Minxiong Haunted House (2022) Movie Script

Master He.
Master He.
Master He.
Master He.
Go away!
Master He.
Now, we're going to discuss
what will happen to your son, He Yi-ming,
when he's 14.
Mrs. He.
Did your husband commit suicide?
he was killed by a female ghost.
This female ghost
is still lingering near that canal.
That's why this child's fate
has a water-related calamity.
Any place next to the water
whether it's by a creek, a river bank,
a ditch, or a well should be avoided.
If there's a moment of inattentiveness,
he will lose his life
and you'll die at the same time.
If he gets to turn 15,
bring him back to me.
That's all I'll say today.
Why will he only live until the age of 14?
It can't be, Master.
Is there any other way to change this?
Is there?
This is his fate.
Next person.
A-Zhi, why are you scaring people?
So what? Are you angry?
Come on.
Wait a moment.
Thirty years later
You wear this when swimming?
It left a tan mark.
Did it?
Just a little.
It's a little unsightly.
My grandma told me not to take it off.
Everyone, please pay attention.
The swimming pool
will be closed in 15 minutes.
- Please grab your belongings. Thank you.
- I really don't feel like going home.
I just want to continue soaking
in the water.
Is that so?
I think it's because you want
to soak next to me.
Get over yourself.
I don't want to go home either.
If only I could keep soaking in the water.
A-Zhi, I want to practice some more.
Can you look at my strokes?
Go on.
Xiao Qi.
Are you okay?
Xiao Qi.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
My foot just cramped up.
Are you sure?
Chiayi's Fire Bureau
received a report yesterday
that a man in his 60s
went missing
near the canal in Minxiong Township.
Today, police and firefighters
found what they suspect
is the missing man's body.
As the area is severely flooded
from several straight days of heavy rain,
the police have preliminarily ruled
that drowning was the cause of death.
The next piece of news.
Calling himself Tai-ping Hermit,
Wang turned his house into a shrine.
He claims to have the power
to cast away bad luck
and forces his female followers
to have a sexual relationship with him.
Many followers were cheated
of their bodies
as well as
several hundred thousand of cash.
Today in the first court session,
two victims were present and accused Wang
of committing fraud, extortion,
and sexual battery.
Xiao Qi.
Where have you been?
Did you forget
that we're going tomb sweeping today?
Xiao Qi.
Was it the same boy
who just brought you back?
He's just a senior.
Why were you spying on us?
We girls need to behave ourselves.
Go and get ready. We're about to leave.
Did you hear what your grandma said?
Get up and come downstairs.
They said those who were born
in the Year of the Dragon
can't sweep tombs this year.
Yet I'm being forced to go.
I have a date today.
What are you talking about?
You only visit your grandpa once a year.
It's so annoying.
You keep insisting that I go.
Pick me up a bit later.
Hey, Xiao Qi.
Are you all right?
Xiao Qi.
You can't walk so carelessly.
You'll end up getting possessed.
I'd already be possessed
if that were going to happen.
Who did you hear that from?
It was you.
Lin Mei-qi.
Why are you being so impudent?
That child of yours is really terrible.
Later on,
just use your hands to pay respects.
Don't touch other things randomly.
Okay, I get it.
There are no males in our household.
That's the reason why you have to come.
Why are you so flustered today?
I'm not.
This dead man is very pitiful.
His soul doesn't know where to go.
What do you mean?
If there are any unresolved grievances
or grudges when one dies,
then his soul can't ascend to heaven.
It's like what you all often say
about some place being haunted.
It means the place
has earthbound souls that haven't left.
This morning, I think...
If their desire is achieved,
then they will naturally depart.
Take this bracelet and wear it.
I've been wearing this bracelet
for many years.
Before your mom died,
she entrusted me to take care of you.
In our family,
you are the only one who inherited
a special constitution like me.
You have the ability to help others.
That's a blessing.
- Xiao Qi.
- Xiao Qi.
Excuse me.
Have you seen a girl around here?
Xiao Qi!
Where did she go?
Xiao Qi.
Xiao Qi!
Xiao Qi!
Xiao Qi, where are you?
Xiao Qi.
I haven't been able
to sleep well recently.
I'm afraid to go outside
when the sky is dark.
Have you heard of it?
Have you seen my granddaughter Xiao Qi?
Mom, I'll go around to take a look.
No. What happened?
We went to sweep the tomb together.
And then she ran off.
Now, we can't find her.
Should we call the police?
Perhaps she already went home.
What were you all talking about just now?
There was a report in today's news
about the one who drowned in the canal.
It was that chef, Chen Zai.
How could it be him?
It was.
So many people
have met their death in that canal.
Our colleagues have searched everywhere.
If they find anything,
they'll inform us immediately.
Where could she have gone?
It's raining now.
What could have happened?
Why don't you go home
and take a look first?
There's no need to worry.
It will be faster if I take you.
Minxiong Precinct,
Chiayi County Police Department
Thank you, officer.
No problem.
Go inside and take a look.
Thank you, officers.
Thank you.
Hey, didn't they say
this house was haunted?
Be quiet.
Xiao Qi?
Xiao Qi?
I told her not to go to the third floor.
This is bad.
I can't get through to her phone.
What happened?
I'm going to find Master A-Cai.
You're going out now?
Xiao Qi.
Xiao Qi.
Xiao Qi?
Are you up there?
Open the door!
Xiao Qi! Open the door!
Open the door!
Open the door!
You're Xiao Qi's senior.
I came to find Xiao Qi.
I heard screaming, so I came up.
How do you know me?
I'm Xiao Qi's mom.
You're Xiao Qi's mom?
Where's Xiao Qi?
Is Xiao Qi with you?
She sent me a text in the afternoon
telling me to pick her up,
but she didn't answer when I called.
That's strange.
Where did she go?
Mrs. Lin.
I think Xiao Qi may be in trouble.
- It's Xiao Qi's voice.
- I heard it.
I heard it.
Who will come to save me?
No one will come to save me.
If I'm sacrificed, does that mean
the rest of you will all be at peace?
Xiao Qi!
What are you doing?
Xiao Qi!
Xiao Qi!
Mrs. Lin!
Heaven and earth, mysterious ancestors.
Myriad Qi is the primordial origin.
Deep cultivation of 10,000 kalpas
is proof of my spiritual connection.
In and outside the Three Realms,
the Tao alone is supremely revered.
Over here.
It wasn't Xiao Qi, was it?
Mrs. Lin.
That was probably a ghost.
A ghost?
I wanted to tell you earlier
that I can see...
Who are you? What do you want?
Mrs. Lin.
I think
we should go back right now.
He Sheng-xin.
The year 1988.
Xiao Qi.
Xiao Qi.
What are you doing?
Xiao Qi, what are you doing?
You can't do that!
You can't do that!
It's all your fault.
It's all your fault!
What are you saying? Calm down!
Xiao Qi!
A-Zhi, quick. Come and help me!
Mrs. Lin!
That's not Xiao Qi.
We can't pass through it anymore.
Seal up the old well.
All right.
Was it necessary to call us so late?
Couldn't you wait until morning?
Don't worry.
I'll pay you extra.
This is time-sensitive. Hurry up.
What are you going to do with that?
Mind your own business.
Stop asking so many questions.
Master A-Cai, you're here.
Let's go inside.
Master A-Cai.
Look, everything is broken.
You were the one
who cast this spell formation back then.
What should we do now?
The yin energy here is too strong.
Xiao Qi has never entered
this room in her life.
How did she know about the things in here?
Perhaps she returned.
Pick up that photo and give it to me.
The He family
was indeed an influential family
in the past.
But now,
you have no males left
in the family.
There is only one granddaughter left.
How can the souls of your ancestors
be at ease in heaven?
Use the token
of the Lord of Heaven to hit her.
Hit her while shouting her name.
it's my turn to be a princess today.
Help me comb my hair.
I'm not free now.
I'm going out later.
Can you comb my hair first?
Servant, comb my hair.
Don't tell me you're going
to see Prince A-Jie again?
Lower your voice.
If Mom asks,
can you tell her
that I went to Gu Xiao-ling's house?
Okay, this will be the last time.
If Mom catches you again,
I won't help you.
Otherwise, I will get in trouble too.
Okay. You're the best.
As long as you know it.
Isn't that the necklace A-Jie gave me?
You took it?
I've been searching for it
for a long time.
You broke my music box.
That was mine.
Yi-ming. Look at this pineapple.
He De-xin.
Stop teasing your brother so much.
Mom. She didn't.
Don't touch the pineapples.
You'll cut yourself, okay?
- Mom, I didn't.
- All right.
Don't say anymore. Let's go.
From the scene,
it looks like he was trying
to retrieve a shoe by the canal
and then he fell.
My son.
It was you who asked Yi-ming
to help you retrieve your shoes.
My sweetheart.
He De-xin.
It's you again!
Why can't you put your shoes on?
It wasn't me.
How did I give birth to you,
the bane of my existence?
For God's sake...
For God's sake, my son...
- My son!
- It wasn't me.
It's my turn to comb your hair today.
Don't be mad.
Didn't we agree
that we'll be harmonious forever?
No matter what happens in the future,
I will always stay with you.
You see? It's happening again.
Let me handle this.
Go away.
Get out of the way.
Get out of the way!
Sheng-xin, save me!
You can't!
Xiao Qi had just been born.
How could you allow it?
Were you lying to me?
You never intended to come back.
Is that right?
Sheng-xin, I'm so itchy and dirty.
I feel like there are bugs
crawling all over me.
Can you take a look?
He De-xin!
I looked.
There are no bugs on you.
Why do you keep babbling nonsense?
He Sheng-xin.
I saved you too before!
I'm in so much pain now.
Why don't you save me?
You all deserve to die!
He De-xin.
He De-xin.
He De-xin.
- The body has a radiance...
- He De-xin.
Use the strength of your faith
in the Lord of Heaven
to destroy the demon here.
The Almighty God.
Thank you, Lord of Heaven,
for giving me strength.
Recite the prayer
- He De-xin.
- To get rid of the evils.
- Destroy the demon.
- He De-xin.
He De-xin!
He De-xin.
He De-xin!
She's here.
Xiao Qi?
That's not your Xiao Qi.
Continue hitting.
He De-xin!
Xiao Qi, what are you doing?
Xiao Qi!
Who is this?
Xiao Qi.
Xiao Qi.
Xiao Qi.
Let's go.
Go in a little more.
- Hide well.
- A-Zhi.
I'll talk to you in a moment.
I'm going to check
on your grandma and mom.
What kind of demons are these?
Your daughter has returned
to take revenge.
You're not her grandma.
All right.
Don't harm her.
Your daughter's birth time
and the death time of the female ghost
that committed suicide in the canal
are exactly the same.
It was 1:17 a.m.
My previous efforts
to change her fortunes were ineffective.
Now, she has committed suicide.
If I hadn't separated
the parts of her body,
then perhaps your family
would never be at peace again.
I've asked the Lord of Heaven for guidance
regarding this matter.
Do you want to die tragically
like your son?
Did you forget
the Lord of Heaven's lessons?
I haven't forgotten.
After you're done here,
the body must be cremated
and buried in the bamboo forest.
Her head must be sealed up
at the place where she died.
Pieces of her clothing,
broken hairs, and her comb
must be placed under her bed.
The heaven is clear
and the earth is efficacious.
Wearing a crown on my head,
stepping on the four divinities.
The southern dipper is on the left,
bearing the seven stars on the right.
Those who obey me shall live
and those who oppose me shall die.
I am appointed by the Lord of Heaven.
Heavenly army, I command you.
Do it!
Stop kowtowing
or you'll die.
Grandma, what are you doing?
- Grandma.
- Xiao Qi, that's not your grandma.
The one who hurt you was Master A-Cai.
He is dead.
Let the old lady go.
- Grandma, don't kowtow anymore.
- Xiao Qi needs her grandma.
Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?
I can help you.
Bury my sister
and I together.
Is that you?
Where's Xiao Qi?
Did you take Xiao Qi away?
He De-xin!
He Sheng-xin.
We finally meet.
I died here and I'm trapped here.
Have you ever thought of me?
- I beg you...
- And when I begged you to save me?
Did you help me?
You said you would always be by my side.
What happened then?
I don't know why you killed yourself.
You watched as they took me away
and did nothing.
You didn't even turn around.
Do you know?
They raped me.
A-Kai, go away.
Who will save you?
Mom told me that you were possessed,
so she took you to pray.
Who could I have told?
Do you know
how much I wish
I could be you?
I even took the blame
for the mistakes you made.
I'm that kind of person.
Later on, you confessed
your mistake to me.
You said you'd always be by my side
no matter what happens.
But when I needed you,
you disregarded me.
Now is the time.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
But Xiao Qi is innocent.
Xiao Qi is innocent.
I just used her to help.
What I really want
is you.
Xiao Qi.
You can't walk so carelessly.
You'll end up getting possessed.
I'd already be possessed
if that were going to happen.
Where did she go?
Xiao Qi.
Xiao Qi!
Xiao Qi!
Our colleagues have searched everywhere.
If they find anything,
they'll inform us immediately.
What could have happened?
We died in the same place
over ten years ago.
It wasn't Xiao Qi, was it?
Mrs. Lin.
That was probably a ghost.
A ghost?
I wanted to tell you earlier
that I actually can see
She wasn't a bane.
You must be the one
who hounded her to death.
Do you mean I killed her?
She was the one who ended the He family.
Her death was her own fault.
I'm not dead.
Xiao Qi, I'm not dead.
No matter what happens in the future,
I will always stay with you.
You finally came to keep me company.
We'll be together
in the next life as well.
Pray for the blessing
Ms. De-xin.
We did what you told us to do.
I asked my uncle
to help your soul find peace.
Of course Xiao Qi's mom was included.
I wish both of you
a smooth journey.
Mrs. Sheng-xin.
I'm graduating this year
and I will go to Keelung to study.
Xiao Qi's grandma no longer lives at home.
Xiao Qi doesn't want to live alone
in such a big house.
So she'll be living on the campus.
I'll be with her.
Don't worry.
You're so grown up now.
It has been too long
since you came to see me.
- Are you studying hard at home?
- Grandma, I'm Xiao Qi.
I worked so hard
to take care of the house for you
as well as those fields.
All of these will be given to you
in the future.
I want to tell you
that when you're out and about,
you shouldn't casually date around.
Otherwise, you're going
to end up like your dad.
He was abducted by that servant girl.
He thought I didn't know.
We saved the money
for your university tuition.
I can't believe she dared to take it.
never forgive her.
Don't disappoint me, okay?
You have to study hard.
you'll end up like your dad.
In the end,
he killed himself with a gun.
Master He.
Why did you
abandon me?
You must be the one
who hounded her to death.
Do you mean I killed her?
She was the one who ended the He family.
Her death was her own fault.
Your grandma came before.
At that time,
I told her
that both your mom and your uncle
had water-related calamities.
In the end,
they weren't able to avoid them.
There's one more thing you need to know.
You shouldn't continue living
in that house.
That house is unclean.
Your mom had a water-related calamity.
You have a fire-related calamity.
So when you use fire in the future,
you need to be very careful.
Unless you're at home in your kitchen,
you should avoid using fire
in all other places.