Miranda's Victim (2023) Movie Script

(dramatic music)
(jazzy sax music)
- [Announcer] Fun
is a little child
watching you make a party
from a package.
Pillsbury Deluxe Golden
Yellow Cake.
(baby fussing)
Fun is frosting.
Fluffy, white, swirly.
Light the candles of fun
on your Golden Yellow Cake.
Pillsbury Deluxe.
(tense music)
- [Lou] Everything's been
set, Mr. Chief Justice.
- Oh, thank you, Lou.
You know, it's been ages since
a Supreme Court decision
was read publicly.
- Well it is historic.
The press has been relentless.
- Yes, I'm sure.
There's a lot of people
out to get me.
I guess now we'll
have to put Nixon
and Goldwater at the top
of the list, huh?
All right.
Let's do this.
- [Reporter] This just in.
Today in a split decision,
the controversial
Miranda Ruling as
it's being called
requires the police must
inform criminal suspects
that they have the right
to remain silent.
And that any statement they make
can be used against
them in a court of law.
- No, no, no, don't be silly.
I'm gonna pay for
your new uniform.
I already told Mr. Hirschfeld.
It's my responsibility
as a mother.
So all of your money,
except for $5 a week,
goes right into that account
for secretarial school.
Remind me how much you've saved.
- Almost 700.
- And there's time to
save probably 400 more.
So then if my tin can
throws in 400,
well that should get you
all the way through the year
without having to work
during the week.
(bop music)
Well Saturday night
at 8 o'clock
I know where I'm gonna go
I'm gonna pick my baby up
And take her to the
picture show
Everybody in the
- [Zeola] How many times
do I have to tell you?
- Mom, it's not the
1950s anymore.
- A smile is a girl's
best weapon any day.
And you should practice
it here at work
because successful men like
a girl with an easy smile.
And after secretarial school,
you are gonna meet a
lot of successful men.
Don't you hang out
with that Vonda.
Everybody knows that
girl is loose.
She has a reputation and you
do not need that association.
I am serious.
You don't know how people talk.
Here's a sweater.
You'll need it for afterwards
on the bus.
- Mom.
I'm fine.
- Have a good night.
- [Trish] I will.
Makes it all seem
twice as good
There's always lots
of pretty girls
With figures they
don't try to hide
But they never can compare
To the girl sitting
by my side
Saturday night at the movies
Who cares what picture
you see
When you're hugging
with your baby
In the last row
in the balcony
- Hi.
- Hello.
Pour a Foster's.
- Thank you.
One, two.
Right this way.
- Thank you.
- Enjoy the movie.
- I'm no idealist.
To believe firmly
in the integrity
of our courts and of
our jury system.
That's no ideal to me.
That is a living,
working reality.
Now I am confident
that you gentleman
will review, without
passion, the evidence.
- James is working the
projector room.
I bet he'll come down
to the snack bar
once he gets the film rolling.
- Okay.
- Do you want to end
up in a convent?
- My mom says that a girl's
best weapon is her smile.
- Yeah, but tits are
the best bait.
- Okay, okay.
Do you want some popcorn?
- I'm sure James will want some.
(whispers) Here he comes.
- 7-Up and popcorn?
Vonda told me.
- Oh.
I noticed that you take
the 7th Street North bus.
We could take the same one.
If you were willing to
wait for the 11:30.
- I could work later.
Maybe if there's vacuuming
to do or...
- Neat.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
(tranquil music)
Thank you.
- [Bus Driver] Trish.
Good to see you.
- [Trish] Good to see you.
Here you go.
- [Bus Driver] Thank you.
- Is this okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Okay.
Do you ever get to see
the movies or...
- Yeah.
Son of Flubber was really funny.
- It's dumb.
I mean in a good way.
- Yeah.
- Oh, did you see The Day
Mars Invaded The Earth?
- No, but I really liked
Lawrence of Arabia.
- Oh yeah.
And it's in color too.
- Yeah.
What are you reading?
- Oh, science fiction
and fantasy.
I mean it's really
the best stuff.
- Space Gypsies?
- Yeah.
There's a really great bookstore
that's not part from
the theater.
We could go sometime.
- Yeah, well this is my stop.
But when for that?
For the bookstore, if you...
- Yeah, we could go in
early on Saturday?
Noon and then walk over?
- Yeah, that sounds good.
- [James] Saturday at noon.
- Saturday at noon, yeah.
I should probably...
- Yeah.
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
- See you then.
- See you then.
(woman gasps)
(televised ominous music)
(door opens and closes)
- Trish, it is so late.
Mom is not gonna be happy.
You know, I was about to...
What happened?
(dramatic music)
Sweetie, what happened?
You okay?
Oh my goodness.
(Trish sobs)
Are you hurt?
Honey, what's going on?
Just breathe.
Here, sit down.
It's gonna be okay.
I'm right here, it's okay.
What happened to your clothes?
Oh honey, did...
Were you...
- What's going on?
- Oh baby.
- What's happening?
(tense music)
(Trish sobs)
- You're shivering.
- Let's hold up with that.
So you're the girl.
I'll take a quick look and
then we'll all be on our way.
And you are?
- Ann, her sister.
- All right, sis, if
you'll take a seat there.
I should say good morning, but
I guess that's not the case.
Now are there any injuries,
cuts, severe bruising,
broken bones I should
know about upfront?
All right, let's take a look.
Okay. Sorry.
I am not going to touch you.
Sis, if you can give us a hand.
- Can you stand?
Can you stand for me, honey?
It's okay.
I'm right here.
I'm just gonna slide this off.
It's like a warm
day by the lake.
Remember when we used to
go swimming on Sundays?
- I don't see a mark on you.
Does it hurt anywhere?
Can you point to where it hurts?
- I think it's somewhere
that you
can't see at the moment, Doctor.
- We'll get to that.
Now let's take a look from
behind her while she's standing.
You'll have to raise your arms.
Sis, if you can step
back a second
so I can get a closer look.
You can put your gown on and
sit at the end of the table.
No sign of violence so far or
use of force for that matter.
Take a seat at the
end of the bench.
May I take a look at
your fingernails?
You didn't give him
a good scratch?
- He had a knife.
- Oh.
I see.
You know how to use these?
- All right.
Just put your legs in there.
You can keep the gown on, okay?
Just try to breathe
and relax, okay?
It's okay.
- [Doctor] Are we ready?
- It'll be a little cold.
Oh sweetheart.
(Trish groans)
Hey, easy with that!
- Just keep your feet
in the stirrups.
And the lab will tell us if
there's any semen present.
All done.
You can get dressed now.
The nurse will take
it from here.
- It's over.
(dramatic music)
- So?
Somebody tell me
the whole story?
- She needs to rest, Mom.
Trish, you go upstairs.
I'll fill her in.
- What's going on? Why
is everybody up?
- Come sit down.
- Okay.
Wait a minute.
And then he dropped her off
in the exact same place?
- That's what she said.
It just comes out in
bits and pieces, honey.
I think she's in shock.
- All these plans I've made.
Just ruined.
- Dear God, Mother, why on
Earth would you say that?
- I know she's been
around a girl
that is much too loose with men.
And I know our Trish isn't
ready for any of that.
So is said any chance-
- Stop it.
If Trish said she was raped.
She was raped.
- Paul, you know how
it is sometimes.
A girl gets pushed into
it before she's ready
and then the boy gets blamed.
- Mother!
- Don't look at me.
- Well they don't let just
anybody into the Gibbs school.
- Oh don't do this.
- Don't do what?
Don't do what?
Try to protect my daughter's
The police are not gonna do
anything and don't you pretend
that you haven't figured
that out by now.
- [Ann] They're giving
it to the detectives.
(dramatic music)
- I'm sorry, Mom.
- For what?
- For ruining everything.
- Oh shhh.
Nothing's ruined.
And it doesn't need to be.
Trish, you know I love my girls.
And now you're women.
And the whole world wants
nothing but to take from us.
If this was a boy that you know.
Or one of his friends.
Maybe there's something
to be done about it.
- What? No.
- Well then there is no point
to any of this police business.
- You don't know how it feels.
- And what makes you so sure?
Do you think you're the first
girl this ever happened to?
Time heals all those
wounds, my dear.
- It's not fair.
It's not fair, he has to pay.
- But he won't.
No, they never do.
And I don't want to see
you become damaged goods.
I mean for what, Trish?
So your life is ruined?
And no one will marry
you and no businessmen
will even give you a
second look because
they think you're the
sort that accuses men?
And that's if the school
will even accept you at all.
You're gonna rest.
And I am gonna take your
uniform to the cleaner's.
And tomorrow we're gonna get
back to what we were doing.
(door closes)
(Trish sobs)
- Pst.
You know, if we leave now we
can just get you to school
in time and not ruin
your perfect attendance.
- You're worried about
attendance now?
- Trish.
Are you sure about this?
- Of course she's sure.
- Ann!
I just want to hear
it from Trish.
- Yes.
- Why?
I mean what do you
think you can gain here?
- It's not just for me, Mom.
He's gonna do it again.
What about the next girl?
- Good morning.
Did I guess that right?
And you must be Ann.
And this lovely young lady-
- I am her mother.
- Well I'm Detective
Carroll Cooley
of the Maricopa Police
and I've been assigned
to Patricia's case.
You guys want to come
in so we can
have a proper conversation?
I want to thank you ladies
for coming in here today.
It takes a lot of courage.
Can I offer you a cup of coffee?
There's a pot right behind you.
- No thank you, Detective.
- [Carroll] You mind if I smoke?
- It's a terrible
waste of money.
- Moms are always right
aren't they?
- It's Trish.
She prefers Trish.
- Very well.
Trish, first and foremost,
I'd like to say that I'm sorry
that you're going through
such a difficult time.
Now your type of case
is a crime against-
- Look, she already
went through it.
Do we really have to
make her go through
the whole thing all over again?
- Mom, it's okay.
- [Carroll] You work
at the Paramount?
- Yes.
- You were working
Saturday night?
- Yes.
- What time did you get off?
- Around 11:30.
- So you rode home with
a boy from work?
- Yes, Jimmy Valenti.
- What were you wearing
that night?
- She was wearing her
Paramount uniform.
Buttoned all the way
up to the top.
Since that was going to
be your next question.
And I know because
I buttoned it.
- Thank you very
much, Mrs. Weir.
Now Trish, is that right?
What happened after that?
Just take me from there.
(dramatic sting)
(ominous music)
(Trish muffled screaming)
And you're absolutely
sure that he had a knife?
I mean you saw the knife?
- You don't believe her?
- It's not my job to believe.
- He was driving for
about 15 or 20 minutes.
Out to the desert.
I'm not sure.
And I got my hands loose.
But not in time.
- And how did you
end up undressed?
- I don't remember.
- Did he penetrate you?
What did he penetrate you with?
- [Trish] (sobs) I don't know.
- Honey, what do you
mean you don't know?
- Ma'am.
Trish, I know this is
extremely difficult.
But I need to know, did he
penetrate you with his finger?
Or did he-
- Yes, I think, I don't
- I'm not sure.
My eyes were closed.
I didn't want to look at him.
- Trish, honey.
- [Carroll] Can you
describe the man?
- [Trish] About 5'10.
Normal size.
I'm not sure.
He had black, wavy hair.
Normal length.
And no accent.
He didn't have an accent.
As I got out, he said.
- [Ernie] Pray for me.
- Will you take a a
lie detector test?
- There it is.
Never believed.
Never believed ever.
What did I tell you, Ann?
- [Carroll] Mrs. Weir-
- Never, ever believed!
- Mrs. Weir!
Keep in mind that the
burden of proof
lies with the prosecution.
If we find this man,
and that's if,
he could say that he was
just giving her a ride.
He could say that
they just talked.
He could say that
nothing happened.
He could say it was consensual.
He could say that he
asked her for a cigarette.
And you're right, Mom.
Nine times out of 10 no
one believes a victim.
Trish, are you willing
to take a polygraph?
- Honey, nothing has
changed in all these years.
- Yes.
- Mom, he's trying to help
and you are not at your
charming best.
- He doesn't believe her.
- Do you?
- But that doesn't matter!
We work so hard.
She's worked so hard.
- She's doing what's right.
- The gospel of Ann.
But right for whom, honey?
- Mom, I've gotta go to work.
So you wait for Trish right here
and when you drive
her home you can
twist her arm all you want.
I know you will.
You always do.
- You can count on me.
- [Carroll] Do any of these cars
look like they could
have been the one?
- I'm sorry, I only saw
it from the back
and on the inside,
so I don't know.
- No no, you're good.
- I'm sorry.
- Let's talk about the interior.
Do you remember any
logos, design, the color?
- It was dark.
- Okay.
- Maybe gray.
- Okay.
- And I remember there
were ropes.
- Ropes?
Hey, how did that go?
- Just peachy.
Something definitely happened.
Earlier, she's with a boy.
Jimmy Valenti.
They rode the bus home together.
- So how'd the mother present?
- The mom, the mom's
a piece of work.
- So what, you think
the kid made it up?
Doesn't know how to back out?
- No, I-
- [Nealis] Put her on
the lie detector.
- I did. Inconclusive.
- So what's your gut tell you?
- My gut's telling me that when
an 18-year-old girl
can't bring herself
to say the word penis,
something happened.
I want to run with this.
- I think you should.
Let me show you something.
Barbara O'Donnell.
Sylvia Stewart.
Both forced into cars,
both robbed.
There's been a rash of this
sort of thing downtown lately.
The only difference
between yours and these?
They weren't raped,
or so they say.
- All at night?
Same description of the guy?
- Bingo, baby.
Let's work these together, yeah?
- Bingo, baby.
- Why are you so mad?
- Because I told you that
they wouldn't believe you.
And did they?
- I don't know.
- And it didn't help.
You couldn't say what
he stuck in you.
- How was I supposed to know?
- Jimmy is bigger than
a finger, Trish.
I mean most of them.
(kids laughing)
- Careful, kids!
What did I say about
running around the table?
Hey you guys, leave
your aunty alone.
Upstairs, upstairs.
I'll call you and
dinner's ready.
Go upstairs.
Why don't you come sit with me
while I finish cooking dinner?
(sighs) Look, I don't
know if it's that
you just couldn't bring
yourself to say it.
But you know, in Arizona
a finger isn't rape.
- I wasn't looking.
How was I supposed to know?
- Well.
- How's it that I come
to have two girls saying
they weren't raped,
I think they were.
You got one says she
was, but you have doubts.
- I don't have doubts.
I believe her.
I do.
- O'Donnell says he
tried to rape her,
but she talked him out of it.
I don't buy it.
- It could be escalation.
The first time he robs the
girl, he doesn't get caught.
The second time he chickens
out with O'Donnell.
Now the third time with my
girl Trish, she's timid.
He senses that.
He takes advantage.
And he finally does it.
- No, no.
- What do you mean no?
- Ropes, knives!
- And?
- Look, if he got there
with your girl,
he's been doing this all along.
Probably did girls that
never reported anything.
- An assault? No.
No, I'm not...
- Did you take the bus
home last Saturday night?
- I did.
The 11:30 bus with Trish.
- Oh you know Trish?
- Is she okay?
(tense music)
- Ladies and gentlemen, we're
investigating an incident
that happened last Saturday
night at around this time.
Were any of you riding the bus
or around the neighborhood then?
No? We just have a few
questions of your driver
and then we'll have
you on your way.
Thank you again.
So you know Patricia Weir?
- Trish?
Yeah, she rides all the time.
She'll talk to me.
She don't talk to most people.
- Why do you think that is?
- Probably 'cause
I'm a good guy.
- This guy's a good guy.
- I like him already.
- What about last
Saturday night?
- Sat way in the back with one
of the kids from the theater.
- Jimmy Valenti.
- Yeah, that's him.
Maybe made a little
love connection.
They were just talking,
but she kind of had
a little shy smile
when she got off.
- Did you see anyone drive up
behind you in the mirror at all?
- Not that I remember.
- Look, here's my card.
If you remember anything,
you call me.
- You got it.
- [Carroll] Thank you!
(bus revving)
So what now?
- My sister wants to
amend her statement.
She's remembered some things.
- Okay.
That's not uncommon.
But Trish, you're gonna
have to speak for yourself.
- I think he wore glasses.
- You think?
- I don't remember them
on, but I remember when he
pushed me down them falling
onto the floorboard.
- Good, good.
That could help us.
Is there something else?
- It wasn't his finger.
- Can you repeat that?
- It wasn't his finger
that he put inside of me.
- Okay, just to be clear,
you're alleging
that the man that kidnapped
you inserted
something other than his
finger into your vagina.
Is that right?
- Yes.
- Trish.
I need to hear you say it.
- He put his...
He put his penis in my...
My down there.
(dramatic music)
- Okay.
Paul will be waiting at the
bus stop to walk you home.
- Okay.
- Are you sure you're ready?
It's only been a week.
- Mom, it's fine.
I need to take my
mind off of it.
- Okay.
- You doing okay, honey?
Let's me and you go down
to the lounge for a break.
- Is James still here?
- I guess you didn't hear.
It's James' last night.
He got a job at a bookstore
or something.
Maybe you could go say
goodbye to him.
He's upstairs.
- Hey.
(tense music)
- Hey, hey!
(suspense music)
Trish, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You okay?
Let's get you home, okay?
- Tell him that when I
get home I'll talk to him.
Yeah, uh-huh.
- I got the plate.
- I gotta call you back.
- There's no DFL-312, but
I got a '53 green Packard.
- 317.
- 317.
- It's registered to
a Twila Hoffman.
210 North LeBaron.
- Bingo, baby.
Outstanding work, Ms. Harper.
(suspense music)
- Can't believe you're
still wearing that jacket.
(tense music)
- Nobody lives there no more!
- Hi.
- Hi!
- We're looking for
the Hoffmans.
Do you know the Hoffmans?
- No.
I knew the Mirandas.
They used to live there.
- The Mirandas?
- [Neighbor] Yeah.
- When you say used to,
what do you mean?
- Probably about two weeks ago.
A United Produce truck
just backed
right up in there and
took them all away.
Ernie and Twila.
- You don't say.
- [Neighbor] No, that's
the truth.
- United Produce?
- [Neighbor] United
Produce, yes sir.
- All right.
Ma'am, you've been incredibly
- All right.
- Have a good night.
(suspense music)
- Ernest Arturo Miranda
spent six months
in the stockade at Fort
Campbell for peeping Tom.
Dishonorable discharge.
And as a kid he was in
and out of juvie.
Car theft, burglary,
armed robbery and.
- Assault and attempted rape.
- Bingo, baby.
(Nealis chuckles)
- [Foreman] Insurance
agents or cops?
- [Carroll] We're detectives.
- How can I help you?
All my guys are legal.
- Ernest Miranda here?
- He works nights mostly.
Ernie's a good guy.
Never gives me any problems.
- Miranda used one
of your trucks
to move his family
to the new home.
Do you know about that?
- It was on the square.
He asked, I loaned it to him.
- Any chance you have
Ernie's new address?
- Hey Joe, get me the
Miranda address.
- [Joe] Got it!
- [Foreman] Anything else?
- Last Saturday.
The night of the second.
Was Miranda working?
- [Foreman] Yeah, he was here.
- Worked all night?
- Clocked out at 11:30
like everybody.
- How about that address?
(tense music)
- Look at this.
Got rope.
- Holy shit.
Hey hey hey, be cool.
- I am cool.
Twila Hoffman?
- Yes?
- How are you?
- I'm good.
- Is that '53 Packard
right there your car?
- Yeah.
- Are you the only person
who drives that car?
- My husband.
- Ernie Miranda?
- Yeah.
- Could we speak to him?
- He's asleep.
- Could you wake him up?
- No.
- Well it's a police matter.
We'd really like to talk to him.
- Yeah.
- Gotta get him to the station.
- (whispers) I know.
Mr. Miranda, I apologize
for getting you out of bed.
- Hi.
What's this about?
- Sorry to wake you up.
We're investigating an incident
that we think you may
have witnessed.
- Oh really?
What happened?
- We think it'd be best to
not have this conversation
in front of your kids and
the rest of your family.
Would you be willing
to come down
to the station and talk to us?
Take about an hour and
I'll bring you right back.
What do you say?
- Okay.
- Great.
So put a shirt on and we'll
be waiting for you right here.
Thank you.
Again, sorry to interrupt
(tense music)
- Bye.
- Am I being arrested?
- By no means.
You're just helping us out.
Hell, you don't even
have to talk to us.
- Excuse me, did you
look up my car?
'Cause I haven't been
in any accidents.
- Oh no, we know.
This is about a robbery
a week ago Saturday.
On 15th street.
Isn't 15th Street a straight
shot home for you from work?
- I don't take 15th coming home.
- Guy on 15th saw your car.
Wait, did you cross it?
Maybe you drove up Central or...
- No, not on Saturday night.
I take Seventh to avoid
downtown traffic.
- Seventh.
- Yeah.
- Why don't we just talk
about this at the station.
We'll pull out a map
and maybe we get lucky.
(door slams)
Have a seat.
I am so sorry that we got
you out of bed for this.
Why is this on?
You know, I could really use
a hot cup of coffee right now.
You want one?
- Sure.
- Cream, sugar?
- Just black.
- That's how I drink it.
You smoke?
- No thank you.
- Smart. Waste of money.
I'll be right back.
- And you're gonna bring
them back here.
Be quick, be polite.
- Yes sir.
- What do you think?
- I think he's slick.
Maybe a little old
school persuasion?
- No, no no, hell no.
He already put himself
on Seventh.
Let me talk him into
a lineup all right?
Will you call the girl please?
- Way ahead of you.
I already sent cars for them.
- [Carroll] Ernie, now
we have a problem.
Well actually, now you
have a problem.
- What's that?
- Well I had my guys upstairs
run your sheet and well.
To be honest with you,
your record is not great.
- Well you know, all
that's in the past.
I got a wife, kids, decent job.
I'm never even late.
You can ask my boss.
- I did ask your boss.
And you're right.
He says that you're great.
But here's the problem.
A girl was grabbed on Seventh
Street on Saturday night.
Right around the same time
that you got out of work
and were heading home
on Seventh Street.
She said you - well she
said a guy drove her out
to the desert and had
intercourse with her.
- Wasn't me.
- I'm not saying it was you.
You didn't come up
Seventh, see a cute girl,
say something sweet, she
liked it, she smiled,
she came to your car,
she popped in.
You guys headed out
to the desert.
Had a nice time together.
Three hours later she
didn't feel so ladylike.
As a matter of fact she felt
bad, so she made up a story.
Ernie, this happens
all the time.
- Whatever happened,
it wasn't me.
- I'm saying she said
that whoever forced her
into the car on Saturday
night on Seventh Street
has the same color car as you.
That's what I'm saying.
- Do you know how many green
cars there are in Phoenix?
- Tell me about it.
My wife's car's green.
- It's gotta be half the city.
- But the problem here
is your record.
Attempted rape at 16,
peeping Tom in the military,
burglary, armed robbery,
grand theft auto.
You see why my guys want
to point the finger at you?
- I was just a kid back then.
Done nothing for three years.
- [Carroll] Three years huh?
- Clean.
- [Carroll] Straight and narrow.
- Straight.
- That's real good, Ernie.
You know, I'm glad we
had this conversation.
'Cause I believe you.
You don't seem like a guy
that's hiding anything.
- I'm not.
- Let's do something.
Let's have a lineup,
let's get you cleared,
and I'll drive you home myself.
How's that sound?
What do you say?
I'll be right back.
Drink that coffee.
I don't want it to get
cold, all right?
(door closes)
- Are you here for a lineup?
What happened?
You got robbed?
(dramatic music)
Did he do anything else?
- Don't you want
to stop him too?
- Thank you for your patience.
Barbara, you'll go first.
Trish, would you wait
here please?
It shouldn't take long.
Hey, don't worry.
They can't see you.
- Does number one wear glasses?
- [Nealis] Number one,
put on your glasses.
- Number one looks like him.
- [Nealis] Are you sure?
- I know it's not the others.
Maybe if I heard his voice?
- (whispers) We can
arrange that.
- How'd I do?
- Not so good, Ernie.
Not so good.
- So...
I got picked?
- Maybe we try this again.
Except this time you
tell me everything.
(tense music)
(clock ticking)
- When I get her
in the backseat,
I told her she's pretty.
You know, she's very shy.
But she's pretty young.
- Yeah, she is.
She is young.
(Nealis knocks)
Come in!
Do you know her?
- You did good, Trish.
Thank you.
Edgar, could you run
her home please?
- [Edgar] Yes, sir.
- [Carroll] Did Barbara
give us the rape?
- Barb is engaged.
Getting married in three months.
She's not gonna go there.
- I should have never
gone to that lineup.
- Ernie, come on man,
don't do that.
You did the right thing.
- That's right.
You know, it would look
even better if you
write down what you told
Detective Cooley.
Would you do that?
(dramatic music)
- Hi Ann.
Patricia, how you feeling?
Are you ready?
- [Moore] Hello Ernie.
How you holding up?
Okay, listen to me
very carefully.
- You're gonna do great.
All right?
You just tell them
what happened.
And if you don't know
the answer to a question,
don't feel that you
need to guess.
- The jury's gonna be
gauging your behavior
looking for a clue in
your expressions,
so look interested and
never ever yawn.
No faces and be respectful
of the people
on the stand even if
you don't like them.
Don't say a word.
Not a mumble, not a grumble.
If you do that, we
should be okay.
- Just say you don't know.
You do that for me,
I promise I'm gonna
put this guy in jail for
a very long time.
Excuse me.
Mr. Moore.
- Mr. Turoff.
- Morning.
How you doing?
- Doing well, how are you?
- Good, thanks.
It's not too late to have
your client plead guilty.
Throw himself at the
mercy of the court.
- Or you could have
offered a deal
at any point along the way.
- Oh I'll have him
convicted faster
than I could have written
up the memo.
Well yesterday, for Barbara Sue,
got it in less than six hours.
And that's without a
signed confession.
You understand?
- Then why use Mr.
Miranda's confession here?
- Why not?
It's totally voluntary.
Nobody laid a hand on him.
- So you say.
Well that'll be the
basis of my appeal.
- A rapist in Arizona?
Good luck with that, Mr. Moore.
- Well we shall see.
I'll see you inside.
- Let me get that for you.
(church bell ringing)
- These are perfect.
- If I can walk in them.
- Oh don't even think like that.
I'm gonna check on the guests.
- Mom, what are you doing?
- Shush shush, give me a second.
Now you feel that.
- But they're sharp now.
They were perfect.
- A boy like yours is gonna
have certain expectations.
So after he's finished,
use this to make just
a tiny prick.
Just a drop of-
- Mother, what is this?
We're not in the Dark Ages.
- He is the type
that will check.
He won't know it, but he will.
- Well he knows about...
But surely.
- My name was never
in the papers.
- And it's none of
anybody's business
if Trish doesn't want it to be.
- Trish, he's about
to be your husband.
Do you really want to start out-
- I don't want anyone to
ever talk about it again.
- And that's the end of it, Ann.
Trish is very lucky
to be marrying
into such a good family.
My baby is gonna make
the most beautiful bride.
Today's gonna be perfect.
For both of you.
(jazzy bop music)
There's nothing you can say
Could tear me away
from my guy
There's nothing you can do
'Cause I'm stuck like
glue to my guy
I'm sticking to my guy
like a stamp to a letter
Like birds of a feather
we stick together
I'm telling you
from the start
I can't be torn apart
from my guy
There's nothing you can do
Could make me untrue
to my guy
There's nothing you can buy
To make me tell
a lie to my guy
I gave my guy my
word of honor
To be faithful,
and I'm gonna
- Hey, you know I'd rather
be in court than out fishing.
So keep talking jail
time, Mr. Corbin,
and that's where we'll go.
How about three years,
out in 18 months?
- From John Frank at the ACLU.
- Thank you.
No no no, I'm not thanking
you at $5,000,
but I will thank you
at $2,000 restitution.
Then we'll have a deal.
Okay, you let me know.
- Mr. Franks already had a look.
He said to tell you this
is the perfect case.
- Perfect as in the client
didn't do it?
Or perfect as in no one
can prove otherwise?
(secretary laughs)
- Will there be anything
else, Mr. Flynn?
- Not tonight.
I'll see you tomorrow.
What happened here?
- And is this man
who cornered you
on a dark street at midnight,
grabbed you, forced
you into a car,
bound you, drove you
to the desert.
And raped you.
Is this man in the
courtroom today?
- Objection, Your Honor.
Leading the witness.
- Overruled.
The witness may answer.
- Yes he is.
- Could you please point
him out to the jury?
- [Moore] Objection, Your Honor.
- [Judge] Overruled.
- It's that man with the
glasses and the tan jacket.
Sitting at that table.
- Let the record state
the witness
has indicated the defendant.
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
Honey, I know.
I know what...
It's gonna be another
late night.
I am working this
time. I promise.
Okay, don't wait up for me.
All right, I love you.
Where was I?
- This is a photo of the lineup.
Mr. Miranda is man number one.
Ms. Weir.
What did you say, in your
exact words, of man number one?
- That looks like him.
- "Looks like him."
It looks like him.
Not that it is him.
- I said maybe if I
heard his voice.
- Maybe.
Ms. Weir, I know that this has
been very difficult for you.
But if there really was a rape,
the jury needs to know
all the facts.
So which was it?
His finger or his penis?
Of all of those moments
when he grabbed you.
When you were in the
backseat of the car
and that man was driving.
When you were in the
dark of the desert.
In which of these moments did
you actually see his face?
Just to make it clear, you
said that he dropped you off
in the same location that
he had picked you up.
Yet just moments ago
you testified
that it was too dark
to see and then you
told the police that
it was too dark to see.
Is it too dark to
see, yes or no?
- What I said was that it was-
- No no, it's a very
simple question.
Yes or no?
- Yes.
- No further questions,
Your Honor.
- But it was him over there.
I just know it-
- [Moore] Your Honor, please.
Objection, Your Honor.
- Sustained.
- In summation, we have a girl
that has suffered
a horrible event.
Of that I feel sure.
Yet it is she who's unsure.
The only thing consistent about
her testimony is its
Not coincidentally, a
brown man who just happens
to be driving his car up the
same street one week later.
Then we have two large
policemen that brought him in,
they walked him into a small
room with no attorney present.
There was not an attorney
And they walked out with?
A confession?
Now do you really believe
they didn't intimidate him?
That they didn't lean on him?
But in our great land,
this young man is innocent.
He is innocent until
proven guilty.
So I ask you, have you heard
any conclusive evidence at all?
There's none because the
prosecution has none to present.
- And when pressed on this,
she said clearly it was him.
But you don't have to
only believe her.
You heard what happened in
Mr. Miranda's own exact words.
- Right then and there you
bastards made up your mind.
- "I started to take
clothes off her,"
"and with cooperation,
asked her to lay down."
"And she did."
"Could not get penis
into vagina."
"Got about half inch in."
"Told her to get
clothes back on."
"Drove her home."
"I couldn't say I was sorry."
"But I asked her to say
a prayer for me."
- "I do hereby swear that
I make this statement"
"voluntarily and of
my own free will."
"With no threats, coercion
or promises of immunity."
"And with full legal
knowledge of my rights."
- The defendant, he's
admitted his own guilt.
So I ask you please.
Just believe him.
- [Judge] Will the defendant
please stand?
Ernest Arturo Miranda,
you have been found guilty
of the crimes of first
degree kidnapping
in the rape of Patricia
Ann Weir.
You are hereby confined
to the Maricopa County
Jail pending sentencing.
(gavel bangs)
- Totally unfair.
- What's that, Counselor?
- Your goons, they had
no probable cause.
Not one scrap of solid evidence.
Totally railroaded this kid.
- [Turoff] I'm sorry, I just,
I don't see it that way.
- All you have is a confession
gained God knows how
from a man with an eighth
grade education who didn't know
his rights because there
was no attorney present.
- No, see, the law is
very clear, Mr. Moore.
Your client, he gets an
attorney at trial.
And well, here you are.
- We'll see.
(cell door buzzes)
- Bullshit.
- [Moore] Hello, Ernie.
- Mr. Moore.
How'd it go?
- How you holding up?
- Been better.
What did they say?
- I still feel that we were
right and you were wronged,
but the Arizona Supreme
Court has ruled otherwise.
I'm sorry.
If you wouldn't have
signed that confession
I think we would've been okay.
- You know they tricked me.
They lied when they
said she recognized me.
And they started talking about
all these other crimes,
you know, and they said
plead guilty to this or
we can't help you.
- [Moore] I understand.
- Well did you tell them that?
- Of course I told them that.
It was coercion plain
and simple.
Your rights were violated.
But the Arizona Supreme
Court has ruled.
It's wrong, it's just wrong.
- That's 20 years per count.
I'm gonna be your age
when I get out.
- I did my best, Ernie.
I did my best.
- Well you're not quitting me.
Are you?
You can't.
- My wife is ill.
My wife needs me.
I decided to retire and honestly
there's nothing else
I can do for you.
- Mr. Moore.
Twila, she quit coming
to see me.
She's moved with her baby girl
and I don't even have
a number to call her.
- That much I can do for you.
I'll find her and I'll try
to convince her to call you.
- 40 Years.
- I'm sorry, son.
I truly am.
(ominous music)
- [Ernie] Shh, shh.
- Please!
- Pray for me.
(tense music)
- [Charles] Trish, you
feeling all right?
Come back to bed.
You know I always wanted a son.
(dramatic sting)
(cell door buzzes)
- Hello Ernest.
I'm John Flynn.
I'm a criminal defense attorney.
You ever heard of the ACLU?
- Mm-mm.
- Well ACLU stands for
American Civil Liberties Union.
Civil liberties are your
rights as an American.
ACLU believes yours
were violated.
And I should become
your attorney.
- Hope you're better
than my last one.
(John chuckles)
- Well.
Some people say I am.
How long you been in
prison now, Ernest?
- Two years, six days.
- Man, that's a long time.
- Feels like forever.
- I'm sure it does.
So I reviewed your
case and I think
we have an excellent
chance on appeal.
- That's over.
Moore tried.
Supreme Court said I'm guilty.
- That was Arizona
Supreme Court.
I'm talking about the Supreme
Court of the United States.
The highest court in the land.
- Moore said there was
nothing else we could do.
- No, Mr. Moore said there
was nothing else he could do.
But he left behind
a strong record.
A record of sound objections
to violations of your rights.
But it's not beyond me.
- Well mister, I can't
afford you for a day.
- The ACLU will pay every dime.
All you gotta do.
Is agree that you'd like
me to represent you.
If so, sign this right here.
- Aren't you gonna ask
me if I'm guilty?
- I'm far more interested why
you signed that confession.
- Well they tricked me.
They said they would hold me
if I didn't do the lineup.
That would've cost me my job.
And then they lied.
Said I was picked.
- So they intimidated you.
- Write down everything
you told me.
And don't leave anything out.
Because if you do, well,
we'll have to tell the judge.
- Hell yeah.
They were big cops with guns.
They said they didn't want to
have to throw the book at me.
Which sometimes that means
the phone book.
Slammed into the
back of my head.
You read my file didn't you?
Did you see I was
the only damn guy
with glasses in the lineup?
- So does this mean I'm
representing you?
- Can you get me out of here?
- I believe I can.
- That's all you gotta
say, mister.
(dramatic music)
- Ernest.
I'll be in touch.
(gentle music)
- [Charles] Nurse!
(clock ticking)
- It's a girl.
- Another apartment? We can't
even pay the rent on this one!
It isn't good enough
for you though.
If we had a bigger one
you might be able
to buy some more furniture
I suppose.
You might want to
see me bankrupt!
All you ever think
about is spending money!
Furniture and rent and clothes!
Ed Russell says that he
hasn't spent as much-
- [Ann] Hello?
- Shh, it's almost over.
- You ungrateful, stingy,
bossy big shot!
- No.
Oh this show was so good.
- Trish, have you
seen the paper?
- No, Charles usually
brings it with him to work
in the morning, but I
catch the evening news.
You promised me.
I mean I did everything
I was supposed to do.
- [Turoff] I assure you
that we're active on this
and that our men, they've
done everything possible.
They've done it correctly.
They've done it to the letter.
- Mr. Turoff, you need
to understand
that Trish was scared
to go to work.
To get on the bus.
I mean her nightmares
are just now going away.
Will she have to testify
in Washington?
- No ma'am.
The Supreme Court, they
don't work that way.
And it doesn't matter how much
the papers write about this.
Her name won't come out.
- But what if they say
he's not guilty?
- They can't do that, but they
might make us retry him here.
- Trish would have
to testify again.
- Let's worry about
that when the time comes
because right now Arizona
and 24 other states,
they stand with us.
Not one state disagrees.
- Thank you, Mr. Turoff.
Trish, I have to ask.
Does Charles know?
- No.
He can't.
Husbands can't handle this.
It's just like on that soap.
(slow jazz music)
- Sergeant, I've entered
into evidence
your last 10 reports of
drunk driving arrests.
I couldn't help but
notice that in each
you've written slurred speech,
poor sense of balance,
and bloodshot eyes.
I've also entered into
evidence page four
of the Arizona Police
Academy manual
on alcohol and drug
use detection.
Do you notice any
common language?
Actually, strike that.
I'll rephrase.
Do you simply copy
from the textbook
rather than record the
true facts each time
you pull someone over
for an improper turn?
- Sir, I can assure you I do
a careful examination
of each suspect.
- And my client had
poor balance.
- [Sergeant] Correct.
- Slurred speech?
- [Sergeant] Yes, sir.
- And bloodshot eyes.
- Absolutely.
- Well perhaps my client
had a lash.
Causing an irritation
in one eye.
- [Sergeant] He had
bloodshot eyes.
- Both eyes?
- Yes.
Both eyes.
Sergeant, was this.
My client's left eye, bloodshot?
(crowd laughs)
- Sergeant, you may step down.
(gavel bangs)
- John Flynn, the man
who got Arizona's
most notorious kidnapper
off scot-free.
He's now doing a lowly DUI case?
- What a lot of fun
that one was.
I know who you are.
Suppose you want to talk
about the Miranda case.
- You know who I am.
And yeah, I'd like to know
how deeply committed you are.
- A chance to argue
before the Supreme Court?
Are you kidding?
- I mean the man's
as guilty as sin.
He's kidnapped, robbed and raped
I don't know how many
young women.
He's been at it since he's 15.
- And there's a point to this?
- Yeah, he signed a confession.
- I've coached little
league with Nealis.
His back pockets all have
the outline of a blackjack.
- Oh come on, those are
the days of old.
This really was voluntary.
- If you really believe
they didn't lean on him,
then the Phoenix Sun has
baked your brain.
- I'm telling you they didn't.
- But someone else somewhere
else will.
That's the whole point of it.
- You know what it
takes for a girl
to put a guy like that in jail?
I've gotten to know her.
She's a kind young kid.
Don't make me put her
through it again.
- I'm not the one causing
that to happen.
- You know that we weren't
required to give him
an attorney while he's
being questioned.
- I'm afraid I disagree.
- John, I know what
you're trying to do okay?
I get it, but I'm just
telling you, this guy?
He's the wrong fucking
guy, okay?
Don't make him the face
of your crusade
'cause he ain't worth it.
- Ain't worth it?
- No.
- Why? 'Cause he had
a tough youth?
- Come on.
- Or just maybe because
he's Mexican?
- No, because he's guilty.
I have a daughter.
John, I know that you
have two girls, right?
- ACLU would just hire
someone else, Larry.
- But not John Flynn though.
Everybody knows what they say.
Flynn it to win it.
So what about Miranda's victim?
- Lawrence.
I really don't care.
- [Trish] It was him over there.
(gavel bangs)
- [Judge] You have
been found guilty.
(gavel bangs)
(ominous music)
(gavel bangs)
(Trish gasps)
- Trish.
(Trish sobbing)
Wake up, honey.
(baby crying)
Hey, just breathe okay?
Shh shh shh shh shh.
It's okay.
You're okay.
Oh Trish.
What happened?
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Shh, just breathe.
- [Andrew] I don't know
what else you could say.
We all know Flynn can
be very persuasive.
- Why our side is sending
Nelson, a 30-year-old rookie,
to argue I'll never understand.
I mean he's the worst
possible choice.
Especially when you've got
this Sandra Day O'Connor
who's two offices down the hall.
I don't get it.
I want you to go to that
hearing and report back.
- I'm on it.
- Oyez, oyez, oyez!
(dramatic music)
All persons having business
before the Supreme Court
of the United States are
admonished to draw near
and give their attention for
the court is now sitting.
God save the United States
and this honorable court.
- This is case number
759, Ernesto A. Miranda,
petitioner, versus the
State of Arizona.
Mr. Flynn, you may proceed.
- Mr. Chief Justice
and Associate Justices.
May it please the court.
The issue is whether this
defendant's confession
should have been allowed
in evidence.
- So it looks bad.
- All I can say is
when it was over,
Nelson looked stunned
and Flynn was grinning.
- Okay, just let me know the
moment the ruling comes in.
- [Lou] Everything's been
set, Mr. Chief Justice.
- Thank you, Lou.
- Right this way, sir.
- Let's do this.
The cases before us
raise questions.
Which go to the roots
of our concepts
of American criminal
More specifically, we deal
with the admissibility
of statements obtained
from individual
who is subjected to custodial
police interrogation.
And the necessity for
procedures which assure
that the individual is
accorded his privilege
under the Fifth Amendment
of the Constitution.
Miranda was taken in custody
to a Phoenix police station.
It was there that Miranda
was identified
by the complaining witness.
The written confession
was admitted into evidence
over the objection of counsel.
And Miranda was found guilty
of kidnapping and rape.
The Arizona Court affirmed
that Miranda
did not specifically
request counsel.
Therefore, in the case of
Miranda versus Arizona.
We reverse.
- I just need one minute.
I just need one minute
of your time.
Larry, you're not gonna
believe this.
- Confession's out.
Without it, the case is
just he said she said.
- I'll testify to what he said.
- No, you won't
Because everything, and
I mean everything,
that he said after the
lineup, it's inadmissible.
- But he put himself
on Seventh Street
before we ever got
to the station.
- Inadmissible.
Let me see your back pocket.
- Excuse me?
- You keep a blackjack in it?
- Carried one for 18 years.
Sometimes, well it beats
shooting a guy.
- All right, fellas.
Time to come clean, all right?
What really happened?
Why did Miranda write
the confession?
- [Announcer] Instant Folgers
taste good as fresh perk.
Try it.
- [Interviewer] Prosecutor
Turoff, didn't your
Phoenix Police Department
just handle it wrong?
- Well the Miranda decision's
in no way
an indictment of how this office
or the Phoenix Police
Department performs its duties.
We'll continue to prosecute
and convict
at the highest possible
level while always-
- Jesus Christ, Trish,
will you just feed her?
There's nothing on that
TV that concerns you.
I swear to God I'm gonna throw
the damn thing out the window.
- Hey Barry, put him in holding.
- Did you read him
his Cooley rights?
(police laugh)
- You say that again, and
you won't need the right
to remain silent until they
unwire your fucking jaw.
- I'm sorry.
- Detective, I have a
lady waiting for you.
- [Carroll] How can I help you?
- Detective, hi.
Do you remember me?
It's been about two years.
I still drive the Packard.
- Green Packard.
License plate DFL-317
registered to you,
Twila Hoffman, at 2525
Maricopa Street.
I do remember you.
How have you been?
- I've been good.
I got back together with
my first husband.
He treats me really well.
- [Carroll] That's nice to hear.
- Is Ernie getting
out of prison?
- He probably will.
(tense music)
- Well do you remember,
The day that you found
the rope in the car?
- Baby.
You look so beautiful.
(faint whispering)
- Thank you for coming in.
Appreciate that.
That son of a bitch is
as guilty as hell.
Nice and cool in here.
Get a little older and that heat
really takes it out of you.
(Trish chuckles)
- Ann was right.
I should have told Charles
from the beginning.
- Well I can see why you didn't.
I mean nobody could have
seen that coming, Patricia.
- Mr. Turoff, I really
everything you've done.
- Of course.
- But I've put this behind me.
And as far as I'm concerned,
it's over.
- It's because of
Charles isn't it?
- You can't understand
how he can be.
- Do you want me
to speak to him?
- No.
No. Thank you.
- [Carroll] I made
you a promise.
Just let me talk to him.
- I'm sorry.
But I'm done with this.
I really am.
- Patricia, you do realize
that I'm not asking for me.
(dramatic music)
(ominous music)
- Dinner's ready.
Hope you're hungry.
- Was someone over today?
How many times have I told you
not to let salesmen
in the house?
- He wasn't a salesman.
- You want to tell me
who the hell he was?
- Let's just have dinner and
then we can talk about it.
- No, there's nothing
to talk about.
You had a man into my house
while I'm off making
us a living?
- Charles.
- [Charles] Now who
the hell was it?
- No, don't do that.
He did that.
- He who?
- Can we sit?
- Tell me.
Now goddammit!
- I need to sit.
I need to tell you something.
- [Charles] Well I certainly
wouldn't have bought the cow
if I'd known the milk was free.
- It wasn't my fault.
I was raped.
- The Supreme Court of the
United States disagrees.
- The police made
a mistake, okay?
They're gonna try him again
and it'll all be fixed.
- No no no no, no.
- Yes!
- No, there's not gonna
be another trial.
I won't have it.
I won't have my friends,
my brothers
thinking of some
Mexican screwing
my wife every time
we go somewhere.
- No, it won't be like that!
They'll never know
that it was me!
- They'll know, goddammit!
You've seen the TV!
That's why you've been
staring at it!
This Miranda thing's
all over the news.
You want to be America's
jezebel or something.
- I don't care!
Him being locked away
is the only thing
that lets me sleep at night!
- No, no, no!
Shut your fucking
mouth right now.
I swear to God, shut your mouth.
- I'm testifying.
(blues music)
- You disgust me.
You know that?
Sitting home alone
Thinking about my past
Wondering how I made it
(police siren blaring)
How long it's gonna last
Success has come
to lots of them
And failure's always there
Time, time waits for no one
And I wish, how I wish
someone would care
- Sit down, Mr. Shumway.
You're very lucky that your
wife has a friend on the force.
- When do I get to go home?
- You don't.
Not until you talk to-
- Goddamn Coke machine's broken.
How you doing, Mr. Shumway?
Feeling a little rugged
I bet, huh?
Lawrence Turoff.
Maricopa County prosecutor.
Now you had a clean
record, right?
So what set you off?
Charles, no husband
wants to hear
what your wife had to tell you.
I get it.
She tried very hard to
protect you from it.
But I think in order for
you and me to get along,
you're gonna need to
not use that word.
Willing to forget about
the drunk driving escapade.
In exchange for that, I
need to show you something.
- What's this?
- It's a list of names.
Young women that were
preyed upon.
Sexual assault, robberies,
attempted rape.
All close to downtown, all
within the last few years.
But out of all these women,
there was just
this one shy girl who
was willing to stand up
and take this guy
off the street.
Keep any pictures
in your wallet?
I do.
See that there?
That's my daughter.
What would you call the person
that prevented your daughter
from getting raped by a
guy that likes of Miranda?
Say it.
What's the word?
- A hero.
- A hero.
- A hero.
- But what your Patricia
told you last night.
Is she refuses to be a victim.
- Yeah, but she lied to me.
Her whole family knew.
- And I promise you we'll keep
her name out of the papers.
- Thank you.
- [Turoff] Probably ready
to go home, huh big guy?
- Yeah.
- [Turoff] These guys, they
didn't rough you up, did they?
- Nah.
We were good.
- Take care.
- [Carroll] That's it?
- What do you mean?
- We're not gonna charge him?
- When's the last time we
prosecuted a drunk driver?
Okay, now that's a coincidence.
I was just thinking about you.
What do you think?
10 years on top of whatever
he's doing, eligible in five.
I mean that beats the shit
out of another 30, right?
(John chuckles)
- That's funny, huh?
It's not enough that
you just set
the whole damn system ablaze?
Now you want to personally
prove him innocent?
And to erase what exactly?
The stain of freeing a
rapist on a technicality?
- Alleged rapist.
Unless you have any real
admissible evidence this time.
- Last chance.
- Mr. Turoff just added Twila
Hoffman to the witness list.
- His wife?
No, that's bullshit!
We'll see about that.
All right, Turoff.
Game on.
(blues music)
You don't own me
I'm not just one of
your many toys
You don't own me
Don't say I can't go
with other boys
Don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to say
And please when I
go out with you
- Testifying is a mistake.
- Mom, please.
- What it could do
to your marriage.
To your family.
All those people in there.
Trish, there's still time.
We could just slip away.
- Mom, maybe you should go home.
I don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do
So just let me be myself
That's all I ask of you
I'm young and I love
to be young
I'm free and I love
to be free
To live my life
the way I want
To say and do whatever
I please
And don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me what to say
- [Bailiff] All rise!
- Please be seated.
Ladies and gentlemen.
As you know, this trial
had to be moved
from Maricopa County
due to publicity.
With that in mind, I have
two items to address.
Firstly, to the members
of the press.
The complainant's name
is not to be used
in any of your reporting.
She was quite young
when this happened.
And her privacy will
be maintained
or there will be consequences.
Dire consequences.
Secondly, members of the jury.
I remind you that for the
duration of this trial
you may watch television,
but not the news.
You may only read newspapers
provided to you by the bailiff.
And you may not listen
to the radio.
One has no way to know
when they will interrupt
their current programming
with breaking news.
Any questions?
Let us begin.
Mr. Turoff, you may
call your first witness.
- [Turoff] Your Honor,
the prosecution calls.
- Patricia Ann Shumway.
- Now Patricia, on the
evening of March 2nd
you got off work, took the
bus home as you so often did.
Tell us about that.
(dramatic music)
- [Trish] I was in high school.
And I was working part time
at the Paramount Theater.
- [Turoff] What happened next?
- [Trish] He grabbed my arms
and twist them behind my back.
I know that I was dressed
when he dropped me off.
- [Turoff] Back near
the bus stop.
- I just remember seeing a
cactus out of the window.
And praying it was over.
He told me to stop crying.
And then take off my
clothes and I said no.
And then he asked me
if I wanted him
to take them off and
I said no I don't.
- Did you want him to touch you?
- [Trish] No.
- [Turoff] And what
happened next?
- He asked me to lie
down and I said no.
And I was fighting to
keep my legs together.
(sobs) I kept screaming please
don't, please don't do this.
I don't do this.
Finally he got my legs apart
and tried to make penetration.
At first he couldn't and
then he got off of me.
He said you can't tell me
you've never done this before.
And I said no I haven't.
And then he turned away
and I thought it was over,
but then he turned back to
me and he shoved my head
against the seat and he
performed the act.
- Were you certain that
the defendant was the man
who kidnapped and raped
you on March 3rd, 1963?
- I was.
- And for the record,
you'd never seen
the defendant before or
consented to go anywhere
with him that night or
consent to the act
of intercourse with him in
any way, is that correct?
- (sobs) No.
No, never.
- Thank you.
No further questions.
- You earlier identified
Mr. Miranda
as the man who abducted
and raped you.
But when Mr. Miranda
was in the lineup,
didn't you tell police
officers quote
"I think he's the one"?
"Maybe if I heard his voice"?
- Yes, sir.
- And then you were brought
into the interrogation room.
into the presence
of Mr. Miranda?
- Yes, I wanted to
hear his voice.
- And what were the first words
Mr. Miranda said in
your presence?
- [Trish] Detective
Cooley asked him
if I was the girl he
drove into the desert.
He said.
- I'm sorry.
- So the police asked.
And he answered that you
were the girl he drove
to the desert even before
you made a positive ID?
- I guess so.
- But you had made
no positive ID
before hearing him say that.
- No, only that I-
- Thank you.
Now do you recall testifying
under oath.
On a previous occasion.
As to what your assailant
made penetration with?
- Yes.
- You answered "I don't know".
- [Trish] Yes, sir.
- Do you recall, in the
very same testimony,
being asked with what portion
of his body did he
make penetration,
was it his finger, and
you answered yes.
Do you recall that?
- I do.
- On the morning of March
3rd, did you mention
to officers any scars,
tattoos, birthmarks,
or any other identifying
physical attributes?
- Not that I can recall.
- Ernest, would you please
stand and remove your jacket?
- Objection!
This isn't a fashion show.
- Overruled.
You may remove your jacket.
A man in a t-shirt grabs
you, shoves you in a car,
removes your clothes,
removes his clothes.
Wrestles around with you
in all manner of ways.
And you didn't notice
those tattoos?
- (sobs) It was dark
and I'm not sure.
- Finally, do you
remember in your interview
with Detective Cooley
stating that you remember
black heavy-framed
glasses falling
to the floorboard of the car?
- Yes.
- And as I hold up
this lineup photo.
Other than the tattoos
and the white t-shirt,
what else separates Mr.
Miranda from the others?
- He was wearing glasses.
- He is the only one
wearing glasses isn't he?
Thick and black.
- [Turoff] Objection!
- I withdraw the question.
No further questions.
- Mr. Turoff.
- No redirect at this time.
And Detective Cooley, after
the lineup, did you have
the occasion for further
discussion with the suspect?
- I did.
- And what did the suspect do-
- Objection!
Your Honor, may we approach?
Your Honor, once Ms. Weir
picked Miranda from the lineup,
even without a positive
ID, this investigation
became focused solely
on my client.
This is the very point at
which he should have been
advised of his right
to an attorney.
- Mr. Flynn-
- This is the very heart of
the Supreme Court decision.
Any evidence or testimony
gained from Mr. Miranda
before he did in fact have
a lawyer is inadmissible.
- I agree.
Objection sustained.
Objection sustained!
Mr. Turoff, I know you
know very well by now
that you cannot use those
statements made
to law enforcement without
an attorney present.
So don't even try to go there.
- Yes, sir.
- [Judge] Take your
places please.
- Thank you.
Detective Cooley.
Before speaking to Mr. Miranda,
this is prior to the lineup,
did you have the occasion
to look inside
Twila Hoffman's 1953 Packard?
- Objection!
This search was without
a warrant!
- Your Honor, he just
glanced in the window.
- Your Honor, the car was parked
in a driveway on private
- Objection sustained.
- Does the bus stop from
where the victim
states she was kidnapped,
does that stop lie
on Mr. Miranda's route
home from work?
- Objection!
That calls for speculation!
- Sustained.
- What time did Mr. Miranda
get off work that night?
- His timecard recorded that
he clocked out at 11:22 PM.
- Could the suspect have
reached the site of Ms. Weir's
abduction by midnight
when she was kidnapped?
- Absolutely.
- Lieutenant Nealis, was it
you who supervised the lineup?
- Yes it was.
- And you were aware
that Ms. Weir recalled
seeing black-framed
glasses during her assault.
- I was.
- And then here he is in
a lineup you conveniently
arranged such that he was
the only one wearing glasses.
- It was his choice.
- What do you mean his choice?
- But it didn't matter.
She asked to see him.
- No no no, sir.
It was your choice not to put
glasses on any of the others!
And with only what Mr. Miranda
said before the lineup,
and based upon the
fact that Ms. Weir
made no positive
identification in the lineup,
could you have made
an arrest without
further questioning of
my client at that time?
- No.
- No further questions.
- Mr. Turoff?
- Thank you, Your Honor.
Did both Mr. Miranda
and Twila Hoffman
confirm that the suspect
drove her '53 Packard
to and from work when
you first spoke to them?
- They did.
- And when you were
waiting outside the house
for Mr. Miranda, where
were you standing?
- By that same Packard.
- [Turoff] And did you notice
anything in the backseat?
- Objection!
- Sustained.
- Pardon me, Your Honor, but-
- I just said sustained.
You know better, Mr. Turoff.
- Yes, sir.
No further questions.
- [Judge] The witness
may step down.
Will the prosecution be
calling another witness?
- Yes, sir.
The prosecution calls Mrs.
Twila Hoffman to the stand.
- Objection, Your Honor!
This is unconstitutional!
- Mr. Flynn, are you
serious right now?
- Both of you approach now.
- This is outrageous.
She can't testify.
There's spousal privilege here.
The prosecutor knows it.
He's playing games.
She is the mother of his
child for God's sake.
- Your Honor, there
was no wedding.
There is no marriage
Being a mother, it has
nothing to do with it.
Your Honor?
- Your objection is overruled.
Mr. Flynn.
Under Arizona law they
were never married.
Therefore there is no
spousal privilege.
Now return to your chairs.
And behave yourselves please.
- Thank you, Your Honor.
Mrs. Hoffman, on March 3rd, 1963
did you happen to
know Mr. Miranda?
- I did.
- And how did you happen
to know him?
- He lived with me and we
had a baby girl together.
- And would you describe
the relationship
as idyllic or tumultuous?
- Tumultuous.
- And when you visited
the defendant in prison,
what did he tell you?
(muted whispering)
- That he raped that girl.
(crowd gasps)
- So why didn't you come
forward earlier?
- I was scared.
I've been so worried.
You know, I was confused.
I've been worried about
our daughter Cleopatra.
And my other two children.
- Thank you for your
testimony today.
I know that it wasn't
easy for you.
I have no further questions
at this time.
Thank you.
- So is it Twila Hoffman
or Twila Miranda?
- Twila Hoffman.
- Hoffman.
So it's your testimony
that you lived
with Mr. Miranda in
March of 1963.
But you weren't married to him?
- That's correct.
- Ms. Hoffman, have
you ever applied
for welfare benefits
or filled out
income taxes under the
name Mrs. Twila Miranda?
- Objection!
Immaterial to the testimony
that she's here to provide, sir.
- Your Honor, it
bears on whether
she is a credible
witness or not.
I can show clear motive
for her to lie.
- Overruled.
You may proceed for now.
But with caution.
Ms. Hoffman, didn't you
commit fraud when you applied
for welfare under the
name Mrs. Twila Miranda?
- Objection, Your Honor!
- Overruled.
- I had to.
I was out of work and
I have three kids.
He was in jail, okay?
What else was I supposed to do?
- Didn't you sign and
cash the defendant's
tax refund check and
keep his money?
- It was a $30 check.
I was out of work
and I have kids.
I mean when you have
kids you just...
- So let me get this straight.
You lied to welfare.
Then you lied to the IRS.
Then you forged his signature.
Then you stole his money.
So Twila Hoffman, or Twila
Miranda, you're nothing more
than a liar, forger,
and a thief aren't you?
- Objection, Your Honor!
Counsel's badgering the witness.
- Withdrawn.
And now you're living
with another man?
- No, I got back together
with my husband.
The father of my two children.
- So if Miranda's freed.
Then what?
Aren't you afraid that
he'll take his baby back?
- No.
He would never take
his baby back.
He never even changed
her diaper.
Not once.
He could've cared
less about her.
He only really cares
about himself.
You know that being
his lawyer, right?
- So you say.
No more questions, Your Honor.
- The witness may step down.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we will recess now.
(gavel bangs)
(dramatic music)
- Hey Charles.
Hi there.
Listen, you did great
the other day.
You're gonna do great
today, okay?
- Yes she will.
- No I didn't.
I know I didn't.
I really wish I was
one of those people
who always knew what to say.
- So just stay with me, okay?
Pardon me.
Charles, thank you for
coming and supporting Trish.
Now you heard the judge, right?
They're gonna keep her
name out of the papers.
- Yeah.
Yeah, we'll see.
- Sure would be nice if
you maybe put your arm
around her or something
like that.
I'll see you in there.
- Ernie, I need to ask
you one question.
It's just between you and me.
- Just you and me?
- Yeah.
When Twila came to
visit you in jail,
exactly what did you tell her?
- About that night?
- Yes.
Did you tell her that
you took this girl
to the desert and raped her?
Is that really true?
Okay, it's okay.
If you hadn't I'd put
you on the stand,
but I can't let you swear to
the truth and then let you lie.
Anyway, they don't have
beyond a reasonable doubt.
- Ladies and gentlemen of the
jury, it's a complex case.
The matter of Patricia
Weir identifying
the make and model of the car.
You must disregard all
of her testimony.
With regard to her
having identified
the defendant in any lineup.
No positive ID was made.
Mr. Turoff, you may continue.
- The prosecution recalls
Patricia Ann Shumway.
(dramatic music)
Patricia, I now show you
this photograph specifically
of the backseat of Twila
Hoffman's 1953 Packard.
- [Flynn] Objection!
- Your Honor, a little
latitude please.
The photos of Twila Hoffman's
'53 Packard.
The actual backseat.
- Objection overruled.
I will allow.
- That's exactly what I saw.
I remember that ratty,
smelly piece of rug
he shoved in there.
And I remember the
spring on the car,
feeling it when I was
forced onto my back.
- Now a few days ago
Mr. Flynn read back
some of your testimony
from the trial
that was held back in 1963
when you were how old?
- 18 Years old.
- A high school girl.
- [Trish] Yes, sir.
- And as a high school
girl did you know anything
about the difference
between the size
of an erect penis compared
to a finger?
- No.
I was still a virgin then.
- But you've been
married for how long now?
- Almost three years.
- [Turoff] So you know
the difference now.
- Yes.
- So now that you do know,
what did the defendant
make penetration with?
- His penis.
- The defendant made penetration
into your female organ
with his penis.
Is that correct?
- (sobs) Yes.
- I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
- Thank you.
It's just.
It's just so hard
to have to keep
reliving this over and over.
- I know that, and I'm sorry.
I think that we all are for
what you've had to endure.
I have just one last question.
How did you feel during that
drive out into the desert?
What did you expect was
going to happen?
- Objection, Your Honor!
This is outrageous, it's
ridiculous, and it's
(crowd murmuring)
Her feelings are not an issue.
- Your Honor, what
about the victim?
Don't her feelings count?
(crosstalk arguing)
(intense dramatic music)
- Your Honor, you must stop
this and you must stop this now!
(Ernie breathing heavy)
- No, no!
No please!
(sobs) Please please!
- Shut up.
Shut up.
(Trish whimpers)
(tense music)
- I thought I was going to die!
- No further questions.
- Mr. Flynn.
- No questions
(dramatic music)
- [Bailiff] Jury's in.
- Okay.
I'll see y'all in there.
All right?
- All right.
- In the matter of the
State of Arizona
versus Ernest A. Miranda.
On the count of first
degree kidnapping,
we find the defendant guilty.
(crowd murmuring)
On the count of first
degree rape,
we find the defendant guilty.
(crowd applauding)
(uplifting music)
- Mr. Miranda, your
case was taken
all the way to the high court.
At no cost to you.
You were appointed one
of the finest attorneys
in this country also
at no cost to you.
While there are many who would
quarrel with the advisability,
the desirability, of this
legal structure.
Our justice system has
afforded you every privilege.
Every protection.
This is a courtesy that was
not extended to your victim.
Who must now live with the
trauma of your horrendous crime.
The jury here, like
the previous jury,
has heard the evidence.
And has found you guilty
as charged.
Therefore, I sentence
you to 20 years.
In the Arizona State Prison.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we are adjourned.
(audience applauds)
- Mr. Miranda.
I did pray for you.
(dramatic music)
- The court overturned
the first kidnapped
rape conviction of the
Arizona truck driver
on grounds that police
obtained his confession.
The ruling strengthened
the rights of suspects.
Miranda was tried again
and today the court
upheld his conviction and
20 to 30 year sentence.
(uplifting music swells)
- Mr. Flynn, Mr. Miranda's here
and he does not have
an appointment.
- That's all right.
Hey, Ernie!
I heard you got out.
- Look what they did
to my hand, sir.
- Ernie, slow down.
Sit down.
Tell me what happened.
- So I got parole last week.
And as I was getting out,
a guard slammed the
door on my hand.
I lost half my finger.
And let me tell you, that
was no accident.
- Why do you think
it was deliberate?
- I was autographing those
cards for a buck 50 each.
$2 for the guards.
Made some pretty good money.
And now look.
Look at this.
Can't sign shit.
They did this to me
because they were jealous.
Can I sue the State of Arizona?
'Cause that would
serve them right.
Can you do that for me, sir?
- Ernie, listen.
I'm a criminal defense attorney
and what you need is
a civil attorney.
Unless of course the
guard confesses.
But then you know that he'd need
to be read his Miranda rights.
S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y, night
Gonna keep on dancing
to the rock and roll
On Saturday night,
Saturday night
Dancing to the rhythm
in our heart and soul
On Saturday night,
Saturday night
- Sign my Miranda Rights cards?
I-I-I-I gotta date
At the good ol'
rock 'n' roll
Road show I've gotta go
Saturday night
Saturday night
Gonna rock it up, roll it
up, do it all, have a ball
Saturday night,
Saturday night
Saturday night
Saturday night
Saturday night
- You know, that would work,
but I already threw the
ace of diamonds away.
S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night
- It ain't gonna go
down that way.
- Ernie!
You're on parole!
Get the fuck out of here or
I'll never see you again!
On Saturday night
Saturday night
Tell her all the little
things I'm gonna do
On Saturday night,
Saturday night
(bartender screams)
I-I-I-I, I love her so
I-I-I, I'm gonna let her go
- So you're exercising
your Miranda Rights?
(phone rings)
- Hello?
No, I haven't.
There's a dream I've
been saving
- What happened?
For a day like today
Yellow trees, Indian waters
Flowing softly on their way
There's a dove
in the treetop
Singing peace on the wind
Again and again and again
It's just a dream
I've been saving
For a day like today
There's some hope
I've been saving
For a day like today
Love will come, love
will conquer
Every heart beat today.
And it may not be perfect
But at least we can try
You and I, you and
I, you and I
It's just some hope
I've been saving
For a day like today
There's a song I've
been saving
For a day like today
There's a dove
in the treetop
Singing peace on the wind
Again and again and again
It's just a dream
I've been saving
For a day like today
Just some hope I've
been saving
For a day like today
(blues music)
You don't own me
I'm not just one of
your many toys
You don't own me
Don't say I can't go
with other boys
And don't tell me what to do
And don't tell
me what to say
And please when I
go out with you
Don't put me on display
'Cause you don't own me
Don't try to change
me in any way
You don't own me
Don't tie me down
'cause I'd never stay
I don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do
So just let me be myself
That's all I ask of you
I'm young and I love
to be young
I'm free and I love
to be free
To live my life
the way I want
To say and do whatever
I please