Missing Couple (2024) Movie Script

What's up guys?
Welcome back to our channel.
We have a very exciting project
that we have been working on
that we are super excited
to share with you guys.
We have been driving
for like two days
and two nights just about, um.
- Yeah.
- And we're just about to
arrive at our destination.
So we're getting
a little nervous.
We've been trying to
keep it a little secret
'cause it's kind of big,
but we are really close
to letting you know,
like literally minutes
away from telling you.
- Yeah.
What's up, guys?
We're Austin and Jana and
our golden retriever Arlo.
We converted a Sprinter
van into our home on wheels
and lived the van life
for a couple of years.
We traveled around the U.S.
and have done some
international travel as well.
We opened a few businesses
along the way to fund
our love for traveling
and we are so excited
to take you on our
next big adventure.
Oh, Arlo's awake.
- Good morning, buddy.
Hi, pal. This is his spot.
This is where he likes to be,
just right here between us.
- We are really close
to our destination.
So should we tell 'em?
- I think we should.
- Okay. Tell 'em.
- All right, so yeah, we
have bought a large plot
of land out in the
absolute middle of nowhere.
It's got a small
little cabin on it.
- We haven't actually
seen the place yet,
so I know it's a little
bit crazy, but like I said-
- Totally sight unseen.
- Totally sight unseen. Yeah.
- Yeah, we just picked up
the lockbox key in town.
So we are ready to go.
- Okay, we're here.
Go unlock the gate.
- Yeah.
- Here we go.
- Are you
excited, buddy?
- Go see your new house.
- Oh my God.
- This is so beautiful.
- Kind of nervous.
- This is crazy.
- Okay.
- Come on. Let's,
let's look around.
- Okay.
- Hi, buddy.
- Yeah, the...
- Wow.
I love the animals.
- Yeah, they're,
I don't know, I think
they might need to go.
- It's on brand, right?
- I don't know.
- Totally an upgrade
to the van kitchen.
Look at this, we have
a sink, cupboards.
There's so much potential
here. So this is not...
- There's definitely
a lot of potential.
- Yeah, see, I'm
glad you said that.
If we can turn a car
into a house that we can
live in, we can do this.
This is not a problem.
Come on, come on.
Don't be nervous.
- Bedroom.
- I'd open the door,
but there's not one.
- There's no door.
- Which is great, I mean,
there's nobody around,
so who needs privacy, right?
Here we go.
Thoughts, opinions?
Aw, dude.
- Oh, wow.
- Wow.
Like imagine sitting out
here with a glass of wine,
a cup of coffee in the morning.
- Yes. No, I can
definitely picture that.
It's definitely,
it's very peaceful,
like hearing the
birds and stuff.
I'm bummed that it is,
It's gonna be a little
bit, it's too late
to go on a, a walking tour.
- Walking tour.
- That's okay.
- Yeah.
- That's all right.
- So maybe we'll do,
take you on a tour tomorrow.
- Totally.
- I would love to go on
a tour at some point.
How's the cell service? I
don't know if we checked that.
- Um, it's not great.
- Not great, like,
- But that's okay.
- Like, wait, how not great?
- No, no, no, no.
It's better because
then we can disconnect.
It's good to be away.
Like that's what this is.
This is a reset.
- Yeah.
- This is perfect.
No, this is great.
- You're excited, I'm excited.
- Good. And I think there's
time for a champagne toast.
- Ooh!
- Paddle that side.
Janna, do you know
how to use a canoe?
- I've never used
a canoe in my life.
I've never owned a canoe.
- Janna, I love you.
- I love you too.
Good job.
- Thank you.
- Cheers, baby.
- To our new adventure.
- To our new adventure.
Should we paddle
around a little bit?
- Yeah, I say.
- Okay.
- Well, I'll
paddle, you drink.
- Oh, deal. I'll
take you up on that.
- Welcome to "Found Persons
Report." Time is precious.
I'll get straight to the point.
Austin and Janna
are friends of mine.
They're neighbors and I
think something serious
has happened to them.
I tried calling, I tried
texting. No response.
Authorities are not taking
the situation seriously yet.
So I've decided to go find them.
They were being
watched at the cabin.
Check this out.
- Like totally an upgrade
to the van kitchen.
- Right here. You see
this guy in the window?
This guy, this is
their intro tour.
They've just set
foot on the property.
So he's been watching them
from the moment they arrived.
He's in a few other clips too.
Please DM me if you
have any information
about their whereabouts.
This is my brand new channel
dedicated to this case.
Please help me spread the word.
Like, comment, subscribe, share.
Please watch their old videos.
If you notice something
I didn't, please DM me.
Let's connect. We're
all in this together.
- First official full
day on the property
and we're gonna take a tour.
We went to the pond last night,
but that's really all
that we were able to see
before it got dark, um,
- Arlo is very excited.
- so we're gonna go.
- Yeah, Arlo is stoked.
- Whoa.
Good boy.
- There he comes.
- He's so
happy, if nothing else,
this was a good idea for him.
- I think he's
spooked by the camera.
- Come here. You come here.
That's my good boy.
- There you go.
- Hey, come here.
- Oh, good job, boy.
- Good boy.
- How are you feeling?
- I'm overwhelmed
- Good morning.
- right now.
- I know, me too.
- Let's just pause.
Pause, pause, pause.
- Okay.
- Thank you guys for being here
and thank you for
being part of this.
We're very excited.
Like I just said, I'm super
overwhelmed right now.
Like, one, we've seen maybe
5% of this property, so...
- Probably not even.
- Oh yeah, maybe not.
I mean, it's 104 acres.
He had to find a
place to go potty.
- Oh.
- I guess we don't even
need to pick it up, do we?
I don't know.
- I don't know, probably.
- Do you need to pick up dog
poop on your own property?
- Do you pick up
poop in the woods?
- I don't know.
Look, Arlo's barking.
- Ooh, Arlo's
barking at something.
- To answer some questions
from my previous video.
I'm not going to reveal
my identity for now
because I don't know who was
harassing Janna and Austin,
but I wanna stay off his radar.
My identity is insignificant.
It's not about me, it's
about finding them.
I have dabbled in online
investigations in the past,
but never been really
the lead investigator.
But this case just
really hit differently.
You know, friends going missing.
I felt like I had to take
things into my own hands.
We can go where the
police can't go.
We will be more effective,
this online community.
Please reach out. Let's connect.
Please help me out.
If anybody wants
to join me on site,
you are more than welcome.
You know, DM me, if I
find that you're serious,
I will send you the location
and we can tackle
this thing together.
We can find them together.
We will find them.
We're in this together.
I don't think I was expecting
it to be so desolate out here.
You know, it's a lot of farms
that seem like
they're abandoned.
A lot of foundations
with no homes on top,
no buildings on top.
Just my kind of initial
observations as I
enter this region.
Not a lot of people on
the roads around here.
Drove through town, a lot
of abandoned buildings.
We'll keep you posted. Cheers.
- I don't know if you
guys can hear these birds,
but maybe that should
be our new channel,
bird watching.
- Arlo.
Get over here.
All right, so down
on the driveway now,
we've come across
- Something.
- something, I don't know.
- Hmm.
- I don't know what it is.
- I don't know either.
Ooh, it's cement.
- We have a pipe.
- That's weird.
- Oh, careful buddy. And
there's lots of barbed wire.
Come here, bud.
- It's like a tree's
growing out of it,
that's pretty cool.
- Come on.
- Oh, is there barbed wire?
- There's lots of barbed wire.
- Oh, wow, yeah.
- It's like it's some
kind of foundation,
like some old building.
You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
You know who I think would
just love this place?
- Who?
- My dad.
- Oh, your dad
would love this place.
- I know.
He would love to go on runs
and stuff here with me.
What do you think
it is? Oh my gosh.
That's a whole spine.
- Think it's a deer?
I guess, oh yeah, it
totally is a deer.
Here's the head.
- Oh, interesting.
- Uh, gross!
- Eh.
We're not in the
city anymore, boys.
- Nope.
This is real life. Oh,
there's a tunnel over there!
- Pulling up. Here we go.
Yeah, this is it. 100%
I can't tell you how many times
I watched their arrival video.
Oh, my heart is
pounding right now.
I really didn't grasp, I think,
the immensity of the size
of the property on a
phone screen or a laptop.
Could be someone theoretically
hiding out on the property.
It's beautiful. Natural.
Okay, so there's their vehicle.
No indication of human activity.
I can't overstate how
remote this place is.
Like if I screamed at the
top of my lungs right now,
I don't anyone would hear me.
- This is
very interesting.
- Look at this.
- Whoa, it's like water.
What's up there?
We should like look
up what this is.
Like we should really learn
more about the history
about all this, on our land.
I think that's really important.
- Just, can we, just
put the camera down
for just a second.
Like there's so many people on
social media that are phony.
- So you're saying
I'm being phony?
- Well,
No, I just, I think we could be
a little more like
true to ourselves.
- Check this out. A phone.
Not turning on.
Hope it's just a dead
battery, not a broken phone.
Ah, got the van here.
Hello? Anyone inside?
No one there.
Anyone here?
Looking for my friends.
- This week we
planted our first ever
garden together.
It's important to say that
before we start this video,
neither of us have any
gardening experience,
so we were really
starting from scratch.
But we started by
grabbing all of our tools
and finding a good spot.
We decided to go with zucchini,
tomatoes and pumpkins.
We picked this spot because
it wasn't too far away
from the cabin but it
also was far enough
that maybe we wouldn't
attract any critters.
We got to planting our seeds.
We tried to do them in rows
so that we could keep track
of them better.
And while Austin did most of
that, I got a little silly,
as you can tell.
All this nature might
honestly be going to my head,
but if any of you have a
garden or a plant in your life,
you might wanna
try a plant dance,
because honestly,
it was very healing.
And then we were done.
- Power's not working.
Hello? Janna, Austin?
Got some keys.
Gear bag. We've
got some SD cards.
Electrical breaker.
Let's see.
Electrical breaker on.
Bingo, we got power.
Let's go! Yeah, good start.
Um, bit more of an inspection.
And then need to search outside.
No indication of forced entry.
Door was locked.
Window's locked
Thin layer of dust
on the nightstand.
All right, I'm gonna get
my vehicle out of sight.
And then properly
search the property.
- I had a really,
really intense nightmare.
It felt so real. And
now the anxiety is real.
Can we,
can I be real with
you guys for a second?
I just, I feel like I
want to continue the grind
of posting all the time
and keeping up with it.
But it is exhausting
and it feels,
it feels fake sometimes.
And I've been thinking a
lot like being out here
has really, I don't know.
It's given me a new perspective
on the influencer community
and I feel like it's
kind of an issue.
But everybody needs
to keep escalating
their posts and
what they're doing.
And you need to
be unique even if
you're not actually
moved away from a situation
back at home, um, that was,
I don't know, just not great.
So hoping this can kind of
be a fresh start for us.
Just late night,
late night thoughts, I guess.
Austin, there's
someone outside!
- What?
- There's someone outside.
Come on.
- Okay, okay, okay.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
- I saw somebody.
I heard footsteps and
I saw somebody outside.
- All
right, I'm coming.
- Over by the main trail
on the right.
- Okay.
Okay, okay. I'll go outside.
- No, don't go outside.
- Well, I have,
let me go find him.
If there's somebody outside,
I wanna deal with it.
- No, don't.
- Are you sure
it wasn't just an animal?
- No, I know what I saw.
I know what I saw.
- Okay. Well, it's all right.
It's okay.
- Just get back inside.
- Hey, no, no, no. Come here.
Babe, it's okay. It's all right.
- I don't wanna
be out here anymore.
- Hey.
- I know what I saw.
- I mean, hold on, hold
on. Stop, stop, stop, stop.
I promise you, I won't
let anything happen.
- I just, I just
wanna get inside, all right?
- I know, hey.
- Hi, Arlo.
- Who's my buddy?
- It's okay.
I don't know.
- Come here.
It's okay.
It's all right. We're okay.
- Oh, check this out.
Got a trail cam here.
Love that.
See if there's an SD card.
I think I've accidentally
looped around
'cause here's one of the
trail cams I noticed before.
a year ago, I saw a post
about the benefits
of taking long walks
and the influential
people throughout history
who have made a
practice of doing that.
And pretty much every day since,
I've tried to take a long walk.
I'm not a dog dad anymore,
but would love to be
a dog dad again soon.
I like to keep some
dog treats on hand
for dogs I come
across while walking.
Yeah. Cell phone, laptops,
trail cam, SD cards.
Footage, you know, the
stuff they didn't post
is gonna give us
a much better idea
of what actually happened here.
I'm not gonna disclose how
I unlock their devices.
I have my methods.
I use my skills to
reunite missing people
with their loved ones.
So stay tuned.
We're all in this together.
- Hey.
What do you got?
Hey, don't go in the tunnel.
- He'd fit perfectly
in there.
- Hey, come on, let's go.
Come on.
Janna is by far the
driving force behind
like sharing our lives
and including you
guys in what we do.
And I'm a little
more hesitant to it.
- But you know we've met a
lot of really great people.
- It's true.
- Online
and the online community.
- That's true, and not
all of them, but, uh...
- But the majority
- Yeah.
of the people we've
met have been good.
- The majority are good.
- It was one of our followers
that actually sent us
the listing for this place.
- Arlo, come on, buddy.
- So I would say that's a
good, that's a good person.
It was a good
opportunity that arose
from putting ourselves
out there online.
- True.
- Wouldn't you say?
Is this, do you think
this is everything
you thought it was gonna be?
All right.
Tent pitched.
Camp fire rolling.
Closest motel is about
30 miles from here,
so makes sense to
stay on the property.
They shot a ton of footage,
which is good, theoretically.
Takes time to go through
everything they shot.
And I have to watch every frame.
It could be, you
know, a single moment
buried somewhere in that
that helps me solve this thing.
It would be nice
to have somebody
to share this experience
with, this adventure with.
If something happens to me,
I don't know if anyone
would ever find me.
I don't know if
anyone would care.
Feeling vulnerable,
might delete later.
shout-out to Janna and Austin.
They're just, um,
such good people.
I hope they're able to watch
all these videos one day.
And, yeah, they will.
We'll be able to watch
together and it'll be nice.
They're just the kind of
people you wanna be around,
you know?
- Hi, baby.
- Hi, sweetheart.
- How's it going?
- Good, are you videoing?
- Yeah.
- I love you so much.
- I love you too.
I love you so much.
- Thanks for doing this
crazy thing with me.
- Hey, you're welcome.
- I appreciate you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey, cheers for that.
- That's for sure.
I don't wanna
contaminate your spoon.
- Yeah, please don't.
- It's not bad.
All right, it is plenty
dark now to go check out
the cabin with one
of my new toys.
All right.
No indication of
blood or violence.
It's good news.
I remain optimistic.
Head back to my camp.
Oh, there's a floodlight.
Investigation continues
bright and early.
Thank you all for watching.
Outside noises.
Can't sleep.
- We haven't been to town yet.
I'm very excited to
see what it looks like.
- Yeah, we like kind of
briefly drove through,
um, but nothing.
- We didn't stop.
- Did zero exploring
or stopping, yeah.
- Yeah.
- So we're excited
to check it out.
Our town, kind of.
- Yeah.
- We have phone
service now, so that's nice.
- That is nice.
- Woo!
I'm so excited to be able
to be on my phone a little bit.
- I know. It is kind of nice.
Are we sure this is downtown?
- This is all of it.
This is, we are done now.
There's, oh...
And remember we have
errands we need to run.
- Yes.
- We need to go
to the grocery store,
need to see if there's
a hardware store.
Ah, we're not just here for fun.
- Yeah, you're right.
- But we will
for sure explore.
- Well, okay.
I'll explore and I'll
handle the groceries,
if you wanna go run
all of your errands.
- Sure.
- How does that sound?
Austin and I parted ways
and I was able to find
the local library,
which is pretty neat.
So the town is pretty dead,
but they have a library,
so happy about that.
I was able to
connect to some wifi
and get some posts scheduled.
So I'm feeling pretty
relieved about that.
I wasn't sure what
we were gonna do
about posting on
and stuff,
but luckily got that out
of the way, which is good.
They have a ton of books
and paperwork about,
um, the town's history.
So I'm gonna dig into that
and see what I can find.
This is crazy, but
apparently this whole area,
including our property,
used to be a camp
during World War II,
and some pretty disturbing
things supposedly happened here.
Um, I don't really
know much about it yet,
but the librarian said she
would talk to me about it.
So I'm gonna go see
if I can find her.
- What are these?
- I don't know.
What are we doing, Austin?
- We are putting up some
motion activated trail cameras.
- And why
are we doing that?
- For fun and safety.
- Go on.
- We actually had
a pretty scary moment happen.
Um, we heard some footsteps
and we, um, we saw some,
we saw something, some
animals like we think
- Or maybe a person.
- Yeah.
- It was really
scary. Really scary.
Um, but being out here
now with the sunshine
and the birds chirping,
I'm feeling a lot better.
I'm feeling really good
about setting this up.
And I appreciate all of
Austin's efforts to keep us safe
and to kind of figure
out what's going on.
So thank you for that.
- You're welcome.
- If you follow us on
, you might
have already seen
that we, uh, posted
some, um, animal tracks
that we wanna help identify.
So if you know what
they are, let us know.
We're hoping this
trail cam's gonna help
that a little bit too.
- True.
And if you don't
follow us on ,
what the heck are
you waiting for?
- Yeah.
- We post great stuff.
- Uh, make sure
you like and subscribe
to our channel also
and let us know
what kind of content
you're liking
with this new adventure,
we're trying a bunch
of different stuff out here
and we wanna know
what you guys like.
Now smile at me.
Our first trail cam
footage for fun and safety.
- That was one of the
longest nights of my life.
Just footsteps and loud
noises all night long.
Zero sleep.
But such a beautiful
place to wake up.
So let's make
something happen today.
Come on, let's make
something happen today.
- It's looking like a
really beautiful day out.
So I would love to take
Arlo on a really nice
long walk through the property.
I think that would be a really
fun way to start the morning.
Okay. I'm thinking
I'm gonna do shorts.
I've been wearing like
being pretty relaxed
the last few days because
we don't really see anybody.
Um, this is actually almost
cute, just like this.
But this is, I slept in this
so maybe not this. Okay.
I started to go with the
tank top, kind of nice
to like wear real clothes
and maybe like do
my makeup and stuff.
Hey Austin?
Where's my toothbrush?
- Your toothbrush?
- Yeah, it was right here.
- Is this a trend?
- No, I'm serious.
I can't find it.
- Um, no.
I didn't touch your toothbrush.
- Okay, just seems kind of weird
'cause I like I don't
move my toothbrush
besides in the bathroom.
- I mean,
it'll turn up, we'll find it.
- All right, this
is the finished fit.
Wish me luck. I'm gonna go
get Arlo all ready to go
- All right, it's back to work.
Okay, it's moving slowly,
but we have some footage.
Get started on that.
The link to my merch
shop is in my bio.
Everything contributed there,
everything purchased
there goes directly
toward helping
this investigation.
Appreciate y'all very much.
- Oh, gosh.
- Hey.
- You scared me. Jeez.
- You wanna go for a swim?
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
- Yeah, that's a great idea.
- Arlo, come here, bud.
Come here.
- Buddy, hi.
- Come on.
- Hi, munchkin.
- I just figured it
was a good day for it.
- Oh, that's a great idea.
- Huh?
Let's not do that, please.
- Okay.
- How are ya?
- Good.
- That's okay. It is a bit cold.
- That's true.
Hey, I love you.
- I love you too.
- Is this weird this is ours?
- Yeah.
- Oh man.
This is so great.
- Yeah, it is.
- Oh, something just
grabbed my ankle.
- What do you mean?
- Oh, Austin, Austin, Austin!
- Janna, get out!
- Austin!
- Janna, get out!
- Okay!
Okay, get out.
Get out, get out, get out!
- Whatever it
was, it got you good.
- It totally felt
like something just grabbed me.
- Oh, gosh.
We've been wanting to swim
in our pond for a while now
and the weather
was perfect today,
so we decided to take
advantage of that.
A dip in our private
pond is definitely
bucket list material.
- 10
out of 10 would recommend.
- Seen some comments
and some DMs
suggesting that I might be
involved in their disappearance.
That is absurd.
And just distracts from the
actual mission of finding them.
I am here.
I'm the one who's
here right now.
For those who have sent
messages of support,
I appreciate you so much.
I wouldn't exist without you.
I read every DM, every
Every like gives me
life, gives me purpose.
- All right. We
are very excited.
- So excited.
- And why are we excited?
- Because we get to
check out our garden.
- Our garden!
- The weather is weird,
but we have had the perfect
amount of like sun and rain.
I cannot wait to eat our own
vegetables that we've grown.
- Heck, yeah.
- But, um.
Uh, there should be
something here by now.
- Oh. See anything?
- Yes.
- What is that?
- It's a bullet.
- A bullet.
- There's another one.
- What the hell?
- Maybe it's one
of the neighbors.
I don't know, messing with us.
It's like, "Oh,
you're not from here.
Like you don't belong here."
- I don't know. It seems
a little aggressive.
Don't you think?
- Yeah, I think
it's super aggressive,
like this is.
Like this was the
one thing we had.
Here's another one.
It literally seems like
everywhere I put a seed,
there's a bullet here.
If this is a joke,
it's some kinda sick joke.
Like, this is
Stop filming. I'm done.
This is stupid. I'm done.
This is the one thing we had.
Janna, stop. Janna,
please stop filming.
- Okay, okay, okay.
- Can't really see
anything underwater here.
This is about where Austin
had his leg grabbed.
Camera down.
Going after it.
All right.
- Janna is out for a run,
so I'm gonna check
the trail cam footage.
Not much so far.
Just some bugs.
The motion sensor
seems very sensitive.
We have some deer.
Whoa. Two of the
deer just ran off.
Seemed spooked.
All right, we're gonna
switch trail cams now.
We're gonna go to the
one facing the cabin.
What on earth?
Oh my gosh.
- Feeling pretty good so far.
I have been noticing
these cement structures,
kind of like that are on, a
little closer to us on our...
Flip it around so
you guys can see
what I'm seeing.
You can see there's
like a shack back there.
Different than what I've, the
other stuff that I've found.
It's overgrown
And yeah, I don't know.
I don't love it.
Yeah, I don't know.
Weird vibes.
- Police Department.
This is Officer.
- Hi, um, we recently
just moved to the area
and I noticed a trespasser
out on our property.
- All right,
sir, what is location?
- Yeah, we're off ,
ah, east of Highway 33.
- Was anything
stolen or broken?
- No, I, um, I have
some like trail cameras
and security cameras
around the property,
and, we just noticed
them like peeking
into the windows,
that kind of stuff.
- Sure, uh,
most of the properties
have been vacant for so long,
some community
members just treat it
as open land, there to
hunt without permission,
you know, that sort of thing.
- Is there any way you
guys can remind people
not to trespass?
Like, I know we're
not from here.
- Our
precinct is understaffed
and you're so far from town,
my advice would be to post
no trespassing signs and to
put up some...
- So you're saying like kind of
there's, there's
nothing I can do?
Just signs and such?
I mean, this...
The van looks okay.
How deep is this thing?
- Nice.
- Hey.
How's it going?
- Good, how are you?
- Just went on a walk.
- Without Arlo?
- Yeah, just kind
of needed to clear my head.
- Okay.
- Hey, bud.
How was your run?
- It was good.
Yeah, I, um.
- That's good.
- I saw like a overgrown
shack out there.
It was pretty weird.
I think we should
go check it out.
I'd love to go look
at it with you.
- Yeah, we can look at it.
- Okay?
- Lot of weird
stuff around here.
- Yeah.
- Has Arlo eaten yet?
- Mm-mm, no.
- Arlo. Hey, come on.
Let's get some food, dude.
- You have a good day. You okay?
- Yeah, no. Yeah, I'm fine.
Just fine day, nothing special,
nothing outta the ordinary.
- Okay. Okay.
- All I learned was
that the survivors,
not the, there were
a few survivors
and then there were
some in the army,
some whites in the army
who told the truth.
- Mm.
- And, uh, it had been
covered up for years.
And I understand that it was
over a thousand black men
that was slaughtered and then
it was swept under the rug.
And I don't think the
truth is really out there
like it should be yet.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm feeling
a little rattled
after the conversation
with Alicia.
Um, but, there, it looks
like there's a museum
across the street, um,
dedicated to the camp.
So I'm gonna go check it
out and see what I can find.
- The war
itself was over in 1945,
so it wasn't here
really that long.
- Yeah, not at all.
- And yet,
it was like a war
was going to be forever.
- Mm, yeah, I noticed
the train tracks
running through town.
- Well, they, they
took all those up,
but yes, that's how the soldiers
got here was on the train.
- Mm.
- My dad used to say
that, um, that "Camp Van
Dorn put us on the map
and almost took us off the map."
He said he painted
them to try to get
that picture out of his head.
- Mm.
- I think one of the,
the worst things
is being forgotten.
- As I was
leaving the museum,
a woman came up to me.
- She was
afraid to go on camera,
but she wanted to talk to me
about the slaughter theory.
- The army claims the
slaughter didn't happen.
It's a sensitive topic in
town, obviously very divisive
and no one can know for sure.
Looking around this
town, I'm just,
I'm just wondering
how much of an impact
something like this
still has on a community,
even decades later.
Some of the locals think
the area is haunted.
And I have to say, I'm starting
to get some really eerie
feelings being around here too.
- What do you think?
- I think
it was interesting.
Like, I don't think we post it.
It seems like no one
actually knew what happened.
And it seems very
conspiracy theory-y.
- Well that's kind of the point.
Like to bring awareness
of the situation,
and I don't know, get
the conversation going.
I think that's important
for these kinds of things.
- Yeah, but that's not
like, that's not our brand.
That's not our, that's
not our audience.
- Well we can always
be growing our audience
and I think it's interesting.
So I would think that
our followers would think
it was interesting if
they're interested in us
and what we think
is interesting.
That's the whole point
of the channel, right?
And we just moved here.
We're on this land.
We can't just ignore it.
- It's interesting, like,
I can tell you put a lot
of work into it, but I did
notice like on the maps,
like it's pretty easy
to find where we are
based on the road.
So we're here and look
what's like right next to us.
There's the train track.
Like I know the other night
you said you heard a train,
but that would make total sense.
Like if the train track does
run right behind the property.
- No, babe, did you even
watch my video?
Did you listen to
what I'm saying there?
The train, they
tore up the track.
This train doesn't
run here anymore.
- So I'm gonna go
change the locks.
I'm gonna go install
the floodlight stuff.
Did a good job. I
think this is good.
But I vote
- Mm-hmm.
- that we don't post it.
- Okay, we'll just move
on from the conversation.
I put a lot of work
into a video today
that Austin did not
love, which is okay,
I get it.
- Sorry, just me.
- Okay, that's okay.
- Motion sensor works though.
- Yeah, that's awesome
- It's so bright out here.
- Yeah, that's great.
Thanks for doing that.
Um, yeah, so Austin
didn't love the video
that I put together,
which is okay.
We have creative differences
and that's what you have to kind
of figure out when
you're working together.
So I really appreciate
that he's out there
putting up some floodlights
and some more trail cams, um,
to keep us safe and
protect our new home.
So, um, we are winding
down for the night.
So I think we will sign off and
maybe see you guys tomorrow.
Okay. Goodnight.
- I would like to
propose a toast to Austin
and Janna for providing
this bottle of wine.
I will buy a bottle of champagne
after I find you to celebrate.
That said, I can't
shake a feeling
that Austin is involved
in Janna's disappearance.
With domestic violence abuse,
the male partner is the
culprit 99.9% of the time.
Spoiler alert, if you're
a fan of true crime.
If you watch their
footage through that lens,
he's just quick to dismiss
her justifiable fears
and just hiding
information, man.
I cannot get past that.
Okay? She deserves better.
She deserves the truth.
Just honesty, man.
I feel like it's that simple.
I feel like we can all
just use more kindness,
friendship, love.
I was in a long relationship.
uh now I
think back on my marriage and
I think
I wasn't thriving, you know,
I wasn't attacking
I see people posting
who are just feasting
and I was just nibbling
at the scraps of life.
But now I am hungry.
Now I want more. I deserve more.
So do you, you know?
I just wanna say, it doesn't
matter how old you are,
you can make a
change in your life.
You can, things can improve,
will improve if you
decide they should.
And you, if you
are in bed at night
and don't like the
way things are going,
the changes are simple.
You know, do something
different tomorrow.
That's it. That's everything.
- Trying to make the
old shack feel like home.
Austin surprised
me by framing some
of our favorite travel photos.
So we're hanging every thing
up to make the space ours.
Yeah, that looks great.
- All right. Got zero
sleep last night.
So I'm gonna go to
the hotel tonight.
Motel, I don't know which it is.
The cost is worth it to
benefit the investigation.
Could use some wifi, hot shower.
And as I told you
before, I'm hungry,
so I will feast on a motel
continental breakfast.
Hashtag nom nom nom.
Hashtag, if you're concerned
about me drinking and driving,
I'm pretty sure the legal
limit in Mississippi
is completely blind.
Hashtag, just kidding.
Hashtag, we've established
that there are no police
patrolling this area.
Hashtag, I love the South, man.
Hashtag, I actually
grew up in the South.
Hashtag, I also love the
Northeast and the Midwest
and the Pacific Northwest
and the West Coast.
Man, every region. Are
you kidding me, man?
This country is remarkable.
Can we just all agree on that
and stop poking each
other in the eyeballs?
Hashtag, you know
it's all love 24/7
for "Found Persons Report."
Yeah, please consider a
donation to my channel though.
You know, someone throw me
some bones for this motel room.
We're all in this together.
Financially, emotionally.
Yeah, my key is not working
because it used to be a
brand new black padlock
and now it's this
rusty, silver lock.
Okay. Harsh targ, harsh tag.
Harsh tag, another
night on the farm.
Just in case you forgot
So deeply in love.
- Come on, buddy.
- Oh.
- What's this?
What is this?
- Ooh, I don't know.
I did not put that there.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah.
- What?
Stop. Don't walk away from me.
- No, they have been
inside of our house.
- Hold on, you're right.
But stop. I like,
I've gotten new locks.
Like I have new,
like the floodlight.
Like I have done all these
measures to like keep you safe.
- No, Austin, we...
- I will, one hundred,
Let me finish. I
will protect you.
- Are you
actually thinking about
staying here after this?
After someone was
inside of our house?
- I'm not
ready to give up.
Like I'm not gonna just run away
and let the like neighborhood
kids or the locals win.
- This, we have not
seen any kids or neighbors
since we've been here, someone
or something is harassing us.
- Stop. I will go
get more cameras.
I will change the locks again.
Like Arlo and I can sit up
and like, we'll
watch the door, like.
- No, you're not listening.
- I will do...
- You're not listening.
- Janna, please listen to me.
Austin, listen,
no, listen to me.
- I will do
whatever it takes.
- I do not feel comfortable
here anymore. I don't feel safe.
I want to go home.
- Okay,
well what do you,
what are you guys
gonna do today?
Are you, are you
gonna be okay today?
- I don't know.
I don't know. I just had
to get away from the house.
Austin, I love him,
but I just need some
space sometimes, you know?
- Do you feel safe with
him? Are you scared of him?
- I mean, sometimes.
I don't know.
I, he's just, he's
acting different here.
I don't know what...
I don't know. I just had
to get away from the house.
Austin, he's just, he's
acting different here.
I don't know what it is.
- That doesn't
sound like the Austin
that you married.
- Yeah, I don't know.
It's just different out
here. Everything's different.
- Okay, uh,
Janna, I thought...
- And she ends the call.
She ends the call when
Austin starts walking up.
Like he was following her.
Like he didn't want her to
be on the phone with her mom.
- I love you. Bye.
- Come here.
- It's not iron clad yet,
but I have my
hypothesis, you know?
Just need to keep
powering through footage.
It's in here somewhere.
I know it is.
- The trail cam's
gone. My phone is gone.
Machete's gone.
This is madness.
Recording this on Janna's phone.
Am I going crazy?
Have I been here
I asked if any of
you, my followers,
would come join me here.
My community. Nobody came.
I'm in this alone. I'm
gonna see it through.
Come what may.
I'm not hiding tonight.
About 10 seconds ago,
the weather just stopped,
shifted on the dime.
It's absolutely pouring.
Lightning, thunder.
Oh my god, oh!
No joke out here.
My god, flipping my...
Arlo! Here, boy!
Arlo, wait.
Arlo, I'm coming.
It's crazy.
He, you know, led
me to the lake.
Led me down to the dock
where you take the canoe out,
and then... disappeared.
I don't know if he went in, it
sounded like maybe a splash.
I don't know if
he... He's alive.
Arlo's alive.
It felt like he was, you know,
bringing me down here, lakeside.
- I think that, um,
a lot of people,
they like try to go viral.
- Come here.
- Um, but really like
when you have a video
blow up like so much,
like really like I think
our video had like, what?
15.9 million views.
- Mm-hmm.
- That's like not,
it's not what, it's not
what you want it to be,
I don't think.
Not what you wish.
- I've never really thought
about like the terms,
but like "viral"
and "blowing up"
and "spreading like wildfire."
Like none of those have
a positive connotation.
- That's
true, that's true, yeah.
- It's just, it's just
strange to be like
such a negative thing could be,
a negative thing in society
or a community could be
such a positive thing
on a virtual like
society of things.
- Mm-hmm.
- Now we got blue skies
and thunder claps.
Night is falling soon.
And what do you know?
A gift for me?
For me?
A gift for me. Let's
see what we got.
Let's see what we got.
- Hey guys, we actually
have a big announcement
and some pretty big news for ya.
We've decided to go,
we've decided to go home.
Decided to leave the farm.
- Yeah, um, we try to be fun
and entertaining on here.
Show the good in life
and life is good,
but we think it's time to be
a little more serious now.
And tell you guys the full truth
about why we came.
- Back home, we had
a follower that, um,
just got really
kind of outta hand.
Um, it's pretty creepy actually.
And we, like, we would post
something and he would like
and comment immediately.
Um, it was almost like
he was like refreshing
our posts just 24 hours a day.
Just we'd post
something and boom.
There he would be
just like, comment
and like it kind
of got to the point
where it was the same
way with the DMs.
Like they got
really intense, um.
Yeah. Yeah.
- And, and that played
out online for a while.
- Mm-hmm.
- And then we noticed
a guy that was watching us
while we were walking Arlo.
And we realized it was
him who was the stalker.
He found us and our phone
numbers even somehow.
And that's, that's one
of the main reasons
why we came out here,
to get away from
the situation, um,
and, you know, some new scenery.
Fresh start.
- Mm-hmm.
Fresh start.
Part of me wanted
to draw him out,
like kind of get him out
of his sense of normal,
and kind of give it so we
can have the upper hand.
- Yeah, but also, to be clear,
we're not violent people.
We wouldn't like
harm him in any way.
- No, no, no, no, no.
But it'd also like be nice, um,
to figure out a way
to identify him.
Like actually get his name.
It's hard to believe
that he would like,
would've found us
already out here.
- Well, what's happening
to us isn't him.
It's impossible that he
would've found us that fast.
It's this place
- Mm-hmm. And it's just
time for us to go home.
- I think we should
tell them about
what happened at the
park by our house.
- Janna, no. We
talked about this.
Like it's, that's just
between you and me.
- I think it could be important.
They could, he could be
doing it to other people
- Yeah, no.
- Or they could help us
identify him or something.
- That's not gonna help.
I don't wanna be part of that.
- Ah, we were walking Arlo
at a park near our house,
and Arlo went up ahead.
Austin went after him
and found him with the stalker,
what Austin realized
was the stalker.
He had treats for Arlo.
Like he had been
carrying him around,
and there was an altercation.
Um, I was far away, but
I saw it from a distance
and, um, it looked
like they like
were wrestling for a little bit.
And then Austin grabbed a
rock and hit him over the head
pretty hard, and
knocked him out.
And obviously Austin was
just defending
himself, of course.
Um, but someone
called the paramedics
um, and we just
got out of there.
All right. We are just
about out of here.
Usually we would be a
little more thorough
about making sure
we've got everything.
But honestly, at this
point, I'm just ready to go.
So, yeah?
- Sweetie?
Did you already pull
down some of the photos?
- No, I did not.
- You didn't pack 'em up?
- No.
I'm so over this. Um, okay.
I'm just gonna take
Arlo on a walk.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I just kinda
want some alone...
- I'll go with you.
- No, no, no, no.
I just kinda wanna
want him alone time.
So I'll, um, yeah, I'll
take him on a walk.
If you wanna just pack
up the gear and stuff,
we can leave in 30.
- Okay.
Be safe.
- Okay.
- I'm right
here if you need me.
- Okay.
- Just holler.
I'll be within earshot.
- Yeah, sounds good.
- Okay, love you.
- Love you.
- Hey, you want the stick?
Go get it.
Good boy.
Man, it's definitely
bittersweet leaving here.
I see why Austin wanted
to bring us here,
um, try to make this,
make this our home.
But this place, this
place is not our home.
And it never, never
was going to be.
- Hey.
- What are you doing?
I thought you were gonna
pack up all the gear.
- Ah, yeah, just
going through a few things.
But you're right,
I'm, I'm ready to go.
- What you looking at?
- I'm really sorry.
- Austin, when did
you, when did you see these?
Oh my god.
- I didn't
want you to worry.
- I can't believe
you didn't tell me.
- I'm sorry.
The van's not starting.
- What do you mean?
- Like the van's
not starting.
- It literally
was fine yesterday, scoot over.
- It literally won't start.
- Get up, get out.
Let me try.
It literally was fine.
- What the hell?
Oh my god.
- Everything looks fine up here.
Let me look it in the back.
I mean, everything
looks fine here too.
I don't know what
we're gonna do.
It was literally fine yes...
- Gosh.
- This keeps getting
weirder and weirder.
Janna, look.
- I think we should go.
- Janna, we gotta
go. Go, come on!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
- Oh my gosh.
- I don't know
what's going on.
Hey, come here, come here.
Come here, come here, come
here, come here, come here.
- God.
- I just want to go home.
- Mm.
- I just wanna go home.
Did you put the tea kettle on?
- No.
- Is someone in here?
- I don't know.
Janna, get back. Let
me check the porch.
- See anything?
- Nothing, come on.
Get inside.
- This can't be happening.
- What do you propose we do?
- I don't know, Austin.
This land, something is wrong.
It's disturbed and it
doesn't want us here.
I don't wanna be here anymore.
We're, we shouldn't,
we don't belong here.
- Yes, I know, I
know. You were right.
- I was right.
- I know, I know.
You were right, come sit down.
Just sit down and take a breath.
Oh my gosh.
- What is happening?
- It's the floodlight. Turn
the light off, I can't see.
- Oh my God. What the?
- What do you want?
- There's another one.
- Okay.
- My God.
- Who are you?
- What do we do?
- I don't know, just stop.
Leave us alone! We
just wanna leave!
Stay away from us!
Janna, Janna, Janna.
- Oh my God!
- Get in, get in!
- Oh, oh, shit!
- What do you see?
- I don't see anything.
I don't see anything.
I don't see anything.
Austin, look.
- See him?
- Yeah. Look.
- Oh my God.
Janna, come here.
Janna, stay back. Get
away from the windows.
Get away from the windows.
Get away from the windows.
- Austin?
- Right here.
Janna, we should go inside.
Janna, we should go back inside.
Go inside. Get
inside, get inside.
- Oh my God.
- Where did they go?
- I don't see 'em.
- We're okay.
- I don't know
where they went.
- Wait, Janna, where's Arlo?
- Arlo?
- Arlo?
- You think he's outside?
- I don't know.
Arlo, come here buddy.
- Arlo?
- Arlo?
Janna, we have to go
outside. We have to get him.
- Arlo?
- Janna, here. Over here.
It sounds like it's
coming from by the pond.
- Yeah.
- Arlo?
Janna, come on.
- What is that?
- What?
- I just saw one.
- Where?
- Like right
there, right there.
- Where?
- I don't...
- Where?
- It was right there.
I don't know.
- Okay. Oh.
- Okay.
- Here, grab my hand.
- Okay.
- Grab my hand, Janna.
- Okay.
- Janna.
- Okay.
- Janna.
- Where are you?
Give me your hand.
- Okay.
- Janna, grab my hand! Come on!
- I would say thank
you for watching,
but I have no clue if anyone
will ever see this video.
When I found their channel,
I was in a very dark place.
It felt like she was speaking
directly to me in her videos.
With her channel and, and
some others, I found myself.
I became a new man. A real man.
The person I was before
the hospital is dead.
Nobody will remember him.
Oh my God.
This is her. Oh my God.
What the?
We were my friends. You know?
Maybe something more than that.
We exchanged messages.
I did everything she asked.
I liked, I shared, I commented,
I subscribed, I followed.
That's why I'm here.
I'm here to find her.
I'm here to save her.
I'm here alone, but I'm here...
I'm a good man.
I have her best
interest in mind.
I'll treat her so well.
What is that?
I see a kind of light up ahead.
It's a...
It's a torch.
Walking toward the
pond, no surprise.
I'm gonna get my car.
Go see what the fuck
this thing's all about.
Going deep on that trail.
Yep. He's not stopping.
I'm gonna stay back
just a little bit.
See where this dirtbag's going.
He's going.
Get out and pursue one foot.
All right.
Got that creature up ahead.
What's he doing?
Oh, God.
Where'd that damn thing go?
Oh my God!
Oh my God! Ah!
Oh, my god.
No! Stay back!
Ah, ah! No!