Mor 8 (2006) Movie Script

I have a friend...
she's a very strict teacher,
but she cares a lot
about her students.
people... misunderstand her
and perceive her as being negative.
b9th grader arrested on rape
charges against an 8th grader./b
the things she used to
worry about have come true.
Whether it be love,
or sex amongst the students,
students skipping school
or even bad ethics among teachers.
Where are you...
Ms. Sompat?
Mor 8
Darunee Suksaa School.
Thonburi 1957.
Our school's been
around for a long time.
It's regarded as the best
girl's school in Thailand.
Our graduates are important
members of the community.
Even the Vice President of
the Ministry of Education
is an alumnus of our school.
Now suddenly we must
unite with a boy's school
and allow our girls to
study with those hooligans.
I don't agree at all.
Sompat, calm down. Let's talk about it.
No way!
How dare they move us
without any warning!
They won't even let
us have our own class.
Look, don't you understand that being
a homeroom teacher is very important?
Why wouldn't I understand?
The Ministry has a policy
of establishing co-ed schools
for boys and girls, where
they can study together.
You should all be proud
of this project.
Your school has been
chosen by the Ministry
and I, the vice president of
the Office of Primary Education
am fully responsible.
I'm very happy, Ma'am, that our school
has been entrusted by the Ministry.
Don't you all agree?
So, what's the name
of the boy's school?
It's a school that was chosen
as the most suitable school
for your girls to be sent to.
The boys at that school
are very proper.
Hey, you asshole! Are you
looking for a fight?
I paid half.
I need it for my exam.
That's your problem!
How am I gonna pass my exam? Huh?
Respect for teachers...
for this they are number one.
I tell you, the boys over
there are good and studious.
Every one of them is diligent.
Oh, and they're great
at sports. Ma'am.
- Ms. Bunrod
- Yes?
Who are you planning to
put in charge of the girls?
Oh, I think it
should be these two,
Ms. Sompat and Ms. Gaysorn.
These two, huh?
These 2 are very skilled.
They're our best teachers
and they are also alumni.
They have our school running
through their veins, Ma'am.
Ma'am, you can rest assured.
Oh, well if you put it that
way, I believe you.
The Ministry and me are
prepared to help you with anything.
Thank you, Ma'am.
Our school has received prestigious
awards for 25 consecutive years.
You know...
these awards
were won due to honest qualities.
We've never bribed anyone.
If you're considering
doing something damaging,
then remember these awards.
I hope you understand
what I'm tying to say.
Tidiness and being a lady, Ma'am.
Anything else?
Pride for girls.
Darunee School focuses on
teaching students self-pride.
That's right.
Men often think that women are weaker.
They want to see us as
being at a disadvantage.
You two must protect the
rights of those girls.
Don't let them set us as just a
flower on the side of the road.
We only have flowers of steel.
The girls I have
chosen are all strong.
There's no way they will break.
Ms. Bunrod, I believe you
have chosen the right people.
Sooner or later, this co-ed
school will show men that
women are more valuable
and stronger than they think.
Aksornsilp School Pranakorn
Handsome Luan...
Handsome Luan.
Ah, say it. Say it.
Handsome Luan.
That's a stubborn bird.
You've been training
him for a month now,
but he's never
said a single word.
It look like I have to
go back to the pet shop.
I'd like to know if this bird
could speak
what it's first words would be?
I'd like to find out myself.
You! You're pretty good.
You've built up the school's image
so the Ministry would
accept us into this project.
Believe me, Mr. Luan.
For this I must make our school
really stand out in Pranakorn.
The position of Principal
will not pass you by.
That's perfect!
Don't change your mind, sir!
Flatter me!
Don't change your mind.
Principal... Principal...
Excuse me.
Next time you come in,
learn how to knock first.
What manners! Don't you
have any manners? Huh?
Yes, sir.
I just came to inform you that
the other school is here, Sir.
If that's all, you may leave.
They're here... they're here...
My special thing... my thing!
I've already taken care of it.
I chose the most modern
one in the mall.
The mall! Wow... fantastic!
It's ready. It's ready.
What the?
Why is the traffic
so bad in Pranakorn?
We're going to arrive at school late.
I think the bad traffic
is a good thing.
- What?
- Just believe me.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
- My name is Mr. Luan.
I'm the Principal here.
My name is Teacher Gaysorn.
I've heard that name many times.
You're as beautiful as
you're rumored to be.
Thank you, sir. This is...
I'd like to introduce...
Oh look, you just stand
there. You must be tired.
Please come upstairs
to the meeting room.
Please rest up there.
Please go ahead.
In the name of the Principal
of Aksornsilp School,
please welcome,
Ms. Gaysorn. Clap your hands.
So, who is that?
My name is Ms. Sompat.
Oh, Ms. Sompat... Ha Ha!
How strange!
Please, let me introduce my teachers.
This is Mr. Noi, my assistant
and this is Mr. Apidech,
the head teacher.
Mr. Ombadin is over there
and he teaches history.
Over here's Srirach, he
teaches health education
and here's Ms. Mali,
who teaches Thai.
As for these two, they must
be Mr. Napol and Mr. Satawat,
who just returned from abroad.
Wow... living over there so long,
you must get used to freedom.
How cozy!
Being on time must not
be so important there...
It's OK, I understand!
this means you've done
your research on my school.
Why are you just sitting there?
You're just going to let
our guests drink water?
Tea, coffee, tea, coffee. Get going!
Yes sir.
That's OK, Ms. Mali.
It's no problem. It's OK.
Mr. Luan, it seems you
are closer to the coffee
and it looks like you must be
incredibly good at making coffee.
Gaysorn, she likes
drinking coffee, right?
Right. Umm...
I like it sweet,
Mr. Luan.
Oh, no problem. Sweet.
As for me,
please don't use cream.
I don't like it sweet.
It's too rich.
One's sweet, the other's bitter.
Look at them... are
they people or statues?
It's very good, Mr. Luan.
Just call me Luan. It's nothing.
It was my pleasure.
Let's just be ourselves.
Ms. Gaysorn, if you
need anything, just ask.
We'll be just like friends.
If there's anything I
can do for you, I will.
Thank you very much, sir, but
there's nothing in particular,
as Ms. Sompat and
I have come here
to mold the children and teach them.
We hope that we can all work
together to succeed in this effort.
Most importantly, we're here
to help the co-ed project achieve
the goals set by the ministry.
Hey, hey, I can see
them. I can see them.
What now?
Check out that enormous zit!
Oh ho...
That thing is huge!
Ick! This one has loads of eye gunk...
Eww... gross!
Thank you very much Mr. Luan.
That's alright.
I suppose you'd like to get some rest.
I think that
we should show you to your dorm.
Noi... Yes?
Show the girls around the campus,
then take them to their dormitory.
This way.
Ms. Gaysorn?
Be careful you might...
This way, please.
This is an old institution.
It's over 51 years old.
Our school is composed mostly
of aristocratic children.
Children of high status, royalty.
Therefore, everyone
acts and speaks properly.
This is what I focus on most.
Hey, give me back my pencil! Bastard!
Why should I? You dumbass!
Needle dick... Get up!
Oh, I see... Now you
want to fight, huh?
Get up!
You're gonna get it, ass wipe!
Butt licker!
Oh! I'll get my gang
up here to kick your ass.
This time you're dead meat!
They're the exception, the
minority. Don't worry about it.
Come this way. Come on.
This way. Don't worry.
Everything is OK. Don't worry.
Ms. Sompat, Ms. Gaysorn,
you needn't worry.
Boys here are all gentlemen.
I focus on that heavily.
Ahhh! You pansy! How dare
you play with me like that!
I'll get you!
Sorry. Sorry.
You asshole! You're screwed!
The exception!
Just a second, we'll
go somewhere else.
This way, please.
This way, please. Come this way.
This way. This is the home of
the nobleman Sarasak Surawong.
It's hundreds of years old.
It's been empty for a long time.
I had a workman fix it up.
It's clean, comfortable,
modern and liveable.
As for food, you needn't worry.
We have three meals a day.
Otherwise, if you go to the market,
you'll find something there.
We have a kitchen set up for you.
Oh, that... it's a
link way, that's all.
Don't worry about it.
It's for emergencies,
so that at night
we can get to you in time.
This way, please...
This house here.... come inside.
We're here. Home sweet home.
It's the home where you
and your students will stay.
It's clean and comfortable,
like I said. Here.
The key.
Oh... as for that house over there,
that's where Mr. Luan, myself,
Mr. Noppol and Mr. Satawat stay.
If there's anything,
don't be shy. Call anytime.
I believe that we've
trouble you enough for today.
Thank you very much
for showing us around.
No worries...
Oh, Ms. Gaysorn.
I almost forgot, if
you ever need anything
then don't be shy. Mr. Luan
asked me to remind you of that.
Oh, thank you very much.
Then, I'm off.
Oh, I forgot to tell you that
the ghosts in this house are vicious.
They made it so we couldn't stay.
We had to move over there,
but I know that ghosts leave
beautiful women like you alone.
Enjoy yourselves.
Enjoy. I'll be on my way.
Fat ass!
Hmm... look. They've put us
right next to their house.
I'm so bored of men trying to woo us
with their looks, words and actions,
especially these teachers.
The way they look at you,
I don't even want to say it...
looking you up and down.
Especially them... Mr. Luan.
How crude! He's just a pervert.
I ask you why wear a wig?
I couldn't tell it was a wig.
Could you?
It's just shit that climbed
from his ass to his head!
Look, Sompat, there must
be something good about him.
Try to see people from
other viewpoints.
No, my viewpoint is fine.
As clear as day.
Look consider this. They
tell us this house is haunted
and then force us to stay here.
Then they move into
the house over there.
Gah! If that's not selfish
then I don't know what is.
Hmm... wasn't he joking?
Huh? That wasn't a joke.
Another thing is they
built this connection ramp.
I think at night when
it was really dark
when we aren't watching
and I'm in my nightclothes
and some are pretty sexy
they'll come around for
a peek. Don't you think so?
Hmm... maybe.
Another thing is that when they
walk by just stay away from them.
When you're alone and I'm not
around you'd better be careful.
These men can't be trusted.
You're so innocent like smiling
at everyone you can't outwit them.
I worry about you.
Yes, Sompat. I know.
Look, that's the
reason I don't have a lover.
Even Madame Kuhlab and Ms. Bunrod
don't have lovers.
Neither should you. Understand?
Hmm... if you have a lover
I'll be disappointed in you.
Anyway, I don't think
you'll get one very soon.
I'm much prettier than you
and I don't even have one.
I think Ms. Sompat is problematic,
throwing around her
power on the first day.
We can't stand for this.
Don't you think so?
She's beautiful. Cute, like an angel.
So delicate.
Oh Lord, please find me a wife.
OK, good.
Noi! You know? I've never
tried anything like this before,
making a beautiful
girl mine to adore.
Whoa! You sound like a poet.
That'll grab her!
Type it... Type it now! Ha Ha!
Even though the sun is bright,
it's not as bright as me.
Sir, be careful,
Ms. Gaysorn might not understand.
She may think the shine is the
sun reflecting off your head.
What? Noi!
Type it! Write what I said. Type!
Look! Your first day and you have a
desk full of love letters, Gaysorn.
These men are ridiculous.
Instead of making use of their time,
they sit there and write
silly love letters. How despicable!
Excuse me. I hope we
aren't disturbing you.
Not at all. Come in.
I want to introduce
you to some friends.
Gatin. Opchey.
Good morning.
Pleased to meet you.
I brought something for you.
Sweet Singapore coconut noodles.
I bought them at a
stall near the theater.
They make them well there.
Thank you.
Panich Store.
As for mine...
fried banana from a stall
at Chanasongkram Temple
It's very tasty.
Thank you.
They're delicious. Try them.
Oh! Look at all those letters.
Only a beautiful woman like you
would get so many
letters on her first day.
Ahem! Ms. Mali,
I think you should stop
talking about those letters.
It's almost time for
morning assembly.
Shouldn't you watch the children?
Yes. There's still a little more time.
It's not time yet for assembly.
Don't you have any
letters, Ms. Sompat?
I must go watch the children.
It's time to go. Let's go. Let's go.
Ms. Sompat... that's a nice blouse.
Thailand unites flesh
and blood of Thais.
Nation of the people, belonging
to the Thais in every part.
Long maintained the independence...
Wow, they're pretty. They're here.
Hey, Payab... Payab!
Hurry up and look at this!
Hey! Nowadays, our school is
full of guys with long hair.
Hey, they aren't laughing.
Never mind, just go.
Oh, but they're cute. So cute.
We'll get 'em next time.
Students, greet the teachers.
Good morning.
I understand that this
is the first day,
but greetings aren't
that difficult, right?
Good. Don't let it happen again.
Good morning, students. Today,
we'll be your homeroom teachers.
This is Ms. Gaysorn
and I'm Ms. Sompat.
Your name is Som-what?
Some-butt or
How about some-body
is gonna get punished!?
Punish someone else!
You can't punish us!
Looking for something?
I don't understand why the male
teachers here are acting so weird.
They're not fit to be teachers.
It's been this way forever.
There's a story behind all of them.
I'll tell you more tonight.
Baldy Luan!
Say it! Baldy, baldy
Luan, Watch my lips...
Baldy baldy Luan!
Baldy Luan! Baldy Luan!
The story behind the
men at school is so long,
that I'll have to move
in with you to tell it.
Come sit down. I bought some
noodles and dumplings. They're hot.
The story behind the male
teachers is like this,
I'll tell you.
Hold on a second, Ms. Mali.
Umm... Your accent is very strange.
It's not strange. I've talked
like this since I was a child.
As far as I understand it,
you teach Thai at this school.
Yes, and I'm good. When...
when I'm at school,
I have to teach Thai
so I articulate clearly,
but at home, I speak
like my Chinese ancestors.
My grandma said not
to forget my lineage.
Let's not talk about me,
let's talk about the
teachers at school.
Mr. Luan is a player.
He can't help but flirt.
Mr. Noi, is his consultant.
He likes to instigate fights.
Mr. Satawat and Nopol, they
like to act like westerners.
They like the western life...
they like to act modern.
As for Ombadin, Puawadol and
Siiharach, they're foul-mouthed fools.
They're vulgar and not worth knowing.
They look down on women.
They like to torment
women and oppress them.
Doing this, makes
the students disrespect us.
It infuriates me.
There's one man...
Mr. Apidech... who's really nice.
Really nice...
Then when you two came,
Ms. Sompat and Ms. Gaysorn,
you opened our eyes
and gave us new hope.
From now on, I'll fight back
and I won't be oppressed by men.
I'll be like you two,
Ms. Sompat, Ms. Gaysorn.
Freedom is here!
Freedom! I've been waiting a long
time for this. La la la la la la...
- Is she insane or what?
- Insane...
La la la la la....
Freedom? Kill them!
Kill them!
Kill them!
She's going to kill us!
Sompat, we are here, so the
children can become friends.
If they don't learn to get along,
then have we achieved the objective
of a co-educational school?
I know, but try noticing how
the boys look at our girls.
Frankly speaking, it worries me.
Look, it's up to us to look after them
and our girls are not easily shaken.
More importantly, they have
you. What are you afraid of?
Come. Look at my class schedule.
I don't know what to do with it.
What did you do with yours?
See. In the morning, should I
teach math? Is it too stressful?
It'll be OK and follow
it with social studies.
By having the boys sit with the girls,
they can get to know themselves
and help each other study.
It'll help what the Ministry of
Education is hoping to achieve.
Sitting in pairs simply
means you're friends.
Boys and girls can be friends.
You don't need to be anything
more than just friends.
I hope that all of you
boys will act like gentlemen
and respect the person
sitting next to you.
Are you hungry?
This dormitory...
is very haunted!
The nobleman who owned this house
is very possessive about his things.
Thieves once broke in and
the ghost killed them all.
Sometimes you hear a voice say...
"Give me what's mine!"
Just talking about it
gives me the shivers.
Where did they all go?
Happy Birthday...
May you have the things
that you've always dreamed of.
May you be happy every day.
May you be wealthy.
May you find love.
May you fulfill your dreams
and live a long and healthy life.
As the class representative,
I wish you both a happy
birthday and we promise
to be your best students, always.
Happy Birthday!
Oh, thank you.
Promise me we'll
stay friends forever.
Yes, I promise.
We think so much alike.
Thai language is a tonal language.
That means Thai, has high and
low tones... similar to music.
If we read literature
with a little melody,
then we can hear the
music in our language.
Listen as I read.
You needn't bend down far,
to scoop water from
the stream with a leaf.
By the time I get to hug
you, you'll have to go home.
For now, my arm goes numb
as you rest your head on it.
Can I help you?
I'm... waiting for the bathroom.
No... I mean, I'm waiting to teach.
Oh, then why don't you
come wait inside?
That's quite alright.
I should... uh... go
to the bathroom first.
She's meant to be my
wife. So, please help me.
How do I make Ms. Gaysorn love me?
Love who?
I can help you, but that witch, Sompat
is always with Gaysorn.
Alright, then just for you.
Oh my God!
Hello, Ms. Mali.
I want...
I want to be near you.
Hello, Ms. Gaysorn.
All alone?
Where is Ms. Sompat?
Here's a letter from
someone enchanted by you.
I saw it in the teacher's
lounge, so I brought it over.
Thank you very much, Mali.
Um... Ms. Gaysorn, aren't
you going to read it?
I'm not interested.
I'm sorry for being rude...
I've never seen what men
put in love letters before.
May I read it?
Go ahead.
Should I?
Which one should I read?
Here... this one. I'll read it.
Should I do this?
Reading another person's mail...
You are...
You're a star in the heavens.
I'm building a staircase
so I can reach you.
I want to be near you.
My heart is racing...
I just want to gaze into your eyes...
just once.
How profound. Look... he's so modest.
He only hopes to gaze into your eyes.
Gaysorn, look. This verse is so sweet.
All the right words. He's so bright.
I think the person who wrote this
must be the romantic type.
Look... such nice handwriting.
It's so smooth.
They say that a person
who writes smoothly,
is sincere, well-mannered and honest.
Someone like this is very worthy.
Do you need anything else from me?
No, that's all.
To Mr. Apridech... with Love
Revolutionary Council
Commandment, Article 1,
comes at a time when Thailand
is plagued by many problems
and the Revolutionary Council
will not just sit idly by.
The Revolutionary Council, lead
by His Excellency Sarit Thanarat,
is clamping down on hooligans
and has ordered statute 17
to go into effect immediately.
I must call this meeting today
in order to ask you to help teach
the students to stop fighting.
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Otherwise they'll be charged
with disorderly conduct.
Apridech, you're the
head teacher... Yes.
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Umm. Sir, and how
about school activities,
must we cancel those?
I mean parties and things like that.
The revolutionary council
will not interfere with
the happiness of the city.
Just try not to fight.
Baldy-baldy! Baldy-Luan!
What are you waiting for?
Go teach your students!
Gah! Oh, Ms. Gaysorn, please go teach.
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Baldy-baldy Luan!
Sir, I didn't teach him to say that.
I heard that! Damn bird...
Look... really... I... hey...
At least I have more
hair than you. See? Look!
Don't you see?
Go cook it!
The man who's been sending you letters
everyday, wants to reveal himself.
Don't you want to meet him?
Yes, of course I want to meet him.
That way I can complain to his face.
Why do you want to complain?
Mali, think about it,
if he's not brave enough
to flirt with one woman,
then how can he be a leader?
Oh, you want him to lead you?
That must mean you've
started to like him.
That's ridiculous!
You're talking nonsense.
Look at your cheeks...
they're the same color
as my handkerchief.
That's ridiculous!
Ridiculous? You're eyes don't lie.
Your cheeks are red.
They're the same colour
as my handkerchief.
Oh! That was close.
Want to go to the party at
the Sand Pagoda tomorrow?
I'd like to take the children
somewhere. Want to go?
OK. I'll go.
And Mali?
Of course, I've always
wanted to go to the desert.
It's the Sand Pagoda, not the desert.
- Whatever, I just like sand!
- I'll go. How about you?
What were you two talking about?
You were really laughing a lot.
Oh, oh... we were
talking about muffins.
Yes, we were saying,
when making muffins, you
have to knead the dough,
but if you are giving it to a monk,
then you have to add red coloring.
Knead it some more and
it comes out red!
That's when I started
laughing like you said.
That's all we were talking about.
Come on...
Wow! Oh my God, Mr. Luan.
Wow. Look! Oh my God...
Mr. Luan. Oh! Sir... Oh!
Come on.
Mali, don't you think we
should go and see Sompat?
Forget Sompat. Let the
monkeys watch the children.
You mean let them
watch the monkeys?
Kids watching monkeys then. Hurry.
Shouldn't we stay with them?
No. Come on. Wait, wait.
I haven't got on yet.
- Are you really going on that?
- Yes
OK, then you go on ahead.
I'm afraid of heights.
OK, fine.
Have fun!
When I get back, I'll
tell you about it..
Oh, you're not afraid.
No. It's fun.
Go ahead. Tell me about
it after you get off.
Let me off! Not so fast! Stop!
Bye-bye Mali. Go faster, so
you can get over your fear.
You're not riding the
Ferris wheel with them?
Oh, it's better to
let them ride alone.
It's more fun. What about you?
I'm looking for someone.
"My star in the heavens"
I'm looking for my star.
It was you.
Ms. Gaysorn, I'll
treasure this memory forever.
Wait, stop! Stop! Please stop!
Let me show you how to throw.
You call that a throw?
I can do it! I really can!
Alright, back up. I'll show you!
Forget it. I'm not playing anymore.
Oh Mr. Luan?
Good evening, ladies.
Please come again.
We'll be back.
My heart skipped a beat.
Ms. Mali, what do you want to see?
I want to see a sex show.
There's the sex show.
Oh my God!
Mr. Luan, what's wrong?
My name isn't Mr. Luan.
My name is Somchet.
Mr. Luan!
Nappol, I was just passing by Bang
Loi. The girls there are beautiful.
Really! Show me? Where?
Over there.
Step right up. Come one, come all.
Step right up. Come one, come all.
Adults 50 satang, kids half price.
Step this way.
Come in. Come in.
What's your problem?
What? What are you gonna do? What?
Hey baby, do you think
we should fight him?
Oh... thank God.
Hey! You want to start something
with my teachers? Asshole!
Hey, asshole!
Are they gangsters?
What happened?
- He was harassing me.
- Calm down.
Um... I apologize on
behalf of my students.
Hey Ass-breath, you
think you're tough?
How dare you!
I don't think that we
should fight in a temple.
I can see stars.
I'd like you to consider what's fair.
You said yourself, not
to fight. In the end,
it was the head teacher
who made trouble.
I take full responsibility,
and I've decided to resign
from the position of head teacher.
If you resign, then who will be
the head teacher in your place?
I recommend Ms. Sompat.
Ms. Sompat was the head teacher
at Darunee Girl's School.
How can we let a woman be
head teacher at a boy's school.
Yes, that right. The
students won't accept it.
Sex show.
Mr. Luan... What?
I think we should let Ms.
Sompat be head teacher.
We can't. How could we do that?
If we offend her...
she'll tell the Ministry
that we were at a sex show.
We'll be ruined.
Then it's settled. Our
school will have a sex show!
Oops! The head teacher
will be a woman.
Ms. Sompat, is the new head teacher.
As the new head teacher,
I'd like to inform everyone that
I will punish students who fight.
I will issue demerits and prohibit
them from taking exams.
As long as I'm head teacher,
these regulations will stand
and order will be maintained.
Don't over exert yourself.
Get some rest or you may get sick.
Thank you.
I'm worried about the students
I'm afraid there are too many
emotions we can't control them.
Hmm, what are you thinking?
I'm afraid the girls will start
imitating western girls.
Those girls lose their
virginity so early on
and if Thai girls change
as I think what would we do?
Hmm... Sompat...
Aren't you over-worrying?
Not at all and I'm glad
you brought it up.
Promise you won't fall in love.
You're my friend.
Think about it.
If we had lovers, it would
be a bad example for the kids.
OK, I won't have a boyfriend.
You should go to bed.
I need to prepare for tomorrow.
I intend to make this school
a good example of co-educational
schools for the next generation.
"I'm filled with the joy
our lord has given us.
Merits from our past,
give us bliss today
arid destiny has drawn us together"
Ha, ha... it's perfect.
Oh, Mr. Luan What?
I think "drawn us together"
is a bit to strong.
"Brought us together" would be better.
Hmm... brought us together.
Not bad... write it down.
Write it down, brought us together.
Tomorrow I'll take you
to lunch in Chinatown.
Fantastic! Thank you sir.
Final exams are in a couple of months.
I want all students to study
hard and remain diligent.
Don't waste your time
with silly activities.
The same goes for the teachers.
Don't set a bad example
for the students.
For example, writing love letters.
Today I received one.
I'll read it to you even
though it's complete drivel.
Ever since destiny brought you here,
I've told myself...
That's our letter!
I know!
I won't let a little star like you
be alone and forlorn in solitude.
I want to throw up!
I'd like to state silly
men who write these letters
will never win a woman like that.
Remember that!
Oh my... She's talking
to us, Mr. Luan.
I know!
She's gone overboard
reading Mr. Luan's letter
in front of the students.
It's a good thing she
didn't read my letter.
Otherwise I could never
show my face in public again.
What about Sompat then?
Are we going to let her use
her power to keep us oppressed?
No way! I have a plan.
The men must win.
We'll work together
so our boys must outscore their girls.
We must be better
than the female teachers.
Yes... Like it used to be.
Yes... We must show
our pride as men.
Everything was peaceful
until they showed up.
All men are the same.
They've got high aspirations
but low enthusiasm.
They'll never make it.
Right! Although I believe that if they
can help really help the students,
then wouldn't it benefit both
the students and the school?
Yes, if they can educate the students
it would be good for the
school. I think it's good.
Either way, the girls must win.
Especially our girls,
because they were born
to succeed. Just like me.
Today we'll have a competition
between the girls and the boys.
Whoever loses
must clean the classroom. OK?
OK then, first question.
Petchara, how many
provinces does Thailand have?
Paayap, where does the
name Bangkok come from?
From the Bangkok district!
I didn't say he was correct,
but he's right.
Daoreuang, what's the
population of Thailand?
The Pratomrachananusorn Bridge.
The 6th King.
His Excellency Piboon Songkram
His Excellency Sarit Thanarat.
Supaap, when was Victory
Monument constructed?
I think it was in year 1857, madam.
Am I right?
You've answered every
question correctly.
It's a tie. Therefore,
everyone must help clean.
I love you as much as an elephant.
You're very cute.
Ms. Sompat
Supaap, wake up.
Is it time to go home?
No, I'm tying to explain
the Kingdom of Ayudhya.
Take notes! The
Governor of Chiang Rai...
How impressive.
The boys and girls are getting
along. They're friends.
Yes. The co-ed school is a success.
The students are all friends,
so how about us?
Read it by candlelight.
Where are you going,
all dressed up like that?
Actually, Mr. Sattawat
asked me to dinner.
Want to come?
Didn't we talk about this?
If we fall in love the
students will copy us.
Do you think the children
will obey us then?
Sompat, you have to
accept it this is my life.
As for being a teacher, that's my job
and I've never failed at my job.
You must be able to separate the two.
Separate them?
Do you remember what
Ms. Bunrod said to us?
When you're a teacher
you're a teacher for life.
If you enter this profession,
you become a role model for children.
I beg you.
Sompat, this is my personal life.
Please let me make my own decisions.
What's wrong?
Isn't the food to your liking?
We can go somewhere else.
Oh, that's OK.
I just keep thinking about
something that happened earlier.
Mr. Luan, Mr. Luan!
Come look, hurry!
Huh? What?
Don't you see?
Mr. Satawat and Ms. Gaysorn.
Oh no!
Mr. Luan.
I think they must
be a couple for sure.
Ahh... Ahh...
I see them.
It's all over.
Mr. Luan.
Let it out.
Let it out, Mr. Luan.
So that tomorrow, you won't
have anymore tears left to show.
So, did you have fun?
Was the food good?
Next time I'll take
you and Ms. Mali there.
You seem tired. Go take a bath
and then we'll talk about
the annual handicraft fair.
Annual Handicraft Fair 1957
Hey, I want to eat here.
It looks really good.
How much for this, sweetie?
Here's a whole baht.
I want 3 of these.
Hey! Stop it.
Let go!
This way, please.
Hey. The teacher is coming.
The teacher is coming.
Ma'am, I didn't do anything wrong.
Teacher, please help us. Ma'am.
Help us. Please help us Ma'am.
We've come to pay your bail.
Yes! Thank you. Thank you, Ma'am.
They did nothing wrong, so
why should they be suspended
and prohibited to take final exams?
Right or wrong, if students fight
they're considered hooligans.
The government stated
such in statute 11.
The Ministry orders the boys
to forfeit their final exams.
Sompat, I think you
should inform the Ministry.
Yes. Think of the students.
They're our students.
I told you already. I can't
let them take the exam.
I think we should find Mr. Luan.
Sir, I think...
Allow me to decide on this issue.
Yes, sir.
I'll ty to talk to the Ministry.
You don't need to worry,
because these students are mine too.
I feel so bad for them.
I don't understand why
Ms. Sompat won't help them.
She's the head teacher
so why can't she help?
Yeah, I agree.
Ms. Sompat didn't even help us.
If those boys hadn't helped us
then who knows what
would have happened to us.
I know. I agree with you.
Why won't Ms. Sompat help?
Maybe this is beyond her.
I believe Ms. Sompat is scared
she might be responsible,
so she refuses to help.
I really want to know what
her heart is really made of.
Exactly! She's so mean!
I understand you. Rules are rules.
But sometimes we can't
go by the rules.
Those boys are still our students.
They've been barred from
the exams. I can't help them.
Whether you can or
can't isn't important.
What is important is
whether you try or not.
You're doing your job.
As for me and the students,
and the other teachers
we're doing our jobs too.
Our job is as teachers
and as friends,
but I must respect the standards.
Sompat, my friend,
there are no standards.
Friendship doesn't
separate boys from girls.
Friends only know love,
relationships and friendships.
Just like us, sometimes
we don't agree,
but we still love each other,
relate to each other, care
about and look after one another.
Do you think
there are any standards
governing our friendship
preventing us from being best friends
or forcing us to separate?
If we can be best friends,
relate to each other
and care for each other
then kids also have the
right to love one another.
Care for each other
and have relationships.
If you had a group of close friends
and they were drowning
splashing around, unable to breathe
would you and your friends just
sit on the bank singing songs?
Department of Education
There is the heart of a teacher,
even though she comes
across as a monster,
she is still made of solid gold.
People who aren't teachers
won't understand how it feels
to punish a student
and then cry themselves.
They don't get it.
I'm so happy you understand me.
Can you please help?
Yes. I've already sent the names.
Whether the Ministry will
concede or not, I don't know.
I beg you please let the
boys take their final exams.
No matter what happens, I
will take full responsibility,
because everything that
happened is my fault.
I'm the head teacher.
I was involved,
but I couldn't resolve the
situation in a proper manner.
If anyone needs to be
punished, it's me,
not the students.
To gain something, you must
also lose something, Sompat.
I know. Just let the boys
take their exams. I give up.
OK, then. I will report
to the Ministry,
but I don't know the outcome.
Sompat, you're a good
teacher. I'm very proud of you.
Ms. Gaysorn...
We request permission
to enter the exam room.
We thank you very much, Sir.
If it weren't for you, the students
wouldn't have taken their finals.
It wasn't me. I didn't do anything.
The person who did help is leaving us.
Thank you very much, Ma'am.
Get up. Everyone stand up.
Be good.
Thank you.
Remember what I taught you.
Yes, Ma'am.
We're sorry that we misunderstood you.
Look after your Friends for me.
Take care of everyone, Miss Saranyaa.
Yes, Ma'am.
I'm so very proud of you, Sompat.
I'm not suitable for this school.
I'm too strict.
Wherever I go, students
are afraid of me.
Some students may even hate me,
but you understand that
I really care about them.
I'm afraid that one day
students and teachers
won't respect each other anymore.
I fear that once we help them to
grow up to be adults they'll
see us differently
and we won't keep in touch.
But I'm happy about one thing,
that co-ed schools are now a reality.
But Gaysorn,
I'm worried about one other thing...
What's that?
I'm worried about love
amongst students.
If we don't control it now
and we just let it grow
we'll lose control of it forever.
I understand.
You're a good teacher, Sompat.
you're suitable for this school
even though I won't be here.
Look after the students well.
Look after them for me.
I won't have the opportunity to do
so. Watch them grow up into adults.
At least here you found love
Gaysorn, I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry for getting
involved in your affairs.
Take good care of your love.
Take care of our students, so
they grow up to be good people.
Promise me.