Misfire (2014) Movie Script

This is an observe and report only,
do you copy?
Do not pursue, do you copy?
Break off the pursuit.
Maria, it's okay.
Maria, it's okay, calm down.
It's okay.
No, no. No problemo.
No, Maria!
Not a problem, it's okay.
With seasonal temperatures,
we should reach our normal high...
Cole, Cole I'm in trouble.
What happened?
I didn't do it, I swear I didn't.
You didn't do what?
I can't explain.
They think...
They think I did it.
They think I did it.
Where's Sarah?
Johnny, where's Sarah?
You look good.
You didn't have to work?
I uh, I had some time off coming.
I'm sorry... about this
and everything else.
It's not any more comforting to know
you didn't plan on screwing my wife.
It's not like she didn't have
something to do with it either.
You ever ask yourself that?
You ever ask yourself why
your wife of nine years...
would just pack up her
things and leave you for me?
Fine, yeah.
We had some problems,
doesn't everybody?
So what's your excuse for taking
advantage of the situation
and fucking your own brother's wife?
Cole, someone did this
to make it look like me.
I would never hurt Sarah,
you've got to believe me.
I think I was drugged.
Come on, Johnny.
This is me you're talking to.
She was working on a story.
What kind of story?
Something about border
cartels, it was big.
Cole, please... get me out of here.
Let me go! Let me go! My office knows
where I'm at, I know the police!
- Just calm down.
- Stop It!
- Calm down!
- Okay.
- Relax, would you?
- Okay, okay, okay.
What are you doing here?
Who are you?
Would you quit it? Would you stop?
Who the hell are you?
Who am I? Who the hell are you?
I'm a friend of the victim's.
What are you doing,
trying to steal this?
It's mine, you asshole. I'm a photo
journalist, I worked with Sarah.
- Gracie.
- I'm Cole.
You're the ex-husband.
So she told you about me?
She said you're an asshole, yeah.
Great, well at least she remembered.
Don't you have work
or something to do?
I took some time off.
What can you tell me about
how Sarah was killed?
You really think she's dead?
Don't you?
She was investigating a series
of articles she was writing.
About anyone in particular?
Raul Montenegro. He's a
businessman and philanthropist.
Spent tons of money on churches,
schools. But he made his fortune...
as a middleman between the South American
drug producers and the border cartels.
Doing what?
Finance, mainly.
So he's a banker, a mob banker.
I'm a little surprised you don't know
about him, being a federal agent and all.
Why couldn't she
just stick to politics?
She did.
He's running for mayor.
That Montenegro?
When he announced his candidacy,
his only son, Cesar, tried to
make a play for his business.
The family split.
What are you not telling me?
There was some money.
Well then yeah, here we go.
Look, she didn't steal anything.
When Cesar left his father
he stole from him, um...
What do you call, money on paper.
Bearer bonds?
Right, 26 bonds worth 500,000 each.
Thirteen million dollars, Jesus.
Sarah's informant
stole them from Cesar.
When he met up with Sarah, he panicked,
and he asked her to hide them.
- You know where the bonds are?
- No.
You know, what I don't understand,
why can't she just give back
the bonds and walk away?
If she's still alive it's
because she's holding out.
She knows that once she gives
the bonds back, they'll kill her.
We don't have much time.
- Sorry I'm late, Javier.
- Hey Raul, not a problem.
- How are you?
- I'm well, how are you doing?
Pretty good. So, brief me.
Well, we need to file new numbers
for the election commission,
and you can go ahead and sign the loan
yourself as a campaign contribution.
We'll go ahead and write
it off as a loss later.
That easy?
- Aye.
- And then we're good there?
Everything's taken care of.
- Great job, Javier.
- Thank you.
You know I really appreciate everything
you've done for me over the years.
Thank you sir, I'm happy to do it.
You know, this is a...
This is a very difficult time for
the family with my son, you know,
and you've been there always for us.
I'm happy to do it.
I find money doesn't
always buy loyalties.
People need to be appreciated.
Javier, do you feel
appreciated by us?
Of course.
Am I paying you enough?
- More than enough, I'm very happy.
- Are you?
- Yeah.
- Very Happy?
You know, sometimes people, who may not
otherwise be happy or feel appreciated,
they start to get excited
about what they know...
and how much they know.
Like more attention or when
someone comes to them offering...
- The chance to be a hero.
- Okay...
Javier, are you the hero type?
No sir, I just do my job and...
Tell me something. Do you know the
difference between hero and soldier?
- No.
- No.
Soldiers are those
who come back home.
Heroes are those who lie dead...
at the battlefield.
Would you like to be a hero?
Would you be a hero?
I just want to do my job.
Do you?
someone has been leaking
information to the press.
Do we have any leads or...
You know we want to take this legit.
I'm gonna take this whole
family out of the shadows.
And we are going to become
properly society people.
And nothing or nobody
is going to stop that.
- Hey.
- Buenos dias.
Buenos dias.
No, thank you.
You gotta keep your energy up.
Good for you.
No Gracie, none of me.
I'm not even supposed to be here.
He's your brother, huh? John?
Your brother is married to your ex-wife?
How does that make you feel?
I really don't care.
That can't be true.
I need you to jump in the back seat.
Now, you need to get
in the back seat now.
- Get in the back seat now.
- You get in the back...
Oh, Jesus, who's...
- Cole.
- Dale.
Who's the chick, Cole?
Excuse me?
- Chick?
- Hold that.
She's cool.
Alright we got this geo-intel
from a drone late yesterday.
This is a drop point in Raul
Montenegro's trafficking network.
We think his son Cesar's been
using it for his own exploits.
Unbeknownst to daddy.
I've seen a lot of activity
the last 48 hours there.
Courier vehicles?
There was one vehicle that entered
under the loading dock last night.
Too small for a drop,
but just the right size for,
let's say, a hostage.
Do you have intel on
this particular building?
It's all there.
Hey look, if you think you
can do something about it...
the agency would love
to see it zeroed out.
He means destroyed.
You really think I'm going to
put my neck out for the agency?
All I want is to get the girl back.
You were suspended
for a reason, Cole.
You put a Mexican intelligence
officer in the hospital.
You made a bonehead call
and it bit you in your ass.
A little extracurricular activity could go
a long way in getting your badge back.
This isn't for the agency, is it?
They don't even know
you're here, right?
It's always about the agency.
Wait, you're considering this?
What are you going to do, fly into some
cartel stronghold and shoot it up?
It's not protected at night.
We walk in, we walk out.
Look, we're not going to
be able to talk her out.
You paying for this?
Scale, two operators?
We can loosen up some cash here.
Make some calls, this needs
to happen right away.
Hey, hey.
I want one of them donuts.
Hey don't you go shooting
anyone I know with that piece.
Fuck you too, Dale.
Invoice me.
Hey, I'm borrowing the van!
I'm gonna need a computer.
You know any internet
cafes around here?
Yeah let's go to my place,
it'll be a lot safer.
Bathroom's over there.
I gotta take a shower, I smell like
a hooker. You need anything?
Just gonna use your laptop.
Yeah, go ahead.
So you live alone?
Yeah, when I'm around,
travel a lot for work.
You travel with Sarah?
Yeah, articles had taken
her down to Colombia.
- Did you get the laptop?
- Yeah.
What's going on?
Nothing, it's fine everything's okay.
You mind if I make
myself some coffee?
Yeah, second cabinet.
You want me to heat that up for you?
I gotta get out of here.
And you get out of my email.
Where are you going?
Gotta meet the contractors.
- You mean like, mercenaries?
- Yeah, same thing.
Well what if something happens
to her? What if she dies?
I don't see we have any other
options in the time we have left.
- And you're not coming with me.
- Like hell I'm not.
- What is it?
- We've got company.
Come on, let's go.
- Shit.
- Follow me.
Vamos, vamos!
This is modern drug war technology?
Hey, it works.
What happened to your
multi-billion dollar DEA budget?
That van kept getting stolen.
- Cole.
- Weyland.
She's cool.
No photos.
- Everything okay at the border?
- We're clean.
Okay, so listen you guys are
going to invoice me personally.
Money will become available
upon admittance to the DEA.
Okay, this is a single
mark extraction.
Let's talk operations.
You have to stay here.
Wait, wait...
What am I supposed to do?
What if they come here?
Just keep a lookout.
- You guys are clear, come on in.
- Copy that.
Oh, shit.
Cole, there's somebody here.
- Quiet on the net.
- We have company.
There's four guys,
four guys on the loading dock.
- Are they armed?
- Yeah, yeah I think so.
Copy that.
Cole, Wey's down, Wey's down,
we gotta get out.
Hide, hide, they're coming in.
Let's go!
On my mark.
You're going to be okay.
Listen, it's not on you, okay?
Don't worry about it.
You're gonna get him to a medic?
Yeah, I got someone.
I think we should split up.
Are you gonna be okay?
Yeah, I just need some time to think.
What the fuck do you want?
They raided the warehouse.
- Who the fuck was it?
- We don't know.
Get your shit ready. Get your fucking
shit ready. You get the hell out of here.
Ah, fuck it, let's just go.
Well, come on, let's go
kill these motherfuckers.
Vamos, cabrn. Vmanos!
Dale, it was a goddamn clusterfuck.
What the bloody hell were five guys
doing there in the middle of the night?
- Did you know about this?
- No Cole, of course not. They knew.
What are you talking about, Dale?
Who knew what?
Have you heard about your brother?
I'm sorry Cole, man. I didn't
know what to tell you, man.
- They knew.
- Cole.
What's happening?
Cole, Cole talk to me.
Cole, this is not the way to do this.
You're never going to get
close to Cesar like this.
What do you think is going
to happen, huh? What are you...
Cole, just stop!
Stop it! Stop it!
Getting yourself killed is
not gonna bring her back.
We can get this guy.
And we can get Sarah and
bring down Montenegro.
I know her editor.
These machines are usually running.
Where is everyone?
That's him.
That's Hector, that's the editor.
Well, they were
definitely scared off.
They must be in hiding.
Even if we knew where he lived,
he wouldn't be there.
"For your birthday, love mom."
What's the betting he
told his mom where he is?
Home address.
- Buenas, seora.
- Buenas.
You look like shit.
What took you so long?
It doesn't look like she gets too
many visitors, she wanted to talk.
To a census taker?
She made me coffee.
I did get an address.
It's a motel just out of town,
she said it's her son's.
Made me promise not to
give it to any bad guys.
It's right there.
You wait here, I'll check it out.
A friend of Sarah's,
I just want to talk!
I just want some information!
Trying to find out where she is.
it's me, Gracie.
the photographer.
How did you find me?
We found your mother.
How is she?
- Is she okay?
- She's okay, she's fine.
For now, but if we can
find her, anyone can.
- Put the gun down.
- Put the gun down.
Put it away!
Put it away.
He's okay.
We just wanna talk.
Relax, okay?
We're looking for
information on Sarah.
Did you hear what
happened to her husband?
Yeah, I did.
Poor bastard didn't have a chance.
We think she could still be alive,
but we need to know how to find her.
I doubt that she's alive.
Do you know what she
was working on, exactly?
She was following the money.
Offshore money transfers.
Then came the bearer bonds,
and that's what derailed everything.
By the way, how is my mother?
Is she worried?
She's fine, she made me coffee.
Did you ever see any
of her informants?
No, I never met them.
She was religious about
protecting their identity.
How many were there?
I don't know. They came, they left.
A recent one she called "the boy".
- She was very protective of him.
- Do you know how she contacted him?
Ya, she would text message him,
through this number.
We have to send a password
with it too, it was her idea.
thank you very much.
- Sorry I shot at you.
- You're not the first.
- Want to go?
- Yeah, thank you.
- So, what do I do now?
- You're doing it.
Just lay low and
hopefully this'll go...
Get to the bathroom,
keep your head down.
Check if they're dead.
Come on, we're going to
get the fuck out of here.
- Just go to the car, okay?
- Okay, okay, let's go.
On three, straight to the car.
Two, three.
- Oh, god.
- You okay?
Yeah, you?
Yeah, still in one piece.
I need you to send that text now.
He's agreed to meet in
an hour, by the school.
- You know where that is?
- Yeah.
- Est bien.
- Okay.
Okay, so by "boy" she
actually meant boy.
He's the one that stole the bonds.
Did he know where she is?
He's not sure. He's Raul's nephew.
He was working for Cesar and...
said there's been a lot of activity on his
uncle's property the past couple days.
That could be anything.
It's the best we got,
and it's recent.
What do you wanna do now?
I don't know yet.
We could go to the police.
Who can we trust?
Look what happened to Johnny.
I understand now why she
agreed to take the bonds.
She was protecting that boy.
You two ever have kids?
No, but not for lack of trying.
She really wanted a son.
I need some sleep.
Let's get out of here.
I'll uh...
I'll take the back seat.
This is how you lay low?
You shoot up a damn motel?
Let me in.
So how'd you find us?
We've had a tracer
on your car for days.
Would you mind not blowing off our
surveillance? Those guys aren't cheap.
That was you?
Who's the guy in
the black shirt, Dale?
He's an enforcer, works for Raul.
He's trying to get to
Sarah through you.
He came to my house,
and he killed Hector.
Yeah, you should probably move.
Look, you've done your country
a great service, both of you.
Are you fucking serious?
I used that line,
I taught it to you, you muppet!
Look, we got it from here, okay?
I'll let you know.
I know you talked to the boy.
You what?
Bugged my car too?
For crying out loud Dale,
we're on the same side.
Wait, you've been listening?
Just to the good stuff.
Look, just go back
to laying low, man.
- I'll take care of the rest.
- Get the fuck out of my car, Dale.
So what do you know about Cesar?
What do you mean?
Did you and Sarah figure
out where he lives?
In plain sight.
He had expensive tastes...
and I think he knows his papi's
not gonna kill his only son.
He stays at The Grand.
Why, what are you thinking?
Well, if I was Cesar and I knew enough
to move Sarah in the first place,
then I think I'd be smart enough to
figure out the boy was the leak.
If I could figure it out,
then somebody else can too.
Think we got fed false information?
I think the kid thought
it was true enough.
Yeah, but then how do we get to Cesar?
I mean, he has tons of guards around him.
No way.
Big smile, Cesar.
You have no idea who my dad is.
He's going to find you,
and he's going to kill you.
Oh, I think he's going to be a
little bit more agreeable than that.
And all that money you can't
even afford a breath mint?
Mr. Montenegro.
- What?
- This just came in.
Now that didn't take long.
What do you want?
I think you know what I want.
The journalist, I want her back.
I don't have her, Cesar does.
Well, I'll give you three options.
You can find out, I can beat
it out of Cesar for you,
or the next call that I make will be
to tell you where to pick up his body.
How am I supposed to
function as a businessman
if people think that
they can steal from me?
She didn't steal anything,
your own people did.
Anyway, a few million dollars is
the least of your worries right now.
Because you, my friend,
are about to become childless.
Dad, dad, get me out of here!
These people are fucking crazy! Please!
Please, get me out of this.
These fuckers are crazy. Please!
What do you propose?
We switch, Sarah for Cesar.
And then we both go
our own separate ways.
Where and when?
Atta boy, Cesar.
Get ready.
Stay there. Let's go.
Hold up!
Come on, then.
You're a dead man. This is my town.
You're dead, motherfucker.
Shut up!
Sit down!
You're free.
Let's go, let's go.
Come on!
Let her go.
You're all alone.
It's over.
It's over, let her go.
It's not fucking over
'til I say it's over!
There he is.
What's up, Rambo?
Una cerveza, por favor.
Fantastic. Good work, man.
Hopefully the police get what they
need from Sarah's notes to indict Raul.
So it's all good?
Yeah, it's great.
Station chief says thank you.
Oh, and...
Welcome back buddy.
Ready to go catch some bad guys?
Wanna take a little time off first?
No, I'm all good.
You lost your brother, man.
No one would blame you...
for taking a little time off, Cole.
Get your head straight.
I'd rather go right back to work.
This is a little light, man.
I count twenty-four bonds,
that's two short.
- Where's the other million dollars?
- I don't know, amigo.
Where's the other
million dollars, Cole?
Gotta chill out Dale,
drink your beer.
Life's good.
So maybe when this all blows
over and you're back this way,
maybe I can give you a call.
I'd like that.
How long do you think it'll be?
It's gonna be a while, so just follow
the news and you'll know when.
You take care of yourself.
Later, man.