Mira (2022) Movie Script

And against this background, it turns out,
falls about
Every day I tell you five tons daily
not one of them, where did they come from all the time?
See what happened.
My tooth fell out.
just to see it in all its glory.
It is necessary, I think, to climb higher on the hill somewhere, for example.
Where you had a tooth was only a tongue.
shut up take off
hat, take off.
I'm afraid, fear to attach back.
There is also really nail polish. For what?
To prevent cracks from spreading, you must immediately varnish the hood.
How sexy.
Not the asteroid itself, not the meteor shower
poses no danger to the earth.
This is bad. Why?
Because when they say that there is no danger, it means that they are right on us.
creepy. Shel.
But to all residents of Vladivostok, I can say one star rain will pass in 24:00.
Don't forget to make a wish.
Don't be late for your brother's birthday.
Good luck!
A. Arabova.
Can you still walk slowly?
Yes, girl, let's get started.
Those released for health reasons can take seats in the auditorium.
This concerns you.
Let's do it again.
The Arabs are deceived.
You are not cold.
Got up for the start.
Get ready.
Are you being exposed to a secret?
You ask me. Where
I know everything.
Zubkov Stop?
No, you are the first
let's go on the water and shook my heart.
The crowd hates him.
Heart vs flying
I read notes from the past.
I wrote for free.
will come out now.
Here now
its no one
under home
and be sentenced for it.
If they say
what court.
Before, after Tolstoy, I asked you to think about newspapers.
Well, have another toast.
Thank you.
What do I want to say?
For a year now, I have been a doubly happy person.
And all why?
Because before I had one child Yegor.
And after Svetlana and I got married, we had two of them,
Yegor and Valeria.
Well, we decided that there is never too much happiness.
And soon we will have some consultations with Sveta.
And today I want to drink
for my 8 year old son.
Yurka is healthy.
Same from birth
I did everything for myself.
I'm fine.
I will come now
with him.
what will u say.
Lera, Lera 100
that from this century must
still happening?
You can, please, at least behave normally at your brother's birthday party.
My mother is not my brother, of course, not my brother, my father is not my father.
I am a mother.
Well your phone is ringing
you are just a father, not a father.
You are not on time.
Look, I wanted to talk.
On which Lera?
And Lera, who is your daughter? Ha ha!
In short, universal.
It looks like some fireworks got sick at the stadium today.
She flew away and managed to stay on her feet.
What you saw.
I think something needs to be done
until the real problems started.
It's time to admit it.
We have a girl with special needs.
Valera, shut up.
And I'm just a problem for you.
Lena is a girl with special needs.
He didn't mean to say that.
Lera, it was hard for you to say what was along.
Lera is with me. Here.
Arab engineer, we have a very strong heartbeat.
Let's do our suggestion to do three minutes of breathing exercises.
I'll manage
well, including the track labeled ours.
To the best of the search system.
Where are the data of the last two sessions in Russia signal files.
Do you remember?
Here is an Arab engineer.
Must be reminded that the abuse of the capabilities of the equipment, station
unauthorized connection to city video monitoring systems
is a violation of the law on personal data
dated July 20, 2006.
Administrative responsibility.
And it's kind of an accomplice.
The question is not clear.
Kill the measure.
It was a rhetorical question.
Is it good or is it not possible to distinguish between questions of this type?
For six
Years of working in a team could at least learn something.
During the work, the vocabulary of profanity has increased significantly.
By the way, artificial intelligence cannot be held accountable by law.
Very handy search system.
The opposition.
power, engineer to work.
In six minutes they are waiting for you in the team just in case
No Valera.
I asked you, but
So he has in half an hour.
Only, sorry, ventilation
just check.
Hello, Peter Sergeevich.
And I to you.
Hi Valera!
How was the testing?
Testing has passed regularly system in norm or rate.
Cameras at the stadium were also connected as part of testing.
What kind of daughter is Valya?
Pavel Sergeevich.
Doubt honestly, Valera.
If you have cleaned from our side, then you will not hide the incoming traffic to the station.
I understand.
Missing your family for six years in orbit.
So you're setting up not only yourself.
But you never know what tomorrow is not necessary, Valerie!
Butterflies are not stupid sitting there.
there is no such equipment officially.
We do butterflies here.
You understand that you are bringing everyone under the tribunal.
And now, I think that I'm not in handcuffs.
I am not expected at home.
Sergeevich's answer will not be repeated again.
Commander Antonov calls you to the control center
No, in this sense the forecast has not changed.
I second will take place on the Pacific region tomorrow at 08:00.
It will be followed by a cluster of fragments.
They pose no threat.
And the second one doesn't represent it at all.
Fragments, according to our sensors, too.
But this is only if.
Sergeevich Valera, hello.
How is the situation there?
Hello, Everything is fine, Alexey Lvovich.
Yes, we are approaching the cluster, we will track the oncoming trajectories.
So there is room for maneuver.
Yes, but only if our means are right.
Let me explain.
You see, the asteroid is most likely complex, composite,
and some of his breeds may not succumb
analysis by our equipment and theoretically move along
another trajectory.
What does digital mean theoretically.
The numbers are the same as yours.
But see for yourself
the cluster looks atypical.
you see,
assuming the sensors are wrong,
then the fragments will move along a different trajectory, not calculated, do you understand?
And they pass just over the Pacific region.
In short, get to the point.
In short, I propose to evacuate Primorsky Krai,
Khabarovsk region.
Well, the Magadan region
just in case.
Commander Antonov
How much time do you need to give a clear, intelligible answer?
It is impossible to give a clear answer right now.
You can only approach.
Alexey Lvovich, we will give a clear answer in the near future.
What is the probability that the equator is made up of this unknown quantity?
The probability is minimal.
As I. Understand.
Well, let's just say it's negligible.
Not really. Fine.
Theoretically, it is.
Listen, is there a possibility that the earth is theoretically
can go out of orbit someday
in theory. I understand.
So it definitely is.
Now why evacuate the land?
What to trifle?
It's great to work.
Will you follow, right?
Why? Just walking by?
So you will
as you wish?
Listen, what didn't happen today?
I don't want anything, I didn't run.
Didn't want to.
I just thought you weren't enough of me
she was wild
in the state of Virginia.
Well, these are all my mistakes,
this is my buggy hit
What kind of newspaper
amateur go high
from the earth, all this beauty
you won't see.
There's one place to last
let's go Arabova.
Well, how.
Do you think it will be the end of the world tomorrow?
No, it will not.
Well, I've been warned.
Well, yes, it's all too late.
Not tomorrow for the second.
I'm here just in the heat, he'll be
not Yegor,
already agreed that you do not want my half.
I'm sorry, you just left
so that you and Boris will leave tomorrow.
No, dad was called to work, and I was sent to school
could not be upset.
And desire
fairy tales all this how many times touched?
Rule not working?
Yes, because you did not have time to guess.
In terms of
even falls quickly.
So, Well, according to the rules, you need to make a wish while she flies,
and it's almost impossible.
So I would like to take it off, so that later I can think of it as you like.
For those who have been waiting, guess
great plan,
I'm going with them tomorrow.
You can't see anything from the city
where the clouds are
come here, you can go to Istra
Do you see an abandoned building?
So I was there today.
No, there is a hole in the fence that can climb in and shoot from there.
everything will be visible.
So I didn't tell you anything.
All about your half.
Suppose we usually find
orange. But
that's where the clouds are.
I even take
No need.
Because I have, of course.
a telescope.
Here is such a one-year-old battery.
And then when watching this video fragment
your pulse evens out and your heart rate slows down.
I advise you to regularly repeat viewing for preventive purposes.
Misha, are you talking like you're chronically ill?
Not at all.
For an aging organism, you are in very good shape.
Your compliments really warm my heart.
Overheating of the heart muscle is a direct path to a heart attack.
So everything
Lie down.
Hello Vladivostok!
Good morning everyone. Today is our Monday.
It would seem like an ordinary Monday, but not quite soon.
Very soon the inhabitants of Primorye will be able to observe the unique
its beauty of the event is a giant asteroid that flew to us from the constellation
whale, will fly in close proximity to the earth in exactly 45 minutes.
Don't miss it!
This is a unique event.
Deviation from the calculated trajectory,
deviation from the calculated trajectory and observe.
All ground services on high alert to receive
eye contact by placing the focus at a distance of three divisions ready.
I turn to the infrared Shantanu spectrum.
Petrov is already in full order, which means count it.
The object is approaching the point.
Two minutes 10 seconds later.
It's a huge 08:19.
Giant asteroid will fly at a minimum distance
from our planet, after which it will begin to move away into the depths
the cosmos.
Friends, if
you media addiction,
then today you probably had a little bit of just a few.
Minutes to look at this miracle.
This is the first time this has been done.
It happened more than once, but probably. Years 50.
Today, in all the observatories in Russia, a completely different place is confirmed.
C. Diameter
the asteroid is more than half a kilometer.
He overtook our planet in orbit and danger to the earth
does not represent.
Let's go June five.
Have a nice day, Egor.
Thank you for this.
He still went with him for you,
took him for a day to school.
What is a saint? Which one walked?
Beginning of the school year.
We are with him another time, these stellar ones.
The object has passed.
The inflection point is moving away from the ground.
Because we'll say goodbye to our rock star.
All good fellows.
We continue to work.
I am relaxing
and welcome to the support team.
Valera, 14 The sector is large.
Please go to the main screen.
Come out.
Gene, what is it?
Valera Brightness into two compartments p.
I didn't understand,
what's the matter.
Why does the cluster cross the moon
from this side?
Because it's wider than we think.
will adjust the group diameter according to the new
Analysis, adjusted according to
data, the cluster, an asteroid of this group intersects the trajectory of the station.
I recommend urgently start an evasive maneuver.
What's happening?
Anton Automatic.
Time of cluster approach to the station.
Flight seven minutes 35 seconds.
Everyone in their places to prepare for maneuvers.
We will not have time to fold the solar panels here.
Are there new engines to fill?
Should be on time.
Stations are too heavy a legacy.
Such a situation.
of the world falling fragments, the area of defeat, the area.
Defeats include Australia, Archipelago
New Zealand, Okinawa Island, Primorsky Krai and South.
Korea. More about the Far East.
I'll put the data on the screen.
to Israel by all means.
Arabs and quite already.
Looked. What.
Out the window
get ready for
I don't want to walk around
what the message answered
whoever wants can
Remember, no matter what happens, we must stick together.
Together I realized
what so.
What to do?
What about me. I'll drop it.
I only.
Against, in my opinion, these machines
rains, where I cant lift more than two kilograms.
Young man.
Help us, I have.
Car help, for God's sake cars
that much.
Thank you.
Let's get married, Husband, Come on.
Come on, come save the girl, come on.
Instantly, I close my eyes.
Terribly clear.
I can't see anything without my glasses, they're on you.
Tanya, Lord, sent love in this form.
Further gave Where?
Why are you everything.
the plane departs at home
somewhere, but Roma is to blame? Roma
I actually found it in the fridge.
And no one
alive, thank God.
This is our girl let go.
Thanks to her, we have dark ones, because then everything goes away.
Will he say
calm down, won't calm down, what's going on?
Calm down, everything will be fine.
Here is Roma, everyone, calm down, Tanya, everyone
take it easy
calmly, without panic,
take it easy and go out.
Get out of the car, get out quickly.
Tanya, Tanya,
Easter week.
I never.
She was in a panic.
Faith me.
What's happening.
In dance?
Left the trajectory of the meteorite and the cluster, having received multiple damage.
A local one is installed in the engineering compartment, supporting life.
And the rest of the lakes
There is.
The remaining compartments of the depressurization station.
One crew member came out Who
flight engineer
I am transmitting a protocol on the state of the station and the crew
to the mission control center to declare.
What we collect.
We start collecting information from available sources
Reset the center console, including the emergency lights.
A short report on the consequences of the fall of meteorites to earth is ready.
The total coverage area was more than 16 million square kilometers
and stretched from Australia to the Far East.
The entire coastal territory of China.
Most of the territory of Japan and the islands of the New Zealand archipelago
suffered from formed as a result of the fall of meteorites.
Significant destruction is observed in the city.
At the moment, rescue work is underway by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Evacuation to Russky Island is underway.
Created on the territory of the university.
Headquarters famous family.
Mobile devices are fixed on the territory
Temporary hospital and are in good condition.
What's up with Leroy?
The city engineer of the Arabs.
Are you called mission control? Yes,
In general, without further ado. Thank you.
So we begin preparations for evacuation from the owner.
As I understood, I understood, even in the current situation
we cannot use dangerous stations on our land.
Therefore, we broadcast the entire evacuation program in the world.
We have a task
just listen
and all
We're getting ready to evacuate.
All lights
How much time do we have?
The station will enter the dense layers of the atmosphere.
After 03:14:15.
The state of the military system.
Search systems are functional.
Activates the system.
Having dialed it to Vladivostok,
the last point is the location of Lera's phone.
Check the identification camera bases.
The police must warn
that the use of the search system will lead to accelerated discharge
backup batteries of the engineering compartment.
Don't care
to an idea.
But you can't
Everything is fine.
Yes so
song, space program.
I start.
I do not know yet.
Like me
This. I have
bye connections
formed, and
for the reception.
can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
dad daughter
already. Let's.
I'll explain everything to you.
First you have to find me
I found your phone signal, but it's broken, and the connection is not good.
That's why I want, turned on, and I'm with you
can you move?
Can I?
Yes, there will be optics
I already see that
there is at all.
you found me
a toy?
Yes, it's a babysitter radio.
She has a built-in
camera, microphone
you see,
and we know
that soon there
where is mom
with mom, everything is in order, they are with Boris on the island.
There is almost no permission.
And Yegor, what about Yegor?
How to him?
I don't have any information yet.
He already got home
Your home is no more.
How did they let dad in there
they should have done something.
At least do something?
Listen to me carefully.
What are you
the world is already scanning the building from the outside.
I need you to look inside, you understand?
I match the signals and find the thinnest point.
Got it Mila
connects to the video stream.
We start scanning the inner zone of the selection.
To want how.
painful point.
tore the north wing.
A toy shop
for me sees Come on hand quietly, come on.
We rise.
Like this
we leave.
Can you hear me?
I listen carefully.
What is your name?
Lera. They get sick somewhere.
Lera is sick, does it hurt somewhere?
No, everything is okay.
Look, there they set up camp on the embankment near the bridge.
Now you go there, of course, from there
everyone will be evacuated by helicopter.
And where is it?
District from here go there.
Please help us find our children.
Valery, 15 years old, Egor.
Eight years to see, please.
ROZHKOVA Class 139 gymnasium, second I went through school.
See, yes, the light is I'm so fine.
Help that rather where she is, you know.
She is now.
In the north.
Mama is fine, it's all right in this,
As far as I understand, this hospital is deployed in the university library.
Listen, it can destroy. I can't come with you.
Forgive me, mom, mom, stop it, everything is fine.
Ryabov helps me.
Where is Yegor?
This is Lera.
She is all right.
It's okay too.
Now all schools bring them here.
Girl now you already
Egor is definitely on the list.
I don't know, they don't have lists.
Thanks Say.
What is here
between you leave me here safe and sound.
All. Yes, I promise the world
Everything is the way they talk there, on.
The embankment near the bridge should now be Pazik.
And there is no, I do not understand.
Yegor was not there.
Today at school
he went to shoot a meteor shower.
Why are you?
Where did he go
Vera detailed analysis.
How do you know that everything is there?
We will send now
the condition of this object is assessed as critical.
87% chance of collapse.
Yes, I'll figure it out now.
Ira for the last time
I remember no one there
I don't know, she said.
mother Vera, what did you call with a connection?
Search system where to activate at the station
into the mode of our death
More What happened?
The supply of rechargeable batteries in the engineering station has been exhausted.
Board engineer Arabs station will reach dense layers
atmosphere after 02:22.
You need to evacuate immediately.
Mira show me the location of the backup batteries,
personally connected to the battery laboratory matter.
Connection is impossible.
The reason is a break in the electrical connection between pharmacies.
For electrical connection
can be restored, just fly to the other side.
In the current situation, spacewalks are highly undesirable.
Please proceed to the escape pod of the world.
Do you understand Russian or not?
Getting ready to go
into outer space. Egor
Arab mining engineer.
You asked me a question, do I understand Russian?
So, I understand Russian, as well as 147 other languages and dialects.
It was a rhetorical question.
When will you finally learn
some kids
Distance from the laboratory compartment to.
Distance 18 meters.
I confirm it matches
long cabinet calculated in the distance.
There is very little left.
Danger of damaging the suit.
I see nothing
Let's break through.
Breakthrough of the outer shell of the spacesuit will entail a violation of the regulations and.
Leak for.
Not really,
we will not.
Calculating cable and distance of connection points.
The helicopter is wrong.
If you get caught or just swallowed even good.
I him
warned that force
may damage.
tower tower.
How about everyone
what did you get?
It was a rhetorical question.
WOULD activate the search system.
Determine location
search systems,
activate the location, set the object inside the building.
What brought me to her so urgently?
I'm coming back
Communication restored
for you always
that you don't listen to me.
I told you to go to the camp in this building. AND
I. All.
You are doing great!
I don't understand how to get out of here.
You will help.
I ask why not 20 seconds on
what's here
Park Engineer.
The world lay out a route for them, taking into account the stability of the building structure.
Running park?
Look, the third
already and everything goes
to this work, connected to everything, can connect.
He will help?
Of course he will help.
Of course yes.
You need to run into the building.
There, a meteorite break is the only way down.
I know where this place is.
I always say yes.
We are you
you are close.
here, and I won't go there,
look at me, look at me, look at me.
Well, well, if we can think of something.
We're all business to come down faster.
Yes Yes
we are now on the grass, so we will play monkeys.
Okay, you sit on my back and hold on tight.
As I understand it, stronger. Hold on!
Caution - danger.
By the way, a
Ira, what happened to the device interrupted?
Do you still see, do you see anything happening there?
Stability is not broken.
97% chance of collapse.
Can you do?
I can prepare an escape pod for you to evacuate.
Try to relax immediately after the pressure level stabilizes.
I turn on videos marked as sedatives.
Until I see.
Your even even the hype.
To save energy, I turned off for a while
everything is not an electrical appliance.
To equalize the pressure level
need 40 more seconds
That's outside.
Well done,
Well done!
It's clear I don't
I say how.
I could not, that I could not remove the falling tear.
She fell right on top of me. I was afraid.
Now it won't work
how do you still have much
and won't go away soon.
And in this sense
no one forbids you to make a wish.
You just don't have to wait for some star to perform it.
Do you know what happens when the stars fall from the sky,
And so few people.
I was then eight years old.
What do you think?
We just moved into a new house.
Mom went to the store
Things from the street
lifted up in an elevator.
I fooled around and got stuck in an elevator.
The Airbus began to squeeze the door, there something shortened the wiring and
I became very scared.
I started crying, I couldn't calm down about everything.
Tried to give birth. Dying, crying and crying.
And then what
you still haven't reconciled?
We didn't even talk
flew away and never returned.
Well, now you can through this
bear to talk.
Only one-way communication.
When he wants, then we'll talk.
Broke Just
when he fell.
Plans to take some rest.
Need to go
outside filled up everything
from here.
We won't go out.
There is another way out
I don't understand why at all
not Jaguar
I asked, but do not run away from me all.
I say Well, why are you running away from me?
Lera, what is this for us
Probably just broke
another one broke
at some
Jaguar Jaguar
I don't know.
My dad tells me Yegor, wait.
Not from me, please, Jaguar.
Did you say that your dad can connect to everything?
What if the Bear doesn't work?
And now he's turned off at the traffic light.
So it indicates.
Our path ends. A.
We'll check it out right now.
You see, behind me
traffic light can be connected.
You know, Vera
It was a good idea for a traffic light.
My calculations have shown that helping escorts of leaders is safe
this is the shortest way to convince you to leave the courts.
And I saw
let's show them expensive
We'll see,
including the horse.
Another Jaguar.
We behave
like, it's cool.
The Arabs are now crazy about you, I guess.
Why do you call them Arabs?
Well, what should I call him? Petrov?
But it's kind of embarrassing.
He's your dad
and you are his lawyer, Come on.
You don't have to turn on the lights.
And who is a lawyer?
And dad is a very dangerous person.
Who do we have
Well, who is this?
Here are the Arabs themselves.
And that's how I imagined him.
Girlfriend, come on.
Get your escape pod ready.
let's go down there.
Arab flight engineer.
Ready rescue capsules four minutes.
What is my girl?
See you soon.
Mira I'm ready
be responsible for everything.
I would rather this
the plane was flying warm, it didnt warm me far.
Egor Egor.
Defend shutdown
What is this?
Analysis occurred detonation of a small tank at the stern
transatlantic tanker in the Golden Horn.
Egor Tsyganov
Father Mathis.
They were also destroyed by the explosion.
Fire vessels and the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, carrying out extinguishing of the tanker.
How to analyze the dynamics of fire spread?
The likelihood of a social explosion in
and or.
Help me please,
please help the child
in Russia!
Give a vacation, please help, please pick up the child.
I already have a girlfriend.
See what's going on here.
Please wait.
What will
let down
Who are you?
Where were you?
the engineer of the Arabs calls you the mission control center.
TsUP on communication.
What's the matter?
What is happening for some reason so far at the station?
Just happened in Porto
an explosion right next to the camp, detonating one side of the burning tank.
I analyzed if they explode
half the city, it will blow it here and.
The tanker puts out the fire.
There are no firemen there
explosions, swept them all away.
Yes, they will.
Only they can
not be in time.
And I have a daughter there, you know,
right there.
And tell me, Alexey Lvovich,
you can help her now, and I can
than I don't know yet.
Do you know what we understand?
Thank you, Alexey Lvovich.
And finally, the connection is a detailed analysis of the burning house.
When will the explosion happen?
I am collecting information.
I remind you, in 23 minutes 37 seconds.
Our station will enter the earth's atmosphere.
Peace, fresh me fresh on any device
next to her.
There will still be turntables.
You just have to wait a little
as herself.
I thought the connection was down.
Who are you in the middle?
Yes, Hello.
Actually call my phone.
Pole camera only
Briefly speaking.
TERENTIEV Mikhail Vasilyevich, a graduate of boarding school number 14,
registered for petty hooliganism.
Give Lera the phone, please.
What about at this moment?
I'm cosmonaut Misha, I'm on top
You need to get out right now. What?
And in a helicopter?
There will be no helicopter.
So you see, a monk was detonated there recently,
now it's on fire.
The explosion will take down half the city, you understand?
Yes, I understood.
I'll warn people then.
I stop.
Listen to me, I've calculated everything
rescuers. They won't get far.
People have not verified you.
Even if panic sets in, you're just wasting your time.
In general, such ships have a fire extinguishing system.
I just did.
RYABOV You can connect to everything so connect to this system.
Probably an old-fashioned system.
There is no remote control, you know, everything is manual, but manual
there's just no one there.
So what? The only way out is to run and hide.
How far can you build a path to the nearest bunker?
It's safe there. I would jump.
and hide as far as possible?
Well, that is, as you did then, yes.
Let's discuss this later.
You said the rescuers didn't make it.
But we are here
very near.
We can activate this system ourselves. Mish.
What is it?
Will you help us?
So you want to go and put it out yourself?
If I get you right.
So I can't count on your help.
I'm right. Do you understand what you are talking about?
You can't even look at a lit match.
Do you want to go through the burning window of his heroes?
No, I'm not a superhero.
I am a girl with special needs.
This will be a gift
Two hours
How do we get on the tanker?
I thought you were kidding
what are you pretending to be?
Lech expressed a concussion.
Everything will be fine. Hot.
And here.
Where is he?
How are you
All Russia.
I couldn't then.
Now I can't.
For what
me on not
There is?
yes you
like me.
help now if
then I was so close to her,
still couldn't do anything.
You are right, a.
She's just a weakling.
I say so several times.
I speak as it is.
You are hungry,
Valery is hungry.
But I'm with him.
Of course, criminal
there is some kind of guard in general.
Astronaut tomorrow.
I believe you.
Now someone can save your daughter.
It's only you.
Just ordinary.
Just confusion.
Arabs will soon tremble,
Frozen that. Lee.
The balance has been restored.
Tanker is Greek.
Terentiev. Are you even human?
What are you all joking about?
and denunciations.
Such a habit.
With 13.
I then decided to joke.
The joke came out.
Since then they have had fun.
I'll tell you, when we imprisoned Igor for 100 years, are you shy?
No, I'm proud of them.
I would be proud.
Yes. But you would also be proud of this Russian.
I don't see any theft.
I see a person in front of me
who survived the pain, was able to cope with it and remain human.
That's why
yes, I was proud.
Where to go? I mean, you did it easy.
But he didn't do it?
Quiet, calm.
Now let's figure it out.
Let's just follow the signpost.
The state has announced that it is signing.
Don't slow down it will go
where to. Yes?
movement here, Yes, do not touch anything.
You're all red-hot.
Where here
I said don't touch anything.
Well, not here.
Calm, calm, everything is fine
look at me.
I'll plan something else a little bit in not understood.
It's an overload, right?
Not a toy.
Dad and I.
I talk to my mom on the radio.
She just broke down.
Let's watch.
So I look
communication device available.
So I'm online fast
Didn't listen to you.
Now it's not about that. We'll discuss later.
This means that at your level, fires are everywhere for you to go through.
You need to go down the engine room.
This is the only way out for the teacher of domes to lower and hear me save from the fire
They got me.
No, another teacher must be somewhere
get it here.
Yes him
descend quickly.
You are generally cool
Because k.
The wall was almost burned out.
Hurry, Misha, ahead
close the doors now
calmly with you.
Near Vasya everything is in order.
Do you have
like that, I understand the room
Let's go
forward, faster.
We are in your
higher higher, higher, higher.
Come on this level the area on the left is here
we're down to earth
How is the control panel now?
But here everything seems to be simple
popularity of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
wants to account for an electrician in a niche will have to manually.
At the end of the room from all manual controls.
Do you hear me here now?
Misha, just don't come out right away.
Check readiness
Misha, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm down now.
Now I think what?
Faith, what's the matter?
Contact with the batteries in the laboratory compartment has been lost.
The system is in governor mode.
Now, just not now.
The world was turned off everything you can.
All life support systems.
Only, or rather, not a connection.
Power is not enough.
And native.
I need a connection to the universe.
You know, you need it, you need it.
Otherwise, everything is meaningless.
Becoming is possible only when the search system is connected to the active one.
And what is an active energy source?
Power supply unit of the central data storage of the voice assistant of the world.
But I'm an engineer of the Arabs, unlike a man,
I will not be able to disable myself, and you will have to perform this action manually.
Do you know why you are called mira?
My full name is voice assistant
personnel of the orbiting world.
The world is a double star
one big strong
another small, but very bright, small, lives a large one,
the big one protects the little one.
And without each other their existence
will lose its meaning.
A beautiful metaphor.
I wonder who invented it?
It was a rhetorical question.
Farewell, flight engineer.
on suitcases. All.
Calm down.
That I appoint you.
And then everything exploded.
I see everything.
Everything is quiet now, Quiet, calm down.
Time is native.
with you
Take my hand,
but I think Michael won't mind.
Here you are the truth
can connect to everything.
I speak in poetry.
In a few minutes
on the council website.
I do not understand what will go out of orbit and
papa Dad.
What are you serving?
No no no, there shouldn't be any way out.
If you
Thank you, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, you cant tell your grandson.
you have to help me to help me help you.
And then at the elevator
could not destroy everything, destroyed.
No, wait me.
I shouldn't have let go.
I shouldn't have touched them at all.
Please forgive me.
You are not guilty of anything
and nothing to forgive you.
Now this is not.
You just miss you so much.
I want to.
And bored.
I miss you too.
I miss you very much, I miss you very much.
Come on, come on you.
Gotta live
just an idea to make you succeed.
You can.
I can not.
All the same
look, you see
box and I will
No no no no no no no no.
Can you?
No no no
no, not anymore.
And I do
for the night. Yes
And. That
Yes. Where
at your place
here is the TV
Not sense.
And while ever
In the end
you can
even revenue.
No problem.
You know how it is.
I was able out.
Continues monitoring to report the coordinates of the falling debris.
As understood
and preserved.
Unlike Eagle, no.
They'll catch up.
And I'm afraid I only tears at night
rain and rose.
And this is Misha
we are with them.
I understood.
In order.
How is it.
Football will be played soon
What worked
what worked?
Starfall again.
I managed to order live.
And it worked.
And what did you guess?
I said,
to you.
Has returned.
Take me.
I don't mind.
And everything worked out. And it looks like.
It's easier right away.
In the end, everything is possible.
Give it up, it seems.
Feel better.
that the Arabs bam!
With me yes
yes and that no ah yes
and Pu said Ah I
I will be, and
well, that means.
A couple of light.
Yes, a coin
I'll roll up.
I will come.
Yes no yes
and that does not remain.
Yes, the most
I think nowhere
I am not his summer
my what for
two days then
do not know how
from me.
Yes Yes Yes
And then I said
I will be too
and, and.