Mooring, The (2012) Movie Script

You want some coffee?
You're supposed
to make me some coffee.
Well, I hope she likes it.
The weather's pretty nice.
Look at the clouds.
Oh, she's nuts.
Shut up.
No no no!
No, let me go!
Please don't!
Don't! No! No!
Please don't.
Please. Stop.
Don't. Don't.
No! Stop.
No! No! No. Stop.
No. No.
Stop it. No.
Stop it!
Hey, can I get
everybody's attention?
Welcome to 9 Juliet.
Do me a favor and put
your phones on the table.
That is quite a collection.
Who thinks this is silly?
Raise your hand.
Remi, Holly, Justine,
Margot, Natalie.
Who else?
Madison thinks it's silly.
No no no, I have a question.
- Yeah?
- Are you gonna take these away?
- I am.
- When?
Hey, I'm fine.
Take 'em away.
You're ready, huh?
You know,
when I tell people what I do
and I talk about this program,
some people ask me
"Is it really that out of control?"
And I'm telling you guys
that here tonight at this table
we have a $2400-a-month texter.
We have serious online gambler,
a hacker,
a cyber-bully.
We have two students who,
in one year,
have gone from top of their class
to barely passing
because of time spent online.
And one of you caused
a five-car pile-up on the freeway
because she was talking on the phone
while she was driving.
So you guys
still think it's silly?
I mean, it's kinda serious, right?
And I'm not saying
"Don't use technology."
I love technology,
but we just...
we don't want to abuse it,
because there's more to relationships
than pushing buttons,
and that's what
this program is about.
It's about relationships...
face to face, eye to eye,
talking to each other,
listening to each other.
And you're gonna have fun.
And you know what?
I know you just met
each other tonight
but some of you,
after this program,
I promise will become
lifelong friends.
You going out?
There you go.
It is all yours.
Hey, you left a mess here.
You wanna clean it up?
Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
Right there.
There you go.
Was that a camera?
I'm hungry. I'm going
to the vending machine.
Oop! Sorry.
That's okay.
Do what you need to do.
Where'd you get
the sandwich?
My house. I have more.
Do you want one?
Uh, no thanks.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
My mom bought
a whole bunch of stuff for us.
Dude! Check it out.
Oh my God.
You guys.
Could you keep it down?
I'm trying to work.
- Sure.
- Yeah.
...and made positive use
of the sector from Wall Street.
But blue chips fell victim
to a sell-off after a two-session rally
to propel the Dow Industrial
further in 2011.
US import prices took
their sharpest plunge
in over eight years in March.
- That was so awkward.
- Come on.
Guys, what's going on?
We thought you were
right behind us.
That other girl, Dawn...
- we're rooming with her... so uptight.
- That's all I have to say.
- Whoa. What?
- She's the one with the puffer.
No, I think she's really nice.
Go. Go.
...and bulldozers rumbled
into this refugee camp
earlier Wednesday, razing...
- Yes!
- Go.
- I wanna. I wanna. Wait.
- No no no no! Shh!
Look what you did.
Okay okay okay. Shh!
- Turn around. Turn around.
- Why?
- Just turn around.
- Why?
She doesn't want us
to see her password.
Okay, you can look.
So there's this girl
at my school... Angela,
and she thinks
I'm this girl named Blair.
And I put this shit
up on her wall,
and it's totally outing her
about what a skank she is
and how she got all messed up at this
party and was totally being a slut.
My friend was there and, like,
she saw the whole thing
and so did a bunch of people
from my friend's school.
So anyways,
on this profile of Blair,
I blab to everyone
on her page about it.
Yeah, she has no idea.
It's so great.
"R" to the "E"
to the "M" to the "I"
Remi is my name,
that's dancing in the line...
I don't wanna be here,
I don't wanna be here
And matter of fact,
you should check your back.
Check your back.
Uh, yeah.
May I have the camera?
All right, ladies, listen up.
We're gonna get the stuff
loaded onto the boat.
Groceries are gonna
go in the galley,
the sleeping bags
and duffels up top
and the ropes
and climbing gear aft. Okay?
Everybody. Now.
Get to work.
If the boat gets stuck
in the water,
we use these poles
to push our way through.
Which one of you has
experience with boats?
My dad owns a boat.
Fantastic. You're gonna
take us out, okay?
Right on.
How fast she go?
Are you asking me
how fast she goes
or how fast you're
allowed to drive her?
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- You always have to hold onto something.
- That makes sense.
If your engine dies,
you can use them
as a makeshift rudder
or to rescue a man overboard.
- Justine.
- Mmm?
Why do we need paddles
on a houseboat?
I have no idea.
What's port? Good.
What's starboard?
Thank you.
- You're gonna be awesome.
- Okay.
I'll take those.
You guys get the rest
of the gear loaded.
Margot, stop.
That was interesting.
Okay, how you doing, Ashley?
I think that if you twist
the line as you coil,
- it works better.
- Come up from below, over the top horn,
cross over,
under the bottom horn.
- I'm a visual learner.
- Up two and over one.
Okay, so it's like this.
- Okay. Okay.
- You just kind of twist it like that.
- Okay.
- Yup, thanks.
- Yeah.
- Take one.
I don't know how we're supposed
to learn to drive the boat
when we're not allowed
to touch anything.
Everything okay, Margot?
- I think Dawn wants to talk to you.
- Does she?
Okay, you guys keep working.
Okay, what's going on?
Mmm. How do you think this feels?
It was really grinding.
I know.
I heard it.
It sounds fine.
It's fine.
She's tough.
- Didn't you read the brochure?
- No!
- What does that mean?
- Did I get it?
- "Hi, how are you?"
- "Hi, how are you?"
- What was the first one you said?
- Remi, please roll your tongue.
- Wait.
- No, like this.
I can't do it.
Wait wait. What?
No, like when it goes
up and down, like...
Yeah! I can't do that.
- What are your rates?
- How much do I charge?
- Yeah.
- You want an "A" or do you want a "B"?
- I'm dead serious. Yeah.
- Seriously?
There is, like, no one in this town.
Population: Three.
I wanna do that.
What did you say?
- Oh my God, so funny.
- I hope he throws up.
That's gross.
Yes, he does.
You guys are gonna be doing this
every day while we're together,
so I promise you it'll get easier.
Hey, Nancy.
- What should I write?
- I don't know.
- Who are you writing to?
- Nancy, this is crazy.
I'm trying to write my sister
at college in California.
- Oh, that's great.
- But I don't know what to write.
Can you tell me
how to start it?
- No, I can't.
- I can't do it.
Can we write about
someone here we don't like?
Do you guys have
this much trouble with a keyboard?
I know you don't.
It's just different.
What's different about it?
It's really intimate.
- Aha.
- It's just too slow, you know?
Itd just be so much faster
if we could text.
You like your speed,
don't you?
Are you okay?
What's going on?
Can you talk about it?
I'm writing
to the mom of a boy
who got a punctured lung
from the wreck.
And she's really mad and she won't
return any of our calls.
And I feel so bad.
He's gonna be okay,
but I just...
I want her to know
how sorry I am.
- Here. Here.
- Thank you, Holly.
I'm sorry.
It just kind of hit me.
That's okay.
- It's okay.
- I've just been praying a lot.
Does that make you feel better?
You okay?
Yeah. Thanks.
- 11.
- But you rolled 10.
What? She rolled 11.
- I did not. Look.
- Wait.
It's got one more dot.
One, two, three. So...
- I think it's almost...
- Wait. Remi, have you gone?
- It's okay, just...
- Yeah no, I'll go again.
- Ashley.
- Okay. Oh, is it my turn now?
- Did you hear that?
- Ready?
Yeah, just doing the math, guys.
I don't really have any...
Why do you have five cards?
I don't know.
Someone handed me two of them.
'Cause she was
holding her cards.
She handed me two of them.
Bishops should go...
right there.
- Do you wanna bet?
- So how much money did you bring?
It's about $300.
Oh yeah, right!
They're all ones!
I bet that's, like, $15, $16.
Okay, so do
you guys wanna bet?
- That's nine.
- That's eight!
I'm just deciding.
Okay next. Okay.
How do you move the horse?
He is called the knight.
What's wrong?
I'm not sure.
I don't wanna take
any chances.
- And every move after that...
- So...
I think it's Miss Scarlet.
...Im gonna
pull her in over there
and we're gonna
stay there for tonight.
Would you get 'em
ready to moor?
- Please? Thank you.
- Okay.
Right. Right now.
Go right.
Go right.
I know it's a little rough.
It's just for one night.
All right, 9 Juliet, let's get all
the gear off the boat.
- This sucks.
- Let's go!
- I need bug spray.
- Grab this side. I'll get the other.
All right, guys,
keep working!
Are you joking?
Ow! I got bit by something.
Get that tent up.
Come on.
Somebody go get
the other cooler.
- I got bit!
- Um, you guys,
put it... put it more like that.
- Like a puzzle piece. It's this way.
- All right.
- Claire, can you get water?
- Grab that one.
- Yo, Margot?
- Guys, how are you doing this?
- That's not gonna fit there.
- All right.
- You got it?
- Yeah, we're good. Whoo!
I can't set up a tent!
We're gonna have to...
hey, can you hold this up here?
Somebody get that log
so we can use it as a bench.
Natalie, that piece is too big.
Where's the front?
Was it this one or this one?
You got it.
Wait. Does anybody
have allergy medicine?
Just keep working.
We need lots of wood.
It's French, I think.
Isn't it?
My dad used to take me
here every summer,
and he told me
that Chatcolet was the name
of an Indian maiden who fell in love
with a handsome trapper.
And when he didn't
return her love,
she was so broken-hearted
that she drowned herself in this river.
That's sad.
So what do you guys think?
How was your first day?
Was it kinda what you expected?
Yes? No?
It was different in that
it all feels very real.
Go on.
Well, coming here
was my idea.
Nobody made me.
I knew I needed
to make a change,
so I researched it
and found it.
One of my issues
is that I can be
kind of shy sometimes,
so online relationships
are really easy for me.
I don't know.
This just feels really real.
Does that make sense?
Well, how do you like it so far?
It's okay.
I like it, I guess.
Well, I have a surprise.
- I'm confused.
- Oh my God.
I usually save this
for the last night,
but I know you guys could use
a little morale boost.
So who wants to pick?
Well, that's unfortunate.
But we should probably keep
our noise level down
for those people 'cause it's late
and that's the considerate thing
to do, okay?
Get outta my closet.
Come on. Get to working.
Hey. Hey.
- Get out of there.
- Stop it!
Stand up.
Get that thing away from me.
- Eww.
- Oh, you want it?
- Come closer.
- Can we not...?
Hey. Hey, where you going?
Hey, where'd you go?
I want to talk to you...
I wanna talk to you
briefly about tomorrow.
We're gonna get up at 5:00.
We're gonna eat at 5:30.
And then I want you
to go back to your...
whatever your
morning thing is,
air out your sleeping bags,
and then generally police the area.
There you go.
Easy, little girl.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- Let's go to bed.
- Gonna put on a show.
There you go.
There you go.
Get your drunk ass
away from me!
Keep it down over there!
Shut up, bitch!
Okay, we get the point!
You can turn
the light out now.
Can we all agree
that we're not gonna play
shout-out with those people?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
- Yes.
Come on, ladies.
It's time to get up.
Wake up.
Come on, it's morning.
- Girls, come on.
- What time is it?
It's time to wake up, okay?
It's morning time. Wake up.
It's time to get up.
Wake up.
Girls, come on.
Morning, ladies.
Good morning.
How y'all doing?
Holy shit, dude.
Can you take your...?
Oh. Sorry.
It's my boyfriend's music.
Anyway, we ran out of coffee
and I thought, "What the hell.
I'm gonna go ask them."
Yeah, we have coffee.
How do you take it?
Anyway, I just wanted
to apologize
for all that noise last night
and that damn light.
He was drunk.
Well, we were
pretty rowdy ourselves.
Everything okay over there?
Eh, normal.
Everyday boat living.
You know, this coffee is shit.
Well, it is what it is.
I could teach you how to make
a good pot of campfire coffee.
You could, huh?
We may have to do that
another time.
I would like you guys
to get some firewood.
- Aren't we leaving?
- Soon.
What are y'all doing today?
Did you hear me?
Can we get some firewood?
What, is this some kind
of Girl Scout thing or something?
Yeah, something like that.
Mickey, let's go!
it was really nice
meeting y'all.
And thanks for the coffee.
You guys keep practicing
on that badge.
Thank you.
Y'all have fun today.
Well, I don't know
what's going on.
So what I want to do
is take her down to Dave
and have him look at her.
And I will feel a lot better
if he fixes whatever
it is that's going on
before I get
you guys back onboard.
And that should only take me about
half a day at the max.
What do you want me
to do with them?
I want you to get them familiar
with all the rappelling gear.
There's some really good rocks that
we saw when we were on our way in.
Just have 'em swim, eat lunch,
just hang out, swim some more
and I'll be back.
Are you sure they're gonna wanna
take orders from me?
Well, you don't have
to give 'em orders.
You can just have
fun with them.
You can do this.
Okay, this is a very good
opportunity for you.
Especially you.
And I know you're really sad
that your friends are gone...
...but carry on.
Ashley, you've got to set
up your stuff. Come on.
This is a belay device...
and you just click it in here...
and it is used
to slow your descent
while you rappel.
Natalie, how about
you put that on your belt?
All right, now I'm gonna
show you the figure-eight knot.
You hold your rope,
bend it around
and pull it through there.
Okay, Natalie,
how about you give it a try?
It's the primary knot
used in rock climbing.
You in a funk?
I think it's just a little water
in the fuel pump.
It happens quite a bit.
Why don't you head to the front?
We'll give you a tow.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate that.
Hurry up, Margot!
Catch up!
- Look!
- What are you doing?
Wait, we have to start over!
- Don't talk to me, woman!
- You don't talk to me.
- Shut up! Don't talk to me!
- Ugh!
- Hey!
- Do we have to do that?
When Dawn pointed
to that last boulder,
I think I actually yelled at her.
Come on, Natalie! Come on,
come on, come on, come on, come on!
Come on, you guys.
You can do it!
- Dawn, what's the time?
- Come on, ladies, faster!
- Oh no!
- What?
Three, two, one!
Way to go!
Six seconds off your last time.
Hey, it's that boat again.
No, don't.
Oh my God.
No, don't.
No! No! Nancy!
- Oh no! No! No!
- Get out of the water!
- Get out! Go! Come on!
- Come on, get out of the water!
Guys, help!
Come on!
Help. Help.
Get out of the water!
- No no no! No!
- Come on!
Go go go!
- Hurry up!
- Help me!
Go go!
Oh my God!
They're coming!
- Run!
- I can't breathe.
Where's my inhaler?
Hey, wait. Wait for me.
- Go!
- Go! Run!
Where are we?
Shh shh shh! Quiet.
Shh. Quiet.
Quiet. Shh.
- Shh shh shh shh shh.
- Shh shh shh shh.
Go! Go!
- No, my shoe!
- Ashley!
Go faster!
Go! Go!
Looking for this?
A little bump.
Here you go, blondie.
There you go.
Let that stuff work for ya.
Feel better?
Why don't you, uh...
why don't you take off?
Take off!
Is there anyone in there?
Let's get on the boat
and get out of here.
I'm with you. Let's go.
- Wait.
- I'm not staying here.
They might still be watching.
Just please wait until dark.
Just wait until dark.
This is wrong.
Ashley and Holly are
still back there.
All right, shh.
Is anybody...?
Claire, come on.
Give me one.
Where are the keys?
Girls, there... there's no keys.
There's no keys.
Natalie, go...
go and do the anchor.
Natalie, anchor. Oh.
Justine, Remi,
go push us off with the poles.
Claire, hand signals.
Margot, Madison,
paddles in the aft.
Come on, go right!
Keep going right!
Okay, go straight now!
- Straight! Go straight!
- Wait! Wait!
- Dawn!
- Left! Go left!
Go right!
Okay, go right, go right!
Come back!
- Did you hear that?
- Where are you?!
Wait! Please!
Come back!
- It's Holly!
- Dawn!
I'm over here!
Come back!
- Holly!
- Madison!
Holly's back there!
- Holly.
- Please.
They killed Ashley.
- I saw it.
- Come on, we have to go.
- Come on.
- Wait.
Oh! They're coming!
Poles stop!
I need help!
Climb over!
You have to climb over!
- Leave it, Claire!
- I can get it!
Claire, leave it! Leave it!
Claire, don't!
Claire, please hold on!
Grab my hand!
Claire! No no!
Claire! No!
Okay, listen.
next time the light goes out,
you guys head to the back
of the boat, slide off
and head towards the beach.
Everyone clear?
Are we...
are we... are we all here?
- Where's Holly?
- Here.
Margot, keep your light down!
You've gotta get up.
We have to go.
- No.
- Let's go, let's go.
- Let's go.
- I can't take anymore.
Let's go.
Oh my...
Shh! Shh.
What happened?
What happened?
Shh shh shh shh shh.
I can't... I can't pull it.
I can't pull it.
Shh shh.
Don't go.
Shh shh.
Shh shh.
No, look at me!
Look at me!
Come on,
they ain't going nowhere.
- Come on.
- Over here, over here, over here.
- Ow!
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
- Keep going.
Set her down here.
Right here.
These damn boots.
I've got a blister.
I think she's in shock.
Okay. Okay. Ah!
Get off me!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Okay. Okay.
Okay okay. Stop!
Stop stop.
I can't breathe in there.
I just needed to think.
I can't even look at her.
We should leave her
or we're not gonna make it.
I know it sounds bad,
but everybody's thinking it.
She's safe here.
We could come back, couldn't we?
We're not leaving her.
My dad tried to talk
to me the whole way here
and I just ignored him.
I wish I'd just talked to him.
Can you hear us?
Shh. Shh.
Do you hear that?
This way.
Come on.
Over this way.
Holly, stop.
- They're coming!
- Go!
Wait wait wait!
Stop stop stop stop stop.
Okay, we gotta put her down.
Okay okay, right here.
- I got her foot.
- Okay.
You okay, Maddie?
Is there a way down?
Remi, help me.
Remi, help me.
Gimme the rope.
Gimme the rope. Gimme the rope.
- Okay, let's do it.
- What are you talking about?
We have to go over this cliff
right here right now.
Are you out of your mind?
Do you know what's down there?
No, but I know what's up there!
We have no other choice.
Is the rope long enough?
If we can get down to the boat first,
I can get you guys all out of here!
Let's just go!
Let's stop waiting!
- Let's go! Let's go!
- Okay.
We're going down now, Holly!
- Now! Let's go!
- Okay!
How are we gonna
get Madison down?
I'll take her.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'll take her.
Go! Go! Go!
Stop! Don't... stop!
No! No! Ah!
I can't find the keys!
Shh. Shh!
Stop. Stop!
Shh. Shh.
Come here.
Come here.
Shh! Shh!
- No no no.
- Shh.
Shut up!
Shut up. Shut up.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
- I'm not gonna hurt you.
- Please!
- No!
- Shh.
You wanna do this?
You wanna do this?
Don't. Pl...
Get down there.
Get down there.
Easy. Easy!
- Easy.
- Don't touch me!
- Easy. Easy.
- Please. No no no.
- No no!
- I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm not going
to hurt you.
Go in here. Don't step
on your little friend there.
Shh! Shh!
Stop! Relax.
Relax. Relax.
I'm your friend.
No no no no.
My boat.
What's up, fatty?
It takes you back, huh?