Mine (2016) Movie Script

I just found a new friend.
Target 2 o'clock.
Range, 1709 meters.
Wind, 3 o'clock, 6 miles per hour.
Wind right quadrant, 2.3 millimeters.
I know you're good.
I mean you're very good, okay?
But you're not that good.
We're not here to play.
Then why are we here?
I know what you're thinking.
"We're here to complete the mission."
Come on, man.
What's the point, Tommy?
Okay, the point is that...
We've been here...what?
Two months?
Three months and six days.
Friend, and that's the point.
And exactly that point.
Three months and six days...
you're far from Jenny.
Oh Jenny...
Jenny, I love you.
Jenny, I want to kiss you.
Oh Jenny... Jenny, kiss me.
They're here.
Oxen, Oxen! Alpha Margo 4.
Elvis is in the building.
Where, Oxen?
The target should arrive in a
black Land Cruiser with an escort.
Confirm target before next step.
You said black, it's gray...
...and another vehicle.
It's always a Land Cruiser, Mike.
Something's going on.
It seems to be for...
...celebrating some sort of ceremony.
Land Cruiser approaching.
Target is Sayid Assiff, 65 years old.
Confirm, over.
Target, 10 o'clock.
Range 977 meters.
Range 977.
Maybe he grew a beard
since he was last photographed.
I think it's him.
Target confirmed.
It's a wedding.
Repeat, over.
Target confirmed, over.
Send it.
Send it.
Alpha Margo 4...
Confirm kill, over.
I don't have a clean shot.
The groom is blocking the target.
We're waiting for instructions, sir.
Mike, don't get any ideas, ok?
This is what we're here for.
Neutralize the target, over.
Mike, don't freak out,
just shoot the guy!
Alpha Margo 4 to Oxen,
it's a wedding.
You're asking me to kill the
groom and his father.
Confirm, over.
Alpha Margo 4, it took us 13 months
to locate Sayid Assiff.
As far as we know, Assiff has no children...
but that guy could be part
of the same terrorist cell.
No need for a clean shot,
Neutralize and confirm. Over.
See, Mike? Terrorists get married too.
We're not even sure that's Assiff.
He came from a different vehicle...
and you know that from here we
can't confirm his identity!
Shoot, Mike.
Shoot the damn shot, Mike.
Confirm, over.
Fuck it, Mike!
Oxen, the target moved.
I lost him.
Alpha Margo 4 off.
Damn it, Mike!
Alpha Margo 4.
Mission canceled.
We need extraction.
Come and get us, over.
Give us your new position, over
GPS is out of order, over.
Copy that, wait for orders,
we'll find a new position...
What are you doing?
Hey, check over there!
Sandstorm! Sandstorm!
Sandstorm! Sandstorm! Sandstorm!
Let's go! Let's go!
Mayday, Mayday! Alpha Margo 4!
We require immediate extraction!
Sandstorm approaching, over!
The new position for the extraction
is a village six clicks to the west.
Do you copy? Over.
Negative, I didn't get that!
A village six clicks west of here? Over.
Great, Mike!
5 hours on foot!
The West and the...
I know which way is West!
Do you know what day it is?
Its Tuesday.
Not any Tuesday, Mike.
It's the second Tuesday of the month,
so my son's waiting for my call.
I know.
I've never missed one.
What do you usually talk about?
How old is he now, four?
Actually, he's decided...
to become a vegetarian.
The other day,
Anne was at home, cleaning...
She looked in the garden and there
was Jake, who walked around muttering.
So she says: "Jake!"
"Jake, what are you doing?"
So, he turns around with a leaf in his
mouth and says: "My name is not Jake!"
"I'm a brontosaurus!"
My friend...and crazy!
I know, maybe it's all bullshit...
but they make me feel better.
Unbelievable, right?
I thought this marriage thing
was a big mistake. A curse.
But then along came Jake...
and it changed everything.
I mean, I always fought...
and we still fight all the time...
but now we have this little man that
makes us careful about what we say.
We used to lose control.
We said stupid things.
We didn't talk for days.
But then, Jake...
He starightened us out.
I know that look.
What's on your mind, Mike?
Is there something you need to tell me?
Say it you can't hold it inside.
Whatever it is, you have to let it out.
It's much better if you air it.
You want to ask
Jenny to marry you, right?
The thing is...
It's complicated.
It's a big step.
Already it's complicated?
It's a...
small step...
for humanity...
but a big step...
for a man.
Oh, Mike, you really
are a mess, you know?
What's wrong?
This is Oxen...
we don't see any guerillas
in your area, Alpha Margo,
but if you stick your heads up,
they'll come looking for you,
The new position for the extraction
is away from their shelters...
and sandstorms,
We can't use helicopters and the mission
doesn't include ground transportation.
II you have to cross the desert...
the dunes will
keep changing shape...
so the radio won't always work.
Hold on, Marines!
I don't see anything
with all this sand.
I think I see something moving.
Maybe the natives.
What are they doing?
It looks like...
in the sand.
If those were the Berbers...
it means that we're
heading in the right direction...
unless it was just a mirage.
I know that it's very effective
but it's just a trick of the Berbers.
They use these signs to keep the
enemies away from the village.
I just want to say that
we must be close, man.
The village is probably
right behind that dune.
Over there.
Come on, let's go.
Over the last 40 years,
there's been over 8,000 battles...
and we've buried 33 million
mines in this area.
I like when you're optimistic, Mike.
Listen, Mr. Wikipedia...
You can find everything in the desert.
As old as this sign looks...
who knows where it comes from
and what it really says?
Mike, don't get paranoid.
Don't let this thing
screw up your head.
I'm just considering our options.
We have two options,
because we're really lucky guys.
We can back off and die of thirst,
or we can get to the village
within an hour, Mike.
I know which option to choose.
You know what?
I don't really like water.
It's overrated.
It has no taste.
A beautiful...
is what I want.
Usually, I drink it with lemon...
but this time...
I'll take the strawberry.
Thanks, Mike.
Whoa! Oh, ok.
Mmm! Ok, Mike!
You know what?
Forget what I said about water.
A couple of drops gets
you going again!
Come on, Mike.
Come on, Mike!
Come on, Mike!
You have to stop thinking about
that sign, you're losing it!
I'm not surprised...
since you're you.
You do have to explain one thing.
How is it possible
that a psychopath like you...
You're not afraid to get into
fights with...how many were there?
I think they...
Four? No, five...
of the biggest Army
Rangers I've ever seen...
and then shit your pants for a sign flying
in the desert from who knows where?
I just had a premonition.
I feel that there is a
Granita stand in that village.
Who knows, maybe...
Tommy?! Listen to me,
you have to calm down, okay?!
You have to calm down, fuck!
Mayday Mayday, this is Alpha-Marg...
Mike, it hurts!
Tommy, listen to me!
I can't move, okay?
I stepped on one too!
Oh, my God, Mike!
Tommy, you have to calm down now, okay?
We have to get to the village!
If you stay like this,
we'll never make it!
Yes, ok, the village...
Okay, I'll get there!
You have to grab the radio!
Come on, you can do it!
Ok, I can do it.
Mike, I can do it.
Ok, I see my backpack.
Grab it, Marine. Reach!
Come on, Tommy!
No Mike, it hurts!
You have to grab the radio, man!
I can't move, I can't!
Yes you can! Reach!
Grab your medical kit!
The middle pocket!
The thing is... Come on, man!
Get the kit! Ok, ok!
Come on, Marine, get it!
Ok, ok.
Grab your medical kit!
Well done, Marine!
You did it. Well done.
Well done.
I got it.
So do you.
No, no!
Tommy, you have to...
Come on, man, you need that morphine!
Reach, Marine, reach...
Concentrate, ignore the pain!
Think training!
We have to get to the village!
And then...
you have to call Jake!
Repeat that!
Jake is waiting for me...
And Tuesday!
That's right Marine. Now move!
No, don't look, Tommy.
Mike, I have no legs!
No, Tommy, don't look!
I have no legs!
Come on man, don't look!
Don't look!
Mike I'm no longer your legs!
Mike, I'm no longer your legs!
Be strong, it's next to you!
That's right.
Well done!
Now you can reach your backpack?
We need the radio.
No, wait, one dose is
more than enough.
No, Tommy!
No, one is enough!
Ok, ok, alright.
I need to listen to me.
You have to reach the backpack.
You have to get the radio, ok?
Can you?
Bravo, grab the bag!
There, I got it!
Well done!
I got it!
I got it.
You did it!
Well done, mate.
Everything will be fine!
Alpha Margo 4...
Man down. I can't hear you.
I can't hear you in my com
You have to turn the radio on!
I need a phone...
to call Jake.
I need a phone to call... my son...
Tommy, can't hear you in my com.
Check that the walkie is on!
A lemon Granita...
All right.
Stay with me.
I don't want strawberry...
Mike, you know what I want?
Stay with me, Tommy!
The village...
Yes, I have to get to the village.
Beautiful Sara, Mike...
You'll see, it'll be beautiful.
It'll be ok, man.
Now I get it.
Maybe this old mine is rusty and
doesn't work anymore. Now I get it.
Don't even think about it, Mike!
I have to do something!
Do not even think about it, Mike!
You're losing too much blood!
I won't let you die!
Mike, can you tell Jake
that I love him so much?
Stay alive, my friend.
The battery.
Mayday, Mayday, Alpha Margo 4
to Oxen. Do you copy, over?
Alpha Margo 4 to Oxen. Do you copy?
Base camp here,
We've been trying for hours,
Alpha Margo. Over.
I copy, Oxen.
Sir, my partner was killed
on this mission.
and I'm in critical condition,
I request immediate extraction with EOD.
Define critical, Sergeant. Over.
I stepped on an explosive device, sir.
The same kind that
killed my spotter, over.
Major! Over.
What about the mission, Sergeant? Over.
Failed, sir.
But I need help.
Sir, I need immediate help. Over.
What's your position, Alpha Margo?
I can't say for sure.
The GPS is out of order.
We're about...
4 hours east
of the point of release.
You're still an hour
from the village. Over.
I don't know if you understood
what my current situation is...
I'm stuck with my left
foot on a goddam mine. Over.
Copy, Alpha Margo, I understand
your situation clearly, over.
Great, you get my situation clearly!
So come and get me! Over.
Our choppers can't fly
because of the continuous sandstorms.
So what's the plan? Over.
There's a convoy under fire
near the border
If all goes well, it will be in your
area in about 52 hours, Sergeant.
with all due respect...
If all goes well, I don't know
if I can survive for 52 hours.
Be prepared to report your position
when the time will comes.
We will contact you by radio...
to make sure that you're...
still there,
That's it?
What happened to
"No one left behind"?
Listen to me, Sergeant Stevens,
The type of mines scattered in that area
can remain active for about 40 years...
but ten years after production,
so they say...
about 4% will malfunction.
After 15 years in,
this can be as high as 7%.
Considering the situation,
my personal advice...
if you can't survive
until we come...
try the the Schumann Maneuver.
The Schumann Maneuver, Major? Over.
It's a last resort.
Dig a small trench to shelter
you from the explosion...
then fasten the sole of
your boot to the ground.
You can avoid harm to your major organs
from the shock wave of the blast...
Fuck the Schumann Maneuver!
That's it, huh?
Pardon me, Tom.
I have to change the batteries.
Thanks, my friend.
No water.
No radio.
This is your last stop, Mike.
Come on, Mike.
Show me your hands,
don't take another step!
Do you understand me?
Don't move!
It's a minefield!
Full of mines here!
You find it funny?
Did you put the mines here?
That's why it's so amusing?
Listen, man.
I can't stay stuck here forever.
Why are you stuck?
Thank God, he understands...
Well, listen, I need
water and a radio.
Is your village over that dune?
Why did you stop here?
Not going home...
to your family?
Are you kidding?
My left foot...
is on a mine!
If I move...
Do you get it?
Why is that?
Yes, this is why!
Are you sure?
You see this body?
This is Thomas Madison, my best friend.
And he died because he stepped
on one of your mines!
The mines aren't mine.
Don't worry for your friend...
he's at peace now...
but you're alive.
You have to take the next step now.
My next step...
will be my last.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
since you're here, please,
give me the radio.
Give me the radio, watch, and backpack then.
You just take the radio.
The radio is useless.
There's no music now.
No dancing.
No, you didn't understand, I need to...
You need to take next step.
Where are you going?
And why are you walking like that?
Do you know where the mines are?
Because I have one under my foot!
I'm on a mine,
so there's no next step for me!
Understood, asshole?
You must always keep going.
What an idiot.
Come on, Marine.
This is a simple mission.
This is better than nothing.
Be careful...
Thank you.
Thank you thank you...
Can you tell your father
that I thank you...
very, very much...
and I am very, very grateful?
Look what you have.
a soldier!
Like this.
I have one myself.
Is this yours?
I'm stuck.
I can't move.
Since you're here...
Would you mind
going over there to get that radio?
Right there,
in the bag.
Would you get it for me, please?
Please, get me to the radio.
It's right there.
At least look where I'm pointing.
Get on the radio!
The radio!
No, wait!
Wait, no...
I was not scolding.
Just I am trying to
get the radio...
Your Highness...
This secret message
is your amulet. It will...
be able to protect you from evil forces,
my knight...
Don't worry, ok?
I know you have to leave...
so, go...
defeat your demons as a
knight in shining armor.
without blemish and without fear.
I'm sure it's going to go well...
I know.
But don't take too long.
Win this war and come back to me,
I'll have to find another guy...
A Delta Force type...
or maybe a Ranger.
I love you,
You're a lucky man!
Here we go again.
Look, man...
I'm not in the mood
for your bullshit...
I didn't sleep so well last night.
What's your name?
"Mike" in your language and
"Man who can't take the next step" in mine!
Mike is Michael.
But what would a Berber know.
Mike and Michael.
You called me "Berber"...
but you know what a Berber is?
I know.
He's a guy who won't
get the radio even if you ask him.
I bet that your daughter brought me the
water bottle yesterday without telling you.
In my language...
Berber means free man.
Why aren't you a free man?
Ok. Ok.
You stepped on a mine...
in the end...
but you're a very lucky man.
You step on a mine and it doesn't explode.
You spend the night in the desert and
the animals leave you alone.
You're a very lucky man, Mike and Michael!
Thank you.
Now can we...
Mike and Michael...
Why did you step on the mine?
i didn't know there was a mine...
when I stepped.
I don't know where the mines are,
like you do!
You're wrong, Mike and Michael.
We don't know where the mines are.
I saw you walk around,
going all zig-zag.
You know the paths.
I don't know where the mines are.
If I walk straight into a minefield...
sooner or later,
I'll step on a mine, for sure.
I figured out what your problem is...
you're scared.
Come on, really?
Don't tell me.
No, you don't understand.
No matter where you are now,
it only matters where you want to go.
I just want to go to my house...
to my family.
I only follow my destiny.
It seems that my destiny is still here.
I made my last misstep.
Every day you step
may be your last step.
So what's the difference today?
The difference is that today...
I know that,
even if I was a lucky man...
I have only a 7%
chance of not dying.
So, it was all incredibly
philosophical and everything...
but could you please...
bring me...
my radio?
Thank you.
Ready? No, I'm busy!
Why did you step on the mine?
Because we were marching
toward the village.
Why get to the village?
Because we were lost in the desert.
Why in the desert?
Because that was our mission.
Why mission?
Because we're at war.
And why are you at war?
You want to kill the enemy?
I am a soldier.
And why are you a soldier?
I had no reasons to stay.
I had no more.
Why "no more"?
You still want the radio?
Become a free man!
You must go on.
The wrong path can take you home too.
I won't ever give up.
Stay alive, man!
It'll be fine
It'll all be fine.
Shut up.
You're the one whose gone,
Shut up.
What else could I do?
Where were you when she was sick?
Please, do me a favor
and leave me alone.
Now what do you want?
You disappeared to...
who knows where, all these years...
and now you come back
and you want to talk?
Let's talk.
We're here...
it's a perfect opportunity.
What's up, huh?
Don't you dare mention it!
Don't you dare even say his name!
Who got to you, man?
You're a real disaster.
Let's roll, soldier.
We have to go home.
Or do you think Jenny
will be waiting forever?
Do not worry, my friend.
Not going anywhere.
It's useless.
The train is coming.
We'll call them
when we get the signal.
So you don't need to keep calling them.
You'll just kill the batteries.
Come on, Mike.
Stop it, please.
It's just your imagination.
It's impossible that your phone rings
here, in the middle of the desert.
This can't happen...
and you know it, right?
You don't know shit, Tom!
You know what? It's true.
You never had the balls to tell me
anything about what's eating you.
I'm sorry, Tom.
You have left when you were most needed.
Just like I did with Jenny.
Is not the same thing.
I'm just like him!
No, that's not true.
That's why you'll go back to Jenny.
Because she loves you...
for what you are.
Because she's waiting for you...
and that's why
you have to stay alive.
I have enough ammo for them all!
You're right,
we know the maneuver.
What maneuver?
The maneuver, the Schumann Maneuver!
You're kidding,
it's never going to work!
If animals are attacking
you all at once.
they'll make you fall
and the mine will explode!
Quick, there's no time!
Yes, exactly.
You must attach the sole to the ground.
It should work.
The mine sensor won't sense
the pressure change immediately.
Do you know anyone there who did it?
At least we'll be able to get
a few tenths of a second more!
You may not get out in one piece,
but at least get out alive!
Now, Marine...
That's bullshit!
Go ahead!
Don't stop!
Keep digging!
Dig, Marine, dig!
Mike, do it now.
Do it now!
Your Highness...
I solemnly swear...
to be a brave knight,
and always friendly.
A champion...
in truth and justice.
I solemnly swear...
to be honest...
and good.
I swear...
to protect our Kingdom.
And I swear it all...
in your presence...
my princess.
Now can I have that beer,
Margo 4...
Alpha Margo 4,
This is Oxen.
Do you copy?
Oxen. Oxen, I'm here...
Alpha Margo...
It's me.
It's Mike.
Copy, Alpha Margo 4...
The convoy for the extraction
is on the way.
Echo Bravo 3 is coming in your direction,
The convoy is requesting...
Eco Bravo 3 and is still under fire.
They are delayed.
The new ETA for the extraction
is now 17 hours.
Did you copy that, Sergeant?
You've got to last
another 17 hours, Sergeant.
Can you do it?
I can't.
Sergeant Stevens...
I'd like to mention that
we have someone here.
Given his situation, we decided
to call his...over.
Is it Jenny?
May I please speak with Jenny?
Communication unclear...
Do you copy?
Can you hear me?
Jenny, I'm sorry.
I ruined everything, like always.
But at least this time,
don't say it's okay.
There's no need...
to say that "this is the deal,"
I can't adjust and
I ruin everything.
Because I broke our pact.
I shouldn't have left.
I should have stayed.
I had to make a lot of changes...
but everything I touch falls apart.
All the good things are destroyed.
And that's why I'm here.
I'm a free man but not always a lucky one.
When the mine took my leg...
I thought my life was over.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
I was so afraid in the hospital.
I only thought...
My leg is gone.
I only thought about all the
things I could never do anymore.
There was a radio...
that played music in the hospital.
The singer said...
"You always have to keep going,
you always have to keep going. "
But I didn't listen to the singer.
I only thought of my leg.
My leg was gone.
How everything could
only be bad in my future.
Then, in comes a nurse...
and she smiles...
at me!
So I listen to the song.
"You always have to keep going,
you always have to keep going. "
Maybe this bad thing...
was the only way to get
to something beautiful.
And so I met my wife.
She took care of me.
And our children were born.
My life with only one leg...
it's beautiful.
You understand what I'm saying?
This will make you crazy.
you'll see things...
and then everything will be fine.
I've seen your daughter.
She brought the bottle.
brought you water bottle...
Mike and Michael.
They are wrong to think
they are unlucky...
and a really beautiful little girl.
She has your smile.
I have only 3 sons now.
My little girl was with me...
when the mine exploded...
many years ago.
We gathered mines together...
Selling them to the guerrillas.
Very valuable, those mines.
We were very poor...
and she was very good.
She would take a stick...
and poke it sideways.
She'd find a mine...
and then carefully dig, dig, dig.
She pulled out the mine...
and put old cans.
Metal detectors can't find makeup.
Then, one day...
a mine takes my leg.
I'm not so lucky.
I live..
and her fate came before mine.
But I'm happy...
that the desert makes jokes
and lets you meet her.
I lost so much...
when she stepped on the mine that day...
because I am not
a very lucky man like you.
But I'm a free man.
I moved on.
I always move on.
That's why you always have to keep going.
I always take the next step,
although next step may be difficult...
too big...
and scarey.
You know how not to be afraid?
I have to become...
a free man.
Don't go...
Don't leave me too...
I have some problems,
The guys at work...
I don't think they like me...
I don't know, maybe
you just need to relax.
Tell me, you call this respect?
I'm sorry, I was just trying
to understand the situation,
Tell me, Rose, do you call this respect?
I'm sorry.
I don't. I'll show you, Rose.
I respect you, Bob. You know.
Just don't do that, okay?
Mike's awake.
I don't care who wakes up, you hear?
In my house.
And I deserve respect from you, Rose!
Did you understand?
I get it.
I respect you, Bob.
You know I respect you.
It's like a war out there, you know?
To find the money to feed you!
For you and that kid!
try to...
I don't know, don't drink too much,
maybe he can help...
Shut up, Rose!
Hello, sweetheart.
Hey, Mikey.
I woke you up?
You have something to say, boy?
I get it. Come on, boy!
I'm right here!
You peed in the bed?
You're a baby, remember that.
You wet the bed, Mikey?
Leave him alone, he's a child.
Shut up, Rose!
Get out of this house! Get out!
And you call this respect?
At your age, boy... I was a man.
Don't you dare talk to me
like that in front of Mikey!
Mikey, you don't
have the balls, kid!
No problem, Mikey.
Now I'll show you how to become a man.
You have something to say, boy?
I'm right here!
Come on, boy!
I'm right here!
I'm right here,
Wait a minute, darling.
Why such a hurry? Sit with us
for a bit. What'll it cost you?
I won't bite, you'll see!
It's really the
wrong night for this, okay?
So let's make it the right night!
Come on, dear.
Come on, sit here.
Got something to say?
I feel you.
I feel you.
Come on, boy.
I'm right here.
Hey, Mike! Mike! Mike!
Look at me.
You see, down there at the bottom?
The cavalry is finally coming.
It's a mirage.
I can't go on.
No, Mike.
It's not a mirage.
I'm here, my friend.
It's not a mirage!
We have to tell them that we're here...
or they won't find us.
Alpha Margo 4, Alpha Margo 4...
Echo Bravo 3 coming,
Where, Sergeant Stevens?
Signals your pos...
I'm here!
Alpha Margo 4, we're leaving.
I'm down here!
We can't stay long!
We don't see the Sergeant, where is he?
No, I'm here!
I'm here!
Come on, Mike.
Mike, we have to go.
You have to concentrate.
a small step for mankind...
a big step for a man.
Can you hear me?
You better get moving!
I'm here!
?Why are you getting married.
Do you remember me?
Do you remember?
You're dead.
Tommy died.
Render unto you homage to the crown
and sworn allegiance to our Kingdom.
Your Highness...
I solemnly swear...
to be a brave knight.
Reverent and always polite...
a champion of truth and justice...
and I solemnly swear
to be honest and good.
I swear to protect our Realm.
And I swear it all in your presence...
my princess.
I want it!
What do you want?
I want you to be...
a brave knight.
It remains alive, Mike and Michael.
You have to let me go, Mike,
Don't be afraid if
the suffering stops, honey.
I'm not afraid...
not anymore.
You're a strong guy.
You're honest...
and you're good.
And I know that nothing will
ever be able to stop you.
But you have to let me go.
You have to move on.
Come on, boy.
I'm right here.
Now I can have one beer, please?
It's why you're here, Mike.
Why you're here.
You have to move on.
You always have to go on...
You always have to go on...