MobKing (2023) Movie Script

Come on! Come on!
What you doing, man?
What you doing, man?
[inmate 2]
Yo, hold up.
Take up, take up. [grunts]
That's what I'm talking about.
My ball, my [indistinct].
My house, motherfucker.
My house.
Listen to me.
There's no way
he's going to do it.
What are you worried about?
If I was about to get out
in the next couple of days,
I wouldn't do it either.
Just tell him everything.
-Here he comes now.
-How you doing, Tank?
-[Tank] What's good, Mike?
My man, Julio.
What's up, Julio?
So, uh,
understand you got a problem.
[tense music playing]
[inmate] Wanna get smoke?
Wanna get smoke, baby?
[inmate 2]
Trash, man.
There's this dude, Frankie Cruz.
He beat up and raped
my 12-year-old little cousin.
[inmates] [indistinct]
Trust me, when I tell you
I would do the shit myself,
if it wasn't for the fact that
he was in protective custody.
Makes him hard to get to.
Fucking ain't right.
Hi, Mr. White.

[Julio] Tank will vouch for me.
I can get money.
Our family back home
wants this done.
I don't need your money, Julio.
Got your callouts here.
All set.
[Mike] Excellent.
You had me at "raped
and beat a 12-year-old," man.
Why don't you guys just tell me
what this guy looks like, huh?
[Frankie groans]
I did you for free,
you fucking cocksucker.
[Mike grunts]
Dirty fuck. [grunts]
[upbeat music playing]

[pleasant music playing]
Look, if I got to go down there,
what do I need you for?
-What's up, Marco?
-How we doing, Pooch?
-Looking good, Enzo.
-[Enzo] Appreciate it.
-Enzo, how are you my friend?
-[Enzo] Good. How are you?
I hear Mike White's getting out.
-He's finally coming home.
-Good, good.
I still don't know
why the hell you did
what you did.
I-- I just--
I just-- I'm dumb--
-I'm dumbfounded by it.
-The guy was talking shit.
-[Dominic] So what?
Everyone talks shit.
That gives you the right
to act like a fucking animal?
It is what it is, Pop.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Wha-- what--
what am I gonna do?
Big deal,
I give him a fucking slap.
Carlo, listen to me.
When they get here,
as of today...
they're taking over.
They're gonna be working
with the chief.
They are taking over
the casino.
Pop, I've been smoking
the peace pipe
with these Indian motherfuckers
for almost eight years.
Pop, you can't take
the casino from me.
The casino was never yours
-to begin with!
-[Carlo grunts]
Get that into your fucking head!
[knocking on door]
[guitar music playing]
As I told you before,
I discussed it with him
and he's willing to work
with you during the transition.
There's been
some serious mishaps
leading to bad business.
Look, I'll talk to Mike.
All right.
Why does he even get a say?
Let me explain
something to you, okay?
Mike White did ten years
and kept his fucking mouth shut.
He set up
a lot of relationships for us
and he made us a hell of
a lot of money because of that.
All these years,
I've been the number one earner
for this family.
Me. Me!
Thanks to his play.
The fuck does that mean?
What, are we
in the fucking Twilight Zone?
Mike White's off getting pumped
full of jizz in the can,
all of a sudden
he's MVP of the family?
Keep your fucking mouth shut!
It's Mike White's deal
and that is it.
What do I get?
How about the trucking contract?
So, what do you think?
The house look different now?
Home sweet home.
It's a little bigger
than I remember.
[Mia] It is.
It's been rebuilt, expanded.
It's like a whole new house.
Hm. Well,
I got to give it to you.
You always know
how to make the best
-of every situation, huh?
-I picked up a lot from you.
Yeah, well, you know,
if you said anything else
it would be
a little unbelievable, right?
[Mia chuckles]
What's unbelievable
is that you're finally here.
What's up, baby? Come.
Come on.
I thought you were coming
in two days.
[Mike] Yeah, no,
baby, it's-- it's today,
it's been today for a...
long time.
Here we go.
-Look how beautiful.
Mm! Looks delicious.
-All right.
-Come on, baby. Sit down.
No, not yet.
I want to take a picture.
Let's go.
-[Mike] Of what, the cake?
-Of the cake and the two of you!
[Mike] Ah!
-[Mia] Get closer.
-[Mike] Come, daughter.
[Mia chuckles]
Let's do this. Get closer.
All right, you guys ready?
Say cheese.
-[phone camera clicks]
[Mia] Hold on.
Let me take another one.
Come on, Carina, smile.
-All right.
-[phone's camera clicks]
-There you go.
-[Mike] All right.
Aw, look at this one.
I'm gonna get it framed, look.
-You and your baby girl.
[Mike] Who's the grumpy cat
in that picture, huh?
All right.
So happy you're back.
[Mike] Oh, I'm happy to be back.
-All right, let's dig in.
-Bon apptit.
-[Mike] Bon apptit.
[Mike smacks lips]
See you still cook good.
Don't ruin our night, Carina.
What did I do?
You know exactly
what I'm talking about.
What's the problem here?
Okay, Mom.
My stomach really hurts.
Can I go lay down in my room?
Stomach hurts, stomach hurts.
Go lay down.
-[Carina] Thanks, Daddy.
-You're welcome.
Baby, relax.
Relax, baby.
You don't have to eat
that fast no more.
-Take your time.
-[Mike chuckles]
-Eating like an animal, huh?
-[Mia chuckles]
[Mia] Hey.
You're home now.
-Yeah, I gotta get used to that.
-Sorry. [sighs]
-[Mia] It's okay, baby.
[quiet music playing]
Come on, baby.

You're shaking.
I'm nervous.
Tell me.
Been a long time. Not even sure
this thing works anymore.
[Mia chuckles]
Just relax.
[panting, moaning]
[Carina sighs]
[quiet ominous music playing]
You saw how she was tonight?
Normal teenage shit.
[Mia] Normal.
I'm scared.
Come on, babe. Scared of what?
I mean, she's always been
a good kid, right?
For the most part.
Lately, though...
I think she's doing drugs.
Come on, we did drugs at 16.
What's the big deal?
I'm not talking about
weed and shit.
All right, I'm gonna go down
and talk to her.
Look at me.
I'm gonna go down
and talk to her, all right?

[Mike sighs]
-[Mike sighs]
I didn't seen her
out there, baby.
Damn it. I'm calling the police.
We're not gonna
call the police, Mia.
-Why not?
-Come on, use your head.
It's my first night
home from prison.
You think I want to see
a yard full of cops?
Our daughter has run away.
She's probably
at a friend's house.
And what if she's not?
I don't know, I mean, we gotta--
we check the neighborhood
or something,
like we checked the house.
She's not gonna call the cops.
Well, what if she comes back
and we're gone?
-You stay here and I'll go.
If you go to her friends' house,
I don't think they gonna answer.
At least not without a gun.
[Mike] Yeah, uh,
probably right about that.
I don't know. I don't know.
Go. I'll stay here.
[Mia] Okay.
-[Carlos] I only take cash.
-[Carina] I can get you cash.
I just don't have
any on me right now.
Come on, Carlos,
please, it's me.
-No. I can't.
Carlos, I'll do anything.
Yo, I told you
not to get hooked on this shit.
[woman] Well, just stop stepping
on my shit, for real.
I keep losing all my little
dope fiends 'cause of that.
I'm just trying
to make money, man. [chuckles]
I-- I'll quit tomorrow.
I'll tell my parents to put me
in rehab and everything,
I swear to God,
you'll never see me here again,
I-- I'll never
show up here again.
I really-- I really need
your help right now, please.
I swear to God, I'll bring you
your money and everything.
-Carlos, please.
-We got a gram?
Looks like
it's not your day today.
You have to wait for the real.
What do you fucking mean
"wait for the real?"
What do you guys have in there?
-Carlos, your--
-Go home!
[siren blares in the distance]
Carlos, please!

Carina, where have you--
-what's going on?
-[Carina groans]
[Carina sobs]
Wha-- what's happening?
What's the matter?
-What's the matter?
-[Carina sobs]
My bones hurt, Dad.
-[Carina sobs]
Okay, all right,
okay, listen, listen.
I'm gonna help you, okay?
I'm here.
[grunts] Jeez.
-When did you get so heavy?
-[Carina chuckles]
All right, so listen.
Dealt with this shit
my whole life.
You're gonna feel like
you wanna die,
but you ain't gonna die.
We're going to get you
through this.
All right?
I promise you that much.
-[Carina] It hurts, Daddy.
-[Mike] I know.
[Carina gasps]
[whispering] What's the matter?
What're you doing?
What are you doing?
[Carina panting]
[whispering] There's a man
downstairs with a gun.
Oh, fucking hell.
Okay, look. Shh, shh.
Get to your room.
Come on, come on, stay down.
Keep your head down, okay?
[tense music playing]
[Carina] It's not gonna lock,
it's broken.
-How do you know?
-Because I broke it.
For what? For what?
This turned into
a great first night.
Mom. She has a gun
in the office.
-[Mike] Right here?
-[Carina] Yeah.
We gotta get that gun.
Okay. Okay, so this is
what we're gonna do.
You stay right here.
-You don't fucking move.
-[Carina] Okay.

[light switch clicks]

Get the fuck out of here
right now.
-[Mike grunts]
-[intruder groans]
[both grunt and groan]
[Mike groans]
[Carina gasps]
[tense music playing]
[Mike panting]
[Mike grunts]
[gasps] What the fuck?
Baby, what the hell happened?
Somebody took a shot at me.
Come here, baby.
Are you all right? Are you okay?
No, I'm not.
[Mike grunts]
Oh, fuck.
We need to get this shit
cleaned up.
[Mike grunts]
[tense music playing]
[Mike panting]
Give it to me, baby.
Let me see how bad is it.
[Mike] Ah, it's normal,
it's fine.
-Hang in there, babe.
-[Mike] I'll live.
I'll live, let's go.

Did you know the guy?
Who he works for.
That's good enough.
[phone rings]
Hey, Mike.
Welcome home, brother.
I need a cleaner.
-My house.
Also need a medic.
I'll handle it.

Mom. Mom, Mom!
Hey. Hey, Mike.
Didn't you always say
that if you want
something done right,
you gotta do it yourself.
Hey, guys, he's waking up.
Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike,
Relax, Mike. Relax.
We're gonna fix you up.
-Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike.
-Where the fuck?
My name is Donna and I'm here
to do the fixing up.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
-Yeah, yeah.
Now, I need you to just relax.
Okay. [panting]
You're doing great, Mike.
Now, I'm gonna
just take a look, okay?
Relax, Mike. Come on.
Come on.
-[Mia] Come on, baby.
-[tense music playing]
They did
a pretty good job on him, huh?
You and Carina okay?
What? No.
No, we're not okay.
Don't you see this shit?
The fucker was in our house.
Who was it?
-Who works for Carlo?
-Yeah. [grunts]
Are you absolutely sure?
I put him in the ground.
What was the point of Mike
keeping his mouth shut, huh?
All those years
away from his family.
For what?
So that when
we need real protection,
it's all blank stares?
I thought the family
was supposed to look out
-for one another.
-I would die for Mike.
And Enzo and all of these guys.
But this is uncharted territory.
So, what are
we supposed to do now?
-I-- I don't know.
-You what?
I have to think about it.
Are we on our own?
[Enzo] I gathered
as many guns as I could.
I'll figure this shit out.
[somber music playing]

-[Mia] Hi.
-Nice plants.
-[Randy] Oh, thank you.
It's a gardenia.
Lot of people don't know this,
but it's actually
-part of the coffee family.
Yeah, bet you didn't know
you were gonna be getting
-shrub fun facts from me today.
-[Mia laughs]
-You must be Mia.
-[Mia] I am.
-[Mia] Pleasure.
-Ah, oh, hello!
-[Mia] That's my teenager.
-[Randy] Teenager?
-I can't get her to move.
-She's basically cement.
-[Randy] Teenage girls.
-It's like sweet alyssum, right?
-[Mia] Oh.
That's a fragrant wildflower.
Gardeners will plant that
-to bring in the pollinators.
-[Mia] Okay.
Anyways, what we should do
is check out the house
because if not, I will have you
out here all day.
Yeah. What's he look like?
Kinda-- I don't know.
Yeah, so when she told me
I couldn't have bacon
in the morning anymore,
I was like,
-"Nuh-uh, we're done."
-[Mia laughs]
So, uh, you got
any more people coming out?
You know, we get a lot of
family gatherings around here.
There is a beautiful,
beautiful lake
just right down the road,
and it's stuffed
with peacock bass.
Everybody loves the fishing.
Um, right now it's just
my daughter and I.
Maybe later.
-Okay, okay, I see, I get it.
-[Mia] Yeah?
It's ladies' night,
and I'm feeling bad
Over the,
over the night
-Right? [laughing]
-Yeah. [laughing]
I know you,
I see that smile, yeah.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
there's a Mexican place
-just right down the road.
They have, like,
an awesome club night.
We're talking sometimes foam,
they fog it up,
lasers through, it is--
-[Mia] Wow.
-It's my heaven.
-[Mia laughs]
-It's my heaven.
But any who, I know you've got
a lot of unpacking to do.
-So, I'm gonna let you do that.
I'm gonna gather up
my stuff here,
-and, uh, you got my number.
-[Mia] I do.
If you need anything,
just call me.
-Thank you.
-[Randy] No problemo!
[engine sputters]
-[Mike groans]
-Mike, you're almost there.
-[Mia] Here you go. Slowly.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[Mike grunts] Oh, fuck me.
Try to turn slowly.
-Get-- get-- get a pair--
-[Mia] Baby?
If I-- if I die--
if I die,
or if it gets too much,
then you run.
You guys run, okay?
-Mike, you're gonna be okay.
-[Mike grunts]
You just need to rest.
-You're gonna be okay, okay?
Just relax, baby.
-[water trickling]

[car approaches]
[Randy] Nice bike
you got yourself there.
What's got you out here
roaming around so late?
Everything okay?
I need to--
I have to get some medicine.
There's nothing
24 hours open around here.
The pharmacy in town
doesn't open 'til morning.
My buddy, Doug,
will take good care of you.
-Is he a gangster?
-[Randy chuckles]
Dougie? No.
He's pretty harmless.
Just a good dude
who knows how to party.
[crickets chirping]
Here you go.
All right,
and when you wanna go back home,
just go back
through the entrance, go right,
just keep going
'til you hit the house.
-Got it?
-Got it, Mister.
[Randy] Come on. I'm not
that much older than you.
Just call me Randy.
[indistinct chatter]
[man] Talking shit.
[indistinct] Ask proof.
-I'll make some calls, okay?
Krista said she was pregnant,
said it was my baby,
I should have kicked her
in the stomach, you understand?
And then--
then a man [indistinct]
Oh, that's my girl. No, no.
["Scorpio (feat Clutch Tha God)"
by Kerby Collins plays]
When you come around,
it don't feel the same
You got me walking
through this toxic rain
And I be seeing you
in my sleep
And it don't ease the pain
And that heart burning
so cold it's whispering
My name, yeah
Looks like
the city girl got lost.
I'm not lost.
I'm supposed to meet Doug.
You're looking at him.
So, what do you need?
I don't give a fuck 'bout
your nigga, I'm your man now
I've been begging
on my knees with my hand out
Tryna get my love back
I remember I was down, down,
so bad I know you love that
I know
you seen me at my worst
Dealing with my problems,
had to take my shit to church
Fighting all my demons,
holy water never worked
Classic. My all time favorite.
-How much is this?
-[Doug] 250.
Really, because back home, my--
You know how hard it is
to get the shit
that I got around here, huh?
You're right. I'm sorry.
I'm visiting you.
You're the boss here.
So, um, what else you have?
All right.
See, now we're talking.
I got oxys, roxys,
xannies, addies, meth.
I got an eight ball of coke,
molly and some exotics.
Which you in the mood for?
How do you like to party?
I like starting with the molly,
then some exotics.
You ever try whippets
when you're on molly?

-Fucking bitch.
-Let go of me.
You're gonna rip me off, huh?
Give my shit.
I don't have it.
Get the fuck off me!
Oh, you didn't have
my shit, right?
You fucked up,
you stupid little bitch.
-[body thuds]
[Mike] So, that what
you wanna do, huh?
You wanna get high?
What do you got on this,
[Mia] Mike.
Hm? [exhales]
[Mia] Babe.
Let me tell you something.
If I ever see you there again,
you're gonna wish
I killed you real fucking fast,
you understand me?
Now, get the fuck outta here.
Move real slow. [grunts]
This is what
you risked our lives for?
-[Carina] It's not--
-Are you that hooked
-on this shit?
-I got it for him!
[Mike grunts]
[chill music plays]

This is a fucking mess.
Carlo can't just fucking go
after one of our guys like this.
[Mike exhales]
We don't know if the Don
ordered this himself or not.
You know
the Don's not buying this.

We keep our mouth shut
and see how things play out.
[Mike sighs]
-[gun cocks]
-[Mike] How's the kick on that?
-[Mia] Not too harsh.
-[Mike] See that 45.
-[Mike] You ready? You're next.
-I'll pass.
[Mike] Why?
-I don't want to.
This might be
a good time to talk.
About what a fuck up I am?
No thanks.
[Mia] Carina,
you're obviously hurting.
If I shot a man
and buried it with my mom,
I'd at least
want to talk about it.
What do you want me to say?
That I'm happy
that I murdered someone?
You saved my life.
-You did.
-[Mike] Twice.
I wouldn't even be
able to move around like this
if it wasn't for those pills.
You know what?
You didn't murder anybody.
You killed someone who was
trying to kill your father.
What's the difference?
[Mia] Carina.
There's a huge difference
between killing someone
to protect
versus cold blooded murder.
You don't know
what it feels like.
-[Mike] I do.
-Of course you do.
You probably came out
of the womb doing hits.
I wasn't much older than you.
How'd it happen?
I used to work
for some wise guys, you know?
Yes. Yes, good, good.
Parking cars run around stuff.
-Get some extra cash.
-[indistinct] phone.
How many times
do I gotta tell you?
I was about 14, you know?
Hey, don't forget,
we gotta go [indistinct].
[Mike] Couple of years later,
I got my license.
[Mike scoffs]
One of the perks of working
for these type of guys
is they let me drive
all their cool cars, you know?
The Cadillacs, Camaros,
Corvettes, you name it.
Just like that,
driving back to the old hood,
past my friends
and their rust buckets.
Just gliding on through.
The time of my life.
Thought I was
on top of the world.
That I was grown.
Then, April 14th rolled around.
It kinda started out
like a normal day,
you know, the Don
and the driver,
Freddie, pulled up.
There's a change of plans, kid.
I need you
to handle this for me.
Take this, too,
in case you need it.
I was ecstatic.
My number came in.
Don's gonna know my name.
Come on, kid, let's go.
Hop in the car.
Driving the Don.
Next thing you know...
I think someone
might be tailing us, kid.
Think you could lose him?
Come on, you got it in you.
Zig-zagging here and there.
Couple of lefts here.
Before you know it,
I don't see nothing.
That's pretty damn good
driving there, kid.
And out of nowhere...
a red car comes,
almost rams right into us.
[Don] Shit.
[Mike] Big old fucking guy
gets out of the car.
All I see is a gun in his hand.
Next thing I know is
emptying a .38
in this guy's chest.
Get me
the fuck out of here, kid.
He was gone.
First, I was worried
about the cops, you know?
Shit was all over the news.
Expected them to kick
the door down any minute.
Never happened, though.
And for months...
the stuff play in my head.
Over and over and over again.
Make my stomach churn.
Other days,
I'd be barfing like some animal.
But I knew.
I knew I did what was right,
what I was supposed to do.
That's what you did.
What you did for me.
I'm living proof.
It's like with anything.
Time kicks in,
you start to make peace with it.
You're going
to make peace with it.
So now, what I need you to do is
learn how to shoot that shotgun.
'Cause in a split second,
we can't be wondering
whether or not you're gonna
figure out how to use it.
All we got right now is us.
That's it.
We gotta be ready.
[gun cocks, fires]

Fuck yeah, bitch.
Why didn't you
kill him yourself?
[indistinct] pussy.
[breathing rapidly]
Shut up, bitch. [sighs]
Carina, I'm on the phone
with your father and I can't
hear anything, Carina.
-I don't even sound like that.
-[Carina] You do.
-Sounds about right.
-Keep going.
-Oh, there's this one time.
-Oh, there's more?
-Oh, okay.
-Keep going. C'mon. Keep going.
Why is Barbie stuck
in one of my Louboutin's?
-[Mia] We also--
-[knocking on door]
Who the fuck?
Stay-- stay calm, okay?
I'll go check.
Go back, over there. Over there.
Hey, what's going on?
It's, like, ten o'clock.
and I'm sorry, it's just--
I totally forgot to mention,
the pipes in this structure
are kind of weird,
so, sometimes,
that hallway toilet
tends to overflow.
If I could just
check it out real quick,
make sure
it's flushing properly.
I mean,
we haven't have any problems.
It's been working fine.
Believe me,
I want to keep it that way.
Okay, so you wanna--
you wanna check out
-the bathroom, right now?
-Yeah, um--
-Just a quick few flushes
and I'll be out here.
-[Mia] All right.
-[Randy] Oh, shit, I'm so sorry.
I was fiddling with the water
outside a bit, and--
if-- if you get a mop,
I can clean this up.
[Mia] No-- no, you know what?
Um, we'll take care of it.
-Don't worry about it.
-Are you sure?
Yeah, just go do your thing.
We'll clean it, okay?
Okay. Hi.
[toilet flushes]
Okay, well, it should be good
for at least
24 hours, hopefully.
It's crazy to think
that, like, simple minerals,
you know, like, calcium and iron
can cause such a buildup
like that.
But I was talking
to a guy the other day
and he was telling me
about this white vinegar rinse
-and, uh, suppose--
-Thank you so much, Randy.
-Have a great night.
-Oh. Oh, you, too. Good night.
-[Mia] Yeah.
There's something really wrong
with that fucking guy.
[outdoor ambiance]
[tense music playing]
[Mia clears throat]
Dad, are you gonna eat?
I messed up.
I got way too comfortable.
Took all of this for granted.
Wish I never left you guys.
I just wanted to be able
to tell you guys that I'm sorry.
It's something I wanted
to do forever, you know?
It's okay, Dad.
I forgive you.
There's something else
I'm sorry about too.
I'm letting this food get cold.
I like that. I like her hair.
-I don't know what it is.
You like her hairstyle,
that's what it is, this one.
-[door shuts close]
-She's got a nice [indistinct].
-Oh, yeah.
-Carlo, your father's here.
-Nice, strong stomach.
Don't you answer your phone?
Don't worry about that.
Look, look at these broads.
They're trying out
for the casino shop.
-Put this shit away.
Someone's been
opening their mouth.
I am gonna be
indicted any minute.
Pop, it's probably that prick,
Mike White.
He's been gone for months.
Mike's been gone?
Who else has been gone?
Nobody's seen Romo.
Romo's been in Vegas.
Pooch, tell him.
I heard the hookers
are running from him.
-I bet they are.
That guy's an animal.
I don't know who this rat is,
but I want you to find him.
Sure thing, Pop.
Hey, Don.
[Don] What?
I don't even know
how to tell you this, Don.
They're all
fucking lying to you.
Romo's dead.
["The End of the Line"
by Roy Young plays]
Oh, girl,
seems like the end of the line

Yeah, my mind
is completely made up
[Carina screaming]
[Mia whining]
Shut up.
What the fuck do you want?
-[Carlo scoffs]
Oh, what I want?
I got what I want.
[Mia whining]
-[Mia screaming]
[screaming] No!
We're living
on borrowed time
Oh, girl,
it's the end of the line
I'm loving you,
it's just the way...
[song continues over radio]
-[Mia] You got everything?
-[Carina] Yeah.
Hey, babe.
Did you get some rest?
[Mike chuckles]
I guess you can call it that.
[Mike sighs]
Oh, this is kinda cute.
God knows what's in here.
[sighs, sniffs]
[plastic creaking]
Oh, this is good.
[upbeat music plays]

Hey, hey. What's up, Mike?
Yeah, he's a little
tied up right now.
All right, let me--
let me go get him, hold on.
[knocking on door]
Come in.
You gotta take this call.
All right.
All right. Oof.
-What's up, Vet? It's Mike.
Hey, Mike, how you doing man?
Just here trying to figure out
my next move, you know?
[Venetti] Yeah, I hear you.
It's fucking crazy here, too.
Carlo is acting
like nothing happened.
You know, I'm getting
the feeling that, uh,
I might be next on his list.
[Mike sighs]
So, did you tell him?
What am I gonna tell the guy?
He's got
an indictment over his head.
And, uh, when does he give
a shit about anything?
Why don't you tell me
what the fuck that means?
What does it mean?
It's out of our hands.
And all the fucking money
that we made for his family.
Yeah, listen to me, Vet.
-Don trusts you.
-Hey, you can go on the run.
You know, I'm married.
I married the old man's sister.
-So I'm here, I'm stuck here
putting up with this crap.
[smacks lips]
It is what it is, I guess.
I don't think
I'll be coming back anyway.
[Venetti] Uh-huh.
You know,
maybe Carlo will, uh,
you know,
rat me out to the feds.
[Mike chuckles]
Yeah, you should be so lucky.
[Venetti laughs]
Anyway, listen, you take care
with your girls
if you need anything.
I'm just, you know,
a phone call away, anytime.
Do you really think he's gonna
keep looking for you after this?
I mean, think about it.
If you're done and gone,
then you're not
a threat anymore,
so what's the point?
It's hard to say.
You know,
I've been thinking
about Vermont.
Think about it.
In a place
where you don't have to worry
about locking doors at night.
[sighs] Somewhere
where we don't have
to worry about
Carina living too fast.
Where everybody
knows each other.
And everybody
knows your business.
Yeah, but I'm thinking
about a community
where everybody
has each other's backs.
Plus, it would help
keep an eye on Carina.
Oh, it was so fucking hard
when you weren't here.
[thunder rumbling]
[soft guitar instrumental]
Don't you think
this shit with Romo
is getting a little out of hand?
Mike White.
He got away with killing Romo.
And nobody did
a fucking thing about it.
You two.
I need the both of you
to hunt down
this motherfucker Mike White
and I want you
to make him disappear.
He's gonna be
a real pain in the ass to kill.
Yeah, like chasing a ghost
in a house full of mirrors.
If I hear one of you say
another nice thing
about that fucking Mike White,
I'm gonna put a bullet
in your fucking heads.
Now, go make a ghost out of him.
Get the fuck out of here.
What are you waiting for?
[thunder rumbling]
[tense music plays]

[reporter] Spoke with one victim
who was ripped off by a conner
who was posing as a friend.

[reporter] ...and a friend,
asked her to use the Cash App
and buy just $200 in...

Forest spirits
Calling me into the woods
-[Mike] All right. Let me see.
-[Mia] What did you see?
[Mike] I've seen nothing,
but I heard something, so--
We're gonna go
into this room, okay?
Let's go. All right.
Go, go, go. Go, go, go, go.
[sighs] [indistinct]
This might be it, all right?
I can't see a fucking thing.
-Fuck. All right.
-[Mia] What is it?
[Mike] Yeah, there's somebody
out there for sure.
Now, let's just
handle this, okay?
[Mike sighs]
Let's get ready.
[breathing loudly]
-[knocking on door]
-It's Randy.
What the fuck?
I swear to God.
We kill this fat fuck.
[Mia sighs]
-Hey, Randy. What's up?
I was just
checking in on you two.
There's been power outages
all around town
and I know that that cable box
in the master bedroom
has a hard time flipping back on
when the power goes out.
If you'd be a doll
and just check that out for me.
Uh, like, right now?
-All right, hang on. One sec.
-Yeah, yeah, no problem.
[Randy] Hey.
How's it going?
[pills rustling]
-I got more.
-[pills rustling]
You want some?
No? You sure?
-I'm sure.
-[Randy] I got plenty.
You really are
like a fragrant wild flower.
You smell really good.
Makes me curious to know
what your pussy tastes like.
-[Randy grunts]
Call 911.
Call 911. [grunts]
Who the fuck are you?
Mike, stop.
Who the fuck is you?
Who the fuck are you?
[both grunting]
[men groaning]
[Randy groaning in pain]
What's on the phone?
["What I Want"
by Midnight Noise playing]
[punches thudding]
[both men grunting]

No, don't. No.
No, no, no, no, no.
Help! No, no, no.
Please, don't. No. [sobs]
I was followed by you
Fuck you. Fuck you.
[Randy screams out]
I never thought
I [indistinct]
But I'm with you
[Randy whimpering]
[Randy grunting]
You fucking pervert.
Fuck you!
[Randy laughs frantically]
[moans, panting]
Hey. You know what?
I have to...
tell you something.
I'm gonna take what I want
[laughs hysterically]
I'm gonna take
What I want
I should have raped
your fucking daughter
when I had the chance.
I'm gonna take what I need
[gunshot blasts]
[emotional music playing]
All clear.
[Mia] You sure
you checked every drawer?
-All right.
Let's get
the hell out of here.
There we go, now.
Guys, pull around the side.
You're absolutely sure
you feel safe?
[Mike sighs]
Gotta make sure
this can't come back to us.
You know?
You-- you're not coming?
Sweetheart, I can't.

I'm just so scared that
I'm not going to see you again.
Don't be silly, all right?
I'm going to be
right behind you, okay?
You're going to go
with your mom right now.
You guys
are going to go to a hotel
and I'll be there
as soon as I can.
[Carina sniffles]
-I love you.
-Love you, too.

-Hey. Long time, man.
It's gotta be 15 years, brother.
Created a real mess
for you in there.
Oh, don't worry.
Packed my wetsuit
and my snorkel.
Let's do this.
[objects clanking]
No anger management in prison?
At least he didn't suffer.
["Tell Me (Why Won't You)"
by Ran Raiten playing]
I still haven't heard
one good reason,
not one good reason,
why this thing of ours
isn't strictly Sicilian?
Come on, Enzo, you're starting
to sound like Masseria.
He wanted everything Sicilian,
everything Italian,
cost him his life.
You want to help me out?
Maybe explain it to him?
Well, it's pretty simple really.
Guys like Luciano and Ricardo,
they understood the value
of a diverse organization.
You know, putting
the importance on the actual...
person instead of
the nationality.
You know,
Luciano had Meyer Lansky,
Bugsy Siegel.
Bugsy Siegel, Bugsy Siegel.
A wise guy Jew
in the Sicilian Mafia.
I mean, it was he and Luciano
who founded Murder Inc.
You thought everyone
that was made was Sicilian.
Now, you know.
I mean, it's the greatest
sleight of hand,
the greatest magic trick
that's ever been pulled,
this whole thing
about them being Sicilian.
You look at the--
the heads.
The mob bosses, most of them,
they weren't Sicilian, right?
-[Mike] Costello.
Up to this very day,
the list continues.
You know, Mike,
it's hard for me to believe.
This is the last time
we're gonna do dirt together.
I gotta protect my family, man.
Stuff my daughter seen
last couple months,
everything I put her through.
Need a different
change of pace, man.
I just think
this whole situation,
it just could have been handled,
I don't know...
just different.
You followed
all the rules, Mike.
You did all that time
in the joint.
You've always been
a stand-up guy.
And above board.
[Mike sighs]
I mean, I can't go
after the Don's son.
Since when?
Guess since I decided
to be a better...
husband and father, man.
That's my point.
You see, in my book,
you want to be a better husband?
You want to be a better father?
Then you get them back the life
that you and me
have worked so hard for.
Not just stand around here
and let Carlo
take it away from you.
You didn't break
the rules, Mike.
-He did.
-[Mike hums]
History channel.
What would the old timers
do in a situation like this?
The old Dons?
The old Dons would never
let a violation like this
go unpunished.
And he knows that.
Don don't got a beef with Mike.
None of his crew do.
It's Carlo.
Carlo and his
small time soldiers.
If I was you...
["The Crystal Boardwalk"
by Benjamin Esterlis playing]
...I'd call Vetti
for a sit down with the Don
before he's gone.

[music fades]
Mom, can you pass me the chips?
-Which one?
-[Carina] The blue.
Thank you.

Anything from Dad?

[knocking on door]
-Uncle Mike.
Mike, how are you? Long time.
Find what I was looking for?
I did.
It was there.
I'm gonna talk to Mike alone
for a minute.
[intriguing music playing]
Sit down, Mike.
You heard the bad news.
The indictment?
Cock sucking feds.
Had my office, house,
bugged for months.
It's bad enough I got
every asshole in this town
wanting me dead,
now I gotta deal with this shit.
How bad is it?
Very bad.
I know why you're here.
I know you know it was Carlo.
I do.
I think the best thing
that we could do is
get everybody in a room,
talk about this
and figure out how--
There ain't nothing
to talk about here.
He's my son.
He's out of control.
It's not the first time.
It's not the second.
This time,
he went too far.
My daughter
watched me get gutted
with a knife.
She saved my life
by blowing the brains
of that cocksucker, Romo,
all over the floors
that she learned to walk on.
You know
what you're asking me to do?
I'm not asking you
to do anything.
We made an oath.
You know what that means.
We live by it,
we work by it
and not anything or anyone
can break it.
You taught me that.
Fucking kid.
It's crazy.
This fucking kid is crazy.
You know what to do.
Ain't nothing
for you to do, Don.
He's got to go, man.
I'm going away for a long time.
Thought about this-- this...
There's no way in hell
I can let this kid
just take over everything.
After what my family bled for.

I gotta do what I gotta do.
And you gotta do
what you gotta do.
I don't wanna know when
and I don't wanna know how.
Okay, Don.
[Don sighs] Okay.
[Carlo laughs]
You see that shit?
I love it.
[clapping] Let's go.
-Yeah, sure it is.
-[Marco] Yeah.
Look at this.
Look at this. What a game.
[Carlo chuckles]
Let's go, baby.
[cellphone rings]
Come on, come on, come on.
What the fuck?
Yeah? Hm.
Guys, I gotta take this outside.
Of course you do. Hm.
We know you're trying to run.
My whole team
spanking that ass. [chuckles]
Should have picked
a better running back, pal.
Baby, baby. Relax, sweetheart.
What's the problem?
I'm with the guys.
You know what?
Go get the King George.
We're fucking
celebrating tonight.
-You got it.
[Carlo exhales]
Hey, Marco.
Where the hell are you?
Come on, man,
the game's almost over
and C wants
to crack open some George.
Well, there you are.
What the fuck?
[rapid gunshots]
[glass shattering]
[TV playing in background]
[tense instrumental plays]
Where you at, motherfucker?
-[gunshot popping]
-[glass shattering]
[gasps] What the fuck was that?
What's happening?
-[Carlo] Not now!
Carlo, what is happening?
[gun clicking]
[gunshots popping]
Carlo, don't leave me.
[gunshot popping]

-[gunshot pops]
-[glass breaking]

[both grunting]
[wood cracking]
[Carlo groaning]
You want to [indistinct]?
[both exclaiming]
[glass shattering]
[Carlo exclaiming]
-[both grunting]
-[glass shattering]
[Mike gasps]
[both grunting]
-[Carlo groaning]
-[kick thuds]
[knife clanking]
[Mike groaning]
[both groaning]
[glass shattering]
[both groaning]
Fuck you. [groans]
-[Mike] Fuck you!
-[punch thuds]
[Carlo] Fuck. Ah.
[Carlo grunting]
[Carlo] Fuck.
-Now, it's my turn. [grunts]
-[gun clicks]
-[Mike chuckles]
-Are you fucking kidding me?
-[gun clicking]
-Why won't you die?
[Mike groaning]
[Carlo groaning]
[door latch clicks]
[both grunting]
[Carlo] Fuck.
Fuck. Where the fuck
you guys been?
This asshole killed
Paulie and Marco.
And my girl.
Killed my fucking girl.
Looks like you seen better days.
Oh, the fuck is this,
a fucking reunion?
Where we at? A campground?
Gonna sing songs next?
-The fuck?
-[Venetti] Carlo, Carlo.
-Your father's been arrested.
What? When?
-A short while ago.
-What the--
-Did you call a lawyer?
-I called a lawyer.
It makes me--
That makes me the don.
Wait a minute.
That makes me
the fucking Don, right?
I've been meaning
to talk to you about it.
-[Carlo] Yeah.
-[gunshots echoing]
Welcome home.
["The Same Story"
by James Forest playing]
Vet, how are you doing?
-How are you?
Great to see you.

It has never been so hard
To hit the road
But this time,
I don't feel like it
This time I would stay home
The morning sun
is coming slowly
[Venetti] Gentlemen.
This certainly
is a special night to all of us,
but it's even
more special to me.
I wanna thank you all
for such a prosperous year.
So, let's toast.
-[all toasting]

It has never been so hard
To pack my things and go
I'm really tired.
Still got a couple things
I gotta handle.
I want you guys
out of 'em, okay?
You always got things to handle.
The morning sun
is rising slowly
Too soon, I have to say
These people are unreal.
Fuck this shit.
The same old, same old game
If that Richard Fellari
would have called me "sweetie"
one more goddamn time,
I would have spit
on his fucking Caesar salad.
-Have we got something good?
-[Santiago] Yeah.
Looks like your boy,
Mike White's back in business.
That explains the bodies
popping up everywhere.
Changing of the guard.
My buddy, Mike White,
rides smack in the middle,
just like
I've been saying all along.
You know that trucking contract
should have been settled
years ago.
But now that it's in my hands,
things are going to be okay.
Yeah, Vet.
We know
how decisive you could be.
-Ha-ha. Funny.
-[Mike chuckles]
But no offence against Dominic.
You know, things are going to be
more smooth now.
The same old, same old story

[Venetti grunts]
[car doors slam]
It's too bad
what happened to Carlo.
He was a good earner.
You know, about that.
I'm sorry, Vet.
What are you sorry about?
Dominic's orders.
[loud gunshot]
[Mike sighs]
It's dirty business.
[melancholy music playing]
You think that you faced
your darkest days
you paid for your mistakes
But there's some men
who sealed your fate
So what do they think,
you're designed to break?
You know you're rolling deep,
but you ain't safe
you're playing their game
Now the words and the rules
that you lived by
No longer mean the same
It's your time,
dig deep inside
You'd be wise
to slide aside your pride
From your demons
you can't hide
And if you run,
that's suicide
Time to rise
and strike with skill
Ain't afraid
to test your will
Whose legacy
will be fulfilled
Keep your hand raised
'cause it's kill or be killed
Survival of the fittest
When your back's
against the wall
And your time's up
and then
Survival of the fittest
You're in this too,
in this too
Fight to the finish
Survival of the fittest
You go toe to toe, soul to
soul, went the distance
Who won this round
when it all goes down
Who will be wearing
the crown?
Don't be surprised to find
who was riding with you
The smile on your face,
but they're coming for you
You're faced with your fear,
now decide what to do
Are you the force
or are you the fool?
They test you in the face
Because they think
it makes them big
you only got [indistinct]
And to pull
the goddamn trigger
It's you or them,
dead or alive
Are you the strong,
will you survive?
It's your time,
dig deep inside
You'd be wise
to slide aside your pride
From your demons
you can't hide
And if you run,
that's suicide
Time to rise
and strike with skill
They ain't afraid
to test your will
Whose legacy
will be fulfilled
Keep your hand raised
cause it's kill or be killed
Survival of the fittest
When your back's
against the wall
And your time's up,
and then it's
Survival of the fittest
You're in this to win this
You fight to the finish
Survival of the fittest
[indistinct lyrics]
when it all goes down
Who will be wearing
the crown?
Survival of the fittest
When your back's
against the wall
And your [indistinct]
Survival of the fittest
You're in this too,
in this too
Fight to the finish
Survival of the fittest
You go toe to toe, soul to
soul, went the distance
Who won this round
when it all goes down
Who will be wearing
the crown?

[music fades]