Mimino (1977) Movie Script

Georgiy Danelia
Script by R. Gabridze,
V. Tokareva, G. Danelia
Camera work
Anatoly Petritski
Music by Gia Kancheli
Sound by Evgeny Fedorov
Marzipan, this is Falcon.
Entered the landing zone,
requesting landing
conditions. Over.
Falcon, this is Marzipan.
Your height is 1800,
wind speed 2-3 south-west.
You have permission to land.
Hey, Zarbazan!
- Sign for the mail
- Signed for the mail
- What's your second aerodrome?
- Snori.
Announce boarding.
Flight Number 1,
please check your weight
Valiko! There were eight of them,
where'd the other sheep go?
- Did you count yourself?
- No.
Eight was including yourself.
Eight was including myself.
Buba Kikabidze
Frunzik Mkrtchan
Elena Proklova
Evgeny Leonov
Konstantin Daushvili
Ruslan Mikaberidze
Zakro Sahvadze
Maria Djuzheva
Rusiko Margeladze
Archil Gomiashvili
Why are you standing there?
- What's the movie?
- "Broken Heart"
- Is it about war?
- No, about love.
I place my money on No 13 and commit
my fate into the hands of the Almighty.
This is a roulette.
You bet money on it.
- Valiko, what does she want?
- She doesn't want anything. Dancing.
Respected sir, Mister Ali!
Here is a billion.
I ask for your daughter's
hand in marriage.
Ali! Don't leave!
He'll forgive you.
Farewell, Soreia.
A jug may be glued back together,
but a broken heart cannot!
He died. The end.
- Givi Ivanovich! Let me have
the car keys. - The tie.
I need to go to the city.
- No.
- Why?
- The muffler got lost, didn't it?
- That was a factory defect.
- The headlights got smashed?
- Was that my fault?
And yesterday Nadia found
a lipstick under the seat.
I explained that.
I took my sister to the hospital.
And what about
the champagne cork?
That's it! I'm not giving it to anyone
again. I'll learn to drive myself.
Kukush, hello!
Tell him to leave. Not enough air
to breathe in here anyway.
Zarbazan, be so kind and wait for me
out on the street, would you?
That's great. Please.
- Have a look.
- It's a bit tight.
It's hot. Heat makes objects expand,
and this is a winter hat.
In winter your head
will be smaller. Go.
In winter...
- Hello, Shota.
- Hello.
- May I?
- You are welcome.
Roza? It's me, Kukush.
Auntie Nina in Tbilisi, please.
An Azerbaijani, an Armenian
and a Georgian had an argument...
Auntie Nina, how are you?
How's Auntie Nadia?
Auntie Nina,
I want to ask you a favour.
Base 4 in Tbilisi has just got some
new school desks. Experimental ones.
Have we got anyone there? No?
In the milk factory? Even better.
No one will refuse them. Let them arrange
for some of the desks to go to our district.
At least enough for one school.
- Hello! How's it going?
- Your license.
- Have you heard that new joke?
- I've heard it. Your license.
- Maybe...
- Maybe not. Your license.
No, no and no!
5,800 Dutch chickens are waiting for me
in Tbilisi. What am I supposed to do?
Passengers take first priority.
A passenger can sit around for
two weeks and nothing will happen.
- But the chickens will go bad.
- Wait...
That cop doesn't respect you, you know.
He took your car, and your license too...
- Careful!
- What, is it glass or something?
Look here. Take it and
put it down gently. Got it?
- Don't recognise me?
- Valera, mate, listen.
- How on Earth?
- Deli is closed.
How are you, where?
Well, I'm... transporting chickens,
the Dutch ones.
This is Mimino. We've been together
in Voronezh Aviation College.
- Timofeeva
- Mizandari
- Komarova
- Valiko
- Larisa Ivanovna
- Valentin Konstantinovich
Is Mimino your name
or your surname?
- Mimino is "falcon" in Georgian.
- I can see the resemblance.
- See you, old man.
- Bye!
- Valiko! What's your shoe size?
- 42
Natella bought me some shoes,
size 41, but they don't fit me.
Give them to Anzor, he's size 41
Falcon and Hawk! Stop littering
the airwaves immediately!
By the way, Hawk, it's not Anzor
that's size 41, it's me.
- Got that? Over.
- Got it.
If you chain a big plane and your
helicopter together, which one would win?
The chain.
Look, she's gotten changed already.
- You should say hello
- Hello
When you're not here, she doesn't play.
She's a good girl, Lali.
In Europe nobody plays pianos any more.
They play electricity now.
You can't play electricity,
you'd get electrocuted.
- Electrocuted?
- No, they wear rubber gloves.
In rubber gloves it'd
be all right. Got it?
Keep playing, Lali.
Valiko, Zarbazan is here.
Zarbazan, what took you so long?
- Can't you see, the pass is closed.
- And what if it opens?
The cow won't fit.
Sell it here.
Who's going to buy it here?
Here everyone knows it.
- Valiko, take this.
- No, I said!
It's not a plane,
it's a butterfly, damn it!
May you be eaten
by wolves! Let's go.
Boss, maybe this colour?
This one?
An official reprimand,
loss of bonuses and a ticket!
What are you looking at?
Go work!
- Write me a reference.
- What reference?
I want to return to big aviation.
Isn't it a bit late for you?
Think about it.
I have thought.
I'm sorry, Ivanych.
- How many years have you been
working for us? - Eight.
Boss, how about this colour?
Why are you coming in
without knocking?
Go out in the corridor and
wait until you're called in.
Then choose your own colour
and paint it yourself.
I'm leaving.
Aristofan, I was joking.
Do I have to chase everybody?
Grandpa, there's 450 roubles here.
250 for you, the rest for me.
As soon as I've gotten settled,
I'll send more.
Come here, son. If you meet him
anywhere, don't kill him, please.
You know what the times are like now.
They won't understand.
I'll bring you binoculars.
He won't be back.
Valiko! I don't want binoculars!
I don't want them!
Dad, there's a Georgian
here to see you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Sinitsin.
- I know.
A letter for you from Auntie Nina.
- Please, sit down.
- Thanks, I'll stand on foot.
Tatiana, here's a fellow
needs a hotel room.
- Surname?
- Mizandari.
Is this the furniture shop?
May I speak to Jakov Borisovich?
Hello, this is Sinitsina.
We have an emergency.
Rodion's nephew just arrived.
He needs a hotel room.
I'll ask.
- Rodion, can you arrange two tickets
to the Swan Lake? - I doubt it.
He can. I'll remember. Mizandari.
Get over to the western side.
Find Voronin, the administrator for
the European Endocrinology Conference.
Tell him Jakov Borisovich sent you,
he'll fix everything.
- Thanks.
- You are welcome.
- Tania, do you know who Auntie Nina
from Tbilisi is? - No.
Neither do I.
Keep the change.
- Are you comrade Hachikian?
- No.
Here's an invitation to the banquet.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Excuse me.
- That's ok.
Hello, I want Larisa Ivanovna,
This is Valiko from Tbilisi.
- Are you Armenian?
- No, Georgian.
Sorry, I thought I was alone.
I was laughing so much back there.
Here's your place.
- Are you a pilot? - Sometimes.
Actually I'm an endocrinologist.
Here's an invitation
to the banquet for you.
Hello, I want Larisa Ivanovna,
With a spouse...
I'll tell you one thing, don't get offended.
People like in this hotel,
I've never seen before.
I'm just a driver. I get here,
they ask "what's your surname"?
I tell them: Hachikian.
They say: Hello, comrade Hachikian.
Very glad to meet you.
They took my stuff and brought it here.
You can stay here, they said.
Can you imagine?
- Can I make a phone call?
- Of course, go ahead.
And didn't ask for a kopek in return.
I want Larisa Ivanovna, please.
Hello, Larisa Ivanovna!
Listen, how I thought
I was alone...
This is Valiko,
the one who is Mimino.
Remember, you walked past in Tbilisi,
while I was loading up Dutch chickens?
What are you doing this evening?
Want to have dinner together?
Good. I'll be waiting for you at 7pm
in the foyer of the Hotel Rossia.
Let her bring a friend.
See you there.
Listen, will you
let me talk or not?
Listen, why are you shouting at me?
I live here.
- You think I don't live here?
- Why are you angry at me?
- Yeah, I'm angry!
- I'm three times more angry at you!
- So what?
- So what yourself?
Here he is, that mug.
Dear friends! This song is dedicated to
our guest from the sunny town of Telavi.
And this song is dedicated to
our guest from sunny Dilizhan.
In the red shirt - this is
Professor Hachikian.
What do you mean, no?
Why did Uzbekistan get it yesterday?
My dear, you understand,
we've got mountains.
You been in the zoo?
You saw the camel there?
Got offended.
What do you think, if I paint it green,
would it stay on?
You see, Albertik asked for a green one,
but they only had orange in the shop.
Can you get a green one in Tbilisi?
Nor in Yerevan.
- Why aren't you drinking the kefir?
Don't like it? - I do.
You know what? I will tell you one
clever thing, just don't get offended.
I have a daughter, Alla.
If someone calls and says: Alla,
let's go to a restaurant and a dance,
I'll think very badly of him.
But if he says: Uncle Ruben, may I take
Alla out for a cultural event,
I'll say: Go on, dear friend.
It's that your Larisa Ivanovna didn't come,
it means she's from a moral family, I think.
Larisa Ivanovna, would you like to
go to a theatre with me?
Which one then?
How about the Bolshoi?
I'll be waiting near
the second column at 6:45.
She'll be there.
He's not in today, come back tomorrow.
Leave your forms here.
What do you think, will they take me?
All the papers are in order.
Givi, tell Vano there's
no horseshoes in Moscow.
Everything's fine.
I'm going to the Bolshoi
theatre tonight.
I handed in the forms,
I'll get an answer tomorrow.
Of course they'll take me.
You know what they said?
Pilots like you don't grow on trees.
Tell Andro to take the firewood vouchers
to my folks. Say hello to everyone for me.
- Where is comrade Hachikian?
- At the depot.
- Is he thinking about something or not?
- I don't know.
He needs to hand the papers
in for translation.
Here. His badge.
- Got it.
- Got what? - 26-B.
Such hydraulics, it's awesome.
That's what I think.
- Comrades, which of you is Hachikian?
- Him.
Come in.
People like you are a disgrace
to the republic. I'm Hachikian.
Here he is.
A good hunter has a lucky hit.
Listen, who are you
calling a hit? Me?
Comrade Hachikian,
where's your paper?
You're the only one
who hasn't submitted any.
Listen, Lady, have I ever said
I was an endocrinologist?
What's going on?
I don't understand.
What don't you understand?
He's Hachikian, and he's Hachikian,
and they call this one an impostor.
Shame on you, throwing a person
out into the street?
What's the difference, an endocrinologist
or not? I'm not one either.
- What's your name?
- Mizandari.
Here's another two places for you.
- He hasn't called.
- He will.
- What?
- Tomorrow I'm going home.
In three days I'm home,
will go to a sauna,
get in hot water,
then sit at the table,
mama is making dolmah...
- Do you like dolmah?
- No
- Because you don't know how to make
dolmah in Georgia. - May I have 2 kopeks.
Hello? Yes. Who is it?
Mimino that was loading chickens?
You know, Mimino,
let lost and never get found
What? She is still at home?
She's crazy, it's cold. I'm frozen.
What did he say?
- So where is your lorry?
- There, around the corner.
- Listen, was that her mother?
- Which one? - The one that was singing
- Everyone was singing
- The one that died
- Everybody died.
- No, in the red dress, the fat one.
- It was the conductor
- You didn't get it
Which one does look like
your Larisa Ivanovna?
This one?
I will tell you one clever thing,
just don't get offended.
- You and her don't make a pair of boots.
- Why?
You are a handsome
man but she is...
Take a cat, put it into the water,
same result, just as skinny.
Tastes differ. Armenians like fat women,
Georgians like skinny ones
You know how you walk around Moscow?
The cap. You walk: one, two, three...
What hop?
- The lorry got stolen
- What?
Are you sure this is the right courtyard?
Here is the rubbish bin,
a woman was smoking there
Stay here. Don't let anybody in or out.
Mind the clues.
I'll get the police
Tell them the 26-B got stolen, brand new
Friend, don't go here.
Here are the clues.
What's the matter? I live here
Friend, I ask you as a brother,
don't come near
- Rubik-dzhan
- What?
- What's wrong with him?
- Went away. Where is the police?
Rubik-dzhan, don't get offended,
I'll tell you one clever thing:
Your lorry is standing
in the next courtyard,
I think so.
- Good morning
- What, evicted again?
No. In this hotel, I'm the boss.
What is 'chita-grita'?
Birdie, little birdie... Nothing
Rubik, may be you will go tomorrow?
We can go somewhere else tonight.
No, I can't. Missing home.
- Friend, the Civil Aviation this way?
- Yes
Why do you need beg aviation?
Let's go to my place.
- Mama's making dolmah...
Do you like dolmah? - No
That's because you don't know how
to cook dolmah in Georgia. A real dolmah...
Don't tell me we don't know
how to make satcivi either.
In our Dilizhan even the tap water
- second place in the world.
- And the first one in Yerevan?
- No, in San-Francisco.
What about Borzhomi?
Think first, then talk.
- Finish. No heavy vehicles allowed.
- Good bye.
- Here, sell it.
- What for?
- You don't have any money, me neither.
- Thanks, I'll borrow from Valera.
Until you borrow...
I won't take it.
How I'll sell it, to whom?
Let's go
This one has completely warn out tires.
Excuse me Miss, whos car is this?
From flat 57.
- What?
- Do you want new tires half price?
Nugzar! It's for you.
- Don't Rubik, let's go.
- He'll take it, I think so.
- What do you want?
- Tires, half price.
Just a minute.
You should say hello, young man.
Just a minute.
Tosja, call the police.
He'll kill me.
Come in.
- Are you my solicitor?
- I was assigned
This is my first case and you have
a right to reject my assignment
and ask for a more
experienced solicitor
No need
- Sit down
- Thanks... Nailed down.
- Don't worry, just ask questions
- Thanks
Did you have a personal enmity
towards Papishvili?
- Then why did you beat him up?
- I didn't, he locked the door
- Did you break the chandelier?
- Yes
- Why?
- He is a scoundrel.
- So you did have an enmity
towards him? - No
Listen, at the moment your case is
considered to be a serious offence
and may result in you being
jailed for on to six years
But if there was a reason,
a personal enmity,
then it is less serious offence,
jail term from six months to a year
You understand,
it's very important?
There wasnt anything.
Listen, mate, say it was a joke.
Why to put a good man into a jail?
What about the chandelier made of
Venetian glass, 3,000 roubles?
- We'll pay for it. - OK
- I swear we'll pay it off in 3 years.
Tree years! Listen, mate,
Im not interested in any scheme of yours.
- Place of birth.
- Town of Telavi.
- Current address.
- Moscow, Stroitelnaja 23, flat 57.
- Where do you work?
- Depot Number 2.
- Your job?
- An ordinary staff member
What can you say
about the incident?
What can I say? There is metro station
in Moscow named after Bagrationi.
When I pass it my eyes
well up with tears of pride,
I'm proud that this
great man is my compatriot.
Now, when I look at this bench,
I have tear in my eyes,
but different sort of tears,
the tears of shame.
I'm ashamed
to be a Georgian.
Don't get distracted.
This man broke into my flat,
viciously attacked me,
was using swear words...
- Broke a Venetian chandelier!
May I ask a question?
Why did you take a medical certificate
only a week after the incident?
I was busy.
Why didn't you take it
from a local GP?
What's the difference?
Have you known
the defendant before?
Listen, friend, you have good eyes,
I can see you are a good man.
They've accused a good man there,
he's never touched him,
but that bad man
bought a certificate,
the solicitor is a little girl,
should be playing dolls,
what's happening, how could they
trust her with a mans life?
Let's go, you'll be a witness too.
Another one.
I can't. I'm the solicitor's father.
- And you?
- Her husband. She told us to leave.
Witness Hachikian, do I have to
chase you all over Moscow?
You said all witnesses
to leave, I left.
Why chasing?
I'm standing here.
Everybody can see.
Listen, friend, you have good eyes,
I can see you are a good man. Help.
Come with me.
- Sorry, friend.
- Go.
Come in five years!
- I'll help.
- You will.
- Where do you work?
- Depot No 2, Im a driver.
- What can you tell us?
- I can tell you everything.
The victim opened the door and
the defendant said "Hello, dear friend"
The victim said, "sorry,
want to go to the toilet",
then she went outside
and shouted "police, police"
And I said, "Valik-dzhan, let's go home".
So you say that the defendant
did not attack the victim?
Of course not, he went to the toilet
and he couldn't break the door.
He tried to break the door?
Why break?
Listen, my Russian
is not very good.
He knocked at the door
and said he wants to go too.
You ask such questions...
- Did the defendant break the chandelier?
- Yes, he did, why deny it.
When we were leaving he caught it
with a chair accidentally.
I have a question, may I?
Did the defendant feel personal
enmity towards the victim?
He did. He said, "such a big
personal enmity I feel to the victim",
"I can't even eat".
But the defendant states that
he did not know Papishvili.
Listen, how he could know? When he went
to the toilet, Valiko asked, "who was that?"
"Where did he go?
I see him for the first time."
You say the defendant
never met the victim,
why did he come there then?
- We were selling a tire.
His tires are bald, those Zhiguli...
What do they think about?
Messing around
under one's feet...
We've got Volga, not Zhiguli
Listen, did I interrupt you?
Wait. Don't interrupt either.
- Whose tire was that?
- Mine, I bought it for my neighbour.
Valiko didn't have any money,
I wanted to sell it to lend him.
Did he come to Moscow
without money?
Listen, who comes to Moscow without
money? He went to a restaurant,
this and that,
you know... Gone.
- No more questions.
- Sit down, witness.
- I have a question to the defendant.
- Go ahead.
Defendant, you seem
to be a normal person
Came to a flat, chased a man,
broke the furniture. There should
be some reason for that?
Valiko, what's "daddy"?
The actions of the defendant should
be qualified under the Act 206, part 2.
I ask the court for a sentence
of two years of jail.
Your turn,
Svetlana Georgievna
After an inquiry to the police department
of Telavi Ive got the answer:
- May I read it?
- Read on.
- Answer to your inquiry...
- Louder, please.
An fight between Papishvili and Mizandari
took place at a restaurant on 15.10.1967.
Mizandari chased Papishvili,
who tried to hide himself in a toilet,
he dipped his head into the toilet
3-4 times, after which was arrested.
Mr. Mizandari refused
to explain his actions.
However his sister,
E.K. Mizandari, said,
that in 1965 she worked at Depot No 2
as a subordinate of Papishvili.
He promised to marry her,
took advantage of her,
however he did not
honour his promise.
E.K. Mizandari left the depot.
She lives in the village of Tarklo,
where she works at a farm.
In 1966 she gave birth to a son Varlaam.
It's not my child.
There is something else.
Concerning the price of the chandelier,
I've got an expert opinion.
It is not Venetian, but made in Voronezh,
and it's recommended
price is 37 roubles 46 kopeks.
I didn't know, Nugzar,
I swear on my honour!
So what?
50 roubles fine and a compensation!
- Rubik-dzhan, are you passing
the Red Bridge in Tbilisi? - Yes
- I'll get off there
- No, I'll give you a lift home
I've got plenty of time, I've asked
for a leave without pay
- Where did you live all this time?
- At some friends from the depot
- Listen, where does that cat work?
- What cat?
The one that didn't
come to the Bolshoi.
She is a stewardess
on international flights.
What do you want?
If a woman every day sees
an actor, an academician,
a cosmonaut, can
touch Ishtojan just like this,
and who are you?
- Stop here, please
- What's wrong?
I won't go
- Thanks for everything, Rubik-dzhan
- We'll see each other later?
I think so.
You are 35 already, we don't
take anybody after 35
- My birthday was three days ago.
- You should have come three days before
- I couldn't, I was in jail.
- Where?
In Butyrka, second floor, room 8
- You know what's happened...
- I do. Go to the cashier and get a ticket
- Guys, do you want to buy
a watch? 5 roubles. - Got one.
- 3 roubles.
- Let me have a look.
- Is it shock resistant?
- Shock and magnetic resistant.
Why isn't it written so?
They are, don't worry.
Look here, see?
Want it?
Let me have a look.
- It stopped.
- What? - Here
Yes, now it stopped.
- How much is coffee? - 11
- What about tea? - 6
I want tea.
- Keep the change.
- I don't need it.
You shouldn't smoke here.
- You are not local?
- No
- What's your surname?
- What's it for you?
- Mizandari?
- Mizandari
Don't stare, you don't know me.
- Your father was killed at the war?
- Yes
We were there together
Volohov Ivan Sergeevich
- Vano... Head about me?
- No
- Where are you going?
- Home
- What about you?
- To Volga, fishing with friends.
Let's go together.
I can't.
Uncle Vano, may I borrow
37 roubles from you?
- I'll return it in three days
- What's happened?
Go. Just a minute.
Hello. Excuse me.
- Where?
- There
Lena, tea for two please.
- Who's that? - Volohov
- That very Volohov? - Yes
- Let Mizandari in.
- Please
Let me introduce you.
- Would you recognize him?
- A look-alike
Looking at him, drinking tea
just like Vaso himself.
- Just like him, only older
- Kote
- What Kote?
- My father was Kote.
No, you father was called Vaso,
Vassilij, understand?
- Konstantin.
- Son, don't get me confused
Your father and I spent
three years in one tank
He was in infantry...
Young man!
Oh! Mr. Zarbazan!
Captain, if our plane falls into
the ocean will it sink
or will it float
on the water surface?
Katjusha, please attend to
the old lady in the second row
- What's wrong?
- I think she wants water.
- Turn 90, up to 12,000
- Yes, turn 90, up to 12,000
- Friend, what town is this? Telavi?
- Yes
- How can I get to the aerodrome?
- Turn right. - Thanks.
Why airport?
We should drive straight
- I want an address. He worked there.
- Who? - A Georgian, a friend I know.
I'll write to him: Hello, Valik-dzhan.
He'll say: Wow! How did you find me?
He'll be pleased.
When he is pleased, I will feel
I'm pleased as well.
- And you say straight.
- I need to get to Ordzhonikidze.
You know, I'll tell you one clever
thing, but don't get offended.
When I feel pleased, I'll drive
so well that you will be pleased too.
- Andrjusha, want to go to the city?
- No
- We could walk around, have a look.
- I've seen it all.
Valentin Konstantinovich,
take a taxi, say "Europe, centre".
Getting back, say "Airport".
- Is taxi expensive?
- No, it's not far.
- How much is a telescope?
- It depends.
A good one, with good lenses,
I want to get one for a nephew.
Good ones are always expensive
I want... Caucasus. Dilizhan.
- Who's that? - Isaak
- Where is Anzor? - I don't know
Isaak, write down
the phone 5-5-20.
Tell Kukush to call Dilizhan
and tell Hachikian,
that Valiko bought a crocodile
for him at an international flight.
- What Kukush?
- Is this a shop?
- Where are you calling?
- What do you mean where? Telavi.
This is Tel-Aviv!
Anzor, is that you? Stop kidding.
It costs money, dollars.
- It's really Israel, I swear!
- Israel?
- All the best.
- Wait, where are you from yourself?
- From Telavi.
- Have you been to Kutaisi recently?
- Long time ago. Good bye.
- Have they built the new bridge yet?
- Don't know, probably.
- Wait, let's sing something.
- What?
- Isaak, why did you stop?
- I'm crying.
Don't hang up.
- I couldn't see if it was you. Hi!
- Hi!
- How on Earth?
- San-Francisco is closed.
This is Mimino. We've been together
in Voronezh Aviation College.
- You don't recognise me?
- No
- We've met in Tbilisi.
- Don't recall.
Sorry, need to go.
See you.
You are probably angry.
You know, it just happened.
It's Veronika, my little sister.
She always plays jokes on people.
Please don't be cross, OK?
- When in Moscow, please call.
- I will.
It's beautiful this time of
the year in the mountains, isnt it?
Nothing special.
- May I leave?
- You may
There's a bottle opener.
Will you ever stop reprimand me?
Am I a boy or something?
Why are you shouting at me?
When was I reprimanding you?
Katja, please forgive me.
I didn't mean to.
What should I do for you to forgive me?
Do you want me to jump off the plane?
No, I don't want it.
I do.