Mother Mafia (2024) Movie Script

(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(dog barking)
(high heels clacking)
Let's begin.
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(bike bell dings)
Yo, sorry I'm late.
I just ripped my tire on George Street.
It should be all there, three bricks.
Yo, yo, what are you doing?
That's half a K there.
- And you're sure you ain't
fudging these numbers, Mike?
That was one time, and I owed Dutch.
Yeah, we all owe Dutch.
But the trick is to make sure
that someone else owes him more.
So what, you ain't gonna count it?
- No, I trust you, so.
- That was your first mistake.
- Maybe, but you need a little
bit of faith where I'm going.
Mm, and where's that?
- My mum's house on my
brother's bike. (laughs)
See you around.
(birds chirping)
(glass clinking)
(Simone shouts)
Good morning princess.
Suck my dick, Dutch.
Not very ladylike.
Did your parents not
teach you any manners?
I get along fine without any.
- Well, someone still owes
me her protection money
and it looks like that has to be you.
Oh fuck you, Dutch.
Look we are even, it was five
bags when I was on the inside
and you know it.
- Well, there's been a bit
of a squeeze on our economy
and someone has to make up for it.
(Simone groaning)
- That's more like it.
(Simone gagging)
(Simone coughs)
(Simone breathes heavily)
Shh, don't you worry.
Mikey said you were
getting back on your feet.
New squat, new buyers.
I'm sure you can find the rest
of my money very, very soon.
Goodbye, princess.
(Simone panting)
- And you weren't carrying?
- Nope.
- Un-fucking-believable.
Better believe it, man.
We got a code.
This, this is the kings.
- Now, the deal that
took six months to set up
with the most notorious
fucking gunner in East London
and you weren't carrying?
There's a code then
there's fucking stupidity.
You know, mate, 200 years ago,
that'd have cost your hand.
- How'd you get involved
with these guys anyhow?
They like my cooking.
Your cooking?
Like meth?
Like what the fucking why?
What the fuck do you mean your cooking?
- (chuckles) Look, the secret
is in the pimento wood.
I mean, sure yeah,
you can cook the chicken
over some hot coal
but it's the flavor of
that fresh pimento wood
that gives it that
authentic Jamaican taste.
Ah, you're fucking with me.
Look, Elijah walks into my restaurant.
I walk out his personal chef.
Next thing I know, I'm running
the whole European operation.
- Beats Bethnal fucking Green.
- Too right, mate.
Too fucking right.
So it's your highness or your majesty.
After that you shut up and
I'll talk through the plan.
Don't talk to him unless he addresses you.
Don't fucking stare.
Don't stare?
- Your majesty.
- Kai, nice to meet you.
I'm sorry, sir.
Its okay, Tricks.
Give us the room please.
Whatever you're about to say
next, better be good, son,
because you are treading
on mighty thin ice.
Well, Elijah,
can I call you Elijah?
(hip hop music)
I know where your money is.
Go on.
So it is money.
Looked too small to be anything else.
Diamonds maybe.
I don't know, but I know where it is
and I want you to pay
me for that information.
- (chuckles) I don't think
you know how this works, son.
[Kai] No, why is that?
Because that side of the table
doesn't get to make demands.
- No, but we do get to make
offers though, don't we?
You ever been to France, Elijah?
Yeah, on the continent north of Spain.
Anyways, my old man used
to run guns around there
until he got fat enough and
rich enough to move out there.
So he sets up a string of properties,
runs the accounts out of Monaco,
collects the rent as it ticks along.
He's got a good thing going.
Allows the money to build on itself.
And he picks up a real nice fucking nest,
just outta town here.
And a few weeks ago gets fucking homesick.
Maybe he misses the rain, I don't know.
But he gives his agent a call
wants the house is cleared
so he can come home.
Guess what? He's gone.
Vanished off the face of the earth.
No lease sold, no mortgage, no nothing.
And he can't chase it up
this side of the channel.
Suppose he spooks the taxman.
So this morning he gives me a call
and I'll go sees about it myself.
But it ain't my old man
living there, that's for sure.
What's this got to do with my money?
- You know, we grew up
on stories about you,
the Divine Kings, bunch of grave robbers
to the most clinical group of
jewelry thieves on the planet.
When I was a real little kid,
old man told me another
story about a group of women
who fought the Kings wherever they turned.
So you see, sir, I know
where your money is,
but more importantly I know who's got it.
Yeah, just keep an eye out.
Let me know if they make any noise.
He's got guts.
Yeah, I like that.
- Do you really think
we can trust him, sir?
Well, he's got a point to prove.
I don't know to who.
And I don't know for what,
but he's dying for it.
That could be useful, ow.
Sorry sir.
Come on, nephew.
You're really lacking in time.
(suspenseful music)
(birds chirping)
(ominous music)
(floors creaking)
Our lady guides us.
She forges our sword
and sharpens our steel.
She gives us courage and resolve.
She thwarts our enemies
and their betrayals.
May our smite against them
be true and merciful.
(dramatic music)
(Simone grunts)
You think she can hear us in there?
[Aisha] It matters not.
When the customs have been met,
her fate is for our mistress' to choose.
- I can hear you, you know?
- Uh-huh.
[Simone] And I can hear you in the back.
Look, are you in charge here?
Does anyone wanna tell me
what the fuck you're doing in my house?
This is not yours, girl.
This is our fiefdom by right.
And it has been consecrated as such
in the name of Anut, Lady of the Hunt.
- [Simone] Okay, I know
you just made that up.
- So you are a lowly cut
purse and a charlatan.
We know not how long you have
trespassed on these lands,
but be assured that
today shall be your last.
Untie me, babes.
We'll see about who's
living their last days.
They're here.
(suspenseful music)
(door creaks)
(sword clangs)
Queen Cordelia.
Starting 'em kind of young, Elijah.
No need for division, just the case.
The case is mine by right of skill.
By thievery.
Call it what you may.
You were careless, I wasn't.
- Look, the rest of the
Kings are on their way.
It would be smart if you hand that over
before they get here.
It could get ugly.
Watch your tongue, boy.
That is no way to talk to your superior.
Regardless of affiliation,
it shall not stand.
Oh, hi Jess.
How's the litte 'un?
(sword clangs)
I will not parlay with
you and your bitches
when you have what belongs to me.
Hand it over Cordelia or you,
all of you will die by my sword.
(suspenseful music)
Think about this, please.
We outnumber you, Elijah.
Your threats are as empty and as baseless
as your conviction.
Dismiss your men and
give us the combination
and I'll let you live
and we can go on as amiable enemies.
We have faced down far stronger
enemies than you, Elijah.
We are the Sisters of the Nile.
We know no fear.
But you will know death!
Behind me, my lady.
(chuckles) Oh, that's cute.
Gonna pick your teeth with it?
(Simone screams)
Get off me, you prick!
- Hey boss, caught this one
sneaking about the house.
An ambush.
Looks like these ladies
aren't as vulnerable as they say they are.
Cordelia, I thought this was above you.
It appears you're still the
same coward you've always been.
What is going on?
- I could ask you the
same thing, sunshine.
She's an innocent.
She has no place here, Elijah.
Let her go.
Yet she was found in this place.
- Genuinely, what are
any of you talking about?
Enough of this fucking circus!
Give me my property or you all will die.
(Kai gasps)
(Simone shouts)
(gas hisses)
(dramatic music)
(Elijah shouts)
(Cordelia coughing)
Guys, enough.
- No, no, no. I want
nothing to do with this.
I don't even know you people.
- Young girl, this is
so much more than you.
Generations of war have
come to your doorstep.
Whether you like it or
not, this is your situation
and you are duty bound
to your sex and to us.
Oh my days, what does that even mean?
Jessie, come on.
Leave the poor girl alone.
Send her on her way.
This is not her fight.
[Cordelia] It matters not.
Elijah knows you now.
Knows you know us.
He cannot risk having you alive.
Come on now.
Elijah's got bigger fish to fry, Cordelia.
No offense.
A boy raised by wolves
will see his claws sharpen
and his fangs point.
You were with us and so you are with us.
That's a bit drastic.
[Cordelia] That's Elijah.
You seem to know a lot about him.
How are we on comms?
- Becca's setting up a
comms link in the war room.
We should be in contact with
our sisters before sunset.
This is fucking mental.
I've been staying in this house for weeks.
You can't just barge in
here like you own the place.
We do own the place.
Ever heard of squatters rights?
(soft music)
(door whirring)
- Becca has bounced a signal
off of every node we have.
It would take weeks to track us down.
And when that bar is full,
all of our sisters around the world
will receive our distress
signal and GPS location.
Does it usually take this long?
Hardware issue.
Picked up a knock on route.
- How long?
- A couple hours, maybe more.
[Simone] Are you serious?
We lack certainty. It's new gear.
Well, I'm not gonna sit around
and wait for that psycho
to cut my head off.
[Jessie] Wait, wait, what are you doing?
I'm calling the fucking police.
No, no, no, no, give it to me.
Fuck no.
- Now!
- Or fucking what?
Hey, hey, hey, cool it.
You know what?
Maybe if you stopped talking
like you are in a fucking
black and white film,
I can take you seriously.
Or any of you seriously, for that matter.
You know what?
I've had enough of this shit.
I'm taking my chances
with that fucking sword.
(door clangs)
I'm sorry about Jessica.
She's in contention for her own house
to becoming a turf queen like me
and the trial can be taxing.
I've met a lot of crazy villains
with crazy fucking
gangs but none like you.
There is nobody like us.
Except for those guys outside, right?
They are nothing like us.
Well, either way,
there's no way I'm getting
past them stinking of smoke.
You are not gonna get past them.
Not by yourself.
- Yeah, easy for you to
say, you brought backup.
And they can be your backup.
Listen, I saw how you were out there,
fearless in the face of those men.
The sisters could use you.
I'm doing fine here, thanks.
- There might not be a here
by the end of the night.
You have not met the Divine Kings.
They are brutal.
Nothing stands in their way
and they leave nothing
behind but ash and dust.
Then run.
Why do you insist on dying on my hill?
Bringing war to my home?
An unfortunate consequence
that you will be compensated for.
Oh yeah, right.
Young girl, I have been chained
to this God-forsaken thing for days.
I've slept with it, bathed
with it, suffered with it.
The Kings ransom right here
in the palm of my hands.
Am I supposed to know what that means?
Actively updating credit reports,
over 33,000, all linked to the Kings.
Every penny that goes through
them goes through this.
Gray market, black market,
bank transfers all logged here
and rigged with an explosive
fail safe if forced open.
- So you could follow
every transaction and find-
Every King.
Everyone connected to the Kings,
every movement they make, every mistake,
and enough cash to skim off the top.
Enough cash to share with friends.
But without Elijah Abdu,
we cannot get it open.
Look, I'm sorry.
This is way over my head.
Good luck, yeah?
[Aisha] So that's it?
You're just gonna let her
walk into a death trap?
[Jessie] She made her choice, Aisha.
- Oh, fuck that!
- Aisha.
No, don't Aisha me.
We swore to protect our sisters, Jessie.
And last I checked,
that extends beyond the ones
we decide are worth protecting.
You better watch that sentiment.
You are quick to risk your life
for those who do not care
to risk theirs for you.
And you will soon find
yourself shorthanded.
Would you?
Would I what?
Risk your life for me, would you?
Of course I would!
- Then you better put your
money where your mouth is.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna find her
and I'm gonna help get her out of here.
If my life really means that much to you,
you better be there for me when I do.
Get off me, Jessie.
- I will not let you risk
your life for a stupid child.
Let me go!
- I am your superior and one
day I will be your queen.
Maybe or maybe not.
Until then, there's only one
woman I take my orders from
and that isn't you.
(hip hop music)
Trying the dust but the
dark culture's sucked me in
Caused a fight but it will never win
I'm rising up I'm ready
But I'm a soldier they'll never get me
What does it mean if I told ya
My soul but jumped the number
Below D like a lyrical arsonist
My breath is a gaseous
far from my bases
Shit to make killers running sissy
You feeling this shit
I'm trying to dust the
dark culture's sucked me in
Cause a rattle within
but it will never win
I'll raise you one, I'm ready
Nah, fuck that I'm a soldier
They'll never get me
I'm trying to dust but the
dark culture's sucking me in
'Cause I fight with it
but it will never win
Because I'm one and ready, yeah
I'm a soldier, they'll never get me
Come with me on the journey
to winning with soul
Jess, I didn't mean that.
(machine beeping)
What just happened?
- They're jamming our
signal to our sisters.
Nothing on my phone either.
They're coming.
Superb work as always, Tricks.
Keep us posted.
Boy, how long is this gonna take you?
I'm sorry sir.
Any minute now.
Your incompetence baffles me.
Your father will hear this.
For goodness sake, boy.
Will this take you all night?
Or have you forgotten
exactly what we are after?
I'm sorry sir. I'm sorry.
- If this is the new school,
I want no part of it.
Your kind will do my brotherhood
into a gaggle of half wit pickpockets
and petty little thieves.
(Kai grunts)
(door bangs)
Luckily sir, I'm old school.
(suspenseful music)
(door clicks)
(high heels clicking)
It's me, Aisha.
Look, you're right.
This isn't your fight.
(floor creaking)
If we're careful we can
get you out of here alive.
(Aisha shouts)
(dramatic music)
(Simone screaming)
- (chuckles) I guess they
really do fall funny.
Go on, girl.
I guess you've earned your headstart.
(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(Kai screaming)
(door slams shut)
Help! Help!
Help! Help!
(Simone sighs)
(car rumbles)
(suspenseful music)
Oh my gosh. Thank you so much.
Get me out here just as quickly as you...
No! No please!
Hey! Hey!
Help! Help me please!
Help me!
- Easy, easy, easy.
- Help me! Help me please!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, easy.
Let's just keep this calm.
Yeah? Okay, okay.
Do you like music?
I love music. I make music actually.
I mean, I'm, I'm just starting out.
Yeah, no, we could totally listen to some.
Yeah, that's a great idea.
Oh man, I tracked this
just before we flew out.
You're like the first to hear
it that's not on the team,
but anyways, listen.
(hiphop music)
Eh? Yes!
It's good, right? (laughs)
It's shit.
Fuck the tears 'cause it's
not about the grieving
Still flying like a one-winged dove
Must be hard headed
You just don't get it.
- I'll fucking get that bitch
if it's the last thing I do.
I'll fucking kill her.
Calm yourself, son.
All in good time.
Remy, any luck locating Cordelia?
I found the blueprints online.
We've searched every room in the house.
Well, keep on searching.
They're here somewhere.
I can smell it.
Welcome to my mind
Don't be scared there's
a flow wind deep inside
And yo, It's cold in here
Walking with broken
fist, ain't on fell
I want to leave the dark
I want to leave these demons
Fuck them all and just leave 'em
Fuck the tears 'cause it's
not about the grieving
Like I want
(dramatic music)
(Simone screams)
Don't fuck with me!
I was doing a nice thing.
I was doing a very nice thing.
Okay, okay.
Let's calm down. Let's all just calm down.
You could tell me where they are.
I don't, I don't know.
No? Just Cordelia.
Where is she?
- I promise, I don't-
- Where is she?
(dramatic music)
Fuck you.
Let's see if I can remind you.
(tires screech)
(metal clangs)
(Simone breathing heavily)
(somber music)
(suspenseful music)
(light piano music)
Shh, shh, shh.
(furniture creaks)
- Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
(door creaks)
Fuck that slippery cunt.
(ominous music)
- Where's Aisha?
- Dead.
Elijah put his sword through her.
She bled out on my bedroom floor.
Did she suffer?
She was trying to help me escape.
Yeah, she suffered.
Look, they heard the record.
I reckon we've got half an hour max
before they realize we're in here.
Are we out of smoke bombs?
Then we cover ourselves and split,
run in different directions
and rendezvous at St.
Brannock's Park in an hour.
You refuse our aid
and now you have the
nerve to give us orders?
Change of tune, child.
I help you walk out of here.
You help me get out too.
New name, new life away from everyone
that might try and hurt me
and enough cash to make
sure that they never do.
- That will take a significant
amount of resources.
Then be resourceful.
This is all I want.
- The case, we need
Elijah to open the case.
Stash it.
Somewhere secure and out
of reach of the Kings.
You'll get Elijah another day, I promise.
She has a sister's ingenuity.
Okay, child, you've got yourself a deal.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey boss, let me stick one of those-
Shh, shh, shh.
- Whatever happens, Becca,
Elijah leaves alive.
I want him and I want him now.
(gentle music)
(door creaks)
Wonderful song choice, Cordelia.
Always a woman of taste, but
it won't save you this time.
(dramatic music)
(Divine Kings coughing)
(all grunting)
(all groaning)
I've got you now, you bitch!
Hey! The case!
(dramatic music)
(Cordelia coughing)
All right, treacle.
Let's see what you're made of.
(dramatic music)
(weapons clang)
(both grunting)
You fucking bitch!
- Get off of me, you!
- Stay quiet. Stay quiet.
(dramatic music)
(weapon thuds)
(Kai shouts)
No, no, no, no.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid.
Please be okay! Please, please.
Please, please.
I'm sorry.
(body thuds)
No, no, no, no, no.
- She's not the one you to
worry about, sweetheart!
(Simone screaming)
(hand slaps)
That was for Aisha.
The rest will come later.
I see you've managed
to keep your dramatic flair, Cordelia.
The combination, Elijah.
What is it? Is it real?
Didn't you hear?
There's a great big treasure map in there.
Tells you exactly where
the Kings' ransom is.
Is that true Elijah?
Does it say where?
You've changed your hair.
[Cordelia] You're testing my patience.
I've had a lot of that today.
Your fight is futile.
My brothers are outside of this door.
Time's not on your side.
Suppose we'll have to hurry then.
(suspenseful music)
What is the combination, Elijah?
Go fuck yourself.
An ego fit for a king.
Have you not learned
anything from your ancestors?
We may be small, but we are determined.
Everywhere you hid, we were there.
You strike us down and
we come back stronger.
We undermine, sabotage.
Put pinholes in you until
you bleed to the floor.
Death by a thousand cuts.
(Elijah shouts)
Fucking bitch.
What is the combination, Elijah?
- Jessica, look, you
are an honorable woman.
You are a soldier in
the Sisters of the Nile.
This is barbarism and it's
against our shared code.
- How dare you speak
of honor in this house!
You are a thug.
(Elijah shouts)
A murderer!
(Elijah shouts)
How old was he?
How old was he when you took him from me?
When you turned him into a play thing?
(Elijah shouts)
Bloody murderer!
(Elijah shouts)
[Cordelia] Jessica, enough.
How many times did they ruin him
before death finally
freed him from misery?
You took my son from me
and now I shall take the world from you.
That's enough. We need him, the code.
Look, I didn't know they would.
I, I don't know. I, I don't know.
[Cordelia] He doesn't know.
Doesn't know? Doesn't know what?
- [Cordelia] The code,
he doesn't know the code.
This is not his case.
He doesn't know it.
But the king's ransom, the killing blow.
Then what? Why?
Because of her!
Because she killed me.
Enough of this bullshit!
You know, for this Sisters and the case
and centuries and centuries,
you killed me and I came here to kill you.
What is he talking about?
It was from before.
Before the Sisters, before
her duty, before pride.
She had me and I had her.
My lady?
I was young.
I, I made a mistake.
I loved you and you left me.
You left me with nothing
but a foul disease.
20 years it took to rear its head
and when the doctors told
me, I knew it was you.
I knew it was your blood in my blood
killing me.
- Murderous slut, you-
- Hold your tongue still
if you wish to keep it in your mouth.
You are a vile rapist.
And I will not hear another
word against my queen.
(Elijah laughing)
I'm sorry, Jessica.
No, I, I can't have this.
I won't have this!
Well do it!
You do it, and the truth dies with me.
The song.
How would I know what to play?
It was our song, Jessica.
We shared it together.
Yeah, we shared it with our daughter.
Jessica, no!
(dramatic music)
Leave! Now!
(both grunting)
Look at me!
Look at what you've done to me, you bitch!
I'd say I've made an improvement, Red.
Oh, I'm gonna make you cry.
I'm gonna make you scream.
Get off of me!
I want everyone to know what I'm doing!
- Get off of me! No!
- No.
- Get off of me, you prick!
- Kai, no!
(all grunting)
You fucking traitor!
(suspenseful music)
(Kai grunts)
(body thuds)
(ominous music)
Where are the keys?
The keys!
The car you came in!
Where are the keys?
It's Jessie's car.
And where is she?
Cordelia, stay with me.
Where is she?
(ominous music)
(Elijah coughing)
- How, how fickle it is for
you to turn on your brethren.
Yeah, all because of me. (chuckles)
The only betrayal is hers, is yours.
My vow to the sisters is stronger
than my love for Cordelia.
Oh, so you do love her?
I have nothing left to say to you.
I suggest you die quietly.
You'll never succeed her.
No matter how hard you try,
you'd always be the street rat
that she picked out the gutter.
Her second favorite.
Her ward, (laughs) never her blood.
(Elijah laughs)
(crickets chirping)
It was before everything.
Before the Sisters, before the Kings,
before my child.
What happened to her?
- She stayed with Elijah's
sister for a while.
She was kind, never involved
in the family business,
but Elijah, he climbed fast.
The bigger the profile, the
bigger the target on his back
and the bigger the risk of them
finding out about our child.
So I told Elijah's
sister to take her away.
I know not where.
She had promised to die
with that information.
I couldn't stop myself
from searching if I knew.
The last I checked
they had fled from insurgents in Paraguay.
That was 18 years ago.
Well, what do you remember about her?
I remember her smile.
I remember her laugh.
She had big brown eyes.
But mostly I remember
the joy, the joy of life,
of hers and mine.
It seems death is all I am long for now.
Ever since she ran away,
God has clung to me,
clung to me like smoke on skin.
It reeks I'm sure.
First Aisha, then Becca,
and Jessica.
Oh God, Jessie.
Look, what happened with Jessie,
it's not your fault.
I lied. I lied to her.
I lied to everyone.
How could she forgive me?
How could anyone forgive me?
Cordelia, you saved my life today.
You and the Sisters.
You, you fought for me.
You, you bled.
You laid down your lives for
someone you hardly even know.
At a cost.
At the greatest cost you could ever pay.
But you did save me.
And yes, death has an interest
in you, but that's nothing.
Nothing when measured against
those you can fight to keep alive.
And you have so many lives to save.
Once we get out of these woods
and one of your sisters
can pick up a phone
and maybe give us a lift to somewhere
with a fucking strong drink.
You should get some sleep.
[Cordelia] Thank you.
(Kai groaning)
- [Jessie] I wouldn't
do that if I were you.
Fucking get me outta this thing.
- You know, I grew up
on stories about you.
The Divine Kings, the
descendants of holy thieves.
Two raiders from ancient Egypt
who grew to unimaginable power
all whilst hiding deep in the shadows
away from the eyes of the law.
As ruthless as they were impressive.
I was a teenager before I ever met one.
It was a smash and grab gone wrong.
No one's fault.
Just slow on the draw.
The whole team got caught
between the Kings and some bent cops.
I was the only survivor.
The next time I faced
one, he took my child.
What do you want?
- I was so proud to be
a Sister of the Nile.
A great liberator.
The descendants to the brave women
who rose up against their masters
and stuck blades in their stomachs
bleeding out on the ground.
It's where your kind belong.
You are fucking mental.
You think you're getting
away with this now?
Let me go.
No, no, no, no.
Not until you agree to getting me this.
- You are out your
fucking mind, sweetheart.
I was under the impression
that you were locally connected, Kai.
Was I wrong?
Why the fuck would I help you?
Where the fuck are the others?
Are they gonna jump me if
I don't do what you say?
Can you get me what I want?
I mean, if Elijah finds me.
Elijah is dead.
And whatever offer he
made you died with him.
You have nothing.
The case still, the money in the case.
- I can get it if-
- There's no money, Kai.
There was never any money.
But what I can give you is so much more.
I can give you revenge.
(ominous music)
(birds chirping)
Jessica, I know you're in there!
(door creaks)
My lady.
Your brothers have all fallen.
Flee if you know what's good for you.
I think I'm all right here, thanks.
(suspenseful music)
Jessica Faith Monroe,
Lieutenant of the Third
House of the Winged Blade,
Hand of the Etaf Queen.
I come to parlay.
Meet me with grace in your heart,
or so help me God, we will both suffer.
Soon for peace?
My God, you are desperate.
Jessica, we must find a way out of this.
You cannot begin to comprehend
what you've gotten yourself into.
I'm well aware, Cordelia.
For the first time in my life,
I can see with both eyes.
What is it? What is it you see now?
Path to glory? The betrayal?
What is it you see clearly
that you would make a
companion of this rabid dog?
You have no right.
You betrayed me.
You betrayed everything
that you ever stood for.
Everything that you fought for,
everything that you believed in.
He may be a loose dog,
but alas, he is no snake.
I made a mistake.
I trusted the wrong man
and I will pay for that
for the rest of my days.
But let me pay for that myself.
She is an abomination.
She spits in the face of
a centuries of tradition.
Of our sacred vows.
She is a child.
She knows nothing of who she is.
She causes no harm.
She's a little girl hungry in the streets
without a mother, without a father.
Jessica, you are my greatest pride.
My most trusted friend,
please come back to us
and all will be forgiven.
It's too late.
It's not too late.
Remember your sisters.
Your sisters that love you, Jessica.
Who would take a blade for you.
Who helped you raise your beautiful boy.
He was beautiful.
He was everything.
And you lay with the man that killed him.
(gun cocks)
(suspenseful music)
- Jessica, when did you-
- Nice isn't it?
It's amazing what a dog can fetch for you.
Look at you, Sister of the Nile,
my lieutenant, an aspiring Etaf Queen.
How low you have stooped.
But I'll never be an Etaf Queen.
Will I?
(gunshot blasts)
Oh no!
(dramatic music)
(both grunting)
Nowhere to fucking run now, princess.
No fucking bitches to protect you.
I don't wanna even fuck you anymore.
You dirty little thing.
(Simone screams)
I just wanna see your eyes change.
(dramatic music)
(Kai shouts)
(body thuds)
(Simone breathing heavily)
God, that was, that was amazing.
I know, I know, I know.
Let's see what all the
fuss is about, shall we?
(Cordelia screaming)
(bones cracking)
(case thuds)
Cordelia, think about this.
There's no one left to help you.
But you will never find her.
(suspenseful music)
(gun clicks)
(case thuds)
(dramatic music)
(case thudding)
(dramatic music)
(blood squelches)
(Simone winces)
- Ow!
- Sorry.
Why'd you come after me anyway?
I didn't. I came after him.
[Simone] Kai?
He was a loose end.
So what does that make me?
My father, Elijah's brother,
seeks to move against him.
Make him play for the predominant throne.
It's a hard move.
Largely popular with the clergy.
Commands a loyal force of street soldiers.
Even has the backing of three major banks.
My father has one shot.
If he shows his hand and
doesn't take the pot,
he's dead.
And so am I.
But Elijah's gone.
What more could either of you need?
Elijah is a martyr
killed in valiant defense of his brothers.
He's dead, but his reputation still holds.
His titles, his lands, his soldiers.
They'll all fall to his
eldest legitimate son,
of which he has many.
That son will take the throne
leaving my father and I
exactly where we started.
unless his reputation died with him.
Something so damning
even his own son could not
escape the shadow he left.
The child.
Yeah, so you do know.
My father had known of his
illegitimate niece for years.
20 years ago, Elijah went
off to Moscow on a bank job,
came back talking about a girl
and a kid he left behind there.
No one ever thought to
question her maternity.
Siring bastards is as
true to the Divine Kings
as protection rackets and hiring guns.
Anyway, last year the Kings
moved in with the PCC,
helping them expand
on their narco trafficking
pipelines in South America.
Whole new income stream.
One of the biggest moves in our history.
So we're, we're buying planes.
We're hiring runners,
using whatever dirt we can find
on any government official
to see how many blind eyes we can turn.
Every night I find myself
following paper trails,
affairs, corruption
charges, gambling debts.
Until I hit this lawyer
deep in our backlogs.
Some American guy got down on manslaughter
for doing his wife in the late nineties
managed to get set up
here and that's all gone.
Defending the cartels.
And in 2005, he signs an application
for a witness protection program
for a Jane Doe on behalf
of a kid born in Moscow,
the same year Elijah came back.
He was protecting her?
We chased down the lead.
Find the lawyer, check him out.
He says Elijah's sister reached out to him
through her cocaine dealer.
She tells him she needs
something doing on the down low.
But being the scummy lawyer that he is,
he keeps everything, passports, LPA,
even has her hand over
the kid's real fucking birth certificate.
Sure enough, the kid gets out of Russia
and the trail goes cold there.
My aunt set this lawyer back up in America
and used the Kings'
funds to pay off a judge
to review his manslaughter case.
Cut to last year,
her drug debt debts start piling up.
She has nowhere to go.
And so turns to my dad for
the first time in decades
and in exchange she pays her lawyer
to send my dad all her legals.
And he gets solid evidence
that the Grand Sovereign
of the Divine Kings had a baby
with Queen fucking Cordelia.
Why are you telling me all this?
Because that bro choked me so hard
I passed out for 12 hours.
It took the worst scream I've
had in my life to wake me up.
And when I got to the window,
I saw the look on your face
when that girl shot Cordelia
because you want her dead.
And I want what she has.
The case.
The entire paper trail.
The king's ransom.
It was never money.
It's the silver bullet that I need
to put Elijah's name in the dirt
and my father on the throne.
I don't understand.
Cordelia told me-
Told you what she needed you to hear,
the legend, what her sister
thought to be the truth.
She intercepted the
courier carrying the case,
interrogated him personally.
She knew full well what it contained.
But Elijah, Elijah has the code.
Abdo knows the code.
She just picked up on the wrong one.
Elijah was never after the case.
He was after the woman that gave him AIDS
that was slowly killing him.
The courier was supposed to meet
my father in London next week.
That case is his and you
are gonna help me get it.
Why would I do that, Remy?
I mean, you saved my life,
but your father orchestrated this
and you let the bodies just
pile up in pursuit of his gain.
Cordelia died for that kid.
If Jessie finds out how
to get the case open
and gets on her trail,
she will never be safe.
I know my father.
He has no interest in revenge,
in punishing the dishonorable.
He just wants the proof.
- And you won't let
anything happen to her?
[Remy] No one will ever know her name.
Your phone.
Do you still have your phone?
I think it's time we spoke to Jessie.
(suspenseful music)
(water splashing)
(ominous music)
(Jessie breathing heavily)
(case creaking)
(scissors clicking)
(telephone ringing)
- Queen Jessica?
- What do you want?
- [Simone] Do you know the
definition of insanity?
I can break you out of your cycle, Jessie.
Meet me at the front
of the house in an hour
with the case, unarmed.
You spared the boy, I see.
I did.
Can't say the same for the dog though.
I'm here to negotiate for my life.
I offer this man in exchange.
- And what use do I have for
Elijah's weakest soldier?
This is no soldier.
This is Remy Abdo, Elijah's nephew,
and he can open that.
Is that true, boy?
Any proof?
You'll get it.
As soon as you agree to my terms,
you honor Cordelia's agreement.
New name, new life, no strings.
And of the child?
All I ask is that you
share the same mercy
that you did her mother.
Make it quick. No one should
have to suffer the way we have.
[Jessie] The nephew, he must die.
- No.
- No?
If you promise to take his life,
what reason does he have to help us now?
He gets the same deal I do.
Finished with the Sisters, the Kings.
Never again offering aid to either.
The scales remain untipped.
(suspenseful music)
(heart beating)
(dramatic music)
(gun clicks)
(sword clinks)
Remy, get the case!
The case, Remy!
I can't.
It's my dad, I'm sorry. I can't.
Remy! Come back!
(dramatic music)
(gunshots blasting)
(Simone screams)
(Simone panting)
(suspenseful music)
(Simone groaning)
(dramatic music)
(suspenseful music)
(Simone breathing heavily)
(Simone screams)
(Simone panting)
(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(Jessie shouts)
[Jessie] You bitch!
From the banks of the Nile.
- [Jessie] You are a
stupid street trash whore!
(gun cocks)
You will never be a
Sister of the Nile! Never!
- I'm more of a sister
than you'll ever be.
(gunshot blasts)
(dramatic music)
- No Dad, look, I need you
to bring the drop forward.
No Dad, I need you to come get me now!
No, no, no!
Dad, please!
(weapon thuds)
(Remy shouts)
(Remy groaning)
Open it.
- I, I, please, I-
Open it!
You can get out.
You can leave.
What does this stupid kid
have to do with you anyway?
It's me.
My house.
My eyes, an orphan.
It's me.
Tell me it's me!
I don't know if you can hear me.
I, I don't even know if you know who I am,
but Queen Cordelia died protecting me
and I'll be thankful every
day for what she did.
She showed me kindness when
it gave her no benefit.
She fought for me when
I gave her no reason to.
She was my guardian angel, my...
I'm sure I'll see you all very soon.
Over and out.
(suspenseful music)
(Simone sighs)
(birds chirping)
(object clanging)
(footsteps thumping)
(Simone sighs)
(birds chirping)
Simone, I presume.
Do you know who I am, Simone?
I can take a guess.
(dramatic music)
Oh, hi Dutch.
I see you made some new friends.
My son has told me
that you are unlikely
to come with us quietly.
I met four women yesterday.
They stood right here.
They didn't know me.
They didn't need me,
but they fought for me, with me.
One of them even turned on me.
She was convinced to by one of you.
I nearly got raped by one of you.
I even trusted one of you.
So no, I will not be
going anywhere with you.
This is most disappointing.
Well, Miss, I am terribly sorry,
but that will be all for to...
(somber music)
(dramatic piano music)