Mistletoe Magic (2019) Movie Script

Hurry up
Hey, let's go
Yeah, it's coming,
don't be slow
Trim the tree,
string the lights
Watch the sky
for Santa's flight
Christmas time, anticipating
Snowball fights
and sledding, skating
Stockings hanging
stuffed with candy
Cookies baking,
presents waiting
Make some noise,
it's Christmas time
Get in the spirit
Make some noise,
it's Christmas time
Come on, let's hear it
Make some noise,
it's Christmas time
Get in the spirit
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la...
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
Well, hello there.
As you already know, this is
my favourite time of year.
There is nothing more magical
than seeing the faces of
children during Christmas time.
Families spending time together,
eating delicious food,
and feeling the love
that connects all of us.
But every year, there are those
who stop believing in
the magic of Christmas.
and we just can't let that
happen now, can we?
No, of course not.
and that takes us to
Christmas Eve,
where we're expecting
seasonal temperatures
along with a chance of snow.
So what you're saying is
that with a little
Christmas magic,
we could have some snow
on Christmas Eve.
Well, Santa's sleigh
does run better in the snow.
Doesn't it, Harper?
It sure does, Brad.
Reporting live from
the Christmas skate-a-thon,
I'm Harper Hart, Channel 9 News.
and we're out.
Christmas magic, my foot.
You know, the guys in the studio
told me you're a bit of a...
You should be happy
you're on holidays now
until the New Year, right?
Great, I get to spend
the next couple of days
surrounded by
all things Christmas.
Rather be working.
Do you know why it snows?
Ice crystals -
they form in the upper clouds
and when the temperature
drops below zero degrees Celsius
and there's precipitation,
we get snow.
and that's all because of magic,
No, it's science, not magic.
Oh, no.
Hello, Mrs Hart. We were hoping
we could get a photo with you.
Of course.
and then I went on a rant
about there being
no such thing as magic.
and when I turned around
there were all these kids there
waiting to take a photo.
Well, if you ask me,
it sounds kind of funny.
No, not funny, Brad.
There are kids here.
Pumpkin, everyone
makes mistakes.
You're a wonderful woman.
Don't sweat it.
Thank you. I knew
you'd make me feel better.
So, what time
are you picking me up?
Uh... picking you up?
We're going to my parents place,
Um... I'm having lunch with
the station managers.
I think they want me to
host my own segment
on the evening telecast.
Isn't that great?
Yeah, but we were gonna
help my family
set up the last of
their Christmas decorations.
Harper, you and I
both dislike Christmas
and Christmas decorations, so...
True, but my family
loves this stuff.
It would be easier for me
to deal if you were here.
Cancelled on me three times.
Harper, I gotta go.
thank you for waiting.
Oh, I hate it
when he gets this way.
Well, I hope your meeting goes
really, really well, Brad.
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?
Be careful. You might end up on
my naughty list.
You're right. I'm sorry, sir.
I hope everything is OK.
Yes, sir, it's uh...
It's nothing.
You can call me Santa
if you like.
It's not really my thing.
Nonsense, Harper.
I saw you earlier
with that Santa hat
and those wonderful
Christmas earrings.
You recognize me
from the television.
I only dress like this
when I'm on the air.
My producer makes me.
Well, your producer is
going on the nice list.
You might want to
double check that one.
I'm... kidding.
My producer is a great guy.
Most of the time.
Well, let's see if we can get
some of that Christmas spirit
back in you.
But I actually
have to go right now.
I'm really sorry to
cut this conversation short.
It was really nice to meet you.
and great Santa suit.
Very authentic.
Thank you. My wife made it.
and your beard, you can barely
even tell that it's fake.
Good job.
Winter floats,
confetti in December sky
While the stars
twinkle like Christmas lights
Jack Frost turned
the skating pond to ice
and snow covers...
The most wonderful time
of the year.
Hey! It's me!
There's my baby, Harp.
Where's your boyfriend?
Good question.
I thought he was coming.
So did I.
He had a work thing
that popped up.
Oh, that poor man
works too hard.
Hey, Dad.
Hi, Holly.
Can I borrow you for a minute?
I'm so glad you're here.
It's nice to see you too,
little sis.
Candy cane.
Family mistletoe -
you have to find the magic one.
OK, why does everyone
keep bringing up magic
this time of year?
Look, Holly, I've told you
like a hundred times,
there is no such thing as magic.
OK, our grandparents,
our parents,
Mr and Mrs Drinknight,
Barry and Terry,
our cousin Heather,
and the guy she married...
and then Stephanie's...
OK, coincidence.
Highly uncommon coincidence
but coincidence nonetheless.
When people kiss
under our family's mistletoe,
they fall in love.
Fact. Undeniable.
Oh my gosh.
Mum and Dad don't know yet.
I'm so happy for you.
and this is why
I need that mistletoe.
You had it last year
when you volunteered
to host Christmas dinner,
OK, the terms 'peer pressure,
guilted and shamed'
come to mind.
OK, fine. I have it
somewhere in my condo.
I'll look for it tonight.
Thank you. OK, bring it
to dinner on Christmas Eve.
I'm gonna hang it in the doorway
to the family room
and make sure Mark and I are
accidentally standing under it
at the same time.
Before me.
Hey, you still have Brad.
By the way, where is he?
So I'm up for anything.
They were going back and forth
and then Nelson
mentions the possibility
of me hosting my own
investigative series.
That's great.
I know.
I mean, it's super premature
I mean, it speaks to
so many things.
I think I'm gonna order
Chinese. Are you in?
Hold on.
Are we going out for dinner
Oh, pumpkin, I can't.
It's gonna be
a late night for me
and I've got a bunch of stuff
to finish up
here at the station, so...
Yeah, no worries.
Elle and I are gonna do Chinese.
OK, great.
Just the place that
I'm at in my career,
and my look, and just like
the physical presence I bring,
I think it's gonna be, really,
So, your sister's
getting engaged?
and she's younger than you,
I just wish we were on
the same page
with this relationship,
you know.
Yeah, I get it.
and it looks like he might be
getting a promotion.
Yeah, looks like it.
So, how does he feel about you
trying to get
your own promotion?
Well, I haven't exactly told him
that I'm aiming for
my own promotion.
Really?! So, let me
get this straight.
You want him to take
the relationship more seriously,
and yet you haven't told him
about your promotion?
Possible... promotion.
I thought we were getting
Chinese food.
Oh... yeah.
The pizza guy way cuter!
Fair enough.
Hey, do you remember
what I did with
that box of
Christmas decorations
that I had here a year ago?
Yeah. It used to be in
my storage unit.
You asked me to
hold onto it for you.
"Used to be"?
I needed the space.
You said you didn't want
anything in there...
Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no.
No, no.
I can't believe it's not here.
My family's gonna kill me.
We have checked every box.
She's never gonna forgive me.
Is this yours?
Or mine?
That one's mine.
Oh... cool.
Can I have it?
You know me and hats.
Why don't you just
buy new mistletoe?
There's no way.
That mistletoe was... special.
Hart family legend says
that my grandparents
first kissed under
that mistletoe on Christmas
and were married soon after.
Since then, anyone who
kisses under the mistletoe
is married before
the following Christmas.
A magic mistletoe?
Why didn't you tell me?
We need to keep looking!
OK, there is no such thing
as magic.
It's just some silly story.
But everybody feels like
it's magic.
and now I'm the one
who's lost it.
At Christmas time too? Ouch!
Thanks, Elle.
You know, I forgot it
was Christmas time.
It was an accident.
Your family will understand.
You don't understand.
My family loves Christmas.
They always have. and I just...
You're a grinch.
Christmas just isn't my thing.
Mm, maybe there's magic...
Or luck...
Or fun?
You know what you need!
A magic mistletoe?
A Christmas miracle!
Right, because even though magic
doesn't exist, miracles do.
Why don't you believe?
Because I'm an adult.
There's no such thing as magic
or miracles or luck.
If you want something,
you work hard to get it.
Well, that's your opinion.
No, it's literally a fact, Elle.
Hard work is the answer.
Is hard work gonna fix
this problem for you?
Or will it take a little magic?
Or like I like to say...
A miracle of
the Christmas variety!
Hard work.
When did you drop off the boxes?
Last week. Why?
We'll go to the thrift store
first thing in the morning
and buy it back.
I mean, the chances that
someone got it are small, right?
So it's gotta be there.
Yeah, it's possible, but...
Positive thinking, Elle.
Attention, shoppers,
if you're looking for a holiday
gift this year for Christmas...
Oh, my gosh!
So cute! Oh!
Gotta be here, right?
It should be.
Can I help you, ladies?
Uh, yes,
I'm looking for a mistletoe.
Well, there are plenty
right there in front of you.
But these aren't the right one.
Looking for something
in particular... Harper?
You know Harper?
Yes, that's me -
Harper Hart, Metro News,
Channel 9 meteorologist.
Wow! A lot of Christmas
you're sporting there.
I am the manager.
It's an heirloom, actually.
I mean, well, technically
it wasn't her fault per se.
I told her she could
throw away anything
that was in the storage unit.
You really don't recognize me,
do you?
I'm sorry, should I?
Wait. Are you... Are you
Tracey's ex-boyfriend, Steve?
I do know Tracey.
So, Steve, can you help me find
my family's beloved mistletoe?
But my name's not Steve.
Your name's Luke.
I mean, of course
I remember you, Luke.
I don't think you do.
Yeah, I'm with Luke on this one.
I don't think you remember him
Sure I do.
Luke, you know, it's just been
a while. How have you been?
OK, I gotta get back to work.
But good luck finding
your special mistletoe.
No, wait.
Please. I need your help.
It's not for me.
It's for my family.
and they love Christmas
more than anyone.
You want me to help you find
your mistletoe?
The one that your neighbour
accidentally donated,
but that you can't find now,
Yes. and I'll...
I'll clean that up.
How exactly can I help?
I mean, someone's
obviously bought it, right?
Well, maybe we can
ask your sales people
if they remember anyone
buying it?
Or we can check
the security footage, huh?
To look for the person
who may have bought
your missing mistletoe?
OK. When did you bring
the decorations?
Last week. It was Thursday.
I remember because I went
to the pizza place that day.
All right, Thursday I sold
one box of decorations.
Do you remember to who?
Yeah, to my aunt, actually.
Can we check
the security camera footage
and see if it was
my mistletoe she bought?
Look, I know that the chances
are small, but I'm desperate.
Well, it will take
a Christmas miracle.
That's what I said!
Did you work at Metro News?
We had a Luke there
a couple of years ago.
He was a sound guy.
OK, this is really starting to
bug me.
Where do we know each other
Oh, I'm not gonna tell you.
Now you're just being mean.
You might end up on
the naughty list.
So, Luke, you, uh...
really seem to like Christmas.
Oh, doesn't everybody?
You'd think.
and uh... ahem, your girlfriend,
is she big into Christmas too?
Oh, I don't actually have
a girlfriend.
Oh! Interesting.
You know what else is
really interesting -
security camera footage.
I get this is
a family heirloom and all,
but you seem to be
taking this really seriously.
Well, I might not care for
the holidays,
but my family loves Christmas.
and my sister thinks that
her boyfriend's
gonna propose to her,
so she needs this mistletoe
to work its magic.
So, basically,
I'm saving Christmas
for you and your family?
If you need to feel special
about yourself,
sure, you can put it that way.
Mm. Or I could just
go back to work.
Women: Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Got it.
and there's my aunt
on Thursday and...
Looks like she bought
the whole box.
That's it. That's the box
that I brought in.
So my aunt has the box.
That's great.
Now what?
You give me her address
and I go over there.
I can't do that.
I'm not gonna break into
her house and rob her.
Luke! Lukey, my man!
Trust me, I know Harper
and there's only like
a 40% chance
that she would ever
do something that crazy.
Yeah, I'm just gonna
knock on the door
and offer to buy it back.
I'll go with you.
She... She doesn't live
too far from here.
Well, you two might have
all the time in the world,
but I actually have to work
this afternoon.
Looks like you guys
are on your own.
Just... Luke and I?
Oh, yeah.
Did we go to college together?
Come on.
Why can't I remember
where we've met?
Well, it says more about you
than it does me.
Can you please just tell me?
OK, sure.
You and I...
Hi. Is Katherine here?
Yes, she is.
Kitty Kat, it's for you.
Please, come in.
She'll be here in a second.
I'm making cookies.
So, who is that guy?
I have no idea.
I thought my aunt was single.
Luke, honey, look at you!
What a sweet surprise!
Katherine, how are you?
I'm sorry to come unannounced
like that.
Oh, don't be silly.
You can drop by anytime.
and who is this lovely lady?
Lovely la... Oh, sorry,
Aunt Katherine. This is Harper.
Harper, this is my aunt.
So, Katherine, I have
a business proposition...
Is she your girlfriend?
Uh, no, no.
She's uh... an old friend.
Aunt Katherine, who was that man
that answered the front door?
That's Robert.
He's my boyfriend.
Your boyfriend?
Since when do you have a boy...
Before we get
too far off track here,
can I just ask you about
the decorations?
Decorations? I love decorations.
Oh, no, not these ones.
What's wrong with these ones?
Um, nothing.
Um, Aunt Katherine,
the other day
you came by the store
and bought a box of decorations.
Well, Harper here...
I donated them by accident.
Well, technically,
my neighbour did.
But, regardless,
I need them back.
You want them back?
I'm sure she'd be willing to
buy them back from you.
Yes, what he said.
But I don't have them anymore.
Here you go -
freshly baked Christmas cookies.
Thank you,
Robbie bear.
Anything for
my Kitty Kat.
All right, wait,
how do you two...
So, the Christmas decorations,
what happened to them
and where are they?
Oh, they weren't for me.
Who were they for?
His photo booth needed
some extra decorations,
so he asked me to help.
Christmas cookie?
Why not?
Oh, sure.
Thank you, Robert.
You're welcome, Harper.
Wait. Harper?
Harper Hart, the weather person
from Metro News?
That's me.
Look-a here, Kitty Kat,
you have a celebrity
in the house.
Well, I wish I had known,
then I would have
cleaned up a little.
Look at you, Luke. You were
always lucky with the ladies.
Oh, no, we're not dating.
and I was never
lucky with ladies.
You're right.
You weren't very lucky.
But look at her!
She's cute as a button!
Is it Brad Rockwood
from Channel 9, huh?
He's a handsome man.
Brad? No. No.
They can't date.
That would be improper.
She's right.
Your nephew is plenty...
good looking.
But I feel like we're
getting off track again.
Your mall Santa friend -
where can we find him?
He has a cute little photo stand
in the Antique Mall,
just over on Main Street.
Oh, that's not far. Thank you.
Let's go.
Actually, just...
Wait. When did all this happen?
How did you two meet?
Actually, it had to do with
that box of decorations.
Really? Um, how?
I was dropping them off
to my Santa friend
and I was jumping into the cab.
and wouldn't you know it -
Robert was driving!
We knew each other
years ago but we lost contact.
He offered to buy me a coffee.
and here we are a week later.
Go now?
Yeah, absolutely.
OK, thanks, guys.
We'll see you later.
All right, this is amazing -
a real magic mistletoe.
What are you talking about?
OK, hear me out.
Don't even suggest it.
I'm not suggesting, I'm just
saying, I'm glad that my aunt
had some of the mistletoe magic
rub off on her.
Are you suggesting that
your aunt and Robert met
because of a mistletoe?
Yeah, usually these things
only happen in the movies.
Did you see how cute
they were together?
Old people are always cute
I'm just glad she had a chance
to buy your magic mistletoe.
OK, there is no such thing
as magic.
and there's certainly no such
thing as a magic mistletoe.
OK. Then how do you explain them
running into each other?
Random, probably.
I have a feeling this is
gonna be a magical Christmas.
Oh, no.
We missed it.
Well, I guess
we'll continue our search
for the missing magic mistletoe
Well, tomorrow's Christmas Eve
and I need to bring it
to my parents place.
All right, well, I'll
meet you there in the morning.
We'll have plenty of time.
and we will find it, I promise.
Oh, a promise.
and I always keep my promises.
Thank you for all of your help,
I owe you one.
Well, um... I guess
I could use a little help
in something I'm doing
this afternoon,
if you're free.
Well, since my search
for the missing mistletoe
is postponed until tomorrow,
looks like I have
some free time on my hands.
Hey, Luke, thanks for the winter
jackets you donated last week.
Really helped
Mrs Mitchell's family.
Hey, it's my pleasure.
Happy to help.
Do you volunteer here a lot?
Yeah. Yeah, it's a difficult
time for some people.
So I help out as much as I can.
You know,
making lunches and warm meals,
I try to help people
and families
that need an extra hand.
Who are you?
OK, no, seriously, who are you?
You gotta tell me
how we know each other
because it is bugging me.
We went to school together.
What? What school?
All of them.
Well, I mean, from grade school
to junior high
to real high school.
No, we didn't.
Yeah, we did.
No, it's not possible.
I would have recognized you.
Picture me 50 pounds heavier,
terrible brush cut,
and always reading comic books.
Oh, my gosh, it is you.
What happened?
Wha... Well...
Let's see,
freshman year of college,
I ditched the comic books
and started socialising more.
Sophomore year,
I joined the water polo club.
and, by senior year,
I lost a lot of weight
and I guess gained
a fresh perspective on life.
Well, congratulations,
I... guess.
Thank you... I guess.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it
to come out like that.
It's just, wow!
Do you want a coffee
or something?
I actually hate coffee,
but I like tea.
English breakfast.
Oh, OK.
Well, I think
you might be in luck
'cause we just might have
some of that here.
Get you one.
How's the tea?
It's perfect.
So, your neighbour...
Elle, yes. She pulled me aside
back at the thrift store.
Oh, no. Did she say
anything inappropriate?
No. Does she usually?
Elle can be... direct.
Oh. Well, we just talked.
But she's now following me
on social media.
Which one?
All of them.
Yeah, Elle can get like that
around cute guys.
So now I'm cute.
What I meant was that...
she... Elle obviously thinks
that you are.
Oh, OK.
But, you don't...
Oh, you know...
You have nice hair.
and muscles.
and smile.
and you are kind of
saving the world,
so maybe like a little bit.
Just said I'm kinda cute.
Are you blushing?
OK, now that is cute.
I bet Elle wishes
she was here to see that.
Well, she can. I got an idea.
For Elle?
OK, well, maybe for
all my old high school buddies,
since they won't believe I'm
hanging out with Harper Hart.
OK. For Elle and
your high school buddies.
All right.
Here we go.
Oh... mm.
That is horrible.
What? Why?
But I can't figure out
which one is the hostage
and which one's
the hostage taker.
I'm a professional.
Wow, you're good at this.
Yeah, I use the selfies
with fans.
Wait, weather people have fans?
Why does it look like you're
taking a photo with your aunt?
Let's try that again.
Just... get closer.
Well, this... This'll do.
and your high school buddies.
I should go.
Yeah, I should too.
I got stuff to do
back at the store.
So, uh, I'll see you tomorrow?
You don't have to come.
I mean, I've already borrowed
so much of your time.
and tomorrow's Christmas Eve,
so you probably have plans.
No, my family's
all out of the city
and don't have a girlfriend
or a cat or a dog.
Not even a goldfish.
Plus I want to see
your magic mistletoe.
Who knows -
maybe it'll bring me luck.
So he's gorgeous
and he does volunteer work?
and you two were just
hanging out?
What else were you expecting?
I don't know. Maybe dinner.
Or at least a future plan
for dinner.
Elle, I have a boyfriend.
No, you don't.
What you have is... a Brad.
Who is my boyfriend.
If he's your boyfriend...
then what's that all about?
That is just...
two old friends catching up.
With two VERY big smiles.
OK, I told him
he has a cute smile.
Why would you do that?
I don't know.
Just came up in conversation.
OK, circle of truth...
do you like Luke?
Because it seems like you do.
OK, then.
I guess you won't mind
if I ask him out.
No, of course not.
Yeah. I mean, go for it.
He's a great guy.
I mean, maybe don't ask him out
right away
because it is the holidays
and it might be weird.
So, maybe in like,
uh, a month or two.
A month or two?
I made a promise
On Christmas Eve
To cut back on
All the holiday treats
No more empty calories
No sugar...
Thanks again
for coming with me today.
I'm sure the store is busy.
Oh, no, I'm always closed
on Christmas Eve.
I let the big stores handle
the last-minute shoppers.
There he is.
What gave it away?
Was it the red suit,
hat and beard?
Hi, Mr Santa.
Hey, it's not Mr Santa,
just Santa.
Can I help you, Miss?
Oh, no, it's just Santa.
Told you.
His last name is Claus.
Technically it would be
Mr Claus,
but everyone just calls him
We're not asking Santa
for any presents.
We just need to ask him
to give us something back
that's very important to me
for Christmas.
Oh, really?
Maybe it does sound like
I'm asking for presents,
but we're not.
Back in the line.
Frosty has his top hat
Rudolph, his red nose...
Oh, come on,
who could be this agitated
waiting in line to get
their photo with Santa?
No, it's...
It's not that.
It's my boyfriend.
He just said there's a chance
that he might not be able to
meet my family tonight.
Your boyfriend?
You mentioned him the other day.
Yeah. Yeah, he's just
some guy from work.
He's been really busy lately.
Well, it's Christmas time,
it's the holidays.
People get busy.
This holiday makes people crazy.
Hey, since when have you
stopped liking Christmas?
You weren't always this way.
What do you mean?
and at Christmas time,
your house was THE most
decorated I've ever seen.
Yeah, and still is.
But that was my family's doing,
not mine.
Oh... OK.
Well, growing up around
all this Christmas cheer,
how did you become such a um...
A grinch?
I didn't say it.
No, but it's true.
I am.
It's a long story.
Oh, well... we got time.
When I was a kid...
I loved my grandma so much.
She was this amazing woman.
She was a scientist
back when women
weren't usually scientists.
Oh, wow.
Yeah. She was so smart.
I got my love of science
from her.
We were like best friends.
Mm. Sounds like an amazing
role model to grow up with.
She was.
and then, just before Christmas,
when I was nine,
she passed away.
Oh, Harper... I'm sorry. That...
That must have been
so difficult.
Yeah. Yeah, it was.
I was devastated.
and before I knew it,
the holidays came around
and my parents did
what they always did.
They decorated the house,
they were acting like
they were happy.
and I guess I resented it.
I couldn't understand
how they could just move on
with Christmas
and life without her.
It just felt fake.
Well, you were a kid.
That's understandable.
I guess this whole
buying presents
and throwing parties
this time of the year,
regardless of what's going on
in our lives,
just feels forced.
Like people going through
the motions.
I think people build traditions
so that as generations change,
they can be honoured
and remembered.
Regardless of what people
are doing in their lives,
I feel they use
the yearly traditions,
they keep families together.
They bring happiness
in the good time
and peace and comfort
in the difficult times.
Going through the motions,
as you say,
just... it brings comfort
into people's lives
when they're going through
a difficult time.
You're very lucky
that your family
still celebrates together.
Never thought of it that way.
Thank you.
Folks, you're next.
Sit down, young man.
Oh, you're really...
sitting down. OK.
Oh, you'll have to excuse
my friend here, Santa.
She's not the biggest
fan of Christmas these days.
Oh, it seems Harper
hasn't been a fan of Christmas
for a while now.
You again?
I saw him a few days ago
at the ice rink.
A Santa at Christmas? Weird.
No, like, literally
the exact same Santa.
It's nice seeing you again,
Are we ready to get a picture
taken with Santa Claus?
Sure. Why not?
So, Harper,
weren't you gonna ask Santa?
Oh, right, the mistletoe.
Santa, a few days ago,
a woman named Katherine...
My aunt.
Yes, Aunt Katherine.
She brought in a box
of Christmas decorations.
Yes, she did.
and getting my own.
So, in that box of
Christmas decorations
was a mistletoe that is very
important to me and my family.
A mistletoe?
A magic mistletoe.
A magic mistletoe?
No, just a mistletoe,
a regular everyday mistletoe,
that, again, just
so happens to be very important
to me and my family.
Why is it so important?
Well, because of its ability to
spread magic everywhere it goes.
That is special.
So, mistletoe -
can I have it back, please?
I'm sure you can.
But I don't have it anymore.
Where is it?
Well, a mall Santa
doesn't really have any use for
a mistletoe.
Yeah, true.
Please tell me
you didn't get rid of it.
Oh, don't be silly.
I gave it to a buddy of mine.
Oh, not again.
Oh, hold on, Santa.
There you go.
Thank you, Mrs Claus.
So, your friend,
where can we find him?
He has a special
Christmas tree shop
on the other end of the city.
I can give you the name.
Yes, please.
Just enter it into my phone.
Wow, this is
an interesting Santa photo.
It's horrible.
Too bad. I posted it.
Oh, no,
I'm not talking about that.
This Christmas tree firm
So, it's Christmas Eve
Well, don't worry.
We got plenty of time.
Luke, you've been great
and I can't thank you enough.
But you don't have to
come along.
I mean, I know
it's Christmas Eve and all.
Are you crazy? I want to see
this adventure to the very end.
Are you sure?
Helping an old friend
find a magic mistletoe
on Christmas Eve hmm?
Yeah, I'm sure.
You know how much it irks me
every time you say 'magic',
don't you?
I do.
Oh, and what was that wink
that Mrs Claus gave Santa?
I know. How awkward was that?
So awkward. But what if...
No, no, don't...
What if Santa and Mrs Claus
only started winking
after Santa picked the box
with the mistletoe up?
That wink was not because of
my family's mistletoe.
How long are you gonna
deny this streak for
until it becomes unavoidable?
It's been a long day.
It's Elle.
OK. Well, I'm gonna
grab some coffee.
Do you want something?
Tea. English...
English breakfast
with milk and sugar.
I remember from yesterday.
Having a good day, huh?
How could you tell?
How's the hunt going for
the missing mistletoe?
Not great.
You and Luke?
Sound like
you're spending a lot of time
with your old school buddy.
Well, we weren't exactly buddies
back in the day,
but we knew each other.
Either way, this photo
of you two with Santa...
mmm, so cute!
I can't believe he posted that.
Hey, if Brad can't be at
your parents place
for Christmas dinner,
Look, I know Brad builds a lot,
but he knows how important
this is to me.
He's gonna be there.
So what are you doing tonight?
Oh, just wrapping up
the last of the Christmas gifts.
You are going to love
what I got you!
Yeah, you're gonna love
what I got for you too.
So, can we meet up tomorrow
and exchange gifts?
Yeah, of course.
Hey, Luke is on his way back,
so I'm gonna let you go.
OK. Bye.
What's wrong?
I forget to get
a Christmas present for Elle.
That's OK.
We'll just get it here.
Last-minute shopping
on Christmas Eve,
and crossing town to find
a Christmas tree farm?
Plus I still have to
go home and change
for Christmas Eve dinner.
I'm never gonna make it all
on time.
Yes, you will. I have an idea.
See? Problem solved.
Private shopping
with no crowded malls.
Plus you get to pick
any outfit you like
for Christmas dinner tonight.
That should save us enough time
to finish our magic mistletoe
You're a genius.
I need you, Christmas
I need you now
Because I've tried
and I've tried and tried
and I don't know how
To bring back the laughter
Bring back the joy
Of a shot at Christmas morning
filled with toys
Choirs will sing
Bells will ring
Snowflakes may fill the air
It's how I'll know
it's Christmas
I need you, Christmas
That's all I know
and I'll sing and I'll sing
and I'll sing
Until you show
Come to me, Christmas
Come bring no lies
I need you, Christmas
To make everything right.
You look...
Thank you.
But I still need to
get something for Elle.
One final touch.
A hat!
That's it. She loves hats!
Thanks for helping me out with
this crazy quest.
Are you kidding me?
I love quests.
Seriously, it's nice not
having to do this alone.
Brad would never do this
with me.
Well, it's Christmas. I feel
it's my duty to help people out.
Also, when we were
at the mall waiting for Santa,
and I told you about
my grandma...
Thanks for listening.
and thanks for
the new perspective.
and thank you for
trusting me enough to tell me.
Well, we do go way back.
We do.
and to be honest, I'm having fun
tracking down
your magic mistletoe.
Me too.
Fake Christmas trees, huh.
This guys sells fake Christmas
trees at a Christmas tree stand?
It's brilliant.
Oh, come on.
Who doesn't want a real tree?
The way they look, the way
they make your house smell -
it's all part of
the Christmas experience.
Well, I, for one, don't like
the idea of using a real tree.
Do you have any idea
how bad plastic trees are
for the environment?
Do you know how much carbon gas
is put into the air
by cutting down and
chipping trees every year?
Now multiply that by
the ten years
you have
one fake Christmas tree.
I think I'm losing my mind here.
Losing your mind, huh?
It's cute.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Can you tell us about
your trees here?
I don't even think
they realize we're here.
No. Hello!
You'll have to excuse
my two sales people here.
They've fallen down with a bad
case of puppy love, I'm afraid.
That's me.
Buddy of Buddy's
Fake Christmas Tree stand.
So, Buddy, what's going on here?
Why are you selling
fake Christmas trees
at a Christmas tree stand?
Just like your girlfriend said.
We're not together.
Oh, OK.
Anyways, just like
the lady said,
fake Christmas trees last longer
and ultimately they're
better for the environment.
Even though they're plastic
and they end up in landfills?
Oh, no, not these ones here.
They're all made out of
completely recycled materials.
Even better.
Good for you.
Just because you're getting
a fake tree
doesn't mean you have to
miss out on
the whole Christmas tree
buying experience.
Well, that parts nice.
I did love shopping for the
perfect tree with my parents.
So, what type of tree
are you two looking for?
I can give you a great deal on
these pre-lits over here.
Actually, we're not
looking for a tree.
We're looking for
a particular mistletoe.
Are you... Are you sure
you two aren't a couple?
Look, I know it sounds funny,
but my family has
this 'magic' mistletoe
that my friend
accidentally donated,
along with a box of decorations,
to his thrift store.
and, by chance, my aunt
bought that box of decorations.
and it turns out
she bought it for a friend
who runs a Santa booth
at the Antique Mall.
and he said that he
has no use for mistletoe
and that he gave it to you.
Ring any sleigh bells?
I know the Santa you're
talking about. He's a good guy.
I was just there the other day
with my kids,
getting their Christmas
photo shoot done
and we started talking about
the tree stand.
Ha-ha. Yeah, that Santa
really loves to chat.
Yeah, well, he said
he had these decorations
he didn't want anymore.
Asked me if I wanted them
and I said sure.
So, if you want to see
the mistletoe,
they're right back here.
No, it's not here.
I don't see it.
Do you have anymore somewhere?
Sorry, those are
the only ones I have.
Mine was held together
with a red and green wire,
almost like um...
like a pipe cleaner.
and it has a red bow
on the bottom.
Here, let me take another look.
You do?
Big red bow, yeah.
To some guy that I've seen
around the neighbourhood.
He owns a bar
just down the road.
Let's go.
Wait, hold on.
How long have those two
been so cozy for?
A few days now.
You don't say.
Right about the time
that mistletoe showed up?
Right about that time, yeah.
But, I don't know,
hard to fire them at Christmas.
People fall in love all
the time during the holidays.
Sure they do.
I'll fire them after New Year's.
OK, first there was
Aunt Katherine
running into Robert in the taxi,
There's no such thing as magic.
and then, there was
that cute little wink and smile
between Santa and Mrs Claus.
Probably not their real names,
You're really going out on
a limb for that one, huh.
But it was cute.
I think you're misusing the word
and then there is Buddy's
fake Christmas tree stand,
as strange as a concept
as it was.
and if by 'strange'
you mean brilliant.
OK, yes, two lovebirds who just
happened to fall in puppy love
right around the time
they come into contact with
said missing magic mistletoe.
OK, they're kids on a break from
school, spending time together.
It's a pretty common way
for kids to fall in love.
You know what I love -
how you continue to
refuse to believe in
the magic of
your family's mistletoe,
in the face of
irrefutable evidence.
OK, again I think
you're misusing the word
'irrefutable' and 'evidence'.
Not according to my law degree.
Law degree?
You run a thrift shop.
No, actually, I started
a chain of charity thrift stores
to help people buy things
they couldn't otherwise afford.
Wait, so you're a lawyer?
I used to... practise law
but I don't anymore.
That's crazy.
That's what my mum said.
and my ex-girlfriend
at the time.
Wait, so you gave up
your career as a lawyer
so that you could run a charity?
You really are
full of surprises, Lucas.
The name's Luke.
and everybody loves surprises.
We're here.
Let's go.
Can you see it?
Not yet.
Oh, I see it.
It's over by the bar.
Let's go.
Um... Hi!
We're closed.
Uh, what?
Sorry. Have a good night, folks.
Merry Christmas.
No, wait, we...
We have to come inside.
I thought I made myself clear.
We are closed.
I don't understand.
It's still early.
Okay, it's Christmas Eve.
People like to spend Christmas
Eve with their loved ones.
Hey, he's got a point.
We're closed.
Merry Christmas. Again.
Um, wait, sir. My...
friend has to use the restroom
really, really bad.
I do?
Oh, I do.
Real bad.
You know...
Okay, okay.
Shh, shh, shh. Okay.
Okay, so why'd you tell him I
had to go to the washroom again?
I don't know.
It's all I could come up with.
Look, we needed to get in, and
now we're actually...
We're in.
So, what's the game plan here?
Do we just steal this mistletoe?
Oh, it's my mistletoe?
Uh, no. It's actually
technically not your mistletoe,
Okay, listen, Mr Lawyer,
we have come too far for
something to go wrong.
What if he doesn't
wanna sell it?
What do we do, then?
I'm gonna go distract
the bouncer.
I don't know.
Maybe he likes meteorology.
Nobody likes meteorology.
Lots of people do.
Uh, weather people,
but not normal people
who work at bars.
Okay, are we gonna make fun
of my profession,
or are we gonna do this?
You go over there,
untie the mistletoe, hide it in
your jacket
and then give me a signal,
and we'll go.
Yeah, okay. Whoa, wait.
Wait. Well, what's the signal?
I don't know.
I got it. It's me running out
of the bar as fast as I can,
Bouncer: Hey.
Whoa. Yep.
Washroom's this way.
Got it. Thank you.
Be right over.
Just be cool.
Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool,
cool, cool, cool, cool,
cool, cool. Cool.
Be cool.
Yeah, yeah.
We got this.
Do we?
Gosh, I'm really bad at
these things.
Nobody's going to jail today.
Yeah, no-one's going to jail.
Why would anyone go to jail?
Hey, I'm just gonna...
How's it going?
It's good.
Yeah, I'm doing good too.
So, how long have you
worked here?
A while.
What in the name
of Christmas do you
think you're doing?
What? Who, me? Why?
Are you trying to steal
that mistletoe?
So... What mistletoe? I...
The one you're trying to untie.
Uh, Mr Bouncer, sir,
this is my fault.
What the heck is going on?
Are you gonna use the bathroom
or not?
I didn't, but now I... now I do.
I'm sorry, but this is
my family's mistletoe,
and it's an heirloom
that I mistakenly... Well,
actually, my friend Elle,
kind of quirky... and, um,
right, it was donated to
Luke's thrift shop, and, well,
we kind of traced it
back to your bar.
Yep, and we're kind of
like detectives.
Yeah. and my sister, she thinks
her boyfriend's gonna propose
to her this Christmas,
and as kind of
a family tradition,
she wants to kiss him
under the mistletoe.
That's a cute story and all, but
I can't give you this mistletoe.
You have to understand this
means the world to my family.
But I can't give it to you.
We'd be willing to...
buy it from you.
Nah, no? Uh... I can replace it.
I've got...
I've got a shelf full of
mistletoes and garlands,
if you want. Yeah?
Wreaths. I have lovely wreaths.
Oh, you should see his wreaths.
They're beautiful.
Thank you.
Oh, they are.
Listen, I can't let you
take the mistletoe,
because it's not my bar.
I'm just the bouncer.
You'll have to talk to my boss,
the owner.
You sure we can't just
work something out,
you know, the three of us here?
My boss can get pretty weird
about this kind of stuff.
You'll see.
You want that mistletoe,
you have to wait
till he gets here.
I guess we wait.
We're cutting it really close.
No, no. We'll...
We'll get it in time, all right?
Can I offer you two a drink
while you wait?
Oh, I'm driving.
Don't drink.
I have hot cocoa.
So, what about you?
Why haven't you
gotten married yet?
Well, you know how it is,
finding the right person
and all.
Well, there must have
been someone.
There was...
this amazing woman
from law school.
Sounds promising. What happened?
I hated the hours...
I worked as being a lawyer,
and I...
mostly the people I worked with
I didn't like,
Yeah, I've been there.
Yeah. I needed a change.
I... I wanted my life to mean
more than just billable hours.
So that's when you started
the thrift store?
Yeah. Yeah, a lot of areas
are really underserviced
with housing prices going up
and rent,
average salaries
staying the same.
It's... getting harder
and harder for most people
to make ends meet.
and... stores like yours make
it easier for people
to have a few more things
they otherwise wouldn't?
You're a really sweet guy.
You know that?
Oh, here comes the owner.
and he looks grumpy, actually.
Uh, excuse me, sir.
I was just wondering if we could
have a moment of your time?
My bouncer tells me
you want my mistletoe?
Well, technically,
it's my mistletoe.
Technically, I bought it from
a fake Christmas tree stand
two days ago.
Fake Christmas tree stand?
Don't ask.
and if it's magic,
why would I wanna sell it?
my sister, she really needs
it for this evening.
Listen, lady, it's the holidays.
I'm really busy.
No, wait. Hold on. We haven't
even introduced ourselves.
My name's Luke.
I'm Harper.
Wait a minute.
Meteorologist Harper Hart,
Metro Channel Nine News.
That's me, Harper Hart.
I don't wanna shake your hand.
Come on. I'm your biggest fan.
Okay, I'm gonna go in for a hug.
Good luck.
Funnel clouds.
I saw them last week...
Look at how happy Mr West is.
I never would've thought
meteorologists have fans.
You kidding? It's the only
thing I've seen make him happy.
The weather report.
Who'd have thunk it?
His wife died a few years back,
so he quit his job,
bought the bar
and just hides in the back
all day.
Maybe some of that mistletoe's
magic will rub off on him.
Well, it's been a
pretty good streak so far.
has anyone here
fallen in love lately?
Nah, not that I know of.
Look, Mr West...
Please call me Bobby.
Bobby, thank you so much
for letting me have this back.
It means a lot to my family.
and you?
It means a lot to me as well.
Are you sure
we can't pay you back?
Don't even try it, bud.
I'll break your hand.
I'm not trying.
I got a couple
autographs, a few dozen selfies.
That ought to do.
Well, I'm glad that we could
do something for each other.
Are you kidding me?
The guys in my chat room
are gonna lose their minds when
they hear about this.
Wait, there are chat rooms
for meteorologist fans?
Oh, yeah.
You got a problem with that?
No, sir. No.
It's a very interesting science.
I will take your word for it.
No offence, Harper,
but you can do better
than this yutz.
He's got his good points.
Trust me.
Well, you must have
places to go, cheer to spread?
and... magic.
It was a great Christmas
present, meeting you.
This is beautiful.
Seeing as how it's
Christmas Eve,
I'm gonna let this one slide.
Thank you, sir.
No problem.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.

I can't believe we actually
pulled this off.
Out of all the people in the
city to be meteorologist fans.
Yeah, there's more
than you'd think.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe Christmas miracles
do exist.
Maybe there is such a thing
as a magic mistletoe.
Oh, really?
Now you're a believer.
No. Well, maybe.
You know what is
strange, though?
I was talking to the bouncer.
He said no-one in the bar
has fallen in love there lately.
Huh. So it was all
just a coincidence?
Yeah, I really thought...
Luke, I really wanna thank you
for the last couple of days.
Oh, no, Harper. I...
No, really, I do.
Ever since running into you
at the thrift store, it's just
been this crazy adventure.
I love adventures.
and I couldn't have
done it without you.
Harper, I really
wanna say something.
Oh, I'm sorry. Just a second.
Hey, everything okay?
Not exactly.
Brad -
he's not coming to my
Christmas dinner.
He actually broke up with me.
On Christmas Eve?
Over text?
'Tis the season.
Harper, I'm so sorry.
You know what? It's okay.
At least we got the mistletoe.
My sister's gonna be so happy.
But didn't you.. didn't you s...
say at
the Christmas tree stand
that your mistletoe
is held together
by green and red wires?
Yeah, and a red ribbon.
Well, this one, uh...
This one just has a black wire.
Oh, no.
Harper, uh...
It's the wrong mistletoe.
The fake Christmas tree guy,
he must have sold it
to someone else.
Look, it's not too far from
here. and it's Christmas Eve.
Maybe... Maybe it's still open.
If we run there,
we can ask him if he sold it to
somebody else, right?
No, Luke. It's over.
Okay, it might not have even
really started anyways.
This whole thing has just been
a waste of time.
You know, you even had me
convinced for a moment
that maybe, maybe there
was such a thing as magic.
Oh, well, don't say that.
You just told me how much fun
you were having.
Yeah, well,
the adventure's over,
and Christmas got me again.
Just hope this is close enough
to fool my sister.
No, don't do that.
Oh, that old plant never had
any magic,
and neither does this one.
He's a great guy. They're
gonna have a great marriage,
regardless of what mistletoe
they kiss under tonight.
We can just look
a little harder, okay?
No, I'm done looking.
and I'm done with whatever this
and I'm definitely done
with Christmas.
No, please, Luke.
I just wanna be alone.
Nobody wants to be alone
on Christmas.
I do.
Let her, boy.
No, no, no, no.
Come on.
Come on.
Why won't anyone believe me
when I say I hate this holiday.
I told you.
You'd better watch out,
or you're going to end up
on the naughty list.
Not in the mood.
Looks like you found
your mistletoe.
Yeah. Well, no.
It's a mistletoe,
but it's not the right one.
Well, that's too bad.
I was hoping you would find it.
A magic mistletoe
is a rare thing.
Why do we keep running
into each other?
It's a small city.
No, it's not, actually.
Well, it's a small world, then.
Is this all just
an elaborate joke?
What do you mean?
Never mind.
Wait. Is this just some
weird Christmas present
that my family has put together,
to get me to fall in love
with Christmas?
Oh, why would searching all over
the city for a missing mistletoe
make you fall in love
with Christmas again?
I don't know. Maybe...
making me spend time with an
amazing guy who loves Christmas,
and maybe I'll see the holidays
through his eyes.
You think your family
has that kind of power?
I don't even have
that kind of power.
What's his name?
and what did you and Luke end up
doing together?
We went to his aunt's house.
and she'd just fallen in love.
and she was really happy to see
her nephew twice in one week.
Family is an important part
of the holidays.
What next?
and then we saw you...
and Ms Claus made us wait
in line to get a photo with you.
A photo with a mall Santa -
something cherished by parents
and families for a lifetime.
and then I had to get
a present for Elle.
Shopping on Christmas Eve?
Sorry, kid.
That must have been awful.
No, it wasn't, actually.
Luke made it fun.
he made the entire time fun.
and then we saw your friend at
the fake Christmas tree stand.
My buddy, Buddy!
Pretty neat concept, huh?
and then, at the bar,
Mr West was just so happy
to talk about weather.
Isn't that a great feeling?
Making people happy,
maybe fulfilling
somebody else's Christmas wish.
You think, maybe,
that's what Luke was doing?
I just...
yelled at an amazing man
who has done nothing but
dedicate the last two days to...
helping me find this.
Seems like a nice kid.
Although he did seem a little
happy to see me at the mall.
I mean, for a grown man,
and all.
Yeah, he really does
love Christmas.
Maybe it's contagious.
I have to go. I have so much to
do before this night is over.
Me too.
Oh, I need a taxi.
I'll handle it.
What? How?
Merry Christmas, Harper.
Merry Christmas, Santa.
Where to, miss?
Hey, it's you. Did you and Luke
find the magic mistletoe?
No, we didn't. But that's okay,
because I think Santa
pointed out I may have found
something much, much better.
Yeah, he's right over...
He was there just a minute ago.
Well, it's Christmas Eve.
I'm sure he had places to be.
So, where to?
I have to go to the suburbs. Can
you get me there fast?
Buckle up, little lady.
Winter floats
Confetti in December sky
While the stars twinkle
like Christmas lights
Jack Frost turned
the skating pond to ice
and snow covers
the canvas tonight
I see the picture
painted so clear
But I don't feel a white
Christmas this year
I know green
Is the colour of holly
and pine
Red like
the sidewalk Santa outside
But everywhere I look
There's nothing but blue
That's the colour
of Christmas
Without you
Hi. You've reached Luke.
Leave a message at the beep.
Luke, it's Harper.
I wanna say I'm sorry. I hate
what I said back at the car.
I didn't mean it,
and I take it all back.
I think you made me fall back
in love with Christmas, and...
I think you made me
fall in love with you.

Harper! You made it.
Well, that's perfect timing.
Harper, you made it. Hey.
Oh! We were getting worried.
Holly, I have to talk to you
about something.
Oh, my gosh the mistletoe.
You remembered.
I don't know how
to tell you this.
I lost the family mistletoe.
No, you didn't.
It's right there.
No, this one just looks
like ours, but... it's not.
and I know how much it meant
to you and the family, and...
I know you were wanting
to have it,
because you were hoping
Mark was gonna propose,
and it's tradition.
it's okay.
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, congratulations.
Thank you. See? We didn't need
the mistletoe after all.
We made our own magic.
I'm so happy for you two.
You did good, Mark.
Thank you.
Yeah, I'll keep him around
a while.
Oh, hey, where's your boyfriend?
Oh, Luke?
Uh... I was talking about Brad.
Who's Luke?
Sorry. It's just been
a crazy couple of days.
Brad and I actually broke up.
Oh, but, um, he had
a Christmas present
delivered to the
house yesterday.
I'll go get it for you.
Yeah, we broke up,
like, an hour ago.
Oh, he even wrapped it.
A coffee maker?
But you hate coffee.
It's Coffee 2000.
I hear these are great.
Consider it an engagement gift.
Thank you. Awesome.
So, who's this Luke guy?
Come in.
Luke, I'm so sorry about the
awful things that I said to you.
Don't worry about it.
No. These past few days with you
have been amazing.
What's going on?
I have no idea.
Running around town,
hunting for the mistletoe,
we did everything that most
people do during the holidays.
We even went to a
Christmas tree stand.
Well, a fake Christmas tree
Which I loved.
I hate fake Christmas trees.
Shh, shh, shh.
I have to tell you something.
No, wait. The thing is we did
everything that I usually hate
about Christmas,
but this time I loved it.
and it's because I did all of
it with you.
So it doesn't matter that
we didn't find the mistletoe.
She lost the magic mistletoe?
Harper, um...
Our mistletoe?
Oh, thank goodness.
But how?
Well, I went back to the fake
Christmas tree stand.
The two sales kids there
were closing shop,
and I asked them about it,
and... it was hanging out back.
They were kissing under
it during their breaks.
I can't believe
you went back for it.
What do you mean?
It was a Christmas emergency.
No, it was more than that.
It was magic.
Magic. Oh.

I'm confused. That doesn't
look like Brad from the news.
His name is Luke.
Is that Mary's boy Lucas?
No, Mom. That kid was chubby.
Not any more.
He lost that weight years ago.
I think he runs a
thrift store now.
Why would you know that?
We're friends online.
Of course she is.
Father: Okay, uh, enough of this
Let's eat.
Soon you'll have all
the family coming home
Do you wanna join me and my
family for Christmas Eve dinner?
I would love to.
Under the mistletoe
You give a kiss
and it brings a smile
We sit and we talk
by the fire
At Christmas time
There we find
There's a glow
In the frosted window
and we see the lights
It'll soon be time
for Christmas
It's everywhere
It'll soon be time for
Won't you show the world
you care
At Christmas time
It's a wonderful time
of year
A time for love
A time to share
If somebody's all alone,
try reaching out
Santa: and so another
Christmas comes,
and you may ask yourself,
"Is it all just ice crystals"
in the upper clouds
and probability theory?
"Or is it magic?"
Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a goodnight.
It'll soon be time
for Christmas
It's in the air
It'll soon be time
for Christmas
Won't you show the world
you care
At Christmas time
It's for the world where love
is Christmas
This celebration is
for all to share
It'll soon be time
for Christmas
A time we all can share
It'll soon be time
for Christmas
It's everywhere
It'll soon be time
for Christmas
Won't you show the world
you care
At Christmas time
Christmas time
It's Christmas time
Show the world you care
At Christmas time

Frosty has his top hat
Rudolph his red nose
Santa's got eight reindeer
To keep that sleigh afloat
I may not have any magic
But, baby, please don't go
'Cause it's Christmas Eve
Let's you and me
Find some mistletoe
A Christmas kiss
From your sweet lips
Is the only gift I need
No wrapping paper
Can contain the joy
you bring to me
It's snowing on the sidewalk
Got a fire burning strong
So kick off your shoes
Bring those baby blues
We're dancing all night long
I'll pop some
sparkling Asti
and make a toast to love
Don't need that tree
lit up to see
It's you I'm dreaming of
A Christmas kiss
From your sweet lips
Is the only gift I need
Captioned by Ai-Media
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