Mother Superior (2022) Movie Script

The following is a witness statement
in the "Helene Heidenreich" case.
The body was discovered with burns,
which may indicate an electric shock.
The exact cause of death is the
subject of a forensic examination.
The witness name is "Sigrun Fink",
born on September 5th, 1944,
in Feichtenbach near Pernitz.
Light, Moser!
Go ahead, Miss! From the beginning please.
About... four months ago
I came to the Rosenkreuz Manor,
in order to care for the
Baroness that is Mrs.Heidenreich.
Good day!
I'm Sigrun.
I'm the new nurse.
Her Ladyship, the Baroness, is
expecting you. She insists on etiquette.
Before my arrival, I only knew
there was a patient with Parkinson's
who was slightly odd and notorious
for constantly changing nurses.
I had not anticipated that a
baronial estate would await me.
Your Ladyship?
May I introduce myself?
You were expected at dawn yesterday, child.
I am sorry, the train was delayed.
How are you feeling?
What was your name again?
Sigrun Fink.
Not a name you hear.
She's the leader of the Valkyries.
I've had a look at your medical file.
How are you faring with
the new Levodopa pills?
I will lie down for a little while.
Otto will brief you later.
You can administer my Apomorphine to me.
That's more effective.
Then I would first like to measure
your blood pressure, My Lady.
We live a very secluded life here,
and follow certain principles.
Your predecessor had her difficulties.
- I can only hope...
- Please, no speaking for a moment!
So what you should know
we value our privacy.
If you need anything from the outside world
you may inform Otto.
Alright, My Lady.
Just breathe deeply, please.
On Wednesdays we rest and fast.
Weekends we disregard.
Those are imported commandments.
We take pains to eat meat on Fridays only.
And solely that which
we ourselves have killed.
Stay away from the unoccupied wings.
The house is old and
many corners are brittle.
Understood, Her Ladyship.
Tomorrow we'll run a few tests!
I've had to learn to fall
in line my whole life.
Changing homes, boarding schools
the convent, the hospice.
Maybe that's why I'm... adaptable.
But the Rosenkreuz Manor was very unique.
Tell me about yourself!
What sort of childhood
home do you come from?
I grew up in foster homes, My Lady.
Are your parents still alive?
Sadly I know nothing
of my biological family.
And you have never tried
to find anything about them?
but I was told all the documents
were destroyed in the war.
How frightful
to know nothing of the
origins of one's blood.
Blood sister!
- Her Ladyship?
- Sigrun, be a dear
give me something stronger to sleep.
This mix of medications
must not be underestimated!
We had better monitor your insomnia.
There's a cure for everything!
My head nurses used to
know their way around pills.
May I ask, My Lady,
since you mentioned this
you were involved in
the medical field, right?
Something like that.
Well, I had hoped
that perhaps you would
tell me about back then.
You're aware by now that
I don't know my parents.
Formerly, the Baroness
had been the director of the
Lebensborn home "Wienerwald".
I'm not sure if you are familiar
with the "LEBENSBORN" project.
Back in those days, the SS set up
maternity hospitals for single mothers.
With "Aryan" pedigree, of course.
And "Wienerwald" was in
Feichtenbach near Pernitz.
That's where I was born.
Give me your hand child.
Why did you do that?
Don't be so delicate!
Soon we shall know
what lineage flows in your veins.
I didn't mean like that.
Then don't ask me questions!
Blood to Blood.
Soul to lights...
Soul to Light.
What exactly were you hoping to find there?
Basically... my mother.
An index of persons.
Those SS-files that
allegedly don't exist anymore.
So... the crazy old Heidenreich
is supposed to have a lost
Nazi archive at her house?
To sum it up:
under false pretences,
you broke into locked rooms,
in order to steal documents.
Are you a nurse at all?
Well, to be precise,
I'm an
But I stumbled upon the job opening.
The name "Heidenreich" I knew from
earlier investigations of my family.
You have to understand
I've been searching for ages!
Such an opportunity is...
Why didn't you just marry?
Then you'd have a family now.
And a man who, up until
the Family Law Reform,
may have forbidden me from my vocation!
Let's stick to the topic please!
Continue with your statement.
The following weeks went by quietly.
I was optimistic
that the right moment would come
and I would find answers here.
The place had its bright sides after all.
Even if many things, not just the customs
had their own unique logic.
Otto, do you have a moment?
It's the Baroness' birthday on Sunday.
Shall we prepare something together?
Her Ladyship normally locks
herself in on festive days.
Mother of all things.
Mystery of the eternal cycle.
From you emerged the cosmic egg.
Everything which was, is, and shall be
returns to your womb.
Triune Moon Goddess. Show me
your bloody, dark, wise face.
Command my Aryan soul to rise.
And cloak my sacred self in
the frenzy of the infinite.
Ave Luna Mystica,
watch over us daughters of noble blood,
kindle our true will,
light the way for our souls,
lure the rams to the shadow realm,
give the ancestral mothers eternity!
The offering wants always its redress.
Where "Rubedo" is drunken,
be the earth force summoned.
Earth drinks and is not drunken.
Runes ye shall see.
Their powers know to lead.
Mind your own affairs.
You have no business here!
September, 5th.
September, 5th.
I, K
Hello Wilfried. This is Sigrun.
Sigi! Oh how nice. How are you?
I can't talk for long. Can we
meet? I have something for you guys.
Yes, most certainly! What's the matter?
I found a secret archive.
Sadly, nothing about me but
folders full of documents!
A... a Lebensborn archive?
Are you joking? Where the hell?
At Semmering.
Can you come here on Wednesday?
On Wednesday. Well, yeah,
I think that should work.
Then let's meet Wednesday
at noon in Hirschgraben.
In the "Golden Viper" inn.
Noon, Hirschgraben, Viper.
Alright. How can I reach you?
That's way too dangerous.
I'll be there. I Promise.
Just what on earth are you doing?
I'm looking after of the
director of Wienerwald.
Mrs... what's her name... Heidenburg?
You're truly unbelievable!
I have to go.
Why are you here, Sigrun?
What do you mean?
Why did you come to us?
I don't know what you're getting at.
Don't be such a hypocrite.
You belong to the kin group.
And you have known that all along.
I know nothing.
Absolutely nothing about myself.
You may find something more
meaningful than the past here.
I am sorry, Wilfried. On
foot it's quite a distance.
I thought you stood me
up. A little Dj-vu.
Thank you for coming.
Five years, and look at you!
Has it been that long?
What would you like?
Something to eat? To drink?
I'd love a tea.
I must return before the Baroness wakes up.
The Baroness...
Then you have finally cut
the cord from your nuns?
I'll be back at the hospice soon.
I'm almost a specialist, after all.
- Are you still with the national archive?
- Yes, now and then.
- But I work as a freelance journalist these days.
- Oh, I see.
Peppermint tea for the doctor.
And two schnaps.
Once a year you're allowed.
So tell me
about the Grand Baroness Lebensborn.
You should inform the national
archive about these documents.
There are heaps of birth certificates.
Is Mrs. Heidenreich aware of who you are?
Apparently so
my file is missing.
But I finally know my name:
Well then
cheers, Doctor Lichtner!
What is she like... this Heidenreich?
Well... strange.
The dopamine roller coaster
with Parkinson's isn't easy.
But it is not just that.
Can you introduce me to her?
I'll visit you. As an old colleague,
or your fianc.
What for?
The national archive people
surely must have other means.
And I don't want to be involved with them.
I'm pretty good with such characters.
And newspapers are eager
for this sort of thing.
I just published two articles
about some NSDAP bigwigs.
Forget it, Wilfried.
The Baroness wouldn't even
let a handyman in the house.
Besides that, I want to leave.
She most likely still has
your file with her, right?
think it over.
Together we'll find your mother, turn
over the documents to the national archive,
and record a little bit of history.
Introduce me to Heidenreich mow!
And don't give up, come on.
The source!
The source!
This unfortunate crossbreeding...
This unfortunate crossbreeding
of the Root Races!
The Root Races!
I am sorry, My Lady. The
power suddenly went out.
Those tainted by ape blood
have no ancestral memory.
Are you alright Baroness?
You're back?
didn't something awful befall you?
All is well, My Lady.
My faithful Frida. Healthy!
But where... was she?
Perhaps we eat something
and then have a rest?
You left me here to rot and decay.
My brain is decaying.
My time is running up here!
Not like that!
Sit down, My Lady!
A traitor, that's what you are.
We ought to breed a nation!
How much we could have achieved by now!
Whatever you and Otto are up to
it isn't doing you any good!
I said No!
There's still so much left to be done!
- Bring me my Pervitin pills.
- I won't give you anything on an empty stomach!
Also the cruel aspects of Kali like pain,
destruction and death are a part of creation.
Therefore mother processes.
Frida, where are the others?
We look for them later.
First we eat!
My ladies, please!
We carry a responsibility:
racial-historical, racial-moral and.
This demonization of woman only
began with Christianization.
Exercising our superiority and power
dutifully, instead of acting like a victim!
The soup will do you good.
You'll see soon.
The virile powers of Mars run dry and
the Moon Goddess reclaims her throne.
Our clan is bound in blood,
and our spirit is connected
by the ancestral thread.
Blood to Blood.
Blood purity is immortality.
Illumination is liberation.
Soul to Light.
Transmutation is empowerment.
Iron to Silver.
Iron to Silver.
Portal to Power.
Portal to Power.
I found the recipe of
your beloved apple tart.
Sigrun, you are a fairy!
Let's take a look, what the
runes prophesy our fairy.
Surely something more fitting
than baking tarts for old dragons.
Hold out your hand to me.
Close your eyes.
And choose three stones.
The right runes will feel warmer.
And Yr.
Isn't that the sign, that used to
be on gravestones instead of a cross?
The Yr rune has many meanings.
Death and rebirth.
And female power.
A transformation within
yourself is imminent.
But it heralds a deliverance
a return back home.
My Lady, I've been wanting to
ask you something for a long time.
Do you know this woman?
The fallen knight.
What do you mean?
My Lady.
What do you mean by that?
It's me, Sigrun.
Well, looky there. She's alive.
Hey, about Friday
I can stay over the weekend,
I've spoken with the inn already.
And... I know a guy who can
get me any prescription drug.
- You tell me what you need.
- Wilfried, hold on...
I've got a plan! Trust me.
The Baroness isn't in a good
state and... There's no point.
Do you want to wait till she keels over?
She's terribly confused at the moment.
Confused is good! Less defense.
Give me a bit more time.
I'll get back to you. I Promise.
It is your mother.
I simply know how long
you've been searching.
Yes, Wilfried. I'll be in touch.
May I bother you?
What is it?
I wanted to ask you something.
May I sit with you?
I believe the Baroness'
condition is getting worse.
Not long ago she didn't even recognize me.
Has she had hallucinations in the past?
Her Ladyship sometimes sees things,
but she has always had
this remarkable gift.
Have you been with her for long?
Yes, you could say that.
May I ask what brought you here?
We had shared interest
which is why our paths often crossed.
After the war she offered
me... well, a new life of sorts.
I wasn't able to return
home. But that's irrelevant.
Did the Baroness introduce
you to the spiritual?
I always felt closer to the
Heathen than the Christian.
I also grew up with Odin.
Back then, I was madly
afraid of Jesus on the cross.
That's also not our heritage.
You have a Nordic soul after all.
I believe you should listen
to the voice of your blood.
Good afternoon!
Hausner is my name. I must
see Mrs. Heidenreich, please.
What's gotten into you?
You can't just blow in with
the wind and put on a show!
Calm down. I'm no amateur.
I've been worried about you.
I can look out for myself.
Are you any closer to your goal?
- Not exactly.
- Then what's keeping you here?
- Leave, please, now.
- Let me try!
Wilfried, please leave.
Or come with me and we'll get help
in Vienna from the authorities.
Get your things and let's get out of here!
Do you want me to call the groundskeeper?
I'm serious.
Get lost!
I want to help you, Sigi.
Take good care of yourself.
In the hands of the people of
Dortmund, give her up for adoption.
Templar of the Blood Moon.
Blood sister. You will
shine where others decline.
You will fight where others yield.
You will avenge where others cower.
The ideals of the Order will be yours.
For ours is the secret knowledge
to unlocking the portal.
Sigrun, stay here!
You don't know everything yet.
Your mother wanted you to join the Order.
What kind of order was this precisely?
"The Templars of the Blood Moon."
The portal to power.
What? Sorry?
Whatever! This Heidenreich
lady belonged in a loony bin.
Get a grip, Moser!
Besides, it doesn't rule out that
she was the leader of an occult sect.
The Order isn't a sect!
These were women who resisted
being placed in the second row
who wanted their share of power.
Not to be selected. But to select.
And they were right at the
source through Lebensborn.
All of them nurses, midwives, teachers.
'To select you said.
That would explain all of the fatalities
in the lists you found.
But in fact,
where do you know all that from?
Now do you want to hear the rest or not?
By all means. Go ahead.
The missing daughter returns.
You've cut me through the skin.
Oh, child.
You are back. That's all that matters.
Have a seat dear.
We want to help you.
Otto, be so kind and pour
Sigrun a hot chocolate.
I know your questions torment you.
Sadly I cannot give you much solace.
But there is someone!
As incredible as it may sound
we can summon your mother.
Summon her?
Obviously not into this world. But into t..
There you may speak to her.
I shall guide you child.
Yet you need to faithfully
prepare yourself.
Fast and keep watch.
For three days.
The offering wants always its redress.
Where "Nigredo" is drunken,
be the earth force summoned.
The earth drinks and is not drunken.
Ye shall enter the realm between.
The dead ye must esteem.
Your blood will show your mother.
She will smell it.
She will sense it.
Ye rulers and guardians of the
beyond. Awaken our ancestral sister.
Frida, Templar of the
Blood Moon. We summon you!
Templar of the Blood Moon.
We summon you!
My child. You are here.
Show yourself. Show me your countenance.
Come here. Come closer.
Don't be afraid!
Come here.
"The moon is risen, beaming."
"The golden stars are gleaming."
"So brightly in the skies;."
"The hushed, black woods are dream..."
What happened?
An... electric shock?
We sought the divine spark.
Sacrifices have to be made.
"This world we may be leaving."
"In gentle death at last."
My flesh and blood.
How long I have longed for you.
Our souls are one.
Otto, help me!
Moser speaking.
News, Major!
Just a moment, Miss.
Good morning, Steinwender here.
Well, if you say so, Doctor.
Thank you, Madame.
You, too!
Always a surprise.
According to the autopsy, the cause of
death can be traced back to pneumonia.
For you, Miss Fink, this
means you are hereby dismissed.
Goodbye! I need to take care of something.
- Looks like she's got a fairy godmother.
- Moser!
Since when do we have a
lady doctor in forensics?
We were electric. And electric we shall be.
Our souls of light are baptized in fire.