Miracle at Midnight (1998) Movie Script

[ bicycle bell ringing ]
[ trolley bell clanging ]
Hendrik ! Be sure to walk
your sister all the way
into the school building.
Well, hurry.
And pick up else after school
and bring her home.
- Why can't she
walk herself home ?
- You know why. No arguments.
Why are you and daddy
always arguing
with each other ?
We're not. It's just that
he thinks I'm still a kid.
[ woman ]
but I want the freshest.
[ man ]
don't worry.
It's all we have.
But look, it's--
here you are.
[ else ]
are you seeing Karin today ?
We have economics together,
and she's just a friend.
I think it'd be nice
if she was more
than a friend.
And why should I care
what you think, hmm ?
A little girl
who has to be walked
to school.
I don't have to be.
I can go by myself.
Oh, fine then.
Go by yourself.
Hendrik !
Hendrik !
Are you following me ?
Hendrik !
Ah, come on.
You're a big girl.
I'm sorry.
You should not be running
in a public square.
He's my brother.
He's walking me to school.
No harm done.
You wouldn't mind if
I looked in your bag ?
It's just books, sir.
I'm a student
at the university.
Are you refusing
to show it ?
No. It's just that
I've never been
searched before.
Things have changed.
A saboteur was shot
this morning.
A university student.
Maybe you know him.
Why would I know him ?
We are watching
you students.
Be cautious.
That's what my father's
always telling me.
Listen to him.
Go on.
He said they were
chest pains ?
He described them
as palpitations.
Arrhythmic heartbeats.
Your father's blood pressure has
always been a little high, but
he's never had heart trouble.
I think it's
this takeover by the Germans.
It has us all on edge.
I'm not hearing
anything abnormal, Ben.
How've you been sleeping ?
Who can sleep ?
Father worries that
without the Danish government
to protect us, we're at risk.
They've been here three years.
They're leaving you alone,
aren't they ?
Karl, you don't know.
You're not a Jew.
The Germans are arresting Jews
all over Europe. Why should we
be any different ?
[ Karl ]
I understand.
But worrying about something
that hasn't happened
and might never happen...
Isn't worth the price
you're paying, Ben.
Try to relax.
Think about the good things
in life, like Hannahs
engagement to Michael.
Oh, you and the family
are coming to
the engagement party, hmm ?
I'm counting on it.
We wouldn't miss it.
Hello, Mr. Levy.
Oh, Mrs. Koster.
It's time you visited my shop.
You neglect me.
No. Karl has probably
been wearing this jacket...
With the hole under the arm
for weeks before I saw it.
"who's going to see it ?"
he says.
Oh, a doctor has
a lot on his mind.
And how have you been,
Mr. Levy ?
I'm all right,
so long as I have work.
Jorgen !
How are you, Hendrik ?
I have to talk to you.
A saboteur was shot
this morning, a student.
I heard.
Was it someone we know ?
No. But how
did you find out ?
I was searched this morning.
He only spent a second
going through my bag.
But had he looked through
everything, he would've found 20
of these anti-german leaflets.
See, now you can't
even walk down the streets.
We have to call it off.
We have to show them
right away that we can resist.
I'm saying we should wait.
All right ? Next week.
Next week, the guns will be
in the barracks.
It has to be today.
Look, you just distract them.
I'll get the trucks.
[ Jorgen ] good.
They're loading the guns
into the trucks. Let's do it.
[ whistle blowing ]
[ yelling ]
We're the resistance.
We need these guns.
We're taking them now.
Move. Load up the back.
You ! Take this.
In the back.
Move ! Load it.
Load it.
Come on, come on.
Hurry !
Get out of here !
Come on ! Run !
[ grunts ]
come on, Jorgen !
[ gunfire ]
[ Hendrik ]
get in !
Come on ! It's too late !
Let's go !
I got you. I got you.
Go, go, go. Move !
[ chattering ]
[ truck horn honking ]
[ Karl ]
you're going to recover
nicely, lieutenant,
But you'll have to endure
our hospitality for a few days.
I want to make sure
there's no infection.
Thank you, dr. Koster.
And nurse, thank you.
They're still people.
No, they're not.
He was wounded.
We had to treat him.
If I was hurt
and sent to a german hospital,
would they have to treat me ?
Or would they be satisfied
to ship one more Jew
to a concentration camp ?
Hannah, someday you will
be married to Michael and have
three beautiful children...
And all of this
will have been so long ago.
[ door opens ]
[ woman ]
We have a second emergency.
Another gunshot wound.
He was left out back.
Whoever brought him in
didn't want to be seen.
Well, he's lost a lot of blood,
but he'll recover quickly.
He's young.
Under the new rules,
we're required to report him
to the Germans.
Do we have to,
dr. Koster ?
The Germans don't have
to hear about every
perforated ulcer.
And we don't have to give
his real name.
I trust your trip to Berlin
was productive, general best.
Very much so.
It's not in
the briefings yet,
but there was...
An attempted theft
for weapons earlier today
by the resistance.
Arrests ?
No, sir, but one
of our men was shot.
He's in hospital.
Remind me
to pay him a visit.
Thank you, captain.
The naval attach,
Herr Duckwitz,
is also waiting for you.
Heil Hitler.
So how was your trip
to Berlin, Werner ?
Well, I'm still here.
It's not fair to blame you
for the troubles here.
The August uprising,
the riots,
the city strikes.
I don't believe anyone
ever used the word "fair"
to describe Herr Hitler.
But he has shown faith
by retaining me as head
of the occupying forces.
I intend to prove his faith
was not misplaced.
I'm going to make it clear
to the Danes who's in charge.
You have a new plan of action ?
Now that I've declared
martial law,
I'm imposing an earlier curfew
and stricter rationing laws.
Anyone found guilty of
participating in the resistance
will be sentenced to death.
I've written a telegram
to Herr Eichmann...
Recommending that we begin
deporting the Jews.
These are aggressive measures,
and they're certain
to impress Berlin.
But it could cause problems
because there's a tradition
of tolerance in Denmark,
You know, especially
towards the Jews.
Georg, you lived in Denmark
too long.
Arresting the Jews
is inevitable. I simply
want the credit for it.
I meant to tell you.
In Berlin, I heard
Beethovens ninth.
I wish you'd been there.
I know you love Beethoven.
It was very moving.
Let me guess.
Potato pancakes ?
- Boiled potatoes ?
- No.
I'm usually better
at this.
Chicken !
- I managed to find a chicken.
- I wish I were as
well connected as you are.
Is ole in ?
Please tell him
to phone Karl
as soon as he can.
Is something wrong ?
Else, why don't you
go upstairs and tell Hendrik
that supper's ready.
Hendrik !
Supper's ready !
I said, "go."
What is it ?
I wouldn't trouble you
with this.
A german soldier
was brought in today.
He'd been shot.
I treated him.
But then there was another man
who was also wounded.
Someone left him out back.
I'm pretty sure he's the man
who shot the German.
[ mother ]
a resistance fighter ?
What did you do ?
I treated him.
Then I changed his name
and altered the records.
You're chief surgeon.
Couldn't someone else
have dealt with it ?
I was careful.
You were not careful.
No. This could come back
on our whole family.
[ Karl ]
I just couldn't
turn the fellow in.
[ man on radio ] ...But he has
resumed his supreme direction
of fascism in Italy.
Hendrik !
However, allied sources have
indicated that Italy is sure--
I can hear it all
the way downstairs.
can hear it out on the street.
It's a stupid risk.
[ turns radio off ]
If you listen to English news,
you keep it down.
You know, having this radio
upsets your mother.
The Germans are going to lose
Italy. This is the beginning
of the end for them.
It could be years
before it's all over.
Yeah, but now is the time
to put the pressure on.
Now is the time to be patient.
How can you say
to do nothing now ?
That's what everyone said
when the Germans invaded
in the first place.
How could we fight them ?
Any way you could.
The young man
I operated on today
was just about your age.
He might even go
to the university.
Do you ever wonder
what our lives would be like...
If it wasn't for the war ?
Is the fellow all right ?
The resistance fighter ?
He'll be fine.
[ Karl ]
Through the years our families
have known each other,
I've watched you grow
into a beautiful young woman
and a fine operating nurse.
Now you are engaged
to an intelligent young man
with a bright future.
Michael, I don't mind you taking
Hannah away from her father,
But don't get any ideas
about taking her away from me.
I'm going on far too long,
as usual.
In short,
health and happiness.
L'chaim !
L'chaim !
Mazeltov !
Mazeltov !
[ woman ]
please, everybody, take a plate
and help yourselves.
[ chattering ]
Is a Jewish wedding the same
as a Christian wedding ?
Oh, very different, else.
I think you'll enjoy it.
Life goes on,
despite the war.
You must not have heard
what happened last night.
The Jewish community centre
was broken into.
Records were taken.
Lists of Jews.
The Danish people wouldn't
stand for it if the Germans
started arresting Jews.
They won't have a choice.
Before, I've been able
to tell people
it will never happen here.
But now it could.
And soon.
How far will they go ?
As far as they can.
Names, dr. Koster.
Thousands of them.
Friends' names.
Our names.
General, as a minister
of Denmark,
This break-in is
of great concern to me.
But you are not a minister.
You resigned along with
the rest of your government...
And forfeited the rule
of Danish law.
Lists of Jews were taken.
That may have to do
with the census one of our
departments is compiling.
With all due respect, general,
this theft...
Of lists
of Jewish addresses...
By the S.S. Leads me
to only one conclusion.
I'll have someone
look into the matter.
Don't trouble yourself,
Mr. Andersen.
Good day.
There are two transport ships
ready to sail from Hamburg
whenever you need them.
Have you thought
when you might begin
the arrests ?
I'm rather pleased with myself.
I had an inspiration.
This Friday is Rosh Hashanah,
the Jewish new year.
Ah, yes, of course, the Jews
will be at home to celebrate.
We'll round them up
in one mass operation.
A surprise attack.
October the first.
The stroke of midnight.
[ soldier ]
links, links, links.
Ah, Georg.
I was getting worried.
It's unlike you
to be late.
[ sighs ]
what a beautiful day, huh ?
[ inhales deeply ]
on a day like this, one can
almost forget the war.
I'm afraid not.
It's what you feared.
How can we get word
to people that fast ?
Where can they go ?
People will have to hide them.
How long can they hide ?
And when has it ever happened,
people doing this
for each other ?
The only escape is Sweden...
If Sweden will accept them.
Even if they do take them,
how are these people
going to get across the water ?
It's an impossible idea.
It's the best chance we have.
Take it step by step.
We will try, of course.
But do you think
anyone will help ?
The Germans have done
what they wanted with us in
every country they've invaded.
No one has ever stopped them.
My friends, there will be
no service this morning.
I have urgent news.
Late last night, I received word
of something we have feared,
But felt could never happen
in our beloved Denmark.
Tomorrow night, at midnight,
the Germans will begin
mass arrests of Jews.
[ congregation gasping ]
anyone found at home
on Rosh Hashanah...
Will be taken.
It's not true.
I don't believe it.
I-I-it's not possible.
They have left us alone
for three years. Why would they
begin rounding up Jews now ?
Believe me. You must not be
at home Friday night.
Ask your Christian friends
to take you in.
They will be generous.
Tell everyone you know.
Pass the word.
If ever word needed
to pass swiftly,
it is this word.
Go now.
Go and be safe, my friends.
I think we should take
the Abrams in.
Take them in ?
Hide them...
In the attic.
Get them through the night.
Save our friends.
It's not that I--
You know I would do anything
for the Abrams,
Except put our family
in danger.
[ Karl ]
last night,
we talked about helping.
We didn't talk about
threatening the lives
of our children.
It's not just the Jews
they're going to arrest.
They're going to arrest
anyone hiding Jews.
No. I won't have the war
coming into our home.
It's already in the house.
I've falsified the records,
the radio is here.
We can't keep it out.
There must be some other thing
we can do for them.
[ Karl ]
it's tomorrow night.
Well, they are not coming here.
I-- if they were arrested,
their lives would be
on our conscience.
And if our children
were taken away,
Their lives would be
on our conscience.
Who comes first ?
You tell me.
Who are we bound
to protect first ?
How do we live with ourselves
if we don't ?
And what's the message
we give our children ?
I don't know...
If I can do--
I don't know.
Every Jew in Copenhagen
is in danger.
I've asked myself,
"what can we do ?
How can we help ?"
I propose
we hide people.
[ Karl ]
In the hospital.
It might only be for one night,
two nights,
Until they can get up the coast
and over to Sweden.
I'm not going to pretend
there isn't danger in this.
We'd all be taking
a big risk.
It's something each of you
must decide for themselves.
But if we work together,
I think we can do it.
Why us ? Why should we
take the chance ?
Because we can.
We have the space.
We can use ambulances
to move people.
And we are in the business
of saving lives.
The first thing I can do...
Is have my staff change
the Jewish patients' names
to Christian ones.
[ Hannah ]
we have empty beds.
- We can admit Jews as patients.
- Are there any patients
we can safely send home ?
- I'll go through the charts.
- What about
the psychiatric hospital ?
The Germans aren't likely
to look there.
They'd be afraid
they'd catch something.
We can hide them
in the morgue as well.
Also, in the nurse's quarters.
The nurses can double up.
Doctor, the S.S. Officer
you operated on is in ward "b."
we'll have to be careful.
Let's find a more private room
for lieutenant Schmidt.
Everything must look
like business as normal.
I think my staff
will not only want to do this,
but would be ashamed not to.
I think
we all feel that way.
If we can save 50 people,
100 people,
It will be worth it.
Hendrik, are you sure
about this ?
I heard my parents talking.
We have to get the word out.
Skip your classes. This is
more important than any class.
I'll go to the dean,
get names of Jewish students.
[ Hendrik ] good.
My history professor is Jewish.
He can tell the faculty.
I pass by a Jewish butcher shop
on the way to school.
He'll know of other
Jewish businesses.
Tell our parents.
They all have Jewish friends.
That's the idea, all right ?
One person will know dozens.
Book sellers, shop keepers,
The Danish police hate
the Germans as much as we do.
But be careful, all right ?
- Tell only the people
you can trust.
- Does that include me ?
[ chattering ]
What are you doing
out of the hospital ?
I released myself.
I'm all right.
It's good to see you.
It's good to see you too.
You've heard ?
I've heard. Well, tell me
what you've planned.
Your ships
are on their way ?
They should be docking at 4:00,
about two hours from now.
Major Langer,
welcome to Copenhagen.
It is an honor to be a part
of such an important mission,
This is Herr Duckwitz,
our naval coordinator.
Reichsmarshall Himmler
has spoken very highly
of you, major.
He is most kind.
Major, this operation
is very dear to my heart.
It must be flawless,
and it will do honor
to all of us.
Please, children.
Before we take
our lunch break,
I would like David,
Fran and Nathaniel
to gather up your things.
Your parents are here
to take you home.
[ children chattering ]
You're not in trouble.
There's a little emergency,
and you will be better off
with your families.
They will explain.
Don't be frightened.
What do you think is wrong ?
Is there some kind of flu
going around ?
Don't you see ?
They're all Jews.
I bet they're going away.
My father says it's time
the Germans did something
about the problem.
What problem ?
They're our friends.
I know.
But they shouldn't be
in the same school with us.
That's what my mother says.
That's a horrible thing to say.
I don't see why they're
any different from us.
[ Hannah ]
quickly, quickly.
Patient Sorensen.
See nurse Hannah.
She'll assign you
to a bed.
Mr. Sorensen.
This is your bed.
Nurse Petersen,
how's it going ?
I don't know what's in the air,
but in the past 24 hours,
There have been
an awful lot of people
needing our attention.
Ward "a" is full,
and this ward is
filling up quickly.
And how are you doing ?
It sounds crazy, but I've
never felt better in my life.
It's a big house
just outside the city.
You'll be safe there.
It's 27 Islegade
at Vesterbro, all right ?
It's the home of
a friend's parent.
He's already got three families.
He won't mind another, okay ?
Good luck.
Thank you.
Hendrik, what are you doing ?
Why were you giving that lady
an address ?
Never mind, else.
Was she a Jew ?
What do you mean ?
All the Jewish kids
in school had to leave.
Margareta said
they're being taken away.
What's happening ?
Tomorrow night,
the Germans are going
to arrest all the Jews.
Me and some of the other
students are trying to find
places for them to hide.
You're in the resistance.
No, it's too dangerous !
Else, I must do this.
If you get caught,
they might put you in jail.
Else. Else, listen to me !
Look at me !
Don't tell father or mother
you saw me here.
Father would kill me.
Don't get caught.
I won't, all right ?
Karl ?
I asked the Abrams
to stay.
I think it will be
all right.
Do you know what's happening ?
The Jews are being arrested.
How do you know ?
Three Jewish kids in school
had to leave with their parents.
There's people all over
talking about hiding Jews.
I saw them in the street.
Are we hiding someone ?
Is that why you're
clearing the beds ?
Friday night,
rabbi Abrams and his family
are staying with us.
Isn't that against the law ?
It's the right thing
to do.
You must tell no one.
Do you understand ?
[ Karl ]
no one.
Well, we can't put them
in ward "b." it's full.
Where can I find
lieutenant Edgar Schmidt ?
General best
is here to see him.
Lieutenant Schmidt.
The fuehrer wishes
to reward you
for your bravery.
Dr. Koster, there's
a German general visiting
lieutenant Schmidt.
Where are they ?
Ward "d."
I'm coming.
Spread the word.
Everything must seem normal.
Get these people into bed...
Or hide them.
I'm dr. Karl Koster,
Chief surgeon
of Christiana hospital.
Dr. Koster, I've heard
of the good work you do here.
We do everything
we can.
Wait here.
You can't go
that way.
[ murmuring ]
Where did these people
come from ? They can't
come in here now.
You've certainly taken
good care of our man Schmidt.
Well, we're looking forward
to sending him on his way.
Dr. Koster himself
actually operated on me.
Warn dr. Koster.
I'm very sorry.
You cannot come in here.
we have an emergency.
A truck just dropped off
40 people. We have nowhere
to hide them.
General, before you go,
I hope you'll take a moment
to see the rest of the hospital.
Our therapy room,
the new x-ray unit.
We're very proud of them.
I'll be with you
in a moment.
Put them in the chapel.
We have to get them
in the chapel.
[ chanting ]
Come on. Please, get in.
[ chanting continues ]
General, I'm sorry.
We have these little crises
from time to time.
I'm sorry to interrupt
this service. We have
an emergency in the hospital.
I'll see what I can do
to help you, doctor.
I appreciate it.
I'd like to look around
your hospital... At
a more convenient time.
Oh, I'm at your service.
I need some more, please.
Thank you.
Please, put these on.
I must be on my way.
These are busy days.
Busy days for all of us.
Pastor, we're ready.
And that concludes
the singing of the hymns.
Now let us pray.
The 23rd psalm.
[ congregation ]
"the lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want.
"he maketh me to lie down
in green pastures.
"he leadeth me
beside still waters.
Popular man.
"he restoreth my soul.
"he leadeth me in
the paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
"yea, though I walk
through the valley
of the shadow of the death,
I will fear no evil."
Is there anything anyone needs ?
Doris, we're fine.
Please, don't worry about us.
Well, else and I are just about
to run out to do some shopping.
I'm sorry to have to leave you
when you've all just arrived.
I should apologize.
I feel terrible, you having
to shop for us, wait on us.
No, you mustn't think that way.
No, please, just get settled.
I-- I'll be back soon.
Hannah, you and Michael
take the other side.
Are you sure,
rabbi Abrams ?
I'm sure.
They're not married.
Being together
always comforted us
when there was trouble.
Shouldn't they have
the chance to comfort
each other now ?
Men !
Time is of the essence.
Make the arrests
quickly and cleanly.
If you have to use force,
use it, but take them alive.
A dead Jew is no good to me.
I want a line 7,500 long,
marching into Theresienstadt
concentration camp.
Our fuehrer gave us our credo:
Thy honor is thy loyalty.
Prove it tonight, men.
Prove your honor.
Mr. Levy ?
[ bell dings ]
Good. He is gone.
Well, let's look
for daddy's jacket.
Ah, this is it.
I don't-- I-- I can
pay him later, I suppose.
Look, there's a note.
"this is no longer my world.
Shalom. Isaac levy."
W-what is he--
[ screams ]
[ else sobbing ]
Mother, what's wrong ?
Mr. Levy,
he's killed himself.
I'll, uh--
I'll put these things away.
Oh, the Abrams
are staying with us tonight.
I understand.
[ drill leader ]
company !
[ soldiers shout, indistinct ]
I hope all this goes
as smoothly as you planned.
It'll be like lightning.
There won't be time
for one Jew to warn another...
Or for a single Jew
to escape.
A whirlwind that sweeps them
into our hands.
The surprise is the key, Georg.
The surprise is everything.
[ rabbi Abrams ]
thank you, Ruth.
[ Doris ]
everyone, please, sit down.
Is this correct ?
You dip the fruit in the honey
to show the sweetness
of the new year.
I studied your religion
at school.
And I have studied yours.
I was hungry,
and you gave me meat.
I was thirsty,
and you gave me drink.
I was a stranger,
and you took me in.
What happens now, Ben ?
Let me say
a few words of prayer.
May it be your will, god,
To grant us a year
of goodness and blessing,
Life and peace.
Blessed are you, our god,
ruler of the universe,
Who has given us life,
sustained us...
And brought us
to this season.
May our names,
All our names,
Be inscribed
in the book of life.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Excuse me.
Was it just a few days ago
we had the party ?
Life changes so fast.
I've had this
ever since I was a child.
It has always protected me.
Now it will
protect us both.
[ dog barking in distance ]
Search every house.
Find every Jew.
[ barking continues ]
[ whistling ]
Get out of bed ! Get up !
[ soldiers
shouting ] open up !
This is empty, too, sir !
Keep looking !
Move, move, move !
Look everywhere !
Empty !
Old man, you are coming
with us.
No, my friend.
You are coming with me.
[ machine-gun fire ]
No one here !
[ door opens ]
I have the first reports
back from the squad, sir.
How many have been arrested ?
It's been three hours.
There must be thousands.
Two hundred and two.
Is this a joke ?
Of those, 18 were suicides,
39 were bedridden.
All you've arrested
are cripples and corpses ?
The Jews, it seems,
have disappeared.
Seventy-five hundred people
have disappeared ?
I led many of the raids myself.
I found not one person
in a Jewish household.
They were all gone.
I've already sent
a telegram to Hitler
reporting our complete success.
The Jews must be somewhere,
Werner. They can't simply
have disappeared.
I want roadblocks
on every street
leading out of the city.
I want spot searches
of houses.
Search every house
if you have to.
Georg, blockade the harbor.
Not a ship leaves
without being inspected.
Of course.
Anyone hiding a Jew
will be arrested.
Anyone denying they're hiding
a Jew who's lying will be shot.
Raid the university.
Send dogs into the woods.
Break down the doors
of the churches.
Yes, they're here.
Someone tipped them off,
and they're hiding.
A very neat little trick.
I congratulate them.
But they won't escape.
I'll make that impossible.
The only way the Jews
are getting out of Copenhagen
is on my ships.
[ pounding ]
[ pounding continues ]
Every house is being searched.
Who is at home ?
My wife, daughter, son.
Searched for what reason ?
If you are hiding Jews,
you will be arrested.
Why would we be hiding Jews ?
[ snaps riding crop ]
show me the upstairs.
Quickly !
It's just our family
living here, as you can see.
[ gasping ]
Where does this
lead to ?
It's just
a linen closet.
[ doorknob rattling ]
Why is it locked ?
We-- we keep our--
our valuables in there.
There are--
have been many robberies
in the neighborhood.
- Open it up.
- I don't have the key.
I would have to find it.
Then find it !
Or would you prefer my men
to break the door down ?
Dr. Koster ?
Lieutenant Schmidt !
How is that arm of yours ?
Giving you any trouble ?
[ Schmidt ]
none at all, doctor.
I'm back on duty.
Ah, lieutenant,
things are as you see.
- Major, if I may ?
- Yes, lieutenant.
I think there's no need
to worry about this house.
I'm sure it's clean.
Why ? You know this man ?
Yes, sir.
He operated on me recently.
I'm very grateful to him.
Sorry to have
disturbed you.
Doctor, Mrs. Koster.
Let's go.
[ sighs ]
I'm sorry.
I suppose I thought
they won't search my house.
I don't think you have
anything to apologize for.
[ chair scraping floor ]
- Hendrik, you're not going out.
- I have work to do,
a paper that's late...
And a test on Monday.
Oh, no.
Karl, tell him.
Mom, we can't let them
run our lives.
That's what they want.
The last thing I intend to do
is give them what they want.
How long can the Abrams
stay here ?
The Germans
may not come back today,
but what about tomorrow ?
I could take them
to the hospital.
But moving them right now
is taking a risk.
No, I suppose, for the moment,
they're safest here.
I've been thinking.
If the Germans
search the hospital,
We need to talk about
what would happen if you--
Doris, if I get caught,
don't wait to see what happens.
Take the children
and go to the coast house.
There, you can find someone
to take you to Sweden.
And if something
should happen to me,
Promise me you'll think
of the children first.
The children
will be safe first.
I need to know that.
I promise.
Who tipped them off ?
Who could be so disloyal ?
It's unconscionable.
I'll find him,
and he'll be shot.
As you requested,
I've asked for five more e-boats
to patrol the sound,
But unfortunately,
they might not be here
for a few more days.
I want them by tomorrow.
The resistance must not
I'm doing everything
I can, Werner.
I'll close off
the escape route to Sweden.
I'll block roads to the coast.
I want those boats now !
We've got to start
getting people out of here
and up the coast.
Have you heard anything
from Sweden ?
My contact is still working
on it, but so far, nothing.
We have no choice.
We have to act as if
they'll take the Jews.
You do know, the Germans have
impounded all Danish vessels.
Except fishing boats.
If we can get people
to these little fishing ports,
Maybe we can find fishermen
to take them across the sound.
I have a house in Horsholm.
We could use it as our base
of operations.
But how do you get them
to Horsholm ? There are
roadblocks everywhere.
we've alerted the people.
We've got safe houses.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
We can do this too.
[ phone ringing ]
Hello ?
I found a warehouse
where we can take people.
Great. I owe you a beer
when this is all over.
All right.
- I got a truck !
- Good. Conroy's got
petrol ration cards.
I heard people are running
into the woods and hiding there.
All right, let's go. Come on !
[ speaking German ]
[ dogs barking ]
Anybody you find hiding,
take them to the pickup places
we talked about. Go !
[ man ]
all right.
[ Hendrik ]
make sure they know they're
not safe here. Hurry.
The Germans are coming !
Get your things !
There's a truck
waiting for you half a mile
through the path, off the road.
A student will call to you.
Hurry !
Don't worry.
You can trust us.
Please, do as I say.
Gather up your belongings.
Quickly. Hurry.
We don't have much time.
[ dog barking ]
Shh. Quiet.
Hurry ! Quickly !
That's it.
We don't have much time.
- [ Hendrik ]
they're coming.
- Let's get out of here.
The dogs will follow our trail.
We're gonna
have to stall them.
Take the refugees to the truck.
We'll meet you there
as soon as we can.
Are you sure ?
Pick us up on the side road.
Go on.
Come on, come on.
Let's go.
This way.
[ dogs barking ]
no. Take off
your jacket.
[ chattering in German ]
If the Gestapo on your tail
can't make you kiss me,
what will ?
[ chattering, barking
grow louder ]
On your feet. Up.
All Jews are under arrest.
Jews ? You think
we look Jewish ?
Check our papers.
[ Jorgen ]
get going.
Have you seen anyone
hiding in the woods ?
We've been a little
too busy to notice.
Come !
Are we going
to the warehouse ?
Can't. Roadblocks.
It's all right.
I have a better idea.
Did you have enough
to eat ?
I have more bread.
There's no butter today, but--
It was plenty.
Thank you, Doris.
Oh, it helps to keep busy.
It keeps me from thinking
too much, you know ?
You will think
less of me for this,
But I didn't want you
to come here.
I was afraid
of what would happen.
Well, I--
I just wanted to be--
I wanted to apologize
for not being the one
to ask you here.
How many people
can you take at one time ?
On my boat ? Twenty
will be a tight squeeze.
I can't have anybody on deck.
What about German patrol boats ?
Ah, they go pretty much
to schedule.
The trick for us
is to make the run
as soon as they go by.
Stig, how are the fish running
for you this morning ?
A bit slow for me, Arne.
He's one of the men
we have to count on.
What will it cost ?
Two thousand kroner
a trip.
Two thousand ?
That's as much as
a trip to America.
But doctor,
if the men are caught,
they will lose their boats,
Maybe even their lives.
How can I raise that much ?
We have thousands of people.
Some of them
don't have any money at all.
Oh, well, the people up here,
they are not very rich either.
What about collaborators ?
Oh, everyone up here
hates the Germans,
But you know, there's always
one or two crazies.
We can't let that stop us.
We just go ahead.
How long before the Germans
are on the coast ?
They're there already.
People were caught
[ brakes squealing ]
Shh. You must be
very still.
[ door opening ]
[ footsteps ]
[ footsteps approaching ]
Dad !
What are you
doing here ?
What are you ?
How long have you been
involved in this ?
Why didn't you tell me ?
You wouldn't have
let me out of the house.
I should wring
your neck.
But I'm too proud
of you.
[ Hendrik ]
one night we were
listening to the radio.
We couldn't talk,
like always.
That day
I'd been with Jorgen
when he got shot.
I was the one
who brought him
to the hospital.
I wanted to tell you.
But you didn't trust me.
We haven't had
a whole lot
in common lately.
Hendrik, I want you to get
through this war alive.
Nothing I have ever done
has felt so right.
Well... It looks like
we're talking again.
How will I explain this
to your mother ?
I told her I'm staying
at the university.
[ Karl ]
today the banks are closed,
but tomorrow, first thing.
We need it
as fast as we can.
Hendrik phoned. He's going
to be staying at the university
for the next few days.
He said not to worry.
It's going to take
a lot of money to get
these people to Sweden,
If Sweden will
actually take them.
If this doesn't work,
I don't know what
we're going to do.
Else and I are going
to the pastor.
We will ask the pastor
to take up a collection.
You're going out ?
Our son is right.
We can't let the Germans
tell us what to do.
Let me help you.
Yes, thank you.
Hurry up !
- Hurry !
- [ man ]
this way. Come on. Let's go.
- [ man ] quickly !
- Run !
That's it, that's it.
Get in the boat.
[ Hendrik ]
come on. Come on !
Push, push.
[ crowd muttering ]
[ man ]
papers are necessary.
Papers, papers.
Have papers ready.
I know what
your husband is doing.
He saved my life once.
It is time to pay him back.
Roadblock. There's
never been a roadblock
on this road before.
Turn around.
It's too late.
They've seen us.
Money. Money.
[ brakes squeal ]
Where are you going ?
Uh, Hillerod. We're working
on a house up there.
Clear to pass.
Open the back.
We were cleared.
Get out.
Open it.
Open it.
Ah. Jews.
[ grunting ]
- [ gun fires ]
- [ people shouting ]
Dr. Koster.
Success ?
I've been to the bank.
And here ?
I'll be with you
in a minute.
We're working all night.
Hannah, are you still here ?
You shouldn't be here.
You should be in hiding.
I can't let everyone else
do the work. I have to help.
How many have made it
up the coast so far?
It's hard to say. Hundreds.
The Swedes have made a decision.
They will admit the Jews.
All Danish Jews are welcome.
This is great news !
[ laughing ]
I don't know how
you did it.
I had a friend.
[ nurse Petersen laughing ]
This is a good omen.
For the first time I feel
this just might work.
- It's Hendrik.
- He was arrested...
Outside of Bikerod.
We used the same road yesterday
and there was no roadblock.
Where will they take him ?
To the local
police station...
Until the Gestapo take him in
for questioning.
Let's go.
Look, they'll arrest you
if you try to bribe them.
It's the only way.
[ both laughing ]
Officers, I need your help.
I'm going to appeal
to your pride
as Danish citizens.
You have my son as a prisoner
here for the Germans.
I want you to let him go.
It's too late.
They know his name
and address.
Gestapo are
on their way.
Why should we
help you ?
Let him go.
I'll make it worth your while.
You're concerned about what
might happen to you if you
let him go. I understand.
But this is my son.
They might kill him.
He's 18 years old.
Put your money away,
Hold it !
Don't move or I'll shoot.
[ pants ]
I have other men coming.
You would be wise
to give yourself up.
I've never been very wise.
Go ! I'll cover you !
[ indistinct shouts ]
Jorgen !
Come on !
[ groans ]
[ machine-gun fire
continues ]
Dr. Koster, what's wrong
with Hendrik ?
He's hurt !
I need some help
getting him into the house !
Hurry ! Quick !
Please help him.
Sit up, Hendrik.
Take his arms.
Gently, now.
Yes. Straight out.
This will hurt.
[ groaning ]
You will have to be
my nurse, Karin.
Wash your hands.
I shouldn't have let you
do this. I should have
locked you in a room.
It wouldn't have done
any good.
This won't be enough
to kill the pain...
But I'll do my best.
I trust you, dad.
I love you, son.
[ sniffles ]
W-we can take care of anything
until you come back.
No, get rid of it all,
so there's not a trace
that we were here.
There's just a few things
it pains me to part with.
This bible,
over 100 years old.
This menorah has been
in my family for generations.
It was my grandfather's;
My father's.
Ben, please.
Let us take care of them.
I'll take them
and hide them somewhere safe.
I know just where.
Could you ?
[ bell tolling ]
[ knocking ]
It's very beautiful,
isn't it ?
You were right to bring it
here. I'll keep it safe
until the Abrams return.
You're a very brave girl.
You're going
to be fine.
Jorgen is dead.
I know.
He died trying to save me.
He died because
he believed in something
with all his heart.
It isn't right that
anybody should die,
But Jorgen
wouldn't want you
to blame yourself.
He'd want you to be proud
that you took part in saving
so many lives.
[ weeping ]
We have to
get him to Sweden.
He needs a hospital.
Well, if it's urgent,
I'll take him
in my boat-- now.
[ sloshing sound ]
- All right, son ?
- I'm all right.
[ Stig ]
you will stink,
but you will be in Sweden.
[ phone ringing ]
Hello ?
[ Karl ]
Doris ?
Yes ?
I think he'll be
all right.
- A friend will see him
to the hospital.
- [ relieved sigh ]
Thank god. I-I hardly slept
at all last night.
I-- I've been
so worried about him.
It's time for us all to go.
I'm coming for you
this afternoon.
No, no, you mustn't come here.
Meet me. 5:00.
Don't say where.
Give me a hint.
I will know.
Where we began
our life together.
Yes. Right.
And wear the scarf
I love so.
I love you.
I love you.
[ whispering ]
oh, be careful.
How did he escape ?
[ Langer ] the Danish police
are collaborating
with the resistance.
Who is the man those oafs
managed to kill ?
Jorgen Christiansen,
a student at the university.
And the one who got away ?
Hendrik Koster,
also a student.
Father, dr. Karl Koster,
chief surgeon
of Christiana hospital.
The hospital ?
They were hiding Jews
under my nose ?
We need to pay another
visit to the hospital.
[ all chattering ]
[ man ]
quickly now !
Where can we find
dr. Koster ?
I-I'll see if he's in.
Don't bother.
We'll see for ourselves.
Make haste !
- [ Hannah ] Michael.
- Good-bye.
[ Ruth ]
thank you.
[ Hannah ] bye, else.
Thank you.
Be careful.
[ engine sputters,
truck departs ]
[ group chattering ]
Give me that.
[ baby crying ]
careful now.
It's a mild sedative.
It won't harm her. She'll just
be quiet during the trip.
We can never
thank you enough.
nothing to thank me for.
We'll see each other soon.
Good-bye, Ruth.
- Hey, I'm afraid
that's all I can take now.
- Hannah, Hannah, take my place.
[ Abrams ]
yes, you and Michael.
There's not time. Go, mom, dad.
- Hurry. I'll see you soon.
- There may be room
in Arne's boat.
[ engine cranking ]
Arne, have you got room
for two more ?
Come on.
But I'm having trouble
with my engine.
- What's wrong ?
- Keeps cutting out.
- We've got to get these people
off this pier.
- I'm trying.
Michael ! The chain you gave me
with the star of David--
it's not here !
It doesn't matter.
Well, I never take it off !
It must've broken !
Don't worry about it.
You're shaking.
[ cranking continues ]
- [ Stig ]
ah, let me take a look.
- [ Arne ] go on, Stig.
- I'll follow you
as soon as I can.
- Just let me have a try, huh ?
Hey !
You cut the fuel line !
Germans !
You traitor !
[ indistinct shouting ]
You sabotaged
your own boat !
[ grunting ]
[ people shouting,
screaming ]
Come on ! All up !
Onto my boat, all of you !
Can you take them ?
I will have to take them !
[ shouting, screaming
continues ]
Uuh !
[ Stig ]
keep your hands and arms
and heads down. Come on !
Come on, come on, come on.
Over here !
Come on !
Come, come with me !
Aah !
Come on !
Come on.
Keep down. Down !
[ indistinct shouting ]
Take care, doctor.
[ man #1 ]
move ! Let's go !
[ man #2 ] take his gun !
Four hundred.
Four hundred Jews
out of thousands.
How did it go wrong ?
Well, it was a perfect plan.
It should have played out
You warned me against it
at the start. Why ?
Because I knew that it would
enrage the Danish people
and cause you trouble.
You've lived in Denmark
a long time, Georg.
Perhaps you let that influence
your good judgment.
Perhaps it was you
who tipped off the Jews !
I'm proud to call myself
your friend, Werner.
I would never do that to you.
It wasn't me.
Forgive me.
Georg. Forgive me
for doubting you.
Hurry ! It's almost
quarter past 4:00.
[ else ] just one more minute.
Don't take too much. We don't
want to look conspicuous.
[ knocking ]
[ knocking ]
Mrs. Koster.
Would dr. Koster
be at home ?
No, he's not.
Where might I find him ?
He's at-- at the hospital,
I assume.
He is not at the hospital.
Some days he's
around the town.
He's on many committees
and he--
Why are you--
why are you searching
my house again ?
I ask the questions,
Mrs. Koster.
Where is your son Hendrik ?
He's at the university,
in class.
You're hiding Jews
in this house.
No, we are not.
I told you that before.
You said this was
a linen closet.
I-I was nervous.
Y-you came so early
that morning.
You-you got us
out of our beds.
[ cracking ]
else, come here.
Else can show me
the way up the stairs.
- This is where you hid them,
didn't you ?
- No.
No, you're wrong.
We didn't hide anyone.
You Danes think you're
very clever, don't you ?
Ah, Mrs. Koster.
When you do speak to your
husband, tell him to pay us
a visit at headquarters.
We have a few questions.
[ engine starting ]
[ Doris ]
else, I want you
to do this.
When I let go of your hand,
go straight to the church...
And run up the steps.
- Daddy will be waiting.
Do you understand ?
- When are you coming ?
Go straight to your father.
Go now.
Don't look back.
Where's your mother ?
[ engine revs ]
Mrs. Koster.
Come with me.
We have some questions for you
at Gestapo headquarters.
[ crying ]
She isn't coming.
[ sniffs ]
You know, doctor,
you have done
an incredible thing.
What have I done ?
I did all this
and I couldn't save Doris.
I made her a promise.
But she is very strong.
I think she will be all right.
I want these matters
dealt with immediately,
I will take care of it
[ clicks heels ]
[ door opens ]
major Langer.
- The fuehrer has sent
Adolf Eichmann to see you.
- I'm honored.
I do not believe he has
come to honor you,
I promised to purge
Denmark of Jews.
And it is purged.
You can confirm this to him.
Herr Eichmann has not come
to see me, general.
He is waiting...
And he is not a patient man.
[ sighs ]
Today, one of
the bravest men in
Denmark is a German...
And a member
of the Nazi party.
You risked your life
by warning the Jews,
And then again
by persuading Sweden
to take them.
Why ?
I came to this country
as a young man...
and a little homesick
as young men are.
The Danes welcomed me,
and some of them were Jews.
It's easy to persecute
the nameless and the faceless,
But these people
are not faceless to me.
I-- I could've
walked away, but--
You know, a--
A man must live with himself
a long time,
And if he can do something
to ease a little...
The terrible ache
in this world,
He must.
I love Denmark.
It's my home now.
And when your home is on fire,
you want to save it.
That's all it was.
My home was on fire.
[ Karl ]
the next five weeks
weren't easy for us.
Hendrik began to heal
and else was safe,
But the Germans
still held Doris.
Then just before Christmas
they released her,
and we began to breathe again.
I wasn't to see her
until the war ended in 1945,
Two long years later.
In just a few weeks,
over 7,000 Jews had been hidden
and transported to Sweden.
Only 464 were captured.
The majority of those survived.
When they returned to Denmark,
all who had fled...
Found their homes and businesses
had been watched by friends
and neighbors,
Their pets cared for,
their gardens tended.
In every language and religion,
to be humane is to love
your neighbor.
People have said the Danes
showed enormous courage
in their time.
Else !
But I think we all felt
we only did what was normal.
In a time when the world
was lost in madness,
We were lucky to escape it.