Mom at Sixteen (2005) Movie Script

What you're about to see
is a sight so disturbing... may have nightmares
for the rest of your lives.
Some will say there's no reason
in showing this image to the world.
But I say, in the interest of science,
we must.
Macy! Macy, get out of here!
Macy, get out of the room!
That was what is referred to
as a Teenagerus monsterus.
If you don't get out of my room,
I'm gonna break that camera in half.
- Mom says, "Get up. "
- Fine.
No animals or teenagers were
hurt in the making of this film.
- Say, "Hi, Mommy. "
- Hi, Mommy.
Macy, are you getting this?
Does he look a little poopy to you?
Because I just fed him.
I'm not exactly sure
what poopy looks like.
- Can you describe it?
- I ain't.
You have to come to the school.
It's our first day, you have to sign us in.
I have to go in person?
They won't let me send a note?
I cannot do that.
I've got to get him to the babysitter.
I've gotta get to work.
- It's the law. Are we above the law?
- No, we are not above the law.
- Mom?
- What?
I guess you don't want me to tell you
your shoes don't match.
Oh, no. All right, all right. Listen.
Both of you, listen up. Do not make
a single plan for this weekend.
We are unpacking every one of these boxes
and getting them all out of the living room.
Hello? Hi, Dad.
Oh, give that to me. Give that to me.
Bruce? Hi. Yeah, listen.
You've gotta get the check in.
I sent mine in, got there Tuesday. The
doctor's waiting for your check now, okay?
He's fine.
She's fine.
Can I just call you back after work?
Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye.
Couldn't I have at least said hi?
I'm sorry.
Get that camera out of my face.
Thank you!
- Jane, I'll pick you up at 4:00.
- Ashley, I have your textbook.
- Meet me at my locker at lunch.
- Yeah.
Okay, girls, it's showtime.
Your hair is your crowning glory.
Let me get this strand.
Take your retainer out. Macy,
you cannot wear those gloves into school.
That's not appropriate.
All right, now, everybody,
shoulders back.
I'm sure this is going to be
a magical day for all of us.
Mom, this is high school, not Disneyland.
I've got your math book.
Macy, Macy, turn it off.
Go away.
- It's stuck to my foot.
- Gross!
Your hair's sticking up in the back.
My mom already left.
Call her and tell her to come back
because this is a school, not a nightclub.
Does her mother let her come
to school dressed that way?
Oh, what a cute baby.
What's his name?
His name is Charley Michael Jeffries.
We gave him a good, strong name...
...because we suspect he's gonna
be a leader for world peace.
May I hold him?
Hold on. Just turn your palms over.
All right, there you go.
There you go, little guy.
That baby smell.
I couldn't imagine starting over again.
Well, it's midlife madness, believe me.
I didn't even think I could get pregnant.
But I'm thrilled. We are thrilled.
- Can we go?
- Of course.
Now, your schedule
is printed out for you.
If you get lost or need some help,
you just ask anyone.
The kids here are very friendly.
Welcome to Bayview.
Yeah, just getting your collar.
That's all. Pull it out.
Jacey, shoulders back.
Have a great day.
I love you.
I can't believe we have to do this.
Starting in the middle of semester?
How are we supposed to make friends?
It wasn't my decision.
None of it was my decision.
Really? I thought the whole world
revolved around you.
I have to go down there.
If I get lost, don't look for me.
Save yourself, as usual.
Do I really like him? I don't know.
Oh, my God. That's awesome.
I know. It's been three weeks.
My mom still hasn't noticed.
If I did that, my mom would flip.
She just wouldn't understand it.
The transcripts from their old school
were sent... they've gotta be here.
Look around. They're there.
- How beautiful. How old is he?
- Five months.
This is Mrs. Cooper.
She's the girls' guidance counselor...
...and also their Health Ed teacher.
- Donna, this is Mrs. Jeffries.
She has two new students starting today.
Jacey, who's a junior...
...and Macy, who's a...
- Who's a freshman.
- Macy and Jacey?
- Lyrical, isn't it?
It came to me in a dream.
Okay. Oh, God.
I am officially now late for work.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.
Okay, today we're gonna
mix things up a little bit.
I wanna switch the roles.
I want you guys to be the teacher
and for me to be the student.
And, of course, as always,
what is said in class...
- Stays in class!
- Okay.
Today, I want you guys to teach me
about friends with benefits.
Teach me about it. What is it?
- It's when you hook up with somebody.
- Doing whatever you want.
So it's sexual activity
without commitment.
Okay, well,
what does "hooking up" mean?
Getting some, yeah.
But no strings attached.
- Is it full intercourse? Is it oral sex?
- It depends.
- It could be, like, either.
- It depends on the girl, really.
Okay, but if mostly...
If hooking up is mostly oral sex...
...who goes first?
- Well, the girl.
- The girl.
Okay, but then does the girl
get some too, or is it just one-way?
No, it's two-way.
What about pressure?
Do you feel pressure?
Say you're in a clique of girls,
you know, or boys...
...and everyone is hooking up,
so to speak.
Do you feel like, "Oh, well,
if my friend is hooking up...
...but I don't want to, I think I need to"?
- The point is, there's no pressure.
Most of the normal kids
in this room have had sex.
Let's say that you're having sex...
...because that's what you're telling me.
Who is responsible for the protection?
Who brings the condoms?
- The guy should.
- The guy should.
"No glove, no love. " That's my motto.
- Because this guy gets any, right? Yeah.
- Yeah.
The girls are only doing it
because the guys want them to.
I like it if the girls can take
as much initiative as the guys.
Like, if I want some, I can just be like,
"Hey, I got a condom, come on over. "
What about these sexual bracelets?
These bracelets that you girls wear?
Oh, we've got some right here.
Okay. Tell me what they're about.
Blue's oral sex. And I think pink's...
Does that mean that you'll do it...
...or that you're known
to have done it already?
You wear the bracelet, and if a guy...
If he breaks it, then you have to
do what the bracelet means.
Except that you guys never do.
I don't know how many
of those things I snapped.
You're wearing a black one,
which means..?
- I'm just wearing it for fun, but...
- Okay.
But aren't you giving the impression
to people looking at your wrist...
...that you're willing to have intercourse?
I'm not gonna go sleep with anyone
if they break my bracelet.
Thank you guys so much
for being so open with me.
We'll continue this next class. Bye.
Thank you, Mrs. Cooper.
- Hi. You're new, right? Jacey?
- Right.
Are you okay?
- I didn't sleep well last night.
- A new baby in the house will do that.
I met your mother and your little brother
in the office this morning.
Bye. He's so cute.
I know my class is a pretty freewheeling
class, so I hope you feel safe to jump in.
All right, ladies. We're gonna be
focusing on the front crawl.
We're gonna sort the lanes according
to speed. Fastest down there.
Slowest in the big section.
Focus on technique, okay?
Get a good roll through your shoulders. If
you know how to bilateral breathe, do it.
We'll meet down at that side.
Don't get into the water until I tell you to.
Thank you very much, gentlemen.
Take it on outside.
Take it outside.
Lily, you know you gotta wear a one-piece.
You're wearing a two-piece.
Why don't you sit out for the day. Okay?
- Hey, did you hear about that Jacey girl?
- No.
She used to go to Westbrook. I guess she
just got out of, like, 6 months of rehab.
- No way.
- She just left one day...
...without telling anyone, boyfriend
included, and now she shows up here?
- Westbrook's, what, 40 minutes from here?
- I know.
- Why doesn't she just go back there?
- I'll get the skinny.
- Hi. I'm Gena.
- Hi.
It must be screwed up to change schools
in the middle of your junior year.
- Whatever.
- The kids here are cool.
As long as you stay away
from the riffraff.
The posers are lame,
the jocks are retarded...
...but the mainstream nobodies are cool.
- All right, ladies, in the pool.
Good job. Get your head in the water.
In the water. And pull all the way through.
Alison, pull all the way through!
Werner, head down!
You're gonna drown out there.
All right. Good.
I'll call you back.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Hey, tell me, did you
ever swim in competition?
- A long time ago.
- Yeah?
Because a bunch of our strong
swimmers graduated last year.
- We could really use your help on the team.
- I don't really swim anymore.
All right. Call me, you know,
if you have a change of heart.
Because "swim team" looks
really good on a college application.
And it gets you out of P.E.
We meet twice a week,
and swim meets start in a couple weeks.
- Did I mention the really snappy swimsuits?
- I'll think about it.
There's this girl, this child,
who still has braces... Hi.
- And is even too young to drive,
by the way...
...she comes to my office today to tell me
that she thinks she's pregnant.
So this young girl who hasn't been to
college, no less graduated high school...
...who sits home and watches cartoons all
day, why can she have a baby and I can't?
So, what'd you say?
I convinced her to talk to her mother.
She went to the doctor.
She's not pregnant, by the way. The point
is, she could have a baby if she wanted.
- Sandra?
- Yeah?
Hi. Aren't you supposed to be
studying for the SATs?
- Now might be a good time.
- Okay.
No, no, no. Now.
- Now would be a good time.
- Okay.
- Sorry, what's the point?
- Point is, they don't make the connection...
...between having sex...
That that can result in having babies.
Honey, they don't wanna listen
to a sexy woman...
...who's having sex with a sexy man... tell them they can't have sex.
It's hard for me to be in a school
with all these girls...
...who can get pregnant, and I can't.
- We gotta get dog food.
Hello. Are you listening to me?
Come here.
I think if the in vitro doesn't work...
...we should reconsider adoption.
- What?
I'm calling the agency
and getting back on the list.
I can't go through that process again.
- You can go through that again?
- Well, we might have to.
I wanna make sure
we have a backup plan... I don't watch you collapse again.
- Excuse me.
You were just as wrecked as I was.
You just won't show it.
But I can recover.
What are you saying?
You're saying I had a choice?
What choice did I have, Bruce?
What..? What choice did I have?
No, I did not. I did what I did.
That's what I had to do
to protect the children.
Oh, Bruce, no, please. The girls are fine.
No, they're fine. They're private.
Well, you know what? Bully for you.
I'm working a full-time job too,
and I'm raising three children.
Yes, I did. Your grudging support's
very much appreciated.
Are you tired of erectile
dysfunction keeping you down?
Permanex is the E.D.
... that guarantees to keep
your love life spontaneous.
Now, you'll be ready
whenever the occasion arises.
Dad's not coming home for Christmas.
He's going to Hawaii with Shelly.
"Whatever" because it doesn't
affect your world?
"Whatever" because whatever.
- please consult your personal
physician immediately.
Warning, Permanex may
cause lightheadedness...
... stomach cramps and vomiting.
- Stop that.
- What?
I'm trying to cook here.
- I'm not stopping you.
- You're driving me crazy.
- Oh, really, am I? What am I doing?
- I'm warning you.
Are we still fighting?
I don't know, are we?
I don't want to be.
Me either.
If you wanna keep cooking,
I won't bother you.
Bother me.
What do you think?
Coach Bob's gonna freak.
- I totally wanna ditch.
- Yeah, I'm not into swimming today either.
It's like a vitamin. It's totally safe.
My mom uses them to lose weight.
I usually take two, so you can
totally start with one.
Good job, Jeffries!
All the way to the wall!
Hard to the wall! Accelerate it!
Push it! Push it!
All the way to the wall!
- Hey, pace yourself.
- I feel great.
Hey, Jeffries, hold on a second.
I timed you.
You just did 18 laps in six minutes.
Impressive. Practice is Thursday. Why don't
you come to my office, get a swimsuit.
- All right. I'm gonna keep swimming.
- Nope, bell's about to ring.
Nice. Good job.
Ladies, I've given you 10 minutes
to make it to your next class.
- Oh, sorry.
- Wait, wait. Jacey.
Mom, get the baby!
Mom, the baby's crying!
Oh, okay. I'm coming.
- Mom, can't you go get Charley?
- I will. I'll be right there, baby.
I'll be right there.
It's okay. It's all right.
Come on, come on.
Okay. Yeah. You want your fish?
You want your fish?
Yeah, yeah, the fish is nice. Fish.
We won't change you.
We won't change you.
Stop crying.
It's okay.
It's okay. Your mommy's here.
Your mommy's here.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, Miss Holtz told me
to come here after Spanish.
- But I'm gonna be late for...
- I can give you a pass.
- I just wanted to explain about yesterday.
- Look, I don't really care.
You may not have
understood what you saw.
It's not that important.
I'm trying to get pregnant,
and so I'm doing in vitro fertilization.
I have these shots every day.
My husband normally gives me the shot,
but he's been really busy, so...
I'm hoping this can just stay
between you and me, okay?
It's none of my business.
Are you still thinking about
joining the swim team?
Because it's a cool way to know more kids
and feel more a part of the school.
I gotta go to class.
All right.
What point is Mr. Hobart making...
...when he says, "Men and women
have their place until death"?
- Jeff?
- That men and women play different roles...
...and they should stick to them?
- But he says earlier...
...women can do anything men can do.
Still, just because they can
doesn't mean they should.
Jacey, do you have any insights
to offer us?
- On what?
- On last night's reading.
What was it again?
"The Course of Gender. " Did you read it?
- Not last night.
- Then you've just earned yourself a zero.
I read it two years ago. James Hobart.
In the short story following his essay,
"The Life Span of a Day"...
...he looks at the concept
of gender in today's world.
He makes the assumption that
after death, when souls gather...
...they meet on equal footing. His
hypothesis is there is no gender in heaven.
That's correct.
Don't forget, your analysis of one of the
works of Shakespeare is due by Friday.
- Jacey, can I speak to you a minute?
- Yeah.
- Why are you in my class?
- What?
Why are you in English II,
when you belong in AP Literature?
I read your transcript. The past two
years, you've taken honors classes.
- I thought I'd take it easy this year.
- What do you think we'd have today...
...if Mr. Shakespeare
took the easy way out?
Mr. Shakespeare didn't
have MTV and the Internet.
He had no choice than to sit around...
...and write about boys who wanna sleep
with their mothers and kill their fathers.
Does anyone know anyone
who's pregnant right now?
My boyfriend's sister got
pregnant when she was 16.
Her parents had to support her.
It was really hard for her.
You all hook up, and you speak about
friends with benefits.
Do you discuss the responsibility
that comes from having sex?
There's things a girl can do. If she's
hooking up just for fun, she should be...
It's not all on us to be careful.
It's your guys' fault too.
You think kids are having sex
younger these days?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
They're more scared to talk
to their parents about it these days.
- Yeah.
- Why do you feel... can't speak to your parents
more openly?
Having sex is a secret.
You don't talk to your parents.
My dad would freak out.
If you got a girl pregnant, what would
you want the next step to be?
How would you go about that?
Personally, I wouldn't
turn my back on her.
If you got a girl pregnant, how would you
take care of it? Do you have the support?
If a girl I was with got pregnant,
I'd tell her to get an abortion.
Just that easily, you'd just
have an abortion like that?
We get no say in the matter.
Most chicks don't even tell the guy
when they get an abortion.
What about when the guy
just walks away?
My sister had an abortion
because she was all alone.
My mother kicked her out of the house.
Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Cooper,
what's your take on abortion?
What do you think?
The Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade,
giving a woman a right to choose.
Yeah, but I don't really care about the
Supreme Court. What do you think?
A woman has the right
to choose, still, now.
- At the moment, that's being threatened.
- Let's say there's this woman...
...who wants to have a baby,
but she can't get pregnant.
How do you think she'd feel about
these girls casually aborting fetuses?
I would imagine that she'd
feel very badly about that.
This is dumb. You tell us to be honest,
but you won't be honest.
Jacey, if you'd like to talk personally,
we can do that after class.
It can't be as bad
as you're making it.
It is. This new girl, she is pushing me.
I do not know why.
Honey, don't you think that probably
has more to do with your hormones?
Excuse me, my hormones?
Don't make this just about me.
I'm not going through
all this just for myself, you know.
Yes, you are.
You don't want a baby?
We're not in this together?
I thought we both wanted a baby.
That's not right?
- I just don't care where it comes from.
- Where are you coming from?
We've been going through this
for over a year.
An adoption, two cycles of shots
twice a day.
Losing a baby through adoption.
Now you don't want it?
- Is it still worth it?
- Yes, it is! Yes, it is!
It is worth it. It's worth it.
Because I can feel something.
I can feel something, Bob.
I swear it's working.
It's growing inside of me.
I know it's gonna work this time.
I know it.
I burnt the chicken!
- It's just chicken.
- It's not just a chicken!
Look at it. Look. Is this chicken?
It's garbage now.
- It's fine.
- It is not fine, Bob! Everything is not fine.
Come on, huh?
I'll take you out for Mexican.
Go by yourself. I don't wanna go.
I went to take a migraine pill today...
...and to my enormous surprise,
there were only two left.
Last time I took a pill,
I had a half a bottle.
- What should I conclude from that?
- Don't look at me.
I get high on life and S'mores.
I love S'mores.
- Shut up.
- Don't talk to your sister that way.
What, so you're asking me
if I took your drugs?
First, I could get better drugs at school.
Second, tranquilizers don't exactly count
as migraine medicine.
So you are taking drugs?
I just said that I could get better drugs
at school if I wanted.
Why, that's a great attitude, Jacey.
Macy, if you turn that camera on,
I swear to God, I will smash it.
I was just going to my room
to film my sorrow.
What do you want from me?
Do you have any idea what you're
putting this family through?
- You know, we did make a decision.
- You made a decision.
No. No. No, no, no, no, no.
That's not fair, and you know it.
We came to an agreement together.
I'm keeping my half.
- I expect you to keep yours.
- I'm sick of lying about it.
What do you wanna do,
tell everyone in the world?
I didn't kill anyone. I just had a baby.
You know... Keep taking drugs, okay?
There's a good chance you'll kill yourself.
Hey, this is Brad. You've finally reached me,
but I'm not here...
... so leave a message after the beep.
- Come on, ladies, go! Push!
- They look good.
- Yeah. Is that Jacey in the lead?
- Yeah. She's incredible.
- She's a total natural.
- Yeah.
She just broke the school record too.
- Wow, congratulations!
- Great.
Call an ambulance.
- You're with her?
- Yeah, I'm one of her teachers.
- What happened?
- She passed out in swimming class.
Her coach is coming.
- Can you tell me her name?
- Jacey. Jacey Jeffries.
Jacey, I'm Dr. Hughes.
Can you hear me?
Is she gonna be okay?
It's almost over, Jacey.
We're going to the delivery room.
Concentrate. Breathe.
- I'm right here. Right here.
- Mommy, I'm scared.
You're doing great. I've got your hand.
You're doing great.
Can you tell me your name?
Jacey Jeffries.
- Is he okay?
- Is who? Is who okay?
You fainted. They brought you here.
You'll be all right.
- We called your mom. She's on her way.
- No, call her back.
We're giving you fluids.
I wouldn't swim any more marathons.
Jacey. Jacey.
Oh, honey, what happened?
- I'm okay, Mom, okay?
- I'm her mother. What happened?
She'll be fine, Mrs. Jeffries.
She's just dehydrated.
- I'm okay.
- There's no danger now.
I'd like to do a full blood work.
I'd rather she go to our family doctor.
I'm sure you're terrific. I'd just rather go
to somebody that we know and trust.
I'm okay. Mom, it's fine.
She has to leave in a wheelchair.
Ethan, can you help Miss Jeffries, please?
It's a formality.
This used to happen to me when I was
her age. I would get very lightheaded.
I think it has something to do
with not eating her breakfast.
Okay, so I sign out when I get down there?
All right.
She has to go in the wheelchair, huh?
Everything will be fine.
- Do you think she's on drugs?
- Which one?
Hey, what's going on?
My mom went to sign some papers.
She'll be back.
You could talk to me.
Look, it has nothing to do with
you or school.
I'm sorry about what I said.
If you're in some kind of trouble...
Look, Mrs. Cooper, this has
nothing to do with you, okay?
You're mad because you're too old
and dried-up to have a baby... don't take it out on me.
I'll do whatever you want, okay?
I'll join the swim team.
I'll go to class. I'll get straight A's.
Just leave me alone!
Oh, Jacey, he's your baby, isn't he?
No. He's not my baby.
He's not mine!
He's not my baby.
What kind of serious pain?
Everybody's knocking themselves out
in this household to make your life work!
What serious pain are you in?
I can't keep on pretending
that I don't have a baby.
I mean, Charley is a part of our lives.
Look, look, look.
Mom, don't.
- Mom, if we could just give Brad and I a go.
- I don't wanna hear about Brad.
Brad is lucky I didn't charge him
with statutory rape. You were 15.
- Mom, that's ridiculous. He was only 17.
- All right, all right, all right.
...what fantasy world are you living in?
Do you think an 18-year-old boy
with an engineering scholarship... gonna wanna give up all that,
stay here with you and raise a child...
...and get married? And, what, work
in a gas station to pay for diapers?
- You are naive!
- He loved me.
Well, darling... is overrated.
Let's suppose you get married, okay?
Do you know what the statistics are
for a marriage...
...between a 16-year-old
and an 18-year-old surviving?
And then what? You're a single mother
without even a high school education.
What guys are gonna wanna
date you under those conditions?
You're wrong about Brad.
We could make this work.
...I love you.
And no matter what you think,
and no matter how much you hate it...
...I am gonna do everything in my power
to give you your life back.
There you go.
Don't hang up!
Thank you for not talking.
Hey, you want a ride?
- Yeah.
- Get in.
I own this thing.
Now, watch this. Watch this.
Come on.
- Hi.
- How's it going?
- Nice hair.
- Yeah, how are you doing, huh?
Let me show you how to do it.
What? Go on.
You scared the crap out of me.
I thought you were Mom.
She went to bed hours ago.
- That's all I need, Mom on my back.
- She needs to be on your back.
- Where were you? What were you doing?
- Nothing, really.
- I hitchhiked to the arcade.
- Hitchhiked to the arcade?
Chill out, okay?
We just stood around and talked.
- They talked, and I pretended to smoke.
- Oh, so now you're smoking?
This guy offered one.
I didn't wanna look like a total dweeb.
You could have been killed or kidnapped.
I remember plenty of nights
when you snuck out.
- I was an idiot.
- Thank you, Captain Obvious.
- Oh, okay, so you wanna end up like me?
- Never happen.
I'm not a slut.
I put in extra marshmallows.
You know, I am really sorry
about what I said.
And I didn't mean it.
And I know you and Brad
were totally in love.
Dad's gone. Mom's a lulu.
Now you're sneaking out.
- I'm sorry you're stuck in the middle.
- Are you kidding?
I have waited my whole life for this.
- For what?
- Since you were little... made all A's,
and you were good at everything:
Soccer, piano, dance,
swimming, school, everything.
And now you're the screwup
and I'm the good kid.
I'm the one who they can point to
and say, "This is our good child.
She only gets B's and C's, but she is
the one who didn't get pregnant. "
Shut up. You know Mom's gonna
freak out about your hair.
- "Your hair is your crowning glory. "
- "Is your crowning glory. "
- Yeah.
- Let's see what we can do about it.
Grab my brush.
Have a seat.
In a show of solidarity,
the girls try and fix the psycho hair.
They don't realize that life as they know it
is about to end.
Oh, no.
What is it? This is what?
Some kind of act of adolescent rebellion?
You realize you've
shot yourself in the foot.
Because your hair was
your crowning glory.
I mean, it's your hair.
It's your prerogative.
I, on the other hand,
can't do anything with my hair.
I haven't got the time or the money.
And it's not even an attractive purple.
There she is.
Look. There's that new girl, Jacey.
That's so gross.
Whore. Whore.
- Slut!
- There she is!
Hey, where were you last class?
- Here she comes. I dare you.
- Watch this.
Oh, yeah.
Look at what they're doing.
- Maybe I should...
- Stay out of it.
Let her family deal with it.
Oh, my gosh.
So when she says, "Oh, damn spot,"
she's really trying...
She's really trying
to clear her conscience.
The blood is gone, but her guilt and remorse
for what she's done will never wash away.
- Thank you, Harry.
- You're welcome.
Gena, you're up.
I thought you were going in alphabetical
order. I figured you wouldn't get to me.
- No, I made it very clear you all needed...
- I'll go.
Romeo and Juliet
might have been very young...
...but that's what made
their love so pure.
They were victims of a natural passion
that neither of them was prepared for.
And their love was so strong
and so deep.
And then I believe that Juliet
found out she was pregnant.
And she knew it would screw up
her whole family.
So she goes to tell Romeo,
but she finds him dead.
What she doesn't know
is that he's only sleeping.
But still she feels... lost and alone.
She decides to take her life...
...rather than live without the love
that was the breath that sustained her.
Okay, I want all the girls
to stand up, please.
Come on. Girls, stand up.
I think you all look lovely,
but we have to say...
...that almost every dress code
in our book is being broken here.
- So what?
- Lf you've got it, might as well flaunt it.
- Yeah.
- What do you guys think of the dress code?
- No one follows it.
- You can't express yourself.
Nobody follows them. Why? Do you think
it's limiting your individuality?
- Definitely, yeah.
- Look at my tattoos and my piercings.
- I wanna show them off.
- Okay.
You can sit down. Thank you very much.
Do you realize you are wearing outfits...
...that trigger a response
from the opposite sex?
- Everything's gonna trigger a response.
- Is it?
But doesn't that trigger a slightly
different response than, say...
...turtlenecks and a parka?
- Well, I can't help that.
I'm not gonna limit what I wanna wear
because guys are gonna look.
What about the influence you get from
watching TV and MTV and music videos?
- It just gives us ideas.
- It gives you ideas?
If you see a video, and everyone's having
sex, then we'll start thinking about it.
It makes you curious,
makes you wanna try it.
I read this quote that said,
"Women were like ovens.
They're more slow to warm up.
Men are like microwaves.
You push one button, and they're ready. "
Do you think that's pressing buttons?
We see every day, in the media, role models
dressing up in revealing clothing.
How can you expect us
not to dress like them?
What are the results of dressing
or behaving like this?
- Getting some.
- Okay, so you hook up.
- And then what happens after that?
- Lf we don't give it up, they don't like us.
So what? So what if they don't like you?
Find someone who's willing to wait.
Like you did?
Yeah, but why wait if you're in love?
I'm not gonna wait forever.
I'm sorry, Tom, who were you
just in the bathroom with?
Okay. All right.
- You're a liar!
- Really?
Okay. Okay.
- Ask Gena.
- Okay.
Excuse me, did it hurt
when you had your baby?
Okay. Okay.
That is not how we speak in this class.
- You were pregnant?
- I can't believe you'd do this.
Thank you very much.
That was very inappropriate. Jacey!
Excuse me. Do you know
where the Admin building is?
Thank you.
- Bye.
- Yeah. Later.
I haven't heard from you
in, like, eight months.
And you just show up here.
- How..? How messed up is that?
- I'm sorry.
Okay, yeah, you're sorry.
You'll have to give me
a second here to adjust.
- My mom made us move.
- You couldn't call and tell me that?
- I wanted to...
- Whatever.
- Look, I know you're mad at me.
- Yeah.
- I just need five minutes to talk to you.
- About what?
About us. About what happened.
Yeah, what happened?
You left. I got... I got so messed up.
I mean, you just disappeared!
I loved you.
- That's stupid, right?
- I loved you too.
Can't we just go somewhere and talk?
What do you wanna tell me?
Can't we just hang out... it used to be?
Yeah. All right.
- I love you so much.
- Wait.
- So much.
- I came here to tell you something.
Can it wait till after, please?
Please. Brad.
- What? What the hell?
- I'm... I'm sorry.
- What? What's wrong?
- I got pregnant.
What? You're not pregnant.
No, I know I'm not, not right now.
That's why my mom made us move.
And what? You had an abortion?
No, I...
I had a baby.
We had a baby boy.
My mom's pretending like he's hers
so it won't ruin our lives...
...but I wanted you to know.
You're so full of it.
No, my mom just freaked out
about the whole thing.
- You're freaking me out! If this is true...
- It is true.
You can see him if you want.
Why are you telling me this now?
Because I thought you should know.
What..? I don't...
Oh, thank God. She's back.
I'll call you later.
- Where have you been?
- Out.
- Yeah, I got that. Out where?
- Just out!
Jacey, I've been up all night.
I was scared to death.
I had absolutely no idea where you were.
That was your father.
We were about to call the police.
- Why didn't you?
- Why didn't you call me?
- Can we do this later?
- No, we can't!
- I can't handle this right now.
- Jacey! You can't handle it?
Jacey. I am the one who is up
with the baby all night.
I am the one who's working all day.
Now, I've been up all night waiting for you!
Why don't you give yourself a break
and stop being such a controlling bitch.
- I'm sorry.
- Your baby needs you.
- Look, I...
- I hate you too!
You know what? I told Brad.
And you will be really happy to know
that he totally blew me off!
- You were right!
- Oh, baby, I'm sorry.
Look, I don't need him!
I don't need him and I don't need you!
- You don't need me?
- No!
You can do this all by yourself?
- Sure.
- All right, you give it a try.
- Here you go. Good luck.
- Come on, Macy.
Look, I'm gonna take Macy to the dentist
and then I'm gonna buy her some sneakers.
And then I'm gonna buy her some books.
And then I'm gonna get my hair done.
If you want to call me and apologize,
you can reach me on my cell phone.
If you don't want to,
I don't give a damn!
I'll be in the car. Macy, come on!
Yeah. It's okay.
It's okay.
She didn't mean it.
There it is. That's the building.
Turn, hon. Turn here.
I got it.
There's a spot right there. Maybe it's
a sign. Maybe things are gonna be okay.
- Signs?
- Yes, signs.
It is a scientific fact that signs are real.
So now what?
Now we park in the back
and put a curse on that jerk's car.
By the way, is crazy genetic?
I wanna know if you'll be passing
down blue eyes and crazy to my kids.
Well, crazy is one thing.
Your feet is a whole other story.
What do you see? I mean,
just tell me it's a boy.
- We implanted four embryos this time?
- Yeah.
I know it sounds stupid,
but I dreamed it was a boy.
It's all right if it's more than one.
We've been waiting so long...
...that a ready-made basketball team is fine.
Unless it's eight to 10, all bets are off.
- Sorry, did I say something stupid?
- What? What is it? What do you see?
I'm sorry. It doesn't look like
any of the embryos have implanted.
But I don't understand.
I've had morning sickness and everything.
We knew there'd be a chance
that none of the embryos would take.
But this was the third time. You said
three times would give us the best chance.
Sometimes there's no explanation
why things don't work.
We can start again. When you're ready.
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's okay.
It's fine.
Right. Hat on.
Oh, yeah.
Attaboy! I'm gonna take Bear for a walk.
Are you gonna be okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. How about you?
Great, yeah. I mean,
I've got you, live in America.
Does it get any better than this?
Come on! Come on, Bear.
Come on.
Hi. I'm sorry.
I found your address in the phone book.
- I didn't know what else to do.
- Come in. Come in.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean bother you at...
I didn't know if you'd be here or at school.
It's Saturday.
- Right. Do you mind holding on to him?
- Sure.
- He likes if you... He likes if you pat his butt.
- Okay. Hello.
I brought his formula.
All I need would be purified water.
- Yeah.
- Where's your mother?
- It doesn't matter.
- Sure.
I just... Oh, man. Do you mind
if I sit down for two seconds?
- Please. No, make yourself comfortable.
- Thanks.
- You want something to drink?
- No, no, I'm okay. Thank you.
May I kiss your stomach?
Why do babies love that so much?
- Donna? Donna.
- Oh, you're so cute.
- Hi.
- Why is Jacey Jeffries asleep on our couch?
More to the point,
what's her baby doing in your arms?
She just showed up. She needs my help
or something. Come on in.
- Have you called her parents?
- I haven't, but I will soon.
- Good.
- Look, this is Charley.
- This is Coach Bob.
- He's so little.
Yeah, they all start out this way,
you know.
You wanna hold him?
Say hi to Bob.
- Look.
- Hey.
You like that? Yeah, you like that.
You like that, don't you?
Oh, he's a strong one.
Look at him.
He's so cute.
Big yawn.
He'll never have that.
A dad to hold him
and tell him about the world.
This is a great room. I thought
you didn't have a baby.
Oh, we don't. We're still trying.
Oh, but you've got all this stuff.
Well, we bought it when...
We lost a baby.
We just kept it for whenever...
Well, for when we have one.
You know the first feeling I had
when I was pregnant? It's like...
...there were guppies swimming
in my stomach.
- Did you feel the guppies?
- I've never been pregnant.
But I thought you said you lost a baby.
Well, we were gonna adopt a baby.
But the birth mother changed her mind
at the last minute.
Jacey, here.
You know we have to call your mother.
You know that, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Hi, big guy.
- Do you think we choose our parents?
- I don't know.
I saw a psychic on TV once
who said that...
...little souls choose who to be born to
before they even get here.
Why would anyone choose me?
Jacey, why are you here?
I just needed someone to talk to.
I mean, my mom was making me pretend
like this never happened, you know.
Like Charley isn't my son,
and I should just go on with my life.
But I can't do that.
And she just won't even listen to me.
I appreciate you bringing them home,
Mrs. Cooper.
But I know my daughter,
and she is not prepared to mother a baby.
- What?
- His name is Charley.
You call him "the baby,"
like we don't know who he is.
Jacey, I think if anybody
knows who he is, it's me.
If Jacey tries to raise a child,
she'll drop out of high school...
...she'll never go to college,
she'll never have a life.
It's just a different kind of life.
Mrs. Cooper, come on.
You're a teacher.
You know what happens to children
when they drop out of school.
There are other kinds of schools
these days for young mothers.
There's schools where
they can go to their classes.
There's a full daycare program
right on campus.
Excuse me, but you don't have
any children yet, do you, Mrs. Cooper?
But I have counseled young girls
for many years.
And I feel honored that Jacey
has trusted to come to me.
I'm glad she trusted you.
I am. Trust is very important.
I trusted Jacey.
I trusted Jacey when she told me
she wasn't having sex with Brad.
Yes, she made a mistake.
But the result of that mistake
is a beautiful baby boy.
You've all had five months
to fall in love with him. With Charley.
But now I think Jacey needs to open up
the discussion of her options.
What options?
Really, what options?
I think we've exhausted all the options.
Jacey, a baby can't thrive this way.
A baby has to know who the mother is.
I have nothing but admiration
for what you have done.
But right now you have a daughter here
who needs to find out what's best for her.
And for you. And for Macy.
And for Charley.
I think I know what's best
for my own child.
And I think I know what's best for mine.
Your child? All right.
You gave birth to Charley, and in
that sense, Jacey, you are his mother.
But there's a heck of a lot more
to mothering than that.
Who stayed up with him for 48 hours
when he had the croup?
Who drove him around half the night
every night for two weeks...
...when he was teething and couldn't sleep,
and still got home and got you to school?
Who came home in the middle of the day
when the babysitter said...
...he was spiking at a fever of 104
and it would not go down?
Who rushed him to the emergency room
and stayed with him for three hours...
...and somehow managed
to get over to that mall...
...and pick you and your sister up
at the appointed hour?
That's what makes a mother.
Are you prepared to do it?
Hi, honey.
The girls are in there.
- The girls?
- Aren't you here for the mothers' group?
- I don't know if I'm in the right place.
- Well, you have a child?
Yes. Yes, I have a 5-month-old son.
Then you're in the right place.
Legally, we're supposed to have the same
rights every mother in Massachusetts has.
- But that's not true.
- What do you mean?
You can keep your baby as long as
you can "prove" you can care for a kid.
Support it, get a job, pay rent.
But no teenager can do that.
Exactly. Which means if
you wanna keep your baby...
...and your parents don't wanna help,
you're totally screwed.
I'm not sure who the father
of my baby is.
I know it's one of three guys,
but I'm just not sure which one.
God, I forget what it's like to
be a normal teenager, you know?
All my friends ditched me.
Their parents say
I'm a bad influence on them...
...which is so lame because
they're all having sex too.
So I've decided I'm giving
the baby up for adoption.
Look at me. I can't be a mom.
And all the guys I was with
are way too immature to be fathers.
I could never give my baby up
and never see her again.
I'm getting an open adoption.
I get to see the baby sometimes.
And they send me pictures
and letters and stuff.
The parents are okay with that?
They want me to be involved with the kid's
life from the beginning so I'm not a mystery.
The kid will know I'm his birth mother.
I just won't be the mom.
So you choose the parents?
You look through a booklet
of couples who want a baby... about their families,
you choose one, and they set it up.
That's a little dressy for stir-fry,
isn't it?
I just thought I'd spruce things up a little.
You look great.
Thank you.
By the way, Dr. Landau called today.
He wants to know if we wanna do
another round of in vitro.
I told him that we were gonna
let nature run its course.
And I put our names
on the adoption list again.
You did?
I realized we're gonna be great parents.
It doesn't matter
where he or she is from.
So tell me...
...think this stir-fry can wait
for a little while?
Really shouldn't eat
before athletics, really.
I love you.
I love you too.
Hold that thought.
Hold it. I will be right back.
Are you gonna stay right there?
You're not gonna move?
- Hi.
- Hi.
What are you doing here?
I just... I wanted to know
if I could see him.
- Yeah. Sure.
- Yeah. Great.
- Where is he?
- He's right there.
Oh, my God.
He sort of looks like me.
Especially in the eyes.
- His name is Charley.
- Charley?
That's his name?
- My middle name's Charley, and...
- I know.
Yeah. That's the one thing my mom
let me do. Name him.
She wanted to name him Casey.
Jacey, Macy and Casey.
Like putting a target on his back.
Yeah. Yeah.
You think I could hold him?
Yeah, sure.
Hi, Charley.
Come here, big boy.
- What, is he okay?
- Bless you.
Of course. Yeah.
It's just a sneeze. He's got a little cold.
I'm gonna go get a tissue.
Talk to him. He won't break.
Hi, little guy.
I'm... I'm sorry I freaked out.
- You kind of caught me off guard.
- It's okay.
God, he's so great.
I was supposed to give him up
for adoption, but I...
I couldn't.
I guess I didn't know it was possible
to love someone so much.
He's really ours.
- Brad.
- Mrs. Jeffries.
- What are you doing here?
- He came here to see his baby.
- Are you sure that's a good idea?
- Why not?
This could get kind of painful, Brad.
There's no way you're not
going to get attached to a baby.
And I assume you have
no intention on raising Charley.
Look, I'm 18.
I have a right to see him.
People have been
doing this forever, right?
Why not us?
Why not you what?
Get married?
Quit school?
Give up all your dreams?
Do this full-time?
How are you gonna support a family?
You don't have any skills.
You would have to work
two jobs just to subsist.
Mom, this is not your decision to make.
It's not my decision,
but I think I'm part of the decision.
- Brad, do your parents know about this?
- Mom.
- Would you like me to talk to them?
- Leave him alone!
Okay, look, Jacey.
- It's all right.
- I'm gonna call you. Okay, Jacey?
Jacey and I can make this work.
Thank you.
- Jacey.
- Hi.
What are you doing here?
I just... I just stopped by.
I brought dinner.
Hamburger and chips, that's all.
This is Jasmine, my lab partner
in biology.
- Hi.
- This is a friend from high school.
Why don't you head in.
I'll meet you inside.
- We have a lot of studying to do. I don't...
- No big deal. I'll see you around.
I can give you a call or something.
Look, you should have called, you know?
- It's no big deal.
- She's just a friend and stuff. She's not...
- How's the baby?
- The baby's fine.
Yeah, well, about that.
I talked to my parents.
They're totally freaked out.
They want a paternity test
to see if it's mine.
I mean, they've got
lawyers and everything.
What do you think?
I wanna do the right thing.
Just right now everything is...
My parents won't let me leave school.
And if it's mine... parents will pay and stuff.
If it's yours?
Hello. Hello?
Attention. Ladies and gentlemen, hello.
- Macy, what am I doing here?
- I asked you to come.
I don't ask for much,
so you decided to indulge me.
Can I have your attention?
I'm here for Wednesday's open mike...
...because, well...
...we have a problem at our school.
Two more football players have been
suspended for sexual activity.
On the bus, in our gyms.
There have been 75 dress-code violations
so far this year.
Okay. Sit down. Sit down.
Sexual intercourse is happening here
during school hours.
Okay. All right. Well, you know what?
I thought...
...maybe you might like to hear...
- Hi.
Can I borrow Charley?
- What's going on?
- I'll bring him back.
- From one of your own peers.
Miss Jacey Jeffries.
I think I'm more nervous than you are.
My name is Jacey.
Some of you guys know me.
This is my baby boy.
His name is Charley.
I'm 16 years old...
...and I got pregnant when I was 15.
It happened to me,
and what I want you guys to know is... can happen to you too.
It can happen if it's your first time.
It can happen if you love each other.
And it can happen if you don't.
It can happen if you think
you're being careful.
It can happen if you're
not doing well in school.
Or it can happen if you have straight A's.
This is silly, me trying to tell you guys.
I brought some friends with me.
And they know something about this too.
I think it's really nice
that you guys can meet them.
My name is Trea.
I'm 15 and I'm eight months pregnant.
My mom kicked me out
when she found out.
And my boyfriend doesn't think
that the baby is his.
So I'm living with my grandmother
right now.
She says I can stay there
until the baby's born...
...but then we gotta find
our own place to live.
My name's Maria. I'm 16 years old,
and my son, Miguel, is 9 months.
I live with my mom and my two brothers.
Miguel's father is not a part of our lives.
He came the day Miguel was born,
but we never saw him after that.
It's hard.
My mom helps me watch Miguel
while I'm working.
But she has a job too, and she gets tired.
Hi, I'm Clara and I'm 16.
My daughter, Mimi, is 5 months old.
I live with my boyfriend's parents.
They help us.
I go to school, come home and sit on the
couch and watch TV with my daughter...
...until my boyfriend comes home from his
job. Then we go for a walk or something.
Some people would say that
having a baby is nothing special.
They're wrong.
Giving birth is always extraordinary.
It's a miracle.
It's the universe's way of saying
that this world should continue.
Man, I never thought
it would happen to me.
The world tells us that having sex
is just part of our lives.
Movies, magazines, TV,
they all say the same thing.
But the world lies to us, okay?
Sex is a big responsibility.
A responsibility that we're not ready for.
Are we ready to have kids?
We still are kids.
I was really lucky.
I have a mom who supported me
and my son through the whole thing.
I'm very grateful to her,
and I love her very much.
I love you.
When I first had Charley, I agonized over
what was the right thing to do.
Should I give him up for adoption?
Should I go back to school
and let my mom raise him?
Should I get a job
and put him in daycare?
But I'm beginning to realize that...'s not about what's best for me.
It's about what's best for my son.
Just look at the handsome boy.
Who's a handsome boy?
- Hi.
- Hi.
What's this?
I wasn't going to give it to you...
...but I made it for Charley
when you were gonna give him away.
It's not finished, though.
It's a rough-cut. Still tweaking.
What do you think? Look at the present.
- Here. You wanna play with him?
- Yeah!
Say, "Hello, Aunt Macy. "
Hi. Hi.
See you later.
Hi, I'm Macy, Jacey's sister.
I'm your aunt. Aunt Macy.
After you're born, you're going
to live with a new family.
I thought you might have questions about
your original family and your birth mom.
So I made you this. Hopefully, when you're
older, your mom and dad will let you see it.
This is Jacey and me
when we were young.
This is my mom.
And my dad, your grandpa.
This is what your mother looked like
when you were inside her.
Don't be frightened by her size.
You don't come from fat people.
She'll go back to normal
when you come out.
Macy! Cut it out.
Macy, turn off the camera.
Macy, stop it!
This is your mother
on her way to having you.
Apparently some degree of pain
is involved in giving birth.
Shut up!
But I'm told the mothers don't care.
- One more.
- I can't do it.
I only include this to show you
how hard your birth mom, my sister...
... worked to have you.
- Push.
- All moms love their babies.
But I think yours loves you more.
She wouldn't take any drugs.
She was worried you'd be all drugged out
when you were born.
By the way, that's your original
grandmother coaching your original mom on.
Oh, my God!
This is the most amazing thing
I've ever seen.
I love you already.
Crying? Yeah.
Mom, do you have anything
to say to your grandson?
Oh, boy.
I just wanna say that I love you.
I love you, little guy.
And I am very proud...
... of my beautiful, beautiful,
brave daughter...
... for making this decision...
... to provide you with a family
that can give you everything you deserve.
This is the hardest decision
that she'll ever have to make.
It's hard on all of us.
But she did it out of love.
- The woman from the agency is here.
- I know.
I know. And now it's time for us
to say goodbye to Charley.
No, I can't say goodbye.
No. He's my baby boy.
Sweetheart, sweetheart.
You have a beautiful couple out there
who want to adopt Charley.
- We made this decis...
- Mommy, I can't let him go.
Darling, you are not ready to be a mother.
You have told me that yourself.
Months ago, we made this decision.
But I can't give him up, Mommy.
I can't say goodbye.
Could you have done it?
Could you have given me or Macy
up for adoption... total strangers?
It's too hard.
Listen to me.
I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
- We're gonna keep him.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- We can keep him?
Yeah, but listen.
You are going back to high school.
- You hear me?
- Yes, ma'am.
- And you are going to college. You hear me?
- Absolutely.
And you are gonna go through with
every dream you ever had for your life.
- Do you hear me?
- I hear you. Yes, ma'am. Loud and clear.
Now, I...
...will raise Charley
as if he were my own.
- Okay.
- All right? Come here, Macy.
He's going to be my child.
Do we understand and do we agree?
But those are the conditions,
my conditions.
Those are the only conditions
that I will do this under.
- Absolutely. I agree.
- You agree?
Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby.
On your left!
Let's go.
Oh, sorry. Where's Bob?
- Back there.
- Okay. Thanks.
- Hey.
- Hi.
I got a call from Gretchen at the agency.
- No way.
- Way.
- You wanna go through this again?
- It's a different story.
The mother's already signed the papers,
but she does want an open adoption.
- Are we okay with that?
- Fine.
- The father's already signed.
- Is it a boy or girl?
I forgot to ask.
- Get your stuff.
- All right.
Hi again.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- Scared.
- Yeah.
- I've been through everything with this girl.
- Okay.
- Everything is finalized.
- So... So when do we meet the mother?
- What hospital is she in?
- She's here now.
And the baby's here too.
She's ready to hand him over.
- Now?
- Really?
- Now?
- We take our baby home today?
Yeah. I'm a little amazed by this myself,
- I'll go get them.
- Okay.
- Is this really happening?
- I think so.
- Jacey?
- Jacey?
Maybe it's like the psychic said.
Before he was born, I believe Charley
chose me to be his birth mother.
But he chose you guys
to be his mom and dad.
And to raise him.
This is how it's supposed to happen.
- Is this for real?
- Oh, Charley.
This is the hardest thing
that I will ever do.
I know.
But I'm giving him to you because
I do love him, and I want more for him.
Is this okay?
Yeah, it's the right thing.
It... It is. It's the right thing.
Oh, Jacey. Thank you so much.
Thank you.
You'll always be a part of our family.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Say hi to Coach Bob.
I'm Charley Cooper,
and I'm going into kindergarten.
And how do you feel about that?
I'm happy because I'm good
at reading and numbers.
Anything else new in your life?
I got a baby sister last year.
And where does she come from?
Inside of my mommy's tummy.
And where do you come from?
Inside of my Jacey's tummy.
Who's Jacey?
Who am I?
She's my birth mother.
And what is so special about Jacey?
She helped me find my family.
Anything else?
I'm the only one who knows
how much she loves me.
- How's that?
- Because I'm the only one...
...who knows what her heart
feels like from inside of her.
Come here!
I love you!
I love you too.