Mind Game (2004) Movie Script

That's her!
Very impressive!
"Send message"
"Delivery failure"
"One Way/Osaka-Tokyo"
You live around here?!
Right under your nose, huh?
Um, wanna ride?
You wish!
You've got it all wrong!
Oh, sure.
I live with my sister, my dad lives with
a younger woman.
It's a joke.
Mom left one night when we bailed out.
Sorry I haven't kept in touch.
My life's kind of a mess, well, still is!
Don't worry!
Nice to see you're still the same... size.
Haven't they gotten bigger?
My breasts?
Huh, no, your feet! Let's find you a drugstore!
Better yet, a love hotel.
Don't move!
What're you doing?
Would you be sad
if I went out with someone else?
If I married him?
In junior high, I wrote her a note,
just "I like you a lot."
Next day, her turn, "me too."
Knocked me off my feet!
We were just 13,
never even held hands after school.
Being shy made things awkward right after...
...and we could only exchange letters, mails!
Two years later, during a school trip...
Would you be sad
if I went out with someone else?
"Hotel Tariff"
Made me think! I never had the guts
to make a move, always playing it safe.
Always waiting for someone
to help things develop!
Nishi, what do you want?
You don't fight, you don't get hurt,
you want me to do all the work.
But that's unfair. 'Cos I'm scared too!
We're not school kids anymore, y'know?
I still love you. Don't marry that guy!
I've loved you since I was 9!
You should marry me!!
I'm really happy!
But I love him too.
But I'm so happy now!
Myon, I'm not sure I get it,
but give me some time!
Give me a chance, please.
OK, Nishi! Give it your best shot!
You bet!
Nishi? Nishi!
Think I'm too young to marry?
So, you'll be off limits to future suitors!
Some are crying themselves to sleep right now.
Well I hope you'll be really happy.
Too bad... you don't like me
like you used to...
What are you talking about?
I love you forever!
You haven't changed.
You can be sure about that!
You want to eat yakitori?
My sister and I have our own place!
Gotta make a living!
We've given up on the loans.
I'm gonna run forever!
- Hi. Hey, Nishi!
- Hi!
Nishi! What a surprise! Come sit over here!
Long time no see!
Yang, today's special, and a beer.
Have a drink first!
What've you been up to?
Working on your Mangas?
Yes! Got a job on the side.
You're going to Tokyo, right? Tokyo's great!
Lots of good looking women trying to make it
in TV, modeling.
When I got married,
I often went there on business!
I'd get invited to hostess bars where there'd
be a bunch of girls like that.
And I'd pick one out and... yum yum!
Students promoting stuff on the streets,
game show assistants...
- Sir...
- They sure were hot!
- You cheated?
- I was having fun, but they'd fall for me!
I had quite a rep, five girls in Tokyo,
three in Osaka, those were the days...
- Don't listen to him!
- Sorry about this.
Meanwhile, these two popped out and...
- You don't sound too thrilled!
- Had to take care of them!
So that was it!
Y'know, if I'd gotten together with
that promo-girl...
I wouldn't be broke now.
Stop dreaming!
That's him.
Yep, dad hasn't changed at all!
His girlfriend's the same age as me!
Picked her up at a loanshark's office!
Riko? She's not quite on par with
the others though!
So you just forgot about her?
What a waste! Like keeping roses in the can!
- What?!
- Your wife! You didn't deserve her!
Why are you taking her side?
'Cause I love the women of the Uchida family!
You were surrounded by
three of the most beautiful women!
I even planned a trip
to your home town last year!
Thinking the place'll be
swarming with girls like them!
Had to see the source!
Myon, maybe you should marry Nishi.
You'd be happier that way.
What're you talking about?
You love him. You wrote about him
all the time when you were in school!
- Wrote what?!
- Oh, Nishi this, Nishi that, Nishi, Nishi...
Ryo's nice too! But I prefer Nishi!
Don't mind him!
This is Nishi.
This is Ryo!
Hi. Heard a lot about you! Pleased to meet you!
Same here.
Did you hear about Kenta's accident?
So please be careful.
Here Nishi!
You do Mangas, right?
Nishi promised to do one about me!
Yes, something naughty and sexy!
Can't wait...
Stop it!
Something nasty and kinky!
I wanna see that!
Good looking guy, great bod',
seems trustworthy...
But wasn't something a little...
...odd when you came in?
We were talking about ME,
'bout how I'm the one for Myon.
You're in the way pal, a third wheel,
can't you see it?
I shouldn't embarrass her by competing
with him. Don't want to make them feel awkward.
I'll get my truck on the 25th!
Carries a 5 ton load! I'll be making money!
- You're a truck driver?
- Thanks.
I used to do things like that! Hard stuff!!!
Had no idea, Nishi.
Well, my body's all I've got going for me!
A real man alright...
Sensitive can mean neurotic. Women are
happier with these rough and simple types!
Nice smile too! I'm history. She's yours...
It'll dry soon!
Something wrong?
Your beer...
- You know this guy?
- The owner!
He's off today! I'm only here part-time!
I'm not sure where he is. Sorry.
Settle down Atsu! We're gonna wait for him!
Right here...
I think he said he was taking
a couple of days off somewhere!
I knew it, off to a holiday resort!
With MY World Cup tickets, having fun.
Stop it! I'll call the police!
Say, you're kinda cute.
What the fuck are you doing you scum?
And who do you think you are?
Stop it!
Stop it!
Atsu, that's enough, put that piece away!!
I said put it away!
- What?!
- You don't know what's going on, bro!
I do.
No, you don't! My little Riko,
that old fuck, he...
He co-erced her!!
I know Atsu, but you don't mix business
with private stuff! We're professionals.
Y'know, I've been meaning to tell
you - you've got no taste.
Teen car, fag watch, just plain bad taste.
Me, I'm different, I'm a player!
Not a business man, but an artist!
Personal stuff IS my business!
Watch your mouth! You don't even know
the meaning of the word artist!
Oh... Atsu, sorry man,
didn't know you felt that way.
Do whatever you want!!!
I'm cool, it's just,
I get mad when I think about that guy!
Raping my Riko, keeping her locked in...
Yeah, well if you put it that way,
it's your call!
Say Atsu, can I add something?
Too bad he's out... he'd understand how I feel,
my hurt, my grief!!
If he sees ME raping HIS girlfriend right here!
I don't know this guy,
first time he comes in here.
Well it's true!
Bro, this bitch is lying!
You cunt!
They give it up so quickly!
All of 'em!
Wow, great boobs!
Don't move!
That's right, like that!
Shut the fuck up!
Say, those are sexy undies!
Kinda sparse down there, don't move,
show it to me!
Nishi, are you there?
Is he here? Where is he, this way?
This ball couldn't be him, now could it?
Where are you?
This you? Curled up like a ball?
You wanted some, didn't you?
Well, turn around, take a look at that pussy.
You know you want to!
Your turn after, amigo!
Come on, get up and get IT up!
I'm gonna... I'm gonna...
Hurt you!
No way!
Ha! Did you hear that, gonna hurt you he said!
Put a bullet in him, on cue, just when he said
"hur!" Out the front before "t!"
Miserable loser!
That's not funny.
I was looking at you, you're gross!
What are you saying bro'?
Too gross. Don't move! You piss me off!
- I'm sorry, forgive me, please!!
- Don't move!
I'll do anything!!
Say "shit-pee-dick" 10 times. Very fast.
And add a kiss to the last one!
Add a kiss and I'll forgive you!
Shit-pee-dick... shit-pee-dick...
Er, Shit-pee-dick-smack!
You promised...!!
Think about what you did on your way to hell.
Sorry about the trouble,
but it's the owner's...
Ah, forget it!
I'll have a beer and a stick!
If I only had one of those magic time belts,
turn it back...
Nishi, are you there?
Where is he, this way?
This ball couldn't be him, now could it?
This you? You wanted some, didn't you?
Well turn around and...
I'm gonna... I'm gonna...
I'm gonna hurt you!
- I'm
- No!
- Gonna
- Stop!
- Hurt You
- Stop, please!
"Sucks, doesn't it?"
"Lame, aren't you?"
"A fart, no?"
OK, I get it! I'm not cool!
I'm useless! And no fun!
"Bird shit?"
I'm a snot, I know! So, stop this!
Stop! Stop!
Something's wrong with my eyes!
I keep changing, right?
You can't decide what I should look like!
Who are you?
You know! It's flickering there in your mind!
Come on, let it go.
What's the first thing that comes to mind?
G... God!!
There we are!
Not that how you call me matters!
A, B, they're just symbols anyway!
Confused? Wanna see my tits?
The only way to make it stop is to be honest.
Easier to see the truth that way!
The truth for you, that is!
Too late for counseling though.
Since you're DEAD! What a shame!
Dead... I'm... dead?
Just like that? Gone at 20?
Why was I born then?
So you could have fun at my expense?!
What's wrong with that, huh?
Yeah, so I made you on a whim!
I made you, dipshit, for my sheer enjoyment!
What's wrong with that?
Oops, I have to go!
- Got a date!
- A date?!
Time's up. Go straight that way
and keep walking. You'll soon disappear.
And my next life?
- Huh?
- Next life?
Your what? Told you it's over. Start walking!
And disappear? No afterlife? We're done?
It's really over?!
Really, really, really over?! God?
Will you shut up! You saw how you got here,
multiple p-o-v's of you brain exploding.
A shocking documentary of your death,
deftly edited by moi!
You are DEAD!
I'm officially dead?
Them's the breaks Nishi.
Straight ahead and disappear...
So if I go the other way...
Hey! What're you doing?! I'll be late!
Let me through, I'm going back!
Not down for the count, huh?
You're gonna fade away, that's how it works.
See, you're already fading.
I don't believe you! I'm not gonna disappear!
I'm going back!
Won't happen!
I'll make it, I'll get there, you'll see!
Not bad, can you keep it up?
With that brain? Body?
I'm gonna take care of that creep.
Be stronger. Determined!! Free and happy!
Live life to the fullest!
Pretty good...
Alright give it your best shot!
YES! I'm going back! I'm gonna do this!
I'm on your side... I'm on your side...
Your turn after, amigo. Get up and get IT up!
Never... never...
Never again!
Don't move!
Yang, come here.
I'll blow your head off if you move,
I'm done being the loser!
Give me the car keys!
You're on your own sir, come on, let's roll!
Get in!
Atsu got wasted!
My fault... They're in my car, we'll get them.
My apologies!
Nishi, watch out!
And a hero is born...
Hands on the wheel!!
Don't worry, I'm on it! I'll protect you!
I love you both!!
Moron, eyes on the road! Why are we running?
We should go to the police, self defense, right?
No! No! No! No cops, no questions,
no regrets! I'm through with that!
Making a break for it, with you two!
Like I want!
No one's gonna get in my way!!
I'm following my heart's desires!
Like an outlaw!
Hey, can you hear me?
I do hope you realize you were living
in paradise till today.
Like angels flying around in heaven.
But now you're on a super express to hell!
The guy you smoked, that bald SOB, Atsu?
Fine football player and athlete,
known as the Maradona of Osaka!
For good and for bad reasons.
Beautiful bod' like a wild animal!
Not that it has to do with anything.
You knew Atsu was packing,
that the car was full drugs,
money, you knew all that, you planned it.
A clear cut armed robbery and murder case.
His folks abandoned him,
he grew up without love!
Got tickets for the World Cup,
for him and his girl.
A model Japanese footie fan.
But just before the game,
a young guy like you puts out his light.
Ah, the ever-egocentric,
unfeeling youth of today!
Immature adults on the loose,
everything a blur except their friends.
Living life like a video game,
finger on the reset button!
You're a roller-coaster with no breaks.
It's not true, you're making it up.
Typical story, nice and easy
for the cops to follow!
What I'm sayin' is, nobody's on your side!
This is it, kids! Make it a good game!
Nice speech old man.
Will you stop it!
- I can see you sweating in front of a prompter!
- Nishi!
It's improv!
This roller-coaster you're trying to stop
is a genuine Angel Express!
And I can see you moved to tears
as you watch that mystic angel...
...spread its wings and disappear into the sky.
The fuck?!
Asshole, this ain't football!
Now get in as close as you can!
My nose is bleeding!
Mine too!
Mine too!
The bridge!
What the fuck are you doing?!
My Pitch, my little pitch!
Pitch. You came back! Pitch!
No more fooling around.
We'll get 'em on the bridge.
Perfect defense plan. Even Zidane and Figo
couldn't get through. We'll get 'em.
What, you again?!
Not just yet!
You there, Nishi?
Are we... dead?
You both there? Wait a sec...
Where is it?
We're alive...
Thank God!
Seawater? Can't see shit.
Near the harbor, maybe.
Smells fishy...
Have no fear!
Fear takes the shape we're willing to give it!
Let's light a candle in our hearts,
make it gleam.
Try to enjoy the moment!
In spite of this turn of events.
"This is FUN"
This will shed a new light on things!
Remember our days in grade school?
When it was all play,
no restrictions or tomorrows?
We didn't end up here 'cos we were chased!
We came here seeking adventure!
An epic journey!
Let the party begin!
Hey, there's a boat!
Let's check it out!
Lane No.1, Nishi! 3rd Grade! And I'm off!
Hey, let's go.
Lane No.2, Myon!
Also, 3rd Grade, and here I go!
Wow, what a wreck.
Where are we?
I'm starving! Good for my figure, though!
Your body is DOPE!
Which you haven't seen. I just look slim.
Show me then!
No way!
Sugar on top!!
- Aw, c'mon!
- Nishi! What now, huh?!
You almost got us killed!
Sure they were scum,
but you also popped a guy!
What's with the "enthusiasm?"
I was killed! Shot by that creep!
What the hell are you talking about?
He's the one that's gone dodo!
Before that. See, I was so scared
I lucked out on getting angry.
And that's when he shot me! Cueball mother!
Then I was sucked up to heaven and...
You've lost it.
But I believed in myself,
believed like nothing else, and I was back!
To live true to yourself,
sincerely, without restraint!
I realized it's the only weapon
against any wall!
OK, you've lost me.
But THIS is where it got us!
We're only here 'cos we were lucky!
It's a miracle we're alive!
But if this keeps up, we'll be dead in no time!
I... I...
I've got... a radio!!
A radio?
This place is dangerous, we need to move!
Hurry! Hurry!
- What the fuck?!
- C'mon, hurry!
- What is this?
- An earthquake? A tsunami?
- You guys are reckless!
- The fuck, old man?!
Hurry up! Grab an ore and row!
- Tidal wave?
- Tsunami!
Move it, people!
Over there!
Almost there!
Hang on!
Meal time's over. We're OK now!
Let's go up!
Wow! It's like a top secret lair!
TV, microwave, audio set, PC,
you've got everything!
So they just washed up?
Ah, and food!
And sexy lingerie!! You dirty old man!
Let's see what's inside.
No power, huh?
This stuff's just for show, then?
Think of it as modern art!
Want to freshen up?
Plenty of clean hot water?
- You mean have a bath?
- Yes! Yes!
I'd like that!
Yeah? Me too!
This is bliss!
But boy we're in some mess! It's surreal!
I mean, we're in God-knows-where
enjoying a total stranger's hospitality!
Having a bath... Unbelievable.
Well, he's on the way to a Happy Meal,
but he seems nice!
Once a perv, always a perv, huh?
I feel like it's the first time
we're having a real talk.
We'll leave clean clothes here!
Those bastards! Not very subtle are they?!
Let's pretend they're costumes!
Hey, find something we can actually wear!
Wow! Looks amazing!!
You made this?
Should've seen him at work!
Really? It's like a NY sushi bar!
Where'd you learn to cook, gramps?
Yeah, it's delicious!
Five stars in my book!
Bon appetit!!
What a meal!
Much better than some fancy
rotating sushi bar in Kita.
They started serving
Westernized sushi last year.
Rotating sushi bars.
Rotating sushi.
Rotating sushi...
Not like that...
No, no.
In front of the customers.
Mines dead too!
It's a cell... phone?
A phone, a mobile phone?!
I knew it!
So, can we make contact with
the outside world??
Can't! It's soaked! Probably a goner!
So, um, do robots exist now?
I saw a robot isle at the hardware
store the other day!
Yes! I knew it!
- How about flying cars?
- Huh?
Hmm, how long have you been here exactly?
More than 30 years!
I had a big deal going down...
Hid my stash in a comic book case...
But I took the wrong one...
Coastguards and DEA knew all about it anyway.
Was running, lights flashing everywhere...
When a huge whale swallowed me!
Couldn't believe it.
And then what?
Got caught in the waves!
It was pitch dark when I came around!
Tried to escape but the waves were too rough!
Tried again! And again.
I couldn't have survived without my friends.
Um, where's the toilet?
The washroom? Straight ahead! I'll take you!
Nah, it's okay! Straight ahead, right?
Oh my God.
Hey, keep talking!
- Where's the "exit?"
- All the way down there!
- Oh, right.
- But of course!
Back to square one!
Got to know your own limits!
We're outta here!
We can go this way.
It's wobbling!
It's the only way, c'mon!
It'll be alright!
You'll get killed!
He's hungry again!
Come back.
- The water's coming!
- Nishi!
There! The exit!
Put these on!
Nishi! Come back!
Hey, let go of me!
What the...?!
Nishi, you're awake!
What a relief! He's come around!
And here's something to cheer you up!
And a "Happy Mornin'" to y'all!
Wow, is this a beautiful day or what?
You wouldn't believe how blue the sky was
this morning.
In line with the solar system is...
Thought I'd drive
all the way to Brazil, y'know?
Well, it's gonna be booming
at the resorts today!
Certainly not a day for school
or work, I tell ya!
Now, now, now...
C'mon, cheer up!
You're homesick, I've been there.
I cried and got angry too.
But I realized after coming here...
Oh, whatever.
Got an idea! There's a place
that'll cheer you up.
Great friends too!
Let's go! Everybody!
So wrecked cars are popping up everywhere!
Must've been some monster car chase...
You haven't eaten properly in three days!
You're not gonna last that way!
You need to eat for your breasts' sake!
And Nishi, you've eaten nothing!
Forget about getting it up!
Just shut up, okay?
Gramps, will you take me to that fun place
you mentioned about?
Wanna go? It'll be fun!
I need a change!
That's the spirit! You'll love it!
You too!
Nah... count me out!
It'll be fun! You can meet my friends too!
Hearts'll soar!! Heads'll explode!
Cut it, Gramps! I'm not in the mood!
Just leave me alone!
Join us later if you feel like it, okay?
Let's go, Myon.
Let's go, let's go!
This'll be a blast!
You'll love my friends.
Fuck!! The look on his face!
He doesn't have a clue!
I only said those things
'cos he was being inconsiderate!
How about a little kindness, huh?
I'm hurt!
I have doubts about humanity!
What about my start in Manga?!
What about my glorious campus life, huh?!
"Help me God I'm sorry"
Gotta drink your milk, honey!
You okay?
Isn't it amazing, Nishi?
Gramps, I...
Er, what I said back there was...
I'd become a bad person!
I wanted to boast about my evil ways.
I wanted to be known as a tough, rugged man!
I wanted to walk over everybody.
But I wound up here and...
I struggled!
But I managed to survive!
I can swim again!
Catch things, walk, see.
Isn't that fun?
Seawater's salty! This place stinks!
But it gives me joy!
Would you rather lie around doing nothing?
Or would you rather feel alive?
Which is more fun?
She sure can swim!
She wanted to go to the Olympics
till she was about 15.
Had a coach and all.
Come to think of it,
I remember her winning something!
Bronze at the Kinki Races.
Stopped when her boobs got bigger!
No kidding! Gotta go with the flow, huh?
Yeah, with the flow!
How is it?
Wow! Fantastic!
Right, my turn!
Quality entertainment coming up!
Got one!
Nishi, remember when we found a stray dog?
In kindergarten?
And you said you'd take care of it?
That made me so happy!
I'm gonna take him home with me.
You will? Thank you!
I already have a sea-monkey, so it'll be fine!
Wanna see? C'mon, I'll show ya!
So this is the new plot!
In the far, distant future,
where the world is starving from
over-population and environmental destruction,
Earth decides to send
a spaceship in search for food.
But something goes wrong.
They land on a strange planet.
There's water and oxygen,
but nothing edible for humans!
Except for one thing, they soon discover.
A certain creature's poo.
Ooh, gross!
And it's the perfect food for humans.
"It's delicious!"
And it's the perfect food for humans.
But the creature's unbelievably bad at hunting
and on the verge of extinction!
There's only one?
Our men help the creature hunt, look after it!
And they live like that for a while
until a new enemy arrives.
Higher species of plants begin to fight
for food, which is also creature chips!
A poo-war, huh?
But what happens then? The crew?
Guess we need to send them home safely, huh?
The planet is ideal in its own way, but...
In fact, the planet's some kind of cell!
Our crew must've ended up there
after being shrunk!
A cell?
Yeah, of a human body.
Let's just say... it was the leader's fault.
His love for his girl,
his determination to find that planet,
his desperation led the ship there.
But one day, they realize
their bodies have grown bigger.
Wonder why!
And they hear a voice! From inside your tummy
as you're sitting in the toilet.
"Oh my God!
We're growing bigger and bigger!"
But they can communicate that way.
And they realize their inside your stomach.
- Then what?
- They've gotta get out!
- From where?
- At this point, they're moving along the colon!
Not happening!!
But what else can they do?
They keep getting bigger.
Your belly'll explode!
- I said no!
- "We're almost out, don't flush us!"
I AM flushing them!
"We're out! We're out!"
Nishi! Myon!!
We're up here!
You guys OK?
I'm relieved! We were worried!
That was a surprise attack! So sudden!
Told ya so! It's wicked, man!
A miracle, I say!
The Other World by Robin Nishi.
The guy's a fucking genius!
Cut class and meet me at the arcade!
The Strawberry Plaza in ten!
Roger that.
This place's so commercial.
Dude, chill...
Isn't that...
Robin Nishi!!!
"R! Nishi Book Signing"
Check out the chicks!
Fuckin' cool!
Excuse me, you're Robin Nishi, right?
Hiroshi, you idiot!!
Fuck yeah!!
We're huge fans!
The Other World rocks!!
Wanna grab a bite?
Follow me!!
- This is like, your average day??
- Yeah!
- Awesome!
- I feel so alive!
Robin, I'll pick up the tab!
What're you talking about?
Hiroshi, you idiot!!
Hiroshi, kids shouldn't worry
about things like that.
Have fun and become a man!
Not a clone, but someone who transcends!!
First contact with aliens!
And directing this epic moment
is the artist who made it all possible...
Salvatore Antonio Yang Gogh!!
The crowd's cheers've gone up a notch here
at the 1st Cosmic Swimming Contest.
Representing Earth!
Matt Beyond Thorpe Myon!!!
And so the race begins
as we witness history in the making!
First corner and into the gate!
Cameras are not allowed inside!
And they're coming out! 4 in the first group!
And she's there!
Matt Beyond Thorpe Myon,
representing Earth!!!
Isn't this supposed to be extinct?
This one too!
"To Yang and Myon"
Think we can get out of here?
Want to?
We might be happier here.
That's odd and it wasn't even time yet.
Good God! I was about to go fetch you!
What's going on?
The water level's increasing.
And he's eating less.
Can't say for sure, but he could be dying.
Dying? But what happens to us then?
Eventually, this place'll sink.
We've gotta leave. It's that or drown.
But how?
The boat, of course!
- The cops'll be looking for us.
- So?
The Yakuzas'll come after us!
So what! I wanna get out!
'Cos there's so much out there!
So many different people,
living different lives!
Incredibly good guys, bad guys...
Folks completely different from us!
It's one huge melting pot!
See, it's not about success,
dying in the streets, who's better, who's not!
I just want to be a part of it!
I realized that even if I've no connections,
no talent,
even if I'm one big loser,
I want to use my hands and feet to think
and move, to shape my own life!
We can just die here or we can try!
See what we've got!
It's impossible.
Motivation's not gonna get us over that wave.
We need a motor boat!
We've got a motor!
Right here!
But there's no fuel...
Sure there is!
We came here by car, remember?
It could work!
It will work!!
We're going to make it!
We're so gonna make it!
Get up there!
The World Cup ends tomorrow
with its final match...
As the world awaits to find out
who'll be the winner...
We're near Osaka again!
Oh, yeah!
I think this is our only chance!
Maybe the whale's come here for us!
And we're going for it!
You're older. Lend it to her!
I don't want to!
Don't run like that, Myon'll follow you.
Sorry, Myon...
I don't like that uniform!
- I'll work!
- Sorry Yang!
Wanna try?
I'm not gonna let you carry
all the load anymore!
I'll grow up.
I'm sorry.
I always knew you were the one
that needed support.
It's your turn, now!
Go ahead!
Here we go kids!
Yes sir!
Water striders float...
...using surface tension
from the hairs on their legs.
I'm sorry.
Your bones won't get strong
if you don't drink milk.
Yes, mom!
Ah, not again!
I'll put it in your food then!
This'll be perfect.
- Hey, wrong nail!
- The baby!
- You OK?
- It's heavy!
Mmm, too much space for a little kid!
Ah, he'll be big in no time!
Wonder what he'll be like.
Be right there, sweetie!
Your fever's just gone down you know.
I'm fine.
See you later!
See you at 10!
Keiko? It's me!
Myon? I've got an art show.
That's great!
And she's going for the rope!
"A Lonely Death"
We've got no money either!
Worn by...
There, found it!
That's insane! They're Yakuzas!!
I told you to wait till tomorrow,
so shut up and wait, you punk!!
Sorry about that! Now back to your interview...
That's her!