Miral (2022) Movie Script

You also sing.
Shall I take video?
Shall I take video?
Yes do it.
Careful now.
Dad, someone is calling you.
Show me.
-Don't use the phone.
-Tell me sir.
Give me a moment.
Can you hear me?
No signal. I'll talk and get back.
Can you hear me?
No not busy.
-Just came out with my family.
-Mom, can we play a song in your phone.
-Just came out with my family.
-Mom, can we play a song in your phone.
What song?
If you tell me about the
payment transactions,
If you tell me about the
payment transactions,
we can finalize
everything based on that.
Hope you have already seen the plan.
Hope you have already seen the plan.
So there is no need for me
to come and explain it to you.
Yes sir. The project
details are already with you.
Yes sir. The project
details are already with you.
Yes. I will be back.
Okay sir.
We'll definitely do this project...
Who is that mommy?
Get up Hari!
Can you hear me? Get up Hari!
Get up Hari!
Who the hell are you?
Get up Hari!
Daddy... mommy...
I am here mom.
What happened to you?
What happened to you?
There, over there...
Nothing, no one
is there. You relax now.
Don't worry. I am here, right?
Nothing, just relax now.
Relax... relax.
Why are you sitting here? Come...
Why are you sitting here? Come...
-Stand up.
Come sit here.
What happened to you?
You're alright.
Someone is there.
There is nothing.
There is no one there. You first...
There is no one there. You first...
No, I...
I am here right?
Don't worry, I am here.
Don't worry, I am here.
Look at me...
We three were going
in the car. At that time...
you got a call.
You got out of the car.
You got out of the car.
Alright, alright.
Someone wearing a mask attacked you.
I saw it.
But look I am alright now.
Nothing will happen to me.
You are perfectly fine.
I'm there for you. Okay?
You are perfectly fine.
I'm there for you. Okay?
There is nothing to worry.
Let her rest well. She should be okay.
Let her rest well. She should be okay.
I have added two extra pills.
In case if you want something,
just give me a call anytime.
Don't over think it. Take care of Rama.
Don't over think it. Take care of Rama.
See you.
It's nothing, you sleep.
It's nothing, you sleep.
Sleep, I'll take care.
Son-in-law, is that you?
Where is Rama?
Tell me aunty.
Why is she not picking up the phone?
I am calling her for a long time.
What happened to her?
What happened to her?
No...She said that she was
feeling tired and slept.
Tired? Is she sick or something?
Tired? Is she sick or something?
No, she had a nightmare it
seems. That scared her.
Nightmare? What do you mean?
Nightmare? What do you mean?
What nightmare?
When we two were going in a car,
some masked man killed me and...
When we two were going in a car,
some masked man killed me and...
tried to kill Rama.
tried to kill Rama.
It's nothing aunty.
-She just needs rest.
-No, son-in-law.
10-15 years ago a similar
incident happened in our town.
10-15 years ago a similar
incident happened in our town.
Why is she getting a
nightmare like that now?
Don't over think it aunty.
Don't over think it aunty.
A good rest is all she need.
I will take care of her.
Okay. Where is Sai?
-What is he doing?
-What is he doing?
He is playing outside.
Okay son-in-law. Try
to stay by her side.
I will call later.
I will call later.
Okay aunty.
What happened?
What happened?
I am leaving to office,
will be back soon.
To office?
To office?
What is it now? You are perfectly fine.
I have a brief meeting. I'll
finish it and be back soon.
Are you okay?
So, mister...
Not going to school?
I already told you
yesterday. Did you forget?
It's sports day today.
You should be in school for sports
day. What are you doing here?
You should be in school for sports
day. What are you doing here?
That is a total bore, dad.
Alright Rama. I'll be back soon.
Take care of your mom, okay?
Okay dad, bye.
-Tell me?
-Where are you buddy?
The client will be here any time.
-On the way.
-On the way.
-I'll wait.
-I have started.
-Drive safe.
-I'll be there, bye.
What is happening?
I literally feel like killing myself.
I don't know what to do.
I even changed the house but...
the problem doesn't seem to end.
Did you check time, period, signs and
stars. before gettig them married?
Did you check time, period, signs and
stars. before gettig them married?
They fell in love,
eloped and got married.
These two horoscopes...
should not even stand
next to each other.
Life threatening pain and blame
will occur at this horoscope time.
Life threatening pain and blame
will occur at this horoscope time.
Pray to your clan deity.
Only your clan deity...
Only your clan deity...
can save them.
Hi buddy.
Selva, can you hear me?
Move towards your left.
Move towards your left.
Selva, can you hear me?
I told you to move left...
the crane is moving right.
the crane is moving right.
I am not getting signal.
Selva! Can you hear me?
I told you to move to the left.
What happened? Go check
him, lift him up.
Hari! What happened?
Who is the crane operator?
Who is it? What is happening here?
Bring him some water.
Bring him some water.
Nothing to worry, buddy.
Such an incident has not
happened in the past 10 years.
Don't think about it
sir. Go home safe.
Take care, sir.
I know you are angry on what
happened, but don't show it on others.
I know you are angry on what
happened, but don't show it on others.
We already have our
hands full in the office.
Don't talk about this at your home.
Don't talk about this at your home.
Especially to Hema.
Come this evening if you can.
We'll file a complaint in
the local police station.
We'll file a complaint in
the local police station.
-Alright, take care.
Hi dad.
You are back so soon from office?
You are back so soon from office?
I told you right. It
was a brief meeting.
Then... my mom keeps on calling me.
Then... my mom keeps on calling me.
But I don't know what to tell her.
Can you speak?
-Where is the phone?
-I'll bring it.
-Where is the phone?
-I'll bring it.
What is going on son-in-law?
You are not picking up the call.
What is going on son-in-law?
You are not picking up the call.
She is also not picking up the call.
I was in a meeting,
it got over just now.
Tell me.
Tell me.
I took both of your
horoscopes to the astrologer.
He saw them and...
said that the time is bad and
something dangerous is about to happen.
said that the time is bad and
something dangerous is about to happen.
I am afraid. I don't know what to do.
Don't worry too much aunty.
Don't worry too much aunty.
Rama and I are planning on
visiting our clan deity's temple.
Is it? I feel so happy.
Is it? I feel so happy.
The astrologer also said the same.
He said the solution is to visit
the temple and give offerings to God.
He said the solution is to visit
the temple and give offerings to God.
I am so happy.
I will tell this to your father-in-law.
When are you planning to start?
We'll be there in two days .
Buddy. Are you still
thinking about that?
I was shit scared!
I have an uncle in
Madurai, I spoke to him.
I have an uncle in
Madurai, I spoke to him.
He told that offering a goat to
your God will solve everything.
You are right.
My mother in law also said the same.
That things will be fine if we
give offerings to our clan deity.
That things will be fine if we
give offerings to our clan deity.
A goat sacrifice will be made by us.
Hope you'll be there.
Of course, how will I miss it?
When are you leaving?
Hema's father is pushing a lot
of documentation works to me.
Then again, the site
work is still pending.
I'll join you as soon its over.
You should bring your family.
Definitely. So where is Rama?
Definitely. So where is Rama?
Rama is at home.
Don't tell her anything
about the accident.
Don't tell her anything
about the accident.
I've told her that I have
given the car for service.
Alright, shall we leave?
-Mom, shall I sit in the front?
-Sit in the back, that is safe.
-Mom, shall I sit in the front?
-Sit in the back, that is safe.
So happy to bunk school, aren't you?
So happy to bunk school, aren't you?
Sit properly.
Everything's fine?
Everything's fine?
Wear your seat belt.
Sit properly.
Sit properly.
Alright, we are leaving.
Take care of things.
What's up with that Shankar Rajan?
He is just a namesake president.
He is just a namesake president.
But the people from the nearby
villages and higher places...
still take your word as gospel.
One should act like a
respectable man to draw respect.
The entire village voted him in the
last election only because you said so.
He has never once cared about
this village and it's people.
Since elections are near, he is pledging
to build roads as an election gimmick.
Since elections are near, he is pledging
to build roads as an election gimmick.
Let him lay roads or
play his gimmicks...
but it is us who decide the vote.
We will take care.
Listen to me uncle...
Listen to me uncle...
Calm down.
Tearing his poster down,
waving black flag before his car...
waving black flag before his car...
are not going to work.
We will strike him at the right time.
And give him his dues.
And give him his dues.
-Do you all agree?
So be silent till I tell you.
Okay. We shall leave then.
Okay. We shall leave then.
They have come.
Ganesh, go get the luggage.
Hi Sai.
Hi Sai.
Go to your Grandpa.
Look at them grandpa.
Look at them grandpa.
These many awards?
-How are you doing?
-I am good.
Welcome, son-in-law.
Chess, mind game...
-This one?
-Running race...
Please come in.
Take him in Rama.
Please come in.
Take him in Rama.
Very good. Very good, super.
Is dad still angry?
You know him right? Just ignore him.
Why were you two not
picking up the calls?
Why were you two not
picking up the calls?
I got really scared.
Then son-in-law only told me.
What he told?
Why are you panicking? He told me
that you had a nightmare and was scared.
He also told about visiting clan deity's
temple. I was relieved to hear that.
He also told about visiting clan deity's
temple. I was relieved to hear that.
Where is our Rama's memory box?
Where is our Rama's memory box?
He wants to talk now?
I am asking you!
In the same place, above the cupboard.
Grandpa, what is memory box?
It is there. Come, I'll show you.
He was keeping a
straight face till yesterday.
Where has she kept it?
Where has she kept it?
Now look at his face
after seeing his grandson.
There is a saying 'grandchildren
are superior than own children'
There is a saying 'grandchildren
are superior than own children'
-Look at these certificates.
-Are these mom's?
-Are these mom's?
-Look how many she has won.
Why will I lie to you?
Look at all these she got.
What is this?
This one?
Your mom did a mime show.
Your mom did a mime show.
No one has done anything like that in
this whole district. It was bought then.
Can I have it grandpa?
No, she will scold us.
Please grandpa, it looks so cool.
Please grandpa, it looks so cool.
Alright, take it.
-Hide it from her.
-It's so fun grandpa.
What are you doing?
Where is he?
Where is he at?
What happened to you?
Go freshen up and come.
Why is she looking so dull and down?
Why is she looking so dull and down?
Well... that...
please don't mind and
forget the past son-in-law.
When she suddenly told us about
love and marriage, I couldn't take it.
When she suddenly told us about
love and marriage, I couldn't take it.
Then again I am rooted
in my village and caste.
Then again I am rooted
in my village and caste.
That is why all the fights
and mistakes happened.
It was hard to be away
from my daughter for long.
It was hard to be away
from my daughter for long.
I wanted to see my grandson too.
-So... If I said something wrong...
-So... If I said something wrong...
I am the one who should apologize you.
At that time and situation,
I didn't know what to do.
Between Rama, my life and you...
Between Rama, my life and you...
Rama and my life felt important to me.
That is why I took that decision.
That is why I took that decision.
Apart from that,
I never intended to hurt you or get
married without your permission.
I can understand the
feelings of a father.
Sorry uncle, forgive me.
It's al..
It's al..
I should have shed my ego and
talked to you after that.
I was caught up in my job.
Sorry uncle.
Sai, what are you doing here?
Who told you to go there?
Why are you wearing this?
Can't you behave yourself?
Dad, why did you give him that mask?
My grandson asked that to play with.
My grandson asked that to play with.
What now?
No one understands me in this house.
I shouldnt have come here.
I shouldnt have come here.
So only you can get angry
if your child disobeys you.
So only you can get angry
if your child disobeys you.
You come here boy.
Did she beat you?
No, right?
He did a mistake. He is just a kid.
-Uncle told you, right?
-Keep quiet Hari.
You know everything right?
You know everything right?
I heard your's is a very scenic
village. Come, take me around.
I heard your's is a very scenic
village. Come, take me around.
I am not coming.
Come now.
Always sobbing like a kid. Come on.
Hi brother, how are you?
It's been so long.
Hi brother, how are you?
It's been so long.
How are you doing?
-See you.
You should not be here
at this time. Get going.
Hey old woman!
They are roaming around and
clicking photos, unaware of this village
They'll learn only from experience.
Sir, people are saying that they saw
something near the windmill again.
Sir, people are saying that they saw
something near the windmill again.
I am also scared to go there alone.
Put on high beam.
My maternal cousin.
My maternal cousin.
My uncle used to be a
very respectable man.
He lost his face because of him.
He quit his police job because of that.
But she is happily roaming around.
But she is happily roaming around.
Leave it sir.
It's not that Ramalingam. My
uncle inspired me to become a police.
It's not that Ramalingam. My
uncle inspired me to become a police.
I cannot bear seeing
that man in this state.
Where can he run?
Where can he run?
I will catch him someday.
I will deal him on that day.
I never thought I will be so happy.
I never thought I will be so happy.
It's been very long since we
came to the village after marriage.
It's been very long since we
came to the village after marriage.
I feel very happy.
Love you.
Love you.
What are you talking?
Nothing is more important
to me in life than you and Sai.
Nothing is more important
to me in life than you and Sai.
Love you too.
Might be some important
call for you dad. Go give it him.
Might be some important
call for you dad. Go give it him.
-Go on.
You will fall down, watch your steps.
Anand uncle is disturbing a lot dad.
-He keeps on calling.
-Don't talk like that.
-He keeps on calling.
-Don't talk like that.
Show that.
Tell me.
Very sorry buddy.
I had so many meetings,
that is why I missed it.
I had so many meetings,
that is why I missed it.
Hema's father gave me some more
documentation work and tortured me too.
Sorry, I saw your
missed calls only now.
Sorry, I saw your
missed calls only now.
Why are you apologizing now?
Buddy, don't talk to me in this
serious tone. It only makes me laugh.
Alright, when are you leaving?
Alright, when are you leaving?
I told you to come along with me right?
You told that you will come after me.
-Anand brother.
-Want to talk?
-Anand brother.
-Want to talk?
Tell me.
Tomorrow we are sacrificing a goat
and doing rituals in our temple.
Tomorrow we are sacrificing a goat
and doing rituals in our temple.
Don't forget to come.
Bring Hema and come as a family.
One more thing. The son-in-law
and his uncle have become friends.
Come at least to see that.
-Wow, when did this happen.
-Come and see.
I will definitely come.
How will I say no to you?
How will I say no to you?
-Okay, where is he?
-Here one moment.
Okay man, see you in the morning.
Okay man, see you in the morning.
Come soon.
-Tell me.
-I need a help.
-Tell me.
My uncle's friend will
give you some money.
You should bring it here.
You should bring it here.
Hey man, you are collecting
all your dowry money now?
Stop it. It's not that.
Stop it. It's not that.
It's father-in-law's money. He was
hesitant but mother-in-law told me.
Anyway you are coming here
right? Bring it when you come here.
Right, I will bring it when coming.
Tell your uncle to give
me special attention, okay?
Tell your uncle to give
me special attention, okay?
Sure will.
Come here first.
I understood everything you said.
What is it?
Don't they have a single
mirror in such a big house?
Don't they have a single
mirror in such a big house?
Go away.
Hello, no continue.
Ganesha, get a mirror
from the neighbour.
Ganesha, get a mirror
from the neighbour.
Mirror? No, you should
not see the mirror.
Why not?
Are people in your village so ugly?
Are people in your village so ugly?
No... but Rama is a good looking right?
Go and get one.
Go and get one.
No, you should not
look in the mirror.
If you look in the mirror,
it will come...
What will come? Where are you going?
What will come? Where are you going?
If you look in the
mirror, it will come...
Already late, your grandpa is going
to scold us. Open the door soon.
Already late, your grandpa is going
to scold us. Open the door soon.
Get in. Keep this inside.
Move and sit.
We can go.
My Goddess!
I trust you with everything.
My family should be good.
My family should be good.
My daughter and son-in-law
should live a long and fulfilling life.
My grandson should have a good life.
My grandson should have a good life.
Son-in-law, here take this.
What is this uncle?
We didn't come for this.
My Goddess!
I know that you don't
desire these things.
I know that you don't
desire these things.
But I have to do my duty right?
I have only one daughter.
Who shall I give these to then?
I have only one daughter.
Who shall I give these to then?
Consider it as a gift to
my grandson. Take it.
Take it.
You heard him right?
Take it son-in-law.
What is it uncle?
He embarrassed us all and
you are giving him your assets.
It doesn't seem like you
came here to offer prayers.
Looks like you are
here towrite off assets.
you are giving a solid performance.
What is it? You seem to talk too much.
What is it? You seem to talk too much.
Shanmugan, warn him.
He is a grown man now, else...
I won't be kind on him.
I won't be kind on him.
What you saying to your uncle?
Forgive him cousin.
Come, let's go.
- Get lost.
-Ignore him, you take it.
- Get lost.
-Ignore him, you take it.
You are all going beyond your limits.
My time will come someday.
Yes it is coming, go now.
Yes it is coming, go now.
-I will take care of it then.
-Leave now.
What will you take care of?
You thought this is your
police station? Get out of here.
You thought this is your
police station? Get out of here.
Get everything prepared for the night.
Okay uncle.
Nobody should know who
or why they did it.
Nobody should know who
or why they did it.
Once it's done.
Abscond for two-three months.
Is it?
One moment.
One moment.
Yes sir, tell me.
No not busy.
No not busy.
Sure sir, I'll start immediately.
I cannot believe it.
We came here offered
pooja and prayed to our God.
We came here offered
pooja and prayed to our God.
Client called me.
I told a project was dragging
because of the quote, remember?
They called me now and
agreed my quote.
They called me now and
agreed my quote.
They are coming
tomorrow to pay liquid cash.
I cannot believe it.
Feels like a miracle. We should
be thanking your mom for this.
Feels like a miracle. We should
be thanking your mom for this.
Because of her we went
to clan deity's temple,
offered prayers and did rituals.
It's awesome Hari.
It's awesome Hari.
-So from now everything is positive?
-Yes, positive.
We are going and getting the project.
-For that I should leave tonight.
-For that I should leave tonight.
-There is no choice, tonight I...
-What is it?
Did I hear something about leaving?
Did I hear something about leaving?
A project was dragging in the pipeline
for long. That client called me now.
They are making the payment
tomorrow. I'll collect it and come back.
They are making the payment
tomorrow. I'll collect it and come back.
So you are going to
leave at this hour? Forget it.
-Tell him.
It is Hari's dream project. Look
at the happiness in his face.
Let him go now.
No, what I am trying to say...
Let's not interrupt this please.
Let's not interrupt this please.
I'll be back soon.
Can't you leave in the morning?
Shall we go?
Shall we go?
Bye aunty. Bye uncle.
Drive carefully.
Behave yourself kid.
Bye dad.
Bye grandpa. Bye grandma.
Be a good boy, okay?
-There you go again?
Finally we are going to our place.
Did you see your mom's place?
Finally we are going to our place.
Did you see your mom's place?
-Do you like the place?
-Yes it was great.
You are lying.
Listen to me. Your mom and her
village; both are of no use.
Listen to me. Your mom and her
village; both are of no use.
What did you say?
I said she is of no use, is
that why you are hugging her?
You are clever.
You are clever.
It says 'take diversion'
It says 'take diversion'
But there is no road that way.
It says 'highway road'
Seems like a shortcut.
You got a call dad.
You got a call dad.
Okay, okay.
I came to my wife's
village, to visit the temple.
I came to my wife's
village, to visit the temple.
Since it's an interior place,
the signal was not good.
Not at all sir, I'll be
back tomorrow.
Not at all sir, I'll be
back tomorrow.
We'll meet and discuss.
Okay sir, sure sure.
You are going to get some.
You are going to get some.
Yeah okay sir.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
Thank you sir.
What is it? Your mom
looks like she saw a ghost.
What is it? Your mom
looks like she saw a ghost.
Yes dad.
Give me your phone mom.
Keep quiet. Stop irritating me.
Keep quiet. Stop irritating me.
Alright, he just did it for fun.
Still angry with him?
What is it now?
You want phone right? Here.
-What happened?
-What happened dad?
Don't know what happened.
Don't know what happened.
Wait. I'll go check.
-Give me that phone.
-Give the phone.
-Give me that phone.
-Give the phone.
What is it?
Why are you getting down
in this darkness? Stay in.
Alright, I'll call dad.
Why are you calling him now?
Why are you calling him now?
He already told us not to leave in the
night. This will only stress him out.
Okay, you take care of
him. I'll change the tyre.
You are the policeman's
son-in-law, right?
What are you doing
here at this time?
The tyre got punctured.
Tyre got punctured?
This is a dangerous area. Believe me.
Change the tyre soon and go away.
Change the tyre soon and go away.
Then... one more thing.
Don't take this route. Take
this route through the village.
Don't take this route. Take
this route through the village.
I am telling from my experience.
This place and time are not right.
Be careful. Hurry up and get going.
So what are you doing here at this time?
"We will meet"
Is it in YouTube?
Wait, don't panic. Give me some water.
You should obey what mom says, okay?
You should behave yourself.
You can't always use the phone.
Oh my! How many photos have you clicked?
This photo is superb right?
I told you just now but you
are grabbing the phone from me.
look how naughty he has become.
Phone is everything to him.
Wear your seat belt.
What happened?
What happened?
Nothing, put it on.
Give that.
Are you done? Or
do you want to watch?
I'm done.
Wait, I will show you something.
What happened?
What happened?
It's not starting.
I will check.
I will check.
What happened Hari?
Are you wearing seat belt?
Are you wearing seat belt?
Yes. How many times will you ask?
What happened?
Tell me hari, what happened?
Nothing, the car is not starting.
Nothing, the car is not starting.
Come on.
What happened to you?
Nothing, the car is not starting.
Nothing, the car is not starting.
-Someone is there Hari.
-Who is that dad?
See who is it.
See who is it.
Don't worry. I'll take care.
He was there just now.
Where has he gone?
He was standing here.
-Go check.
-Okay, I'll go see.
-Go check.
-Okay, I'll go see.
It's nothing.
I am scared.
Who is it Hari?
I am here, it's okay.
I am here, it's okay.
Blood! It's blood. Didn't I tell
you someone is here right?
Blood! It's blood. Didn't I tell
you someone is here right?
-I'll check.
-I am scared Hari.
-I will take care.
-Someone is here.
-Alright. No one is here, stop crying.
-I am scared.
-Alright. No one is here, stop crying.
-I am scared.
Don't be scared, I am here.
You are scarring the kid too.
I am here, I'll check it.
I am here, I'll check it.
Don't be scared.
I am here for you.
I am scared Hari.
It's nothing.
I'll check.
What happened? Tell me hat happened?
What happened? Tell me hat happened?
I am scared.
Who are you?
Who are you?
-Who are you?
-Who is it Hari?
I am scared.
Don't be scared, get to the back seat.
Don't be scared, get to the back seat.
Unlock the seat belt,
go to the back seat.
I will take care of him, you go back.
I will take care of him, you go back.
Go to the back.
-Who are you?
-Try starting the car.
-Who are you?
-Try starting the car.
Get down.
Who are you?
Hold on Rama.
It's alright, you take care of Sai.
-Don't go.
-Wait here.
Listen to me, don't go.
Listen to me, don't go.
He might harm you. Don't go.
Please listen to me.
Get inside.
We should have called my dad.
Start the car.
What are you...
Who are you?
-Who are you?
-Where you going?
-Who are you?
-Where you going?
Leave me. I said leave me.
-Don't go.
-Tell him not to go mom.
-Don't go.
-Tell him not to go mom.
Stay here and take care of Sai.
Hari, don't go!
Hari! Come back. I am scared.
Hari! Come back. I am scared.
Don't be scared.
Hari! Come back.
Hari! Come back.
Who are you?
Where are you?
God it's locked.
What happened Rama?
Wake up.
Oh God!
Oh God!
Wake up, Rama.
Wake up, Rama.
Someone has poured
petrol on the car, wake up.
Wake up, Rama. Sai wake up.
Wake up, Sai.
The car is fully drenched in petrol.
Wake up Rama.
Who are you?
What do you want?
If you touch my wife or son...
I will kill you.
(Sundhara Pandiyapuram)
(Sundhara Pandiyapuram)
Rama... God!
Who are you?!
What are you doing here?
What's going on?
What's going on?
Didn't I warn you? Didn't I?
Told you not to ask or
talk about mirrors!
That's it! Everything's over!
That's it! Everything's over!
-It is here! That's it!
It is here! That's it!
Where are you running off to?
What's going on here?
Rama! Where are you guys?
Sai... Rama...
Sai... Rama...
What's going on here?
Daddy... Daddy...
Sai! Rama!
Sai! Rama!
Where are you guys?
Oh God!
Oh God!
10-15 years ago...
one night, on this very road...
an mirror businessman's family
who passed by in an Ambassador car...
an mirror businessman's family
who passed by in an Ambassador car...
is believed to be
murdered by a masked man.
It is also believed that the milk man,
who saw it was also murdered.
It is believed that their spirits
are roaming in this forest.
It is believed that their spirits
are roaming in this forest.
After that mirror businessman's family
died in that road on that night...
After that mirror businessman's family
died in that road on that night...
nobody takes this route ever since.
Blood! Sai... Sai?
Blood! Sai... Sai?
What did you do to my son?
Where's my son?
What did you do to my son?
Daddy's here!
Come here.
Daddy's here!
You're just fine.
You're just fine.
Daddy's here Sai.
Nothing, you're fine.
You're fine. Don't worry, daddy's here.
Come on.
Hold me tight.
Hold me tight.
Dad, it's coming!
Dad! Dad!
It's burning, dad!
It's burning, dad!
It's burning, dad.
Don't worry. I'll take care.
Don't worry. I'll take care.
Dad, it's burning.
Dad, it's burning.
Dad, no...
Don't be scared. Follow daddy.
Follow me.
Please! Please don't harm her!
-I'm coming, Rama.
-Dad, I'm exhausted.
Dad! Look mom!
Dad! Look mom!
Rama! Rama!
Rama, I'm here!
Rama, I'm here!
Dad! Help mom! Dad!
Dad, look!
-Don't worry, dear.
-Where's mom, dad?
Mom will be back. Okay?
Mom will be back. Okay?
Hold on.
Rama! Wake up!
Dad, I'm scared. Please come...
Dad, I'm scared. Please come...
Rama! Get up, Rama!
What happened, Rama? Get up!
Sit next to mom.
Let's leave immediately.
Don't be scared. Okay?
How did mom end up here?
Mom, what happened?
Mom, what happened?
Phone! Where's my phone?
It's ringing somewhere here.
There it is!
Father-in-law... Father-in-law...
I don't understand what's going on here!
Someone wearing a mask...
Someone wearing a mask...
is trying to murder us, father-in-law!
The dead are coming back alive!
I'm confused if they
are humans or ghosts!
I'm confused if they
are humans or ghosts!
Who are you all?
I am innocent!
I don't know anything about this.
I don't know anything about this.
Please spare my family!
Hari, get up... get up...
Hari, get up! Quick!
Come on. Quick, come on.
Come on. Quick, come on.
Hari, quick! Get inside the car.
Drive fast, Hari!
Now what's that?
What's that? Who is that?
Hari, take reverse.
Hari, quick! Fast!
Hari, quick! Fast!
Hari, take reverse at once!
Hari, take reverse at once!
Hari, quick!
Wait, I'm trying.
Hari, who is he? Looks scary!
Hari, take reverse! Quick!
Hari, take reverse! Quick!
It's not moving!
I warned you not to go that way
yet you won't listen, right?
I warned you not to go that way
yet you won't listen, right?
10-15 years ago...
the masked man murdered the family
who came this way in an Ambassador car.
He also murdered the milk man
who witnessed that murder.
He also murdered the milk man
who witnessed that murder.
Yet you didn't pay heed to
that dead milk man's warning.
Yet you didn't pay heed to
that dead milk man's warning.
Hari, what is he blabbing? Who is he?
And are you here
with your family to die?
Then die.
Obviously, you all are gonna die.
Obviously, you all are gonna die.
It's here!
It's here!
That's it.
We'll somehow escape from here, Rama!
Let's go, Hari! Quick, drive!
The gear is not working properly.
Quick, drive!
Come on!
I said, drive! Quick!
Something's wrong on rear side.
The car's not moving, Rama!
Something's wrong on rear side.
The car's not moving, Rama!
Hari, quick! Drive!
Drive, Hari! Let's go!
Move. Make way, please.
Move. Make way, please.
Move. Step back.
Step back!
Step back!
What happened to you?
What happened here?
I think it's that ghost's doing.
Yes, I too feel the same.
Yes, I too feel the same.
What's going on here?
What's going on here?
What happened to my friend?
-I am telling this because...
let's not have any hindrance. Please.
let's not have any hindrance. Please.
Let me go and finish the job.
What's up, uncle? What is he saying?
Well, what is his highness saying uncle?
I've been taking care of all
the work for past few months.
Where are you leaving
at this hour?
Where are you leaving
at this hour?
You come tomorrow morning.
I'll go now.
You keep quiet. I'll go.
Dear, he says he'll go. Then why
do you wanna go at this hour?
Dear, he says he'll go. Then why
do you wanna go at this hour?
That's right, uncle. Tell him!
You wait and come tomorrow. I'll go now.
-Sai, bye.
-Bye all of you.
-Sai, bye.
-Bye all of you.
Take diversion? Doesn't look like
this will work out.
Why are you taking this route?
-This doesn't look like a road.
-But look, there is a path.
-This doesn't look like a road.
-But look, there is a path.
Let's go and check.
This is a very dangerous place.
Don't take this route.
Go back in the village route.
I'm saying this out of experience. You
better leave immediately. Take care.
What are you doing here at this hour?
What are you doing here at this hour?
Hema! Hema!
Hema! Open the door! Hema!
Daddy, I'm scared.
Let's escape from here
Don't worry, Rishi. Daddy's here.
Don't worry, Rishi. Daddy's here.
Dad, please let's leave this place!
Who are you?
Who are you?
Stop! You!
Stop! You!
What are you doing here?
Didn't I warn you? Didn't I?
Told you not to ask or
talk about mirrors!
Told you not to ask or
talk about mirrors!
If you look into mirror, it'll come!
-That's it! Everything's over!
-Stop! Stop!
-That's it! Everything's over!
-Stop! Stop!
Where are you running off to?
Please spare my family!
Daddy, I am scared!
Anand, I am scared!
Leave us alone! I said, leave us!
Madam, please speak up.
Madam, please speak up.
Ask her to speak, only then we
can find out and do something.
Anand! Anand!
Who are you?
Leave him! Anand, get up!
Leave him!
I said, leave him!
I said, leave him!
Hari, what's going on?
Hari, what's going on?
some stranger wearing a mask,
attacked you.
some stranger wearing a mask,
attacked you.
I saw it.
But look, I'm fine. Don't worry,
I'm here.
But look, I'm fine. Don't worry,
I'm here.
What's going on?
What's going on?
I literally feel like killing myself.
Hari, the unknown SIM we were after...
was switched on and back off
today morning, at your site.
was switched on and back off
today morning, at your site.
The IMEI number of the phone in
which the SIM was activated...
belongs to Anand.
I have forwarded the video and
call recordings I've retrieved.
I have forwarded the video and
call recordings I've retrieved.
Sorry, Hari.
His activities have been quite
fishy for past two-three months.
His activities have been quite
fishy for past two-three months.
If this continues...
then we'll get caught.
Let's finish him off tomorrow.
Hi buddy!
Hari has arrived.
Run! Run!
Run! Run!
What the fuck! You missed it!
What happened, Hari?
What ever is happening around us...
What ever is happening around us...
I want you also to know.
Sorry, Rama.
I want to kill him!
Who are you?
Who are you?
Move! Who are you?
Oh God!
Sir, he's dead. Leave,
I'll take care of the rest.
Hi brother. Happy anniversary.
Thanks, dear.
Thanks, dear.
Brother, here's a special gift for you.
-For me?
-No gift for me?
Ask your brother.
A Rado!
A Rado!
Do you like it?
-It's awesome!
You bought it, so obviously
it'll be awesome.
You bought it, so obviously
it'll be awesome.
-Am I disturbing you?
Hari left saying that
there's a meeting at 11.
Hari left saying that
there's a meeting at 11.
Both of us left at the same
time but he forgot a file.
-He sent me to collect it.
-Fine, come in.
-He sent me to collect it.
-Fine, come in.
Don't know where he kept it.
How's Hema, brother?
She's awesome!
She's awesome!
Of course! I know you'd
take good care of her.
Here you go.
Is she taking good care of you?
You only chose her for me.
Still not up to your mark.
How have you been? Long time.
I am fine.
-How are you?
-I am fine.
-How are you?
-I am fine.
You were beside us all the time
yet we didn't know.
We suffered and went through hell.
But now...
I am beside you...
yet without knowing who
was doing this to you...
yet without knowing who
was doing this to you...
you suffered this whole night
for saving your family.
The only regret is that...
For your mistakes...
For your mistakes...
your wife and son had to suffer a bit.
Usually when something like
this happens to a family...
Some men react and attack.
That's one type.
Some men approach the cops.
That's another type.
But I'm neither of those types.
No matter how much pressure
or tension I'm under...
No matter what, I handle
it with patience...
and carefully make a plan
and execute it neatly.
I am different type in that way.
I am different type in that way.
Did you collect their statement?
Still inquiring, sir.
-Quick, get their statement.
-Okay, sir.
What's up, Hari?
What's up, Hari?
I made a plan to nab you...
but looks like you made a plan
and finished off your friend?
Looks life your whole life
is all about making plans!
Looks like you did it in
a very secretive manner.
You are top notch!
You are top notch!
Let me shake your hand. Shake hands!
Fine, come with me. Let's
go to the police station.
Fine, come with me. Let's
go to the police station.
Here he comes...
to save his son-in-law!
Why are you taking him
to the police station?
Uncle, it's Hari's friend
who was murdered.
So what?
That's gives you the right
to take him in custody?
That's gives you the right
to take him in custody?
Whom else can we inquire?
Oh, come on! Just because I didn't
marry off my daughter to you...
you murdered my son-in-law's
friend and now you're framing him?
you murdered my son-in-law's
friend and now you're framing him?
Showing your vengeance?
What? What's in the phone?
Who else will step up if
not me, for my son-in-law?
Who else will step up if
not me, for my son-in-law?
I can't make you understand.
Let me call the IG.
-Sir... sir...
-Sir... sir...
-Sir... sir...
-What is it?
-Where were you all this while?
-One moment, sir.
Go and talk to him!
-What's your problem?
-Sir, just a minute.
-What's your problem?
-Sir, just a minute.
The victim has left us evidence.
He's heard talking about some ghost.
Father-in-law... the dead
are coming back alive.
Father-in-law... the dead
are coming back alive.
I'm confused if they are humans
or ghosts! Father-in-law...
Ramalingam! What's all this nonsense?
Ramalingam! What's all this nonsense?
what happened, sir?
-Take this and get lost! Get lost!
-Okay, sir.
Why are you showing your
anger on Ramalingam?
Why are you showing your
anger on Ramalingam?
Directing the anger on me towards him?
Uncle, inquiring is part
of the procedure. Rules!
Don't you know? I'm after
all doing my duty.
Don't you know? I'm after
all doing my duty.
Duty, my foot!
10 years ago, a family died
in the exact same spot.
Did you crack the case and find
out why and how they died?
Did you crack the case and find
out why and how they died?
Duty, my foot!
Dear son-in-law, you leave.
-Uncle, you're crossing limits.
-Shut up!
-Uncle, you're crossing limits.
-Shut up!
Son-in-law, you leave.
I feel something is wrong.
Wrong people always see
things in a wrong way.
Wrong people always see
things in a wrong way.
If you can't see things in the right
way, then visit an eye hospital.
Rama, take Anand's wife
along with you and leave.
Forget about the cop! Just take her.
-come here.
Do one thing. Check the whole
car for his finger prints.
Do one thing. Check the whole
car for his finger prints.
He must have committed this murder.
He must have committed this murder.
Forget it son-in-law.
Did you inform your friend's relatives?
Did you inform your friend's relatives?
But why?
You could've told me, right?
We wanted to take revenge
for what happened to us.
That too by Rama, herself.
In case if things had gone awry...
You are with us and that itself
gives us a lot of confidence.
All that is fine...
but you poured so much
petrol all over the car...
but you poured so much
petrol all over the car...
and hurled fire balls on to it.
If he hadn't prevented it, the
car would've burnt down, right?
Well, that...
Well, that...
That wasn't petrol but a liquid
that smells like petrol.
Did you burn all the evidence?
Yes, sir.
That obituary poster?
That obituary poster?
Yes. I threw it in fire, sir.
The noose used for hanging?
Yes, sir. Threw it in too.
Yes, sir. Threw it in too.
Then the burnt fire balls.
Did you throw that in fire?
Sir, that...
-Useless, dispose it too.
-Here it is!
-Useless, dispose it too.
-Here it is!
That's also an important evidence.
I'll check it right away, sir.
Throw everything in to it.
I gave you a solution to wipe off
all fingerprints from the car.
Did you wipe it off?
I did it, sir.
I did it, sir.
-On the car, right?
-Yes, sir.
If you miss to dispose any evidence...
then remember, you too are an evidence.
I'll burn you down too.
then remember, you too are an evidence.
I'll burn you down too.
-Burn them all!
Okay, sir.
That's all fine, father-in-law...
Someone else is the victim...
but why did you want me to narrate
the story to you from my angle?
Dear son-in-law...
You committed this murder
as an unidentified person.
You committed this murder
as an unidentified person.
As far as you are concerned,
You believe that all the evidence are
destroyed and we missed nothing.
You believe that all the evidence are
destroyed and we missed nothing.
But only if you look from
the angle of the victim...
But only if you look from
the angle of the victim...
you'll really know if you
have missed something.
That is why from your angle...
I wanted you to narrate the story.
I wanted you to narrate the story.
After all, you shouldn't get caught,
dear son-in-law.
So, dear son-in-law...
So, dear son-in-law...
Tell me, sir.
Tell me, sir.
Oh, come on! Even you
guys are believing this?
we have got an audio evidence.
we have got an audio evidence.
The deceased fellow himself has spoke.
Do we have any eye witness?