Misma luna, La (Under the Same Moon) (2007) Movie Script

Come on. Let's go.
The "Migra!" The "Migra!"
- Are you okay, Rosario?
- Shh, shh.
She's getting away.
Welcome to America, Juanito.
Are you up?
What would I do without you?
Oranges, sweet and fresh!
We deliver fresh orangejuice
straight to your door.
- Hey, baby!
- Creep!
Bye, gorgeous.
- You're going to the phone?
- Sure.
- It's Sunday.
- See you later.
- Wanna buy?
- No, thanks.
Gum, gum for a peso!
Chewing gum...
Yeah, I saw her yesterday at home.
Same time, of course.
We'll take a cab.
- Carlitos?
- Mommy!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
Maybe I should start calling you Carlos.
Granny says I'll have a mustache soon.
- I'm nine.
- Did you get the gift I sent you?
I've got them on.
- There's something else coming, okay?
- What is it?
- You'll see, at your party.
- I'm ready to go to L.A., Mommy.
- I know, baby.
- I speak good English now.
I'm working very hard
so you can come soon.
You always say that.
I know, but it won't be long now,
Not long... But when?
I don't know, sweetheart.
It's so hard to get papers.
And you know how
the other lawyer robbed us.
If I can't go there,
then you come back here.
Four years is too long.
You need anything, sweetie?
Tell me where you're standing.
I'm -You know already.
Tell me anyway.
Okay, I'm standing at
a phone booth by the bus stop.
Is the pizza place still there?
Yeah. It's here.
And there's a Laundromat
where I wash my clothes every week.
They even know me by name.
- Really?
- Can you believe it?
- You know what else is here?
- What?
- A store that sells party stuff.
- Where the mural is?
Yes, there.
That's where I'll buy the stuff...
for all the parties
I'm gonna throw for you...
You have 20 seconds left on your call.
- Carlitos...
I love you with all my heart.
I love you more than
all the earth and all the sea.
And all the stars and all the sky.
Will you call me next Sunday, Mommy?
Of course I will, sweetie.
I love you so much. Enjoy all your-
You're so sweet.
Thanks for coming.
Leave the girl alone "Compadre."
What a flirt.
- Look.
- Is that it?
- Uh-huh.
- Wow.
Hey, Chito!
How cool is that?
- It's awesome!
- That's one big piata.
Yeah, my mom sent Granny
extra money to buy it for me.
You deserve it, son.
Carlitos, get my medicine please.
Ugh. Why are they here?
Those sons of-
- Good afternoon.
- Hello.
- How you doin', Benita?
- Fine.
Came by to give the boy a hug.
- We're so fond of him.
- Is that so?
Well, we're gonna go put
the candles on the cake.
- Got any matches?
- By the grill, if there's any.
Excuse us.
Don't let them get to you.
It's bad for your health.
What's up, Carlitos?
Give me five.
- Happy birthday, kiddo.
- Thanks.
No, no. Hold it!
You thought about what I said?
C'mon, Carlitos!
My granny is gonna get better.
Your granny is very sick...
and who knows when
your mother's coming back.
Someone has to take care of you.
My granny takes good care of me.
Besides, what do you care?
- Leave him alone.
- No. It's what we're here for.
Besides, he's old enough
to know the truth.
Not now, Manuel. It's his party.
Look, Carlitos.
Josefina and I are your aunt and uncle.
Neighbors. Not family.
Your dad is my brother.
- I don't have a dad.
- Yes, you do! His name is Oscar.
He lives in the U.S.
in a city called Tucson.
Go outside, son.
Hurry, Carlitos!
Carlitos, Carlitos!
You're up!
Oh, so now we're family?
If I remember, you all denied
your brother was his father.
That was a long time ago, Benita.
I'm too old for this bullshit.
I know exactly what this is about...
and it's got nothing to do
with Carlitos.
I guess you don't know
about the $300...
Rosario sends every month, right?
Get out!
# Hit it, hit it, hit it
Careful with your aim #
- Come on!
- Manuel-
- # Because if you lose it,
you will lose your way #
# Now you hit it once
now you hit it twice #
# Now you hit it three times
and your time is up ##
Did you enjoy your party?
Did you like your gifts?
If you don't want to talk,
we won't talk.
Why didn't you tell me about my dad?
Your mother was going to tell you
when you got a little older.
- Is it true what Manuel said?
- What did he say?
That Mom won't be back
any time soon.
Is she coming back or not?
Don't cry.
Carlitos, you are a Reyes...
and we Reyes are strong.
Come here.
Promise me you won't let them
take me away from you!
I'd kill them first!
We're back...
with a new program
and it's a pleasure.
Good morning!
Time to get up if this is your alarm.
- Up, up, up!
- Are you up?
You have to go to work, man!
For those of us who came
to the U.S. to work! Work!
Work to make ends meet!
- So how did the dress turn out?
- The girl was happy.
- How much did her parents pay you?
- $53 dollars...
With that I have about $2,000-
The new lawyer said he would
take your case for $4,000, right?
So you've only got about...
What's the matter?
What did I say now?
We should just get a couple
of"gringos" to marry us.
It'd be cheaper and faster.
Oh, God.
You'd never do it, would you?
I've done a lot of stupid things
in my life.
I don't want to do another one.
More fun with Cucuy de la Maana!
In the news, California's Governor
Arnold Chuarche- That guy-
decided to veto once again...
a bill that would have allowed
more than two and a half million...
The Governor of California insisted
he would not pass a law...
that threatened public safety.
Well, he is a threat to us!
Isn't it true?
What's it to him?
He's an immigrant who...
came here from farther away
than we did!
- Which makes him a jerk!
- A turkey!
Man, I'm telling you.
Don't run into him.
He might run over you with his bike!
We missed you yesterday.
- You two have a nice day.
- Thanks.
- Bye.
- Bye.
You're such a fool.
Don't start with that again!
What's the matter with you?
Paco is a great guy.
He's got a good job and he likes you.
What more do you want?
Your life doesn't have to stop
because your son isn't here.
I mean, we're screwed,
but we're not dead!
That's not it. Besides,
you party enough for both of us.
Wait a second.
I'm just looking for Mr. Right.
There's nothing wrong with that!
And so should you.
Loosen up, tight-ass!
- How's it going?
- Good.
Whoa! Are those new?
Yeah, my mom sent them
for my birthday.
you're so lucky to have a mom...
who buys you such cool stuff!
I know.
Come on, let's go.
- How did it go yesterday?
- Good, I sold lots of gum.
- Coming to the wrestling match?
- Nah! Gotta work.
Are all three of you crossing?
God has set us on this path.
- A truck is leaving at 11:00.
- Tonight?
What's the problem?
No, no problem. It's just
we didn't think it would be so soon.
- So, who's driving?
- What the hell do you care?
Look, honey.
You've got two choices.
You either get on that truck
or you swim across...
and see if you make it.
Good afternoon.
Are you Carmen?
Doa Carmen, if you don't mind.
Um, my brother and I,
we are legal U.S. citizens-
From the United States.
- Do you speak English?
- Yes.
Um, can you tell her that-
that, um, we can take babies across?
- They wanna know-
- I understood!
Tell them to go to hell!
- Sorry, no business.
- No, wait. Did you tell her?
- Did she understand?
- Did we understand?
Damn Chicanos,
can't even speak their own language!
- What is she saying? What did she just say?
- You better leave.
- Did she understand?
- Yes.
Did you understand what I said?
Martha, let's just go talk to that
coyote your friend told us about.
David, wait. Seora.
I'm offering to help you.
- Please, you better leave.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Please.
- Come on, Sis.
- Okay, but if she changes her mind...
will you just call me here?
I'm leaving my card with him.
Just call me. Just tell her.
- I told you.
- Well, you weren't much help.
What do you expect me to do?
They think they're better than us
just because...
they were born on the "other side"?
You've used Chicanos to take
babies to their mothers.
Yeah, ones I know, not strangers.
Besides, those are two
very green mangoes.
And with those scared faces...
the "Migra" will spot them
a mile away.
So... do we have a deal?
Okay, let's go.
So, it'll be $2,000 to get you across...
or $2,500 if you also want
job contacts.
All right, Carlitos...
tell me what you want
for your birthday.
The same thing I wanted last year,
and for Children's Day...
- Three Kings Day and Easter.
- I know where you're going with this!
You want me to get you across.
But I won't.
Are you crazy?
You have no idea how dangerous it is!
- I have money.
- I don't pay you that much.
Been saving some of the money
my mom sends every month.
- I've got $1,200.
- How much?
- $1,200.
- Wow, that's a lot.
I'm supposed to be
the businesswoman here!
- You could give me a discount.
- No, no, no.
I promised your mother
and your grandmother...
I would never get you across.
If they found out you're even working
for me, they'd pull my hair out.
You're nuts. No way.
do you want tea or hot chocolate?
Granny, don't pretend
you're still asleep.
Wake up.
Granny? Granny?
Wake up, Granny. Please!
Please, no!
Please, no.
Please, no!
For Chito.
My godfather will take care of you.
I'm gonna go find my mom
before she forgets about me.
Help me get there before Sunday
so she won't worry.
I'll miss you so much, Granny.
I'll get it.
Who's at the door?
Why can't you come home?
Is she there?
I can hear her voice.
Hello? Hello?
Do you need anything else
before I leave?
- You did the upstairs bathroom?
- Yes, ma'am.
What about the plants outside?
They need to go into bigger pots.
Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. McKenzie,
but you didn't mention the plants.
I'm quite sure I did.
Well, if you'd show me which ones,
I'll do them first thing in the morning.
Why can't you do them now?
Well, I go to another home
in the afternoons.
Well, then, never mind.
I suppose I'll have to do it myself.
I can do them in the morning.
Don't worry.
Forget it. Forget it.
How was Cruella De Vil today?
Same as always.
Poor woman.
With a husband like that.
You're going to the Snyders' now?
Yeah, I have to pick Tommy
up at school.
What you got there?
A study guide for the citizenship exam.
If the lawyer works out,
I'll have to take it.
I don't know any U.S. history though.
It's easy.
First they screwed the poor Indians.
Then they screwed the slaves.
- And now they're screwing us Mexicans!
- Amen!
Ah, here's my date.
Wait. Wait.
He's trying to be a rapper,
needs to look like one.
Very convincing.
Well, I'm off.
See you at home.
- Be careful.
- Yeah.
I'm gonna get going.
- Say hi to Tommy.
- Okay.
- Okay, are you ready?
- Yeah.
What's up, buddy?
Okay, um, you pay now?
The money?
Here. Could you just count that?
Okay. Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
- It's all here.
- Here. Help me with this.
Are you kidding me?
They're gonna check this.
I don't know about this.
I can do it.
- Watch your head.
- Okay.
You okay?
Get the bag in the back.
I have a bad feeling about this.
This isn't really the time to be having
bad feelings, David. We're here.
- I just don't think it's worth it.
- Is it worth your tuition?
You want to drop out of school,
or you want to get the money?
It's your choice.
Let's go.
Okay. Let's go.
Mexico/U.S. Border 2 Km.
Are we there yet?
- It's so hot!
- Sorry, buddy. The A.C. is broken.
This line is so long.
- Do we got any water?
- No, we don't have any water.
God, it's so hot in here.
What if he passes out?
- Shh. He's not gonna pass out.
- What if he does?
Too hot.
You have to be quiet, Carlitos.
We are almost there, okay?
Welcome to the United States of America.
Okay. Here we go.
- Okay. Ready?
- Let's go.
Afternoon, Officer.
- Mexican or U.S. citizens?
- U.S. citizens.
- Passports.
- Here.
- How long were you in Mexico?
- Four days.
Four days.
- Get out of the car, please.
- I'm sorry. Is there a problem?
Not yet.
- Open the trunk, please.
- What do we do?
Do me a favor.
Run the plates for me.
- Today. Come on, guys.
- Just stay calm.
Open the back door. Take out the suitcase
and place it on the table, please.
Welcome to the United States of America.
Please have your passports
or identification ready.
Welcome to the United States of America.
- Please have your passports or identification ready.
- All set.
Thank you, Officer.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Thank-Thank you, Officer.
Welcome to the United States of America.
- I think they had some parking violations.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Uh, are you aware that
your tags are expired?
- And you owe several hundred dollars in parking tickets.
- What?
Looks like you'll be
spending the night here in El Paso.
- We're impounding your car.
- No, no, no, no. Sir, um...
we're university students
from the U.S., and-
- You can't afford to pay the tickets.
- Well, you know how it is.
Yeah. But you can afford
to take a trip to Mexico.
- Let's pay right now.
- Give me that money.
- Ma'am, please, can we just please pay now?
- Officer, please.
Ma'am, we can pay them now.
Sir, will you just let us
pay for the tickets now?
There's a cheap motel in El Paso
two blocks from the D.M.V.
You can pay for your parking tickets there.
The D.M.V. opens up at 8:00 a.m.
Miss, there's just no way that I could
give you the money for the tickets?
- No, you can't. Sorry.
- Get out of the car.
- Can we go with the car to El Paso?
- Take your belongings with you.
Lock the doors.
Roll those windows up.
- Come on. Gotta get out.
- We need to keep our car.
Come on. You're holding my line.
We don't got all day.
Okay, I'm coming.
I'm coming. I'm coming.
Our Father, Who art in heaven...
Hallowed be Thy Name...
What the hell were you thinking, David?
"I'm sorry" is not
good enough right now.
...as we forgive those who
trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
#There was a little ant #
# Looking for a home #
#And here it is ##
Time to go to sleep, okay?
- Good night, Tommy.
- Good night, Rosario.
Good night.
- Hi.
- I'm so sorry we're late.
- How was it?
- Oh, you know how banquets are.
Oh, my goodness.
Are you already asleep?
I don't think so.
You're trying to fool me, aren't you?
- You know this guy?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Well, actually, I forgot he offered
to give me a ride. I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
- Thank you for the ride anyway. Thank you.
- Good night, Rosario.
- Good night.
- Good night, Mr. Snyder.
- Good night, Paco.
- What are you doing here?
- Alicia said you were working late.
Come on. I'll take you home.
You should just date Alicia.
She's a lot more fun.
Ain't that the truth!
But I've always liked the quiet ones.
So, are you coming?
Or should I walk you home?
Okay, fine.
I know I said I liked them quiet...
but not mute!
Are you thinking about your son?
What you're doing
takes courage, Rosario.
The last time I talked to him,
he sounded angry.
I don't want him to grow up
with that anger.
It's just... I'm hurting him more
by being here, away from him.
He doesn't know why I left.
He only knows I left him.
That's why I want to be with my son.
Right now.
So, what are you waiting for?
But how?
Well, do what people do here.
I'm legal now.
I've got papers and everything.
Bus to Dallas, leaving at Terminal 1.
Bus from Houston, now arriving.
Ticket to Los Angeles. How much?
I can't sell a ticket to a minor.
- Where's your mom and your dad?
- I'm going to see my mom.
Then tell your dad he's gotta come
with you to buy the ticket. All right?
Window 4, now open.
- Hi, how are you today?
- Hello. Where to?
Mr. Christopher Hamilton,
please report to the information desk.
Yeah, I kind of like her too.
What's the matter, kid?
Ah, don't like cops?
Me neither.
Unit 21, 1022 on Hildago Ave.
That's us.
Bus from Austin, now arriving at Gate 1.
Bus from San Antonio, now arriving at Gate 2.
- Can you help me?
- What do you need?
Ticket to Los Angeles.
- I have money.
- Are you trying to run away or something?
I'm going to see my mom.
Final call.
All passengers departing for San Antonio...
please report to Gate 1.
Sure, kid.
Whatever you need.
- What's the matter? You okay?
- I come back.
Where did you go?
Window 2, now open.
Do you have a car?
You know what, kid? Forget it.
I give you $100.
A hundred.
- Deal. Where we going?
- I show you.
- The car was picked up an hour ago.
- What?
No. No, no, no.
where's my money?
I don't know.
- Where's my money?
- I don't know.
You don't know?
Yes, you know. I'm gonna tell you.
You're gonna pay up!
That's what you're gonna do.
Because I sure didn't drive
all around town for nothing!
Where are we going?
Don't move.
- Come on.
- Let go of me!
Be good!
Let go of me!
- What are you doing, Gerro?
- Mind your own business, Reina.
- I'm not goin'
- C'mon, c'mon, get outta here!
- I'm not goin' anywhere.
- Move, you idiot!
- Reina!
- I said move!
And you get the hell out of here!
You're all messed up!
- I don't know you, woman!
- But I do know you!
- You son of a bitch!
- No kid, no deal.
- No kid, no deal.
- The kid owes me money.
- No kid. No deal.
- How much?
- A hundred bucks.
- Here, here.
- That's not a hundred-
- Go get high as a kite!
Reina, you're such a busybody!
You okay?
Careful with your green cards.
And the maps I gave you. Okay?
- You guys are set.
- Thank you, Doa Carmen.
What are you doing
with Carlitos's Walkman?
What's it to you?
I gave it to him,
that's why I'm asking.
- He left it for me.
- What do you mean left it?
His grandma died,
so he went looking for his mother.
He crossed over.
The dinner is in the oven, Mrs. McKenzie.
See you tomorrow.
Actually, I want to
talk to you about that.
I'm going to let you go.
Excuse me?
Did I do something wrong?
No, no, no, no. I've just decided
I'd like to try someone new.
Someone new?
But I really need this job,
Mrs. McKenzie.
But you have another job
already, don't you?
Well, yes.
But I need both jobs.
I need to send some money to my kid.
Oh, for God's sake, Rosario.
You'll find something else.
'Cause you're young.
Well, I need to get paid
for the last couple of days.
I don't think so.
But I've worked half the week.
You can't do this.
What are you going to do,
call the police? Here.
Ah, I just remembered.
You're an illegal, aren't you?
Not a good idea.
nine, ten...
So, are you going to
take me to the bus?
Not a chance! Not after
what happened this afternoon.
You're too young to travel alone.
It's just... I have to be there
by Sunday morning.
Well, then we'll have to
think of something.
- Where are you, Doita?
- Hello!
- Good afternoon.
- Afternoon, Mrs. Reina.
Who are they?
Illegals, like you.
Watch out.
The main man has arrived!
What smells so good, Reina?
And who are you?
Carlos Reyes, at your service.
Leonardo Sanchez Nava,
nice meeting you too, buddy.
Your tenants are getting
younger every day.
Wash your hands!
- Go on, dirty bastards.
- Help me set the table.
Come on.
Do we look like
the seven dwarfs to you?
Damn, this is good!
And it'd be even better with a beer.
- Yeah, a cold one.
- Hey!
Don't get Reina mad.
You know the rules.
No booze.
We just gotta take it...
like men.
There you have it. Cheers!
Move back, move back!
- Let me see!
- Watch it there!
- There he goes!
- Shoot, shoot!
...a classic! The "Chivas" score!
You thought they'd beat us!
A fluke, buddy. Just a fluke.
The meatballs!
- That's who we're picking up.
- Them?
- Who's this?
- We're taking him to L.A.
- We still got three jobs to do!
- So he'll come with us.
To the fields?
- Are you kidding me?
- Do I sound like I'm kidding?
- Then you're being stupid!
- Okay, let's get going!
If you don't like it,
get another ride. C'mon!
Okay, move over.
Make room, buddy.
Watch it!
- Watch it! Cool it!
- Move the backpack.
#He came from the sky
But he's not a plane #
# He arrived in his spaceship
Right from Krypton #
# So he's obviously not an American #
Listen, everyone. Put on the hats.
Boxes are over there.
- No.
- Then, get to work!
# And though it hurts to admit it
Superman is an illegal #
# He's a journalist
Well, so am I #
# He didn't serve in the army
What's up with that #
# Well, he's blond
blue eyed and well built #
# And I am dark
fat and really short #
What are you doing?
Get back on that pickup!
I wanna work.
Hey! Put this on.
# He doesn't pay taxes
Acts like a cop #
# And flies without a license #
Cut close to the vine, okay?
Hi, um- Hi, ma'am.
I'm looking for a job.
Do you think you can help me?
Not right now.
I've got references.
- Sorry.
- Okay. Thank you.
Hey, be careful.
Don't rub your face, buddy.
Be very careful!
# Why do they let him work #
# He has no Social Security
and no green card #
# How can he fly without a license #
# And still be called Superman #
# We should kick Superman
out of this nation #
# And send him back to Krypton
if we dare #
# Where is the I.N.S.
when you need them #
# 'Cause let's face it
His back is as wet as mine ##
We need your identification.
- Show me your green card.
- Identification, please.
Immigration! Watch out!
The I.N.S! Let's go!
Round 'em up, guys. Let's round them up.
This way!
Let's go! Run!
Stand still. Do not move.
- Look. Over there!
- Hey, come back here!
Hey, Chop Suey. That way.
That way. That way.
Stop! Stop him!
Show your hands.
I repeat. Show your hands.
Do not make me run.
Hurry up. There are two in the corner.
I got these over here.
Come on. Come on!
I need some help over here.
God, Buddy, where are you?
Damn it!
Stay down. Stop!
Stop! Stop!
Anybody still here?
Damn it!
What are we gonna do?
We? What are you gonna do?
I travel alone.
Can I get a ride?
- Hi, there.
- How are you?
Where's the kid?
- Wasn't he with you?
- No. I don't know him.
You almost left me.
- Hello. Hello. Carlos Reyes.
- Hernan.
- Carlitos. Jorge.
- Carlos.
- Oscar. How are you?
- How's it going, Carlos?
How did you get so dirty, son?
The I.N.S. almost got us.
- Oh, really?
- But that was nothing.
Crossing the border,
that was hard.
But who cares? It was worth it.
I'd do anything for my mom.
I'm gonna go see her.
- And I was just trying to help him out.
- Are you musicians?
- Yes.
- We're playing at a dance in Tucson.
- On Main Street?
- What kind of music do you play?
Songs that tell people's stories.
- Their lives and their dreams.
- Like yours.
How 'bout a song
to cheer him up, Jorge?
- Yes.
- You want stories?
When I was a kid-
# I'm not afraid of danger #
#A life without risk
isn't worth living #
#And when it comes to loved ones #
#You have to find a way #
# I won't give up #
# Until I have you close to me #
- That's you, Carlos.
- # For love I could stop #
#A bullet with my chest #
# For love I will cross #
#Against all odds #
# So for love I will cross #
# The border without fear#
Wake up, Carlos. Wake up!
This is where you get off.
We're turning onto that dirt road.
Thanks for the ride... and the song.
- Bye!
- Hope you find her, Carlitos.
- Where are we going?
- That's enough!
Go on. Get outta here!
You're like a puppy! Get!
The backpack- Get the backpack.
Wait up, Son!
You're not traveling alone.
Where do you think you're going?
I've gotta get to L.A.
before Sunday morning.
- I'm gonna hitch a ride.
- Hitch a ride?
Are you nuts?
You can't hitchhike all the way there.
It's too far. Look-
If I were you, I'd go to the police.
- They'll send you back to Mexico-
- I'm not going back!
Get back here!
Your name-Juanito, was it?
- Carlitos!
- Whatever. Carlitos.
I can't be responsible
for a little kid, okay?
I have enough problems without
some kid tagging along!
I am not a little kid.
I am nine years old!
Yeah, you're really old!
Let's find out where
the police station is.
- I'll drop you off around there.
- Around there?
What the hell do you want me to do?
Get myself caught
so they can send me back?
It was hard enough getting across!
I almost got killed!
If you wanna go, then go!
I'm not going back! That's for sure!
Then come up with a better plan
than hitchhiking to L.A.
We could look for work.
I just need enough for a bus fare.
Oh, right. Just like that, huh?
Hi, I'm nine, and I can't do anything.
Can you give me a job?
Who do you think
will hire a little kid?
Oh, sorry, a nine-year-old man!
- Eh?
- Wanna bet?
Who could turn down
such a good deal? Two for one.
A good deal for you.
I'm not giving you half my salary.
- I'll find work on my own.
- Go look someplace else then.
I gave the kid the only job I have.
I told him I can only hire one,
but he said he's with you.
Had to take you both or nothing.
The problem is, around here
you ain't gonna find nothing.
Come on. Let's do it!
They're even gonna give us
a place to sleep. Come on!
... and coming up,
gentlemen, you'll feel vertigo!
But right now, let's talk about-
I looked for work all day,
and nothing.
I think I'm going back
to Mexico, Licha.
- You can't!
- Why not?
Because you've worked too hard
to get this far! That's why!
And what's so great
about our lives, huh?
Always hiding from the I.N.S.,
living in a garage...
and worst of all,
always wanting to be somewhere else.
My son needs me and I need him.
You know I'm here
because I love him.
But that's what I'm sacrificing
if I stay.
I finally got it.
Then use that big head God gave you!
Get your son over here.
For once in your life, Rosario,
let someone help you!
- Hello!
- Hi.
I forgot my bleach.
You girls have any?
I do.
He even washes his own clothes.
They don't make them
like that anymore. Trust me.
- This is all I have.
- Thanks.
Hey, Paco.
- Got a minute?
- Always.
# Let's see who's using who #
#Are you using me
Or am I using you #
#You're spreading rumors about me #
# You're spreading rumors about me #
# Everywhere I go #
# People call me a user #
Let's dance, cutie.
#But baby, you are the user#
- No way.
#You left me
You didn't really love me #
#You left me
You didn't really love me #
#And I suffered night and day #
# I left you
'cause I didn't love you #
# You wouldn't give me money
even for the groceries #
#You wouldn't take me out
even to get gas #
- # I'm not the user #
- # I'm not the user #
- # I'm not the user #
- # No, I'm not #
- # Yes, you are #
- # So who's the real user#
# I'm not the user
No, I'm not #
- #You or I #
- Guys, guys.
#You or I #
Hey! Keep it down.
We can hear you outside.
- How.
- You see? No, wait-
We work again tomorrow.
Then I'll put you
on the last bus, okay?
Enough of this Good Samaritan bullshit.
It ain't Christmas!
You'll get to L.A. Saturday morning
like you wanted.
- What about you?
- Not me.
I'm going the other way.
To New York.
I've got friends there
that can get me work.
My mom said that...
when I missed her...
I should look at the moon...
'cause she'd be looking
at it too...
so I could feel close to her...
and not be so sad.
Wanna know something?
Go to sleep, Carlitos.
My dad lives here.
Your dad?
Why haven't you called him?
Because I don't know him.
I've never even met him.
What's his name?
Oscar. Oscar Aguilar Pons.
- You wanna meet him?
- What for?
He hasn't bothered for nine years.
People change, Carlitos.
You could finally have a dad.
Or at least get a ride to L.A.
Good night, Enrique.
Good night, Carlitos.
What ifhe's not there?
Go on! He said he'd be here.
Don't chicken out.
Oscar Aguilar.
Are you Carlitos?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- No.
- No.
Aren't you gonna ask me anything?
What do you do here?
I unload trucks...
but I also go to night school.
Aren't you too old to go to school?
I know, but it took me a while.
Where's your mother?
In Los Angeles.
- Can you take me to her?
- Rosario isn't with you?
- I'm traveling alone.
- How long has she been in L.A.?
- Four years.
- Four years?
That's a long time
to be away, isn't it?
Not as long as you.
I'd never even met you.
But, if you take me to L. A...
maybe you and Mom can make up.
She would never forgive me.
I think she would.
I know I would.
You look a lot like your mom.
Rosario and I were unstoppable.
We used to get along really well.
So? Will you take me?
Are you excited to tell
Carlitos the good news?
Stop requested.
Only you would plan
a wedding in two days.
Well, if I'm going to do it,
it might as well be quick.
Before I change my mind.
Here you go, Charlie. On the house.
- Coffee?
- Please.
Psst! Hey!
Give him a little longer.
He'll show up. Okay?
Hey, hey.
It's okay. Calm down.
Why don't my parents
want to be with me?
You know what? You're right.
Take me to the police station
so they'll send me back.
Is that her?
Let me see.
- She's pretty.
- What good is that? I never see her.
Wait a minute!
I know you're pissed off,
but don't take it out on her.
You can't blame her
for what your dad did.
You mother loves you,
Carlitos, a lot.
- Then why did she go so far away?
- What do you mean, "why"?
So you could have a better life.
You ungrateful brat!
Tell me how you've liked
these past few days.
You liked picking tomatoes?
Hiding from the I.N.S.? Eh?
Or washing dishes just for
a meal and a place to sleep?
No one chooses to live this way, Carlitos,
unless they've got a good reason.
I'm sure that for her,
you're that reason!
Give it back!
She's not that hot.
Got one in a bathing suit?
# She said I can't wait
to see your face #
# When you see my old hometown #
# When this bread box
touches down ##
- Damn!
- What?
- That's it. We're screwed!
- Why?
Because that's
not an address, Carlitos!
That's the address
my mom puts on all her letters!
It's a P.O. box.
Don't you see all the little boxes?
A lot of people use them
so the I.N.S. can't find them.
Look, kid.
Unless you've got a phone number
or a real address...
I've got no place to take you.
- I know. I got it!
- What?
Mom calls me from a pay phone.
We could wait for her there!
She has to call me tomorrow morning.
Sure! Of course!
There're only a couple pay phones
in all of L.A., so piece of cake!
Do you have any idea where
that pay phone is?
Right here. In East L.A.
There's a corner...
with a Domino's pizza...
a bus stop, a Laundromat...
a party store and a mural!
We could-
- You're nuts, kid, you know that?
- Come on! Let's go!
There! The bus stop,
the mural, the phone.
- And the pizza place?
- There it is!
It's not a Domino's.
Come on.
Look. A Laundromat...
a mural.
And look, a phone booth
and... another mural.
- Huh?
- And the pizzeria?
Let's keep looking.
Excuse me, is there a Laundromat
around here?
I don't know about you,
but I'm beat.
My dogs are barking.
Once more. Please.
Okay, then.
Look, a phone booth
and another one of those murals.
It's not here. I just asked.
Those two are taking
too long in there.
- Hmm.
- Maybe they just couldn't wait for dessert!
It's just that-
I thought I could
go through with it...
but I can't, Paco.
I can't.
I'm going back home...
with my son.
I'm so sorry.
You know-
I don't see why
we can't go on with the party.
Nobody died here.
Let's have-
Let's have a going away party
for a wonderful woman.
Don't be sad.
It'll be a nice party for you.
C'mon, let's have some fun.
My album
Carlos Reyes.
My little boy, where are you?
Mom's jobs.
- Hello?
- Hello.
My name is Carmen.
I call to Mexico.
- Make call to- to Rosario.
- She's not here right now.
- Is there something wrong?
- Yes.
It's emergency.
From Carli- Carlitos.
So you couldn't
go through with it, huh?
Who would've thought?
Rosario, a romantic!
- It's not that.
- Then what?
I just think if you're gonna get married,
it should be for love, right?
And that's not being a romantic?
Well, romantic or not...
I'm glad I'm going back.
And you know what?
I'll be there when Carlitos
gets a mustache.
I like this song a lot.
I love it!
Be right back.
- Don't you love this song?
- Yeah.
Wanna dance?
Don't know.
That's okay. I do.
Just hold on to me
and follow my lead. Yes?
Come on. Try it. Let's go.
Just relax and feel the music.
- Very good. Not bad.
- Really?
How's that?
Hey! You fooled me.
Why did you do that?
You dance really well.
Like a dance teacher.
I've been looking for you for 3 days.
- I didn't know where to reach you.
- How could this happen?
He was afraid Josefina
and Manuel would take him.
- Why would he think that?
- Look, Rosario.
Your mother passed away.
Last Tuesday.
She died in her sleep.
Your godfather
took care of everything...
so don't worry about that right now.
Look, Carmela, if you had anything
to do with this, I swear to you-
How can you think
I would ever smuggle your son across?
Look, Rosario. Please listen to me.
I beg you, stay right there.
How can I just stay here
and not do anything?
I have all my contacts at the border
looking for him, but nobody's seen him.
He must be on his way there!
- Or something happened to him.
- Don't say that.
God forbid!
Please, Rosario, give me a few hours.
Okay, Carmela.
My little boy!
Can I tell you a secret?
Another one? I don't think so.
Remember what happened when
you told me about your dad?
You said people change.
When I came on this trip...
I thought my mom
didn't love me anymore.
But I was wrong.
Thanks for everything, Enrique.
We'll never find my mom, will we?
What do you mean?
Of course we will!
I didn't come all this way
to give up now.
- At what time does she call you?
- 10:00 a.m. sharp.
So we get up early and keep looking.
- Before dawn?
- Sure.
Now, go to sleep.
I can't sit around any longer.
It's been hours,
and she hasn't called.
can you check the bus schedule?
Are you sure you want to leave?
He's more likely to make it back
to Mexico than here.
Paco, Carlitos is really smart.
He might make it.
I don't think Rosario
is thinking things through.
I'm not? I'm not, huh?
Let's just suppose the I.N.S. got him
and sent him back to Mexico.
Who the hell is gonna take care of him
with my mother dead?
Or let's suppose that...
he got across the border
and made it here.
Where the hell is he gonna go?
He doesn't even have our address. Tell me.
You're right. I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
I'll be leaving now.
I want you to have this.
I'll miss you.
I'll miss you too.
All passengers leaving for El Paso...
please proceed to Bus 21
for final boarding.
Hey, kid.
What are you doing here?
- Why don't you come with us, all right?
- No. I'm with my friend.
Is that your friend?
- All right, kid. Come on.
- No.
Let's go. Let's go.
Relax, kid. Let's go. Stop fighting.
Relax. Come on.
- Come on, now. Come on.
- No.
Come on.
Hey! Leave him alone!
- It's okay, kid. You're safe.
- Hey!
- Goddamn it! Don't move!
- Run!
- Bring him back this way.
- Get out of here! Run!
- Come here!
- Run!
Are you crazy?
- What about the kid?
- Let him go. We'll call it in.
- Mommy!
- Carlitos!
No, no. Don't cross!
- Mom!
- Carlitos!
I'm here!
#I'm not afraid of danger#
# A life without risk
isn't worth living #
# And when it comes to loved ones #
# You have to find the way #
# I won't give up #
# Until I have you close to me #
# For love #
# I can stop a bullet
with my chest #
# For love #
# I will cross against all odds #
# Love is what drives us #
# On earth and in heaven #
# And so for love I will cross #
# The border without fear#
#Tired, in pieces #
# Hurling compasses to the ground #
# A giant crosses the desert #
# Even ifhe does look small up close #
# He is wet, forbidden #
# His mother unaware of the adventure #
# The way is full of dangers #
# But distance has no cure #
# She would receive postcards #
# With orders to give her#
# A million illegal kisses #
# He had a washed out hope #
# That one morning #
# Their two gazes would meet #
# Two gazes #
# Two undocumented gazes #
# Two gazes #