Minor Details (2009) Movie Script

[ Indistinct Student Chatter ]
[ Indistinct Student Chatter ]
Mom, It's Okay.
I'm Going To Be Fine.
The School Looks Great.
Oh, My Gosh!
You're Just Saying That
To Make Me Feel Better.
Yeah, But Is It Working?
I'll Write You Every Week,
And I'll Get Straight A's, Okay?
Well, It's Okay
That You Write Me Every Week,
But You Don't Have To Worry
About Those Straight A's.
[ Chuckles ]
But I Will. I Promise.
All Right.
Take A Deep Breath.
Here We Go.
[ Crunch ]
I Wonder Whose Car This Is.
That Would Be Me.
Well, Actually, It's My Dad's
-I Am Really Sorry.
-We Will Pay For The Damage.
I Have My Allowance.
-It's Just A Little Scratch.
-Girl: Ethan! Hey, Ethan!
Girl 2:
Hey, Guys! Wait Up!
Girl 1 :
Don't Look Now.
-Hi, Guys!
-Oh, Emily!
Didn't Hear You.
How Was Your Summer?
I Got Chicken Pox And Poison
[ Dryly ] Well,
Hope You Didn't Scratch.
Wouldn't Want To Get Scars
On That Pretty Little Face Of
You're Trying To Butter Me Up!
No Way!
Go Make Some Friends.
Hey, Ethan.
Hey, Abby.
How Was Your Summer?
It Was Great.
The Cruise Was Awesome.
Cool. You'll Have To Tell Me
All About It.
-Maybe After Class?
Oh, This Is. . .
Um, Paige.
I'm Emily. Principal's Daughter.
I Rule This Place. Right, Ethan?
Of Course You Do, Emily.
Here, Let Me Help You With Your.
Then I Can Show You The Dorms.
-See You Later, Abby.
She's Kind Of Frumpy, Don't You
No, I Think She's Kind Of Cute.
Looks Like Ethan Does, Too.
You Think Every Girl Is Cute.
Boy: So?
This Wind Is Killing My Hair.
Oh, I'm Sorry.
That's Okay.
Um, I'm Looking For Dorm Number
I'm Number 6.
You New?
You Guessed, Huh?
Yeah. You Look Like Me,
I'm Claire.
[ Radio Plays In The Background
[ Spitefully ]
Oh, It's You.
Guess We're Roommates.
And You Are?
I'm Claire. Number 6.
Let Me See.
You're Number 6,
And You're My New Roommate.
I Have The Top Two Drawers,
But You Can Have The Bottom One,
And I Have A Lot Of Things, So
I'm Going To Need More Closet
Is That Okay With You?
See You.
Man: I Feel Your Pain, Mrs.
Saying Good-Bye
Is Always The Hardest Part,
But We'll Take Care Of Sean.
This Is The List Of Foods
My Seanie Is Allergic To.
That's A Long List.
Yes, I Know.
Is It Only Food, Or Are There
Other Things He's Allergic To?
Food, Mold, Plants, You Name It.
Except Animals.
You Don't Know That, Dear.
You've Never Had A Pet.
And You Never Will.
I Played With The Neighbor's Do.
If He Eats Anything On This Lis,
He'll Have A. . . Reaction.
What Kind Of. . . A Reaction?
It Will Be One Of Three Things:
Hives, Hurling, Or Hacking.
You'll Have Exactly One Minute
To Stick This In Him,
Or Else We're In Deep Trouble.
Don't Worry, It Doesn't Hurt. .
. . .Much.
[ Music Plays Via Headphones ]
[ Knock On The Door ]
[ Gasps ]
You Nearly Scared Me To Death!
-Sorry, I Knocked.
-My Fault. Didn't Hear You.
Guess We're Roommates.
Actually, You're In The Wrong
This Is 6, And You've Got
Number 9.
It's Down The Hall About Three .
That's Abby's Room.
I Can Introduce You If You Want.
We've Been Introduced.
I Don't Think Abby Likes Me.
Besides, There's Another Girl
In There.
Really? Abby? That's Weird.
She's Usually Pretty Friendly.
Okay, Then.
We'll Be Roommates.
So Glad I Don't Have
Princess Riley Again.
Princess Riley?
I Knew This Place Was Fancy,
But I Didn't Know
A Princess Was Enrolled Here.
Oh, She's Only A Princess
In Her Own Mind.
Do You Get This?
[ Sighs ]
Anyway, We're Never
Going To Need This Stuff,
And We're Famous Models,
So Who Cares?
My Dad, That's Who.
If I Don't Get An A In This
He Won't Pay
For That Model Camp Next Summer.
He Says He's Broke.
Parents Always Say Stuff Like
I Know.
But The Other Day I Heard My Pas
Talking About His Job.
He's Not Doing So Good.
He'll Get The Money,
And Then We'll Be Famous.
Holly Jackson And Mia Maxwell,
Both: Love It!
[ Small Explosion ]
Oh, Too Much Sulfur, Girls.
Now It's Going To Smell Like Soe
Left A Hundred Eggs In A Trunk
During The Summer.
[ Laughter ]
Abby: Don't Get Any Of That Stuf
On My Jacket. It's New.
That's Why We Wear These.
I'd Rather Die.
Hey, Check Out That Skirt
Mia's Wearing.
I Have To Find Out Where She
Got That.
[ Paige Giggles ]
This Is Gonna Be A Very Long
I'm Gonna Scream!
What Now?
She Thinks She Knows Everything!
-And You Know What?
She Doesn't. That's What.
What Did She Do Now?
She Joined The Soccer Team.
I'm On The Soccer Team.
What's Wrong With That?
Only Everything!
She Doesn't Even Know
How To Play Soccer.
She Even Asked Me
Why The Ball Was Black And
Abby: She's Trying
To Join Every Club In The
Who's She Trying To Impress?
What Is Her Problem?!
Maybe She Just Wants
To Be Good At Everything.
[ Scoffs ]
Well, She Can't Be.
You're Welcome.
[ Sighs ]
Please Tell Me
She's Not Coming This Way.
Abb Y:
She's Not, Is She?
She Is, Isn't She?
-No, Don't Tell Me.
-Abby, Relax!
-It's Going To Be Okay.
-Easy For You To Say!
You Don't Have To Teach Her
How To Dribble!
[ Sighs ]
Did You Drop Something?
Um, No. I'm Fine.
Um, Just Like To Make Sure
The Cafeteria Floors Are Clean.
We Don't Want Anyone Getting Si,
Do We?
Soap Opera Actor:
^Imy Darling...
^I...My Little Flower.
^Ihow L Love You!
^Ihow L Long For Your Embrace!
It Was Ragweed.
-Actor: "Lt Is My Fault!"
-Take These.
If You Don't Feel Better,
Then Come Back.
After 4:00.
All Of Them?
No. Just The Green Ones.
[ Distractedly ]
Don't Mention It.
Ew! I Think You Actually
Touched Me!
I'm Sorry.
[ Sneezes ]
It's The Ragweed.
You're The Only Weed Around
-Hey, You Okay, Sean?
Fine, Thanks.
Why Do You Have To Be So Mean?
[ Scoffs ]
Because It's Fun.
[ Cell Phone Rings ]
Hey, Mom.
He Did What?
[ Scoffs ]
No Way. Is He All Right?
And It Worked?
Oh, Oh, Okay. That's Enough. Yu.
Too Much Information.
Get Some Of Those Childproof
I Don't Know.
Maybe A Cage To Stuff Him In.
[ School Bell Rings ]
Of Course I Care.
Well, I Gotta Go. Bye, Mom.
What Happened?
Little Brothers. Spare Me!
-What Did He Do?
-Yeah. What Did He Do?
Is There An Echo In Here?
Uh, Must Be.
[ Crickets Chirp ]
Dribbles, Dribbles, Left, Right!
[ Laughter ]
That's Not Good.
-You Need Some Help?
-Yeah, Sure. Thanks.
Oscar Is Going To Kill Me.
[ School Bell Rings ]
Paige: Come On. We're Going
To Be Late For Soccer Practice.
[ Whistle Blows ]
All Right, Girls.
Our First Game Is In Two Weeks,
And I Want Everybody In Shape.
And You Know What That Means:
Eating Healthy,
Getting Plenty Of Sleep,
And Most Important,
Drinking Lots Of Water, Okay?
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
[ Blows Whistle ]
[ Blows Whistle ]
-Thank You, Emily.
-You're Welcome.
Okay. Make Sure You Stretch
Those Muscles In Your Legs
And Then Go Twice Around The
And I'm Going To Watch For The S
That Give 1 00 Percent.
Those Will Be The Girls
That Make First String.
Let's Go. Go!
Bend Your Legs, Stretch Them,
And Be Happy!
I Hope I Make First String.
Me Too.
The Only String You'll Need Is A
String To Keep Up Those Ratty
Give Me The Ball!
Over Here!
Do You Mind?!
I'm Sorry.
You Should Be.
[ Sighs ]
Way To Go, Mia.
You're Being Just As Mean
As Mia Is.
I Am Not.
Can You At Least Try To Be Nice?
Even If It's Only On The
-I'll Try.
Mm-Hmm. Mm-Hmm.
Very Nice.
Whoa, Whoa! Fruit? That's It?
Fruit Makes Me Hurl.
-Nice Visual, Emily.
-I Thought So.
How About Some Fried Chicken?
Next Week, Okay?
I'm Trying Out For Head Cheerler
This Afternoon.
No More Junk Food.
I Need Lots Of Energy.
Are You Calling My Food Junk?
Just The Fried Stuff.
I Adore Your Food.
You Know I Do.
You're Forgiven.
[ Snaps Fingers ]
Move It Out!
Come Sit With Us, Paige.
Can I Sit With You Guys?
Sorry, We're Talking About Girl
But I'm A Girl.
Yeah, But You're A Little Girl.
I May Be Little,
But I've Got A Big Mouth.
Health Food?
Gag Me.
Do You Want To Get Some Snacks
From The Vending Machines?
I Do! I Do! I Do!
Not Happening!
I'm Gonna Go Tell The Principal!
Sorry. I'm Broke.
My Dad Put A Stop Payment
On My Allowance.
No Worries.
Look What I've Got.
We Can Get Whatever We Want
Whenever We Want.
Where'd You Get That?
-That's For Me To Know.
-Isn't That Stealing?
You're Such A Goody-Goody!
Taylor, Do You Want To Go Work
On Your Cheer Routine After
Okay. Thanks.
You Are Trying Out?
Uh-Huh. Why?
Just Wondering.
You Know I'm Going To Be Head Cr
Again, Just Like Always, Right?
[ Scoffs ]
Don't Listen To Her.
You'll Make It.
I Hope So.
Don't You Ever Get Tired Of
No. Not Really.
Do You Like This One,
Or Do You Like This One?
Mm, That One.
Remember This Morning
When Brad Knocked All That Stuff
Onto The Floor?
Now, Where Are
Those Dark Purple Shoes?
I Found This.
I Think It Was On The Bulletin
So? It Is A Bulletin Board, You
But Read It.
''Cheerleaders Are Ick,
And They're Going To Get Sick.
Signed, A Friend.''
What Does It Mean?
What Do You Mean,
''What Does It Mean''?
It's Just A Dumb Note.
So, You Don't Think It's Real?
Claire, You Read
Too Many Mystery Stories.
It's Probably Just Emily.
She Loves To Pull Pranks
On Everybody.
She's Annoying,
But She's Completely Harmless.
Nice Job, Girls!
Very Nice!
Are You Okay, Coach Hallows?
Me? I'm Fine. Why?
Never Mind.
Yeah, Just. . .
''Go Danforth''!
Hey, Um, Taylor,
I Can Tell You've Been Working
On Your Routine.
-Coach: Keep It Up! Keep It Up!
-Taylor: Okay, Thanks. I Will.
[ Mocking ] ''Okay, Coach Hallo.
Whatever You Say, Coach
Coach Really Likes You, Taylor.
Really? You Think So?
Yeah. I Saw Her Watching You A
How Can You Tell Who She's Watc?
She's Half Blind.
Anyway, She Always Feels Sorry
For The Underdog.
-Woof, Woof!
-You're Just Jealous.
[ Scoffs ]
Oh, Please!
You Do Know My Father
Made A Sizable Donation
To The Academy This Year,
Don't You?
Coach Hallows Is Going To Pick
The Best Girl For Head
The One Who Works The Hardest.
[ Both Laugh Sarcastically ]
Some People Are So Na.I.Ve.
Don't Listen To Them. Come On.
Let's Go.
[ Squeaks ]
A Clean Kitchen Is A Happy
Yes, Sergeant.
How Did That Routine Go Again?
I Don't Know.
I Totally Messed Up That Cheer.
So, How Did Tryouts Go?
Okay, I Guess.
I Am Going To Totally Blame Youf
Riley Makes Head Cheerleader
It's Hard Enough Passing Her
In The Hallway
With Her Head As Big As It Is.
I'll Try My Best.
Hey, Why The Kitchen Duty?
What Gross And Infantile Thing
Did You Do This Time?
You Don't Want To Know.
Trust Me.
Oh, I Totally Messed Up
On My Routine.
You Did Okay. Really.
Yeah. I'm Sure The Coach
Didn't Even Notice When You. .
. Fell.
Do You Really Think So?
Yeah. They Were Much Too Busy
Watching Riley's Cradle Catch
To See What The Rest Of Us
Were Doing.
That Was Amazing.
I Know. I Saw It.
Maybe Riley
Won't Make It This Year.
You Never Know.
Miracles Do Happen.
Only In Movies.
Are You Okay, Vanessa?
Oh, I Don't Feel So Good.
I Think I'm Gonna. . .
Hey, Wait For Me!
Nice Try Today, Taylor,
But Not Quite Good Enough, I
Not Even Close.
Oh, But Don't Worry.
My Parents Are Thinking
Of Sending Me To Eastridge Next
So Maybe Then.
Is This Room Swaying?
Oh. . .
Hey! You Look Pretty Bad.
Nurse Betty: Here, Take This.
No! No! No, Not On The Floor!
Here You Go.
Take Some Of These.
[ Girls Moan ]
I Need Help! Somebody! Stat!
Oh! Burn.
Nurse Betty:
^Il Need Help In Here! Help!
That Sounds Interesting.
Nurse Betty:
^Ihello? Somebody!
Should We?
I Think We Should.
Nurse Betty: You Poor Thing.
All In Your Hair.
-This Is Freaky.
-What Are You Talking About?
Remember, The Note About All
The Cheerleaders Getting Sick?
Claire, It's Just A Coincidence.
Don't Just Stand There!
Go Get Oscar!
[ Romantic Music
Plays Via Headphones ]
You Know It's Real, Baby.
[ Switches Music To Jazz Fusion
What Y'all Want?
-We Need A Mop.
-And A Bucket.
What For?
Lots Of Kids Are Sick.
After Hours, Though.
Not My Job.
Nurse Betty Sent Us To Get You.
[ Switches Back To Romantic
Track ]
Where's Oscar?
He Said It Was After Hours.
If I Have To Work Overtime,
So Does He!
I'll Be Right Back.
After Hours!
I'll Show Him After Hours!
I'm Missing The Season Premiere
Of My Favorite Show!
Nurse Betty:
Let's Go, Emily!
I'm On It!
[ Nurse Betty Grunts ]
[ Tv Show Plays In The
Background ]
You Look Really Bad.
So I've Been Told.
We Need To Talk To You. Now.
-Both: Now.
[ Taylor Groans ]
Here. Look At This.
Where Did You Get It?
We Found It On The Bulletin Boa.
We Thought It Was Some Kind Of
Emily Pulling A Prank Or
-Maybe It's A Coincidence.
-That's What I Said.
Paige: Or Maybe Some Type
Of Food Poisoning.
No. Think About It.
We All Ate Dinner In The Cafete,
And Only The Cheerleaders Got
[ Groans ]
I'm Still Not Feeling So Good,
So If You Guys Wouldn't Mind.
Claire: Hope You Feel Better.
See You, Paige.
[ Taylor Gags ]
[ Telephone Rings ]
Hello. Danforth Academy.
It's For You.
[ Chuckles ]
Hello. Danforth Academy.
Principal Littman Speaking.
Yes, There Was Some Sort Of Bug,
But No Need To Worry.
Everyone Is Back To Normal
Uh. . .
Yes, Yes, Of Course.
No Food Poisoning.
No, Absolutely Not.
Okay. Okay.
Thank You. Bye-Bye.
[ Telephone Rings ]
Hello. Danforth Academy.
This Is Principal Littman
No, Everyone Is Just Fine Today.
I Will! Thank You.
Okay. Bye-Bye.
[ Telephone Rings ]
[ Telephone Rings ]
[ Sighs ]
I'm Telling You, It's Just A
I've Got A Feeling
This Isn't Over Yet.
And I've Got A Feeling. . .
. . .That I'm Ready To Greet
The Day.
Ready, Okay?
Chanting In Unison:
We Are Danforth!
Red, Black, And Blue!
We Are Danforth!
Red, Black, And Blue!
Last Time!
All: We Are Danforth!
Red, Black, And Blue!
[ All Cheer ]
Riley Is So Good.
Oh. . .
She Has A Private Coach.
What's Wrong With Coach Hallows?
[ Scoffs ]
No Comment.
Good Job!
Riley. . . I Like It!
Good. I'm Glad.
Couldn't Have Done It Without
Oh, Really?
Of Course. I Mean, Without Yourp
I Wouldn't Have Been So Great.
-Thank You.
-That Was Awesome!
Thank You.
-Guys, That Was Really Cool.
-Riley: Thank You.
You Mind Showing Me How To Do
-Oh, Yeah.
-Sure, Yeah. Totally.
So, Looks Like She's Going To Be
Head Cheerleader Again.
Vanessa. . .
-Sorry, I--
-That's Okay.
Uh, Salt.
So, How's The Future
Miss Head Cheerleader?
[ Sergeant Grunts ]
Sorry, But. . .
. . .She's The Girl.
It'll Be All Right.
Don't You Give Up.
What's Up?
It's Over. I Know It.
Look At Riley's Face.
She Knows It, Too.
All Right. Very Good Job, Girls.
Hydrate, Hydrate!
Emily: Very Good.
Hydrate, Hydrate!
[ Blows Whistle ]
All Right. Very Good.
Come On In. Come On In.
Gather Round.
Good, Good.
Very Impressive Today, Girls.
I'm Very Proud Of You.
And, Paige, You Did
A Very Wonderful Job.
You Keep That Up,
You'll Make First String In No
Where Did You Learn
To Dribble Like That?
From Watching Me, Of Course.
He's Right.
You Did Awesome Today.
How Many Goals Did You Score?
-I Lost Count.
-It Was Five.
[ Giggles ]
Is That To Your Mom?
Yes, And It's Private.
Oh. Sorry.
Hey, Tell Her Thanks
For The Care Package.
That Was Really Nice.
She Sent You A Care Package?!
What Was In It?
Cookies, Candy And Stuff.
No Fair.
Why Did She Send You One?
Because He Didn't Freak Out
When I Scratched His Car.
So, What's So Interesting?
It's A Book
About Unsolved Mysteries.
Like Aliens And Ufos And Stuff?
No. Like Alfred Hitchcock.
^Ithe Birds... Rear Window...
-You Like Hitchcock?
-Doesn't Everyone?
Oh, Yeah, And When
He Sang ''Imagine''. . .
-I Know, It Was So Good.
-It Was So Good.
-Did You Like The First One?
-I Thought The First One--
Don't Look Now!
I Said, ''Don't Look''!
I Knew She Liked Him.
Looks Like The Feeling's Mutual.
-Same With Brad.
Let's Just Get Out Of Here.
I Mean, I Have To Go Wash Lab Ds
For Professor Plume Anyway.
Do You Want To Come Help Me?
Do I Have A Choice?
Not Really.
What Are You Guys Doing?
Abby, You're Getting
Your Clothes All Dirty.
That's So Not You.
[ Sighs ]
You're Going To Need This.
You Need Any Help?
If We All Work Together,
We Can Get It Done A Lot Faster.
Besides, I Need The Volunteer Hs
For Extra Credit.
Claire, Will You Go Pick Up
Some Dirty Dishes?
All Right.
All Right, Class! Come To Order!
Yes, Sir, Professor!
Stop It!
''If You Play Soccer,
You'd Better Beware.
It's Your Turn To Hurl.''
That Doesn't Even Rhyme.
[ Beep ]
For Evidence.
Why Are You Gathered
Around My Desk?
We're Just Cleaning It Up For
You Know How You Love
A Clean Desk.
Uh, Good.
And Clean The Floor, Would You,,
And Put The Peanuts In The
I'll Eat Them Later.
What Looks Healthy?
It's A Snack Machine, Paige.
I Know.
I'm Just Worried That The Food
In The Cafeteria Is
And I Don't Want To Take That
Y'all Better Clean Up This
But We Didn't Make This Mess.
I Don't Care. Pick It Up.
It's Not My Job
To Clean Up After Y'all.
So, What "Is" His Job?
[ Both Laugh ]
Coach: All Right. Keep On Kicki!
Kick It High!
Oh, Good, Good!
Run, Run, Run! Come On!
Use Those Leg Muscles Of Yours.
I Hope You Stretched Them.
Good. Kick It.
Good. Keep On Running.
Run Around In A Circle.
Get The Ball Into The Goal.
That Is The Purpose Of Soccer.
[ Girl Moans ]
Coach: Come On, Come On!
Good, Get The Ball Back In!
[ More Girls Moan ]
Coach: No, No, No.
Why Are You Stopping?
Why Are You Stopping?
Did You Not Drink Water?
Come On. I Can Bring Water To
[ Vomits ]
You Keep That In Your Bag?
Yeah. After The Cheerleaders Go.
Want Some?
No, Thanks.
Not After Your Lips Have Been
On It.
-You Really Should Take It, Abb.
Suit Yourself.
Paige: That Stuff Really Works.
I Don't Feel Sick Anymore.
I Officially Call This Meeting
To Order.
Don't. . . Please. My Head Stil.
It's Not A Gavel.
Doesn't Matter.
Okay, Here's What We Know:
We Have Two Notes
Targeting Two Different Groups,
And Everybody Gets Sick.
Tell Us Something We Don't Know.
You Know, I Don't Feel So Good.
I'm Gonna Go Back To My Room.
Why Are You Being So Rude?
I'm Not.
Yeah, You Are.
Okay. Sorry.
Don't Tell Us. Tell Paige.
[ Clears Throat ]
Abby: Paige. . .
Look, I'm Really Sorry.
You Were Right, And I Was. . .
I Was Wrong.
Something's Up,
And If We Work Together,
We Can Figure Out Who's Doing
And If You And Ethan Are A Coup,
Then I Can Deal With It.
You And Ethan.
We Saw You And Claire Under
The Tree Today With Brad And
Ethan Was Just Being Friendly.
Wait, So You And Ethan
And Brad And Claire Aren't. . .?
Well. . .
No, I'm Just Kidding.
Anyways, I Think He Likes You.
You Do?
Why Do You Think That?
Wouldn't You Like To Know!
[ Gasps ]
Yeah! Tell Me!
[ Paige Laughs ]
Paige! Come On!
Stop! Tell Me! Please?
Wait! Paige, You Have To Tell
Tell You What?
So, You Guys Are Good?
[ Sighs ]
Okay, Let's Get Back To
Somebody's Making Everybody
And We Have To Figure Out Who,
Why, And How They're Doing It.
Whoever's Doing This
Is Doing It For A Reason.
They're Getting Something Out
Of It.
It's Not Just Random.
What Does Anybody Have To Gain
By Making Everybody Sick?
I Don't Know. . . Yet.
Let's List The Possible Suspects
And Their Motives.
You First.
[ Sighs ]
Sean? Our Cute, Nerdy Sean?
-No Way.
Come On. Think About It.
It Makes Sense.
He's Always Getting Sick,
And Everyone's Always
Making Fun Of Him For It.
Maybe He Just Wants
To Even The Score,
Show Everyone Else How It Feels.
Okay, Sean.
Motive, Equality.
What About Ethan?
It's Not Ethan.
Why Not?
It Just Isn't. That's Why.
What About Brad?
He Didn't Get Sick.
-It's Not Brad.
-Why Not?
It Just Isn't. That's Why.
Okay. Not Brad.
Emily Littman?
Yeah. She's Always Wanting
To Be With The Older Kids.
And She's The Queen Of Pranks.
Sean, Emily. . .
Anybody Else?
Professor Plume?
No Way!
That Last Note Was
On His Whiteboard.
And He Always Freaks Out
If We Have To Leave The Class
For Any Club Activities.
Last Year When We Had
The State Soccer Finals,
He Gave Me A D Because
I Turned In My Assignment Late.
Was It My Fault That My Team Ned
Me To Help Win The Championship?
Yeah, You're Right.
He Has Motive And Opportunity.
He Could Easily Come Up
With Some Nasty Potion
To Make The Whole School Sick.
Uh, Nurse Betty?
Are You Kidding?
She Was So Tired Last Night,
I Had To Program All Of Her Shos
On Dvr.
It Took Me Hours.
Okay. Sean, Emily, Plume. . .
Anybody Else?
What About Riley Or Mia?
They're Nasty Enough
To Do Something Like This.
No. They Got Sick, Too,
And They Barfed
All Over Their New Outfits.
They Were Devastated.
I Would Be, Too.
Okay. Let's Start
At The Top Of The List.
Tomorrow, Sean's Room.
[ School Bell Rings ]
[ School Bell Rings ]
All Right.
Where Are The Students?
Where Are The Students?
[ Coins Clink ]
This Is Ridiculous!
I've Been Waiting In This Line
A Half Hour.
There'd Better Be Something Left
When We Get To The Machine.
Someone Is Making A Lot Of Money
Off Of These Machines.
I'm Broke. You Want To Loan Me
A Dollar? Or Two?
Sorry. I Only Have A Dollar,
And I'm Starving To Death.
I Have A Dollar You Can Use.
Thank You.
It's A Loan. That Means
You Pay It Back With Interest.
What Kind Of Interest?
I'll Think Of Something.
Okay, Here's The Plan.
Claire, You Keep Sean Occupied
While We Search His Room.
Why Me?
Because You Two Have So Much
In Common.
You Love Books,
And He Loves Books.
You Love. . . Books,
And He Loves Books.
Okay, Okay, I Get It.
I'm A Nerd.
No. She Didn't Mean It Like Tha.
But Isn't Searching His Room
A Violation
Of His First Amendment Rights?
Making People Puke Their Guts Ot
Has To Be A Violation Of
So It Has To Be Done.
All Right. I'll Text Abby's Phoe
Once It's All Clear. Okay?
Hey, Sean, Look What My Mom
Sent Me In The Mail Today.
Wow! Can I Borrow This
When You're Done With It?
Well, I Was Thinking,
How About We Read It Together,
Sort Of Like A Book Club.
You Know, You Read The First Ch,
And Then Give It To Me,
And I Read It And So On,
And Then We Can Compare Notes.
That Would Be Awesome!
When Can We Start?
Uh, How About Right Now?
I Just Have To Go And Text My Mm
And Tell Her Thank You,
So You Just Stay Right Here,
Don't Move,
And I'll Be Back In A Minute.
[ Cell Phone Vibrates ]
All Clear.
Smell These.
Okay, Anything In Here,
Besides Socks,
That Could Make Somebody Sick?
No. These All Look Safe.
We're Never Going To Find
Anything In Here.
[ Noises Outside ]
Someone's Coming.
Calamine! I Need Calamine!
We've Got To Get Out Of Here.
Did You Guys See That Stuff
All Over His Face?
It Was So Gross.
Question. . .
Why Are You In My Room?
Uh, Answer. . .
Room Inspection!
Oh, Dust.
Dirty Laundry.
Those Are Prescriptions.
Sure, Sure.
All Right. We'll Let It Go This,
But You've Been Warned.
Random Room Inspections
Are Imminent And Increasing
Our Work Here Is Done.
[ Whispering ]
Breathe, Baby, Breathe!
Abby, Taylor, Paige, Detention.
I Thought You Said You Were
Going To Keep Sean Occupied.
He Found Us In His Room.
I Am So Sorry.
By The Way, What Did You Do To ?
He Was Covered In Hives.
Claire: Right After I Texted Yo,
I Turned Around, And He Was
Maybe He Had A Reaction
To Some Plant Or Something.
I Ran Inside To Tell You,
But Principal Littman
Pulled Me In Her Office.
She's Freaking Out
About All This Sickness.
She's Getting Tons Of Phone Cals
From Concerned Parents.
Some Of Them Are Going To
Pull Their Kids Out Of School.
Maybe We Should Tell Her
About The Notes.
No, Not Yet.
Let's Try And Solve This On Our
What If She Figures Out We Knew
Something And Didn't Tell Her?
She'd Be Really Mad.
Maybe She Would Expel Us.
No Way.
Our Parents Spend A Fortune
On This School.
I Mean, We Basically Pay Her
Don't Worry.
Let's Wait A Couple Of Days,
And If We Don't Find Out Who It,
Then We'll Tell Her.
So, Did You Guys Find Anything?
Just Some Dirty Socks.
What If We Get Caught?
Claire: It's An Emergency.
I'm Starving.
Abby: I'm Not Eating Anything
From The School.
The Coast Is Clear.
Aren't You On A Fresh-Fruit
That Was Then. This Is Now.
I'm So Hungry,
I Could Eat A Whole Cow.
Lucky They Don't
Serve A Whole Cow Here.
-Come On. I'm Starving.
-Me Too.
What's That. . .?
Guys, Get Down!
What's Wrong?
I Think Someone's Following Us.
Not So Loud!
What Are You Talking About?
If Someone Is Following Us,
We're Going To Find Out Who And
Come On.
Wait! What If They're Dangerous?
Somehow, I Don't Think So.
No Way.
Claire: Brad?
Why Were You Guys Following Us?
Because You're Acting
All Suspicious.
We Just Wanted Some Good Food.
What's Wrong With That?
You Raided My Room. Why?
Room Inspection.
You Think I Fell For That?
I'm Not A Complete Moron.
Maybe We Should Tell Them.
Tell Us What?
Okay, But We
Have To Swear You To Secrecy.
That Means You Won't Tell
No, Really?
Someone's Trying
To Make All The Students Sick.
We Found These Notes.
No Way.
But It's Not Me.
Yeah, We Know That. . . Now.
So What Are We Gonna Do?
We Are Going To Figure Out
Who's Doing This.
You Guys Could Help
By Not Following Us
And Letting Us Do Our Own Thing.
And Not Interfering
And By Not Saying A Word
About These Notes To Anyone.
Got It, Brad?
Me? Yeah.
Yeah, Whatever.
Okay. Let's Eat.
Oh, And, Sean,
You Might Want To Try Fragrancee
Calamine Lotion From Now On.
We Could Smell You A Mile Away.
Man, I Told You That Stuff
Do You Think The Boys Will Tell?
They Better Not.
If Anyone Finds Out That Someons
Making Everyone Sick,
The Whole School Will Freak Out.
[ Sighs ]
Are You Sure
We Should Be Doing This?
If You Don't Want To,
It's No Skin Off My Nose.
Dang, This Machine
Is Almost Out Of Squiggles,
And I Love Squiggles.
Me Too.
Here, Put These In Your Bag
Until After Drama Class.
There's No Way I Can Give My
Monologue With Those In My
[ Laughs ]
Girl 1 :
Check This Out.
Girl 2: Oh, My Gosh!
Who Do You Think Put It Here?
What Is It?
Read It. It's Freaky.
''Don't Want To Barf?
Stay Away From The Carf.''
Kind Of Sounds Like
Oh, My Gosh.
Do You Really Think
Someone's Trying To Poison Our
Looks Like It.
But Why?
Check It Out, Guys.
Wasn't A Virus After All.
Someone's Deliberately
Trying To Poison Our Food.
Let Me See That.
Hey, What's Going On?
Mia: A Note's Been Put
By The Drama-Room Door.
What'd It Say?
Someone's Poisoning
The Cafeteria Food.
They're Trying To Make Everyone
Who Would Do Something Like
A Real Jerk, That's Who.
You Know, I Bet It Was
One Of Emily's Pranks.
Yeah. That's It.
Why Are You Looking So Guilty,
Me? I'm Not.
Hey, Aren't You One Of The Only
Students Who Didn't Get Sick?
So? I Have A Strong Stomach
I Get It From My Grandpa's Side
Of The Family.
Are You Trying To Pin
The Blame On Me?
For All We Know,
You Put The Note Up.
I Got Sick, Remember?
And I Helped Nurse Betty
With The Other Sick Kids,
And I Helped Her Mop Up Her
Yeah, Brad.
I Didn't Do It. Honest.
[ School Bell Rings ]
Excuse Me, Please.
I Need To See That Note.
Do You Really Think
Someone's Trying To Poison Us?
I'm Going To Call My Parents.
I Want To Go Home.
This Is Just Somebody's Idea
Of A Little Joke.
We Have A Virus Going Around,
And That's All.
Now, Off To Class,
And Get Rid Of That.
For Evidence.
This Is The Last Time
I'm Helping You With The Lab
It's Really Gross, I Know.
I'm Sorry.
But I Really Need The Extra
I'm Worried About
My Last Homework Assignment,
But I'll Make It Up To You, I
Professor Plume:
I'm Still Working On It.
Just Another Day Or So, And
My Mission Will Be Accomplished.
The Students?
Oh, No.
They Don't Suspect A Thing.
Why Would They?
About Certain Things
They Can Be A Bit Clueless.
[ Door Squeaks ]
Oh! I'll Call You Back!
Why Were You Listening
To My Conversation?
Oh. We Weren't. We Just Came In
To Clean Lab Dishes.
Professor Plume:
Did You Hear Anything That I
Please Live.
He's Watching Us.
I Know.
He Knows We Know.
I Know.
You Know, I Never Thought I'd
Say It,
But I'm Actually Getting Reallyk
Of Candy Bars.
Not Me.
I Could Eat Them Forever.
It's Professor Plume,
Just Like We Thought It Was!
Yeah! And He Knows We Know.
We Heard Him Talking On His Phoe
About Some Big Plans
And How None Of The Students
And How In A Few Days
His Mission Would Be
What Mission?
I Don't Know, But You Should
Have Seen The Look On His Face.
It Was Evil.
So, What Are We Going To Do?
There's Only One Thing We Can
What's That?
We'll Tell Him That The Gig Is
And We'll Call The Police
If He Doesn't Confess.
Yeah, And Then He'll Murder Us
And Turn Us Into That Green Glop
He Has In His Classroom.
What If That Green Glop
Is The Juice Of Former Students?
Oh, Gross!
All Right, We Have Two Choices:
We Tell The Principal,
Or We Confront Plume.
She'll Never Believe Us.
Okay, Then, We'll Confront
After Chemistry, Agreed?
Agreed. But You Guys
Are Doing The Talking.
Yes, Sir.
I Am Pleased To Announce
That You Are The Only Student
Who Received An A On Last Week's
Homework Assignment.
Thank You, Professor Plume.
I Tried Really Hard
On That Homework Assignment.
I'm Dead Meat.
How Did You Get An A?
I Pulled A Few Strings.
What Kind Of Strings?
Ew! George?
Professor Plume:
Put Your Books Away, Please.
Please Be Ready
For An Announcement,
A Very Important Announcement.
I Had Hoped To Keep My Plans
Secret For A Little While
But I'm Afraid
That's Now No Longer Possible.
Now, With The Permission
Of Principal Littman,
I Have Submitted A Number Of Nas
From The Students In This Class
To Compete
In The National Science Fair,
And I Am Pleased To Announce Tht
Those Students Have Been
Sean, Ethan, And Vanessa,
George, Riley, And Paige.
I Thought You Said
You Were Doing Bad In This
Extra Credit Never Hurts.
Nurse Betty, On Intercom:
^Ino! Not Again! Not Again!
[ Moans ]
Girl: I Can't Drink This.
It Hurts My Stomach Too Much.
I Think I'm Going To Die.
You Think You're Going To Die?
I Know I Am.
Nurse Betty, I Need More Pepto.
We're All Out.
But I Need It Bad.
I Sent Oscar Out To Get Some.
Like That's Going To Help.
Yeah, Last Time
You Sent Oscar Out,
He Didn't Come Back For Days.
Then When He Finally
Did Come Back,
He Had Forgotten
What You Had Sent Him Out For.
I Want My Mom.
Me Too.
Me Three.
Me. . . Four!
[ School Bell Rings ]
We've Been In This Line
For A Long Time.
Did You Hear The News
That The Cafeteria's Poisoned?
Let's Go.
We Are Leaving Right Now.
There Is No Way I'm Keeping You
In This School.
[ Students Hurling ]
Ten Students Left Danforth
This Morning.
Principal Littman Is Freaking
My Mom Wants To Pull Me Out,
She Can't Do That!
I Won't Let Her.
How Sweet!
If You Leave,
I Won't Have Anyone To Pick On!
-Take It Back!
-Okay! Okay!
I Still Think It's Sean.
It's Not Sean.
Okay, Okay. It's Not Sean.
Who's Next?
Both: Emily.
Wow. This Is Not What I
You Just Never Really Know A Pen
Until You Break Into Their Room.
Well, Except For Sean.
Yeah, That Was Exactly
What We Expected.
Let's Do This.
Can't Find Anything.
Taylor: Me Neither.
I Wish Our Rooms Were This Nice.
What Are You Guys Doing?
This Is My Room.
And You're Looking In My Room.
No Way! You Think It's Me?
I Can't Believe It!
You Actually Think
I'd Do Something Like That?
Remember The Time
You Put Flour And Sugar In My
And The Ants In My Bed?
Paige: And The Molasses
In My Conditioner Bottle?
That Was You?
Yeah. Sorry About That, But
I'm Not Trying To Make Anyone
Raise Your Right Hand.
Do You Solemnly Promise
That You Are Totally Innocent?
Uh, Let's Rephrase That.
Do You Solemnly Promise
That You Didn't Write That Note?
I Solemnly Promise!
I Believe Her.
You Do?
Yeah. For One Thing,
I Don't Think You're Smart Enouh
To Pull Off Something This Big.
Yes, I Am!
And Another, I Don't Think Evenu
Would Do Something This Low.
Yes, I. . .
No. I Really Wouldn't.
To Say Sorry For Suspecting You,
You Can Sit At Our Table For
One Week.
I Mean, Once We Figure Out Who's
Contaminating The Cafeteria
Two Weeks.
Don't Push It.
''Fly Fishing,
My First Kiss, And Cabbage.
Which Is The Most Graceful?''
[ Thud ]
Paige: Who Threw It?
Can You See Anybody?
There's Nobody Out Here.
What Does It Say?
''Stop Looking For Clues,
Or You'll Be Singing The
Let Me See It.
That's Freaky.
That Means Somebody
Knows About Us.
But The Only Other People Who Kw
About The Notes Besides Us Are--
Ethan, Brad, And Sean.
So, You Guys Think It's Them?
They're The Ones Putting Up Thes
And Making Everybody Sick?
Who Else Could It Be?
Everyone Thinks
It's Salmonella Or Something.
Maybe It's A Copycat Crime.
Or It Was Them All Along.
And They're Just Trying
To Scare Us Off.
It Wasn't Ethan!
I Won't Believe It!
There's Only One Way
To Know For Sure.
We Have To Watch Their Every Moe
And Never Let Them Out Of Our
I Can Do That.
Why Do We Always Get Water Duty?
I Guess We're Not The Coach's
That's Because Paige And Abby
Coach: All Right. Good Job, Gir.
Come On! Go, Go, Go, Go, Go!
Kick The Ball Higher!
[ Blows Whistle ]
Nice Shot, Janice!
[ Cheering ]
Good Job. Good Job.
Moving The Ball,
Getting It In The Goal.
That's Very Nice, Janice.
You've Just Accomplished
The Purpose Of Soccer.
Everyone Knows.
Follow Example.
Uh, Coach Johnson,
I Don't Feel So Good.
Can I Go Back To The Dorm?
Yes, Yes, Of Course.
Paige, Will You Please Go With
Can I Go, Too?
Uh, Yes. Get Out Of Here. Go.
Very Nice Joining Us.
Thank You Very Much.
So Not Fair.
[ Cell Phone Rings ]
Hey, Dad!
Yeah, The Vending Machines
Are Almost Empty.
Oh, Me?
No, No, No. I'm Feeling Fine.
Okay. Then I'll See You
Oh, And Could You Bring Some Exa
Bags Of Squiggles For Me And
Okay, Great. Thanks. Bye.
-He's Bringing Extra Squiggles!
[ Tv Program Plays ]
[ Snores ]
[ Tv Program Continues ]
[ Whispering ]
What Are They Doing?
[ Slam ]
Nurse Betty:
Sean, What Are You Doing Here?
I, I Was Just. . . I Mean. . .
Nurse Betty:
Oh, You Poor Boy.
Let's Just Give You An Allergy ,
And You'll Feel Better In No
Oh, It's Okay. It's Okay.
Uh, I'm Fine.
No, Really, Really, Really Fine!
[ Giggles ]
It Was Quivering Just A Little Earlier, So I Thought I Had It.
It's Time To Turn In The Lab
Claire, Will You Pick Them Up
And Bring Them Back To Me?
You All Finished?
Are You Sure You Want
To Hand It In Like That?
Why Not?
I Don't Care About The Grades.
What About Your Parents?
They Don't Either, So Why
Should I?
Nice Work!
I Have No Choice.
My Dad Does Care.
I Didn't Mean It Like That.
That's Okay.
[ School Bell Rings ]
Class Dismissed!
I Didn't Get The Jaws To Work
This Time, But I'm Gonna --
-Student: Ow!
If It Bleeds, See The School Nu.
You Know Where She Is.
Hey, Um, Can You Help Me
For A Minute?
Well, Sure. What's Up?
It's Just You're Really Good
At Science, And I'm Really Not.
[ Chuckles ]
Hey, Basketball Practice.
Be There?
-All Right.
No, I. . . We Need You, Too.
Professor Plume: The Next Time
I Hope To Have It Be Able To
Work. . .
Hey, Guys!
Hi, Seanie.
[ Door Closes ]
Okay, So, What's The Problem?
Well, It's Like This. . .
We Have A Problem,
And Now So Do You.
[ Scoffs ]
I Don't Have A Problem.
Me Neither.
Here's Our Problem.
We Know You Threw That Pinecone
Into Our Room.
I Thought You Said
They Were Out Of The Room!
I Thought They Were!
[ Sighs ]
Okay, So, It Was Us.
This Can Be So Messy At Times.
Especially When It's Poured
On Someone's Head.
So Start Talking.
What Were You Doing
In Nurse Betty's Office?
Claire: Yeah, And Why Did You
Throw That Pinecone At Us?
You've Got Two Seconds
To Start Talking, Otherwise. . .
I'm Probably Allergic To That
It Sure Will Be Fun To Find Out.
Who Should We Glop First?
Okay, Okay.
I'll Try To Explain. Just. . .
Put The Glop Down.
After You Guys Showed Us The
We Thought It Might Be Fun
To Figure Out Who Sent Them.
Before You.
It's A Guy Thing.
So, You Just Wanted To Beat Us
At The Punch. That's It?
And You Were Trying
To Scare Us Off With That Note
To Give You More Time
To Solve The Mystery?
Pretty Much.
Tell Them The Rest Of The Story.
There Is No Rest Of The Story.
Abb Y:
Oh, I Think There Is.
And. . . We've Got All Night.
I Need My Nighttime Meds Soon.
Then You'd Better Start Talking.
If I Don't Take Them
Before I Go To Bed, I Might. . .
[ Sighs ]
I'm Sorry, Guys.
I Just Can't Take The Chance.
It's Too Embarrassing.
-Shut Up, Sean.
-Brad: I Mean It.
If You Let Ethan And Brad Go,
Then I Will Tell You
Anything And Everything. I
[ Whispering Indistinctly ]
Okay. You're Free To Go.
Okay, Sean, Spill Your Guts.
So, Ethan And Brad Thought
If They Solved The Mystery,
Then You Would Be
So Grateful To Them
That You Might Let Them Take You
To The End-Of-The-Term Dance.
[ Gasps ]
And What Would Sean
Get Out Of This?
Nothing Now, I Guess.
[ Giggles ]
I'm So Happy, I Could Cry.
Save Your Tears.
We Still Haven't Solved
The Mystery Yet.
And If The Boys Figure It Out
Before We Do. . .
It Will Be Totally Humiliating.
But There's Still Gonna Be
Some Fringe Benefits, Right?
For You And Taylor, Maybe.
You Guys, Let's Look At These.
The Note From The Guys
Was In Rhyme,
But Some Of The Other Notes
Don't Rhyme.
So, What Does That Mean?
I Wish I Knew.
[ Cell Phone Blips ]
Whoever's Doing This
Is Running Scared.
No One's Gotten Sick
For A Couple Of Days.
They're Just Laying Low.
They'll Strike Again.
You Wait And. . .
Oh, My Gosh!
I Know Who It Is!
Now We Know Who The Rat Is.
We Just Have To Set The Trap.
[ Chuckles ]
This Is Gonna Be Fun.
[ Jingles Keys ]
Where Did You Get Those?
Uh, I Found Them.
Isn't That Stealing?
Chill Out, Okay?
I'll Put Them Back Later.
I Promise, Okay?
How Long Is This Going To Take?
Just Wait For The Signal.
Come On. Let's Go!
What If She's In There?
Her Tv's On.
She Never Turns It Off.
She Says It Will Give Her
7 Years Of Bad Luck Or
Well, What If She Comes Back?
She Won't.
It's Friday -- Bingo Night.
[ Tv Program Plays ]
[ Beep ]
[ Activates Intercom Microphone
[ Recording Plays, Amplified ] :
^Iattention! Attention!
^Iwake Up! Wake Up!
^Ithis Is A Fire Drill!
^Iplease Go To The Closest Exit.
^Iplease Do It Now.
See? Perfect.
Why Didn't We Just Pull
The Fire Alarm?
Why Didn't I Think Of That?
Operation Rat Trap Has Begun.
Student: What's Going On?
Is This A Drill?
Hurry, We're Supposed
To Meet Outside.
The Dorm Should Be Empty.
Let's Go.
[ Door Squeaks ]
If You Were A Rat,
Where Would You Hide Something?
I Would Hide Stuff
Underneath My Bed.
No, That's Too Obvious.
It's Locked!
I Read About Someone Doing This
In One Of My Mystery Books.
Let's See If It Works.
[ Lock Snaps ]
It Works.
Oh, My Gosh!
We Have Our Proof.
Well, Let's Tell The Principal.
Not Just Yet.
Weave, Girls, Weave!
He Said ''Weave,'' Not ''Skip''!
There We Go! Pick It Up!
I Wish I Were A Teenager.
All In Good Time, Emily.
They Get To Have So Much Fun.
Yes, But They Also Have
A Lot More Responsibilities.
Being 10 Really Bites!
It Gets Worse. Trust Me.
But They Get To Stay Up Late!
Well, Yes,
But They Also Have To Get Up
I Wish I Were Grown Up.
Trust Me, Kiddo.
It's Not All
That It's Cracked Up To Be.
Here, Let's Call Them In.
[ Blows Whistle ]
Come On In, Girls!
Come, Sit Down.
Sitting! Sitting! Sitting!
Semicircle Sitting!
[ Snaps For Attention ]
Very Nice. Excellent Work.
Very Good Job, Girls. You've Ale
A Very Good Job This Week.
I'm Very Proud Of You.
I've Been Watching You All
And I'm Ready To Announce The Gs
That Are Going To Start Next
[ Sighs ]
Please Let It Be Us.
If I Don't Make It,
There's Going To Be Big Trouble.
My Grandpa
Pays A Lot Of Money To This
Shh! Quiet Girls!
You Know, On Second Thought,
I've Decided To Wait Until
You Are Not So Stinky To Tell
So, Go, Unstinkify Yourself.
[ Grumbling ]
-Go On.
-Go, Go, Go!
I Know.
I'm Very Cool Awesome.
Oh, That Little Rat!
Patience, Patience.
Let The Rat Have The Cheese For
I'm Gonna Go Dump Those Out.
You Guys Fill Up The New Ones,
And Add A Little Surprise
To One Of Them.
Taylor: Okay, Hurry, Abby.
I'm Gonna Get Some Help.
Can I Tell The Girls? Piease?
Well, I Usually Look Forward
To This Thing Every Year,
But, Uh, Let's Make A Deal.
I'll Tell Them Who First String
And Then You Can Announce
The Goalie, Okay?
Okay, Deal. Who Is It?
-Wow, Really?
-Yeah, Yeah.
All Right. Come On In, Girls.
Come On In.
Please Sit Down.
Indian-Style Please.
Thank You. Thank You.
Very Good Job. Very Good Job.
I'm Very Proud Of You.
You've All Done Very Well This
And Now Our First String
Is Tara, Riley, Molly,
Claire, Mia, Ashley,
Reagan, Bianca,
Abby, And Janice.
Good Job, Everyone.
Good Job.
And The Goalie Is. . . Paige!
[ Laughs ]
Coach, Can I Pass Out
The Water Cups?
Uh, Yeah, That's A Good Idea.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Right?
Hydrate, Hydrate!
I'm. . . I'm Okay, Thanks.
I Think You Should.
Rules, You Know?
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.
No, Really. I Just Had A Drink
Before I Took My Shower.
Thanks, Though.
Coach, Mia Won't Drink The
And You Know How Important
Proper Hydration Is.
It's A Rule, And All.
Mia, I'm Very Surprised.
Take A Cup Immediately.
I'm Really Not Thirsty.
Drink It, Mia.
Okay, Now For The Fun Part.
Who Wants Number One, Huh?
Okay, Riley, There You Go.
All Right, Keep Catching 'Em!
Good Job!
-Coach. . .
I'm Not Feeling Well.
Oh, Well, We'll Be Done Here
In A Minute, Okay?
No, Really. I Can't Wait.
What's Wrong, Mia?
Stomach Hurt?
May I Be Excused, Please?
-Mia, I--
-Coach, Mia Really Is Sick.
Can We Take Her To The Restroom?
I'll Take Her.
She's My Best Friend!
Maybe We Should All Go.
You All Want To?
Mia, Wait!
[ Vomits ]
Um, Are You Okay, Mia?
She Will Be. . . In Time.
You Guys Put Something
In That Water!
Is That So?
I Bet You're Wondering
Why We Didn't Get Sick This
I Don't Know
What You're Talking About.
Don't Play Dumb. You're The One
That's Been Making Everyone
She Is Not!
Yes, She Is.
Tell Her, Mia.
Tell Her How You Made
Everybody Sick.
-Mia, What Are They Talking Abo?
-I Have No Idea.
I Would Listen If I Were You,
Let Me Tell You
How She Made Everyone Sick,
Even You, Her Best Friend.
Don't Listen To Them, Riley!
I'm Going To Need An
I Had To Leave A Very Important
Staff Meeting For This.
Taylor Says She Knows
How Everyone Got Sick.
It Was Mia.
It Was Not Me.
Why Would She Do That?
Besides, She Got Sick Twice
Explain That, If You Can.
She Was Faking.
Making Accusations Like That
Is Very Serious.
I Hope You Girls Have Some
Me Too.
Oh, We Do.
I'm Listening.
The Other Day,
I Was Collecting Lab Notes,
And Mia's Writing Is So Perfect.
She Puts This Little Squiggly
On Her Letter A's.
We Were Looking At The Notes
In Our Room, And I Saw That
Prove It! Anyone Could Copy
My Squiggle.
Not Me.
Okay, You're Going To Need
Some More Proof Than That.
I Mean, She's Right,
Anyone Could Copy Her Handwriti,
Except Riley.
What About This For Starters?
Abby Said That The Person
Who Was Doing This
Must Have Been Getting
Something From It.
So I Remembered Something.
Someone Is Making A Lot Of Money
Off These Machines.
Hey, Dad.
So, We Figured Out
That The Only Person
Who Would Be Able
To Gain Anything From This
Was The Person
Who Owned The Vending Machines,
And I Did Some Checking Online,
And All The Machines In The Schl
Are Owned By Maxwell
Your Dad.
Everybody Was Eating
Out Of The Vending Machines
Because They Thought The Food In
The Cafeteria Was Making Them
So You And Your Family
Were Making Money
By Making Everyone Sick.
Okay, So She Had A Motive,
But How Did She Do It?
How Did She Make Everyone Sick?
Here's How. . .
No Way. Is He All Right?
And It Worked.
Well, I Got To Go.
Bye, Mom.
What Happened?
Little Brothers. Spare Me!
What Did He Do?
Yeah, What Did He Do?
Is There An Echo In Here?
Must Be.
[ Sighs ]
So What Really Happened?
He Ate Some Berries
Off A Bush Outside Our House.
My Mom Gave Him Ipecac
To Make Him Throw Up.
Ricky Told Me All About It
In Total Detail.
You Look Really Bad.
I Know.
You Put Ipecac In Everyone's
To Make Them Think The Food
In The Cafeteria Was
And Then Your Dad Would Make Moy
Off The Vending Machines,
And You Would Get To Go
To Modeling School This Summer.
How Did You Know That?
I Heard You And Riley
Talking About It In Chemistry.
[ Sighs ] Okay, So Even
If You Guys Were Right --
Which You're Not --
How Would I Even Get This ''Iff'
Or Whatever You Call It?
Well, Remember This?
Why Are You Looking So Guilty,
For All We Know,
You Put The Note Up.
I Got Sick, Remember?
And I Helped Nurse Betty
With The Other Sick Kids.
We Found This In Mia's Room.
Nurse Betty Checked Her
And She's Missing
A Couple Bottles Of Ipecac.
Okay, This Is Terrible.
-It Makes You Hurl.
-Toss Your Cookies.
Okay, You Girls Can All Go Now.
I Will Deal With Mia.
You Can Go, Too, Riley.
I Don't Believe She Did It.
No Matter How Much Proof There
Thanks, Riley.
You're The Best.
[ Vomits ]
Emm. . .
You Did It!
You're Head Cheerleader!
Are You Serious?
But What About Riley?
What About Me?
[ Scoffs ]
[ All Chuckle ]
You So Beat Her!
Let's Go! Eat It Up!
Let's Go! Good For You!
Eat It!
No Fruit Today?
No. No Fruit Today.
Just A Pile Of Junk.
I Mean, Good Stuff.
I'm Celebrating.
How About A Fat Boy?
Thank You.
Have You Decided
What Dress You're Going To Buy
Well, I Like That One,
And I Like That One,
So I Just Haven't Decided Yet.
I Like That One.
[ Sighs ]
What's Up, Guys?
Isn't He So Cute?
No Way! This Is Too Good.
You Could Start Right Here.
I Want These Floors Spotless!
-Because A Clean Kitchen--
-Is A Happy Kitchen!
I Know! I Know!
Well, She Got What She Deserved.
Yeah, Kitchen Duty Every Day
And No Model Camp This Summer.
Hi, Mia.
I Can't Believe Riley's
Still Friends With Her,
After All Mia Did.
Me Either.
Riley: You Know, You Can Come
Sit Down With Us When You're
Poor Baby.
Well, All's Well That Ends Well.
Everyone! Everyone!
There's Another Note!
It's On The Library Door!
[ Indistinct Exclamations ]
I Do Not Want To Get Sick Again!
I Hated That, Ugh!
I Hate It When This Happens!
People Are So Gullible.
[ Laughs ]
[ ''Secret Identity'' Plays ]
One, Two, Three!
One, Two, Three!
One, Two, Three! Come On!
Now, Life Was Better
When You Were Here.
More Trees, More Berries Again.
Come Back!
Come Back!
[ Breathes Heavily ]
[ Skunk Sprays ]
Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh!
I Did It!
It's Back!
It Lives!
[ Cries ]