Mission: Sky (2021) Movie Script

On the radio: - The TP display light is off.
Trim - neutral.
The stabilizer range is large.
Hydraulic - 90.
- Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
(Machine gun fire.)
On the radio: - Center to 308:
You are cleared for takeoff.
- 308, takeoff is approved.
- Commander, weve reached the UPM.
Operational range - 92.
Were on a combat course.
- Roger. Observing. Engaging.
- 308 to 607: beginning operations.
- Copy that. Understood.
- Target is in the crosshairs.
Positioning completed.
Fire when ready.
- Roger.
- Target locked. Were firing.
- Launch!
- 308, maneuver!
Missile incoming!
- Were on fire, Anatolich, were on fire!
- Stay calm, Kostya, stay calm! I see it!
- 308, youre burning!
Youre burning! Eject!
- Kulikov, listen,
take two soldiers from there -
and in fifteen minutes
to that height. - Yes, sir!
- Go ahead. - Comrade Captain,
permission to speak.
Lieutenant Colonel Soshnikov's crew
has started moving. They have half an hour.
- No, Sergeant, its already 27 minutes.
- Commander, Im ready.
- Quickly, into the forest!
- Allahu Akbar!
- Whats your situation?
- It looks like were surrounded.
- Lets go back.
- Yeah.
- Forward, Kostya, move forward!
Damn it!
Watch your step, navigator!
Not the sky!
Get off the road! Run!
- Holy crap!
- Heres the deal,
were about 600 meters from the sea, we split up.
- Commander, snipers
are targeting us.
And it looks like
they don't plan to take us alive.
- Then we don't split up, Kostya,
we scatter.
Move, move, move!
(Speaks in Arabic.)
- I don't understand. What?
(Speaks in Arabic.)
- Is that all you want?
- On your knees!
- Are you out of your mind?
(Phone ringing.)
- Major Zakharov. Im listening.
- Commander, they captured the navigator,
so its 1:0.
- No.
To be honest, it's 1:1.
- At 16:00 on August 24, 2015,
Comrades officers,
your two-week stay
at the special survival center for aircrew has ended.
Today was the last,
let's say, exam day.
Lets summarize.
- Comrade Captain,
were they shooting live rounds
at us today?
- Comrades officers,
allow me to introduce:
Major Zakharov,
Special Operations Forces of the Russian Federation.
- Good afternoon, colleagues.
For the final training day,
I tasked my men with creating as realistic a combat situation as possible for the test pilots.
- Excuse me.
I believe I asked a question.
Were they shooting live rounds at us today?
Im not mistaken, am I?
- Captain Muravyov.
- Yes, sir.
- I reviewed the training groups records.
From the very beginning, youve made practically no mistakes, but today, when the snipers started firing,
you didnt fully camouflage the landing site,
you stepped on a tripwire, and when retreating, you didnt account for the difficult terrain,
or the birds taking flight.
- Comrade Captain,
all your drills and tests - they don't matter, right?
So let us go,
weve been running around here for two weeks like mountain goats,
burning fires and looking for edible plants.
And we haven't even been to the sea.
On TV: "The biggest corruption scandals
of Soviet times."
:07:18,373 -- 00:07:20,073
on TV.
- Arisha, check my email, please.
- Two emails from
someone named Boar-72.
- It's not Boar, it's Marina Borovaya,
my designer friend.
Guys, what's going on?
Why is the TV so loud?
Wheres the remote? Turn off
this TV, please.
Sasha, are you ready?
We have a speech therapist in twenty minutes.
Listen, can you take him
to the speech therapist, please?
- Mom, but its my time now.
On TV: "Hello.
This is 'Vesti' on Russia Channel."
- Sasha, turn off the TV.
- Im ready!
On TV: "Russian economy.
The budget isnt great.
Statements, agreements,
resolutions -
everything discussed in Vladivostok.
Worth paying attention to.
Hollande and Merkel drafted
an effective action plan."
- So, I dont get it, do we have
a vase in this house or not?
- Dad?
- Dad!
Dad's here!
- Dad!
- Hi, beautiful. And why arent
you letting Mom use the computer?
- Oleg!
- Arina dropped her tablet in water.
- So what now? Do I not get
any personal time and space?
- See how grown-up we are?
- Okay, listen up!
Mom goes on the computer. - Yes.
- Sasha and I go to the speech therapist,
Arina comes with us.
- But Dad!
- While Sasha works on his R,
well get you a new tablet.
- Oleg!
- Just for today. Lets go.
Singing: - Its time to hit the road...
- I had a feeling
youd come today.
(Music playing.)
- Look at this beauty!
- We got one yesterday.
- So what?
I love them. We should get them while theyre here.
Seasonal vegetables are the healthiest.
- A watermelon is a berry, actually.
- Who are you going to tell that to?
A watermelon is a berry-like fruit
belonging to the gourd family.
And sometimes its a fruit.
- So, is a pumpkin a fruit to you?
- Well, darling, it depends
on whose shoulders its growing.
- Oleg Anatolyevich!
- Galina Yuryevna!
- Zhanna and I were walking,
wondering if it was you or not.
- Hello. - Good day.
- Galina Yuryevna.
And Im flying to China in a week
for a new job, can you believe it?
I decided to drop by the guys at the regiment,
pay my respects, you know.
- Not bad.
- Thank you so much.
If it werent for your training,
Id never have gotten that contract.
Oleg Anatolyevich,
may I offer you a favor in return?
A very important man
will be here next week,
responsible for most
of the Chinese contracts.
I know you dont want
to move to civil aviation,
but in this case, its an opportunity.
We could just meet,
discuss the details.
- Seryozhenka. - What?
- Look, heres the coffee
you were looking for.
- Good coffee?
- Very good. Its called Luwak.
Civet cats eat the coffee beans...
- Zhanna! Oleg Anatolyevich,
Galina Yuryevna, nice seeing you.
- All the best, goodbye.
- Goodbye. - Goodbye.
- And this one, is it a fruit or a vegetable?
- So, tablet owners, isnt it time for bed?
- But Mom!
- Its time, its time, its time.
- Hows the restaurant construction going?
- Its fine.
We could open in a month.
- Whats stopping you?
- Marina came up with a very stylish,
but expensive design.
- Doesnt Marina remember
how we fed her and her husband
herring with potatoes in the Far East, does she?
- Well, they live in Moscow now.
And Lenya, besides being your former colleague,
is a big shot at the Ministry of Defense.
And Marina did the entire design for free.
They shouldnt have to pay for workers or building materials.
- Lets take out a loan.
- Lets do it.
Oleg, what if you seriously considered moving to civil aviation?
- Im fine with everything.
- Look, youre 45 years old.
Dont you want to change anything?
- Attention! Stand at attention!
Eyes front.
Comrade Colonel, the personnel...
- At ease.
- At ease!
- Today I read this.
What I want to say...
- The engine showed up.
- Comrades cadets,
youve completed your second year.
This means youre one step closer to the day
when you will proudly bear the title of Soviet...
Russian pilot.
Another step closer
to becoming a Russian officer.
(Dog barking.)
(Laughter in the ranks.)
I understand, its a time
when the concept of homeland
for many has become...
(Dog barking.)
- Stop laughing, calm down.
- Theyre doing well together.
- Lieutenant, why are you just standing there?
- Andrey, come on!
- Engine, get out of here!
(Dog barking, laughter.)
- Calm down, stop laughing, they said.
- Major.
At ease.
- Captain. At ease! Dismissed!
Together: - Hurrah!
- Home! Freedom!
- 44, 45, 46... 47.
47 cadets, after completing the second year,
submitted resignation reports.
- Youll see, during the holidays,
someone else will decide to leave.
And the main thing is, no law can hold them.
- But by law, the decision on these reports will
not be made until a month from now.
Maybe someone will reconsider?
- Those who reconsider will return
and still wont fly.
There wont be fuel until winter.
(Laughter, whistling from outside.)
- Maybe theyre right?
Theyve served two years at the academy,
and now they wont be drafted into the army.
Theyll live for themselves,
start a business.
Why not? My brother brings foreign cars from Germany.
Hes living the good life!
- Are you staying?
- You bet I am.
- Im not asking you, Linkov.
Your intentions have been clear for a while.
Oleg, dont be a fool.
Now is the time to think about yourself.
- Or about you.
- That too.
Ive gathered a few guys for my team.
- Everything will be set,
just need to break free.
- But theyre not very smart.
Youll be my deputy.
Ill introduce you to the right people.
Theres a lot to do in the city.
- What kind of work, Grisha?
- All sorts, interesting.
With good money and prospects.
Youre not some kind of sucker.
Youre a smart guy!
So, what do you say?
- No, Yura, I cant.
I gave my father my word.
- What does your father have to do with it?
Youve served your two years, no one can complain.
Why drag it out, Oleg?
Youll leave the army anyway.
- Why? - Because
theres no army anymore.
And soon there wont be a country.
- What did you say?
To hell with you!
- To hell with you!
- Stop! Stop!
- Stop it, both of you!
I said, break it up!
Well, cowards? Decided to run away?
Stayed hidden for two years
to avoid the army?
Well, well.
I'll tell you this, boys.
When a plane takes off into the sky,
the sun shines on everyone equally.
But there's one "but"...
- Enough already.
We'll meet again, Soshnikov.
Whos with me forward!
- Come on, come on, let's move out!
- So long!
- Hands off.
- So, these are the most loyal ones left?
I have some bad news for you, fighters:
when you return from leave,
you wont be flying.
Youll study theory,
youll scrub floors till they shine! Understood?
Why is the barracks a mess?
- You were saying something about the sky,
comrade colonel.
- Ah, Soshnikov.
Soshnikov. Wheres the orderly?
- I dont know, comrade colonel.
- Well, if you dont know,
get to the guardhouse.
- I was on duty yesterday,
comrade colonel.
- Whats unclear, cadet?
Two extra duties
for fighting with civilians.
- Andrei Alekseevich, I understand,
youre upset...
- I said!..
Get to the guardhouse immediately, Soshnikov!
- Oleg!
Oleg! Oleg, where are you going?
Oleg, wait! Where are you going?
- To the command post -
to write a resignation report.
- Wait, Im coming with you.
- Good afternoon!
- Hello.
My last name is Soshnikov,
I have an appointment.
- Oleg Anatolyevich, were here!
- Target spotted.
- Good.
- Thank you.
- Hi.
Yuri Viktorovich, meet:
the very lieutenant colonel
Oleg Anatolyevich Soshnikov,
whom I told you about.
He taught me everything,
hes the best in our regiment.
A song plays: "Two slices of sausage
were lying on your table..."
- Dont be upset.
We did the right thing.
Its because of people like this
that the Soviet Union fell apart.
An officer, they call him.
Maybe he showed up on parade drunk?
Yeah, probably not.
Although Dvizhok doesnt like drunks -
maybe thats why he barked at Polyakov?
- What are you doing?
- Open up! Open up!
- Turn the music up.
- Good day.
- Thank you, Seryozha. Go have some coffee.
- Yes, of course.
Well, colleagues?
- They say you wanted to see me?
- Not exactly you...
- Okay.
Im listening.
- Wanted to know how...
- Its simple.
If you pass the English exam,
take a three-month retraining course,
and have good relations with the right people,
a pilot of your level
can earn very well.
Believe me, in civil aviation,
especially with us,
they know how to value specialists.
- And "with us" means who?
- Far away. Not in Russia.
- Living far away -
earning in Russia?
Its trendy now.
- Whats up, Oleg?
You teasing me or what?
Im not hiding anything from anyone.
In the nineties, I was with the bandits,
then I dealt with securities,
then I got tired of everything,
and I emigrated in the 2000s.
Thats just a hundredth of my life
my big, interesting life.
But you...
- But what about me?
- Listen, old friend,
youre afraid to really live.
Look around. What can you remember?
Like how you tremble before every medical exam: what if they discharge you?
You live paycheck to paycheck.
And your wife probably nags: "Wheres the money?"
Oh, I hit the nail on the head.
Listen, I dont know
what you promised your father,
but admit it - every day
you ask yourself the same question:
whats life worth? Right?
Want me to give you the answer?
Four hundred.
Five hundred. All right,
Ill help my fellow alumnus.
Ill get you
into a small private company,
and youll be making
half a million rubles a month.
Come on, admit it, lieutenant colonel,
Mother Russia
will never pay you that much
for your work.
- Goodbye!
- Goodbye! With the men, huh?
- No, that wont work with me, Im telling you.
- Youll tell us everything in the car
in detail.
- Just look: weve got beautiful girls,
shiny buttons, and caps.
And Ill tell you where to fly and whom to salute.
- Remember what Colonel Polyakov
told us in school?
When the plane rises
high above the clouds,
the sun shines equally
on pilots and passengers.
But only without passengers
can a plane take off into the sky,
and without a pilot,
it will stay on the ground.
- Oleg, stop it.
You will fly.
You will work. You will earn.
- I dont work for Russia -
I serve Russia.
- Captain Muravyov, simulator training
starts at 10 a.m.
It started 20 minutes ago.
- Oleg Anatolyevich,
Im so sorry. My wife signed up for this yoga... Hey.
- Where to?
- Its pregnancy yoga.
I took her. You wouldnt believe it, guys, its both funny and sad: the elevator broke.
And Albina keeps getting sick...
- Kindergarten, Kostya, honestly.
- Thank your lucky stars Kubalsky isnt here.
- He wouldve quickly put you
from the lotus pose
into the staff pose.
- And then straight into the dolphin pose.
- Comrades officers!
- Carry on as planned.
- Comrades officers!
- Oleg Anatolyevich. Lets talk.
- Get changed, dont just stand there.
- And whats the dolphin pose?
- Its painful, Kostya.
- Its very painful.
- What happened?
- The government has made a decision
to support the Syrian people.
We are officially entering Syria.
Our regiment will need two Su-24 crews.
Ive prepared a list.
I want to hear your opinion.
- Interesting,
why am I not on it?
- Oleg, youre 45.
Do you really need this?
- Im the head of air-fire
and tactical training.
How will I evaluate the flight crew
if I dont experience it myself?
Dmitrich, think about it yourself,
how can I look people in the eye?
- As you wish. Its your choice.
So what will we do
about Muravyov then?
- What about him?
- Well, if you go,
hell ask to go too.
No, he wont ask - hell demand it.
- So what if he demands it?
His wife is expecting.
Let her give birth, then he can go.
- Well, well.
Im afraid hell make her
give birth tomorrow.
- Hi, son! How are you?
Come on, say: "Right hand."
- Left foot.
- See? Speech therapy is paying off.
to talk to you.
Im going on a business trip
soon for a bit.
- Take me with you,
you wont regret it.
- I cant. There will be
secret tests happening there.
- Tell me! - I cant.
But Ill show you something. Got paper?
- Here you go. - Thanks.
- Take care.
- So, how do you use it?
- I dont know, need to remember.
But it was on sale.
- Yeah, need to read the manual.
- Kostya! Hi, guys.
- Oh! Hello.
- Hello, Gelena Yuryevna.
- You look stunning!
Hows our little one?
- Everythings fine.
- You can congratulate us:
today they told us
were having a boy.
- Thats great! - A boy, yes.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- And congratulations on your purchase.
Switching to buttons?
- You cant take smartphones to Syria,
but at least this way
he can send a text.
- To Syria?
Are you going to Syria?
- Uh-huh.
- With Oleg Anatolyevich.
Didnt he tell you?
- Flying at minimum altitude -
then full afterburner!
We pull up, up, up,
make a sharp turn,
do two rolls: one...
- One. - Two...
We outmaneuver the enemy and attack!
And calmly, confidently, beautifully
return to base.
Hows that?
- Cool! - Cool.
- What if this new plane
can do all that?
- Then well have hundreds
of such planes.
- Sasha, go to your room.
- Mom, look at the plane Dads
going to be testing.
- I said, throw it away!
And go to your room, now!
What are you looking at?
Go to your room.
What are you doing, Soshnikov? Huh?
Isn't your internal conflicts enough,
that youve decided to fulfill
your international duty, too?
- Listen, Gelya...
- No, you listen to me.
Ive been dragging around
all the garrisons of the country with you for 20 years.
I could work as a tour guide
in the remote air regiments of Russia.
And youve never, not once,
heard a single reproach from me.
Do you know why?
Because Ive been waiting all this time!
And dreaming that we would live
like everyone else.
But it turns out, nothing will change.
- Remember when you yelled at me once:
"Soshnikov, dont betray yourself"?
- Dont twist my words.
I thought you loved me.
Loved me, loved us.
- But I do.
I love you more than anything.
- Really? Then why am I
the last to find out
that youre going to Syria?
- I didnt want to distract you
from your restaurant.
- Dont be sarcastic.
- Im sorry, I was just about
to tell you.
- Soshnikov, get your head
out of the clouds.
Why are you destroying everything?
Why Syria?
Its war, its death!
- As life shows, Gelena,
death is not the worst thing
that can happen to you.
Of course, I could leave the service,
start living for myself, for us.
But I took an oath.
And that fact imposes
certain obligations
on our life together.
I am an officer, Gelena.
And being an officer means
living for others.
- Then live for others.
A song plays: "To the light
of the open doors of the big sky
Under the shadow of the melting moon
We flew - whoever we were
and wherever we were -
Captives of the anxious silence.
For the reflection of the clouds on the fuselage,
For the feeling of the controls under the hand,
For the delight in your eyes
and, you know, even
For the post-flight longing.
We soared like no one else,
In the sphere of the celestial highways,
But there is nothing more exalted than what
We so easily lost.
All questions were answered,
We caught them on the fly.
We poorly knew this side of the dawn,
But we knew that one as our own.
On the shore of the white snow cover,
Which separates the power of the sky from the earth,
We were knights of the spoken word
Guarding sincere love.
We soared like no one else,
In the sphere of the celestial highways,
But there is nothing more exalted than what
We so easily lost.
But there is nothing more exalted than what
We nearly lost."
On the top floor,
a door is open,
Which won't open for others.
You remember, dont you,
how my heart beat
In unison with yours.
For that time,
which was not called destiny,
But was called
"together till the end,"
I will live in the world
as long as I have left,
In my beloved hearts.
We soared like no one else,
In the sphere of the celestial highways,
But there is nothing more exalted than what
We so easily lost.
But there is nothing more exalted than what
We nearly lost."
- Guys, how about lunch
with the families tomorrow?
Dumplings, and all that?
Only one day left.
- Sorry, guys, Ill be with mine:
my wife took a day off.
- Anatolich?
- No, tomorrow is kids day for me.
I promised Arishka wed bake a cake together.
Well be drawing robots with Sashka.
- Oleg, do the kids know?
- No, I told them
Im going on a business trip.
- I cant stand
not being warned in advance.
I told my Albina and the kid
everything: where were going, why.
- What kid? She hasnt even given birth yet.
- So, classical music in the womb is fine,
but the father isnt, right?
(SMS alert.)
- Guys, whats this restaurant
at 16 Gorky? Im being invited there.
(SMS alert.) - Being invited
to the restaurant at 16 Gorky.
- You too?
- Me too.
But I dont know any
restaurant there.
- I know.
- Wow!
- Oh!
- I get it, you cant forbid
someone to live well.
- Yes, Anatolich!
Guys, the table seems
to be set for us.
- Apparently. - Yeah, that would be nice.
- Exactly!
Come on in, please,
take off your coats, sit down.
- Thanks. - Hi.
- What an amazing restaurant.
- Hi.
- Oh, Kostya, yours too!
- Awesome! - And mine has a mustache.
- Dear fathers!
This restaurant hasnt
officially opened yet, but...
- ...but today, before your
departure on a business trip,
we decided to give you a gift!
And today all the kids
will be on their best behavior.
- Especially mine!
- And the wives - the most beautiful!
- Weve prepared your favorite dishes and drinks.
- Today there will be music. The best music!
- We want you to remember
this evening.
- And come back home soon!
- Albina Romanovna.
- Oh, here we go.
Girls, ready!
Together: - One, two, three! Off we go!
"- Hes coming! Hes coming! Ah!
- Just you wait, Ill catch someone
and eat them! (Children laughing.)
- What a wonderful evening.
Thank you so much.
- Did you really like it?"
- Im thrilled.
Amazing restaurant. You did great.
Im proud of you.
Forgive me, fool.
- For what?
- Kids! Kids! Keep it down!
- For not understanding.
- Lets drink to us!
- To us!
- Forgive me too.
For not appreciating.
"- Comrades officers, its a ladies choice dance!
The ladies invite the gentlemen!
- Comrade major, may I?
- With pleasure."
- Oleg, look
at these beautiful women.
You... you wont leave them alone,
will you?
- In what sense?
- Really?
You better not even think
about not coming back.
- Gelya...
- Im scared, Oleg.
I always see you
coming back,
but now I dont see it.
- My dear,
everything will be fine.
- I dont want to know.
Orders are orders. Execute them!
- Yes, sir!
- Second platoon!
Quick, quick!
- What a smell, guys!
- What did you expect?
The Mediterranean Sea.
- And snow in Lipetsk.
- Comrades officers...
- How can I help, lieutenant?
- I knew the rope wouldnt hold.
- Whats going on here?
- Books.
- Im embarrassed to ask,
whats in the makeup bag.
- Im telling you: books. - Books?
- Yep. - And in the tubes?
- Posters.
- Posters...
- What kind of posters?
- Oh...
- Posters of our victories,
comrade pilots.
- Where is he?
- Yeah?
- Oh, sorry, guys.
Anatolich, looks like were lost again!
- Seems so, Kostya.
- What, Lipetsk? Got lost?
- Its a nightmare!
So frustrating.
We spent half the night looking for these huts,
and now again.
- These arent huts - theyre kimbs.
- Did it occur to anyone
to number these kimbs? - That would be nice.
- Hi, tough guys from Chelyabinsk!
Chusov Pyotr Nikolaevich.
We met in Mozdok.
- Hello, dear. - Grisha.
- Hi. - Nice to meet you.
- Kostya. - Oleg.
- Grisha. - Pyotr.
- Kostya.
- Did anyone bring a stove with them?
- I did. A frying pan and an immersion heater.
Well, the wife insisted. Why?
- Why? Its the perfect season
for fried locusts!
Just put it on the pan - with a bit of tangerine,
some oil, mmm! Tell him!
- Its pure protein with vitamin C!
- Fried locusts? - Yeah.
No, you can have potatoes with herring
at home,
but what will you remember from here?
- Who are you listening to, Kostya?
Theyre pulling your leg.
Its the Chelyabinsk air regiment.
They joke better than they fly.
So, tell me, Petya:
how serious is it here?
- Its serious, Oleg, very serious.
At 6,000 meters
its still bearable,
but on the ground -
it can be really tough.
Syria isnt a country,
its a patchwork quilt.
Its hard to tell whos on whose side.
Today your friend, tomorrow - your enemy.
Tomorrow your enemys enemy -
your friend.
The most important thing
is that the terrorists have lost all fear.
The East is a delicate matter.
But hey, is this your first time?
Come on, go ahead.
Get changed - and see the doctor.
- Shall we fly, check things out?
- Exactly!
Today Im your instructor.
Chusov: - Theres peaceful life only
up to the ridge, and beyond - terrorists.
So until you reach 5,000 meters,
dont turn off the afterburners.
The bearded ones have all kinds of weapons -
you wouldnt believe it.
And if anything happens,
head towards the base over the sea.
- Got it.
On the radio: - Be more careful, 608!
Youve entered the combat zone!
Chusov: - Whos that?
- There they are, beauties! Thanks, 420.
Nice to have such cover.
On the radio: - Oh! Recognize that voice
from the glorious city of Lipetsk!
Am I right? Welcome, 608.
- What sharp ears! Youre right, 420.
- Stop the personal conversation!
608, to the base!
420, three thousand ahead
theres an unidentified object.
Identify the target!
On the radio: - Got it!
Come on, Lipetsk!
But dont push it too hard!
- You heard the order?
Dont push it too hard.
- Yes, sir, dont push it too hard,
comrade instructor!
- Your documents, please.
Come through.
Translator: - From the seashore,
a ruined hotel
is separated by a road,
but few drive on it.
According to our information,
Abu Firas al-Haurani
will arrive there tomorrow afternoon.
- Who will he meet?
(They speak in Arabic.)
- Our informant doesnt know.
- Permission to enter, comrade commander?
- Yes, come in, Vadim Vladimirovich.
- Hello.
- Meet, comrade major.
This is Colonel of the Syrian Mukhabarat
Abu Salman.
In Arabic: - Good day.
- Weve received information
that Abu Firas al-Haurani
is planning another provocation,
this time using chemical weapons.
Most likely,
with the deaths of civilians.
Then the "White Helmets"
will blame us or Assads army.
According to the agent,
Abu Firas al-Haurani
has arranged a meeting
in the abandoned hotel
in the northern Latakia province.
With whom - we dont know, but its a chance.
And considering
how much this scumbag knows
about the activities of local terrorists
and the "White Helmets",
it would be good to take him alive
rather than eliminate him.
- Good health, comrades officers!
Seaman Palynich!
Permission to address
a personal matter?
- What?
- Comrades officers, help me out.
My dream is to serve in the SSO.
- Where did you get so seasick, sailor?
- If I understand correctly, youre a doctor,
since you mentioned my health?
And youre a machine gunner,
because youre the biggest one,
plus your boots have
a thicker tread.
I get it: the machine gun is heavy,
you need good boots.
- No, no, comrade Palynich,
youre mistaken.
Were ornithologists,
tracking bird migrations.
- Storks and herons
come here for the winter. Heard of it?
- And owls - they join them for company?
- Whats the noise, no fight?
- Well, Vadim Vladimirovich...
I dream of serving
in Special Operations Forces!
- Oh, really? - I can pass any physical, boxing, driving, or shooting standards right now!
I did sports orienteering.
- Weve already told him together
that were ornithologists.
The comrade doesnt believe us.
- Well, there you go.
Weve explained that were sitting in ambush, observing,
so that not a single bird is lost.
- And did your beards grow in ambush?
- Buddy, theyre ornithologists,
and Im a taxidermist.
- Uh-huh. - So go on, get out of here
while youre still in one piece.
Good guy, by the way. Did he offend you?
- Nah, all good, commander.
- Lets go!
- Ill still be with you -
youll see!
- Six, three, right?
- Yep. - Six...
How about a game, Anatolich?
- No, Ive got duty tomorrow.
- Ill play. Five, one.
- What? - We had a dog in school
named Dvizhok.
When hed steal food from the canteen,
hed look at you with the same innocent face.
- But I...
- Go ahead, bark!
- But I didnt steal anything.
Im just texting Albinka,
so she doesnt worry.
- Kostya, explain to me, please,
what kind of person you are:
why do you always have to break something?
- Anatolich,
when they were organizing order in the army,
the pilots were in the sky.
And besides, I didnt break anything.
They warned us: no smartphones.
So I didnt bring one.
This is just a basic phone for texting.
If you want, I can ask Albinka
to send something to your wife.
- Id like that.
- "Its them! - cried Tom Sawyer. -
Theyre coming! Hurry, Becky!
Now everything will be great!"
The children nearly went crazy..."
- Mom, they love you and ask
not to worry about germs.
- What?
- Its for you.
- Finish the chapter and go to sleep.
- Move along, kid! So...
- From here.
- Gelena Yuryevna, hello.
Its Albina Muravyeva.
Kostik sent a text.
- Did something happen?
- Dont worry,
everything is fine.
Kostik wrote:
"The boss loves his wife very much
and asks not to worry about germs."
To be honest,
I didnt quite understand what it means,
but thats what it says.
- Dont worry, Albinochka.
I understand what its about.
If you can, tell him:
"The bosss wife misses him."
- Got it, Ill pass it on.
Good night.
- Thank you.
- Hey you, dung germ!
Why are you getting rowdy?!
- Who are you talking to, you piss-ant?
- You, idiot! Cant you hear me?
- Seems like theres an event
planned for tonight.
Smells like clean sheets
and a long sleepless night.
Ah, its gonna hurt first, right?
Whats your name, girl?
- Mom! Somebody help!
In Arabic: - Moussa!
This is the first post. I see cars.
- Car approaching!
Everyone, get ready!
- Tail to Biker.
Send up the bike.
- The car is approaching!
Everyone, get ready!
- Tail to Biker.
Start the bike.
- Biker to Tail. The bike is in the air.
- Roger that.
Here we are. Well, welcome.
- Biker to Filin. I have the target in sight.
- Khakas to Biker.
The group has the green light.
- Roger that. Moving out.
In Arabic:
- And no talking on the air!
- Everything you wanted to show
our Western partners is ready.
I think you'll be pleased.
- Biker to Khakas.
We are entering the building. - Roger that.
- Come on, comrades ornithologists,
catch me that little bird.
- Hello, Abu Firas.
May Allah bless you
and have mercy on you!
- Thank you, and all the best to you.
Who are these people?
- The "White Helmets" are filming
a report on the alleged use
of chemical weapons by Assad's
regime against civilians.
These are the parents of the children
who were taken for the filming.
- Get rid of them.
- Why? In a couple of hours
the kids will be brought in,
we'll pay them off - and they'll leave.
- We don't need witnesses.
This time the kids won't return.
Get rid of them.
That's an order.
- Omar!
- Do it.
(Gunshots are heard.)
- Koma to Biker.
What's going on there?
- The ghosts are burying their own.
- Tail, bring the bike closer.
- Biker, maybe we should
take them out?
- Khakas, stand down!
There are already enough bodies here.
Don't interfere,
stick to the plan. - Roger that.
- You're worrying too much, Abu Samir.
These women, children, and old men
died as martyrs,
died in the name of Allah -
and for this good deed,
they will be rewarded in paradise.
Most importantly, their death
makes our faith unbreakable.
- Biker, we have uninvited guests!
I see a column - nine vehicles:
two - with heavy weapons,
third, fourth - radio-equipped.
- A normal event
is being organized.
- Two years ago, no one
knew about Abu Firas,
and now he's almost
considering himself a prophet.
The ruined hotel we're heading to
used to belong to his uncle.
Quite a scumbag!
They have a chemical
laboratory and a weapons factory there.
But Abu Firas is rarely here:
he doesnt want to be seen.
- Did you check him thoroughly?
- We've got compromising material
on him a mile high.
- Our enemies must know
that we are ready for anything to win.
We cannot lose this war,
or we will lose our faith.
And todays meeting
with the Americans is very important:
with their help,
we'll get rid of the Russians.
As if Allah Himself is helping us
pit the infidels against each other.
- Three, two, one.
- Moussa, what happened?
(Swears in English.)
- Machine gun - two oclock!
- Filin, the stairs - two oclock.
- Ready!
- Balcony - twelve oclock!
(Shouting in Arabic.)
- Bill!
Take your men
and run to the right flank.
(Speaks in English.)
you take your guys and go left.
- Be careful.
- What's going on? Aaaah!
(Screaming is heard.)
- Empty!
(Screaming is heard.)
- Allahu Akbar!
- Grenade!
- Are you crazy?
They have Abu Firas - no grenades!
- Clear!
In Arabic:
- Please, let me go! Aaaah!
- Biker to Koma.
The bird is in the cage.
- Come out - well meet you.
- Coming out!
- Move, move!
- Tail to Biker.
Cover the groups retreat.
- Copy that. We're on it:
grid 16 with transfer to 21.
(Shouting in Arabic.)
(Shouting in Arabic.)
- Klim, the cable!
- Got it!
Got it!
- Move!
- They have a hostage!
- Doesn't matter! Shoot them both!
(Groaning is heard.)
(A scream is heard.)
- Damn it!
(A scream is heard.)
- Khakas, are you okay?
- Give him an injection - why's he screaming?
- On it!
- Biker to the group.
Full retreat! Let's move!
- Roger that!
- Center to Mazai.
- Center, go ahead?
- We have intel.
A ten-story concrete structure -
a warehouse and ammunition production;
up to eighty people.
35 degrees 3142 north latitude
and 35 degrees 4170
east longitude - a battle is ongoing!
Our forces have exited the object! Copy?
- Understood.
Standby crew, ready for takeoff!
A bombing and assault strike is required!
(Shouting in Arabic.)
- Tablaux-light TP is off,
trim neutral,
stabilizer travel large.
Air - main and emergency -
at 200. Emergency brake on.
- 308, proceed!
- Mazai, estimated time of arrival -
20 minutes. - Roger that!
(Shouting in Arabic.)
- Concrete - 357,
pressure - 6!
- Center to 308. Permission for takeoff?
- 308, takeoff granted.
Wind from the left - 30, 3-4 meters.
- One hundred percent, those were Russians!
But they werent expecting us,
or else they would have killed us.
(Speaking in Arabic.)
In English: - We have 10 minutes
before the Russian bombers arrive.
Bill, Gene, grab the dead
and get out of here!
- Commander,
were approaching the work area,
taking up the designated combat course.
- Roger that.
Checking the weapon control systems.
- Commander, were on the combat course.
- Copy that.
- Beginning alignment.
Combat mode on. Relative estimated.
Coordinates match.
- Side alignment complete.
- Main enabled.
- OG on, BK engaged.
- Drop!
- Comrade Commander,
our specialists thoroughly examined the phone,
taken from the prisoner,
and extracted interesting information
about a mobile MLRS,
and our Syrian colleagues found a way
to get Abu Firas talking,
and the information was confirmed.
Here are the presumed coordinates
of the multiple rocket launcher system.
- Everything seems to match, Vadim,
but it should be checked.
We need to act quickly.
- Yes, Comrade Commander!
- No, guys, I have nothing to do with this.
- Oleg Anatolyevich, enough!
- Of course, enough!
- Break it up, comrades.
- Enough!
- Break it up! Comrades officers...
- Our job is small -
we're just taxi drivers. Here's the real hero.
- Congratulations!
- Guys, what's up?
- Comrade Colonel,
your rank does not guarantee
the integrity of your teeth.
- That's a serious statement.
Lieutenant Colonel?..
- Soshnikov.
- So, Comrade Soshnikov,
I weigh 100 kilograms of pure weight -
I could crush you.
- Guys, what's up?
- Oleg. - Anatolyevich.
- You could, but I know how to prevent it:
you just need to knock the commanders arrogance
out of this fairy...
with a strong hug! Well done!
- Handsome!
- What brings you here, Dima?
- Comrade Colonel...
- Yeah.
So, I barely arrived,
and they tell me my classmate,
Lieutenant Colonel Soshnikov,
and his comrades defeated all the militants.
- Come on! For long?
- No, Im back the day after tomorrow.
I have to go to HQ now.
But in half an hour - Im yours.
By the way, where are you staying?
- Fourth kimba.
Look where the guys went,
go, then turn right...
Let me wait for you here:
you wont find it anyway.
- In half an hour.
- Got it!
- And why "fairy"?
- We got into a fight with some punks
on a bus in the 90s.
Well, in the fight, they knocked his tooth out.
We arrive at the hospital,
and it turned out it was a baby tooth!
Well, it's rare! It happens.
The doctor comes over and says:
You shouldnt have thrown the tooth away -
the Tooth Fairy wouldve given you money for it.
And it stuck ever since.
- Funny: Tooth Fairy.
- Yeah.
But he's a god-given pilot.
In 2008, he got injured in Georgia -
and hasnt flown since.
- How are you, old man?
- Okay.
- Whats that thing youve got there?
- Medal "For the Capture of Vienna."
- Guys, did you hear that?
Yesterday I barely found a vein myself - got nothing,
and he got a whole medal
for taking Vienna.
- Cut it out now!
- Ah! My God!..
Stop the bus!
- Sit down, pilot, dont move!
- Stop it!
- Shut up, all of you!
Or Ill cut you into pieces
and use you for sanitary pads.
What are you waiting for?! Go hold him!
- What are you thinking about, sir?
- Funny:
the original meaning
of the word east -
is the place where the sun rises,
but the most beautiful thing in the East -
is the sunset.
- Listen, dont you think
that Al-Hawrani might betray
all our plans to the Russians?
- Of course, he will!
Without a doubt - he will.
- Do you want to cancel everything?
- No, just a little adjustment
of the objectives.
The Russians will be looking for the MLRS -
theyll want to destroy it.
Lets move it
closer to the Turkish border.
- Why?
- Turkish fighters
have been hovering in the sky
for a month waiting for prey.
Waiting for prey! We need to give them a chance
to shoot down a Russian plane.
- Shoot down a plane? That's madness.
- Of course. And if the Center
approves this idea,
you will be the one
to ensure
You, and no one else.
- I'll do everything, sir.
- How's everything at home?
- What's there to say about home?
Everything's fine at home:
wife, kids.
Buried my father last year.
- Sorry, I didnt know.
- It's okay. The main thing is,
I kept the promise I made to him.
- Care to share?
- I was just a kid.
He comes back from training,
all dirty: he was infantry.
Mom warmed a bucket of water,
he stood washing in the yard,
and I put on his cap,
dressed in his tunic,
ran out to the yard,
and shouted at the top of my lungs:
Comrade Captain,
permission to speak?
Dad put everything down and said:
Go ahead, Oleg Anatolyevich.
I saluted with one hand
and held up my belt with the other so...
- So it wouldn't fall?
- Everyone laughed.
But I couldn't say it in front of everyone.
I wanted so much to tell him:
Dad, I promise to become
an officer just like you.
I stood there.
Saluting and staying silent.
Silent, silent...
He sat down next to me
and quietly said:
I understood everything, son. Thank you.
Last year I buried him.
- Yes, if it weren't for that bus,
it's unclear how this
would have turned out for us.
- I met Grishin here.
- No way! How was he?
- Well-groomed, with money.
- Boasting about his life achievements?
- Thats putting it mildly!
Business class passenger,
living abroad.
- Living abroad?
God spared me from that trouble.
And all for a knocked-out tooth.
- And it was just a baby tooth.
- A baby tooth...
Yes, Oleg, write down my number,
or well forget again.
- Kostik!
Write down the phone number.
- And he keeps saying,
No phones, no phones.
- Write it down.
- Yes, sir, Colonel.
- Write it down, Captain.
- Anatolyevich, look:
what a meeting!
- Calm down, Kostya.
- It's all good, Commander.
I'm really glad to see them.
- Well, hello,
Lipetsk pilots.
- We're glad to see you too.
- Good day.
- I told you we'd meet again.
- Kostya.
- Is something wrong, guys?
- We just detected
one troublesome surface-to-air radar.
Recon just confirmed
its coordinates.
We came to discuss the details
and coordinate the equipment.
- Major.
- Coordinate the equipment.
- Kostya, handle it.
- Then we wont say goodbye.
- Of course.
- Guys, what about the weapons?
- We'll take five-hundred-pound bombs and rockets
just in case of anything.
- The most important thing is that the Turkish border
is only four kilometers away,
so we need to strike accurately,
but carefully.
- Dont worry,
well take care of your barmalei.
Whats the call sign of the spotter?
- Filin. - Excellent.
- Russian planes have taken off.
- Understood. Thank you.
We have confirmation:
the Russians have taken off.
,087 -- 01:18:43,204
Theyll be here in 10 minutes.
- Gene, stop the convoy.
(Car horn honks.)
Radio: - Filin, the convoy has stopped.
- I see it.
In Arabic: - We received information
that Assad's troops are coming after us.
Head towards the Turkish border.
Well stay here
and cover you.
- Understood?
- Yes. - Let's go.
- Moussa, what happened?
- Ill tell you now.
In English: - This is Nick Palmer.
Readiness level one.
Radio: - Commander, weve reached the OP.
Effective range - 92.
Were on the combat course.
- Understood. Observing. Engaging.
308 to 607: beginning operations.
- Understood.
- Are they heading to Turkey?
- Filin to 308.
- 308, go ahead. We're in the area.
- Hold position for a bit, 308:
the target is on the move.
Heading toward the Turkish border.
- Filin, Ill engage on the move.
Give me lead coordinates.
- You won't be able to engage
without entering Turkish airspace.
- Filin, we're losing time. I'm without tanks,
so I dont have much "lemonade."
I'm sure we can maneuver in time.
Filin, Filin, awaiting coordinates!
Were losing time.
- Pass the coordinates.
- Filin, ready.
- Beginning the search.
308 to 607: fire only on my command.
- 607, understood.
- Commander, I see the target.
- I see it.
- Target in the crosshairs.
When the missile is ready - fire.
- Understood.
Target locked. Engaging.
- Following the target.
Detonation. Pulling out!
- 607, I'm done. Dont worry.
- 308, we saw your work.
- Excellent!
- The package has been delivered.
Thanks for the work, 308.
- Well, Kostya, well rest in Turkey
in the summer, relax on the beach.
- No, Crimea is better.
- Agreed.
- Who's that?
- Not sure. Looks like they have a tail.
308, evasive maneuvers! Missile incoming!
- What the hell?
- Anatolyevich, behind us!
- Brace yourselves!
- 607 to 308: youre on fire!
On fire! Eject!
- We're on fire, Anatolyevich, on fire.
- Stay calm, Kostya, stay calm. I see it.
Prepare to eject.
- Yes. - Go!
- There he is! Kill him!
And record it for me.
- Allahu Akbar!
- Record it, record it!
- Hands off her!
- Shut your mouth, scum! - Whats your problem?
- Down!
- Shoot!
Kill that pig already!
- Get lost!
Open the door!
- Quiet, quiet.
(In Arabic.)
- Allahu Akbar!
All: - Allahu Akbar!
(Romantic music plays.)
(Shouting in Arabic.)
- Allahu Akbar!
- Allahu Akbar!
- Allahu Akbar!
In Arabic: - Form a line
and search for the Russian!
- Remember, hes armed.
Check over there, behind the bushes,
and in the ravine.
Deputy Minister:
- The combat mission was carried out
a few kilometers
from the Turkish border.
The aircraft was shot down by
an air-to-air missile
and fell on the part of Syria
now controlled by
Al-Qaeda terrorists.
Before the attack, the Turks
did not make contact.
- What about the pilots?
- Unknown at this time.
- Did they send a search
and rescue team?
- Comrade Minister,
our Turkish partners
are not responding
to any of our requests.
- Let NATO ignore us if they want!
Thats it, Viktor Nikolaevich, the time
when we waited for their answers is over.
We dont abandon our own.
- Greetings.
- Greetings. Greetings.
(Dynamic music plays.)
- 308, mayday.
308, mayday.
308, mayday.
Can you hear me? Over!
308, mayday.
Over! Can you hear me?
308, mayday.
Can you hear me? Over!
- Salaam, brother. My name is Moussa.
I want you to hear me.
Your friend is dead.
Raise your hands and come to us.
I know you dont want bloodshed.
I studied in Russia, I ate your bread.
Youre good people.
This isnt your war, brother. Surrender.
Can you hear me? Why are you silent?
- Go to hell!
In English: - The Russian
switched to emergency communication.
- Hes somewhere here.
Find him!
- Major!
- Greetings.
- They were supposed to have taken off already,
so whats the holdup?
- Airspace clearance denied.
- Is something wrong?
- You understand, Comrade Colonel,
its not up to me.
In Arabic: - We found the radio.
So the Russian went east.
- Excellent.
- Moussa, I think its a trick.
He ran in this direction.
- Theres nowhere to run there - theres a cliff.
- Then lets hurry,
or our friend might fall.
Moussa, send a few people,
have them check.
The rest - to the vehicles.
- Ali, take 5-6 people,
go there, and bring him
back alive or dead.
- Quickly, to the vehicles!
(Arabic speech heard.)
(Sound of a helicopter.)
- Russian! Russian!
- Ah!
- 121, Im hit.
Performing emergency landing.
- Got it. Ill cover you from the left side.
- Sergei, RPMs dropping! Give the command
to prepare for a hard landing.
- Prepare for a hard landing!
In Arabic: - Hes here!
Look more carefully!
(Suspenseful music plays.)
- Comrade Captain,
enemy on the right!
- Sergei, lets move!
- Sanya, on the count of three!
- Got it!
- One, two, three!
- Take that, you bastards!
- Allahu Akbar!
- Take that! Ah!
- Allahu Akbar!
- Ah!
- Allahu Akbar!
- Sanya, you okay? Sanya!
- We can, take off!
Klimov: - According to radar data
from Khmeimim Airbase,
there was a violation
of Syrian airspace
by an attacking Turkish Air Force plane.
This act is considered a flagrant
violation of international law.
- Turkish authorities officially stated
that they requested the plane
to leave the countrys airspace
more than 10 times.
Can you say the phrase
you just asked 10 times in 7 seconds?
The flight distance of an F-16
from Yailadagi airfield
to the collision point does not allow
for such a rapid response.
This indicates that the plane
was airborne in advance
and was prepared to act from an ambush.
- News agency.
May I ask a question, General?
- TASS Agency. Maxim Pavlovich,
is there any news
about the fate of the Russian crew
and their location?
- The planes crash site is in Syria,
four kilometers from the Turkish border.
We know for certain that we are not the only ones
searching for the pilots.
Other countries are involved as well.
- General...
- Understood, understood.
We are warning our partners that we will
use all means and resources
to find the officers.
If anyone needs to be physically eliminated,
rest assured, we will do it.
- Hello! This is "Vesti" on the "Russia" channel.
with you, Olga Meshcheryakova.
A plane from the Russian air group
crashed in Syria. As reported by the country's
Ministry of Defense,
a Su-24 front-line bomber crashed.
Presumably, it was shot down from the ground.
The plane was at an altitude of 6,000 meters.
The fate of the two pilots is being clarified.
According to preliminary data,
the pilots managed to eject.
The Su-24 crash was commented on by the Kremlin.
"The Russian air groups plane was
in Syrian airspace,
this is known for certain," -
this was stated by the press secretary
of the president, Dmitry Peskov.
He called the plane crash...
- Pavel Dmitrievich, hello.
This is Gelena Soshnikova calling.
I just saw,
theyre showing on the news...
Please tell me,
is Oleg okay?
- I don't know. I really don't know.
They say the crew is from Chelyabinsk.
I can't talk right now.
- Thank you.
- Gelena Soshnikova.
- Yes, I understand.
- Smoother. - More carefully.
- Hey, stop!
Look at me, sailor!
Come on, come on!
Sailor Palynich, promise me
that everything will be fine!
Do we have a deal?
- Yes, sir, Major.
- That's right.
Were waiting for you.
Go ahead!
In English: - Sir! One minute!
I wanted to coordinate our actions.
Let's try to take the pilot alive.
I want to hold
a public execution.
- What do you mean?
- I admit, many of my fighters
are afraid of the Russians.
To boost morale,
I want to burn the pilot in front of everyone.
It's proven: a very effective method.
- Fine. But the Russians
will never forgive you for that.
- What happens after that -
only the Almighty knows!
Follow me! Forward, forward!
- Is he right
Is he right, sir?
- Once, at the General Staff, we were celebrating
the victory in the Cold War,
and I asked a general:
"Sir, why arent you drinking?"
He replied, "We can celebrate
and have fun as much as we want,
but theres one thing.
We didnt defeat the Russians,
we deceived them.
And when they finally realize it,
well regret it."
In short, as they say,
if you stepped in shit with one foot,
dont be afraid to step in with the other,
it stinks all the same.
(Speaking in Arabic.)
Translated: - In this part
of Latakia, due to the proximity of the border,
Turkey has a strong influence.
Mostly Turkmens live there,
and they are very hostile.
- Comrade Commander,
may I request the Aerospace Forces
to conduct a distracting
massive bombardment
of the surrounding area?
- And I, with my men,
will move deeper in,
and with the support of communications
with the UAV group,
well try to find Soshnikov
and Muravyov.
- Comrade Commander,
it will be dark in three hours.
- Keep yourselves together,
comrades officers.
We have not a single, I repeat,
not a single confirmation
that any of them are alive.
- I trained Soshnikov
and Muravyov.
They think outside the box,
they should come up with something.
- God willing. God willing...
(Heavy breathing.)
- A plane from the Russian air group
crashed in Syria.
As reported by the Ministry of Defense,
a Su-24 front-line bomber crashed.
- Departing personnel -
head out! The plane is ready for takeoff!
Announcer: - It is presumed
that this happened as a result
of ground fire. The plane
was at an altitude of 6,000 meters.
- Brutal.
- The fate of the two pilots is being clarified.
According to preliminary data,
the pilots managed to eject.
(Cellphone vibrates.)
(Long dial tone.)
- Come on, Comrade Colonel,
you should have already
landed back home!
Announcer: - The plane from the Russian
air group was in Syrian airspace...
(Cellphone vibrates.)
- Pick up the phone!
On TV: - It would be wrong
to make any assessments now.
- There's little information so far,
more questions...
- Alright. Then I must
say the most important thing.
"I love you."
(Text message alert.)
- Albinka! Hello!
- Nina?
Wow! I'm so happy!
- Oh, my dear!
My God, how big you've gotten!
- What brings you here?
- Just got off work.
This is Olga, my colleague,
meet her.
- Very nice to meet you, Olga.
- Very nice to meet you, Albina.
- Hows your Kostya?
- Everythings fine, hes on a business trip.
- On a business trip.
- And since your husbands away,
maybe we should hit a cafe?
For something sweet. I really want to.
- Shall we?
- Let's! By the way, I know a good
new place on Gorky, 16.
- Shall we? - Excellent!
- How are you?
- Im so happy, Nina!
- I thought youd already given birth,
but youre still walking around.
- Not yet, what about you?
- Sergei, she doesnt know anything.
Were heading to a cafe on Gorky, 16.
Make sure they turn off the TVs
and leave only the music on.
And have an ambulance follow us.
- Got it.
(Loud aircraft engine noise.)
- Colonel Linkov speaking!
- Comrade Colonel,
this is Captain Muravyov! Can you hear me?
(Speaking in Arabic.)
- Call me later, much later!
- My battery is dying...
- Speak up, damn you!
Whispering: - I cant talk loudly.
This is Captain Muravyov,
Soshnikovs navigator!
- Comrade Colonel,
get on board!
- I cant talk any longer!
- Stop!
Stop, damn Tooth Fairy!
Or Ill find you and knock out
all your teeth! Got it?!
- What? What did you say? Repeat that!
- Comrade Colonel, this is Captain
Muravyov, Soshnikovs navigator.
- The navigator made contact
an hour ago, and the UAV pinpointed
his exact location.
Special Operations forces
have the situation under control,
and in 15 minutes,
they will be ready, together
with the Syrian Mukhabarat,
to begin the rescue operation.
- What about Lieutenant Colonel Soshnikov?
- Hes dead. He was shot from the ground.
Al-Jazeera has already aired
the footage.
Vladimir Vladimirovich,
theres one more thing.
According to intelligence, among the instructors
in that area of ISIS
are our Western partners.
- How could they not be?
I ask that you carry out the operation
with the utmost professionalism.
No need for showmanship here.
The most important thing is the navigator's rescue.
If his life is no longer in danger,
then you may forgo
any excessive political correctness.
- Understood! After you.
- Mom, if I get a bad grade,
you wont be mad, will you?
- Huh? I wont.
Dad will be disappointed.
- Dad? How will he find out?
- How? Youll tell him.
(Doorbell rings.)
Arina: - Hello.
- Hello, Arina. Is your mom home?
- Yes, come in.
This is for you.
- Hello.
You probably
want to tell me something?
- Yes, Gelena Yurievna.
- Come in, take off your coat.
Ill make some tea. Stay with Sasha.
- Okay.
- Sit down. Im listening.
- I must inform you that your husband,
Lieutenant Colonel Soshnikov...
- Do you know why they came?
- Uh-huh. From the internet.
- Me too.
- ...died.
(Gelena screams, cup shatters.)
(Sobbing Gelena heard.)
- Help!
- Arina...
Arina, calm down. Calm down.
Go to your mom.
Calm down and go to your mom.
- And you?
- Ill come in a minute.
Damn you, no bad grade for you!
In Arabic: - Moussa, we wont
be able to take the Russian alive!
Tell the men, when they see him,
they should shoot!
- I understand, sir! Move, move!
- Let's kill the Russian pig!
- Vadim Vladimirovich,
do you see the guests?
- Affirmative.
It would be rude not to greet them.
- Comrade Supreme
permission to begin the operation?
- Begin.
Over the loudspeaker:
- Comrades officers, battle mode!
Blocking forces
are on standby!
- Move, move!
Over the radio: - 515th, takeoff complete!
- Storm, Storm, report to Master!
- Course - 240! Speed - 12 knots!
- Sonar station
operating in noise detection mode!
- Coma to Biker:
I see a group of militants at three o'clock,
moving towards us.
- Coma to Khakas: left flank, group.
- Understood.
(Screaming militants.)
Over the radio: - Control!
- Clear!
(Screaming militants.)
- Kostya! Kostya!
- I'm here! I'm here!
- Report to Master.
- Moving to sector 132.
- Center to Biker!
Captain Muravyov is safe!
- Comrade General of the Army,
the aviation is ready to strike.
(Phone rings.)
- Hello?
- Hi.
- Kostya!
- How are you?
- We're sitting in a restaurant with the girls.
- In a restaurant?
- Yeah. We're having tea.
- But it's already half-past nine. Isn't it late?
- Really? Oh! I didn't even notice.
Oh, Kostik,
today was such an easy day...
It flew by so quickly!
- Yes?
- I love you very, very much.
- I love you too,
we'll see each other soon.
- I'm waiting.
- Comrades officers!
- Good afternoon, Gelena Yuryevna.
- Hello!
- I'm glad to meet you.
- Me too.
- Arina?
- Hello.
- And...
- Alexander!
- How was your trip to Moscow,
- Thank you. We came from Lipetsk,
on the same flight with our comrades.
- Gelena Yuryevna, if you have
any questions or requests,
I'd be happy to help you.
- I don't need anything. Thank you!
- The plane will land in 10 minutes.
I'd like to personally check everything.
Let's meet on the runway.
- Comrade General of the Army!
I have a request for you.
It's a bit unconventional,
but very important.
- I'm listening.
- Guard, attention!
Present arms!
- We're here.
If you're heading to the station,
go down Lenin and turn left.
- I'm staying.
I need to visit Dimka in the hospital,
and I still have two extra duties
for fighting with civilians.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- From the first day in the army
to the last flight,
Lieutenant Colonel
Oleg Anatolyevich Soshnikov
honorably and with dignity
fulfilled his military duty!
- By decree
of the President of the Russian Federation,
for heroism, courage, and bravery,
in the performance of military duty,
Lieutenant Colonel
Oleg Anatolyevich Soshnikov
is posthumously awarded
the title Hero of the Russian Federation.
- Hey, pilot, wait!
You, Oleg Soshnikov,
were great today!
And, you know, I want to tell you something.
I have one request for you...
Never... You hear me?
Never betray yourself,
Oleg Soshnikov!
- Dad, I promise you
to become an officer like you!
Song playing: "Amidst melting candles
and evening prayers,
Amidst war trophies
and peaceful campfires,
Bookish children lived, unaware of battles,
Suffering from their minor catastrophes.
Children are always annoyed by their age and life.
And we fought until bruises,
until mortal offenses,
But our mothers mended our clothes in time.
And we devoured books, intoxicated by the words.
Our hair stuck to our sweaty foreheads,
And our stomachs churned sweetly from the phrases,
And the smell of battle whirled our heads,
Flying at us from yellowed pages.
And we tried to understand,
those who knew no wars,
Taking the battle cry for howling,
The mystery of the word "order",
the meaning of borders,
The purpose of attack and the clash of chariots.
And in the boiling cauldrons
of past wars and riots
There was so much food
for our little minds!
We assigned traitors, cowards, and Judases
As enemies in our children's games.
And we didn't let the tracks of villains cool,
And we promised to love the fairest ladies,
And, calming our friends and loving our neighbors,
We cast ourselves in the role of heroes.
But you can't escape into dreams forever:
Brief is the age of fun - so much pain around!
Try to pry the dead's fingers open
And take the weapon from their tired hands.
Try it, having grabbed a still-warm sword
And putting on armor, find out what's what!
Figure out whether you are a coward or fate's chosen one,
And taste the real fight.
And when a wounded friend falls beside you
And you howl in grief over the first loss,
And when you suddenly find yourself skinned
Because they killed him, not you,
You will understand that you have found and distinguished, discovered
By the bared teeth of a visor - that's the grin of death!
Lies and evil - look at their coarse faces!
And always behind - crows and coffins.
If you haven't eaten a piece of meat from a knife,
If you observed from above with folded hands,
But did not engage
in a fight with a scoundrel or an executioner,
Then you were nothing in life, nothing at all!
If, carving your path with your father's sword,
You wrapped salty tears around your mustache,
If in a hot battle you found out what's what,
Then you read the right books as a child."