Monkey Baat (2018) Movie Script

In the final round of
interschool football match...
It's the final interschool football match
between Rajeshree Shahu Vidhyalaya
and Raja Shiv Chatrapati Vidhyalaya.
Nothing can be predicted.
It's the last one minute of the match.
Still the score is zero.
As like semi finals
this match will also conclude
with penalty shout out
if no goal is scored.
But no.
Now it seems the picture
of match is changing.
Vayu has taken the control of ball.
- Vayu Deshmukh.
The Ace player of
Rajeshree Shahu Vidhyalaya.
The number one striker.
Has taken the ball under his control
by breaking the barricades around him.
Leaving the hearts
of opposite team pounding.
Let's watch his move.
Vayu is the only player who can
turn the match in the last twelve seconds.
Seems the players of Raja Shiv Chatrapati
Vidhyalaya won't get to hit the ball.
And here goes the great kick!
This is called losing
on the grabbed opportunity.
Player of Raja Shiv Chatrapati
Vidhyalaya must've got stunned.
Celebrations have begun.
Last five seconds
and Vayu hit the unrivalled
goal with his head!
And Rajeshree Shahu
Vidhyalaya has won the finals!
And the best footballer
of the Interschool District
Football championship 2018
goes to Vayu Shrikant Deshmukh.
- What?
Hey, look what our son has won?
Great, my football champion.
Now here is the surprise for you.
What is it? Tell me.
What's wrong with her now?
Her eyes are always filled with tears.
Shut up.
- [Laughs]
Tell me.
Shall I?
- Please.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Shall I?
My football champ, we are going to Mumbai.
We are moving to Mumbai permanently.
It means you'll study in big school,
play on big playground,
and will win the trophy
bigger than this one.
Isn't it great?
Give me five.
Packed everything.
- Strap tightly.
Since moving permanently...
- Sure. Will strap properly.
...need to carry everything.
- Indeed.
Now it won't fall off.
- Here.
Sister-in-law, give it to me.
Let me take.
- Where is Vayu?
- Vayu?
Must be somewhere around.
Hey, Vayu!
- Vayu!
Where are you?
- Where are you?
- Vayu!
Where has he gone?
- Vayu!
Hey, Vayu!
- Hey, Vayu!
Hey kids? You know where Vayu is?
Do you know?
You too don't know where Vayu is, do you?
- Vayu!
Where is he?
- Found our Vayu.
He is found.
- Found?
Hey! Lord Maruti!
- Let's leave quickly.
Now climb down.
Hey, climb down.
- He is hiding here.
Hey, Lord Maruti the son of Anjani,
will you climb down now?
Climb down, you monkey, won't you?
It's time to leave.
Come on, hurry up.
Get down, Vayu.
Need to take elevator for going upstairs.
Let's get down the bicycle first?
[Clears throat]
Oh no!
The luggage in truck...
needs to unload.
- Of course, taking these also.
- Hey, Nitin.
Didn't I say that bicycle
is totally a scrap piece?
- Look.
- Let's go.
- What?
The bicycle looks totally outdated,
isn't it?
Must also be gearless.
Hey Vayu, what happened?
Let's go.
[Elevator bell dings]
Stop. Wait.
Thank you.
Hey naughty boy?
Didn't empty your bowel today?
Excuse me?
[Whispers] He was lying.
What is this?
- No, father. He was lying.
Tell him, mother.
"Where the heck I have come to?"
"It has left me sulking."
"Where the heck I have come to?"
"It has left me sulking."
"It has left me sulking."
"Where the heck I have come to?"
"My forests, mountains,
soil, also the air was amazing."
"My forests, mountains,
soil, also the air was amazing."
"Leaving behind all best friends,
gave up on my favourite games."
"Got pissed off of boredom!"
"Where the heck I have come to?"
"Everything seems sad here."
"Everyone coming across is crazy here."
"Everything seems sad here."
"Everyone coming across is crazy here."
"Home is small sized."
"Garden is small sized."
"Everything seems fake here."
"I am stuck in burrow."
"Where the heck I have come to?"
"My hometown."
"My home."
"My hometown and my home..."
"I miss them dearly."
"My hometown and my home..."
"I miss them dearly."
"I wonder what's wrong with me;
why my eyes keep getting teary."
"How I got stuck here!"
"Where the heck I have come to?"
"It has left me sulking."
"Where the heck I have come to?"
What do we do now?
What's wrong?
It's been so many
days since we moved here.
Our son is neither playing
cheerfully nor eating well.
All day he keeps talking to toy monkey.
- Quiet.
I'll talk to him.
Where are you?
What happened?
Got bored?
You cannot afford to get bored, my son.
It's the only way for getting better job,
better schooling.
Look at me.
I also have parted from my friends.
Make friends here.
Play with kids living here.
They don't allow me to play with them.
They laugh at me.
Son, they just joke with you.
It takes time to make friendship,
isn't it?
If they don't allow you
then you take an initiative
an approach them.
I tried many times
but I won't go to them now.
Forget about those kids
but do you have any time to spend with me?
You also have forgotten our
special handshake, haven't you?
How can you?
I am sorry.
My mistake.
Now I will go and tell the kids over here
that you are my son;
if they don't allow you to play with them,
they'll have to face me.
I am a man from Kolhapur.
Also my son hails from Kolhapur.
Right? Aren't you? [Laughs]
Does person from Kolhapur
sits disappointed?
Father, please. Don't.
- Come on.
Father, don't.
- Come.
Father... Father, don't.
Hey! Kids!
- Sir.
Please allow Vayu also to play with you.
You know he is a champion.
Who? He?
- Yes.
Uncle, we invited him many times
but he only keeps away.
- He says he doesn't like us.
- Believe me.
Vayu? Did you say this?
No, father. They are lying.
Not to say a lie, kiddo.
Sir, I heard him saying this.
No. He is lying.
Sir, I never say a lie.
My name is Bahadur Thap.
See even watchman is testifying.
No. He is a liar.
- Never mind, sir.
Not to say a lie, kiddo.
Don't worry, sir.
I'll take care. You carry on.
Won't you play now?
All of you play, okay?
- Allow him also to play with you. Okay.
- You carry on, sir.
Come on, let's play.
- Get back to fielding.
Hey rustic!
Go and field on that side. Come on.
Pass the ball.
Hey rustic! Come here.
Throw the ball.
[Pawte] Bahadur!
- Who?
Now uncle Pawte won't spare him.
This oldie always disturbs my sleep.
Broke the glass!
Kiddo, not to hit so hard.
I didn't hit.
- Not to play so hard.
Now he will scold me, shout at me.
Is this the way you play, kiddo?
- He is here.
Hey? Is this the way to play?
- Look. This is residential society
and not the playground of your village.
How can you just lift
the bat and hit the stroke?
But I didn't hit.
Mukesh was batting.
Not to say a lie, kiddo.
I saw you hit the ball.
Shut up, you liar.
- How can you back answer elders?
- Come on let's complain to your father.
Come on.
- Uncle.
Don't. Knock the door.
- [Door knocks]
- Please, uncle.
What's the matter?
- Matter?
He is at fault and above
that he isn't accepting it.
This is how your upbringing is?
Pieces of glass are
strewn all over in my house.
I got cramps in my stomach.
Let's go.
Make him understand.
Else, I'll be compelled
to make complain at chairman.
Father, Mr. Pawte is lying.
I didn't hit the ball.
Mother, please tell him.
Pawte is lying, is it?
Watchman is lying,
and also the kids are lying?
Only you are being truthful?
Now tell me the truth else...
- Hey, stop.
Calm down, dear.
Your love has spoiled him.
Don't test my patience
else I'll kick you back to Kolhapur.
What are you saying!
Shut up!
Hit me as much as you want to.
But at least let me know my fault.
All these people are liars.
Mr. Pawte is a liar.
Also the watchman Bahadur is a liar.
And all those boys are liar.
The entire Mumbai is a liar.
You know I never say a lie.
I got deeply hurt.
Before this father raised
his hand only for giving five.
And today...
Is that so?
Getting punished for even good behaviour
and also will get punished
for bad behaviour, right?
Then let's be bad.
I will teach them good lesson.
And let's go to Kolhapur.
Won't you come?
Get in.
[Mukesh groans]
Oh My God.
Easy. Easy.
- What happened?
Vayu didn't notice him
approaching from behind.
Got hurt?
Shall I take you to doctor?
No. Not needed. I will handle it.
Where you got injured?
Son, be careful next time. Okay?
- Yes, papa.
You should take care.
- Be watchful.
What is it?
Liked it?
- Want it?
But can get it easily. Need to win it.
What does that mean?
I mean...
Hold your hand like this.
Now keep hand moving.
Now move it from between my hands.
Not to touch, okay?
- Of course not.
Won't get it if hand gets touched.
Now close your eyes.
Opening the eyes will
be considered cheating.
I know. No problem.
- I won't give it.
Move hand hundred times.
- Yes.
Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen...
Huppya. Wasn't that easy?
Doesn't he seem to be begging?
- [Laughs]
Now Bhavesh will chase me.
I will make him chase
me to the cabin of principal.
I'll stand at door.
He'll come chasing from behind
and then he'll complain
to principal ma'am.
And then Principal ma'am
will ask me to call my father.
Hey, Bhavesh. What are you doing?
And then father will propel me to...
Vayu, you moron, wait.
Bloody you! I won't spare you.
Stop! Today you are dead.
- Get me!
Vayu! Don't run away.
Catch me.
- Vayu! You can't escape.
You can't escape.
- Be quick.
I won't spare you!
Stop Vayu!
You cannot escape. Vayu!
Stop, Vayu.
[Whistles] Come on.
Bloody you! Makes fun of me? Stop!
- Come on.
Stop Vayu!
- Hey, Bhavesh.
You can't escape.
I won't spare you today.
I say stop.
- Come on, catch me.
Vayu, stop!
Today I'll thrash you badly.
Vayu, stop!
- Hey! Come on.
Bloody you!
[Objects clattering]
What nonsense is this?
Is this your playground?
Ma'am, Vayu.
- What Vayu?
You are behaving like
a fool and blaming your friend?
Get your parents tomorrow.
Or else don't come to the school.
Huppya, plan got misfired, buddy.
Now what about going back to Kolhapur?
Hey rustic!
Look. These are called toys.
You carry on with your toy monkey.
- [Phone rings]
- Stay awake!
Sir, stay...
Having sound sleep and
asking us to stay awake?
But that's not the case in our Konkan.
My hometown Pawas is
near Ratnagiri in Konkan.
Yes, sir.
- What a beautiful sea shore it has.
Have you seen sea shore?
Sea Shore is the name of restaurant, sir.
My brother cooks Chinese dish there.
Not restaurant. The Ocean.
Have you seen?
Can you do this?
It's damn easy.
- The Ocean is also a restaurant.
They also serve Chinese, sir.
- Then try it.
You deserve a slap.
Ocean the sea...
Also has watched the movie 'Ocean' thrice.
I see. You mean from 202?
- Saw?
Isn't that Ocean booze bar?
- Saw?
Of course. Now they will see.
What's going on?
Not to pee here, kiddo.
[Nitin crying]
Our kids are also mischievous
but this is the limit.
That's right.
I agree with you.
Did Vayu do this?
- Yes.
He made me also fall off
from that sea-saw.
But still the kids...
- He didn't do it intentionally.
Hey. Look.
This moron is sitting here.
Come on.
- Father, scold him.
Hey, you?
You pulled his pants down?
I did see.
I also saw that, sir.
It means he saw Vayu pulling
down your pant. That's it.
Why did you do so?
Just like that. For fun.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Uncle, he is such a shameless boy.
Totally brazen.
[Breathing heavily]
Mr. Shinde.
Your son still needs you. Take care.
But I am keeping close watch on him.
Let your father come;
will make him wreck your bones.
You know when father comes?
- No.
I'll inform you once he comes home.
Let's go from here.
- Father?
Father, scold him.
What's this?
If he survives from this,
he himself will explain, okay? - Father.
Father, come on. Father.
- Mr. Shinde, hold it properly.
Mr. Deshmukh.
- Yes?
Control your son.
Shamya. Bro, what are you doing?
Listen to me.
I have good news.
I am coming to Kolhapur.
Not for vacation. Getting transferred.
Not father. I am getting transferred.
- [Door bell rings]
Well, will call you
later and explain in detail.
And Dinya and Sarika?
Yes, inform Dinya and Sarika also. Bye.
Mr. Pawte bumped into me.
[Shrikant panting]
Even the look he throws
makes my stomach...
I spoke to Mukesh's father.
That topic is closed.
Not Mukesh.
First you listen to what I am saying.
First use your mouth to speak,
uncle Pawte.
What are you taking? Elevator or stairs?
Then I'll take the stairs.
- Why?
Got nostril hairs withered.
But that... Ni...
[Farts] ...tin.
He is a wacko.
- Indeed.
Vayu by mistake opened the door
and Mukesh stumbled.
Vayu didn't do intentionally, did he?
Am I right?
- Of course.
I said that topic is closed.
Why pester others
if your stomach is upset?
Why are you sitting quiet?
Go out and play. Go.
Now Shamya, Dinya and Sarika
must be awaiting me, right?
These fathers always scold at wrong time.
And when scolding was needed,
he was giving five.
Would have got easily
propelled to Kolhapur.
Can't give up the hope.
Now something serious needs to be done.
[Clock strikes twelve]
[Alarm wailing]
- Hey!
Come on, run.
Be quick.
Be quick.
Come on, run.
Students don't panic. Don't panic.
Sir, come on.
Let's go from this way.
- No. Come with me this way.
Go out.
Be quick.
Go out.
Go out.
Leave it. Leave it, sir.
Gather to ground students.
Gather to ground.
What have you done?
What if someone had died?
Why are you questioning me?
What have I done?
I am not asking you why you did this.
I am telling you that
not to play such mischief.
You see, playing pranks is fine
but they should not be life threatening.
Hey. Go back to your work.
No need to give free advice.
Go and complain about me.
I do not fear anyone.
Yes? Please have a seat.
So, you are Mrs. Deshmukh.
Where is Vayu's father?
Father... office.
At Delhi. For eight days.
Your son is quite a bright child,
Mrs. Deshmukh.
But do you know what he has done?
Thank you, ma'am.
What Thank you?
You ask Mr. Bhaarday.
Ma'am, it's Bharde.
Your child is complete
nuisance for the school.
This is the most prestigious
school of the city
and discipline is the key word here.
I hope you are getting my point.
Mrs. Deshmukh, are you getting my point?
This is the final warning.
Please teach your
child to behave properly.
I won't tolerate this next time.
Otherwise I will rusticate him
from the school with immediate effect.
Please take this seriously.
No, madam.
Yes, madam.
You may leave, please.
Hey, mother.
- Mother?
What did they say?
Tell me, mother.
Come on!
Only if I could've
understood what she said.
Who speaks such high English?
Your father also is out
of town just at wrong time.
Let's go now.
Hey uncle.
What are you doing? Hey?
You moron, have you gone mad?
Make complain to my father.
- Also back answers me?
- I will slap you tight.
Laughing, you brat.
Do complain that I threw away your pump.
Hey dude. Was it worth?
What have you done?
What if uncle suffers shortness of breath?
Mr. Plumber, you mind your own business.
Son, I am minding my own business.
But what you are doing is not right.
Get hold of self before it's too late.
Or else...
Building is collapsing! Run!
Which floor?
Seventh floor.
And what if flower pot had caused death?
How did you know?
I also had played a lot
of mischiefs during childhood.
But never crossed the limit.
Let me warn you.
Behave yourself else
you'll regret in future.
"What and how it happened?"
"The spark has turned to fire."
"What and how it happened?"
"The spark has turned to fire."
- "Rollick...
- "Mischief."
"The money inside him is playing roguish."
"Break it."
- "Break it."
"Erase it."
- "Erase it."
"Break it, erase it."
"Throw it, prick it, pierce it."
"Throw it, prick it, pierce it."
"Pierce it."
"Spill it."
"Smear it."
"Spill it, beat it smear it, split it."
"Raise hand."
- "And chase away."
"Raise leg."
- "And thrash and lash."
"Raise hand."
- "And chase away."
"Raise leg."
- "And thrash and lash."
"The money inside him is playing roguish."
"Rob it, steal it."
"Grab it, snatch it."
"Pounce on, swoop on."
"Do it audaciously."
"Make riots..."
- "Every day."
"All elders..."
- "Must get irritated."
"All friends..."
- "Must cry."
"All must..."
- "Fear me."
"Makes nuisance."
"Ruffian devil."
"Vagrant and mingy."
"Whatever looks good..."
"Ruin it, destroy it."
"Whatever looks pretty..."
"Break it, wreck it."
"Ruin it whatever looks good."
Break it whatever looks pretty."
"Stepping everywhere with raging feet."
"The money inside him is playing roguish."
[Kids laughing]
No dude.
Holi is the festival of colours;
festival of joy.
Don't ruin it like this.
Hey. Get going from here.
Stop pestering me.
Don't you have any job to do?
This is my job.
This is your hundredth
mischief even after warning you.
Have you heard the story
of Krishna and Shishupal?
When Shishupal committed hundred sins,
he also was punished.
Therefore I am telling
you to stop your monkey business.
Or else you'll turn to monkey.
You see it took long years
for monkey to turn into human.
But human can turn to monkey in no time.
What nonsense are you blabbering?
Buddy, I am not blabbering.
Listen to what I say.
You'll turn to monkey for real.
- Take me very seriously.
Great. Now blabbering in English?
Get lost. It's 2018.
It took thousand years
for apes to turn into humans.
Then it will take at least five
hundred years for humans turn to apes.
Bloody hell. Pointless threatening.
Hit water on him.
Don't point at me.
Come on, hit it.
Come on, hit it.
Come on, hit it.
Come on, hit it.
[Flute playing]
Trust me.
Hundredth misdeed and turn into monkey.
No monkey. Now directly to Kolhapur.
[Flute playing]
[Pounding on door]
Your son isn't among
these children, ma'am.
You see, ma'am, he is Mukesh.
No. I am Nitin.
No kiddo, not to say a lie.
He is Mukesh, ma'am.
You see, ma'am, he is Nitin.
Hey! I am Neel.
Now he is lying, ma'am.
- [Crying]
Where must've my baby gone?
Ma'am, you please calm down.
- Will you please keep quiet?
Let me talk to officer.
Sorry, sir.
You see, I was on tour.
She called me and said Vayu is missing.
I see.
- Immediately I returned home.
Looked for him at his friends;
but didn't find him.
Also looked in nearby area.
But couldn't find him anywhere.
- Do anything but please find my son.
What's his name?
- Vayu Shrikant Deshmukh.
- Twelve.
- [Phone rings]
Which hospital?
I am coming.
What happened, sir?
Sorry, sir.
I'll look for your son
but now I need to leave.
My son has swallowed one rupee coin.
I'll get going.
Son also fond of money?
Deal with you later.
Nitin, catch!
There is a monkey here!
Monkey is here!
[Indistinct murmuring]
Monkey is here.
Oh My God! Monkey.
Chase him away!
Come on.
Chase him away!
Catch him!
[News on TV] 'Let's move to next
breaking news from Bhid.'
'Last night an idol was found
during excavation of
mountain for building road.'
'The idol was guarded by a serpent.'
'Due to this incident
the excavation is at halt.'
Hey, what happened?
[Gasps] Monkey!
Drive him out.
Mr. Monkey,
please return the liquor bottle.
Hell with bottle. First do something.
Let's try the story of monkey and cap.
Grandpa had narrated.
Do you remember?
What story?
First drive him out.
Not to move, okay?
Hey, what are you doing?
Just wait and watch.
Now he will also imitate
my action and throw the bottle.
Brain is more powerful than brawns.
Look. He humiliated your brains.
How's this possible?
Monkey also must've got grandpa, right?
Sir, when will it come?
I am getting sleepy.
I need to stay awake also on duty.
When will they come?
- Seems they are here.
Tell me.
It's extremely dangerous monkey.
Please catch him.
Come on. Naughty.
Terribly naughty.
Has caused disorder In entire society.
That's not a big deal.
He took away the bottle.
Come on, what's so shameful about it?
Uncle Pawte,
you should've called some forest officer.
Who the hell have you called?
Traffic police?
Please keep quiet for a while.
Not to you.
Let's talk later, honey.
Well, Madhu, bye. I love you.
Look. Talk to my boss
whatever you want to.
He isn't he one.
Sir, they are saying...
The monkey will be
caged in just five minutes.
Get my gun.
Yes, sir.
[Alarm beeping]
It's five o'clock.
No work.
Time over.
Discipline is discipline.
No working after 5.
Sir, but five...
- Over.
Sir, the gun?
Put the gun...
Back in van.
- Okay, sir.
Bye, sir.
No work after five.
How can you say this, sir?
My son is missing.
Sir, company...
I agree, sir, but my son is missing.
Sir, why will I lie about it?
- [Phone smashed]
Please keep calm.
Please come.
Sir. Fire cracker.
Sir, fire cracker.
Oh, you mean cracker.
- Yes, sir.
You see, our first step
will be to frighten the animal.
Come on, you can't do it.
He is correct.
Then we will go...
Sir, I spotted money at the elevator.
Good boy. Go home.
Sir, he is saying he has seen the monkey.
- Near elevator.
Come on!
- Come on, go.
I'll talk to later. I am at work now.
- Softly.
Light the cracker.
- Yes.
Thank you.
- I love you.
[Crackers bursting]
- Building under attack, sir!
He is going upstairs.
- Come on, run.
Come on, run! Run, sir!
Money ran upstairs, father.
Father, monkey ran upstairs.
- Yes.
My girlfriend.
- Come on.
He is coming.
Monkey, I'll catch you.
Hey, monkey is coming.
- Go from here.
He is coming.
- Go back.
- I will see you.
Come on, sir.
Go back monkey!
Sir! Sir!
[Crackers bursting]
- Nayan!
Run, sir.
Mr. Vishwas.
- Sir.
What I believe that
monkey is quite brilliant.
Yes, sir.
- As like me.
You liar.
No, sir. My girlfriend.
Let's frighten the monkey from here.
Hey, stop. This isn't the way.
But sir, what about these crackers?
[Crackers bursting]
- You mad! What are you doing!
- Run.
Sir, take it.
- No. I don't.
Sir, what is this?
Thank you.
Cell phone.
Cell phone?
I hurled it in anger.
But thank you for bringing it back.
Then who else?
It's a cell phone.
It doesn't move on its own.
The power is here.
What are you doing, sir?
[Gun cocking]
Shoot him.
Yes! Yes!
- [Gunshot]
He will not be spared.
- Here.
Come on, sir.
Let's move.
Sir, monkey is there.
Come on, sir.
Shoot him.
Hit on the target, sir.
Sir, shoot him.
Shoot him, sir!
Sir, wait. Sir!
Where are you going, sir?
It's not five yet.
Hold this.
It's five. Alarm didn't ring.
You rascal. Come on.
- Okay, sir.
Come on.
It's so embarrassing to tell everyone
that all our society residents
are harassed by a monkey.
People laugh at us.
You are right, uncle.
- [Bahadur laughs]
Hey Bahadur? What did you understand?
Nothing, sir.
- Stop laughing stupidly.
Yes, sir.
Hey? What happened?
Be seated.
Get hold of yourself.
Be comfortable.
- Water please.
It's booze.
No more.
Our society problem.
I have found a person
for catching that monkey.
The person is so skilful.
He can smell the monkey
from the distance of ten miles.
It's better than your odour.
Excuse me?
He has well studied language of monkeys.
You know the hooting of monkeys?
But will he be able to trap this monkey?
I hoot so.
I mean, I hope so.
Right. - So, the point is he
has captured 499 monkeys till date.
And five hundredth monkey
will be captured from our society.
He is known as Emperor of Monkeys.
What's the name of this hero?
His name is Chintu.
Monkey is somewhere here only.
[Sniffs] I can smell it.
Tamarind leaves.
Does anyone have?
Caustic lime?
- Here.
Sir, caustic lime.
Come on.
Back to work.
Sir, made ass of all.
Auto rickshaw, move.
Do one thing.
You keep hiding here.
No, sir. I'll do one thing.
I'll hide here.
That's what I said.
Well, get a big stick.
Sir, the big one or the small one?
The stick must be big. Go.
Will this work, sir?
- Yes, this will work.
Hit the monkey on his
head once he comes here.
Then the monkey will be dead.
You hide here; I'll be right back.
Come on.
- Yes, sir.
I'll hide here and hit the monkey.
[Calling out]
Yes, sir.
Get him!
- Sir, building collapsed.
Not the building but this junk.
Monkey escaped.
It's here.
One, two...
He is escaping.
Catch him, sir.
Sir, what are you doing? Run!
Come on. Fast!
Get him.
There the monkey is.
- Hey monkey!
Monkey hiding here.
Can't escape now.
Where are you escaping?
Hey, sir. Again he escape.
I'll smell the monkey, sir.
Monkey is hiding; I won't spare him.
I won't spare the monkey.
- Thap.
Escape from here.
- Need anything?
Going somewhere out?
Going to police station.
No one is responding on phone calls.
Vayu should've forgiven
my mistake for once.
First time in life
I raised my hand on him.
Why didn't hand get
cut off at that moment?
So severe punishment
for such trivial mistake?
I will also come with you.
Let's go.
Bahadur, you know when
any child cries around
what his mother says to calm him down?
Go to sleep, kiddo, else Bhau will come.
- Yes.
Want to see Bhau?
- Yes, sir.
Sir, I wish I can hug Bhau.
Bhau is here.
- Sir.
Sir? Bhau?
You know why I named him Bhau?
I asked him what I should name him with.
And he said...
[Dog barks]
[Dog barks]
'Hey, what have you done?'
'What if someone had died?'
'I am minding my own business.'
'But what you are doing is not right.'
'And what if flower pot had caused death?'
'How you came to know?'
'Hundredth misdeed
and you turn to monkey.'
Where do they live?
- Here?
Yes. This one.
- This one?
[Door bell rings]
Any updates on Vayu?
Our son.
- No.
Does Sushant know anything?
- No.
So, here you are.
I looked for you at every shrine.
I am busy here these days.
You see, people here miss
me a lot and also need me.
Lord? What have you done to me?
I kept warning you.
I have no problem with
your mischievousness.
But when life threatening
pranks are played,
they are not pranks anymore.
They become crime.
And you too committed
hundred crimes, buddy.
And then you got punished.
Oh Lord!
Alright. Calm down.
Listen to me. You are too young, right?
And I love kids.
Therefore your curse will be reversed.
Vayu, it's easy to harass someone.
But helping someone is too difficult.
Until now you committed hundred acts
that pestered others.
Now commit at least ten
acts that will help people.
Sure. - Which will bring
happiness to their lives.
And then they will bless you.
And then those blessings
will turn ape into human.
- Okay?
All the best.
[Flute playing]
The boy was smart.
I mean he is.
But little mischievous.
But kids are meant to be mischievous
at young age, aren't they?
Please stop crying. Don't worry.
He'll be found for sure.
You know although we teachers are strict
but we do care dearly for students.
He'll be found; don't worry.
And one more thing.
If even little bit of my
work has ever benefitted students,
I truly pray to Lord to use
all my credit for finding your son.
"What and how to explain;
a miracle has taken place."
Go away!
"What and how to explain;
a miracle has taken place."
"In an instant..."
"In an instant the
ape has turned to monkey."
"It's a miracle."
"It's a miracle."
"It's a miracle."
What is this?
"In hustle bustle the
mischief was committed."
"After realising the mistakes,
they were corrected."
"In hustle bustle the
mischief was committed."
"After realising the mistakes,
they were corrected."
"One who breaks, one who wrecks..."
"One who breaks,
one who wrecks has learnt to mend."
"It's a miracle."
"It's a miracle."
"It's a miracle."
"It's a miracle."
Neel! Nitin!
'The Chaotic mischief also ends."
"It gets punished someday."
'The Chaotic mischief also ends."
"It gets punished someday."
"This bag of misdeeds..."
"This bag of misdeeds has disappeared."
"It's a miracle."
"It's a miracle."
"It's a miracle."
[Car alarm chirps]
Come on, dear. They are here.
Mehruneesa! What's wrong?
Come on.
Hey, catch them!
Quiet. Keep mum.
Go fast!
Stop shouting. Quiet.
Hey, leave me.
- Keep mum I said.
Get that rickshaw driver.
He is abducting a kid.
Hey, Mr. God.
Hey Buddy.
My bro! My tiger!
Not tiger. My Monkey!
In a trice you finished nine good deeds.
I must say, buddy.
You are the winner, the champ.
Are you also from Kolhapur?
Of course.
I am from Kolhapur,
from Pune, from Mumbai,
I am from America...
And also from... Mathura.
Now it's time for tenth good deed.
It means tomorrow you'll
again turn to human from ape.
The fastest evolution ever.
Then again have fun, make mischief.
Again romping.
But in limit, okay?
But Lord...
Will I be able to see you
after I turn to human from ape?
You won't.
I mean you won't see me in this avatar.
Otherwise you always see me around you.
I am around you...
Not only you but around everyone.
You just need to find me.
And I punish on doing wrong.
Don't I?
And on doing good... What do I give?
Uncle Pawte, please forgive me
if I ever had hurt you unknowingly.
Come on, Mr. Deshmukh.
Has anyone blamed you?
No, but...
Had you stayed for little longer,
it would've been nice.
There is no reason to
stay back in this city now.
Firstly, this city took away my only son,
also I lost my job.
Now I cannot stay in this city.
Oh Lord, what will happen now?
He'll be found; don't worry.
- Don't cry.
What exactly is going on?
- Who is she?
What is she doing?
Oh no!
- Hey! Watch out!
Hey, what are you doing?
Hi Friends.
Until now you must have
seen many live events, right?
But today you are
going to witness suicide.
Live suicide.
Look what she is doing.
She might fall.
Today I am going to jump off this terrace
and commit suicide.
You'll get to see live.
First time in history.
You might fall.
Come on, quickly send likes.
One minute.
- Step back!
Please do something.
- Please do something.
Step back!
- Silence please.
[Dog barks]
Look, she has locked the door from inside.
Even then we are trying.
- What is she doing?
Please get down.
Constable, you stay here.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes?
You come with me.
Also take lady constable along.
What the hell.
First time I am making such
bold move and only five likes?
You might fall.
- Stay back.
Bring it.
Hold it properly.
Friends, I am committing live suicide.
Waiting for your likes.
You meet me at workshop.
- Okay.
You chase mountebank
and I'll go to forest officer.
No problem.
A model. An unsuccessful
model is committing suicide.
Five years back I came to Mumbai
to become a model.
Mukesh. Hey, Mukesh.
I'll see you in the evening.
So what?
Here, boss' aim is unpredictable.
I'll talk to you in the evening.
Sir. Monkey.
Sir, monkey.
- She is calling you monkey.
Shut up.
Now I understand little bit of Marathi.
Okay, very well. - Sir, that
mountebank is escaping with the monkey.
Sir, it's newly bought.
Sir, you broke my device.
My Bluetooth device.
Hell with it!
So much?
Let's go. Monkey.
Sir... It was newly bought.
Climb down!
Yes. 16th like.
Now take a left.
Got him!
Good work kids.
- Yes!
Monkey ran away.
Monkey ran away.
I am going to die.
At least now let the number of likes rise.
Why don't you understand?
[Girl] A model that is going
to be immortal.
Isn't it exciting?
But don't just watch. Press like button.
- [Pounding on door]
Tell your friends also to watch me live.
- [Pounding on door]
[Pounding on door]
- What is this?
Just fifty likes?
Likes must go up, must increase.
Let there be more likes
at least while dying.
Come on.
- Get her.
Come on. Take her.
- Leave me.
Come on.
She is saved.
Where were you for so many days?
Vayu! Feel like slapping you.
Looked for you everywhere.
Where had you been?
And what happened to your leg?
Why is it bleeding?
What happened?
Say something.
What are you looking for?
Tell me.
- Who are you looking for?
Hey Vayu?
- Vayu?
Where are you looking at?
Why you seem lost?
We are asking you something.
[Cycle bell rings]
'I am around you...
Not only you but around everyone.'
'You just need to find me.'