay.|- I'm so sorry.
He might be allergic to you.
- Shut up, Rosy.|- Shut up, Rosy.
- I'm gonna go.|- I'm coming.
- I'm sorry.|- I'm sorry.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Come in.
You're alone.
Yeah, Rosy's arguing|with your mom and Dumars.
- Guess what.|- What?
I've given up everything.
No cigarettes.|No perfume.
I'm clean, harmless.
You could eat off me.
God, what a corncob.
What's Dumars doing now?
Trying to pork mom,|accusing me of being a junkie.
I want to smash him.
How's Garbage?
He doesn't leave|his apartment anymore.
Just watches.
Sounds familiar.
Des has been gone long enough|to be a missing person.
Did you ask Officer Dumars?
He's got other things|on his mind.
Can I look?
Are you okay?
Are you taking anything?
I haven't had anything|since Des has been gone.
It's part of the problem.
There's Mrs. Leibowitz.
Ma Bell?
Yeah, she's been down there|for a while.
I think she's looking|for Desmond.
Like Rosy?|Lost a fix.
Fuck off, Carmen. Or get on|with fucking my brother,
so I can stop chaperoning|you over here.
I'm sorry.
It's just...
I don't know what we saw,|but it looked bad.
And Garbageman...
I gotta do something.
You know, my dad's|the building manager.
Bad idea.
What idea?
It would be the easiest thing|to get a key
to Garbageman's apartment.
Terrible, terrible idea.
And Marvin|could keep watch for us.
Here's my mobile number.
Haven't you guys seen|this movie?
Fucking terrible idea.
What do you think?
The Pastures.
Adam Pasture.
The kid who disappeared|last week.
His family would have|reported him missing.
We could talk to them.|See what they know.
And it might help get|Dumars to take us serious-ly.
Come on, it's not gonna hurt.
Yeah? - It's Carmen. There's|no answer at the Pastures place.
I can't see|through the curtains.
What's Garbageman doing?
I can't tell.|His apartment's dark.
- Maybe he's gone.|- I don't know.
He's been hanging out|in the dark lately.
- Jesus.|- What?
Garbageman.|He's in Birdman's apartment.
- You sure?|- He's just standing there.
Then he's not home.
- Carmen?|- Hey, Marvin, we're inside.
- Carmen, there's two of them.|- God, it smells like shit in here.
Two of who?
- Two Garbagemen.|- What?
Maybe neither of them are him.|You need to get out of there.
Now, just a sec.|Rosy found feathers.
They're gray,|like pigeons or something.
I don't think it's him.
Of course, I just figured out|what was glowing.
It's his fridge.|It's padlocked though.
Carmen, get Rosy.|Get out of there.
She's trying to find|a light switch.
Carmen, can you hear me?
Yes, dear, I can hear you.
I know you think|this is a bad idea, but...
Rosy, no!
Carmen, get out!
Mom!|Rosy's in trouble!
Mom! It's serious!
God dammit!
Dammit, Marvin,|you are way too old for this!
Please, just go over there!
I just don't understand.|Rosy was...
Rosy was in Garbageman's apartment|and then he took her!
- What do you mean that he took her?|- Haven't we bugged this guy enough?
Rosy could be dead right now!
- I'm calling the cops.|- I am the cops!
I mean the real cops.
- She says she lives here.|- Yeah, we're her parents.
Then I'd appreciate it|if you kept an eye on her.
Are you okay?
What happened, exactly?
She was in my apartment.
I don't think|she stole anything.
What were you doing in there?|Are you stealing?
Is this about drugs?
- No.|- This won't happen again.
You are not leaving|till you are cleaned up.
Who do you think you are?
Oh, Rosy!
Now, you are grounded.|Get in your room.
- Fuck off.|- Get...
- I'm sorry.|- I'll file a police report if you want.
No. Thank you.
Thank you.|We won't bother you again.
I appreciate that.
- Good night.|- Night.
Why didn't he recognize you?
I thought you had a talk|with him.
Why do you insist on doing this|to your mother?
You're too old to ground.
He couldn't go anywhere anyway.
I'll see you in a sec.
How you doing?
Carmen's place is great.
You think you'll stay long?
I don't know.
Do you think Dumars|has any terminal diseases?
Yeah, okay, babe.
Sure, I'll talk to you soon.
Talk to you soon. Bye.
You're in my room.
Well, that was your mom.|She'll be home soon.
- Leave it.|- Sorry.
I said leave it!
So, Marvin...
I want us...
I want us to be friends.
So what exactly is your beef?
I just don't know|what you're doing.
Well, your mom...
She's a special lady.
And she really digs me.
And I think that what we've got|could really blossom.
I don't want to know|what you do with my mom,
just so long as you never|pretend to be my dad.
And stop pretending|that you don't believe me
and assigning these guys|to the courtyard.
And who's the official-|looking guy in the car?
Let me see.
And there's another one.
And another one.
Those aren't my guys.
I might as well be a beat cop.
I don't even have "guys".
I'm sorry.
I was trying|to impress your mom.
I don't even have the authority|to put men on patrol.
Well, then who are they?
maybe I could find out.
Hey, you're home.|What are you doing out here?
Oh, trying not to smoke.
Because of Marvin?|That's so sweet.
Shit, it's Garbageman.
What the hell is this?
This was supposed|to happen tomorrow.
I'm out of time.
It's now or never.
Is it stable?
If you keep it cold.
I don't like it.
Watch it!
I'm very, very sorry.
It was a mistake.
A little mistake.
I'm very sorry.
Excuse me, sir?
Just a moment.
The phone.
Where's the fucking phone?
- Marvin?|- Where are you?
Downstairs, following Garbageman.|We need your eyes.
We need help.
Close it.
The customer you are|trying to reach is out...
Oh, my God.
What's going on?
You're about to get|what you paid for.
Oh, my God!
No! No!
Let me help.
She won't stop bleeding.
The blood draws them.
Oh, my God!
Let her out!
Hush.|You're gonna help me.
Come on, come on.
Come on.
- 911 emergency.|- I need help.
The Judas breed.|I've seen two of them.
Could you repeat that, sir?
Two people are dead.|A cop is dead.
My sister's been...
Come on.
Give me the goddamn phone.
- The Judas egg.|- Smart boy.
That's a king egg.|That's a fertile male.
Yeah.|I have an emergency.
Forward this to the CDC,|A.D. Kirschner.
Authorization 197667.
We've got two specimens.
They're soldier caste.|Probably more.
What's the matter?
I'm allergic to roaches.
Then you'll be|my coal miner's canary.
Put that in the fridge.
Nobody does anything stupid,|and nobody has to die early.
We have to destroy it.
Now, that qualifies as stupid.
A fertile male|could establish a new colony.
A new outbreak.
Deck chairs on the "Titanic".|That egg is one of thousands underground.
They're hoarding them.|Waiting.
We have to destroy it.|We have to try to...
I will kill you.|So help me God, I'll kill you.
That egg equals|my getaway money.
As far from civilization|as I can get.
We've already lost.
It's over.
- Empty that around the door.|- It's kerosene.
They don't like fire.
That doesn't make any sense.|They don't have intelligence.
Strategize, reason.
They adapt.|That's how we made them.
They don't have to be|any bigger or stronger,
so they got smarter.
This is not a city anymore.
It's a goddamn killing jar.
The door!
- Mom.|- Yeah?
Why aren't you in your room?
- Close the goddamn door!|- Oh, my God.
Don't shoot. It's us.
Is Carmen alive?
He's trying to talk.